TACSound is a non-profit division of the Teachers' Association (Canada) affiliated with the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society. Your volunteer manager, Lydia Hedge, is TACSound pleased to offer you a unique selection of available recorded music for Scottish Country Dancing and your listening pleasure. Recorded Music Division of TO ORDER: Teachers’ Association (Canada) ONLINE : Go to http://sound.tac-rscds.org Select the albums you want, add them to your CART then proceed to the CHECKOUT pages to select shipping method and payment option. Payment online can be by PayPal or Invoice/Cheque (which includes VISA). If you are a member of TAC, you are entitled to a 5% discount . You need a Discount Coupon to receive this online. Contact Lydia for your coupon number. (See next page for more details about discounts) BY MAIL : Complete an Order Form (back of this catalogue) including Item #,Title/Group. Mail it to: TACSound ℅ Lydia Hedge 624 Three Fathom Harbour Road RR#2, Head of Chezzetcook Nova Scotia Canada B0J 1N0 Do not send payment but please note on the order form whether you want to remit in Canadian dollars, U.S. dollars, or Sterling. We will send an invoice at the current exchange rate with the goods. March 2010 Catalogue BY PHONE : 902-827-2033 BY EMAIL : Just compose an email, indicating which albums you want. Send it to: All Prices Shown are in Canadian Dollars
[email protected] or:
[email protected] All prices shown in the catalogue are in Canadian dollars and are subject to change without notice because of price changes from our suppliers or currency fluctuations.