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I NET PRESS RUN THE WEATHER ■■ / •- AVERAGE DAIL'Z CIRCULATION Forecast by O. 8. Weather Bureau, I for the Month of July, lhS9 Neff Uaveu

5 , 3 0 1 C onn. -U Fair Tonight and Saturday. Members of the Audit Bureau ot Clrcnlatlona______

SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., FRH)AY, AUGUST 30, 1929.* VOL. XI41I.. NO. 270. (Classlfled Advertising on Page 10) EIGHTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS

English and French Act to Quell Religious 12 ARABS KILLED Warfare in Near East. OVER THREE SCORE ARE LOST BY THE BRITISH ‘ AS PACIFIC STEAMER SINES Reports of Massacres in NEWYORKCITY COMPROMISE GERMANS PAY Palestine Continue to Fil­ HAILS ECKENEP, COLUDES IN FOG ter In — American Stu­ REACHED ON MOREUNDER dents in the Danger Zone. ZEP C O L A N D E R N E ^ C C O R D WITH OIL TANKER NmeUTS N. London, Aug. SO.—Twelve Arabs Man Who Made the Whole are reported to have been killed Forced to Pay 110 Million Seven Hours After Colfision Only 36 of 110 Persons at Surbaher and Ldfta, Palestine, by World Kin is Given a Won­ Great Britain and Umted British troops who gave battle to Known to Have Been on Board of Coast Liner Had recover loot seized by the Moslems, States Substantially Marks Over Amount Stip­ according to advices published by derful Reception by Man­ evening newspapers this after­ Agree on Disarmaments ulated by Young P la n - Been Accounted For—-Many of Victims m Worst Ma­ noon. hattan Residents. More than a dozen young Ameri­ rine Disaster in Years Were Women and Cl^dren— can students, members of a cycling Happy Over Agreement. group traveling through , may — The Compromise. be imperiled on the Palestine-Syrian New York, Aug. 30— Dr. Hugo Meagre Wireless Reports Say Ship Went Down So frontier. Eckener, commander of the Graf Washington, Aug. 30 — Great Berlin, Aug. 30.—^It was officially Fighting is reported to have Zeppelin, and the man who made broken out at Acre, 95 miles nprth- Britain and the United States have estimated today that Germany will Quickly, Passengers Were Trapped in Cabins. the whole world kin, received New west of Jerusalem. British troops substantially agreed upon the broad be forced to pay 110,000.000 msurks fork city’s official handclasp of 'have been rushed there to reinforce principles of a naval accord be­ above the Young plan reparation the guards already on the scene. greetings this afternoon. tween the two coimtries. There schedules as a result of the agree­ San Francisco, Aug. 30 — The i Panama Mail Co., and later was It was a gray day, but there was FRESH OUTBREAKS will have to be, however, some more ments reached in the Hague confer­ d.ath toll ,n the einltlnr o , the pae- “““She ."’ waJ ’ " I s H S t T 'f e a_ g t h , „t nothing of gloom in the uproarious exchanges between Washington and ence. Furthermore, it was claimed, London, Aug. 30.—Eighteen more reception which this sky conqueror senger steamer San Juan early to­ 1,308 registered tons, with & capa­ persons—twelve Arabs and six London before the agreem pt In there is a curtailment of German day off Pigeon Point may reach city of 80 passengers. received in recognition of his principle is ready for public an­ exports ajid an increase in guaran­ Jews— were reported killed in fresh round the globe fiight in three three score or more. The San Juan was heavily patron­ nouncement. ty annuities. ized by passengers w'ho sought a outbreaks in Palestine, according weeks. Both sides have made concessions A dense fog today shrouded in to advices received here this after­ The sky scraper belt of Lower However, far sighted business leisurely trip between San Francis­ from the jiositions taken at the and financial circles are satisfied, imcertainty the fate of 74 passen­ noon. Manhattan gave its usual boisterous aboritive Geneva conference in co and Los Angeles, for she stopped The Arabs were said to have been greeting with salvoes of cheers and and they expect the biggest business gers and members-of the ill-fated at Santa Barbara on her resnilar 1927, which broke up because of boom Germany has ever seen. They route. ^ killed by British troops in an at­ hochs” and clouds of confetti and the utter inability of the experts to San Francisco to Los Angeles tack at Surbaher and Lifta. ticker tape that belched from roof consider it a remarkable achieve­ , - The tanker Dodd, built in 192n hv get together on the controversia.1 ment that, ten years after the steamer which sank 12 miles off the ;the Moore Ship Building Co., of Oak^ A Central News telegram from and lofty windows in a pattering Military forces of two nations—Great Britain and France—are pre­ cruiser question. “The statesmen,” Jerusalem said the Jews were kill­ storm. But behind the din and the World War, Germany regains at coast of Central California three | land, is a modem steam oil tanker pared to cope with religious strife in the Near East. . British troops, as exemplified by President Hoover least econoniic if not yet full politi­ minutes after being in collision with equipped with the latest engines ed in an Arab attack upon the Jew­ flying cloudlets of paper there was ordered to pursue warring Arabian tribesmen into the Palestine deserts, and Premier Flamsay' MacDonald, ish quarter at Safed, 100 miles a deep feeling of awe over the air cal and military sovereignty. Also, the tanker S. C. T. Dodd. and oil handling machinery. She is will transport aramimition and supplies on the backs of camels, as shown have proven more amenable to com­ Seven hours after the collision onlj' north of Jerusalem, near the Sea of commander’s achievement in mak­ the occupational troops will leave 425 feet long, with a beam of 57 above. Below, French army officers are pictured expelling a trouble­ promise than were “ the Admirals German soil six years before the 36 of the 110 persons known to reet and a molded depth of 33 feet Galilee. ing so nonchalantly the world-gird­ making Arab chieftain from Damascus, in the French mandated territory at Geneva. time set by the Versailles treaty. have been on the San Juan had ling tour that made neighbors of of Syria, during a recent threatened rehellion. The Compromise three continents. Bad Impression been definitely accounted for. Of EARLY BULLETINS. . STELL CRITICAL It is believed here that the com­ this number 27, many badly injur­ Jerusalem, Aug. 30. — Although Eckener Arrives promise reached embraces the fol­ Psychologically the unsavory San Francisco. Aug. 30.—One of Dr. Eckener came over from "haggle” at the Hague left an un­ ed, were enroute to San Francisco comparative quiet ruled throughout lowing: on the disabled tanker Dodd and the worst marine disasters in the the Holy Land today, the populace Lakehurst, N. J., where the Graf is 1. The United States is to proceed fortunate impression upon the Ger­ mstory of this secUon of the Paci­ being groomed for its departure man people. German newspapers seven are aboard the steamer remained in a state of extreme with the construction of the 15 new Munami which was first to answer fic coast was believed to have been tension as British authorities work­ back to Germany, and landed at the WHOLESALE ANNULMENT 10,000-ton cruisers ordered by Con­ and officials voice fears that be­ enacted vrith the collision of the Battery at 12:30 o’clock this after­ tween Premier Briand, of France, the distress call sent out by the ed to the full extent of their power gress last year, to be completed in Dodd immediately after the colli­ passenger steamer San Juan and th e' to put down the Moslem rebellion noon. three years. These cruisers will and Philip Snowden, of England, tanker S. C. T. Dodd off Half Moon Then began a triumphal proces­ Germany may be bludgeoned into sion. bay early today. reported to be spreading through­ mount 8-inch guns, and give the Many of the victims of the w'orst sion uptown to City Hall where OF MEXICAN DIVORCES American Navy superiority in the paying the whole post of the com­ It is believed that between 25 and out the entire Near East. Mayor James J. Walker awaited promise agreement.” marine disaster in recent years on A t this time this message is filed, 8-inch type. . the Pacific were women and chil­ 40 persons lost their lives when two the population is even more imeasy this latest pioneer in world travel 2. Great Britain is to retain vessels collided in a soupy fog. and world kinship to shake hands dren. The San Juan carried 65 than it has been during the last superiority in gross cruiser tonnage The San Juan was enroute to Los and, in the name of the city, to ex­ passengers and a crew of 45. week of massacres and bloody riots until time and a replacement pro­ ^ passengers and tend heartiest congratulations. Easy Separations Granted Details Lacking between Arabs and Jews. For to­ O V E 200 START gram. now being worked out, tend Radio advices failed to ™

• \ ----. V- ■■ ^ •5

• . .. ^ ► - *fJr I MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOtTH MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 30,1929. ' PAUis a’w o A. PARADERS SPANKED. oi»r Russian religious fanatics, after shout of welcome as the Macom ap­ England’s Foremost Woman Flyer, Lady Heath, Crashes '/ Nelson, B. C., Aug. 30.—The old they; hkd received a'souifd willowing peared and continued it while the fashioned willow rod today "' had at the hands of provindal polion rNEWYORKCFTY boat docked and the notables were During Cleveland Air Meet. OBITUARY proven effective in’stopping a nude last night when the^ attempted to escorted through lanes in the crowd parade here after all other methods stage a nude parade.' to waiting motor cars. failed. . “ - ■> ■- I I I II !■ Himdreds of police were massed Two jails were filled to overflow­ It takes about 15 sheddings for ^ i HMLSECKENER, in and about Battery Park and ing here today with 150 Doukhob- a crab to mature, covering a per- a other himdreds lined Broadway to FUNERALS iod of two years. ' City Hn.u and were thrown out in W ' ■ a wide flanking formation round Samuel Hadden ! ZEPCOHIANDERa t T n a ll Park to hold back the en­ Funeral services for Samuel Had­ ^ ‘ thusiastic multitude. den, of 11 West street, who died at s (Continued from Page 1) The cheer which started at Bat­ the Memorial hospital yesterday tery Park lasted continuously all noon, will be held Sunday afternoon. There will be_ a service at the late > woman passenger on the Graf on the way up Broadway to City Hall and would have continued even home at two o’clock and a church its wide world jaunt. On the other service in St. Mary’s at 2:30. Mr. \ side were Police Commissioner longer if the procession had not stopped there for the mayor’s greet­ Hadden was a veteran*of the World i Whalen, who formerly held the po- War having served with the Cana­ sitlon of “official greeter” for the ing.*^ As Dr. Eckener rode up Broadway dian forces. He has been a resident V city, and J. Henry Mears, famous of this town nearly all his life. In ^ aviator who held the record for the he waved his hand to the crowd and smiled happily. He looked tired addition to the survivors named in ^ speediest round the world journey yesterday’s obituary column of The > by air before Dr. Eckener took it after his long trip with its ternfic responsibilities and uncertainties. Herald Mr. Hadden leaves a sister, > away from him. Mrs. Thomas J. Kennedy, of West His face w as. lined and. his Lady Hay Excited Springfield, Mass. % Lady Hay, radiant and excited, looked as thou&h he could do \rith ^ wore a black satin gown, with a a dozen hours’ sleep, but he was full gold embroidered collar of lace and of enthusiasm and obviously enjoy­ ed the sincere plaudits of the.croiyd. C 9, picture hat. She carried a huge . DOUBLE MURDER bouquet of American Beauty roses Judged by massed crowds, by noisy enthusiasm and by the genuine feel - clasped to her breast. ’ ^ Mears introduced himself to Dr. of the multitude it was a welcome placed next to that of Col. Lind­ Kansas City, Mo„ Aug. 30. — A i Eckener on the deck of the Macom, double murder near Cliff Drive in "saying: bergh. , .c 1 - Kansas City was revealed today “ Commodore, I am the man from “This is wonderful, wonderful, murmured the commodore as his when the bodies of a man and a a LON NOW PLAYING t| v^Xr'hom you took the record.” motor car moved up Broadway be­ woman were found in the woods ad­ The grizzled old veteran of the joining the drive. shook hands and smiled and tween the mighty buildings with the side walks on both hands packed to The inan had been shot in the ■Jsiiie answered: suffocation with men, women and head. The woman had been ham­ ''X “I am sorry.” children. Thousands bore flags or mered to death. The bodies were C :’ . “Oh, that is all right,” was the about a block apart. cordial response. “Now, I must get [waved hats and handkerchiefs as the procession moved slowly This twisted mass of fuselage and struts is the wreckage of the plane in which Lady Mary Heath, The man was identified as Paul haney >* ;put and win it back and bring it Cwith famed British aviatrix, crashed and was critically injured during the National Air Races at Qeveland. O’Dell, 19, employee of the Kansas ; i back to America.” towards City Hall. U t A t the old post office building, Rescuers are examining the machine after e.xtricaUng her. The craft side-slipped from an altitude of only CJity Southern Railroad. At the PHYLLIS ' Mears intimated he would try to morjgue where the bodie^ were " make a round the world -flight in where the procession turned from 60 feet and dashed through the roof of a factory building. Inset is a photo of Lady Heath, aiaation pioneer HAVER Broadway into a ty Hall park, hun­ who was the first, woman to do an airplane loop and who completed a 10,000-mile solo flight from South taken, it was said th^ woman's about 15 or 16 days next year and clothing had been partly tom off. .JAMES dreds of foot and mounted police Africa t^ London last year. ‘ ' Dr. Eckener seemed much interest- Her head and face were so badiy MURRAY V; ed in this revelation. held back the crowd while the win­ dows and roofs of the nearby high beaten, identification will be diffi­ Sirens Shriek Welcome , cult. A THRILLINGThunder DRAM.4 OF THE ROARING RAILS— IT’S V There w'as a line of fire boats in buildings were crowded with spec­ City Hall or into the hearts of New tators. LADY HEATH DYING. The slain girl was identified later CHANEY AT HIS VERY BEST. ' '1 the upper harbor whose sirens York who has won a closer or as Ruth Laughlin, 24. The youth I'r shrieked a welcome as^ the Macom While the procession was moving surer place than you. We want you ABOUT TOWN uptown the Los Angeles soared was last seen alive at 9 o’clock last VITAPHONE VAUDEVILLE v‘ ! crossed from Jersey. ' Other har- to know how happy you have made night •with a young woman com­ slowly overhead playing its part in us bj coming. Of course, you took Thomas McCann, Jr., of Autumn i IS LATEST REPORT bor craft joined the din and soon panion riding in an automobile. i ^ there was a chorus of 'sound rang- the welcome. an unusual way of coming here and street fs passing ten days at the i CARL EMPY’S PETS j Keller Sisters & Lynch 'sl;Xng from the great booming sirens The plaza just in front of the City got more mileage on your way here Seabreeze cottage, Indian Neck. j (Continued (roin Page I.) y*: *bf the big liners to the toots of the Hall was held open by police and a than anyone before you. I ------LONG DEVICE SUCCESS ‘DIAMOND MASTER” STATE NEW S squad of soldiers was lined up be­ X ' tug boat whistles. “As the first to circumnavigate Miss Kate Wright of Springfield, fore the steps lending a military on Lady Heath’s badly fractured Dr. Eckener stood at the rail al- the world by air you have written Mass., who has been a* patient at New London, Aug. 30.—Members touch to the scene. skull last night with the as.sistance 'C \, tcmately chatting with those round a golden page in history. We salute the Memorial hospital, has returned of Dr. H. B. Wright, chief medical of the crew of the U. S. submarine •v; him or gazing at the fascinating The procession reached City Hall you and we honor you as one of to the home of her aunt, ^ Mrs. S-4 today successfully demonstrat­ at 12:50 where Dr. Eckener was officer of the National air races. picture spread out before him in the the greatest men living throughout Myrtle Corliss-of North Elm street. greeted by Mayor Walker and a Following the operation it was ed the new “lung” safety device for •X haze. It was thrilling, he said, to the entire civilized world.” reported that the aviatrix “ seemed escaping from sunken under-sea committee of distinguished citizens. During the speech Dr. Eckener Fred Patton, noted baritone, ar-1 '•'t : watch the skyscrapers sky line All warmly congratulated Dr. to be improviQg” although her con­ craft. M - from the water side. kept his eyes upon the ground and rived in Manchester with his family i dition was still very critical. The S-4 was- submerged at its Eckener upon his exploit in taking seemed embarrassed by the lauda­ late this afternoon from their home ' v£ Nipe officers and six men from the Graf round the world and upon j wharf here and several of its crew tory words. in Astoria, L. They will spend j T'l. the Graf’s crew accompanied their his faith in the dirigible as a trans­ I. who had been instructed in the use \ ■ In addition to presenting the the week-end and Labor Day with j \ f commander and all stared wdth the ocean ship of commerce. of the “lung” reached the surface STATE X same curiosity as their chief and scroll the mayor gave official gold relatives here. It has been 4 3 years since Carl safely. , Mayor Walker warmly clasped medals of the city of New York to Benz first connected a gas engine X- they shared the commodore’s feel- Dr. Eckener’s hand. The mayor, % ; ings when he declared; Dr. Eckener: to Capt. Ernest Leh­ The little rotating alumimuii to a vehicle and drove it on the 3 Days. q p , , Special En- who is a man of small stature, look­ mann, who will pilot the Graf back streets of Munich. The modern STEELE STILL .ALOFT X' ; “Now I know why they call New ed slight against the looming bulk disc in the electric meter rotates Starting J2iV gagemenp X iYork the greatest city in the world; to Friedrichshafen, and.to the other 3,000 to 4,000 times to register a automobile has evolved from this of the German air sailor. members of the crew and the pas­ one-cylinder affair. Chicago. Aug. 30.—Russell Moss- • .• it' isl” After his remarks of greeting ^ d kilowatt hour of energy. man and C. E. Steele, attempting to Battery Park was jammed with sengers. Warner Bros.’ All-Talking, Singing and congratulations on behalf of him­ In his response, Dr. Eckener said set a new world refueling endurance - people, who set up a clamorous Dancing Film Spectacle. self, the city and the people, the in part: flight record in their monoplane mayor handed the commodore a “The marvelous and sincere re­ Slain Americans “ Chicago We Will,’’ finished their BOARD OF RELIEF beautifully illuminated scroll. ception combined with the friendly first week aloft at 11:31 a. ,:n. FIFTH SCHOOL DISTRIC: Dr. Eckener replied thanking words here haye touched us all very Chicago Daylight time today. Mayor Walker and the city and ex­ deeply— more deeply perhaps be­ “0N%"e"SH0W” pressing his appreciation of aid he Notice is hereby given to all tax­ cause we really see a more friendly The first vessel ever built on THE BIGGEST HIT OF THE SEASON. payers in the Fifth School District has received in ■ New York and attitude toward the German people. America generally. Both speeches the waters,of the west, was the Photographed Entirely in Natural Colors that a board of relief meeting will “The American people have al­ brig Dean. She was launched at were broadcast. ^ A Treat for the Eye. ■be held at the School in said Dis­ ways shown great enthusiasm over the present site of Allegheny City, A Joy to Hear. A military band in front of City any progress in a scientific way be­ trict Tuesday evening, September 3, Hall plaved the Star Spangled Ban­ near Pittsburgh, in ISOG. 1929, from 7 to 8 o’clock, D. S. T., cause they see in it a contribution ner at the conclusion of the cere­ towards human, proeress. I know for the purpose of hearing any and monies and the notables left for the. Andrew Carnegie founded more all complaints in regard to the tax that th is’ attitude is that of the than 2.800 public libraries in the Hotel Astor. where Dr. Eckener was American people.” list. the guest of honor at a luncheon United States. r EDWARD H. KEENEY given in behalf (5!f the city bv a com­ w THOMAS N. PRENTICE mittee of distinguished citizens. HENRY P. JORDAN United States and German flags OVER 200 START District Committee. flew over City Hall. Mayor’s Speech AT HARTFORD’S LEADING VITAPHONE THEATERS In his speech Mayor Walker said TORONTO’S SWIM T.\X COLLECTOR’S NOTICE in part: [|(||i|f|.iiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiii[ FIFTH SCHOOL DISTRICT “No one has ever come into this (Continued From Page One) \ Jsiotiae is hereby given that the ji«B5m tax of 2 mills on the dollar nounced this morning that the race ■Is due and collectible on the 1st day will be “ rufi.” Swimmers enters*! of September, 1929, and for the pur- WE EXTEND from all over the country were out •pose of collecting said tax 1 will be early “warming up.” Conditions to­ at my home, .406 Keeney street. To You An Invitation day were ideal in every way. Only 237 of the 281 entrants who \ Mondays and Wednesdays from 5 •to 9 p. m. collected numbers before the start c Notice—All taxes unpaid October To Visit Our Farm made the plunge, ®ind 135 swim­ iiSi JhotalierO ii 1st, 1929, will be charged interest mers who sent in entry forms .and The State Department may demand indemnification for the deaths at the rate of 9 per cent from Sept­ SATURDAY, SUNDAY registered on the official list failed of Benjamin Hurwitz, right, of Brooklyn, N^Y., and William Berman, ember 1st, 1929 to March 1st, 1930, AND MONDAY to start the grind. Postponements left, of Philadelphia, and ten other American students killed in relig­ TODAY and 10 per cent for balance of the Aug. 81, Sept. 1 and Sept. 2 necessitated by cold water are blam­ ious warfare between Jews and Arabs in Palestine. Hurwitz, 19, ■WARNER r-ROS. PRESENT year and 12 per cent for all liens ed for their withdrawal. Many were and Berman, 20, were slain when an Arabian band attacked Slaboka filed. j THE MURPHEY penniless and could wait here no Rabbinical College, near Jerusalem, where they were students. Signed Robert McLoughlin. | longer. 1 Dated at Manchester, Conn., i GLADIOLUS FARM The only women entrants were August 29, 1929. 1 South Coventry, Conn. Ruth Towers, of Toronto, and Mrs. i i Evelyn Armstrong, of Detroit. Both started confident they would last Ujiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin; the route. - in his Heur / *** The betting favors Ernest Vier- Sandy Beach Ballroom X = koetter with George Young seco.n*! choice. Norman Ross was picked by Presents MY If WIIH iO N C r - witii DAVEY LEE iiril experts to finish third with Frang MAr.iAri NIXON — HOLMES HEREE.TT I Will Your Son Be Among | Prltcnard, iBulialo, fighting for a ROOM FOB EVERTBODYl COME EABLVI place in the money. Fess Williams and Americans A t least Forty thousand saw the "firoadwaY Bahies* I That Set of Clean-Cut, [ swimmers start from the grassy Greatest Colored Orchestra slopes of the park and the flotiila of launches and row boats made a 12 Pieces I Well-Dressed Young Men | spectacular scene. Management of National Broadcasting Co. of New York ^ l E TUCKER SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 31st J M HER FinST ICO®# TALKIF TWO FLYERS KILLED ■ / .1 . .;,-'1‘‘Honi;y TOfji;-' Who Will Return to High School and | .wG SEIFERT AT THE ORGA.N Rapid City, S. D., Aug. 30— Cap­ COMING = tain AJ Spain, noted war flyer and MAL HALL^TT AND HIS ORCHESTRA College Soon to^Resume Their studies? | formerly of Minneapolis, and Wil­ liam Kearns, student flyer, were l The Greatest Dance Band in America. ' killed here today when the airplane i i If SO, let him come to this store where we can outfit in which they were flying at a LABOR DAY NIGHT him with *a natty outfit that will be up-to-the-minute in height of 1,000 feet, crashed after style and the price will be yery reasonable. going into a tailspin.

We Invite You to See Our Line of Suits for Young Men at GIRLS 1 GIRLS! BATHING BEAUTY CONTEST! II TO BE STAGED LABOR DAY NIGHT $25.00 ELKS’ COUNTRY FAIR Willimantic, Conn. I i Topcoats...... $22.50 and up 1st Prize— $75.00 in Gold 2nd Prize— $40.00 in Gold 3id Prize— $20.00 in Gold. II Other Suggestions for Young Men Any Non-l’ roffesslonaJ Young Lady Eligible. Fill This Entry Blank Today. thereby enter my name for the EliKS' COU.N- 11 Sport Sweaters OolfHose rUY FAIR BATHING BEAUTY CONTEST at Mail at Once to Entertainment Committee $ w Willimantic, Labor Day Night. ^ 1 p Caps Neckwear 50c up ELKS’ COUNTRY FAIR NAME ...... ,...... i i Willimantic, Conn. A ‘Fine'Line of Shoes That WTO Jive Service. ADDRESS ...... Care 854 Main Street

Beit TiIMmI — — Added Attraction J— ' , 180% i WILLIAMS TALKINQ HITI 4 — INTERNATIONAL BATHING BEAUTIES — 4 .Incorporated (Miss ) " . - A Johnson Block, South Manchester i DON’T MISS THIS GLITTERING SHOW OF F.A.MOUS BEAUTIES 1 1 liiliiHriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiliriiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiilililiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiliil w , V ' -A- •- ■ '■ J MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN.,* FRH)AY, AUGUST 30,1929. P A G E T H R B il COMPROMISE OVER 3 SCORE LOST FINDS PETRIFIED Local Stocks N, Y. Stocks LATEST STOCKS WHEN STEAMER SINKS New York, Aug. 30.—^A vigorous buying movement, which gained im­ SKULLS AT BEACH (Furnished by Putnam & Co.) REACHED ON Allied Chem ...... 346 petus in early afternoon trading, CCk>ntlnaed from Pace 1) Central Row, Hartford, Conn. Am Car and Fdy ...... 98 caused a general upward movement 1 P. M. Stocks. of prices in the Stock Market to­ Mr. HUl. Bank Stocks Am and For Pow ...... 154 Am Loco ...... 124^ day. In the course of the day’s NAVAL CITO J. Gallagher. Mathias Spiess Makes Re­ Bid Asked trading, many selected Industrial J. Rulfo. Bankers Trust Co .. . 325 Am Tel and T el ...... 296 ^ Anaconda ...... 126 and Rail issues moved up into new W. H. Fellows and Mrs. Fellows. City Bank and Trust . 675 .W— high territory. (Contlnaed from Page 1) Louis Curris. markable Discovery of Cap Nat B&T ...... 500 Atchison ...... 295^ AU Ref ...... 66^ United States Steel climbed 4% A number of passengers who onn River ...... 425 __ to 258; American Can gained 4% to ton class, mounting 8-inch batteries. purchased tickets at the last min­ First Bond & Mtg .. . --- 46 Balt and O h io ...... 139% The rest run the scale downward Prehistoric Relics. Beth S t e e l...... 138 180; Montgomery Ward advanced 4 ute were not listed here according Htfd Conn Trust C!o , -- 690 points to 136%; International Tel. to as low as o,750 tons and many to C. D. Nichols, passenger agent. First Nat Htfd ...... 260 — Can P a c ...... 233 are now approaching the age of Ches and O h io ...... 276 and Tel. was up 5% at 146; Sim­ Land Mtg and Title * — 50 mons made a new high of 354, up retirement. The cruiser units of EYEWITNESS STORY Mathias Spiess, Manchester anti- Morris Plan Bank .. . 230 — Chrysler ...... 71% i Col Gas and Ellec...... 91% 7; Radio moved up 5 points to 98%; the British, however, number 64, as San Francisco, Aug. 30.—Ralph j quarian and expert on Indian his- New Brit Tr ...... 190 210 against the 33 the United States Cons Gas ...... 175 Sears Roebuck advanced 4% to 173; Hillsman, second racho operator. ^Qj.y j^^s brought back from Com- Phoenix St. B&T ... . 525 — will have upon completion of the Com P r o d ...... 109 % Johns Manville jumped 8% to 204% aboard the San Juan, today, m ra- , . Park St Bank ...... 1300 — and Westinghouse Electric was up present three-year building pro­ dio advices, gave a vivid account field Point two remarkable objects. Riverside Trust ...... , 675 700 Del and H ud ...... 222 Gen Elec ...... 392 Vj 3% to 288%. DAY/ gram. of the sinking of his ship when it one of which was found by himself West Side Trust .. . 475 — Gen Gas and E le c ...... 106 A sensational performer was In­ It thus becomes obvious that the collided with the tanker S. C. T. Bonds. and the other by his young neice, Gen M o to r s...... 72% ternational Harvester which opened United States has made very mate­ Dodd. Htfd & Ck>nn West . 95 _ rial concessions to the British, at below the mean tide line on the Goodrich ...... 73 % 14% points higher for a new high , ^ - ...... I “I was awakened by the shock ot East Conn Pow 5s . . 100 103 of 142. before profit taking cut into least as compared wnth what Am- crash,” he said. “ I rushed to Conn L P 7s ...... 116 118 Goodyear ...... 115 V4 D L and W ...... 163% the gain it had made for the day. bassador Hugh S. Gibson, upon the the deck and the ship was already Conn L P 5%s ...... 105 108 School Dresses Dupont ...... 213 A.merican Waterworks made a advice of his experts at Geneva was going down. It was going so fast Conn L P 4%s .... . 98 100 spectacular advance of 14 points to willing to offer. cient artifact carved to represent a Htfd Hyd 5s ...... 102 105 Electric Pow and L t ...... 74% , that 1 threw myself overboard, as skull. Erie R R ...... 89% ' for a new aU-time high. The British contention that these far away from the side of the ves­ Insurance Stocks. small cruisers shoulc be considered While the objects have not been Aetna Casualty .... 2000 2040 Gt Northern, pfd ! !!!!!!!.*!! 125% ! The market opened briskly, with Silk or Cloth Dresses sel as I could. submitted to any expert on petrifac­ Hupp Motors ...... 41 I initial transactions at higher levels. as “police boats" instead of offen­ “The ship just seemed to crumple do, ($10 par) . . . . 205 215 tion when it came into this office, Int H a r v ___ ..!!!.!!!!!!.!! 137 i Buying continued throughout the for school up sive war vessels was thrown out up.” Aetna Insurance ... . 795 805 M at Geneva as utterly untenable. It the possess features which to the Aetna L if e ...... 1360 1370 Int Nickel *!..!..!!!!!!!!!!!! 54 Va 1 forenoon in a fairly substantial wear .... The first radio operator, before lay mind strongly indicate that they Int Tel and Tel .'!!!!*.!!!!!! ! i 44 'market imtil noon when a demon- $4o95 was pointed out at that time that leaving the ship, was able to send do, ($10 par) . . , . 138 142 were fabricated by nature out of the Automobile ...... 570 580 Kennecot. Cop .’.!!!!!!!!".’.!! 90 % I stration in U. S. Steel j:ave further the cruiser Emden, the famous Ger­ out a hurried S. O. S. It is not Mack Truck ...... 98'^ 'impetus to the upward tendency of man sea raider, was only 3,600 tons, remains of human beings, rather do, ($10 par) ___ . 59 63 known, however, whether he has than jy the hand of man. The small­ Nor P a c ___ !!!!!!!!!!!*!!! ! n i % I prices. yet she sanx nearly 70,000 tons ot been saved. Conn. (General ...... 2230 2260 Utilities were prominent in the Tub Frocks British shipping and it took the er one Mr. Spiess brought into the Hartford Fire ...... 1065 1075 Penn RR ...... 108% Herald office. It would appear to be Pullman ...... 86% advance. In addition to American whole British Navy months to SOME SURVIVORS Htfd Steam Boiler . .. 790 805 Waterworks, new highs were made of fast color up ------U1ot V^LiCLX quartz UXof CL a UUIJdull yellowish^CllUW iOXI color. — Radio ...... 96 catch her. That, in itself, the Lincoln Nat Life . . .. 125 oy American Foreign Power at Los Angeles, Aug.- 30. Nam es, vvhile the head itself is of un 94 Reading ...... 126 fabrics .... Americans contended, proved the ot several survivors of the ill-fated National ($10 par) . 92 159%, up 6% ; Standard Gas and $1.49 natural regularity, the eye sockets .1060 1070 Rep Iron and S te e l...... 126% fallacy of trying to class small steamer San Juan were listed in Phoenix ...... Electric at 157%, up 5 and Stone & and the orifices of the nose are Travelers ...... 1830 1850 Nat Pow and Lt ...... 66'4 cruisers as “defensive” and “ police radio messages picked up here today Webster at 200, an advance of 9%. regularly enough placed and the do, rts ...... 246 249 N Y Central ...... 251 boat.” The Coolidge administra­ from the tanker S. C. T. Dodd and Coppers again came into favor tion was quite adamant in backing dowm-turned mouth is sharply de­ Public Utility Stocks. New Haven ...... 124% the McCormick freighter Miinarai Nor and W estern...... 281 % aroimd noon. Anaconda moved up Gibson on this point. fined and equipped wnth a consider- xxConn. Elec Sve .. .. 131 135 as follows: ble number of teeth. In sizt the head do, rts ...... 17% 18.% Nor Amn ...... 178 2% to 127%; American Smelting New Fall The new administration, how­ Mrs. Maude Dansby, daughter of Un Pac ...... 295% I rose 1% to 122%; Kennecott ad- ever, has, to all appearances, re­ would fall short of being that of an Conn L P 8% ...... 119 — Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Fisher, Los United Air Craft ...... 135 V4 vanced 2 points to 91; Nevada was Hats ceded from this view. How mucii adult person of the present era. Conn L P 7% ...... 119 — Angeles. Stand Oil of C a lif...... 76% up % to 48% and U. S. Smelting it has receded can only be disclosed A puzzling fact in connection with Conn L P 5% % pf . .. 98 101 Sweaters Martin Christenson, Berkeley, it is that the upper part of the head Conn L P 6% % pf . .. I l l 115 Stand Oil of N Y ...... 44% w'as up 1% to 55%. by the publication ox details of the Food stocks came in for attention Calif. is formed of a stone altogether at do, pfd ...... ,. 110 — Stand Oil of N J ...... 72% Skirts accord, but it is sufficient to cause George Haines, San Francisco. Texas ...... 70% after a period of inactivity. General not a little under-cover grumbling varience with the lower part and it Hart E L (par 25 127% 129 Carl Tulee, University of Califor­ takes no great stretch of imagina­ xxdo, vtc ...... 130 136 U S Ind A l c o ...... 207% Foods advanced 1% to 73%; Gold Raincoats in high naval circles. nia hospital, San Francisco. U S Rubber ...... 46% Dust gained 3 points to 64; Fleisch- Another communication is ex­ tion to imagine its complicated od ,r t s ...... 17% 18% and Hose Douglas McCallum, San Francis­ grain as follownng the convolutions Greenwich W & G . .. 94 98 U S Steel ...... 255% mann reached a new high of 99, up pected from London over the week­ co. W estinghouse ...... 287 3 points, and National Biscuit end. This is in reply to the com­ of the human brain. xxHfd G c (par 25)xrtt 90 95 Rosa Perez, San Francisco. If the quarts is not exactly the do, pfd (par 25). .. 54 — jumped 6 to 215. munication sent from Washington Mr. and Mrs. Fellows.' Motors and Oils lagged through­ earlier this week. kind of silicate that is created by Htfd Gas rts ...... 8 9 Harry Wade. the infiltration of silica bearing S N E T C o ...... 210 — FAREWELL TEA PLANNED out the session. A cut in the price ------Leathers. liquids into the substance of bones, Manufacturing Stocks. of gasoline announced by the Stand­ Alex Cowie. resulting in petrifaction, it is at Acme Wire ...... §2 ard Oil Company of New York School 12 ARABS KILLED W. H. Jano. least closely allied to it and it would Am ’ Hardware ...... 75 FOR MISS BROOKINGS brought irregularity in the oil - « «rS V. Garcia. take an expert to pass upon that Amer Hosiery ...... 30 group. Standard of New York fell James Gallagher. question. American Silver ...... 25 off 1% to 44% smd Standard of A * BY THE BRITISH J. K. Hamilton. On the whole the specimen is a Arrow H&H, pfd .... 106 New Jersey eased off % to 71%. Clifford Paulson, Hawthorne. do, com ...... 45 Miss Anne Brookings, daughter Trading in stocks was rather Coats rather horrid looking little thing, ‘ 'S a r C ' but of extraordinary interest. Mr. Automatic Refrig ... ------of Mrs. Rossa Brookings, of East heavy. Sales up to noon aggregated (Continned from Page 1) 1,796,200 shares compared with Spiess said that the larger specimen Bigelow, Htfd, com . . . 95 Middle Turnpike, will be the guest for early Fall Wear SWEENEY ARRESTED do. pfd : ...... 100 1,392,700 the corresponding period to all outlying sections of Palestine found by his neice was almost as Bilings and Spencer . 11 of honor at a tea to be given yesterday. to guard against a Moslem uprising good as the one he brought into the priced most Bristol Brass ...... 34 Wednesday afternoon by Center Call money remained firm at nine of such proportions as might en­ Boston, Aug. 30.—Captured in Herald office today. ” \ Y i ’*' 5* do pfd ...... 108 Church Women’s Federation at the per cent. danger Jerusalem. Quebec after an 18-months’ chase Later today Mr .Spiess submitted reasonably. ‘ I I- \ the object to Dr. Thomas H. Wel­ Case, Lockwood & B . 575 heme of the president, Mrs. C. W. h.' t, t.... » .1 1 Itc » ' Sinister Reports which ranged from Savannah, Ga., Collins Co ...... 140 don, who gave it as his opinion that Holman, of Summit street. This STOMACH TROUBLE But in spite of his sanguine state­ to British Columbia, Thomas Colt’s Firearms ...... 32 ment, the fears of the Jewish resi­ “Scarface” Sweeney was brought it was unquestionably a petrified v.’ill afford an opportunity to the human skull and that the change n Eagle Lock ...... 50 dents of Palestine have not been back to Boston today to face Fafnir Bearings ...... 100 members to greet Miss Brookings YOU? abated, for sinister reports continue charges of forgery and larceny of its structural ingredients must have and to bid her farewell. On Thurs­ taken countless centuries. Fuller Brush A ...... 16 to come in of Arab activity through­ American Express checks. do. Class AA ...... 60 day she will leave for New York Get a bottle of Ex-Mmt Tab­ out Syria and Transjordania. While Sweeney’s arrest resulted from a Mr. Spiess intends to call the at­ and on Friday sails for Inanda, tention of the authorities of the Hart & Cooley ...... 185 200 lets or Powder at (Quinn’s Phar­ several warlike Moslem tribes are dogged search by Inspector Charles Hartman Tob 1st pfd . 60 Africa, where she goes as a mission­ reported to have been routed by the Troyano of the express company, museum at Yale to his find and it is ary under the auspices of the Con­ macy and you will get one min­ highly probable that the fossil skull do, com ...... 22 British at several points along the who trailed the suspect for over a gregational board. utes’ relief from gas, acid will attract a great deal of atten­ Inter Silver ...... 150 Trans-Jordan border, there are still Miss Brookings, who is at presen*t year before capturing him in Can­ tion from scientists. do, pfd ...... 115 stomach or indigestion. Manu­ rumors of a widespread advance ot ada. It is estimated that the cost Landers, Frary & Clk. 75 at the Y. W. C. A. camp in Somers, factured and guaranteed by Arab tribes from outlying sections, of apprehending Sweeney, who is Manning & Bow A . . . 16 will receive her commission on Toky Drug Co., Hampton, N. and Jerusalem is deeply fearful that charged specifically wdth the larceny Simday morning at the Somers Con­ Get That do. Class B ...... 10 H...... any moment may see a general in­ of $120 through forgery, was BUSINESS COLLEGE NOTES New Brit Mch., pfd .. 100 gregational church. cursion across the border. $6,100. do, com ...... 40 The fact that Sultan Pasha El Troyano was brought trom New Nils Bern Pond ...... 48 Atrash, leader of th-s Druse tribes, York a year ago last January to in­ The fall term of the Connecticut North & Judd ...... 24 fiercest of all Arab warriors, has vestigate the theft of $300 in ex­ Business College opens Tuesday Peck, Stow and Wil . . . 11 concentrated his followers prepara­ press company checks from a com­ WXGRANTCa while the evening sessions open the Russell Mfg Co ...... 145 tory to an attack upon Palestine, is pany employee. A number of sim­ Scoville Mfg Co ...... 62 BOY’S SCHOOL following Monday. Four Wood- causing chief concern. El Atrash’s ilar robberies had alarmed company stock typewriters have been add­ Seth Thom Co. com . 39 warlike proclivities are well-known. officials and Troyano was assig^ned ed to the equipment. do, pfd ...... 25 And his men are the best equipped to the investigation which ended in Summer school has been well at­ Smythe Mfg Co., pfd . 110 as well as the most capable war­ Sweeney’s arrest. Stand Screw ...... 170 at GRANT’S riors of all the Moslem horde. tended by those going on to college and those going back to High Stanley Works, com . 66 OUTFIT Earlier in the day advices from school. Taylor & Fenn ...... 135 you Can Satisfactorily Outfit Jerusalem said the authorities had Torrington ...... 76 DIES AGED 101 Miss Miriam Watkins, has been in issued an official communique de­ Underwood ...... 158 attendance learning shorthand and claring that Palestine was “gen­ Union Mfg Co ...... 18 Your School Children for Less! typewriting for use at Mt. Holyoke erally quiet.” Press dispatches, Westfield, Mass., Aug. 30.—Mrs. xU S Envelope, pfd ... 115 this winter. however, indicated that the period Jane Whitaker, one of the oldest xdo, com ...... 225 of quiet as a lull between outbreaks women in the state, died at her home Herman Frederick has entered Veeder-Root ...... 50 52 Percale Blouses of sporadic violence. here today at the age of 101. the employ of the Travelers Insur­ Whitlock Coll Hpe . . . 14 that are Durable The troops at Surbaher and Lifta Mrs. Whitaker, who was bom ance Company at Hartford. XX—Elx-rights. NOW attacked the Arab villages when during the administration of John Ruth Brown of Durant street has X—Elx dividend. Not the usual blouse found at the villagers refused to yield up loot Quincy Adams, received , a personal finished her course and will spend such a low price but an excel' letter of thanks from President all her time in her father’s office taken from Jewish quarters. lent full cut, well tailored There were 29 students from the Hoover last fall when he learned v/hen the new building is ready for Haifa art school in the group that that she had ceist her first and only occupancy. LABOR DAY WORST blouse o f fast color percale or w'as making a bicycle tour of ballot for him in the presidenti^ Gertrude Friedrich of Rockville broadcloth made with yoke and Syria. A dispatch said that “half election. has beea placed with the National ACCIDENT PERIOD lined collar. In full Mrs. Whitaker’s husband died 36 of the group” were Americans. Trotting Association at Hartford. sues, 7 to 16. w ® An Exchange Telegraph dispatch years ago and her only child, a Bertha Kupferschmidt is substi­ from Cairo said that several per­ daughter, 30 years ago. tuting at the Hilliard Mills during ((’ontinnef) from Page 1) sons had been wounded in a clash the month of August. Items for Boys between Arabs and police at Damas­ LEAGUE COUNCIL. Hazel Trotter of Talcottville will 1929, 886 accidents and eleven cus on Thursday. enter Rockville High school after fatalities; June 1928, 836 accidents Moslem ' demonstrations have Geneva, Aug. 30.—The 56th ses­ attending summer school. and twelve fatalities; July 1929, 962 Suits $ x taken place in Tripoli, Beirut and sion of the League of Nations Coun­ accidents and eighteen fatalities; Sizes 3 to 8 yrs. Percale or broad­ HULTMAN’S Tyre. cil opened here quietly today owing July 1928, 1,168 accidents and four­ cloth blouse with well tailored Acre, or Akka, where the latest to the absence of Europe’s best teen fatalities; August 1929 (in­ pants o f suiting. outbreak of fighting was reported known statesmen who are still at TAKE 2 ,0 0 0 MILE AUTO complete) 555 accidents and nine lies in British mandated soil. The Hague. fatalities; August 1928, 954 acci­ S h irts 69® It was the scene of furious strug­ The League of Nations Assembly dents and fourteen fatuities. Striped percale or plain broadcloth' gles and long sieges in the wars of meeting will open on Monday. TRIP TO MIDDLE WEST the crusades. Beirut and Tyre are full cut well made shirts in sizes also in territory imder British man­ 10 PERSONS KILLED. | 1 2 1 /2 to 14. date. but Tripoli lies in French Algiers, Algier, Aug. 30.—Ten Mrs. Agnes Chartier, buyer at mandated soil. persons are known to be dead, eight Hale’s Corset department, and Mr. Sweaters $1 are wounded and 70 missing as the and Mrs. Paul Chartier of 43 Slip-over or coat style sweaters in TEN BRITISH KILLED result of the collapse today of a Church street have returned from a sporty new fall styles. London, Aug. 30.—Ten British four-story building occupied by 2‘i 2000 mile motor trip, during which soldiers have been killed in renefwed workers families. they traveled in seven different G elt Hose Shoes fighting in Jerusalem, according to states, visiting many places of in­ High shoes or ox­ the Syrian state newspaper “The terest along the route. Rayon plaited hose with fancy Season’s fords. W ell sized, Orient,” a dispatch from Beirut de­ After leaving Niagara Falls and design leg and cuff. Gets Aid fine leather. clares. Canada, they continued westward Sizes 6 to 10. through Ohio and Michigan. They stopped at Toledo and Cleveland and Color Fast"-Tab Fast DIFFICULT TASK were in time to see the national air­ Final Clearance plane races which they foimd most interesting. At Detroit they visited Vir^nia Belle Dresses IN PICKING JURY the Ford factory and made their Fall Styles for Girls headquarters at the Ford Hotel. In The Mark of The new fall Virginia Belle dresses are so at* (Continued from Page 1.) all cities visited they took advan­ tage of the opportunities afforded by Genuine tractive. N ew tweed and suiting effects, dark CONTINUES ted they are or have been affiliated the sight-seeing busses to view prints, all guaranteed color fast, made in smait places of note. long sleeved models for school wear, with labor organizations have been Aspirin -AT- acceptable to the defense. Virtually In PennsylvEinia they mjide stops dresses that look worth many times all imion men examined admitted at some of the Lehigh Valley coal 13 A7EB ASPIBm l8 like an old this low price. Sizes 7 to 14. •X they could not enter the jury box mines, toured the Allegheny moun- friend, tried and true. There with an unprejudiced mind because trains and returned by way of the can never be a satisfactory snbsti- Muslin Bloomers of their militancy toward the left- Delaware Water Gap. They drove tnte for either one. Bayer Aspirin wing labor organizations to which through the Holland tunnel from is genuine. It is the accepted anti­ Girls’ bl

LAKELAND ‘ILLIONS OF MOTORISTS, all over the __ __ world, already ride on RTVERSIDE Tires— and still more millions soon will. You will agree that.... with the Super-Service GREAT HILL LAKE RIVERSIDE guaranteed for a minimum of 30,000 miles—the First-Quality RIVERSIDE guaranteed for a miTiimiim of 16,000 miles—and the W ARD WEAR Portland, Connecticut for 10,000.... Riese tires simply must be tires of quality! And then —on comparing RIVERSIDE prices LAKELAND GREAT HILL UKE with many other high-grade makes that are not A development of 220 large lots and 2000 feet A NATURAL SPRINC LAKE officially guaranteed for any specific mileage-you of lake frontage. A fine elevation being high and are astonished to find that at Ward’s your saving Excellent fishing, good bathing. dry with a natural slope so that each lot overlook? per tire ranges from $2 to $15! the lake. It’s surprising. You are frankly puzzled. You GREAT HILL discovered, long ago, that there’s no such thing as P■' S*- i*h iJii V -* >" BEACH AND WATER A reservation owned by the State adjoin.s the "getting something for nothing.” Therefore, when i*- rights for all lot owners. lake. The celebrated Noyes Camps of New York you find, in tires, high quality, provable quality have a physical culture camp located here and this and guaranteed quality*. . . . coupled with prices This location near State road makes Lakeland alone indicates the health and beauty of the sur­ • so low they seem to contradict all that .... you suitable for summer and all year homes. roundings. "wonder,” don’t you? Lakeland is in line with a proposed new State The Meshomasic State forest of 4000 acres is highway. just north of here. You needn’t! For the simple explanation lies 30,000-Mile-Gaarantee

. ■'‘A ; t r ; V:

MANCHESTER EVENm G HERAI3?/ SOOTH M A N C T U S lm CONN^ FRIDAY, AUGUST 80, i m PA(1B STX DAILY RADIO PROGRAM 499.7— W TIC, HARTFORD—600. Friday, Augiist 30. 7:00 6:00—Serenaders; harmonizers. Leading DX Stations. 7:45 0:45—Musical program. . (D ST) (S T ) "While the town buzzes with gossip 8:00 7:00—WEAF programs (3 hrs.) 405.2— WSB, A T L A N T A —740.- about Gus and Widow Biddle, the 422.3—V\/OR, N E W AR K —710. 9:00 8:00—WJZ programs (2 hrs.'/ 6:30 5:30—Concert ensemble. 12:45 11:45—Kimo Kalohi’s ensemble. • Schradertown band will hold Its week­ 7:00 6:00—Orchestra: fiesta. ly practice session in the town hall 293.9—KYW , CHICAGO—1020. 8:00 7:00—Native Hawaiian music. 8:00 7:00—WJZ programs ( 2% hr«.) on Friday night at 9:30, to be broad- 8:30 7:30—Rollickers male quartet. cast by "WEAF and associated sta­ 10:30 9:30—WF.AF comic skit, . 9:o0 8:00—True story drama. 11:45 10:15—Dance music to 3:00. tions. ^ Joe. the piccolo player, after 10:00 9:00—Feature music hour. being restrained from telling L>oule all 10:30 9:30— Russian peasant music. 289.4—WBBM, CHICAGO—770. about the perfidy of his partner, who 11:05 10:05—Two dance orchestras. 8:00 7:00—Apollo male qua)*tet. 1 has stolen the w dow s love. 302.8—WBZ, NEW ENGLAND—900. 8:30 7:30—Dance; music novelties, does burst out with the story, which 6:30 5:30—Dinner dance music. 10:00 9:00—Black Forest tavern. everyone else but the ^uleless Louie 7:30 6:30—WJZ programs (3% hrs.) 10:30 9:30—Lewis dance orchestra. ' know'S Tragedy is finally av^ted. 454.3—V/EAF, NEW YORK—660. 254.1—WJJD, CHICAGO—1180. bSt not unU “ gus. declares that he is through with Louie forever. Much of 6:00 5:00—Ludwig Laurier’a orch. 7:00 6:00—Symphony orchestra; talk.. the fierce nature of the Russian Cos­ 6:30 5:30—Harmony twdns, tenor. 9:00 8:00—Mooseheart children’s hr. girls’ clothes question can be definitely and 7:00 6:00—Comic Metropolitan skits. 416.4— WGN, -CHICAGO—720. sack is reflected In his music, several 7:30 6:30— Parnassus trio, songs. lli^ples of which will be 9:30 8:30—Dance band, harmony. vocal and Instrumental form 8:00 7:00—Concert orchestra with 10:30 .9:30—Music; Hungry Five. pleasingly answered here where complete variety of the broadcast of "In a Rushan Vil- John Seagle, baritone. 11:20 10:20—Two dance orchestras. lace” over WOR and the Columbia 9:00 8:00—Drama cf underworld, 12:00 11:00—Dream ship; dance music.: network at 10:30. “ The Clouds Roll "Whispering Tdbl«s.” 344.6— W LS, CHICAGO—870. bv ” to be sung by the quaint, tells 9:30 8:30—Schradertown band progv-~ 0;00 "8:00—String sextet hltis. new styles and serviceable fabrics have been combined of the Cossacks’ l*ride at^ their de­ 10:00 9:00—Melodies of summer. 9:30 8:30—Black fac# comedians. termination not 1o allow those outside 10:30 9:30—Feature, "Hello Mars." lO.DO 9:00—Orchestro, pianisL ■ of their own circle lo belittle them, 11:00 10:00—Two dance orchestras. 11:00 10:00—Artists; dance music. into the smartest garments for the school girl. the other quartet number. Night on 393.5—WJZ, NEW YORK—760. 11:30 10:30—Show boat broadcasL 4:00 3:00—Pacific Little Symphony. the Kurgan,” tells of the Cossack 447.5— WMAQ, CHICAGO—670. graves. ______6:00 5:00—Fcotli’s dance orchestra. 6:00—The Salon mixed singers. 8:00 7:00—WOR programs (2 hrs.) 7:00 10:00 9:00—Plaza band concert. Wave lengths in meters on left of 7:30 6:30—Dixie Circus program. Un­ cle Bob Sherwood, clown. 11:00 10:00—Artists: orchestra. station title, kilocycles on the right. 12:00 11:00—Two dance orchestras. Times are Eastern Daylight Saving 8:00 7:00—Contralto crooner, orch. School Dresses and Eastern Standard. Black face 8:30 7:30—Male quartet, orchestra. 288.3— W FAA, DALLAS—1040. type indicates best features. 9:00 8:00—Comedy - harmony team. 8:00 7:00—Studio exercises. Big Boy and Shorty. 12:00 11:00—Roy and his boys. For girls 5 to 14 in newest materials. Pat- 9:30 8:30—Theater memories from, 361.2— KOA, DENVER—830. "tems, colors and styles, guaranteed fast colors. Leading East Stations. "The Geisha." 12:30 11:30—Studio string trio. 10:00 9:00—Quaker male quartet, so­ 1:00 12:00—Concert; stage coachers. ATLANTIC CITY-1100 prano, contralto. 2:00 1:00—Broadway melodies. 9:30— Koestner’s orchestra 8-05 7:05—Bellenetti’s orchestra. 10:30 FORT W ORTH—800. 8:30 7;30—Soprano, whistler, crooner mixed chorus, tenor, trio. 10:30 9:30—Orchestra concert. 9:00 g;00—Contralto, baritone, music. 11:00 10:00—Amos ’n’ Andy, comedians 11:00 10:00—Show boat; organisL $1 to $2.95 10:00 9:00—Snappy entertain^ers. 11:15 10:15—Slumber music. 11:30 10:30—Musical progs. (2% hr«.) 10:30J.U ou 9*30__Three dance orchestras, 491.5— w fp , PH ILA D E LPH IA —610. 12:00 11:00—Midni ght 7:30 6:30—Instrumental quartet. 491.5—WDAF, KANSAS C ltV —810. 283.—WBAL, BALTIMORE—1060. 10:00 9:00—Dance music; concert. 8:00 7:00—Knights of the Bath. 11:00 lu;00—Rollickers; serenaders, 7:30 G:30—WJZ circus hour. 9:00 8:00— Musical bells, baritone. 243.8—WNAC, BOSTON—1230. 12:45 11:15—Varied musical program. 9:30 8:30—Instrumental trio. 1:45 12:45—Nighthawk frolic. 7:11 C:ll—Amos *n* Andy, comedians 10:00 9:00—Dougherty's orchestra. SILK DRESSES 7:30 G:30—Feature music hour. 535.4—W LIT, PHILADELPHIA—560. 468.5— KFI, LOS ANGELES—840. 8:00 7:00—IVOR programs (3% hrs.J 8:00 7:00—W E A F concert orchestra.. 12:00 11:00—Artists feature hour. 11 "25 10'25—Two d.ance orchestras. 1:00 12:00—Studio musical program. Sizes 5 to 14 in plain 9:00 8:00—Tenor and pianist. 2:00 1:00—Broadway melodies. 545.'l—WGR, BUFFALO—550. 9:30 8:30—W E A F band concert. shades and pretty prints. 6:30 5:30—Van Surdam’s orchestra. 10:00 9:00—Tenor and pianist 238—WJAX, JACKSONVILLE—1260. 7:30 6:30—WEAF programs hrs) 7:30 6:30*—Orchestra, artists. Special for school opening 10:00 9:00—The old trapper. 305.9— KDKA, PITTSBURGH—930. 9:00 8:00—NBC entertainment. 10-30 9:30—W E A F feature hour. 6:00 5:00—Little Symphony orch. 10:00 9:00—Studio concert. 333.1-----W M AK, BUFFALO—900. 7:00 6:00—WJZ programs (3% hrs.) 11:00 10:00—Dance orchestra. 7:00 G:00—Studio music hour. 10:30 9:30—Bestor's dance music. - fi-30—Beach entertainment.11:00 10:00—WJZ Slumber music. 365.6— WHAS, LOUISVILLE—820. $4,95 7 30 9:00 8:00—W E A F programs (3 hrs.) 8- 30 7:30—WGY concert orchestra.^ 245.8— WCAE, PITTSBURGH—1220. g.(iO 8:00—WOR programs (1% hrs.) 6:10 5:10—Twilight musical recital. 370.2—WCCO, MINN., ST. PAUL—810. 6:30 5:30—Twins: concert hour. 9:00 8:00—WOR programs (li,4 hrs.) 428.3—W LW , CINCINN ATI—700. 10:30 9:30—Radioettes concert. 7:30 G:30—WJZ programs (2iA hrs.) 7:30 6:30—W E A F progs. (2% hrs.) 11:00 10:00—Tracy-Brown’s orchestra. 11:00 10:00—Martucci’s dance music. 11:00 10:00-LGene, Ford. Glenn. 11:30 10:30—The Singing Fireman. 11:30 10:30—Merry ramblers music. 260.7—WHAM , ROCH ESTER—1150. 7:30 6:30—Cornell Collegians music, 12:00 11:00—Two dance orchestras. 12:00 11:00—Reveries; orchestra. 461.3— WSM, N A SH VILLE —650. 1:30 12:30—Sweet and low down. 8:00 7:00—WJZ programs (3% hrs.) 11:15 10:15—Windsor dance music. 8:30 7:30—String quartet; music. 2-00 1:00—Gene, Ford. Glenn. 9:00 8:00—WJZ comedy team. Dresses 280.2—W TAM, CLEVELAND—1070. 379.5— WGY, SCHENECTADY—790. 12:55 11:55—Time; weather; markets. 9:30 8:30—Craig’s dance orchestra. 8:00 7:00—W E A F orchestra, quartet. 10:00 9:00—NBC programs (1 hr.) 9:00 8:00—Suitmen; folks hour. 6:30 5:30—W E A F harmony team. for the high school and college miss. 7:00 6:00—Educational talks. 11:00 10:00—Orchestra, soprano. 10:00 9:00—Baritone, guitarist, orch. 11:30 10:30—WJZ Slumber music. Styled in youthful lines. Fashioned of 10:30 9:30—Friday night frolic. 7:20 6:30—W HAM music hours. 7:00—Concert orchestra with 379.5—KGO, O AKLAND —790. 11:30 10:30—Variety hour; organisL 8:00 1:30 12:30—The three boys. silk, satin, velvet, covert and Jersey. I'OO 12:00—W vlie’s dance orchestra. Lois Hardesty, soprano. 399.8—WJR. DETROIT—750. 9:00 8:60—WE.\F programs (1 hr.) 2:00 1:00—Contralto and baritone, 9:u0—Studio concert orchestra. .3:00 2:00—Halstead’s dance orchestra 8:30 7:30—WJZ programs (1 hr.) 10:00 508.2—WOW, OMAHA—590. 10:00 9:00—Harmony piano twins. 10:30 9:30—W E A F comic skit. li;o6 10:00—Dornberger’s orchestra. 12:00 11:00—Musical, vocal recital. 10:30 9:30—WJZ recording artists. 1:00 12:00—Artists progrant. $9.95 to $25 Secondary Eastern Stations. Secondary DX Stations. 325.9—WWJ, DETROIT—920. 508.2—W EEI, BOSTON—590. 202.6— WORD, B A TA V IA —1480. 6:00 .5:00-Vacation club ensemble. 8:00 7:00—W EAF programs (3 hrs.) 11:30 10:30—Hollywood frivolities. 8:00 7:00—Concert; agricultural talk. 6:30 5:30—Minute men: organist, 9:00 8:00—Musical program; artists. 7:30 6:30—Meft'ymakers’ concert. 12:30 11:30—Studio organ recital. 8:00 7:00—W EAF programs (2 hrs.) 348.6—WABC, NEW YORK—860. 344.6— W ENR, CHICAGO—870. 10:00 g-OO—Fur trappers’ concert. 7:30 6:30—Beau Bnimmel’s recital. 8:15 7:15—F.-irmer Rusk’s talk. 3^8—WSAI, CINCINNATI—800. 8:00 7:00—Entertainers: orchestra. 12:30 11:30—Orchestra; comedy sklL School Coats 7:30 6:30-Memories: organist; talk. 9:00 8:00—Music of Old . 1:00 12:00—DX vaudeville hour. 8:30 7:30—Studio artists hour. 9:30 8:30—Drama, "Golden Touch." 202.6— W H T, CHICAGO—1480. in styles and fabrics exceptionally 9:00 8:00—WEAF programs (1 hr.) 10:00 9:00—United Choral Singers. 12:00 11:00— Your hour league. 10:00 9:00—Accordionist, baritone. 10:30 9:30—Negro achievement hour. 285.6— KNX, HOLLYWOOD—1050. well suited for present wear. Sizes 10:30 9:30—W EAF programs (1 hr.) 11:00 10:00—Specht’s dance orchestra. 12:(i0 11:00—Optimistic order hour. 215.7—W H K, CLEVELAND —1390. 1:00 12:00—Lion Tamer’s program. 6 to 14. 7:30 6:30—Orchestra, entertainers. 296.9—W HN, NEW YORK—1010. 1:45 12:45—I.i€gion Stadium events. 8:00 7:00—WOR programs (3 hrs.) 9:00 8:00—Movie Club; orchestra, 374.8— KTHS, HOT SPRINGS—800. 11:00 10:00—Feature: song story. 10:30 9:30—Songs; blues, ukelele. 9:30 8:30—Orchestra; 'classics. 12:00 11:00-Three dance orchestras. 11:15 10:15—Harmony; vaudeville. 11:30 10:30—Studio dance music. $3.95‘”$10 410.7—CFCF, M ONTREAL—730, 272.6—W LW L, NEW YORK—1100. 12:00 11:00—Studio entertainment. 9:00 8:00—Musical entertainments. 6:00 5:00—Orchestra, tenor, soprano 370.1—W RVA, RICHMOND—1110. 11:00 10:00—Denny’s dance orchestra. 6:4.5 5:45—Talk; contralto: waltzes. 9:00 8:00—WJZ harmony team. 319—WCSH, PORTLAND—940. 526—WNYC, NEW YORK—570. 9:30 8:30—Studio music hour, 9:30 8:30—Artists enterlalnmenL 6:05 5:05—Songs: French lesson. 10:30 9:30—WJZ feature hour. 10:00 9:00—Studio concert. 7:00 6:00—Welfare talk; baritone. 11:30 10:30—Orchestra, theater ntQlio. RAINBOW TAMS Attractively Colorful FREDERICK BLASTS Heads Big Merger WTIC $ L 0 0 .PROGRAMS Travelers, Hartford PITCHER’S DREAM 500 m. 600 R. C.

Program for Friday. Young Brooklyn Star Spoils Eastern DayUght Saving "nme. P. M. W alkers Ambition to 8:00— Clities Service Concert Or­ chestra and Cavaliers from N. B. C. Studios, Rosario Bourdon, di­ Hurl a No Hit Game. rector. Punchinello, Herbert. A rt has no place in baseball, at and was considerably damaged, the Yesterthoughts, Herbert. least for Johnny Frederick, youth­ a school friend. Miss Margaret Gems from “White Lilacs, Rom- Johnson of South Manchester. occupants escaped injury. MARKET HOLIDAYS ful Brooklyn star. QUEER npSAGE berg. GILEAD Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Foote Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hurlbutt and As witness his performance yes­ Old Dog Tray, Foster. were Hartford visitors Tuesday. (laughters, Marion ana Fanny Belle New York, Aug. 30 — The new New York, Aug. 30— "Plane pass­ Cavaliers quartet. terday. Pitcher Bill Walker of the Mrs. E. W. Buell, secrecaty of the The Misses Ruth and Lena Elllia, of Charleston, West Va., and Mrs. York Stock Exchange and other from ed over, headed cast,” was the mes­ Blue Shadows Phantasy, Giants for eight innings had done Olive and Louise Owen spent Mon­ J. A. Masterton and daughter.Doro­ markets will be closed tomorrow and Hebron School Board has received sage received tixlay from toe steadi­ "Vanities." a flawless piece of work in carving notice from the State Board of Edu­ day at Hammonasette Beach. thea o f Middletown, called on the also on Monday, Labor Day. The Bean Feast, Fletcher. er Coldwater, 600 miles oft Chesa­ a bust of himself in the no-hit hall cation that Martin B. Robertson An infant child of Mr. and Mrs. local Foote families Tuesday eve­ This will give Wall street traders Steal Away (Negro spiritual), ning. peake bay on a direct line headed of fame, when up came Mr. Fred­ has been appointed supervisor of Earl Goss of East Hartford was a triple holiday. Arr. O’Rourke. for Bermuda, toe Rado Marine Cor­ erick in the ninth. A lazy double schools for this town. buried in the local cemetery Wed- The New York Curb Market and Cavaliers quartet. WILLIAMS TO WED. poration reported texlay. drifted off his bat and Sculptor M rs. Ernest Brault is in the Hart­ ‘nesday. the New York Produce Ebcchange Souvenir, Drdla. The radio geveithe Coldwatfers securities market also will lengthen Walker’s work of art lay crumbled ford hospital for observation and Rev. Patrick Qancy and son Carl Violin solo, Sascha Fidelman. s Paris, Aug. 30.--HalJam Keep position at 34.01 N c t o Latitude, the week-end by eliminating trad­ at his feet. W hat balm he received treatment. ot San Francisco, Cal., spent Mon­ Ballet Suite from “Feramors." came from the fact that his Giants Williams, of New York, today an­ 66.08 West Longtude. ing tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs.;E. W. Buell accom­ day night with Mr. and Mrs. Hart There has been no information ot Torchlight Dance of the Brides of had whipped their hated rivals, 6 to nounced bis engagement to Ruth The New York Gotten Exchange panied by Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Buell. Mr. X3ancy had charge of a trans-Atlantic flight attempt or a Kashmir. 2, and he had allowed but four hits, Harrington Anderson, of Philadel' will remain open tomorrow, how­ George K. Morro"W", above, 1b head Tryon of Glastonbury, spent Sim- the Hebron and Gilead Congrega­ Dance of the Bayaderes. all of which came after Frederick’s phla, £i former "Vanities revue girl." hop to Bermuda. ever. The Cotton Exchange denied day at the De"vil’s Hop Y a ri. tional churches^ about thirty years Old Mill, Nevin. fatal blow. of the gigantic syndicate which Williams’ former wife, Anne Mur­ the petition of some of its members ■ Dr. Cassius Way of White Plains, ago. ACTRESS WEDS. The Old Refrain, Mattulah. No art in Pittsburgh. Nothing has taken over control of the dock, toe actress, filed a divorce ac­ to declare Saturday a holicMy. Cavaliers quartet and orchestra. but the resounding ring of bats as N. Y., spwt a few days recently Miaa Sarah Irwin of South Man­ tion m the N ew York courts at Banks and other business instltur United Cigar Stores Co. and Its 9:00— Graphic news clippings. the rejuvenated Pirates waded into i with his father Charles D. Way. chester is visiting her friend Miss Mineola, Long Island, last May. A d New York, Aug. 30.— Lorelle Mc- tions will be opened tomorrow. Norm Cloutier, director. the haughty Cubs Jindjaid them low affiliates, with assets of $200,000,- Andrew, John and Mary, children Mildred Hutchinson. interlocutory decree was granted, Carver, Broadway show girl, today Yet Stock exchanges in most of 9:30— Schradertown Band from N. for a third time in a "’'row. This 000. President of seven world* of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hooker have Mr. and Mrs. Rol)ert E. Foote and but it w ill not become effective until announced that yesterday she be­ the leading cities in toe counter returned to. their home after visit­ family, Ruth Ellis, Lena Ellis, came the bride of William Moore, have voted to follow the, lead of the B. C. Studios, Arthur Pryor, di­ time by 5 to 4. Faced by nine right- famed companies and a direct Whlte of Durham, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. <31ayton Hills, Mrs. oil king, and to^* Moore is divoreed in Buffalo. Philadelphia, Pittsburgh. ory Contest directed by Emil screws when men were on bases. at 15 and built up a tremendous South Manchester, w en. callers at Nearly 2,000,00.0 pounds Ruby Gibson, Stewart Gibson, Mrs. from toe former Mary Cammack Los Angeles, San Francisco and . Heimberger. Chicago now leads but by eleven personal fortune from compara­ Mr. and Mrs. Benjaman Lyman’s feathers were .sent from China and-half games. Sunday afternoon. Kellogg White and five chfldren the United States last year. . Stafford, ward of E. H. R. Green. Boston. . 10:30— “Hello Mars!”—Hugo Mari­ tive poverty. Now, at the age of Pitcher Benge awed his Boston Mr. .and Mrs. Alfred G Way of spent Tuesday at Point O’ Woods* am, director. 55, his varied interests include gallery by rapping a single in the shoe polish, cleaning powder, cot­ New Britain were "visitors Sunday Hart L. Webster of Ludlow, Mass., 11:00—“Pleasant Dream Hour,” tenth'with the bases loaded— two ton oil, typewriters, frankfurters, at the W efls-W ay homestead. spmrt Wednesday with his sister, * Cliff Strong, Allyn theater organ­ scored— and the Phillies eased out office equipment, refining sugar, Mrs. Charles Hanmer returned, to Mrs. Emily Ellis. ist. a 5 to 4 winner. baking, banking and slaughtering. her home in Wethersfield. Tuesday , There was an automobile accident Selection from “Madamoselle In the National after nsssing several days with Mrs. near the White school house recent­ Modiste,” Herbert. Only three games were scheduled dsrsHSQitter ly caused by a bee. The driver lost M y Hero from “The Chocolate in the National. th. The Mackmen now lead by Miss Lovina Foote is entertaining control of his car which turned over Soldier,” Strauss. Washington’s last visit to the 13 1-2 games. Yankees began with a double-head­ Sad Sam Gray shutout the Tigers OUSE PAINT/ Lonesome Little Doll, Cowan- Boutelje. er. Each team took its turn tast­ while his St. Louis comrades blast­ Rose-Impromptu, Finston-Koest- ing "Victory, the Yanks in the flrst ed Whitehill fo r a 6 to 0 victory. ner. game, 5 to 4, and the Senators a Chicago eased a run over the “If this paint does not wear as long and plate in the ninth to trim Cleveland, Spangles, Herbert Leslie. Tittle later. 8 to 4. Goose Goslin look as well as the highest-priced paint inade, March of the Siamese, Lincke. broke a 2-2 tie in the eighth Inning 2 to 1 thus giving Ted Lyons anoth­ When Day is Done, Katscher. of the onener with a blast into the er win and Willis Hudlin another we will furnish new paint FREE and pay for . 11:30— Hotel St. Regis orchestra. right field bleachers which followed loss. , 12:00 Midn.— Baseball scores; Hart­ by three singles gave Washington putting it on.” ^ ^ ford Courant news bulletins; two runs. The Yanks came up. __^MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. ‘ weather report. With two on, Commander Hugo Satirical wallops at the foibles Ruth unhoused his Graf bat and the Master Painter and fancies of the day are deliVBi- little white ball made a perfect CKSAM Zinc-Ite ed by song and story in “Hello take-off and a neat landing In the HOUSE PAINT Tonight’s A s Advertised Ui HOUSE PAINT Mars!”, a series of broadcasts, the bleachers. Goslin’s work was The- purest lead- POST first of which will be present-id trumped and the game won for be SATURDAY BVENINQ Zinc-Oxide base, 8x- Huggins. It was Commander Ruth’s the SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK sinc-and-oU paint ceut onally sunjwoof through Station W T IC at 10:30 that can be made. Angnst Si) ID ^ o’clock tonight. By means ot a 37th flight of the year. The second O .4 400 aq. ft. Covers 360 sq., ft. device reminiscent of Rube Gold­ game found Hovt. Moore and Neo- p. ^'alkm with 2 Night! BUTTERSCOTCH AND APRICOT per gal. .(2 coats ) berg’s “nutty inventions,” the kla tmable to stem the Senator’s coals. Choice of (tooice of 12 colors. tide. Stay home this eve­ E 12 colors. : audience is transported to Mars ICE C R E A M WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF HOUSEHOLD * and is treated to glimpses of life Back from a disastrous tour of ning and listen to the west the league-leading Athle­ PAINTS, ENAMELS, LACQUERS, VARNISHES* on our neighbor planet. During tics made the home folks hanny bv the Armour Hour. BRUSBES, ETC. the presentation, Hugo Mariani’s $2.76 whipning Boston. 7 to 6. The Red A great orchestra Also Balk lee Cream and Fancy Shapes. $3.25 orchestra will be herd in a senes P E R G A L L O N Sox heined the A ’s no little, oblig­ and grand diorua. PiataALLON of songs of the “baby” theme, in­ ing "With three errors In the seven- Special featurSa. cluding “O Baby!”. “Baby, Oh For sale by the following local dealers: Where Can you Be?” and “Red Hair and Freckles.” WM. E. KRAH A rmour Farr Brothers Packard’s Pharmacy M0NTGOMERIfWASD8Ga At the Center South Manchesier, C^ann. Expert Hour 981 Main Street 824^28 Main Street. Phone 3306 Andrew Jackson was the oldest Radio Service STATION WBZ Daffy and Edward J. Morphy Store Hpurs: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Wednesday 9 a. nu to 12 noon. Thursday and : man who was ever president of 10:80 to 11 P. M., Saturday 9a. in. to 9 p. m. 'th e United States. He lacked only Philco Jars and l{atteries Bast. Daylight Time 111 Center Street Depot Square 11 days of being 70 when he left R C A Tubes and New Sets the White House. Phone 4949

St. MANCHESTER EVENING HER AID, SOXJTH MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST SO, 1929. >« « . . . . . -• • . , ■; • .. .i.. >.} ■■Ui

C a t u f ^ INCX Shop in Hartford Saturday and Save! Exceptional Values For HID'SUMMER ALL DAY SATURDAY! An Important Collection of All the New Fall Styles, Featured Here All Day Satur­ Saturday is the last of the 90 Bargain Day^^ ; Regular prices are day at Interesting Low Prices. cut.;:. also low prices on hundreds of other specials offered only in this sale. See what you save at these sale.pnces. All Charge Pur­ chases Will Be Ren­ Closing Day of the And remember, Saturday is the last day! Everything for person­ dered on October 1st al and home use! Get your share of these bargains! Bills. August Sale of Women’s Full Fash­ SILK FROCKSi IGYRATORl I MEN’S APPAREL ioned Silk Hosiery FURNITURE First Bargain Table! All furniture at 10% to 40% less than regu­ All the new shades that you lar retail price. None reserved___ unrestricted Excellent values in Crepes, Geor­ Beautiful patterns in neckwear desire tor Autumn costumes m- choice of the whole stock. Whatever you see, A most practical and useful ap­ cluding oeautLtul browns. JPure gettes and silk hosiery, full A A whatever you need can be bought at tremendous pliance which is comparable in duty savings. S a tin s...... $5.95 to the most expensive and guaran­ 79c‘“$1.45 fashioned, have a V A Leather TTC very elastic four-inch lisle top Matched furniture and separate pieces for all Sport and Dress teed for CiA and lisle sole. Irregulars of a rooms. Here is truly fine furniture, fashionable 10 y e a r s ...... A B e lt s ...... # O C Models— Ensembles $5.95 51.65 quEdIty. and well constructed furniture. Here is furniture New Fall Dresses for Dress Shirts, excellent qualities ' Wise-Smith & Co.—Main Floor at the lowest price consistent with Wise, Smith Afternoon Wear .. . $9 75 quality. 89c‘“$3.39 It will be to your advantage to fulfill all furni­ ture requirements for the Winter months here to­ ELEC. APPL’NCES Silk Hose— ...... Q R morrow. Remember, the sale price tags will be ail sizes, p a i r ...... O O C LINGERIE Women’s New removed at closing time Saturday. Caps, Snappy Fall Models Buy furniture with our famous Budget Credit Heavy Gauge Aluminum Silk Lingerie Account and spread the payments over a period Gowns and Pajamas (Rayon) Percolator— ^ ^ $1.00‘“$1.98 of time. All furniture sold in this sale will be $1.98 “$2.98 5 c u p s ...... charged on bills dated October Tst. House Fixtures (wait ceiling) pop­ $1.98 • Wise-Smith & Co.— Fifth Floor Teddies and Chemises (Crepe do ular prices. Fashioned from finest rayon Chine) MEN’S SHOES . . . .rayon crepe and crepe de Fine Quality ^ Q Q C chine in beautiful petal tints Ventilating Fans V. JL O o O and white. There are Slips, $1.30 “$2.98 Men’s Black Oxfords- Pajamas, Gowns, Chemise, Ptin- ties, Stepins, Bloomers, Stepln- Women’s & Misses’ Dance Sets (Crepe d*0 O Q Sklrts and Dancettes. Tailored de Chine) ...... $3.59 ‘“$ 5,98 or lacey models. Slips (Crepe) Menjs Kangaroo Kid d* C O Third Floor FURNITURE Shoes -CBlack) ^. . . .^ O a ^ O Fall Ensembles $2.95 “$3.95 Men’s Work.Shoes (Extra Strong) Vagabond Pajamas (Rayon) Very Mattresses (Felted Cotton) latest O Q $ 1.98 “ $3 89 $ Women’s Corsets 16.95 crea tion ...... SIZQ^""" ...... $9.45 These ensembles are in the for Full Frocks Bed Room, Living Room, Dining WORK CLOTHES newest, most individual fashions K- Room Suites, popularly priced. of F all... .and hold their undis­ puted place in a complete show­ HOME NEEDS $1.49 ing! Heavy Chambray Choice of popular models.... Shirts ...... "low bust, back-lacing or wrap­ Fashioned in the simple, tail­ Heavy High Grade 69c y Overalls, high around styles which create the ored styles that business girls, Aluminum- 2 5 C $1 WASH COTTONS new silhouette. Satin striped co-eds and young matrons unan­ and low backs .... material. w a r e ...... $1.36 imously prefer! Work Pants, very strong ...... Household Paint Third Floor whij) OQ Beautiful new materials from Qt...... 54c Plain Voiles yard ...... c o r d ...... which to select... .all are fash­ ion-right! Lacquer in all colors Work Hose 0/\ Pt...... 79c Cotton Pongee Pair ...... Z U C Kitchen Sets— Yard ...... Marquisette Criss New Materials 7 pieces ...... $1.49 Soft Satins, Smartly DuUed Crepes. t Linen (plain colors) Cross Curtains Adaptable Covet Cloth. Novelty Butter Yard ...... WOMEN’S SHOES Fabrics. Autumn Printed Silks. Churns ...... $L64 98c Wise-Smith & Co.— Second Floor Bottle Gloria Cloth Exceptional Values Cappers ...... 62c Y a r d ...... Curtains of white, delicate were $4.98, now .. $1.98 ivory, or ecru color marquisette. Criss cross style with comice Broad Cloth Many real values reduced to ...... valance and tiebacks. Edges Y a r d ...... $2.98 are fully ruffled. GAS RANGES Our Strap Pump (patent leather) Fourth Floor $2.98‘“$4.69 Sale of Very New Enamel Gas Range with oven regu­ lator and utility Q 7 C Q C SILK FABRIGS Autumn drawer ...... V • O c O O HOSIERY Special! $3.25 Oval Our Windsor Q /f O Dresses without regulator / O Grass Rugs Silk Broadcloth Full Fashioned A ^ O C Gas and Coal Q O O O C Y a r d ...... Hose, p a ir ...... ^ A Combination .. Full Fashioned Chif- ^ ^ ACk $2 19 $5.00 Crepe de Chine fon Hose, pair .... ^ A . fri/ Very attractive color combin­ Y a r d ...... ations in pretty, oval shaped Full Fashioned Service Q Q yam rugs size 27x48. Save a Center Bargain Square! CHILD’S SHOES Weight Hose, p a ir ...... 5 / O C dollar on every rug! Sport Satin Fifty charming models offer Yard ...... Fourth Floor you a smart selection of frocks Low and high in patent leather and for the holiday! Fashionable calfskin. TOILET ARTICLES crepes.. georgettes.. satins ... and beautiful prints! It is val­ 95c‘“$1.79 Bring the children ues like these that make people Lifebuoy ask, “ how do you sell them for Many other styles and patterns at ACCESSORIES S o a p ...... to Wise-Smith’s for $5.00?” popular prices. Gillette Razor complete Sizes 16 to 46. Extra sizes in case ...... their new outfit for $5.49. Replacement timers for Ford cars. Gillette Razor Blades, school! Wise-Smith & Co.— Main Floor ILUGGAGEI pkg. o f five ...... A 14 oz. can of A most convincing selling Brake Lining of highest grade to of new apparel and acces­ make your car safe. Size 2 inches Ovaltine...... sories for the school boy Gladstone Bag—Shark grained in X 3-16 inches. Ijiana Paste, black or Q 1 1 /I C 2 tubes for ...... and girl! b r o w n ...... ^ A A ofrO W om en’s and Misses’ Standard Bulbs for Moiiette Sanitary New, smart, two-trouser Round Hat Box, black with brown head lights ...... P a d s ...... suits in all the leading Fall trim— very serviceable Many popular brands of toilet patterns! New Brake Shoes for articles carried in this dept, and Clever new dresses and a t o a c t iv e ...... $4.95 Ford Cars, per set .... sold at attractively low prices. coats for the young girl 1 Footw ear Mothers will be amazed at the exceptionally inter­ $5.00 esting thrift prices. Now is the time to outfit your Lizard Calf Pumps Suede Pumps boy and girl for, school. We Created from brown or One-atrap model with faat- ONTGOMERY WjUm &Ca are prepared to do it. in a black lizard calf In one-strap enette on the side. Black or most economical way I model with center buckle. brown suede with covered MAIN STREET PHONE 3306 SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN. Cuban heels. spike heels. Store Hours: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Wednesday 9 a. m. to 12 Noon. Thursday and Saturday 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. AGENTS FOR RED CROSS SHOES M A N U H B ^ BVBSING HBKALD, SOOTH MANCHESra®. CONN.. P B ID A y ^ g E ^ M . 1929-

would destroy every vestige of the!Chester, as he probably wUl in toe hopes of Zionism. courae of time,, you can remember |Hanrl}r8^ this about him: That In toe cotm- I tOTitlng Bfralb HOLDINO THE BAG tries to which he is native—eouth- Mid-Summer ■ It was a common belief Just a ern Europe, Africa, South America i*um.ismcL> UY th b ’ and toe Orient-r-he is toe subject of T' HKKAL.L) HKtNTIMS OOMHANY, INC. very few years ago that if toe ‘ U Uisptll 8»r#et actual beliefs of Congressional more legends and superstitions than Range Club South MMnche»t*r. Conn. any other insect in toe whole col­ ^ BODNEY pUTOHEB. THOMAS KKJmUSON Democrats relative to toe taiilt Conernl M«n«R«r ______could be learned it would develop lection. Also that too Chinese keep Washingtoi^, Aug. 30.—Mabel Small down payment; easy that substantially all toe free* trade specimens of toe race in cages and Walker WiUebrandt’s Uttie row with Founrted October 1. 1881 weekly terms; cash price — sentiment in toe party was located fight them for money, like cocks. James Fr: els Burke of toe Repub­ these are the terms of the Mid- Puhtteliert Kvery Bvenlng J®**-'®®’ In toe South. When, last fall, cer­ The mantis blundered into this lican National Oommittee, involving Summer Rpnge Club.' Use Sundays and Holidays * country by accident like toe Japan­ Post Oftlco at houth tain Connecticut Democrats, candi­ the question v. hetoer toe best minds your new rmige now... ..while Conn., as Second Class Mall Matter. dates ter Cong^resslonal honors, de­ ese beetle and a hundred other of toe party caused her to whoop up Beddin you pay for it... .and still w- SUBSCHI Pl’lON KATISS: clared their conversion to toe prin­ pests. Maybe he will help to clean the Methodists against A1 Smith ceive the cash discount. One Year, by mall ...... up some of them. ' last year or whether it was jiost her Per Month, by mall ...... J ciple of protection, toe effective an­ own idea, inspires your correspon­ JOelivered. one year ...... swer was: "All very well, but how UTTLB DUUOIBLES dent to resurrect one of his favorite Single copies ...... * ■ about toe Southern group that run dispatches and give it some new What we nee4 is bigger and fast­ the fine Watkins Quality cpkhm aL AUVBKTlSlNa KKPKIC- your party?” And to that they trimmings. er dirigibles, says Dr. Hugo Bek SBNTaTIVB; Hamilton • OsUlsser didn’t have much to say. This is toe story of the touching assures perfect slumber Inc.. 88B Madtsnn Avs., New York. N. ener. That’s what they all say— way in which the women of the Michigan Ava.. Now an ironic situation arises. Y.. and 612 North the representatives of toe .concerns country have been so slgnaUy re­ Chicago. Ills. After the national Democratic party warded for their vary large part OO much of our life is spent in that build or hope to build mam­ has carried toe free trade preffllic- last year in keeping the Republican rest to treat the selection of The Herald is on sale dally at all moth airships at mammoth prices, Schult* and Hoatllng news stands in tiona of its Southern members, like party in office. It’s a story that bedding too lightly. The bed­ New York City. Just what would have happened to always interests the female audi­ T incubus on its back, for many ding you use every night of the year the Graf Zeppelin at toe moment ence, if any. years—sacrificing to those predllic- They Expected Much. . . . .actually 1-3 of your Ufe...... Leased Wire Service client of In­ when she barely succeeded in dodg­ ternational News Service. tions all its chances of success—It While Mrs. Wlllibrandt was vir­ should give perfect, restful, health Full service client of N B) A Service, ing those high tension wires, had is now becoming apparent that it is tually running prohibition enforce­ and energy-building slumber. A Inc. ______. she been even a little bigger and ment, the women of the country the votes of half a dozen Southern could point to one woman who was choice of Watkins bedding apures Member, Audit Bureau of Clrcula* clumsier, any imagination can con­ you the best for your investment. tions. Democrats, and nothing else, that doing an outstanding job in the will in all probability prevent the jure up. public service and suggest hor<>- Here are a few of the many different The Herald Printing Company, no. Meantime what seems to us to be fully that, after the new adminis­ assumes no financial resoons blllty Democratic party from achieving a pieces you’ll find in our stock. especially interesting is the per­ tration was in, other women would for typographical errors victory in the Senate defeat of the be given similar opportunities by advertlsments In the Manehes or formances, in toe near future, of 100% Cotton Mattresses in durable Evening Herald. ______present Republican tariff bill. Mr. Hoover and his grateful party r^l’iio victuiy crawioru, sketch- • the United States Navy’s little Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to striped tickings. 7 FRIDAY, AUGUST 30. Northern and Eastern Democrats ed above, while only 36 inches metal dirigible the ZMC-2. Com­ be working out that way. As usual, Any size ...... pnnihiTies coal and gas. who for years have subordinated pared with the Graf she is a midget the men politicians have copped all -.11 two gas ovens, a gas THE PALESTINE MANDATE their own inner convictions on the But if the total mileage of her life the jobs newly available. Even Fine cotton mattresses witn leitea toy-, 'This metal bed iias a metal panel, tariff to the South’s hatred of pro­ Mrs. Willebrandt has quit, after similar to sketch, which is decorated. broiler, a coal oven, as well as Zionist meetings all over the doesn’t exceed that of the Zeppelin and bottoms In striped ^14* tection, and who ter this "practical” her failure to receive any reward Brown finish, full size the open gas and coal burners. country are protesting to the Brit­ by several times, and if she isn’t except a gentle request to pipe tickings ...... "ril reason so definitely committed In porcelain enamel. ish Embassy at Washington against still flying when toe German over­ down, and although there is a 100% Cotton Felt Mattresses. 6 Inches themselves to the free trade' idea woman member of the Civil Serv­ the manner of the British adminiS' size ship is scrap metal and fabric, that they could not now retreat ice Commission your correspondent thick with tailored (t 1 Q traUon of the Palestine mandate, we’ll miss a guess. Watch the lit- $5 Down - ?5 Weekly from their position, are to be left to doubts whether there is now one roll edges ...... $ 1 "Upon the information that they tJe fellows among the dirigibles. in the entire government service— hold toe bag because these half have received regarding the situa­ outside Congress—whose name is Kapok (Silk Floss) matresses. 6 Inches dozen Southern senators see advan­ familiar to one person in a hun­ tion in that distressed country, thick in fine green and tan CtO 7 tage to their own section in certain dred. American Jews are hardly to be striped ticking ...... schedules of the tariff bill. There are at least two reasons. blamed for feeling that things are IN NEW YORK One IS that male politicians want It was never very edifying to see Innerspring mattresses with coil-spring very wrong and should be reme­ to keep aU the Jobs ter themselves New Elngland Democratic Congress­ and will do just that as long a.s centers covered with ^ 7 7 died. But setting aside toe circum­ New York, Aug. 30.—There’s a men and Senators voting against they can get away with it. You downy cotton ...... | stance that this information is bftth flavor of "old home week” in the protective measures that their own can guess for yourself what the meagre and one sided in Ita source sidewalk scenes that preface the other one is. Perhaps it’s an ai- states needed, merely to keep peace hectic business of selecting a Broad­ Enameled link springs, ^ / l Q ^ and therefore hardly good enough herent fear that women are like'y all standard size s...... >^^*7 J with the free trade South, and we way chorus. ■ to upset apple-carts if placed in re­ to serve as a basis for fully con­ When the “call” is sounded up are not sure but what in the pres­ sponsible posts. sidered action, there is another and down the Main Stem, pretty Take Mabel Willebrandt. Al­ National-type link springs, tC ent instance the Northern pemo- maids hesitate over their cafeteria, aspect of the case which appears though she insists that she was the standard sizes ...... crats are to get what was coming to trays, look wistfuUy up from their goat insofar as those campaign j i - to be obvious. them. But It is impossible not to typewriters and think up excu.ies cidents were concerned, and most What is to be accomplished by a that ctin get them away from the Famous Way Sagless ^ 1 7 feel some sympathy for them, about persons here believe her despite link springs...... 'T i storm of fault finding with the ribbon counter for a few hours. denials, it is obvious that she just to be betrayed in the house of their Meanwhile, “the old brigade” takes couldn’t hold herself in after sever British policy in Palestine, what Southern "friends” for whom they a final peep in the family mirror, ing her connection with the gov Nationally advertised Simmons Ace This metal bed has a metal panel, simi­ A Crawford gas range In spark­ the petitioners to the ^rltish Em­ have sacrificed so much. takes a final glance at its best emment and with politics. She did lar to sketch, which 1» decorated. Brown ling green and white porcelain en­ bassy expect to accomplish, it isn t hosiery, .daubs an expert cupid s fairly well for years, though fre­ ...... $ 19-75 amels, is equipped with a Wilcola- bow of lipstick along the mouth line quently she talked publicly with finish, full size tor-controlled oven. This, oven, as easy to see. It is pretty well known DIRIGIBLE vs. PLANE and goes forth looking tor a job. well as liifoiler, is lined with porce­ that a very considerable part of the too much frankness for male Re­ 72-cott, cotton upholstered rn In comparing the feat of the Graf Within an hour thereafter one of publican office-holders, but lately box springs...... ( , j U lain enamel to make cleaning easy, British public is out of sympathy Zeppelin in circling the globe in Broadway's strangest sights is to she has been spilling a few large and to eliminate rusting. be seen—strangest, and in a way with the Palestine mandate, which twenty-one. days, five and a half beans. The new Simmons Ace upholstered $10-65 at best is a rather thankless job most heartbreaking, for the on­ Now a man might have done the hours, her actual flying time being looker knows that only a faint per­ same thing, but the answer is that $5 Down - $3 Weekly ^ without any compensating advan­ eleven days, twenty-three hours and centage of those who gather will he seldom does. Consider the case springs ...... $42.50 tage to the trustee. There is no­ fourteen minutes, with previous remain. of General Lincoln C. Andrews, body to whom to appeal from the who certainly had as much to tell record establishing circumnaviga­ The “old home week” atmosphere ; manner in which the mandate is and probably more. Andrews re- tions from Magellen's 1083 days to steps in as the would-be chorines sigfned the job as boss prohibition . exercised save the Permanent Man­ the twenty-three days, fifteen hours begin to arrive. officer in disgust, but he hasn’t ever WAT K IKS BROTHERS, fe, 'i date Commission; and the Mandate and twenty-one minutes of Mears’ “H’lo Ruth” . . . “H’lo there even been interidewed in to two Commission has no way of enforc Mary.” “Where ya been this sum­ or more subsequent years and has and Collyer’s steamship-plsme stunt mer?” . . . “Where ya been yer- ing any reforms tha.t it might steadfastly refused to write any­ 5.4 last year, the most Impressive com­ self?” “Well if there ain’t Gertie thing. It can be argued rather con­ , recommend save through the force parison is that with the record of vincingly that heii volubility is r of public opinion. In other words the United States Army’s World So it goes. Hasty kisses upon more in the public interest than the British government is only mor^ the cheek. Or a friendly hand­ his taciturnity—but not to the or­ Fliers made in 1924. shake. Some have trouped together ally, not legally, responsible for dinary politician, who doesn’t want The elapsed time of the Army across the country. Some have the public to know too much. errors of administrative, if any, fliers, of course, was simply no­ played the same shows together in Mustn’t Be Independent. that it has made or may make in where in competition with scores of New York. Some have yet to make The politician’s attitude is well ■ Palestine. There' is plenty of a production. New and then a expressed 'oy Frank Kent in the other trips around the world, even swanky lass steps out of a taxicab machinery for the receipt, examina search for the Republican National some made long before air flight or a ritzy private car and all the Committee’s female vice chairman. tion of complaints from mandated was seriously thought of, for It took rest arch their eyebrows. First and foremost, says he; “Sue - peoples but lltUe, beyond mere sug- A solitary stranger comes timidly tendency to have less circulation to them 'months to make the voyage must be entirely docile, not ad­ the top of the head and baldness gestion to the mandate holder, to up and looks down the darkened dicted to independent political ■3^ because of long, exasperating de­ alleyway marked “Stage Entrance.” becomes more common. It might be * provide for correction of evils. It thought or action,' content to he a good idea for balcj-headed people lays at out-of the way points wait­ In the alleyway are parked a hun­ gently led, satisfied to be a sym­ Delicious Enough for Parties— is pretty much all up to the holder ing for repair parts to their planes. dred or inore of “the boys.” 'I’hey to imitate Father William who bol.” The same thing applies to the stood on his head every day of his of the mandate. And ang^rily ex- But the actual time spent in thq are all looking for jobs as chorus ordinary federal plum, automatical­ Simple Enough for Every Day! f. pressed complaints from American men. Their greetings, if any, are ly barring many or most of the life to keep young. snr by this group of airplane ex­ something elre again. A few hand­ Dandruff is another frequent ' Jews about the British way of ad- women capable of taking over such cause of baldness. Daily brushing perts was considerably more than some youngsters look strangely out jobs. ^ ministering Palestine are not likely of place. And a few hard boiled, the hair helps to increase the cir­ three days greater than that of the Women make a better showing culation. Circulatory, lifting t to be received with any too good a seedy-looklng youth seem even in the more lowly strata of the Manchester Zeppelin. So that not only was the more strangely misplaced. One kneading and pressing the muscles ; grace by the British government. Graf able to make the entire trip government service, but there, too in massage is very beneficial. It Is wonders what sdl these young men it appears that the men still get The great danger is that, if the in a fraction of the time consumed do when not looking for chorus also a good plan to wash the hair the breaks. The popular theory at least once a week. Palestine mandate becomes suffi­ by the planes, from start to finish, jobs. Few seem ever to have un­ that most government workers in dertaken any real work. The skull separates the scalp ciently irksome to Great Britain, but her average speed while in the Washington are girl stenographers from the brain, amd one of the she may step out from under the air appears to' have been very con­ or secretaries is erroneous. In the commonest causees of baldness Is Meanwhile the crowd of girl­ District of Columbia there aro Dairy Ice Cream what is called a tight scalp. The ff; situation altogether. There is al- siderably higher than that of the ies grows. It fills the sidewalk 25.000 womeiv federal employes and and slowly begins to pour down skin of bald-headed people Is usual­ ready a very large party in Britain planes, even allowing for the proba­ 62.000 men. Of the 511,000 govern­ ly, thin, and the bald-headed person the alley to the stage. ment workers outside Washington A which asserts that that coimtry is bility that the Army fliers’ route Just behind the alley fence a cannot, as a rule, wiggle his scalp Provides a dessert fine enough for any party and 'y, under no obligation whatever to was considerably longer than that 'Only 55,000 are women. The Wo­ back and forth. i crew of riveters work on a new sky­ men’s Bureau made a study three or - ccntinue to hold the mandate—that scraper. ,In the hot sun dredges One with a tight scalp can avoid of the dirigible. four years ago and found that becoming bald if he will use some equally as good for every day meals. You will find the nation was never really com­ As between the plane and the take dirt from a gaping hole. Fat women were ^ven neither equality mothers stand reading the tabloid method of increasing the scalp cir­ mitted to the Zionist policy of Bal- dirigible, then, for excessively long of opportunity nor equal pay for culation. Tonics are practically of papers while daughters go timidly equal work.. it always popular with your friends and your fam* .. four and cannot be expected to fos­ voyages, the honors are very de­ by the hard-boiled gatekeeper. no value, but a good treatment Is ’Two pretty g;lrla park their the dally application of ice to the ter Zionism at the cost of the Brit- cidedly with the llghter-than-air scalp. Hold a piece of Ice to the dif­ ' . Ish taxpayer. It would be far from babies in a nearby hotel lobby. By r. ily alike. machine. o’clock the crowd has grown to ferent places of the bald spot imtil ; surprising if the present Labor more than a hundred and by 2 it the skin reacts and becomes red. government should suddenly dis- COMES THE MANTIS has sweeled to something like 500. Then massage thoroughly with the Health and Diet fingertips, rubbing in a small ’ i«yow Balfour’s idealism and get Not having quite enough varie­ And only 25 girls desired. Figure amount of coconut oil or almon^ oil. ^4d of the mandate, either by ter­ ties of insects of its own, the United your own percentages. Advice Sunbuming the scalp with short ir minal surrender of it to the Mandate States now seems destined to be Inside, the theater Is dismal as treatments from the sunlight or, The Manchester Dairy H Commission, which would be wlth- from an actinic ray lamp is also one more of the numerous homes of a masoleum. The seats are cover­ By DR. FR.^NK McCOY helpful. All vigorous physical cul' i ; out precedent, or just possibly by the praying mantis, an advance ed with an acre of canvas. The lights are dimmed. Ohly the stage ture exercises to increase toe geff turning it over to Turkey—which army of which queer bug has just eral circulation will also be helpful, glitters. The stage Is cluttered with as the blood vdll then circulate bet­ Ice Cream Company - would not be without precedent, be- made its appearance in New York last year’s scenery, and the sgera- ARE WOMEN GROWING BALD? , cause France did that very thing in ter through the scalp as well as City, scaring daylights out of ner­ Ingly bored amd blase girlies park the rest of the body. DIAL 5250 the case of ailcia in Northern themselves on old 'trunks and saw When the bobbed hair vogue first vous persons on whom they appeared, there was considerable It Is important to use all of toe * Syria. She accepted the mandate horses. A few bow to the manager foods containing silicon which Is Always Obtainable at Your Neighborhood alighted. * ial forces sitting in a front row. discussion as to whether It would ^and later, without even bothering result in women becoming bald, as the principal minera usually lack­ Store or Favorite Soda Fountain The mantis Is a light green crea­ They have had jobs last season— ing in defective hair growth. A list ‘;tc consult the League of Nations, ture somewhat remotely resembling and with the same concern. ’I’hey many people believed that the fre­ quent cutting of the hair was re­ of the foods richest in silicon Is as ' shouldered it off onto the Angora a katydid, but bigger. It is as think they wJU get the breaks be­ follows: Asparagus, cucumbers, let­ cause of past experience. sponsible for the numerous cases of government. large, in fact, as one of the larger baldness with men. There is no tuce, bran, dandelion, parsnips, Lv-«.— You can pick the newcomers a fruit, skins, strawberries and beets. V Should Great Britain give up the varieties of dragon fly. Of its block away. They have a freshness truth in this theory, however, as cutting the hair does not have any mandate in disgust, the quesfldn is. three pairs of legs the front set are not to oe foimd in the “regulars. ’ QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS They lack asshrance and they tendency toward producing bald­ of erysipelas to be aa acidosis pro­ any sporting goods store. This ap­ Who would be left holding the bag? much larger than the others and ness. The loss of hair is always Trouble with Stomach column Is limited, but I will b® paratus is attached to toa wall and have made too great ^n effort to Question: Mrs. H. G. F. writes:— duced toe use of wrong food. I t la Turkey might accept the responsi­ carried doubled up in front of it so look their prettiest. Some are pa­ caused by something which affects glad to send you complete instruc­ true there is a particular bacterium the exerdsea are taken by raising the nutrition of the hair roots, or “I have a place at the top of the tions on how to reduce. and lowering weighta which are bility of the mandate, ter she ruled as to convey the suggestion of thetically ordinary in appearance. stomach on the right side that gives sissoclated with this disease, but tiffs * , the country for centuries and kept One wonders how they ever sum­ by local disease of the scalp. Ice ream and Fruits micro-organism cannot live to a body attached to handles by ropes run­ person in an attitude of prayer, or There is some ground to the be­ me some trouble, something like Question: Health seeker asks:— ning over pulleys. Arabs and Jews from fighting. No a dog begging. Also these legs are moned nerve to appear at all. 'I'hey the colic, every month. CJan you free from acidosis. mill about, the stage, nervously! lief that the tight hats which men “May ice cream of fruit be ewen •other country, it is probable, would provided with razor-like edges with wore a few years ago were respon­ tell me what it is and the remedy ? between meals without interfering Reducing Arms. Silence falls over the crowd! The I am very stout, weigh about 240 Question: Mrs. H. H. writes— The king wears the crown of \have anything to do with the job. which it demolishes its prey—files game of selection has begun! A sible for many cases of baldness. with digestion?” If women adopt tight-fitting hats pounds. Can you tell me some­ Answer: Fruit and ice cream “Kindly tell me how to reduce toe England only a few minutea dur­ * It is Inconceivable that American grasshojipers, caterpillers, and the voice from the pit orders everyone thing to reduce my weight?” ing toe coronation ceremony. to stand in lines that reach across which Interfere with the circulation must both be considered real foOM upper arms.” Jews would prefer to see Palestine like, by wholesale. The mantis, for of the hair roots, there may be Answer;—The distress you have and should therefore be used to the stage. more cases of baldness among on your right side may be due to place of a real meal, or may be used Answer: Any kind of arm exer­ ' turned loose entirely upon her own, ] all his pious appearance, is the “Will the little lady on the right gall bladder trouble, to stomach cises will reduce the fat on your The albumen of the egg white tough guy of the insect world, but them, too. in addition to a meal if combined Dr to see it administered by the j —and you in the middle and you Some people have a natural ten­ irritation, or to colitis in the hepa­ with those foods with which they arms. The best ones to take are Is used largely as a varnish for ■ -VIoslem Turks, rather than to have happily he does not use his weapons . . . step out.” 'The rest walk back dency toward longer hair than tic flexure of the colon. As you those requiring a reasonable amount cards and paintings, In photo­ into the stret. Another chance is harmonious. of muscular tension and, at toe ^ British mandate continued. on .human beings. He may come others because their hair grows are overweight, the sensible thing Erysipelas graphs, and to calico printing. gone! more rapidly, or it may become to do Is to diet to reduce your same time, these exercises shoiM ^ ■ the temper of sonfe of the pro- and sit on you and goggle his eyes GILBERT SWAN. weight, and your symptoms will no Question: J., L. asks—"Is used rapidly and with vigor. Prob­ a t you, but he won’t do you nearly longer because it does not break off elas a blood or a akin disease? ably toe beat plan would be tto pur­ At Colon, Canel Zone, the rain­ losta fi.gainst the British adminls- as readily because it contains a doubt disappear while on the diet What is the cause and cure of this fall Jn t^e wet season averages Cratioc such that the petitioners as much harm as a gnat or a mos natural oil which makes It less brit­ which is necessary ter you to take chase one of toe "chest weight w r- A dog should be treated as one to bring about a satisfactory (ilS6&S6 ? ** cisers” which you can secure from 116 Inches. leem to nav« forgotten that they quite. of toe family, says a fancier. Why I tle. weight reduction^ Space in this Answer: I consider toe true cause Ire Inviting an nltematlve which If toe mantis show up in Man- be so harsh as all that? As neople arrow older, there is a \ *■ IklANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, GONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 80,1929.

'Get Something for Nothing* Will Soon Be Real Thing Back T o School £ihd ■‘You cannot get something for » So it is with the proverb that heads this little article. nothing.” This is another angle to what is That is an old saying and a trite now generally called “The Man­ one, but is it true? chester Mystery” which already has College So many theories are being upset folks in mill, office and street these days that the public hardly : a-guessing. believes in the old sayings any I It won’t be long now before it will more. For instance, if you tried to all be explained. follow some of the old sayings you d i Money will not be needed, as pre- be running around in circles. How ! viously explained, and one will be could you obey ‘‘He who hesitates able to get something for nothing. is lost” and “Everything comes to The secret is—no, no, not yet. I JUST WAIT A FEW DAYS. him who waits” ? ___ h is t o r y LON CHANEY AT TOLLAND THE STATE TODAY Mrs. Charles Barrows has re­ turned to her home in Northampton, I.s starred in “Thunder”— Also Mass., after two weeks spent with Vitaphone Vaudeville, friends here. Mrs. Zoe Beckley is entertaining “Thimder,” a thrilling, tingling one of her friends from Saratoga Springs, N. Y., at her^summer home drama of railroad life, is the back­ “Cubby House.” ' ground for Lon Chaney’s newest I Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Hayden and starring vehicle for Metro-Goldwyn- two children of Rockville have Mayer, which opens a two day en­ I moved into Judge Edwin S. Agard’s gagement at the State theater to­ house and intend occupying it for a day. year. Chtmey, who has risen to great Miss Agnes Hart left Thursday heights as a dramatic actor through for Dorchester, Mass., where she Studying is son’s job. Knowing that he is well dressed will help to give him con fi-,, his characteristic impersonations in will be a guest at the home of her dence when he stands before the class for recitation. I’erhaps you’ll remember how such outstanding films as “Hunch­ aunt. frank young folks are in their judgment of a schoolmate’s appearance. back of Notre Dame” and “The Mrs. Aaron Pratt and children Phantom of the Opera.” is presented Aaron, Jr., and Mary Agnes of House’s clothes give boys a very definite help because they’re correct in style and in a new kind of role in “Thunder.” Windsor, Conn., were guests at the of good quality—yet they are not high priced. He is seen as the engineei and home of Mrs. Pratt’s mother, Mrs. father of two splendid boys, whom Charles H. Daniels. I Boys’ 2 Pant S u its ...... $10.00 to $25.00 he brings into railroading with him. Mrs. Cotton who has been a guest He is contented and happy until at the summer home “Meadcrest” of one of the boys becomes madly in­ Mr. and Mrs. James Wells ha.s re­ Young Men’s S u its ...... $22.50 to $40.00 fatuated with a dancehall girl who turned to her home in New York. is traveling on one of his trains. Harry Wood left Friday for New There follows a series of exciting York from where he will sail for and breath-taMng episodes from England to be the guest of rela­ this point until the very final scene tives. of the picture. Not once does Chaney The Misses Bernice A. Hall and fail to impress his audience with his Alice ^Hall have been spending a FURNISHINGS emotional acting. He is truly su­ few days in South Manchester at Includes Davenport, Club Chair and Fireside perb throughout. the home of their aunt Miss Edna Chair— each piece tailored in high-grade velours; Supporting him in “Thunder” are Hall. fine spring construction; dainty modernistic deco­ James Murray, Phyllis Haver, Geo The Boy Scouts of South Coven­ for School Wear Duryea and little Wally Allbright. try ivill present a three-act play, en­ rated end table; decorated hard'wood magazine William Nigh directed the picture titled “ The Air Spy” in the Tolland basket; complete metal smoker; bridge lamp with for ■' -G-M. town hall Friday evening, August shade; junior lamp with silk shade; hardwood Boys’ Blouses .. $1.00 and $1.50 Golf H o s e ...... 50c to $1,001 Appearing on the same program 30. The last act will be in two mahogany finish davenport table; table scarf and for today and tomorrow are the ^ parts with different scenery. There S h irts ...... $1.00-$1.50 Stockings...... 3 fo r $1.00^ KeUer Sisters and Lynch, popular will also be a concert before the framed picture. Nine pieces in all. exponents of modem harmony sing­ play given by an orchestra from T i e s ...... 25c-$2.00 Socks...... 25c to $1.00 ing. This Victor Recording trip of­ Willimantic. Admission for adults $10 Down Delivers This Outfit. S w ea ters...... $2.50-$9.00 Underwear...... 50cto$1.50r fer a Vitaphone vaudeville presenta­ 35 cents. Children, 25 cents. tion that fairly sparkles with mirth Miss Helen Johnson, Miss Carrlgan C a p s ...... $1.00 to $2.50 H andkerchiefs...... 10cto25c and melody. and Miss Ramano of Bridgeport, Another interesting novelty is the are gruests at the Steele House. Metro Movietone act featuring Carl Mrs. Dox and son of East Orange, Empy and his pet animals. This is N. J., Mr. and Mrs. Hanley and indeed a most unusual and pleasing twin boys, who have been guests of Happy Feet Make Better Scholars bit of entertainment. friends here have returned to their The current Chapter of “The Dia­ homes. mond Master” and the State News Miss Hazel Graham who has Events will also be shown. Fred spent six weeks at Skidmore Col­ Wemer, presiding at the console of lege, Saratoga Springs, N. Y., at­ the beautiful State theater organ, tending a music course under the offers a pleasing musical setting as directorship of Professor Baldwin ul his contribution to the program. Hartford, who originated the Baul win music system, is at present at the home of her mother, Mrs Anna Graham. STONE BALLAST TO COST Miss Margaret Morris and Miss Enid Morris have returned from Springfield, Mass., where they wett NEW HAVEN II MILLION guests of Mrs-. Julia Morris , and Mrs. Clinton Reid. Thirty of the forty additional Mrs. Minnie Norman, Mrs. John miles of stone ballast which the H. Steele were guests of relatives in New Haveif railroad recently an­ Wales, Mass., Tuesday. nounced would be laid this year as The annual picnic of the Tolland part of a special 511,000,000 pro­ Grange will be held on the Ihwn at gram, will be on the Shore Line be­ the' home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard STYLISH AND DISTINCTIVE! tween Boston and New York, ac­ Crandall, Grant Hill district, next cording to an armouncement at the Tuesday evening. Sept. 3. offices of the company today. Mrs. Ellen B. West and daughter A notable contribution to any Living Room would be this Mohair Suite of distin­ Practically all of the New Ha­ Hazel who have been vacationitig at guished charm! Just received from the manufacturers as the newest expression of ven’s main lines are stone ballasted Hillscrest Inn, Hampton Beach, N. Correct shoes are so essential to the physical comfort and mental progress that H., have returned. good taste! Covered in lusterous Mohair, Serpentine fronts and Button Bottom Trim! with the exception of short stretches Splendid reversible cushions, Spring construction throughout! Webbed bottoms! they should have most careful attention before the children start to school again. which were not completed pending An old fiddlers’ contest was staged consideration of changes in line and at Eastford last week. There were Either chair with the Davenport at this August Reduction Sale. We fit every pair of children’s shoes with exacting care so that their growing feet gfrade. Changed conditions and over fifteen entries, among them be­ may have perfect support and grow naturally. further study indicate the wisdom ing George Neff of Tolland who re­ of now rock ballasting certain of ceived second prize. EASY CREDIT OPEN AN these stretches to Insure smoother Mrs. Edward Meacham with her Children’s Pumps and O xfords...... $2.50 to $5.00 riding, and increased comfort to sister, Mrs. Elton Mann of Rock­ TERMS ACCOUNT the public through elimina'tion of ville, motored to Westport and »169 Growing Girls’ Pumps and O xfords ...... $ 3 .^ to $6.00 . dust and dirt. Bridgeport, Sunday. Included also in the special pro­ Frank Babcock, formerly a resi­ gam is the laying of 20,000 tons of dent of Tolland and son of Mrs. Inez Boys’ and Youths’ O xfords ...... • $3.50 to $6.00 new 130-lb. rail, practically the Babcock of Grant Hill is reported heaviest rail manufactured. The use ; very ill at Newark, N. J., hospital, Boys’ K eds...... • ...... • $1*50 to $2.75 of this weight of rail will give the j The Tolland fire department and New Haven a smooth riding track I the Rockville fire department met second to none in the United ! at the Prospect street alleys Mon- I day evening, Rockville capturing all States, and the company announces K that as the present rails need re­ 1 the games. Shoes For The Whole Family newal, 130-lb. rail will be substituted I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carpenter, on all heavy traffic main lines. who have been vacationing with relatives here, returned to Detroit, Mich., Thursday by automobile. Mrs. Bessie Baines and son John of Norwich, Conn., were recent I guests of Mrs. Emily Ailing and 1 daughters. C. E. HOUSE & SON, INC. Miss Miriam Welles, Mrs. Louise Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wochomur- Burnham and Miss Margaret Welles, I ka and family have returned from Head to Foot Clothiers motored to Proctorsville, Vt., Fri­ New London where they have been day. where they spent a very happy guests of relatives. week-end with Miss Clara Chandler, who has been spending the summer at Fletcher’s Farm there. Miss Engaged 74 Years Chandler returned with them, to her home in Pleasant Valley on Mon­ Complete 9-Piece day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Spencer of Avery street entertained Mr. and Modem OutBt! Mrs. Percy Cowithwaite and family of Mt. Klsco, N. Y „ over the week­ end. Young Men Earl Stoddard of this village, spent' nearly two weeks at Mon­ »129 YOU SHOULD look to shorthand as the short cut ■ treal and Lake George recently. Judson G. Files of this town left Consists of Davenport, Club Chair and your to a better position. , last Sunday for a tliree weeks trip choice of Wing or Button Back Chair. Each piece to Three Rivers. Mich. While he is Fall Term opens next Tuesday morning and you will there he will study steam engineer­ tailored in Genuine Jacquard Velours. 'The fol­ ing. On his return lie will go into lowing pieces are also included: Smoker, Mahog­ never have a better opportunity than right her in Man­ business with his father. Harry P. any End Table, Bridge Base and Shade and Ma­ chester to take the step that will mean the making of a Files. Sr., of Boston. Mass. hogany Davenport Table. Nine High Grade Mrs. Frank Forbes and daughter, fine future. lurua Laura Forbes and son Arthur Pieces for only $129. were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Frink on Wednes-i d&y Call for circulars Mr. and Mrs. Percy West and family have moved into the lower part of Mr. and Mrs. George West’s house and they have moved their household things upstairs. Mrs. Percy West has just returned from her visit with relatives and friends The Connecticut Business CoDege in Lowell, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Louise Burton have When Jacob Schwartz, above, left ^ G. H. Wilcox, Principal. ■ u moved from the J. E. Collins home­ Jeruiany 74 years ago, his fiancee, Odd Fellows* Block South Manchester, Conn. stead to Long Hill, with Mr. Bur­ fi'reda Schmidt, said she would ^ ' ■ 9S ton’s mother. valt for him until he came back .0 marry her. Nqw Schwartz is The League of Nations no'.i' has l i and she’s 90, but she has wait­ .188 State Street Hartford a membership of 54 states. Na­ ed all these years and they are tions not in the League are Brazil, going to be married soon at Kan- Costa Rica, Ecuador. Mexico. So­ shein-on-the-Rhein. Schwartz, who viet Russia, Turkey, and the Unit- lives In Los Angeles, left recently Advertise in The Evenine Herald-lt Pays Sd States. for Germany.


taken from Judge Thomas’ decree. Wounded FORDS COME TOGETHER SLAYER EXECUTED w n c AT FULL STRENGTH ABOUT TOWN Dahlia King U .S. WINS SUIT Nar-o. .6-s NOWL ai tal tal Utiaa MEHLHOBN GOOD AT BRmOE ON MAIN ST. TODAY New York, Aug. 30.—The “hoi beginn ing SUNDAY NIGHT Miss Caroline and Miss Anna New Haven, Aug. 30.—Judge Ed­ Novak of Dougherty street, Miss “WUd Bill’* Mehlhorn, the golfer, wires’’ have taken their toU again. win S. Thomas, of toe United States plays a very good game of bridge, Rose Smith of Ridge street and The radiator of a Ford coupe Life and ordeal facing him meant Miss Esther Anderson of 78' District Court, today handed down a according to several golfers who re­ little to John Fabri, S;’racuse mur­ lA)cal Radio Expert Believes Eldridge street, left this morning decree sustaining the plaintiff's side cently played with him. owned by Leslie Miller of 13 Cen- derer, however. He spumed thd of­ New Power Will Make Sta­ for a motor tour of several days to of a suit brought by the Umted terfield street was smashed in an fer made to every condemned rian, places of interest along the Rhode States g;ovemment against t rank P. WEISMAN MAT QUIT to have whatever he chose for his tion 2V2 Times As Strong. Farrell, of Danbury, and others, toi automobile accident near Main and Island shore and Cape Cod. Birch streets shortly before noon last two meals. toe income and excess profits taxes President Herman J. Weismann today. The car was driven by Mrs. But he showed that it wjyi not oe- levied against toe Danbury company of to^ Eastern League is to retire in the opinion of John L. Rein- L. Arthur Miller. It struck a Ford cause his appetite was affected by Manchester’s Boy Scout troops I a former uat manufacturing corpor­ at the end of this season, it is re­ will distribute toe Red Cross Roll express operated by Thomas A. what was before him, for he ate artz, Manchester radio and short ation of Danbury. ported. The magnates already are Call posters starting next week as Hoey ot 32 Hemlock street. The heartily of the regular prison tare wave expert, radio fans here wUl The government asked the former casting about for a, successor. before starting his grim walk to ihe not have as much difficulty as many a civic good turn. Joseph Dean, owners of toe Danbury Company to latter car was undamaged. Both field executive, will be in charge of were proceeding south on Mam electric chair. anticipate when Station W 1 1 C of pay a total of 51,11,928.16. Ihls LEFT-HANDER GOES UP Fabri was executed in the electric Hartford increases its power to 50,- toe distribution. amount Judge Thomas finds due inc street. Patrolman John McGlinn investigated but made no arrest. chair at Sing Sing prison last night. 000 watts at 9 o’clock Sunday night. government ard decreed accordmg- Pitcher Chuck Galeria, southpaw, Nc one was Injured. Fabri killed Louis Mangino in a Although the strength of the station Over twenty local Luther Lea­ ly. hired an airplane when the Wichita Wounded during an attack by drunken quarrel. He was the first is being increased ten times, the guers will attend the banquet which The Danbury company was sold Falls club of the Texas League ent Dr. Luther Michael, city health Arabians upon toe Slaboka Rab­ man to be executed In New York fact that the sending apparatus is opens the annua) conference of the bv its owners, Farrell and others him to the ^Springfield Midgets. . SHUTTLE PLANE DELAYED officer of San Leandro, Calif., said binical College in Hebron, Pales­ state in seven months. located seven miles west of Hart­ Hartford District Luther Leagues for the sum of $60,000 in 1919. After making the trip he pitched a Fabri walked to t’le chair unaid­ ford on the lop of Avon Mountain, in Meriden tomorrow night. Pri­ to have propagated, named and Prominent New Haven corporation six-hit victory for Springfield. tine, Moe Harbater, above, ot New registered with the American Mitchell Field, N. Y., Aug. 30.— ed. He made no statement. He will offset the increase somewhat. vate cars will take toe members to lawyers fought the case for toe de­ York, and a younger brother who The Shuttle plane piloted by Cap­ prayed with Father Mc'laffery, the Meriden. Whether or not a track Dahlia Society more of these Hew­ fendants, while George Cohen, as­ Mr. Reinartz states. Texas, with mor* Ihun 16,430 also was wounded, were the only tain Ira T. Eaker is not expected prison chaplain, until toe curreit The amount of extra distance team will represent the league at ers than anyone In America, will sistant United States District attor miles of railroad, 1*mi,.- all the reign as king of the San Leandro persons evacuated from the riot to arrive at toe field here today. was turned on at 11:03 p. m. In which WTIC will "kill" on the dials the athletic meet on Labor Day Is •ney. and his staff, represented the states of the Union In this respect. Flower Festival which opens Sept. scene. They were taken to a Field officials said the plane was five minutes he was dead. 'l!wo of radio sets in Manchester depends still in doubt. government Ulinois is second and Pennsyl­ 14. He's shown above with his Jerusalem hospital. held at Cleveland by bad weather. shocks passed through his body. to a great extent upon the length It Is expected an appeal will oe vania third. royal crown of dahlias. ______Sr. of the aerial. The longer the aerial, Mr. and Mrs. William Haggerty the louder Hartford will come in ot 30 Liberty street entertained and the more space it will occupy twenty friends with a dinner party on the dials. However, to shorten last night. The evening was spent the aerials, means to lesser toe in singing and playing games. strength of toe set so far as other stations are concerned, something A fair sized crowd witnessed the most radio enthusiasts would not Jitney Players’ presentation ot ‘The c* care to do. Bourgeois Gentlemen ’ at Elduca- Mr Reinartz estimates that while tional Square last night. Accord­ the power of WTIC so far as watts ing to those present the ct)medy was are concerned will be ten times as very well presented and the players large. Hartford programs will oc­ showed much improvement over cupy only about two and a halt last year. times as much space on the dials of Manchester radio sets as they are The South Manchester Public now installed. This means that if Library y^ill be closed all day Mon­ Hartford covers three or four points day on account of the holiday. on your dial now, it will spread over six or eight points when toe in­ Mrs. Nellie Smith .and her gp:and- crease in power is made. Mr. Rein­ son, William Shea, have returned artz added that it will even be pos­ after a week’s stay on toe farm ol sible to totally eliminate Hartford Mrs. M. E. Maine of Danielson. reception by use of what is known Mrs. Maine accompanied them for as a wave trap. He said this device a visit in Manchester. would be comparatively cheap and could be operated so that Hartford Miss Doris Hopfner of 35 Chest­ reception could be obtained again nut street will leave tomorrow by simply turning a knpb. Spring- morning with Mr. and Mrs. Alton field, Atlantic City and Pittsburgh Davis of 30 Church street for a trip programs are the ones most likely through all the New England to be interrupted by the Hartford states. They will visit toe White change. They are WBZ, WPG and Mountains, Mt. Washington and KDKA respectively. other points of Interest. They will ofwheifear^ During the time that WTIC is on stay In Maine for a few days with the air Friday evening and Satur­ relatives. day, programs will be presented with greater power than has been Mrs. Edgar A. Wilson of Eden used hitherto since the change in Park, R. I., B. F. Phillips and Clar­ the station’s frequency on July 31. ence E. Eddy of West Warwick, R. To Open 200 New Accounts On Friday evening the step-up in I., were guests of Rev. and Mrs. W. power will probably be around 20,- P. Chlpman of Henry street Thurs­ 000 watts, which will be still fur­ day. Miss Jennie Phillips who has An August Sale One-Day Drive for 200 new customers. An exceptional event, too, for people who ther increased some time on Satur­ been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Chip- day. The ultimate power of the new man returned home with them. Mr. have accounts with us now to add on additional furniture at huge savings! Also an unequaled op­ transmitter, however, will not be and Mrs. David Dorward and portunity for people with paid-up accounts to re-open their account tomorrow! It’s the Furniture New England’s Largest Furniture Institution reached until toe beginning of the daughter Barbara of WatervUle. programs on Sunday. Maine, also called on Mr. and Mrs. sensation of the year! For One Day Only! Saturday! Tomorrow! The plan of Increasing the power Chlpman on Thursday. from 5,000 to 50,000 watts is in keeping with the station’s earlier Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Clemson of announcement that every possible North Elm street left today for precaution would be take to in­ Elizabeth, N. J., where they will sure a high standard of broadcast in spend a week with the family of the use of the greater power. The their daughter, Mrs. M. Jepson. new transmitter has been subject­ Miss Charlotte Foster of Henry ed to numerous tests, one of which street is spending her vacation at Included seven hours of sustained Saybrook. use last Monday night. The public’s reception of the new lniianw-&ihiida3i-f(H' 1 haV Onby The Misses Peggy, Anne and transmitter on to : night of its sus­ Adela Vorskis of 169 HUliard tained test recently shows that in street leave tonight on a motor trip the new equipment the highest pos­ to Niagara Falls and Canada, re­ sible degree of perfection has been turning next Tuesday. You Deduct attained in broadcast transmission. While the test was in progress, sev­ Miss Ethel Weldon of Porter Take ^ off$ For Instance: eral long-distanced telephone calls street has returned from Crescent were received from Chicago com­ , Beach where she has spent several mendatory of toe character of the weeks vacationing. A Reg. $25 Purchase Costs Tomorrow $16.66 reception, while among toe tele­ Ask the doorman for a A Reg. $50 Purchase Costs Tomorrow $33.33 graphic m.essages received was one Albert Mann of 32 Linden street Lamps from Rochester. Minn. One of the has returned from a visit in Ip­ Dinnerware pad and pencil and figure A Reg. $75 Purchase Costs Tomorrow $50.00 calls from Chicago reported that swich and a trip along the New the music being sent over the air 1 England shore resorts. the reductions from the A Reg. $100 Purchase Costs Tomorrow $66.66 by the new transmitter was toe Phonographs A Reg. $150 Purchase Costs Tomorrow $100.00 means of prolonging a new form of Miss Julia MeVey of 72 Church Parlor Suites price tags for yourself! X a marathon in the nature of a street and Mrs. Mary Weldon Best A Reg. $200 Purchase Costs Tomorrow $133.33 "rocking chair contest.’’ of Porter street are vacationing at Kitchen Cabinets Even with the use of 5,000 watts, Crescent teach. A Reg. $250 Purchase Costs Tomorrow $166.66 the station has been heard through­ Bedroom Pieces out a large area of this country and A daughter was bom Saturday at A Reg. $300 Purchase Costs Tomorrow $200.00 Canad.a. and as far as Prince Ed­ the Westerbury hospital to Mr. and Rugs and Carpets A Reg. $400 Purchase Costs Tomorrow $266.66 ward Island, Seattle, Wash., Miami. 'Mrs. George E. Rogers of Lake Fla.. Bermuda, and from a ship in Placid, N. Y. Mr. Rogers is the son Stoves and Ranges A Reg. $500 Purchase Costs Tomorrow $333.33 mid Atlantic. Many listeners have jot Mrs. Helena Rogers of Garden reported receiving programs from [street and Mrs. Rogers, formeri.v I I Kitchen Furniture Remember— whether your purchase is a WTIC for toe first time. I Miss Ruth Biggim of Naugatuck i used to teach school here. The babv Dining Room Suites Kitchen Chair for $1.00— or a C om plete- Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Sipe and fam­ j has been named Beverly Tiffany Home Outfit for $2500— you take 1-3 off ily of WiMair'^port. Pa., are spend­ i Rogers. Complete Home Outfits ing a few days at the home of TOMORROW— BUT REMEMBER— FOR Mr. Sipe’3 Iri ether, Lewis H. Sipe, I The Battle of New Orleans was Reed and Fiber Suites TOMORROW ONLY! treasurer of the Home Bank and i fought over a mouth after the Trust comjiaiiy, who lives at 60 Ben ■ [ signing of peace by England and Living Room Pieces ten street. America. Diinng Room Suites Occasional Pieces Navy’s Mystery Plane and Its Flyer STORE OPENS Breakfast Suites SATURDAY AT Beds and Bedding Bedroom Suites 9 A.M. Refrigerators CLOSES AT 9 P. M. Cedar Chests —12 HOURS OP Clocks MIRACULOUS Desks VALUE GIVING — TH EN IT’S In Fact — EVERY­ ■if' A L L OVER THING on our 5 Floors, 1-3 OFF TOMORROW From the Already Low-Marked Prices

NOTE: This Sale Includes Everything in Our Store Excepting a Few. Nationally Advertised Manufacturers’ Articles.

When Better Furniture Values can All that you would expect of any be had, you’ll find them at furniture establishment you’ll find KANE’S. It’s four years old and still has Its original 430-horsepower engine, but] here— and more. this plane, reconstructed in secret at the Philadelphia navy yard, flew 240 to 250 miles an hour in recent tests. It has been named the “ Flying 1092 MAIN STREET HARTFORD Bullet" and Lieutenant J. J. Clark, crack navy pilot, shown at the top, | will fly the mystery plane in the national air races at Cleveland. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, COliJN., FRIDAY, AUGUST SO, 1929. iPAGB^tWEfi^' JOHNSON AND SHERIDAN TIE FOR FIRST IN TRACK MEET

. I ' Rivals Race Neck and Neck BEHREND - HOUAND n W U N DEXTER IS TflIRD; Return Match Needed | ‘ NATIONAL BAHLE TOMORROW JOHNSON W IS TOSS OF COIN "1 At Pittsburgh I— PIRATES 5, CUBS 4 Pittsburgh Singer And Cuban Ab. K. H. PO. A. E. Match Scheduled for This WHICH OVESHM SILVER CUP Bartell, 2b ...... 3 1 1 1 2 0 L. 'Waner, c f ...... 4 1 1 0 0 0 P. "Waner, r f ...... 4 0 0 6 0 0 Traynor. 3 b ...... 4 1 2 1 3 1 Morning Postponed Be­ Grantham, lb ...... 4 1 2 9 0 0 THE W ESNER Although Chocolate Won AMERICAN Brlckell, If ...... 2 0 0 4 0 0 Five Extra Tries Needed to j Comorosky. 1 ...... 2 0 1 1 0 0 Hemsley. o ...... 2 1 0 2 3 0 cause of Illness of One of Last Night’s Match Many Clarke, ss ...... 3 0 1 2 4 1 Decide High Jump; All A t New York;— Petty, p ...... 3 YANKS 5, 4, NATIONALS 4 8 Contestants. (FInt Game) 31 5 8 26 13 2 Think Singer is the Better Chicago Other Events But Mile AB. R. H. PO. A. E. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. The semi-final match in .. . 4 3 2 4 0 0- 2 McMillan. 3 b ...... 5 1 2 0 3 1 the women’s town championship Man. Lary, 3 b .. . 3 0 1 0 0 English, ss ...... 4 0 0 1 - 0 Close; Band Concert 3b .. .. . 1 0 0 0 1 0 Hornsby, 2b ...... 5 1 1 2 - 0 tournament here between Ruth Ruth, rf . . . . . 3 1 1 1 0 0 Wilson, cf ...... 3 1 - 3 0 0 Behrend, defending champion, and Durst, If . . . . 4 1 1 3 0 0 Cuyler, rf ...... 4 1 2 4 0 0 Mildred Holland, originally schedul­ New Y ork, Aug. 30.—A1 Singer Gehrlgr, lb . . . . 4 0 2 11 1 1 Stephenson, If ...... 3 0 1 3 0 0 Pleases. Daxierl, 21 . . . . 3 0 1 1 5 0 Tolson, lb ...... 3 0 2 8 0 0 ed for this morning, was postponed and Kid Chocolate started some- Dickey, c . . . . 3 0 0 4 1 0 Taylor, c ...... 3 0 0 3 0 0 last night until Saturday morning Durocher, S S ...... 3 0 0 2 5 0 thing more than a two-man fight V »> Carlson, p ...... 3 0 0 0 1 0 due to Illness of one of the con­ Pennock. p 0 0 1 0 0 Hartnett, x ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 testants. Because of a tooth extrac­ Only ten athletes competed for , when they pawed and pasted each . • * • \___ 1 1 1 9 0 0 Moore, xx ...... 0 0 0 0 0 ^ tion yesterday, the dentist advised honors in the town championsL p ! night Zachary, p ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 other for twelve rounds last 33 4 10 24 S 1 Mrs. Holland not to engage in any track and field meet at the West 1 at the Polo Grounds. 31 5 9 27 15 1 Pittsburgh ...... 200 012 OOx ; strenuous exercise today. The match______Side last night but they staged an They uncorked an argument Uiat ■Washington Chicago ...... 020 020 000 4 '"played'^ at 9 o’dock tomor- satisfied the appe AB. R. H. PO A. E. Runs batted In: U Waner. Traynot. tlte of the most hungry sport fan. will increase in momentum and 0 0 6 1 0 row m oling at the High school Judge, lb ___ 4 Tolson 2. Hornsby, Wilson, Bartell, All of the races and track events bitterness until the skinny black Ulce. rf . ___ 5 0 1 0 0 U Oranthnin. Hemsley; two base hits, No more matches are due in the tloshn, If ___ 3 1 1 2 0 0 McMillan, Wilson, Grantham, Steph­ men’s tennis singles until the semi­ were unusually close with the ex­ boy from Havana and the solemn 0 Myer, 2b ___ 5 1 1 0 5 enson: three base hits, L. Waner. final encounters next T\iesday and ception of the mile run which Jim faced little Hebrew from the Bronx Cronin, ss . . . . 3 0 1 6 1 1 Traynor. Crowe, Manchester’s marathon spec­ 0 Wednesday evenings between Paul meet again over a longer route to West, ef . . . . . 4 1 1 2 0 ialist, took in a similar fashion to settle a question ot supremacy that Spencer, o ...... 4 1 2 7 1 0 Jesanis smd Rev. James Greer and 0 0 0 At Bouton t— Grant’s policy at Richmond. Hayes. 3b ___ 3 0 2 PHILLIES 5, BR.WES 4 between Ty Holland and "Cap" Bls- was not answered by any means last Marberry. p ... ___ 3 0 0 1 0 0 A tie for first place existed be­ night although the official decision Philadelphia sell. However, players in the men’s AH R H PO. A R tween Bernard Sheridan and Billy 34 4 9 24 8 1 doubles and mixed doubles are ask­ went to Chocolate and preserved hla Thompson, 2b ...... 6 1 3 4 4 Johnson, members of last year’s New "york ...... 100 010 03x— 5 ...... ;i 2 4 0 0 ed to speed up their play which has winning streak...... 001 100 020— 4 Frlberg. cf .. high school track team. Each made Billy Johnson Even the officials disagreed. Louis Washington O’Doul. If ...... 4 0 0 1 0 1 been lagging a bit too much. The Uuna batted in: Huth 4, Marberry, 0 1 3 0 0 a total of 18 points. When they Magnolia, the referee, and Charles Uuseri. West. Goslln. Hayes; two Klein, rf ----- finals of these tournaments are also Whitney, 3b ...... 3 1 1 1 « were approached as to what method ed to take the exit, Dexter and Lun­ F. Mathison. one of the judges, cast base hit. Myer; homes, tloslln, Kuth. 1 1 10 1 1 set for a week from tomorrow and (Serund Gnmel Hurst, lb .. . A remarkable action picture of rival yachts racing neck and neck there are a number of matches to be they preferred to settle the cham­ din engaged in a duel with the stick their ballots for the Cuban. George Thevenow, ss ...... ;i 0 0 3 3 0 during the recent annual regatta of the Southern California Yachting pionship. each favored the toss of a Washington ...... 001 010 06—8 ...... 3 0 0 0 0 at five feet, five inches. Four times Kelly, the other judge, thought New York ...... 200 020 000— 3 Lerlan, c . , . . Association at Santa Barbara, is shown above. On the left is the winner played. coin in preference to further com­ liavia c ...... 1 0 0 1 0 0 Aldo Gattl and Eddie Markley will they tried both missing on each oc­ Singer won. Batteries; Washington. Hadley and 0 1 0 “Babe ”, skippered by Tod Conant of Los Angeles. So close that the first petition. In this art. Johnson prov­ Ruel. New York. Hoyt. Moore and Benge, p ----- meet the Dexter brothers. Franklin casion. Then Lundin missed for th< This difference of opinion spread Collins, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dickey. sails almost overlap is "Monida,” skippered by Charles A. Langlals of San and Allan at the High school courts ed the lucky one both times, thus fiifth time but Dexter, making through the crowd of 45,000 from winning the leg on the silver loving 38 5 11 30 n 4 FTanclsco, "Babe," the champion 8-meter sloop, won every race in which at 10 o’clock Sunday morning. his try from the center, shot ovei the press rows at the ringside right trophy which must be won three buck to the distant bleachers with At Chlcnffot— Boston she was entered. Earle Bissell and Burt Dawson are clean as a whistle amid a heart) WHITE SOX a, INDIANS 1 AB R H, PO A, K matched with Ross Shirer and Tom times for permanent possession and applause. Lundin got second honors partisan challenges ringing all over Chicago ...... 5 0 0 3 0 1 Welsh, cf ... 0 Hawley In the .second round. Albert the gold medal for first place. A and Bellamy third. the premises. AB, H. H. PO. A. E. MaranvUle. .•!» ...... 5 t 0 3 0 silver modal went for second place Want Return Match. Metsler. It ...... 4 0 1 1 0 0 Rlchhourg, rf ...... 4 0 i 1 0 0 do Nlvelle and Paul Jesanis have Not being satisfied with this feat Clssell, ss ...... 6 0 2 3 4 0 Slsler, lb ...... 3 0 1 10 2 to play their first round match with and bronz for third Dexter took the twelve-pound shoi No verdict that could have been Reynolds, rf ...... 4 1 2 5 0 0 Bell. 3 b ...... 0 0 3 U rendered would have pleased that 0 0 0 Hudson Lyons and David Samuel- Franklin De.xter was third tvith put with ease. His winning effort Shires, lb ...... , 3 0 I 14 0 0 Harper, If ...... 4 i i was 42 feet, 1 1-2 inches. His other crowd. The dfclalon cnas alnud for Wiitwoort. c f ...... 4 0 D 2 0 0 Maguire, 2b ...... 4 1 i\ n 0 And White Meet son. Lyons has been on a vacation. ten points taking first in both the ii a return maten which probabiy will Kamnt, 3 b ...... 4 I 1 0 1 0 Spobrer. c ...... 5 1 \\ 1 0 The winner meets Paul Cervinl and running high and shot put. Crowe two tries were close to 4C feet and Kerr. 2b ...... 3 0 0 1 5 0 Clark, a ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tom Faulkner In the second round. was next with points, the re.sult of each was better than any othei h» staged at the Garden next fall 0 Berg. c . . .3 0 1 1 0 0 Jones, p ...... 3 0 1 1 0 Fred Mack and Eddie 'Bateson heave made. Johnson was second over the 15-round route. Lyons, p ...... 4 0 0 0 3 0 Cooney, sa ., ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 first In the mile, second in the half- That wil be no hardship on Singer meets the winner of the Marklev- mile and third in the 440. Harry with 37 2 1-2 and Squatrito third ,34 2 S 27 13 0 - 39 4 0 30 13 3 Lott-Doeg In Finals Oatti vs Dexter brothers match. \ Bellamy and Gus Lundin picked up with 36-8. Although he 1s getting •and Chocolate who entered the realm Cleveland Pblladolpbla ...... 201 000 001 2— Ti The winner of this match will sro three points and Jim O’lAiarv, Sam along In years, Dexter gets a big of big business last night by draw­ 201 — 4 A » R. H. PO. A. 10. Boston ...... 100 000 1 off its feet to win at 7—5, 3—6, Haugh and Sully Squatritl one kick out of engaging in track com­ ing down something like $40,000 Jamieson, It ...... 3 0 1 6 0 0 R\ins batted In: Benge 2, Frlbeig, against Bob de Nlvelle and Don Gardner, ss ...... 4 0 0 3 2 I ICleln, Wblttiey, Mnranvlllc, Spubrer; 6—3, 6—1* Jesanis. apiece. petition. He remarked last night sach. that he was going to continue until They fought with due respect to Aveiill. cf ...... 4 0 0 2 0 0 two bn.xe bits, Frlberg, Maguire, Former Team Beats Coen Final Match Tomorrow The absence of the Fraher sisters The hundred yard dash opened Fonseca, l b ...... 4 0 2 7 1 0 Spohrer; three l>a»e blt.x, Klein. his boy. now 11. was able to beat each (kher'a prowess and mi^ed it ' I - I II 1 1,. I The final will be held on Saturday j who are in Pleasant View on a va­ the program. Sheridan led until the Falk, rf ...... 4 ...... 4 0 0 1 0 0 him. Then he promised to retire. only in spots. Singer’s vatmted J. Sewell, 3b ...... 4 0 0 1 3 0 and for the first ume since tho cation is holding back the progress last couple of yards when Johnson Untoklynt— and tos&asnail; Lattar The Dexter family has a plot of right hand never did crack dv)wn v>r Hodapp. 2b ...... ,3 0 0 3 3 0 * I practice was adopted in 1932 of in the mixed doubles. Aldo Gattl put on an extra burst of speed that GIANTS n, ItODGKIlS S land in the rear of their home which Chocolate's chin with full force un­ Sewell, c ...... 2 1 0 2 0 1 New York 'niilait Uiinl^ar seeding the draw, the championship and Catherine Fraher are booked enabled him to break the tape first Hudlln, p ...... 3 0 2 1 3 0 AB R H. PO, t o n q u e r lim e n - n u n ie r round wm find a team that was left tjvith Tom Stowe and Stella Lincoln by a scant half-vard margin. Bel­ is used for track events. It is til after the white lad had h.arir- used by a score of the boys in the lessly spent the TNT in that glove. 31 I 5 x26 12 2 Roush, cf ...... r> 0 2 4 out of the favored Hat facing Lott while Jim O’Leary and Mary Fraher lamy pulled up third. The winning Chicago ...... 000 001 001—2 Leucb, If ...... 3 0 0 1 go against Ty Holland and l)la wife, time was 11 1-5 seconds. In the neighborhood. A boxing ring is to There were no knockdowns ano LIndatrom, U b ...... 3 0 1 1 and Doeg. Cleveland ...... 000 010 OOO—l White and Bell, too, joined forces Mildred, the winner to meet Eddie 220 Sheridan squared accounts with be the latest addition. neither was in dlstres.s at any Runs batted In: Jnmlestm. Wat- Terry. 11...... 4 1 1 7 Ott, rf ...... 2 4 2 3 Markley and Ruth Behrend. Bob Johnson nosing him out in the last The program at the "West Side time. wood, Clssell: two base bits, Jamie­ only recently and so two scratch playgrounds last night was staged .Ineksnn. ss ...... 4 1 1 I combinations have come through Smith and his sister, Marjorie mart few yards. Bellamy was again Chocolate’s left hooks to the son. O'Fiirrell, c ...... 3 0 3 6 under the supervision of Director body did not take any of t.he tight Brookline, Mass., Aug. 30.—Final where such long standing combina­ the winner of the Gattl-Fraher vs third. The winner took 25 seconds Farrell, 2b ...... 3 0 0 3 matches of tho women’s invitation Lewis Lloyd with the assistance of out of the Bronx buster. His most At Blilliulelphln i— Walker, p ...... 4 0 0 1 tions as Tllden and Hunter, Van R.yn Stowe - Lincoln match. These flat. Johnson made it two out of . .VTHLETirs 7. HEl) SOX (t doubles, national veterans’ doubles, matches must be run off without three over Sheridan in the running Instructors Herbert L. Carlson and ci'icctive blow was a rigtv. upper-' rblladelpblti and Allison, and Fritz Mercur and Elmo Mantelll. Others who worked ..'vr that caught Singer ffcv|Uently 33 6 10 27 9 0 and semi-final rounds of the na­ J. Gilbert Hall wore found w ait­ delay early next week. Onlv eight events when he came from behind AB. R, H. PO Brooklyn tional mixed and national father teams are entered so it takes hut to beat Sheridan in the 440, Crowe 8ut officials were Frank Berg, Ern­ vhen tliey rush to close quaiters. Btabop. 2b ...... 4 I 1 4 A 14 R H PO A E ing. Dykes, 3b ...... 4 1 1 1 and sons’ doubles were the order of two matches each to be ready for coming in third. The time was 57 est Zwick. William Brennan and Choonl.ate's countering was pn>tty at Gilbert, 3b ...... *.. 3 0 0 2 0 0 Tom Stowe. The track and field times, and so was singer's, but they Coebrnne, c ...... 3 2 2 8 Frederick, cf ...... 4 the day at Liongwood Cricket Club the finals. 3-5 seconds. Simmons, If 4 0 2 0 Herman, rf ...... 3 Sheridan got back into the >run- program was followed by a two both missed plenty. Foxx. lb ...... 4 0 2 n today, with the finals of the men’s Bresslor. If ...... 2 national doubles scheduled for to- MAJORS’ BUGLE CALL nin^ asTBin when he captured the hour band concert given by the Neither retained the boxing or MJUer, rf ...... 4 0 0 2 BIssonelte. 1V» ...... 4 Windsor Band of 28 pieces. Their hitting form on which opinions of Hous, cf ...... 2 1 0 0 E Mooro. ss ...... 2 lorrow afternoon. Last Night Fights running broad from Johnson bv the Boley. ss ...... 4 0 0 1 scant margin of two inches, 18 7 1-2 efforts were well appreciated bv the the fight were predicted. V''lowers, 3b ...... 4 Mrs. George Wlghtman, Jr., and SOUNDS FOR TONIGHT Shores, p ...... 1 1 1 0 Deberry, c ...... 4 compared to 18 5 1-2. -O’Learv was large crowd present. The refresh­ 1 thought Singer won, not by any Quint), p ...... 1 0 0 0 Miss Sarah Palfrey, of Brookline, .Moss, p ...... 2 At Newark.— Artie de Cham- third with 18 3 and BeHamv fourth ment stand did a good business great margin, but by enough to Lebnurveau, x ...... 1 1 1 0 Dudley, p ...... 0 teacher and pupil, will meet Mrs. with its hot dogs, ice cream and W.tlberg, p ...... 1 0 0 0 Rblfl, X ...... 1 Edith Coveil and Mrs. Dorothy The newly formed Majors football plalne, New York, outpointed Harry with 17 6. Alex McBride- overcame carry the decision. team of the north end will hold Its soda. Mercer’s Score. A. Moore, p ...... 0 Shepherd-Barron, English cham­ Mosco, ot Newark, in eight rounds. Crowe’s lead to capture the half- 10 27 10 1 first joint meeting and practice this My round score shows five clear pions, in the finals of the women’s Paulle Walker. Trenton, defeated mile in 3:44 4-5. Crowe was second 29 4 27 13 0 evening. The practice session' is Jack Hoskie, Garfield, In eight and Haugh third. Crowe reversed LAST NIGHT’S FIGHTS routids for the white boy— the H PO, A. R, .New York ...... mo 103 010—6 invitation doubles. At New York.—Kid Chocolate,, Reeves, 3 b . 0 4 1 0 Brooklyn ...... 000 nno 002— 2 The waning star ot William Tll­ Called for 7:30 at Hickey’s Grove rounds. the order with McBride in the mile first, second. fifth, tenth and Scarrltt. If . 16 0 1 Cuba, won decision over A1 Singer, twelfth. I scored four rounds for Run,s batted In: Ott 2. O'F.irrell 2. den and Francis T. Hunter, former­ and the meeting will be in front of Jack Berg, England, won ten- which he won in 5:45 2-.5. McBrid® Rotbrock. cf Farrell 2, Bressler, K.1. Moore; two Paganl’s store at 8:30. Anyone lu round decision over Spug Myers, was second. Johnson th'rd and New York, in twelve rounds. Chocolate— the third, fourth, seventh Barrett, rf . base hits, Ott. Jaek.son, b'redertek: ly the foremost doubles team of the At Chicago.-Tuffy Griffith, Sioux, K.gHn, 21) .. town Is eligible to report for prac­ Idaho. Haugh fourth. This event was run and eighth. 1 gave him tho fourtli three base hits, O'Fnrrell home runs, country, sank below the horizon at City, won technical knockout oiTer, Todt, lb ___ Ott. tice and to attend the meeting. Harry Ebbets won ten-round de­ in darkness. and eighth by a shade. llovlng, c .. twilight last evening wher the 1927 Big Boy Feterson, New Orleans, in . The last round was viciously Rhyne, ss .. championship combination walketl cision over Izzy Grove, New York. The battle for honors in the run­ At Brooklyn.—Arthur d,e Kuh ning high was about as keen as any fifth round. 10. waged, with Singer chasing Choco­ Morris, p ... off the courts on the short end of e At White Plains.—Henry Catena late around the ring and mixing score that marked ‘finis’’ to their stopped Frank Zaveta in the first on the program. After Cipwe. 36 6 10 24 3 3 round of scheduled ten-round O’Leary and Bellamy had been forc­ and Eddie Ziegler fought to a draw. with him every time the keed gave Pblladelpbla ...... 004 OOU 30x— T efforts to regain the crowm they Home Runs battle. I called that one even, also Boston ...... 020 400 000— 6 How They Stand were unable to defend last year. match. the sixth and ninth. Drawing it Runs batted In: Regan, Todt. Rotb- George M. Lott, Jr., ot Chicago, Ralph Ficucello, former national rock 4. Dykes, Cochrane, Simmons, Major Leagues amateur heavyweight champion, in finer than that. Chocolate would Foxx 2; two base hits. Barrett. Coch­ and , of Stanford Univer­ have had the sixth by a shade, and rane: three base hits, Regan; home YESTERDAY’S RESULTS sity, who joined forces three weeks Ruth, Yankees ...... 37 hi£ first professional appearance, Singer the ninth and twelfth. run. Rothrock. ago for the first time since 1927. Wilson, Cubs ...... 33 defeated Gus Rodenberg in six Under the system of scoring by Eastern League convincingly demonstrated tlieir su­ Klein. Phillies ...... 33 rounds. rounds. Singer was entitled to ihe At St. L o u Ikj— Albany 9, Hartford 7. periority over the veter- Ott, Giants ...... 33 At Boston.—Btg Boy Rawson, BROWNS 0, TIGERS 0 Hornsby, Cubs ...... 30 Boston, knocked out Bob Mills, in •’duke." in my opinion. On general St. Louis Bridgeport 6, Protfidence 4 (10). an.s in the semi-final round of the results, it could have been called a AH K H PO Springrfield 13. Allentown 3. championship tournament, repeat­ Foxx, AUiletics ...... 30 fourth, round, 10. draw. Blue, lb ...... 4 0 2 7 New Haven 12, Pittsfield 0. ing their victory gained in the New­ Gehrig, Yankees ...... 28 Benny Leonard, who hsis been McNeely, If .. . . 4 0 0 0 American League Badgro, rf . .. .. 5 1 2 5 port invitation doubles last week coaching Singer, claimed no more .McGowan, cf .. 3 0 0 2 New York 5, Washington 4 (1st.) on that occasion the verdict was j than a stand-off. Kress, ss . . . . ,. . 4 2 2 3 Washington 8, New York 4 (2d.) reached in the third set. The experts in the press rows had O’Rourke, 3b ,. . 4 1 i 3 Philadelphia 7, Boston 6. Yesterday, Tilden and Hunter it all three ways. Mellllo, 2b . . 4 1 3 2 .Manlon, c .. , . . 4 1 2 0 Chicago 2, Cleveland 1. succeeded in salvaging a set, but al­ Those who excoriated the officials Gray, p ...... 3 0 0 0 St. Louis 6. Detroit 0. and accused them of undue favorit­ though Tilden was seldom keener National League to win, and though at times he Saturday—Last ism are all wrong. 35 6 12 27 13 Pittsburgh 5, Chicago 4. strode the court like t t j colossus of There is no more capable or hon­ New York 6, Brooklyn 2. est referee than Magnolia. He un­ former years, blazing away 'with 3 0 2 0 0 Philadelphia 5. Boston 4 (10). wrathful strokes ana carrying .the doubtedly called it as he saw it, and Fotherglll, If 4 0 0 2 0 Otreh clubs not scheduled. he was right on top of the fighters. Gehringer, 2b 4 0 2 1 2 attack to the enemy, his efforts Day Of Our Sale Charley Mathison, too, is an old Alexander, lb 3 0 1 8 i were unavailing. For air his guile Rice, cf ...... 3 0 0 6 0 and resourcefulness, for all of Hun­ hand at the game and an excellent McManus, 3b 4 0 0 1 2 THE STANDEVGS judge. Hargrave, c .. 4 0 1 4 1 ter’s courage and the savageness of Schuble, ss .. 3 0 1 2 2 Eastern League his forehand, there -was no gain­ Whltehill, p . 3 0 1 0 2 W. L. PC. saying the magnificent driving fo Lott, the remarkable steadiness of 31 0 8 24 10 Albany ...... 8 5 51 .625 Doeg’s ground strokes under any YALE ANNOUNCES St. Louis ...... 000 103 02x—6 B ridgeport----- ___ 81 53 .604 II Runs batted In: Mellllo 2. O’Rourke Protddence ... ___ 73 60 .549 amount of pressure, and the ruth­ 2, McNeely; two base hits, Kress. lessness of the services, volleys and O'Rourke. Johnson, Alexander; three Pittsfield ...... ___ 66 67 .496 base hits, Johnson. Springfield----- ....6 3 72 .467 overhead slashes of both. SUITS TICKET POLICY New Haven ... ___ 62 72 .463 Close With a Rush Hartford ...... ___ 54 82 .397 Checkmated in the third set when and HARTFORD GAMES Allentown ----- ___ 52 79 .397 they appeared to be headed towards New Haven, Aug. 30.—With the American League victory in the most summary fash­ day for the Yale varsity football W. L PC ion, the Chicago-Stanford combina­ tion swept Tilden and Himter off team to report only two weeks At Albany I— 'PhUadelphia ...... 86 3£ .688 away, the Yale ticket officers today LAWMAKERS 9, SENATORS 7 New York ...... 71 5J .582 their feet with the loss of only one announced details of the season in Albany St. Louis ...... 66 51 .537 point in the first three games of the AB. R H. PO. A. fourth chapter, yielded the next SHOES the Bowl, including a change in the Cleveland ...... 63 5£ .516 Helgeth, 3 b ...... 6 0 0 1 0 three to a rampant Tilden, and then home schedule that brings a double- Parent!, 2b ...... 4 1 2 1 B Detroit ...... 57 6( .463 header here on October 12, the day Gill, cf ...... 5 2 2 0 0 W ashington...... 56 6( .459 closed with a rush to win the match when the varsity team is playing Yordy. rf ...... 4 3 2 7 0 Chicago ...... 50 7! .407 at 7—5, 6— 3, 3— 6, 6— 3. SUITS AT Farrell, lb ; . : ...... 5 1 3 8 2 '■ The other semi-final between Georgia in Georgia as a means of Bedford,. If ...... 5 1 1 2 0 Boston ...... 43 8; .347 dedicating the southerners’ new Goldman, ss ...... 4 1 1 3 4 National League and Lewis N. 'White stadium. Munn, c ...... 3 0 2 4 0 W. L. PC. of Austin, Texas, and Junior Coen Pennsylvania’s junior varsity Styborskl, p ...... 4 0 2 1 0 Chicago ...... 82 40 .672 of Kansas City and Harris Cogge- McNamara, p . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 shall of Des Moines, Iowa, saw the $23.95 $28.95 $33.95 team will meet Yale’s juniors, and Johnson, p ...... 1 0 0 0 1 Pittsburgh ----- .70 51 .579 Andover will meet Yale’s freshmen New York ___ .67 55 .549 conquerors of John 'Van Ryn and in the big cup here. The double- 41 9 15 27 12 3 St. Louis ...... 60 60 .500 gain the victory that leader is to be open to the public Hartford appeared to be inevitable after their AB. R. H. PO. A- E. .54 66 .450 FLORSHEIM SHOES ^ one dollar a head. Corrella. 8b .. 3 11110 52 69 .430 achievement of Wednesday, but not Admissions to other games are in Watson. 1 ...... 3 .52 71 .423 by the crushing margin that was some caises limited. For the game Roser, rf ...... 4*' 1 1 3 Boston .48 73 .397 looked for. Hohman. c f ...... 4 2 2 3 Had Coggeshall lent Coen the sup­ with Princeton the admission •will be Martlneck, l b ...... 4 1 1 7 $8.85 five dollars, with only one ticket to Briscoe, ss ...... 5 0 1 3 GAMES TODAY port that he furnished in the pre an applicant. For the Army game Parkinson, 2b ...... 6 0 1 3 ceding rounds, four seta probably the price will be four dollars, with Smith, c ...... 4 0 0 4 would not have been ei^ough for a A Few Remaining Odd Lots of Manfredl, p ...... 3 1 0 0 Eastern League two tickets to<«n applicant, and for Hartford at Albany. decision, for it was the Iowa youth’s Quality Shoes at the game with Dartmouth the price 35 7 7 27 Pittsfield at Bridgeport. fatal error on a cet-up oyerhead will be four dollars, with no limit Albany ...... 014 002 0 Providence at New Haven. shot that cost them the opening Hartford ...... 000 002 40— 7 chapter, and his persistent mistakes on tickets. Other games will be Runs batted In: Styborskl, Yordy 3. Allentown at Springfield. priced thus: Vermont and Maryland Farrell 3, Bedford, Munn, Martlneck American L^gue that finally led to the disintegratloa $6o35 one dollar each, and Bro"wn two 2, Parkinson, Roser, Briscoe 2, Hoh- Washington at New "YorR. of Coen’s game after tiiey had taken man; two- base hits, Farrell, Munn 2, dollars. Boston at Philadelphia. the second set. Martlneck; home runs, Yordy, Far­ Bell abd White, warming to their rell. Other clubs not scheduled. ■y The climate at the North Pole National League work as the play progressed, broke Is the healthiest in the world ac­ The United States Geological Philadelphia at Bostdn. through Coen twice in, the third set, GLENNEY'S ■in-. cording to Sir Douglas Mawson, Survey estimates the developed Chicago at Pittsburgh. once in the opening game and again British explorer. No germs can water power of the world at 454,- New York at Brooklyn. in the last, and after the rest peiioti live there In the intense cold. OOOjOOO horMpower. ' Other el\d)i not scheduled. Uiey swept the Missouri Valley tesaa ^ 4 ■ S:' :------TT ^ tK -E N D SPECI44 A Fine Lot of Quality Foods Awaits You At Your Nearest A A P Store ' ’ '’ 'I b THIS IS THE TIME TO STOCK YOUR SHELVES WITH GROCERIES, . > * i s FANCY STAPLES, CHOICE MEATS and FRESH FRUITS and YEOETARLES QUALITY IS OUR The Symbol o( LEADING Americans Foremost TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE EXCEPTIONAL VALUES! FEATURE Food Service FANCY NEW SILVERBROOK CHOICE MEATS POTATOES BUTTER A «c P Meats Are Carefully Selected Rich and Creamy and Are Priced as Low as Possible 15 lbs. 4 5 * A Real Value SELECTED You Can Trade Here with Absolute ConSIdenee SUNNYFIELD SLICED BEEF FROM HEAVY STEERS BACON >0 31* EG G S doz. 41 RIB ROASTS Rlndless, Sugar .Cured—A DellMous Flavor SUNNYBROOKS, doz. 4?C CERTO bottle 32e lb. S$e • 4Se RAR CHICKEN can Statler Toilet Paper 3 pkgs. 25e GORTON^S Ready to Fry FISH CAKES 2 cans MUFFETS pkg. 12c OVEN ROASTS lb. 42c ELMWOOD CHICKEN in Jelly, jar A. dc P. SLICED BEEF 3H OZ. jar 25c PORTERHOUSE STEAKS CRAB MEAT No. V2 can 3IC No. 1 can 6 oz. jar 35c DEVILED HAM, Underwood's can A. dc P. JELLY POWDERS Larce Tanderloin lb . 69C PRUDENCE Corned Beef HASH can 3 p k g s .2 5 c TODDY medium 25c KIPPERED SNACKS can large 47e Quality PORK Products BLUE PETER SARDINES can DRANO ean 23c SOLVIT-AL 2 bots. 25e Vi ROAST PORK DILL, SOUR or SOUR MIXED Shredded Wheat DAWN CLEANSER Frash Rib lb. 29c PICKLES quart 29c 2 p k gs. 2 bots. 25e SWEET or SWEET MIXED SELOX large pkg. I5e SODA CRACKERS HAFFENREFFER BEER Fresh Pork SHOULDERS PICKLES quart 3Sc PREMIUM 2 pkgs. 4 bottles 25c Lean, Well-Trimmed QUEEN MUSTARD OXOL bottle 20e A ny W eight lb . 22c O L IV E S 4 oz. }ar S9c GULDEN'S S1.2oz.]ar OXYDOL bottle 23e STUFFED MINUTE JELLY, bot. 14e GARDEN RELISH Cape Cod Cookies pkg. 19e I SMOKED SHOULDERS OLIVES 3 oz. jar 18c 4oz.jar 25c Fancy Sugar>Cured ENCORE ]ar Toasterettes pkg. I9e All Weights lb . 20c Gillette Razor Blades ENCORE MAYONNAISE sy2.z.|ar 9. 3 pkgs. $1.00 SMOKED SHOULDERS S 1*2 OZ. jar 21c 16 oz. jar 4dc Best Stockinette Speeiai Mild COUNTRY CLUB Cured, Lean, Well-Trimmed lb . 23c Popular Summer Beverages at A dc P Low Prices SODA CANADA DRY GINGER ALE 3 bottles 50c Assorted qts. 14e STAR HAMS Armour’s 10-12 lb. Average lb. 33c CLICQUOT CLUB SEC 3 bottles 50e A ssorted 'A pts. se CLICQUOT CLUB GINGER ALE doz. $1.50 WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE C dc C GINGER ALE doz. $1.49 small bottle lOe GENUINE SPRING LAMB O'KEEFE'S GINGER ALE doz. $1.19 ORANGE JUICE can 10c OLD COLONY BEER bottle lOe LAMB LEGS A ll W eights lb.38c AdcP GRAPE JUICE pt. 19C qt. 35C WOODTONE POLISH ______COCOA MALT______can______23c______For the Furniture bottle 19c Lamb Roulettes lb . SSe ICED TEAS ARE DELICIOUS * TRY SOME! HANDY'S FRANKFURTS OUR OWN TEA 1-2 lb. pkg. 25c INDIA CEYL6n 1-2 lb. pkg. 29e 6 oz. jar 23e ORANGE PEKOE 1-2 lb. pkg. 29c MIXED TEA 1-2 lb. pkg.- 29c LESCO 10 oz. ean 27e Fresh Killed POULTRY FIGS IN SYRUP jar 9e FANCY MILK-FED Hire's Root Beer Extract 22>c SOAP SALE CRANBERRY SAUCE bottle 4H oz. ean 9e F O W L 4 lbs. Average lb . 39c LuK Toilet Soap PURE CIDER VINEGAR 19c S cakes OUR BAKERY AND DON'T FORGET OUR 12 oz. bottle lO c 24 OZ. bottle 1 9 c Sweetheart Soap PRODUCTS 2 cakes 1 1 c Rajah Sandwich Spread Have won the popularity FISH DEP'T. Octagon Soap o£ New England's most 3 Small jars 25c Large ja r 19c For tile Laundry 5 CakCS diserlminating DAILY ARKIVALS OF houseudves CAMPFIRE MARSHMALLOWS KETCHUP bot. 17c GRANDMOTHER'S SELECTED SEA FOODS QUAKER MAID WHITE BREAD FINEST QUALITY*LOWEST PRICES lb. pkg. 2$c W A X PAPER 3 pkgs. 2 $ C RAISIN BREAD CANDY BARS 3 for 10c TOOTH PICKS pkg. $C FRUIT.NUT BREAD A VISIT TO OUR PRODUCE DEP'T. WILL BE WELL WORTH YOUR WHILE WE CARRY THE BEST IN FRESH FRUITS AND VECETARLES BASKET APPLES » n>». 2 3 c ------1 native red-ripe tomatoes CAUFORNIA ORANGES NATIVE GREEN PEPPERS SWEET AND JUICY YELLOW ONIONS sib.. 25c SOLID CRISP ICEBERG LETTUCE Sm all, d o z . 22c Medium, doz. 29c YORK STATE LETTUCE Sweet POTATOES s »>«• 25e Large, doz. 39c Elbertg Poaches Delicious Freestones THE GREAT ATLANTIC Ot PACIFIC TEA CO

IN: - / ^ ■■-■ •■' -'~- ••^■'*r V “i.-'i *, -«'i ••. • ‘ ;». •• "'.T-'-ii '.j ■ PJ^'-Hg(vg:^agaci iv;, ••-'Jo V AUGUST 30, 1929a ■P305I!'

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Children under 12 years of age ANCIENT COBBLER SHOP On Grnf’s Returh .Xiip are permitted to visit in single rooms only, £ind then must be« ac­ companied by an adult. ON SQUAiRE TORN DOWN No children should visit maternity patients at any time. RULES ARE CHANGED Head nurses and associates, are I. P. Campbell Moves Small chaig;ed with the responsibility of Building," Formerly Office of enforcing above orders. William Hamlin Childs. . The reasons for changes in visit­ New Regulations in Effect ing hours are several. First: In the An old landmark, occupied tor wards where there are large num­ forty years as a cobbler shop, lo­ bers ^of patients, the constant recep­ cated on the south end of., the busi­ September 1 — Reasons tion of visitors is a severe strain ness places at Depot Square'' is no on the patient, who is very ill. more. It was tom down yesterday for the Changes. Second:.It is often very difficult for and the nber was carted away. 1 1 the nurses to give necessary treat­ P. Campbell, who now owns tbe ment, because of the number of vis­ land is to have the lower section itors in the wards and semi-private filled in and a cinder roadway built. Because of a number of changes rooms, and where visitors have been I This,will make it possible to baca in the rules with regard to visitors allowed to remain late in the eve­ in a truck and unload from the at the Manchester Memorial hospi­ ning. before the patient can be given freight cars o . the trucks. Undei ''ha ’ f tal, the Board of Trustees has the prescribed treatment and settled the old method the cars had to oe deemed it advisable to publish the .for the night, it is late and he does unloaded and taken into a storeroom following: not get the necessary amount of in the back basement of Mr. In effect September 1, 1929: rest. Third: One of the chief rea­ Campell’s stor . Wards: Visitors will be admitted sons for barring children from the This building was the first office to the Wards on Sunday, Monday, wards and semi-private rooms is the of William Hamlin Childs when r,t Wednesday and Friday, between the fact that contagion is so readily conducted a grain business here. Mi hours of 2 and 3 p. m. Tuesday and transmitted by children. Then too, Childs who died recently in New Satui’day from 6:30 p. m. to 7:30 It’s a bet they’ll tly hack with-tlie Ural Zeppelin. , Nathan Wexler (left) children are frequently noisy and York was a millionaire. and William Weber, young New York hotel owners, made a wager at p. m. while they may not annoy their own Double Rooms: Visiting hours are friends and relatives, they may be golf to decide whicji-of them would imy both of their fares on the i»ig from 2 p. m. to 4 p. m., and from exceedingly annoying to other Machinery is being used mpre dirigthle’s return trip across the Atlantic. Wexler “went up in the aii” 6:30 p. m. to 7:30 p. m., daily. —premanjrely-^on the golf course, it seems, and lost the match.' Names patients in semi-private rooms. and more in agriculture. The lat­ of botli are on the Zeppelin's passenger list. The Hospital deems it necessary The trustees continue: est mechanical invention is an ap in these two divisions to limit each “Friends and relatives of patients, pliaiice which plucks chickens s" patient to two visitors at any one we trust, realize the strain and a few seconds. time, and to four in any one day. fatigue incident to the reception of Single Rooms: Visiting hours are guests at any time, and so volun­ v.i-eta Garbo and Nils .\sther in a scene from “The Single Standard,” at the Strand Theater in Hartforf* from 10 a. m. to 8:30 p. m:, subject tarily will reduce visiting tci a mini­ beginning tomorrow. to the discretion of the physician, mum. Patients suffering from the I surgeon, or' Superintendent of the severe ordeal of an operation, medi­ Hospital. cal patients in a weakened condi­ Eleanor Duse Lodge, Daughters of CLX>REINCE*S Maternity: In private rooms, up tion, and maternity patients weary Italy gave Mrs. Mary Belletti of 17 NOON STOCKS to the seventh day, patients may re­ and often ill, all demand rest, quiet ABOUT TOWN 1-2 Eldridge street^ a surprise party ceive only their husbands and and solitude before medical and at her home Wednesday night. She HALE’S “The store that Imids faith with the people” mothers. nursing care may reach their high­ John J. Dwyer of Main street, was presented with a rocking chair New York, Aug. 30—Despite the Corner Main and Maple Streets Telephone 8258 In semi-private ward, patients est value. agent at the Manchester freight sta­ and several other gifts. Songs, musi­ approach of a triple holiday, the may, throughout their stay in the “It is the endeavor of the Hospi­ tion, who has been' ill for the past cal selections, games and refresh­ Stock Market was a brisk affair to­ F. Kelley, Prop. Hospital be visited by their hus­ tal to provide for each individual two weeks is recovering. ments were part of the program. day with the main body of stocks bands and mothers on^, between patient-guest the full degree of care, Mrs. Belletti is active in the work swinging sharply upward. A sen­ the hours of 2 and 3 p. nu daily; and and attention to every detail which ; Miss Anna and Miss Catherine of the lodge. sational feature at the outset was MARKEIS LABOR DAY—MAKE IT A BIG from 7:30 p. m. to 8 p. m. daily, ex­ he requires." McGuire of Main street, and a for­ th^ changing hands of a block of cepting Saturday and Sunday. mer classmat. of the latter at N.>r- John Quagliaroli who recently 18,000 shares of International Har^ Thompson Oranges, jellies and ginger ale, SIX R.^CES IN A ROW mal school, Miss Catherine Conway sold his interest in the restaurant vester at 142, a jump of 14 5-8 WEEK-END VACATION FDR when brought to the hospital, of Torrmgton, have returned from a owned jointly by himself and Reu­ points for a new high mark for this ; should be delivered to the nurse in Jockey-Johnny Callahan won six week’s tour^ot the White Mountains ben Bronkie, to Earl Garabs, yes­ issue. Profit taking later dropped Seedless Grapes The whole family with the worry and labor of provid­ ' charge, who will serve them under races in a row during the last two and Vermont, going as far as ■’he terday purchased a store on New it back to 133 5-8. however. ing food eliminated by depending on our complete food the direction of the physician, sur- days of the spring meeting at Aque­ Canadian border. They spent con­ Britain avenue, Hartford. The rise in International Harves­ i geon or resident physician. duct in 1926. siderable time at Plymouth ani ter benefited other farm equipment i service. Truly we can supply you with everything from made a trip around Cape Cod, cov­ The world’s strongest man, Louis stocks. Case Threshing Machine 3 lbs, 25c “soup to nuts.” We wish to remind you to please place ering in all about 2,000 miles. Sciorato, will present a special ex­ moved up 14 1-2 points to 344 1-2: A Bully Moment of Spanish Sport hibition of his marvelous strength Advance Rumely gained 1 3-4.at yoiir Older early. Mrs. Alma Birath'and her son are at tbe Sub-Alpine club on Eldridge 31 3-4 and Oliver Farm Equipment planning on a two Vv'eeks automobile street at 8:30 o'clock tonight. advanced 4 1-8 to 45 1-4. , . California trip that will start in September Ne- / highs were recorded by A largp assortment of Home Cooked Foods with spe­ JWW. and will include a visit to Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hemingway specialties in the industrial hst. Sunkist Seedless of Oxford street returned today American Tobacco and American cials changing daily. .... k f Miss Jessie Reynolds leaves Sun­ from Hamilton, Ontario, where they Tobacco B both made new highs at Large assortment of Otto- StabPs Smoked and Cooked day for a two weeks vacation to oe have been visiting relatives! 205. This was a gain of 4 points ORANGES ...... >.'1 spent in C^-ada. She will mgke for the former and 2 1-8 for tbe Meats and Our Own Baked Hani and Roast Chicken. the trip from Hartford to New Ydrt: latter. Other new highs were: by boat and from ^ New York she Atlas Powder at 116 3-4. un ^ Imported and Domestic Delicacies. will sail up the Hudson to Albany EXCAVATION STARTED Insurance 103 1-2. up 4. Shattuck 2 Dozen 35c from which point she will travel oy 194, up 3 1-2 and U. S. Freight 132' motor bus into Toronto. She will ON CENTER CHURCH JOB 1-2. UP 6 points. _ Store Open Every Evening Until 9 o’clock . return by way of Buffalo . and Utilities were buyont.. Manv Niagara B'alls. issues in this group also rose to Native White i Store Closed All Day Monday, Labor Day new highs. American Water Vi^rks Freestone - The small tract of land, about a Tbe Manchester Construction- at 168. UP 9; Standard Gas &-Elec­ quarter of an acre at the junction of Company, who has the contract for tric 154 7-8. up 2 3-8 and Stone & Lake street and Middle Turnpike is the erection of the $150,000 addition Webster 200. up 9 1-8. Other utili­ to be filled in with dirt from the to the Center Congregational ties were active at higher levels. , PEACHES new Manchester-Bolton road and Church has completed the tearing Rails continued firm, with fresh graded and p’lanted with grass seed down of the frame section that ran iiuvii'fi keepinp' these issues at their and flowers, forming another small east and west of the church. This high.levels. New York. Chicago morning they started their digger =;t Louis made a. new h'o-b of 1 ».-5 2 Qts. 25c HOU.TWOOD MARKET park. There'is a like piece of land At to work for the excavation work. McKee and Center streets that is 7-8. a gain of .5 5-8. AteV,i=nu also 381 East Center Street, Corner Parkpr also to be treated the same. These scored a new high at 299 1-4, up •> Dial 4233 Open 9 every evening* will improve the approach to the points. . Fresh Crisp ■* ' - thickly settled section of the town. PUBLIC RECORDS Oils and motors w°re easier. Con­ ners cified higher throu|hout the Native Fresh Pullet Eggs! Pale Dry Ginger Ale, Although the British-American fO’enoon 45c Dozen | Large Size 20'c. Club has purchased a home on Among the instruments filed for Call money renewed at 9 per CttERY • . ■- - . . ■ l' '•«* ,. record in the town clerk’s office to­ cent. A. Eldridge street they will not move day was the following: Large Bunch into the place until next spring, Warantee Qeed. Lamb Roasts, boned and,, Maxwell House^Coffee when alterat’ons are completed. Un­ C. Elmore Watkins to Frank Farm tenancy for the United rolled 35c Ib. 47c ' til that time they will continue to Limbacker ■ and wife tv/o lots on States increased from 2t per cent 19c Vincente Barrera, famed toreador, had his back to the wall and the occupy their rooms in the Murphy Comstock Road. in 1S90 to 3S per cent in 1920. bull had stopped still, short in his charge, confused by the red “muleta’ restaurant building. , Fresh Berry Pies I i Small Potatoes Hag, as tli^ cameraman caugbt this stirring scene in the hull ^t Valencia. Spain. Note the barbs in the bull’s neck. Halting the bull Native Tender V 35c 1 39c peck in a headlong charge is the most diflacult—and most perilous phase of the toreador’s art. Confectionery Sugar Tender Lean Pot Roasts .... . — . ■ - ■ -..... - ■ ------—--■ ------— • GREEN BEANS. 5c Pkg. 29c-35c lb. . > Limited *1' ' i ■ ^ , * SMITH'S GROCERY 2 Qts, 15c Tel. 5114 2 North School Street Tel. 5114 Naitive Fowls 5 Pound Bags Dbg Bread $1.34 each 69c Native Potatoes Tender Lamb Chops Rockville Frankforts L A B O R D A Y 4.5c lb. 32c lb. GOOD THINGS TO EAT Monday, Labor Day, Pinehurst will be closed all day. Please Our store will be closed all day. 1511. Pk. 49c plan to buy your Good Tilings to Eat ,for Sunday and Monday tomorrow: Fresh Green Campbell’s Tomato Soup W EliK -^D SPECIALS 3 cans ...... 25c Pinehurst Freshly Ground Beef.. 30c lb. U IA BEANS Sliced Bacon 39c lb. Meat Department We will feature in tbe Meat Department Sinclair Hams—^lean 4Qts.25c Shank and Butt Ends for boiUng or baking—Shoulder HamSn Daisy Hams and Cold BoUed Ham. .Also again tomorrow, we wiU run a special on the Sinclair ..... 35c lb. Cooked Boneless haras in cans. (Tender Hams cooked in their Legs Lamb...... 39c lb. Pot Roasts. First Picking own juice—they can be sliced cold as they are, or warmed over). The special price will be 10% less than the regular. Tender * Rib Roast Beef .30c-40cib, Corned Beef...... 18c lb. MEADOWBROOK KING ARTHUR GUARANTEED EGGS Goldeu Bautam 55c Dozen FLOUR RoastVeal...... 38c lb Lamb Stew ... 20c-25clb. Roasted and Packed in Harttord % Coro 29c dozeu Alice-Foot MacDougpll b y ' ■ ‘ Hills Brothers Coffee SausageMeat. . . . . 35clb. Hamburg— ...... 35clb. The 3Ieat Department will have Tender Broilers Fowl and Roasting Chickens — I r' ' i'- ■ ■ Sound Ripe Veal Roasts Tender Pork for roasting Pot Roasts Legs of Lamb Shoulders of Lamb These shoulders of lamb will be boned and. rolled, and we can Groceries ■ Fruits ■ Vegetables Native Potatoes 1 Large 14 Qt. Basket T h f e E . SWEET POTATOES SWEET JUICY small .'Vi.-.: r’ / i : 4 lbs. 25c ORANGES .. 29c dozen Sugar, 10 lbs,...... 55c Com Flakes...... 8c 75c Roasters of Fine (kififees Lean cuts of Pinehurst Quality Corned Beef. Apples,31bs...... 23c . t - . - S ^.r* • PINEHURST ROUND 1 lb. rolls of Since 1878 - STEAK GROUND GLOVERBLOOM . . . . 25c lb. r ' ' 49c lb. BUTTER 49c lb. Bananas,4lbs. . ' . . . ..29c P&GSoap,10for .....39c Tomato Soup, 3 can s. . 25c TWO STORES, p h o n e 'SERVieEIJNTltOTNB TONIGHT. DIAL 4151 Main and Oak Streets Main and Park Street! UWERTISE IN H

■ • S'. ^ •'' • ' ‘..--■A-,,-; Viv''-.*!'-”-’ -,.j . 'jV.'-v’ ' . -V ‘ PAGE FIFTEEN MANCHESlc^rv C.VEN1NG HERALD, SOlTrH MAINCHESrrEK, CUJNN^ riClDAI, AUUUCfr

The Be$t Places to Shop MARKET PAGE The Best Stores Advertise S5c555S5ESS

three or four cups of water. Let KIDNAPmO PLOT FAILS Prances Cannelloe, who came here simmer for an hour and strain oft j from Italy two months ago, tried to the liquid, mashing as much as de­ New York, Aug. 29.—John Hoff­ mail a letter in a Brooklyn fire sired of the cooked lettuce through man, a laborer, picked the wrong j alarm box today she found herself TWO STORES—OAK AND MAIN STS. PARK AND MAIN STS. MENUS the colander. If liquid does oot woman when he sent Mrs. Irene surrounded by two hook and lad­ equal three cupfuls, add hot water. MoCanliss, of 840 Park avenue, a der comp£inies, a lire patrol com­ For Good Health Next, add a tablespoonful of chop­ letter demanding $200 under threat pany, police reserves and two in­ ped parsley and three cups of whole ot kidnaping her 6-year-old son. dignant battalion chiefs who order­ milk. Return to the stove smd heat When Mrs. McCanllss received ed her arrest. She was warned fn Two o f Manchester's to almost boiling point, seasoning the letter last Monday she merely court today that her next mistake A Week’s Supply with a litUe Shalt. When ready to telephoned to the police and today would cost her $25. Finest Food Stores Recommended Uy serve, all a generous sprinkling of Hoffman was held on a charge of HALES SELF-SERVE Filled to Overflow­ Dr. Fi^nk B, McCoy chopped parsley and a teaspoonful attempted extortion. He is said to A U. S. Department of Agricul-* of whipped cream to each serving. have confessed and was previously ture report says that a stationary ing With Specials Thin strips of Melba toast may be convicted on the same charge. population will be attained in Dr. McCoy’s menus suggested tor used If desired. from 50 to 75 years at somewhere for the Big Holiday; the week beginning Sunday, Sep USED WRONG BOX between 175,000,000 and 200,- G n o CIEIPY Blank verse sometimes is called tember 1st; New York, Aug. 29.— When Mrs. 000,000. W eek-end. Sunday. blankety-blank by the edltora S TO W AIT ON Y O U R S E k F J Breakfast—Cantaloupe, all deelr ed. Lunch—^Baked potato, cooked iet^ tuce, cauliflower salad. Dinner—Roast chicken, okra stUfCed celery, ice cream. Stocking Up For Labor Day MONDAX. Breakfast—^Frei^ch omelet, Melba m toast, stewed figs. Lunch-—One kind of fresh fruit, all desired. Dinner—^Roast beef, squash, com­ wm IT’S HERE A T LAST bination salad of tomatoes, celery tmd cucumbers. Raspberry whip. Tuesday. Fancy Selected Fancy Yellow Coddled eggs, toasted cereal bis­ cuits, stewed apples. Hale’s Select Full Sweet Cream Lunch—Stewed com, string beans, celery. POTATOES 4 9 * Onions Dinner—Broiled mutton chops, spinach, salad of chopped cuctimber 15 lb. peck. 4 lbs. and watercress, pineapple sponge. Wednesday. Breakfast—Crisp waffle with Fine Granulated Fancy New York State lbs. maple syrup, 2 or 3 strips of well 50 cooked bacon, stewed apricots. BUTTER ^ it Lunch—^Melon sus de^red. Dinner—^Tomato jelly served In SUGAR 2 S « Lettuce This butter is guaranteed the finest sweet cream butter, manufactured from whole milk separated at the creamery- cubes, baked sea baas, cooked cel­ ery, sliced tomatoes on lettuce, 6 Iba. ^ 2 heads each morning. Nothing enters into it but absolutely sweet cream. This butter has a very highly delicate flavor, apple whip. slightly salted. Thursday. Breakfast-Baked eggs, whole­ Every pound guaranteed to be of the highest passing quality and the most exquisite manufacture. Made expresdy wheat drop biscuits, stewed prunes. Finest Table Fancy Elberta for and sold oqly at Hale’s Self Serve Groceries. Lunch—^Lettuce soup, salad of I ^ chopped raw cabbage, celery and TRY A SAMPLE OF THIS BUTTER TOMORROW. tomatoes. Peaches 2 0 ^ Dinner—Salisbury steak, string GRAPES 4 9 * beans, stuffed beet salad, carrot 8 lbs. puddings 6 lb. basket. Friday, BUY A HAM FOR OVER LABOR DAY Breakfast—Baked stuffed apples. Lunch—Rice with peanut butter One Solid Ton BEVERAGES •a casserole, shredded lettuce, ripe (2,000 lbs.) (Olives. I Cliquot Club, pale and golden $1*59 dozen DinnerT-mroiled halibut, baked Cudahy’s^ Puritan and Armour’s “Star” eggplad^ combination salad of KIRKMAN'S SOAP 3 bars 17c tomatoes, cucumber and parsley, Undina Dry Ginger Ale and White Birch, jella or jell-well, no cream. For Washing Clothes in Either HOT or COLD Water. Your Hands Will Be Grateful. Saturday. H A M m lb. Pints, 3 for 29c, Quarts, 2 for 29c Breakfast—Poached egg on toast­ (Contents) ed shredded wheat biscxiit, stewed BOTLSTON BREW 4 ~ Special Demonstration at Both Stores. raisins. A Thirst-Quenching Beverage That You Will Thoroughly Enjoy. A Pqre Health Drink Lunch—Melon be grapes, all de­ Paradise (Luncheon Size) California sired. Cloverdale Limes and Lithia, 2 for — 35c Dinner—Broiled fresh beef 1 Pound tongue, mashed turnips, salad of ASPARAGUS TIPS ^2 square cans63c Sliced Peaches Scans 25^ cold cooked string beans and celery, Fancy Tips From Finest California Asparagus. Red Wing (Pure) Grape Juice cup custard. Lettuce soup: Shred two medium Sunbeam (Fancy) Quarts 45c^ Pints 23c 1PACITO171PDWC FANCY (Unadulterated) sized heads of lettuce and put into lR /m 9 lirOISlllUlmllSl9 size 2 can a large kettle over a low fire with ' I ■■■I—— ——— Makes a Oeiightfnl Cool Dessert— Serve With Whipped Cream. Fruits for Salad No. 2V^ can Canada Dry Ginger Ale» 3 for ...... 50c FANCY Size 1 AtC.H.Tryon*& CORNED BEEF 2 Cans 45c 3 9 / single can 2 for 7 5 / (New Packages) For Quick Luncheons— Saves Work in a Hot Kitchen. A finer Fruit Salad you have never tasted, contains se­ Educator Toasterette and Cape Cod FANCY CALIFORNIA lected Peaches, Pears, R. A . Cherries, Apricots and Pine­ (Cookies Market apple. ______, W m _____ DIAK 4130 SARDINES 2 evil’s;.. 1 lb. pkg. 1 9 / pkg. Serve Them Baked and Then Taste Ohelr Dellcions Goodness. David Harum (Fancy Vegetables) FOR SMURDAY ^ NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY’S Tender Sweet Peas, Noi 2 can,... 3 for 50c A Good Local Product. SUGAR PUFF CAKES Pound Sweet Wrinkled Peas, No. 2 can 3 for 65c GROCERIES 19c Silver Lane Pickles Clapp Favorite Pean, 9L85. Quarts 35c-38c Pints 24c Wild Grapes, gLlO pc»ch basket. We carry a complete variety. Exception of Onions.) Fancy Appl^ $L25 basket, Fancy Sour Pitted Bean Hole Beans lim a Beans, 2 qoarts for 25o. Elastic Starch .. .pkg, 9c (Maine Woods style) g pounds Sweet Potatoes, 25c. Cherries size can 29c Favorite (Large Genuine) g pounds Tomatoes, 25c. 2 JACOB’S ^ Pin Pickles ...... 23c q t Cainatloit Evaporated Milk,. lOo Fancy Sliced or Tld Bits pan. medium 2 for 2 5 / Elizabeth Park Salad Dresring, Mushrpoms can 35c g A distinctive flavor—-you will enjoy. There’s none better than gSc. Pineapple size 1^/4 can 17c Mae larch’s Salad Dressing, Sunbeam Olives Fancy Red Alaska ^ n ts, 29c. Toasterettes___ pkg. 19c 1 Hale’s Select Salad Dressing Large and small. 8 packages Pearl Tapioca, 25c. ^ Salmon r.x. 1 lb. tall can 27c Ckmpflre Marshmallows, 25e 8 oz. bottle 19c, p t bottle 38c, q t bottle 75c Plain and Stuffed Olives, 8V2 oz* hot. . .25c package. Quality Size 2 Can Fancy Light ftleat Made especially for us, contains only strictly fresh eggs and 6 bars Kirkman’s Soap, 25c. the finest oUs. Placed Stuffed Olives, 3 oz. hot, 2 for .. 25c Shredded Wheat, lie package. f• • T»TeT .2 cans 25c Chlpso, large, 19c paelmge. 4 Tuna. .c.T. Y2 lb. tall can 23c 8 packages Ivory Flakes, 25c. f Quality Cut Stringless Size 2 Can Parawax, lOo pound. 4 Fancy Pore White Loaf Flour, 1-8 barrel Beans ...... 2 cans 25c sack, $1.19. Preserves 1 lb. jar 25c Grape Jam, 1 pound Jw, 29c. Economy Orange Pekoe Ceylon White House Coffee, 1'pound can, Quality Size 2 Can HEALTH MARKET SPECIALS g7c. T ea ...... String Beans, 10c can. Peas roTuTTcTal • !• reXoTcT* 2 cans 25c Peas, 10c can. Fresh Milk Fed Tender and Small Campbell’s Beans, lOo can. GOOD LUCK Fonda Evaporated Kidney Beans, 2 cans for 25c. 1’ Desserts 1 •! • • t • pkg. 10c M ilk ...... 1 lb. tall can 10c Fowl Lunb Rolls MEAT’S Tender Boneless Chickens, from Mr. Cloen’s, 55c Fresh Native. For a Real Balanced Diet Ib.». ECONOMY "NUGGETS OP Fork to Roast, S3c lb. INCLUDE HEALTH’ ’ Legs of Lamb, 42c lb. ECONOMY Lamb Patties, 3 for 25c. COFFEE Someone Called Broiler 49/ Veal Roasf Pot Roast, boneless, 40c lb. Economy's Famous FRESH FRUITS A background of years of Veal Boast, 48c lb. Prime Rib Roast of "Veal Patties, 3 for 25c. experience, expert care SELECTED Milk Fed Sausage Meat, SOc lb. and and skill in selecting and blending the green coffee, an up-to-date, modern FRESH WHITE VEGETABLES process of roasting fresh FRUIT every day In our own EGGS Chicken 49/» The ^ason is now at its plant all combined Apples, 2 quarts for 25c. height and the very with our fundamental She Knew Whereof Small Boneless } dl lean and tender. Tender Boneless Peaches, 15c quart. choicest products of gar­ policy of "QUALITY AT She Spoke. Oranges, 49c dozen. den and orchard await ALL TIMES’’ has made Bananas, 8 pounds for 25c. you at your Economy this coffee CONNECTI­ Every egg, a product ot Pears, 15c quart. store. Juicy fall apples, CUT’S leading brand. perfectly reared and maintained hens, is a per­ Legs of Lamb 36/» Pot Roast Grapes, 2 pounds for 25c. savory luscious peaches, Melons, 3 for 25c. and ripe, meaty canta­ THE REASON? fect entity In itself. loupes, the choicest the All the above factors pins Small wonder we do not hesitate to back them to market affords, are se­ an amazingly low price of lected first because of the limit. VEGETABLES quality. If you have never tried these delicious' eggs, you Summer Squash, 4 for 25c. WE OFFER THE.M . Lettuce, 10c h e^ 45c have missed one of the Celery, 22c bunch. TO YOU The Pound. finest things about your All Kinds of Cold Meat, Smoked Meat Yellow Bantam Com, 29c dozen. Economy Store. AT AT ALL Carrots, 8 bunches for 25c. Go There and Try Them Beets, 8 bunches for 25c. ECONOMY GROCERIES TODAY ! Tima Beans, 2 quarts for 25c. A SAVING and Cheese for the Peppers, 5c each. Cucumbers, 5c each. 4 pounds Tomatoes, 25c. Wax Beans, 2 Quarts for 25c. MANCHESTER EVEJNING HERALD. SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 80, 1929. THE CI^XS^IFIED S^ECTION BUY /UND SELL H ERE r / 23 To Play at Parsons, Hartford Want Ld Information LOST AND FOUND 1 REPAIRING CONTINUE SUMMER PAY CHECK LOST—Notice is here- MATTRESSES, box springs, pil­ Manchester given that Pay Creek No. W-l-B lows and cushions made over Evening Herald 71,' .'paykhle to Jack Miruski, for equal to new. 1 day service. Phone STORES SCHEDULE week eliding Aug. 17, 1929 has 6448 Manchester Upholstering Co. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISE­ been lost. Anyone attempting to 331 Center street. Established MENTS cash this check will be prosecuted since 1922. Count six avemge word! to a line. to the full extent of the law. Find­ CHIMNEYS CLEANED and repair­ Want a* cook. Initials, numbers end abbreviations er please return to the Corporate Close at Noon Wednesdays each count as a word and oompouno ed, key fitting, safes opened, saw Want a clerk. words as two worda Minimum cost Is Accounting ' Department, Main ! filing and grinding. Work called Want a partner. nrlce of three lines. Office Cheney Brothers. i for. Haroid Clemson, 108 North During September— Com­ Want a situation. Line rates per ’day for transient LOST — WATCH downstairs In [ Elm street. Tel. 3648. school street Recreation Building, Want to sell a farm. Effective March. 17. IITJT ing Week Exception. Cash Charge Champ Swiss' movement, with COURSES AND CLASSES 27 Want to borrow money. 6 Consecutive Days 7 ctsi » ots initials M. H. S. Telephone 4679. Want to sell sheep, cattle. 3 Consecutive Days .. !> cts| II cts Reward offered. Want to sell town property. \ Day ...... r.-l SPECIAL DAY and evening sum­ The majority of the merchants in All orders tor Irregular insertions Want to sell groceries, drugs. w‘ll be charged at the one-time rate. - mer classes now open in barber- Manchester have decided to con­ Special rates for Idhl*: term every AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 Ing. Low rate of tuition. Inquire Want to sell boots and shoes. tinue their summer schedule of clos­ day advertising given upon- request. ■ Vaughn’s Barber School, 14 Mar- Want to sell dry goods, carpels, Ads ordered for three or six days 1925 NASH COACH. ; I ket street, Hartford. ing their stores Wednesday after­ and stopped before the third or flftb Want to sell clothing, bats, caps. day will be charged only for the ac­ 1927 OAKLAND SEDAN. noons during the month of Septem­ 1929 ESSEX COACH. Want to find buyers for anything, tual number of times the ad appear­ ber it was annovmced today. The ed. charging at the rate earned, but 1925 ESSEX COACH. HELP WANTED— ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD, no allowances or refunds can be made only exception will be the week of 1924 NASH SEDAN. FEMALE 35 Advertising gains new customers. on six time ads stopped after the 1925 FORD COUPE. Labor Day when the stores will re­ fifth day. Advertising keeps old customers, No “ till forbids": display lines not 1926 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN. main open, closing Monday all day. sold. MADDEN BROS. WANTED— Girl for general house­ Advertising makes success easy, The Herald will not be responsible The list of stores Included in the for more than one incorrect insertion 681 Main St. Tel. 5500 work. 104 Main street. Tel. 4402. Advertising begets confidence. closing policy follows and it Is hoped of any advertisement ordered for Advertising means business, that others will follow suit to make more than one time. 1926 NASH 4 Pass. Advance Coupe. The Inadvertent omission of incor- 1926 Studebaker Commander Se­ HELP WANTED—MALE 36 Advertising shows energy. the conditions more uniform: J. W. rect Dubllcat.lon of advertising will be dan. Advertise and succeed, Hale, Reardon’s, Fradin’s, Marlow’s, rectified only by cancellation of the Nelleg’s, Smart Shop, Ladies’ 1924 Chevrolet Truck, cheap. WANTED—Two bright young men charge made tor the service rendered. Advertise judiciously. Shop, Montgomery Ward Company, • • • CONKEY AUTO CO. about 25 to 30 years of age to Advertise or bust. Rhode Island Textile, Watkins All advertisements must conform 20 E. Center Studebaker Dealer train for managers of local chain in style, copy and typoernphy with Brothers, G. E. Keith Furniture stores. Must be able to furmsh Advertise weekly. regulations enforced by the publish­ 1929 Chevrolet Coach. Company, Benson’s Furniture Com­ ers and they reserve the right to good reference. Answer at once to Advertise now. 1929 Chevrolet Roadster. pany, Kemp’s Music House, C. E. edit, revise or reject any copy con­ P. O. Box 74, So. Manchester. Advertise sidered objectionable. 1926 Studebaker Stand. 6 Sedan. House & Son Inc., A. S. Hultman, CIjOSING H URS— Classified ads 1926 Star Coupe. WANTED—16 year old boys for HERE Glenney’s, G. H. Williams & Com­ to be published same day must be re­ ceived by 12 o'clock neon. Saturdavs 1926 Pontiac Coach. mill operation. Apply to Cheney pany, W. H. Gardner, Harold Sym­ 10;,30 a. m. • ___ 1925 Wlllys-KT'lght Sedan. Bros. Employment office. ington, Tom McAn Shoe Co., Dia­ TELEPHONE YOUR WANl 1924 Buick Sedan. mond Shoe Co., Newark Shoe Co., When better Used Cars are Sold Navens, Paul Hillery’s, F. T. Blish ADS. Hardware Co., Manchester Plumb­ Ads are acoeptai over the telephone We’ll Sell Them. ARTICLES FOR SALE V at the CHARGE RATE given above COLE MOTOR SALES ing & Supply Co., Edward Hess, as a convience to advertisers. but 91 Center St. Tel. 8275 FOR SALE—Whitney baby car­ Alfred GrezeTs, M. H. Stricklajid, the CASH RATES will be accepted as riage in good condition. Price rea­ Edna Varrilli, dancer in “The Vagabond King” Economy Grocery Stores, A & P FULL PATMEN'i If paid at the busi­ 1925 Dodge Sedan. sonable. For information. Tel. ness office on or before the seventh Grocery Stores, J. W. Hale Co’s day following the first Insertion of 1928 Studebaker Coach. 7588. Park St. Store, Pinehuret Grocery each ad otherwise the CHARtlE 1927 Dodge Coupe. GAS PRICES DROP Co., Wm. F. Patterson, C. H. ’Tryon, r a t e will be collected. No responsi­ 1929 Graham Paige Sedan. COSTLY COSTUMES SEEN Dewey Richman Co., May Jewelry bility for errors In telephoned ads 1924 Dodge Coupe. FOR SALE—Baby stroller. Reason­ APARTMENTS—FLATS— HOUSES FOR SALE 72 Co., F. S. Bray Jewelry Co., Don­ will be assumed and their accuracy able. 250 Porter street. I New York, Aug. 30.—-A three- cannot be guaranteed. 1927 Chrysler Coupe. TENEMENTS 63 nelly Jewelry Co., W. A. Smith, INDEX OF CLASSIFICA­ A number of other good use! FOR SALE— SINGLE HOUSE 6 IN “ VAGABOND KING” cent per gallon reduction by the John Olson, Park Hill Flower Shop, cars. rooms, practically new, all im­ Standard Oil Company went into TIONS BOATS AND FOR RENT—Furnished apartment McClellan Stores, W. T. Grant Co. Crawford Auto Supply Co. at 88 Church street. Telephone provements, hard wood finish, eftect in Manhattan, the Bronx, Births ...... A new garage, and chicken coop, Engagements ...... “ Center and Trotter Sts. ACCESSORIES 46 5384. Brillian* Show Coming to Par- Queens and Kings counties today. Marriages ...... L Tel. 6495 or 8063 large lot, small down payment, sons, Hartford, September The new price to motorists, in­ Deaths ...... FOR RENT— 5 room flat, all im­ 256 Woodbridge street. cluding the state tax, is now 18 Card of Thanks ...... B 1928 ESSEX COACH. FOR SALE—Trunk cabin motor 5, 6 and 7, Has Many Fea­ provements, 48 Maple street .In­ cents a result of the Standard Oil In Memortam ...... F 1928 OLDSMOBILE COACH. boat $50. Telephone 8293. Lost and Found ...... 1 quire at 47 Maple street. FOR SALE—Bungalow, 5 rooms tures. of New York entering the price Announcements ...... j 1926 FORD TUDOR. with garage and good size piece of slashing war. On Long Island, MACKLEY’S Personals ...... * 1325 OAKLAND SEDAN. FOR RENT—4 rooms all improve­ land. 147 Middle Turnpike. Vickie’s When “The Vagabond King,’’ V/estchester coimty and Staten . AatnmoMlee 1923 STUDEBAKER. FUEL AND FEED 49-A ments, 65 Starkweather street. Call Store. Telephone 8780. which comes to Parsons, Hartford, Island the price was reduced one USED CARS Automobiles tor ^ale ...... J 1928 OLDSMOBILE S^DAN. Automobiles fot Exchange...... o after 5 p. m. cent. In other parts of New York FOR SALE— Extra fine slabs $7.00 on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Auto Accessories—Tires 8 1925 JEWETT TOURING. September 5, 6, 7, was scheduled for state it remains the same. Auto Repairing— Painting . . . i . . ' 2— 1926 ESSEX COACHES. load, best wood for fall use. Hard FOR RENT—5 room flat on LiUey FORD Auto Schools ...... "'A MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES wood $8.00. Chas Palmer. Tel. street, with garage near Center. production at the Casino Theatre, Autos— Shin by Truck ...... 8 New York, James Reynolds, the ar­ 1924 1-2 Ton Truck 1069 Main St. Tel. 5462 6273. Inquire 21 Elro street evenings. Autos— For Hire ...... H BIG SCHOONER tist, was commissioned to design Garages—Service—Stor^e ...... 10 Thomas E. Donahue, Mgr. Tel. 5661. Open express body, closed cab. Motorcycles— Bicycle ...... H the costumes and settings for the In good mechanical shape and Wanted Autos—Motorcycles .... 12 1927 ESSEX COUPE GARDEN—LAWN- FOR RENT— 4 room tenement with historical work. Mr. Reynolds jour­ OWN YOUR priced right. “With an O. K. IliiMlness nn«' l*r<«fes«l/a rd — Resorts...... Ou went to jail for thirty dajys today iv.llo and John Fitzgerald, Newing­ lintels— Restauranls ...... Kl SERVICES 22 F. Sheehan, 92 Holl street. Wanted— Rooms— Board ...... 81 ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 59 after a police court hearing. He ton's youthful bandits who have Iten' Esinte K Kent Plano Tuning m HEN’r— CENTENNIAL apari- was found guilty of theft. Clark been in the hospital since Sundav .Aparimet.ia, Flats. I'enementa .. 68 FOR RENT—Furnished or unfur­ ments, tout room apartment, jani­ topk a typewriter and a check book night suffering from bullet wounds. Business l/ications for Rent .. . 64 Expert work guaranteed Burrello and Fitzgerald were imanl- Houses for Kent ...... 66 Kemp’s Music House nished apartment; also room for tor seivlce, -heat, gas range, ice from a rooming house here, went to .Suburban for Rent ...... 66 two. Call 7905. box furnished. Call Manchester a new place and left a trail of mous in their decision to climb out Summer Homes for R e n t...... 67 CoDstructiOD Company, 4131. bogus checks made out from the of bed this morning and depart Wanted to Rent ...... 68 FOR RENT—Room furnished or from the institution. The constable HEN THE FROSTV NIGHTS Keiil Kstiile Fnr Hiile REPAIRING book. Various counts against him Apartment Building tor Sale .. . 68 unfurnished with privileges of FOR RENT— Modern 4 room tene­ were merged into one of theft. caught them' before they had left OPAOTtWiN ARRIVE, Business Property tor Sale ...... 70 .SvKWlNG MACHINE repairing ot all home. Young married couple pre­ ment. S. D. Pearit 120 Woodland the building and persuaded them, by TH E AAOURNINS-CLOAK Farms and l.and for S a l s ...... 71 ferred. Inquire 21 Ridge street. street. Phone 6730. displaying a revolver, to return. BUTTERFLY SEEKS Houses tor Sale ...... 78 makes, oils, needles and supplies Burrello was shot in the neck and Lots for Sale ...... 78 R. W. Garrard, 87 Edward street Correct information on cancer SHELTER. BENEATH Resort Property for Sale ...... 74 increases its possible cure from 10 Fiugerald In the right hip when LOOSE TREE B A R K , Tel. 4301. they tried, to hold up Newington Suburban for Sale ...... 76 About 70 per tent of the total During the reign of Augustus, to 60 per cent, according to Dr. J. IN CREVICES^ O R IN Real Estate for E xchange...... 76 number of wild deer, bears, goats C. Bloodgood, associate professor olricials who had. “planted” them- W anted-Heal Estate ...... 77 VACUUM CLEANER, phonograph ill Rome, there were 300 public c u l v e r t s ; a n d g o e s bakeries, which did much of the of clinical surgery at John Hop­ pelvep in that town in an effort to A uclioii— l.egnl Nnllcea clock, gun repairing, key fitting. and sheep In-the United States live INTO A STUPOR,THOS Auction Sales ...... 78 Bralthwalte, 52 Pearl street. or range in the National Forests. work of private homes. kins University. end an epidemic of hold-ups. Legal Notices ...... 7b WEATHERING THE SNOW ANP COLO OK By Frank Beck WINTER. THE SPRING GAS BUGGipS—His True Colors XHAWS VflLL REVIVE IT UKED TO KNOCK BV THEN' T'LL. BE IT B R IG H T W A 'A L , I AIM ano f r e s h THAT ALEC SMART PELLER TER BE , DIRECTLV A-HOLDIN'* HALF THE A S ’AIN . PLUMB OPF'N HIS PEET WHEN BUT NOT A’PORE V A L U E Y , AND KIN P*UT IN SAID 1 '^ULON^T LOAN HIM PEW MORTGAGES A DAM MYSELF . MEANWHILE NO MONEV PER A DAM • THE FARMS HEREABOUTS I'LL JIST SIT TIGHT AND Sq u i r e RECKON HE CALCULATED PALLS DUE . AFTER SEE TO IT NOTHIN' HIGGINS' I'D A-BIN PER IT PERTV I'VE FORECLOSED COMES OF MR. SMART'S REPUTATION STRONG-LIKE . IS TIME ENOUGH PLAN FOR THE d P HAVING P E R TH A T. PRESENT. ACQUIRED MOPE I CASH A N D , CUSSEONES9 THAN A N V O HE GREAT O TH ER % OAR-FISH IS MAN IN THE CAUSE OF THE v M jjn r AiANV SEA-SERPENT vmas d u e STORIES. IT IS TO HtS CJVER 2 0 FEET B E L 4 B P LONG ANP WEIGHS THAT S'oo LBS. T h e tall C H « « T Y PORSAL SPINES ARE AT TlPPEP IN REP HOME, KNOBS, GIVING IT A Avfer UNUSUAL a p p e a r a n c e .. : ■ - MANCHESTER EVENING HER ALP,^013TH MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUOTST 30,1929. „ . —

SKIPPY Says. jSENSE axi NONSENSE WotffeftM't YOtf TBIKK I DohV Knou; BOOTLEG BLUES. c « i 6j A « ci»ies TH cv‘ 0 s€np ( n K e r ^ j r Down in the mouth oj the alley- CuHAir TO oa An elephant fell asleep; utrrii MiM. The wildcats moaned in the parlor; '1= The lions murmured peep-peep. 1 Four hundred thousand cooties Played leap-frog over a chair; A bald-headed ape In a corner sat Complacently combing his hair.

As I took ray bath in the coal bin I saw a trolley car born, And 1 vowed by the left hand of Pluto I’d stay sober and quit drinking corn.

Storm and Strife. ^ ; As the plumber entered the house I he met Bjones and his wife in the I hall. . i *‘B6fore WG downstsirs, S3.iu j the methodical Bjones to the plumb- I er, “1 wish to acquaint you with the i Percy L Crosby. Great BriWh) rieht* reserved i trouble.’’. I King Felitur^s'Syndicate. Inc. I- ' “I’m-very pleased to meet you,' i said the plumber as he bowed to OUR BOARDING HOUSE i Mrs. Bjones. A girl who sings the words of a The Toonerville Trolley That Meets All The Trains By Fontaine Fox By Gene Ahem nng may still be a hununer. i She Guessed Wrong. He (seriously): "What are the I last three hairs in a dog’s tail call- 1 e d ?’ -T H C T H o U c^ K T u p A p Jo T H E F ^ 3 d H E M E T o euWPE, M’tAP, I AM A I'm AfRAiP Yoa MiaHTTURM .*lOd i She (very seriouslyT: "Well, truUi- am' AMKue CARRYiMa "ENA fuily. Jack. I don’t know. You tell boost -t he p£F^loPj_oP THE PAY- (5LlA>dPAPV [ ^ MR'S. me. m a y c o m b A f^ Y V^OLJR oa-Tf-v^ MovM Here's a He (very, very seriously): Why, AMP Kl-rci4Efd SIKiK better plam im "fRaE • dog hairs.” ‘ \ / Hidden!PRoAA aMPER A SI^AMrTY s t y l e LEtT STAllTS OFF ODD. An old countryman had been YH’ FAacEY RaM ALL looking around a log^ng can^ tor MOLiNip OF SOIuep pisHes / o M p i s He s Just an ODD JOB is today's let­ some time without finding work. I UlOLiLP VJASF^ -YMEM , Finally one of the foremen put ht.m I'a YH’ MCRNii m b , P U Y ter golf puzzle. Par is six and one ■ga-T^I HAYg 5LiCl4 ■ PAINFUL to work sawing odd pieces into all-tH’ pisHes IMYH' jolution is on another page. stove lengths. 5 . ■ I HANiGNiAiLs I — yjoaup Yoa The hazy circle at the outer edge G A S S i b \ j^ o Y e M a m of the circular saw held such fas­ APYlSg MB ."fAKlMca ALL THE 0 D D cination for him that he could no PlsHBS.-fo THB BACKYARP, AMP BAKE ’ EM PRY; longer resist the temptation to place his finger near the rim. The -rURNi THB SPRINiKLBR oM ( finger came off. 2 —^ AMP * 1 As he stood gaping at the bleed- fpJ-t. I ing stump, the foreman walked up. T H B ‘hAORRQV\'S "What’s the trouble, Jim, something w ron g?” saM vdoaLp Darned if 1 know,” came the re­ PRY them * ply. "You see I '^as just putting my finger over the saw like this. My Gawd, there’s another oue 1 gone!”

Visitor, trying to make conversa­ tion with her friend’s child: "How J O B old did you say your baby brother - '.i THE RULES is ? ” m “One year,” replied the child. 1— The idea of Letter Golf is to “And can he walk yet?” "Of course he can’t he’s . too change one w'ord to another and do young yet.” it in par, a given number of strokes. "Oh,” said the lady, "my doggy Thus to change COW to HEN, in here is only one year old, and you three strokes, COW, HOW, HEW, t see he can run about quite well.” HEN. The little girl eyed the animal 2— You change only one letter intently for a few seconds. Then: at a time. "So he ought,” she said decidedly. K lQ -f B a V 3 ______You must have a “He’s complete got a double set of legs.” word, of common usage, for each A KiEMJ jump. Slang words used and abbre­ There’s always somebody in the G viations don’t count. audience who hasn’t heard the old­ S E “ T O F 4 __The order of letters cannot be est and most decrepit. pisHe s ? On*e solution is printed on an­ Although, all agree that a “good K V n other page. BY NBA SPtVICC INC. time was had” at last night’s party, (•Fonuine Fox. W29 nobody seems to remember what Home is the place where you happened. don’t have to engage reservations in The working girl who starts out By Crane advance. His Romance Ruined to earn her Daily Bread finds the WASHING’rON TUBBS □ I "Do you believe in trial mar-: world a bit crusty. r'iages?” "Sure, 1 had a regular weddm| I call my man "Panama” because THOU6HT AH, I FEEL b e t t e r ^qO ttOOoo.' "M '60Srt! he has such large locks. MucN b e t t e r . I owe \t taEE Wizl and it’s been a trial ever since.” m sw I UlOUUP «0 )(l& ! IT'S WONDER NEVER FIND ALU To SOU, MV DEAR MEARLV MlDWlCrHT. SrtE’5 MAP ME, VaJASMiE. INTO A DO(!roR. AT)M\P.AL. ALL I SOU / alm o st FOR60T ME. WERE, UAVE SAVED MV LIFE. AiY PATE. — T COUMTtSS' TNIS TCAP MSpICINE.^



^tStyiYRCC, U. S.MCA PAT. SEBVIC^. OFr. INC REG. u. s. PAT. orr. •— 0'»29. »T NtA imvice. INC. ' . By Small SALESMAN SAM Step On It, Sam I (READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE) The circus boss was glad indeed show, I want the- audience to know W e .L L ,C A N Y a B E A T - T U a T'. I'VE. L-OSTCAV that he had spread a dandy feed for that you are star performers, so I’ll dress you up like kings. An if AvMMCr TEN T ALONCrTH' TRAIU 5OFieW«E(?.e.-M0W. all the little Tinymites. 'Twas fun elephant you all shall ride and have (IQ^CHEO TUe I Cj OTTA f i n d ^ TRAOlNCr POST BUY A to see them eat. Said he, “ Go on a servant by your side. Within a FAA NOKW, Mew owe - and eat your fill. W e have a lot big old trunk of mine we’ll find some S A M S R£A0Y of time to kill.” "Oh, we have eat­ classy things.” To i s e r s E T en air we can,” said Scoutj^. " ’Twas They found the trunk and looked TC) PL^ To , a treat.” ' inside and very shortly CSowny TR?,oe. T H e The boss then pulled a big sur­ cried, "Oh, gee, what pretty clothes £='.<.lMOS prise. Soon, right before the Ti- are here. Let’s hufry and get nles* eyes, appeared a monstrous dressed. Nice crowns and silver MteceLLANeOUS platter full of ice cream. Oh, how tinsel, too. 'And everything looks AP.'"(CLes FWt. grand! “Oh, my,” he heard the just like new.” The Tinymites put FAMCS' f u r s (BBV-OAZOOK-

F R n k V . : KKJH'nSEi^

Mr. and Mrs. Griswold A. ChSB: peU and their three chUdren o£ Lake ABOUT TOWN street have returned from attending the 49th annual reumon ot the Miss Alice and Miss 'I’beresa Mc- Chappell family in Waterford. Keia- Cluskey of Maple street left last tives from Springfield, New York i-' evening tor Boston where they vyui and New Kocnelle were present tot remain until Labor Day with their the occasion at the old Chappisli cousin homestead located on the .New Lon­ don turnpike. The reunions were The Murphey Gldiolus Farm ai first started by the Manchester South Coventry wall have inspecUon man's father, William Henry Harri­ clays tomorrow, Sunday and Labor son Chappell, who was named alter Day. CTiarles M. Murphey, the pro­ the ex-president bemg bom on the prietor, has iiiaue this a custom .it same day President Harrison was this time tor several years, the elected. T l " latter Mr. Chapped gladiolus are at the peaR ol tru' died a year ag'> last February and blossoming season, and it is an e.>( his wife, Mrs. Mary C. Chapped cellent opportunity tor inieresti*'.; passed away July 9th. The re­ growers to see the new varieties union was held Tuesday enchng witn and to make note of those they an old-fashoned dance in the eve- I C€SrECITySaturday is the last day of the SALE would like to add to their collecUou. ning. Greater Prosperity Sale. The last Hiss Mary Gallagher of Coopei j L. J. Robertson, Jr., ly^hq ha^ ix | featured Saturday-^ day to s'ave 10% to 50% on qual­ Clearance street will spend the week-end auii tensive gardens on Hast’ Middle j ity, right, fashion-right merchan­ Labor Day at Crescent Beach. | Turnpike, has oeeu appointed co nave charge ol the Manchester Gar­ dise. Mr. and Mrs. Henry BracUey anJ den Club's exhibit at the autumn son Kenneth ot South street will show ot the Connecticut Horticul­ W om en’s W e’ll be busy from early morn­ spend the week-end and Labor Day tural society, September 12 and id. Silk Frocks at Poughkeepsie and Wappinger s Last year the show was held at the ing ’til the doors close for thrifty Falls, N. Y. Foot Guard Armory but the space folks know values — appreciate sav­ was entirely inadequate to property Jdr. and Mrs. James Tallon -ind display the flowers. This year the ings— and this is the last chance lamily of Chicago are spending state armory at Capitol avenue and PURE SILK HOSIERY to save money, to save 10% to 50% their vat ition with Mr. ration's Broad street has been chosen. The on such exceptional merchandise! parents, Mr. and Mrs. WUliam 'i'al- local club’s entry will be a garden lon of 81 Main street. They made setting. Mr. Robertson has the Service-Sheer With Twin-Heels $5.00 and $10-00 the trip by automobile, visiting privilege of making up his own com­ Come early before the crowds! lilaces of interest en route. mittee. and Blue Crane Pure Silk Hose Take advantage of the savings. The W. B. A. Guard club will hold ($10 and $16.75 Grades) (Reg. $16.75 Grades) its regular monthly business meet­ Joseph Quish, Sherwood Benson Read the values and realize that ing and social this evening at tha and James Gorman left yesterday home of Mrs. Ruth Waddell of on an automobile trip to Montreal, they are only a few— every depart­ returning in about a week. Ridgewood street. ment shares! Remember the sav­ We have just a few dresses remaining in stock which. ings of 10% to 50% less last only 5ve are closing out- at these two low prices. Rajahs, Miss Grace Snow of Pine street Mr. and Mr. David Turkington in silk crepes, georgettes and silk piques in sleeveless and and Miss Kay Kurtiand of West company with Winston and Miss until nine o’clock Saturday night. long-sleeve models. Dresses suitable to wear for two Hartford, are touring througn Mary Turkington and Elmer Kendell or three weeks more this season... .and many women Maine, New Hampshire and Ver­ leave early tomorrow for Earnville, are buying them ior next summer. Frocks for miss mont. Canada, for a two weeks’ vacation. p air and madam. Save 10% to 50% in iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiiiiliiiiliiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Greater Prosperity Salel Silk Frocks—Main Floor, Rear

Color Fast Tomorrow -only we shall put on sale two I ^TJe^^rd^rSkoppin^ | of our popular stockings at the very, very low price of 88c a pair. Stockings suitable Cotton for sports, school, office and general wear. It will be to your advantage to buy half a NEW AUTUMN dozen pairs now! Wash Frocks I I Twin-Heel Service-Sheer Stockings .... adl pure silk from tip-to-toe. The smart twin-heels add much to the appearance of DRESSES this pure silk fuU fashioned stocking. Blue Crane Pure Silk Stockings are one Priced But | Df our most popular inexpensive hose. A ll I pure silk of a fine quality. Pointed heels. $1.98 3-inch hems. A choice of new shades. Salesmen’s Samples of I $ e a c h I 16*50 Crepe de Chine You will have plenty of opportunity to wear one .Hale’s Hosiery— ^Main Floor, Rear. or two ot these high grade, cotton wash frocks I Smart Frocks that emphasize the new | Underwear during the next three or four weeks. Dimities, I silhouette. | voiles, percales and lawns I Just the thing for immediate wear and | m stimning prints in Domestics $1.98 youthful models. Frocks that have sold as high as I the cooler days to come. | ($3.98 and $5.98 Grades) $4.98. S Smart Flat Crepes and Chiffons combined with Trans- = Pure Linen Dish Towels I parent Velvets. 5 A special purchase of salesmen’s samples of Pure Irish linen dish towels with col­ heavy. aU silk crepe dfe chine underwear— slips, ? New Canton Crepes and Flat Crepes in the more tail- § ored borders in blue, gold, rose and gowns, step-ins, bloomers, dance sets, chemises s ored styles. 5 green. Heavy weight. Each and shorts— in tailored and exquisite lace trim­ 29c med models. White and pastels. Some rare • V/ash Frocks— Main vMues in the assortment. 59c Jacquard Turkish Towels / Floor, Rear Smart Silks in the new Sports weaves, and prints, in heavy novelty jacquard turkish towels Silk Underwear— Main Floor, Rear chic 3 piece Ensembles. in three new designs In the wanted color­ ings. Fluffy, soft and absorbent turk­ ish towels. Each COLOR CHOICE, black, brown, blue, green and red. 50-Piece 39c / Unusually srnart at this very low price. Misses and Candlewick Bed Spreads Women’s sizes. Porcelain The popular Candlewick bed spreads that find a perfect setting in modem col- lonial bedrooms. W e are featuring a fine spread in three good-looHing patterns Dinner Sets heavily tufted in blue, gold, rose, green and lavender—guaranteed color fast. Full and single bed sizes. Special $16-50 set $ 9.98 $2.98 Old English style porcelain dinner sets in Beacon Part Wool Single Blankets several attractive patterns. 50-piece set— Yoiir choice ot the attrabtive Indian ' m I All Remaining Summer Frocks | service for six people. Regular $12.50 blankets in many beautiful designs, or = Silk ones at these close out prices. S grade. Special— $9.98 set. the conventional Iplaid novelty blankets. Fancy Cuff Blankets for camping, motoring or as an Dinner Sets— Basement extra throw for chilly nights. Each CAPE GLOVES I $4.95 $10 00 $15.00 I $2.98 39c Pure Linen Toweling $ 1.98 Irish Unen, heavy weight toweling with the new pastel borders in blue, gold, N ew fall cape gloves in tan, '’M V I School Frocks | green and pink. Yard brown, red, green, black and Floor Lamps 29c gray— a color for each one of "H) V = for girls, printed wash fabrics, new styles in sizes 7 to | your faU costumes. Heavy cape gloves with fancy cuffs. = 14 years at = Colored Hem Cotton Sheets All sizes. each $9c98 of very fine cotton with hemstitched hems. Pastel borders in blue, pink. Gloves— Main Floor feAK printed I $lo95“'$2.95 With fall nights just ahead, you wUl need rnaize, green and lavender. Color fast. a few new floor lamps to brighten up a cor­ Full bed size, 81x99 inches, Each, ner or two in the Uving room or sun par­ JJllRP FABRICS tiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiimimiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini lor. W e have reduced a few of our floor $1.49 lamps to $9.98. Attractive lamps with Guaranteed Fastcolor $4.98 Pure Linen Damask Sets Miss Gertrude H art of Rock'ville metal stands and decorated parchment shades. , plain white, pure lineh. hemstitched da­ Saturday’s has entered the employ of the Cole mask sets consistlDg of a 56x70 Inch are smart for school frocks Motor Sales as bookkeeper. SUNDAY DINNER Floor Lamps— Basement cloth and six napkins to match. Special per set Drug Specials These finely-woven cotton fabrics make up into at the $3.98 the most captivating little frocks for school and play... smart, health^, and practical. They are “ Fruit of the Loom” Long Cloth 75c Dextri-Maltose...... 52c SHOE REPAIRING A fine, plain white cotton cloth that (No. 1. 2 and 3) remarkably sturdy... and they are perfectly wash­ Ladies’ Flexible Sol^s and has innumerable uses in every home— 50c PhiiJip’s Milk of able, guaranteed absolutely fast. Robber Heels a Specialty. N O TE SHERIDAN for slips, children’s underwear, gowns, M agn esia...... 36c Among the many original effects in this collec­ etc. 36 inches wide. Yard SAM T U LFE S Terry Cloth 89c Beef, Iron and Wine .. 69c tion are designs for every age, from tiny kinder­ 701 Main St., So. Manchester Turkey, Duck or Chicken garten tot to older high-school ^ ir l... and for All new fall patterns in Terry Cloth In 26c Dr. Hinkle’s Cascara with all the fixings $1 Uright, clear colorings. Suitable for Compound Tablets . 19c mother, too. couch covers, pillows, draperies, etc. 36 75c Lyon’s Rosemary and Inches wide. During Greater Prosperity- S u lp h u r...... 59c ‘Ye>r Round” Printed Zephyrs, Sale, yard 35c Cuticura Talcum *‘Wear-Ever” Aluminum 59c Yard ...... P o w d e r...... 19c 34c Covered Sauce Pans Hale’s Wash Goods— ^Main Floor- WATKINS BROTHERS, Inc. Domestics— ^Main Floor, left. Drugs— Main Floor Funeral Directors 59c (Regular Price 95c) ESTABLISHED 54 YEARS The well known “Wear-Bver” alumi­ Phone and Mail num sauce pans with covers. l T-2 CHAPEL AT 11 OAK ST. quart size. Regular 95c grade. Orders Carefully and Alumlnumware—Basement Promptly Filled Robert K. Andersoi$j« Phones: Office 5171 1;^ Funeral Directoi: Residence 7494 so U TH MR NCHESTCR • CONN ■