23, 1935 F O U R C E N T S

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23, 1935 F O U R C E N T S Take Jhventory of your printed sup­ One' word can tell the story of con- plies, if, you need onythlng.iho : : tinned bittiness activity In-the com­ Times stands ready to give ' w . you. service, munity—Advertising. jtJ tn T n n sironF. t i m e s VOL. LXv No. 34 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1935 F O U R C E N T S USHERS ARE ENTERTAINED ANNUAL CAMP Aspires To The Assembly LOCAL YOUTHS AT 35th ANNUAL BANQUET OPENS TODAY ON SCIENCE TRIP PATHS TO A FULLER LIFE 66 th ANNUAL SERVICES TO WILL STUDY LIFE AT OKK-I GET UNDER WAY FINOKEE SWAMP. Largest Number of Guests Enjoy Skit By the Feels There Is a Definite Journey To An At­ Communion Service Tonight Will Thomas Reichelderfer, Richard “ Dionne Quintuplets” and a “ Womanless Be Followed By First Preaching . Crowell, Neptune Alumni, and tainable Goal—’Pleaches On Sixth Or Service Tomorrow. Drp. Rice, Melbourne Carriker, Beacliwood, Wedding”— Dickey and Moore Are Hon- Hughes, Truott Are Preachers. To leave for Georgia—Survey. Spiritua! Sense—Thank Offerings $1,600. Includes Mammals, Insects, Rep­ This evening-, the 66th annual tiles, etc. Campmecting services will open in Bishop H. Lester Smith, D. D. practice i.s wrong, “God’s gift Ocean Grove. The first service on Thomas Reichelderfer, of Ocean :LL. D., of Ci'ncinntti, the preacher to people to aid us in communica­ . - Finding something new to. en­ Nanetta Franz; Frank E. Agar, Jr., the program is the Sacrament of Grove; Melbourne R. Carriker, of tertain thcii guests is always ’a Albert. Abajian,. Miss .Margaret at the Sunday, services at the Audi-' tion with our surroundings are tho problem', but the Auditorum ushers Grimmer, Richard ,: M, Borden; the Lord’s Supper, at 7.30, in the Eeachwood; and Dick Crowell of toriurn, toid in the morning of the five senses.” again proved their.. versatility Elia? B. " Baker,’Jr., Miss Auditorium. Neptune,- members of the Cam]) journey, of life, toward a fixed goal, There is a sixth sense, the spiri­ ■Wednesday night , at the 36th an­ Frances Peelie, Jack . .Bali; : Mr; Tomorrow, the. preaching ser­ Burton Staff for this past' sum­ and/in the evening, gave his views tual one, and this, he agreed gives nua! banquet at the North End and Mrs. Paul Broome, Leo vices will open with Dr.. Mert S. mer, ..are going on a scientific ex­ hotel; A larger number' than over Brieriy, .Miss / Helen : Hepburn, on ‘-‘The .Innner Man," us the power to come into com­ enjoyed the. hospitality of the H. -Warren ■' Brown, - Miss Rice, of Detroit, again in the pul­ pedition into the Okefinokee Thank offering colicctions .on munication with Him. ushers; including- an exceptionally Ddris Martin, Mr; and-Mrs. Frank pit. Dr. Rice, who thrilled thous­ Swamp on.Monday, Aug, 26. The. No one sees all, hears ali, or HAYDN PROCTOR Sunday totaled ■ approximately fine- turkey dinner and good nat- P. Butcher, .Roland S. Blake, Mrs.- ands here with his mighty preach­ swambp lies between Georgia and $1600., ' . ' . knows ail, but,- the Bishop said, ured fun. R. G. '.Blake, W alter Carr, .Mrs! ing and his large supply of stories Florida. The expedition is under we use our senses unknowingly, Among the honored guests were Giara Carr, Mr, and Mrs. William The fact that we ave on a jour­ George H. Dickey, the first presi­ R. Cioughiy, Milton A. Condit; last year, will be the preacher the joint sponsorship, of -.the Ac­ ney, on our Way to a destination, is associating with people, with our dent, who served anti! 1913, and B. Miss Edith' Drake, Mr, and Mrs. every .morning at 10,30, until Sun­ PROCTOR SEEKS ademy of Natural Sciences, Pa., inescapable declared Bishop Smith, sixth sense cooperating with the ■G. Moore, who served from 1913 Robert W.. Courtney, Kenneth H, day, Sept 1. Tomorrow and Sunday and Monmouth Council, Boy. in opening the morning sermon. order to make our lives profitable to 1919. He was succeeded by Crevelirig, Miss Frances Darby Mr. evenings the evangelist will, be Scouts, “We are pilgrims. We have travel­ and good. Frank B. Smith, unavoidably ab­ and’ Mrs; - William Cowperth- Bishop Edwin H. Hughes," resident ASSEMBLY SEAT sent, who'in turn was succeeded by waite, Dr, and' Mrs. George 'The purpose of the expedition led a lorighvay from the beginning. “Environment is also God’s gift by the present incumbent, William H. Dickey,' Mr. and Mrs. bishop of the Washington Area. will be to collect fish, reptiles, But the most important thing isn’t to communication, and without the SON OF MR. AND-MRS./PHIN- E, Thomson. The other oficers are Holly : Decker; Miss Decker, Mr, On Monday, and until the close of amphibians, mammals, and invert­ how far we have travelled or how spiritual sense, no man is com­ Joseph H. Tweedy, vice-president; and Mrs. John U, Dixon, Ambrose the Camp, the preacher df the EAS PROCTOR* OCEAN GROVE ebrates found in that region, ;■ Ma­ high we have climbed, but that we plete.” It gives-us added personal­ William 0. Gray, treasurer, and A. Fentdh, Mr. and Mrs; William evening will be Dr. George W. terial will be used by the Philadel­ George C. Miller, secretary. J. Fulton, Frederick L. Bail, Jr., have travelled or climbed at all.” ity and the ability to choose right Truett, pastor of the First Baptist Dr. George W. Henson, presi­ Mr. and Mrs. Sari W. Height, Mr. phia. Academy of Natural Sciences /The. fact that \ye can hold our­ from wrong. Years are required to church, Dallas, Texas, Graduate of Neptune High School, and Rutgers University, Univer­ dent of the Ocean Grove Associ­ and Mrs.- William D; Hendrickson,, selves up for appraisal is a great guide us to its powers and it must ation delivered the < invocation. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley L. Hoagknd, Besides these-services, the regu­ 32 Year-Old Attorney Seeks sity of Michigan, and jointly be­ thing about being men. If. we f.ace have conscious action. Following the dinner, the program Thomas Howell, Miss Marion Lind­ lar holiness meetings,, which have tween the 8oy Scout' Camp -and In the less civilized countries wari introduced by Wijlian; C. sey, Mtv and Mrs, - J.WesdsyJohn- Position Formerly Held By the facts concerning ourselves, we' been changed from 10 o’clock, to 9 Neptune High School. It. is to be Gray, beginning with several’songs- ston, John H, Kay, Miss Olive Judge J. Edward Knight, are well on the way to becoming, the people are handicapped by tho o.’clock, will be under the direction noted that very few people have by the quartette, J. Wesley Johns­ Roder, Homer D. Kresge, Jr. Miss better, selves.” We have both the limited types of education they re­ ton, Otto G; Stoll, Jr., Raymond Mildred Carl, John A. Lantry, Dr. of Di". Alfred Wagg, The afternoon Local interest in the primary ever been in the swamp, and very - ,.... , , •’ .. ” : nower and the responsibility of ex- ceive and retain their original- Manley and John S, Yeo. A bur­ and Mrs. William F; Mae Lennan, .meetings, at 2.00, also i n . the election grows keener with the little is known about it. It is ex-W . ", ... ___ m eans . ... , . amwing ourselves, felt- the preacn- of worship; reminded the lesque. of the famous quintuplettes Keneth W. Mac Whinncy, Xlilss announcement this .week that an­ was. presented by Samuel P. Yeo, June E. Thomson, Mr. and, Mrs. Tabernacle, will be for ministers pected that several fish and insects j : r : preacher. Professors in Chinese Pa;d Broome, Ambrose C. Miller, ■Raymond Manley, Mr. and Mrs. only. The Cainpmcetlrig evange-! other Neptune high school boy, new to .science.will be found. ■ Ier' . t „We know tliat there Universities are now teaching the iladyn Proctor, would seek the Re­ Wiliam J. Fulton and John U, Dix­ Girard Marshall, S ., Ruslihg Mac lists will address these meetings.; -, PreV,0US . f ,e'!tif,C e d i t i o n s ! l h kad. I cannot believe students that our religion teaches - on,--with George C. Miller acting Whinney, Miss Marjorie F. Tally The twilight Tabernacle meeting': publican nomination for state as­ ’I T ^ ^ o d tvoiild create without having people power and to actually serve the part of Dr. Dafoe. , Mr. and .Mrs. George W. Miller, will he discontinued, during Camp', semblyman, to succeed Judge J. the winter. This is the first to en-1 . Then . followed the Womahless Ambrose G. Miller,. Miss Ethel . • „ .. n b s mind a goal that is worth­ Jesus Christ. Meeting and , will be 'resumed on Edward Knight. ier during the summer months.! , .... ,, .. - , „ t wedding, with Walter D. Edowes Grimmer, '■■■', • -t» i, ,, while, Secondly, that goal can be “The recent and present' gen­ Monday, Stpetmber 2, continuing Proctor is the son of Mr. and While in the swamp tile members ,, , ... ., - introducing the visiting guests , Louis.W. Nittinger, Mrs. Wm. F. ,,, , discovered, continued Bishop erations have.-, not been dynamic and the wedding: party. The Nittingei', Mr. and Mrs. - Mahlon until Saturday, September 7, under Mrs. Phineas Proctor, '29 New ol the expedition will camp out. .Smith, “We have been putting enr in their use of religion. The main parts were acted as follows: . W. Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. Howard the leadership of Dr. Samuel B. York avenue, Ocean Grove, and Tlie- Okefinokee Swamp was, in fault is the lack of intilljgent Bride, Holly H. Decker; Groom, B. ’Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. George phasis on activities rather, than on Goff. Dr, Goff during the Camp, now resides at 403 Third avenue, the days of the Confederacy,.
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    The Ne^s of All lip News of il| The Township mtftfaftg* The Township VOL. IX, No. 23 W00DRR11KIE, N. J., FRIDAY, AUGUST 19. 1927 PRICE THREE Avenel Group Seeking Lions and Rotarians Who Enjoyed Friendly Ball Game CHILD BELIEVED BITTEN BY SNAKE, Injunction to Nullify DIES IN H0SP1 X Action j^Fire Board FINDCOPPI Three Hundred at Meeting Adopt Resolution Calling Leasing of South Plainfield Incident District Lots "Irregular"—Ellison Tells Plan of Board Reported as Hapi To Provide New Fire House Without Putting Extra Iselin—Two Year Burden on Taxpayers—No Meeting Last Night Was Victhn— Deadly tiles In Old Well Near i CAME FROM MOUNT) Some time today Attorney Nathan Duff is expected to serve an injunction against Thomas Thompson Sr. and Ritten and poisoned T>y the builder who is erecting a fire house on the district bplieved to be a copperhead a two year child died in Muhlfl lots at Avenel, restraining them from further work until Hospital, Plainfield, Saturday 1j the status of a 99-year lease given Thompson by the The child was the daughter Fire Board is reviewed in court. The demand by the and Mrs. Valentine Swtatel citizens' committee that the Board meet them in public pie avenue, South Plainfleld, meeting last night failed to bring forth the desired ef- what is known as SilvsT fect and true tp his promise, Duff is engaged today in Cares Forgotten While Still Small Voice joining the home is a vacant Public Invited to Be with an old well surrounded arranging for the injunction, Caused His Arrest bushes.
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