itamitibut tome .r. W. H. TROXELL, Editor & Publisher. Established by SAMUEL MUTTER in 1879. TERMS-$1.00 a Year in Advance. VOL. XX EMMITSBURG. MARYLAND. FRIDAY. JANUARY 20. 1899. NO. ;15, The r•nroson wee mixed. ASIATIC QUEENS. BUSINESS ON A I manner of forms does the party be- VAST r§CALE. TREES IN FOREST FIRER. The minister had reached the critical How a Woman Can Rule Where Wornera 1 hi nil him, and the trusted counsel- The consolidation of the steel point in his "missionary" sermon. He Are Despised. Forest fires differ greatly in inten- or of the state becomes, with had finished his firstlies and secondlies, good and ircn interests in this country sity and in the amount of reenitrint , tionaleiminiseimaniainnaill11111111111111111111Mixemitto.... We are often asked to explain and with one neat figure would link luck, its ruler. If there are social will result, it is said, in the forma- (haulage. The great to impassioned appeal that how it happens that in a country majority mere- them an ideas in the way, they are held in Hon of a campany having ninety would strike his congregation's hearts, like China, where women are ly run along the ground ; !irking up rocks flow water. suspense, and if etiqnettes, they are million dollars as capital. Nearly and make their like hardly regarded as human beings, the grass, underbrush, and forest "If," he declaimed, "it has truly been in some more or decorns CASTOR! less fash- every week there are incorporations litter. and doing no damage to trees =MD and when the dynasty formally mammal For Infants said that he who makes two glades of and Children. ion, brushed aside. The Dowager of electric concerns, street and other brass to grow where one-" accepted a Salic law, it woman has than scorching the outer Empress of China The puzzled look on the face of a appears unveiled steam railways, coal and other corn- bark. Some develop - _= .- been able to possess herself of abso- sufficient heat deaf old member in a front pew led him among the great mandarins, as does pan it's for carrying on work on The Kind You Have . lute power. The Dowager Empress a to destroy the young seplingg and to pause and repeat: the Beg,um of Bhopal among her vast scale. The majority of these to burn "That he is a benefactor who makes , of China was only tne concubine through the bark of the counselors. In the whole palace companies are undoubtedly solid, mature Always Bought two grades of blass-" or "secondary wife" of the Em- trees. In the latter Caplio, AVegetablePreparationforAs- Smiles throrghout the house, and his the Empress has the most nerve, The employment peror Ilsien-feng, who was in 1860 of capital in such fire scars are produced, which may similating theFood andllegula- own sense showed him there was the most audacity and the clearest yast sums indicates something of develop disease and ling the Stomachs and Bowels of something wrong, but with an attempt defeated by the Anglo.French eventually de- Bears the idea of whet is necessary, in order the scale with which development . ,.. .. _.. at lightness, he said airly: army of invasion, and as the true stroy the trees. Others, still fiercer .1.1,NIANt5;',". CHILDREN meant, two brades of glass." to govern Chinamen, and accord- along almost every "As I wife was regent, held power during line is 'being and more destrnctive, make a more The choir was now keen-eared, and ingly, she governs. We believe, carried forward in Signature her son's minority rather on this country. or less clean sweep of the forest. Promotes Digestion,Cheer ful- the pastor felt as if he had met Dew- without knowing, that it is often Not a few of these bodies have been Fires of the last ness and Rest.Contains neither ey. So he shouted. "Two blods of sufferance than of right. Yet she mentioned kind are the same in private life in China ; formed with a direct OpitiaDlorphine nor Mineral. of grace." governed the empire with absolute reference to not common, but, on the other Then the senior deacon had pity on and we know that it is often the doing business in new NOT NARCOTIC. authority, rid herself of her rival the territory hand, they are naturally the moest him and arose. "My brethren," hi same in India, a woman being the and in the east, where the field is spoke, "our pastor has been upset b3 the regent, resumed sole authority, extensive. Among them may Coe mainspring of the great Zemindaree inviting. Sometimes the boom larr;c 01014111r.SIMILLParlaR the intensity of his emotions, and ha: reigned again during the minority instanced the "big burn" in West- 1 litmpki'a &a- tripped on two blades of grass." or banking house, or family which spirit is evident collection of her nephew, the present Em- in the ern Oregon, near the Pacific coast, d/A-Sawa • rises social Rcaidle Salle - to power. She really of capital, but the days of big which extended itoire Seed • peror, and is now for the third from Tillamook lippemant -_ selects its managers, settles its booms, that were launched time Empress Regent of China, for southward' to the neighborhood of .e.a °weaned:04J.• alliances, and !gym &eel - The accepts or rejects its purely speculative purposes, are Coos bay, a 1ft/4d .5,..yl;k ;,, with despotic power. She even distance of 150 miles, projects of speculation. It is said about over. Men do not risk ventures to sign decrees in her capi- with an average of 20 to 23 miles, she is rarely right in her judgment tal in large sums, buy up Aperfccillemedy for Constipa- own name alone, says the Londan coal and and the burns in Whatcom, Skam- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Kind for very long, and certainly that is oil property, erect great plants Spectator, and if the Emperor for ania aril Cowlitz counties, Waela.., Worms,Convulsions.revcrish- true of the female rulers of Asia, manufacturing purposes, before which swept ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. dies, as is expected, she will at the timber for lieu- among whom we cannot recall one they have counted the cost, You Have sixty-one either place a baby on and are dreds of square miles. facSimile Signature of who was permanently successful, reasonably sure, at least, the throne, or if she selects a man. that a Different species of trees suffer eis i(744l r-Z-1/. They have been hampered, we profit will be the result make of him an instrument of good from fire In different degrees. NEW YORK. fancy, as a rule, by origimil ignor- management. Competition Always Bought. of her will. She is not saintly I is strong Resinous trees, especially those iAl 43 on o rillIvS:,5114 -1 ance, which hides from them the in almost every field. The . ,,... even according to Chinese ideas ; increas- with thin bark, such as the pines, ly.uosri's --1,- CrAril. stubbornness of the rock they are ing foreign demand for American - -' she is alleged to be accessible toi and particularly the yellow pine, attacking, and they are exposed to made goods accounts, in a large brit-IPS-a most unusual fault in a are very combustible, an41 fall an EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. a mental danger, said by cynics not measure, for the employment of so • sovereign -a n d she has not secured easy prey to the flames. The red to be ,wholly unobservable among .•, ' 'much money in the syndicates. fir the most valuable CASTORIATHE CENTAUR COINPAar. PIM YORK CITY. es4/-14 (lie attachment of any known tree of the Vieess1 "•• their sisters even in Europe. In The outside world sees that in a force within the empire ; yet she Northwest, is much less combus- prosperity they are apt to drive too country where there is an abund- Chimmie-Me fader's a sojer, an' he rules and will rule the most dread tible, as it possesses a thick bark wears a uniform all day! hard, the "temperateness," as Ten- ance of, raw material, great skill person among it fourth of the and contains comparatively little Billy-Fergit it! Me fader's a waitwait-- nyson called it, of our own sover- manifested in an increasing degree er an' he sleeps in a dress suit! human race. It seems inexplicable, resin ; while the California redwood I emieitseeee Council. No. 153. Jr 0.C.A. Iii eign DIR:4_13113RY being among female sovereigns eyery year in manufacture, and is so Connell m..ets every Tuestlayevening at 7p.m. EVIdelice. but it is not. A similar phenom- wet that no fire can sustain F F3 130 4 atOK COUNTY Conn.-Bor. M. F Sii) I .r; Vice-Couticilor. Ilugh almost unique, or displeyeri equally people naturally energetic and alert )3 .14ot:hen:et ; a..corditiu secretary, EllEHE C. "Was that man ever a farmer?" in- enon has appeared repeatedly at itself among them. There have Moser: Assistant Itecoongli Sevi'vtai Y. K. It quired Mrs. Corntossel. only by Maria Theresa. We have to take advantage of opportunities, Circeii Court. Zininiempti.. ; Conti uct..r, ilia ties lenders ; intervals in the history of Asia. never been fires among the red- orthefry Warden.(hi.,. Engler : Side SentneLliolland "No," answeied her husband very not yet seen the end of the Dow- citiel jwire-- Van.l a mes f in We there are elements at work power-. woods. In burnt areas 6:, •; .: - I a Fro. - lion. Joinn C. 1.0tter and Weant : Outei .r.
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