
fpinesa comes from within; "Sawmills can’t run without us­ on what \t\ are rather ing up logs; nor saloons run without

whet wa have.” using up boys and girls. Have you one to spare.”


Laurel taffi Has Laurel Woman Injured LAUREL A. C. LOSES CWW GW-Hestes Delaware Motor Ttuck IARKTOCK Hep S2u4. Bi Auto Accident ®¥ 2®, FIRST FIBI LEAGUE GAME Urogram On Education Association -Executive rJ6«W Elizabeth Donaway, a Laurel girl, Committee Meeting teHteoAK •employed at Delaware State Hospital hr the opening game of the newly The-LaUrei'New Century Club held RECISTRATION had a very narrow escape on Christmas formed Kent-Sussex Basketball League, Its regular meeting at ihe Community The Executive Comittee of the Dela­ night, When the car In which she and ware Motor TrUck Association, Inc., Georgetown C. C. C. defeated Laurel HoUSe Tuesday afternoon at 2.30 o’clock DAY FOR 1940 five others Were in ran over a ten foot with the president, Mrs. Fred Burford held ite first meeting at the office of b£ Church Altte. Plan to embankment, turning over several A. C. by a score of 29 to 27 on the the Associatipn in the Keith Building. presiding. a short business tain Christ Methodist times, Georgetown court. Georgetown after South Stale Street, Dover, Delaware, A new registration of voters of Dela­ Man at iQinner They were all taken to Wilmington securing a 24 to 13 lead In the first half qession. a program on "Education” was oh Thursday, December 28th at one o'clock p. m. Matters of importance ware will be held this year under the- General Hospital where they were was able to survive Laurel's desperate conducted. quadrennial registration requirements^ , important matters were dis treated and released, except Edward coticeming activities of the Association second half rally, Charles P. Helm, superintendent of There will be five registration days. |at the regular monthly meetin„ Keiser who was badly cut around the Cooper and Annorte during the ensuing year were discuss­ the Laurel Public Schools, spoke face and head. He, was held for ob- were the leading scorers of their re- ed and definite steps taken to put some Registration lists of four years age Qcials of Centenary Methodist gardlng the need Of additional school and the supplemental lists in the in­ seration and released later. ' spective teams. of the plans ihto immediate operation. . Monday, and plans for action terim are obsolete, AU voters, must Miss Donaway was cut and bruised room; and Mrs, Burford discussed the Of particular interest, was the plan LAUREL A. C. register to he entitled to vote at the ed. The pastor, Rev. E. C. on the right leg. She returned to the pos G F TP ideals of the Parent-Teachers Asso­ adopted whereby the Delaware Asso. reported that 107 men took ciatton is to enter into negotiations general election on Tuesday, Novem­ State Hospital where she remained in Ellis F 113 ciation. with other State Associations along the ber 5th. ye part in the serving of the re- bed for week. i Cooper F 4 3 11 Next week’s program will be in Atlantic Seaboard so as to make avail­ The registration days will be: Sat­ i's supper, about 400 persons The car belonged to Charles Tyndall Hearn F 0 11 charge of Mrs. Paul Gordy and will be able to truckers operating in and thr. urday, July 20; Saturday, August 3; and driven by Melvin Collins was a ’ Lowe C 15 7 on the subject “The Middle-aged jjed, including 50 free suppers, ough such States certain services and Thursday, August 8; Saturday, Sep­ total wreck. | Bailey G 2 0 4 Woman Goes to Bat with Father Time.” He profit was not the motive, courtesies. tember 21; Saturday. October 19. The Elliott G 0 11 pper netted approximately $35. The purpose "of the Executive Com. registration days are fixed under the Smith G 0 0 0 Reliance Masons i was just sufficient to finish; Sussex Trust Company mittee is to carry into effect the poli­ law. cies and program set up by the Board The fact that a new registration this , for the public address system Pays 77th Dividend 8 11 27 pe hoard authorized that it be Hold Ladies Night of Directors by holding frequent meet­ year is required and the first registra­ i this manner, GEORGETOWN C. C. C. ings during the interim between regu­ tion ray is not until July will have ne are being made to substitute The Sussex Trust Company Bank The members of Gethsemaae Lodge lar meetings of the Board of Directors. effect on the convention delegate and pos. G F TP 1 week this year in place of the With branches in Lewes, Milton and A. F. A A. M., held their annual din­ For the present the Executive Com­ Republican committee election prim­ Annone F 3 17 aries a sthe parties will rely on their ifember Canvas, and this was Laurel, mailed dividend checks to all ner and ladies night at Reliance Com­ mittee will meet every Thursday af­ Sylvester F 2 0 4 ternoon at the offices of the Association to tip finance committee of Its stockholders on January 1st, equal munity "Hotise Friday evening, tlie 29th. own lists of voters. The parties pro­ to a four per cent regular dividend and Jaffle C 113 promptly at one o'clock vide their own books and hear all the „ch do complete the plans. The Cox After the dinner, which consisted of one percent extra on the par value of G 10 2 expenses of the primaries. committee will meet Saturday Zambino all the delicacies of the season, a pro­ the stock Accompanying the check G 2 2 6 The “Uttle conventions” will select at the parsonage—and Loy- Gross gram of music, Interspersed with ad­ was a notice to the effect that this is G 10 2 First Nylon Yarns delegate* to the national conventions, ek will be held the latter part of Anderson dresses from various visiting masons, the 77th consecutive semi-annual divi­ G 2 15 with the Democratic national commit­ wa rendered. Among the distinguished don was also held regarding dend to be paid since the company or­ From Seaford Unit teeman ahd committeeWornan elected 12 5 29 guests were the Grand Master of Del­ ng program, which would ln- ganized. The dividend was paid from by the full quota Ot Democratic dele­ aware, T. Scott Purse and Mrs. Puree, Go To Hose Mills gates and the Republican nations! [the extension of the basement to Mrs. Sabra MeifS* bfotiy observedobs« -- .s»E^ ------of Seaford, Mr. George Duffy, Deputy committeeman and committeewomaa ; double It* present size, provid- her 82nd birthday teittfcaxtey at the stantlal amount remaining for undivid-1 lU'T>a Charles G. Allen Grand Master and Mr. Roscnblat of First delivery to hosiery mills of elected by the delegates selected by reation space, as well as kitchen, home ’of her daughter, Harry R. ed profits and other items. j Wilmington, Mr. George Macklin, Past nylon yam from the new Seaford plant the state convention to the national j room and Sunday School rooms, Smith on Pine Street, Mears Is Given Birthday Party Grand Master of Bridgeville, Rev. Til- of E. I. duPont de Nemours & Co. te convention. ea of placing a second floor over the widow of the late ftnlaa Mears 4-H CLUB NOTES ghman Smith and Mrs. Smith of Prin­ reported scheduled for this week . Sunday School was also dis. of near Georgetown in Piney Grovp , „ , , , , „ . Nrs. Charles G. Allen was tendered cess Anne, Dr. and Mrs. E, E. Coleman Tlie 30-odd full-fashioned vSiirpr.'"' s to add much-needed Sunday neighborhood. She is e mother of 2; t* ”* ""t,‘ - of Seaford, John Williams and Mr, and Which have long been experimenting I>iitutci Pa?ty Hi’ . space. A building committee ten children, twenty-!*: in grandchil- Mr*. Ira Wheatley ot Cambridge. Mr. with the yam Will not, however, re­ ned including Charles E. Mar- dren and seventeen great andchildren. On Christmas Day judge* again at the 33rd annual exhibit |h" ,on, ,S‘reeL T*10®6 Ireland S. White Is Master of Geth- ceive allotments in accordance with W. Oldfield, Captain R. F. of the Delaware Crop Improvement J Included the following: Mayor W. T. Records, Gran- semane Lodge. their stated requirements for the first Association to he held at the Midland ^ta- Evelyn Rogers, Mr*. Lulu O'Neal Mrs. Florence Carmine entertained Windsor, Fowler Phillips and six months. Instead, according to In­ Grange Hall in Georgetown, January Mrs. Lucinda Bailey, Mr*. Medford Christmas Day: Mr. arid Mr*.,Robert , C. Boyce. TWs committee was formation obtainable among the hos­ Cth. Hastings and daughter, Sandra of New­ rized to secure estimates on the Phillips, Mrs. Eloise Stump. Mrs. Mary PERSONALS iery firms, only about one-fifth of the This Is. the seascn>/ toe anhusl i-ti Club Short New Year’s Meeting son, ______onio yott«n CoUrse which is held at toe tlrdversity Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dickerson and lireW 1,1M4 FOR PTOKSTMANS. 1. Cross bf Delaware todr spring. o Gladys were weekend guests of Mr. streets at ietassrettore, not in the mid. Christ Meth. Churdi Only a brief meeting of the Laurel William Stoakley McCauley told that the contest te and Mrs. Randall Dickerson of Lowell, Rotary Club wa* held Monday evening •bert A Brock, Mfer die at &• block, Itok both Wag* be* rtxtotored each year by the Delaware Mas*. St which time the secretary reed en fora creating ihe atewt Stand on curb Crop Improvement Atoodatfca to in. The regular meeting of tire Laurel William Stoakley, age Tl years, died tDtfewsro Invitation to the Laurel members to at­ untR yuu erg reedy M cross. £ 1T& creaee feterest among young people to Women’s Christian Temperance Union Mr. Walter Hastings, of Washington, at hte home near Laurel Wednesday af­ feetoff tnrtto when J walking on the Hr:— toe production of better crops to the Will be held next Wednesday afternoon D. C.. spent hte Christmas vacation tend the 20th birthday anniversary of ternoon, following an lilneas of one te accept mar afcMre Bteadcs he highway*- After dart carry a Bghtad State, with special emphasis placed on at two-thirty In Christ Methodist home with hte father. Mr. Charie* A. the Salisbury Rotary Club on Thur*. day’s duration, having suffered a par­ etter in tert weeks State ftogteter farrttre, Sashlght rt other etatip day, January 18th. at which time Gov­ toe ejection of better seed and Im­ Church on Central Avenue. Hasting*. alytic stroke cn Tuesday. He had been « Mariks) we have been before dtevfek ernor Herbert R. O’Cohnor of Mary­ proved varieties, a farmer in this community all his life. ouncil asking for more Masks FOR HOMXMBAK SS: 1. Provide Mrs. Walter Lloyd had as her guests land will be the speaker. The eecre- The funeral WiU be held from the home ey dtd net teal wa needed eery hood rafts on eft sta way* and Stops. Local Man Joins over the tSiristmas Holidays her dau­ tary also read a letter from the princi­ Saturday afternoon at one o’clock, with oc at least foey did not get ns X. Use metal contsi* rs for ashes seed Charles Hackett ghter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, pal of the Paul Lawrence Dunbar col­ the Rev. Lee Elliott officiating and the waste materiel. 3. i oek pine in bot­ Sizi«s At MUford U* S. Army Tlds Week Jerome Cacace cf Valley Stream, Long ored school,' thanking the Laurel club interment will be in Odd Fellows is net «rik foe OsnmE he any- tles containing poteot 4. Do not are stand, N. Y. for the lunch provided to 110 pupil*. Cemetery. Laurel He is survived by The report of the treasurer Indicated his wife and the following children: itamfelsemfc rittest, naptha er gaortfoe f dry cleaning Robert H. Jefferson, 34, of Concord, Charles Hackett, distinguished Me. a balance in the treasury amounting to ‘ Mr MCWM MMI' w purpeMB. t. Keep latches in metal has enlisted for serrioe in the United Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Prettyman en­ Wiltiam. Norman. John, Paul, Enatuu MWtrirere and tort < reach of small tropeBtan Opera tenor, end Ruth Bre. $3S7A'L Next week's program wiU he Charles. Norris and Pearl Stoakley. - ~ we feet efewM »e. States Army, and hte enitetment te tire tertained af four tables of bridge last Mt9JWWBt ton, totar**don»tty-known American In charge of M. M. Price. iin'iii.wetnv 1 " ' ehftdrm. x. Mabe safety bupee. vteitoist, are io appear to joint recital first for 1M0 to go through tire local Thursday evening. Mbs. Harry Byer Ffewaan's tton of the home end nmedtately cor­ and Mr. Ford Warrington wori high Sunday night. January 14, to Milford, Army enlistment headquarters Sgh H. Cordrey - Hill rect all htoerdt. score prix*. Mt*. Ralph Bennett and Dri, to the New Plato Theatre, under B. Pritchett announces today. Jeffer­ Russell - Wagner dag yet wed J r valuable FOR WDOmtUI OBPLTKBS: 1. Mr. Everett West won lota prize. Mrs. tito auspices of toe Axtthem ttatewsre son has enlisted for service in the In­ Miss Kathryn A, Cordrey, daughter a preayeroa* pear, Raped! ad hereisda in yedtotaly to die Ford Warrington taon Floating prize. i-ki . fantry af Governor’s Irtsnd, Fort Jay, of Mr. and Mrs. Charles PL Cordrey* < to nawto y#s M JWLTAC*' fereWten. A «top eeheenteal arfe- Concert Atoodatten. Miss Alice Raye Russell, daughter of --n. ■»— The ceneert, ecaortong to Dr. Welter York. Mr. and Mrs. John Russell of Cannons. of Salisbury, MdM and Horace Mck. gBBXWI ■& PQ8KI9&-e».u - ■. -MMk El pCnCCT-.»■ u-WlA*re join . Mias EUzabttii Wiffianu spent Tues­ L. Grief, prMfafett of toe eesoUAtion, Mehta Ttagte retd Charles Shockley, Delaware, and Mr. Lonnie A. Wagner, Hill, son of Mrs. Sarah & Porter of thia The Lwerrt Fire Ingwder, 3. Lends nndtoihemw day and Wednesday in Wilmington .j. ii,2*Si ■- * -*ti^ ■ te viewed as ene «f toe seert important or Dthtait, who are now Army men eon of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Wagner, town, were married at fhe Mt. pleasant with friend*. -n...... otafrtoSS MEMI MM0C Ml arOWlreg stationed at CeriMe Barracks, Carlisle, of Laurel, and formerly of North Caro. petoonage Sunday evening. December ereMulsi^^affen'HWrBuMnl! rev «a0va** j^wdHa luwaus-OwSI^** ' to tire group’s current series. pa., were visiters af toe feed resndting Una, were united in marriage Tuesday 31sf, at six O’clock, with foe Rev. J. C. keeping to toe ah «. S,. aft Mf. bbcjcck. wno mi -Been termta Mr. and Mrs. J.'S. Yerkes of Oreland, it Brofeww Mute one of “Amtrieste great romantic ten. office Wedneetoy. and toW Sgt. Prlt. evening at Centenary Methodist par­ Hanby performing foe ceremony. The Pa., left yastarday after spending sev­ ,* te a water* Of Worcester, Mass. drett that they took tire'oeth of enltefc. sonage with the Rev. E. C. Hallman, couple Was accompanied by a host of eral days with their con *nd daughter- ^***&*$$ »»?« . merit a* a retri ed k netkmal rafto pro­ pastor performing the ceremony. Their friends arid rrtativaa. They will make B» studied fa Brty end made hte debut toUaw, Mir. arid Mi*. Milton Yerkes. ’LitoaS to Lafleete to mete. Appearance* to gram toAteiid veto#* age, attendants were the groom’* sister, foetebomeinSeltefewy. LegteaMMigOa LmmAm’S Cuavtot Qsrdeh, toe Paris MlasNattne Wagner and Mr. George T. HhT CMCWtttNfS Mtt tfcM SM®*, Mr. anti Mf*. Robert H. Waller stak­ Oared Optra tod Own Osurtm* ead Parnell, Jr., of this town. Mrs. Julius B9C9C 'SwwMewrtCnB® ®sNs waaatofc^MRC jnstaeadksaYIVwVaH^K MmkU: , Jaa. 8ta ed titeta aonJn-law arid dautotter Mr. Kemp of Old SSdmry, Tennessee, was Bad CMk.Artist termer* wMAs « todtaft «f rt»* tire Butwert Coten kSrotoL Ki te one Tom and Ite M. E Marvil to Tromok, N. eltoeteudtog totote totot •» toe also a witness to foe ceremony. Mfe* fort-il* ^.tadetodJ tadkfe Swtea^fo < J, mir ti»« New Year’* weekend. Attested At Dover MMroprtMsw Ofer* Het, WA Altar *nu*Me ■ -XiWrt |«MV *■»»... b < AmtiMft im I w w». to Me. toft S®», M fctoferert Alton, reft Mr. and Ito. AtaTsowte, to Haiti- -ftfot to i ■ gtod to Jew* MM « fend tor tot, is s*e *< to* free, ftoreriem WxnlMRi JU. TvftfWmwt afrectM WJr Mr. JIvyt tod taent rttor TK* Baft* Cattrway to Levin Coffins toeLecffebto. toSaAtew Pwrtrero*, tart ’to M 'telfe -da fo* See SfoM* hnfoite rtf flffiwtov .nm



“Happiness comes fr«m within; “Sawmills can’t run without us­ ^depending on what are rather ing up logs; nor saloons run. without Ethan on What we have." using up boys and girls. Have you one to spare.”

; VOL 60 LAUREL, DELAWARE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1940 $1.50 PER YEAR Laurel Woman Has Laurel Woman Injured ITENARY CHURCH LAUREL A. C. LOSES Century Club Hears Delaware Motor Truck Her. 82nd. Birthday In Auto Accident JULY 20, FIRST FIRS ( LEAGUE GAME Program On Education Association Executive CONSIDERING NEW Elizabeth Donaway, a Laurel girl, Committee Meeting employed at Delaware State Hospital In the opening game of the newly The Laurel New Century Club held REGISTRATION BUILDING PROGRAM had a very narrow escape on Christmas formed Kent-Sussex Basketball League, lts re8uIar meeting at the Community The Executive Comittee of the Dela­ night, when the car in which she and Georgetown C, C. C. defeated Laurel Ho^e Tuesday afternoon at 2.30 o’clock ware Motor Truck Association, Inc- DAY FOR 1940 five others were in ran over a ten foot with the president, Mrs. Fred Burford held its first meeting at the office of (en of Church Alto Plan to embankment, turning over several A, C, by a score of 29 to 27 on the the Association in the Keith Building. Entertain Christ Methodist times. Georgetown court. Georgetown after presiding. Following a short business South State Street, Dover, Delaware, A new registration of voters of Dela­ Men at Dinner They were all taken to Wilmington securing a 24 to 13 lead in the first half session, a program on “Education" was on Thursday, December 28th at one conducted. o’clock p. m. Matters of importance ware will be held this year under the General Hospital where they were was able to survive Laurel’s desperate quadrennial registration requirement. Several important matters were dis- M treated and released, except Edward concerning activities of the Association second half rally. Cooper and Annone Charles P. Helm, superintendent of There will be five registration days. ed at the regular monthly meeting Keiser who was badly cut around the during the ensuing year were discuss­ were the leading the Laurel Public Schools, spoke re­ Registration lists of four years ago f the officials of Centenary Methodist face and head. He was held for ob- scorers of their re- ed and definite steps taken to put Some ' speetive teams. garding the need of additional school of the plans into immediate operation. and the supplemental lists in the in­ hurch Monday, and plans for action seration and released later. Miss Donaway was cut and bruised room; and Mrs. Burford discussed the Of particular interest, was the plan terim are obsolete. All voters, must LAUREL A. C. ^o started. Tho pastor, Rev. E. C. on the right leg. She returned to the pos G F TP ideals of the Parent-Teachers Asso­ adopted whereby the Delaware Asso­ register to be entitled to vote at the dallman reported that 107 men took State Hospital where she remained in ciation. ciation is to enter into negotiations general election on Tuesday, Novem­ Ellis F 1 1 3 ber 5th. active part in the serving of the re- bed for week. ; Cooper F 4 3 11 Next week’s program will be in with other State Associations along the ien men’s supper, about 400 persons The car belonged to Charles Tyndall Hearn F 0 1 1 charge of Mrs. Paul Gordy and will be Atlantic Seaboard so as to make avail­ The registration days will be: Sat­ able to truckers operating in and thr­ urday, July 20; Saturday, August 3; vere fed, including 50 free suppers, and driven by Melvin Collins was a Lowe C 1 5 7 on the subject “The Middle-aged total wreck. t Bailey Woman Goes to Bat with Father Time.” ough such States certain services and Thursday, August 8; Saturday, Sep­ nd while profit was not the motive, G 2 0 4 1 Elliott G 0 1 1 courtesies. tember 21; Saturday. October 19. The he supper netted approximately $35. ; Smith G 0 0 0 The purpose of the Executive Com­ registration days are fixed under the sum was just sufficient to finish Sussex Trust Company ! Reliance Masons mittee is to carry into effect the poli­ law. cies and program set up by the Board paying for the public address system Pays 77th Dividend 8 11 27 The fact that a new registration thia nd the board authorized that it be Hold Ladies Night of Directors by holding frequent meet­ year is required and the first registra­ ings during the interim between regu­ pent in this manner. 1I GEORGETOWN C C. C. tion ray is not until July will have n® The Sussex Trust Company Bank The members of Gethsemane Lodge lar meetings of the Board of Directors. effect on the convention delegate and Plans are being made to substitute pos. G F TP oyalty Week this year in place of the With branches in Lewes, Milton and A. F. & A. M., held their annual din­ For the present the Executive Com­ Republican committee election prim­ Annone F 3 1 7 mittee will meet every Thursday af­ very-Member Canvas, and this was Laurel, mailed dividend checks to all Sylvester ner and ladies night at Reliance Com­ aries a Sthe parties will rely on their its stockholders on January 1st, equal F 2 0 4 ternoon at the offices of the Association own lists of voters. The parties pre- sferred to the finance committee of Jaffie C 1 1 3 munity House Friday evening, the 29th. he church to compete the plans. The to a four per cent regular dividend and After the dinner, which consisted of promptly at one o’clock. vide their own books and bear all the Cox G 1 0 2 expenses of the primaries. nance committee will meet Saturday one percent extra on the par value of Zambino all the deUcacies of the Season, a pro­ the stock. Accompanying the check G 2 2 6 The “little conventions” will select evening at the parsonage—and Loy- Gross G 1 0 2 gram of music, interspersed with ad­ dty week will be held the latter part of was a notice to the effect that this is dresses from various visiting masons, First Nylon Yams delegates to the national conventions, the 77th consecutive semi-annual divi­ Anderson G 2 1 5 with the Democratic national commit­ February. wa rendered. Among the distinguished A discussion was also held regarding dend to be paid since the company or­ From Seaford Unit teeman and committeewoman elected ganized. The dividend was paid from 12 5 29 guests were the Grand Master of Del­ by the full quota of Democratic dele­ building program, which would in- aware, T, Scott Purse and Mra. Purse, Go To Hose Mills iclude the extension of the basement to Mrs. Sabra Mears ftiiletly observed the earnings of the year, with a sub- gates and the Republican national of Seaford, Mr. George Duffy, Deputy committeeman and committeewoma® Inearly double its present size, provid- her 82nd birthday last Sunday st the Mrs. Charles 6. Alien Grand Master and Mr. Rosenblat of First delivery to hosiery mills of flng recreation space, as well as kitchen. home oi her daughter, Mrs Harry R. ed profits and other items. elected by the delegates selected by Wilmington, Mr. George Macklin, Past nylon yam from the new Seaford plant the state convention to the national Edining room and Sunday School rooms. Smith on Pine Street, Mrs. Meara is 4-HCLUBNOTES | Given Bkthday Party Grand Master of Bridgeville, Rev. Til- of E. I. duPont de Nemours & Co. is rThe idea of placing a second floor over the widow of the late Ananias Mears convention. I'the main Sunday School was also dis- of near Georgetown in tlfe Piney Grove ghman Smith and Mrs. Smith of Prin­ reported scheduled for this week. f-cussed to add much-needed Sunday . „ , , ' — „ ! Mrs. Charles G. Allen was tendered cess Anne, Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Coleman The 30-odd full-fashioned cOnipr”' s neighborhood. She is fhe mother of 4-H club members from all parts of ‘ „ ki-.v, _m. . j | School space. A building committee ten children, twenty-seven grandchil­ of Seaford, John Williams and Mr. and which have long been experimenting Lmuici. Fa'xty Hij ’, ~ Delaware will put their skill as com , y P y s ay evening at Mrs. Ira Wheatley of Cambridge. Mr. with the yarn will not, however, re­ Jr was named including Charles E. Mar- dren and seventeen great grandchildren. judges again at the 33rd annual exhibit; he,r h°me on Seventh Street. Those On Christmas Day itril, John W. Oldfield, Captain R. F. Leland S. White is Master of Geth­ ceive allotments in accordance with of the Delaware Crop Improvement, allendInS included the following: semane Lodge. their stated requirements for the first f Quillin, Mayor W. T. Records, Gran­ Association to be held at the Midland, Mrs. Evelyn Rogers. Mrs. Lulu O’Neal Mrs. Florence Carmine entertained dville S. Windsor, Fowler Phillips and SAFETY NEWS six months, Instead, according to in­ Grange Hall in Georgetown. January j Mrs. Lucinda Bailey, Mrs. Medford formation obtainable among the hos­ Christmas Day: Mr. and Mrs. Robert ’•Lewis C. Boyce. This committee was Hastings and daughter, Sandra of New- [authorized to secure estimates on tho 6th. j Phillips, Mrs. Eloise Stump. Mrs. Mary iery firms, only about one-fifth of the This is. the season'far New Year’s This announcement was made recent- Easom. Mrs. Ethel Oldfield, Mrs. Mabel PERSONALS estimated six-months orders can he fil- NT\7a^m"^Cre?mert {costs of the proposed work and to re- resolutions. The Delaware Safety Coun­ ly by C. E. McCauley, State 4-H Club [ Thompson, Mrs. Gladys Henry, Mrs. led Im. (. uun iu 0{ £aurcj| Mr. Ollie Carmine of Salis- f port at the next meeting of the official cil urges all Delawareans to make some Agent at Large and seeretary-treas- ‘ Gladys Pusey, Rev. and Mrs. E. C. Mr. and Mrs. D. Guy Ralph and sister ‘ , bury, Md, Mr. and Mra. Frank Hub- ghoard. None of the nylon hosiery now going [ bard and daUEhter, Pat, of Hampton, safety resolutions in order to help keep urer of he Association. Hallman. Mrs. Lewis C. Boyce, Mrs. Mrs. Sallie Bradley, had as guests dur­ It wps also decided at this time to down the terrible toll of accidental into production may be sold by the VDii He]en Koskey, Harold Ger- Each club member participating in [Eva Russell, Mrs. Catherine Phillips, ing the holidays, their sisters. Lottie and mllls_ until duPont gives the word, at man, Frank Ward, Miss Annabelle I Invite the man of Christ Methodist deaths, in the home, on streets and the contest will be expected to judge • Mrs. Mary Hastings. Mrs. Minnie Kyt- ‘ Church to be guests of the Centenary Kate Ralph, ot Philadelphia. Mr. and which tune all will offer it simultan- King, all of Laurel, Miss Nancy Car- highways, in industry, and in public and select the best of four ten-car i tie. Mrs. John Elliott, Mrs. Mildred Mrs. Randolph Walson of Pittsburgh, | men at a dinner to be held in the dln- places (not motor vehicle). There Is eously. The date is expected to be mean, of Wilmington and Mr, and Mra, samples of yellow com, four ten-ear! Gould. Miss Mary Allen, Mrs, Blanche Pa., Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bradley and around May 1. ■> ing hall, tbe latter part of January. A irrefutable evidence that the human samples of white com as well as to j Erdman, Mrs. Hattie Oldfield, Mrs. Lester Moore, of Laurel. general committee was named consist­ family, and Mr. and Mrs, Venables arid clement, not the mechanical, weaher or choose the best single ear from four Bcssie Pcnuel, Mrs. Edna Thawley, family, all of Salisbury, Md. Prices of the hosiery are slill ex­ (he following at diinner 'Monday ing of Rev, E. C. Hallman, J. Clark any other agency is the orincipal cause single ear samples of both yellow and Mrs, Bessie Elliott, Mrs. Elsie Calloway pected to he the same as in the ex­ Abbott, H. H, Dickerson, Harry B. of highway slaughters and otheracci- white com. perimental offering at Wilmington | West, and Luke E. Collins, to formu- Mrs. Minnie Matthews. Mrs. Clara El­ Miss Betty Coliins has returned to 57th Anniversary Is dental deaths. For this reason, the “Again this year, teams of three liott, Miss Edna Ward, Mra. Lydia Wilmington after spending her vacation stores recently, namely, $1.15 a pair ■ late plans for the event council Urges the? adoption of the fol­ judges representing one club will com­ Spicer, Mrs. Florence James. Mra. Eliza with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert for 45-gauge, $1.25 a pair for 48-gauge, Observed By Mr. And lowing resolutions far the year 1940. pete for com judging honors and a Holloway, Mra. Maude Mitchell, Mrs, Coliins. < and $1.35 a pair for 51-gatige and finer, Mrs. Albert White 1. To Increase our efforts to reduce silver loving cup,” McCauley said. Ruby Hitchens, Miss Catherine Riggin, From usually reliable sources it has J Entertains Friends accidents that human suffering may “This plan Was lnnaugurated for the Miss Ruth Lloyd. Mrs. Katie Phillips, Mr, and Mra. Douglas P. Nielson, of been learned that materials for the be alleviated. 2, Bring the message first time at the 1939 exhibit last Jan­ second unit at the nylon plant com­ Mr, and Mra, Albert White of thia At A Bingo Party Mra. Ella Hearn, Mrs. Elsie Phillips, Oyster Bay, N. Y«, were holiday visi­ town, quietly observed their 57th wed­ of safety to the consciousness of every uary and aroused considerable Interest Mrs. Clara Baker, Mrs. Iknma Elliott, tors at the home of Mrs. Nielson’s par­ menced to arrive the middle of this man, woman, and child that their vig­ among 4-H clubs. In fact,” he point­ week. ding anniversary on Wednesday, hav­ Miss lrcne Collins entertained a Mra, Gertrude Boyce, Mrs, Elsie Esk­ ents, Mr, and Mra. Ray E. Hamill on ilance may be their protection. ed out, “ten teams participated in the ridge. Mra, Hattie Oldfield, Miss Erma West Street, Mrs. Nielson remained Local doctors have been supplement­ ing been married on January 3rd. 1883, group of friends at a bingo party last Lesson aconomlo waste to the indivi ing the regular plant______doctors as__ a _help__ Tire ceremony took place at the Metho- Thursday night in honor of her sister, contest, with top honors going to rep­ Ransom. for a week’s visit. dual, to business and to the state and resentatives of the Livewire 4-H club t'rt“examlning the many applicants for i dist Protestant Church in Laurel, with, 5 Betty Coliins of Wilmington, Those Those who remembered her with the Rev. J. E. P, Ewell, uniting the community by keeping humanity “on at Bridgeville,” Paul Croll, who recently resigned as jobs as plant workers all this week, T ” ° *'~ ; present included the following; the job” at home, at work, and on the gifts were: Mra. Sewell Hearn. Mra, As fast as machines can be manned couple. Both Mr. and Mrs, While are In addition to tile team contest, indi­ Charles A. Hastings, Miss Belle Twllley local manager of the Eastern Shore Doris Goslee, Evelyn Hastings, Jean highways. efficrently, new men and women are be­ in fair health, Mr. White for many Ward, Helen Carmine, Frank Ward, vidual judges will be awarded honors Mrs. Blanche Windsor, Mrs, Julia Public Service Company, moved on years was associated with fhe Marvil FOR MOTORISTS; 1. Slow down according to their skUl in placing ihe January 1st, with his family to Fed­ ing employed, and the resulting cm- : Helen Foskey, Clifford Breasure, of after the sun goes down. 2. Keep the Thawley, Miss Anne Thawley, Mrs. pJoyrrient has kept the Usual winter Package Company, but has been re­ Millsboro, Donald Ward, Harold Ger- samples to be judged and their written Pearl Lynch, Mrs, Carrie Pusey, Mrs. eralsburg. Md., where he expects to tired for several years, They have one car in perfect mechanical condition, reasons for making the placings. Top engage in business. He will be suc­ unemployment problem at a Very low man, Edward Shedaker and Elwood Grace Johnson. Mrs, Harvey Knowles figure, daughter. Mrs. J, O. Adams of Dover, 3. If you drive don’t drink. If you scoring winners from each county will ceeded in Laurel by C. W. Shockley, of Steele of Harbeson. drink, don’t drive, 4. Observe the and Mrs. Margaret Elliott. one granddaughter, Nancy Adams, and be awarded county championship Millsboro, who expects to move here one son, Albert Adams, a teacher in Golden Rule of the highway “Do unto awards which will consist of scholar. with his family in the near future, Rotarians Have Brief others as you would have others do the Laurel High School, and one grand­ Letters To The Editor Ships io the annual 4-H Club Short W. C. T. U. To Meet At son, unto you.” Course which is held at the University Mr, and Mra, Howard Dickerson and New Year’s Meeting ------—I ■ —i FOR PEDESTRIANS. 1. Cross January 1, 1940 of Delaware each spring, o Gladys were week-end guests of Mr, streets at intersections, not in the mid. McCauley said that the contest is Christ Meth. Church and Mrs, Randall Dickerson of Lowell, Only a brief meeting of the Laurel William Stoakley |Mr, Robert S. Brock, Editor die of the block. Look both ways be­ sponsored each year by the Delaware Mass. Rotary Club was held Monday evening Estate Register Paper fore crossing the street. Stand on curb Crop Improvement Association to in­ The regular meeting of the laurel at which time the secretary read an William Stoakley, age 71 years, died (Laurel Delaware until you are ready ti cross. 2. Walk crease interest among young people in Women's Christian Temperance Union Mr, Walter Hastings, of Washington, invitation to the Laurel members to at­ at his home near Laurel Wednesday af­ I Dear Sir:— facing traffic when; walking on the will be held next Wednesday afternoon the production of better crops in the D. C.. spent his Christmas vacation tend the 20th birthday anniversary of ternoon, following an illness of one Please accept our sincere thanks for highways. After dai: carry a lighted at two-thirty in Christ Methodist home with his father, Mr. Charles A, the Salisbury Rotary Club on Thurs- day’s duration, having suffered a par­ Is your letter in last weeks State Register State, With special emphasis placed on lantern, flashlight 4 other similar the selection of better seed and im­ Church on Central Avenue. Hastings. day, January 18th. at winch lime Gov­ alytic stroke on Tuesday. He had been *• (Smoke Masks) we have been before device, proved varieties. ernor Herbert R. O’Connor of Mary­ a farmer in this community ail his life. .' the Council asking for more Masks FOR HOMEMBAKi RS; 1. Provide Mra, Walter Lloyd had as her guests land will be the speaker. The secre­ The funeral will be held from the home fbut they did not feel we needed any hand rails on all stai ways and steps. Local Man Joins over the Christmas Holidays her dau­ tary also read a letter from the princi­ Saturday afternoon at one o’clock^ with t more, or at least they did not get us 2. Use metal contain rs for ashes and Charles Hackett ghter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. pal of the Paul Lawrence Dunbar col­ the Rev. Lee Elliott officiating and the -any. waste material. 3. 3 ock pins in hot­ Sings At Milford U. S. Army This Week Jerome Cacace of Valley Stream, Long ored school^ thanking the Laurel club interment will be in Odd Fellows We do not ask the Council for any- ties containing poison 4, Do not use Sland, N. Y. for the lunch provided to 110 pupils. Cemetery. Laurel. He is survived by ; thing that we feel we can do without, naptha or gasoline fi1 dry cleaning The report of the treasurer indicated Charles Hackett, distinguished Me­ Robert H. Jefferson, 34, of Concord, his wife and the following children: ’ but to be turned down on something purposes, 5, Keep natches in metal has enlisted for servioe in the United Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Prettyman en­ a balance in the treasury amounting to William. Norman, John, Paul, Bnma, : that we really need, we feel should be containers and out c reach of small tropolitan Opera tenor, and Ruth Bre­ $357.51. Next week’s program will be Charles, Norris and Pearl Stoakley, ton, internationally-known American States Army, and his enlistment is the tertained at four tables of bridge last • published and we wish you more power children. 6, Make safety inspec­ first for 1940 to go through the local Thursday evening. Mra. Harry Byer in charge of M. M. Price. in our fight to help save a Fireman’s tion of the home and Immediately cor­ violinist, are lo appear in joint recital Sunday night. January 14, in Milford, Army enlistment headquarters Sgt. H. and Mr, Ford Warrington won high Cordrey - HUI life; rect all hazards. B. Pritchett announces today. Jeffer­ score prize, Mrs, Ralph Bennett and Wishing you and your valuable FOR INDUSTRlALteMPLYEES: I. Del, in the New Plaza Theatre, under Russell - Wagner the auspices of the Southern Delaware son has enlisted for service in the In­ Mf. Everett West won low prize. Mrs. Miss Kathryn A. Cordrey, daughter paper a prosperous year, Report all hazards Inwiediately to the fantry at Governor’s Island, Fort Jay, Ford Warrington won Floating prize. We beg fo remain yours in service foremen, 2. Keep bechanical safe Concert Association. Miss Alice Raye Russell, daughter of bf Mr. arid Mrs. Charles H. Cordrey, guards in position andin perfect work­ The concert, according to Dr, Walter New York. Mr. and Mrs. John Russell of Cannons. of Salisbury, Md, and Horace Mek. for others. Melvin Tingle and Charles Shockley, Miss Elizabeth Williams spent Tues­ The Laurel Fire Department ing order, 3, Lend aband to the new L Grier, president of the association, Delaware, and Mr. Lonnie A. Wagner, Hill, son of Mrs, Sarah E, Porter of this is viewed as one of the most important or Delmar, who are now Army men day and Wednesday in Wilmington town, were married at the Mt, Pleasant employee and assist him in avoiding with friends. son of Mr, and Mrs, Ralph Iz Wagner, accidents, 4, Practidj good house­ in the group’s current series. stationed at Carlisle Barracks, Carlisle, of Laurel, and formerly of North Caro­ parsonage Sunday evening. December Mr. Hackett who has been termed Pa- were visitors at the local recruiting 31st, at six o'clock, with the Rev. J. C. Local Brokers Make keeping in the sh, 5. Have all Mr. and Mrs, J.'S. Yerkes of Oreland, lina, were united in marriage Tuesday one of “America’s great romantic ten- office Wednesday, and told Sgt Prit­ evening a( Centenary Methodist par­ Hanby performing the’ ceremony. The minor cuts ot abrasi, ; treated prom- chett that they took the'oath of enlist­ Pa, left yesterday after spending sev­ Cucumber Contracts ptly at the plant da ary. ore” is a native of Worcester, Mass. sonage with the Rev. E. C. Hallman, eouple was accompanied by a host of He studied in Italy and made his debut ment as a part of a national radio pro­ eral days with their son and daughter- friends and relatives. They will make in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Milton Yerkes. paster performing the ceremony. Their Because of extremely low prices re­ Legion Meetiig On in LaScala in Milan. Appearances in gram several weeks ago, attendants were the groom’s sister, their homo in Salisbury, London’s Convent Garden, the Paris MissNatine Wagner and Mr. George T. ceived for cucumbers on the local auc­ Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Waller visit­ tion block during the past several Monday, Jan* 8th Grand Opera and Opera Comique and Purnell, Jr- of this town. Mrs. Julius the Buenos’ Colon followed. He is one Prettyman - Allen ed "their son-in-law and daughter Mr. Bad Check.Artist years, farmers within a radius of sev­ arid Mrs. M. E. Marvil of Teaneck, N. Kemp of Old Hickory, Tennessee, was eral miles of Laurel, who have been Regular meeting of/ Nanticoke Post of the leading names today on the also a witness to the ceremony. Metropolitan Opera list Miss Mary Virginia Allen, daughter J, over the New Year’s week-end. Arrested At Dover patronizing the Laurel auction block, No. 6 American Legbn will be held Miss Breton, equally distinguished In will he glad to learn that a local fruit on Monday, January Uth, 8 P. Mn at of Mr. and Mrs. E. Raymond Allen, and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Bowie, of Balti­ brokerage firm has' been able to secure her art, is one °f the few American Mr. Hoyt Prettyman, eon of Mr, and Levin Collins William L. Townsend, arrested by the Log Cabin, ft is important that all more,- and Miss Sallie Callaway of state police on charges of breaking a contract for l$0,pfi0 bushels of cu- members attend this neeting, because violinists to have studied under Leopold Auer, a foremost teacher of the day. Mrs. Ford Prettyman'. all of Seaford, Huntington. Pa, were week-end guests parole and issuing alleged Worthless • cumbers during the coming season. this is the meeting at which a new set of Miss Louise Callaway, Levin Collins, age 76 years old, of and Franz Knolsel. Following her Nete were married Saturday evening at fhe Delmar, formerly a farmer in the St. checks, will be given a hearing Tues­ These cukes have been sold to a met­ of officers will be nortlnated for 1940. day, On December 17, 1938, he plead­ All ex-service men employed at the York recital dehut she was soloist with Hurlock, Md, Methodist parsonage by Mrs. David John and David Johns, Georges neighborhood, died at hts home ropolitan pickling company, and * ■the New York Philharmonic. In ad­ ed guilty to a charge of Issuing worth­ DuPont Nylon Plant are invited to at­ the pastor, the Hev. Roy D. Tawea, a Jr- of Easton ate guests this week of in Delmar Monday night. packing house will be located at Lau­ dition to playing with leading philhar­ less checks and was given a suspended rel. The seed, according to Charier K. tend the meeting. former pastor of Seaford Circuit Miss Mrs. John’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. The funeral was held from StGeor- monic and symphony orchestras thr­ ges Church Thursday afternoon at two sentence of 18 months and paroled to Wootten St Co., the contracting brokers, Tlie Ladies Aurillary of the Legion Eleanor MUllgaii. wis brides-maid and W, Hastings. State Detective F. L. Rentz of Kent Is also meeting this coming Monday oughout the country, she has won Mr. Philfp Moore, best man'. A recep­ o’clock, with the Rev. J. C. Hanhy offi­ fc of a prolific variety, particularly praise for her work In London, Berlin, ciating assisted by Rev. V. A. Dona­ County, Following his parole, he adapted to use as dill pickles in that evening. Mrs. Harry W. Alexander tij tion followed the wedding at the log Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Roberts, of tame to Seaford^ and left a trail of bad in charge of a program regarding re­ Munich, Harburg and Havana. cabin and a New Year’s party was held Baltimore, spent the week-end with way. The interment was In Laurel they reach maturity at about 514 Inches H311 Cemetery here’. He Is survived by checks that broke all local records. habilitation, Following the program, ""11 "n I at the'hew* home of the bride and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gordy. fa length and 1% inches in diameter. his wife, one son and one daughter. Many were paid oflV but many were not elaborate refreshments will be served. bridegroom ori Poplar street and he was being sought by local au­ About 400 acres are to be contracted AU members are earnestly requested Hall- Waller The bride was attired in a blue vel­ DR. W. D. HOFFECKER ' "** «*» ...... thorities at the time of his capture. , for among tlie farmers of this section. vet dress with (matcMng accessories An Important feature of die con- to attend. He is said to have gone West but Announcement has just been made arid carried a huge* banquet of white Hastings - Taylor Dr, William D. Hoffeclrcr of N«V returned to Dqvrr several days ago. -tract is that the price to the grower of the' marriage of Mbs Agnes HaH. chrysanthemums. Miss Milligan wore '-remains the same throughout tho en- Announce Engagement daughter of Mt. and Mrs. ifronzfe Halt Canaan, Conn., a brother of Dr, No: State. BoUeeman Bennett and Geb­ a wtee colored velvet .drear with acces­ Rev. and Mrs. J. W, Smith have an­ hardt located him at the heme of a s'Nm marketing aaaaon, The package of Laurel, to Roger Waller, eon of Mr. sories to rriateh'ahd carried a boquet of mari 3. Hoffecker of this town, nounced the'marriage td their daugh­ fere. M. E. Boafwiek fe Ardmore, Pa. TWay nlsht at the Norwalk relative , but ‘.wJJla they stood at the heretofore a large item, is ellmin- and Mra. Hattie Wfdler, jilao of this yjdlOw chtyairitiMtaume. The bride, a ter, ffisle Heath Thyk*', of Salisbury, as is also the cost of grading, town.* The ceremony wee performed graduete of’the Seaford high rohcoi, Hospital In Connecticut. A natire to Preston Q. Hastinjits, son of Mr. and front door’they saw him leave the announces tbs engagtsw®* lJec® house by the res#' door arid eto#t to aft and selling at auction. Miss Elizabethjth McCauleyiSCvauiey anin.Swift. a teatea-­ by the Rev. I* Werner, pastor of where she also took a post graduate CbapwoM, he h^d rreMtf »»» & E. Mrs. Halter X. Pastings, of Galestown, run, Several nftetah ’shots only cher in the LatMtdLrewl SeSuaol,School, to Mr.Mr, Christ Methodist 'Church, Thursday, aka since IffiX where he had ***~ LsTaJjE?*?*4*1. th“ «PP»rira«tely eotaye. St WtykSyed'aa k stenographer Md. W .wedding took Flare Sunday, reivhdto acrekratehfjfrpewJi. Fteaily (Jf7S,#Ct will be psU to fanmre December 88th. H re )a«d boohMeper for Hurley Ac White, mb' h 'Fhyalcisa fqe 9$.jeare. SJK, iber JW at Graoe Melodist jp«r- the polkn got «Me eh«uSk to vfena In connection with these con- companledby Wee Margaret Ward and William Cooa^ray.-.terth.of Lmreit ‘ Wtrold shoot asato-and he Laurel. officiated.

’ * V ’ 3 Mutilated

THE S') FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1940 PAGE TWO .nationalities and races. We should show THE STATE REGISTER respect for foreigners, who, despite hardships NEW WAY OF BOOING DAIRY — lha\e become useful citizens of our country. The State Register FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 19 ID I We. should also appreciate the outstanding 319 i achievements of immigrants in the fields of RATION LETS COW GET MORE Will Receive Published Every Friday Mowing By The ' science, literature, art and music. M e should LAUNDRY • DRY CLEANING Woodyard Publications of Delaware, Inc. ' develop an attitude, of openmindedness when RUG & FUR CLEANING . S' AT LAUREL, DELAWARE I considering• l*..!..- other ..nlinnnlilin.inationalities Dtlfland VllPPMraces. OUT OF FEED FOR MAKING MILK CONTRIBUTIONS $1.50 Per Annum in Advance A conception of this department is that Anyone knowing fppd'tuffs will read- nractically eaunl in total digestible 6 Months 75c—3 Months 5i)c more tolerenee should he exercised in Inks tin-1. .jy ngree tiiafc alfalfa bay is a much nutrients. So much energy is burned To The Advertising Rates Upon Request eclion and with a dash of iriendly encourage- i better feed for dairy cattle than corn up by the cow in digesting the corn mcnt now and then, many aliens would seek ; C0)3S, yot on a total digestible nutrient cobs that only 13.2 therms of net pro­ Elijah E. Wootten d n basis, the long recognized ductive energy remain out of the 46.2 Entered atthe Laurel, Delaware Postolliee as Second naturalization more promptly. | (T. . .) standard for Judging feed values, there lbs. of digestible material in 100 lbs. A project for 1910 of real service to the FINNISH Justice of the Peace, Notary Public Class Matter, lie the appears to be little difference. In 100 of cob. On the other hand, the alfalfa community, cnm/Ation'in commnni-'! ibs.II,d ornF alfalfanlTfllFn hayhnv thereIh.n, arenl’f. so5Q lbs.]]}g. of inauguration ot Ameucaniz.lK n in tornmuiH diseatible nuWcntSi while 100 ]bs hay is so much more easily digested Editor and Manager------R. S. BROCK Of that far less energy is used up in the RELIEF FUND Real Estate For Sale or Rent ties where no provision is made _ ‘ . • CQm CQiK contatn 4G.2 lbs. of digs;est- process of digestion and assimilations, We recommend that the American Legion, iblo nutrients. leaving 38 therms of net energy from Parent-Teacher associations, church groups, Marriage Licenses LOOK AROUND YOU According to T. D. N. measurement, 50 lbs. of digestible material in 100 lbs. Do Your Part eaten. That means that alfalfa hay Kiwanis. Kola.y and I.<™ ...... then, the difference between alfalfa Phone 653 For several months American eyes have service organizations, operating individually i hay and corn cobs js ]esg j[lan 4 jbs, has practically three times the feeding been fixed on warring Europe. Thai is natural or collectively, sponsor such a training progiam ] t0 j]le hundred, oven though the pro- value of corn cobs. NOW! but we must not l’orget that pressing as inter­ Buch organizations could render a double ( aucing ability of the one is known to be “Recently Professor G. S. Frapps of Laurel Delaware national problems may be, domestic problems service at a time when it is much needed. far greater than the other. This simple the University of Texas, one of the There are in almost every community, com­ comparison is one of many that caused outstanding dairymen of the nation, cannot be overlooked. scientists to decide that the existing camo to the front with a statement cor­ The Federal debt still rises dangerously in petent instructors who are unemployed. Em­ ployment might he atforded them as teache s T. D. N. basis for Judging the produc­ roborating these tests,” says Summers. spite of exorbitant taxes. The need for equi­ tive capacity of feeds and roughages "Frapps said that all dairy feeds were table labor legislation becomes more urgent. of classes in Americanization. needed to be revised and replaced by being figured on the wrong basis and And the radical philosophy, which seeks to more accurate meth' ds, according to that productive energy values should destrov private business is active as ever. Meade Summeis, head of the dairy de­ replace the use of total digestible nu­ It is the duty of to make us secure THE WORLD’S MOST CARELESS PEOPLE partment of Purina Mills. trients as it had done in Europe many After Xmas Sale from invasion. It is likewise the duty of Con­ “Many mrn in the dairy business years ago. gress to make us secure from the far more We Americans are the world’s most care­ today can remember when the first “Of course, it is still very important imminent perils that exist within our own bor­ less people when it comes to fire. Nowhere ; so-called balanced rations were intro­ to have a properly balanced ration. duced," says Summers. "College pro­ And it is also important that the ra­ ON DRESSES ders. We need to do more looking at our own else in the world is the “crime” of fire so lire- 1 fessors, feed manufacturers and dairy­ tion be high in total digestible nu­ United States and less at nations three thous­ valent. | men began talking about proteins and trients. However, it is most important and miles away. A simple set of statistics readily proves ■ carbohydrates and now they should of all to go one step farther and see ---- -4O»-qpa—---- ■ this. Fire loss in this country runs in the nei- ] be balanced . . . and well-bred, well- that today’s ration is rich in therms COATS and HATS A JOB WELL DONE ghhorhood of $2.00 per year for every man, of net energy, for producing milk after woman and child of the population. By com­ the cow has digested the feed. All of us in America live by the labor of panion, loss in Sweden is 89 cents per capita; private enterprise. loss in Great Britain is 82 cents; loss in Italj’ ALL WINTER GOODS REDUCED Private enterprise operates almost 7,000,- is 78 cents; loss in France i 61 cents, and loss 1 000 forms, 160,700 industrial plants, close to in Germany is 11 cents. In other words, we 40,000 oil wells and 250,000 miles of railroads. destroy more than twice as much property Private enterprise in this nation produces 34 with fire as is destroyed hi tile next highest per cent of the world's coal; 32 per cent of its country—and close to 20 times as much as in copper; 35 per cent of its electric power; 79 the lowest in the list. WHEATLEY’S per cent of its automobiles; 67 per cent of its Here’s a case where alibis are no good, For rubber goods; 90 per cent of its movies and 30 the greatest percentage of all fires, great and per cent of its cotton. small, are the product of human carelessness. DRESS SHOP Private enterprise did not create natural Somebody is thoughtless—somebody forgets ( resources—they existed here in the time of —somebody takes a chance. And a home or primitive man. What private enterprise did a factory goes up in smoke. Human failure Total Digestible Nutrients 50 lbs Total Digestible Nutrients 46.02 was to develop them. A ton of coal beneath is the great fire breeder. . Net Energy...... 36 Therms Net Energy...... 135 Therms the earth’s surface is of no use to anyone. Not The record is the more shameful in that we Americans have the best of all chances to fed cows began to step up production I "About 2 years ago Purina Mills be- until it has been mined, processed, shipped and to almost unbelievable amounts com­ | gan a scries of feeding tests at the ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ disributed does it contribute to the mainten­ fight, and lick fire. Organized lire prevention, pared to what they had been producing. l Purina Experimental Farm to deter­ * ance and progress of society. That is what supported by insurance companies, fire mar­ Digestibility Is Big Factor mine the effectiveness of this net en- * Help your fteefth shine like the ★ private enterprise does—it takes the resour­ shals, civic organizations and others has | ergy basis for building a dairy feed. "Later, scientists working in labora- ces nature has given us, and uses them to gi>o reached a high peak of excellence in this The climax of this experimental work * s2ar&... use CaSossTooSSa £?©w«3er * us jobs, opportunities, necessities and luxuries, counti was reached tn a test with GO grade * ★ and a constantly rising standard of living. out cows, divided in 2 herds of 30 head That has been done better here than in any ] cadi. countrv the world has ever known. In the : building materials, electric appliances and a cow could til" .;t and liiak'- i" e ci, d ecked and Double Checked short space of a century ami a half we rose! -imilar commodities and draw up fire-sesis- Hie more milk :l.e would pr ;. ■. Th* ’ Ci; / he; J tK!') fed the regular Purina Many of Hollywood's brightest stars use Cnlox to from a third-rale power to the world’s fore-| ...... uUmliiril •. of construction—others keep di cover? or d . ttb;.’ j.ul: 1< n was r t' 1.:!. n rn tho market at the help bring out the natural lustre of their teeth— department-, water facilities and big s’ep ferw?: I in the tiiry ;i . .try," t: i", h ii u total digestible nutrients,” nub-t financial and ipdiKlriaJ powe*. 11**.-, 1 d and you can rely on Calox too. Pure, wholesome, rise was the lc-mif of a sy-R’in ot gov i i i l l fi l n -s. A wealth of invaluable in- Summer.) spy/'. -. I imu-k. “The other herd was “Hut In 1. b r. i'.rh’s and on < .peri- 1 i u r.i'i.n both high in total dlgest- pleasaiit-tasting, approved by Good Housekeeping the American . >>tem, wlm-h the gi- 11 i i mrs for the asking. mental fam., there vitro re arch po;,>ib!e encour: } i mdit io private, n.««,.1 ...,1 1 1 1 !iss the buck. Fire w our fault. i ! ■ ! nt;; and rich In therms of loom rowoit Bureau. Five tested ingredients, blended accord­ work rs who wr« not nvireh it! - : i:.>. v. Ilia result was startling. enterprise, and caused it to ive its ..i.Jim ■ e>in be prevented only by tht con* fled with the pre. .c mace. '1.' : fcl: I. i!ii hi r is did well, but tho cows on -A 1'ntj-j--* ing to the forumla of u foremost dental authority, and energies t ollie limit in developn.., .. t.i t thinking efforts of us all. that total <’i < dhle nuh.rniG d. i nr5 !lie IS. rm-rlcli fr-tl averaged 40 pounds make Cnlox an economical tooth powder that continent, . - tell the whole i ;i-i’iiii ? wai • tin of milk dally while the cows receiving Private enterprise has nothing to do wun hunger fi t f the d.u.y hr ry fine regular Purina ration gave 35 can’t harm tooth enamel. Get Calox today at youi size. The man who runs a shoe-shine stand CHECKS AND BALANCE who realized Hut dairy brn dh. ; was pounds of mil!:. Tests were repeated drug store. Five oizes, from lOyf to $1,25, still far ahead of dairy feeding - that I for a srconil full lactation period, with of his own is as much of a private entrepreneur Ctipr. 1039 McKesson At notihittf, tfj| as the man who runs nn electric plant Pri­ Hie American tow wp.i capable of pro- verifying results. American history has proven thill the pl'Iie- duclng a lot more m ,[ they could J -For final and conclusive proof, tho vate enterprise is an ideal—a way of life—- find tile feed tint wumd bring It out i dedicated to the proposition that every man ticai application of our traditional system of heres were reversed and tho cows that “checks and balances” is the surest protection of her. had been glv n tho regular Purina shall have the right to the fruits of his labors, “Among them were two dairy scien­ and shall go as fas as his own brains and ener­ against oppression. dairy ration wore fed on the now Basis industry in this country has its founda­ tists at Pennsylvania Slate College, tliorm-rlch feed while the herd that had gies can take him. Private enterprise mde who received notice for their work with boon receiving tlie therm-rich ration this nation as we know it. And if ever private tion in the checks and balances system. Bank­ a machine Hint showed exactly whnt ing is an excellent example. We have state were given the Purina ratio;. The 30 \ Edmund S. Scherr enterprise is killed, this nation Will die with it* happened to each pound of feed when cows fed on tho therm-rich r.itLn con­ banks and national banks, The privtely own­ It passed through a cow. They put a firmed the results from the first herd. ed state banks serve in a large measure to in­ living animal Inside the machine and By this time our men In the Dairy De­ Poultry Buyer Phone Laurel ftl9 farming takes elbow room sure against gradual absorption of private' blade their tests. They discovered, ns partment were calling these net energy credit by government bureaus and agencies. mnny scientists and advanced dniry- units 'milk-making therms,’ The Association of American Railroad.1! re- On the other hand, the national banks, mem-■T,crt?,??te^dFIcyn°uM, that total "Those GO cows gave us the Informa­ cently published a map of the United Stales hers of what is known as the...... Federal Reserve digestible nutrients was not the final measure of a feed, This machine mea­ tion needed to make our present Im­ Our Trucks Go Anywhere of a kind no one ever saw before. The size of System, tend to unify and coordinate banking sured the energy used in digesting feed. proved dairy rations. Today our cus­ each state ■y’own in proportion to its popu- < policies and operation throughout the country, They found more energy was used In tomers have a milk-making ration that lation, instead of the number of acres it con- j tj1c influence of the former deeply roots bank- digesting some feeds than others. not only has its carbohyarates and pro­ tains. On this map the great agricultural J jn{r to local soil, while the latter are essential teins balanced, not only is rich in min­ Call Us Before Selling states look pretty smal m comparison to the ■ to a sound, integrated banking system. Each Net Energy Values erals, not only is high In total digestible industrial states. And that means, as the As-1 “Their findings explain why alfalfa nutrients, but also is rich in mllk- hay Is a better dairy feed than com making therms. The result to our sociation po; cobs, even though the two products are room. You customers is extra dollars of profit." it takes for raising crops ana nave m the same (tt,at indenehdent banking ...... place a lot of people to consume what the land : Jong survive the extermination of this dual Pr2Lbackbone, SHRIMP COCKTAIL GRAPEFRUIT MARASCHINO in 1940? utner carriers perform valuable, limited ser­ CRABMEAT COCKTAIL PINEAPPLE JUICE vices for farm and factory. But only the rail­ '.'A nation-wide poll indicates that 25 per • Several roads lie just cent of the people believe they do not pay ANGLERS COMBINATION COCKTAIL PRUNE JUICE roads can haul the big load. Only the rail­ taxes,’ ahead, One is labeled “In­ roads maintain their own "super highways 2S,” says the Kansas City Times, ‘Tre- CREAM OF TOMATO SOUP OR CLAM CHOWDER built bv themselves end not XZnZ- sumably these are people who never ride in difference,” and it will be Onlv the railroads can meeUhe weaf nelk motorcars wh0 do not live in houses or apart- ANGLERS’ SPECIAL FILLET MIGNON, STRASSER STYLE production season, nnd mov» ' ments’ who d0 not bay foofl clothing or do HICKORY CURED VIRGINIA HAM, CIDER SAUCE faked by those who care Without „ ddw. dA„lI tLyVlt 20 to m"k' "P 2 FRIED SOFT SHELL CRABS ON TOAST nothing about the future. Another is marked S"?/ &.* ?SS21“.o'’n''rf,h’„f„Se if'S25 per “7'? FROGS LEGS, SAUTE “Incompetence,” and it will be traveled by FRESH SOUTHERN SHAD ROE WITH BACON those Without the foresight or the character MASHED POTATOES FRENCH FRIED POTATOES to practice thrift. Hut one road will lead to SWEET POTATOES GLACE you uSectitity,” and this is tlie one we hope you can NEW BABY LIMA BEANS FRESH BUTTERED BEETS ,ntenvoven, to a much greater extent I will take, failroffdaindust,ry^a^7e’ ure j What this all adds up to is simply that the FRUIT SALAD WITH WHIPPED CREAM HOT PARKER HOUSE ROLLS * Milestones along this road arc the opening t great bulk of taxes collected in this country are hidden taxes. Nobody sends you a quar­ VANILLA ICE CREAM FRESH APPLE PIE with cheese of a bank acebunt, and the making of regu. mv chance w'mand ??ady’ and some day terly or an annual statement showing the to­ EGG NOG ICE CREAM CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM lar deposits. •- come> Lincoln said. tal you pay. Instead you pay taxes hourly, COFFEE TEA MILK there afe TVmK Sm-Y1‘ H is estimated that daily, weekly, in little pieces—-when you make Stites ovpr’lfl0,000 lHiterates i« the United a purchase or pay your rent or go to a show. arates over 18 years of age. This is almost Stef ^Cither ^ estimated for college grad- And, in a year’s time, those little pieces total more than 20 per cent of your entire income. ANGLERS’ RESTAURANT tionsl' 5 statistics in regard to educa- In other words, your earnings for over one U, S. Route 13 or Front Street 4 Blocks from High B 1 f a11 Pers°ds in the Unitec} States month out of five go to the tax collector in­ 49 nno: Sraa™ars?fcool education or less, stead f into your own pocket. Same Gusine, same Chef and same Management as Re- 7THGBANK. fi40nnnft?’ P^^!al ,h»lgh ?CJ1O°1 education, hoboth Indian Beach Club. VNTHEHEARiy IradSes,’ 2PSS0C0f,.kfire 4’600'000; C°IIege ■^scffkch for the man who doesn't pay taxes OF. WCQ1W would be aboufi as fruitless as Diogenes’ classic Specializing in Main I "hsler and Sirloin JAURFI Search for the\ completely honest man. lie are educated/’^up^fiehn^ a^d^kmiL^P Y°u,d have tofbe. someone who diesn’t eat, Stakes. AU Sea Foods. from mind with a Pefbrehc/to f6?eignm-s A I doesn’t t^LXtheS’ doesn’fc,Iivc anywhere, Americans except the Indians, are foreigners ™doesn ’4t hi*. ^,„-snanpra „„,i „ ^papers and magazines—a nr mir’ w cooper Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or descendants of foreigners. The United man, oesn’t do anything at all States has beefi a Huge "melting pot” for many andj ' Lhing to do it with, All fv’ hi1 Fusgcrs tha and plenty. 3SXS63S»SJ|;


r; CTOJGCH SEAFORD AT THE WALLER THEATRE MONDAY & TUESDAY CLASSIFIED ADS THEY CAN’T SCOLDS Cause Discomfort Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henderson, of . A„’s vjoodetl°g TAKE HARDWARE OF EVERY KIND — Chester, Pa., were holiday guests of YOUR For quick relief at SMALL & HORSEY’S, Laurel, Del. t from tlie misery Nazarene Church Miss Helen O’Neal. AD North Laurel Mrs. Daisy P, Coulbourn and son, i of colds, take AGO BRING YOUR EGGS TO US. HIGH- Claude, entertained at dinner Sunday, OME ; Liquid - Tablets - Salve - Nose Drops EST cash prices paid, American Stores Rev. D. E.Higgs, District Supt, Rev. Maude Allen Ftunneck, Ph. D. the following: Mrs. Velma Wheatley Company. Pastor and family of near Oak Grove, Mr. Services for Sunday, January 7, 1940 and Mrs. Ashua Messick of near Laurel FOR RENT S. L. Kenney home on 10,00 A. M. Sunday Bible School, and Mr. and Mrs, Arthur McKinney To Relieve 8th. Street. Apply Paul R. Kenney, classes for all, Mr. J. W. Tindall, Supt. and daughter near Bridgeville. Snow Hill, Md.______D29-2t 11.00 A. M. Morning Worship. Ser­ Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Henry are ill at mon by pastor and special music, BUY YOUR COAL now while prices their home on Pine Street. IT IS ON W. Drench .La, acu.e nr chronic, is an 7.00 P. M. Young People's Services. Miss Helen Morris is a patient in ir.t;;iniir:uary condition of the mucous are still low. Prompt deliveries, weight A cordial welcome to all, Mrs. Estella L A I mcmbi'.itif... lining tho bronchial lubes. guaranteed. A C. Givens, Bethel, Peninsula General Hospital, Salisbury, Croomu.sion govs right to tho seat of tho Boyce, leader. BILLBOARD trouble to loosen germ laden phlegm, Phone 2214. ______NIO-tf 7.30 P. M. Evangelistic Service. where she is convalescing from an ap­ pendicitis operation. increase secretion and aid nature to FOR SALE Stearn Light Plant, 850 Sermon by pastor. Special music with soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed Mr, Walter Slatcher, song leader. Julian Hardesty, of Stevensville, Md. bronchial mucous membranes. Teh watt, good condition, hooked on high was a visitor with friends and rela­ yotir druggist co sell you a hottie of line; will sell cheap, Harry Stephens, Thursday at 7.30 P. M. Midweek Creumulsion with tho understanding serivce of Prayer and Praise. tives here Wednesday. near Gumhoro, P, O. Frankford J5-4t that ; on are to like the way it quickly Laurel Church of the Nazarene ex­ Mr. and Mrs. Elwood West gave a READ THE AD$ allays tho cough or you are to have FOR RENT Seven-room bungalow, tends a special welcome to Nazarene turkey dinner last Sunday. The fol­ your money back, Along With the News C&EOMULSION garage, chicken houses, 1 acre ground, families who have moved here from lowing guests were present: Mr. and Mrs. Joe West and sons Ermela and near James Camp. Write H, O. Britt- Tennessee. The Pastor, the Rev. Maude For Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis ingham, Milton, Del.J5-2t Allen Stuneck, was formerly from Johnnie of Georgetown, Mr. and Mrs. Nashville, Tennessee, and a number of Edward S, West and children, Melvin The hilariously FOR RENT House on 10th Street, near Tennessee Nazarenes have already and Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore romantic carryings-on of HAROLD N. FITCH West. Apply H. H. Dickerson. D15-tf identified themselves with this church. Handy and son Randall, Mr. and Mrs. a husband who goes William Handy and daughter, Jane of whistling under the wrong OPTOMETRIST —- OPTICIAN FOR RENT—7 room house Lindbergh Centenary Methodist Reliance. balcony (his secretary's!) We grind our own lenses—Pricos Moderate Ave. Apply C. S, Gunby. D22tf Samuel C. Cummings arrived home ... but not for long! Eyes Examined Glasses Furnished Church Wednesday from a vacation visit with ‘ FOR SALE—One bum-oil room hea­ relatives in Florida. 123 Main St. Phone 833 Salisbury, Md. ter, also 1 gasoline radiant heater. 3dwm Holt Hughes, D.D., LL..D., Bishop Apply Hudson’s Service Station. D22-tf Walter Asbury Hearn, District Supt. Miss Ruth Redline, of Giouchester E. C. Hallman, Minister City, N. J., was a holiday guest here REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Sunday, January 7, 1940 of Mrs. Helen Smith. DEL MONTE DESSERT 9.00 A. M. Class Meeting. Charles Simon entertained a few Farm of 8G acres, 2 story dwelling, 10.00 A. M. Sunday School friends at a New Year’s Party at bam and chicken houses on Concrete 11:00 A. M. Sermon by the pastor, the home of his brother and sister-in- PEACHES Highway. Rural delivery. School Bus subject “Staunchness” Iaw^Mr. and Mrs. Stanley E. Simon, in and Rural Electric Line. Price $2000, 6:15 Epworth League Nanticoke Acres. Those present in­ 7.00 Sermon subject “The Man Sent cluded Frank Morgan, Miss Eleanor No. 2yz may be financed for $1300. cans RENT—Bungalow, 7 rooms and bath. From God” Agnew, Miss Polly Tallman, Charles J. Lights, water and gas On. U. S. Route West, Jr., Billy Ellis, Miss Nancy No. 13, near Public School. $3000 may Mt. Pleasant Charge Perry, Gray Friedel, Miss Elaine be financed for $1800. Rev. ,T. C, HANBY. Minister Greenabaum, Randall Larrimore, Miss WARREN WILLIAM 2 story frame dwelling in Laurel, 8 MT.V^PLEASANT Gloria Breeding, Jimmie Myers, all of B1NNIE BARNES rooms, bath, water, electric, hot water 10.00 A. M. Church School Seaford, and Miss Louise Rogers, of heat and gas 2 ear garage. Price 11.00 A. M. Preaching Laurel. WENDY BARRIE IWOD STOHEsl ™ ™ reasonable. This is the first Sunday in the New Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Mullin had as * A ELIJAH E. WOOTTEN Year. Let everyone do their best to holiday guests Mr. and Mrs. Edward JOAN DAVIS 20th Conh>ry.Fw( ~T' »PEAS 2 15C Realtor Phono 653 Laurel, Del. make your church and church school Davis, of Easton, Md. Another guest OicecU-J by RotoK Rctvt» Anodal* Producer Raymond Griffith CRISPY ICEBERG JUICY FLORIDA the best in history. at the Mullin home was Miss Peggy Screen Play by Art Arthur and Robert HarorT ST. GEORGES Waldron, of Wilmington, who was the Dorryl F. Zonucfc In Charge of Production1 LETTUCE ORANGES Stockholder’s Meeting 2.00 P. M. Church School guest of her finance, Mr. John Conway. 3.00 P. M. Preaching The annual election of officers of the hd. gc The annual meeting of the stock­ Election of Church School officers. Seaford Volunteer Fire Department 20 for 23c holders of the Peoples National Bank Everyone please be present. will be held at the meeting next Wed­ of Laurel will be held at the bank be­ KING’S nesday of the body. 10.00 A. M. Church School and R. Allan Cannon, local produce GRAPEFRUIT Florida 4 for 15c tween the hours of ten and twelve z Class Service broker, left early this week for Plant ANNAPOLIS - MATAPEAKE o’clock A. M., on Tuesday, January 9, ROMANCOKE - CLAIBORNE FERRIES 1940, for the election of a board of dir­ 7.00 P. M. Epworth League City, Florida, where he will lake part i TANGERINES JUICY 17c ectors and for the transaction of such To all Churches: The United Metho- (in tlic strawberry deal. Local truck I dist Church has asked that we make ■ drivers who have their trucks in tlie Fall and Winter Schedule 1939 other business ns may come before it. Effective September 26, 1939 BANANAS golden ripe dz. 23c THE PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK an advance in all of our netivilies, and i Florida territory include Paul Moyer, OF LAUREL i put forth every effort to make 1940 the ( A. Lincoln Harrington and David G. ! DAILY nnd SUNDAY i greatest year in the history of Metho- j Robinson, j Eastern Standard Time NEW YOT’K STATE ’HilTC Surely, you want a part in the I After enndueiing a rooming house in f BETWEEN ANNAPOLIS AND C.ABUAGE MUSHROOMS MATAPEAKE Notice To CnTlfraCfor A 5 advance movement. : West Seaford for several months, Miss , lbs. H Oc nuuoc XU LUnilctLlMS WE MUST ADVANCE ' Blanche Little has returned to he-< Leave Annapolis: 7.25 a, m., 8.00 '’Of a. m., 9.00 i. m., 10.00 a. m„ 11.00 „ , , _ _ , , i GO TO CHURCH EVERY SUNDAY > homo near Jamestown, N. Y. , Sealed proposals will ho received .------cto-wix ------J Mr, and Mrs. Reynolds Thomas are ■ft '' a. m., 12.00 noon, 1.00 p. m., 2,00 and opened by the Ixvy Court of bus- j receiving congratulations upon the ar-1 p. m„ 3.00 p. m., 4.00 p. m.. 5.00 p. sex County, Slate of Delaware, nt TTr»TG8:00 a. ra.. 1:00 p.ra., for this Work must be accompanied by I Sermon 730 p. m, 8:00 p. m., SiOO p, in., ••7:00 p, m. cans 23* pkfl. St. Mark’s. Holy guest of her brolher-ln-law and sister, j a certified check drawn to the order of LITTLE CREEK. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Rhea, Mrs, P. G. rival of a fine baby boy, born last Sat­ TOE CLAIBORNE-ANNAPOLIS FERRY the Levy Court of Sussex County, Communion and sermon 930 a. m. , COMPANY 24b, bag 33c ELLIS GROVE, St. Andrew’s, Ev­ Lake returned to her hoe in Worlman, urday at their home near Flnchvllle. ARnapalta, Maryland State of Delaware, to the amount of Mass., Wednesday afternoon, $1500.00 or a Bid Bond of like Amount, ening Prayer and sermon 2.30 p. m. (If i No, 2 as a guarantee that the contract, if the palniers are thru"—otherwise no Paul Baskette, of Trenton, N, J,, was SHOEPEG CORN 3„.;23c awarded, will be accepted and duly service.) Wednesday church school a holiday guest here with his family signed by the bidder. Failure to in­ 335 p. m. Friday Y, P. F, 7.45 p, m. at their home on Spruce Street TOMATO KETCHUP PAGE 1bob’2lC LAUREL. St, Philip’s. Church close such check or Bid Bond will he FOR RENT—One good seven room tfA n -TPC! 6UNNYFIELD QUICK OR REO. ige. sufficient cause for the rejection of the school 9.45; Holy Communion and ser- house and garden on stone road Hi. 2 small packages 15c pkg. AwC bid. on 11 a. m.; Y. P. F, 6.15 p. m.; Satur­ miles East of Bridgeville on Georee- ’ Tha successful bidder will be requir­ day 9 0. m, Acloyle, Alfar and Choir town and Redden road, Earl Pr .. C222S5E COLORED AMERICAN lb,lb, 23c ed to give a bond equal to the full work. Thursday, January llth The waters, phone 5315, Bridgeville, amount of the contract, in some surely Epiphany meeting of the Woman’s Mr. and Mrs. Harley Tubbs eutr-- company doing business in the Stale of Auxiliary to National Council in the tained on Christmas Day at a t : ke • STREAM 2^ 27c Delaware, lo insure the faithful per­ Diocese of Delaware will be held in dinner the following guests: M'. and 3 Pka». 10 The Levy Court of Sussex County: j near Reliance improving as good as AWN PAGE JELLIES ■•St FLAMIS $ En’.1.- IOC reserves the right to reject any or all Services for Sunday. January 7, 1940 can be exported. Agent Sinclair Refining Company (Inc.) GRaH’lM CRaCKERS «. Be C. bids if it is considered for the best in­ ■ - - Miss Jeari West spent last week-end Kt 17c 2.00 p. m. Sunday School. JANE PARKER CAKES ASS8ITFB terest of the County so io do. 3.00 p. m. Preaching Service with her aunt Mrs. Hattie B, West of Z. W. PETREA UYEB CUTS each X5c By order of the Levy Court of Sus­ Sermon- A New Song, near Seaford. CLAPP'S BART FOODS STMIRB® sex County, State of Delaware, Mr. and Mrs, Elijah E. West had a 2«n«I5o GEORGE C. BISHOP, President. New Year’s parly last Monday night. Quick Delivery Metered Service CLEAN SWEEP BROOMS each 29c ______J4-2t Blades Church News The following guests were present. PAPER NAPKINS aUEEB ANNE pkfl. gfg Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert M. Wheatley, FKG- OF 80 Phone 533 Seaford, Delaware CLEANSING TISSUES . FASTI61A Gard Of Thanks 10.00 A, M. Sunday School Mr, and Mrs. Everett Wheatley of FKfi. 0F 200 2 Pkfls. 17e 11.00 A. M. Morning Worship Galestown, Md., Mrs. Thomas W. Coul- boum, Miss Judith Wheatley of Cam­ r We desire to express to our friends 6.45 P. M. Intermediate League 730 P, M. Evening Worship preced­ bridge, Md, Mr. Howard Wheatley find neighbors our sincere thanks and and Mrs. Hattie B. West of Seaford. SEMINOLE rolls appreciation for their many words and ed by 30 minutes song serivce. The Official Biard held their regular Refreshments were served of home­ TOILET TISSUE acts of kindness during our recent be* made ice cream and cake. reavement, All these kindly acts have monthly meeting Tuesday evening. THURSDAY Mr. aud Mrs. Charles W. Coulbourn been a great comfort to us and we spent last Saturday at the home of Mr. sincerely appreciate them. 3.45 Junior League OCTAGON'ASSr 4 - 15c 7.30 Prayer and Praise Service and Mrs. George Mears of Georgetown. Clara E. Gordy and Mrs, Valliant H. Waller and Mrs. P. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Gordy; H. Graham were hostesses to about FMorton’s Salt plain or iodized pkg. 7c THIS WAS sixteen members of the Bible Class of Pillsbury’s Pancake Flour 2 pkgs 17c Winter Weather Here Mt Olivet Sunday School at the Wal­ advertising ler home Tuesday evening. Campbell’s Beaus 3 cans 20c ONCE For the first titpe this winter,, real Refreshments were served following Ann Page Beans 16-oz. can 5c wintry weather has settled upon this an evening spent at games. Flour Sunnyfield flection, and although snow did not fall Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Jones, of Haw­ 24-lb. bag 69c ; Until the day after Christmas, a coru thorne, N. J.> were holiday guests here 12-ttj, BAG 35d thiuous freezing climate has prevailed of Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Barhes. Green Peas Smithfield Quality3 cans 23 i since, and the enow lasted long enough Mr. and Mrs. Sorln E, Thompson to allow children and grown-ups much BUT NOW spent Sunday with, friends In Dover. fifrort on the several hills here. Owners I THE I Mr. and Mrs. Valliant H, Wdller were of sleighs took theh; fequipgage out of NEWSPAPER week-end Visitors In Philadelphia. A&P FOOD STORES storage, uid many impromptu" sleigh I DOE3IT Mr. and Mr's, Lfcsftj ‘TWzers aST'tfe- 1 rv f’.p A*’. Mew Were tuft while the »6# lasted. '(BETTER eelving congratulations upon the ar- THR DIAMOND STAIR TIltPNONC COMPANY FRID AY,JANUARY Jk 1940 PAGE FOUR THE STATE REGISTER. LAUREL, DELAWARE Delaware. Wootten were among the guests whte AT WALLER MONDAY - TUESDAY ing president was presented with tW> FOOD For THOUGHT lovely pictures on behalf of the club! Mrs. Pearl O"rt<-al entertained the were entertained at a family diffltwr at Food At Sixty by Mrs. Bernice O’bier, the incoming I Ladies Aid on Friday night, the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. R, Wil­ president. The club will hold its first Mr; and Mrs, Nefson Cannon and liams of Reliance on New Years day. ! By Charlotte Spencer meeting for the new year Monday the ( childrens Billy and Mary Pat of Wil­ Mr: and Mrs. Ira Willey entertained ■ Neutrltionist for the State Board 8th. beginning at 10.30. A covered dish j mington- spent the week-end with at a 4 o’clock dinner on Saturday, i of Health, luncheon will be held at 12 o’clock in j their parents Mr. and Mrs, John Can­ Mr, and Mrs. Levin Trivits enter­ charge of Mrs. Kate Smith, and Mrs, 1 non and Mr, and Mrs. Harfy Spicer of tained at a' family dinner on New Years' An article about food for older peo­ Elsie Stack. Federalsburg. day, The Aftermath Of ple has been requested. Nutritionists Milton Gordy is spending some time 1 Mr. and Mrs. William Priestley, Mr. Mrs. Fannie Short visited Mrs. John Holidays In L. H S. have studied in great detail infant and with Mr. and Mrs. A. H, Smith. and Mrs. Jim Hill and Mrs.- Alverda Cannon on Friday, child feeding. Only recently have Mr. and Mrs. Everett Murphy enter­ large research laboratories turned to tained Mr. and Mrs. Ray Raw and the The Revolutionary War had its little a similar study of the kind of food latter’s parents of Hartford, Conn., to aftermath; so did the Civil War. Of which is best suited to middle and old a turkey dinner New Year’s Eve. -i course the World War had its Post- age. War period. Believe it or not, there is It is much more pleasant to tell peo­ nzmsssecr an “aftermath of the holidays” in L, ple what they should eat than to try CANNONS AM H. S. Naturally it is’nt so horrible aa to persuade them what they should Deal Quality Count? and those other aftermaths of war—but not eat. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swain who have Your Money Geer Furthert" it is plenty tough. Perhaps that is why the .study of been spending a few days in Virginia First of »11 can anyone find any­ { food for older people has been un­ with friends and relatives have return­ thing so terrifying as crawling out of popular. ed home. feed at the unearthly of seven-thirty, 1 An old man asleep uses less energy Miss Stella Hudson has returned to when for the past two weeks you’ve '■ 1 than a young man asleep. Added to her home in Philadelphia, ! Mr. Edward Cannon who has been ' been retiring far into the hours of the j that, he is less active when he is awake. Yet many people continue to j spending his two weeks holidays with (JSCO Finest Calif. Cling P. M. his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Cannon Next, is anything so hard to do as j ; eat as much as sixty as they did at j 1 twenty, | has returned to Newark to resume his ! attention to teacher, admiring your; duties as teacher at the University of PEACHES neighbors new sweater, listening to the , Overloading the digestive tract is j more dangerous at sixty. The heart, | exciting tales of somebody’s great time the kidneys, th© circulatory system 5 iiies tVionce Peaches waiverm-siicee 2 1Sns% 29c- at the New Year’s dance, and keeping are all less able fo stand the strain. your best New Year’s resolution - all Deiicious Prunes FreshPiun>»i«syruP2 S9c LINDA DARNELL, STARRING IN ’‘DAYTIME WIFE” The records of forty life insurance ULMANS THEaTRE at the same time. (The Resolution to companies show that persons who are Red. Sour Pitted Cherries 2 cans 19c be admitted to the Honor Society this SALISBURY a few pounds underweight after mid­ Fri., Sat JACK RANDALL semester,) and Mrs. Henry Hastings and Mr. J Will Hastings were Sunday visitors of dle age live the longest lives. Experi­ Light Meat Tuna Fish 2 25c Of course it was nice to don those Hudson Hill son of Mr, and Mrs- Wil- < Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hastings of Selby- ments which are still in progress at “Overland Mail” BEST PURE new sweaters, skirts, trousers, ocks, liam. Hill, both of Wilmington were .ville. Cornell University indicate that ani­ PRINCESS QUALITY and shoes—still better to stroll into the guests of their respective parents on ’ Mr. Joseph Hudson of Wilmington mals on low calorie well balanced Mon.. Tues. JEAN PARKER home-room so conscious of the new ■ Christmas Day. J spent the New Year holidays with his diets have a much longer life than O LEO LARD jacket or reversible. i Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mumford and parents Mr. and Mrs. John Hudson. ■ animals on the same diets which are “Flight at Midnight” Wasn’t it so sad to see the college t ^ree daughters, Helen, Norma Jane Dr. and Mrs, Charles Cannon of allowed to eat as much as they want. •1OC 2-15c kids go back to college? Of course and Annc visited Mum‘'°rd's hro- Getorgetown were Sunday guests of Older persons, like children, need NEW THEATRE fcey will be home again at Easier- ^r-jn’law a"d sisteTr’ “f- and Mrs. C. R. Cannon. simple, nourishing and easi’*' ‘Tgested Cream White V^. Shortening 3 c»n 43c but that is so far away. I Charles Saunders at Laurel on Friday. Mrs. Georgie Sullivan and daughter foods. Too many fried : D. hot Now Playing TYRONE POWER t. - j □ * ' Mr. Frederick Jones spent the week- Hester, have returned home after bread, rich desserts and overeating “DAYTIME WIFE” Creamy Wisconsin Cheese lb 25c im on ko v ci y 3j t M1 v \ u° i en^ in Camden, Del., with his uncle ; spending the Christmas holidays in 1 undoubtedly cut short many lives. The ?abst-ett Cheese Spreads 2 pkga 25c ... . eep and (maybe) by, an£j aunt) jjjg jjenry Allen. ’ Wilmington. They were accompanied ; protective foods: milk, vegetables. Beg. Mon. SONJA HERIE e nex wee all be alive and . Mr. ancj Herman Jones and I home by Mrs. Sullivan’s son and dau- Hormel’s SPAM The Meat of Many/Utee , . . - , m j c„l i eSSs. fruit 20(1 dark cereaIs’ -hould ^290 awake again. (Here’s hopin’) 1 little daughter Gayle, spent Christmas ghter-m-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bland Sul- | basis of attrac;ive -nd health- “Everything ! Day with Mr. Jones’ parents. Mr. and livan who spent Sunday with her. j Rev. E. C. Hallman I Mrs. Amos Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hall and son, ’ ,e often have p!enty of Happens At Night” Vicite T onrn! „1' The children of this community have Edsel were New Year holiday visitors, tp about plan ^eir V iSHb Lidurei cnapel ( enjoyed unusually good sledding since at Philadelphia, . , 1 food. They should use this time to DELMAR THEATRE HOMINY 3-25' ------* last weeks snow’ storm, owing to the Mr. and Mrs. Edward Harns and son j keep them vig- OnJanuary 4, 1940, the Laurel High ‘ continued cold weather. Edward, of Selbyville were Monday oj.ous !ong tbeir Uves. Fri., Sat. RICHARD GREENE Large, Fancy Calif. Prunes. 2lbs 15c School students centered their thoughts * A number of Mrs. Virginia Rawlins guests of Mr, and Mrs. Will Hastings. _____ ------“Here I Am A Seedless Calif. Raisins 11-oz pkg 5c ?n New Year and wondered what Edgel’s relatives attended the miscel- Harvey Elliott of Wilmington, spent ’ it held in store for each individual. < laneous shower given in the honor of _____several— daysw------last week— with his grand- RELIANCE Stranger” Chocolate Magnolia Cakes 2,b* 29c *«e speaker in the first chapel program her and her husband, Niel Edgel at the | parents Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Elliott. ------. J Corn Flakes and WHEAT or-WCE PUFFS pkfl 5c of tills year was Rev, E. C. Hallman, : home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Miss Hattie Morgan spent several ^lrs. Leslie Towers, near Mon., Tues. WALLACE BEERY pastor of Centenary Methodist Church j Edgel at Greenwood one night last * days last week visiting at Wilmington, j jj€rCj the proud parents oi a baby “THE CHAMP” OSCO PORK and JZ in Laurel. His subject was “The New ; week. The couple received a great j Mrs. Edgar Clifton has returned Saturday, the 30th. Year." This was Rev. Hallman’s sec- > number of beautiful gifts. * home after spending some time in Velma Wheatley and family Wed., Thurs. - Bob Livingston ond appearance as speaker in our J Miss Jeanette Hastings is spending a , Georgia. were dinner guests of Mrs. Daisy O'day j BEANS 4-19c chapel programs, and message to both' few days with her parents, Mr. and > William Conaway spent the Christ- of Seaford Sunday. j “Orphans Of 4’;ivr25c students and faculty were enjoyed by Mrs. Paul Hastings. mas holidays with his father in Wil- Billy Smith spent part of the holi- , E-Tal-E Cooked Spaghetti a ’ . . j Mrs. Hattie Fleetwood is making a! mington, , • ... K, „_j wif- m- The Streets” asco Beets CUT or SHOESTRING The Laurel High School Band started ! few weeks visit with Mr, and Mrs. I Miss Beulah J. Moore, of Claymont aF wa«.M ctmith nf Sc if i 4 c^n.2 25c off the New Year as previously by j Burton Pinkerton at Philadelphia. j was a visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Howard “d Mr . un.»itlnv _n»pr Succotash CORN and UMAS No 2 can 10c playing several selections. I Miss Virginia Morris of Seaford was , Griffith on Sunday. . Mr- a"d Mrs. E. H. WheaUey enter Choice Tomatoes______3\o«n, 25c the guest of Miss Jeanette Hastings on I The following pupils of grades 6-7-8 • tabled several guests at dinner Sunday, Sunday. made a perfect attendance record for | Elisha West, who has been a patient Ex School Personals December: Donald Griffith, Mannings i In Dover Hospital for several weeks, ItTRicWniE 3' 3”fa.'25c Miss Jeanette Teague and Miss! SALtSBUHV.MP Campbell’s SOUPS Gladys Hill visited Mr. and Mrs. John j McGlaughlin. George Neal, Richard, returned to his home Sunday where CAurnEl.VM , »lots-ozo^-fa rA.MFDELVft Miss Ruth Haverstine, teacher of TOMATO SOUP ® mi TOMATO JUICE 4«m*25c Grades 5 and 6, submitted to an op­ Brassure at Selbyville on Tuesday. j Clifton, William Conaway, Edsel Hall, j be is convalescing. Miss Ida Rawlins and Mrs. Sadie! Joshua Hare, John McGlaughlin, David j Mr, and Mrs. I. R. Williams enter- NOW Thru SATURDAY Campbell’s Chleken lOH-oz< ftp rAMrBKLL’H eration during the Christmas holidays or Mushroom SOUP “» BEAN 8 3 ^200 and is now absent from school recup- Hill. ,attended a , Matinee given in Fed-'Waite, Iva Taylor, Hester Sullivan, ■ mined several guests at dinner New The Old Professor Himself! erallng. Mrs. Gladys Henry Is substi- crabbufS Monday ^fternoon. Hilda Hall, Jean Griffith, Lina Cono- s Year’s Day. Franco-American Spaghetti 3 25° luting for her. I way, Betty Ewell, Ann Bowers. Reliance H. D. Club held its annual Kay Kyscr - Adolphe Menjou Miss Madeline Arnold, Art Inslruc-1 CON CORD t Christmas party at the community Baby FoodsQERBER'*>j0,-App’s‘,rHE*NZ2ean* 15c house Thursday night with a large “That’s Right, tor, is absent this week due to illness, i Mrs, Isaacs, or Washihgton, BETHEL ^sco Creamy Tomato Soup 4eafla 19c Misses Arvallne Hitchens and Har- J D. C,, who has been visiting her bro- htimber present to enjoy the various You’re Wrong” riet Seely enjoyed a trip to Florida j ther-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Bethel Methodist Church games led by Misses Clara Smith and SSCO No-Wasta, Lean Sliced during the holtdayn. | q, c, Dukes returned to her home on Rev. Chas, W. Spry, pastor. , Caroline Wheatley. The refreshment Mon., Tues. JANUARY 8-9 Several of the teachers and their • Monday, _ , - „ , _ , ,, committee, Misses Addie White and families were visitors In Pennsylvania j Mr. and Mrs, Carl Scarborough of to a yN±arroulS^ SunL'MaWe White, sen’ed sandwiches and MELVYN DOUGLAS and BACON for a part of» the vacation, *,u,Mr. nnuand #! juiuoruMilford vuhwuvisited »ir5.Mrs. ocarooiuumiScarborough’3s conn'm 7 ftWftoV ill nra! cofl&ef. Mrs. Effitit Wheatiey, the retir- JOAN BLONDELL in Mrs, Charles■ - ‘ ■ KB ’S "d ■*? •—« £57. S3 Ii'~| - - ...... — Breadcrumbs Cracker Meal srCornStarch pkfl 5c Mr. and Mrs.l 114H* HH.H**- Keller in Centre ; cn Wednesday evening. ... . ~« __ cr>___ _ w * j < »l‘ 51 “The Amazing Hall; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. K. Stauffer in ’ s." ’.t..-,!,- nt »*„„ . Spry, a student of Wash- Glenwood Asst’d Jellies 2«U£sl9c h, o,k»,» „,iw. .1,«In-” Sj™.; Mr. Williams” Columbia. Notice To Farmers ^sco Pure Cider Vinegar "goT 10c Miss Ruth Bell visited In phia and Miss Erma Ransom spent a, parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Cleveland tLv qXl fa'Iur 'writ Blanche We are now contracting for 400 Book Nite Every Mon. St Tues, Glenwood o»Asr.sAPPLE Marmalade 2 ii-otfare 19C part Of the holidays In Baltimore. Dukes. tnd SnTsleJ:t * Blanche acres of cucumbers for use as pic­ Among the teachers traveling a dis- Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Layton and dau- . ^7 J’JLI kles, Contract includes cukes up to Wed. thru SAT., January 10-13 OVEN FRESH, SLICED VICTOR tance in Order to spend their Christ-i ghter. of Wilmington, were Monday ,, d 51k inches in length and Indies THERE’S SOMETHING NEW wrapped was vacation at home were the foL, guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Murray. ’• a in diameter at $1.00 per hundred loaf lowing: Miss Christine Moore, WU-| Mrs. Mary Calhoun entertained her daJ JT’" ht« pounds. If interested, call at our IN THE OLD WEST!! BREAD mington, Det; Miss Blanche Ralph, sister and husband, r. and Mrs. Richard pare Is, office on Central Avenue any even­ Plain or Sugaretf DO’NUTr doz uu. Keller, Virginia; Mr. Vance Homer,; sioan, also Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pab Mr. and Mrs, E. B, Shiles, ing during this month and look “DESTRY RIDES Wilmington, Del.; Miss Elizabeth Mr, and Mrs. Harrison Phillips and over our contract. Early land not 0X0 Mixed CAMAY SOAP 2 ek» life- (erson at dinner on Wednesday. daughters Bnogene and Mary Anne AGAIN” Swift, Ardiiiore, Pa.; Miss Adelina Mr. and Mrs. John Collins had as necessary. No package, no grading, or Black TEA Motley, Sharps, Va.; Misses Elizabeth dinner guests the following on Thurs- of Bridgeville, also Mrs. Andrew Bolby SSlflP K-ft of near Seaford were Sunday dinner packing or auction cost. Marlene Dietrich, IVORY SOAP Hirst and Margaret Mealey. Wilming- i day: Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Vincent, pkg ton. Def.; Miss Ruth Haverstine, Buffalo guests of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Phillips, CHAS. E. WOOTTEN 19c Mr. and Mrs, Walter Baker and Mr. Matinee Dally 2:30 - Sat. ConL “.S' 2 a; io* N. Y.; Miss Madeline Arnold. Balti­ Collin’s father and mother, Mr. and The Count On Me Club was enter­ HOWARD D. FURNISS OXO tained Tuesday evening at the home cake more, Md.; Miss Lillian Ruston, Dover, Mrs. Kinsey Collins of Seaford. Orange Pekoe LAVA SOAP 5C- Del.; Mr. Robert Rualon, Dover, Del.; Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Vincent enter­ of Mrs. Cecil Wright Miss Pearl Cain, Harrington, DeL tained a number of relatives and Mr. and Mrs, William H. Williams Mr. Robert B. Ruch had his Kurils friends on Friday of Christmas week.! 7<*-ead Mr. Williams Sl3c "K25c Ivory Flakes removed during the holidays and isfThosis. Thn, entertained'were:entertained were: Mf.Mr. and Mrs.,„Mrs. •' , k and and Mrs- Pride of Killarney Te* W 9° X’ 21? now completely recovered and has re-1 j0»,rt Collins and Mrs. Collins’ mother' H"berLPVlll,Ps at Middletown _ j-lb pkgl7e Ibtih 65c- turned to school where he is attending Mrs. Addeline Bowden, Mr, and Mrs., Mf3’ J’S® Massey is the guest this asco Evap, Milk 3"tallcans 20 lo his duties, ) Lewis Collins of Wilmington, Mr. Paul, "2* o{ {*•“*“ re- ,Irt.A’.A1I?L. , gsat Evap. Milk 4 baby cans 15c IVORY SNOW Mr. and Mrs, M. Myron Price and Coffins of Wilmington and Miss Thelma ! a"d La™“ of Rich- 5S 9° 21* children visited Mrs, Price’s sister and ■ Lankford Of Seaford. I ard“n Path, spent Sunday with their LYKIT DOG FOOD brother-in-law in Holyoke, Mass, dur-: Bnd; Mrs, George Ellegood and mcS?lct Mrs, Alice Riggin who accom- 6 ™ 25° CHIPSO OXYDOL ing the holidays. | jfr. Wai,er donaway attended a ban- ; Pan,ad *bac* home {or rest of. Friday & Saturday - January 4-5 22-oz pkg 21C 2*eapkfl20* Mr, and Mrz. fra Hastings and dau- ,

VOL 50 LAUREL, DELAWARE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1940 $1.50 PER YEAR COMMITTEE REPORTS Hope Lodge To Hear Knights of Pythias DEADLINE SET BY Kent-Sussex Games Concert Season Opens Finger Print Expert Install Officers For Entire Season At Milford Sunday WINTER WEATHER

PRESENTED MONDAY The regular meeting of Hope Lodge Deputy Grand Chancellor, Knights FIREMEN FOR The complete schedule for the re- | The Southern Delaware Concert As-! No. 4, A. F. & A. M. to be held next ofPythias, Fred L. Ward, assisted by mainder of the season of the Kent- i soeiation's opening concert featuring' /RRIVED HERE NIGHT AT ROTARY Tuesday evening, January 16th at 8 W. T. Osborne, paid an official visit to Sussex League follows; Charles Hackett, Metropolitan Opera ' Delta Lodge, No. 24. Monday evening, RELIEF FUNDS January 11. Georgetown at Laurel, i tenor, and Ruth Breton, violinist, pre- f o’clock, will be featured by an address January 8th, and installed tbe follow­ SUNDAY EVENING Reports of the various committees Milford at Millsboro, Lewes at Reho- i sents works o{ morem and classic com- 1 by Howard R. Ingram, a finger-print ing officers for the ensuing term: January 15, 1940 has been set by the both. posers. The concert is to be held Sun- The sixteen-inch snow that blanket- and the president were made at the expert of the Wilmington Police De- Chancellor Commander, William Oli­ Fire Company as the deadline for its January 38. Lewes at Laurel, Geor­ day night, January 14, at 8 o’clock in ' ed Sussex Count, „ th- t regular meeting of the Laurel Rotary partment.Mr. Ingram is a graduate of phant; vice comander, S. J. German; members to make a final report on the Plaza Theatre, Milford. “ j u C ty earIy tlus week> was getown at Millsboro, Milford at Reho­ Miss Breton opens the concert wltlr J Iepu'ed by many to be the heaviest Club Monday evening. the Federal Department of Investiga­ prelate, George H. Otwell; master of collections for the Community Benefit both. work. W. E. Taylor; master of exche­ Tartino’s “Variations of a Theme by , snow fall in 40 yars. Flurries began to Dr. A- S. Williams, chairman of the tion, Washington. D. C., and his ad­ Association. Anyone who has exer­ dress will pertain to the value of fin­ quer, John A, Adams; inner Guard, January 22, Laurel at Rehoboth. Corelli,” followed by Gluck’s "Melodic’’ I fall about 8 o’clock Sunday evening Committee Service Committee, told of ger-printing in criminal police work. Armwell Joines; outer guard, W. T. cised his privilege of contributing to January 23, Rehoboth at Millsboro, and Mozart’s “Rondo? Mr. Hackett j and by daybreak Monday morning, ati tlie extension of the Christmas Lighting All members of the local lodge as Osborn; keeper of seals and records, j this fund, they are urged to do so be- Milford at Lewes. will open his series with Rosa’s “StSar ! _ , . . . 8 ““ system, the free show and candy pro­ well as members of neighboring lodges Harvey M. Knowles. J fore the end of this week. January 24, Lewes at Georgetown. Vicino,” followed by Mozart’s “II Mio ' “S" UlaheS was rcPorted vided by the Chamber of Comerce, and are invited to attend. To date approximately $175 has been January 25, Millsboro at Laurel, Tesoro” from Don Givanni. I throughout the county. the Christmas food for the colored Georgetown at Milford. While the two artists will alternateitiLuiuaie, I 1116 ®torm came as a surprise to children provided. One of the future Mrs. Hattie Hegeman■ IT?'""elation. ’TheS'1 company“r"'a °" expectsr to have January 29, Millsboro at Rehoboth. in their program, they will close the ! 2?anJ{ W °,ka^ p,arj.^ tke‘r cars in the projects he hopes to carry thru is the Birthday Party For at least this much more reported as January 30. Lewes at Milford. concert in joint numbers sung by Mr. I • ee ? an ra,LIC1 dtHiculty was exper- improvements to the Laurel swimming Katherine Sullivan Mrs. Hattie Hegman, widow of the Several business concerns have not yet January 31. Laurel at Millsboro, Hackett and played by Miss Breton.' , cd members of the Commission, the class rooms in this building will not be procedure as regards tho committee’s and Wtlfey ter Milford led their teams Mrs. Willie Burford, and one brother,: ----- —------Board of Lady Visitors and the staff used before second semester opens and work. in scoring. Hl£?C r Galestown, Md. PrtiilfrV W<3Pn<3P T«t nro ltepl in confact wi!h smal>. in- :LAUREL AC the classes are now being held in the The New York Market Problem was reported very satisfactory. pos. G F TP The funeral was held Sunday after-1* GUIirj' DlSCdSe IS i teresting aspects of Colony life. It roos whichm have been used since discussed at length and appropriate | Cooper F 5 3 13 noon at 2 o’clock from the Windsor i RcdllCCd III State serves to knit the organization more September, A schedule of the classes action taken that we might keep in j Eilis F 0 0 0 Funeral Home on West Street with the j ______, closely together, through keeping each in the new building has been prepared contact with and aid those interested Newark Man Heads I Hcam F 0 0 0 rondTrtinvetoeSs2reiredanJf^n r"™ I According fo figures available at the P°=fpd concerning the doings and will go into eilect January 29, in its development. It was decided I Smith F 1 0 2 conducting the serome, and tiie Rev.! H R poullnr Pa,holo. of others. Also, it is possible m this C 1 0 2 The removal of the books from ihe that a survey of the smaller market be Improvement Group | Lowe Mpffindkt Thnrr+2 nffielmiL Ccn,cnary: gist of the State Board of Agriciiiture,; manncr easdy c°nvcy ?mc’al an- Hastings G 4 0 8 old io the new stacks in the Memorial made. Facts disclosed by such a sur­ Methodist church officiating. produccr3 o{ j,a{c}l(ng 6Bgs in the! nouneemont and other pertinent inter­ vey, are expected to be made use of Bailey G 2 1 5 Library was completed during the 1 1 state have reduced the percent of re- ,ma*10? * ome staff. Christmas vacation. The addition io in the formulating of a plan by which Elliott G 0 If the present project of having a Robert McCormick of Newark was RAILMEN ESCAPE action fo pullorum in their flocks from the Uhraiy consisting of new wings on additional outlets for our poultry and an average of3.7G> in 1938 io 2.7Cc in siaff of children gather and write news eggs may be created, thus broadening elected president of the Delaware Cron 13 5 31 for this issue of the “Clippings" proves each end and a stack wing projecting pos. G F TP WINTER LAY-OFF 1939. Approximately 40,000 more southward from the center, have im­ distribution, MILFORD AC successful, consideration is being given Griffith F 3 2 8 tests were made in 1939 than in 1938. proved the appearance of the building A sub-oommlttee has been appointed For the first time in ten years, a ma­ Since the disease is passed on from to having them prepare occasional Whose duty it will be, to promulgate H. Willey F 4 2 10 future numbers. and added greatly fo its usefulness, Vineyard C 2 0 4 jority of the railroad empioyes in Del- j the hen to the thick and is spread in Mr. William D, Lewis, the Librarian, statu standards for live and dressed day. Other officers are: Vice-presidents, Palmer G 2 1 5 mar are receiving what promises to be; the process of hatching, producers can- feels that the stacks, ail above ground, poultry and eggs, and to obtain data year round employment, according to a t not exercise too much care in the sel- National ItlCOltlC III 1939 are the biggest help in convenience and! relating to the operation of established j New Castle County. Oliver Koelig, Jr., Meredith G 0 1 0 ______Newark; Kent County, Francis Thomas, Betts G 1 0 2 statement here last night by an offi-lection of the source of slock for this j „ j, , - , to *11* in the safety of the books, but the en-j grading and marketing systems, cial of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com- years’breeders," states B. V. Carmean, j IV 151111011 Delaware is one ot the few states | Marydel; Sussex, Everett Hopkins, JuStlltiateQ at larger space i nthe new reading and ” ’’ 12 6 30 pany. , Assistant County Agent. Eradication t ------—, reference rooms will increase the ser­ without a fresh egg law. Tlie commit- ( Lewes, secretary-treasurer, C. E. Mc- Delmar has always been one of the I of pullorum diseases from the States I Secretary of Commerce Harry L. teC has as One of its objectives, the J Cauley, state 4-H Club agenf-af-large, Referee: Ellis vice which the Library renders. The Laurel A. C, plays a game on the main railroad centers on the Penin-, breeders is one of several objectives of Hopkins in a statement reviewing the assembling o fouf-of-state information t Newark. - . , sula, but during the last ten years, the Delaware Poultry Improvement ( business upturn of the year, which in Which is expected to be helpful ih the ! Next year the Peninsula Horticui- , home court in the Laurel School Gynt- The last class sessions for this term tural Society, Delaware Crop Associa- nasium every Thursday evening during most of the employes have each year Association. Copies of the new offi- ‘ alt sections of the economy was better will be held on January 13, Mid-year writing of an egg law. It Is proposed tion, and the Delaware Beekeepers As­ the remainder of the season. faced a lay off from the first of Sep-, cial list may be obtained at the Coun- j than last year, suggested" to business examinations will be held from Jan­ lhal the Delaware egg law will meet I fember to the last of May. when the i ty Agent’s office. • that a continuation of the favorable the needs of Delaware producers, and sociation will hold joint sessions. uary 15th to the 24th and the Second Exhibit at Grange Hall ■ia irnwr w i potato movement begins. i In addition lo this a campaign for conditions depended upon proper pric- semester will begin on January 29th at the same time, conform with similar The thirty-third annual exhibit was BrOad Greek Grancre | ^dlen ike potato shipping ended last I earlier hatching and better brooding ;ng pfieies and the willingness of busi- laws of Eastern states. ® , j September, movements of other com-1 and rearing methods is being con-»ess to risk new enterprises. One of the best concerts of the sea­ An attempt is being made io develop held in the hall of Midland Grange, The displays were in charge of Mr. Hears K* G« Houston I modifies had picked up so much lhat1 ducted. 1 “During the year 1939 the trend bf son was given in Mitchell Hall on an up-to-date Market News Service,1 ■ ...... ■ j most of the men were retained by tlie'' Meetings will be held in each of 1 business was tOwafd higher levels,” Thursday^anuary 4, when Dr. Firwin which will adequately serve the indus­ McCauley. Prof. Albert Wood, in­ structor, in agronomy al the Univer­ Worthy Master Norman Hedges pre- [ company Many men usually fur- I Sevett fcoihrritmities daring the Hejtt J Mf. HopkifiS Saii. “In all sections bf Swinnen gave an organ recital under try and in a like manner cover all lent at the regular meeting bf Broad laughed here in the fall were transfer-; three weeks for the purpose of improv- ; tj,e economy—industry, trade and agri- other important commodifies. The sity of Maryland, College Park, judged sident the auspices of the University Hour all entries of com, seeds, and different Creek Grange No. 59 held' - - Friday- night." red to other divisions of the company, j ;ng methods used in brooding and culture—1939 Was a better year than Committee, 'While the program was gathering and dissemination of infor­ Irt the past two weeks, three young | rearing poultry. 1 1938, mation relating to Trend, Production, grains, After the routine business of the even­ classical in nature, the works played ing, the program chairman, B. Guy men of Delmar have been given jobs j Colored movies will be shown of i “The extent of economic improve- were such a nature that the whole au­ Hatchery Reports, Storage Holdings, Isaac and Frands Thomas of Mary­ del, Md, were the only two from out­ Wheatley presented Hon, Robert G. with the railroad. Others have re- Delaware’s more successful poultry es-1 ment during the year may be meas- dience could enjoy them and there was Supply, Demand, Distribution, and cently been examined ter positions and ; ubiishirtentS, including the equipment | ured by the department’s data On in- Price is considered necessary. Nei­ side the state having entries. Houston of Georgetown, who gave an special interest in the playing of dan interesting account of his recent trip are expected to be called to work and methods used last year by them. come payments—an inclusive indicator Sibelius’ famous work, Finlandie, ther proper facilities nor sufficient shortly. While these meetings are being spon-; since it measures the flow of purchas- state funds have been provided, where­ to the Scandinavian countries and to Russia, Refreshments were served sored by the local organization, any i big power derived from current pro- Five of the students Who have been by the Bureau of Markets would be Dinner Party person interested in poultry improve- fiuctive activity. The estimated total enabled to assemble date, and to inform following the program. Firemen Check Blaze studying aviation under the Civil Ae­ The next regular meeting will be ment is urged to attend. _ for 1939 is $70,000,000,000—$4,000,000,- ronautics Authority with Professor M. the public as to exitsing conditions. Among the dinner parties given re­ A tentative schedule of meetings oOO more than in 1938, and $2,000,000, The committee will endeavor to have cently was one on Sunday by Mr, and held Friday evening, January 19th, In Emma Hitch Home M, Daugherty as instructor, made solo when Byard Carmean, assistant county follow: 000 less than in 1937, A large part of flights during the Christmas vacation. provided ways and means whereby the Mrs. Charles D, West with the follow­ Lewes—Coolspring Grange, January this increase—$2.300,000,000—went to marketing of our poultry products will ing guests: Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mil­ agen of Georgetown, will be the spea­ The Laurel Firemen were called at They are: Charles W. Wagner and A. ker; He will discuss crop prospects for 11.25 Saturday morning to check a 10th at 730 Wednesday evening. labor, through an increase in the num­ Thomas Worth at the Bellancha Air­ be in accordance with state standards liner and children, Bertha and Helen Laurel—Laurel Grange Hall Thurs­ ber employed and in more regular em­ to the end. that the consumer will place Ann. Mr, and Mrs. William Bryan and the coming season. blaze which bad started in the apart, port, Henry L. Hollingsworth, Melvin. Sussex County Pomona Grange met ment of Mrs. Annie Jefferson in the day evening, January 25th at 730. ployment. It Beatty and Truxton W. Boyce at the greater confidence IA Delaware quali­ children, UIdine, and Ruth Ann, all of Georgetown—School, Wednesday ev­ Philadelphia, and Mrs. William S. in’ the Milford Grange Hall Thursday home of Mrs. Emma Hitch on West “The number of persons employed duPont flying1 field. ty products. ening, January 17th at 7.30, in the latter part of 1939 was one and West and son, Roland/ Mr. and Mrs. at which time the newly elected offi­ Sixth Street Most of the damage was cers were installed. Mrs. Blanche done to the furniture and some cloth­ Milton—School, Wednesday evening. one-half million above the total of a On Friday night, December 12, the Chester Truitt and Children. Jane, Myr­ January 17th at 730, tle and Noah Edward, Mr. and Mrs. Dickerson of Broad Creek Grange is ing in the apartment The living room year ago. Delaware swimming season opened in Mrs. Katie L. Coulboum the new county treasurer. had been recently papered, and the Millsboro—School, Thursday even­ "Profits increased to a very marked Taylor Gym in a tilt with West Ches­ Raymond’ West and daughter, Evelyn, ing, January 18th at 730. degree; particularly in the late months Mr; and Mrs. Benjamin West and chil­ flue into the chimney had been paper­ ter State Teachers College, Coach Ed Mrs. Katie L. Coulboum, 62, wife of ed over and a davenport had been Greenwood-Community Building, of the year. This has meant higher Bardo had hardly expected to win the dren, Raymond, Leroy and Mary Ellen Tuesday evening, January 23rd at 730, Wayne Coulboum, died suddenly Sat­ and Mr, and Mrs. Irving Milliner and Peoples Bank Reelects placed against it The heat ignited the dividend payments, as well as larger meet, but when the final score was urday morning at her home here. She paper, which spread to the davenport Milford—School, Friday evening business savings available for re-in. announced, Delaware had won, 52 to mother, Mrs.'Elijah Milliner of Onley, All'Did Directors was bom in Pennsylvania, a daughter Virginia. and other furniture. Only slight dam­ January 26th _ Vestment. 23. Delaware also won the meet against of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Leslie, but age was done to the house, due to the "Foreign trade in 1939 continued to Brooklyn College on January 5, score came to Seaford to live when about 10 provide an outlet for a significantly At the annual meeting of the stock­ prompt work bf the firemen. Farm Shop Course 41 to 34. years old, holders of the Peoples National Bank largo portion of the produce of farms In basketball. Delaware lost to Dick­ Besides her husband, she leaves the Postmaster Quillin held from 10 to 12, the following Board Is Again Offered and factories and was a vital factor in inson oh January 5 by a score of 42 to following children; Mrs. Orville James Gets Confirmation of Directors was elected: Edwin H. Scott - Warren our economy. The value of goods 41 in spite of a last minute rally, of Laurel, Mrs. Oliver Carey of Bridge. Alien, J. Roscoe EUlott" George E. A Farm Shop course will again be shipped abroad was approximately the likewise the game with West Chester Ville, Mrs, Edward Senecal of Salis­ Of Hfs Aftfointment Gordy, Harley G. Hastings, Arthur S. Miss Anna Scott, daughter of Mr. offered this year in Laurel School, and same as the total of slightly more than Teachers College was lost in the $3690,000,060 in "1838. State bury, Md. and Leslie Coulboum and Postmaster Roland *F. Qutiiirt re­ Hearn, Charles L, Horsey, Frank M. and Mrs. Charles Scott of Lewes and the first meeting will be held Wednes­ last few minutes of the game, by one Irene Coulboum at home. The fun­ Jones. George T Purnell and William George Warren, son of Rodney Warren day, Januaiy 10th at 730 In the Farm “While foreign trade may provide a point, the final Score being 39 to 38. eral was held from her late home Tues- ceived notice yesterday that his reap, B. Twiiiey. The board organised with also bf Lewes, were married at the Mt Shop room. The classes will extend stimulus to our domestic economy in nws a'ai A>»«...... day-wfteWKioA efc iS o'clock. Interment pointment *S’ Postrdnster at Laurel, Dr,' J. R; ElUott, president, Charles L. Pleasant parsonage here Saturday, .over a period of ten weeks. 1040; such prospects must remain high, was In Odd Fellows Cemetery. had been ebntewed-hy the Senate, and Horsey, vice-president; Frank M. Jones January 6th. with the Rev, J. C Hanby In this course, an opportunity will ly uncertain under, existing elreum- Harley Tice Jr., has been quarantined undef the present ret-rtp, pentmaetere eenretery andattorofy. Ire Lewis was performing the ceremony. The couple be oflered foe the construction of »ew stences, and the outlook stbst be ap­ ,at bte home on flte e Ads, come Wrier service J..H»deId Edie was a«»mpanie4 J>y Jtbe brides brother, work as well u for. the repair of other praised largely In fe» JSght of do^ appointment te for life. assistant oathler. Norman Scott of Lewes. projects dtfring the elloted period. conditioM." THE STATE REGISTER, LAUREL. DELAWARE FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1940 PAGE TWO The RxiA has not made public ihe gross re­ ABDUI EFOUD Clarence Jester, State Grange Mas­ The pupils in grades one to six who THE STATE REGISTER venues, the operating expenses, the tax pay- ter and Mrs. Jester, with a staff of had perfect attendance in December officers form Milford installed the of­ were: Doris Ann Shinners, Betty Mc- ■ nients or any other important financial infor­ Allen T. Truitt returned to his home i Glaughlin, Glenna Hill, Elsie Mc- mation on the cooperatives to which funds ficers of Reliance Grange Tuesday night FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1910 hen* accompanied by his nephew and with the exception of the Master E. < Glaughlin, Charles McWilliams, Albert • have been allotted. v/ife. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Truitt, of H. Wheatley, Overseer Elisha West arid Prettyman, Robert Crowley* Norman LAUNDRY • DRY CLEANING Published Every Friday Morning By The Wilmington. L. A, S. Mattie White, who were un­ j Hill, William James, James Lawrence, RUG A FUR GLEANING • STORAGE i The taxpayers of the country, who have ad- Brooks Perkins caught a lur e otter Woodyard Publications of Delaware, Inc. ! vanced this money, ought to be entitled to able to be present on account of ilk Helene Knowles, Grace Walker, Inez AT LAUREL, DELAWARE in a sttlee apohnt mdS EAaTrOEETT ncss. Reliance Grange will visit East English, Janice Bowden, Irene Wilson, .some information on the financial progress of in a steel trap on the Nanticoke. The $1.50 Per Annum in Advance ' the cooperatives. Repeated assertions have New Market Grange Friday evening, “j’-w 6 Months 75c—3 Months 50c animal measured 49inches from tip the 2nd and will have charge of the DIGEST______i been made that the loans made to the coopera- Without Laxatives—and You’ll Est of nose to tip of tail. It is an old adage lecture hour, Advertising Rates Upon Request • lives would be paid off. So far, however, that when otters come up the Nanti­ Everything from Soup to Nut* Mr. and Mrs. Edward West enter­ The stomach should dlgeit two pounds of ‘I there is no way of judging, because no infor- coke, stormy weather is due. daily. When you eat hoary, rreasy. coarw «• tained several friends and relatives at rich foods or when you sro norvoua, hurried «’ Entered atthe Laurel, Delaware Postoffice as Second | mation which would indicate whether they Mr. and Mrs. Roland Rementer and The State Register chew poorly—your stomach often pours out tee- a turkey dinner at their home Sunday. much fluid. Your food doosn t digest and ft*- Class Matter. will or will not be, has been made public. baby, Jimmie, were guests of her par­ haro gas. heartburn, nausea,. pnJn or poor’ The Down Homers entertainers will stomach, You fool sour. Dick snd upset •« ents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rawlins. Will Receive Doctors any never take a lazatlvo for. atomaca. appear at the Reliance Community pain. It la danccruui and foolish. It takes thenif Editor and Manager______E. S. BROCK j One way of giving the taxpayers informa­ Silas Foskey and daughter of Blades little Mack tablets cslloj Bell-ana for Indlgertlae' tion would be to have each cooperative once a House Wednesday evening the 24th, to make the excess stomach fluids hnnnloss, relieve visited, his mother, Mrs. Annie Foskey Several from here attended the fun­ distress in no tlmo and put you back on your* year publish a report, giving an income state­ Saturday. CONTRIBUTIONS feet. Holler la so quick it Is aroialn* and one.Met eral of Vincent Wheatley in Laurel. package proves It. Ask for ILU-aps for Indlccstlott.. ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS ment for the preceding twelve months, and a Paul Hastings, who has been ill with Rev, and Mrs. Conrad Hamer and balance sheet. Such a report should be pub- an attack of grippe is improving. At this writing, the official reports on fourth 1 lished in the newspapers of the territory serve- daughter of Rehoboth were guests of To The BLADES quarter business activity have not yet been ed by the cooperative. The reports would RELIANCE Elijah E. Wootten published. But preliminary reports and au­ supply information of nterest to all residents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Waite and Mr. thoritative estimates are at hand. They show of the area served and would give an indica- and Mrs. Donnelly, of Chester, Pa. that business during the latter part of 1339 tion of whether public assurances that the Edward West is suffering from a were visitors of Mr. and Irvin Waite. FINNISH Justice of the Peace, Notary Public made one of the most rapjd rises in our history. , REA loans would be paid off are based on badly sprained ankle, caused by a fall Mr. and Mrs. Alan Chipman and son Where the Federal Reserve Board index of i hopes or on real progress by the cooperatives. last Sunday. Bobby were guests of Mr. and Mrs. RELIEF FUND Real Estate For Sale or Rent Because of the weather conditions Clifford Calhoun near Laurel Sunday. production stood at 98 in June, it shot upward j ------Monday, the Reliance H. D. Club post­ Little Billy Donnelly of Chester, has to 125 in November. And the December level, Marriage Licenses POLITICIANS TAKE NOTICE poned its meeting and uncheon until returned home after spending several Do Your Part going by advance estimates, was 127 or better. Monday the 22nd. The program plan- days with his grandparents, Mr. and Phone 653 Of vital importance is the fact that practi­ White. and Donald Wheatley, Mrs. Irvin Waite. cally all manufacturing shared in the improve­ For some years certain politicians have tried ned will take place on that day, with NOW! ment. In our previous “recovery’' periods iit‘~ J to make political capital by attacking chain) the meeting opening at 10:30 and a Laurel Delaware ______jor indus-i stores through various types of punitive and [ has often been the case that some major indus- covered dish luncheon at 12. The pres­ suffer from Colds? tries lagged behind or remained static while destructive legislation with a view to favoring ident, Mrs. Sydney Obier and Mrs. WHY the rest advanced—in other words, the better­ independent stores. Chas, Stack and Mrs. A. H. Smith will For quick ment was usually spotty. That certainly It must be something of a shock to such poli- ; be hostesses. Miss Hallowell, home relief from 666 Thermostatically controlled wasn’t true last year. Only a handful of rela-' ticians to see an editorial in Women’s Wear of i demonstration agent wille be present. cold symptoms heat in all Super-Coaches tively minor industries in the manufacturing New York, giving the attitude of independent I E. H. Wheatley, Cas. Stack, Everett take 6G6 Sample One-Wa, Fates. Murphy are among those who are field failed to respond to the general trend. shoe stores in a state like New Jersey, toward Liquid - Tablets - Salve - Nose Drops WILMINGTON $1.90 Interesting points is that this remarkable. their chain competitors. It points out that confined to their homes with colds. PHILADELPHIA 2.40 jump in business was almost completely un­ while most independent shoe store owners ad­ NEW YORK 4.15 expected. All of the experts were fooled mit that there was a time when the arrival of BALTIMORE 3.30 When the June low was reached, after half a new chain store caused a long moment of Big Extra Savings on Round Trips a year of steady decline, most of them fore-, anxiety, this doesn’t hold true any longer. Laurel House Restaurant SmcXJ ™htatoSth'.n nolNyJJk ! -.IfY “to“uTftoTeXSTolTuTJfmd Sieh S j/to (‘taws™™? <» XXSX by December. Instead, expansion took place ] pOTto""°‘ “the ”” h°1'1' iSHSS bff “id’e” ctoffid' seems'X®?. F&

now------And------it isn’t an easy . question. to answer,. j the most part, independent shoe stores feature There has been no particular- - chance- in• the■ nationally known brands, and everyone seems domestic situation, political or otherwise. You to find enough business to keep going, without ORANGES POTATOES can’t attribute it to Europe’s war—war or­ worrying about the neighbors. ders so far placed in this country have been The attitude of the shoe stores, as related ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ under early expectations, not above. It can in Women’s Wear, is most encouraging evi­ 20for 23c 31Bs- 10c be argued that the country was way behind dence of sound thinking on the part of the Am­ * Help your teeth shine; Iljke the * in its requirements of goods of all kinds—but erican business man. that has been the case for many years. Practically every shoe dealers’ association CABBAGE, Firm Heads 4 Ibs. 10c * stars...use Calox Tooth Powder * Ingenius key to the puzzle is provided by min New^e'Y Jersey, torfor example, has adopted a I Yellow Onions, fancy 10-lb ' Bag 25c * ★ Ralph Robey, Newsweek’s business authority.! resolutionvn anl t, 4-1 raw condemning punitive legislation Mr Robey argues that the tremendous error * s“ch as proposed in Congress, against any class Tangerines, Thin Skin Florida dz. 12c mi. xvuuuy a t, . ... nf hiw.nooo This is not done out of any spe- I Baking Potatoes, Idaho 5 lbs. 17c Many of Hollywood’s brightest stars uBe Calox to | Slicing Tomatoes 1-lb. Box 15c help bring out the natural lustre of their teeth— men in tne management in men evuiMmu,., - j Grapefruit, Juicy Florida 4 for 19c and you can rely on Calox too. Pure, wholesome, Previously it was the practice to keep business retail business pleasant-tasting, approved by Good Housekeeping firms in the most liquid condition possible—' golden ripe FRESH GREEN Bureau. Five tested ingredients, blended accord­ relatively large cash resources, small inven­ PIANOS AND HORSES tories, and the minimum of future commit­ BANANAS PEAS ing to thc formula of a foremost dental authority, ments, Within the past four months (Mr. make Calox on economical tooth powder that iSY,'""' ...JAiin'kn rioeiimltprYihn whole Many of us are like a careless farmer who dz. 23c tendency has’been to reverse this policy.” lA'^c^ev^p^ut/onto8 ke°en Them^trong and 3 fts 19c can’t harm tooth enamel. Get Calox today at you, that is true, it explains a great deal that has > healthv beds^hem^mv^everv nhlhi1 drug store. Five sizes, from 10fi to $1.25. ^cKgiiiQo * & UP I Are,yoU Hke that'&mer? Is your home or RED RIPE extraordinary iS-veis. trend1 youF busmess an Inexcusable firetrap, endan- TOMATOES n «°«lSrt!l{0XiOhnlda there! K.enn& lives and possessions? Dusting the STANDARD PACK continue! General opinion holds tn»t tn piann when the attic Is a refuse-cluttered w be a moderate leveling of! soon, and that i- --. - , . . : . , certain readjustments must be made. And, ^vder keg is a poor way U preserve the No. 2 earn yl Edmund S. Scherr most specific forecasts reflect the opinion that iQAn nit tliA.-Avm’App will Bp a corwidprfibl v niay itixt? insure their safety nearly as effee* / /’A®* L. vfto whpthnr wp h a lively as clean ng out the store’foom back of t&LA oinot ’ H H g6t g your shop. Pianos and "valuable” papers can Poultry Buyer Phone Laurel M9 orders of not. * j be replaced, but you have only one life, and so 8 O'CLOCK “ « . . V 2 >n tfcb. j «« I have the other members of yollr family. »/CwUa’? -*'bWna b YXv th! Hnft Fire ’bases In the United States during the MILD AND MELLOW COFFE( Our Trucks Go Anywhere ,F?n ° .u ffirfPSw1 first ten months of 193 ^totaled $258,291,480. ed States Treasury will make its first old age Between twenty an ^thirty million dollars 14b. retirement payments, under the terms of t wor^h of property Went up in flames each pka. Call Us Before Selling social security a,cg X° A® Tbhunrv il rmiist' month—upwards of a million dollars a day. S-lb, BAG 39c benefits you must be 65 (by January 1),.must. .g jns{dioug de3troyer, its ravaging H^ve worited in six different calendar quarters attackg &re gcattered far and wide. 1{g t,n since thc end ofe 1936, ?n4»?Jb3t p f .in lives and dollars escapes the comprehen- CREAM $50 or more during; each of them. Persons of g;on mogt of ug We hear the firc cn5,Jne DELMAIZ CTYLE CORN 2 »"> 17c 65 who .cant qualify maywk on unLl t y occag;onauy and may see a Htt]e smoke "up- ASM J>*Gl have gamed sufficient wage^redits. AndfPen*ltown„ somewllere. But beyond lhatf fire SPAGHETTI COOKED 17c 1-lb, sions may continue to ^ork after qua_i y g - geerng to ug a remote ev;i untn it strikes—then RITZ CRACKERS N. R. C. box 21c providing they dont earnjwer $15 amonth.;1Jg Jck and terrif destnJct;on. 16-oz. Maximum benefit at th s time is $82 40—for a Don’t wait until too late. Clean out that ANN PAGE BEANS can Sc worker with a wife over 65 and one or more attic—before you dust the piano. Remember 16-oz. dependent children. CAMPBEU'S BEANS can 7c So government "social security” is now a the farmer and his horse. going endeavor. But that doesn’t mean the PANCAKE F1OUR iUNNYRELfi pkg. 6c problem has been settled. The present sys­ THE PRICE OF LIBERTY CVnVVB MAPLE and canb tem, in the view of most economists, is un- 91 llur RAJAH BLENDED ,Sa 29c H».jE Widely and tnay prove unworkable. Inasmuch A short time ago Joseph Stalin, dictator of tali 1 EVAP. MILK White house 3 iwiih ihmiimi iiiniiHicn as the sum paid in by the workers of the coun- Communist Russia, was reelected to his seat cant i19c large try must be'invested in government bonds, on the Moscow municipal soviet. His majority A&P CCFT TWIST BREAD loaf 9c and the money goes into the Treasury where 100 per cent—every vote was cast for him. it can be spent for any purpose Congress de-, According to the press dispatch telling of this, JANE PARKER sires, there is no absolute guarantee that the it was obvious that the most strenuous methods future benefits will be paid as contracted. Un- were used by officials to get out the largest ICED RINGS SPRY der any circumsances, unless the law is chahg- possible vote. ASSORTED ICINGS SHORTENING ed, the program will increase the Federal debt Those who have watched the technique of by tens of billions. Many officials of both dictatorship can judge what those methods each "I learned long ago parties are convinced that the system must he were—you support the man in the saddle “or 29* 20c"53‘ revised. else,” And this little event, while it didn’t that checks save time, On top of that, the present law makes no make the headlines, is a biting commentary on PEANUT BUTTER XaafJiet I7g save steps, and in the provision for the millions of farm and domes-; what happens when the people surrender their tic workers, or for people who own their own i rights and liberties to iron-clad political rule, AMERICAN CHEESE ana, ceiaiirt lb. 23e long run save money, little businesses, and make smaller incomes , No one attempts to win over the opposition by SPARKLE DESSERTS *»« ’*« 3 ICe So I use them, always, when making than mSny salaried workers. Persons in these I argument, as in a democratic nation—after categories are exerting pressure on Congress all, machine guns, exile and brutal persecu­ SULTANA RED SALMON payments.” te extehd the program to cover them, j tion are temporarily more effective instru­ BAKING POWDER AMK PASt ’LT 15fl ments for keeping in power. The man who NECTAR TEA •BARGE FERIE V4-n>. aka- IScX”; 29c You’ll hove the same agreeable expe­ RURAL ELECTRIFCATION raises his voice in dissent gets short shrift in­ BABY LIMA BEANS tjr' , ,.Y deed. 2"^ 13c rience if you’ll start a checking account Here in America we pride ourselves on the A-PENN MOTOR OR, . rtx. -an. Private electric companies have to tell their ! laciuaca 2 c*n 1.29 here. fiteckholders at least once a year, and usually fact that we may still speak our minds—that COLD STREAM more often than that, what the results of their no man is master of our destines—that the SALMON, Pink operations have been. They have te report forces of dictatorship have been kept firmly tall Can J in leash. But pride in this is not enough. It the income they receive from their customers, A <£ P or SILVER FLOSS" their operating'expenses, their faxes, the bond cannot too often be repeated that the price of interest the/ bAvO paid and the dividends they liberty is eternal vigilance at home. We can SAUERKRAUT 2 No; 2^ cans 15c have paid to.their stockholders. . unconsciously surrender rights until one day The; taxpayers of this’country, however, we awake to realize, too late, that liberty is TOMATO JUICE, Iona, 4’24»oz^ cans 25c aren’t getting such reports from some of the gone, GOLDEN CROWN or KINGS electric enterprises they have financed. For America watches events abroad with won­ SYRUP l»/2 lb. Can 12c instance, take the Rural Electrification Admin­ der and horror. Let America also learn from Assorted Soups Except 3 varieties

Notice To Contractors Nellie Banks. O. L. Thompson, local jeweler, is a man and Miss Shirley Coulbourn, Mrs. I liam Stewart. CLASSIFIED ADS ! -CHURCH] Thieves stole the wheels and tires off. patient jn Crisfield Hospital, suffering Rodney took high guest honors and i Miss Marie Sisk, of Baltimore, is the a truck belonging to Samuel Cum­ with an oral trouble. Miss Allen was low, Club honors went guest here this week of Mrs. Robt. A Sealed proposals will be received mings, local tinsmith, as it stood along­ HARDWARE OF EVERY KIND — and opened by the Levy Court of Sus­ Mr. and Mrs, St Burton Allen and to Miss Grace Larrimoro and Mrs. Wil-1 White. «i SMALL & HORSEY’S, Laurel, Del side his place of business Saturday family of Wilmington, were week-end sex County, State of Delaware, at night. Georgetown, Delaware on January 23, visitors here with Mr. Allen’s parents, BRING YOUR EGGS TO US. HIGH Christ Methodist 1940 at 11 A, M. for an Addition to the Miss Margie Evans, of Avondale, Pa., Mr, and Mrs. Robt. J, Allen. Cannon SRT cash prices paid. American Stores Sussex County Jail to be erected at was a week-end guest here of Miss Street. Church Kathleen Venable. Company.______(The Friendly Church) the, County Farm, Georgetown, Dela­ Miss Anna Marie Price was a week­ Robert Favinger has accepted a posi­ WANTED Apartment, 2 rooms, heat L. E, WERNER, Minister ware. end visitor with relatives in Wilming­ Said proposals must be in accor­ tion as assistant to his father, C. B. ton. bath, within 4 blocks of stop signal. Favinger, at the local Railway Express Apply State Register Office. Services for Sunday, January 14, 1940. dance with the Plans and Specifications Mr. and Mrs, J. Halbert Robinson MEAT makes 10.00 a. m. Church School. on file at the office of the Levy Court Agency. and George H, Culver, all East High BUY YOUR COAL now while prices 11.00 A. M. Junior Church of Sussex County, in the Court House Miss Addie Adams was badly injur­ Street residents, have been ill this are still low. Prompt deliveries, weight 11.00 A. M. Morning Worship at Georgetown, Delaware. The bids ed at her home on Arch street, here week with severe colds. Roland C. the MEAL for this work must be accompanied by guaranteed. A C. Givens, Bethel, Sermon “The Measure of a Man” Monday when she lost her balance and j Wright, local merchant, has also been A delicious steak or roast brings the Phone 2214.______NIO-tf 7.30 P. M. Evening Worship a certified check drawn to the order of fell. She received a broken hip and confined to his home all week with a entire family to the table with a smile. the Levy Court of Sussex County, deep cuts about the head. After treat­ severe cold. FOR RAT.E Steam Light Plant, 850 Sermon “The Revival of Family Heri­ Buy your meats at &SCO markets where tage” State of Delaware, to the amount of ment by a local physician she was Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Allen was hos­ satisfaction is assured. watt, good condition, hooked on high $1500.00 or a Bid Bond of like Amount, Family Night will be observed at this taken to the Kent General Hospital, tess to the members of her Monday “JfTiere Quality Counts and line; will sell cheap. Harry Stephens, evening service. Recognition will be as a guarantee that the contract, if Dover, for treatment. night bridge club, and entertained at Your Money Goes Furthest. ** near Gumboro, P. O. Frankford J5-4t given to those families that are present awarded, will be accepted and duly J. E. Miles was a business visitor in 1 an extra table Miss Doris Allen, Mrs. 100%. The largest family present will signed by the bidder. Failure to in­ Philadelphia several days this week. 1 William V, Rodney, Mrs. Robert Sher- LEAN SMOKED EOR RENT Seven-room bungalow, close such check or Bid Bond will be garage, chicken houses, 1 acre ground, also be recognized. Let’s all come out and revive again ffie “family pew,” sufficient cause for the rejection of the near James Camp. Write H. O. Britt- bid. ingham, Milton, Del. J5-2t HAROLD N. FITCH PICNICS Nazarene Church The successful bidder will be requir­ ed to give a bond equal to the full OPTOMETRIST — OPTICIAN amount of the contract, in some surety REAL ESTATE FOR SALE North Laurel We grind our own lenses—Prices Moderate Rev. D, E.Higgs, District Supt, company doing business in the State of Delaware, to insure the faithful per­ Eyes Examined Glasses Furnished 13' Farm of 80 acres, 2 story dwelling, Rev. Maude Allen P.tunneck, Ph. D. Pastor formance of his contract, which bond 123 Mam St. Phone 833 Salisbury, Md. bam and chicken houses on Concrete shall be satisfactory to the Levy Court Highway. Rural delivery. School Bus of Sussex County, State of Delaware. LEAN FRESH PORK ” and Rural Electric Line. Price $2000, Services for Sunday, January 14 10.00 A. M. Sunday Bible School; Complete Plans and Specifications tnay be financed for $1300. Classes for al,l Mr. J. W. Tindall. Supt may be obtained on or after Jauanry 9, Shoulders -13' RENT—Bungalow, 7 rooms and bath. 11.00 A. M. Morning Worship. Spe­ 1940 at thejjfficje of Albert S. Gottlieb, Lights, water and gas On. U. S. Route cial Music. Sermon by Pastor. Registered* Architect, 221 Delaware No. 13, near Public School. $3000 may 3,00 P. M. Junior Service and Prac­ Avenue^ giSwifigton, Delaware by de­ Meaty Half Smokes or Bologna lb 17c be financed for $1800. tice, Miss Helen Gober, Supervisor. positing with the Architect a check of 2 story frame dwelling in Laurel, 8 7.00 P. M. Young People’s Service. $10.00 for these plans and specifications Freshly Made Pigs Feet Souse lb. 19c rooms, bath, water, electric, hot water 7.30 P. M. Evangelistic Service. Ser­ and which will be refunded upon their Lean Strip Bacon lb. 17c Fresh Roasting Hams lb. 19e heat and gas 2 car garage. Price mon by pastor. Instrumental and vocal return if in good condition. These reasonable, Fresh Steak Fish lb. 10c music. Mr. Walter Slatcher, song checks must be made to the order of SHOULDER LAMB lb. 18c Dry Salt Fat Back 3 lbs. 25c ELIJAH E. WOOTTEN leader. the Levy Court of Sussex County, Realtor Phone 653 Laurel, Del. Thursday at 7.30 P. M. Midweek State of Delaware. FANCY STEER Serivce of Prayer and Praise. Proposals must be submitted in All are cordially invited to attend DUPLICATE in the form required by Card Of Thank# these services. the “Instructions to Bidders” in the Chuck Roast b 1 Specifications and must be inclosed in I wish to express my appreciation to sealed envelopes addressed and deliv­ my friends for their many kindnesses Mt. Pleasant Charge ered to the Levy Court of Sussex DOLE’S and sympathy on the occasion of the County at its office in the Court House death of my husband, Vincent Wheat- Rev. J. C. HANBY, Minister at Georgetown, Delaware, not later HEINZ PINEAPPLE JUICE MT. PLEASANT ley, also for the flowers and .the use that 11 A. M. on January 23, 1940 in HESE men are engineers in Sinclair’s Burner Labora­ ASST’D SOUPS of automobiles at the funeral. order to receive consideration. 10.00 A. M. Church School. ,10c Mrs. Birdie Wheatley The Levy Court of Sussex County tory. They test Sinclair SuperFlame Fuel Oil in every 216-oz^BJc 11.00 A. M. Topic: “Our Spiritual reserves the right to reject any or all cans Investments” Ttype burner. You benefit from these tests when you buy SUNRISE bids if It is considered for the best in­ Report of the Condition of The Ladies Aid will meet in the terest of the County so to do. SuperFlame. It is especially refined Heinz Cooked Tomato Juice church house next Wednesday evening. By order of the Levy Court of Sus­ ST. GEORGES to give maximum usable heat per Spaghetti The Peoples National Bank sex County, State of Delaware. 2 Si 27' of Laurel, In the State of Dil#ware, at 10.00 A. M. Church School and class GEORGE C. BISHOP, President. gallon in your type burner. Before the close of business otT DeSetnBcr 30, service. “ J4-2t 2 ’Iff IS” OSCO WHOLE PLUMS 1939. 7.00 P. M. Epworth League. you order another drop of fuel oil, UNPEELED In Rich Syrup The Epworth League will meet this 2 'Iff 21c (Published in response to call made SEAFOftp phone us. You’ll like our reliable by Comptroller of the Currency, under Friday evening in the church house. Apricots PRUNES Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes) Election of officers, delivery service. HEINZ BEANS No 2)4 No2H c ASSETS KING'S Mrs. Martha Marvel and Mrs. Julia can 19' can 10" Loans and discounts (In­ 2.00 P. M. Church School Elllngsworth and children, of Wil­ 2 iff 15° Iff 10° CWrbtM If b IMtlr Cmpatt ftttj cluding $10.75 overdrafts) 402,517.63 3.00 P. M. Topic: "Our Spiritual mington, were early week visitors here HERSHEY’S United States Government Investments." with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Marvel, Agent Sinclair Refining Company (Inc.) Heinz Ketchup Chocolate Syrup Let everyone try to attend these ser­ 8-OZ obligations, direct and Market Street. 16-oz«JEc guaranteed 37,620.00 vices and you will be well paid for your Miss Nancy Fleming is spending the 2 hots 25° 'ffl7° cans eilorts. Z. W. PETREA 3 ■Obligations of States and Week-end with relatives in Philadel­ Choice Crushed Corn 3 No 2 political subdivisions 672.00 WE MUST ADVANCE phia. can, 20c Other bonds, notes, and GO TO CHUKCH_ EVERY SUNDAY Charles Emerirtg, of New York City, Cut Stringless Beans 3 Quick Delivery Metered Service cant A<17 Vn debentures 126,034.00 was a guest here last Week of his bro­ Choice Tomatoes 3 No 2 Corporate stocks, includ­ Centenary Methodist ther and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, rnnt 17c Phone 533 Seaford, Delaware Farmdale Peat ing stock of Federal George Entering, and his slier, Mrs. 2 cans 23 o OSCO Beans IC-ozcan 5c Reserve bank 6,036.36 Church Lima Beana a cans 25o E‘Tal-E Spaghetti 2 cans 15c Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve Edwin Holt Hughes, D.D., LL.D., Bishop Mixed Vegetables 3 &BnS 17c balance, and cash items’ Walter Asbury Hearn, District Supt. Manning’s Hominy E. C, Hallman, Minister 3 25c in process of collection 195.567.86 We’ll prove to you that Fruit Nectars 3 35-oa 5IB~ Bank premises owned Sunday, January 14, 1940 9.00 A. M, Class Meeting. cana fcjL $41,460, furniture and 10.00 A. M. Sunday School Overt Fresh Sliced Victor , fixtures $3,229.78 44,689.78 Real Estate Owned other 11:00 A. M. Sermon by the pastor, PURE TOMATO than bank premises 17,183.43 subject "The Son of Gcrshom" 'Other assets 27056 6:15 Epworth League BREAD CATSUP Gloria Thompson, Leader, Wrapped 7.00 Sermon subject "There Goes the 'Total Assets 830,592.42 Loaf 3-25' LIABILITIES Ship." a 6C Demand deposits of Indi­ ffSCO Fancy viduals, partnerships, and doesn’t mean high price! HormePs corporations 179,134.55 RED Light "time deposits of individuals, EPISCOPAL SPAM partnerships, and corpora­ Salmon Meat TUNA 13-Ol«QO can tions 36L296.05 702 AD Deposits of United Stales EPISCOPAL DIOCESE of Delaware. cans Spiced Ham Government (including RL Rev, A. R. McKinistry, D. D. Bishop 25' ff 19‘ 12 nz ■postal savings 27,05088 Southwest Gateway Field ran 29c Deposits of States and pol­ R. Y. Barber, Rector. itical subdivisions 6,322.89 PABST-ETT Deposits of banks 5,000.00 Second Sunday after Ppichany. Other deposits (certified DELMAR All Sainis, Holy Com­ 2 p*8* 25° and cashier’s checks, etc.) 10,158.89 munion and sermon 9.30 a, m. followed ToUl Deposits $588,963.28 by Church school, LITTLE CREEK, St Mark's, Even­ Pabst Cheezham ing Prayer and sermon 2.30 p, m. Total Liabilities 588,963.26 2 phT. 2SC CAPITAL ACCOUNT Ellis Grove. St Andrew's, Evening Capital Stocks Prayer and sermon 750 p, m.; Wed­ ffoUStat Quality (c) Common stock, total par nesday Church school 355 p, m. 8-oz $100,000.00 100,000.00 LAUREL. St Philip’s, Church school Macaroni or Spaghetti Pkg Surplus 100,000.00 9.45; Holy Communion and sermon 11 Undivided profits 41,62916 a m.; Y. P, P. 6:15 p, m. A short time MEATY CALIFORNIA Total Capital Account 241.62916 at each meeting is going to devoted to Palmolive Soap Total Liabilities and Cap­ lay-reader instructions by the rector. ital Accounts 830,592.42 Tuesday 750 p. m. Confirmation and * And PRUNES 3 17® Church instruction. Saturday 9 a. m. PROVE 1 Make a date Octagon Toilet Soap 8 oka 13o MEMORANDA lb Octagon Cleanser can 4o Pledged assets (and securities loaned) Altar, Choir and Acolyte work. •5i_ Bishop McKinstry will visit St j }«MonedPFordnW8 Octagon Soap Powder 2pkss So (book value): Seedless Blue Rose Octagon Gran. Soap Ig pkg 20c (a) United States Gov­ Philip’s and Alt Saint’s on February Octagon Soap Flakes pkg 23c 4th and if you are Interested in being through Ha P*C«B* ernment obligations, di­ Take the wheel, try Raisins RSCE prepared for confirmation, see the rec- OCTAGON SOAP rect and guaranteed, that humpy stretch. 11-07 Ec Sc pledged to secure de­ bkg ** lb- A person who is a ready reader is Yesain thia big posits and other liabilities 15,120.00 Prepared, Sslf Flisirg 4 •— 1S° an informed person and with all the “eiaht” ride# tmooth. HAVE IT rOI/K WAY! Driver** (b) Other assets pledged teat an all naw Fordi It adjust* to secure- deposits and books and papers there Is not much a# silk—level at a excuse, but inspite of all the efforts it able two New deeper* SUPER-SUDS other liabilities (in­ table-top — gate* teller “Floating-Edge” Seal or BUCKWB1KAT KE„' rACKAC.K cluding notes and bills is almost impossible to get the average night I And roomy 7 Cntbiont! New tuper-resflienl 20-oz E!<5 church member to subscribe to a nat­ 9-oz 19-oz « rediscounted and secur­ Four inchea more front teat baelce. Plenty of pkg 3 , Pk0 25 Pkg AO ional church weekly and thereby keep leg and elbow room for the UFA E PACKAGE ities sold under ]pur- length intide Sedantl big people in Sedantf Toasted Corn Flakes pkg 5c informed, towards reaching this goal Wheat or Rice Puffs pkg 5c *4 9-oz

We w$sh to thank all our friends for ORANGES Tomatoes their expressions of sympathy on the lb buyer meets occasion of the death of our husband Purnell's Garage 2 doz. J 0c box 13c and father, William StoaMey, also for Laurel, Delaware the floral tributes and the us© of au­ •MAJESTIC WATERLESS COOKWARE SELLER tomobiles at the funeral. . Mrs. Wnt, StoaWey and family. - FORD DEALERS OFFER LOW FINANCE RATES — Snzss Gat It Here for a Fraction of Former Demonetratlon Prleea PAGE POUR :||<, hi A I j „MUSTER. LAUREL. DELAWARE FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1840 by Grant Wood, one of the foremost CONCORD Mrs, Theo, Hastings will entertain spending a few days with her sister ■ living American artists, was chosen by IT’S TRUE! By Wiley Padan her bridge club tonight at her home Mrs. Charlotte E. Short. ’ • Miss Owen’s 5th grade class to hnnu Mr, and Mrs. Paul Thompson and on West Street. I permanently in that room. It was this W NA Is son of Wilmington were the week-end Mr. Frank LeCates of Wilmington, : fi.LWMNv A U.W tfv guests of Mi', and Mrs, John T, Fleet- Miss Ruth Haverstine of the Laurel spent the week-end with his parents, ' class who sold the most tickets to the q VA . *« I< 7 '.-rAtT- ( exhibit. The other picture is entitled J HML-: SsMIV /POPUWR MSM STM - wood. School Faculty is recuperating from a Mr. and Mrs, Dan LeCates. c •'* ■ ■. % <~HUNT AEEN DHrECTive. Rf El \Nl] Travatello of Seaford. Miss Helen Kirk Deputy entertained ■wq were home it snowed and we had P u’,» • X* PP> Concord pond has been the setting the Fortnite Bridge Club Monday ev­ 'lots of fun with our sleds. We went'i The Teaching Process FE'.'-iCfiAL I1FE6IWS ening. Mrs. George Nye won high score back to school January 2 and began ; for an ice-carnival over the week-end Science classes were especially in­ when large crowds enjoyed the skating prize. our work again. We have two new ; —0— scholars, a girl in the second grade and terested in the two movies shown at Concord at one time boasted of its Relief At Last a boy in the first grade. school this week. They were “The fancy skaters, and some of the old- Mr. A. 1, Totten from Erie, Pa., is Work of Rivers" and "Plant Growth.” timers gave exhibitions of their skill. visiting her sister, Mrs. Andrew T. GRANVIELE MUMFORD, Gum. For Your Cough —o- The first was a picture showing how Richard Sloan and one of the Elie- good brothers of Concord devised an —0— Creomulsion relievos promptly be­ Grade4 Miss Cain water carves away rock in its effort to cause it goes right to the seat of the We all enjoyed our vacation very reach a lower level. Water always I ice-boat, which was propelled by the Misses Madeline, Edna and Eliza­ trouble to loosen germ laden phlegm, much but we were glad to come back tries to seep oceanward. One interest­ wind upon spread-sails, and ice-skates beth Adams of near Laurel were the increase secretion and aid. nature to to school and see every one again. ing tiling shown was a picture of were used for runners. guests of Miss Gertrude Hill Sunday. soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed Niagara Falls showing how the rocks — iQ bronchial mucous membranes. No mat­ We told what we did on our vacation. ter how many medicines you have tried, FLORENCE UPHAM. are gradually disappearing. CANNONS Miss Virginia Ellis of Baltimore, is tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of —o— The next picture deal with the Creomulsion with tlie understanding growth of a plant. The development of | Laurence Cannon and Frank Swain, that you are to like the way it quickly Grade 5B Miss Owens ! who have been sick are improving, allays the cough or you are to have In History we are studying the coi- a pea plant was traced through all its your money back. i stages from the seed to the grown j Del Wootten is ill at his granddau­ -onial period. We find that modern ghters, Mrs. Russell Hitchens, .people enjoy many conveniences that plant. The process of fertilization was KWJGEft. CREOMULSION !/At>! WhO IS CAST AS THE- 7.^> j Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Messick visited people in the colonial period did not pictured, and it was stressed how im­ DISTRICT ATTORNEY, IS AN For Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis portant a part a bee plays in the trans­ Atx'OMPUSHFP WANST AN? i Mrs. Verda Wootten this week, ‘have. COWOSER THREE OF j Charles Drum died in Milford Hos- Addition of mixed numbers is keep­ portation of pollew. HIS SYMPHONIES KAVfr Quizzical BEEN PERFORMED BY THE ! pital Friday. Funeral was held at Can- ing us busy. In geography we are tak­ Both these pictures were highly EASTMAN SYMPHONY beneficial to all who saw them. ORCHESTRA IN ' nons Church Sunday afternoon, ing a trip from New York to San ASIA ABB • * schhvbh Francisco across the Lincoln highway. ------*■---- «iB>K 9* ------j Mrs. Fannie Short entertained sev- HOLLVUJQDp’S VALUABLE ! eral friends at dinner Saturday. There Everyone seemed to have a nice time Club Welcomes PQ6 STAR . yAWNS. WWA SALISBURY, MP. — xl— f* F'aV—»»« ci.—»o n*i 4 t fto — 10)1.3 LONESOME Cft • was a quilting party in the evening, BfatJ. on the Christmas vacation. happy, stmtseo. A New Member FcARfUl.OR ANGRY.- REBECCA BILEY ALL AT HIS TRAINER’S COMMAND NOW Thru SATURDAY MARION MARINER PERSONALS Evelyn Hastings was in charge of New York, N. Y.—“IT’S TRUE I that the black diamond THERE’S SOMETHING NEW Grade 5 and 6 Miss Haverstine ring that Harry Bellover wears is a momenta of the fact that he the first regular French Club meeting The “Lend-A-Hand” Club met last ABOUT THE OLD WEST!! The fifth grade is studying subtrac­ after the vacation holidays. got his start in life a thousand feet under ground,” says artist tion of fractions. Madeline Bailey and In the business meeting a French Wiley Padan. “The black diamond is a bit of coal, polished and night at the home of Mrs. T. L. Mason Marlene Dietrich, James Stewart Joe Sirman have received letters from namc was chosen for Jane Starnes, re- set in platinum. Bellover worked for five years as a coal miner on Pine Street. far-away states In social studies we .tiy a(Wed tQ our enrollment, “DESTRT RIDES at Hillsboro, Illinois. He has played ninety-seven roles since E. E. Wootten is confined to his home are studying about the New Y . j A shortshnrt dramatization, several games entering the show business—but ‘Another Thin Man’ is his first Delaware Region. and refreshments of bananas and suffering from injuries sustained in a AGAIN” The sixth grade is studying division motion picture.port. fall on the icy pavement early this cakes finished the hour in an enjoy­ “IT’S TRUE! that the favorite murder-gun at M-G-M is bach of decimals. In social study they are able manner. ___ week. “I figured it out learning about Rome. In hygiene they at wc-k again in this picture. The weapon is a .38-caliber revol­ MON., TUES. JAN. lF-lB ver that has seen lethal duty in a dozen of the studio’s mystery and I know are reviewing the tools of chewing, ROBERT MONTGOMERY as- KATHRYN HASTINGS Gospel Program pictures.’’ IT PAYS TO HAVE MADLINE BAILEY On WFIL Sunday Monday & Tuesday At The Waller Theatre A TELEPHONE!” “THE EARL ——o— Grade 8 Miss Ransom Add up the time a tele­ We are learning what Rome gave the ' A special program of gospel songs, of happiness for boys and girls using I Serivce Board of Examiners, at the post phone saves you... the OF CHICAGO” world, why Rome become weak, and honoring the centenary of the birth of the Centers, sponsors of Ihe idea find, office or customhouse in this city, or errands It runs for you... Ira D. Sankey, noted symn singer, com­ they foster friendship, forestall iru- j from the Secretary of die U. S. Civil the way it pets you help many other things. We are making an Book Nite Every Mon. & Tiles. outline on Rome. Then we are going poser, and partner of Evangelist Dwi­ ancy, petty thievery, and the inexpli- I Serivce Board of Ecaminers nt any In a hurry ... Ihe odd ght L. Moody in their international cable feelings of inadequacy which first or second-class post office, jobs It can bring you... WED. Thru SAT., JAN. 17-20 to have a fest on Rome in Social study. Ten Times A Thousand Thrills!! In English we are reviewing parts of evangelistic campaigns, will be heard prompt children to misbehave, | ------"*» » the protection it gives, Speech and finding out the difference nt 2.30 P. M. Sunday, January 14th over » £; I SAFETY NEWS your family, your live­ CHARLES LAUGHTON between common and proper__r_____ nouns, station WFIL o nlhe "Let’s Go Back to stock and your property. In Hygiene we are asking and aji- _ the Bible” program. . . ies which cannot afford a variety of *------~~ To and from When you figure It up “The Hunchback swering questions on Air and Sunshine. Sankey, the Pennsylvania farm boy toys, even at Christmas time—receive MOTORISTS— the Heart of BALTIMORE you're boundtoagree that We have two new pupils in r.ur room whom Moody took from a govemmon dolls, books, sleds, bikes, aulos, tiny Cold weather and the inconvenience a telephone pays Its way. Of Notre Dame”‘ They are Paul Holiaway and Howard job in Indianapolis, sang; his way into sewing machines, trucks, bats, and a i of lowering a window are poor excuses Sdudulo in effect November ill, 193? Brown. We are very r»tnel to have the heads of literally millions of people thousand other fun makers from nt- j for failure to give hand signals when (Ealtem S[.itiddrtJ 'lime) .. . The Diamond Stale In America and Great Britain., Indeed Telephone Company. them. tics, basements, overstocked shelves of J turning or stopping, the Delaware LEAVE LOVE POINT Matinee Dally 2:30 - Sat. Cont. MARY FRANCES GORDY it was largely due to Sankey's influence friendly merchants, interested orgnnl- i Safety Council reporls. The driver be- (B. * (. H. R. PUR) JENNINGS MASSEY that gospel music became so popular In zatlons, and Individuals who have seen hind can t read your mind. Signal BAItVexSuo. OAILY DAI1Y this country. , . the plan work. The Centers maintain' your Intentions, The discomfiture of a 1,00 a. m. »:» «. m. “'CO p. m. It would be difficult (o say just how their own repair department and work | little cold air is far better than being LEAVE BALTIMORE Storm Stops School many of Moody's ’’converts'' actually shops where foys are reconditioned for crippled for life in an accident, (PltR S, LIGHT STRUT) THE FRIENDLY THEATRE But A Short Time were sung Into the kingdom by San­ many happy hours at a time when they DAILY OAltY DAILY ex. Sot, key's clear tenor voice as ho sat at the might have been thrown away in many ICICLES MAY add a pretty winter TiOO a. m. JiOO p, m. 9i00 p. m. Falleeg.rx, Aatameblt.. and • melodeon and sang bis ’’Ninety and a home. Children must register at the touch to your home, but the big ones Tnleki Handled an All TrlpX With the snow storm threatening to Nine" or some of his other Immortal Centers, draw toys like books at the can be dangerous when they drop on lie up travel last Monday at least half PA8SIN8IRSI Woks. , , library, and return them in best possl- homeoiie s head. en. one oc, sauHoTsF the study body attended School and It Is fitting perhaps that the program The West practice is to remove 50c WAY • (Ldarltain by Tuesday morning two thirds of the ble condition. And they like the en­ celebrating the "sinning evangelists tire procedure, the author declares, them. But dohft do it by leaning out 65C BtcuiaoN Continuous Shows Sat. 2-11 p, m, Matinees Every Mon, At 2:30 ■entire student body were again In at­ birth should be produced by the Insti­ ------i— —------a window. Use a long pole to knock tendance, At no t!me since February tution founded by Moody In 1886 and them loose if possible. When you Use AUTOS «2 1335 have pupils been given such a now sponsor of the “Let’s Go Back to Civil Service Exams. a ladder be sure it doesn’t slip on the TRUCKS »3 to »6 Friday & Saturday - January 12-13 good excuse to remain away from the Bible" program. ice, school but at 830 A. M. Monday morn­ The Moody Singers, a hand of 30 men The United States Civil Service Com- ! — JHOIttllS TH« WAY BETWIIH FOUR BIG HIT ATTRACTIONS ing—re they— < began■ *• arrivingy- and- at 10.00 anaand Wwomenniiiun »iuue»»tstudents, will..... be ------heard in mission has announced an open com- ICE SKATERS— BAITIMOIll A THI EASTERN SHOE! pupils, bus drivers and teachers were gcVCJ^j hymns immortalized by Shanky. I petition examination under lhe title » Before you try to learn a figure eight BALTIMORE & EASTERN R. R. HIT NO, 1 HIT NO. 2 still reporting Ineir thrilling exper- ^ettdoH P. Loveless, director of the j of junior {Professional Assistant, at or other fancy ice skating, it is a good She will live in your hearts 3 MESQUITEEHS iences In getting thru the sixteen men radio station, WMBH,, will j n salary of $2,000 a year, the purpose idea to learn a few simple rules for Ice Forever — VIRGINIA WIEDLER Defy The snowfall on foot or by auto- serve as narrator. He wilt be assisted which is to recruit young college safely. Of course you should make “BadLittl^Xngel” All of the buses except ‘hose^ ot BeVeriy Shea, bass baritone, and j graduates for junior professional and sure ice is safe before Venturing out on “Wyoming Outlaw” Brooks Hitchens, Monroe Whaley, others. ______scientific positions in the Federal GoV- it And the wise skater will lake a —IWWWlMl IH-BJH—— THRILL HIT No. 3 Carlton Hastings and Robert Hastings ULMANS THEATRE AND HIT NO. 4 were able to make their trips success­ in the examination (all In the junior something happens, Last and Most Thrilling Chapter First Thrill-Jammed Episode o( fully and several teachers kept the Toy Loan Centers grade) are: Administrative technician,; But if you are alone when the lee SALISBURY of New Serial office Informed by telephone that they Cut Delinquency agricultural economist, agronomist, anl- i breaks, the Delaware Safety Council were on their way. FrL, Sat, GENE AUTRY Dick Tracy’s G-Men “Oregon Trail” mat breeder, archaeologist, archievfst,' offers these suggestions for self.rescue: Don't Miss This Episode! The excellent work of the County Milwaukee Finds (wildlife), chemist, engineer, entomo-, 1- Extend both arms on the surface “South of the Border” with JOHNNY MACK BROWN Engineer and Ws corps cl workers to­ Iogist, forester, geographer, informa- f of the ice at the edge of the hole—and gether With the zeal of pupils and tea­ Probation department officers of lion assistant, legal assistant,, • librarian,, ■ i keep your head, Mon., Tiles. CESAR ROMERO Monday & Tuesday - January 12-13 chers enabled the school to operate Milwaukee, Wisconsin, find that free metallurgist,_fAii1..— meteorologist, olericul-'! v>2, Drag your__«... body forward toward “Cisco Kid And normally by 10.00 A M. Toy Loan Centers in high-delinquency j lurist, plant breeder, poultry husband. firm ice—breaking the ice ahead of you .One interesting observation that Added! - _ - , ., areas have brought about a temarka- f mart, public welfare assistant, range if necessary—until it will support yoUr The Lady” “MARCH county pupils were able to be in £c“Ool I improvement in the attitudes and . examiner, rural sociologist, social an- weight. OF mofe than town pupils indicates that | jn(eres{i, of the younger generation ot | thropotigisf, soil scientist, statistician, 3, Swerve sideways qukkty and, NEW THEATRE POWELL* LOY modem transportation and highway Milwaukeeans, it is reported by Joanne textile technologist, vetrinarian. with arms above the head, roll away TOTE” service makes the country home as Dimmick in the Rotarian Magazine. Applicants must have completed a 4- from the edge of the hole. This Week: SONJA HEN1E See The accessible tel school as the town home ANOTHER THIN MAN “Children who have sufficient toys year college course leading Its a bache­ 4, Pull yourself forward on your “Everything1 with “Crisis in the or-ls the country pupil more enterpris­ for their free time are not likely to lor’s degree with major study in the stomach until you are absolutely sure “MB.TH1H MAN JR.” Pacific?’' ing than the town pupil? roam the streets looking for amuse­ field of the optional subject chosen. you can stand up safely. Then run Happens at Night” Latest Misses Hhvhrstine and Arnold re­ ment, nor wilk they visit the 10-eenf Senior students, or—for the iegal as­ vigorously to warm the body. VIRGINIA GREY • &TTO KRUGER World NCws turned to School after recovering from stores in gang3 to raid the counters,” sistant option—law students, now in Beg. Mom DON AMECHE C. AUBREY SMITH • RUTH HUSSEY illness the previous week but Misses Miss Dimmick writes. "Balis, skates, attendance at institutions of recognized BETHEL ALICE FAYE Rickards and Taylor appealed on the scooters, wagons, tricycles from Toy standing may be admilte dto the exami­ “Swanee River” sick list this week and Miss Gum was Loan Centers take them instead to nation subject to their furnishing dur­ Bethel Methodist Church Wednesday & Thursday - January 17-18 sent to observe teaching at Newark last Milwaukee’s famous parks during their ing the existence of the eligible register Rev. Chas, W. Spry, pastor. Yesl Another Twin Ace Feature Show! Wednesday, Mrs, Thelma Moyer sub­ leisure hours.” This Wisconsin city proof of eompletition of.the required Sunday, January 14, Church Schoo) DELMAR THEATRE stituted for Miss Gum during her ab­ has 15 centers which have made 310,000 course prior to duly 1,1940, Applicants 10.00 A, M. Norman Coulbourn. Supf. Fri., Sai. ALL STAR CAST sence, ______Ioans to 25,000 subscribers, and the j must not have passed their thirfy- Morning Worship 11.09 A. M, Evening “Gracie Allen fisa» attendants at these Centers receive the fifth birthday, Service 7.00 O’clock. p Two Paintings Added respect and admiration which might be Applications must be on file with the Mrs. John R, Jester and daughter ______Murder Case” flffWMAMR accorded Santa Claus by their youthful U. S. Civil Service Commission at Margaret■»»——* of cv.Church—t- <-Creek, Md- were To School Collection clientele. Washington, D. C, not later than Feb­ guests Tuesday of Mrs. E. B. Shiles. Mon- TueS. ALICE FAYE Pupils seem to study belter after a ruary 5 if received from Stales east of Mrs. Rhoda Garrett returned home Hollywood Cavalcade The pictures purchased by the Laurel round of fun with Toy Center fun Colorado,_. ___, mid not later than February Friday after spending the past two Special District School with the funds makers, and lessons are learned iri 8 if received from Colorado and States weeks with relatives at Wilmington, ' Wed., Thurs. ROBERT YOUNG GET VOL. 8 OF YOUR ENCYCLOPEDIA SETH IF YOU HAVKft derived from the recent exhibition of keeping track of borrowed toys, treat­ westward. ' Mrs. Garrett was accompanied home DONE SO, START YOUR SET NOW1 150 reproductions of the works of great ing property with care and considera­ Full.information may be her son and daughter-in-law hlr, ‘Miracles for gale” artists, has been received. “Stone City” tion. In addition to providing a realm from the Secretary ot the U. S. Civil. and Mrs. WaRaee Garrett.

Boy's Excelsior Regular Boy Scout Ladies’ Shoes OXFORDS. Regular Price $330 & $4.00 Ladles' Selby Van! Tread Strap and SALE PRICE $235 CLEARANCE Gore SLIPPERS. Regular Price $8.00 Boys’ HIGH TOP Hunting Shoes. SALE PRICE $3.00 Specie Slale Price with Pocket-Knife NOW IN FULL SWAY Ladies Black or Brown Suede OX­ Case on aide. FORDS with Patent Trim. Regular Special Sale Price $230, $2.75 & $235 Growing Girls’ Blue or Gray Buck Price $830; SALE PRICE $350 VERY SPECIAL IN SPITE OF "RISING PRICES” AU Ladies’ Styl-Eeez Suede PUMPS, Moocaain OXFORDS. Regular Price VERY SPECIAL $4.75; SALE PRICE $235 OUR REGULAR $10 & $12 OVER THE WHOLE COUNTRY, WE OXFORDS end Strap SANDALS. Reg­ .HAVE [NOT 1MARKED |UP ANY OUR regular semi-annual .1 ular Price $150 to $730. Matrix SHOES Prices in our store and are SALE PRICE $335 to $435 Men’s Shoes OFFERING OUR HIGH QUALITY FLORSHEIM SALE Ladles’ Selby Active, Modem Brown 5g85 and $?85 SHOES AT or Black Suede OXFORD Lies with Men’s Weyenberg Tan or Black Calf OXFORDS. Regular Price $550 to 650 Alligator Trim. Regular Price $7AS. A marvelous Buy of these famous shoes SAVINGS up to $7.95 SALE PRICE $495 SALS PRICE $35,5 and $455 5Q% OTHERS AT . $05 WW Matrix One Strap SUPPERS. Men’s Florsheim DlBconfanued Pat­ terns. Regular Price $8.75 Were $8,75; SALE PRICE $195 DON’T FORGET - THIS------SALE— —IS STORE-WIDE — REDUCTIONS vnON ihEVERY PAIR SHOES Special SALE PRICE $335 to $4.05 and Growing Girls Mens’ Weyenberg, Special at $3.50, 4.00, Look W & $5.00 OMiSren's Ten OXFORDS, Regular Mens’ Mansfield and Bostonians, Spec­ For The •Fries $9M; SALE PRICE $1& ial at $$«K $550, $650, $850, $755 BIG SHOE E. Homer White J MAIN STREEP “SINCE 1007” “Happiness cornea tram within; "Sawmills can’t run without us­ depending on what w\ are rather TUP ing up logs; nor saloons run without than on what we have." JLxLIj using up boys and girls. Have you one to spare.”

i/OI. 50 LAUREL, DELAWARE, FRIDAY, JANUARY is, imo $1.50 PER YEAR DR. C. M. MOYER LIONS CLUB FINDS Sussex U. of D Club Automobile Burns As LAUREL FARMER Centenary Men To ’ ROBT. G. HOUSTON To Meet January 24 Mercy Mission Ends Entertain Men Of j ADDRESSES NEW FIRE-TRAP AT The Sussex County Club of Univer­ Answering the call of a friend to SHOOTS HIS WIFE Christ Methodist j TELLS ROTASIANS sity of Delaware Alumni will hold its drive him from Rehoboth to Laurel, W. On the evening of Tuesday, January CENTURY CLUB LAUREL SCHOOL second regular meeting of the current Ross Collins ended up the trip by hav­ 30th, approximately 100 men of the I collegiate year on Wednesday, January ing his car badly damaged by fire of AND KILLS SELF Christ Methodist Church, will be guests I ABOUT EUROPE 24th. ■Members of the Laurel New Century A Community Betterment Committee undertermined origin early Wednesday of the men of Centenary Methodist! This meeting of the club will be held morning. Smith Collins, age 42, farmer, and Church, at a meeting to be held in the Ex-Congressman Robert G. Houstom Club enjoyed a program at their regu­ of the Laurel Lions Club inspected the employee of the duPont Company at lar meeting Tuesday afternoon on the Laurel Public School and discovered a in the Seaford High School at 6.30 P. Mr. Collins was asked to communi­ social hall of the church. Refreshments °f Georgetown, addressed the member* M. Edward N. Conoway, vice-presi­ cate with William Bishop, near Reho­ SeafoTd, after shooting and seriously will be served and a program is being of the Laurel Rotary Club Monday re­ topic “The Midlle Aged Woman Goes very shocking condition which looms wounding his wife, Florence Ward Col­ to Bat With Father Time.” Mrs. Paul as a menace to the safety and protec­ dent of the group, is in charge of the both to advise him that his father, arranged for the occasion. It is also lating experiences of his trip abroad program for this session and has been George Bishop, of Laurel, had suffered lins, about five o’clock Wednesday ev­ planned to discuss the formation of a last sumer. Mr, Houston, who toured ■Gordy had charge of the program and tion of the children of this district, ening, lulled himself by a pistol shot in •she had for her principal speaker Dr. fortunate in securing as a speaker Mr. a paralytic stroke. Unable to reach permanent Men’s Club to include the Norway, Sweden and Russia described The old frame structure bousing the J. Grayson Elliott, a graduate of the him any other way, Mr. Collins drove the temple about 8 o’clock Thursday men of the both churches. J these countries in an interesting man- Charles M. Moyer, local physician, who branches of agriculture, music, com­ morning. ■discussed the topic of “Obesity and University of Oelaware in 1923, who a to Rehoboth late at night, and on his Following the regular church service ner an^ t°ld his impressions of condi- mercial science, and manual arts was now located, in Seaford as an assistant way home as he was nearing George­ Curtis Duncan, a colored man work­ Sunday morning, an. electiin was held ^ons in these countries. He spent 'Thinness," gives the causes and cures found to be inefficient, inadequate, and •of these conditions among women. personnel manager for the duPont town his car caught fire and before it ing on the Collins farm was the first for a delegate and alternate to the next some time in the city of Danzig, where hazardous. Company. could be quelled, the motor was badly to report the shooting. He said he was annual conference of the Peninsula. R. I be said there was little evidence of war- Miss Harriett Seeley, physical in­ Without actually visiting and inspect­ structor at the local school, discussed Brooks L. Ross, president of the Sus­ burned. Faulty ignition or exhaust working in a chicken house near the S. Brock was elected the delegate and like conditions, but he expressed the ing the local school it is impossible to sex County Alumni Club, will preside sparks are believed to have started the Collins home, and at five o’clock he William J. Hopkins the alternate. opinion the residents weep predomi­ he value of exercise in keeping in con­ imagine the conditions that really exist. nantly pro-German. dition, and she demonstrated some re­ at the meeting. Samuel M. Sloan, also fire. Mr. Collins jumped from the car, saw Mr. Collins lock the kitchen door The conference will be held in Wil­ This committee found all conditions of Seaford, is secretary-treasurer of the and attempted to stop the fire, and af­ and leave in his car. Five minutes mington in May. The program was in charge of M. M. ducing and stretching exercises with regarding safety, sanitation, lighting, several high school girls. County organization. • ter subduing the flames walked two later, Mrs. Collins came staggering to Price, who introduced the speaker. and heating .to J>e obsolete. It found a and a half miles into Georgetown, him, saying -‘Smith has shot me—take The Board of Directors authorized a The program closed with a demon­ music room situated over a manual where he was brought home by State me somewhere.” Duncan carried her Methodist Advance donation be taken next Monday evea- stration in beauty culture hy Mrs. arts room and with no opportunity for Highway Police. into the house, and summoned Dr, J. ing for the Finnish Relief Fund. Five- Margaret Torbert. individual instruction in music; class Nylon Described As R, Elliott, who rendered first aid and Program Outlined members of the Laurel Club have sig­ At the business meeting, plans were rooms that arrangement had to be al­ Laurel 4-H Club then rushed her to the Milford Hospital nified their intention of attending tka snade for holding a benefit game party tered from time to time in order to get in the Laurel ambulance. Examination 20th anniversary of the Salisbury Ro­ •n January 25th in the community the most benefit from the daylight; oil Plans Year’s Projects indicated she had been shot three Local methodist leaders throughout tary Club Thursday evening. house for the benefit of the free lbirary soaked floors that would break into time®, one bullet lodging in her neck, the Peninsula conference will join in a Pratt Cooper of near Delmar, syaa fund. All kinds of games will be play­ mass meeting on January 29, at Wil- flame at the touch of a spark; narrow, Scientific research can be industry's The monthly meeting of the Laurel and the other two in her body. An the only visitor at the meeting. ed and the admission charge will bs ateep stairs as the only means of leav­ Aladdin’s Lamp, declared Chaplin Tyler operation was performed about 10.30*1 ^mington,w“’ ^Delaware,CI“ware’ 5as a part of the twenty-five cents according to the an­ Progressive 4-H Club, held Monday ___ . . j Methodist Advance, ing the building from the second floor. chemical engineer of E. I. duPont de evening at the home of Rosellen and Wednesday night,tr rnrnnviremovingnrt rtriAone ofr\t tnrtthe' • “ethodis‘ Advance,’ a na'ion-wide Professional And nouncement of the chairwoman, Mrs. It found that every hour 200 children Nemours & Company in an address Joseph Hitchens, was one of the most bullets. Her condition was still re- vrfder Norman S. Hoffecker and Mrs. Bay B. must go out into all kinds of weather last -Saturday afternoon- before the interesting and impressive sessions held garded ns critical as we went to press, Tea^ of Me(thodism as brought about Business Women Meet Hamill. The Laurel New Century in order to attend classes in this old Algonquin Club in Boston, Mass. to date. A Peninsula-wide hunt was staged1 by,tbe re?ent unlon of lts three prmc‘- Club contributes $25 each year to the building. "Chemical industry," said the spea­ by Maryland and Delaware police all j pa_. ra?C,e?' ,, , Free Library. Mr. A. C, McCauley, boys club agent The business and professional wom­ The committee concluded that the ker, “employs more people, pays higher at large, was present and discussed night Wednesday, and at 8.30 Thursday LE“d J* ‘h? Councl1., °f BlsboP5’ The club also voted to contribute $10 morning, Collins was found dead in his! Methodist Advance wil continue en’s club of Sussex County h*>'- held outstanding menace was the danger to wages and dividends, and charges less with the group new methods of coop­ two interesting pro—- t- to the student loan fund. safety of children in case of fire and for its products than in 1929. Such re­ car on the Seaford-Georgetown High-! The book committee of the Free erating and making club work a suc­ next April. Although the Advance ber and one in January. The Decem­ the danger to the health of children in sults can be attributed to its policy of cess. "To profit by a project, you must way. about a mile west of Concord, ber meeting was held in Georgetown, Library Commission held a meeting traveling back and forth between the unremitting research. On the other with a pistol bullet in his temple. program will be carried on in local also on Tuesday afternoon and pur. plan a goal and solve a definite prob­ churches throughout the intervening when a turkey dinner was served. old and new buildings. hand, industries beset with chronic lem," said Mr. McCauley. Collins is survived by two daugh­ The Janunry meeting was held at th» -chased 20 new books for the library. poverty, are, significantly, industries ters, Eleanor Lee, age 15, and Peggy, period, it will be featured by rallies in Is it not time that the people of With his aid the group planned a 82 principal cities, of which the WU-, Righto Hotel In Laurel. An educa- The members of the commission held Laurel considered means to eliminate that do little or no research.” age 13. His parents, Mr, and Mrs. Rol­ their quarterly business meeting Tues­ series of programmeelings which will mington meeting is one. j lional program was held with brief hfs- this menace? Nylon, Mr, Tyler explained, is one extend throughout the year and will and Collins, farmers of near Laurel, day evening to make plans for the are nlsn survtvlntf —j ! The Advance is intended to carry to tories of three towns being related. of the latest and most Important dis­ center on the theme of “Gaining skill two brothers^ William and M of' “?c.h °f th,? f.1'0"’5 8'000'00?, Mc*°.- ■ oTceo^eetow X coming year’s work. coveries coming from chemical research. through dub projects.” The major nmr t nupol . in l I dusts the ‘ spiritual oneness ’ which finve the history of Georgetown, Mw* “It Is a wholly new organic material," objective of the group for the coming held from the WindsorFuneral Home! cbaraelerized the Uniting Conference * Erma Ransom of Laurel, and Miss Neva Laurel Man Arrested he said, "which is so versatile that the year is to become active club members s:tor&\^£^^neobtoc^1* rn the Dickerson of nr,Bridgeville,“ SEWER REPAIRS extent of its possible commercial uses and share In the benefits that 4-H Club The February meeting will be held ire For Larceny Of Liquor con only be guessed at present, o "ai —______j three largest Methodist branches were work offers. 1X7 j ' welded into one, new united Mctho- Seaford. “Derived basically from coal, water J dlst Church, and to inspire the entire Paul Gordy, bookkeeper for the Del­ AND WHARF AT and air, tortile filaments made from Oliver W euuirtj^ aware Beverage Company, at George­ this new product have a higher streng­ .★ A A Anniversary Sunday, tt'SX”"”"""' Game Party Benefit town, was placed under arrest Wed­ th-elasticity factor than any fiber now nesday of this week by Sergeant Char­ RIVER COMPLETE in general use, whether cotton, linen, !NW_ Bishops from the former Methodist Of Laurel Library Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Hudson of Episcopal Church and the Methodist les Knox, of the Delaware State Po­ wool, rayon or silk. For this reason, Delmar, Del., were given a surprise lice, on charges of the larceny of a The repairs to Laurel’s main sewer Episcopal Church South will assist The public Is invited to attend tha line where it enters the river, is about fine full-fashioned hosiery constitutes party Sunday afternoon by their dau­ quantity of whiskey from the company one of the most promising outlets for Bishop Edwin Holt Hughes, resident benefit game party to be held in the completed at a cost of approximately ghter, Pearl, in honor of their twenty- area head, in conducting the Wilming­ store at Georgetown. According to In­ nylon yarn. fifth wedding anniversary. They were Laurel Community House Thursday $1000. Over six years ago, during a The following new books have been ton meeting. The visiting bishops will formation secured, the thefts have ex­ “Scientific research has done more married twenty-five years ago In be Bishop Clare Purcell of Charlotte, evening, January 25th at twenty-five tended over more* thafi a year’s time, flood the sewer outlet was damaged ordered by the Laurel Free Library! than create new products which have Laurel by the Rev. Charles Moore. The North Carolina; Bishop Robert E Jones cents per person. All kinds of game* Mr, Earl-Bust} manager of the store, and several sections of pipe broken, Death At the Bar Ngalo Marsh will be played, The affair is being led to the dev’elbpment of new indus­ occasion was well attended by the lm- of Columbus, Ohio, and Bishop Paul B. eatlmtes the loss between $2,000 and resulting in the undermining of -con­ tries. It has greatly stimulated many Kitty Foyle SCltristopher Morlsy sponsored by the Century Club with siderable wharf on the Record's prop­ mediate families and many of their: Rem ot Nashville, Nvre.essee. , ■$3,000. of the older industries and aided the Dr, Hudson's Secret Journal Mrs, N. S. Hoffeekni ««■•»,»2rs. Hay X. erty Just west of the Central Avenue Lloyd C. Douglas friends. With the exception 'at the Women’s „ ... . - Gordy was confined In the county fanner. Mr. Hudson was a native of Sharp- afternoon meeting, all sessions of the Hamill? ,1 In ™_charge,arge' to thise funds lot jail and was given a hearing before a bridge, The Great Tradition | “Of even greater importance,” Mr. town, Md, After he married he moved ■ Wilmington meeting tviil he held in SL the" Laurel Free Library, Georgetown magistrate Thursday, af­ Contract were recently made with Tyler said, “„Is uluthe Jaulfact thatulol ...... scientific...... Frances Parkinson Keyes; ter which he was released under bond e i, Jr°ck ConstntcUon Company of rescarch the t M ha3 freed Land Below the Wind to Baltimore where he worked in the' Paul’s Methodist church. The meeting for appearance at court, Salisbury, Md, amounting to $900 to, from dependence upon foreign Agnes Neuton Keith* shipyard, Later he and Mrs, Hudson! wilt open at 9.30 o'clock with devo. B. C. Demonstration replace about forty feet of wharf and of supp] for many ^gierials A Sea Island Lady Frances Griswold > moved to Delmar where they have re- J tional services conducted by Bishop Orange Strives To to repair the sewer line. The wharfingl vUai to lntJustry nnd everyday life." Miss Susie Slagle's Augusto Tucker, sided since. ; Hughes. Clubs Meets Jan. 25tH is now complete and the pipe put back The speaker said that in 1914 many Western Union Zane Grey! Mrs. Hudson will be remembered ns AJI three visiting bishops will ad- _ Mazie Pollitt, daughter of Mr. and dress the moring session. Bishop Pur- • , r™k tThmb Defeat Trade Treaties in place, and at this time the fill at the industrial activities were dependent I Across the Years Emilio Loring. Mrs. Charles W, Pollitt, a well known cell’s subject will be “The Christian }on Jifu Z,t Demonrfral- bottom of the river at this point is be­ upon imports, Employment of mil-j Stranger Within the Gates ! Sussex couple who recently celebrated Outlook in a War-Time World?* Bishop nt-ifc bnm« nf h « «t '» The ways and means committee of ing scoupcd out to fill in back of the lions of workers was threatened, ns in! Grace L. Hili their fifty-first anniversary in Nov- Kem will discuss "The Church’s Deep- ils Prcs‘deldJ Mm. Congress is planning to hold hearings hew wharf. the textile industry, which was almost5, But You Are Young ember. cr Need.” and Bishop Jones will talk ” S™ ’ where a covered dish The town has also secured rights Josephine Lawrence in the near future on the question of wholly dependent upon foreign-made I Mr. and Mrs. Hudson received many on “Evangelism—Contact, Personal and « , c,j. w', f,Onje 3 no°n‘ Miss extending the Reciprocal Act for from the properly owners to use this dyes, ( World FamousPaintings beautiful and Uaful gifts. Impersonal." ^t wifl E°”0Way’ ',pmons,rallon «- area for a sewer and also rights of “Today, in sharp contrast," said Mr.i Edited By Rockwell Kent another period of three years. This Those who helped celebrate the or-* After a luncheon recess, the deto- present and give “The legislation, authorizing the State De­ entry on the land for any future re­ Tyler, “virtually every important in-| Gone With the Wind (new1 copy) Outlook for 1940." pairs. A part of the pipe and the bulk­ dustrial and medicinal need Is being! Margaret Mitchell- casion were Mr, and Mrs. Carlisle W. ’ gates will reassemble in two groups, partment to negotiate trade treaties Pollitt, Mrs, Riiip Pollitt, Mr. and Mrs. the women going to Grace church to with other nations without let or hin­ head have been installed by the town filled and wilt continue to be filled, by I William’s Room Alice Grant Rosman outside the contract with the Nock American factories on American soil,: Christmas Holiday Somerset Maugham Alton Knowles. Mr. and Mrs. Hayward hear a discussion on “Women in the 5HLFOKIJ A. C, HANDS LOCALS drance on the part of Congress, was SECOND DEFEAT, SCORE 3S-3S enacted in 1934, In 1937 the Ac4 was Company. whatever emergency may arise from! Song After Midnight Pollitt, Mrs. Myrtle Hudson, Mrs. Ma- World of the Church." At the mots the present wars. This is due in no! Helen Topping Milter hala German, Jean Hudson, Mr. and meeting, which will beheld in St. Pauls extended for another period of three Mrs. Walter Pollitt, Helen Pollitt, Fran- a bishop and layman will discuss “Lay­ The Laurel A. C. suffered its second years, terminating on June 12, 1940 smalt degree to the accomplishments Children of God Vardis Fisher. of scientific research.” One Fight More Susan Triz* ers...... Pollitt,...... , ...... Alton...... Pollitt,, ...... Mr. and.. Mrs...... man and the Methodist Advance, defeat in the Kent-Sussex Basketball In his message to Congress at the LAUREL WINS Ira Hastings and daughter ofLaurel, Mr. This discussion will be followed by an League at the hands of the strong Mil- opening of the present session, Presi-, Claudia Rose Franken ■ 4th STRAIGHT Pinocchio Wall Disney atid Mrs, Hafry Btumbley and family, outline of thg principles of (he advance ford team by a score of 38 to 33. With dent Boosevelt recommended that the I 1939 Gasoline Tax Mr. and Mrs, Lester Littleton and by Dr. Miron A. Morrill of Chicago, six seconds to play, thp team : were Beciprocal Tariff Act should be renew-! ed, while Secretary of Slate Hull and! The LaUreJ girls and hoys basket­ daughter. Miss Pearl Hudson of Delmar promotional director of the movement, deadlocked at 35 to 35. igif Milford PHI Of Delaware i Ray DukeS of Quritico. Va, Mr. and The two groups will join at 3.15 converted a foul and field goal for a various other Administration leaders’, ball teams won their fourth straight Bethel Man Is Put games of the present season from Mil­ Would Run State 3 ; Mrs. Fred DUkeS of Perryville, Md, o’clock for a consecration service by margin of three points. Griffith with 1Z are actively engaged in backing the I Under Peace Bond Mr. J. Wallace Pollitt, of Salisbury, Bishop Hughes, entitled “Consecration points and Cooper with 13, were high Proposal. I ford on the latter’s floor. In the first Years In Pre-war Era’ At the recent annual convention,! game the girls started out fast and by Md., Mr. and Mrs. James Wheatlev to the Realities of the Fojih" ® scorers. held at Peoria, Illinois, with voting’ the half were leading 17 to 7. The final Ernest F. Lewis and Paul Gordy of. f.nd daughters, Mrs- Emma Wheatley o*clock» Bishop Hughes wi.I adare^o « —— delegates present from 36 states, the: score was 27 to 9 in Laurel's favor. The Stole of Delaware could be run Bethel, who were held under arrest of Seaford, Mr. and Mrs. George Pollitt youth roily on the subject An Impcro- j xi it for nearly three Pte*World War yeats here last Saturday on charges of at­ t>E Houston, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Pol- live WpTd lo Youth.* OCHlOrd ISciSKCtuaLlIcrS National Grange unanimously went oni In the second game the boys dupli cated the girls feat and were ahead at I 'vilh the gasoline taxes paid in the sin-e tempted assault, were released by Kit. Beatrice Pollitt of Georgetown. Waller K Gunby of \ i mmg on Apg TCflSV T*7lF T Tlirpl record against continuing the Becapro-I Mr. and Mrs. James Carev of Stockley, heads the local romm.Hec planning the -ire JudSy P Or GHUrel cal Tariff Act As the Grange sees ifJ half time by a 23 to 10 score. In the K’e year of 1939 by the motorists of’ Magistrate’ Thomas W. Records, fol­ lowing their hearing Monday evening. the most difficult problem with which! second half Laurel was able lu win the! H. V, Daniel, Secretary, As-1 Mrair. anaand Mrs.airs, Fartc-iri nuusnnHiidsan imuand sunson Peninsula...... Conference rally. His, cr-1;. a .- score up to 4t while Milford only made j sociafed Petroleu industries of Dela- j State Highway officer Fred Lord was Earl Jr., Mrs. Martha Hudson, Mr. and fstonls me ude Fred Atkins of Salu- Tbp Laurel High School bov’s bas­ American agriculture has been ton* ketball team continued its winning fronted since the close of the World! 11 points. The final score was 41 to 2l ware, disclosed today. Killed to the Lewis home Saturday af­ Mrs. Louis Pollitt of Wilmington bury. Maryland, who has j ha i» of “In 1917 the stole’s total tax revenue Finance; the Rev. F. D. Milbury of Fed- streak _Friday night by completely War has been the surplus problem, j for Laurel. ternoon, whereif was alleged Mr. Lewis Homer Ryall and Harry Ryall An interesting note of the game was tax was $780,805. During 1939 the mo- ■ had threatened his wife with a knife 1 eraisburg. Maryland, who is in charge swamping the Keaford High five by a The Grange contends that this problem | torists of this state paid approximately Delmar. of young people’s participation, the score of 50 to KT. Tlie visitors were cannot be cured by importing foreign [ that both teams' had at least one of and had thrown an axe thru the door. their players missing. Ellis, who has $2,79,000 in gasoline taxes to the state, Several witnesses testified, including ■ ReV. 0. A. Bartiev, Newark, Delaware, unable to get thru the Laurel defense surpluses of competitive farm products!' an amount which is nearly three times Sidney Holland in charge of publicity. for a single shot in the first quarter. and dumping them on top of the Am? averaged 20 points a game, was missing Mr. Lewis’ son, Ernest E, Lewis, from the Laurel ling up, while Milford what the state collected from all fax ■ Magistrate Records held Lewis un­ —---- •—i Theinc Rev.nev. Dr. u.J. «$•J. Bunting, v.Salis-...... ^hmh —Laurel•■ led 15 (Uto ...0. They did erican surplus, as is being done under Tlie funeral of Sidney Holland, a ‘ bury, Maryland; the Rev. Walter A. little berier in the second and tthird •existing conditions. reported two o ftheir players missing. sources in 1917, the year that the Unit- i der a peace bond with instructions that They will all be on hand on January cd States entered the World War” Mr. he should remain away from the home esident of Seventh Street, this town Hearn, Dover. Delaware; the Rev. J. scoring;2 and 3 points m each and.dur- 26 when these two (earns meet again. Daniel said. > occupied by his wife and children. Mr. was held< « Saturdayr_ -.. -r afternoon... . from» . . <»his Earl Cummings. Easton. ATfirvlnOrt.Maryland; inr?ing inethe final Ollnrfccquarter with the secondc/w Thomas J- Sauerhoff Allen and Callaway were high scon "Besides the $2,179,000 that Dela­ Lewis is the father of eight children,; home with the Rev. L. E. Werner, offi- Harry B. Wright, Preston. .Maryland: sti mg and junior varsity in the, ers for Laurel making 17 and 16 points ware motorists paid in state gasoline* and was released from the county jail dating. The interment was in the W. L. Overdeer, the Rev 0 iver J. he visitors were unab.e to bring their respectively, while Maxwell and Sells taxes, they also paid in 1939 nearly on parole early in December, Porisville Cemetery. Collins. W. L. Whaley, all ot Wilnung- total to 10 points Thomas J, Sauerhoff, well known on $600,000 to the federal government.! His death ocou^d Wednesday af-) ton. and Prof. John Shilling. Dover Joe Efi.s WHbe locals with 8 field thet Delmarva Peninsula for many made 6 points apiece for Milford. On Januaty 19 Laurel travels to Sal­ Thus, our motorists' gasoline tail bill temoon, at his home. He is survived by Delaware. FeaforA f •» • • °r aM°*» years, manager of Sharptown Marine fog the year totaled $2,779,000. f his Wife, and the following children:, As defined by the Council of Bishops Seaford team was unabto to garner but Railway and later manager of the Sea­ isbury to take on the Salisbury Indians Shockley - Collins This is expected to bp a close game. "These facts speak for themselves.: Mrs. Clara Oliphant of Delmar, Mrs.' directing body of the united churches, two field goals threuout the game. ford' Shipbuilding Company, died Mon­ Ola Massey of Lewes, Mrs. Rcva Wil- ’ objectives of the Methodist Advance , The Laurel Juniors also had an easy LAUREL pos. G F TP They indicate clearly that the motorists; The' marriage of Miss Nettie Shock-! day night in Baltimore at the age of 86 Callaway of this slate are being excessively i son of Laurel, Mrs. Isabelle O’Day of are as follows: ' .' "«h the Seaford Juniors by a years. F 8 0 16 ley of Parsonsburg, Md, daughter of Wiley F 1 0 2 taxed. It is almost inoomprehensive i Laurel, and Ewell Holland of Laurel,! To carry throughout the United score of 17 to 6, after a close first half, The body was brought to Sharptown Mr. and Mrs. William Shockley, and! tlso one brother, Stanford Noble of States the sense of “spiritual oneness 1 Score of Senior game: C. Brittingham F 2 0 4 that our motorists today are paying' Edward Collins, son of Mr. and Mrs. i and funeral services were held in As­ Allen taxes on the gasoline they use several - Mrs. so conspicious...... - at the Uniting Con-1 Laurel High bury Methodist Church' at 3 o’clock C 7 3 17 Joseph Collins, look place at the Mti Baltimore, Md., and one sister, Lowe G 0 0 0 times more than the total that the state Mary Miller of this town. fcrence.” , I Callaway Thursday afternoon, Rev. R. H. Nelson Pleasant parsonage, Wednesday even-1 To project a program of service j Wiley A. Brittingham G 1 0 2 colleeed from all taxpayers before the ing, January 7 th. The ceremony was officiating. Interment was made In World Ward,” continued Mr. Daniel commensurate with the “latest powers Ellis, Joe Taylor Cemetery. performed by the Rev. J. C. Hanby, I Zadoc Smith Fowler 19 3 41 “These facts show that the increased and the couple was accompanied byj I and unparalleled opportunity of the MILFORD cost of government Is falling heaviest Zadoo M. Smith, age 82 years, passed j ncw riwrch Brittingham, C. pos. G F TP Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wells of Frank-1 Allen Automobile Supply Sells F 3 0 6 upon the motorists, a majority of whom ford, Delaware. away at 1.45 A. M. Monday morning, *p0 proclaim the Gospel of Christ as Maxwell 3 0 6 earn about $30 per week. January 8, 1940 at the home of his I embodying the priceless value of life 1 Lowe F Bryan Johnson . C 1 1 3 “Add to this burden the undeniable daughter, Mrs. Lida Wootten, Gumboro ‘ G Store Opens Here Brittingham, A G Wilkins C 0 1 I fact that Delaware is diverting to pur­ after a brief illness. poses other than highway improve­ Holland Cooper Is Mr. Smith has been a prominent far. men to bbhold the redemptive power EUis,. B G A new automobile supply and acces­ Williams G 2 1 6 Bredon G 0 0 0 ment a substantial portion of the gaso­ Injured In Accident mer in Whitesville section until retir­ of Christ. sory store opened this week on Cen­ line tax collected and you have a com­ ing about three weeks ago. To disseminate among Methodist peo­ 6 50 tral Avenue in the store formerly oc­ bination of circumstances of a most un­ Surviving him are two daughters, ple information concerning the history, Seaford High pos. F TP cupied by the Thrift Store, The new 9 3 21 Holland Cooper narrowly escaped happy character. Tax revision down- being killed Tuesday evening at five- Mrs. William Truitt, Laurel and Mrs, genius, theology, policy and program Morgan F 4 6 afore is known as the Kit Store, with ward is clearly indicated as well as an Higgins F headquarters In Philadelphia. This is thirty when his car turned over and Lida Wootten, Gumboro, two sons, J. of the Church. elimination of diversion of tax re­ struck 8 tree when It left the concrete Raymond Smith, Delmar and B. Carl­ To inculcate a new loyalty to Metho­ Mitchell F one of the two stores operated outside The Library is open the following Argo C of Philadelphia. Charles Rosenthal of venues." ______highway on the curve at the south end ton Smith Bethel; six grandchildren, dist institutions. hours; ’ of West Sreet. It Is thought he lost one sister, Mrs. Ema Hitch, Laurel. To emphasize the world-wide mis­ Burdick G Philadelphia has moved to Laurel as Monday 6.00 8.00 LeCates G the manager of the store, while Edgar BAKE control of the machine when the wheel Funeral services were held on sionary enterprise. Tuesday 2.30 4.30 To interpret unification to our peo­ CoUins G Smith Of Salisbury, is also asso­ struck some sand at the edge of the Thursday afternoon at 1P. M. from the Wednesday 6.00 8.00 concrete. His car was badly wrecked, home of Mrs. Lida Wootten, Gumboro. ple and to weld them together. ciated with the tew business. Horsey's Grove Church will hold ft To promote Christian stewardship 2 S 10 Ihe new store stocks a full and com­ Thursday 6.00 6.00 and he was badly cut and bruised, but Th6 Rev Thomas of Whitesville Metho­ Friday 2.30 4.30 bake on Saturday, February 3rd In the and stimulate a greater liberality in Ihe Half time score 23 to 3. plete line of auto accessories which it store of Hitchens and Pusey on Market after receiving medical aid, It is not dist Church officiating. Interment at Saturday 2.00 400 benevolent work of the Church, Referee, J. EUis. tells at cut-rate prices. Street. thought his condition ia serious. Laurel Hill Cemetery. THE STATE REGISTER, LAUREL. DELAWARE FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 194®. PAGE TWO

].el'll L.iil but i.ot as bad as it has appeared to mos. Ia;. .non. The Arctic weather has help­ IT’S TRUE! By Wiley Padan, ed die Finns, who know the terrain and are FRIDAY, JANUARY 111. l.,w mas’i.'s of ouerilla tactics. And the Russian dU&CE HAW troops a, the start nt least, comprised third '■ $C\\i u T< class, not first class divisions. Stalin apparent­ FAMOUS FDLE iS Published Every Friday Morning By The ASAIN ’LAYEP L7 Woodyard Publications of Delaware, inc. ly woefully underestimated the spirit of Rus­ AT LAUREL, DELAWARE sia's little neighbor. LfWSS J There is considerable speculation as to what . " IN MCM'sMUDGE HART $1,50 Per Annum in Advance STONE. MA HARD/ (PLA7T 6 Months 75c—3 Months 50c will happen once the Finnish business is set-■ BY F/VY HOLDEN) WAN, Advertising Rates Upon Request tied. A Russian drive against India would not . DUWNG HJS To CELEBRATE HER PARENTS' startle the experts. And if that should hap­ L*tX]?L.rxci inr iimillf' 60LDEN WEPPIN6 ANNIVfRSA’ MR. STONE WMS THIS YEAR MAMS THE SC WEDDING ANNIVERSARY O Entered atthe Laurel, Delaware Postoflice as Second pen, England would be in a tough spot. It HIS CARPENTER would'mean that she must divert great support [ JHOP. WHERE HE IS HER OWN REAL LIFE PAREN1L These Ann Page Foods ars top quality—Tested and Approved Class Matter. by Good Housekeeping Bureau. You get these fine foode at a of France on the Western front. England would , saving because A&P both makes and sells them, eliminating Editor and Manager.. ______R. S. BROCK have to give every effort to beating the Soviet, many" unnecessary in-between expenses from their cost. The —a successful Russian drive to the east would . savings thus made are shared with you. Try them todayl mean the shattering of the great empire s Ute-1 • FACTS VS. THEORY wa««viCaViVBSI7VBG ANN PAQE 2*lb. It is often argued that a reduction in rail-, ''"There is still talk of the possibility of a PRESERVES 1-lb. Jar 17c Jar 31c road freight rates to pre-war levels, would in-1 “peace offensive” this year, with the Pope, pre­ The flavor of these pure preserves rivals the fruit Itself.elf. crease the volume of business handled by the , sident Roosevelt and Mussolini taking the ead- MICKEV lines. Leaving aside the very vital question of ' ing roles. At the moment, the outlook for MACARONI ’’’noSblm" 9c Good taste—good nourishment—good economy. how the railroads would meet 1939 payrolls, j peace seems black indeed—but change can RGDNEV operating costs and taxes with 1913 revesues, | take place fast. ______HAS BEEN MADE AN there is a fundamental fallacy in that aigu- HONORARY MEMBER CP KETCHUP ^TOMATO1 bottlte 11c THE POLICE ATHLtnC Here Is ketchup quality that would easily Justify a higher pflee. ment. , ! “VENTURESOME CAPITAL” NEEDED LEAGUE .f AEW YORK CUV. Freight rates are entirely unlike passenger I Spaghetti WM 2 ”2^ 13« fares. A sharp reduction in fares will often : increase the number of passengers riding the > “It is essential that we direct our energies BEAUTIFUL! ANDY HAMY Sparkle Sesserta »» 3 Pk<>e. JOo DECIDES. WHEN HE U30KS AT trains, and result in a temporary increase in [ toward every move that will encourage our Ann Page Jellies flUim passenger revenues. But, as an authoi’ity on i people to invest in enterprises which will put MARTHA OW/SCOIL, A NEWCOMER TO THE FAMILY Salad Dressing M6‘ fcl8« £29e transportation has observed, “Nobody ships men back to work.” , GROUP. SHE PLAYS THE BOLE Sandwich Spread *j^ 15a V23e freight just to give it a ride. Freight moves | That is the view, not ot some Vi all Stieet OF ELVIE HORTON. Cider Vinegar *'■12a only because there is someone, somewhere, to fmanicer, “but of John W. Hanes, Under Sec­ Andy uses his powers of use or consume it. Unless the freight rate is retary of the Treasury, as expressed in an ad­ “ PERSUASION ON THE TIRE SALESMAN so large a part of the price paid by the final dress before the Indiana Bankers Association. IN THIS SCENE FROM THE PICTURE-. ANN PAGE A FAN IN BELLEVILLE, ILL-A’Ai, consumer------as ------actually to limit his. 1Xuse of t]]e And he said, in addition: “We are coniront- INO1S, SENT MICREX 21 Artzy TENDER COOKED commodity, freight rates have mighty little to ed today with a great surplus of capital which MATCH COVERS..ALL DIFFERENT.®' (HE COLLECTS THEM) do with the total amount of commodities ship-; does not desire to take a chance, and a dis- BEANS ped. Freight rates in the United States do not' ^inct shortage of that which does. Venture- New York, N. Y.—“IT’S TRUE! that Robert Taylor’s stand- keep our people from eating food, wearing some capital is needed to induce the invest- in, Redmond Doms, appears in M-G-M’s. ‘Judge Hardy r.-d^ 10-oz. clothes, building homos, or doing anything ment of cautjous capital. New enterprises can Son’,” says Wiley Padan. “He plays the role of Elvie Hortw ’s' ean 5* else they want to do.” . be started and old ones that are subject to chauffeur who pilots Mickey Rooney and Ann Rutherford Vegetarian, Bolton style er In The argument for sharply reducing freight rap(j change can be continued only with capi- the Fourth of July celebration in high style.... Sara H- tomato sauce. rates is naturally based pn the premise that wji)ing t0 take a chance. Moreover, even thought her name was uncommon, but in the' past month current rates are too high, and have an ad­ our most stable industries need a margin of received no less than 100 letters from fans bearing the r verse effect on consumption. The truth of the enterprising capital willing to absorb the shock i Haden, and two of them from Sara Hadens. In no case wer matter is that freight rates are usually one of of the risks to which even those industries are writers relatives of the Aunt Milly of the Judge Hardy F Juicy Florida Fresh Green the smallest items in the selling cost of any subject . . . The employment of a dollar of pictures .... Maria Ouspenskaya discards her Maharanee 3 product. The freight cost, for instance, on a ( venturesome capital may permit the employ­ of ‘The Rains Came’ to don typically American clothes !o. ...e ORANGES PEAS line big apple from Oregon, moved three I ment of several dollars of senior capital, but if i re’e of Mrs. Volduzzi in the new Hardv picture.” thousand miles across the continent to the no one is willing to take a chance, projects 20 for 23c 3tbs- 19c New York market, is just a little more than may be abandoned even if the earnings pros- , Wednesday and Thursday at the Waller Theatre pne-half cent. And the rail freight on all the , pects are promising. TANGERINES Juicy Thin Skin dz. 12c lumber in a $5,000 house will not average more j “There are a number of places where sym-, HOUSEHOLD HINTS % cup melted fat GRAPEFRUIT large Florida 4 for 19c than $150. pathetic action by government might help re­ By Ethel M. Hunter Vi cup molasses (dark) What this all adds up to is that the Ameri-i store courage and willingness to launch out in Eastern Shore Public Service Co. Sift together the cornmeal, flour, SWEET POTATOES 3 lbs. 10c can railroads, under private ownership, give new enterprises.” Old Fashioned Molasses Cornbread baking powder nnd salt. Add the egg the nation the finest transportation service in '■ Risk capital doesn’t go “into hiding” be­ 1 clip cornmeal to tho milk, stor In the melted fat and LETTUCE crispy iceberg ..,.2 hds. 13c the world, at a very reasonable cost. That is ! cause it wants to, but because it is forced to. 1 cup fllour molasses. Stir the liquid ingredients STAYMAN APPLES 4 lbs. 19c 3 teaspoons bakinq podwer quickly nnd lightly into the dry ingre­ fact, as against theories. —I It is forced there by killing regulatory poli­ cies, by taxing policies which take the profit ’.1 teaspoon salt dients until thoroughly mixed. Pour ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS f 1 cur well beaten into a shallow pan. Bake 425 degrees Freshly Roasted Firm Head out of successful speculative ventures, while cup milk 20 to 25 minutes. leaving the investor with the losses in case of PEANUTS CABBAGE The President’s budget message was widely failure, and by the general political drive heraldtd in the headlines as a move for econ­ against private enterprise as we have known 4 Ifts- 10c omy, compartively speaking, in government. it in the past. Our planned discouragement wc Practically every item of expense was pared in of investment over a period of years has been his estimates. Single major exception was far more responsible for the maintenance of For Better Used Cars, reconditioned by national defense, and on this there is almost depression and unemployment than most of Dealers known for their service facilities, THIS IS NATIONAL PEANUT unanimous agreement that we must spend us realize. more, though there is considerable disagree­ PKR3SWS BV'FSltSl «»* I Air. Hanes told part of the story, but the buy yours from a Ford Dealer S,aS,TE3 PEANUTS SCKlNDLEirS ment among the expert and the not-so-expert reason capital is cautious is the point the pub­ AU MAKES as to Jt^-hcLv the money should be spent” lic must begin to understand. FFs'SStt roasted PEANUTS Despite the headlines, however, it will come whose guarantee is real protection. SOLD as a tremendous surprise to the more hard- SEE FORD DEALERS’ USED CAR AND headed annalists if expenses are materially FROM HUMBLE BEGINNINGS Sunnyfield Family cut in any direction this year. And they will LISTINGS IN THIS RARER TRADED 5 GRANULATED not be at all surprised if the final budget in­ A short lime ago the president and founder SUGAR volves the expenditure of as much or more noun .. i - r —•------— one of the leading American chain store Iti paper bag 52' “ .an has °oen spent in any year of New Deal1 systems died. The story of his life Was widely 10 history. That may seem contrary to the gen­ printed in newspapers. It was a simple Am ”i87c eral impression of Mr. Roosevelt’s message—> encan story of well-earned success. He had PURE LARD, 1.fb, pkg. hut there are sound reasons for it. 5 ARMOUR’S COOKj© come to this country as an immigrant boy. viQonoue a winav corr»« First, the President's budget makes no men­ After many years of work he accumulated corned beee tion of the money the Treasury must appro­ Btokar 2 ait!» 37c enough money to start a small retail store. It i 12-oz* can 18c priate for old age.--it penison payments,i accord- prospered, and he started another store in a' STANDARD tHS/0 W1, aIP0UIjt to better than nearby town. Little by little the system grew Peas t e" bA^n^Ollar3 - the C^OrnTng 5scal iuntil ifc operated in about half Dm stX . YOUR VALENTINE ^TENDER SWEET operated in about half the states. STANDARD STRINGtEU year. And no provision is made for farm Most of the great enterprises that serve Am- Beans 3 X* 19c benefit payments—instead, a major cut in the i -ci t, • ' The Sweetest Gift of all I Crushed budget was in spending for agriculture. It Is SthTi, elnerinllv bfgl.n,”ng3' CORN H.B.C, PREMIUM of course possible that Congress will follow bu,}nl„ W'S £f-the cba'n st°re Crackers 15c the President’s budget in this regard, but if it» 1 evert Spr?ng YOUR No. 2 cans 20' does a miracle will have occurred- Secretary in^° exisjel1{:te' ^fte great mt. j or- WHITE HOUSE EVAP, Wallace thinks that about $250,000,000 should (them grew gradually, from a single store Milk 3 19c be paid in farm benefits. And Congress at,tjn by»3'nia2i ■ itVI3101? the ability to serve js • SUNNYFffiLb PHOTOGRAPH chocolatk large, so far as anyone can see now, will back ttie PU”'IC efficiently and well, and a willing-;- CORN Magnolia* 15 him up—don’t forget that this is a general ness to work and save. And the great major-! FLAKES election year and Congressmen of both parties, lty of chain store executives rose from the' JANE. PARKER including some of those who talk the loudest ranks, after starting at the most obscure jobs. l| assure a por­ 8-oz. pkg, Ejc Cakes ’Ml «ISc .The charge that the chains are creatures of trayal of you about economy, are breaking their necks Seek­ at your best *ap SOFT TWIST ing to win the great farm belt vote. Wall Street is a misconception and without £ MILKY WAY Bresd leaf 9c Second,. I ... Washingtonit ■ ■ - observers --think --J t rv *.the 11C t foundation.t J w The.. ~ men who, wown ’» »» UHUand operateUJlv.1 W GIVE President has played a very clever trick on' chains live in ail sections of the country, in the ? A DAIRY FEED lhe most personal FANCY TUB CUT Congress, He has simply dumped the budget little towns as well as the big cities. gift you can: your problem in the lawmakers’ laps. He has of-1 Jn all probability the chains of the future g pholograph. It is 100-lfc bag $163 fered them a budget which, though if may be will come out of the small, individually owrted a lasting, roman, economically wise, is full of political dynamite. stores of today. The smallest merchant, given tic gift. Congressmen are only human. As the records the ability and the vision and the willingness ^Scratch Feed 100-ttS bag $1.93 s4 abundantly prove, they are all for economy to work, has the same opportunity todav tr, (Sunnytleld Print when it hits some dirtrief ethc ? than U.-’r own, glow as in the past. Under our traditional DAVIS STUDIOS and nil for sparling v-hen rheir coi: ”fuent.< American system of free, cnnfteWhc enter­ J . are to be the beneficiaries. Thf> exc; t 'ions to prise, thc field is wide open. And ambitio , Wedding and Portrait Photographers p, this rule are few and far between, though they intelligent men and uomen will alwavs takf A&P FOOD STORES owwni. aNtv ortftAttfe ev the our at Atlantic 7 and Pitjfit vta do exist. $,0 the probabilifv is that Congress advantage of that. 125 W. Main St. Phone 161 Salisbury, Md. will up the proposed expenditures in many if not most of the divisions. WORTH THINKING OVER So far a sthe prospect of new taxes is con­ cerned, there seems to be more smoke than The first Jackson Day dinner lo be held in fire. Again, the fact that this is art election Washington took place on Thursday, January year makes Congressmen Of both parties ex­ 8,1835. The dinner was given ih honor of the BIG CLEARANCE SALE ceedingly reluctant to pile more burdens on extinguishment of the national debt and in the taxpayers. They think it politically safer, commemoration of the battle of New Orleans . according to those who make a business of President Jackson not only balanced the bud- NOW ON AT watching Washington affairs, to let the deficit but paid off the last dollar of the national rise. In other words, new taxes are possible, debt during his Administration! but not probable. If new taxes are imposed, Quality Foods At th.ey will probably be of a character which will directly hit comparably few people. THE FARM DOLLAR BRAUNS’ STORE jTo return to the budget message Paul Mal- LOWB’S summed it up aptly when he wrote: “On According t0 the latest price index of the LAUREL DELAWARE |«rniling face it appears to be a stern econo- Department of Agriculture, the average level I ‘The Friendly Market’ jixing venture. Actually it contemplates the of prices received by farmers in local markets' Take advantage of this great sale on all our »rgest spending program in his­ of the country as of December 15 stood at 96 AT THESE BARGAIN PRICES tory.” The fiscal problem is up to Congress per cent of the pre-war average, 1909-1914.; Groceries FALL AND WINTER GOODS now. Prices paid by farmers, including interest and taxes, averaged 128 per cent of pre-war, giv­ HurlFs Soups 5c or 2 fcir 9e ALL OUR SUEDE SHOES GREATLY REDUCED I4e. Pkg. Pancake Flo'nr Se The war, the authorities say, will remain, ing . the farm dollar a purchasing power of 79 nts. Table Salt 2 fo>r 9e fairly quiet until spring—no one is expected cents Corn Flakes 2 pkgs. i7e FOR THIS SALE ONLY to start a major offensive while the bad wea­ According to the latest findings, wages of Good Country Butter ft. 29e ther holds. And in the spring, it is forecast in farm workers now average 126 per cent of some quarters, Hitler will make his bid for pre-war, while the average of industrial work- Meats BRAUN’S FAMOUS 69c Pure Silk HOSE victory. Time works with the Allies, and ers stand at 218 per cent. Spare Ribs ft. 15e Wrainst the Reich. The military men mainly On January 1 more than 33,000 postmasters Breakfast Bacon ft. 18e “JS1' Hitler must win this year, or lose. of whom 29,000 are in the fourth class, were Streaked Side Meal 2 fts. 25c 55c 2 Pair $1.00 The Russo-Finnish controversy still holds brought under the Federal Retirement Act. Round Steak lb. 29c the spotlight. To quote the military authori­ The retirement age is 70 years, but beneficiar­ Phone 595 — We Deliver Anywhere (45*Gauge Ringless, First Quality) ties once more it is felt that the Red Army has ies most have Served at least 15 years. fejbAt, jABpaKy K, imp TglBTATlMMg'ra. MUia, PgJLyjHI PAGE THREW

A, C. Te&wt Defeats a new series of programs over WSAL U.Of D„.AIn-rnm and P particularly large, turnout f(* BRIEF HISTORY Ot LA UREL w won The “Schoolhouse of tho Air” program anticipated. Georgetown CCC. 44-35 Wf Ala has been replaced by the “Parent, Meet Here Next Prior to Mr. Elliott's address, a shot* By Annabel McGee Forum,” an educational feature of spe­ Wed. At School business session will be held. Hiatoriaiu have found that Delaware were found along the stream. Tradi­ The Laurel A. C. ■ basketball team Hello, onOe again. Retiirh engage­ cial interest to parents of the radio poesesaea fewfcr collected records of it* won its third straight victory in the tion has it that at one time the town ment to the WSAL tririsOription staff audience. Broadsast time is Fridays The second meeting of the Sussex early yean than Any of the other ort. Kent-Sussex League here Thursday was referred to as the "Wading Place,” evening, by defeating the Georgetown have be^fi miide .the following .nation, at 3.00 P. M. ! Club of the University- of Delaware ginal static. In thia respect Laurel la for there were no bridges across the THE* a definite part of the whole. Several C. C. C. by a Beqre of <4 to 35, Cooper ally known articles. Anson Weeks and bay rhythms; Hues, ballads arid lul. Alumni.Association' will be held in the atream, ana the inhabitants resorted to and Gross with the high scorers of the cafeteria of Sepforff Central School wagon loads of Indian boheo and Indian wading or fording when tlie tide was His Orchestra are hack with today’r labieA “£>iii|gih* Sam” .Scans ttirbiigh WHY, leading hit tones. Both ballad and next Wednesday evening, Brooks L tools fduhd early In the eighteenth low. everybody’s favorite iohg*,make ty* Rb^s, president of the association, has WAIL century, a few state records and deeds, Laurel A. C. po?. G F TP swing *WW» have wjioje-heartedly ac. advised iqeinbera on" cards this- week. a diary or two, and stories that have lhe first bank was erected in 1813, Cooper F 8 5 21 cepted the daneq^options of this fini h& 'iftflfc Program of “Refreitaien’ Amt Ellia F 0 0 0 musical grotip. .’Be «Vre to listen for Tiin&” 'Here fire the titles, of his sel- The .meeting will start with a dinner been handed down for generations are ‘‘Accomodation Bank of Delaware,” and atfl.3(). the only thing* which hAvO kept Ito the first hotel, in 1823. By 1859 it was Hearn F 0 0 0 his array of splendid popular rendi. egtioiji fqr.fiie ^eek beginning January Lowe C 4 4 12 tions, The “Staffords" again have got. 22nd!. **BWe. Eyed Sally,”.“Tonight;" , J. Grayson Ellioit; a1 Delaware' grad­ WHEN" early history, from .eo'mplete’ oblivion. the largest town in Sussex County, uate Class df 1923, who’ is now* per­ Perhaps more would be known held its With a population of one thousand and Hastings G 2 0 4 ten "hep” with several grand melodies ""^ipil-Adfiy-I-Ay,” "Irt ffhe Valley Bailey G 3 0 6 Where The. Blue-Birds,Sing;’’ “Twinkle sonnel director at the nylon plant here, history been unique, Or Its growth tha two hundred, fortr cltordiee, and six­ Listen for them as they swing down will b(, thp .principal" speaker. Advertising result of a suddeh boom. But rather teen grocery and dry goods stores. This the lane in approved fashion. The four Twifeklfc little Star,” ,“ln Sutiny San. 17 10 .44 dottii^o;’’ ‘^tola,” “ff X.Had A "Thous­ Samuel N. Sloan, secretary- of the WU/BBMOW than this, time has revealed a story, the was quite an advance over 1823, when gals are beginning ,to make quite an group, has mailed cards to all" members* plot of which has bdt gradually woven the inhabitants barely numbered two Georgetown pos. G F TP impression with radio .listeners every, and lived Live”' “J^lpUs;” .‘Down T0DRWBH3E? Home fit .T’enti-Mpc ” ‘‘Musie of .Yes­ of the association in Sussex, county-, Itself into the history of the State. hundred and fifty. When the Delaware Annone F 1 0 2 where. Especially will you like their Atlas of 1888 was published, Laurel’s Anderson F 1 0 2 versions of ‘‘Swing’ A Dream” and terday;," “ According to existing records, the business directory listed two hotel Sylvester F 3 0 6 “Smarty Pants.” fDoHSld Novis” is Afternoon first white settlers who owned ahy por­ proprietor*, five physicians and surgeons Coi F 1 0 2 again dinging his way through your “I’m Al-______„ ______tion of what Is now Laiirel were Jimcs four lumber dealers and grain buyers, Jaffie C 0 0 0 loudspeakers with the old time bai- “Walking On The Highway," “Belle BETHEL METHODIST CHURCH Wyth and Marmaduke Master to whom ten druggists, six manufacturers of Broatdn C 0 0 0 lads and semi-classics. At the present Aloha," “Bow .Are You,” ,Hnd ‘.‘To. one hundred and fifty acres were war­ boots and shoes, one cabinet maker Gross G 8 2 14 tube, Novis is touring the country n(orrow.” “Singin’ Sam" is heard (iaily Mondays through Fridays at 11.00 A. M ranted on June 18, 1883. Like all col­ (who was also an undertaker), black­ Zambino G 3 3 4 making personal appearances and is re. WiU Hold A onial estates this section of land was smiths, carpenters, contractors, build­ ceiving wide acclaim. The “Edwin Le. The program, “Today’s Devotions’" given a name, “Bachelor’s Delight.” ers, a surveyor, ah auctioneer, a jew­ 15 5 35 Mar NovacKord Quartet” has returned Referee: .ffllls for the week starting Friday, January TURKEY SUPPER 'Then in 1711, by an act of Assembly at eler, a farmer, a ticket and freight also. Some grand-swell-elegant toner 9lth, will be conducted by the follow, Annapolis—at the lime this section of agent, and a merchant miller. In this .mrviAZ-a, 8. are played by the boys in sparkling ing ministers and their churches. Fri­ Delaware was a part of Maryland—, same Atlas is. a map of the town show­ style. Then, there's a brand new or. day, January 19, Rev. Elwood B. Eck. THURSDAY, JANUARY 25th three thousand acres of land 6n Broad ing the position and names of the ganization that’s made its debut on the hart, Hebron. Saturday, January 20 Creek were laid out in an Indian Re­ streets. Since Laurel is located in the BUYER MEETS airlanes. They’re known as the "Man- Rev. Brewer, Hebron. Monday, Jan. servation for the Nanticoke Indians. midst of an agricultural district, it Cri i rn in our ad dolettes.” The personnel is comprised uary 22 through Friday, January 26 Supper Served 5 to 8 O’clock Maryland records shows that the sur. seems only natural that the streets aukLCH columns .;. of 4 mandolins, 2 guitars, bass, and will be in charge of the Methodist veyor was a certain William Whetting- first acquired such names as Wheat, harp. Listen for the “Mandolettes” ir ministers from Accomac conference. ton, and that the five hundred acres on Com, Rye, and Oat Street. There was the south side of the creek included even a Peach Alley which at one time one hundred and thirty three acres of made quite “ history for itself. Tra­ ‘‘Bachelor’s Delight." Hie Nanticoke dition has it that a low gray stone Indians who lived on the reservation house which stood along Peach Alley ■were not the typical warriors, but were became haunted during the first year concerned chiefly with fishing and trap­ of the Civil War. Almost any night ping. They were of high stature and when it was rainy or especially cloudy, amazingly great strength, as revealed a Confederate soldier could be seen from the skeltons that were found in through the window which faced the the Indian buryln ground. A few des­ street, always dressed in uniform and cendants of this tribe are still living on always gazing at a jpeture of President the Indian River near Oak Orchard Lincoln which had been partially burn­ Delaware, but by 1748 most of them ed by another angered rebel. The KIT AUTO STORES had drifted northward into Pennsyl­ veriety of the story is questionable, bul vania. Twenty years later compensa­ later it was believed that the soldier tion was made to the remaining Indians was a true person, and that the place and the land was sold to Baryley was used for secret meetings of south­ Townsend at public auction. In 1802 ern sympathizers. Finally the house CENTRAL AVENUE LAUREL, DEL, the village was laid out into thirty two was destroyed, even before tho end lots, but it was -not unll 1883 that the Civil War, and only the tale re­ Laurel was incorporated into a town. mains to give an air of mystery to a Laurel was originally called Laurel- little street called Peach Alley, Thus, die town grew slowly amidst town, but gradually the last part of tradition and reality, and today we it was dropped. The name was deriv­ find it as an integral pari of southern ed’from the many laurel bushes which Delaware. OPENING SALE NATION WIDE RADIO PROGRAM WITH A COMPLETE LINE OF AUTO ACCESSORIES AND AUTO PARTS


•' , ■ ’* -«S& Lf' W

y motor. OIL .7 Complete with Tube Tax Pd. SPECIALS Cement and Cut Patches

High Quality Never Tire Tube GENUINE TRICO Before Sold At This Price $4.95 .95 Rebuilt Windshield Wipers .... 5.45 1.19 GENUINE’ A. C. Egg Cartons Furnished Layena-Fed Flocks .... 6.95 1.19 A new national radio program de­ erboard Thne” programs in helping to signed to make thc American public build a greater demand for eggs, of FUEL PUMPS .... 7-85 1.39 more quality egg conscious and to in­ superior quality, for which people are crease the demand for high quality willing to pay better prices. Of ex­ Reconditioned-Guaranteed 6.00 x 16 RACINE ... 7.95 1*59 eggs was Inaugurated recently over a ceptional Interest too, is the new egg TRADED network of 85 stations. Sponsored by marketing program that Is being made Purina Mills, the new fifteen-minute available to all poultry raisers who fol­ ATX TIRES AND TUBES OF FIRST QUALITY. broadcast is scheduled every Monday, low Purina’s program for producing "Wednesday and Friday throughout the quality eggs with Layena laying mash. ►c winter months. ATX CARRY STANDARD MANUFACTURERS All Perfect & Guaranteed By dramatic appeal and convincing Egg Cartons Furnished demonstration the "Checkerboard "With every bag of Layena laying LIFETIME GUARANTEE Time” broadcasts are featuring the mash flock owners are receiving up traded more appetizing appearance, superior to twenty Checkerboard egg bartons. ANTI FREEZE Davor, and high food value of eggs These are enough cartons to pack the that come from Socks fed and managed eggs built Into every bag of Layena. atjsjssswtstsMJiswocaa^^ to produce uniformly better eggs. All Purina dealers have a supply of GENERATORS MUFFLERS POLAR Better Market—Better Prices these Checkerboard cartons and have Of special interest to egg producers available rubber stamps to Imprint the FLASHLIGHT MODEL “A" $1.29 is the promotional value of the "C*—’- p—dw-r’s name on MODEL “A” ALCOHOL & GLYCERINE mington Rally is composed of Rev. W. CHEVROLET 29-33 Methodist Advance E. Gunby, Chairman, Rev. J, J. Bunt­ BATTERIES Chevrolet 6 (29*32) gQc Meeting In Wilmington ing, ReV, W. A. Hearn, Rev. i, Earl Cummings, Fred P. Atkins, H. B. On January 29th Wright Rev F. D. MllbuTy, Willis L X95 traded Overdeer, Prof. Johri Shilling, Rev. O, Battery Cable The Uniting Conference of the A, Bartley, Rev, O X Collins andL. W. "Methodist Church, meeting in Kansas Whaley. City, May 1939 initiated a movement A special Finance Committee has LOCKING GAS CAP Gallon called The Methodist Advance by un­ been raised of Which Mr Fred P, At­ animously adopting the following goats: kins, Salisbury, Md, is Chairman. He 29C 1. The Advancement of the spirt- Is being assisted by H, B. Wright, Pres­ WHEEL BEARINGS life of the Church, ton, Md,. Prof. "John Shilling, Dover, 29” Universal Del, and Willis L. Overdcer. Wilming­ 39c 2. Increased support of benevolences 3. The deepening of the educational ton. Del. HAND SOAP and missionary conviction of the . Miss Rietta Fknerson, Wilmington, Complete with Two Keys Fits Most Cars Church. Del- and Mrs, Robert Mitchell also of Removes Grease & Grime 4. A comprehensive and forward- 'Wilm>oh are co-chairwomen in looking program In every local church. charge of the special program for As a result of this action, the Council women. ’ SPECIAL! A VARIED ASSORTMENT OF fri 909702 of Bishops has’prepafed ir program for . Rev. F. D. Milbury, Fedef alihurg, PAINTS !& AUTOMOTIVE CHEMICALS Md, is assisting in the Youth Program X9C the entire Methodirt Chupeh. S3, great rallies will be held across thenauoh, and Ref*. 6. A. Bartley, Newark, Del, 9c Yd’Uft CHOICE, PER CAN...... w w* to in charge .of JwialJ^rhlicity. designed to Achieve the "aims of the A-120I Methodist Advance, FULL 3 lb CAk One of these rallies will he held ‘In1 HOUSEHOLD HINTS Fits Chevrolet ’29 to ’39 Wilmington. Delaware Monday, Janu­ OUR PLEDGE AND GUARANTEE: “IF FOR ANY ary 29. In St Paul’s Methodist Church, Outer No* 9701 By Ethel M. Hunter, ,.... Tenth and Jackson Sts. Four bishops CLEARANCE LAMPS «3C5»SS»tSt9£363KSOe363»565S3K3S3SSS^SCSe»3S3S3K363S5S3G3S: will be present and will address the Eastern Shore Publio Service Co. REASON ANYTHING BOUGHT HERE SHOULD various meetings. They are Bishops , jQATMEAL'FRUIT PDD5NO CLUTCH PLATE Edwin H. Hughes, Clara Pereell, Rob­ 6 large apples PROVE UNSATISFACTORY TO YOU, WE WILL ert E. Jones, and Paul B. Kern. H cup butter melted The first program begins at 9.30 a. m. % cup brown sugar CHEVROLET with Bishop Hughes conducting the H cup seedless raisins MAKE IT RIGHt OE CHEERFULLY REFUND YOUR devotions. At 1230 p. m. a luncheon 2 cups cooked oatmeal meeting to he held hi the host fchurefi; 1 teaspoon cinnamon , Red and Amber at 2.00 a special women’s meeting, and Bake 359-20 Minutes MONEY! 69c hl the evening a giant youth tally, at Quarter and core apples, pare and Used On All Trucks 7301». m. slice. Melt butter in frying jpaft, add, lit is hoped that every Methodist apples and saute until a delicate brown j

are glassed. Arrange alternate layers « and at least one laymen present at each apples, raisins and oatmeal fit * well OflpMttfx «»< Aeee meefoga. buttered baking dirh. SpririSlq each . lhi general committee for the Pen- layer with cinnamon. Baker ’Serve Friday; January .ft; PAGE FOUR THE STATE REGISTER, LAUREL? DELAWARE cows* produced'more ’ tftan • JLQOQ lbs, Md., is the Association tester, .and all Pot Your Advertisements In The Register.. MIDDlEFOKD mfik. and 51 cows produced more than figures wore submitted by him, 40 lbs,'of fat. ■ J . - Ml p-.-" -7 They will reach nearly every home in the area; Mr, and Mrs. Kiel Edgel of Green­ S. Ralph Hill of Bridgeville, with a wood, were Sunday guests of Miss Ida 1 herd of 8 cows produced an .average Register Ads Pay! J. Rawlins. ez\ •of 1062 lbs. per cow and an average of Mr. and Mrs. William Hill, tlu-ir 40.2 lbs. fat per cow. HAROLD N. FITCH daughters,-Freda and Gladys aftd thiir rx Hollybrook Dairies of Laurel, in care Beware Coughs son, Gerry, were dinner guests of Mr, RAINBOW ' of J. W. Benson, had the high cow of OPTOMETRIST —- OPTICIAN and Mrs, J. Garland Hill on Sunday. 1 the month for butterfat production with from common colds ARCH We grind our own lenses—Prices Moderate Mr. and Mrs. -Arnos Jones and son i a production of 70.9 lbs. Russel, visited her brother-in-law and UTAH'S VARI- V The dairymen having the ton highest That Hang On Eyes Examined Glasses Furnished sister, Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Allen, all of herds in milk production follows in the 123 Main St. Phone 833 Salisbury, Md. Camden, Del,, orr Friday. COLORED RAIN­ Creoniulsion relieves promptly be­ . order of their production for December. cause it goes right to the seat of the Mr, and Mrs. Linwood Foskey of BOW ARCH IS THE ! S. Ralph Hill, Bridgeville; George trouble to loosen germ laden phlegm, near Woodland were the Sunday guests LARGEST NATURAL • Simpson, Houston; Irving Burton, Increase secretion and aid nature to of Mrs, Anna Foskey. BRIDGE IN THE j Millsboro; Alton Dolby, Seaford; W. H. soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Waters enter­ bronchial mucous membranes, No mat­ WORLD-SO LOFTY I Jump, Houston; Claude Ellis, Seaford; ter how many medicines you have tained their daughter and son and I Harvey McIIvaine, Ellendale; Delaware tried, tell your druggist to sell you a several other friends from Caden, N J. THAT THE CAPITOL j Colony Barn No, 1, Stoakley; W, B. bottle of Creomulsion with the under­ over the week-end. BUILDING COULD j Mears, Seaford; Joe McIIvaine. Lewes, standing that you are to like the way On Thursdamy evening a distur­ it quickly allays the cough or you are BE PLACED i Mr. Roy Freeman of Chestertown. bance was noticed by a neighbor among to have your money back. a flock of chickens belonging to Mrs. UNDER IT WITHOUT CREOMULSION Annie Foskey. She was notified and TOUCHING. For Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis a search of the chicken-roost was Cause Discomfort made. Signs of rats were all around. VIKING'S TOWN? COLDS The next morning, Mrs. Foskey’s son, ANNAPOLIS - MATAPEAKE WALTHAM, MASSACHUSETTS, IS HOMANCOKE - CLAIBORNE------Mr. Greene Foskey of near Concord, SUPPOSED BY MANY TO BE THE SITE For quick relief with the help of his dog, routed and OF THE ANCIENT TOWN OF from the misery 666 Fall and Winter Schedule 1939 kitted fifteen rats. NORUMBEGA, FOUNDED BY THE of colds, take 666 Mr. Roland Jones of near Dover, N. - VIKINGS CENTURIES BEFORE Effective September 26, 1939 COLUMBUS DISCOVERED AMERICA. Liquid - Tablets - Salve - Nose Drops J., is spending the week with his father DAILY and BUNDAY Mr. Merrill Jones near Wesley. Both E&stera BUitdari Tim father and* son spent Sunday with Mr. BETWEEN ANNAPOLIS AND, and Mrs Clinton Hill, MATAPEAKE Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mumford and WORID'S SMAUEST CHURCH Leave Annapolis: 7,25 a. n.,. 8.00 HESE men are engineers in Sinclair’s Burner Labora­ ,a„.in.l 9.00 a. m,, 10,00 a, m„ 11,00 three daughters, Helen, Norman Jane COVINGTON, KENTUCKY. HAS THE Ttory. They test Sinclair SuperFlame Fuel Oil in every and Anne spent Sunday with Mr. Mum­ SMALLEST CHURCH IN THE WORLD-IT'S a. m.t 12.00 noon, 1,00 p. m., 2.00 type burner. You benefit from these tests.when you buy ford’s mother, Mrs. Jane Mumford CROWDED TO CAPACITY WHEN THREF LAUNDRY . DRY ClEiMG p. m., 3.00 p. m., 4.00 p. m.. 5.00 p, m., 6.00 p. m., 7.00 p, m., 8.00 p, m. near Laurel. PEOPLE ATTEND MASS. .. RUO ( FUR CLEJUtlHG • STORAGE SuperFlame. It is especially refined On Sunday Miss Janet Teague re­ Leave Matapeake: 7.25 a m., 8.00 to give maximum usable heat per turned home with Jean Wainwright a. m., 9.00 a.m., 10.00 a. 11.00 after Miss Wainwright had spent Sat- ( а. m., 12.00 noon, 1.00 p. m., 2,00 p, gallon in your type burner. Before urday niht asg the uest in the homo oft m., 3.00 p. m., 4.00 p. 5.00 p, n, you order another drop of fuel oil, Mrs. Sadie Teague. MORE OF б. 00 p. m., 7.00 p. m., 8,00 p, m, Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson for­ NATURAE The State Register phone us. k&u’H like our reliable merly of Blades who have moved to BETWEEN ROHANCOKK AND the recently purchased farm near here ARE REACHED -H G:U H’Ol':-. CLAIBOBNB delivery service. Will Receive Leave Rooaneoke: 10:00 a. S:N a. of Mr. J. G. Webster of Seaford, BUSES THA-J BY ANY OT:'.''» H to., 4:00 j>. m., *6:00 p. m., 9:00 p. au TRAVEi S'V'-TF V Leave Claiborne t visited Mrs. Wilson’s mother, Mrs 1:00 p. m,, 9:00 p. a., p. m. Annie Foskey on Thursday evening _ ___ CONTRIBUTIONS (teppriMW M9 to BltuUIr tttoj Mr. Paul Hastings, Sr„ who has! THE CLAIBORNE - ANNAPOLIS 7XBBY Agent Sinclair Refining been ill from grippe is able to be about ’ COMPANY Company (the.) AanapeHi, Maryland again, j supper at the Community House To The The Nanticoke Home Demonstration, Thursday, January 25. Price 50. Your FOOD For THOUGHT Z. W. PETREA Club held their regular monthly meet-1 patronage will be greatly appreciated. New Year’s Resolution About Eating. Inc on Tuesday at the Nanticoke Com-1 _ . — . _ By Charlotte Spencer Elijah E. Wootten munity house. A covered dish lunch-1 <«-• » Neutritionist for the State Board FINNISH Quick Delivery Metered Service eon was served after which a business Hygiene Association of Health, meeting was held. The topic otlook- Justice of the Peace, Notary Public Phone 533 ’ Seaford, Delaware for the year of 1910 was talked on by j Scores Liquor For A balanced budget and belter health RELIEF FUND the leader and discussed openly by _ , _ , , for her family were probably the most Real Estate For Sate or Rent the club members. j SeriOUS Conditions common New Year resolutions for Mr. Linden Who for several weeks ______, I most wives and mothers. Do Your Part Marrieffe Licensee ★★★*★★★★*★★★★★*★*****★■*■★»★*** has been quite 111 from ear offeclion Alcohol plus sex equals trouble! Reliable information about food h has improved. This is the conclusion of Bascom necessary to turn there resolutions into Phone S53 J Help your feelh shine like the * Mrs. Micheal Elliott and Mrs. Ches­ Johnson, associate director of the Am-• accomplished facts There is much NOW! ter O. Neal, sisters of Mrs. Paul Hast­ crlcan Association, in his first publish-1 6°°d Informal on which is available to ings were guests at the home of her cd study of alcohol and social hygiene cvely housewife without cost or at a Laurel Delaware j stars.. .use Calox Tooth Powder ★ brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. sinie 1939. vcrY low cost- Paul Hastings on Tuesday. j The United States Bureau of Home **★*★*★★*★★★*★★**★★★*★★**★★★★ Wrltlng in the Union Signal, maga­ Economics has some very helpful sug­ c zine of National W. C. T. U., this week, gestions about balancing the food bud- CONCORD this Internationally reiognized expert get at Various levels of family circum­ Many of Hollywood’s brightest stars use Calox to declared: stances. “Diets to Fit the Family In­ NAGGINGBACKACHE help bring out the natural lustre of their teeth— Mr, Paul Collins, who has been come" Is free If you will write the Bu­ spending the past week with his par­ "The efforts of social hygienists to and you can rely on Color too. Pure, wholesome, promote high standards of sex bchav- reau of Home Economics, United ent, Mr. and Mrs. John Collins, re- h ...... , , Moilrrn life with Us burr/ and enfc headachy dicrineso*. getttag a» pleasant-lasting, approved by Good Housekeeping turned t ohis home in Wilmington on to 0,0 business of prosit. States Department of Agriculture. worry, IrrppuJar baliltr, improper rat­ nights, swelling, puffiness under tba MoncjftV j lution, and to prevent spread of vener- Washington, D, C. ing and drinking, etpoeure, contagion, eyes*- a.feelingr>t nervona anilely Bureau, Five tested ingredients, blended accord­ j, —TTv irAufnoLkseps doctors and loss of strength and energy. Other Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Morris of PoJ cal d*“ascs' Wndcrcd and in The Bureau of Home Economics sug­ aibusy^hoapltaia signs of kidney ing to the formula of a foremost dental authority, oomoke City, Md., visited Mrs. Morris’; som® deEroe hwyted by societys fall- gests that you keep itemized records - crowded. The after or bladder dis- THE REASON DOAN'S effects are disturbing ttirhnnce may AnE FAMOUS make Calox an economical tooth powder that narents Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rakar ure. ° Eolve Ita Ii9uor Problems. of yoUr food weights and costs for two . to Hie kldnrxa and g , AU over the «e«etr» parents, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Bakers be b U r n I n or three Weeks, and then compare yoUr often Unies peo pfe suffer whftoul know* SOrtttty or .too aretefol people tell can’t barm tooth enamel, Get Calox today at you, "Liquor and gasoline don’t mix be­ Inff that tllmriercd kidney action inay frequent Urlna* eihen* **Doan*> ftete “"htoO^sr Conaway, of Wilmington, «usc’alcohol tends todestroy the ncc- records with the marketlists' suggsted cause the trouble. Hun. htjprtl mtt- t Nttetr drug store. Five size*, £mta 10^ to |lL2& was a Concord visitor on Sunday. coordination of hand and eye, in Diets to Fit the Family In^me. After colds, fover nnd simitar lib In such cases mend them t« JOB-’* there Is an Ini naj-h of bujr impurities I( 1s IfCtter to That !■ why w» a>y, Mrs. Mary Calhoun is spending some and because liquor increases fast or By this comparison you ran te l if you the must fill« r from ibebtomt r< fy CHI n med- d thful foods which arc raised in Defa- ♦ ^<3SKXSS5SXXSS**x**J«SXXSCXXStSSXXJS3SX3taSJC3«tJ8»CJ^^ ing from pneumonia, befuddled by liquor is more likely toj ware. The State Board of Health also Calvin Fowler has been very ill. also stay and io patronize the girls than j has available the leaflet “Well Nourish- Jeannie Hitchens and Jeanette Hast- onp who is cold sober." ,j cd Children" which was prepared last ^S63tSt3^*S^’lt5ts^*X*XX3WS0W3O£XX»JMtXXjaKW$««S£^^ 1 ings. ; Johnson scored the grills, taverns or' spring by the United States Children’s MORE The N. H. D, Club met last Tuesday! V-,rs where young girls are employed ( Bureau. All State Board of Health (ttBL wniis wnt» Sioin da In the Club House wit ha large aiten- („ push liquor sales on a commission material is distributed free. dance. basis, saying that “in the worst of i Careful study of fond values and Mrs. Ida Cannon entertained her these places the sex allure of these,, food costs will reward you with belter sister from Georgetown last Friday. girls is ruthlessly exploited in order to; health at a lower price^_____ Mrs. Granville Lambden entertained increase the sale of liquor. Their com-1 — ' •1 m the Board of Trustees. of the Nanticoke missions are usually too small Io live, Pucflirp TtanraVPItietlt Community House last Friday evening. ttn and many eke out their earnings by r ” Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. prostitution after hours. Here we have j Meeting1 Sponsored Lawrence Eiliotf, Mrs. W. B. Conaway, jpg next generation of prostitutes in JMrs. E. J, Hitchens, Mr. and Mrs, F, F j. the making." By Sussex Herd Assn. (Down more than i0% since M’S alone) iMorgan and Mr ar.d Kirs. Frank Baker. He concluded: Mrs, Hattie Fleetwood is spending ' Every law or regulation in behalf Plans have lust been completed for sometime with Mrs. Burton Pinkerton of puttie welfare that inierfercs with j a meeting of Sussex Dairymen in the irt Hatfield, Pa. bvsinpss, wfcrtfief legitimate or illegiii- Milton SgLooL TFuifstfev evening Jafr Food, clothing, rent, taxes, nearly Miss Thelma King was home over mate, is up against all the political and uary 25th at 730. Members of the As­ the week-end with her parenLs, Mr, financial power of the interests in­ sociation recognize the seriousness of everything has gone up except the summer posture problem in the and Mrs. A. K. King, volved. your household eIectricity,____ Mr. and Mrs, Charles Goslin were at "Commercial prostitution which is county and an effort is being made to their home over the week-end illegal, and the liquor business, which supplement better permanent pastures In 1925 the average consumer paid Mr. and Mrs. Albcr King entertain-; ;g ;n general legal, are among the most with well planned temperance pastpres. ed Sunday for dinner Mrs. Andrew; profitable business which have ever Mr. Claude Phillips, Assistant Agrono­ $7.40 for 60 kilowatts. Today this Barr, Miss Louise Covey, Mr. and Mrs/ gristed. mist at the Delaware Experiment Sta­ Ralph Green. 1 “Both types Of business find it use- tion, will be the speaker of the even­ amount costs $4.10 and $7.40 ‘will ' ful, if not necessary, to cnlrench them­ ing, Mr. Phillips is well qualified to BETHEL selves politically. speak on this subject and all dairymen buy 170 Kilowatts, or almost Three are urged to attend regardless of whe­ Bethel Methodist Church The attempt therefore to suppress times as much as m 1925. the illegal prostitution traffic, which ther they are members ofthe Associa­ Rev. Chas. TY. Spry, pastor. tion nr not, Refreshments will be Sunday January 21s£. Church school constitutes such at lucrative channel for the distribution of liquor, and io do served. 10 a. m. Evening service 7 o'clock, December records show a member­ come and worship with us. away with the illegal abuses of the liquor business, in which prostitution ship in the Association of 28 farmers I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Prendviile and with a total of 573 cows. The average Mr. Arthur Gillett of Philadelphia, is so Often a beneficiary, involves not a skitmish or even a battle, but a major cow produced 405 lbs. milk and 18.1 were week-end guests of Mr, and Mrs. pounds of butterfat for the month. 39 Wm. H. WUaittSI. war.” Miss Mary Ann Phillips of Bridge­ ville,'spent the week-end with her grandparents, Mr and Mrs. John T. Phillips. Due to the Inclemency of the weather last week the Count On Jdie Club did not have their usual meeting. Raymond Bailey and little daughter Gwendolyn are patients at the Beebe Hospital, Lewes, Suffering with pneu­ monia. ’ Mr, and Mrs. James Wright of Chester, Pa., visited among relatives

od. Quite a number of town people are Wte UtSwrg Union bf Bethel Metho- diet Church will eponeor a Turkey I


CANNONS SEAFORD Mrs. J, Halbert Robinson spent Wed- , Burton Marvel. CLASSIFIED ADS I -CHURCH PERSONALS nesday in Middletown and Wilmington. J Mrs. Victor E. Rawlins, Jr., of Poco-, Mr, and Mrs. John Cannon, Mr. and Gcorr>o Ed Warrington, local gtocery-1 moke City, Md., was the early week WiOWCDIENtS Mrs. Angelo Manns. o£ Atlantic City, guest here of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, hardware of every kind - Mrs. E. W. Shor, Mr. and Mrs, Frank N. J., Is spending several weeks here man who has been in a critical qondi-. Mrs. Ford Warrington entertained tion in a Philadelphia hospital suffer­ C, W. Robinson. Bt SMALL & HORSEY’S, Laurel, Del. her bridge club Monday evening with Swain and Mr. and Mrs. William with her brother-in-law and sister, Mt. Pleasant Charge Workman called on Mr. and Mrs, Law- Mr. and Mrs, James Burton. ing with a clot on his brain, was re- j Next Thursday and Friday are the Mrs. Arthur V. Register winning high moved to his homo here Tuesday afler dates set at the local school for the BRING YOUR EGGS TO US. HIGH- Rev. J. C. HANBY, Minister score and Mrs. Milton Yerkes low rance Cannon on Sunday. R, S, Schnabeley, of Goitherburg, 15ST cash prices paid. American Stares Miss Mildred Short is spending a few Md., who has been named manager of surgeons declared that everylhing in mid-year examinations, MT. PLEASANT score. Iheir power had been done to relieve Company.______10:00 A. M, Church School and Class days with Miss Cathrine Gilbert. the Eastern States Cooperative at its George Pnssfieid has returned to Mr, James Hill has been on the sick new location here on Market Street his condition. Mr. Warrington is in a' Seaford after enjoying two weeks o£ 7:00 P. M. Epworth League Mrs. Nettie P, Johnson, of Baltimore, very critical condition, and has only a Used Gar Bargains ST. GEORGES Md., returned home Sunday after list but is improved at this time, Hill, was a visitor in town this week winter sports at a Canadian winter Mrs, Fannie Short and Mrs. Ida fighting chance for recovery, ! resort. 1938 Chevrolet DeLuxe 4-door $400 10:00 A, M. Church School spending the past two weeks with her and announces that he will reside in 11:00 A. M, Topic “Spiritual Discern­ son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Roberts visited Mrs. Fannie Willey this Blades in a home of W. O, Johnson. Miss Margaret West, of Wilmington.; W. Ross Collins and Francis H. Ben­ 1936 Ford Coach $325 is spending the week here with her, nett attended the Ice Carnival in Phila­ 1934 Ford Coach $225 ment”. James W. Johnson. week. Mr, Schnabeley will be joined here the The intermediate C. E. will hold brother-in-law and sister. Mr, and Mrs.' delphia last week. 1932 Chevrolet Coach $100 KING’S —O—— latter part of this week by his family. 2:00 P. M. Church School Mrs. Douglas Cooper and Mrs. Wil­ their social and business meeting with Lt. Col. A. H. Lord and Mrs. Lord GEO. T. PURNELL 3:00 P. M. Topic “Spiritual Discern­ liam J. King each entertained their re­ Miss Ellen Short On Wednesday night. were the guests of Gov. and Mrs. Ford Sales - Service ment”. spective bridge clubs Monday evening Sunday School at 10 A. M. and Richard C. McMullin at a 49th wedding Be present at each of the services to o fthis week. preaching at 11 A. M. by the pastor aniversary dinner of the couple in Wil­ hear the plan for advancement in our Rev. Von Hagie on Sunday. mington Wednesday, For Better Used Cars, reconditioned by FOR SALE in first class condition, church school attendance. John S. Horton is attending the William McFord is spending ihe saw mill. Apply Morris Real ’Estate, The 4th Quarterly conference will Pennsylvania State Farm Show in SAFETY NEWS week in Dover. Dealers known for their service facilities, laurel. be held in the parsonage Wednesday, Harrisburg this week. James N. Purse, of Detroit, Mich,, a former Seaford boy, was a visitor in February 7th, at 7:30 P. M. MOTORISTS— buy yours from a Ford Dealer I . FOR SALE Stearn Light Plant, 850 WE MUST ADVANCE town several days this week. ALL MAKES Friends of Mrs. Etta Smith gave her Many are the abuses of an automo­ Corp, J. Henry Holt, of the Slate watt, good condition, hooked on high GO TO CHURCH EVERY SUNDAY a surprise birthday party at her home whose guarantee is real protection. sold ------bile horn, and a good driver uses it Highway Police, was a guest at a ban­ line; will sell cheap. Harry Stephens, last Thursday evening, ti sparingly. But there is one place quet of the Philadelphia Police force C SEE FORD DEALERS’ USED CAR ■ear Gumboro, P. O. Frankford J5-4t Centenary Methodist where using your own horn may pre­ Monday evening. About 75 members of the Sunday vent an accident, the Delaware Safety LISTINGS ON CLASSIFIED PAGE TRADED EOR RENT Seven-room bungalow, Church Mr. and 'Mrs. J. C. Jones left late ■ ' ■ ...... G School classes of Granville S. Wind­ Council states. Always signal your in­ last week on an extended motor trip garage, chicken houses, 1 acre ground, Edwin Holt Hughes, D.D., LL.D., Bishop sor and Frank B, Sirman tendered a tention to pass another car. The other ~' —J ■ear James Camp. Write H. O. Britt- to the west coast. Walter Asbury Hearn, District Supt. surprise birthday party to their pastor driver may not be aware that you are Mrs. Robt, J. Allen and her daughter, ingham, Milton, Del. J5-2t E. C. Hallman, Minister the Rev. E. C. Hallman at the par­ pulling alongside. If he suddenly pulls Sunday, January 21, 1940 sonage last Friday evening. out of traffic, or makes a left turn, an REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 9.00 A. M, Class Meeting. —o—• accident is inevitable. At night it is 10.00 A. M. Sunday School . Mr. and Mrs. J. Clarke Abbot are a good idea to flick your lights when * NATI O NAL★ 11:00 A. M. Sermon by the pastor, confined to their homes with an at­ passing instead of blowing the horn. Farm of 80 acres, 2 story dwelling, "For Christians Only”’ barn and chicken houses on Concrete tack of grippe. —o— 6:15 Epworth League ■O '» BUMPERS— Highway. Rural delivery. School Bus Virginia Wootten. Leader and Rural Electric Line. Price $2000, Mr. and Mrs. William B. King en- The Delaware Safety Council points Evening Service 7:00 P. M. Sermon out that the British fighting forces lost may be financed for $1300. subject “The Weaver’s Shuttle” tentained their bridge club Monday RENT—Bungalow, 7 rooms and bath. evening, Mrs. Edgar Quillin and Mr. 2,106 men during the first three months Lights, vzater and gas On. U. S, Route Andrew Ellis won prizes. of the present war with Germany. No. 13, near Public School, $3000 may During the same period in England, traffic accidents caused 2,975 fatalities, be financed for $1800. Mrs. Wilmer Noble and daughter, many of them the result of blackouts. 2 story frame dwelling in Laurel, 8 EPISCOPAL of Federalsburg, spent Wednesday with rooms, bath, water, electric, hot water Mrs. Noble’s mother, Mrs. W. H. Pusey. MOTORISTS— beat and gas 2 car garage. Price When driving in the city, keep an reasonable, EPISCOPAL DIOCESE of Delaware. Miss Florence Beavans of Philadel­ Rt. Rev. A. R. McKinistry, D. D. Bishop eye on the row of parked ears at your ELIJAH E. WOOTTEN phia and Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. White right to make sure that one of them is Realtor Phone 653 Laurel, Del. Southwest Gateway Field Of Wilmington spent last week-end R. Y. Barber, Rector. not pulling out into the street ... or with Mrs. White’s parents, Mr. and that a pedestrian is not ready to step Septuagesima Sunday—Color—Purple. Mrs. L. B. Riggin. MEET ‘DONALD DUCK’ DELMAR. All Saints. Church in front of your car. The famous cartoon creation of Walt school 9.45 a, m.; Evening Prayer and Mrs. William J. Pusey is spending a HOUSEWIVES— Disney, noted artist, now appears every sermon 7.30 p. m. Father Day in Sunday in the few days here with her parents, Mr. According fo statistics compiled by charge of the service. and Mrs. Thomas W. Records. Comic Weekly “Puck” LITTLE CREEK. St Mark’s. Ev­ the Delaware Safety Council, ihe way ening Prayer and sermon 2.30 p. m. to the hospital Is through the kitchen. the big funny supplement distributed , Mr, and Mrs, Newman Bailey were The kitchen is the most dangerous with the Ellis Grove St. Andrew’s, Satur­ room in the house. If you want to day Altar Chapter 10.30 p. m.; Sunday in Washington, D. C. Tuesday, where BALTIMORE AMERICAN they attended the funeral of Mrs. Bai­ prevent accidents to yourself and your On safe at all newsstands Holy Comunion 9.30 a. m.—Thanks­ --- <»> ley’s brother, Mr. Willard Murphy. family, be constantly on the alert giving serivce for the painting of the against hazards In your kitchen. church on the Inside—come and join Card Of Thanks in the serivce Wednesday Church* Mr, and Mrs. George_ Nye- were— the--- school 3.35 p. m. | ®acsts f° .a!'{,M,;s- Wlll!™ Hub- TRUCK FLASHES Wo wish to express our thanks to all Laurel. St. Philip's. Holy Com. i0™' of Philadelphia last Week-end. our neighbors and friends for the many munion 8 am. (Note change); Church j —0— By Delaware Motor Truck Asao., Inc. acts of kindness and sympathy shown school 9.45; Morning Prayer and ser- ana ™rs- Lewis Koogler left to us during Ihe sickness and death of A very Interesting mfcling of the mon 11 a. m.; Y, P. F. 6:15 p. m. 10! today lo spend two months In Wis- ’ Executive Committee of tlm Delaware our husband and father Sidney Holland minutmes each moeling is devoted to, cons*n. j Also for tile floral gifis and the use of Motor Truck Association, In •„ wns held j the technique of reading Morning and —o~ j in the office of (tie A«’ n'iafion last f automobiles at the funeral. Evening Prayer. ,» r‘ a,1?^ ^rs' Charles Allen, Miss w , The Family. Thursday. Mr. Horace V. Daniel pre-; Tuesday 720 p. m.; Thursday—St. j Mary Allen and Mr. Schilnekc Owens- sided. ! Paul’s Conversion—Holy Communion J were visitors In Smyrna last Sunday. STORING SUNBEAMS The membership c «»T6 W UH-FRim GAR Superintendent Lucy Smarte Chipman; president, Mra. Anna At- FORD V-B AWwse Betwrdtre; Min Hornw klnaon; vice Frtaidenta, lire. Una Mc- YGUlEmRRRtli FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1940 THE STAT1 DELAWARE PAGE SIX aril Wamsley, grade 4. found that a -erics if , i ilitious were ment, but it proves to be extremely an exhibiton of high school art wedkj Latin Club Learns 8. Crayon drawings made by the necessary before the public was to be popular, from the Middletown, Connecticut About Roman Life following people last year. , entertained. This was tarried out dur- schools. This work was dime under th< Orndo 7 Blanche Carey, Emily ing vacant periodshefore the final day. NeW England Art direction of Mrs. Ruth Herring, a fori Hitch. Collia Morris. D “ ‘thy Elliott. Rendering popular > nn: