C Ass City Chronicle
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i• • CITY CHRONICLE CASS , m, ,, VOLUME 30, NUMBER 11. CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1935. EIGHT PAGES. rnn tfresh e cillege students and °th- CASS CITY LADIES" BAND TO GIVE CONCERTS EACH hat and white accessories and wore ]er high school graduates and sen- a shoulder spray of gardenias. She TO ~A~EURVEY ~UI~ l iors. : The scholarships, provided was attended by her sister, Mrs. N. 14-HCLUBS ON TOUR WEDNESDAY EVENING DURING THE SUMMER SEA SON Merion, of Grosse Pointe Village, who wore rank lace. She aisowore a shoulder spray of gardenias. iN TU OLAJo. !lege year. John H. Conway of Detroit was .... Other winners and alternates in best man. scholarship awards to Thumb of Following the ceremony, a lunch- Will Visit Farms of Frank Federal Govermnent Offers Michigan students include: eon was served at the Merion home Marian Graham, Akron, campus to immediate relatives and a few Parish, Jas. Milligan and to Pay 45% of Cost freshman, an alternate. close friends. Grant Hutchinson. of System. Charles McFadden, Bad Axe. The rooms at the Merion home Frances Wolverton, Fairgrove. were very pretty with baskets of Theodore Campbell, Lexington. pink rosebuds and white larkspur. Tall lighted tapers threw a soft The 4-H Livestock clubs of Tus- The village council, at its meet- Jen Huston, Millington. Geraldine Chisholm, Owendale, glow over the table with its beau- cola county will on Tuesday, June ing Monday night, deemed it ex- second alternate. tiful lace cloth. A bowl of cut 25, take part in a county-wide tour pedient, inasmuch as Federal funds flowers mad the large wedding cake arrangements for which are being are being made available for mu- Dotty Beadle, Port Austin. Jeanette Porter, Reese. decorated the center of the table. made by County Agricultural nicipal projects, to secure informa- Mr. and Mrs. Templeton left fbr Agent E. L. Benton. The purpose tion of the government's position a trip to Minneapolis and through RETURNED FRIDAY FROM of such a tour is for instruction in regarding a grant for a sewer sys- Northern Minnesota and will make livestock judging" as part of the tem and disposal plant at Cass TRIP TO WASHINGTON, D. C. their home at 1190 Seward, De- 4-H required activities and will be City. President George West ap- troit. directed and supervised by Nevels pointed Ernest Schwaderer, a vil- L. I. Wood returned Friday from The bride is a graduate of the Pearson of the Boys' and Girls' lage trustee, and Cecil U. Brown, Washington, D. C., where he spent Cass City high school and of Ypsi- Department, Michigan State Col- street commissioner, as a commit- several days as a member of the lanti Normal and has taught in De- Iege. tee to secure this information. They Shrine band of Saginaw. The band troit schools for several years. • The meeting will be called for went Wednesday and to Detroit was one of several musical organi- Mr. Templeton is a salesman for 9:30 at the farm of Frank Parish, visited the office of the Public zations that attended the annual the Plymouth Motor Company in Fairgrove, for work on Jersey cat- Works Administration, and then conclave of Shriners. Detroit. tle which will be followed by a pic- secured an estimate on the cost of This is the second trip that Mr. nic dinner at noon for which each making a preliminary survey. On Wood has made to a national con- person should have a dish to pass their return, village officers decid- vention of the Shrine at the na- THE CASS CITY LADIES' BAND. with ~heir own necessary dishes ed to have the preliminary survey ,tion's capital, the first being made The summer season was ushered in thre~ days ahead of the scheduled time, on Wednesday evening, and sandwiches. Various types of made at a cost of $95 by Hubbell, several years ago. by the first open-air band concert of the year. The Cass City Ladies' Band expects ±o give weekly WHN GROWFRVOTF: Hartgering & Roth, consul'ting en- recreation including a ball game concerts on Wednesday evenings during the summer months. These concerts are events which ar~ are on the program. gineers of Detroit. anticipated with pleasure by large groups of music lovers. The Federal government, the The afternoon trip will be first council has been informed, will FOR FUTUFtEONfflOL to the home of Jim Milligan, 3~ furnish 45% of the cost for a sew- FIVE AT After a short trip Mr. and Mrs. a reception in honor of the newly- miles west and one mile north of er system here with the remaining Jackson will be at home at 116 weds at the home of the bride's Cass City for work on beef cattle; 55% of the cost being assumed by Cortland avenue, Detroit. NEWS.OF THE parents on Friday evening, June Ask to Continue Basing Pro- from there to the farm of Grant Mrs. Jackson graduated from the 21. Hutchinson, one mile north of Cass the village. The government of- GRAD[ duction Upon Market De- fers to finance the village's per- Cass City high school in 1929 and City, for work on Hampshire sheep. tion of the cost by a loan bearing from Michigan State College, East NBRBY.SECTIONSDISPENSER OF OI~SCENE nmnds and Needs. All clubs will be notified the 4% interest running over a period Most Tragic Accident in Tus- Lansing, in 1933, where she was a LITERATURE IS WARNED exact details and anyone interested of 25 to 30 years. The preliminary member of Kappa Alpha Theta. in 4-H livestock club activities is survey will be started within a few cola County in Years Oc-oo She has taught music in the New Happenings Here and There invited to attend. Buffalo school the last year. Mr. A dispenser of obscene literature A seven to one vote in the Unit- days, it is anticipated. in Cass City received a visit from ed States favoring the continuing of The 45% grant which the gov- curred Sunday. Jackson is also a graduate of Michi- Garnered from the Chron- gan State College and a member Sheriff George Jeffrey and Prose- a wheat crop control plan has been Vassar Man Kills ernment offers on the sewer proj- icle's Exchanges. curing Attorney Bates Wills on accepted by the agricultural ad- ect here is made possible by the of the Hesperian Society and is Tuscola county had its most employed by the Car Wood Indus- Monday night and was given the justment administration as a clear $4,000,000,000 appropriation made warning that it would be "just too expression of the farmers' wishes, Self with Shotgun recently by congress. tragic automobile accident in years tries in Detroit. when the lives of five persons were Out of town guests who attend- Seventy crippled children were bad" for him if he continued the and a crop control plan will be of- If the estimated cost of .the sew- practice. This literature of a very fered for future crops, according er system is deemed reasonable by snuffed out in a grad~ crossing ed the wedding were H. J. Jackson, examined at the clinic sponsored Investigating a gunshot report, accident on M-24, ½ mile west of Mrs. H. T. Whittlesey and daugh- by the Michigan Society for Crip- lewd type had been placed in .the to Chester C. Davis, administrator. Mr. and Mrs. Millo Allbee, who re- the council, it is expected that tax- hands of some pupils in the school The vote in Michigan was 6,440 payers will be given an opportu= Richville, at 10:50 a. m. on Sunday. ter, Betty, Miss Peggy Metzen, Mr. pled Children held at the Michigan side at 226 South Sheridan street, The dead are: Bernard A. Tepoor- and Mrs. Donald Myers, Mr. and Farm Colony, Wahjamega, June 12. here, local officers learned. in favor of a wheat control pro- Vassar, went into a bedroom used nity to express their approval of gram and 2,551 against. These proceeding with the project. ten, 45, Pontiac chiropractor; Aaron Mrs. Charles Daymude and daugh- The children came from Tuscola, by John Hauser, 45, and found Tepoorten, 40, Detroit, his brother; ters, Mrs. Wendell Watson and Huron, Bay, Saginaw and Sanilac votes were cast by Michigan farm- Hauser lying" on the floor with a Mrs. Evaris.ta Cullen, Detroit, a Wilma Jean, of Detroit; Mrs. H. M. counties. Willis Campbell ers who now have wheat con~tracts. discharged 12-gauge single barrel Auto Salesroom sister; Miss Elizabeth Vanden Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Jack- F. W. Hubbard was named presi- The vote by farmers who have not gun, and a hole in the left side of Brooks, 22, 500 Lafayette avenue, son and daughters, Helen and Vir- dent of the Hubbard Memorial hos- Is Assistant in signed contracts was 464 in favor his chest. The shot was fired at to Open in Holler Bay City, a niece; Miss Frances ginia, Mr. and Mrs. T, W. Jackson, pital at Bad Axe at a meeting and 1,104 against. 7:00 a. m. on Tuesday, June 18. Cullen, seven years old, daughter Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Jackson, of Thursday of the incorporators and Beef Cattle Dept. The only county in Michigan in The coroner's verdict was that of Mrs. Cullen. The first three Pontiac; N. V. Maxam and Miss advisory board of physicians and which the vote of contract holders Hauser's death was suicide by Bldg. on E. Main St. perscons were former residents of Wykle of Mansfield, Ohio; Miss surgeons of the hospital.