


Prof. Gustave Mushagalusa Nachigera Chancellor of the Evangelical University in Africa (UEA/)

Dear readers, It is an honour to write to you as mem- through our action based on scientific bers of the great network of Prof. Dr research. We want to understand the Denis Mukwege. This includes family causes of such violence better and members, friends, institutions within through the work of advocacy contri- Congo and abroad, those that awarded bute to the eradication of the same. prizes to him for his work and others At the same time we need to empower who are supporting his aims and objec- women and build their capacity to take tives based on the same values. up the leadership in society at large. Dr Mukwege brought back joy and It is within that framework that the dignity to thousands of women who Centre of Excellence Denis Mukwege became victims of sexual violence in (CEDM) will play a crucial role. The the DRC. It is his great vision that all centre was established by the UEA in causes of rape and sexual violence order to strengthen and continue the will be eradicated around the world work of Dr Mukwege and will carry on in general and in DRC in particular. It his vision in the fight for more peace is the human right to life, justice and and justice. We therefore solicit your dignity that he speaks about and pro- support in this matter. nounces across the world. The value of this centre will depend on We all recognise the incredible work many people who will take the vision that Dr Mukwege has done and the forward, people of all walks of life, vari- importance of this work in order to ous nationalities and in various capa- continue to support women who are ctities, but united in the aim to make victims of sexual violence globally and a change and contribute to a trans- specifically in DRC. formation of peace and development under global solidarity. Together we need to be ready to carry this burden and share the vision of We specifically would like to see a restoring dignity to Congolese women museum established in Bukavu that 2 carries the testimony of many women and will enable future generations to learn from the past and build a better future. On my own behalf and on behalf of the UEA and on behalf of all those who are affected by such violence, I want to thank you for your support and soli- citation.


Prof. Denis Mukwege Director of Panzi Hospital and Vice-Dean of the UEA

Ladies and gentlemen, on all continents. Such voices can be At a first glance it seems the issue at heard, but there is still a taboo surroun- hand is well known: Violence against ding these cases. women and especially violence against Our experience at Panzi Hospital caring women as a weapon of war is an act for such women for over 20 years shows against humanity. In order to address that rape continues to be a taboo sub- this issue: the “Centre d’Excellence ject and the consequences of such Denis Mukwege” was established by violence for women are disastrous. It the UEA. The purpose of this centre affects women themselves, but also is to “better understand the context their families and the communities. and consequences of violence against Rape and sexual violence aim to destroy women and to create an environment the person in their humanity: physically, where women can live in dignity and psychologically and socially. These acts peace to develop their lives to their full humiliate the community where they capacity. come from. Rape is a weapon of power In the 1990ies, when I first was cal- and it puts those down against whom led to treat the serious consequences it is enacted. Therefore, such violence of extremely violent rape and other affects our societies and its root causes sexual violence, committed in the must be studied and interventions tes- context of ongoing armed conflicts in ted for evidence. It is essential to better the DRC, few people knew about such understand the anthropological, psy- atrocities. Today more voices are being chological and sociological factors and raised to denounce these barbaric acts provide a basis for prevention as well that are a shame for humanity. as developing appropriate and scientifi- cally proven interventions that will help The voices of the survivors, of coura- in the reintegration of victims in a holi- geous women and men are now heard. stic manner including appropriate legal People who stand up to break the responses. silence surrounding rape for centuries 4 The holistic care that we developed However, we also realise that there are over two decades at Panzi Hospital limitations. The more we implement includes physical, social, psychological this “Panzi Model”, the more we ask and legal assistance. It shows synergi- questions and we wish these to be ans- stic effects and is producing positive wered by research and academic dis- results. Survivors return to schools and cussions. The CEDM wants to be part universities, initiate economic- acti of such scientific dialogue that will lead vities, build houses and rebuild their to appropriate action and make a signi- homes. It is possible to de-traumatise ficant contribution in order to prevent, victims and bring women out of isola- treat and eradicate sexual violence in tion so they can talk, share and work our society. I congratulate the initiators – in short: they can start to live their and wish its researchers every success. lives again. 5 PREFACE

Dr. med. Gisela Schneider Director of the German Institute for Medical Mission

Dear reader, „Healing is only complete when justice care. Women must be well cared for occurs“ – This was the message of and have access to quality care, irre- Dr Denis Mukwege before the UN spective of where they live” says the Security Council in April 2019. Prof. Dr Nobelprize Winner. Denis Mukwege, a longstanding friend The Centre d’Excellence Denis Muk- and partner of the German Institute wege wants to make a difference in for Medical Mission (Difäm), has been this situation and set up a sign of hope. knocking the doors of world leaders Through its research, the centre will and decision makers for many years, contribute to internationally recogni- demanding that something must sed knowledge in this field and at the be done to end sexual violence as a same time give young women a chance weapon of war not only in DRC but also for training, development moving into globally, and the country must be given leadership positions within their res- a chance to peace and development. pective areas and communities. At his work at Panzi Hospital, he faces At the same time the centre wants to the suffering and plight of women who influence communities and society and are violated day after day. He built up show that transformation can be pos- a multi-professional team who gives sible and women will return to a life comprehensive care at Panzi Hospital, in dignity and self-determination. The where women are not only treated centre will build capacity and bring physically but are restored to a life in young women into leadership posi- dignity and hope. In addition, Dr Muk- tions. It is the aim to see young scien- wege has given these women a voice tists emerge and doctors making their for peace and justice. contribution. The work that Dr - Muk At the same time, he trains young doc- wege has passionately pursued over tors who have a heart for their pati- years will bear fruit, and it is our wish, ents: “We want to reach every pro- that his Peace will make a vince in this country with good medical difference in the lives of women and 6 communities in DRC. Dr Mukwege has geous women of DRC and Dr Muk- passionately pursued his work, now wege in his tireless struggle for their honoured with the Peace Nobel Price. rights, their dignity and their survival, deserve our commitment. Together Therefore, our commitment is needed we want to contribute to the success in Europe to stand up for human rights of this endeavour and wish the team in and peace in Congo. As individuals, Bukavu every success and God’s bles- churches and organisations we can sing. contribute to this process. The coura- 7 BACKGROUND

„Combating violence against women lence in my work, the more I see that I and girls, especially in conflict areas“ cannot solve this problem alone. There is the aim of the newly established are many unanswered questions that Chair Denis Mukwege at the Evangeli- affect different sectors and must be cal University in Africa (UEA) located in explained”, says Dr Denis Mukwege. Bukavu, South Kivu. It follows the crea- This Centre of Excellence for Women, tion of such a chair at the University of Leadership and Peace was created by Liège in May 2018. the UEA in support of the 2018 Nobel Based on these developments, the Peace Prize awarded to its Professor UEA has now initiated a Centre of and vice-dean of the Faculty of Medi- Excellence for Women, Leadership and cine and Community Health, Dr Denis Peace within the university. This “Cen- Mukwege. tre d’Excellence Denis Mukwege” aims The Centre of Excellence wants to at developing interdisciplinary rese- develop internationally recognised arch involving areas such as medicine, research with the collaboration of psychology, law, economics, history, international partner institutions and sociology, theology among others in aims at interdisciplinary action on order to provide scientifically sound violence against women and girls and answers to the phenomenon of sexual on the development of women in lea- violence in the context of conflict, and dership. At the same time, the centre to improve the lives of survivors of wants to have a transformative impact such violence and their rights in the at community level to restore women‘s Democratic Republic of Congo and rights and their dignity. the Great Lakes Region. “The more I experience the reality of sexual vio-

8 9 VISION AREAS OF INTERVENTION Our vision is a just society where all The Denis Mukwege Centre of Excel- forms of violence against women and lence works in the field of research girls are eradicated, where women can and training and is at the service of the develop their full potential in society local community and society at large. and where men and women live The main objective of the centre is to together in harmony and respect for better understand the context and human dignity and rights. consequences of violence against women and to contribute to the MISSION STATEMENT creation of an environment where The Centre of Excellence has been women can live with dignity and in established to develop interdiscipli- peace and develop their capacities to nary research to better understand their full potential. the reasons for sexual violence and to support the prevention of such vio- The main issues of the centre are: lence against women, as well as to pro- • Women’s lives and rights mote a holistic model for the care of • Women in leadership survivors of such violence. At the same time, the centre wants to support the • Peace and development development of women‘s leadership in the Democratic Republic of Congo and in the region. 10 11 The Goals of the Centre of Excellence

Strategic objective 1 By the end of 2021, the Centre of Excellence is fully operational and has its own construction on the UEA campus. The centre coordinates research, training and community participation. Strategic objective 2 Within five years, the research capacities of the UEA, coordinated by the Centre of Excellence, will be strengthened and will allow for quality research in the fields of medicine, social sciences, agriculture and economics a.o. Strategic objective 3 Women are able to take responsibility and leadership in the areas of research, health, management, trade, agriculture, civil society or politics. Strategic objective 4a Women are able to take their rightful place in society and the root causes of violence against women are identified and addressed. Strategic objective 4b Effective measures to prevent rape and sexual violence are identified and implemented, and cases of violence are documented and recorded and appropriate measures are taken. Strategic objective 5 The research findings of the Centre of Excellence Denis Mukwege and the successful implementation of community interventions are widely disseminated and contribute to stability and peace in the country, in the Great Lakes region and at a global level.


Strategic objective 1 By the end of 2021, the Centre of Excellence is fully operational and has its own construction on the UEA campus. The centre coordinates research, training and community participation. The UEA has recognized the importance of such a centre and will take the leader- ship as well as all necessary measures for its establishment and continued work. Bread for the World will contribute to this process through initial funding. At the same time it will be necessary to generate more interest among donors in order to establish a well-functioning and sustainable institution. A site has been identified on the UEA premises and it is expected that the cen- tre will be built there within three years. We invite supporters and well-wishers to contribute to its establishment. The following results might be achieved over the next two years: • Output 1.1 The “Centre d’Excellence Denis Mukwege” is established by the end of 2019. • Output 1.2 The “Centre d’Excellence Denis Mukwege” is built on the premises of the UEA • Output 1.3 There are at least three other major donors identified who will support core activities and projects for the Centre of Excellence Denis Mukwege.


Strategic objecti ve 2 Within fi ve years, the research capaciti es of the UEA, coordinated by the Centre of Excellence, will be strengthened and will enable high-quality interdisciplinary rese- arch in the fi elds of medicine, social sciences, agriculture, theology or economics a.o. The centre will strengthen local capacity and create networks and partnerships that will have an impact on the local situati on with the following outputs: • Output 2.1 The UEA has set up a strategy to create a research centre that allows basic scienti fi c and epidemiological studies to be carried out. • Output 2.2. Research results are disseminated through communicati on and scienti fi c publica- ti ons in peer reviewed journals. • Output 2.3. The partnership with the Denis Mukwege Internati onal Research Chair located at the University of Liège in has been strengthened.


I am Cécilia Agino Foussikada, 25 years old, graduate and assistant in social scien- ces, at the Department of Social Services since August 2018. I have just obtained a scholarship from the Evangelical University in Africa for a master‘s degree in gender studies in Belgium. This was granted to me as part of the staff training of the Cen- tre of Excellence Denis Mukwege. My thanks go to the Rector of the UEA/Bukavu, Prof. Dr Gustave Mushagalusa Nachigera, initi ator of the Denis Mukwege Centre of Excellence, for his confi dence in me and my abiliti es. As a woman my moti vati on for

14 specialization in gender studies and my commitment to the Denis Mukwege Centre of Excellence is high. Gender studies will inspire my vision as an agent for change in the status of women and the promotion of gender equality in the Democratic Republic of Congo and in the world at large. After my training, I will position myself within the Centre of Excellence, alongside other women and men committed to the same cause, and I will exercise my role as an expert in the fight against all forms of discrimination. Yes, it is still possible to transform the Democratic Republic of Congo into a place where it is finally nice to live for a woman!


Strategic objective 3 The centre will enable women to take responsibility and leadership in research, health, management, trade, agriculture, civil society and even politics. Thereby the “Centre d’Excellence Denis Mukwege” aims to facilitate a process that will bring women into leadership positions both in the academic world and the society at large. After years of repression and violence, the centre wants to make a positive contri- bution to the lives of young women who will be able to develop their full potential, and to assume positions of responsibility and leadership leading to a transforma- tion of society. • Output 3.1 The Centre of Excellence Denis Mukwege has set up a research mentoring system for women in their university education (undergraduate, graduate and post-gra- duate). • Output 3.2 Women hold leadership positions in research or other fields where they lead an organization or institution with at least 20 people. • Output 3.3 At least five women in the mentoring program hold senior positions in health/ medicine, management, civil society, politics or any other relevant field.


Strategic objective 4a Women are able to take their rightful place in society and the root causes of violence against women are identified and addressed. Strategic objective 4b Effective measures to prevent rape and sexual violence are identified and imple- mented, cases of violence are documented and recorded and appropriate measu- res are taken. The reason for the creation of such a centre is the injustice to and violence against women that has occurred in an unprecedented way in the DRC. The Denis Mukwege Centre of Excellence wants to better understand the root causes of this evolution and how the root causes can be effectively addressed. The holistic approach to the care of survivors of sexual violence used in Panzi is a good example for effective treatment. However, the centre wishes to further evaluate this model and develop strategies that are effective at community level in order to improve women‘s lives in the future. The work of the centre will place particular emphasis on women‘s autonomy and their rights in society.

16 • Output 4.1 The evaluati on of the „One Step Centre“ of Panzi Hospital has been completed and is helping to develop and adopt new strategies for women suff ering from the consequences of rape and sexual violence. • Output 4.2 Two model communiti es, both rural and urban, are identi fi ed and a model health centre is established that will provide holisti c care for women and serve as a trai- ning insti tuti on for health workers under the directi on of a family doctor. • Output 4.3 The Centre‘s work contributes to women‘s equality in society and empowers women in terms of leadership, decision-making, access and control of resources and their benefi ts, access to rights and equality between women and men in families and in society in general.


I am EUPHRASIE KANINGINI WAMUNZILA, 28 years old, married and mother of two children, graduate and assistant in the Financial Management Department of the UEA/Bukavu since March 2014. I have just obtained a grant from the UEA to do a master‘s degree in entrepreneurship, awarded as part of the training of the staff of the Denis Mukwege Centre of Excellence. When I got the announcement of this scholarship, fi rst of all, I had a great feeling of joy and grati tude but also of respon- sibility to the UEA and the Centre of Excellence Denis Mukwege. I know that this scholarship is an investment for the Centre and my challenge is fi rst and foremost to succeed in this training and to contribute to the search for soluti ons to improve the status of women, their leadership and peace in our region. As a Congolese woman, I fully understand the unworthy conditi ons in which the women of our region live. Working at the Centre of Excellence is an honour for me and a source of great moti vati on because through my research I will engage in the conquest of the economic empowerment of Congolese women through the development of female entrepreneurship and leadership. Yes, it is sti ll possible to transform the Democrati c Republic of Congo into a place where it is fi nally beauti ful to live for a woman!


Violence against women is used as a weapon of war. Dr. Mukwege, the Nobel Peace Prize laureate, has been fighting this phenomenon for many years. The Denis Mukwege Centre of Excellence wants to contribute to this fight against violence to women in general and the use of violence as a weapon of war in particular. Strategic objective 5 The results of the Centre of Excellence‘s research and the successful implementa- tion of community interventions are widely disseminated and contribute to stability and peace in the country, the region and at a global level. • Output 5.1 Research results are translated into advocacy messages and used at local, natio- nal and international levels as an instrument of advocacy for peace. • Output 5.2 A concept for a museum is developed that will address the issue in a way that can be understood by generations to come. Funding is found to create a place of information, training and awareness that values the role of women in society. • Output 5.3 Women actively contribute to an open society where men and women have equal rights leading to a visible transformation in local communities and restore dignity and peace to local communities.


Dr. Mukwege, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize 2018, has set a worldwide recogni- sed example that we need to emulate. Women suffer, their rights and dignity are violated, but together we can make a difference. The work of the “Centre d’Excel- lence Denis Mukwege” will contribute to this fight for justice and peace. The Ev. University (UEA) in Bukavu is looking for organisations and well-wishers who will support the different aspects of this work. In order to make a difference in the lives of women in the Democratic Republic of Congo and communities in general, we will need all the support we can get. Therefore we want to build a strong partnership and network of friends who can support us . As director of this centre, it is my deep desire to advocate for indivi- duals who have no voice, no rights and whose dignity has been taken away. It is all about women, of whom I am one myself. Women, however, who are increa- singly asserting themselves as „subjects“ of their history and as essential actors of development.

18 This motivates me as I believe that the Denis Mukwege Centre of Excellence CEDM will encourage a great change created at the UEA reflects this col- in women‘s lives and that competent lective commitment. I therefore invite women and leaders will emerge from you to also join us by supporting the there who will positively influence CEDM to achieve its objectives. Thank our society. ‘We all have the power to you for your support in the fight for change the course of history’, said Dr. rights, dignity and peace. Denis Mukwege in his speech in Oslo at the 2018 Nobel Prize ceremony. The Prof. Dr Germaine Furaha


You can decide to support the CEDM directly and indirectly: • You can join those who facilitate our partnership. • You can support us financially for any of the objectives of the Centre by bank transfer with the note „support to the CEDM“ on the accounts mentioned below, or contact us at the addresses given. You can also ask us to submit a concept note on one or the other aspect of the CEDM.

Bank Account: Difäm e. V. (German Institute for Medical Mission) Bank: Evangelische Bank eG Stuttgart IBAN: DE36 5206 0410 0000 4066 60 BIC: GENODEF1EK1 Key Word: Centre of Excellence Denis Mukwege (CEDM) 19 CONTACTS

For any additional information and requests for cooperation, please contact:

IN THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO IN Germaine Furaha Mirindi, PhD. Mrs. Esperance Mugosa Director of the Centre d’Excellence Denis Mukwege Email: [email protected] Tél. +243990318590 Tél: +12049305606 Email: [email protected] Skype: germaine.furaha2 www.uea.ac.cd

IN GERMANY IN SWEDEN Dr. Gisela Schneider Marie Berg Director of the German PhD, RN, RM, MPH, MNursSci Institute for Medical Mission Professor, Email: [email protected] Senior Consultant Midwife, www.difaem.de Institute of Health and Care Sciences Dr. Julia Seibert Sahlgrenska Academy Education Consultant of University of Gothenburg Bread for the World (Africa) Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] www.brot-fuer-die-welt.de