1935 3031 House of Representatives
1935 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 3031 John J. Muccio, of Rhode Island, now a Foreign Service NORTH CAROLINA officer of class 6 and a consul, to be also a secretary in the Mortimer H. Mitchell, Aulander. Diplomatic Service; and Robert Lee Brtdger, Bladenboro. William P. Cochran, Jr., of Pennsylvania, now a Foreign . Tasker T. Hawks, Norlina. Service officer, unclassified, and a vice consul of career, to Elias Carr Speight, Rocky Mount. be also a secretary in the Diplomatic Service. G. Glenn Nichols, Sparta. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. McGILL in the chair). The reports will be placed on the Executive Calendar. SOUTH DAKOTA The calendar is in order. Lewis E. Smith, Alpena. H. THE CALENDAR-POSTMASTERS Ian Maxwell, Delmont. Regina Trinen, Letcher. The legislative clerk proce.eded to read the nominations James R. Crowe, Yankton. of sundry postmasters. Mr. McKELLAR. I ask unanimous consent that the nomi TEXAS nations of postmasters on the calendar may be confirmed Robert Rowntree, Bartlett. en bloc. Otto Hicks, Blum. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, the nom..: Earl B. Hopkins, Brazoria. inations are confirmed en bloc. Theodore A. Low, Jr., Brenham. That completes the calendar. Stanley F. Labus, Falls City. RECESS Wallace J. Bludworth, Flatonia. As in legislative session, James F. Atkinson, Florence. Mr. ROBINSON. I move that the Senate stand in recess Robbie G. Ellis, Fort Davis. until 12 o'clock noon tomorrow. Leonadis E. Eubanks, Groesbeck. Sam H. Amsler, McGregor. The motion was agreed to; and (at 5 o'clock p. m.) the Senate, in legislative session, took a recess until tomorrow, E. Otho Driskell, Mansfield.
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