Mutilated fpinesa comes from within; "Sawmills can’t run without us­ on what \t\ are rather ing up logs; nor saloons run without whet wa have.” using up boys and girls. Have you one to spare.” LAUREL, DELAWARE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1940 21.50 PER YEAR Laurel taffi Has Laurel Woman Injured LAUREL A. C. LOSES CWW GW-Hestes Delaware Motor Ttuck IARKTOCK Hep S2u4. Birthday Bi Auto Accident ®¥ 2®, FIRST FIBI LEAGUE GAME Urogram On Education Association -Executive rJ6«W Elizabeth Donaway, a Laurel girl, Committee Meeting teHteoAK •employed at Delaware State Hospital hr the opening game of the newly The-LaUrei'New Century Club held RECISTRATION had a very narrow escape on Christmas formed Kent-Sussex Basketball League, Its regular meeting at ihe Community The Executive Comittee of the Dela­ night, When the car In which she and ware Motor TrUck Association, Inc., Georgetown C. C. C. defeated Laurel HoUSe Tuesday afternoon at 2.30 o’clock DAY FOR 1940 five others Were in ran over a ten foot with the president, Mrs. Fred Burford held ite first meeting at the office of b£ Church Altte. Plan to embankment, turning over several A. C. by a score of 29 to 27 on the the Associatipn in the Keith Building. presiding. Following a short business tain Christ Methodist times, Georgetown court. Georgetown after South Stale Street, Dover, Delaware, A new registration of voters of Dela­ Man at iQinner They were all taken to Wilmington securing a 24 to 13 lead In the first half qession. a program on "Education” was oh Thursday, December 28th at one o'clock p. m. Matters of importance ware will be held this year under the- General Hospital where they were was able to survive Laurel's desperate conducted. quadrennial registration requirements^ , important matters were dis treated and released, except Edward coticeming activities of the Association second half rally, Charles P. Helm, superintendent of There will be five registration days. |at the regular monthly meetin„ Keiser who was badly cut around the Cooper and Annorte during the ensuing year were discuss­ the Laurel Public Schools, spoke face and head. He, was held for ob- were the leading scorers of their re- ed and definite steps taken to put some Registration lists of four years age Qcials of Centenary Methodist gardlng the need Of additional school and the supplemental lists in the in­ seration and released later. ' spective teams. of the plans ihto immediate operation. Monday, and plans for action terim are obsolete, AU voters, must Miss Donaway was cut and bruised room; and Mrs, Burford discussed the Of particular interest, was the plan LAUREL A. C. register to he entitled to vote at the ed. The pastor, Rev. E. C. on the right leg. She returned to the pos G F TP ideals of the Parent-Teachers Asso­ adopted whereby the Delaware Asso. reported that 107 men took ciatton is to enter into negotiations general election on Tuesday, Novem­ State Hospital where she remained in Ellis F 113 ciation. with other State Associations along the ber 5th. ye part in the serving of the re- bed for week. i Cooper F 4 3 11 Next week’s program will be in Atlantic Seaboard so as to make avail­ The registration days will be: Sat­ i's supper, about 400 persons The car belonged to Charles Tyndall Hearn F 0 11 charge of Mrs. Paul Gordy and will be able to truckers operating in and thr. urday, July 20; Saturday, August 3; and driven by Melvin Collins was a ’ Lowe C 15 7 on the subject “The Middle-aged jjed, including 50 free suppers, ough such States certain services and Thursday, August 8; Saturday, Sep­ total wreck. | Bailey G 2 0 4 Woman Goes to Bat with Father Time.” He profit was not the motive, courtesies. tember 21; Saturday. October 19. The Elliott G 0 11 pper netted approximately $35. The purpose "of the Executive Com. registration days are fixed under the Smith G 0 0 0 Reliance Masons i was just sufficient to finish; Sussex Trust Company mittee is to carry into effect the poli­ law. cies and program set up by the Board The fact that a new registration this , for the public address system Pays 77th Dividend 8 11 27 pe hoard authorized that it be Hold Ladies Night of Directors by holding frequent meet­ year is required and the first registra­ i this manner, GEORGETOWN C. C. C. ings during the interim between regu­ tion ray is not until July will have ne are being made to substitute The Sussex Trust Company Bank The members of Gethsemaae Lodge lar meetings of the Board of Directors. effect on the convention delegate and pos. G F TP 1 week this year in place of the With branches in Lewes, Milton and A. F. A A. M., held their annual din­ For the present the Executive Com­ Republican committee election prim­ Annone F 3 17 aries a sthe parties will rely on their ifember Canvas, and this was Laurel, mailed dividend checks to all ner and ladies night at Reliance Com­ mittee will meet every Thursday af­ Sylvester F 2 0 4 ternoon at the offices of the Association to tip finance committee of Its stockholders on January 1st, equal munity "Hotise Friday evening, tlie 29th. own lists of voters. The parties pro­ to a four per cent regular dividend and Jaffle C 113 promptly at one o'clock vide their own books and hear all the „ch do complete the plans. The Cox After the dinner, which consisted of one percent extra on the par value of G 10 2 expenses of the primaries. committee will meet Saturday Zambino all the delicacies of the season, a pro­ the stock Accompanying the check G 2 2 6 The “Uttle conventions” will select at the parsonage—and Loy- Gross gram of music, Interspersed with ad­ was a notice to the effect that this is G 10 2 First Nylon Yarns delegate* to the national conventions, ek will be held the latter part of Anderson dresses from various visiting masons, the 77th consecutive semi-annual divi­ G 2 15 with the Democratic national commit­ wa rendered. Among the distinguished don was also held regarding dend to be paid since the company or­ From Seaford Unit teeman ahd committeeWornan elected 12 5 29 guests were the Grand Master of Del­ ng program, which would ln- ganized. The dividend was paid from by the full quota Ot Democratic dele­ aware, T. Scott Purse and Mrs. Puree, Go To Hose Mills gates and the Republican nations! [the extension of the basement to Mrs. Sabra MeifS* bfotiy observedobs« -- .s»E^ ---------- of Seaford, Mr. George Duffy, Deputy committeeman and committeewomaa ; double It* present size, provid- her 82nd birthday teittfcaxtey at the stantlal amount remaining for undivid-1 lU'T>a Charles G. Allen Grand Master and Mr. Roscnblat of First delivery to hosiery mills of elected by the delegates selected by reation space, as well as kitchen, home ’of her daughter, Harry R. ed profits and other items. j Wilmington, Mr. George Macklin, Past nylon yam from the new Seaford plant the state convention to the national j room and Sunday School rooms, Smith on Pine Street, Mears Is Given Birthday Party Grand Master of Bridgeville, Rev. Til- of E. I. duPont de Nemours & Co. te convention. ea of placing a second floor over the widow of the late ftnlaa Mears 4-H CLUB NOTES ghman Smith and Mrs. Smith of Prin­ reported scheduled for this week . Sunday School was also dis. of near Georgetown in Piney Grovp , „ , , , , „ . Nrs. Charles G. Allen was tendered cess Anne, Dr. and Mrs. E, E. Coleman Tlie 30-odd full-fashioned vSiirpr.'"' s to add much-needed Sunday neighborhood. She is e mother of 2; t* ”* ""t,‘ - of Seaford, John Williams and Mr, and Which have long been experimenting I>iitutci Pa?ty Hi’ . space. A building committee ten children, twenty-!*: in grandchil- Mr*. Ira Wheatley ot Cambridge. Mr. with the yam Will not, however, re­ ned including Charles E. Mar- dren and seventeen great andchildren. On Christmas Day judge* again at the 33rd annual exhibit |h" ,on, ,S‘reeL T*10®6 Ireland S. White Is Master of Geth- ceive allotments in accordance with W. Oldfield, Captain R. F. of the Delaware Crop Improvement J Included the following: Mayor W. T. Records, Gran- semane Lodge. their stated requirements for the first Association to he held at the Midland ^ta- Evelyn Rogers, Mr*. Lulu O'Neal Mrs. Florence Carmine entertained Windsor, Fowler Phillips and six months. Instead, according to In­ Grange Hall in Georgetown, January Mrs. Lucinda Bailey, Mr*. Medford Christmas Day: Mr. arid Mr*.,Robert , C. Boyce. TWs committee was formation obtainable among the hos­ Cth. Hastings and daughter, Sandra of New­ rized to secure estimates on the Phillips, Mrs. Eloise Stump. Mrs. Mary PERSONALS iery firms, only about one-fifth of the This Is. the seascn>/<Jr New Year’s This announcement was made recent­ port News, Va, Mrs. Creamer Henry of the proposed work and to re- Easom. Mrs. Ethel Oldfield, Mrs. Mabel estimated six-months orders can be fil­ resolutions. The Delaware Safety Coun­ ly by C. E. McCauley, State 4-H Club Thompson, Mrs. Gladys Henry, Mrs. led by duPont, of Laurel, Mr. Offie Carmine of Salis­ tt the next meeting of the official cil urges all Delawareans to make some bury, Md, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Hub- Agent at Large and secretary-treas­ Gladys PUaey, Rev. and Mrs. E.
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