www.thepeninsulaqatar.com CAMPUS | 6 MARKETPLACE | 7 ENTERTAINMENT | 12 MES students bring Oxy Qatar employees Tera Surroor: An painting contest share knowledge abysmal attempt laurels with students in upscale avatar MONDAY 4 APRIL 2016 Email:
[email protected] thepeninsulaqatar @peninsulaqatar @peninsula_qatar As the world’s superpowers eye the lucrative Arctic region with growing interest, unprecedented oil spill clean-up tests in icy Finnish conditions reveal just how hazardous and challenging an accident in the Arctic’s pristine sea ice could be. RISKY ARCTIC QUESTS P | 4-5 MONDAY 4 APRIL 2016 | 03 CAMPUS DeBakey students take part in Planet Georgetown event DeBakey High School students participated in the Planet Georgetown program. Students learned about social movements and created posters about ways to improve the world for the future. One of the students said: “I really enjoyed learning about the other parts of the world and the troubles related to food, water and society standards.” NIS welcomes new teachers he teachers of Noble Internation- Tal School (NIS) welcomed the new academic year 2016-2017 and the new teachers with enthusiasm. The new and existing teachers were ad- vised to commence the new academic year with positive thoughts, tenacity and fortitude, adherence and commit- ment to make the school atmosphere homely for the students. Robin Jose, HOS, Preparatory sec- tion welcomed the gathering. Abdul Rahim, Director General, NIES, deliv- ered the presidential address. Hussain Mohammed, Chairman, and Moham- med Eesa, Vice-Chairman, addressed the gathering. Principal Shibu Abdul Rasheed, gave a short speech encour- aging them to extend their support to strive together and to work hand in hand for the betterment of the in- stitution.