RED BANK REGISTER, JULY 27,1932. Moomouth Count;*! flrwi Market Plaw Left Estate to The Regiiter1! OtaulB«d Department— UTH CO.UNTY'S GREAT- > Where the Belief Find* Her Daughter 'tho Buyer. - Will of Mr», Josephine Stoffel of "Where the Buyer Meets the Seller" Thirty Word?8TER Red Bank is Probated—Well Known Rumton Resident Left Subi crip tlon Price i One Year 11.50 Six Months S1.00. Single Copy 4c. PAGES 1 TO 8} a Large Estate. ARTICLES FOR SALE. FARM PRODUCE ' MISCELLANEOUS LOST/ VANT ADVERTISEMENTS. ELECTniC refrigerator. 809.60 f. o. b., NOW IK the time to Weather strip jour BALED HAY for Bale. E. D. Lentllbon, LOST, on July * , Mrs. Josophlno Stotfet, a well- nine •quare (eefabelf space, porcelain Mlddlet6wn. phone 681. windows and doors. Call or write us lined. 68 fee cubes; Dry Zero Insulator. for estimates. H. A. Hendrlckion & Co., with Inltlala E they would hold a ape- hnown reBldont of Rod Bank for ARTICLES FOR SALE. VETCH la a nltrojren BRtherinir cover 114 Monmouth atraet, Red Bank, phone ln«\ somewhere to act on it as soon, as it See It lit TuaUng'i. 10 MonmouLb atreet. Atlantic Highl j An Outing For Business of Red many years, executed her will ih OR SALE, Winch' Hed Bank. crop of low coBt, an one bushel of eeqd 1400. a •ter 80 cilibra sun nowfl four ocroat homo jrrown seed at to W. D. Helr - January, 1823. Bho loft $200. to F*lr IIS:,, lZ'sruKK*. .51.8tl.go0 for tht! e COItD WOOD, furnace wood and fire- WANTED, UHcd EnullBh aaddlea. brldlei t. Ot 'harneai' , 11.001 wine k«gi, fl (6.00. For sale by H. T. Gtilick & Son, "" '' en complaint was received View cemctory, tho Income from place wood for Bale; price $10 per cord. Mlddlelown. K. J., phone 8S4-J. and equipment. Twin Brook Farm. Tin- Fresh Air Kiddies Bank Of f icialq nd tei dftllon. 1 , 75 cents ncl very healthy. At Coylo'a Kennels, and vegetablesbles,, squabi. broilcra andnd- ue, phona Bed Bank 8<5j. mouth. 'It was referred to tho light Nutqwamp road, phone llCfl. Red Bank, chickensickens;;; duy.-oldayold eggs.. Applly flypay TTon : I BUY and sell second-band clothes; must .The annual outing of the children At the meeting of tho mayor and weeks ago, made his will four yearn AUT1 WhltO TRUNKo streetS, Befodr Banklaid; : standard lite. g committee. ago last month. He left $100 each SPECIALLY reduced prlceB on ealeaman'a Roomm,. onee milmlloe north Red -Habile, route | ha In good condition. L. Kerber. liOJ t tho Eunice fresh air home at council of Red Bank Monday night Talcphono lied Bank 209B.M.* nartrles ladles' and misses' sport-knit ^J aouth of Headden's Corner. avenue. Red Bank, oho A check for $3,430.34 wag received lhapel hill, under the auspices of theCouncilman J. Albert VanSchoIck r«u to Marie Eaton and Mary E. Ar-BEAUTIFUEATIFUL malmaina Scotch torrlarterrier,. twtwo nults, dnaB«H and BwenUrs. 336 SafconJ FOR BALE, M kinds of fre.h'voeetnbles >m the township committee of yeara old, vlth mnrveloua pedlaree: wilill avenue, Long Branch, near 0unbar ave- V AT EH" SY3TEMB--Folrbanka-MoraaiUestS ted Bank Rotary club, will take ortcd that two unused and dllapN runtB and $50 to Robert'J. Eaton. 1 Ht the farm. Sweet corn gathered while rewBbury township for that town- Kr-lflxcoa . Fhon'CV.nnea afte«»•«r a6i»t .O0n PY>. M1/. M..*Mrs. nue. you wait; No. 1 quality. Ocortio McQueen, u-r systems installed. We «[n)cla'KeanS- ilaco Thursday afternoon of next atcd houses on West Bergen Dl*ce, All of his six and seven per corft orothy Mlnton. Red Bank 8742-M. ilp's share of the cost of Improving stock of the Public ^orvlce company wost end 01 Fattcrsort avenue, Shrewsbury, puriip rcpuirlnK. Residence. Midi nnhllr eek, following the club's usual between Bridge avenue and \v"lItovS! pE BOX. medium alted, In fair condition. J. J.. i.hono Mlddlotown 66. PI* P">""- Swimming River road. 'eekly luncheon. These outings are street, were a fire menace. He laid hcniinganil tinning.._ Fred. 0. Hii-.?°Lnaburg = J LiindJ$10S4n«ftBh;Hertbequeathe4t$.q o "WO., lnqulCT...()jj..E(itti!rtjaM» FARMERS, end truclCN»rovt«rfcwlll-8ndn : pj *P fj--. jj/f—.jifl'inm o n u ^ tiur'huiises Vera-Bcr run •flown" triad-" ready marlcet for their produce by nu- SUMMER BOARD—Shady Kniyat village rM*b7"'TfilTotiiSfiSaing'""T!i5fBfe l' St Peter P. Ervlnff.' 'All the; rest of his n, N. J, 1 id Joseph G. Weskosky of Leonardo T MISS thoBo bargains! Ltvlnr room vertlalne ID The Rcaloter .. classified coU rend. Fair Havens dellffhtfolalnts and he club's summer program and thethey were at the-point of collapsings estate, Including stock and money, 3L10.J, limns. ^ omo lor (Bmlllesi five-acre ct *1 __j ere appointed special policemen They have frequently boon uned bj] mil to $19, dining room suite $2f>, bed- cd TM O mombers and their l&dieB look for- was bequeathed to Mrs, Florenco M. oom nutte JSfi, Ice boxci, cnest of draw- 80D for Kolf courecf), ternicce, Inwna and lent meals i near ocean. Ter and JUB- thout salaries. ward to a great afternoon with tho tramps for sleeping quarters, Mr< Ervlng and she was appointed execu- >rs, droHBem, at 8t>i new bed outfit $9; cem«t«ries, ^ William Kano, MlddletQwn wlth running water; 1032 /Dp. delegated VanSchoIck expressed fear that tht 'ontnurant RUPPI.OH, office deika, books. 281-J. BUSINESS NOTICES. Z83jt5ilj!ajik j the atteh- jroup of children of the New York trix of tho will. itc, at very nttrnctlva prices. Red Bank : tr houses would catch fire and the) FIREWOOD, 13.00 tier load; locusw |joit» BAKTON CHAMBEHLAIN, contractor and WHEAT ORDERS taken tjommlttee last cnement district that arc fortunate •^urnlttirQ Auction Eoomi, 85 East Front and lumbar for sale. Cuitom sawing flames would spread to other builds Charles Lawrence Rlker, a well- trcet, phon>'218.* builder; Jobbing •epeclallr. Ill South ery Boon crop harveatr jnough to iave been sent for . known Bumson rosldont, executed done. Charles G. Bennett, Mlddtetawn. atreot. Red Bank, phone 8S5I. many poultry men came ; Activities of the ings. 3IHLS1 BIOVCLB for BHIO, practtcally new, N. J.. phone 70. week's stay at tho fresh air home hlB will In 1015. All of his wearing JOSEPH PKONE, mason, bi]lldcr &nd croi) sold out. Price rlrjn a very I :hrough the courtesy of charity The taxes on the houses have noli *10. Call Red Bank 2.084-W.* SOD, top .oil, fill dirt, cinderl, gravel, general contructor; fiitlmatet. planfl, apparel, Jewolry, silverware, house- 'OR SALE. 28-foot cabin cruiser, com- manure: also grading of all kinds. PriceB riiociflcatloni furnslhedi jobbing and altoaltorr- aLUM^SNu^nFT *™ O'»«« Woman's Club ivorkers. been paid for several yeara arid foil hold furniture and automobiles wore pletely equipped; self starter, motor and rliht. ClnuJo C. VVrlcht, Mttle Sllvor. atlons ulven speciaill attentiontti . Ol lle a24 2466 convalescents, ohron'Dg to what he had For several seasons, with the ex-this reason they arc virtually owned ender; S17G.0Oi'h&ve no .use fnr same, W. J,, ph£no Bed Bank HJ%J. lyftlghlon avanue, Red Bank, phone 186. ous cases. Licensed, and BUbStanCO of by the town—They have deteriorated, - bequeathed to his wife, Selena 8 ;eption of last year on account of the Klkor. Ills godchildren, Margaret B. loo Mr. Brooks. Fair HnvonYicht Works. TJSED TIItES, off makes ami »lic», ?1.00 CURCKIN'3 for roil art. Curchln's harder private rooms. 700 B' Executive Board of Red Bank Into a condition beyond repair* Tha up. Stout'B The Store, 121 West front shop la tha place whore art means some- phone Red Hank nfantile paralysis epidemic, the Ro- Strong, Francos |T. Rlkor, Helen 8, nti-oit. Red Ilniili. phono 1T42. WANTED"i;i)5orBan' Improved streets, Club Met Monday—Various councilmen, on Mr. VanScholck'a rec* thing. For real proof try as once, and :arians have annually taken from ommendatlon, voted to have' them) Schrocdcr, Hamilton P. Benjamin, scrap books will Illustrate talks given liEDLINC.TON torricru for Bale, ft no BPOCI- then you will always. This alio applies tank; must bo In tional garbage col- Committees Made Reports on seventy to a hundred children on an monBi ono year old, Mr. J. Deeley, For- to ladlen and children. Second National Rltmu, Red Bank. Joro policemen, Det them razed. 2d, Gerard S. Sworda and Ainory L. Frldny afternoons ot Station WJBI Dank building, Red Bank. Upatalra. afternoon's outing and theso affairs est nvenue, Tlnton Falls, N. J. MORTGAGE money ,cnt, employment for Their Work and Plans. Councilman Thomas M. Gopslll Haslcell, Jr,, wero each bequeathed at Red Bank by MIOB Grace Mal- have not only brought joy to the $2,000, • His property on KaBt 70th FOlt'SfVLEJ FatrbankivMorao automntlc THE HIGHEST prices paid for live chick- w?b£BM Kd"l^anin seaweed anand called attention to an automobile aca chow.. All ontrlea must be received eloctiic rump, suitable for BIX or el«ht- ens. Joe Baker, 280 Mechanic street, e The executive board of the Worn hearts of the youngsters but have al- a street, Now York, was bequeathed to at tho statlonon or before next phone Red Bank 2309. the bayshoro beach cident at the corner of Maple avenue) room houBO; good condition; no further .n's club met at the clubhouse Mon so helped to make many a Rotarlan and Bergen place early Sunday; his-wlfo absolutely and arm was also Tuesday. The name and address of use for name. Price $25. Charlea E. Fal* FORMERLY of Goerke Co, papering S7.75. improvemontB; lrainage, dust preven- lay morning with Mrs. Hosea Chark remember when ho was a "kid" am ardeau, box lBrMlddiotown'. ~~——— tncludlng~ matotlalr any""room"lfi ther ?1°H d(flltraveiC^ar'0U8 8^re6*s* a B*-°P morning before daylight. Cars art) left the sum of $50,000. Mr. Rlkor each entrant are required to be print- housol room painted S5.76. Go evary- irceldlng in the absence of the presi- for the afternoon the "big boys" o id on the front page of each book. DINING ROOM suite of ten nieces, four- will SELL J B'-ggJ' the appointment supposed to come to a full atop ht* bequeathed jancrhalf nf_thn_ residue - lilcca-hcilrnflm-suite,.-Venetlaiv-mlrrotlB!- ^vhera Exterior work guaranteed. Mor- ent, _Mra^ Mildred .A. Archer.— Rotary are kids once more. tore ~ enterting "Maple" avenue ftoxti lateBt stylos; lirnml new, just uncrnted, fit rlBsoy, Frlcdlaniler Co.V 611 Xvburr sve- aey Central pomen policemen To serve Frank Curtis, program chairman, " of hiB estate aria one-half of the loss than wholesale price. Would like you nuo. phone Afibury Park 8860. This year they will go to Belveder Bergen place,'as is indicated by ai ferred stock, naries. street Bprinkllng, nnounced that the first program property over which ho had tho pow- to BCO thorn. Atlantic Furniture Ware- CESSPOOLS cleaned, cellars due, scoop- lower water rates beach at Keansburg where specia atop street sign. Mr. Oopslll said ha house, 86 Honmouth ntreot, Red Bank. Inn and grading at reasonable ratea. .eeting following the club luticllGon er of appointment, according to the Eatontown News. things. have been rhado Tor" lBe~Hofar- wished, to draw attention to. the ne- LAWN MOWER, urlndlnir machine, hand. Howard Mox.on, phons Atlantic High- in September 30th would ba an ln terms of tho will of his father, to MB lands 775. Aisit by tho management. The cessity of obeying all street «topi - executors to be invested and tho In- (Tha Red Bank"Bnrlsijr can ba boushl piWor: 1','j hrji. chelnoi cheap.' C. W. Teieriione'Rnudlng: his"statement abou ernational house program featuring Wen will be given the free run ot In Eatontown from Nobla Moiby at tht Lovorontz, Belford, N. J^ ton avenue. , needB of East Keans- signs. Hc said the police would come therefrom paid to his wife dur- JOSEPH L. KNIGHT, auctioneer, over and Bulgaria. Mrs. Arthur F. Swift, his poitofliea and at Frank Marcello't barber ENliUSH "Betters, pedigreed, roglatered at GYuPSI Tor- Breton stated that he hoped Klace under tho guidance of thestrictly enforce the ordinance! re-* - Ing bar lifetime. After her death •hep.) tho American Flold Club. J. Deeloy. twenty years' experience eelllns :orian, announced that a history o Corner.' Lhad not forgotten to mention outlpg committee, who will be assist- quiring stops to be made and he rex one-half of the capital of this trus Forrest'nvonuo. Tlnton Falls, phone Eaton", goods at auction. 1 sell anything any. the Junior and Young Woman's clu quested the newspapers to make thin Mrs, T£crna Frazier 1B improving town 8S8-J. Your tortig. Amid ' much laughter, ed by a. number of tho Iadle3 who al- • 'Is to go to Mr. Biker's brothers arid nhira. Phono Eed Bank 727.W. was being prepared. Mrs. Trevonia so tiellght being with the kiddies on known. sisters and tho otber half to suchfrom an "operation porformed at the OUTBOARD boat, with motor, 5100; out- % "'»"-•. d W. Roberts, the township Bennett, art chairman,' announce Long Branch hospital two weeks ago. bonrd boat $07.60. "dinghy $52.50. faT^n* • Ea'd ne could not Imagine any these outings. Recorder William J. Poulsoni person or persons as Mm Kike: Thompson Boat Works, 2 Center Btreot, that her subject will bo "Llvin Mr. and Mrs. Harold King enter- SADDLE HORSES—Wo buy. sell and ex-Keyport that had been overlooked. Th This year's committee consists of turned In $67 in flne3 which he har^ shall In her last will and testament Scabrlsht. N. J. chance high class show and pleasure Lrtists," but that her plans had nol Mort V. Pach, chairman, who ap-collected the past month. His TM direct Tho othor half of th'o residue tained Mr. King's lather of Gutten- COCKER • SPANIEL IIUDPICS for B«1Ohorse»; . polo ponies and hunters. A large north ojhip committee acted on each •et been completed. Tho garden de- berg over tha week-end. <• pointed John H. Mount, Edward port showed that 37 persons had; Is also to bo hold In trust and th< champion riedlurecd stocks: male $25, apartment always on hand. Twin Brook FURNIjinjnt an^ suggestion separately. partment, with Mrs. Elmer B. Mnr- been arraigned, nine lined for ordi- Mr. and Mrs, William Hesse enter- female $15. Thomas A. Hayos, 32 Ocean* Farm, Tlr • - •• andUrk'as voted to grant some of the re- Denlse, William Weeks, William Rus- income paid to Mrs. Rikcr during port qvenuo, Long Branch. phone 516. row chairman, will have a gardoi sell, William Miller, Gordon Ryno, nary offenses, five fined for motori hor llfetlmo or until her remarriage. tained Mr. Hesse's brother Francis tlon osts. Others were referred to com- iVid Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Hesso of DOAT. fourteen feet, built especially for TRUCKING, moving, hauling; all goo Is exhibit tho third week in September Chris Berge, Thomas Head, Joseph violations, thirteen discharged aflr*, Upon hdr remarriage or death tho outboard motor and rowing: excellent carefully handled. Fhone Red Baaa cU'rn'.tees or to Thomas B. Day, the Miso Gertrude Norman, counaolo: Salz, Thomas Irving Drown, John ten sent to the county Jail. Palisade over the week-end. condition; In commission) atrons, safi S187*W for prompt service. U'.tman'a «i-;iVnshlp supervisor of roads. Wit capital Is to go to Mr. Rlker's broth Ablet price. S3E. Apply John Huhban press, 183 Mechanic atreet, -*.ed •- -Bank • , for tho Young Woman's club, namei Lawioy, John L. Montgomery, Wll' Favorable action was taken on. ai . era and Bisters and unto the Issue o Mrs. Martin Slnnet of South street, Ngard to water and gas rates, thi who is a patient at the Monmouth Monmouth Boat eluh. Red Bank.* MADAME SARA HARDING, trained Scr- as her advisors Mrs. Sarah Normal liam A. Sweonoy. Fred Schatzlo, Gilrequest from the board of educatioit Buch brothers and sisters. Mr. Bike' ICE BOX • In Rood condition, porcelain olls corsetiere, 227 Bergen place, or durimmittecmen 6aid they could no vico counselor. Mrs. Herman Asendorf for $25,000 to meet school expenses.; Memorial hospital, is slowly improv- phono 807-M, Red Bank. Manson. Dr. Allan Randall and David In his will named his wife and hi ing. She Is expected home in about lined, with, built-in water, cooler with firing about any change in view. Mrs. Edna Manson and Mrs. Williarr Matthews as his assistants. Rotary All the members of the town's ex* brother. Samuel Rlker, and tho Bank •plBot. Call Redjionk 8007-R. HAVE your clothes cleaned at the City .ecent decisions made by the stati 1 two weeks. Dry Cleaners, 0 Mechanic street, near Wirth. Miss Norman reported thai President Maurico Schwartz will al- ecutivo board were present Tha - of New York and trust company a ICE BOX for nnle. _ rst class condition. «utilities commission that these Mrs, Julia Meyer of Koyport and Ph< lie 1928 Red Bunk. Dread strcoU Red Bank. Phone 2117. WIN 140 was cleared at a dance held so havo an active part in the arrange- meeting was one of the shortest held executors of the will. Hum Oiitrov. proprietor. 'jcliargec were to remain unchanged, Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeSantls and KEROSENE itove, five-burner (Dangler centiy at the Molly Pitcher hotel, ment of the outing. this year. ' > * daughter of Long Branch were week- Lorraine) : built.ln oven; very good con* TYPEWRITER hs.dquarlors. TypewrlUn ] After Mr. Breton got through tell- dessert bridge will bo held by the Mrs. Cella Holmes of Red Bank dltloh, for anlo cheap. Inc.uii'0 of Mrs. rented, bought and Bold. Trubln'a, S8 ing nbout the wants and needs After the children make tho rounds end visitors at the home ot Mr. and Charles Flock, Colt's Neck, phono Free- Broad atreet. Red Bank. young women on August 22d at a made hor will laBt May. Sho left $25 East Keansburg, he made a criticism of the many concessions and fun each to her daughtor, Lucy Stevens, Mrs. Joseph Mnzza. hold 272-J-2." CHIOKENS wanted > nlll cay private home. Mrs. Tony Hunting, Monmouth Players 1 about a raid which was made aboul making devices, there will bo a bas- and her two grandchildren, Norman The W. C. T. U. will meet this af- SAIL BOAT, 17-(oot, bird class, jib main , market prlcea for fowls and broilorat-k drama chairman, announced hor ket party in the large grove south of ternoon at 2:30 o'clock at tho Pres- sail; Bests Ave; very seaworthy. Two Call or write Alex Zwlckl, 80 NottlU two years ago at,the Civic associatioi ommittee as Mrs. Mildred A. Archer, in Popular Comedieaj and Phyllis Stevens. All her personal Balls (one brand new); fine condition; full llroadway. Long Branca. N. JM pho: hall at East Keansburg. This hal tho amusement park where they will byterian manse. equipment; sail coyer, etc. Owner Inlying 1600. Mrs, Irving Lovett and Mrs. Richard property and a hmiso and lofon West was built SDVeral years ago at th have ft ?Png test and a feast of ice Bergen place, together with all th Mr. and Mrs. William Feuler of larger boat. Will consider nny reasonable WtLUANTV. WETIUCfl, plumblne. Hackstaft. Mrs. George T. Linton. "From the" rbughTand" bawdy taitt~ price. Docked at Uuxlun'a Bout Yard, lnK and Unntnv. Puinpa and wlndn j expense of residents of East Keans welfaro chairman, announced that rest of hor proporty were bequeathed Villa place spent Sunday in Pennsyl- Pleasuro Day. S. Morris, Long Branch repaired. Agent for Master carbuiSaay" of "The Gfeeks had a Word for It,'' vania. Trust Co., Long Branch. burg who contributed money for thii the third Monday of each month to hor two grandchlldron. Mrs. coal saving device. Fits any furnac-j • purpose. At the time the place wai Zoo Aklns's uproaring comedy oS Holmes appointed William E, Hoc! supper will be served on the Lelghton avenue. Red Bank. Phnne -O 15 would bo observed as a sewing day tliree young Broadway girls "on th») lawn of 8t. Dorothea's church DODGE motor boat, runabout model, SAVE 40%. build now. Frnnk Scot, raided It was rented and conducted for tho Red Cross. Mrs. A. E. Rus-Permission to executor of tho will. by Michael Russell. Tho raid was make," which tho Monmouth County, Wednesday afternoon, August 10th, for asla very reasonable. For fur- tractor and builder, phone 84/ soll, legislative chairman, will have players arc offering this week at tn« Mrs. Louisa Wolf of Kcansbun 3ank. P. O. Address H. F. D. No.e 0| or_ made on tho basis of a disorder' charge of the October club meeting left $1,000 to her daughter, Ellzabet from 5:30 to 8:80 o'clock. The menu ther particulars by telephoning Red Dank. Hold Block Dance Red Bank Elks' auditorium, the com* will feature various saladB. Virginia Bank 210, SAME"MONEY—L«t m« give you,™ "J conduct charge. and she announced that there would pany turns to high comedy next w«eM W. Mattern, In a will which Bho exe Ionmoutn ham, hot corn, cake and les cream, mato on that plumbing or ho>» •'Mr. Breton salt! tho raid was u bo a nuitablo spoa'ker. Tho bicenten- with tho first Jersey coast presenti* eutetl a year ago last August. Sin TRAILER with tent 7*12 f cot to fit; live Complete Standard bathroom liday night nial tree committee will be combined Rumson Commissioners to Al- also left $2,000 to this daughtor, sami Tho Ladles' aid will meet tomor- • aboard, o(T tho ground; no tten t pegs work guaranteed. Leo F. RlBtatvi» Y justified and should not have bee tlon of Phillip Barry's greatest »uW row afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the to drive. Will sell trailer alone If desiredid , H. J., i.hone Keansburg E05-Wt110 made. Hc 6aid Mr. Russell had beci with the garden department. low Fire Company to Rope cess, "Holiday." > to be paid to her at the expiratio on Front parsonage. reasonable. Giles, 110 Madison avenue, FASHIONABLE! dressmaking. of two years after tho doath of Mrs. lied Bunk.* 8 negotiating to buy the hall, but th Others present, at tho meeting ho-! Off Section of River Road Though the story of "Holiday" miaf Rev. i Leroy T. Dlllener led the nnd buttons made. IP attended, as a result of tho raid no sale wi sound thin. In a brief telling It deal* Wolf. All of her roal estato was be- RABillTS on sale at all times; Men Zea-CS Wallaca atreat, Red .ion will bo sides those mentioned were Mrs.' August 19th and 20th. prayer meeting at the Presbyterian land Whites, priced low; Bcnlor and jun* made. Hc declared that If the tram queathed to hor son Walter to hol -id Men's Ho- John IviiM, Mrs. Horace Cook, Mrs. with really charming people of todaj; church last night. lor does for hreedent: flnmo (lorn bled. W. TUEOHA BROWN. raodlat< action had gono through about $30,0C and embodies in it some oC the mo»S In. trust for the benefit of hlmscl Cultrell Itnbbltry. Everett road, Evorett, mouth coucountl v Horace G. Fowler. Ml3. Richard Pui mission to lope off a section of find his sisters, Gcrtrudo Wolf am Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Taylor re- phone Red Dank 1318-W-l. alterations. costumlnK, h' , ° , « y- would have been received for distr: Blcknell, Mrs. Clifford Humphrey, River road for a block danco Aug- brilliant and scintillating dialogue turned Saturday from a motor trip cotlnK. pleating, etc. Cos elected Its first bution among East Keansburg rea Anna W. Stumpf. All the' rest of he SPEED BOAT for sale; (lar Wood, 28 feet. Prlce" ' a teatiBonable. 64 Wflogert and Ed- Mrs. Allan Frost, Mrs. John Boyland, ust 19th and 20th for tho benefit of we have yet heard in tho Amertcial estate was equally divided among ho: -to Mlddletown. N. Y, Can be bought cheap. Call Red Bank Bank, phona 1559. dents who had contributed money Mrs. John R. Morris. Miss Josephine the Rumson tiro company was grant- theater. Mr. Barry's more Import* 088-J.' lamcd first and 1 four children. Tho Methodist Epworth league ARTHUR E. BOVCE. Pi wm. ™ n 7 buy the land and build tho hall. W VVeeks. Mlsa Floreneo Kridcl, Mrs. ed at a meeting of the mayor and ant plays Include "Paris Bound, * took charge of the Saturday night FURNITVJIIE for snte: dlnlns room bullet, wall paper expert; sr"' William Oster- Broton criticised tho Mlddletow Monroe council of thnt placo Thursday. The "Tho Youngest," "Tomorrow and To* Mrs. Elizabeth A. Ashmcado services at Cedar Beach last weok. "server.^table and six chnlrs, $26. R. D. ihlp; reasonable -prices i .ocrctary and W. Flegenhcimer, Mrs. Edna Garalda, EBBOX atrcet, East Konnsburg. township polico for having made th manson danco will be held on the block be- morrow," "Holiday," and last season'* West Long Branch left all of hoi vice free. yOur decor,aen aa treasurer. and Mrs. Lester Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin VonKeuren UNCLAIMED Btoraiio furnltiire7"new"snd reSn\be^tV«|6^ raid and for having hold the hea tween Center street and the Avenuo smash BUCCC33, "The Animal Klng-t property to hor daughtor, Aurllla H and daughter Elizabeth visited at used; Ice boxes $3 up, beds S2 up. sev. made sergeant- ings of the persons arrested befoi of Two Rivers. A fair will bo indom." "Holiday" has been by iar thrf Sharpe, In a will which Sho execute Chester, Pa., over the week-end. Miss en>plere dining room suite S1 D.751 chain, UmOLSTERINCJ, dra Justice Louis H. Moose of Belfon most popular play offered. In any ofi a few days beforo her death. Sh dressers, radios, pianos, gnn ranges and ers madde to orded r i Halfley of Rumson, 'conjunction with the danco and VanKeuren Is planning to go to odd pieces, All bargains. Time payments Hc said there was no reason why tl booths will be erected along the curb. the summer theaters. Its production appointed her daughter as executrl. camp next week. arranged. Atlantic Furniture Warehouse, 1 vfr" romh Fair lUil Monmouth county pcrGons chargod with disorderly co by the Monmouth County player* 3fi Monmouth street, Red Hank. E. iloNe.js Nonvoo'lttee, explained the John Pfciffcnborgcr Is general chair- William H. Brown of Neptune Clt Mr. and Mr«. Charles Lavene mo- duct should bn taken to court at B nan. promises to i each the high peak ot left all of hln estato to his wife, Marj tored to Alabama Wednesday to visit UPRIGHT piano and old Blclnh lied for ELECTRICAL wfrVn-'ub and wished the ford when ho (Mr. Breton) had a His Last Horse their season here as they hava an« bungalow or hourlon SUCCCS3. Other At Thursday night's meeting James H. Drown, In a will which he mad Mr. Laveno's mother, who Is serious- Bale. Tclonhnna Hod Dank 1018. court to deal with such casas at Bast gaged a cast ot players excellently. on tho Fourth of July. Mrs. Browi ly ill. Their son, Clarence, cut hisBOSTON HULL, three yean olil; excellent Kcansburtf where the complaint was C. Auchlncloss, chairman of the po- I>c'I«!ii<^! ; Mayor Ray- made. Other residents of East will bo headed by Miss Aleta Freely coff poiplmcnt of Harold J. Peters as con- GoorRo E. Powell, Sr., of Englteh yard. A number of stitches were re- way, Kntnntown, N. J." LldUTrilNR liOI> °' Koyport, enndi- Kcansburg voiced similar beliefs. smithing in Order to Give His now an established favorite here, who) town disposed of n largo estato In quired to clo«e the wound. DURO' olorliln w ler pump, {rood coudl- Reduces Insuranolder; Georgo W. Bray, Entire Business Time to stable with tho understanding that Justice Mcose attempted to answer lie will resign when hc obtains steady has already played the stellar part lnl will which ho executed last Novom A' son was born to Mr. and Mrs. tloni complete 20. Address Cox 171. Wheel wrigh ting. "Holiday" with great success in flwt Leonnrdo.* descriptive llte^ed Bank, Councilman Justice Breton, but hc was stopped work. i ber. Ho left his house, together wlt Frank Marcello Saturday. Ho hasUi'IUCHT Wagner pluyer plnno, Hood con- boforo he finished his remarks. The other summer companies, Other4 ; &U furnishings, to his wife, Ida «on & Co.. 11.. Gopslll nnd Joseph R. Robert R. Sutphin of Holmdel has Jnrnr-3 P. Bruce, chairman of tho been named Charles Joseph. Mr. dlllon; $r,oo when now. No reasonable 1408. Bed nan shrowshiuy. commlUecmcn snld It was not part of with Important rolea Include | , Powoll, on condition that his i nnd Mrs. Marcotlo wero visited by offer refused. Address Player Pleno, box ult shoeing horses after having road committpo, reported that cal- ; Ml. Ited Hank.* a ot tno ncw their duties to review a polico court spread on a I Morris, Gavin Mulr, Bon Hosgland, George should have tho right to 1 friends from Jersey City Sunday. MONEY T( organization een engaged in that business 55 cluni chloride has TltY of our homcmndi bread. pl._ moitgaf"'8 o£ Herman Ritzau, pro- case and it was on this ground that cars. Hc is still carrying on his section of Hanco roau.. Rosa Alexander, Rosalind Ruu«l| there until h» Is 21 years of ago Ollvor Dennis, Agnes Cotgrcave and rakes at llooth'e Lunch anil Bnkery Justice Mecsc was not permitted to _ . *!«%«>>• u b«^4 ••« <• a*.ill unnvi J mediate it the Globe hotel, after the business. llo hn.i turned Robert V. White, chairman of theand others. S until ho voluntarily leaves horn and Abblo Dangler left Monday for t, 2H Stiiewabury avanuo, Red Bnnlt. conclude his talk. The upshot of the Some of tho bo«t rolls In New Jorney may •ra, res,'. A buffet lunch wan served ver his horseshoeing work to Erv- finance committee, reported that no prior to that time. All hi" jewelry Pcnnlngton to attend tha Epworth Wonmoi which Herbert Edwards matter was that the committee MAIL CARRIKH WINS SUIT, j And ono automobllo wero bequeathed longuo institute there. Rev. Lewis M. be bought Tor 20c per dozen, linked frenh ig & Williams of Mlddletown vll- decision has been made regarding the every dayy. . Stoop In or'rnlorrnll lied BuBunnk . o.s mister of ceremonies. adopted a motion Instructing tho po- ge. Dnvld Morris of Hazlf,, who offer for tlio purchase of three lots to his eon George All thn rest ot Cano took them in his car, 2424U.U , and wo 1111 gladlldly dldelivei r your or Ico that, whenever possiblo hearings A Verdict of $5,000 In Favor o( lja*i his estate was left In triut to tho Mr. and Mrs. Carl Whllehurat nnd der. PU1MBI as employed as n hoiseshocr by owned by the horough on the shoro should bo held In tho village or lo- Ir. Sutphin. wu.i laid off Inst week. of the South Shrewsbury river. rj Y. Smith of Hell Bank. - Monmoutli tltln company. From tho children, Helen anil Cnrl, returned NEW AND UHKI) furrTltute o( the botttr FFXLOWS AS TIIESFIANS. cality where tlic clwrgoa wero mndc. gisilc . IlllfP-l'lt. Inn room suite Mr, Sutphin was one of the beat A tax check for $70 w;ig received A verdict for damngeg of 18,000 Incomo each of his children, Frnnk, homo last week from a trip through bedrooin suite J3» ; JUDMCO nrcton thanked tho commlt- «1».7II cil«, | foiir-plero w l0 lta r cs( nt< nown horacshoers of Monmouth frtini the Horo buses company. Fred, Anna, George, Ruth, Dorothy thn Now England states, They left ' ' Ulll^H flllll mnltteNKoH, ruui, etc.. wns given In favor of Harry T. nt KsRjf tirms arranged. iven!° ' ' ''l nt fieiibrlght teempn for taking thlH action. :ounty nntl for many yours ono of and F.dni\ Powell, In to recolvo an for a motor trip to North Carolina nl mlroa. ,TATf Novemlier 10th nnd lltli. Hmlth of East Front street. Red All! llo Kiirnlti Warahoun*. 85 Mon- A short llmo ngo Jetties were built ho buslcHt. After the ' 'vent of thr Bunk, In a suit which ha brought1 •qunl of tho Inenmo until each Mnndny morning, month ntieet, ltpd llnnklk , _ ATTENDING TIIK OI.YMI'ICS. ,,!™,;'Corporal 12agcn" In the, title oklo comoily to bo presented No- bench nt Hint rilucc The township jut a few ycurs »co there WIIH n & Hons monumental works compainy In addition in tho nliaren uoriu<>n.lhcd end guentn Mr. nnd Mrn. Charles fiiur yllnikr rnslne, fnr salt; KIKIII Two Hed Hank Ijiwjcrh l'"ly In fl«lilnit " nembor 10th nnd 11th by tho Odd l'el- immlttee appointed a commission to nrgo of horseshoeing worli to hln daughters ho loft WM for I-nwronce of lCnat Orange. Imnt. din bo KIKMI at rnt 1 en'n nr rft nt I.OM Aiifielr f ,1'crth Amboy and Joieph fi. Wall- • lurk, Itlvn- I'ls'a. Apply 12 llillibnnl ' owR' lodgo of HoubriKht at Uowiicr's n."rioKa tnxra fnr lliln work ugalnettho it Holmdel nnil vicinity, duo to oev- each on« to ho lined In their rducn- John Ilcnnett will accompany Itov. v ,n,' nf Keypurt. The cnne wai tried avenue. Lbniin l{ml Unnk :t W n n - J j • * !mll. Over forty pomonn from Hea- property ownrTH benefited. Thn copi- rnl farmfi having been bought !>y Two Keil ltiiiik lawyers, I.ooa Ueil!> tlon. From tho share of hln sonnnd Mr». Carlton H. Wliltohcntl on a FOU HAM:. Iliiuniigln all'llriK ms'rhiii.; i: ore Judge llullf V. Lawrtnca •• George a n»nl!l,o at ^(^. 110 'airfield, lown, nnd In n clean, pnlrl- thin report will lie brld nt the l.loienniti, HIT nltendlnn thii IOlympic itanilliiK nn Wycknff place, near ft of thirty yearn the iurcutali. roiir-ollnitir hr,nn '",,, Ilir IKIIIIC. Thn Irlld wml Illcd. Ml . iinlvr-nilty TINTON VM.IiH lTAI(Vr,HT 1 llnrry M. Utrilllll, who incut ly !Hceiii on hlii fni'r, ..II .•»,!., I IIU ii.w. I .II II..I '"" "' HilHPnIliirilu: lilliillKln 1 111 Ihn !illn|i r r. Irfiiiiinul nf |(dil liitnk und th« inn. num. f,ir >ta >ld hln ftlini nriu Viiiulrlinn y, I 1'iiiniMii wuti iluili ninii i.r ttm MI'l | Dnilua Viiiulriinnik I" Improving where ho In nnw, tnriyliiK mi i|i>fpni|nnt« Iiml .1. Vlnlor Curlon of Annunl Kvrllt 1UM nt tlin Vlllnin Mai'ls i ,ai,i.. II..I Hank,' ten nml a New York nlntn 11,111 v, will have 11 illi-liiwn tiiwimlilii llbmry hiniid 11m Mill I ( I 1.11 HIS OWN HON. ' fltilll 0,11 IlilinnM, vherlwili;ht hilill/enfi, Anliuty I'mk fur Ilinlr Inwycr. Hrltdnlliiillisn lAnt \Vnlnrai1ny, -J -tev, Mr. niA of iKitlnrtiiili! KiHitln llntunl'tv nf- he Iiml Imrn nrttvn In ninny move | Mrr>, AiU II. Nnfnw, Mm. A. O. 1 AUTOM0UILE3 OI'IKMIII nn Ilin pi en1lnr.11. 'Ilin niir MH'llln Tin I tin lienellt nT Ilin Itiwimlll|i iiiinl. Ili-lil Morn limn 100 |inrwmi wrrn tm-vnl Monby nllil B(in Nnliln spent tlilnn Trrrllnry I'lmmilliliilecl. Itllilgn I'mly nil llnal, ( loll In arlir-itillril In li»i;|n 111 llnlf- tlrnrun II. Ki-rlliull nnhnl Hint n |>nnl twrlvo iiVlorh, wllh Wnllrr 11, Hi eiimn lm'il nvrr wrrli einln rillllp Mimln, lllllllliKl'l' nf tile I li'il I |iiiily (.f Itml MilllViflil enJnjKl • hi.inn nf Ilin 'I'llitnn K,i||, MrlhoclUI liftto Mis. Hnfr * Blt^ndoil ( Tin •t;o,| wllh lt>. Duo In nUtnr!inn. at •y. •.-Lit •I nii'l (lint dilrli ml rH|>i'll"n wiiuld In 'il'lny nli;hl Iiy 1 'oilrnmn ii < 'hit mint (if Ilio ilnnlli (,r Mi. Mninil, illlipi, which nnvn Mnlilil"illli "U'l Mm. Umiloi (lll.lln nil,I Mla« Ell» liimliy vlllr>nr« nnil hnvrm Ilin nllrn I an I,. Kin si )4 Itunlt nh. Mia. Olhirln* irrnm |li« nnln i,f .Ihuirr lli'll^U $nll nl'li'i nil ll witlinlil InnllPil ll/ .llln' iiminl Hfilvirp yntUniny Iiy wroflut: wr. |., •' 10 filch nn, nml l.nllilni:. 'Ill" |fi|lll'il f llm nr-W cininnllilillril If 1 ll IIIHIPII, Mm .lulin 'I'mnny, Jr., unfl I, « l''lnlil< .1. Hull nf llm 111|, I.I;, nilr. WAD tnnllxmi, ,, (t 1 ir,I |II th,, pullre itiiiimll WnlUr It- llnnily, ful 111'-1 ly Mln»r,i Mr!,,, l.onir, Miimrsl Intiln, of faiuy nitlrka lil.,.li:lit Ilio Inlnl a HaR (ill Ilia mall Inloli. 'I'llts* , •» (if a.^ialm. I'rriHh DrminmUliiK. |,iir tlm Mit-Hint Minn Ilir 'Ilie r.ini|.lnlnl wn |[n or Ili Avim nflli , linn l" Maii'uiil Mni ray, Maiilim ll»»l/, crnn4 plnrpailn tt|i It, }|r>(), AH 'if til" !• llm nml. nimlva.raa.iy In l"« nl> , nml l.lll W l.r.niln lid tilnriitnlun DVri n |,| i ,(ni»t-,l nlill tin IN'" wlfo, Mm. I'p, Ho llfMnii. •' llm »l,,i, .. |i n|.[M.|i)lni«lil (•) Imvn ttini iliror, i pllril (,, MmitiiMlin mul Mary W«rm««r, Tooil wnN hot. IIBI'II fur Ilin (HMN^IS mid In tlila wi«y, f llirliliili.l't. win, hi nrii.tiul-.l fni. 910. 11, iHfit it) mill tii"• 1 nun In ttiinpr.] poinolm wnUUnil ll 111* hnlfin'n WftB illnp'iffil (if al pjl li.M lid. llpMnl.'t Wun nt , l*w|, M, ('„•„ ||i, q |r, ,i'.«l<-'l t! I III. "lWll'« IntfBt, ("HI ln|n(» nlylm illllllR nilllci nn (ilini-ln nl Has vain rali>«. Thn rHnrl nH><>llllt (IfiniM !:;",f,r llnll nn.I mi 'llm AtKiirl IU«Uili«nl, fun,i a.n alia, U of IIIIIPIIIIMH. in Klvn-ldn iliivo, Ur I IH I-. "nlmtiilly In wrnl rltinlta (if "tun *;') Aviii.rl iKMiUvAlit, n|>p(>(illa Ml'*!" l« n<>l V^l kilnwn, nil thn lillU f'it t>% luj : lull fin llm Htm nl llm ||i«h' Itiiliart Itllrema, ami i<[ Mr. and A'lvrf Itdoninttt, fill"! l-dYOllllii 11VN III- l.tlllllllR li'lll' |..1ol. Kimli I'llilllrl 11111111 of Mdlll tin.i i ml., l^ing lumrh, N. J. lUI* pensaa Itavrt |i(it lip ill |itranntp't. MID. laoan II, llnriaai nf Tllllnn avr" lll, It'.U, till, itiiiiliilllrniiltin flnlcl Hull lilt ill «l!t, Iiml llnilll, Ilimln II Kill- "' lull «|l,1fll|(!lll (ll|l!lf|», II l*>. AIM * him, Ilia Ull.i imil. df !••! * lia ftul"! In Ut Inilli'liy: nllV tar wmlin lint) l.fBllnl Ihlq iiuilln lit Wllllal l«W I'lv Hill CP'1'111 I" Ilia Illn In t all". |U|,«al.|t|l|.l«. t'hnfl* l'lllllllll. i fiinplQln ]-iU wiitlh It r.U. I Ii. lilo llrrtlgxtRlnrX attlll rv(l f. n. h W..U will, lila namnlsi. II* l< rliUf I llnalei, l|lt< |,.wii>lii|i I nllliarl, on llnlllel TnVliM "( M' I." I' l^nie lltnn'lt il^l,' A'lvtit " f'"' nil «••« In 1,1 i,ve V'• ft«t v|''Pttli»r, Mirtiiunljl h |l lltioillll , ;'l I l I>' <'Min|>any «l Maw Tnrh, (lltAIIAH him. 'Ilii-v •aid Hify nnnl'l ml • Prlsiw. orfnini f.ii- Momp at ths !tr-«t l«({!lla 'I'Mlllla |llrln loalllltlul n'.'HI lh«illnl|,,|l It,. I.. a».| | ? I( tf|«m«« U«tiN» «l»r Will "I'lm IAIIIM' «|.l KII.,,,1.,1 • aupi-r ' •'1,W l , 1 >• limy wcin o.lvl-t.1 I.V M lllhlll lin tl w-ol llliinnalllli: ,| |t«,| lilliri (Jlfi Up II I 'nt I'.M o.nim |i|nl« t>f l« M • t 'I'llltiin ITalla Wa.lili.ii.y niglil. n 11,1. In fniif li«n« »hn , Ol nt ir..1 Ilinlion nv ", plum" nvj »• .IJIH Tim ritgiaitiens InciiliiU nf T(«w'11'" H'l'Wi'llll Ixgna raha ••!> li.|,l Ati|i»l t II It IU15 1 |HttlT ,i, |>a|i ol 1 ,,et 11 1. |'|i"O« (IKS Itml k Tnik )<•• ufltifl i,il.«.« .if |n In gulit itilv Hi. IIU 1,1, |licl.,n nl.,, at« "> h> Ml.l.ll. 1 «•' li». "V 1, v Mi srid in mi |«, M : Illlll. rtn i|,«| mt'l 1 • tk wsts lif I'li'tMia |>il*ilea fur iil ll f in., Pi o.l, l.t, N, •1 , |.IM lm ,1«*< PIII lay, AnH'i lilt n t'loino Mixle I lull, ll|,i>«.Irr, rhlMlcit III * lie.1(1, aih't «.l,ll.(|,,l, u )„ ||la »(|B,|,, nvaUnl al I'lnitl |(r>n h«ln|t fl ml Hi IMi.t Ul.ln A tif\ nnnlai • quill Iliower 1,1111' tl. .,|S|, l.o.U i.,,nl"«l , Ilillill-M In, A'1» rt. Mir** «.i If nr ninny |>«l*'.|ia wllil l|ae,| III T/|l«r*>fll*f tl«MSitr|llaitai Wlnit «V«IIH» tlfi llmiVl.-- Ailvai |ws»rt !)>• *l«M *if etc nhil (<>uifft«ri lull, |i»,,ii toinnttiiw *| Hi (if Q> ll (tl Ihat I'UIB, 'llm I Ninnllllei |nr t'jri'* . nl l nnlwi, IKXIIM SI} y «. I) t1ii'*(l .._— II,.Li. luwiialiip I l« M N»*a I(,'l ri, ••!»v« lu ' tU»< In Hi* l, hid I Pace Two 'BED. BANK REGISTER, "AUGUST 3,1932. r. JUIXS SELF AND CHUB. TARTY FOB POULTRYMEN. cast Much of this picture, has been AUGUST FLOWING. Plans Made For filmed. Spring Lake Heights Woman's Exhibition to Be Held^ot Eaton town ''The West Pointer," a BtlrrlnR ATMs Is an Operation That Should Wind Was Affected. on. August 1th. story of lift." romance and drama at Follow the ^t Big Theater Year West Point, will have Cary Grant, A prompt plowing of lands har- Mrs. Elsa Eckert, thirty, of Spring In addition to seeing an interesting Charles Starrett and Frances Dee vested during the early bummer is Lake Heights took her own life and exhibit of pigeons, bantams, rabbits John Reinhard of Carlton Thea- heading the: cast advocated. by Prof; K. R. Gross, ag- that of her flve-year-oia daughter, and large poultry, all poultry folks ter Says Paramount' Theaters "Lone Cowboy," a plcturlzatlon of ricultural englnosr attho Now Jersey Muriel, last -week. Their bodies were are Invited to the lawtv Bhow sched- Will J&mes's best selling novel, stars found in a garage in the rear of uled for August 7th at the farm of grlcultural experiment statiom-Flow- HOUSEHOLD GOODS Will Present Great Array of Randolph Scott, with Frances Dee in Ing is an operation that should fol- their home by Chief Ellsworth Xutz C. D. Cleveland, Eatontown, begin- Star;, Authors and Directors. tho feminine lead. of the Spring Lake Heights police ning at 10:30 A. M. low the harvesting of a crop rather Haviof sold my ' property and Other Btory material for tho newthan one that should 'precede plant- force. Death had been caused by Trie show committee under the moving to Texas, I will sell the en- carbon monoxide fumes from an au- John Reinhard, manager of the group of Paramount pictures includes ing or ucedlng, ho says. If plowing leadership of C. D. Cleveland IB mak-Carlton theater on Monmouth such titles as "The Lusltanla Secret," til*- contents of 7-room modern tomobile. Mrs. Eckert wrote a let-ing an effort to have representative akes placo soon after harvesting, ter to newspapers stating that her street, has taken The Register Into "Fires of Spring," . "The Trouble stubble and weeds are turned under, house at entries of poultry and pet stock. In hla confidence relative to-tho season With Women." "Connecting Rooms," mind had been affected because of addition to the exhibit there will be soil moisture is preserved and a her husband's disappearance'. Mrs. progtam to be carries By,tho para- "The Glass Key," "I Can't Go Homo," mulch of green manuro is formed, > VANDERBURG Eckert had also been worrying over a real opportunity for fanciers to en- mount theaters, of which the Red"No Bed of. Her Own," "Hot Ice.whic" h the heat of tbo cummer will an automobile accident in which a joy a real holiday on, the' spaclouB Bank playhouse is a link in tho "The Crime of the Century," "Droam *3U) yards west of State Highway on grounds which are large enough to Without Ending," "Hot Saturday" urn into valuable plant food for the boy was Injured. Police had sought chain. Mr. Reinhard states that the next season's crop. The soli ia left 'Fhalnnx rond on accommodate thousands of people. greatest array .of stars, authors, di- and fast-moving Westerns, "Tho Van- ( to connect Mrs. Eckert with the ac- qhlnp Frontier." "Swanea Rldea open,. ready to receive its atora of cident. Come and see what the New Jersey rectors and supporting casts In years shing Frontier,' moisture, from the fall and winter Poultry fanciers' association Is doing -will characterize Paramount/a great- West" and1 others. Mr. Eckert is a shell shocked \tp.r for tho poultry interests of the state rains or snowB. veteran who suffers a lapse of mem- est entertainment proerram thlq com- Tho plowing will help control the SATURDAY, AUG. 6 as well as partake of the real Cleve- ing fall and winter. ory. He returned home after the trag- land hospitality. SOLDLEHS WANTED. noxious weeds, such as Canada thlstla 11 _ 1032, at 12:30 Sharp. edy of last week. "News from the Paramount West and quack grass, Which may invade Coast studios during the past few • PnrUins ORulos Not Xegal. •----™ Army to Recruit 1,100 for Overseas the land In late summer. Unpiowed Kitchen furniture; cooking uten- HER D2d piRTHDAY. weeks has bconmoiV'enthusiastic," The office' of tbo commissioner of ""•' ~ :-• — Strvloo. -~-—r-—jsU." GeorKO Haft, Nancy Cur- 2-Pc. $ full Pint Dottlu roll. Mnn Went, Wynno Glbnon nml Beautiful 10-Pc. SALT 0 HOTS OC No ilppowt i AIIHOII ftklpv/nrth hfail tlio cant. Puffed Whtnl "70.000 Wltniwrn," will Imvn I'lill- Dining Room Suite Frizette Suiter mia llpfi HolnUH, Dorothy Jnrilnn, C Full Wnbb 1J BottlM $1.00 nl< In- OomtlriidliHi. 2 23c trrlorn—TO HKllUt'K STOCK ONLY ! 1MHIJK NOW— Ivins' Edclbrnu Lager Brew "Tito Nlflit of .June mill driilntlra U. S. G. Coffee MM.-i, will lftivo Cllvu Hi|iy wllh Fool It«t. All Kltirnt I.illillnrli IH'nilurllnn 9x12 Size FLOOR COVERING Hire's Green Q'role not yet tilled, will Imvn Mlilnm /Ml Color*. 1AI.1I) Hlin—Nmv Mu«t do Mr— lli)|ililnn. Kny Klnru-ln nnil 1 Ir Mittln by Cuncdlrurii ('o. ROOT MM. IHROII 1IHEH Miirnhnll III Uin JII hl< i|inl li.lrn. sq. yd. Grnhftm.Crnckerii nr.r.u Tim Inlntlil nf 1,1,«t llouln." n m.iir. Mmrtju." Will tvntutf* I'ttnOfn /.(iMchdifi, Ui\t\ry nlldll nml HIIH1HI|I1I HI nil. $30 Steel Refrigerator*, Ivory nml Green ^-J C $4 Beach Umbrclln* Now "MmlitlllB Ililllnrly," fiilniiiia )„,(!• Greatest Bread Value in Town-"Wnrd'» Frcih Brcnd".'.WTO We Sell It n li itmy mul ill nnn of Oif innfit ..J.lllnr Ojirmn, will l>" IIIMIIKM (ll $2!) Studio Couch with 3 Pillows $| Q $2 Tree Hnmmockt, Cnnvni tmtrni) ncnvicc c.ivux.m nrnrnM Im ni'irrli will) Hvlvln fililni v III lit* Itln |i)ln of Hie IMV^IMIII Jd|>nnr«4 $3 Folding Yncht Chnir* $| .20 til. $100 Wnlmit Bedroom Suite, 4 l'iecre •If I lln'l B Million," « aloly of whnl hn|lr» UNITED SERVICK OROCKRS MKMBI-R STORKS. j.lern, will lift Hfr>»•*! WJIIl l*n nil «Ur IKil MID I $7 All Whito Cotton MrUlrciwe* $/fl .49 $45 Sccrctnrici, MnhogAny Mr. I....I, SI.,™ "M«rll"ili ll'|««i« (JnKlm" trill t,m. I4O l^lil» I lllU Ml..,. tlltn ,lnt ll ()Aiit« nn'l .lniiir« (l|rn0IIp $23 Inner Sprlnu MftltrmiP* $f|.75 $35 Fibre Reed 3-Pc. Suite. J-| f| Mr. •••• iKfl'llMf! nil nil "I M < ant l.r. M.l.l ,.,. KA/iri MAM p>| nr |t«; I'l.hW II.,H. •I'll I. >i|.." wliKly |«n,l nn,I neilnl- M.r'->i'« w.-i«i M,, II.,I«I w, r->ii..»,,,, iff {U ri-M !***•'*. II..1.1 ,,| |,..l.| |,v Vltin I'M.nn,. „.,!!:.,1 $(} Mrlnl IIPIU, Any Hr«ulnr Si/r $9.1)8 $12 Fibre Reetl Koclirn, Auto Sent $|» Mr. vviMi.-. r. n.n HtW MliriMiHIIII ,1 "ll»i| Illll," Will Imvn I'ainln l.,,tll, ai r«>l nir»«i M. n.,l|_ I'Klil nl.'l U>>"tE« 11.11 |,| II,„ |ca,1|,i9 Mr, ll«"ilnl"t< M""'' 11.. (. 1.1 1.11., $20 Cogftwrll Clmiri, l.nwunn Stylo $•• A $fl Boudnir Clmirn In CltinU $C| l «n4 |hMn.r.nH A.>»..a '"III Mi, I,.-.,. I, M«ph, M, r.,.l r....i, 'if Hi* I"»CU i;ot.T» Mt f.l.n.. ...^ ll.-m,.."" A... •M ni... r>-.j $10 I.»ni|ii, 3-Cnntllp, Wmlmliln Silk .S $2ft IJrenhfn.l S<-t, 5-I'c. Grcm OnU $| A Mr, ( !..,).• A. VR.,i t.-it r,..t.iJ ir» M MI r.i—. A,...,,. f (li. » iinil'i M. I t.l W.lll,,, "H. I', ti ." lojy.i., -,,.., r.A7i>nn M I M, I,.I ll.«..,.,..u >...! l«i (lull.) |,r li.ui,.,, ill |.« |.,..ujhl In I),, FURNISHING CO., Inc, rAni vrAHsniipi; CAItt 0CA.M1 lit* ,lt|«. II,,,, HyKU M. T. II..,.-,-,k.. •1., 11..-u r ..iiu M«,.i, -111 j,.«,j r. '• B». tan 22 K. FRONT ST.,'

(,«««,- U.i.ii. 'i.i, RED BANK. N, J. A1 Im *«4 • U GLOBE .k t.ALla "T" RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 3, 1932. Page

xdo In a baseball gams at PortMon- line tables of bridge followed the waren after (pending several'cfays IM court to the people of OceanpcrE. motored to Bayonne on Friday. Miss .1 ".. tup. East Keansburg outh on Sunday by tho score of 10 mcheon. Two guests of honor prUea .with their niece, Miss May Ervin. Mr, and Mrs. Hardley have opened Anne Smith and Miss Catherine Don- o o. The game mi called In the /ere given to Miss Margaret J. Dev- William Wasmuth is having one heir summer home In the Bridge- ovan; returned with Mlsa Hulse and Man Not Guilty ilghth Inning on account of rain. In and Miss Mary Martin of Eliza- t»eok of his vacation at this time. rater development. will spend the week with Mrs. Charles Rachel's 35c Beauty Salons :he Cllftwood athletla club was to beth. Miss Devlin and Miss Martin William Clark Wallace of Fleet-' Mrs..A. Pranks of Wolf Hill ave- A. Smith of Brldgewater drive. 274 BHOADWAY, IS EAST FRONT ST., lave playe: d here Sunday, but they sailed Friday on the Westernland for wood, New York, is visiting his grand- Charge Made Against Edward 'ailed to show up. Next Sunday ue spent last week at New York.' A number of people, who own dogs Warwick Bldg., , Opp. Globe Hotel , Pelleiier by William Shaffer 3 five weeks' vacation to Europe, mother, Mrs, Charles E. Clark. Van DuBols of Center street Is and cats are becoming Indignant Tel. Long Branch 4284. Tel. Red Bank S010, 6rt Monmouth Is scheduled to play The following guests won prizes: Mr. and Mrs. J. Ollry were the laving his house shingled and a new over the continual disappearance of Dismissed by • Louis H. Meese, igalnst Union City. The visitors will Mrs. Philip S. Neidlinger, first; Mrs, lave a brass band with them. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. An- oroh built. animals In town. Our Prices Reduced to 25c. Recorder of Middletown. - Newton Mallett and Irving Gillette Clinton Hulsart, second; Miss Irene drews. Wilson of Main street. The membere of the official board The young daughter of Mr. and were vlBltors at New York on, Sun- R. Boite, third; Mrs. William H. Garrette McKeen, Jr., is spending if the Oceanport church met at theMrs. Marshall Wolcott has been PERMANENT WAVE $0.00 Edward Pellesler,, who conducts 'engel, fourth; Mrs, Walter Swan- two weeks' -vacation with his grand- mrsonage Monday evening, named Virginia Harriet. the Three Veterans refreshment ;ay. - on, fifth; Mrs. Evart Sllcox of Key-parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Bedle. Stanley VanKlrk of Newark Is Self-Setting •• booth at East Kcannburg, was, ar- Leonora Bentham of New >ort, sixth; Mrs. Ralph W. Horrick, Tho Red Bank Register travels YorMisk sspent the week-end with her Mrs. Heart and daughter, former- 'Isitlng at the home of his parents, Shampoo, Finger Wave nnd Hnircut Included. raigned before Justice Louis H. leventh; Mrs. Raphael C. Devlin, ly of Jersey City, have moved into tlr. and Mrs. John VanKirk, ,of over every street In town and every M«oio of Bolford, recorder of Mid-sister. 'Miss Dorothy Bentham, and ilghth, and Mrs. W. Oliver Dlggln, road In tha county. Let It carry your NO APPOINTMENTS NECESSARY. dletown township, last Friday on a Mrs, Albert Johnson. tho Shepherd house on Fountain [aln street. message to those who live on these Open 8:30 to 10:00 F. M. onoolatlon. avenue. . Miss Evelyn Huloe of Main -street charge of having conducted his place Mrs,' Cornelia Hlllyer Is making a 1 thoroughfares.—Advertisement. In violation of the law. Th«j charge lslt at Old Bridge. MIsBes Alta and Ruth Lewis are Samuel Thompson of New York was made by / William Shaffer of Mrs. John Gillette Is very Blck. Be- rislting at Colllngawood. was the guest of Capt and Mrs. East Keansburg; Mr. Pelleolor and ently Bhe returned from the South Mrs. Alfred Davis of Brooklyn Is Stephen C. Thompson several days Mr. Shaffer were-formerly-partners, Imbojr- hospital and_ her ^condition he guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert last week. but they had a. disagreement and showed Improvement, but she has3raigr^r— :••••-• - A at? since that time Mr. - Pellcsler has had a relapse. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bergen are tended the Democratic dance held 2 conducted the business alone. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Poling have spending two weeks at South Den- n the Convention hall at Asbury Justice Meese dismissed tho com-moved Into their new house on Main nis,, Massachusetts. Park Wednesday evening. plaint on the ground ot Insufficient atriiot Miss Beatrice Hulsart is a surgl Phones evidence. Mr. Shaffer had no wit-Lou Helen Wlllett, the "Incubator :al patient at St. Peter's hospital, nesses to corroborate his allegations. daughter" of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur dew Brunswick. ''•' Oceanport News. At the meeting of the township Willett, is still at Rivervlew hospital Mr. and Mrs, Jackson Domlnlck No ^ committee j>i^ Middletown township t Rod Bank, but she In steadily gain- ot Plalnfleld are guests of Miss Eliz- The Ladles'' aidr society wllf hold last Thursday" aftefnaerilr."Shaf- ing weight and strength. .-When born abeth Domlnlck. - ^i.,, anralMttyineeUng--'in their' roomB in fer said that Mr. Pellesler was con-two months ago the baby weighed Waiting 4§ ducting his -placo in a manner con- Mrs. M. H. Esler of Keyport en- the church hall on Wednesday. St., Red Basik, N. J. leas than throo pounds. She nowtertained the sewing bee Thursday George Hurley, Jr., sustained a trary to law. Some of the remarks wolghs four pounds and live ounces, made by Mr. Shaffer were lntorpre- afternoon of last week. badly cut linger when it became Phones: ted by several persons at the meet- She has been In an Incubator at the . Mr. and Mrs. Ronson Warne were caught in the. moat grinder at tho ing as meaning that Mr. Pellesler hospital since shortly af tor her birth, guests of friends at Asbury Park Monmouth market on Saturday. Hur- 3262—3263. FREE DELIVERY was receiving protection from the but her parents are hopeful that they iver the week-end. ley was treated at the hospital. township authorities. This was re-will be able "to bring* her home soon. Rev. and Mrs. Edward Mount of Tho members of the Epworth sented by the committeemen. How- The birthday of MISB Olga East- Pleasantville renewed acquaintances league will meet at tho church hall ard W. Roberta, the township clerk, mond, daughter of Mr. and MrsI,n town Monday. Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. stated that no ono violating-the Jaw. RalphEaetmond, was celebrated Fri- Jack Shea, who is summering at Transportation will be provided to, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Specials was being protected and that If "hlgh.t" with ~a: surprise party. >ake Hopatcong, visited friends in Leonardo beach, where a beach party ShafTet or anyone else had evidence Seventeen guests were present and Matawan tho past week. will take the place of the regular to show that wrong doing was being an enjoyable time was spent In play- Miss Irene R. Bolte had as hermeeting. committed all such charges would Ing games and In other pastimes. guest over the week-end Miss Anna A service suited to the children receive the consideration required Mae Moore of New York. by law. who attended was presented at the New Monmouth News Mrs. Margaret Murphy- of Mount Oceanport church Sunday morning. SUGAR AMMONIA Mr. Shaffer admitted that ho could Vernon was the guest.last week oi William Evano of Ocean Grove sang not prove in a legal mannox that her Bister, Mrs. P. J. Devlin. several numbers and J. E. Gleason DOMINO—in Cloth Bags Full Qt.—Extra Strong Cloudy Mr. Pollesler was violating the' law, -Rev; Samuel -Johnston, paBtor- of Miss Vanita-McDowell- of-Wlcka- of -Asbury-Park gave a chalk talk- but.ho claimed., that It was up tothe Baptist' church, la enjoying a tunk is visiting her grandparents, on "The Treasure Chest at the Foo tho township committeemen to gotnonth's vacation. During Augus Mr. and Mfs.-W. 8. VanBrunt. of tho Cross." the evidence. The committee, after Sunday evening-services will not bi Misses Claire and Dorothy Nelson H. Whitney Conrow^of Oceanport considerable discussion, agreed tha' held at the church, but morning ser- have returned to their home at Se- the matter was entirely wlthou vicesI will bo held at theTfsual hour, avenue has offered the use of his ten- ^ bottles--J-Oe-— their province except that both sides liovr "Mr. Johnston wlir preach next should receive a fair hearing. Jus- Sunday at tha Baptist church ot tice Mecse was at the moetlng. He Fltchburg, Massachusetts, of which said that at tho hearinl g he would bo church ho was formerly pastor. John GET READY FOR RECOVERY 1 guided entirely by tho evidence and WubbonhorBt of Port Monmouth, would Bhow no bins for or agains who is a theological student, will either of the parties. preach at the church at this placi Good jobs are bound to be plentiful "when recovery sets in. JELLY LOBSTER next Sunday morning, And the young-men and-women who will get them are those with William Morford lost a. cow by practical preparation for modern business. Pure Schimmel's—Grape, Strawberry, Quince, Middletown Village sickness last week. ( The economical, efficient Rider Plan offers such preparation Apple. l-tt>. Jars—Reg. 25c. New Pack Fancy Canadian Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones havi In the following fields: (Th« B«d Bank EUfftBUr can b« bought movod from Riverside Heights t Accountancy Banking cans C it tho atons ot J. a Knight end Wllllim their now house at this place. % Size cans 9 9Q B. Wnteri.) Secretarial Science Typing a s c •-Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick O. Adam: Business Administration Shorthand l entertained a number of i. lends Matawan News. Commercial Teaching Bookkeeping /2 Size cans 0 cans A Ac a buffet supper and bridge party las 2 * * 25 Wednesday evening, Tho guests were (Th« Bad Bank Rfglitar can bo bouuh. Fall Term Open September Oth Mr. and Mrs. John TennlBton, Mr. In Matawan (rent 1. T. Clcmaa, 12» Main Moderate Rates • Able Faculty - Thorough Courses and Mrs. Carl Mason, Mr. and Mrs.•treat and Jacob A. Lawii. Inc.) ars John Edgar, Mr, and Mrs. Spencer Last Wednesday afternoon MIL Blake, Mr. and Mrs. John Atsthorpo, Ida Bumstead, nineteen, daughter oi RIDER COLLEGE Schimmers Pure Preserves 2 ' 49c Mr. and Mrs. James Enrlght, Miss Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bumstead ol Day and Evening Sessions — Phone Trenton 81U Ethel Head and Richard LaBoytoauit Highland Park,.was injured whei Write for Catalogue NEW PACK—2-ft. Jars Strawberry, Raspberry, Blackberry, Pineapple, Peach, Pear, Cherry. The ladles' auxiliary of the Baptli tho car in which she was rldln Founded 18S5 Trenton, N. J. church will meet this afternoon al with Charles E. Llttlefleld of Mont- the home of Mrs. James C. Hcndrlck. cllar ran into the rear end of a ma- eon.' chine, owned by Atito St. Torls Re- Orange Marmalade Mr. and Mrs. Edward Strong hai zlsco and driven by Prime Sarasln, Pound Cake Jr., of Canada, at the intersection ol OX TONGUE Imported—Made from Sovlllo Oranges. moved from Thomaa W. Rtdgway'; (MACHONOCHIES BRAND) house to Red Bank. Main street and New Brunswick avi Derby Brand Sliced—Reg. 45c or Layer Cakes—Reg. 25c nuo. Tho Llttlefleld car turned aroun< TELEPHONE SERVICE Tho Baptist World Wldo gull 1 ia C held a beach party Monday night 1 :hroo times, tho door opened am cakes C the Beacon Beach Bectlon of Koans- Miss Bumstead was thrown o C jar burg. Mrs. Bertha Greenwood was jumped to tho concrete pavement from Red Bank, New Jersey, 2 " 39 nccordlng to tho pollco. Miss Bum 2 25 In charge of this event. to our'New York Office 29 Miss Doris Snlffsn, a publlo school stead's Injuries consisted of a l-ft. Jars—Reg. 50c teacher at this placo, Is organizing a cusslon of tho brain, lacerated to] Brownie troop of girl scoutft All girls of tho head, abrasions of the rlgh CALL WX-33O0 seven to ten years of age aro eligible cheek, forehead, nose, left side BUTTER Vermouth EGGS for membership. the chin and both knees and Bevon shock. She was attended at the Matu Our Current Market Letter Discusses Martini & Rossi Tho Baptist church will bo closed wan hospital by Dr. W. B. Allen o: Finest Country Roll Fancy Selected during August and the first week of SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. French or Italy Keansburg and Dr. Runyon of Ne Copy Upon Request. September. Services will be resumed Brunswick, her family physician on Sunday, Septcmbor 11th. RovLate. r Mlsa Bumstead was trans lb8 C special AO C doz and Mrs. Kennoth S. Meade left for fcrrcd to tho Middlesex General hos C Laka Hopatcong today to spend their pital at New Brunswick, of whicl F. P. Ristine & Gompany 2 ' 45 27 ' Vacation. institution her father is a membe i Instead of holding a sewing meet- of the board of governors. Mr. Lit Mtmlin ing yesterday, tho members of thotlefleld sustained severe shock, foi Nnu Yiri Stock Etcchanzi needlework guild made a trip to New which ho was treated at tho Mata thlUdilphia Sack Exckanp tfrw Ytri Curb Exckangt York on tho steamboat "Mandalay," wan hospital. ' Everybody had a delightful time. : 15 Broad Street, New York COFFEE SPECIALS Tho closing meeting of tho Bap- Mrs. Gerard A, Devlin was hostesi tl«t Christian Endeavor society WBB at a luncheon-bridge at tha Mol Philadelphia Elizabeth tVutfleld held Sunday night on tho church Pitcher hotel at Red Bank Saturda; 2 lbs. 45c Chase & Sanborn 3 lbs. 89c grounds. Tho members sat in a circle Lfternoon. Covers were laid for ASTOR around a campflre. Each Imperson- ated a missionary and gave a brief talk about missionary work. Tho Maxwell House 3 lbs. 95c members of tho society havo ar- 2 lbs. 55c ranged a program o( canoeing, swim- WONDER ming and othor »ports for tho bal Beech-Nut • 3^89^ an?o of tho nummer. Thoy will hold their flr^t regular busino"« meeting Alice Foote MacDougal 3 lbs. 95c at tha chapel on September 8th, at SANKA . lb. 45c *hlch time plans will bo completod Monmouth County for tho annual fall rally on Septem- ber 16th. , Mrs. Frances drosulnger Is enter- taining her cou»ln, Miss Carrie V. Conovor of Montclalr. lc SALE Grape Juice Mrs. Henry W. Starkn and Mrs. Qoorftn A. Dclatunh nttondod a con HELLMAN'S MAYONNAISE—Reg. 19c PURE CONCORD fftrenrfl of needlework guild onicors last Wednesday ntternonn at thn HORSE SHOW nnd BORDEN'S CHATEAU—Reg. 19c homo of Mrs. Qeorgo N, lllghlpy of 2 pt bottles Spring Lake, Tho Ttoformed church has been FULLQT. oloied for Auguftt, Hnv. J. A. Resaler, at the 38c value, both £or 20C tho pimtor, nnd Mr«. Hciwlfr lire

ere Mrs, Earle Mlnton, Miss Cassis three-njght fair tnd cleared $1,000. old son of Terrenes Mulligan of Llt-dletown township high school Over 700 persons attended the an- Years Ago in and Holmes, Miss Grace Longstreet, Mrs. Large crowds were In attendance tie Silver, while rjdlnsr home from, Robert Hartshorne, Dr. James nual harvest home festival at tho George A. Longstreet,- Mies- Susie ivqiy night and vaudeville perform- Riverside' driverin Mlddletown town Trask, Samuel. Biker, Jr., and JColt'. s Neck Reformed church. Near- Holmes, Miss Lilllo Longstreet, Miss nces were given by members of theship on -his bicycle, collided with a Amory Hnkell. ly }40Q was cleared by the supper. Around Red Bank H, M. Holmes, William D. Hubbard, Players' boat club. One of the prln- wagon and was knocked unconscious. Stephen Hoffman, son of Charles Patrick Kennedy sold his property Mrs. Jamea E. Smock, Mrs. Fred elpal sourses of revenue at the fair Six stitches were necessary to close Hoffman of West Front street, was at the northwest corner of Bridge Incidents CulledfFrom The Reg-Stevens, Miss Mabel Halnes, Miss was the disposal of articles on thetwo cuts on young Mulligan's face. run down by an automobile driven, by avenue and, Oakland street to I. Rich- Uter of the First Week in Flora Willguss, Mrs. Howard Champ- o-operative plan. Among those sell- Charles E. Satterle* ol Atlantic a Mlddletown resident. Mr. Hoffman mond ^ot Long Branch for $9,500. ln, Mrs. Harry Lafetra, Miss Emma ng shares were Mrs. Daniel Gracey, Highlands, who left a large estate, was badly bruited and was laid up, Margaret Thompklna ot Rumson August Twenty, Thirty and Elliott, Mrs. Lucy Zelgler, Mrs. Ella Miss Annie Hart, Mrs. Harry Emer- bequeathed to his two nieces, Ethel several days. - was thrown from a horse while at Forty Years Ago. Cadoo, Mrs. John E. Chamberlain on, Mrs. Qulgley, Mrs. James Mack, L. Abel' and Ethel LoreU, J50.000 A troop of Boy Scouts from West the Long Branch horso show and re- and Alonro Field. > Mrs. Frank PiercB, Mrs, John Web- each and to his niece, Mabel Carrlng- Hoboken wera camping at the High- ceived a severe acaip wound* ber, Mrs, Frank Martlneau, Mrs. Har- ton, J3S.0O0. Daniel N, Charles S. the Captain shouted Forty T«am Ao. A number of people went from Red lands. Colonel Bartlett, commanding Miss Dorothy Holmes' daughter ot Wllltira T. Corlles received his Bank to Pleasure Bay on a Btraw ride. ry Broxon, Mrs. May Rider and Mrs-and Robert H. Carrlngton, nephews, officer at Fort Hancock, received tho George Holmes, of Little Silver, en- eeniftlnlen " pOBtmister of Bed The trip was made In Ourtis, DavK 'harles Nelson. wera each bequeathed $80,000. boys and escorted them through the tertained fifteen ot her young friends Buk »nd he took charge at once, Hill's piano -wagon. Those who Miss Margaret Skelly of Bridge George Hoop and Eoaley White fortification. at a candy pull party ' John L. Hubbmrd, who had been »s- went on the ride were Misses Hattle ivenua was thirteen years old andwe,fe taking dally runs' on Middle- Leroy Orlggi was building three Albert Bennett bought' a lot on jlotant postmaster under Daniel H. nd Helen Culllngton, Addle Allen, ihe had a party In celebration of thetown township roads training for houses at Kcanlburg for summer oc- Lewis street at Eatontown on which -Applegite, re»ljned- the place-und Laura Blrdtall and Anna Morris, Wil* vent,—Those present were Edwin* races In which they,_were_enterad at cupancy. M,:J. Bolton, George Reu-, he planned to build a, houso for his Fred Culllngton, «on ol Samuel Cul- am Culllngton, Guy B. Slckels, Her- Houghton, Marjorlo Sorrel, Evelyn the coming Keansburg carnival. Mr. ter and Frank R. Torslello were em- own occupancy. llngton, who had been in the office ert S. Culllngton, Walter Davis and Chandler, Angelina Ostendorf, Lydla •Roop held the amateur roller skat- ployed by Mr, Grigjs In the construc- Mlaa Nora Saguerton of Red Bank iever41 years. wa» appointed as as-Harry Supp of Red Bank, A. Holmes McQueen, Agnes Hackett, Mary ing and five-mile running champion- tion work. and Jack Loo of Newark won a silk •lstant po?tma«ter. Mart Haviland, hoemaker of Shrewsbury, Mlsa Lil- Boyd, Marie Skelly, Helen Grause, ship of Monmouth county. The Independent Ice yacht club ot umbrella in a prlie waits at the Long ion of Auffustin Haviland, filled the ian Dey and Benjamin A. Shoemakj Dr. William M. Thompson bought er of Little Silver and Mrs. Walter Catherine Maney, Oscar Savage, Clif- Red Bank held a mld-summor meet- Branch casino. place left vacant by'Mr. Culllngton. ford Bfower, William Allen, Fred the homestead property of the late ing for th.'e purpose of taking In Mr. William Berlow ot Keyport died at Meeker and her daughter Ruth of John Abbott Worthloy at the corner Fire destroyed the boarding house ersey City. oble, Drummond Cannon, Joseph Gllhuly and his son William and atho Long Branch hospital from in- known as the Pleasant View house, urrowes, Edward O'Brien, William of Washington and -East Front streets Dr. Dlckenson of Jersey City. juries rocoivod by1 diving into shal- , own»4J>y_0.,.A, -E!*ffi»n "•<>»*• pachel P.i^vlfe ofJEt.JTaylor jSmock an^ and Kenneth Jeffrey^ , for 515,000. The house was built Fahnestock's baseball... team , oflow water. __,.. ^ „..,"-.: --^ iklrta ot AUantlo Highlands. In Help- \t KatonTown and a former resident ennii Sweeney'of "Hlllsrde, hear* ShVewsbUfy'defeaWd'VEofig Branch" Jaco'bT'rangc, a£p3 Bf yearsr'waB ing put out tho fl« Mr. Elohm was if fted Bank, died at the Long Branch Ulantlo Highlands, died of heart said) to have cost $33,000. team at Shrewsbury by a score of 23stricken with apoplexy near his badly burned on tho leg, Charles B. p She was 45 years old. Be-trouble in his 73d year. Mr. Sweeney Charles D. Cleveland, who had re-to 15, Paul Parker was the pitcher home at Bolfora and died soon after, Woodruff, a fireman, was badly ildes her husband Mrs. Smock left was a member of Arrowsmith poet of cently bought the Tucker property at for the Shrewsbury nine. Daniel H. Cook of Shrewsbury ave- burned on the right aide of his lace ne daughter, Mrs. Frank Stanley the grand army and many of his com- South Eatontown, was converting the The Eatontown hook -and ladder nue leased his Bed Bank lyceum and neck, Ambrose Carhart was cutHlgglnson, who lived at home. ades turned out In uniform at theplace Into a poultry farm. Mr. Cleve- company was conducting a campaign proporty to William H. Hamilton. on the wrist and an unknown man A barn danco was given by Miss uneral. He was survived by a widow land called the place Sunnybrook to raise money to buy an automobile .Miss Ollye McColgan held a musl- hid bis band badly burned. Louise Lipplncott, daughter of John and six children, they being Mrs. Vic- farm, which /was the name of histruck and force pump. To date $1,- calo at her home In which eleven of Tfte Red Bank Cyclers held a fair H. Lipplncott of Little Silver. About tor Heath of New York, Charles, place at East Orange, 025 had been subscribed. hor piano pupils took part." e»veral nights in a tent on the green sixty guests were' present from Llt- lohn U, Herbert and Dennis Sw'eo- Abraham Tannenbaum, a dry goods Al Schroeder,, Daniel c. Woods, Dr. Edwin Field, E. A. Bedla and on Front street and cleared nearly tls Sliver, Red Bank, Long Branch, ey, Jr., of Atlantlo Highlands and merchant, rented John Dennis's store Willis B. Clayton, Louis J. Tetley, Jesse Minot joined the Riverside gun Tlnton Falls, Newark and Orange. William A. Sweeney of Red Bank. OJI Broad street, opposite The RegHowar- d A. Rogers and James Drey, club of Red Bank, 7 • $450. IXie fair opsntd with a parade A song recital was given at Mrs. of tie bleyoie elub through the' prln- Vito Marasoio, who was serving in ister building, for a branch ol hisJr., caught 104 weaKflsh In a day's E. C. Hazard's at Shrewsbury by he Italian army in Tripoli In the warbusiness. The store was to be manoutin- g at Barnegat. . elpal streets of the town, with dec- Madame Elizabeth D. Leonard for the Wednesday, August 10th orated -wheels. Benjamin H. Ford igalnat Turkey, sent a letter to hisaged by his sons, Louis and Gabriel Edward Pomphrey, James P. Shea, Hm Sunday, Auput 24tH* Oceuiio school district to fill the va- child, establishing her as the young- William A. Mason and Bill Barry Saturday, Attguit 80, andiPednmdaytAugUMi 84. chilly it gives you goostptaples. > cancy caused by the resignation of Thn Presbyterians of Oceanic ist depositor at the Red Bank lnjtl- Two baseball teams were organised put on a comedy show at St. Mary's Consult our tld—t agtnUfor tnformatUm , Dr. Ehrlck Parraly- cleared $1,627.59 at a fair held two utlon- at that time. - at Little Sllverrone tho Red Soolw, lyceum at Highlands for-tho benefit »Olf rrOinS^^Anip'^nOOnT'•M0O4Iff"CQUipfTttff1r~*r . A progressive euchre party was days. The receipts of tho fair went The Ushers' union of the Newwith Herbert Cook and George Llp- of the new Catholic church fund at To teach children habits to cleanliness, an unfailing supply of. given by Miss Bessie Bergen at hertoward paying for the new parson- Monmouth Baptist church held their pincott as the battery and the other that place. home on Broad street. First prizes age, which -was being built on a lotfirst annual salt water day outing at Mrs. Mary J. Lloyd, widow of John Hot Water is the first essential For that purpose, nothing' 5 the Athletics, with Daniel Schanck 1 were won by Miss Nettle French and adjoining the church. ort Monmouth. Athletic games oc- and Walter Llppincott as tho battery. Lloyd, a well known resident ot Red equals a Sel£Action Gas Water Heater. Costing not more Joseph V. Morris. Miss May Hen- Tho bowling alley building on Mon- :upled the afternoon and at night a Among the prize winners at the re-Bank, died at the home of her sister, drlckson and Bert Hayes captured mouth street owned by W. A. Vanclambake was enjoyed. The comcen- t fair for the benefit of St. Mary's Mrs. iC. M. Perry of Ellington, Con- than a few pennies per day per person, a thrifty Gas Heater' the booby prizes. Sohoick waa rented to the New Jer-mittee in charge consisted of Albert Catholic church at Colt's Neck were necticut. FIRST CHURCH OF supplies all the Hot Water any home needs—not simply (ot There was on deposit In the banki sey underwear company, manufac- W. Mqrfnrd, Curtis Walling, George Henry Cross, Mrs. Peter ' CrosB, Miss Alice McDonald caught her washing and shaving but for the dishes and, the laundry u of Monmouth county $3,657,844.43. turers of muslin underwear. Halsey, Samuel Bamford and Albert Michael Cavanaugh, Miss Florence left hand In a laundry mangier at g CHRIST, SCIENTIST ThEiddeus P. Welch, who conducted Byrn. R«d Bank took the lead In tho bank- McCloskey and Raymond Reeves. the Octogon hotel at Seabrlght and 209 Broad St. Bed Bank. N, J. II well. Phone or stop hi for full details about this, tffortttu Ing business with bigger deposits, _ grocery store In the old Methodist About 35 couples attended a. dance Edward Irwln, seven-year-old son her hand and wrist were badly water heating system.' more loans and heavier profits than church building at Keansburg, bought Iven at the Monmouth boat club un- Captain Charles P. I.rwin of Redcrushed. d Servlcci SumU/ 11 A. M, Evantnsr 9 any other town. the grocery business of John S, Lan- ter the direction of Misses Oladys Ralph Mulford and William Chand- ~A •arvlcos discontinued during July r klnau at that place. iank, had a narrow escape, from and Auguit. ' The house of Cornelius Compton of Stow&rt, Doris Sneflen, Marguerite rownlng and was rescued by Leroy ler, famous as automobile racers, The grocery store of George M. McColgan, Alice Morehouse, Louise Sundaj.Scbool—11:00 A. fcl. _ Port Monmouth was struck by light- lenry, aged ten years, who brought were visiting Mr. Mulford's parents, Wedtinday Evenlnc Testimonial V ning, the bolt tore a hole through Quackenbush at Little Silver was hitDoremus, Isabel Conover, Vlvienne jung Irwln ashore. Squire and Mrs. Mulford. of Fair Ha- Meetings—8:00 P. M. the weather boards and plaster, but by lightning and was completely de- Otteraon and Helen French. Music The women of N&ve»lnk cleared ven. isdlnc Room—Opon 1130 to 4 )S0 JerseyCen no one in the house was injured. stroyed, together with all its conwa- s furnished by Harold A. Laros dally except Sundayi and boll- Miss Myrtle Walling of Hillside, 175 for the village flre company at Mortimer Secor of Belford died day a. The marriage of Miss Marie Schulr and Herbert Cullington. two-day fair. while visiting: friends at Paterson. Tbe publlo \n cordially invJtid to _ ml Jacob Braun, both of Red Bank, near Atlantic Highlands, gave a par- An automobile trip gf unusual In- attend the service! and us* the ty In honor1 of Miss Jennie Bogardus A gift of a replica of the frieze of For many years he had conducted a Beidtns Room. _. took place at the bride's home on terest was enjoyed by .Mr, »nd Mrs, le Parthenon win given to the Mid marina railway at Port JibnmbutS7 Worthley street. Rev. Robert Mac who was visiting her. Henry Pentermann, Miss Anna Pen- Kellar performed the ceremony. The chimney ot J. E,Bogle's house termann, Mrs. Joseph L. Seymour Harry Worthley. son of Captain at Oceanic was struck by lightning and Rev. and Mrs. Charles William - John A. Worthley, cut two arterlea and badly damaged. Mrs. Bogle re- Roeder when they motored from Mld- " In his leg with an axe while splitting ceived a slight shock. dletown village to Fort Hancock, " wood In his father's coal and wood The patients at the Long Branc where they took In the sights of the '" -yard. hospital the past wook numbered 69 military reservation. tho largest number In the history ol The water plant at Beacon Beach, The price of milk at Keyport weni the Institution, up to eight cents a quart on account which had been out of order for some tents. It was the only grocery stori time, was repaired and in celebration of the drought, which compelled the In the village. Mr. Quackenbush' milkmen to feed and fodder their cat- of the event the residents of that loss on the building and contents wai section had a parade, which was led tle. about $4,000. by Mrs. Frank R. Hill. During the While Benjamin Doughty of Fal Amelia B., wife of Garrett VanKlr! parade Jacob Sklllman, who was in Haven was carting Ice, a 200-poun of the Highlands, died ot perilonitl charge of the plant, was serenaded. cake fell on hie foot and badl Sho was 41 years old and left flvi Mrs. Lilllo Rogan, wife of Rev. J. crushed It. children. W. Rogan, paBtor of the Red Bank Thirty Year. Ago. Henry N. Supp of Wallace streel Presbyterian church, was Instantly WHICH EST? The annual lawn party of the p while running, foil and broke tb killed while on a vacation trip In worth league of tho First Methodlil small bones ot his right wrist. Great Barrlngton, Massachusetts, church of Red Bank was held on the when she was thrown from s. trolle; church lawn and $45 was cleared. Twenty Years Ago. car. Those who helped with ths affal TBa Fair Haven firemen closed Joseph Mulligan, seventeen-year- New TYDOL winner over 4 : 16 gasolines in first actual YOU'VE TRIED anti-knock road test... AIRPLANING or

HYDROPLANING FIRST IN ANTI-KNOCK Proved by the Electric Ear—the most ac- or AQUAPLANING curate sound meter known to Science... NOW TRY proved in a 3-day test... same hill, same car . . . and TYDOL won every trlplo- chcckcd trial . . . No doubt about it; TERRAPLANING TYDOL Is first in tintl-knock. FIRST IN POWER newest physical sensation in motoring—"power set free"—suave fiix-cylindcrcdymeumoim'ec/ power— The fewer the knocks, tho greater the nn engineering triumph Uint'll bo on the drawing power, an every driver knows. And KNOCK CHART hoards of the indtiRlry for montiw yet, but is offered TYDOI/S smooth, silent strength Is T! tCiniC I'AR I* th« popular n^m* tnr th* tf never wasted by knocking, laboring mo- acctint* Inilrumend whlrh rcrof you now nt a price ihnt'n actually down among nnd koitml In «1rL|li(U.»A iltclb*! N in andlnMrlnA unit tors. It wins every power test. volume and Inuntlty ot •nund.Hn ttiM IINDKII the former lowest-priced Three, in the new f«(«, Inwmt il«clb*l t«tlna.(n«w.Trdol)

FIRST IN MILEAGE NEW TYDOL— More power incnnn more mileage. (let a OAIOLINKV tnnkful from nny of the tlumnniulu of OAtOLINI P nrMiiiic-nml-liUnk i VDOL pumpn ... mid QAIOLINK L~ lent It on your own lillld, your own romin. OAIOLINK B TERRATLANE Try It for knurkluii. Try ll for povrrr. OAIOLIHKX What a Car! — and the fowoat Check your nprrdoiiictrr. And you will OAIOLINE P prfcod Six In Amerlcni nc« thntTYnoi,, In addition to giving you OAtOLINKll nil the premium <|iiiilltlen, actunlly glvcfl $ OAfOLINK M you more mllrn prr p.nllon. otiaUNi D 425 OAtOLINK Q *n4 rp, f. •. I*. D*tr»ft Q at no extra cost W.lrr Oil .SI>UI Cor,. n mfwlrrn. Arrnufrn willi your nrjirml IIun- Ijdnnlown, N. J. Dr.nlrr for n Tr.KHM'I.ANK 1 ido lo#, i«» .1. •!.•:-•/. AED BANK REGISTER, 'AUGUST 3,1932. Paca BTra the last ene are being scheduled for lppolntment of another member to made at a. party at the home of Mrs. substituted for Eddie Gilmartln, the District Governor future) dates at the tame place. They :ho board at the next meeting. The Wood last week. master of ceremonies, Saturday even- a,re- proving very—popular, Judging litch in question Is on private prop- Mrs. Hannah Goldmlnz, tnother ot Ing and put on one of the best pro- by the large attendances. >rty and In tho past It was not the Harry Goldmine of Llnton place, died grams ' since the dance started *on Visits Rotarians board's duty to correct the evil. On a few dayi ago at her home at July 1st. Mr. Gllmartln was unable DJEMOOBATSJIOU) DANCE. the advice of the council the board Brooklyn, after a lingering sickness to be at his usual place, due to sick- Harry Everett of Jertey City was directed to have the ditch filled of six. years. The deceased la sur- ness. At this writing there are four- Made Interesting Addrew on Social Function Given by County In. The board members present at vived by five daughters and three teen teams and three sold dancers Committee Well Attended, the meeting were Howard Irwln, sons. still In the contest. "Rotary and the Third Ele- Mora than three thousand persons Fred Trencry and Ralph 0. Williams, Miss Louise Helm and Mra. Minnie Miss Agnes Taylor has returned Courtesy—Service—Satisfaction in the Stores m«ht" Lut Thursday. from all sections of Monmouth coun- . The stand of Barney Kauffman on Miller of Nutley have ended a viilt from a vacation trip. the boardwalk was robbed of (60 last The Bed Bank KoUry club had an ty were present at the dance and en- with Mrs. Henry Maurer, MIBB Jean Behr of Clifton has been tertainment held last Wednesday Tuesday. He charges that two em- Mra. Annie Furby has returned the guest of Miss Mary Tuljy of exceptionally lnt«re«tlng.meeting la«t ployees took the money from a small Thuradty whan It had a« Its principal nlghtJn the convention hall at Aa- from a visit with her sister, Mrs. Center avenue. bury Park by the Democratic cxccu> safe in tho rear of the stand. Thomas O'Brien at Leonardo, John and Francis Lockwood Where Quality Counts giiait Dlitrlct Governor Harry Ever- A truck loaded with groceries driv- Bloomfleld have concluded ett of Jer»8y city, who mads hla flrat tlvo committee cf Asbury Park. Mrs. A, A. Franck entertained Mrs. Tho advantages of- (JSCO Shopping are many and varied. /fSCD Store* are official vlalt to the club since bolng Governor and Mrs, A. Harry Moore ing north on Carr avenue Wednesday Fred Nightingale, Mrs. Charles Me- with Mrs. William Loekwood, afternoon ran wild for a considerable Miss Anna Kull of BellvB conveniently located, and through forty-one >«ar» our Foundation Principle* of elevated to the oflloo, Ho was Intro- and Mayor'and Mrs. Frank Hague of Gulre, Mra. Eva Whltehead and Square Dealing;, Honest Merchandising, Honest Weight, Courteous Service have dueed to. the club members by.Maur- Jorsey gity, who had been invited to distance, broke two telephones poles James Papa at a card party Wednes- ended a stay with Mrs, attend, wore unable to do so because and rosultod In about $2,000 damage Snyder. prevailed, fervlnj: thousand* upon thousands of Homelteepera, wltti Food*, of loe Schwartz, president of the Red day afternoon; Quality at Consistent Saving*, Bank club, iprtior-irraeted him by a of other engagements, Democratic being, done, all the result of suback- An automobile stolen from the fire, which caused the truck to be- Walter Reap of Brooklyn Is visit- garage of H. Reid of West Keans- itaridlnj round of upplauio and good, oandldatca who woro-present Includ- ing his parents on Randolph place. ed Edward Currle of Matawan, can- come a mass of flames, driving tho burg on July 23d has been recovered It Pays to Trade Where Quality Counts •' cheer, ;v 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Willis, have re- didate for state senator, Fred B . chauffeur from his seat in the cab of by the South Amboy police. . The pirtrlct Governor spoke to the the truck. According to tho-report turned from a visit at Maplewood. ...alian Broken Slices Red Bank Rotarlana and their guoata Schock, Jr., ot Spring Lake, candi- Mrs. Tlllie Schilling of Irvington date - for assemblyman, Howard made to the police, the truck, owned Alex Sand and family of Newark was the week-end guest bfMrs. Wil- on "Rotary and the Third Element." by I. Becker & Son of Newark, was havo opened their summer homo on He held his liearera attentively Jor Height of Manasquan, candldato J|or liam Robinson. sheriff, Joseph L. Donahay, candidate going down Carr avenue and when Oceanvlew avenue. Miss Lillian Gehlhaus opened a Pineapple 9 more than a half hour by, one of the near;S.t.jVnn'.s back-fired. William Pease has installed an moetinterestlnrWlw the IMS Bank?fdr*«urrogato, and- Mayor John R, new frozen custard stand on the gnedekor ot Atlantio Highlands and The driver, William Lockln ,of New- aulomatlooir heater In his;home. boardwalk at the foot of Carr ave- Jutt the, thin? for fruit, salads, club has had In many montm. The' ark, and hla helper, Shirley Long, speaker who ii a clergyman, a world Frederlo P. Relchey of Bradley Arthur A, Audet has been visiting nue, Saturday night. wero forced to Jump from the truck. at Willlamsport, Pennsylvania. 19o Hom-de-Lita traveler and. .a -student of hletory, Beach, candidates for freeholders. pt Jar Muslo for the dancing'was fur- The driver pulled the emergency Frank Rlzzo, a contestant In th< Boys can make extra pooKet money said that a Rotary club to bo IUO brake as h,e was leaving the truck. cessful must be more than juit a nished by Tod Hoyt's Hod Coatu. En- Marathon dance In the auditorium. scllins The Register.—Advertisement Mayonnaise tertainment waa furnished by pro- Free from guidance the truck ran lunoheon club. Ho said that there i» Into a telephone pole, snapped it off Mad* of the finest, ingredients including fresh eggs. nothing unique In Rotary and that fessional talent, which included Born- ard Qorcey of Long Branch, who ap. and continued down the thorough- for the clubs to carry on In a suc- fare until It struck the next one, 4SC0 Finest Peanut Butter pt 3« 15c cessful way the Individual mombera peered In "Abe's Irish Rose." (1 10 or Cecil Ackorson of Keyport was snapping that one off also. The truck Glenwood Jelly "P ^^ tumbler \QQ must possess tha "third element," then came to a stop amid flames and SPECIAL SALE which he fully explained by concrete chairman of the committee in charge, dangling wires. Both fire companies ASC0 California Cherries big can 21c example' experienced during his life- which Included John J. Qulnn of Red responded to an alarm and soon had time. Bank and Leo Warwick of Long lie Shredded Wheat Biscuit 2 pfcilOc" tho flro under control. The front of While It Lasts! He said that history proves that Branch. the truck was considerably damaged Kellogg's Corn Flakes #&• 6c there wore "lunoheon clubB" In the by the flames and the contents were 3 Reman era and that even Homer in DAwtlE FOR STARS. damaged. Several hours after the 4SC0 Corn'Flakes hie writings made mention of as- accident Dr. Charles MacConnell re- semblies similar to our present day Many Dinner Parties Precede Event ported to the police he had treated 100 Gallons of Our Three Favorite Blends—Choose the One clvlo-clubs-such - as Rotary, Lions, By Seabright Club. Harold Hart, fourteon-year-old son of Klwanla, and clubs >oC like nature. A dance was given last week by Mrs. Catherine Hart.of Wood avenue that Suits Your Taste The speaker...said that records show tho board of govornors of the Sea« for a deep cut above'thei rightknee- S8o-2So—I0o Saved ! > that there have been 457 such organ- bright lawn tennis and cricket club cap. The boy's mother claimed the izations formed but only seventeen HOUSE PAINT for the visiting tennis players and cut .hnd been sustained from the remain- today guootB. Preceding the dance, dinner flying glass at tho tlmo the truck hit 8 Beautiful Colors. OSCO Coffee 1b 23c enough to receive recognition. — 'partIerwefe~tcS4.oFed torths players tho first pole; --••••••-• Friendship and the Idea of Protec- A heavier blond of excellent coffees, the choico of million* and house guests by Mr. and Mrs. and millionaires. tion aro two of the fundamentals 6f Joseph P. Hoagland, Mr. and Mrs. On the same afternoon the fire de- these service clubs but without the Loomls L. White, Mr. and Mrs. Har- partment responded to an alarm at Acme n> "third element" they cannot hope to ry I. Caesar, Mr. and , Mrs. J. Ford tho Cities Service station at Church Victor 27« exist Knowing no political nffllca- Johntfon, General and Mrs. Howard street and Carr avenue. A blaze of 89c gallon Coffee 19' Coffee tin tlon, no creed, etc., tend In a_ largo 8. Borden, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Unknown origin started underneath A still different blend otTslgh-— measure to keep tho clubs, active but MoVelgh, Mr. and Mra. Stuart A. tho cash register and It waa' quickly A mild blend of Santos, pleasing the plan of "you scratch' my back grado coffeea. Full body- Young, Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Hal- put out by the firemen. The estimat- drinking qualities. fine flavor. and I'll scratch yours" Is no way to sey, Mr. and Mrs. James C. Auchln- ed damage was $50. The flro WAS serve your community and fellow' closs, Senator and Mrs, W. Warren detected by Sergeant Theodore Klota:, New Pack Farmdalo man. You must put "Service before Barbour, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Bran- on desk duty at Police htadquarters, KLARIN'S Paint Store celt" was tho fundamental thought some, Mr. and MrB. Frederick K. Bar- tho service station being directly Headquarters for SHERWIN-WILLIAMS FAINT 33c OSOO Fruit of his talk. Doing something for oth-bour, Dr. and Mrs. Norman F. Titus, across tho street. DEUVEK Stringless Beans 2""19c ers through a personal sacrifice with- Mr. and Mrs. Bertram H. Borden and The Newark League of women 39 Monmouth St. w» - Tel. R. B. 3838. out the thought or plan of personal Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. McCarter. voters hold its July meeting at the Preserves eani gain Is the basis ot the "third ele- homo of Mrs. Amelia B. Moorfleld New Pack Choice Stringless Beans 2 15c ment." VERDICT FOR EMPLOYEE. at Granvllle Park last Wednesday. 2-tt) A r»C 121/oC Del Monte Stringless Beans "»10c The club rnembere unanimously Mrs. Elizabeth Berndt and Mrs. Wil- THE PERMANENT WAVING SPECIALISTS can thanked their district governor for Mrs. George McCarter Must Pay liam J. Shannon were the hostesses. Horseshoe Brand Salmon 19c his timely and Interesting address Former Chauffeur $1,00!. Mloa Marge Strom of -Camdcn, a jar OSCO Cider or White Dist. VinegarW-WAc and before he .left the room every contestant in the Marathon dance, member took him by the hand In a Robert A. Cherry, former chauf- was given a birthday party to cele- Toy Brand Dill or Sour Pickles i' 1" 15c handshake of fraternal good will. feur, estate superintendent and mas-brate hor nineteenth birthday last 4SC0 Stuffed Olives «-«»J«2Bc- Before the address of the day Jack ter of a motorboat, was awarded Thursday night. The party waa SPANISH BEAUTY SALON Lawley, chairman of the alms and.qb- judgment of $1,602 by a jury at sponsorod by the management of the Jocto committee, told of the vast' Freehold last week against Mrs. Announce to their Patrons and Friends that on George W. C. McCartor of Fair Ha- dance and proved to be a great suc- Made of the Finest Ingredients . amount-of-work-which, his commit- ven and Nowark. Tho suit was cess. A table was set at one end of tea had accomplished and amid his the dance ring, with the usual birth- SEPT. 30th they will move to LONG BRANCH. Large brought' to. recover salary claimed "' Wrapped ^# /• remarks he was frequently stopped by Cherry for services from March day cake decorated with candles, be- by appreciative applause from his fel- to Soptember, 1930. Mr. Cherry tes- sides other attractive decorations. Look for new location in the RED Bread Supreme Loal • *» low Rotarians. Ho brought his re- tified that he was on duty day and With tho lighting of the candles the BANK REGISTER .and in the Fresh from the ovens to your table. marks to a fitting close by address- night to answer Mrs. McCartor's lights wero lowered and all of the r ing Dr. Harry Tlcehurst and In be- every call. Ho said after ho brought contestants gathered around the LONG, BR ANCH RECORD. half of the club members, presented the suit Mrs. McCartor offered to table and enjoyed a repast. At Us Victor Bread "••""" 5<= the doctor •with a dog as the gift of settle tat $000 and later for- $1,200. conclusion a group photograph was Sliced 01 TtasUced the ctubr Dr.'Tlcehurst, who ropro'. Cherry was represented at the trla taken. A capacity crowd was on The Famous European Permanent TJie economy loaf—used In thousands of homes. son'.a th» veterinarians of this dis- by John J. Quinn of Red Bank. hand to participate In the party. Waving Experts offer you their re- trict In Rotary, Is a lover of dogi Dr. Tlcehurst accepted tho gilt In a Joseph Veraaclo, seventeen, and nowned $15.00 Permanent Waves WEEK-END SPECIALS IN PASTRY DEPARTMENT. short address relating several dog Joseph Fassaro, also seventeen, both for only at Our RED BANK (Broad Street). Store •torles which brought forth much Keansburg News. of Jersoy City, are being held in the laughter from hln clubmembers. county jail In connection with the THURSDAY—Malted Milk Cake ...'.'. 3Ic (Tha Rad Etnk Reolitar eln ba boughl theft of an automobllo and an at- In Kc&nibtirg at the etores ot E. I* Miller N. Santa Lucia, Philip KtUot and Charlai tempt to Btcal oil and gasoline from FRIDAY— Cheese Cake 23c TOUCH CABD FABTY. Vosol.) the Hill service station on Main M and *AM Tho board of health and borough street. Two other automobile thieves SATURDAY—Assorted Coffee Rings 21c [ Assorted Loaf Cake 19*• 12c honor at the party. sponsiblo In n. way, It being Raid the Mrs. John Morrison, Mrs. W. H. board has requested the council to hot. •Plus redeemable bottlo deposit. Hewitt, Mrs. Charles McPh'oreon, appoint another member to that body Mrs. Edward H. Scattergood, Mrs. which would give five members, •Plus kottlo deposit. Roger Francis, Mrs. Benjamin Crate, whereas for sovoral months tho Albert S. Miller's FARMDALE EVAPORATED MILK Mrs. James Bray and Mrs. Albert board has had only four member*. J-_ Llndenstruth were winners at bridge. It was said that on many occasions 9* ** EGGS 2: 33c Hand embroidered guest towels a meeting wan called with only three were awarded as prizes. Mrs. Hen-mombern present, which does not For poaching, boiling "nd tho »lck' room. ry C. Mecklcm won a calie which constitute, a quorum. Councilman BUDWEISER MALT SYRUP was disposed of at the party. Franck null hei would bring up the LIRIH or Dark. Several other parties similar to B SELECTED EGGS *>» 23c August Sale "'" 49c Hvory Egg Guaranteed. OSCQ Meats-High Quality-Low Prices Do You Know of FOOTWEAR for the Entire Family ' Standing Rib Roast * 27c that it is highly possible that the We are now offering practically our Entire Stock FATTED FOWL ^ cream you will use today has been MllU-fnl. fWt of Spring and Summer Footwear, (many of them dark- stored maybe, in Wisconsin since 1Ibn m er models suitable for Fall wear) at STEAK. 42c[Lamb^CHops 39c May of this year or perhaps even Fresh P«ck Muihroonm can 27c, 45c | (WCPJVHnUtclly Rlnm lBc last year ? lb " •* Verify thin possibility Lhroti|;h tho Stntc lV $7.95 $ 11.95 and Skinned HAMS 17c partmont of Farmn and Mnrkota. I*-MII IlnllM | »..«MMm15c HAM wirtM H ih or* There'n nothing equal to 1'Yonh Milk and Remember, ihnio Shoe* were formorly priced at $6.00 to .$8.5(1. MEAT Ore am. idiccd i/a-lb 14c Tlioy curry our tuunl liberal gunrnntrn, which c«n only bo offered on qiinlily Amrricnn SWIM or Pimento Sn_nd_wich CIICPSO In All Our Mont Dopti. You will npproc'mto our Kicnh Dairy I'ro- mcrchnnditn iiich At tbii nloro bnt fritlurnd for over 35 ycnri. diictn from Tuhcrculln-tcitled ('own. Hllr<»il I'rmh CODFISH 15 | BUTTER FISH 15" Freuli lioenl Milk for Local IVrijilc - During ihii Snlo w«i nr« Hiving nwny h 1'rin'ulniro Klnctric Ico Rox, •I* V"1' l1'It'** '"* ^Uni», for your olmn h*Uo. vnlun $203, A UcUol entitling you lo onn ilinrc will be Riven witli It'll Better. rvrry dollnr'i worlb of mcrrlinndiio purebntrd. Quality Produce al Savings IIONKVDI'AV MKI.ONM 2 for 2Rc UKI'/l'S .'mil CAHIiO'l'.S «l hunchrtt 10c Red Bank Dairy inc., KATINC AI'I'I-KK a \hn, 10c Phono Rml Bnnlc flQfl Albert S. Miller l Shorn Filled Hy X-Rny (,K)I,I-;ilY JIKAIIT.S _ _J^H Phon<» 18 Broad St., Red Bunk, N. J. Vim «l>>»>» ><»'lvo Ilii Mi*k n( (li« |w«t fur Itn t***t In i'*" nMrtij (tSCO Page Sis RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 3, 1932. 1 lold school nurse, will be in attend- to the ^Freehold-farmers' market Sat- left ankle. He was taken to the Fit- OR, It. A. NEVINS, nee. kin Memorial hospital, LWEUstO CHIROPRACTOR, Here and There ; urday. The blaze started In the rear 300 Broid Strut, Rid Bank. N. , Heat Doesn't Bother Judge. . <5f tho yard and Bpread to several of Long Branch Woman Dead, Phon« 10«0. in the County T. Raymond Bazley, judge of thetho sheds before firemen got In under Mrs. Sarah A. Meeker of Long TwilightSail., ong Branch district court, sits cv- control. ... Branch died last Thursday after a WILLIAM A. VV1BTH. iry Monday and Friday to hear Carrier's ray Increased, five months' sickness. She had lived OPTOMETRIST . , Personal Notes, Sales of Prop- V Reiliter Bld(, Braid Stnet, ases. Most courts, Including the Tho pay of William I. Davlson, at Long Branch 27 years. Two sons htm SC R.d B*Bh onthenewS.S. SANDY HOOK erty, Building . Operations, llgher ones, suspend for 'at least •ural.mall carrier from the English- survive her. Offivo Hoars! 11:00 to SttlO. - month during the summer season. '>. Evening! by Apuolntmwrh Lodge Doings, Birthi, Mar- iown postoftlcc, has beon increased Stolen Car Found. riages and Deaths. Matawan Alan Bead. from $2,190 a year to $2,580. The dis- An automobile owned by Dr. James . PARSONS A DOEEMDS, EVERY WEEKDAY tance'of his route was recently in- H. Stokes of Freehold was stolen at COUNSELLORS AT LAW Drive your automobile down to the Atlantic Highlands Pier. Park Patrick A. Hagen of Mntnwan died WhltHeld BUUdlnf, f R«* B«ak A statement of the condition of last Thursday week at the age of 6Screased. Asbury Park last Saturday week. It John J. Qulnn. Theodore D. Parioni. right on the pier, free, Throo hour salL Cruise up the Bay anij Har- ti .9).«C, the Monmouth title and mortgage /ears. He had served as a consta- Engagement Announced, was found several hours later at Nep- Thomat P. Doremui . bor and return, leaves Atlantic Highlands Pier 5:43 P. M, E. S, T. •uarantee company of Asbury Park ile for 33 years and ho also served tune. (Add one hour for Daylight Saving Time). Arrives back at Atlanta Announcement has been made of Highlands Fief 0:00 P. M..-E. S. T. Enjoy a delicious dinner and, If - _'s of June 30th shows a surplus of chief of the township police for the engagement of Miss Sophie Fer- ALSTON BBEKMAN, $142,506.31 over liabilities. light years. He.leaves five children. Appointed a Constable. COUWSEU.OR AT LAW. you like, dance In the big.'cool ballroom—no extra charge. Reduced Matawan .officials have been potl- der and Max OshlnBlty of Asbury Isaac Stein has been appointed a. Offlcn. 10 Broad SU BED BANK, t). J. fares (or parties of ten or more. Consult ticket agents for Information. Park. -Oschlnsky Is manager' of constable from the. first district of fled'By tho Public Utilities-commis- neak Thief Gets-Jewelry. GEORGE D. COOPER, sion that they must flle at once a A sneak thief stole a platinum tie third ward at Long Branch; .His i . CIVIL ENGINEER. "ep6r"t"of "the municipal water do- Ing,..SLbraeelel. snd_a_ smali amount Park. .erm is for thrco. years. Sucusior to Gtorga Cooptr* Round Trip Ticket $1.25 Including Dinner $2.25 of cash from the home of Mrs. Har- 'aUeraon-Bulldinit,- "RED BA !.-X mrtments for 1931. Justlco Disappears. New Store nt Allentown. Arthur Esltew, six-year-old son ofry Wagman of Spring Lake Thurs- Chester Burtr, justice of the peace EORGE K. ALLEN, Jr., O. E., and STEAMERS day night. Mrs. Wagman saw theat Engllshtown, disappeared last E. C. Quackenbush of Hightstown «* OttHAttO tV l» Arthur H. Esltew of Freehold, fell has opened a .department store at Al- GEORGE F. BANDOLFH, a E, NBW.JIUIYxCINTMl, .hlle climbing a trellis at his home lan as he was leaving the house. week and his whereabouts are un- CIVIL ENGINEERS AND 8URVEZORS known. Mrs. Burtt and her son are lentown. He will continue to operate 60 Broad Street. Red Bank. N. J. last week and broke his right arm Object to Higher Bates. his Hightstown store. above the elbow. An ordinance increasing the \va-now with her parents near James- John H. DuBols, a retired fanner, er rates at Manasquan from S12 aburg, died at his home at Freehold last rear to $25 a year for out-of-town !onductof Retires. FATA1LY INJURED BY AUTO. eEjday,.at tho__age oJLJg.years. jnjnetered.usersmet with so much jppbslfloniast" week "that"action oft ^^pg- rm E i He is survived by two daughters atircd on Monday after Serving 43 LoHg BrBnaj ^Cora "Wiflt»r~ Bun it was deferred until this week. •-]- nd a son. 'eara as a conductor for the Pennsyl- Down on Ocean Avenue, The electric refrigerator disposed Testimonial Dinner. vania rallroSft. Mr. Sickles Is 6D years Charles Derby, 72, who had con- _f by the Freehold chamber of Harry J. O'Brien of Deal, former old nnd is still hale and hearty. ducted a card writing and small commerce recently was awarded to itato treasurer of the Knights of Co- printing booth on the Long Branch Mrs. Albert North of that place. umbus, was given a dinner at thoDeath of Neptune Man, pier for the past eight summers, was Rev. and Mrs. William L. Sahler long Branch Knights of Columbus Howard P. Bennett of Neptune fatally injured Thursday night when and son Otto of Freeliold are spend- lome last Thursday night. About died last Thursday at the age of 69he was struck by an. automobile ing a vacation at Delavan^Wisconsin. '5 members were present. years. Ho had befen a resident of that section over 35 years. A widow when he was crossing Ocean avenue opposite the pier, Frank Whltton of Want Teachers' Pay Cut. Freehold Horse Wins. and two children survive him. 1 The Matawan mayor and council Emma Brooks, a trotting mare Jersey .City,, was the driver of the has made an appeal to the board of swned by Joseph Carr of Freehold, Roductlon In Sowor Baton. car and he was held" oB"a technical education that the latter body sanc- won a 2:24 class race against nine- A reduction of the net return al- charge of manslaughter. Little was tioned a reduction In the salaries of teen other horses at Harrington, lowed the Long Branch sewer com- known of Derby or any of his fam- PERMUTIZED teachers. The school board has held Delaware, last week: Tho race was pany from $45,690 to about $25,000 a ily but it is believed that he origi- that It cannot do this as the teach- run In two groups. year will result In a considerable re- nally came here from Trenton. FOR ers have already signed their con- duction in the sewer rates. tracts for tho coming year. Now Store Manager. Stanley Brower, formerly of Free- Asbury Parker Dead. SHOEE PROPERTY SOLD. Every Car Water Company Calls Conference. hold, has been promoted to manager Murray H. Squire of Asbury Park Exlde perfomiancQ; d uni- Your Level Best WATER,. _The Mqnnjouth consolidated water of the Royal furniture company died last Thursday from a compli- Simon- Miller Place' at West End itoro at Aabury Park. Ho had beon company haB called a conference of cation of diseases *at the age of 65 Has_Nuw Owner. formly maintained In every' the officials of fifteen municipalities jmployed as salesman for the com- years. He has been a resident of As- pany for six years. The Simon Miller property at type and size of car. ThWt Those who complain that they which it serves with water to be held bury Park for thirty years. West Long Branch adjoining Shad- SOFTER at Deal today. Some of the munici- Conference Over Tuition, an Exlde on our shelves toiult B.'g Catch of Blues. • '--•-- ox Lawn has been Bold to Maurlci have never found their level, have palities concerned have protested The Freehold borough board of Pollack, a momber-of a firi m of-im- against the rates charged by the;ducatlon plans to hold a conference Gerald Thixton of Freehola recent- your car—-and at a price that. ly made a deep sea fishing trip out porters. The property consists of company. with other municipalities which sent about four and one-half acres and .probably never done .their level THAN uplls to the Freehold high school of Shark river in his niotorboat. The catch consisted of 1,000 pounds of the grounds—are -beautifully -land' Bank Gets Judgment. with regard to tuition fees for the scaped with trees and shrubbery. best. Nowis the time, to put your The Asbury Park National bank coming year. blucflsh, which were sold. and trust company has secured a Mr. Pollack paid $4Q,000 for the place Our Service Car best efforts in accumulating a fund RAIN judgment for $11,934.11 against long Branchor Married. Improvements to Rectory, which he will make his permanent Miss Anne Stengor of Cresskill » A new bathroom is being installed home. The sale was effected by the George C. and Alfred A. Jones of Graham and Laden agency of West for some good purpose. Open an Bradley Beach. The judgment rep, .nd Thomas J. Mauro of Long In (the rectory of St. Peter's church Is Always Ready resents the face value of a note for Branch were married on Juno 25th at Freehold. George Taylor Is doing End. account with this Bank. Rain is the best nat- $10,900 together with fees and inter- at Cresskill. Mr. Mauro is proprietor the, The plumbing is PHONE zw. est of the drug store In the Garfleld- being done by J.'V. Dcnise. Old Ass Pensions. rant hotel. ural water for wash- Tank Makes Fast Speed. Droivnod Self. Old age pensions to the number of ing. But $he Permit* The war tank invented by Walter Freehold Farm Sold. James P. Lower, a butler em- 331 have so far been granted by the L. Christie of Avon In a test at Lin- The Charles C. Croxson farm on ployed at Deal, committed suicide county bureau of old age relief. The tized water used by den last week attained a speed of South street at Freehold has been by drowning In Lake Manetta at average payment la $14.11. The r jJohnHansenj 110 mile" an hour. The tank issold to Harry Underwelner of Pas-Lakewood last Friday week. He tal monthly payments will amount the.Little Falls Laun- much lighter than previous models sale. The new owner is making al- leaves a sister at Albany. to $4,770 of which the county wll £ 4? West Front St., BROADSTREETNATIONALBANK and has a higher speed both on terations to. the house before, taking pay 25 per cent, or $1,192.50. The dry in washing your wheels and on the caterpillar tread. possession. Carpenter Breaks Ankle. balance will be paid by the Btatc. „ ^BS^NEWJERSEY Slaccy Matthews of Jerseyville fell It was estimated that about four i RED BANK RED BANK Freehold Market Fire. clothes is actually soft- Law Firm Dissolves. Inpt wenk whilo working on a car- hundred more applications will be jEOERALRESERVf^ er than rain. It re- William Hartshorne and John R. Damage of about $1,200 was caused penter job at Freehold and broke his received In the county. i Phillips, Jr., who have been conduct- t quires very little soap ing a law office at Freehold the past year or 60. have dissolved- partner- to form a rich, creamy ship. Mr. Hartshorne will continue the Frcphold office and Mr. Phillips suds, and, in every will open an office at Asbury Park. way, is most gentle Retired Minister Dead. Rev. A. Lincoln Shear of Neptune with your clothes. died Thursday in the Fitkln Memor- ial hospital of a cerebral hemorrhage He served 42 years n.i a pastor In One-third longer life Congregational and Presbyterian churches and was a chaplain in the is assured to your World war. clothes as a result of y Hands Losses One Hnnrl. our use of Permutized Clarence Burko, 38, manager o tho Burke Coal company of Marl- water. boro, caught his hand In an elevator lust Wednesday and tho hand was RO badly mangled thnt it had to be This is No. 2 of a ser- amputated. Burke was taken to the ies telling about the Freehold hospital. Operations Follow Accident. modern, scientific George Colos of Tronton and with work 1 Frank LOP nf Allentown suffered methods employed by ) ruptured bladders In an automohi the Little Falls Laun- 1 collision last week nnd It was neccs Rary for them to undergo operations dry. Watch for fur- , Lee also Buffered ruptures nf th spleen ii nd kidney. ther announcements. to do... Objects to Air Siwupors. Harry Relcher, proprieor of tho Hollywood Beach club o[ Long Branch, Is contemplating court ac- tion ngiiinst nvtatniH who have been flying hack nnd fnrth nvnr his club, JHese are Han'ds tHat run one of New: Special which bnjistn [i solmluin and nun bathing roof. Jersey's most important ljome industries.' (From July 25 lo Stern-Uibur. They make and sell the finest motor fuels on Aug. 27) Miss AlbrrU V. Ploon, daughter nf Mr. nnd Mrs. John C, RlcPn of Long the New Jersey market today. Branch, was ni.-nrled lfist Wcdnea- Men's Suits Falco- d;iy to Ernest Libor of Oceanport. The ceremony was performed at It might surprise you to know that the Cleaned and Pressed I/illg Brnnrli by Rev. William R. Hlnckmnn. world's leading motor fuel is made right for Only Sons Oft Estate. here in this state—in three large refineries. Enmnn Or V;ilor;i, prcsldmt of tho Irlldi Vive Ht.'ite, rind hlH liulf lnotli- This is ESSO. If you use "premium gaso« One Dollar or, Hov. I'lviiniu .1. \Vlii-i»lwrli:lit of UVst Kml. will dharn equally I he rs- line," switch to ESSO. Get the economy in tnto of thrtr nK>thor. Mre. Onttirrlnf Each Whri'lwrlKht. who died lerenlly nt operation and upkeep which makes it to« (RCRUW Charge $1.25) ,H<'li«nl IIIIIKIN N»l Sold. day's most widely-used motor fuel. Knllurc nf lln' Oi'rnnpfHl lin.inl of rdticiitloti to irll ilrt t:chr>ni bnndn In Or, if you use non-premium gas, discover; fhn titMo tr.irlHi!.' [innully fund mny romprl file lionnl tn nliitwl'tll plmv the difference in "Standard" 1932 Ciwolinc. fnr cnl.'iii:lru: tin1 ;rlinniiitnrr which \\;in M|I|I|IHIII liy Ihr v.ilrri Innt Tests at one of the greatest laboratories in Mnirh. New Jersey prove thnt "'Standard' has Mini,. 111M* In III* IT. All .ilipl.ii>,' hi whli Ii ll-indd ,l"hn everything n great gnsolinc should have." run w.'i< clvllli: llnllilrll"lin In 1''. 1, Kihv.-inli nf ('••Illinium, uhln, plinipr jlnli, iUuiik rlviT 1 "i tit iv ,ifl<-rn"i, New Jcrscyitcs can't do better than whi.n l-ldwuril" rin.'" I ln> rnnlmli patronizo New Jersey industrial these dnyn. Until In'-n n'.i'im ii"li"H' mill MTIP Im Toll-Free Phone |j Illjinril, And "Standard" service opcakn for itself. Hr, 'I'.'ll. lliiltiiHii i.r Unmrrvlll With Verified Lubrication, Alias Tires and Inn >ip> lie tl nil iilllin nf l\li>:ll nlilnwi WX-4500 ) 1 ir. Iliirfmnn In n, JI ft nf Air Batteries, Koto, Trim and other accessories, lit i nt i "II.•!•<' iiml ""J>ni!/ iiwl tnnnu /."»'•, "•'ilnin/drif.:' In.U ditinlinn ouil other "HUinilnrd" ;irui stations nnd dealers give von. ljircr llnm Muilird. Red Bank 2600 A l»l;;n Lull on \V«ll«r I1'. M)'n' |>Hi|>"llV nl I'ri Illirvllln knn dr now rui'i iNiiiivntv is CONTMHUTINC; TO NF.W JF.RBRY nlmyrii l>y flip nlly M"m1nv iimm • liy itivina Mr.iily rinployiurnl In • liy paying ovrr lmrulrtiU nf lluui- liilinill ?( 'Min AH--H ii^lilrin. inuiK ili:in ID.IHKI .lrnryiu:« »„,„!, miininlly in New ,Icr»cy mil. VVntrh {nrnnonnnunct' \ flh'Hll ,-|,|y frrl fl'A i • v n hull • liy iliolmi-,ini! mi UIUMMI pnyinll I nnd It ci(tlit mlci mi gninliua almio <>/ great Imfioitnncr ,"' '• i liinl,,. \\,l.| hi lull. nl n.ui.v null,,,,,. .,| .ii.ii,,,, . ,)y pi-ov;,i;ilrt pr,,,;,,,,,, Bj,,|, | ID J'IIM nlimit A ilt l.llliftll. n.iV'Minr, .Iriacy ( !t|y "ft tr W 1 n |n n |: " ''-I' elulr.^ ininiy • \,y ,iinUiii|l j( m«y (nr l|ir>r> cm. 1,|,,linn l>l|, ' lllii..|l« n| iiMli.nt Hilly, in |(n». plnycci lo nujnlrc ulnrk ill llio 170 W. Ironl .St. !•>• pnyitil nitiiv nii!li• Mi^inrf Illilllmtt ..( MnlU, . ,,f (Illllx y Bnnlt ri Iy nn'I lit r tizr. t .i\ t a |ni«itif pui (a,

rn..,,(,„« .,,.1 I1IIT. 11,0 f . S T A N I) A U I) lt () C O M V A N Y O V NEW J. E R S E X RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 3,1932. "Page Seven

ATTENDANCE CONTESTS. Ths flro department.w»i called out the Christian Endeavor society week. Swimming, bathing and va- the result of an expansion program . SHERIFFS SALE. late Saturday night to extinguish a nd Sunday-school.. rious other sports and rocreatluns Lincroft News. In the New England district, he has By virtu• of a writ of fl. ft. to tno ill. been transferred there by the Stand- free ted, Isiuad out a Mho Court el than* Second One Ends With Rotary Club flro in the ties along the railroad Jacob -Stern has bought an oil were tho principal attractions. Lots (Tha Red Bank Rajtlitai can ba bought eery of the Stnto of Now Jougy, wilt bf and Another Starts. tracks of the Central. railroad near urner heating apparatus for his of River Plaza folks came home sun- at Ullcrott from Edward Boughton, Jr. ard Oil company. Judge John Slooum exiioeed to stile nt .lublla vendue, on ore and living apartments. who baa a deliver? rouU.) i chairman of the hospital board, laud- Monday, tho 8th day of AutfUit, iOJJit, The second of tho series ot flve the Ocean boulevard and sscond ave- burned. between the hour* of 12 it clock Rnd B weeks' attendance contest among nuo. / ' • Lemuel Mount, James Manor, Jos- Mrs. Cponey and children of Bay- Mr. and MrB. Morris Brock and ed Mr. Thompson for his work on the o'clock (At I o'clock Eastern Btandard iph Klnhafer, Carlton Kinhaler and board- and-expressed the hope that rime), in the nftornoon of nald day «t members of tho Red Bank Rotary onne are visiting Mm. Charlea sons, Charles and Elwood. returned tha Court Home, In tno Borough of Fre«« club ended last Thursday. Tho hon- Tohn Mount attended a baseball game Thompson. : .. the beginning of the week from Mon- he would be able to return to the hold, County of Monmouth. Now J«rnoy, Highlands News f New York laBt Wednesday. board. to satisfy a docreo of $aU\ Court amount- ors of the contest went to a team Mrs. James McPhee entertained ticello, New York. captained by Thomas Irving Brown, Joseph Nusenfield of New York Is Ins to approximately tl.433.UO. (Tho Bad Bank RetrUtar can ba bought guests over the week-end. Mr, and Mrs. Edward Boughton Alt the -following tract or pnroel ct which scoured an average of 04.7 per made a trip to New York state last spending a few weekB with his aunt. land and prern! cjt, harcinnftei puttloutar* Highlands at BeJU'a drui (ton and River Plaza News. Mrs. Albert Llndenatruth and Mrs. Mrs.-Harry Sprung. ctnt for the nve weeks. ProfrEd- Joseph BtitAah'a itora). • [' ' - Ivlns: and ^children spent Thursday week. Mr. Boughton returned home ly deacrlbed, iitunte, lying imil beln« \r\ wln C. Gllland's team had 00.9 per Wednesday and Mrs. Boughton' re- Winston VanNoto has resumed tho Borouirh of Oceimiioit, In tho County cent. The team captained by Wil- Twenty-two members of the Coffee The BOO club met at the home of on a slght-aeolng trip to Now York. work with Fetor Henderson. of Monmouth and Htnto of Now Jonvy. Ircle went on a slght-Beelng trip to Mrs. James J. Taylor last Thursday The Womanjs club gave another turned homo Saturday after visiting und known as loti number C-B-7 and 8 of liam. L. Rusaoimiad 85.4 per cent friends at Long Island City. Jack Destribats has purchased a section B In Block 2 on a curtain map en- Fred Schntzlc's team averaged 81.8 hlladelphta last Thursday^ with fternoonft . Mrs. Irving Rink won benefit card party laBt Friday .on Ed- new Chrysler roadster. This Helpful titled "Supplemental map •hnwlns sub*dl< ouncllman Jacob S. Hoffman as rst prlzo and Mrs. Benjamin H. ward VonKattengell's porch over- Thore will be no service Sunday vision of Hlock '£ upon u certain map en* per cent. Tho low team was cap- evening at tho chapel. Miss Bpse Knight roturned home titled "Mnp of property of 1'ortaupeck . tained by John I*.' Montgomery, heir guide. Mr. Hoffman, who is a Crate, Jr., rocelved second prize and looking tho river. Five tables were Sunday after a month's visit at Jer- Booklet FREE Realty Company, known nn I'nrtatiiiocka -• maintaining an average of only 80.2 ittvp_o( Philadelphla.deBorlbed tho tho heart prize. Mrs, Edward Scat- In play. Tho prize winners were Miss Ada Fenton and William Monmouth Co, N. J., Bcnlo l"-200' CJcorid' laces of "interest" In the city, includ- sey City, Get thciirtl6iilitrly '(IcHcVlbed" "»rriuilt-V"Tyrriir"nTia and Dr. Harry Tlcehurst Is captain gical patient at the Long Branch club and their children and friends, Lewis S. Thompson,? Jr., has re- being In the Borough of Occnnport In the) of team No. B, TlijaroEN* FLT^ "SEDIANB . | County of Monmouth and State of New hospital two months, has returned about fifty In number, enjoyed .a pic- Boys can make extrtrapa pockeo t money signed from the board of managers NOT A SPECULATOR "SPEGALLy.PREPARED 'Jersey and known an lots Number 1-2-9-4* On Mr. Berge's' team arc Myron Lome. Mrs. Anna Wprth returned nic at Point Pleasant Tuesday of last Belling The Register.—Advertisemen:.—Ad t of the state hospital at Marlboro. As PHONE 391. 38 and 30 In Section E. Clock '/, on a V. Brown, Charles K. Champlln, supplemental mnp showing aub-dlvlnton of rlday from the Hazard hospitahitall at "Block 2 upon a certain raup entitled Harry H. Clayton, Frank Cobb, John mg Branch, "Map of Propert/ of Poitaupoclt RoaUy Crowell, James T. Clayton, Edward Mrn, Harry N. Johnson, • wife of Co., known as Portaupeck, Monmouth Co., Denlse, Hubert Farrow, Barney N. J. Scale V-200'. Gcorsa D. Coorer. ho ex-sherlff, was injured Monday G. E.. Red Bank. N. J.. September 3. Freedman and Prof. Edwin C, Gil-n a fall down the cellar stairs In 1007." and filed In the office of tha dark Flowers For i. and Hied in the office of tha clerk land. Dr. Gosling's teammates are ner home on' Naveolnk avenue. of Monmouth Ernest Hall, Thomas Head, Henry 1907Monmouth Co., N. J,, September 16* Miss Clara Klrkwood was burned 7. In CBR8 2'dJ-J) F. Hylln, Frank Havlland, Car!in the hand last week while cook- Every Siubjecu t to thQ^TcBtrtetfoni. reicrvatloni' Haag, Herbert Hunter, George How- and nffiegrtienta of record. land, John A. Kennedy, Jack law- ng. She became excited and Beliin Intended to bo tho inmo land" and*" '•"';• smashed a window with her hand. Occasion premises described in n certain deed from ley, Thomas Lewis and John L. 3he was badly cut, ten stitches being Property Holdlns Coriiorntfon, a corpora* Montgomery. tion of tho State of New Jersey, to SI*- "• lOCCEaary to close the woundi urd Danlclncn, bcnrlnit dato Novomh«p ' , Homer Mcthot has on his team Al- 11th. 1920, nnd recorded In tha Momhouth The official board of the Methodist County Clerk's office in book 1503 of deeds - bert S. Miller, William Miller, John church met last week at the Hotel on pnge 123, etc. ' • .' H, Mount, David Matthews, Gil Martin. Also beinn intended to be the same land : Manson, Philip Mooro, William The entertainment given last week nnd [ii-cmiHcs (Icncribed In a certain deed O'Brien, Mort V. Pach, Plerro A. from Sluurd Dunlelndn. sit)l;k>, to Aek Bry-a at the school by the Eastern Star nllilnen benrinj; .date Februnry 27 th,' __Eroal and William _I* Russell. Dr, lodge was largely attended. 1031, nnd to' be recorded Blmultandously ' Randall's team are Robert Mac- Mr. and*Mrs. George King have with thin rnortijsue, " ' " " r~T Donald, Gordon Hyno, Dr. Walter Also all that certain lot, tract or parcel • returned from a week's trip to Can- of land nnd prcmiseH horeinnftcr particu- Rullman, Dr. C. C. Stro-ughn, Dr. ada. Harold Stokes, Charles IC Straus, larly dencribed. situate, lylnn and belnff : A~ number of houses which havi In the Borough of Occnnnort In the Coun- "William *AV Sweeney, Dr. Samuel ty of Monmouth ond i"jtata bf.Ncjv Ssnty*" '_ * Haueman and Fred Schatzle. Dr. been vacant all summer have bee ond known us lot Numbor Njno <0) in TlcohursE will captnln a team com- rented for_the month-ol August. Usu . x ES, now's the time to buy blankets! Chilly Section E, Block 2. upon a Supplemental .-' , ally these places were leased for the Map showing Subiliviflion o£ Ulock 2 upon '•.•<• ' posed of Robert Wilbur, Dr. William a certain mnp entitled "Map of Property entire season. In some Instances nights will soon be here—and never before in 1 Wlrth, Rov. Nathan Wltkln, William of Portaupeck Rontty Co., known ns> Port-' i- Weolto, Harold Whitney, Richard T. city families aro renting for only a aupeck, Monmouth Co., N. J. Scalo 1 '-2OD* week. Penney's history have blanket prices been so low C.eorso D. Coopar. C. E-. Red Bank, N. S. Smith, Joseph Salz, Fred Adams, September 3-1007" nnd Tiled In tho office Byron Aapdln and Thomas Irvln Mr. and Mrt; William Kelly and U/athtei —or values so great! Come! Buy the blankets Save/ of the Clerk of Monmouth Co., N. J., Sep- Brown. ' family and Miss Anno Buckley are tember 16-1007, in case 23. Subject to at the Grand View hotel this week. I tho restriction*, reservations, and agree- THAT SMASH you've wanted for years! And SAVE—unbe- AS NEVEP. ments of record. Carman Foster has joined the Being intended to be the ssme land and - army and has left for foreign serv- lievably—on every one, at PENNEY'S! remises described in a certain deed from Atlantic Highlands ice. i RECORDS/ BEFORE / Toperty HoldinR Corporation, a corpora- lon of the State of Now Jeritey to Ask (Tho Had Bank RopIatBr can ba bouvhi The summer session of the Re- Buy on our Lay-Away Plan, if you lik Brynlldsen, benrins date September lfith, In Atlantlo Highland, at tha atorei o: serve officers' training camp at Fort 1930. and rtcorded In the Monmouth Coun^ ' William Lett, W. Ltmburg and A. Katl.l Hancock has been completed and a small deposit holds any purchase! y Clerk'n office tn Book 1545 of Pcodi. members of the Citizens' military mKon 264, etc. * . The fair for the benefit of the flrsl No matter wUnt the occasion Seized aa the property of Ask Brynlld- training camp arrived Monday. They may ho... a wedding;, an an- Ben, ct nln., taken in execution nt f.htt suit aid squad closed Saturday night. Al- will be here a month. of Eleanor W. McCormack and to bo told though It was largely attended the niversary, etc., our flowers receipts this year are considerably THIS GEEAT EVENT STARTS THURSDAY are tho finest.,. and Inex- WILLIAM P. O'BIUEN. Sheriff. -.^ pensive Dated July 6. 1032. : lower than last year. All return PENNEY'S BOUGHT THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF BLANKETS TO MAKE THESE PRICES Edward W. Wlso. Sol'r. have npt yet been received, but It Navesink News. 113U4T-547.26. estimated that tho proceeds will POSSIBLE. You Get the Savings ! Don't Fail to Visit Our Store During This Great Event. lens than $1,000. On tho last nigh {Tho Red Bank RagLtar can ba bought NOTICE. .-•- In Naveilnk from William Swan at the The followintr Ordinance wan pained on ' of the fair $175 was disposed of oi poitofflco building.) What the cooperative plan. Patrick J. Kll SPECIAL FEATURE FOR THURSDAY ! neeond and final readinR at a meeting of Lawrence Scott, son of Mr. and Value! the Township Committee of the Township cullon of Atlantlo Highlands woi PHONE 320. of Ulddlotown hold on Thursday after- $100, E. B. Gordon of Leonardo $5' Mrs. James G. Scott, who is em- II. July 14th. 1932;"Hnd was duty ap* ~ ployed by an undertaker at Bound and Mrs. E. Buckhorn of Atlantl Brook, last week passed the state ex- Ave. of Two Rivers, HOWARD W. •ROBJEItTS, ' Highlands 125. amination for embalmers. Cotton Blankets Townshfp Clerk. RUMSON, N. J. AN ORDINANCE VACATING CERTAIK The local branch of the society f< Tho old Albert C. Smith home- STREETS ON THE'MAP OF LOTS EN- the prevention of cruelty to animal stead, a two-story framo dwelling^ TITLED "MAP OP UELFOItD PARK will hold a benefit bridge party Tucs was destroyed by flro laBt week. The SINGLE SAVE NO. t. MORRIS AND CARROLL TRACT. • d>y afternoon, August Oth,. at th nELFonn, NEW JETISEY, DATED _- flremon were unable to save the IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. Casino. Tho annual bridge party fo building, but wore kept busy pro-, SEPTEMDEU. 1921," .' . ;~ . 66x76 NOW ! To ANfJELO DeCRESCENZO and ANNA DE IT ORDAINED by the Township tho benefit of tho Long Branch hoi testing dwellings nearby from catch- PeORESOEN/'.O, IIIH wlf- atnl NJCOLA Committco of tho Toivnuhlp of Mldolt^ • pltal will take placo Tuesday after- Ing flro. The house was one of the Buy Now! Save! LICUORI and EMILIA LJGUORI, his town: > • noon, August 23d, at tho Casino. andmarka of the village. It had \\ L f e: l. All that portion of Bel fort! Flaca Never Before at This Price I Part Wool By virtue of nn Order of the Court of n» shown on Map of "Belforil Park No. 2* The annual l\\r for the benefit of jeen vacant for a number of years, Chancuiy u( Nuw Jersey, inittJu on the day Morrirt ami Cur in II Tract, Uolford. NBW the Methodist church will bo held A regular meeting of the Navestnk of the date hereof, in a cause whereiheein ThTho Jertoy, dated Scntember, 1921," describe^ Bd S Ni, l Bk R today and tomorrow In tho Wollor ire company will be held tomorrow Good weight; choice of 5 col Broad Street Natio al Bunk of Red Bank,. mplainant and Ancelo "BEGINNINO at the Internectlon of th« store on First avenue, near Mount night. A special meeting was held ors. Sateen bound. Warm and light I Only New Jeratfv, Is c Northerly aide of ltd ford PInce vith th« • ast week at which arrangements New core - yarn I>eCiOH-erir.u. nml thers me defendant; Northerly side of Morrta Place, and run- • avenue. MORE OF OUR FAMOUS you nri! iti'iuireii tn iipiiear finit nnawowor ththo' nlnK thenco Noitheily to the end of sail wero made for tho annual fair Au- (Last conttrnc- bill uf mi Id to ni plain ant un or before thi Tho Masonlo association wlll«:hold gust 11th, 12th and 13th. tion. Block plaid Hull dny of Soptumber, next, nr tha snlfJ tract, being a atreet forty-five (451 felt, a dlnner-eall on tho stoamor Sandy year, liill will he taken in coufcujteil BRalnst you wldo running from the Northerly B1I$Q of Mr. and Mrs. James Purvis and designs. Sateen ^ Morris Avenue Northerly to the «nd of Hook Wednesday night, August 10th. pAr The Koiil bill \s died to foreeloce a mort- hlldren have returned homo from S3.98) T Each found. EACH RaRo piven by AUKCIU DeCicHcenio. Nlcolu the tract, be and the snmo Is hereby TB! • The Bowtell agency has rented tho trip to Now Hampshlro. Lifruoii nnd Louis lionifnelo to ticorK' rated ant) tho .title to the property ihall J. B. Walloco houao on tho boulovard Full Doiibli Bed Slit. 70x80 for Pull Doable Bed Size Lane, diited November '1'2, 1 y26. on land revert na proviilcd by taw. Mr. and MrB. Andrew Fulcher and In ti.o Townihip of Mlddlstown. In tha '2. So much of Oak Street nit ahown'up* to R. H. Rauh of New York for thothreo children and Miss Gertrude FOR THIS EVENT County of Monmouth and S'.ate o( New on tho aforcnald map above mentioned IR rest of tho eummcr. EHIB and Benjamin Ellis of Strath- DOUBLE PLAID JeiBey, recorded in Hook 8 00 of MortRiiges, IH not contntned within the lines of tha pose 'ibi, nml which mortuavrfl wan na- w State Highway Routo No. 36 be ond Mra. Henry Russell Drowno has more, Capo May county, wore week- A GREAT 81x90 BiBncd hy (ieot-KQ Lane to The Uroad «mo lo alno hcroHy vncntcft. returned from a visit with hor end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lester A. BLANKETS Street National Bnnk of Red Bank, New 3. This Ordinance shall take elect Im* daughter, Mrs. E. Pinckncy Whlto of Sickles. BLANKETS Jersey, on November 2. 1 tf27. and you edlutely. i TLAID, SIZE 70x80. VALUE ! SIZE Angelo Ileri-Mrenio find Nieola t.lRunri Ashvlllo, North Carolina. SINGLE, 70x80. ore made defendants because you tiro the Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dyer nnd Mrs. Ashtqn Sickles and Mrs. Wtl- owners of rocoul of stild mortgaged Unda NOTICE. family of Freehold aro occupying lam Golden wero on an outing las and >*bn Anna DeCresrento and Emilia The follnwlnc Or.llnunco was psni.fld oh cok to Asbury Park with the mcm- 98c PILLOW CASES TO MATCH .-. 10c Llitum-i ore mnilo defendantn hcL-nuna your <1 and final icndlnK at a meetlnff ot 47c hushnrulH nre tho owners of record of aalil tholr summer homo on Bay avenue, 0 Town»hii. Committee of tho Township.' Tho firemen wero callod out Sun-bora of a bridge club. lun-1 nnd lici-nuHe you cliiini an inchouto Miil.lletown held on Thuriday aftor- ili-'bt of dower or POIHO other interest In ion. July 14th. 1332, and wns duly •!>« day afternoon to a tiro In David P. Mrs. Norman Brown and children the said mortunEeil lands. have returned to Yonkers after hav- Smith's grtrngo in tho ronr of his 100% Pure Virgin Wool S-A-V-E Dated July 9. 11)32. HOWARD W. HOHERTS. home on WoBt Highland avenue. ing spent a few days with Mrs, Town.hli. Clerk.' Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs, ALSTON BERK MAN. N OnnlNANCE VACATINfi AN Olr» Frank McNitt of Now York Is Frank Despreaux. Mr. and Mrs. on These Roli.-lt.ji uf CompUiniint. ROADWAY FROM THE COUNTY visiting at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Patterson and eon aro accom Thick, Warm ID nrond Suctt, Red Hank. N. J. HOAD AT LOCUST TO T1IK Oil) Henry Rusacll Brown panylng them to Yonkers for a short HOCK UN THE SIUIKWSHUUY HIVEI1. BLANKETS SHERIFF'S SALE. TIE IT OIII).\1NI'.I> liy tlia Town.Mi. Mr. nnd Mrs. William McGlvncy lslt. .tnmltteo uf Iho TtiWnNlilp of Mlddla* Viovcd on Monday from 70 South nV virtue nf U Writ nf Ii. fa. to me .11- Mr. and Mrs. Busse and children at the lowest price re 'toil, t-fiicil out i if t Ii n t'nui t of i;imii- ivcnuc to 15 Lincoln avenuo. of Stato, College, Pennsylvania, are ••eiy of iho Stiilo of New JeiHcy, will ;.O w'llKIlKAS, thcra Is nn old roadw.r Miss Lorotta Jones, tho public Part cxpoiipd ti> snlo at IMIIJIIL- vendue on rc.H3 the I'H.peity of Len.y McKim thl\t vlsltlngntrs. William Johnson, of in Penney's history 1 Mcmdiiv. lac 'J'ind ilny nf AumiRt. 10^:, 114 fioin thu loml nt't.j.A thq Uceunla health nurrto, has. resumed hor duties Meadow Brook road. lifiwtrii Iho houn «f li;i>H ii'clurk Uliil l.h'O .In n> un |>I.I iluri, ; After n thrco wceltB* vacation In New Mrs. Alfred Brower entertained ", . IMI (I'I-I.K k. (Hi I :"H n'rliirk. tjmt«rii ANI> Wlli:i;i;,\.S. nul.l i..n.l has Ijnn WooB Staiulind 'Iinm,) In the fififinoon ot Haiti lit oil nixl not u-nhlli' HI tlia iniiHPiit time. UK IT OI1IIMNI II l.y tho To.vnahlp tnun have nproarcil on a numbor of William G. Willis and Robert Wil- tive block pUidj in the new- »ry. 1.. -iiU.fv a .Ir.-ico nf mtld rniirt 1 automobiles within the ruint wook. iiiinMintHu: '-> n|M'i.i\lTiinlcly S l(i.:">;i4 un. immltuo uf Ilio l\,wii,lil|, of Mhl.ll,. lis, who have beon visiting at Rock- est popular tliadei. Extra- All ilu.i (Ci'alu lot, tini'i or panel of Mrs. OOOTKO W. Bristol In confined nwny Park, have returned to LociiHt, Made especially (or Ptnncy'i dur- litn.l mid pinnlh.^. lir ii-lnaftflr |>ai tloilnrl y 1. All tlml mini .l«i.rillio[| a> foll.iw.l wide sateen binding. Full Double Bed She IIKfilNNINi; nt. II in.hit III tliu I'Umtvily to linr homo on Third nvenuo with whom they aro visiting their grnnd- ing the manufacturer's slack sea- ilfvilt'fl, hHnttfc. Ivlntr nn<| Itoliik.' In tin' Iho grip. mothor, Mrs. H. IJ. Willis. 70*80 In.—4 Ib. weitht 'hmnHilo nf Mlildlct'^n. In iho County of in ol tlio IMIIIIII' i mi.I Itndliu! hi.iii Nnvo. ion. We pan the savings along to Mimmmilh. and Stiitn of New Jersey: nk. (inHUM I) Illiuvlllc, ID Monnt'ii llock Mr. nml Mrs. John V. O'Neill of lil hy thn Sinvryom of Ilia lll«ln««y 19M you! Thick, soft cotton-and-wool IIKCINNINi; n' n if mnnnKor of thn County RUH company pr. — MtMn."l "id — newcit boudoir © My. N .1 , liy llniil.t M, Kim l,y ,la..| I |.M.|"jp I'alull | ,|i|.> (ii KM ,'-. lll.h'.M.v. r,.,,,, HUIIU' D Poll DotibU H*J Siza, 70.SO 1930 Price, $2.98 l ! f Kl Mkh N il tliu i:n«l.ilv Iti.ti i.l tlm !lw.t rnrn. Mm. Oeoi'Kfi Owens of Irvlnnlon nt tho IlnpUnt church during August •I Ili.Ml. '•:.•..'!. IV. y .|,-|(I,M<< lili.l npent purl of last week with Mrn, df lifiv-fn v-iilin. inliiulr'. \Vi-..t IS. in* >l' \V|, ond Hundny-flchool mooting!! will bo mi li.iiiilu'.lI nmnmll IhlilI hlilvy |ll:iill (ci'id IIlI IWIv.tliic .l.-ii.oo. mill (HIIV-IIM, SPECIAL VALUES nl|.« llr.i ci. 'iJ" II ' W). nlnely. Ing a two wreltn' vacation fiiim he ilntiHltlnr lClltntioth will tpond most M ,.i,.| I ,,I|1,.,IV . nml l\vr.truth, (till.tit frul : tliunrn panltlnn (it New York. of their vnrnllort In Now York state >U-ht I..W: > lllj. n I.,r.l.f,I I' An AUtntnolilla (Itlvrtt by .Inhr anil lVnnnylvnnla. Hev. Mr, Bhitnnan i III «.ity ilnuirm mi FROM OTHER DEPARTMENTS in >< > Miti 7,i- II' \VI. •ninly.foilr in.I flfnrtji'nltn (if I.nminnlo aillltlml will will prenrh at tho Marlboro JlRitl . r • 1111 < I nii'iie . 171, v) r«et; tli- . n U) rJotlh. n. cur frntn ICnunx r.niinly IHimln church imxt flundi\y nnd «t Flrat > A P-!. t Hlyfuur mlii'llp* nvrnlnK nl IHmtn nlitit fli cot nnr. Hull llnpllut church of Dnnvllln, Ponnayl- [ ii", UJ. HI* '. I' I:,) tltl.Iity-tlitc. i (I") JUST RECEIVED! till., Mo i n( tb« l rnrn wmn hniily i1nnin|[rit litlt. no on vnnln, thn fiilliiwllin fUlhtlny. TERRY MEN'S & BOYS' I In » 1,. l .ftl nxil J ih II i'i.'; lltrmn (M I'.ii. iy ltmn w»» lmrt, I th* I ••-» Will nt.i •.'I .1. niiiiiit.i. rnit (.M 7.)' it' n, itrty. Mm. Flora Uolnma iiiulufwent nn ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF THOSE T. II.'l-l. llaVIUIS'l i.wn mul tMn-tii.ll.,1 (r.7.JI [.vn<"i nml roiiy- Wash Cloths iif inlmil... i:na> (H. Ml" It' l.l, .ny.nly. Inal llnon muti'lim nml wnn twn In nt I'ltllllt Mrtniillnl lioapllnl of An SOCICS V, II 1.1AM l(. 1 .... mi.l oiin.lrnll, 1721) f.i.l j lliDnm |J I Iiilltnninrllt filltlilny wllll III!) ('l)l(il litll-y I'ntlt ln>( wrrk. Him inliutinll |lni, l ,1 ,u « I'.i.i- In. II,, |., ,,|y ,,,„,,,, | 11,1,1, ..I.,, Ai n lal 'Irlinm Inn,tin rltlll nt Anblll nun tlm nnxl ilny. Mm. Itnlinnit linn ill, ml.. In.I in. ,'i>' ;"'' I.I, on. linmlii.,1 I'aik. In tlm alitKlrn Jnliii Thorn" 6 for 19c ml nl.rlit y ..U'lil n.,,| ... v*.i,. I n IH) tn tui'l *I..HM M>« hoiith* wan vlrliHl"tt* iitwi Vliu'nttt Jlntiknny Mm. .Tiilm II. lliilmr", win. i-iwuutly,I, II,,, ,,( Hi,, h,,,| ,,.,,,„,,, i,, tha •.ml Mniijnti.lil Uirnnlintjt worn (i,' l n I Ii in fur tlm id Colorn: M..H fealnl, Kllalm Cntiip till Tltiiinna II, J,, l,r Mnnln Ml. in,.Hi fit* iU. iniival (if |iin«ll», hnn IWIIVIMCII. IN t> r ui«.«. I.,,.i iiv.. iniiiiiir. i ...I i I. r." r. I;,, wnn Ihrlr ilriiililna mnlrli anil (UFBU- .Inaepli riillllpii ripn-U tn tiny r LADIES ! Cronm MEN ! You'll I lave •.iihiv.u i.'rtr {.,. i II...,«. ,,, I... I., tha ImiK nll.t .I'li-l'll llnrlnnr lull. linw lim tit !inli»|M'tt lliilimlnl Idwn llm.liiiilnii ADVANCE FALL or to Hurry ! ' lit; »»,| II,« MI.I. I. IMM.I.V ..,•.,»•I >n,I Mm Mnty Ann limwn nt Wnml- lll|, |.,l|.ll« t'l llm Hnl Hnllk It III I lip Ihl. 1K ll.> t'l'il'l'ilv .li.ll A. lalul I'nlk anrllnu rnlnlit atfil Ihn «n- i-liiiiil. Thn lilla will tin Init-or Ihan Deign. |,,..«|,1..| l.r Inw, I lopirrtl I win! • 1 nlvrumy tif liar nnvnnly Aflli lilillt- Iln wil flflt ". ll.l. Hi. II. .li.ll li.l,> .Hi. I Im. thn on* lith<*' tmrtt lining. Hi nl 1 «'f1 |iti en> , .,.,11.l.r. Mlxi H[.«nl Ilia DRESSES Ml' ,Uyy [ liavo 3i lBli a'-hnul |m g«r I.M.l ..f it l • I'- ..< o-l. „1." r i1>y I'V laUlliR thn onlly Itln 1 y Hunk whaiana dutlnu Ihn )>nit ynnr ho ha \\ (I Nit I'll Mil, '•"'• " " ruiilii; in :ti.i ill Mi Ml Hi' A< COUNT iM'iir, nil,il A III'V ! «laain'->r ti> M*>V Ymll to vl.ll Iter 17. * SUITS -ond FJ.iltii* I. I...kli/ cUiii (lint Ilia •«- ami, .Tfinppl) fililHIl, UfllMtllMU Thn minlial lniiwtl all|ipi« • l>l mil* of lli« ...Ii^. ill..-.-, »-.1cr ttti'l fmnile.l to Imlit Wr.lnaailny lilfilil, O.•'.,!>« ...i .ii.ii tiinl li.i.l.a i.' Iha I'lll, ill Itl'l HOSE mill >' 1 niKl l.llir.l .I...... I »IM I. ...III..I -<>l .i.l,.| l.v liar iM'Mto liy lift twti tlatuhlnia, Mil. i, Tlia Laillaa' all a,,r|nty .i| lit M. W>IHi on.I Mil liny It.n- iidt |a making mranfieiiitinla fu li.'",illi"i,',',|",."..,''>|.| i'r .i'n''t l<, Itia *|I.I..P.I..I i ,..i,.,1...".UN1, III ii,.' i,,ii!.ir , ]-.(mil,, inno; I),,!.»". I | ,,r ..lil I1 i , '« llm.. .Irl'ttu. wlinlp 1 rftrohlMPhln wn|a tttla av*,tt. < i \ nj i;. r, n I I.VIIII. r a.ivp.1. Mia Ilitiwn It vmy nitivt* $2.98 .|»>. Hi,. I i«...iii .l.r ,.f July. A, /'. H«v. VV. tl. VamlMinaar la attUr 47c pr 25c ll ll I in), .t j.i.1,1, II..i. »|.|.|i..ii,,,, «n| !• Inllilnu alaln fit.Ill .Idrney ,..*«" fi.'.'Ji!1,'!''",!, HIMI t-l a. It loll11*11 ( ) M f it'll Tlia It.ilini1>l liaaalialt laanl it |T"il... '"I'i'L'.ii J";, «, A. n. IM/, W, .1 ll> ' V HI U n. BumsteadsWormSyrup 1 p.ill l.ii li»c,t a|iah.l|ttfl aavaial |1 C. PENNEY Li"ft; fall'."':,'k\%7,*i?tli?, . flllh !• elMI'llhB Ml wIDt li.i ami!. Mil. William t'ltr HKI> HANK'S NI'.WKSr IHTAHTMF.NT .SIOItK Til* IUr..rll'M rli.llrli <»||| |ia i;|. K-f fi r~».' ,11.1.11 tun .|.,.|., A..,.i.t Til")* Will l» | E K*fit*l )*| a»r»|rf« iritl no 21-23 Broad Street Red Bank, N. J. Page Eight BED. BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 3,1932; he school, assisted by Boland PoJ- the borough line of Union Beach, man was instantly killed.. The man was Auto Judgments homus, and his home is at Union avenue and acoompanled by, a companion who EXTREME The roads hereabouts have been the Stone road, which offers an ex-stepped off the tracks after the en- Must Be Paid largely used of late by horseback cellent opportunity for the theft of gineer had blown his whistle. William riders. On every clear day the mem- his farm produce as well as other Hartman of Red Bank was engineer bers of two riding academies make goods. He realizes the township'has of the train.v The dead man appeared Commissioner Hoffman Rules rips to this place. ' no police to give him protection, and to be about 45 years old and weighed That Bankruptcy Discharge of Percy Green la working for Cor-a call to the state police would result about 160 pounds. A label on his uult Values nelius Dellse. In much delay'before tholr arrival, bore the name of Strawbrldge & Judgment Does Not Provide Zlon Methodist- church held as has been experienced-on several Clothier of Philadelphia. The body for Return of License, • largely attended chicken dinner last occasions. . : was removed to Freeman's morgue at IN Freehold. Motor Vehicle Commissioner Har- week. - The Comet social club of Newark old G. Hoffman made an Important Howard Phipps has a new Cadillac' will hold its annual picnic on the One of the quickest ways to find ruling recently in connection tarlthth esedan. His brother, Tayoga Phipps, Cottage Park grounds on Sunday. job_ is toto advertise In The HejrReirisi - operation of the financial responsi- baa had his automobile repainted and Tho club will hold several field events. te.jr'i s Want Department—Advertise- bility act, announcing that a bank- otherwise overhauled.. ' , During the past week Hccordor ment - FURNITURE ruptcy discharge of a judgment does Thomas Lyons has had an unusually not operate to relieve the Judgment largo number of cases to dispose of. debtor of the suspension of his drlv- Colt's Neclc News. Alfred Thortohton of Harrison' was AND ..-'"Hceuser He declared that-the omtt..i^yJlLi9 law requires the payment and satis- Tti? Boy~Scout?~o!f~TroSp"No7~90 thirty days on a disorderly conduct faction of the Judgment regardless had a fine time on their recent camp- charge. Joseph. Sakorsky of Eliza- of any bankruptcy proceedings. Ing trip at Camp Burton with David beth, disorderly conduct, got the Tumldalsky, their scoutmaster. They same sentence as the Harrison man. The ruling WEB made when several received instruction in chair weaving, attorneys spuglyt to obtain the re- Pasquale' Sacco of Elizabeth, viola- TKeyllljO Traveling RUGS leather work, brush making and oth- turn of clients' drivers' licenses af- tion of the motor vehicle law, was ter the federal court had relieved er things while at tho camp ond they given a jail sentence of sixty days. them of all Judgment claims andarc now doing -work of this kind on Mary Bustoa of Union Beach, for - For Thi^Sala Avehave, reduced Monday evenings at their meetings being drunk and disorderly was fined financial obligations,.-i,-^^,-..^,, ftt-tliteColt'ii-Nock«DChoO'lhouiie."-The tt our prices from 20S- to 60% "The judgment feature of this law roop has twenty members. The camp $r^ttm5r'"B6aB5vr6' or~tJnron grants some real protection. to the xpenses ol one of the members was Beach, charged with violation of the and even more. The smartest motoring publio," said Commissioner health ordinance, was. discharged paid by J. E. Laird. when he promised to comply with buyers in the country know Hoffman. "It means that a car own A congregational meeting vyas held cr or driver -who fails to satisfy a tho ordinance. Molly Hefferman of TwO'Fiece Costumes what to expect in the way of at tho Reformed church Monday Keansburg -was Held under a bail judgment resulting from an acci- night to arrange for the annual har- extreme bargains and as we aredent, "will have his license revoked bond for the grand jury on an as- est home which will be held Mon- sault and battery charge. John Shel- and he will bo prevented from ob- day night, August 10th. The charge of TweedLike Silks strong believers in a Real. Sale taining another license until such brach, Poolo avenue, Rarltan town- for the harvest home dinner will be ship, disorderly conduct, was fined or No Sale At All, we do nottlmo as the judgment has been paid.- '5 cents instead of $1 as heretofore. Furthermore, when a judgment is $2. John MeromBky of Union Beach, hesitate to urge the most thrifty Batislled, the driver or owner must X E. Laird's cider mil! was re-disorderly conduct,-was fined $2. Ed- buyers to act promptly as items file with the Motor Vehicle Depart- pened for tho season last week. Tho ward Kcrman of Bayonne was given first load of apples was brought to a suspended sentence on a disorderly listed are limited in quantity be- ment evidence of financial responsi- bility for future accidents." the mill by Charles I. Young of Ham- conduct charge. George Lambert, cause of the heavy buying and Explaining the operation of thelet. Indications hereabouts point to aalso of Bayonno was arrested ohm $18.00 mailer apple crop than usual, similar chargo and sentence was sus- the remainder will change hands financial responsibility law with re- gard to judgments, Commissioner No preaching or Sunday-school ser- pended. Edward KIshner of Jersey quickly at these prices — the Hoffman said that the courts are re-vices will be held at tho Reformed City also got a suspended sentence church during August. Rev. and Mrs. Lowest in existence for the quired to notify the motor vehicle on a- disorderly conduct charge. department, upon the expiration of P. A. Langwith and family will spend Stephen Pllcto of Union Beach, vio- •They'll travel right into your Quality! thirty days after fintrjv It aame is part of their vacation In Now Vork lation of tho motor vehicle-law, jwas. unsatisfied of record and no appeal state. Rev. Mr. Langwith will preach fined $1. Silvio Moretti of Newark has been taken, of all judgments for at the Reformed church at Freehold was fined Jl for the same kind of a them! The smartness of them, damages on account of personal in-^ On Sunday, August 21st. " violation. Michael ShYlbricK, sixteen jury, death or property damage in Mrs. .Clader, who lives with her yeiradd, of Poole.:avenue,. Raritan the practical, features that 10-Pc. Oak Dining excess "of $100 resulting, from the son, Richard Clader, has been spend- township- charged with stealing a ownership, maintenance, use or op-ing several dayB at Plalnfleld. spare tire, was paroled. make them—perfect for.-jour- .\ Room Suite, eration-oi-a motor. vehicles- The Sewing club and Helping cir- John to. Browers of Poolo avenue It then becomes tho commission- cle of the Reformed church have dis- . neys, long or short, also make for the $168.50 grade. A sturdy suite has returned from a stay at Wild-; er's duty to suspend the driver's li- continued meetings during August. wood. them ideal for general wear. ol lino proportions finished In thecense. However, this law provides The next meeting of the sewing club desired Antique manner. that the judgment debtor may, onwill be held Thursday, September. 1st, Mrs. Anna Blcardl of Brooklyn has ..;lt's Smart due notice to the judgment creditor, at the home of Mrs. Sherman Hunt. been the guest of Mrs. Georgette pply to the court In which such Miss Alice Fields, who is employed Kerrigan of Mornlngside avenue. Comfort, Coolness, trim, 4-Pc. Stick Reed judgment was obtained, for the prlv- at a Freehold bank, is spending her Mrs. Fred Zahn was hostess to .the easy fit. llego" of paying such judgment in acatlon at Ocean City. members of tho Pastime social club to have RIBS installments, and the court, in its Mr. Cashion of New York spent at Aumack's restaurant Monday af- Suite. $49. discretion, may so prder, fixing the ternoon. Ever tlnce Eve was made) from Low soil visibility. Don't Saturday and Sunday with his father, A son has been born to Mr. and -Jor the.$97.50 grade. A Heywood- amounts and times of payments of Edward Cashlon._ ons of Adam'i rlbi—there hoi SJTakefleld Suite of unusual quality. BUCII installments. While tho judg- Mrs. Frank Mlrro of Clark, avenue. wrinkle easily. ment debtor is not in default in the Everett Barber and William Clar- been lomethlrig Intrlguingly Jn & new attractive finish. ihew has been granted firemen's ex- payment of such installments, the Union Beach News, feminine about them. If youn Sufficient smartness to commissioner may, in his discretion, emption papers. herivllv NOW Suite Specials h'tm with f i Hit Hint llin liiAiKhrl NOW wrlr III dniiKer nf l>trnltltitf. l,n->l Intricately moulded lines for Thin WVMi, llnmpln [liilirx In wrtl! I'A II nun wrtn rlnplnyril In ir 2-95 thai, glorify yours, hum bod- M«hi>B«ny, Wnlmit «n-l Onlt t.. !,oiiioviiir. Ilir liiM jiiniiiliiitj.; [if-irhni 95 rlrjarrl nut rrfrnrill*-itn of nriuni vnlilr. fiiiiu Ihe iiffR. l ices, properly cut low I', \V. Kliiilnll IJI nprinittifr • vurn- Hull IIT I, IMMlllh ||| III" Aillllillilni-li I: " °4.95 buclm, a grande damo swoop to tho Hkirts, brief Summer Furnishings IMnm llnvrr linn liMivr,| ft,,,,, |),|, MEN'S to I'oll'a NP-1I. tifd-on "jneketa" with Huf- at Less Than Cost! Weio $5.00 to $8.50. CHILDREN'S fy h('l|)l('H.4-looking ostrich tlm.ll f'linlla, llrnfll I linlir rllnn. Pino Brook Ncwu. Worn $3.00 to $4.50. J'DUll It'M-ltrtu mni

I" I. "I'll" "liili IHPW hn. VI ,,,r,,i|1C|» ||,.IU.1ll.E «n,,|.l yrillll! Aal.lHy V«rk fnll.iwo. 'I |,e f r n In wnuM III) n |f, |,,,n,| III. T n.Mirea Is V wli'llli.wn. M. I *. | ». *| l,o niu(chin(r rvv\w or contranlinK black or colnreil i- ini vol- Ulcplw.iir. IIIIIMIICI la l>!nl •ml .-la hf Hi. Pl liln.lllulltit v«'t. Si/.ris, 1-i lo 1H. Aiul u littln price! Furniture Co. Imvo i"t.,, ,lr«tr,t cf wcrilo an,I i,,,. JOHN IS. ALLEN CO. MKOAI) STIt1.1:1, RKI) H\NK, N, J. •..el I'].,..1 KEYPORT, N. J. "•• A-lrlo r.lli'.l!, II,e w < > r I > U . I |,I k 7 BED BANK THE BEOISTEB'S PLAtFOBSt An Ideal Place to Uve. Broad Street to tho Elver Located; on-the Beautiful Sewer* on Every Street Shrewsbury Blvcr, one hour More Parking Space (torn Mew Vorlt, and provid- Sluenallia Along the Ulghwaya ing every city convenience. RED luaod Wooklr. Entered u Socond-CIwi Hitter >t tha Poit- Subscription Prlco: _pn« Sfear Jl.EO VOLUME LV, NO. 6. offlct at IUd Dank, N. J™ undar tha Act of March D. 1879. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1932. Six Months SI.00. Sin trie Copy 4c* PAGES 9 TO 20. Show One Night GROWING IN USEr Request That Ncr Many Attending SHREWSBURY PLOT SOLD. Member of Boat Activities on the Elks'Bazar L [ore Car Owners Parking Their tanley K. Downs of Eatontown Will Opens on Monday For Hospital , Cars In New Erco Space, Tax Sale Be Held Fair Haven Fair Build on Sycamore Avenue. Club47 Years YMCA Playground Increased uso of Ifio, free public Stanley K. Downs of Stillman Park, Tuesday Night's Performance of arklng grounds at Red-Bank waa Resolutions Sent by Democratic latbntown, has bought a two-acre It Will bo Hold for Full Week pparcnt on Saturday night. Thom- Receipts Opening Night Were [•act of land on Sycamore avenuo at Harry Campbell Elected an Hon-Over 75 Children Made a Hike on a Lot Adjoining Elk» "Holiday" at Elks' Auditorium la M. Gopslll, chairman of the police League Not Read at Meeting $800—Fair Will,Close Satur- hrewsbury from tho Alrvlew Flying orary Member of the Mon- to Tinton Falls—Paddle Ten- Home—Grand Prize of $400 Will be for the Benefit of the committee of the council, stated on of the Mayor and Council day and Will Reopen August ervlco corporation for $2,200. The mouth Boat Club—No Clam- nis Tournament Starts-—Bate* Monday-night-that-acount made by MbndayNight. lo wan mado by William H. Han- Feature of Bazar. Long Branch Hospital. tho police showed that 85 cars were 12th arid 13th for Benefit. ock. Mr. Downs, who ia engaged in bake This Year. ball Games of the Week. - larked on tho ground's Saturday The annual charity bazar of the The performance of "Holiday" on LaBt week tho Rod Bank Demo- The firemen's fair at Fair Haven, usiness at New -York, is having a Harry Campbell, who has been an On Friday, July 29th, mor» than 75 Tuesday night, August 8th, at tho light / cratic leauo adopted' resolutions ask- which opened Saturday night, has ellar dug for a fine residence, which active member of tho Monmouth children from the playground went -Bed BanH lodgo of, Elks •will, open Mr. Gopslll commended tho Krldcl ie will build on tho property. next Monday night and win dOBo on Ellta" auditorium by tho Monmouth ing the mayor and council not to been attracting large crowds. It Is ioat club 47 years, was elected, an on a hike to tho Monmouth con* ^ county playora will bo for tho bene- ilothing firm for having advertised hold a sale of properties for unpaid In progress every night this week The property adjoins a two-acre honorary member of the organiza- solldated reservoir at Tinton Falls. SaturdaySy, , Augusg t 13th. It.wlll bo hold ho fact that has free pub- taxes this year, The' resolutions stat- act of land at tho corner of Syca- th cant lot on Cton^ Pla?° fit of tho Long Branch hospital and and will close Saturday night. On tion Monday night. He Is the third The group started from the play- . onn the vacant lot oonn Cton^u. P? will bo under tho direction o( tho lo parking grounds where automo- ed that because of tho business de- the opening night the receipts lore avenuo and Hanco road, which honorary member to be elected In ground at 0:30 o'clock and arrived adjoining thh e ElksElk' ' homeh . This wililll leave available the large free park- auxiliary of the Two Rivers. IIIOB may bo placed for unlimited proBslonno such sale should be held. amounted to $BO0. etcher Sherman of- Red Bank at the reservoir at 10:45. The day ! leriods. ..The firm.has,dona this by. ought a short,tlmo_agp.-from-the ^~nir- T«air'oi-th«lrtme « 1 . -The^resolutions--wero not..acted-on- —Mrs. Georgo B. Moxley,-won-flrst T was spent In swimming and p,lo.y!nj_ ^pac6anirBT«airoith; p. Slicing notices to this effect In let- Lirvlew concern. Mr. Sherman is Mrs.' Paul Baerwald, Mrs. Bertram at'tho meeting of tho mayor and prize for selling the largest.number games. The children, reiiirriedto the This year's bazar will differ rad- :ers sent to Its customers.' Tho po-council .Monday night, but, it was of Bhares on a Chevrolet sedan, which aving a fine residence built on this playground at 5:30' o'clock. During ically from those hold In the paot. In H. Bordcn, Mrs. William A.; Brady, llco department has had circulars stated after the meeting that they ilaco and it will be ready for his Jr., Mro. Edwin D. Bransorno, Mrs. will bo disposed of on the co-oper- the stay at tho reservoir several - addition to tho • usual attractions irlnted calling attention to the newhad been referred to John S. Apple- ative plan tho last night. Second Icoupancy within a short time. The children passed the 25-yard swim- thero will be a carnival feature which Frederick X Burghard, Mrs. William rounds. Thoso circulars will be gate, the borough attorney. Some of prize was awarded to Arthur Crozier. s paid for this, property was ming test in Swimming river. They •will provldo rldca and other amuse- Campbell .Clark, Mra. L. W. T. Cole- ilaced In automobiles parked on thotho club members yesterday ex- The car Is on exhibition on a plat- 2,500. Tho eale was mado by Mi. were John Summontl, Cornelius Col- ments as well an frco shows. One man, Mrs. Guernsey Curran, Jr., Mra. lualneos streets. pressed disappointment because the form on the fair grounds. While it iancock. lins, Emollo Summontl, Jimmy Po- night during tho week a handsome Charles Davleo, MrB.L. M. Dashiell, resolutions were not read at tho was being pushed onto tho platform londrono, Joe Rufflnl, Jlamle Casta display of fireworks will bo oxhlblted. Mra. Paul C. Downing, Mrs. Monroe meeting. They said they thought the the opening night one of tho tracks and Morris Binaco. On Friday, Au« A prlzo will bo awarded each night Etoner, Mra. Abrara I. Elkus, Mrs. R. matter was of enough Importance to became out of place and tho car gust 5th, the children will epend the of tjio bazar. The grand -prize of a Erbsloh, Mrs. .ErneBt Fahnestpck, Sink Piling For come up in an open meeting. started to topplo over. Roy King Scobeyville Farm day at the Seabrlght beach. t'rto to Europe or $100 In cash will bo Mrs. E. C. Fiedler, MrB. Eonjamln C. saved the day and tho car by hold- awarded on the closing night otf the —'--- Mra. H.»•' =B . «—•.«Garrison," . Mrs"-«. The attention of some, of tho club The first girls' and boys' play- Louis Glmbel, Jr., Mrs. Jamea Gold- members was called to tho fact that ing it up until tho track had been ground singles paddle tennis tourna- affair. A> Saturday matlneo will bo Highlands Bridge put In Ita proper position. Changes Owners held for tho children at which all smith, Mrs. Samuel GoldBmith, Mrs. It Is mandatory each year to sell ;> ment waa begun on Monday to de- Amory L. Haakoll, Mrs. J. Lewis Hay, properties for unpaid taxes. Tho club The firemen will uso tho proceeds cide the champion player of both the the rldos and amusemonta will be One Pier Excavation Almost at tho fair to carry out their welfare lames Sickles's Place of 140 open, All of the proceeds from tho Jr., Mrs. William Hendrickson, Mrs. members who convorsed about this boys and girls. In the first round ot •William Hv Hlntelraann, Mrs. Ray- Ready for Concrete—Exca- said that tho law was virtually a dead program among unfortunate fam- Acres Bought by Victor Ricci the girls' tournament Louise Caprlone bazar will bo U3od by the Elks In mond Hoagland, Mrs. Benjamin Ho- letter and was ignored by many mu- ilies and to maintain the fire-flghtln: defeated Emma Cheatham, 6-3; Kath- their charltablo work. j vating for Abutments—Cof- equipment, The fair will be reopened of Red Bank for $18,000— , MrjJ,John nicipalities. They said tho officials of ryn Johnson beat Jennie Figaro, 6-1; Lester E.McQuoon Is- chairman ot man, ferdam Frames Assembled. many places in New Jersey had on Friday and Saturday evenings, To Take Possession in March. ^he fair committee. Maurlco Schwartz L. Kemmerer, Mra. William B. Kin- Edith Geronl defeated Mary Flgaroi~~- Construction of tho new highway openly boasted that •* no tax sales August 12th and 13th, for tho bene- 6-3; Mamie Costa won over Mary To- -la vice-chairman and Harold. A^Qlb- noy, Mrfl..,WHllam I,auor,.Mrs, Julian would be held this year and that they fit ot tho Orst aid squad of Fair James Sickles of Red Bank has lln .secretary. Other membora of tho McCarty Little, Mrs. Thomas N. Mo-brldgo at Highlands is progressing old his farm at Scoboyvlllo to Vic- malnc, 6-0; Anna Geronl defeated t a Bteady paco. Excavation of the had been praised for such action be- Haven. The money received by the Julia Spinnozzi, 6-0., • •;' committee aro Max Wolsman, Fred Carter, Mrs. Frank MeMahon, Mrs. cause of the relief It would afford tax- squad will go into' tho fund for an or Rlcci of Buena place, Red -Bank, L. Jones,' Fritz Guetln, Henry Aid- Louis Hecltford, Mrs. Samuel Rlkor, river bed for the first pier on the vho will take possession next March, The flrsti day's play In tho boys' vest sldo of the river has been com- payers who through no fault of their ambulance. worth, .Jorry_ jyreCqnvoy,,.Thomas Jr., Mrs. Fred Rothschild, Mrs. Henry own wftie Uhablo to pay tho bills. 'he property is now occupied by Mr, tournament showed the following re- King, ThomaB .Hackott, Edwird wll- Seligman, Mrs." Alfred Schlffer, Mrs. pleted by J. A. Howlahdrahd tho Ickles' Bbn, Norman Sickles, wh sults: Clem Garrett defeated John piling is now being put in. Concrete They said they did not see any rea- HARRY CAMPBBLL. by, William Coyne, Thomas Brasoh, Ernest A. Smith, Mrs. Robert B, son why Red Bank should hold a'tax usea it aa a dairy farm. Mr. Rlcci, Summonti, 6-1, 6-2; William Cosby Timothy Hounlhan, Fred A. Ellison, Smith, Mrs. Andrew V. Stout, MrBwil. l bo poured for the pier founda- who is a sculptor and who recently the past five years. The other two tion In a fow days. Excavation has sale when many other municipalities won over James Hllson, &-2, 1-6, 6-4,.'-;';. "Joseph Bray, Arthur Farroll, -Leroy Fred C. TatumrMra. Lowla S. Thomp- had not done so for several years Report Salmon received a contract from the federal are F. F. Coleman and Charles R. Benjamin Daniels vanquished Cor* Deaoey, Colon Dlxon, John Fix,' El-son and Mrs. Charles A. Wlmpf- been started on both sides of tho government fpr work at Washington river for tho abutments. • past. Rosa. nellua Collins, 6-3, 6-4; Joseph Ju- mer Dey, James MdDonoUgh, Joseph helnier. Property Sold will use tho place for dairying an it was noted not to hold tho an- leana defeated Morris Blnaco,. &0,..__L Salz, C. F. Elliott, William J- Dowd, Cofferdams have been constructed Tho resolutions follow: small fruit farming. The sa,le wa: nual clambake this. year. Instead the 6-0, and John Daniels won from hl» ,\ Samuel" Greonblatt, Frank Erlc*on, for two other pier foundations. Tho made on Monday by William H. Han "Whereas, during the past two Real Estate Holdings of Mayor club will hold another outing to brother, Frank Daniels, 6-2, 6-2, Both ; Clark Worthlcy, Milton Siegfried, cofferdam frames, made of huge years there has been a depression :ock of Red Bank and the price wa: Sandy Hook on Sunday, September the girls' and boys' tournaments will' Petor J. Elchelo, William Turnler, J. Invalid Shoots pieces of timber, are assembled on throughout tho entire county, and ! Ferd S. Salmon at Fair Haven ;i8,000. 11th. Andrew White, who was In continue through Wednesday and . W. Cantllllon, A. M. Mlnton, Robert a scow at tho foot of Church street "Whereas, many of the property | Bought by David A. Schulte, The farm comprises 140 acres charge of the successful outing a Thursday, when a champion in both ,' Beattlo, Arthur Glass, Harold McCor- Self With Pistol at Seabrlght, three miles away from owners and taxpayers of the borough which 95 acres are on the south sid short ,tlme ago, also heads the com-classes will be crowned. ;; mlck, Charloa S. Bucklln, James Ran- tho site of the bridge, and aro either of Red Bank have been unemployed I According to Mayor's Friends, 'f the county road and 45 acres ar, On Tuesday of laBt week tho big Itln, Edward A. Collins, Harold carried down tho river on a scow or mittee for the September event The Everett Henry of Belfovd Losi due to the effects of the depression, iThe residence property of Mayo: on the north side. The property i trip to Sandy Hook will bo made in boys' baseball team representing the • Paters, Fred Flnnerty, Langdon P. floated, depending on their sizo. and Ferd S. Salmon of Fair Haven ant bound on the north by Yellow brool boats owned by members. In the playground was defeated by a boys" "7;- Norton, Joseph McVoy, Thomas Me- One of His Eyes in Attemp It takes about three weeks to build VWhereas, the Income of property Ins other real estate holdings In thai and on the south by Hockhockso last outing there wore eighteen boats. team from the West Branch T. M.' ^^; Vey, Elmer Shelly, Frank Dean, John to End His Life—He is Im a cofferdam frame. One now under owners and taxpayers has been re- brook. A house and larga dair; C. A. by the score of 12 to 3. Tester- Js Kwlk, Georgo Lane, John MeMahon, borough have been sold to David A James T. Clayton, secretary of the proving. construction is for tho bascule span, duced to tho point where tenants Schulte, president of the Schultt buildings are on the north side. Thi regatta committee, announced that day the playground boys were vlo-,' ;i John Splaln, Lewis Smith, Jr., Ed- end Is larger than tho others, being havo not been able to pay rent and outbuildings were constructed about torious over a junior team from '••"'• ward Wolnhelmer, Elmer Morris, cigar store corporation, according ti Thoma3 Irving Brown, president of Everett Henry ot Belford was tak- 122 feet long. Due to Its oizo it will many tenants aro still In possession information received thia morning : two years ago at the cost of $10,00 tho North Shrewsbury ico boat and Shrewsbury by tho score of 19 to 8. ? Charles Rodforn, P. E. H., B#n El-en to tho Long Brabch hospital lasl draw too much water to be floated of property ot taxpayers even though The Register from some of Mayoi to replace barns which were de- In all except one Inning the play- "• fant, C. B. Lohsen, Herman Lehr, stroyed by fire. On the southern end yacht club, baa offered a prize for week with a solf-lnfllcted plsto: to Highlands and will be carried on many months' rent are now in ar- Salmon's closest friends. The Regis second place In tho season's knock- ground pitcher, Webster Davis,'was .;.' Qcorgo Whltchoad, William A. N. wound in his head. Tho eight of on: the scow. The frames for the other rears, and ter endeavored by phono to read of the farm is a ten-acre tract of aboutraces" Invincible against tho Shrewsbury • Haag, Ernie Otto, Harry Welsh and eye was destroyed by tho shot, but piers wero 75 feet long and wore team, Shrewsbury scoring five rung .- Tony Hunting. "Whereas, the only bidders at a jyor Salmon, who Is in New York woodland consisting largely of oak his injuries otherwise aro not serious, towed from Seabrlght to Highlands tax sale, were It held In the borough bpt he could not be located. An un trees. in the fourth inning. But the play- Mr. Henry Is now at hla home and in tho water. of Red Bank would bo so called 'tax successful attempt was also made t( Farm land valuations In Atlantic ground boys came back In their half ' "-. he Is improving. It IB notbcllevei sharks' who use harsh methods for eh in touch •with Davia Hicks, thi township have depreciated greatly in Binoculars Stolen of the fourth inning, and after that tho Bight of tho other eye will b the collection o£ taxes which would niayor's secretary, for verification o tho past two years. It is said" that | Shrewsbury had switched pitchers, fell f,; Sudden Death affected. work an additional hardahlp on tho thrpp years ago Mr. Sickles rofusnd upon the. new hurler with a barrage . V: Shrewsbury Refuses U>o report. From Boulevard ot hits and runs that netted twelve Despondency over poor health 1: taxpayers of the borough of Red Silayor Salmon's residence is oni an offer of $38,000 for the property. Bank, and of Navesink Man believed to havo been the cause o To Accept Street of; tho show places on tho rive Charles Locke of Atlantic High- ™"s' A"cr the f°urth lnnlnS Davi« Mr. Honry's attempt to end hia llf "Whereas, by law tho collector of front. It Is surrounded by twelv , . i u u T i , I held tho visitors liltlcss and score- Tho pa3t year or moro ho has boei A spirited discussion concerning lands and Harold Ziegler of j teammates played False Report That Walter Cqon«, taxes la directed to hold sales tor aarcs of beautiful lawns and gal Eatontown to Buy , ., les 8 whl|o nls an Invalid, due to tho lower half o tho borough of Shrcwebury taking delinquent taxes, ddns. It. is reported that l flawless ball In support. The llnaup"* Riding Academy Owner, Had his body being paralyzed. Ho w,a over Irving place featured the "Now, thereforo, be It resolved that S^bulko paid $75,000 for the propel u j .<• I _, ' Rumson Charged With Thefts follows: Met His Death by Foul Means formorly«mployed as a United State, Shrewsbury council meeting last duo to tho hardship that would be ty, Heal estate meh declare that th MendriCkBOn Place j —Searching for Third Man. Shrewsbury—-H. Buekalew, M;.WIk,.- immigration Inspector. Hla dutlc night. The property owners, repre- worked on tho taxpayers of tha bor-new owner got a bargain. Tho hous —Apoplexy Cause of Death. woro such as to require him to make An ordinance providing for tho if- ' While making his rounds one night liam Riordan, 2b; Gordon Wilson, If; ontcd by Matthew Grelg, Dr. L. F. ough of Red Bank by the holding of alone, according to some resident last wecl1 Adelbcrt Weaver, 3b-p; Joseph Brea- Walter Coons, who conducted a trlpa to many foreign countries. MacKenzle, Lester McKnlght and a tax sale during the year 1932, theuf Fulr Haven, Is worth double th suancc of bonds to tho amount of jof Atlanti c PolicemaHighlandn s Jameheards soundEgidios Mr. Thumm, asked that the borough 51,500 for the purchase of tho Ed- lin, c; Francis Sagurton, p; Francis riding academy at Navesink, died Last Wednesday afternoon, Mr. collector of taxes of tho borough of sale price. Mr. Schulte, It is report mund P. Hendrickson property on of someone hammering In the ball Comar, 1b; Raymond Sanborn, cf i. suddenly Sunday afternoon. Shortly Henry naked tD seo a tin box in toko tho road over so that they Red Bank be horoby directed not tocd, will occupy tho property. park at that place. Investigating he might havo tho benefits of wator, Eroad street at Eatontown waa P. Duprey, rf. after his death a report reached tho which ho kept his personal papers. hold tho usual tax ealo, now about There ia also a report that Mayo passed at the Eatontown borough found three men trying to open a Y. M. C. A. Playground—Clem His mothor, Mrs. Georgo Henry, com- lights and improvements. The re- to bo held, for delinquent taxes. Salmon will not continue his resl binocular slot machine which had Mlddlotown pollco that ho had met quest hns been refused by tho cou,n- council meeting last week. A tax- Garrctt, John Summontl, 2b; his death by violence. Tbo Middle- piled with tho request. Mr. Henry "Signed, Red Bank Democratic denco in Fair Haven. In the prl payer, G. Edward Smock, raised the been stolen from the boulevard. The had frequently 'examined this box •cil, who state that when Christian mary last spring he was nominatci three men fled and disappeared in Frank Daniels, lb; Benjamin DanleU, town ofilcera and county detoctlve3 *MI, WHO staio mac wnen unnsuan league"-"n*.*-,. Committe\JUH.UHI.I.CeU ouun Resolutionsrtesuiuuons. only dissenting voice at the Lhlrd c. Joseph Costa, 3b; Cornelius Col- made an Investigation and found tho during nls long sickness and his for mayor. and final reading. tho darkness. A Packard sedan was mother saw nothing unusual in tho Broderson constructed tho road ho I Harold A. Hcndrlckson, Georgo F. near by. Egidio made a record of. llna, rf; John Daniels, If; Raymond. rumors to bo untruo. Dr, Harvoy W. failed to meet certain specifications, Wilson and Edward von Kattengoll." The ordinance was introduced and Davis, cf; Webster Davl3, p. roquost. In tho box was a revolver and until tho road meets tho ai>- tho license number and learned tho Hartman of Koyport. county phys- which Mr. Henry had used in his Meeting of Prohibition pn.ised on tta first reading two weeks car was owned by Harold Ziegler of Substitutes—John Poole, Shrews- ician, and Dr. S. H. CassWy, also of work aa immigration Inspector. His provnl of the council they will not ROTARY NIGHT. j ngo and camo up for final passage bury. Emelio Summontl, playground. ,. Koyport, conducted an nutopsy of consider taking It over. The wator l1 1 11 pub c hearlng last wcclt P T1 Tho playground baseball team will mothor had no knowledge of the fact company has threatened to remove Reform Organization "^" ""™" ' """"B T *, - op- i \° rtumson pollgo were notified the body nt tho Postcn funeral home thnt tho rovolvor was in tho box. It Will he Oliservwl Tonight at Play- Pollcomnn Henry Kruse went to the journey to tho Boy Scout camp at and determined that death wns duo TO flro hydrant unlcos tho fco uf (Position was raised by Mr. Smock. Pollc\nlnn Henry K,use went to the Aftor giving tho box .to her son, ers' Boat Club. I Zlogler houso nt West Park about Allaire on Thursday afternoon, Au- to apoplnxy. 525 Is paid and tho prperty owners , ,. „, . „ I who questioned tho right of the half-past six o'clock In tho morning gust 11th, for a game -with the Boy Mr. Coons wns 55 years old andMrs. Henry left tho room. A few mo- iro reluctant to pay tho feo. Tho Tonight will be Rotary night at '. izatlqn for Prohibition Reform was citato business. Ho stated tho bor- ments later sho heard a shot. Sho tho Players' boat club at Fair Ha- 1 helA dmeetin 'at thgo ohomf theo oWomet Mrsn .a W Organ. V. -B counci. l m<,mbcra to go lnto „,„rea , nnd Mrs. Zioglcr said her husband Scouts. Following the game th« • Is survived by his wlfo and a son, ir.ctlon in question extends 700 feet ouph had spent enough money on the had not been homo all night. An playground boya will be guests of the. •• Walter Coons, Jr. Ho had lived at found her son lying on tho floor with in Irving placo from Broad street. ven and tho members of the Red Klndley, Red Bank chairman, on Hendrickson ense, and at the present blood streaming from a wound In tho Bank Rotary club nnd any other Buena Vista avenue, Rumson, last hour later Kruso returned and j camp for a swim In tha camp pool. Navesink about five ycara. Tho fu- Bills for July amounting to $l,6B0 time It was not ndvisablo to add an Ziegler was home. He wns turned I During the ppast week much »d- neral waa held yestordny morning at sido of hla head near tho oyo. Mr. ind bills for Juno totaling $800.0G Rotarlan visiting in this section will ] Fridayy.. About 25 members Henry was In a ooml-consclouB state. bo classed by tho Plnycra na their additional $7,500 burden on the tax- over "to the Atinntic" Highlands po- vanccment has been made In h St. Agncs's church. Rov. Mlchool H. vcro ordered paid. It wna moved to present nnd all wero enthusiastic payers. Evidently ho believed tho wound was ;rant exompt llremcn certificates to special guests for (his evening. over the work. An address was made vaiioua liandcrnft and manual Callahan chanted a requiem mass. fatal. Ho kissed hla mothor goodbye Tho club's usual program of mnk- Mayor James R Hathaway, In ex- Tho next dny Chief of Police Ster- I tivitles occupying tho interest ot Burial was In Holy Namo cemetery nnd cxprcsscdNri'grot thnt ho had four members of tho Shrewsbury by Mrs. Georgo 11. Miles of Rumson, plaining the council'^ net Ion, stated ling Sweeney arrested Charlea Locke playground children. Several of th« at JcrBoy City. lioso company. A letter of protest Ing nn assessment of eleven cents county chairman. Mrs. Miles brought shot himself. At tho hospital It win for its Wednesday night's affairs i out tho fact that over sixty per cent tho council waa attempting to sal- of Atlantic Hlchlunda. In n signed children have completed samplers ba- vcr tho removing of tho bench from vngo everything possible of tho Hcr,- statement Locke confessed that he,' gun moro than a week ago. Many found tlint Iho would wns not ocrlous. w bo carried out tonight and this ;of the voters In New Jersey are wom- TO GET $3,000 1'OK INJURIES. :ho corner of Broad ntreet nnd Syca- drlckson assets to protect tho tax- ZleKler and Benjamin Fallon, of At- j of tho girls ure nearlnff completion Tho Injured eyo was removed, wlll provide for an evening or danc- on. Sho urged Iho Importance of In- more avenuo wns read nnd lnld on payers. Ho mlded thnt iho property lantlc HlRliliinds tinil stolen • seven of their hooked rugs, whllo some of Mr. Henry ia 61 yenrs old and n vlllo cntertninment forming tbo votcra what the Hobnrt Jury Gives Verdict In Favor of Miss Ilio talilo. Tho clerk reported that worth moro than the borough tilnocularti frnni tho boulevard. the Rlris havo completed various ar- bncholor. , He makes hla homo with refreshments. net Is nnd what Its repeal will mean. Ann Layton of IUMI Dank. ho delinquent tax notices had boon was paying for it. CnunrilniiMi Frank Locko and Zlegler were iirralgned ticles of different ktnda. Several of hi« mother. Ho made n fino record At thin tlnr* of tho year ninny of Another mooting was held Friday Front out nnd thnt n number havo VnnDorn, Ira E. Wolcott. Benjamin befnrc Recorder John M. I'lllabury. tho boys nro making log-veneer bird A verdict for dnmagoB of $3,000 was In his government position nnd the tho professionals nro nt homo from at the homo of Mrs. Loulfl Glmhel of j nlroady paid. A rcnoHition was nont tholr theatrical touiH and look for- VanKeurcnVK , Robert HIKKIIIHOII an;l wnn hold without ball for the lumsc.-i, which should be flnlthedl given last week In fnvor of Mla» Ann only reason ho gavo It up wns be- Heal. Mrs. Mlleu nnd Mra. Freder- Krnml Jmy and was cent to tlio Layton ot Drummond placo. Red caUBn of poor hcnlth. Ho la very tci tho iitato board of hcnlth request- ward to upending an evening nt tlio Jamca M.' Wolcott voted In tiip nf- within n. week.. Mr. England, tha ing altl for tho inspection of alt ick C. Tatum, county vlco clmlrmun, county jail. Ziogler wns held In |, tnr, Ia making a model Bank, In a lawsuit which Bho brought popular nt Eelford nnd throughout club. Tho club'n president, Tony nddrcaacd tills nicotine. Many new (lrmatlve. Councilman Arthur Tny- (I 0C bird ilnlrlnn mipplyliiK milk to tho com- iSr,OI) bull nml lifter Bpemllng h(nlal whlcll ,,„ ,nn9 , against Mr. nnd Mra. Horton Clnrrl- Mlddlotown townBhlp. Hla friends Hunting, hnn Informed Tho Hrglmcr workers wero secured and district lor old not vote. pinna to mount on munity In accnrdnnco with the state ;i ll l >< vva;l non of Rlvcrnldo Ilolshta In Mlddlo- nro gratMed over hli. Improved con- thnt ho hnn arranged n very Inter- chnlrmcn wero appointed for tho Other business Included the de-'•'">'" '" J " " '" '" l '"'" '""' a In Ilio yard of his home. Two town townnhlp. On July 20th, 1031, dlllon, Many of tliom hnvo called nt esting vnudcvlllo program for the iiikldln lind lower pnrta ot tho coun- cliilon to plnro n tnilllc nlllcn- nt tin; ii'le.-itu-il. t'p to this nuunlng Fullon weeks Imvo lioen devoted to the work hail not lii'rn found. MIBB Layton wan Injured In a. col-hlti homo with Rlftn nf flowers nml Kolnllnnn nnd their Indli-n. ty. It wnn reported Unit thn orgnn- cornnr of Lowl.i mid Main Mi-cotti of .unking bird hoimcta. Much of tho lision of automobiles whllo riding dciltcaclcs. Tho malady with which WON OOITI;!1: HKT. Although Ko|nr|nnn nml tholr ln- i/.-ltlnn now huti 27 dUliiet rliiilrninn durlnf; the rimli periods on Salurdiiy:i initteiliil that hi In uso waa con- homo from n moving picture ahow In Mr. Henry In nllllctcd In ft ntrnnKO dlcn will bo dm nnrclnl (juenln llin nnd 300 worUinn In tlin county. nnd hnlldfiyff. It'w'iut repnrted thiif li-lljiitril In the chllilren by tho lied uminl Weilnrndiiy nlglit ' nfTu11- In Hevpiily lifi(::i of Hour weio tecelvcil n enr owned by Mr. and Mm. Clnril-olln which hn« proved very linHllng In Awnril Mmlfl Yesterday liy Aged Man Dies l'.nnlt dairy, West llerKen pliicft, and oprn (n oluli mnniliom nnd tlirlr Mimdily u nieollii); of tlio pxi'Cllllve from thn Hod Cruii.'i iillntiiienl, Hi of iion and driven by Mr, Onrrlnon. The doclnrp. Evidently hn "lint hlinnolf (Vntrul Cnnipiiny. by llm Monninutl. lumber compftny, nnd Iho IMnyorn look fiirwnrd I'Oinmltleo wnn lielil nt Ilio whirl. Imvn luen ill.ilrlhiili-il. Tin. flarrlnon tiim-liliio collided with nn diiiinir n pnrlml of ncuto mentnl do I'eiihiil avenue. Tlio t:offco npt, which wan nrforptl lo nn rxcKptionally liirgt! gnthrilni; tlim'n liriiili|iinrleiii In thn (llolui lin- pnymrnt of lilllii liilnled f.'i? 1.01. From Injury AUtomohlln driven liy Mm. Ilono whllo hn wn« Ininjiornilly ti'l. Tho «i'i;niil7.ntl<>n now linn 2,(10(1 Annllier fpaturo of thn hnnrtcrltt VVn»lcr, wlm wan klllril I" the acci- iy tlio .loiHcy Central power nnd pi rind If. tho tuattln^ of gnrilemi In- iKht ''fini[iany, riinnl.'itlng nf talilr, mrinhprn In llm cmmly, an Incrrnnr dent. nf IWII ill Illleii wri'kit. l'lnilil Wl'io Fred C. Fincli of Kennsburu, tililo uinsiin Jni-R, fruit jnra or atiy my, rtijifi nml nuiirrrti, vintt won by NKW I'tillcrmi'irH Hull, It wan tratloit Hint Ml»n I.uylim re- l'/VOKANT IIATKS ANNOlINCI'.ll. lin Itnt iliink I'l'i'ieiittiin piirlor. 'I'lin IOHMKD. tnndn to liilnn the refori'iuliiin on Hie AKC<1 70, Died l-nst NiRht nt nut nf t;luHsi cnnliilnpr. Tho wnrk cnlvjil lnjurleii whk'll caunoil Imr t" Iliilmrt net lirfnro thn voli'ln of tlio Tim ii'iiiliein of lin- ltoil ll,mil wu.'i hej;uii tiy Mm, ChniiiiH A. Mc- 1 linwlng took |ilnco nt Tim 1 t^nlnirr Anlliony t'nniiifr uf Alliintlo Ulch- pnllrii folfn tun nellliiK llrkctii fur Kivcrviow lloapilnl—Victim Im a vntltnt nt llm Lonn lUnncli IIOH. llU'lvnlorp llrilrh (Wnlvnl t MJVI. J-'ieilrlli'k 1IIHK- imi iiiiinlt lit" MiMiih.y I.IBI.1 by »t. lIMvrtlorn Brnrli nnmiclntlim will or (hit Ite'l Ilillllt Cnllinlli'. lil|:h nclini'l Unit, him hreii iletumltrd within Ul4 drown mid a Jury. Minn Ijiyton wnn lof In owliril iilid n|'Clutrit liy All* lluiiiniin, Imn iiii;iinl/.i'i| n qiiiillrlln liaid nf li'nlr Ittivi-iu L'mt nlf;)u n hold in Unit nrctlun of Kruimliuri: for Weiliiculiiy I'Vi-ntiiir, i'l'pti'inhi'i- '.'Hlh. al.lnlili.lilln wlllln I'ln'-'-ilUt I'ilIT aV" rniirramitml liy J. Victor Cot Ion of Iliony Mii/./ncra nml .Inmnil Airlift Wlilrli will |,o luiifi-iriliiiinlly known Jnr. Tim Jni II iilo plucpil lr. « p#* fmir ilnyn l>i>)|lnnlii|( Thurmlny, Hop MIoi'tlllK Wllil lli'lil lit tile OilltlllllT'l A Imt;o ndvi'illiilni: mnivi'iili- |iii>Knun nun ill. Mil|il" ill I eel, III Ki'ii luililll It, Anbury l'nik nnd Illn ilnfftiilnnl" Imd n nil t\y, tn i'hlllp Mnum, Hint). HI Tlio MnllKlitrrn. llrnlilr.i Mr, Ciinl- nit Inn MI nn tn im nlwityii rxpotifd to Irliilicl' Inl, It wnii imnnuni'nl yrrtti*! 111 I'llolliio titli'lnleil liy meiolii-i II nf IIIII %v 111 ho a ri-i.lllni nf Ihn Mil iltrhil nll|i illi'il i-.nly Mil i nn.IMIII,; nt Iho Illvi'i. HnmM MrlJ»rnn>H jif Ji'mohdil Jur iitlirttl n |i\ m i|iiuilrttn IVIO Vmi tho iimtlii'iii llcht, nnd nrn Wnt«ftd dny. Viillni; f"r i I'l'W "'"I 'I'lfn I u);rr of Iho iy llll'llll'll'll nuxlllnvy, All lulilrrnn wan pint /if IJln JiJTillr. Mjlliy ini'lll 111 Jim , tii'w In. /|ill:il. Thn illlvi-r of III" I'.ir tlmlr lawyer. Tho jury wnxoul Hires llnnU ullli'i-, n. nml Alh l Wnlfn nf AIIIIIIIII fi pi|nnnt)y In i.riler to Insure tht tit* oprrlril In u"t llnilnnvny wxl Wfc uin will iniilmlily Im niiiilo liy Mm. Mlli'n. (llhrr ollli-i-in I Imvn alii lily iiiiii'liaiMil. npiiri. In Il.i' '-'"ill Ini iiin|i niii'i' Mm ni'i'l.lPi.l. hoiii" nml nflom. mlnuton lintuio In linn wllrllti|n!.l litN will Im iitmnvril mill nil lUlin Aimiml l',\<'iit fur llm llrfnriiw-ii III Ihn 1-;U..-1 mi VVniiuiii'it t Inli. > lin i'l iirvelnl iiillri-t Inllil inn llnvv nil Mill' iii.liliiil nitliu: I ll.u.'ly II.ok milt llnnk Tlia IIOIIUHIMO will «ln ; nl III Ihln nloin ill, t• 111V l"i' llll< n |Hli i"i jllll Monnr, Ainivrrntn. ( Imr, ll WIU lie llrlil XVr.lllfailn)', ( nji thn hitliy jmiiiiln will lnlI-IIII nlil nml rn jil n)n Wlllliiil II. l.lllln'K ilnck *t m Illn liPtirhwuy, Wntrr n|inlln ll lirl of lll'iilnill Jili'i-i-n III ('!/< I liilli: 'llm filltllitil linlvrnt llnitlti «tf Uin <'nnl Torly Trlilny Nlitil—I'lrat IIM' la ii'i.lllliu nflri llm |,.,,,lllii|:ii f,i| ui A nl it 11 y I'niti, On Mnnil'iy n nu'iU .linn In Ivi- lli.tMlli: nli'illl Iwrllly llm (mil of I InNi't ttinlniln nvaliuai At thn IlKlvpiUln |i'i"l will Im li"M "I Up- fliilil mil I'l lull" ' n||" I ul/' i. I'lill'll t(M It 1!" T"l ninl il|lll<-h will Im < liuilhrtlin Ati(il> tlin ||"W rule) |i| lac : of MM illihli I hi r.ll,i ill;" fin 1 hull *li I Will Im ""LI fur Iri". linn il.inn- II. ". I'." ' Ilinnr.". Un ll I-nW II I'.III lit tl .10. All IM'lillKH 4O Illn InHl. ilny nT Illn rnllitvnl. liilil n«l WniiiiKK'inv, ICInliiitnln :. •, |« . i,»l,», tin,, i'ilv vl'n l'l<"'|il<-iit nil.I ility *., llm inllll". will tnnW |t"r nut allenl will Im n I'M it |"ilty n 'III.. |,i|, fitl III" l|i>lv>t lionm ttln '"" I''" |ml| UU" Vnl.lnl, wlllln || | j, 1 • tt In li. Ill],ui. lUrli'iii", M.. 111 - • n lllntin iif Ih nlll'll \*Y ((Mit t mill I MVIM \>'!i , I I; i ill «!nn c r|vlr nn = n lnliltiy lllj*llt nf Illla wrnlt, A ilnni Hit Will lin ITI ICIIU iMalpml ,,t $1 nfl t«, Klll-l" flliil li'iyn" ftlirn, ,1,1,- AH A UMIIIII |,f IMU. l.llllnii 1 riliuln- ll'll.ti., i;,M, -,„,,,, l.ll.ili'iiii, ui"| nv inniiv •" |i|r|,nca (or, V. frn|, Hi"{ l liillmi. llm I.BI HVIITHUI tltllllllll , I v.nn irlilnvrit In julm will li" ownhlril nml lli»l'i III' WIlIU, m«..H. Il fill Im linlil III. Ui" (ill tili> .la nf i,| III lMMit |.nl|,rt in >i,«,ln « ^eitl l-uifil ttitrt li illlfill I" "I in ip»ii III •mi III n (Hal iinallljjrr ww|rl| " rll'Wll In l-i i.f lrilln]» cl olnllui WI ' A1 • nf gMllinila nt Wnvlitn, 'II'" I "ilm will ll.IH I ho of In,l|, llnl ml I.•> 'l'll'll •I nl my litl' "I mil Ilii tVI">""l '< " hU /! ll M lll H II Mti'in llniimnil M In'/ .l«lil A«lilHV I'll l|i I'l I,In-; nvi"« I'll' | nl"" ilpll, M I,, llin ttntltlc, Hil i Mill' alin.lM filllnli.l |>r, I -. :m I'-'PiiHy a (illral j,r,f,,|in^l III n ("«< h A f „ iilli, H«.| IHIV Hint II |sim« lidintniitniiy I'mwn tilll. t'l | io...» l». llnl 1.1 ulnllnn W.IUI ol llnl nlno "li'l In il'ilim >"i ulnl'il • llnl llr Illinii lH fro| «l,rl| ,|,a,o .„,, . nil i I 'li "..', iilllliin lll A4 < lili,,|..i,ll.l. i lilo Ihn K-nttl'l tiff fin (v['li'"tl II ft» I i^ll- x-lll Im III 1 ! ri I, • nil,**, Plyy ',*•,,, H'lnli. flha i?4V(t n Ihiil'ltl |'i"Hi'ini, |, i I. | in, II', iicillnlli.i, liuhlna lt|'>nill,-r l null Iti'llll Ililm I.I I"", Illn,, no II Illn I" si t'^l'il III MMIIOII'MIII l.atib hlillilltiH .lll'.'a. !i"lil.llnU "I nnlnlo'i. Inifl |il II," li". . (nt.t liolf v, IVI'»»lH»l» lanta.l, IIIII, ii Aii'nii ntiv i'l" •". iiif-i p~l(,1ny n.nt I'll.loy. L 1,111 | III. Iv " tt'i. «|.|,i». InU Mi, <>n«*i'a io I"'".., 1' IMIII.II",: A'tvcf linemen!, il al>«a. al.leii.ll.l . '.ll'llll'.n. nl *J.'i. f-1'1 Ih'.illlil ml •••'"» him ll'Kl H« Illl'l H". V.'.lHi li|i li II-" I"! inima *liil lw»»* iMMali 4ft pifll .al, I'-.,I '.r |l|".l oil f r I .j.,1. Lr i,I'll llm III, | ni;l , fllui I |r,t in ri, c;|r'.i »f,,,lll ll« \1 I ,,,n« ,l,fn Kul t»»fk »k»«» I] I oli'l |.M>>«, f"l oil |.lav fur I I|IO>»III«II t |Ui;l«l«l eii f-, vn I.I u In litlo »* II I'.ll I iii 'Ili luei. .,l,| fMinUh Ili-i, . I « If —I'l I".-*, I.'"" Vn |,.U ,,f >,lli«i Imutlu .1 i. W| • Cl.»l til iMila. A'lv«lll«» |r 1 1 1 t tlin tri"le limn AIHHi |i*l*.|ll« w|n( v»l Ijao r.l IVilHi n,< it)i In V'. "" W'" Inn.II.i, III'IIL vl u t MI, Irt 'i l . |t lejBMlaily *»i'll U* «, 'gaga Teh RED BANK REGISTER; AUGUST 3> 1982.^ I Bhip left his entire estate to his wife, spring she bought the Thomas Emery BUILDING AT TINTON FALLS. Ella W. Arneal, in a will which he Accident Victim Holmdel Man in property and moved there. Outdoor Meeting Sandy Hook As | Several Wffls The funeral was held Saturday af- i New Semi-Bungalow for Emlel executed two years ago last Novem- Dies at Hospital ternoon at the houso and was con- Fdr Farm Folks Ketolotaen on Water Street.' . A Public Beach | AreProbated ber. Mrs. Arneal was appointed ex- Accident, Dies ducted by^ Bey. Joseph H. Schaeffer Emlol Kctolalnon has Bold hb bun- James F. Yeomans of Neptune, f Barrlngton. formerly of Atlantic It Will be Held Saturday Even- ;alow on:Water Btroet at^Tlnton Falls *r JLortg Branch Woman Diipoied vho died suddenly a few weeks ago, MM; William Turner ot Sea-George Crawford Pasied Away Highlands. Burial by A. M. Posten o John Hemberg of Neptune City Congresairwri William H. Sutphiri ;v- of Several 'Share* of Bank eft all his estate to his wife, Clara bright Suffered a Fractured Yesterday from Injuries Re- and Son was at Fulton, Now York. ing on Theron McCampbell's and,ho Is now building a semi-bun- Recommends That Federal G. Yeomans, for her lifetime or un- ceived Last Month in Auto- galow on adjoining property for his '£.: Stock—Rumson Man's Estate tli she remarries. After her death Skull When She Wat Hit by Ramanessin Farm Near Holm- Government Money be Ob- mobile Accident.- Clydo own use. Both properties wero. for v! 'Goes to Wife and Children. T remarriage the estate In to go to Car Driven by Ralph Mulford. del—Noted Speakers. a number of years owned by the late tained lor This Purpose. • ;\-' their son, Oliver.W. Yccmans, for of KeanBburg died early yesterday Mra. William Turner of Jackson morning at his home on Francis placo j "Can Agriculture In New Jersoy Daniel H. Cook. Mr. Hemborg moved : Mrs. Annie B. Edwards of Long his lifetime and then to hid children, George N. Crawford of Holmdel Congressman William H. Butphlo.- Heights, Long Island, a summer resi- -»*-ftcr- a- shor_U~_t* illnessIll.n.fl . HtXe« wan'.nsc stvlnir- gllrVlVQ? Jf gQ flOW?" nto hla hew home on Monday. The .'Branch made bequests of conslder- tobert and James Ycoirans. Mr. died yesterday at the Matawan pri- if Matawan has written a Jettec to ireomans named his wlfo as execu- dent of Seabrlght, died yesterday at vate hospital from Injuries received in while working Monday morning Thla is to bo tho topic of a pub- roperty comprises four acres. dovornor A. Harry" Mooro recom- • able bank stocks In a will which she the Long Branch hospital from in- and was removed to hla home. Ho llo meeting Saturday evening, Au- Mr. Ketolalnen • and his family mending that federal relief funds be ' -" executed in 1925. To her sister, Susie rlx. on Saturday, July 9th, when the car Garret'A. Curtis of-Wall township juries received when she was hit bywhich ho was driving and a car'flrlv- ad been feeling Bomewhat 111 tor thogust 13th, on Assemblyman Theron moved to Tlnton Falls from New obtained from tho Hcconstruftlon , •' K. Edwards, she left all the stock she an automobile driven by Ralph Mul- past few days. McCampbell's Ramanessin grape York about four years ago, They are rinance corporation toconvort a pori , ' owned in the long Branch banking ;ft a houso and lot at Sea Girt to en by Miss Jean Spencer of Orange : ford, Jr., last Thursday when she farm near Holmdol. Tho meeting now occupying their partially com- Ion of Sandy Hook Into a Btata" '• - company.-Her, granddaughter, Gladys Ignes Thurston, together with all collided near Matawan.. Mr. Carhart was forty years old : he furnishings. All the rest of hiswas crossing the street on her way With Mr. Crawford at the time was and was tho son of the late Arthur will take placo In a natural amphi- pleted semi-bungalow. The building iwned publlo beach. The letter lol. -•''•'•••At Edwards; ls to receive all tho home from the beach. Death was and Viola-Carhart. _He. had. always theater which will bo provided with la1.20x26 feet, with threq rooms on the S~ stock she owned In the Citizens' bank istate was left to his brother, and Assessor Alex L. McClees ot Holm- : : listers. due to a fractured skull. Mrs, Turn- del township, who was also injured. lived at Keansburg and was we\scatl s and other conveniences " for first floor and two rooma on the Bec-MyTCear GovernorV ,. ' , '. :••'• of Long Branch. Her son, Raymond er was 53 years old. those who attend. All farmers and all md floor. A garage Is attaohed to • • T. Edwards, was bequeathed the John Saul of Asbury Park left all Ho has since almost completely re- known. In that borough. BcBldcs his I am writing to call your atienMozv : persons interested In farming are in- :bo bungalow. Mr, Keiolalnen Is do- , stock she owned in the New Jersoy is personal property and all of his Mulford, who had been under ball covered. Mr. Crawford's injuries con- wife, Mrs. Vesta Gardener Carhart, :o the posslblltly of the state of. New. ( 1 estate in Asbury Park to histo await the outcome of Mrs. Turn- ilstod of a fracWed skull, a punc- ho Is Burvl/cd by a son, Milton Car- vited to be present. ing tho work with the assistance of "crsoy utilizing some of the unemi"•. , '' . trust company of Long Branch. Ray- .The. meeting -will begin at six relatives. The semi-bungalow la be- mond was also left his mother's lfe, Florence A. Saul. Mrs. Saul er's injuries, was re-arralgned yester- ured lung, scalp wounda and cuts hart, a brother, Charles Carhart and iloyment rollof funds ot the iederaV 3 also to receive one-half of tho rest day and held for the action of the and bruises on the chest and both two sisters, Mrs. John Covert and o'clock. This hour was chosen BO ing built on an acre plot of land. ;overnmont mado avallablo through, 1 : home) at Long "Branch. This Is to be that farmers may do their evening • held in trust for him for ten years if the- estate and the other half is grand jury on a technical charge of knees. Miss Spencer received minor Mrs. Harry L.-Beamah.' tho Reconstruction Finance corpora, o be divided among Mr. Sauls sls- manslaughter. Injuries-. The funeral will be held tomorrow chores before leaving home. How- tlon, In the, establishment of a^New ••': after hlo mother's death wh,en It is to ever, Mr. McCampbeU.states, that FT-Vbe turned overdo,him outright.,A .era,-_Mr- Sajj!. appointed his wife, „ Mr, Crawford, jsvho,was ,74,.years nlght_at eight_tfclock at Jila late Weddings. "ersey Btate ownod non-profit pUWIJ its "sister Anna and J?rccT Oieff en- home with" Hpv. Dr. J. ETShaw,"pas- folks may come earlier If they wish lathlng-'beaclj "at Sandy HdSK'" "'rrp™' bungalow at Long Branch was be- OLD TIME PICTCEE. old, was the son of the late Rullt and and bring basket suppers with them. '" queathed. to Fannie A. Cubberley, lach, Jr., as executors. Caroline Crawford and was born at tor of the Keansburg Methodist • Moeller—Vanllercit. The undertaking of this project at ;, church, In charge. Burial, In chargo Visitors who arrive early are Invited inee by tho Now Jersey department - '.'; who was named as executrix of the James T. Reynolds of Manaaquan It Shows Grand Army Men at Fort Holmdel. Ho waa unmarried. For Miss Marie Moeller of.Arlington lequeathed his estate to his wife, Hancock In 1900. many yoars ho was employed as car-ot H. S. Bedle of Koyport, will take to be shown through -Mr, MeCamp-. if Conservation and Development unr. t Lela S. Reynolds, for her lifetime. place tho following morning in bell's vineyards where ovor S0,000 and Archie VanReren of Kcarny dor broad powers would bo doubly , -: Mrs. Christianna Allulsl of Raritan penter. At one time he conducted a woro married Friday- afternoon at tho : Mter her death the residue Is to be A framed picture of unusual inter- .Greenwood cemBtery at Keyport. grape vinos aro in irultago. advantageous at this time because It ! township mado bequests ot $250 each wheelwright business at Holmdel. Ho Naveslnk Methodist church by Rev, llvided among their four children, est is on exhibition at The Register la survived by two brothers, Rulif •would provide unemployment, relief: ' to her brother, William Otten of office. It is a picture of a large The meeting will be under the aus-Hollla A. Hart. Keansburg; her sister, Mrs. Cather- Vlnfred E. and Philip E. Reynolds, Crawford of Wanamassa and William William Simpson pices of the state, farm bureau and In this section of the Btato without , *i Sertha H. Parker and Florence P. group of members of Arrowsmlth The bride was attired in vrhlta laoo burdening the taxpayers of New Jmy'i- f lne Cerny of Brooklyn, and hergrand- E. Crawford of Red Bank. Mr. Craw- died suddenly last Sunday of a heart stato grange. No admission fee will with a large white picture hat. Her Vynant Post, G. A. R., No. 61 of Red Bank, ford was a member of Holmdel coun- soy even to tho extent of a single, dol- ''••'• son, Lester Allulsl of Oregon. All of taken by the late Andrew R. Cole- attack at the homo of his sister, Mrs. ho charged and no collection will be bouquet comprised lilies of the val-lar, and at tho samo time would pro- . her personal property was left to her cil of American Mechanlca. taken. Five speeches will bo made man on May 25th, 1908, on their an- Mary Haddow of Rumson, with ley and orchids. Miss Catherine Pos- vldo a publlo bathing beach oh- a.- : •daughters, Mae and Florence Allulsl. Woman's Club Held nual visit to the ArrowBmlth Bat- The funeral will ba held tomorrow %vhom ho lived. Ho was 42 years old relating to various features of thoton of Navoslnk was bridesmaid nnd part of New Jorsoy's best shorn front i>-' • All the rest of her estate was divided tery at Fort Hancock on Sandy ifternoon at half-past two o'clock at and was the son of James and Maragricultura- l situation. Dr. Jacob she was dressed in pink chiffon with where the- less- fortunate citizens-of-,' ki equally among her daughters and her Card Party Monday Hook. Accompanying the veterans the home of his nephew, Raymond H. aret Allen Simpson. Ho was born Llppman, director of the Now Jersey a large ploture hat. She carried the state could onjoy the benefits and I son Lester. Mrs. Allulsl named her on the visit were several members Crawford of Holmdel, with Rev. John in Scotland. experiment station, -will discuss tho snapdragons and blue dolphlnlum. advantages of seashore bathing at ..'..••'.'daughters as executrices. of Samuel T. Sleeper camp, Sons of Sherman, pastor of the Holmdel Bap- »Mr. Simpson, who was a metal me-, solentlflo aspect of tho problom. Wil- Captain Bergo of Kearny was best only a nominal cost • • Traoey S. White ot Belmar loft all Ten tables of cards wore In prog- :1st church, in charge. Mr. Crawford liam Duryea, secretary of the state ess Monday afternoon on the lawn Veterans of Red Bank, as well as chanlc, Is survived by his wife, Mra. laru ;• hisproperty to his wife, Mary A. several U. S. Army officers stationed md made his home "with his nephew Helen Simpson, and six children, all department of agriculture, will dis- A reception for tho Immediate fam- As you undoubtedly know the site. White, In a •will which he executed if Mrs. John Regan's residence, several years. Burial In charge of R. cuss tho marketing problem. Senator I have In mind ls part of the narrow luilson avenue. Tho affair, spon- at the.garrison. of whom live In Scotland, 'his sister, ilies _ani_ a fow Intimate frlonds was. "' three years ago last November. Mrs. In the group can be plainly seen R/ Mount £ "Son" will'fie'ln'H&I'mdel and a. brother, James Simpson of David Agens, "master of tho grange, hold at the Molly Pitcher hotol at | which oxtonda six mlleo •••• •: White was named as executrix of the lored by the Red Bank Woman's cemetery. will give, a talk on the political as- out from New Joraoy mainland into !lub and hold under tho auspices of the late John W. Chandler, Charles Boston. Hod Bank. The nowlywods left on a /Will; Curtis, Major Joseph Field, Albert pect of the farm problem.' William tho aoa and Is known as Sandy Hook. ' hemuBlo department, was the ilrst The funeral will be hold tomorrow Spargo, president of the New Jersey trip to Nova Scotia andHavanaand This entire property ls under tho con'- • George W. Havens of Wall town- a aeries of popular priced card C. Harrison, Robert R. Mount, Dan- Arthur W. Kelly, afternoon at two o'clock at Albert W. on their return will live "at Eolmar ship bequeathed his entire, estate to iel W. Irwln, Charles Smlth,^Louis. stato farm bureau and a director ot trol of tho foderal government but iartles to benefit the music fund. ifflclal court stenographer In the Worden's funeral home with Rev. J. the national farm bureau, will dis- "for~tho summer. only half of It—the threo miles farth- •L his wife, Sarah Havens, for her use Mrs. Regan, chairman, was asslst- Chandler, Joseph Mount, John T. third New Jersey Judiciary dlitftct, C. Colby, pastor of Rumson Presby- Tho bride is an anaesthetist/at tho V---iCycker- home with Rev. John J. Messier, pas- Practically 75 per cent of any funds F. M, Bailey, Mrs. Daniel Adams, ton high school and Pennington sem- Terth Amboy Men Had a Narrow Mrs. Woodcock, were tho attendants. Mrs. Mary M. Clayton of Fannlng- Mra. Frank Ganter, .Mrs. David Le- Judgment Against Furniture House, tor of the Belford Methodist church, Escape Monday nt Kennsburg. Both tho brldo and Mrs. Wood expended on this project would go '•' tlple left $200 In trust to the Farm- inary and took up the study of lawIn charge. Burial, In charge of Al- to Now Jersey workmen, engaged in V roy, Mrs. C. B. Meyers, Mrs. Arthur In Charles B. Hondrlckson's office at cock woro attired In blego crepe with Ingdale . national bank, the Income F. Swift, Mrs. John W. Ivins, Mrs. Mrs. Margaret Bennett of Little bert W. Wordcn, was In Fair View Morris Manback and William Sel- cleaning tho beach, clearing tho land Silver was awarded a Judgmont for Mount Holly. After he was admitted hats and other accessories to match. from which ls to be used in paying Harry McQueen, Mrs. Monroe Fleg- cemetery. ben of Perth Amboy had a narrow The brldo's bouquet comprised eweel nnd orcotlng suitable bathhouses for for ot her burial plot at Har- $102.50 against the Ludwig-Baumman to the bar he practiced law at At- escape from being burned to death the public, and modest BtructurBS for onhelmer, Mra. John Regan, Mrs. W. lantic City and Red Bank a num- peas and snapdragons. mony. *She made bequests of $200 to H. Carvaliar, Mrs. John gpillane, furniture company of New York last Mrs. Mary Shinn, in a motorboat at Keansburg early tho usual seashore concessions to be week by Justice Gilbert M. Keith. ber of years, but after ho was. ap- A reception for tho Immedlato fam- Mrs. Ethel Cook of Farmlngdalo, Mrs. Thomas Mead, Mrs. n. B. Sick- who lived at Fair Haven until two Monday night. When about 1B0 foot leased or rontod to business mon aa Mrs. Bennett claimed that on Christ- pointed court sfenographer he event- from tho Keansburg landing thel ilies took placo after tho ceremony a means of making tho project self- Mrs. Rllla M. Brownlle ot Newark els, Mrs. W. P. Strode, Mrs. Stanley ually gave up his law practice. In months ago, died In a hospital at and Leonard Dean. Mrs. Sarah Mat- 'lelder, Mrs. John P. Mulvihill, Mrs. mas day of last year her car was boat ran out of gas. A supply wa The couple aro living for tho presoni supporting. Operated on a non-profit damaged when a Ludwlg-Bauman past years he reported many con- Dobbs Ferry yesterday after an ill- g py with tho groom's paronts, Mr, Cral thewa was bequeathed $100. All theC. C. Bremer, Mrs. H. C. Gramann, ness of four months. She- waa 79taken oil to them In a rowboat. basis with Just eulliclont Income to • truck, driven by Soren Soronson of ventions, including the American Is employed In the. moat dopartrnon make it a Bolf-llciuldntlnp; project -• "Test of tho OBtnte waB divided'lly Mrs. J. W. Boyland, Mrs. Robert Bankers' association, tho National yearn of ago. Sho la survived by a While It was being placed In tho Greisenbeck, Mrs. H. R. Weilbacker, Newark, stopped suddenly .on Branch at tho American Btoro at Boabrlgh ovor a period of yoars, would bring between Anita and Mathilda Van avenue. Nurses' association and the New Jer- son, Earl Shlnn, of Dobbs Ferry, and tank there was an explosion and the Hlse. Edgar O. Murphy of Farming- Mrs. C. W- Humphrey, Miss Ger- motorboat was enveloped in flames. It within tho purvlow of tho Fodoral 1 sey Bankers' association. two Bisters and ono brother, Mrs. I^lrk—rhllllps. Reconstruction Finance corporation's dale was named executor of her will. •ude Norman, Mrs. John R. Morris. Edmnod Canzona of the firm of John Morson, and Mrs. Emma Beck Both men jumped overboard, Man- ' Mrs. Louise C. Bennett of Fair Ha- Mrs. A. P. Brooks, Mrs. Marlon Rity Qulnn, Parsons & DoremuB, repro- In his young days Mr. Kelly taught back, who was unable to swim, was Miss Evelyn D. Kirk, daughtor of purposes, without costing tho taxpay- sentlng Mrs. Bennett, brought out of Fair Haven and Frederick Davis ers of New Jersey anything. ven made her will two years ago lasl and Mrs. W. W. MacMeekan. school at Parkertown, in Ocean of Easton, Pennsylvania. The funeral picked up by men In a rowboat. Scl- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kirk of Plnck- month. Her entire estate was left during the hearing that the truck had county, and he also practiced land bon swam ashore, Manback was thonoy Road, was married to Samuel Will you bo gooti enough to look In- stopped suddenly when tho driver will be held at Falrvlew at tho chapel v^o'her sister, Mrs. Mary F. Long- RADIO ENGINEER HEBE. surveying. He was a master In chan- at one o'clock Friday afternoon. most seriously burned, his Injuries Lockhart PhllUpg of Edgowater Park :o this matter, and If you deem it - street, including any interest which passed a side street that he had de-cery and supromo court commission- being to hla arms and face. Tho last Saturday. The ceremony was foaslblo at this time, recommend that she may have had In the estate of hei Opens Service Shop for Electric Re- sired to enter and that there was noer and had a largo acquaintance boat was destroyed. After being performed by Rev. Warren A. Smith tho Now Jersey Department of.Con- ." dead sister. Mrs. Harriet A. Tho body was removed to tho Mnrgulcs—Mlldmunn. Ocenn Grovo made her will lnsl part of whirh time ho waa connected The caso was tried Monday In th Ilcforrned Church Children Enjny on real citato gcnornlly. with the Keyfitonn aircraft r.nrponi- Ivong Branch district court befor penter, retiring from work nbcmt uneral pnrlorn of Albert W. Worden MISH Phyllis Vivian Mnrgulos and April. Tho eastern half of her prop Ind prepared for burial.- It was later Outing nt ISclvtdero Ilcach. Mr. Roboraon, when seen at his im- erty at Ocean Grovo waa left to hoi tlon. having or one of "their Judgo T. Raymond Utizloy, who rentwenty years ago. Ho had lived In Frank Mlldmnnn, both of Hod 13ank, plement store nt-Freehold today, sold, departments. lcred a vordlct of no cause for ac Hod Bank for tho past 35 years. emoved to Kontucky for burial Mcmbeni of tho Sunilay-ncliool wero married on Sunday by Record- son, Walter, for his lifetime and or here. "overy taxpayer on real cstato In thli his death ls to go to her prandnon Mr, Orvlfl IH now localrd nt the Hon. Mr. Koninlnkl wflfl reprpsente Mr. Davis wan married twice. Bo- clauses ot tho Reformed church en- er William J. Poulson. Tho ceremony county should turn out to hoar Clin- John W. VnnNortwIck. The wester- wimo address u-.< his tint IT, .Mrs. M. I by Qulnn, Parsons k Dorpmus an ulcles his wife, he In survived by four joyed tliclr iinnunl excursion lnnt was performed at Mr. l'ou)son's res- ton L. Ilardo, Ho Is n. pleasing spenk- ly half cf tho property wns b(K. VanHnutor, nml his lirothcr-ln-lnw.1 Mr. Ilmlolph nml Ezra W. Karliui uona and u daughter, Tax Collector Second Man on Thursday nftornoon Rt Helvedero idence on Waverly place. cr nml n forcible plcnder for lower quonthod to her grnnddaughte who owns Vnn'^ novelty nhop. whore'1"1' his lawyer, Ilnrry V. Davln of Ocean township, Bench 111 Kcnnaburg. More than n tnxoH on property. I have promised Krcdfirlcll Olivia of Hnyravlllo, Wul- hundred clilldrcn mndo tho trip In Martha M. White, for her llfetlm hn IntPnd.'t making hlii permanent Trial For Murder TOWNHIIIP IIUVS OIIAVKL 1'IT. Mr. linrdo n InrRo nudlonco nnil I Upon her dentil, this nlmro IH to K homn and buMnenit. IN nAUY I'AHAnK tnr K Dnvla, Arthur Davlfl nml Mlas prlvnto cn.r.1 nnd trucltn. now cull upon every tnxnnyor in thn lOlhi Davln <>r Hod Hank, and u tiln- Tlio chtldrpn, nccoinpunletl hy tholr county lo cnino to tills mooting and > lo Mrs. VnnNortwlck'n grent-Kiiim I-Jinest Jackson, twcnty-yenr-olil Tour-Aero Tract Nmr Tlntnii KnlU non, Wllllnm I.. Whltn. All of he Selrellonii Mudp for Grorgo ! ler, Mm. Matllila Hhenimn, of teachoiB nml pnrentp, had lunch tn Hum provn to tlio olilclnls of tho Htnto IIKR 7BTII IIIHTIIDAY. Knl Hunk. c(;ro, wont on tilnl .beforo JUIIRO llouirht friuil JMrn, IJrcypr. household furnlslilnf;.i were. I) Miirtliu WnnlilnKlou. the picnic j;rovo In tho rnir of tho pnyi.'ni' iifinoclatlon Hint Mon- • Mr. Davl.i nervrd for ninny yonrn larry Trunx at Freehold Monday Cnnlno, after which they wont on thn Tlio township cominlttoo of quenthed to hrr non Walter. Tl Kurprlnn I'urly lit Nlirevvnhury for nuiuth county OWIHUII of ronl oiitntr 1 Hohnt Norman, non of Mr. nml rgpd with murder In the (loath of vnrlnua rUlen In tho ]mrk nnd tnolc • will nnmeil Nfitlmn I . Ijino of Oenun Mm. (i. II. Mlkmli. IIH ti member of th« Mtildlntown Klirnwalxuy townnlil|i Inn hmiKlit u Itrpuly IntomitiMl In tlio work ot Mm. Ilnrry It. Norman of Irvlnn tuwii!ihl|i Ixmnl of rdurixtlon while toy VV. Pott", Asbury Pnrk hotel whn tn tho pool. Thpy retlllni'd fmir-iirro li net of Inml nrnr Tlnton Orovo nn executor. plai'c, I/>nn ili'Mlu'll, nnd crnndson iinn, last HeptPinhnr. l")nvld' Von our Ipmli'in nnd np|if*clfi'.o thfilr Mrn. Mlllnn Mlln.cli \v,,i l:u,-.i| of IIVIIIK at Ijllicinft. 1 In alwnyn took to Tied Ilnnk at nix o'clock. Kullii, wlioro « Kinvol pit In located, . Mlas Knilly V. ISntli-r of Keyjiorl, or Hnbnit NiMimin (if ltrd Mimic, ha.'i itreniioUK pffoils for tax rollpf rnfl honor tit » iuii|Hl-i(. j.iiitv Klvm nt n Kl'Mt iwncunl (if inlrrcHt In tho I, wilil convlrtpil nf tho murilpr July from Mm. C'limlctl nii-ypr. 'I'lio ilrril illrecii'il In a will which Him nuulu llvu licrtl rliourn to .I'ppimrnt Ccorcn tux tpfoiiii, Mr. llFitilo In doing for tllP hnmo of' her inin, lirv nriT trial will nl- l''nllH on tlin.l'lnn Iltdok KHKI. Tim riipy whnt Mr, Mi'CniniiliplI l« ilo- er, KIIJH J. Hut'liT, nml In., r.hti'r, tnnnlnl rrlcliintlon tn lio liclil nt AII- o bn priiRttiiteil nt Jticknon'n trlnl Hpil Bnnlc imrrMit-ti-ticliPr it.'iiKiclutloii Jennie A. Jlntlrr. Slip npimlntpil her illlhilny Innl wcik. Mm, Mlluicli Tim fiineinl wan hHr'ivrl ilppimllii m|11li'li>nt to All Ihn i.f h'-l pifntn wan hp- ll'illiil HIH-Ml ntnl hrr luynl nttrnil- iu pccouiimny him :i|.,i-nnl, linn ( tin nml Mniy I!., . Mi '. KoiniPr I'limocntnr .I"liii .1. Quln Illillnllnl lnl»^lllKPncp, It collirn npiiipr llm liiwimlilii linn (IKI|IIPIII ly npnnt HllMl nlitro liy ,'111,1)0(1 Ulllpp vlllPK I" ):lnii'l""ii. Wllllnin J. Hi mil-',II or lutii|liil liln new th"liln nn (mil nf Mm, II.,1,1., MI., ivhii I" ilpfpiulhiK .hicluion, liullcnlril lli'illlni: pnlllli-n nml plllilli- l|l|p«flullt in lilnn $;Ml miniinlly fur itinvnl, frull. Mi. M<-('iiiii|i|irll rUIn Dmt JirmlW-y Itriirh. Tli" Ai-.limy I'nilt thn nnlliin whin lili'niilnnillnl minimi Ml«. .ntluiiii l.enln hut ho will InlKiilucn tMillinnny I with r.nil.'1111111: Him IH-I Inunlli n i Ihn II Ilin I'lilMtillllMiinril lifllnvn Hint thn nny HiH'Uln wlm innio liptiin Ililf" Itnd Ocrnn (liovn linnli wnn ni>|u,liilril Ili'll. Th" pin n I liln yrur u tri limn Mm. Hlchniil MM. W. A. IIIPI- i Mm illnw tlint nvMMH'd tPlnlInu' t'l pulii I mint IIIIIVIPII vr nt III n to (In, it. In will IHiivn nilvniltnuKliiin "'cluck will, If Ilipy wlnll, |in obnwn < le.nt..i- nl tlin will. UlP )M;ih.| |n liul" lihnl nl Illn l|rw Mllii'lilnliri', Mia I ICi i j». Ml an lull ll'ivn, ,l|r.| ypntrnlny nl hei fmiii tln> jilny "Ihn Cliuv.' Thn Him Illn lllii.lluli llm vlllrynnl'. Oi'illl'i iiliii rfnt nl (hn nrw muvttM ti llm KlllH »f iilllPlfl tlinn Illn < Iln John II. llhlltii if Miniiif.|iinii ill I'llillnn Ihilinr", Mi,.. A. II. TJufi-w linliln 111 llm I'mll l.nnn nt I'JIMV Ymk II millllliln fur Illn fiiiully rintlrin p." Hull hull wllft* thn nlllllill Irvlrwllif wnR nuppipinpil hy MIP |,n1lrp. Th f.,1,.,1 llml hla I If.. In.limn.,, ,.,,,11:1 Mi.,,1,., lirnlilt.d Mm, Clllinn rhn In nillvlvpi July U fiiin|ti'BPil of liliin IIIPII nn rntn fur Jil.tKX) In llm HIHIIIPI ]><..>,) „( ilnlnl will Im Im-nlMl. Wnlnril I'l I IIH, hi niniMii-r ilniichlPi, Mm A.l..l|i| PP wnnipii. Ilracll l'lirly nl Hrlllirl()ll. iir.i roil u HIM'.HINd 11(11 tl II' Mia. Imnlrl imlira mil (in Him. ANNIMINCI'.II, A Imm h jmlly won |>IVMI WPIIIIP»- In Ilia mil, l>. llmin'o Ithillr. hllnlm III, Ml n, ('Inl llit wnn n fin inn llrv. IIIIWIIIII H. Knurr l.niM< H|. II Ml fit,,.III,,,, i.r Alliinllo 11 la'l In ti'lm HAD • Iny nvpiilni! nl IIIOIIIIIKIII liy Ml»« this Bum nil hl» ilrliln BIIHII!I| l, j,n|,l I.UI nn,I nillvn In |,|illii|i I IT I1IM.M, AmllPtra'a nt Hlglilnmla. wnn fliinl (III liinl iL-nnlc hy -liinllin Mi.iy hlltlm nf I Void MoKnlelil nt Hunt Kimil TIIA iririrInt1rr nf Ilin InnniAiu ll.ililir Tlliilimg I, Mlnllli i.f |(ny|iull mi ft l, I , II,III, llili,|,l>-n. Him Hnn ,\rr^\v |i,l,, rr|r, IIPV. IlilVmil II. l!in/r|, nlin |mn Illrrn MPII nt liPKlialillrii llintRn of Imvlnu rhlrlirit liilialnm In Itlnln |iu|h' nil.,, l,i Ill nniali! nml wnrt I,nn nf (||A >l'l«lt 'UMI lihillCr, ll i liq nl wain iinjiiypil. TIIIIRO jnrnpnt Wl>tn R niMitiii, r.l |||n lip wna n IMCMIIK'I nf Ilin linti^lifni fn innl WPIo nrir »l'.| |..-.| llmin nn llm wuy (IMIH lll«ll- rt IIPI, m olfiil nt Knnnn Ml. BIHl Ml. Illrlinnl O'Ciilllliil, |i|nnilini| hln [nirwcll »n|ini,i| film ln'li"i|!iii»! well, lay nf lll«l| il r llm Atiiel li mi llf-vi.liil Inn nml II Inml In Allnnlli. lllg|ilni|,|a nml finiii'l IIIIIIII |...!l. l.uiy Mmiilny an,1 nm IIVIMK li"lit on Mlnimn VPIn M• It rilu111, Vhllllllil IU tiny. Us linn l.rrn nl | llglilnmia pi rtn) Irlnllvrit ntnl filMHla, nli.1 III Mle< MlilV l lilifticiiHt pi« Inly i.f Ani'lli o. .Mm Uosv • Mil. r nllno Ullllir, | II es nf |inn>ln( I' iimlni foil $11 Inn JOOlo Iln nl.., |e.l |ir,l „. Ihn 1,,1 nln, !,, ||,n ,„,. '|||Py (,,l,| ! f"l y y U )m|i|llo v.(i, tin-;, ilDirit illvhie.1 ti I "til. nf Mi. nml M (j il Jl.lnny l.'llv. || "I'll" IM"» «"l" HII mini) liy I'm, llm nm>nt llml Ihn |.,l,,lna »P|H r bill-. |p,|li| nf (II Mmyn IIHILII nl Al Iwenti lit" two i lllliltin. Mnil Vmli, |hn nr.ilv , hnlimaii 'riinnma llm nrn Mi>i|r|lnn nn.l 'iVIiolU Mi'll nl^lll, mi n|n|,|in.l In n |>m Uniin vvhmi limy • I i:.ln fm pr nflrr nun Innll" MlHll nmU all-t fit, I'|r. Mix. Vhiitnlit 11..w» if o |n Ilil,,!,,, mlllri, ,,f I -1 wi, 1.1 111 I : j.n ('lull", }a> l."li|.hl HIM,i til,-I llml Ilir-,- ill.I lint Ul.l.f II v ml lir.oi) ir'nlvril flt'llt nl Molfii.l Iln «rll| mil |p||i Infl. ml,II. nf linr |.rln.,lllil MIIM.III, ,|imi,|ili Knnllia, ll'iy Mi (nun |, 11 it f.|l>| IIIBH III,I lii,'.« llml Iliry »r,o uli,1n|.,li vMl.ln |h» lirni fill fifn^lllfiii Itinl A |> I il. Him l«fl f tits uno IJ(lll>rtl( Illllalilll llrlll mil lUlm.t ivli.i liuiv-r.) fl .all,,, I,, (I'll n nt Tin nmii |irtl,,i ,,f A-lilliy il,,, I. < I lr ml liinll I'ntl). Ihn aluuml |P||H|,,|| ,,[ |)i« Mi *>t lief |IIIII«*I ntnl fill IIIHIIIIIEP At «l, Will, II |l, Pair n unit Mnltll'i Iiml a m> III a I 1,„ 111r.,,• 1.-. ... nf Ilin rlmlr nf l>i> (((sypiitt In her ll»|ih»w, 1'nvlil !. llnlll ,,f ,,f III" 1,111a ii it |li«ll JIOIBMII wh ,i I...H .;i.c«. (-Inn* li Ih.ll.lll,, *| AIIKIIII.I Hull, fit liU llf.tlmo Ari(.| hi. l.tlhe ,|, u IcU-l will |.n |.»1.} fil I'm M tilt Mil ,,,, (llr.i.,1 l|> I,.ol llll'Uy Illelll "I II'" li' .Imciill Wliia i.r AlUhllil lll(hlmi,1a llulll Hi. |t.|ilu. I* lit (•, In IKI 1.. |I V. lltl.llita'y .ml Pill ila)- III. wti. WIIIUMI diul Hc<*tz« Mia. Pi mi r a I,lilt,ling 4 I v* f • al'ily flHlna Imtiaii it|Vla|.-,i hua Ihnny |,ifinl,«iN *\ ttoj lily I nit l!fcHMcr a virein mid lafipah Haul, .II.) vl.liill, «i,,l II | it,,., lot »y **rrp «!•'» l»n tlto »»• | til li'VVll «lli a » Ml nn'1 U f.-l i.f Km M>I«I«, "(I,. .I l|| His riiuiittr, \MlMl IIII I'otly y.,n| al U'al [,la llmt Ilila ..Mi.,,, MIII l.i latetty ••)•- Ms WM Ui| liy {<<•• > y Ma li ArnMl iif ItAilUn limn- «itM6A l*» *••<>•• <*l\n (|y« ,,ii lli««4 Inml) Mpof ' l«..Mla.| al \Ul, Knolni, n vi,|a) fur It th« \ &£iU PAJNIV -AUlyUST'.B, IV6'£. iall and Reva Heldlnger ot Sarm- nua wilt entertain at a «peclal »«t Vn'iL 1WI~.T t?ila ADMIT FIFTEEN BOBBERIES. Water Cooler Stoles. Personal.' Ing of the Sycamore tennis club thlaifYelLil lVlaV I* lie ngdale, Nancy C.. Payne and Betty A five-gallon water container was evening at her home. A dlsousston Two Men Confess to Several Thefts M. Burroughs of Cranbury, Laura V. taken from -Lewis Callahan's lunch Mlsa Roberta McKnlght of Eut will ba hold of plans for the "Racket" In This Section. Schooley and Betty Burk of Allen- wagon at Red Bank Saturday night Trent street Suits Tomorrow town, Anno RusBell of Farmingdale, his recovered from to be presented la September. Two men, arrested at Freehold on and it has not been recovered by Its Blokness,. The Elks' auxiliary of Red Bank orothy M, Hunt of Colt's Neck and owner. The lunch wagon Is open all deorgo Regan of John street, an will hold their monthly business All Ready to Begin litigation Busplclon yesterday, after being [ane Reid of English-town. /•-.• j /-• . • questioned by Btate police admitted night, but the water container was employee at the Jones service station mooting at the Elks' home on Broad lceI 0 11 removed with such quickness and on Front street, is on his vacation. ™? • Jr ? *" that they had participated in flf teen MABRIED TOBXy TEAES. street tonight at 8:80 o'clock. bles Who Arrqsted and Com-robberies in this vicinity. The men dispatch that none of the Iiinch Irvln* Richroath oi Plalnfleld, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Allen and ara Elmer Malsbury of Elberon and wagon employees or customers saw formerly of Red Bank, Bpent the daughter Marlon of South street are mitted Him to Jail. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Braun of Bed 1 Daniel Burgess of Neptune. Rank Observe Anniversary. It removed. Probably more than one week-end at the homo of William making a stay at Saranac Lake, New Among tho robberies which* they person had a hand in its disappear- BryanT of River road. <•--• York. They left Monday by automo- Civil action against justices of the Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Braun of West peace and constables whp figured admitted taking part in were those ance, for it was heavy with Ice and Miss Harriet Taylor of McLaren bile. at the Locust, Little Silver and Front street celebrated their fortieth water. street hag a new Plymouth car. prominently In tho arrest and com- wedding anniversary. Sunday at the Mr. and Mrs. Richard O'Connor of mitment to the county- jail at Free- Navesink postofflces, tho Mutual Miss Lois Knodel, daughter ot Mr. East Front Btreet entertained Mr. rocery company at Little Silver, home of their daughter, Mrs. Fred and Mro. John Knodel of Tower Hill hold of Justice Gilbert M. Keith two Munden of Elm place. The couple Ordered Padlocked. and Mrs. Thomas Meyer and family weeks ago Is expected to be started he Wlckatunk railroad station and' avenue, lias recovered from an Illness of South Rlvar Sunday. Jcott's store at Tlnton Falls. are enjoying good health. Besides Among 23 places In New Jersey or- that hid confined her to her homo tomorrow at Freehold, It was learned Mlsa Madeline McKnlght visited at yesterday by The Register. The men were in destitute qlrcum- drs. Braun thero are two other chil- dered padlocked for violating the pro- for a. month, , Point Pleasant last week. dren. William Braun, also of Red hibition law Is MacDonald's hotel at Although Justice Keith would make itanccs at the time of their arrest Mr, and Mra, Victor Goodrldgo Mr. and Mrs. William M, Hurley investigation revealed that both had Bank, and Mrs, Alfred Angleman of Keansburg. In tho proceedings and family of SunBet avenue enter- no statement regarding tho plans of ilrard, Ohio and four grandchildren. George MacDonald and Joseph How- of Hudson avenue entertained Mrs. his attorneys, Qulnn, Parsons & irevlous prison records. They were —talned MlBaSereda.Cgle of; NeBhanlo Claude JJurley and daughter Madge eld without ball for tho grand jury. Mr. and Mrs. Braun have lived at ard were named. • Station last week, : Doremus, it ^ wasJearned that_the. Ked Bank, ever since they, wetsJBSt of Shark River Hills" last'week." papers are about ready and will prob- JUbert Mattoon and family of Sun- Mrs. William Bray of Newman rled. They came here from Germany. It pays to advertise in The Register. : set avenue had as a guest last week ably be filed In the county courts to- Springs road is entertaining Mr. and morrow. > Mrs. Ingrld Nykanen of Philadelphia, Mrs. A, D. M,Hno of West New York. County Girls Plan Mra. William B. Norton and Mrs Miss Kathleen Sutclifle of Broad No less than 28 persons, Including Blanche Norton of Long Branch vis- •Btreet entertained Dr. John Mac- plaintiff, defendants and witnesses For Camping Trip OPENING OF THE STAGE PLAY SEASON ited Mrs. Wlllard Lawyer of SunBet Alister and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mil- are concerned in the case. Most of avenue Friday. them are justices of tho peace and ler of New York over the week-end. constables who either arrested or tos- With the eight weeks of the boys Mr. and Mrs. William H. Heyerof :amp at Ockanjckon closing next "Madison avenue spent the woek-orid tlBed against the mhglstrau'on sev- Com. Mon., Aug. 8th. Entire Week pn a motor trip to Niagara Falls. eral charges ihcTiiding"on"o brTwhlch Wednesday the balaneo of-tho-camp- lng seaaen will be occupied by girl Frank N. Kaiser, of Bassett place Block-Aid System the Red Bank justice was held for and Clifford F. Dorlng of West Front montal obsorvation. Tho amount of campers. While the girls' camp Is etteet returned Friday from a week's damages to be asked Is not known. limited to the number that It can WILLIAM A.' BRADY- stay In Canada. For New Jersey Governor A. Harry Moore, In a let- accommodate, there are still a few ilaces available for early comers. PRESENTS Mrs. William HaJlamore of Locust ter received Saturday morning by * avenue gave birth to a son last Governor Moore Outlines New Joseph Boldlng and Edward Plum- Registered so far are Marie . W«dn«Bday at the Rivervlew hospital Relief Plan at Trenton Meet- mer, members of the committee Koehne, May Griffiths, Marion Elmer M. Smith of Spring street ing.—AU Citizens Will be which last week forwarded a peti- Spence, Veronica O'Neill, May Jack who has been In the employ of the tion objecting to the "outrage" com- son, Juno Flnan, J^in Finan and "DOMINO" American Stores company several Asked to Help. mitted on Keith, which was signed Mona C. Franz of Red Bank; Mar- The Reigning Paris Success By by 78 residents, stated that he had years,"hiB taken a position with the Trenton, N, J, Aug. 3 (AF)—The tha Lias, Mary Halik, Grace Hase- MARCEL ACHARD—Adapted By GRACE GEORGE •Mutual grocery company at its store referred tho matter to Supreme man, Rita Rldpel, Catherine Veselis, ndlvldual citizen .has been asked to Court Justice Joseph L. Bodlne lor near the Red Bank poBtoflloe, 'dig in" to help New Jersey's needy. Catherine McDowell, Louise Mouser, —With— Philip T.JIannlno of Bridge dve- immediate investigation. Helen Halik, Virginia K. Satter o A block-aid plan of soliciting vol- The text of the letter follows: nue Is on his annual vacation, spend- mtary contributions to supplement Marlboro; Louise and Anna Dahl oi Rod La Racque Robert Loraine ing much of tho time at Delaware "This Is to acknowledge receipt of Perth Amboy, Rita Conroy of Keans- itata aid was placed before 160 mu- your letter with Its petition. I have Water Gap and other points of inter- lclpal roprosontatlves by Governor burg,, Hazel Hendrichson of Long Jessie Royce Landis Geoffrey Kerr est in the. Focono mountains. referred tho samo to Justice Joseph Branch,.Ruth Schn^U of Oakhurst, L. Harry Moore, Cheater I, Barnard, L. Bodine, wild'Is supreme court jus- Mr. and Mra. John H. Nome of itato relief director, and members of Virginia K. Satter.yiequeline Simp- Brown placo had as their house tice for' your county, and have re- son and Martha Iiee^Getty of Little Walter Kingsford Joan Carr hoi unsalatied. block-aid commis- quested him to InvoatigatQ. tho mat> guests over the weok-ohd Mr. and sion. Silver; Delia Llpqw, Bertha Allcoeli Mrs. A. Harry Netlsson of Madison, "Block-aid will go Into every ter." and Jessie Allcock of Keyport; Vir- A Stage Comedy De Luxe Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. GallogTier of home," the governor told the gather- The petition sent to tho governor ginia M. Wainwrlght and Mary Alice ~~ Foxwood Park and Mrs. ;Gallagher.'B Ing In,tho assembly chamber of the stated -that Keith was not only hand- Stutts of Manasquan, Caroline Pcarc With A Great Cast "' "sister," Mlsa Felicia Mllleirof Corormr State-house.1" "Each citizen can holp cuffed "as would have been a mur- of Point- Pleasant, Evelyn and Fran- Long Island. his neighbor. Wo must get the peo- derer," but had suffered injuries ces Moreau, Ruth S. Brown, Bett; OVER SOO TIMES IN PARIS AND STILL RUNNING Mrs. Vanderveer VanDorn of plo interested so they may feel their while being arrested "on a charge Johnson,- Elizabeth Clancy, Bett Branch avenue, has returned home osponslbllity and then we will get for which he had already given ASBURY PARK ball." The petition stated th^t Jus- Relchey, Jean Barkalow, Charlotti after touring tho Now England mt'of this depression." Hughes, Dorothy A. Conoyer, Ga' Mattlson Ave. PHONE Dt&tes. Moore and Barnard,- deploring an tice Keith was an honorable citizen and was being persecuted because Throckmortoh, Eunice Ackerman, Near Main St. SAVOY 8880 Rav, Edward W, Miller, pastor of attitude in some municipalities of Helen M. Hays, Marlon B. Holmes, the) Baptist church, and Mrs. Miller "letting the state do It," reminded ho had taken action to curb tho THEATRE practice of extorting illegal fees by Mary Hermann, Mary Elizabet ' have left for Carmel, New York, tho representatives the taxpayer will Beach, Lillian Strickland, Evelyn where they are spending tholr vaca- eventually pay tho state relief bur- certain justices of tho peace and constables. Craig'and Jean McDermott of Free- MAKE! YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW! '' tlon. don. hold; Lorraine M. Hulshart, June M. Thomas Llttlo of Bergen place, "Wo have a tremendous job," Bar- Justice Walter J. MillJ, who testl who Is employed at Newark by the nard said. "Wo must get money fled against Keith at tho hearing be- Bell telephone company, Is enjoying from every source it can be drawn fore Justice Edward Boughton at Llncroft, Btated last week that ho a week's vacation. from—tho state, tho municipalities r Lupton White, son of Mr. and Mra, and the citizens. I think the state had obtained no algncd statement ilrthur White of Broad street, is con- plans to do all it, can. The munici- from Theodore Morson setting forth lined to the house with throat troublo. palities will do all they can and the the letter's confession to having Miss Anne .Bruns of Jersey City citizens must bo encouraged to do all forged a constable's levy at the be- * was a guest of Miss Anno HlRglns they can." hest of Keith. Morson was arrested Some municipal officials asked on tho forgory chargo and hold at cf Elm placo over tho week-end. tho county jail at Freehold for threi Joseph A. Koch of Tower Hill ave- what was to bo done where a town was "broke" and unablo to finance days. Keith was arrested on a charg nue is on an auto trip to Seventh of assisting Morson In the forgery. Lake, in the Adlrondacks, whero he partly its relief burden. Sales Representatives will meet his sister, Mlsa Eleanor "Show us that you cannot reason- Mills in denying that ho had re- Auspices Koch. Miss Koch and a party of ably finance relief, and the state ceived a signed confession from Morson stated that the latter had irlends will return to Rod Bank stands ready to do it," Barnard re- with Mr. Koch. piled. "The only way to deal with I verbally admitted his guilt In his &3lss Harriet Benton of Beaumont, tho situation la' for thos- e wh- o hav- e OIIICB and implicated Keith. Ac- Wanted Texas, who la spending tho summer to help those who havo not. Dont, cording to Mills, Morson said he with her mother at Plalnfiold, was however, ask for more aid than is signed Constable Henry Krushkays a week-end guest of Misses Peggy necessary." name to a constable's levy, which and Ruth Hayes of McLaren street Dr. Charles Browne, chairman of was to have been placed on Mills's Fair Haven The Bar-Mltzvah or confirmation tho block-aid commission, announced car, as part of a joke. Mills added for book publisher to obtain interviews thru- of Harold Jay Berkowltz, son of Mr. Howard G. Turner, formerly vice that he did not consider the matter and Mrs. Berkowltz of Spring street, chairman of tho New York block-aid a joke. will be held at tho Congregation organization, would halp any munici- B'nal Israel on Rivoratdo avenue pality start the plan In operation. MARRIED FORTY YEARS. out Monmouth County. Those with cars pre- Saturday morning of next week at The state, Dr. Browne said, will pro- Dins o'clock. vldo $1,000 for the expenses of the The Wcddinu Annlvorsarj' of Mr. and Volunteer Mrs. Jacob Brown. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Avil of Maple commission and Turner. avenue will tomorrow observo tho Turner explained the New York Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Brown of West ferred. Salary and commission. For further 61st annlvorsary of their marriage. system—a block chairman enlisting Front street. Rod Bank, celebrated Last year at tho golden wedding nn block alders Into a unit. The system their fortieth wedding anniversary on nlversar^ tho couplo celebrated the Is already in operation In some Now Sunday with a family gathering and Jersey town3. Towns deciding to dinner party. particulars write fully to P. O. Box 330, Red event with a family gathering. Tholr children and Firemen institute it will notify the commis- grnndchllrjren were present and a Eev, John A. Hnyeh, pastor of tlv sion. Presbytorlan church, left by automo- pleasant tlmo wao enjoyed. Tho cclo- Governor Moore planned begin- brants received a number of gifts. bile Sunday for Kentucky, whero ho ning his drlvo for further state de- Bank, N. J. , will join his family. They will spend Both Mr. and Mrs. Brown havo lived partmental economies at a confer- at Red Bank nlnco their marriage. n the next four weeks with relatives enco todny at Sea Girt with William there and In making trips to different Both enjoy pood health. Mr. Brown L. Dill, flnanco commissioner of Fat- Is employed ns a tailor^ points in tho South. oraon. On Fire Company's Lot Edward Saethcr of Brooklyn spont Tho Governor, proposing , to ex- Card of Thnnlis. tho week-end at tho homo of Mr. andamlno tho activities and expendi- Wo wish to express our sincere Mrs. Thomas McKnlsht. noy Mc- tures of tho state's two largest gov- appreciation to Fnthcr Chirlrs F. Opposite Public Park, Knlght returned to work last week crnmentnl divisions, the highway NelsoJ^,^0,^,,'n an1"^d our friends for their am lifter a two weeks' vacation. and institutions departments, asked clndnoss and service of their cars Miss Margaret Murray of Herbert during tho illness and death of our Dill to conduct an Investigation. cousin, I-ouis H. Johnson. etreet, nn employee at Lord & Tny-Dill, who has not formally accepted, Mr. nnd Mrs. Herbert VV. Holmes, River Road. , Jor'n nt Now York, is on a two weeks' was expected to give an answer to- Mlsa Emma Johnson, Vacation. day. Mr. Joseph Leonard. Mlsa Floronco Eustaco of Broad The proposed Dill Investigation, —Advertisement. Street la entortnlnlng her brother, tho Governor pointed out yestorday, Cnrd of Thanks. Harris' Shoe Store In no way conflicts with tho general John Eustaco of New York. I wish to thank tho Mlddletown Harry Landnu of Shrewsbury avo- survey of tho stato government to township Uro compnnlea for their JIUR In upcndlnft n. week with his bo undertaken by Prlncton univer- good work In putting out tho flro at NEW ATTRACTIONS. Jrrandmothor, Mrs. Jesolo Horlngton sity, under direction of Dr. DoWitt my place. of Pacnnacko Lake. Jnlm Lnndnu Clinton Poole, director of tho School Alfred RIchardKon, •pent tho wcck-mid at Pnssaio with of Public inil International Affairs, —Advertisement, FUN GALORE. hl» brother Samuel. Under IKI emergency act ot tho ANNUAL SHOE Mm. George Rclaa of Mnplo ave- legislature tho Governor waa em- nue haa returned homo from a two powered to suspend state employees WANT ADVERTISEMENTS. nml curtail departmental expondl- weeks' vacation visiting relatives In __Too Lalo For Clattification New York nnd Connecticut. i. Armed with thin authority, tin hnn made plans for departmental IIOU.SK for r«Tt nV~iiilo.T>et\veniii..|l[- nil lninit>|.; n,|. Inj tho woek nt I'lilliulolphln. Driiiinmv Iliuri C Mlnfn Helen nml ftnilln Power of ^milh ntlrrl. l'r,'i>linlil, N. J. FAIR-AND THEN SOME! William utrort oprnL jinrt of Inut Church Notes. l UIIIIM.'I fur irnt,, JS.Iiu»nn w»fll< wllh Minn Murpud. HniW.iiin I4.IHI4 I rr 13 .IH.IPII M |il«rrl . llullli on th« Peter Hrnilrtmni writ fnim mi "!l|ililt" will bo Ihn aubjm-.t of the I12 t IjiMHiim-Hnrnmn In all Ohurrlmn of Ihn llnlf-Mlln ronil, In Mlilillrtnwn (lit UK;.I, llvr.i.i.,11, |,mlu>| tnwnxhlp. Ilnlnntliit, on llundny Autruit pull Kvcmi.ti till iiiu.mvni'x. A Gigantic Clearance of all Summer Shoes, together Come Out and Bring the Family. Mm. Krnot, lllclmnlnon nr ltlvrr Vtli.- null mul Inun.liy. I'.i.»'-«•!, Tlin (lulilrn Toxl. In: "My ono flplrll |lit. ('nil >P. Ill f I - HH In.n.l M Irving JUOWH mH /or Ihft flrn IIIWIIIK 'r'Ull Ihn Hlhln: "O lA)tt\, how M »• 11... I. l,'"ii», \\-,\ llnnk.' WILBUR COON inniilfMliI urn |by wnilnl In wlmlom rim ,'U),i;. (if..i-.,«,i iuni».l,,»-,'«, tlrnn In nlnMenn yrnvn, il I nil li,i|,,n>..,„,„!.; rl, hunt thnll mnilrt tlirm nlU tlin Mirlll la ,,,) IHIIIMIIY, Him IImnlLn. W. L. DOUGLAS, Etc Ml»» pornlliv I'nylli" nf 1,(>MK 1 • Mr I I Brslicli, fnimnlly of Hnl llnnU. )\n* full of thy rli'ln ". Tlinu ««iiilriit forth In. 1 ttiy «|ilill, tliry nin rrfnlHi unit tluni » "" • tl*», IIKII H.iil. Mrn'« . . . Women'* . . . Girl** . . . Boyn , Dancing Every Night - Ukun * (•onllli.n In llm hiiii'lii>iiniif Ilia l.luunll illliu tin

on ))i"«'1 «ti"«l. I."." l'|",',,. It','," Ch«tl'1^ l»«ly, IIIIPP innntlip nl,l n< Thn l.i'flmni JlPrimill BU(» liirlinitw Ilin fnlliiwIlIK JinininEn frmn 111" Hackett's Orchestra. Ot Mr. nt.'l Ml«. Wllllnm Pnly. la Ii \v Alii ii', -•• m I,,..1.-1, t'hf lilliiti IfcUnrn l»»tl«>oll, "rti'lniH") hit |,>.,,,,I U'\ Hank, In [lon[ilUI, W)IPIA lin ninl 1l«i|||, with K«y In III" IU-rlp- T.-.-.'-.r..r^ >••••. q B.I^J |1^V^ ff(^ l'l*|*| SALE STARTS tntra" |,y Mniy llnliflr Mdilyi "In John tinini>«tii. nmiimtor nr tlm »iil|>, IF V'HI llKVff tiliv I".•••••{.,,i| |i, R(1|, r'.ill'.Ti l||r>nlrr. l« III nt hla I 4 'lit lull nn Mflnni'n. |l|ill|l, «• » |ilnp r..u .i ft|v»r»l-1" BVfnnc II'" i'i ! rw lliiilll, U tlin linhlrt (if Ihn Itlltilnlnn nM • ••lilnill mnliUBT 1ln* r«'hl"lvolv to U'i'l. MM! Mm l'.l>l< lltinplllll •! I1l' Mr, ni rf Mm llrmiKn (n lluvo, ,,,,1 will. MlP IllmUt'. |. THEY'RE ALWAYS READY TO (n4'Mi* r'••>»! A, (iiutl will liovn o licitfli |i«ily mni i I'1 al Avalirl. iienr [.' i n K llmni'l l/«n»i of £" eli««l SERVE YOU! U.I WI. in ID Hi li»lfj.««| tin n'rliuk • nt! IU'Tniu I'll* hf IUvrtel'1* tn AV«1I»I III «i|IH!ilip|>lle«, 'BAlfe REGISTER, AUGUSTS tim know what It Is all about One would A LETTEB TO THE >tek to the itot.._M_ xo_n _« »W0 bull Ksw Jersey can Increase the proa* A Township Invest* . : . have supposed that an administra- or tft« lupport off •IemenUr•feme) y educa- perlty ot her citliens and munlcIpalU tion with a great organizing genius Theron HoCampbell Vift* Special loa tlsB, can Improve her eystem ot edu- THE RED BANK REGISTER in a Gravel Pit. , Aa taamptlaa, beginning »t once, cation and can pay h«r publlo and at Its head would hava been able to Session of the Legislature. the r»t« ot ten per cent a year, ESTABLISHED 1878 BY JOHN H. COOK. The'ktownship commutes of Shrewsbury township, Editorial Views oporatea statute of ita own concep- private debts In due time. In short, Governor A. Harry Moore, thwe tunU'Ion on Improvements, BO tax reform can make New Jersey a in buying a four-acre gravel pit, has struck a good bar- tion. And one would hava supposed .. . Juea created by labor, whether GEOBGE C. HANOE, Editor. •, Sea Girt, N. J. happy beehive of industry and popu- gain for the taxpayers of that municipality. Folks who that an administration whose leader Dear Sir— n, onvalue or abovs c:t land, cant be punished u FBEDEKIC S. HATES, Managing Editor. Bank Receiverships. la now entering upon a campaign for and dtitroyed by government via "^2 hive examined the pit say that it haa large deposits of Youi^commlsslon to Princeton uni- ; high quality sufficient to supply road making material (From Tha Newark Evening Newt.) reelection would not proclaim Its own «xflion, after the tenth year follow- « t J , •», Theron McCaronbell. THOMAS IBVING BROWN, Ineptitude by confessing that It does versity to help "solve »om» of purinjr»uch exemption.- Holmdcl, N. X, . for the township for many years, in fact en6ugh to last Winding up Insolvent banks in New tax and governmental problems" flllj ;rubll»her and Business Manajfer. not know the lineaments of its own The assessment of land by Bite August 2d, 1032. beyond the lifetime of any member of the committee, Jersey seems to be good business for distressed owners of homes and value only, (Thii would, In effect, brain-child.—Baltimore Sun. farms with apprehension. To us thij The cost was only $250 and while the price is consid- some lawyers. It is not necessary to eduea the tax on land used by own- AMERICAN UKOIONvDANOE. Subscription Prices: analyze the generous fees which have move, spells delay for tax relief and irs aa homes, farms and factories to $1.50 ered fair the purchase seems ah excellent one for thebeen granted, It is only necessary to immediate reduction of the cost of i nominal ysarly rental). All lend Oae year taxpayers in view of the fact that more than $250 has (' Exposing the Racket. government Hero" we are- In the. About 160 Attended Affair Given by 1.00 observe the alacrity with which taxes to be reserved {or the exclusive fix months occasionally been spent In one year for gravel. Tho receivership racket sustained midst of a grave governmental crlBi«. use ol local governments. Shrewsbury Post .60 gentlemen who frequent tho political The taxpayers on real estate are In months A few years ago Holmdel township bought a gravel pie counter only in a high-class way another blow-when Advisory Master Tax business only on the benefits About 160 people attended'the "de- 0 open rebellion. The unemployed ar« scelved.. by It and never in a way pit and the Investment proved to be highly profitable. go after this trade. Those who s 'Carrlck reported to Chancelor Walk- losing hope for employment and are preeolon", dance of Shrewsbury Post er that Vice Chancelor Church re- > discourage production.or the em- Telephone—Bed Bank 13. Not only has enough gravel been taken from the pitfees under tho recent Republican re- turning to revolutionary ideas. Tut loyment or labor. of American Legion at the' Smoke ' food growers on farms ara unablo Shop Tavern last Thursday night, to pay tho original cost but the township has received, gime at Trenton were pretty much cently deposed, waa "wholly unfit to Provide for a tales tax on publlo THE BED BANK REGISTER hbsn who had croved their fitness discharge the- dutles-of-his-offlce." to earn living wages. The immense itillty bills rendered to retail con- Felix aantangelo, general chairman an offer from a private individual ten times as greatby being on the payroll already. (The vice chancolor's record, accord' building industry la" paralyzed "by ium«rsiby municipalities, after Buoh of tho affair, stated - that about $78 is a member of a» the purchase price. Very wisely, the township com- - - ing to tho Investigator, showed a cal- taxation. Business generally Is stag- :ax bu baen approved by public would be realized after all expenses If one will patiently read tho list of nating on tho brink of ruin. Our THE ASSOCIATED PBESS mittee has refused to. sell. Democratic lawyers who are moving lous disregard by him of tho funda- 'efereodum. This tax would replace, wero paid. Mr. Santangelo's assist- court and jwy ByBtema are smeared .. part, the tax lifted from homes ants were County Commander Carl '• The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the In these times when It Is so Important (hat taxes into line for their cut, now that the mental rights of litigants." with, the suspicion which makes Jus- Mr. Church had been deeply In- nd Improvements by exemptions Bremer, Senior """ use for republlcatlon of all news dispatches to it or notshould be reduced It Is refreshing to find instances of Republicans have been patriotically tice a by-word and confidence in tho Vice Commander volved In the racket. Although tho vision and integrity of the personnel and It would spread the tax over a Otmar Phillips,' otherwise credft&T in, this paper and also the local news public funds being invested to this end. There Is nothrown out, It will be seen that nearly widar bas». Sergeant-at-Arma / reason why any township or any other municipality every one of them has been on thflexibilite y of the law gave him room of government is near the vanishing Faaa laws which will offer an lr-Thomas Brockhurst, Harold" J™i?iZ published there!ftr '''\ payroll at one time or another. Thus j in which to operate without coming point. The people ask for bread, and •eslstlble inducement to small local tors, William "Welsh, William Chand- should buy gravel if it can obtain this1('inaterlal at less are given a stone—another commla- ler and Charles O'Burn. Miss Sar- cost by owning a gravel pit propofty^The amounts theyhave not'only nerved their ap- under Its clutches,- the manner In nuntolpallUes to consolidate with prenticeship, but havo grown up towhich he handled receiverships un- -slonr—•'-—•=»--•-*— ~——'—T-™.»=mm-.—...,-, heir neighbors; and thus greatlyln- ah.. McCleea, „. owner— of-Ahe_Smoka - WEDNESDAY AUGUST 3, 1932. spent In Holmdel and Shrewsbury township to buy In .tho legislative reference library Shop Tavern, donated the iiseof the demonstrate that when it cornea to doubtedly defrauded creditors of in Trenton thoro are, as you know, :rease the economy and efncleney gravel pits may seem small and insignificant, but the sav- thousands of dollars and dispelled if government generally. tavern and her orchestra to the Le- closing banks the courts should select copies of the reports of thousands With sueh a program in force. ings bulk large when the budgets of expenses are made up inly those who know their politics. whatever publlo confidence rests in of committees and commissions on gion for the dance, The High Cost of and the tax rates ara struck. It is not by chance that It may possibly be that the depos- receivership procedure, Mr, Church's every phase of governmental affairs the tax rates In Shrewsbury and Holmdel townships are itors and stockholders whoso .'divi- methods wero simple. He Is report- since tho year one. In them may bt among the lowest In the county. Officials who make ed ns having appointed a slnglo man, road the findings of surveys and In- Liquidating Closed Banks. dends are to come from these de- vestigations, made by hundreds ot such good bargains for the taxpayers Invariably have funct Institutions will rise up and de-with whom he has been Bhown to Reports of the fees asked for and in most cases al- havo had business relationships, re- commissions of foreign, federal and the best interests of the taxpayers,at heart and aremand that these trustee jobs be other state governments on tho re- lowed in connection with, liquidating closed banks In constantly striving In other ways to reduce the cost of taken from the pollcltal pic counter. ceiver in 118 cases. In many of these sults and effects of tax and fiscalsys - cases, notably the Karl Radio eom- New Jersey havo caused state-wide comment. It Is nowlocal, government. They certainly ought to do it. It may tho tems, and covorlng every idea lor more than six months since banking troubles in this be tough on tho Democrats who pany receivershipimp,, Harry Q. Hond- raising ,and spending publlo revenue Shrewsbury Academy iectlon reached their climax, but it is only recently that haven't got their full share of fees rlcks, his appolntoe, has been charged that tho brain of man has been able Information as to the costs of the liquidating operations yet, but enough has been shown' towith exacting fees far In excess of to conceive. Such committees and the value of his services. In the Karl commissions had tho help of econo- Leroy Place, Red Bank, N. J. has become public. Depositors of some of the closed justify the demand that tho trust bo mists and exports, besides funds tor regarded wholly as a trust and notRadio case ho' faces trial for em- banks became insistent that this information be made How Taxing Improvements May bezzlement of approximately $149,000 prosecuting their investigations. public. as political patronage. In this same library aro numerous Lead to Less Tax Money. The public could with propriety of the firm's funds, monies of which reports by New Jersey commissions Tiie Information plainly shows that some cbango in ask why all th(s work should be giv- tho creditors wero virtually robbed, bearing on the identical problems to FALL TERM OPENS the methods of settling the affairs of closed banks is The fallacy of the theory that the major portion en to favorlte3 who are already on ~ In~permitting and probably — en- bo put boforo Princeton, including needed, botli to speed up the process and to reduce the of taxes should be assessed against buildings or other the publlo payroll for goodly salaries. couraging outrages of this sort Mr. the recent report of Professor R. A. • costal" Figures published last week., included the fees ?or example, Representative Wolver- Church has not only wrecked tho Sollgman of Columbia university on EEPT. I9lh, 19527 Improvements is strikingly shown in a condition that prestige of tho court of chancery but Now Jersey's fiscal system, which ton got $10,000 out of tho Federal 1 asked by counsel In connection with the two closed now confronts the borough of East Newark. The Clark he has given an exhibition of a was made at tho expense and by tho banks at Asbury Park. This bill was $16,500, covering Treasury for working as a congress- cntcrprlso of tho Trenton Times. In thread company, which has several large buildings lo- man; yet, in a period of Thirteen racket which is known to be wide- A Junior and Senior Preparatory School. •#-period- of- fourteen weeks. If, as reported, .there wiJl, spread- throughout_.the_slate. For- this authoritative survoy tho tax cated there/ most of themnow out of use, contemplates, months, he got generous allowances system of New-Jorsoy was pro- be no dividend forthcoming from these banks before the tearing down all the buildings to escape paying taxes tunately •Chancelor Walker removed pri College Preparatory, Scientific and end of the year and if the counsel tees continue at the for counsel In South Jersey bank In- nouncod to bo the most wickeioked on them. The company's tax bill this year is $68,006.74. solvency cases. Mr. Hctfleld, a judge him with dispatch and the report of known to any clvllliod govcrnmont. Cultural Courses. gazn& rate the total cost for counsel fees for the year of the Court of Errors and Appeals, the investigator indicates tho wisdom More recent are tho voluminous re- Of this amount $57,083.60 is assessed against the build- of his move. Mr. Church was not •wvuld be over JoO.OOO. That's the equivalent of six P*rings. By tearing down these buildings the compan^f got about $12,000 for work on that ports gathered in 1930 and, 1031 by test on S1,CCO,CCO. A=d that's for counsel fees alone and only unfit to dlschargo the duties of the Tax Survoy commission under FOB TERMS AMD PARTICirLAHS—WRITE would be obliged to pay only taxes on the land, amount- tribunal for a year and a few months, ic«3 cot i=cfcd» tie p-ay received by the banking mm. his office; his record should evoke the tho dlrectloruof Dr. Harry A. Luti ing to about $11,000. . and during the samo period got $56,- issrs =i ciarja cJ the closed hiaks ior of the other em- 000 as counsel ln insolvency cases. contempt of every citizen In thoef Princeton university, which cost The borough officials of East Newark fear that If state.—Asbury Park Evening Press. the taxpayers, by tho way, $175,000, Let It ba admitted that tho counsel nnd which resultod ln thirty-odd MR. J. L. SIMMONS, : the company's plans are carried out the. loss in rat&bles paid out of these allowances substan- bills being sent to the legislature, i — -- ifj* ;=« niay be justified. But would lead to a tax rate almost conflecatory upon the tial sums for help; let it bo admitted which promptly ordered, them to the Headmaster. ou; of proportion. rest of the taxpayers. It is doubtful If under those con- that we should have well-paid public Significant Facts ih morgue. is cossdtred that these ditions East Newark could continue to exist as a sep-servants. The truth remains that this ' All of these reports reach the com- TELEPHONE BED BANK 1800. enraged is the business of pro- arate municipality. If the buildings are razed it means insolvency practice Is developing as The School World mon conclusion that there ar« only c; it d5posi".brj of these closed many objectionable features as the a fow basic principles to understand that East Newark will lose forever this big Industry, ordinary receivership dealings which in the science of taxation and gov- 1=. «=—> cai*s these deposits represent the en- (By P. Howard Lloydl. * which in better times employed thousands of persons. are now the subject of a special ln- ernment economics. These principles tin stTixs cf =isr;y a Uieiisie of work. Now and then our surveys provide expressed in their simplest terms With a system of taxation that placed a lesser bur- can be easily understood by any man "^Thxs titte ^"~v= were closed, one of them posted den on Improvements and a greater one on land the vestigatlon, the need for which was a 3et of facts which may seem iso- oa ia &crs a sjtiDe rtsdicg: "The closing of this bank abundantly shown by recent expos- latcd but when properly understood or woman interested ln tho affairs Clark thread company would undoubtedly let Its build- ures In The Newark Evening News, and evaluated fit Into the continuing of government. >y tie rtat« department of banking and insurance was ings stand at East Newark. And there would be a pos- Tho Prlncoton university commis- t of the bank'3 board of directors, who took ! cyclorama of American education. I sibility that in the future operations might be resumed feel quite sure parents arid others sion will havo no new vital facts to ibea action for the purpose of protecting and conserv- guide their professors In the study there. No one, however, can blame the company for Historical Politics. will be interested in certain of these of our governmental problems, ing the funds of the depositors." The ordinary man facts at this particular time. Amer- saving $57,000 a year when It can be done merely by If there are any functions of theca cannot do otherwise than arrive wlH wonder for whose benefit the funds were to be con-tearing down ' unused buildings. Advocates of single HrsWVc""31tes''commiss"ion"that"couid | > expenditure for education, for the same conclusions and recommen- : Very Beautiful served. If counsel fees like those already asked and not or have not been better per- Instance, is taking just now, a very dations reached by former commie tax, or tax on land alone, find proof in the situation rominent Iac0 ln tho da >s nowa alons. Hence, this university will re- 'In"some cases allowed are to prevail It will be a difficult that confronts East Newark that taxes should never be formed by tho state and local histor-;P P y iti ' when not BGO long ago iIt wawns very port, ariftlfrg other findings, that thi Inside and Out "matter to believe that they arc being conserved for theassessed against man-made Improvements. leal societies, by patriotic organlza evil of gowirnmental expenditure •benefit of the depositors. Thin is a matter that the tions, or by tho commissions that: hard for to get headline, begins with tho spoils system, and e nc that In 1031 the nation incoming legislature should lose no time ln investigat- have handled them, they remain un-1 ^ '' * , „ „„ „ that out of this evil Bprlngs graft, The-Worden Funeral Home Is impressive- ing and correcting. disclosed. This body, created largely •»'orwe spent about {3,200000.00 for corruption and inefficiency. There- by ita members' own happy thought public education and that there fore, Princeton will undoubtedly set ly beautiful, and thd promise of the exterior Broken Glass and lobbying, had almost paranoiac were 25,566,140 children attending up as a sine qua non that govern- is more than borne out by the charm of the -o-o-o-o-o-o- ment by spoilsmen should be de- Illusions of grandeur a short time public schools—and many others who stroyed. This conclusion, of course, interior. on the Roads. ago, vlsloning itself as tho almoner should attend but who wore not Wewill be promptly rejected by the 1933 of hundreds of thousands of dollaro.learn, too, that while elementary legislature, no matter which political Taxing the Public A few days ago an. automobile on Broad street a Tho Governor recommended tha£ it school enrollment decreased slight-* party ho.3 the majority. And then There are larger funeral establishments in Red Bank bumped into the rear of another car, with get nothing, but the Legislature was ly, high school enrollment took' a and there the Princeton university this state, but none more complete nor more for Party Campaigns. the result that headlight glass was scattered over tho wheedled Into putting the commis- great jump. commission report will go out to join modern. Ours is an attractive funeral home, As tho presidential campaign gets under way onestreet. No one was hurt and the damage was small. Af- sion Into a position where it could Of particular and Important sig- the company of those other reports surrounded by beauty. 1 .er a few moments of conversation both, drivora wont moddlo with a lot of going concerns nificance to American education now resting In the Trenton leglsla- might think from tho large amount of lip service paid to tlvo morgue. >ri thoir way, leaving tho glass in tho street, whero it and gave It $20,800 of which $10,000 during the past year has been state ' the cause of economy that nothing was nearer and legislation enacted. Thoro has boon •as likely to puncture the tires of other cars. A po-was all its own, presumably to mark Instead of going to the clolsterei dearer to the hearts of the managers and spellbinders historic sites. considerable important legislation halls of Old Nassau for a plan t of the rival political camps than reducing taxes. One iceman had the glass removed befora damage was done affecting school budgets and expen- reform New Jersey's creaking gov. might believe tho authors of these remarks would rather However, more often than not. especially on coun- Now it has come Into the limelight ditures. N6rth Carolina has Inau- ernment, you, Mr. Governor, wouli ry roads, broken glass it not so quickly removed. Often- by getting rid of a $5,000-per-annum gurated what for her, Is a very strik- have served our party and our state cut off their right arms than to add one cent of un- historian and hiring a $f>,000-pcr-an- mes It remains on the highways for days, causing not ing example of state control of local better, had you asked the New Jer- N FUrHRftL HOftK' aecessary cost to Kovcrnmcnt expenses. num secretary, a former employee > hudgets. The general assem- sey Stato Taxpayers' association ot inly punctured tires, but wrecks and injuries. Cer- schooi ho Now Jersey Stato chamber 01 ALBERT W. WORDEN. DIRECTOR How much sincerity is behind this talk waa illus- of tho commission chairman, thoD ivwrot o lnto tho jaw tno doctrine trated by an incident in congress shortly before that alnly, the owner of a car who haa been involved inbusy George Kelm. That means there , "public education Is a state commorco to furnish a now plan 0: in accident In which glass has been strewn on the high- hat government and to select the rlghl PHOn-t 557 body adjourned, when It was voted to Include In the are $5,000 worth of historic Kites that \ function (And I may say In pass- men to execute tho plan. Govern- Congressional Record a Republican campaign speech way should, If he Is abto to do so, brush away tho debris won t ^ bo marked either rightly or ing—thnt suits me.) Further ln thement Is nothing moro than business— made by Patrick J. Hurley, Secretary of War. Thehlh annoys and menaces other travelers. It would wrongly the current ynar. But lino of recognition of tho fact that the people's business—big business. ipeech was not made in congress, but In a Western state lso be appreciated If the crews of wrecking and tow-such things, arc details. public education Is a state function, The science, and rules of business The most efficient and economical of tho highest typo and cfflclenc; at a Bepubllcan mas3 meeting and it was not related to ing cars would co-operate. Those responsible for broken Delaware authorized the governor to lass on the highways who fail to remove It should be care of memorials of the historic past appoint a state board of budget di- rnuBt prevail In every government the business of congress. It will be printed (n the Con- ofllce In the state of New Jersey be- lunished for causing a nuisance and a danger. They has been given by private effort, aid- rectors to confer with those who gressional Record at n cost of $58 per page to be paid fore wo can boast of having good hould bo kept off the roads where they win not r-pate ed by public funds when required. seek state appropriations. New government. hf tho public. This is nothing more or less than tax- Mt. Vernon, tho national shrine, la nnHampshire has provided for a state leedless troubles for others. Another notablo conclusion reachd ing tho people to puy Bepubllcan campaign expenses. example of this. New Jersey has hiidrje.t system. by all commissions Is that good gov However, let no ono think that this way of saddling I similar Instances, such aa tlm Old Our own New Jersey empowrfed rnment is made by men, Instead 0 campaign expenses on the American public Is practiced -o-o-o-o-o-o— | RarrackH In Trenton, wonderfully de- the governing body of a municipali- by purty. Tho reputation of AlfrC' veloped by an organization of wom- Only by distinguished high-salaried Republican officials. ty, after a school budget has been ' Smith, as one of the mom remark- en; the splendid (ircsurvatton of twlco rejected, to certify tho amount able, of stato governors, was due tc Their Democratic brethren arc scarcely If any less adept A Firemen's Fair For Washington's Headquarters in Mor-necessary for school purposes for his policy of selecting appointees I in the same art. Rome of the Democratic members of rlstown by the Washington Associa- the ensuing year. This la further government on the basts of meri congress opposed the Inclustlon of Secretary Hurley's Two Worthwhile Purposes. tion, and, in a lessor degree, the Walt recognition of education as a state Irrespective of their party afllllatloni Whitman house In Camden. The way Wo may repeal and enact laws, re- remarks In tho Congressional Record, but a largo ma- At Fair Haven a fair is being held every night this function. It should bo generally form and re-organlzo executive func- things havo boon muddled to help the known if it Is not already that our jority of them vottel for putting over this expense on week by tho lire company to raise money for two lons till kingdom come, but Ne the taxpayers. ' Consistently they could not have done ambitious gentlemen of the sites Btnto constitution says tho legisla- Jersey will never hove economical .vorthwhlle purposes—relief of the poor and main- lommlaslon Is lllu&tnitod by the law Otherwise, however much they disagreed with Secretary ture of the etato shall see to It that and elllclent government until the cnanco of flrc-llghtlng equipment. Heretofore tho engivin- g thorn control of ('J.liiin for thaen ndcfjuato nnd clllclent Byntcm of spoils system Is banished frora the Hurley, for they hml themfclves on numerous occasions :lro proceeds of tho !iremcn'» fairs woro used for thoMorrlstown headquarter:!, hut forfre-o public education shall bo pro-ntnto houne, the county courthouses, in the p,i.«t placed this fume kind nf expense on theupkeep of apparatus and lor thn purchase of new equip- tunately not giving them any powers vided for "all tho children ln this the city halls nnd every branch ol peoplo In tho interest of the Domorniilc party nnci un- ment. In this manner thn Fnlr Haven firemen maln- or duties there. "The $."(>» (or thfitate.o " This mircly sets to rest nny government service. Tills can bft Whitman house. Is nlmllnrly hi .Uowcd cnmplUiheil whnn nil publlo servant; doubtedly wrro piiinrd to do the onme thing nRnln when .alne.el their company without ti\xns being Imposed for doubt which mny havo been ln nnyaro nr-loctcd by tho morlt system. WHEN WE ALONE CAN HELP (ino'n mind ns to public education bo- the opportune tlino niilvcd. hln purpose, liy the same means the present fire alarm on tho. commission. Imt thoy Wlmt New Jersey's governmen Not only Is Ihr Cnnum slorml Iternid printed nt 'ystrm win* Installed. Imvn no powern provided by t!i Ing rt ntato function In New Jor«ey. nfcdn right nnw Is nctlon—mlllUnl public extieiiM'. hut nny runKiOfiRmnn, ponator or other act. A recent national survey of thedriving uctlon by a populnr leade IWTO Indlvldusl eyer m»r]a A »ucce»» without Today thn Fnlr Haven firemen am nhllng their eiltiratlon of teachers Is throwing "high up" ollkinl ran nlniru.t invariably without dlfllculty In the cnne nf tho Old Himi-k: n 111 imch ns you proved In the. lust cam *' ilncerely bolluvlnu that thn work h« did 'lelghbors In (mother wny, besides safeguarding their coniildcrublo light on tho much dn- thnt you could bo. As Demo- hav copies nf Fproihc;, prinii-il mid mulled without Trenton, tho (Ming In no fonn/l by wu worth while. Tha tamo thlntr may be nalil ivcs nml property. Tlu.y Imvo become philanthropists liuteil nubject of lenchcrs oupply nnd crats wo should pattern our cour« p»yii>K for nurh arivlcr. The jinMoillc-r (lepnrlinrnt miMt Ihn law thnt an opinion in i been of a bualnesi concern. ly providing food, fuel nml clothing for unfortunate of the allot ney gennn ilcmnnd. During tho pnnt yotvr ne-ar- Mr. (lovernnr, nfler thnt of a great mill this Muff "ill without receiving anything In return . with ptiblln ailmlnlntrntnr and slntenman [".milieu. They hcfcnn In a umall wny ne.vornl yearn URO Ihn expectation that n. new I: ly n qunrter million elemonlnry Ev»ry reputable funornl cllreotor Uke§ thla »ml tlll.i Ji iinly jin'ilhrr WJIV of mulling the public p/iy. w will I'.'hool teachers nupplled daln for Alfred 10. Hinlth, who nnld that th< ly milking nlfln nt Cluintmnn time. Onulunlly thry cx- h/tVfl to )>« \>nr>rc<\ to rut reellf . I 'I'lln Ililn ntudy. It wnn Irrtrnoil from thin euro for Ihn illtt of democracy viewpoint of his profession. Jl» »ervc« whrn h« A grout (I i-a I (if nlllrlMin Itfi.-. turn ihliilr bcrniinc the lende.i nil, work. Within the i.unt yenr the, uVmnndn Dry lioiine, the Htniiheii Innme. tltll more, democracy. When ho lud tt alont can help. Illn Is tho opportunity to bring jxVilnlllrn ilrj.iilimn! li:n full,-.| I,, [,'iy |l,i »,iv, lit II Inquiry Unit every yrnr them In nn iiiine, power tn put nvnr reforn v r ii-lirf have been oxtninnlliiiiry, Imi llm fliemon Imvo Ueil ISimli luittle niiiiiniiiini JIJiinl HIP iivi'tnue of onn new tenchor to torn* manure of comfort to thi httenved. Hy any wnnrln- thnt It ilm-* j,'>t puy itn wny when It lion to IIntic.iK'W hiiune ntn tinnr-ii 1nur In l,UI-i, he went not tn n university, bu Tn ftblfl to (111 ovrry nerd. very llvo tenchflrfl. Id the people, hla ahlll, ta:nt And tinddratnndlntr, )\n rnn <1o much the rwnnilaMoti In huii'llr, do flll I 111* d™ wnlll? ri"ln|.]y || IVIIIIM nn| tin At Irnnt linlf of the rimer,I.-, of the fair tliln yeur will lull 1111 Kiirollniont In vyrnlliinnl nchoul Yon, (loveinnr Moorr", fun rflnd* to ll»ht«rt th« burd«n (hut firncrnl r««pon«ll)lll(liM y money IN nlven, l'n'^llily lln'v• will lie •«ry I<| rill"n pnMnl ulrn .'mil In nl:i:i|i the ii.ilnilra nf pn». •n upent fur y n mid rnumra ilurlnK IMI totalled n|i like n"ivlin to Ihn peoplo of ou lmpo«». Ul wiilUiln /ill'l ollirr j;iilTimiiriit rmplnyrcn If thin ri-lli-r. Hew fur the firemen dm Ki>hnndlpil out of It nfler innlely l,litt,im puplln nf nilnlnlo In thin nrllleal Ilino. Thn hm next wlnler In their relief work In dependent on Ihn Mr. Kelhi'i iv nml ftrn !«>lltli'i\! n.lvi-Klnliu: n-ivu-i- wiir rut n'll, *• |t n(!i" l» i>U nrlmnln. Tho Inerrnun In nnd tlm (ippniMinliy rlmlkng* you t uofltn .if the fnlr, What they npeml will nol nnly llflj K Mt"n, Ilin la hit',-, liy Throughout tha many ymra nf our luinlnrrn Hhottl'l If. rnmlliiiimt In one. yrnr wna 00,0(10, iln linltln wllh thn foicoB t«nc«( thla thoujrlit han bnrrj kojit upiiormriRt •rim".M'.ii..l Hri'111,1 II' hll'Mllil lie-, far tllnnn who look ttji 1 f III llf ' npepc irn' Imtn ilolnK Ciiinlnly Ilio |iu|i»ynr» on real utili .r llm l/ixpiiyrin liy IMIIII ln,: Ihr niiimint nf limney In Im in thin work nn nil nillirnllonnl "nun In our winds, It l« to provdU ovory po>ilblt wlllrll »n« Mr-irr m I n:illy iMlv<. •••I. A iyl...,|j wllh Ihr flinan norletlr.i wnuM not ,1,, wlnt Ihfi DIP OIVIIMM of hnmnji, fllllll", factorl* ip'iit by llm IKIKIIIKII fur IIIM-I-I relief, Tin, (Untiiim rnmMitliil," mill nil other |iii|iiovmiintita on \nn>' mean* for h«lpln« tlinm In n«n<| tlmt our ««t/ili- proper |"'IIH'M runm ' II'.nn i., n 1.11 •ll till'l ff prl itfrl MIIM < Niliuill,!n|"U riiinlly ,11,1. in-nlt. Irii-lvr n lnrK*n put linwu:i. nt their full. F.viMy ji J'nri'nlrt nil over nhollM nllnch til' Tlm 1 inn fin tho Ilia of dumne.rar Mahmant, our •lulpmenl unit our unrvlrra Imvn • nit illBlilliiiiMl nt pulillr. r<|,ni-c, I'K ll"» 11 1/iK n 1 wid nn n imilc f<.ll> l,y I hit f wh«lirr vim nl'ln In nny way In liinltn thin rvrtit fiili'i ennflll will Inpnr llupotinnrn ( tli|« (lioiiprht tlilt In (hn lm>li It In Wl Ill.-n liy Iho pili',i, v,),,i li Iliilllvnti illvlnlmi i,f \\ 1 i|,ll,.,i '.1 nnIII" 'ililli'i i\ wmthy entire. tho lltitlim l*» Innenan arlinol nttencl- n|.|e nt own mill In li«mon will nf th« tralnlnr nf our imiionnnl, •*|inprlililal!h'>:.l « .11, iltt wnpn|ici n 1 Iny when IIIA nifid (Mil 1 In. nni'ft nn n luriiDfi nf Jrllrvlni; DKI'IHITK |ir»Krain f"r l«i «r llf In rilnlrliea until l'"l,- ntl ritnle wl.ln Kuveltltnnntnl rnfoiln — farm hrp I1OMI|PI| wtlh IC|i|r"U I In plnynu'iit. XTmnWly, w« «r« |irmnl nf our wmk oml of our nliilion, ,*l«9vnrlt ll'iM'li,-.- n\\ II. lloul nllfn.lniuo will nr j.lnuiittn ranlly liniiomlniul nlui lia. wrlllen rntii|irilllii |>MI|"i^n i Ink a pnpulnr ritipunl -liiirl Ih profaaa-lon. Wi «r*. conatanlly nn l)i« alart tt I Ihn Illlllllirt of arlinol nun |ie|polia lm panp Ill lll« l.i|r.,l Irnmi. if Ihr (' 'ni: t liinnl 'iu,'',','' 1 I" TWO MONTHS' \V«>UK Toil NOIIMNi;. 'Vim Illn rompnlliiK wllh ndnlla for will inairh wlili you In nrwli«l'ivn i Imprnva nur fiflllllfn in thai l!i« aurvlma ya • (i. rallrii "• .1 rncli.ii nf mi.'.llia" 1 y Wlltlar 11 II.'III! iiw wniilil Ihe nvxmiir rlll/fn Him In wmk (H llli|illllli|,', 'Illl'lliVllinlll. A Irinut Inlinlt all* IllR ntirriBlll III •U|i|i'itl, "f,IM«lr pr r«nrt«r m«y N wort linl|iful nml mir palrona rn«y of Mnlnwmi, wh'i lepirm-n Illntn. ('nil, I liPfrrrh ynll^iA lp*el 0 IIiln •11.1,1 1 In •nn 'Itlinul nny imy wlintnvni? f)na nf III" I.anl i.ih.J I ill,. Hint Ilia Imliilnii pnwni of b« baltar »all«n«<1. Yat, •wllll Ilila roi fr*»«. It la n INI fl'.wi-iy lill.nln i,, Ilir. crhonln Ima »llll.ltmlei| rinin II nitiall.n of Ihn |fl|r|nlnt lit o fl.r tha fll |.rn- Thn nnuwnr U thnt hn wn> ntelica to rnliifi "•III of \V«o|llli|;li||| ir«». « ara »v«r | |;lt Illira dm miifi "I'.n In Hi,, inh,,In ttiv lefnrm nml f|in la.Iurtlnn tit Ih ill nf (inch' la |n'|lllle,| ti pny llm rout i,f t,l |i| Rnvrntrr-n yrnil of n(; many jianpl* h«va f«pr«.B..1 »|,,rnin »|i|>i*rlnitim .illly guvol n Inlmllm iloi.nilin >lll-> nf tlm lii.veln 11.iila of IJOVBI iiin»nt, ami tia/.,i, lv,|t the iiainanila of Iha iifnpla, y.nir Mi: •Hi. mil., \m •- l'M'Sia [.ailinonlal Mill.)) |a ranllv ilti'lol ttn.i'1 anil «ili1' fllllll., (Ill) la.p.yr.r. Kill |,n WM|I,I K f,,, (I,. |n«.olMll TIlH Iliilllali. I',,lni..I lUptil.llian Women V.iln win. »l,1a 1.11I,Iln fnvnl |'l.iv|.|»a f III* llltl«, H..1 f.)l llie|,,«r,|v^« IP, 'W 111 apply Urn Will (l.'l Bt A*>'Hf> I'mli, nml all ,.f Iha ilri'iui III* imlilln IIII'MIBII tlm AM «>M ull f g |.|U||,E« lira Into nlalanra, „ ||||IB K»>f O ,,f Ilia (m,l|»y ^« l.i hol.1 up lla »i. 1.1.• nnl|| ||,r.y hn "Jl"t IJIIfll Icily i.nfelai R. R. MOUNT & SON VI>, ll ln»all'i ll'ini* / r^lltrRat wMh 11m n III. I'li.f mi i«i a niltiit: !•• ,,f ||, „ al.ina (lf #. ••III nml lla »«y Inh, 1 |,a '1'irnaiily, IO|'IIM|I A al'.lhint hy Ilia nrfU ft li'.l'li ng p pal II >i n '1 I « i.f |,.,t|, j l|«na|a| M'l'atl n. | V It I.MJ. A I aloiliitn Aa I'ltaManl tli,,,vt, Jin, M|,|p ,„ ,,.nillnil« 'I,, (lla Krtw.«it«l K, Affaina. ^t|tr. ||(|W«»»I. II « III* (•«='•( !«• lli In wmk A t at »f ii,a.tal..l)' Uwwa «vf|t . Mil,, ...|,l«n ln« !„«,) wo am traveling |, i„ |i i|i,,vnun Ihn nail.HI r Wtiall 'it I* Irli.M. 1 I,in. I, i.f I/.ng Hioi'.t. Itratlona m\ f titlianta fllllll I*, f»«j»in«IM« f Ilila «va.|i> i.f nliny. | |,»y Jel || J,|(, 1.15 W. Ffc.iil Mlrorl, I«r i.i'.t. tAiiim it|, A I ii,,it.iila«.l V Hml lllnlll'.n l,y ayar .,""'! ii'aily |M ,„., r.1,1, '||,a ,,,,,|la ara f.,.i,,4 III ailinlnlillalloti 1,..11,. li,c ll.laa ,,'r.l.n h In Ih- 0(1- , r>f li.Ulllgait. lll»y I 'll III IIIl.oll'.l I,,. -II, III•*n n.'i.i Ma n«l lnt.«>iha ff>r tli ll'.a,,)l,ie ,,, ,.,,».I, I11.I11.I1I.I trt|ai,,, r,,,.,,,,,!,... an! .1,1,1 .,,).-!. In Ilio .wnlt. B w< BI 'M'(-)ll I.f •• li..'.|a, l.« f«r I,1«|,I. Ilia I,, !,.„._ ,„ |, „. ,,,,.,„,_ 1, „„,'„, ,,„ „„,,, ll« IHJ..1 II t"|-'l...i ,1,-, I., H|.r' !B| ^l|rala BI..1 Dt' * t* ^1" f \ p .Lilly l.i i «y III.a : lm|./»lanl |.|f.l.l»lfi« {ha Apiarlrall |,«"|.|a |,av« tya, '•Hi III ,«(i|*l..l I. ,>l, It.c |'l "it, on. All lUjoil-ll. . l | *tn 11 h N tt I I n n * t C4 $ k * it Fl'«t Ih ll.ln miniiii <'<.ll(t«M. II la Iliat In «ft.| III* . Hi, ...» , lithtillatii* Itm, |,.i rail ll-ani RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 3, 1932.

the week-end with Mr. and Mra. Ar- rip to Budd Lake on Sunday with if Haebrouck Heights, Mr, and Mrs. George H. Morvan of Goshen and fche World War thur Glass.' Mr. and Mra. Olau and Misses Lillian Lawrence and Alice SINGING COACHING daughter Mary are now returning 'rles of Jersey City. Mr. and Mrs. Alvln B. Farnum ef the visit. Miss Florence Roche Is entertain- Albany were recent guests of Mr. Fifteen Years Ago Mrs. Thomas Dlnnen and ion Gor- ng friends from New York. ind Mrs. George S. Morvan. CASS FREEBOHN don motored to Hlgtotatown on Miss Anna Telchman, a trained Ralph Jones of Wildwood spent (Late., of Metropolitan Opera Home, N. Y. C). CONTINUING OUR £venta Which Took Place In Thursday. nurse at St. Francis hospital at Jer< Friday with his parents, Mr. and This Locality During Our Mr. and Mrs. Walter Worden and ey City, baa returned home after Mrs. E. H. Jones. Voice Culture Mrs. John Mason of Keyport spent pending a week with her aunt, Mrs. Charles Zeltman and daugb- Preparation and Participation Saturday evening with Mra. John Mrs. Charles D. Brown. ers Bertha and Dorothy of Brook- Car It on Theatre in the Great War. yn, formerly of Port Monmouth, Glass. "•.'. Mr. and Mrs. Schuler of Roselie ipent Sunday -with Mrs. Charles RED BANK, N. J. The typo companies of artillery oiv Mrs. Emma Brown iptnt Sunday Park have been visiting Mr. and Mbt, Sr. , STUDIO NO. 5. GRE g&nlzed by Howard S. Border of with her sister, Mrs. Grace Cottroll Mrs. Frank Bchuler. Tol. Red Bank Terms ot Highlands, RumBon were drilling on bis estate. Mr. and-Mrs. JaraeB Asho were re- 874 Reasonable. ' One company was composed of Red Mrs. Monroe Watson and children cent visitors at Ocean City. East Keansburg News. Bank and Rumson men and the of Matawan wero recent visitors of Larry Lynch of Jersey City spent SPEAKING PIANO ether was made up of Long Branch Mrs. John Watson. Friday with Charles D. Brown. The show which was to hays been men. Mrs. William Hammell entertained Mr. and Mrs. Homer Cully enter- ;lven for tho benefit of the fire com- B., Drummond Cannon of Hed several friends from Jersey City tained a> number of friends at their lany at the flrehouuo Saturday night Bank arrived- In France as a mem- over the week-end. . home Sunday eveklng. jy Atlantic theater guild has been Tel. 657-W. - her of- the AviaHon Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stobor of, Jer- Mlsucs Florence and Lucille Roche ndoflnltely postponed on account of corps. & sey City spent Thursday -with Mr. and Mrs. Homer Cully spent Thurs- ;ho sudden and traglo death of Ter- JOHN A. FELSMAN About $40 waB cleared at a danco and Mrs. James Bartholomew, day at the state park at Rahway. cncB T. Cruse Saturday morning. Ar- hold at St. James's clubhouse for tho Mr, and , Mrs. Edward Crane of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Roche and •angements will be made to have the UPHOLSTERER and DECORATOR Jieneflt of the ,Rod' Bank ambulance Hobokea spent Sunday with MrB. granddaughter, Phyllis Cully spent performance given later. company. Jane W. Crane. Sunday at Asbury Park. Arthur Niemann Is able to be Specialist in Slip Covers Lester Conk, a member of tho Last Friday Mrs, Harry Bartholo- Last Wednesday Mrs. Homer Cul- .round on crutches after having been ambulance company, was sent to mew entertained Mrs, Lillian Ben- ly ^entertained Miss Juliett Rocho confined to tho house a month or THIRD ST., corner Cedar Ave., FAIR HAVEN, N. J. Newark,, to do recruiting duty. demon and daughter Ella and son and Mrs, Margaret Cully and chil- moro with a broken heel caused by : About' 650 soldlerB who wore at Arthur of Jersey City. dren of Jersey City, fall from a tree. Thlrty-thrca years in this line of business. All work and New Merchandise Arrived— Camp /all left rnjitejrjaj8_ at .lowest ..possible prices. Will appreciate a call and One hundred residents of Red Miss Olive Bennett returned home Mark Alien, Jr., of West New Mr".~an**Shop at Sears and Save! nett of Holmdel made a trip to Mrs. Pearl White and family upon : TO SPEAK ON TEIF. George TarnaH'a, finning pounds the week-end with Mrs. Oseola Co with Mr, Yarnall, Monday rooming. trell of Ciiftwood Beach. Canning and Preserving Specials!t Dr. Samuel Ilnusninn to Bolato Ex- Miss Doris Foolo of Holmdel is Preston and Lylo King of Sout All the Convenience of a Gas Range! perience to Rotarlans. visiting hor aunt, Mrs. George Yar- Amboy vlBlted friends here on Sun- Dr. Samuel Hausman of West nall. day. Front street, past presldont ot tha Convex Kettle. Cold Pack Canner Hod Bank Rotary club, will address Mrs. Morganls and daughter Annj Mr. and Mrs. James Hubbs arc "E-Z-est" Way Oil Range the club at tomorrow's luncheon and Miss Luclllo Roche have been t;nt»f tainlng friends from Now York .00 .85 at the Molly Pitcher hotel, giv- visiting friends at New York. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cunningham ing the second of a aorloo ot talkB on Harold Eastmond mado a moto, and Mr, and Mrs. Joseph E. Koo bis recent trip to Seattle where ho 6-QT. 24-QT. represented tho Red Bank Rotarlans Perfectly shaped. at tho international convention. Dr. Close-fltting cover; Seamless gray enam- .85 Hausman mado tho trip with a party aluminum. R e a 1 eled steel. AVlia rack CASH of Now Jersey Rotarians who went qunllty and low- holds seven l-qu&rt to tMo northwest on a specially con- priced. jars. 24-qt stock ducted tour. Alter tho convention ho pot. Delivered to Your Home. and several othor Rotarlans of tho P. A. City Market 8-qt. Size $1.29 party-went to Alaska, returning homo 10-qt. Size 1.59 12'/2-qt. Stock Pot $1.00 »ver the Canadian rookies. 54 Broad St., Red Bank This oil rango roasts, bakes and fries things to perfection! You can use K Belford News. Another Great Food Sale This Week-End— Siphon Bottle Filler anywhere, outdoors or In. Burns ordi- Fruit Juice Extractor nary kerosene. It has Sears famous con- (Tbs Rod Bank Koulslcr can ba Douglit THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY cealed fuel. Five big burners, full slza In tha storo of John O'Melll. tha Mrvlc* ttatlon of Orvllto Caelor and Henry Wai- oven. Economlrea fuel. Oven hent Indi- aerman'a waiting zoom.) !c cator. BONELESS ROLLED BEST CUT PBtMB 35 WICIU.ESS ! Mrs. Susio Hlllllcer and daughters, EACH EACH Janot tmd Frances of New York and Shoulder Veal RIB ROAST Combination strainer, cnl- Miss Addio Hllllkcr of New York Heavy rubber tub- $4 Down—$4 Month. Plus Small Carrying Charge. nndcr, sieve, rlcer ant) ing:, S ft long. Bulb state spent tho week-end with Mrs. fruit and vegetable press. William Dor. lb. lb. starter, shut-oil nnd Approved by Good House- 01 lor end. Irons A Week's Wash In 40 Minutes! Mrs. Davis and daughtors, Grace 19 21 keeping. and Mario of Now York are visiting (Solid Meat to Boast) (To Boll or Standing) Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Lock. Miss Lillian MaDcrmott has re- KENMORE turnod to hor homo at Hasbrouck MIEAST OF MILK-FED RUMP OF MILK-FED Step-on Can Saucepans Heights after onjoying a throe woolen' visit with Mrs. John McDor- Convex mott. VEAL VEAL C Electric Jroner Mr. and Mrs. Charles Foster and !c pan, Benjamin and grandson, Leon- lb. 79 PVo more ironing day lb. EACH S5 ard Howell of Occanside, Long Is- backaches and tired toct land, spent Sunday with Mr. and EACH (With rocket to Bout) With 10-quort gal- when you have an auto- Mrs. John Schanck. (Snmr While—the nc«tQunlllj) vanized rcmovablo 2-CJT. matio Elcctrlo Kcnmore Tho Misses Elizabeth and Doris pall. Step-on podat SIZE. Ironcr. It gives you moro Bchnoor. Miss Helen Marshall and LEGS OF SHLK-FED BEST CUT lilts lid. Orern fin. hours of leisure. Dors $5 Down Otto Schnoor motored to Now Can- i»h. Ideal for tho y polished "Cent Mado" Aluminum. aan, Connecticut, on Friday and vis- VEAL CHUCK ROAST ~> kitchen. Tlgljt-fUtlns; cover; broad handle. overythlnR from shirts to $6 Month ited Elmer Schnoor, who Is auffor- ruflles ! Delivered ! rim Small ing from nn injurod leg caused by a lb. Carrying Chare*. foil from a horse. lb. Mr. and Mrs. Josoph Pottrio of 15 Bottle Caps Bottle Capper Oceansldo spent Sunday with friends 14 (Frlmo Steer Beof) Dependable! Quiet! Quick-Freezing \ here. Automatic s p r 1 n fc lift liondlp. Adjust Mr. and Mrs. John Watson spont snonr CUT BHOULDEH BEST CUT Sunday with tholrson, Clarence Wat- nblo lock; nlckri- eon ot KoaiiBburg, who Is Improving Sirloin Steak platcd steel. EACH .from an oporalltm on his oyo. Spring Lamb Mm. Thomas Dlnnon celebrated lb. GROSS her birthday on Haturdny by having lb. L" IlnttU Colander A family Rathcilng. 33 COLDSPOT C'upii nro mndo ot Minn lCmina Puchs of Union City 14 n«if—Any Cut You Want. T h I n In vlnlflng Jnsophlno Kirwan. (lino for I'ot Roost) Ono 1'rlcfl—Nona Higher. (|unl Ity material*. Aluminum Colander Electric Refrigerator Mr. nml Mrn. Cluirlns Younjr and Will Rive you the U 0" In diameter. finugliter Helen of Now York nro 59 heat Iciml of t vbltlng Mr.'nml Mrs, Wllllnm Mor- GROCERY Fruit & Vegetables Capacity 8 quartn. EACH rnll, s Delivered DEPARTMENT Mr. nnil Mm. Arthur Button and Department .50 pan llnlmrt find Mr. nml Mrs, Davin Jar Rubbers /? to Your of Columliua apont flundny wllhWIl- Mason Jars CAHIJ Jlnm Hclinoor, FANCV NO. I NKW C doz C High qualitynifii^r for ^M 109 Home. Ilorvleei nt Ht. Clomcnt'n, churnli RINSO lint, cold «ir prmmirn Bunilny inornlnt,' will ciimprlnn Holy POTATOES 69 - 89 1-110. « en. rt. sit rt. R IJI. Sir" Comiminl'm nthnlf-pnst night n'rlopk 2 FOIt VDH'II llml Hint nut mily will C()I,l)Hr(IT li^ nml nminnn at Ion oVIoolc, Tho your IflQt. Mnnlirt SrilrK Dlilltoi* ft llnlrl.v nfTcr nt MftHon Paring Knives niciilii nml vrRrliihlp* fr.»li iin.l tnnty hut It li m church ncliijnl will rnnnl nt r— finrn li'rniinn linpiirlnul iMialnri* |i t(i 1m IrnnniiDtiMl, 04 rOIIMI) Money BnlU Sears Quality 4-Gal. Garbage Pail $7.S0 DOWN—Tlin Kquivnlont of 2tc a Dnv. I Orrnlil IWIinmir, «im of Wllllnm (l^rgo JIIIIIIKI Hlir) lirnvy rdrriiRaldl ulrnl— «|lcr forming; Irnli \\timt. I'rlmoiir linn li«on timnitliiE (wo lork rovrr, Ilmt i|iinllly. "Cross Country" Motor Oil w*f>U« with rfllnllvna at Itarttenlfmn, 69c Mr. nml Mr». Wind H. J«rr«r« 3 ' 25 100% Pure IVniuylvniiia pnllmt lUhinlny cm Mm Itcl ||lnr llnir li/>lKriilniitiC VMWMI Itnrn |il«Un linilrr irriuit. iii<*« PEARS Din lintn )«nt (tin mi (,7>l>l. nwl MM. Jrilm Ulnm nj>'l n \Vlill« I'lnn tub. 2 tjtinrU rnpru llv. IUVOU nt rrdl>c« lut Imtrd. liull .lulill, Allmlt. Halt nml Mm. 2 i.r nfn full! l<>•« .Inmrn Wtlintrili anil ilmmliter Ilillii* 9 ' 23 niinlry" Motor (Ml — gnnrniilcrd UK)1*,, C|ixiil WnittiMilny •vmilng vrllli Mr, S Cnl. dnil Mi», Allmil Mi-iill (if lUil limik, rAN«:v (inr.icN or WAX 'ilin rnuiNvlvntllti. Mohl unii^r l>f-rm11 Ill hi Ml. "till Mm, .1, 10. .litlinami <>r EVAP. MILK "Cross Country" Battery ftOnl. flrfon «'lly ninlil (mil llf loot Y»no|( BEANS < 'ttiifn It., for unvtlll ilny« 5 T; 25" 15 STORK HOURSs hm nl Hull,n He Dnily, - - 8i30 «o Ml". l l-1ny Mil, AJAX r.xriiA ny, - 8i30 to 9i00. Mi anil Mi" MOTOR OIL CUCUMBERS .Smr« frrn lire moiinlinu and buttery In* • rul fmnlly.Mr. Mi« T. 11 ('„.„(, iiii Mr «li>1 Mi* Km* r>nn»)tf>nl* •UMntioti icrvico Si tmn of ill" fiopulw lli^rn. t1 flU-Jl* «! »'»«( tMl

&\f& vat KED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 3, 198Z. A CAMDEX BIUKDER. Paul murder. And he, too,''con- VEGETABLE FAINT YOUR HOUSE FOB ' —MMMCMMCMMMMM fessed, Fair Haven News. Keeping Out Story of the Slaying of Bank Mes- James was 37, Schuck 32. Schuck Several. Varieties ol Vegetables May sengers and Capture of tho Killers. had told Parker he was walking in SUI1 Be Planted. (The fied Bank Reillater can ba bought E. SEIFERT the street when. James came along In Fair Haven in tho .tores of Harrv Inferior Milk Just what garden crops can beKurtlt «nd Bofatrt Cameron and At tha by pifrchailni your paint direct Iron lie ' Camden. N. J., (AP)—Whon David and invited him to go riding. They Odd Ce4a»>. lory, Hera la what you will nli S. Paul, 59-year-old messenger for had seen Paul emerge from the planted in August and'be expected 8 fa jsni quar*itt«e . Proctors. cream supplies unfit for human con- A GOOD SEED BED. bers'* store and Mrs. Ludlow'a atore. The anything, you will find The Register's Want Column 36 Broad St., Red Bank sumption have been excluded since Of stores In nearby towns. In Med- Reslater la also sold and delivered by Tel 1831. its passage. This definitely substan- ford hi found his man. Tho shop Methods of Preparing Soil for a Chailei Gsyer. 63 Lafayette street.) It pays to advertise In The Register. the quickest and cheapest way of filling your want. tiates the claim by nearby producers keeper remembered having sold a Now Crop. A social and dance will be held that they were being discriminated shovel and a rake. He even described Friday night, August 12th, at Holy against by inspection of their meth- the two men who had purchased If there are ten operations Includ- them. ed in the preparation of a good seed Cross hall. No harvest home will he ods and premises, while distant pro- held this year. ducers, subject to no regulation, were bed and one of these operations is HERE There was still another clue. In neglected, It may mean the failure Miss Catherine M. Tierney, public shipping unfit products into this the woods the police had found a state. of tho crop. health nurse, and MlssJEsther Bruce, piece of blood-stained lining from an It Is not unusual for a farmer to librarians at the Oceanic library, left IT "The nearby producers also have automobile door. Tho, investigation decide In July or August that ho yesterday on a motor trip to Cali- PQMEROY GINGER ALE of Paul's life hurried forward. Tho would like to turn hla old sod field fornia. They will be away a month. a direct economic relationship to con- bank massenger had been on inti- suming arena. Their welfare is re- mate terms with Frank J. James, or old alfalfa stubble Into a new In San Francisco they will visit Miss flected in better urban business; automobile salesman, and Raymond mixed seeding or alfalfa seeding. If Tlerne/s mothor. It will bo Mtss .-. IS! there is no Buch clone economlo re- W. Schuck, son of a Camden news- tho best of caro Is exercised In theTierney's first visit home In six LARGE lationship with distant producing paper man. They had had a bunga- preparation Of tho seed bod for theyears. 16 OZ. centers. For this reason, as well as low in tho woods and had given par- new seeding the farmer has a good Borough Clerk and Mrs. Jcre J. 28 oz. JUST LIKE the facility of inspection, it is in the ties there. chance of success. Ono of the first Carew and family are on an auto- public Interest to derive milk sup- operations In tho preparation for tho mobile trip to Canada. plies near the place of consumption. Parker secretly visited James's new socdlng of an old sod is to Edward A. Collins is spending the BOTTLE BOTTLE NEW "Wherever real efforts are being garage, examined the car. A nowthoroughly disk tho sod at least month of August at Saratoga, whero made to enforce the act the publlo piece of lining had recently been put both ways, cutting from two to ho is attending the races. Mrs. Col- for la being supplied with a full com- in place in the door. Just as secret- three inches deep and immediately lins will Join him the latter part of 10c 3 21c plement of good milk and cream, ly and with no warning Shuck was following with plowing. Tho result tho month. 5c bottle deposit The Used Car Bargain of this disking operation is to cut "bootlegging" of milk products is arrested. Parker has never "sweat- The annual ball of the Rumson STORES- eliminated and the consumer Is pay-ed" a prisoner. He la quiet, per- tho sod sufficiently to cause It to Im- You Have Been suasive, Inviting a man's confidence. mediately begin to decay while if It patrolmen's benevolent association ing no more per quart, duo to ade- will be held September 21st at the quate safe supplies. Schuck confessed. was plowed without being cut, long Waiting For ! James was taken Into custody. He strips of unbroken sod might bo left Elks' homo at Red Bank, \h. tins "Full publlo support should be giv-was a hard hut to crack. He denied which would not rot within BIX William Fogclson has moved from CRISCO for Shortening 1 en to the State department of health everything absolutely, said ho be-months or more. Such a practlco Lennox avenuo to Ira D. Emery's 17c and to municipal health agencies In lieved Parker was lying when he lnterfcrca with capillary attraction house on River road. ^ 1931 Model D. G.carrying out the provisions of the act said Schuck had confessed. which Is absolutely essential for the Robert G. Ilslcy Is on a trip to If these organizations are enabled to Parker took him to the county proper germination and growing of Maine. NEW function fully to this end the people jail in ML Holly. As they came in the new seeding. Frederick Douglas and William B. 8-cyl. Dodge Bros. of this stato will have the best sup- Parker called for tho keeper. Ho Potts are back from a fishing trip to ply of milk existing in any state of Canada. heard no reply. Then occurcd one Now Type Railroad Car. POTATOES . 15 lbs. 23c the Union and a great nearby dairy of tho most amazing things ho had John Kcmmerer is on a geological IDEAL BRAND Sedan Industry developed, adding millions ever experienced. Thinking the Tho New Jersey Central railroad expedition being conducted by Prince- of dollars of assets to New Jersey keeper had gono out Parker started yesterday placed in operation on Itston university. 6 Wire Wheels. communities." down tho corridor to n cell with his train which reaches Now York every Mr. and Mrs. PIcrro S. Ross will prisoner. In tho dim light they saw tg nt 8:08 railroad timo from sail for Europe this week. RASPBERRIES . 3 for 22c a man advancing with a heavy bur. thowioro towns a new typo of buf- Miss Dorothy Gatlns had as her STANDARD BRAND Color—Two-Tone Tan. JERSEY AITLES. Parker drew bis revolver, told tho fct-observatlon-lounge car. Tho newhouse guests over the week-end Miss man to throw up his hands. The car has a buffet secUon whero break- Ann Weston, Talmage D»y and Large 14 oz. bottle Low Mileage. Fruit of-High Quality Now nn Mar-man surrendered. A fow moments fast may bo had onlho morning trip David Chamberlain. CATSUP .. ket nt Reasonable Trices. before he had killed the keeper nnd or tea and dinner on tho afternoon Mr. and Mrs. C. Alan Hudson had trip. It also provides tho passenger, New Car Guarantee. Trenton, N. J.—High quality early was making his CBcape. as tholr guests over tennis wcok Tho whole buslneiiB unnerved with nn observation section and a Mlaa Holcno Bradshaw and Upshur for New Jersey apples ninny or which parlor lounge. It Boats 42. nro equally delicious whether eaten James, When things had quieted he Moorhcad of Washington, D. C, who DIF Washing Powder . . .2 23c Original Cost, $1,395.00. asked Parker to take him for n ride raw or baked In plea or dumplings him for The road to bolter and bigger busi- played In tho tennis tournament at aro available, flt retail markets at Ho smoked clgarcttca and tnlkncl. ness loads through Tho Reirlflter's ad- the Soabrlght lawn tennis and reasonable prices, the State Depart- Eventually ho camo round to the vertising columns.—Advertisement. cricket club. ment of Agriculture reportn, $775.00 Tho state's crop of apples this year THE FOLLOWING MEAT & PRODUCE SPECIALS Is expected to reach 3.172,000 hun'hels na cnmpnred to .1,400,000 bushels har- For Thursday, Friday and Saturday vested In 10m nnrt 3,161,000 bushel*, the avcrnpo production for tho flvp- FANOT DKLAWAHK yeiu jirrlod 1*12V tn 1(I2R. Thn rrop PRIME RIB ROAST cunntltllfrfl onn of tlie two mo/t Ifn Htit Cut* portant of Inn mnny fruit crcipn CANTALOUPES mined In New JoiEoy. Onn third of 16 tho nnnunl proilmtIon of tlin fruit 23c Large Size O for 4 ff p Frank ronxlnts of nummrr varieties, which iK nro )pltfl Is unl rllfll STRING BEANS . 2 "« 15c mil, thn Dupnilm.iit nf A|;l hull III K nir.Ai, Mr«l * PUinlnnl MrmM. )40 West Front Street, »v».'At Ju.t thn iluht «l(iKn (,f ma. Slrawborry Prctcrvct EvaporMcd Milk luilly ("I- rnlliiK mw, nn ny\At lie p. &G. o.K. mra mrlliiw 1ml iinnq tint Inn* |tn i m. j«,, 33c !»!•»" Una rj Inr J yc RED BANK, N. J. flriniiMia, AII |t ip«r|ir» ilmi. .inc. LAUNDRY th» rcili.r nf Ilio fmlt (hung*. f,lim 1DKA1. nilANII green fu whlla, riitam or ntcht v«t Cocn Coin Bcvornge GRAPE JUICE fnr Phone 120G. low. AWIIMI for ninklni n«i>,) not li» SOAP 0 25c fully ll|irnril. ,»t. i.i,. 2 i"' 25c rim i«,L ii/~| in. Ill lielirinl, »t>|'lr» |}m1 ar« \*»* |«. 23C All Hni.ll Il,,|l|r, limn l»n «ni| oim f,,ini|i |,,, |ira |,, (llaiilfUr mn Ion tmall In |i|rn>n rim A Itrol Muting Aitorerd Jlnvcrnffdi nilrilfcm. 'lll'i'n lut-n«ntlli^ twi, nti'l CIIESTEUFIKI.D • ma hatf ,ir mom |iirli«« In ,ll»nir!«l fi •-' 2Gc am inii.liir.rnl MMI. In •Mr.rllnii a|>. ClttAKKTTKS |il»«, lii>u«iv»|yea B t 1,1 n v' 11.1 1111 o o 2 >''"•• 2fic »'8" •'••'"" KEN-L- CKACKKRJACK (i.ijll., m»-i. ».i H.f t^.nll.lh .!.« .t Jiili. nr pi nt i i. ttol Iti ()|.| (l.,l.l«. t alilfU «»c1 till, on III* »i>ll'"i "' Will:.." f RATION 1 ,!..I,,I,U f,, In, ur niilbM, ««m» |nli« |«*V. t**' ^** ',. Quality Hi.rull. l 3 28c n>M tw «•!• "I Ih* •f»l«"« 'l (•»•!#.. ••• 'I'll* >!••! rh t H 29c ** r«r« {".T7i". '«i "L'M'I'.,"* liver vvkiy i !/.( || , me'iaR* 1,i .II Ililaa ft***, «i. ~~ Ad* »| ll>*t THERE IS A MUTUAL STORE NEAR YOU RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 3,1982, •»•»•»•*•»•••»•»••#*«»••• there is iponsored by refreshment canoe racing for girls and boys on fred Ogdcn of Keyport, Harry and ; ^Flagpole" Kelly concesalonHts in that lection. Labor day. Ray Batters has been Chester Hoblnson of East Orange, TIMOTHY R.• • TOUNIHAlSf '" Veedol System of Scientific --a appointed chairman of the arrange- Miss Harriot Norrls of South Orange, Lubrication '.RAD. I ments committee, assisted by Ed- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Noble, Buddy M>W FLAT BATES ON at Ideal Beach Leonardo ward Mueller, John Ochs, Andrew Noble, Mr. and Wr'i. John Mount, Contractor arid Builder , AU CABS, SERVICE CALLS, 75c Watts, Jr., Frank Decker, Theodore Leonard Mount and Miss Betly 8ut- I Bryan, William Huelck and Donald phin of Holmdel. SPECIALIZING IN JOBBING TUBES—PARTS—BEPAIBS Cfhe Btct-Bulc Itaglatw eta b* bought Former "Shipwreck" Kelly Sit- In Laonardo at th« atom ot Fl«d Uirtn Miles. The races will be classed ac- SCBEEN AND STORM ENCLOSUBE8 * At Reduced Prices ting on Top of Pole at Foot and Gene Dagal.) cording to the ages of the applicants elephone M0-M 160 Brlckro Avenue, Bed Bank, Vf 3. TYDOL-VEEOOL By Top-Notch Radioman of Bray Avenue—Expects to Miss Florence Hlckey haa returned and blanks may be secured from any Everett News. horns after having spent a. few member of the committee. OREL D. ORVIS, Phoa, 1143. Remain for the Summer. SERVICE STATION weeks with friends at Philadelphia. The Howard Mallen association William and Miss Anna Jacob spent 142 Shrewsbury Avo., Red Bank. JiJ 187 Riverside, •fflagpole"'Kelly, -who -was known Miss Wilhelmlna Phraner, who Is will meet at Community flrehouse to- part of last Week vlBltlng at Brook- RED BANK. as "Shipwreck". Kelly until another employed at the Chase National morrow night to elect officers. Re- lyn. WIN THIS flagpole sitter appeared on the scone bank at New York, la spending a freshments and a social time will be Miss Mary Warneker was I Pfcone 3087 CUT RATE enjoyed and $2.50 In gold will bo week-end guest of Mrs. Harry Sclar VERNON HNXDER, Agint and stated that he had his title vacation of two weeks at her home. copyrighted. Is sitting on tho top of Miss Helen Rubnko Is horns from awarded as a door prize, of KeypDrt. a flfty-foot polo nt tho foot of Bray a tour of ilx monthB In Europe. Rehearsals for the,,second annual Paul Kelly visited at Brooklyn for FRIGIDAIRE $ $ $•$ $ '$ $ $ $ $ $" $$$$$$$ $ avenue at Ideal Beach, near Keans- Urn. Ferris. Watts la laid up with show of the Howard Mallen associa- a few days last week, burg. Ho was hoisted to (ho top a sore thumb oauied by a door be- tion are held every Monday and Mrs. Patrick J. Carton spent Frl- -i)|i-IHO!OB-*88a~-— ESTABLISHEDi 20.TEAM. . olevon-daya-ago and has been sitting ing closed against it. — Thursday evening of joach week.JThe day.-.-Wlth her. _slsterL MrB. Joseph thejo ever since. Mr. and Mrs. Goertnor and family show will take place Saturday night, Eustaco of Shrewsbury. s4— August 13th, at Community hall. The «• Kelly went up twice In this sec- of WcaUleld were recent lunchoon MiS3 Margaret Murray of Red tion of tho county last summer In guests of Mrs. Frank Behrle. Mr. performance Is entitled "The Texas Bank visited Bernard Warneker and Red Bank IK Cleaners an attempt to break flagpole sitting and Mrs. Bardowyck have returned Bangers." family over tho week-end. records. At Belvedere Beach at to Orange after a. visit to Mrs. The married men of Community Mr. and Mra. Thomas Kelly were Keansburg ho waa viewed by thous- Behrle. flre company of Leonardo defeated tendered a surprise party In honor o( ands until illness forced him to de- Mra. Marie Baumgard of Mont- the married men of tho Port Mon- their fifteenth wedding anniversary WHY PAY MORE? scend. After recovering from his clalr Is spending a few days with mouth flre company in a baseball laBt week. A, number of friends from ,tamporAryflUnjeiitpi6»w«nt4in4o .ti, her daughter, Mrsi John-Thompson. giime^ at Port Monmouth Sunday af-_ Hed.Bank and vicinity were present top of a polo on the boardwalk at terriobhT The "scof ewa'sT.0 to "Hi Clean and Mrs. Edith Philippics visiting A surprise birthday party waa Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Sandford o: Long Branch and came down only ft-Icnds at Omngeburgh. when tho otlier flagpole sitter, claim- given for Mrs. Charles Melelo Mon- Brooklyn for a week. .j A canning club for unemployed day at the home of Mrs. R. G. Tomp- A harvest homo oupper -will b LADIES' MEN'S ing to bo tho one and only "Ship- women has been started under the wreck" Kelly, arrived on the scene eon by the Jolly Four club, of which held for the benefit of St. Cather COATS SUITS supervision of Mrs. Clifford Gordon, she la a. member. The table decora- ine's church of Evorett at the church from Canada to face him. The Mon- with headquarters at the high mouth county Kolly thon changed tions were pink and blue. A birthday grounds at Bradevelt Wednesday, and and school. The canned goode are sold dinner was served, Including a birth- August 17th. Mrs. Frank Haley and his title to that of "Flagpole" Kelly. and the money Is turned over to the COATS Tho little flagpole sitter expects to day cake decorated with pink candles Mrs. Jacob Jeffrey are co-chairmen DRESSES women. which waa cut by Mra. Melele. Tho in charge of the affair. *W0HK CALLED FOR AND DEIJVEEED. remain aloft at Ideal Beach for the balance of the summer. Dally ho The Baptist congregation will hold celebrant received a number of gifts. William Brown of Red Bank Is •'•<*•••• Office: 76 Monmouth St., Red Bank, N. J. addresses crowds below through the a special business meeting; tomorrow After tho dinner tho party motored vlBlttng hla uncle, Frank Haley. medium of a radio hookup. Hlfl visit evening at eight o'clock at the to Red Bank, where a matinee at $$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ church. the Carlton theater waa enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rleman and At the Ocean View Community Marlboro News. daughter Carol Joan are spending a church Sunday morning Edward few days with Mr. and Mrs, Philip Griming played several seleotlona on Miss Elizabeth Hlgglna of Long Peters. his traveling piano and Everett Putt- Branch visited her parents on Mon- Donald Miles has returned home man aing "The Lord Is My Light," day. GLOBE SHOE STORE'S SALE! with accompaniment by Mr. Gruntng. tromn. trip tcf Camp Sherwood "at" Mr. and Mra. Charles Thompson Warwick, New York, Both men are members of the Blind Men's club. The Ladles' aid society had an unwDlcomo visitor one night Thieves broke Into the railroad' last week. Tho fellow, who waa af- and Children's station Friday evening and stole the of the church Is serving mid-day luncheons-every-Tuesday- at- half-past terward caught, was trying to break money which wss In the telephone Into their home. " pay station booth. twelve, o'clock, r The money will bo used to finish making the new church Liberty grango hold their picnic One day last week Mra. Sophia on Thursday nt Belvedere beach. Vlerlng and daughters, Misses Mln- basement. Card parties are held every Wednesday afternoon at the John Bennett ia having the ground SUMMER SHOES ada and Doretta Vierlngr, called on church. The annual Sunday-school about hia new hdmo graded. Our August Shoe Sale is now in progress. Mrs. Donaldson, who Is a patient at Rev. Frank A. Huff will spend his a Newark hospital. Mrs. Donaldson picnlo and fair will be held next During this Sale, we are giving away a Wednesday. Junior choir rehearsals vacation with his parents at Auburn, Compare Our Prices ... Then Come Is improving. New York. Frigidaire valued at $203. A ticket en- Mrs. Clifford Gordan -won $50 In are held JTrlday evenings at half-past seven o'clock. Peter Murphy Is seriously 111 at titling you to one share will be given with gold which was disposed of on the his home here. to the GLOBE and SAVE! co-operative plan ^y the first aid At the Baptist church Sunday every dollar's worth of merchandise pur- squad of Atiantlo Highlands last morning the toplo will be "The John Halllgan of Now York Is vis- week. Mrs. Edward Burdge, a neigh- Eleventh Commandment." Miss Anita iting his uncle, Peter Halllgan. chased. bor of Mr* Qordan, won a coffee set Hammesfahr will lead the Christian Ernest Vesells moved on Satur- Odd Lot of Women's Black and White DRESS PUMPS which the Jersey central power and Endeavor meeting, the subject of day from Gilbert Magco's house to See our Advertisement on Page 5 for real wlilch will he "How Does Nature tho homo of his parents near here. HIGH AND LOW HEELS, light company disposed of recently. values. PUMPS and OXFORDS The ladies' auxiliary of Community Speak to Us About God?" The mem- Mrs. William Allen Is slowly re- flre company will meet at the flre- bors will be divided Into three groups covering from her recent Illness. Also AU SPORT TIES houso next Tuesday afternoon at and points will be scored. The even- W. Blizzard has rented Mrs. Anna half-paat two o'clock. ing sermon toplo will be "The Book Balrd'a bungalow, which will Boon ALBERT S. MILLER of Numbers." bo vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Lester $ The pinochle tournament which Shoes Fitted By X-Ray. $ has been in progress at the Brevent McCue, who will move to their new 1.00 Park and Leonardo flrehouse, under homo on School street. thB diraction of the ladles' auxiliary, Keyport News. Joseph Kusery of Keyport spent 18 Broad Street Red Bank A PAIB ended last week. Mrs. Joseph E. the past week hero. A PAIR Bahr of Atiantlo Highlands won first (Tho iltd Dank Batiatar can b« bought WHILE THEY LAST! In Kajporl at the atorei oi Charlea Lefaa prize and Miss Margret Olsen of and J. D. Plofsky.J IE SOLD FOB $2.00 and $205. REG. $2,08 VALUE. Leonardo won second prise. Mrs. Scanlon of Leonardo won the prize Mrs. D. Cummlngs la now occupy- for the highest score in bridge. Mrs. ing her home on Main street. MEN'S CHILDREN'S ADVANCED FALL Mary Sheridan will be the hostess Allan Frantzman and Arthur Sll- at the next Tuesday evening'B card CDJC camped with tho Sea Scouts at BLACK OXFORDS SANDALS and STYLES party. Fort Hancock. At the last business meeting of the Mra. George J. Dlngwall la visiting and SPORT TIES PLAY OXFORDS ARE HERE! Brfivont Park and Leonardo flre com- her daughter, Mrs. Clinton Hulnhart Ot Matawan, BEIGE! pany ladles' auxiliary, Mrs. Mary Starr, Mrs. Mary Scanlon, Mrs. Sara Miss Kuth Bllderback la attending BROWN «1.95 Jackson, Mrs. Crooke and Mrs. the summer session of the Pennsyl- and Grace Morgan were received as new vania state normal school. PATENT morobersb . Dr. and Mrs. Van B. Walker are 1.95 DULL KID «2.49 The annual fair of the Brevent spending several weeks at Tupper JAIR NEWEST FALL CREATIONS. Park and Leonardo fire company Lake, New York. A FAIR ALL SIZES TOT'' A number of members of the REDUCED FROM $3.00, SEE TIIEM 1 will bo hold tomorrow, Frldoy and Saturday. On Saturday afternoon a Quartermaster's reserve corps occu- $10 gold piece and a number of other pied a portion o! the high school articles will bo disposed of on the grounds part of last week. They co-oporatlve plan. were planning the theoretical plan of The Jolly Four club will meet Mon- transporting more than a million and day at the home of Mrs. Mary Reed a half men and equipment to Cam- of Naveslnk for luncheon. den. Community flre company will hold Mr. and Mrs. Floyd F. Armstrong its annual fair on Thursday, Friday and children, Gardina, Barbara and Globe Shoe Store Conover, have returned from several and Saturday, August 18th, 10th and 20th and on the following week, weeks' vacation at Tallwood, Maran- 12 W, FRONT ST., RED BANK, N. J. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Au- acook, Maine, Merran's Men's shop, which has ACHOSS FROM KMDEL'S gust 25th, 26th and 27th. The Howard Mallen association Is buen located at Red Bank tor sev- planning swimming and canoe-tlltlng eral years, has opened & store In contests for children of all ages, and Levine's building next to the poBtof- fice. Julius Morran and Julius WdB- man are In charge. Mrs, Charles Straub has been en- gaged to teach In the Klllcrest school, rtarlUn township, for tho coming achool year. Harrison Cherry has been spend- B. HURWITZ ing a vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Ar- vhur Wolf at St. Alglns, h. I. Louis Levlne haa returned to his home after three weeks spent In tho Navy hospital, Brooklyn. Ho la much Final Summer Clearance improved In health. Rev. and Mrs. M. W. Derr havo been enjoying a vacation at Lewis- of all Summer Stock to make room burg, Pa. Miss Mary Baker has been having vacation from her duties with tho for new Fall Merchandise. County gas company. Mra. J. Ilurffera Rivls hits been vis- iting; her brother, Alden W. Welsh ot Flixtbush, L. I. sir***- Thn Prrnbyterlan Rumlay-iichool Final Closeout of Embroidered and Hand-Painted lield n jilcnlo At Ilolvivlpre bench Fri- day. Crawford and Wlnton Osborn aro BATISTE EYELETS Closed out at $1.00 >*ndlng a couplo ot weeks In Mnlne. Mlsi llrlim Knlarr nnd Mm. llrr- that were on Snlc for $2.00— 1^ » •^T^* mnn llcliumarlmr ot N«w York wnro wook-onil fuiratn of tlin lnttiM'n fnlh- JUNIOR EARLY FALL nr, irrank M. l)«y, and Ladies' Early Fall Coats ltornco McCrnoken of N«w»rk wnn Sport Dress Coats lh» rnrimt gufdt nf Mr. urul Mrn, tlmt Sold for n» High n» $15.00— If. A. )l«!loy. that Sold for nn High as $15.00— MIM JaftMo T>. (.'ovait l« vIMtlng Her mother »t NnwInirKli, N. Y. Mr. and Mr». ()lM- 'lim U'flll'KIMl llMIK'll Will 111* -Inand for (hft nail, rivo f!itmlnva. th« Closed out at i«lia| P»I|IM1 of »\i|iuner varnllnri fur lli« [injildr, H«v. K, T. H. Itnii"li1«. Mra. f.nnln Cmu ami rlrll'licn "t ,UiH«lr«, I/HIK l"l>l\l. "'"I" s Oral • Silkine Dance Sets RUSS1ANAIRE CREPE nnd WOOM-.N lll« curly |i«ll nr Ual wcfU i'f Mr. and STEP-INS * vlill l» I i.l lull, Ml. I.ICOM. SKIRTS Alimiii Ilimx fnitn li«io nliriiiUna thiil nro Sold for $1.29 • Ilint Iirwc lirr>n Sold for $2.08 'Uy w»l» Mr, «hH Ml- II. n. II. l.oi,' k Closed out at Jgg (or §JL Cloned out at • 111 Mi. .?, I ...HI |t< aii.l I", lor ami 11111/ n* >>•>••> b. Mt. «>..! Mil IHvail fill- ..r. |lill«i> «i.'1 OU.Iva tout fill, .il, Mr. on.I Ml*. !.«"" Ilil IU-MI, IViMl II«M.I. Mr. »»<) Ml>. I |', I ih4, Ml«« W.IJ.I.I l>gU«l. Wl« At 1 Fasti Sixteen RED BANK REGISTER', 'AUGUST 3,1982. Keys Toy With AIX-AMEEICAN TEAM. New Firemen's Doubles Finals Freeman Rumson Umpire Evans Ticks W&at He Ckll« Pitchers Dont Like Him Long Branchers the Best League Planned at Shrewsbury Rod and Reel GoIfjChampion "BUly" Evans, veteran American •By MAC.; league umpire, now general manager Four Teams, Formerly Mem-i General R.C. VanVliet and Ma- Victorious Over Kenneth M. gtesort Nine, Badly Outclassed of the Cleveland Indians, answering The run of large striped baas is by Keyport, Lose* Lutlets bcrs of Suspended County Cir- jor R. C. VanVliet, Jr., toover on tola end of the Jersey shore. Seggermah Sunday 5 and 4— the question "what aggregation of cuit Will Probably Band To- Game at Hunter's Field— baseball players over the last twenty- Meet Robert Morefield and The calm 'weather of the past two H. C. Pierce Retains Chal- five years would comprise tho great- gether. weeks baa,tended to drive them out Haiuen's Pitching; Ineffective. John Higgini Sunday. into deeper water." There have been lenge Cup. est team?"'gives the following line- Tho Red Bank fire department i up for his twentieth century all- "General R. C. VanVliet and Major very few caught from -the Hook to C. B. Freeman captured tha golf Badly outclassed and baseball team, one of the members ! Bay Head,,and this-condition will acute attack of "state fright," the .Aroerican, in the August Rotarlan of the Monmouth county firemen's R. C. VanVliet, Jr., will meet Rob- championship of the Rumaon coun- magazine: ert Morefield and John Hlggins in continue until we hava a goad nor- Iiong Branch athlotlo club, touted aa league which practically suspended 1 try club Sunday by defeating Ken- that resort's leading semi-pro team "Iii the infield, I like Hal Chase last week after protests against the the final round of the doubles tourn- easier to drlvo them In again, Tho neth M. Soggcrman, S and 4. At the •was badly beaten by the Keyport ath- at first, Eddie Collins at second, Hana use of "ringers" by certain teams ament on the VanVliet courts next report for the week contains only end of the flrat oighteon holes Free- letlo association last Sunday after- Wagner at short and Jimmy Collins had bo made, may be ono of tho Sunday morning at half-past ten Blx caught. Among the lot was onoman -was 4 up. In the soml-flnal noon at Hunters' fleld. The soore of at thlrtt. To my way of thinking, the teams In a new league which is ln_ o'clock. Three out of flve sets will hooked by Frank Zllfcl of Highlands, round Saturday Freeman defeated 7 to 5 does not fully tell the tale. The outfield is easy—Cobb, Speaker and process of formation. decide -the- winners. weighing 8 pounds, caught on a lead John Pope Doog, 3 and 2, and Seg- -KeysTnadirflve-runs-in Buchan-casy Buth.. For my catchers, I like Jo'hrt- Tho. _naw._circu!t_. will probably In the Boml-flnalB the VanVliet squid, on the reservation at Sandy gorman defeated George V.. Coe, Jr., »araer In the first two Innings that ny Kling and Mickey Cochrane. As consist of four teams and will com- combination eliminated John-Parker Hook.l_ '_^i_ they decided to make the game aa to pitchers, I favor Johnson and plete the season with an entirely and Charles W. Shlpway, 8-4, t-6, 64, Blue'Bsh have come into their own. It waa noccssary for H. C. Fierce Interesting as they could under the Mathewson as right handcrs and new schedule. Bealdcs Red Bank, and Morefield and Hlgglns triumphed Many were the largo catches mado to play 38 holes to rotalh possession circumstances by "laying down." Wnddcll and Grove aa southpaws. the Freehold and Long Branch over Benjamin yanYliet and Harold by tho flshormen whp fishedfro mof tho - challenge cup Sunday. His Even Marv Paxson, Keyport pltch- teams have signified their willing- Potter, 1-6, 7-S, 6-2. In the prelimln- three to ten miles at soa. The Irwln opponent waa Howland B. Jonos. «C after holding the visitors score- ness to join. arlea VanVliet and Potter defeated boys of Red Bank, in their boat, the Plerco had a Blight advantage at the less for five Innings decided to let up Manager Edward Brooks of the John Applegate and William Comp- "Sea Wolf," came Jn with 68 largo and of tho first eighteen but at the a bit and permitted the resort nine Leonardo Buried local nine is to confer this week ton. and Frank McKennsi and Nelson "blues," weighing- from B to 8 pounds, ond of tho 3Cth hole both were even, iB thlate In each with managers of other teams, with Rosa defeated Frank McAnernoyand caught with the Japanese feather. Jones lost a fino ohanco to win the of-the sixth, seventh and elghttr in- By ForHVlonmotjth JWL^jU.^^;^^^..,; Theyiwere out only^a couple of Bourt ^^laSj^^^B^Jookthro^ nings, and two In- tho ninth for good ganizatlon. In the meantimo other Morefield and Hlggins will compete and "ran TSto" a largo soh~ooT*q~f tho" ppoTwB measure. Paxson held Long Branch teams in the defunct county league In the East Jersey coast champion- "blueo," which gave 'them plenty of Ir. a fow feet of the cup. The 37th to flve Bcattcred hits. Field Club Ball Team Defeated continue to play their scheduled ship tournament at Spring Lake on work and a good battlo while be- was halved and Piorco won the noxt, Tucker (Swede) Han'sen, pitching on Sunday by the Score of 17contests, though it Is not known Tuesday, August 9th.. The Shrews- ing taken. They had a royal fishing what official status the results will trip and returned well satisfied. Most for Long ErancTi, showed tho result t 1.—Hand-Hitting Soldiers bury players, will meet the stars ot of too much-work in the past few 0 have. the Spring Lake club in a tourna- of the flsh were given away to their- Shooting Events on days. He was touched for eleven hits Drive Two Pitchers from Box. A meeting of tho Monmouth coun- ment, Sunday, August 21st, at Spring friends.". ly the Keys, despite the fact that the ty firemen's league will be held next Lake. • The Leonardo Field club baseball month at which time some sort of Boxyfe at Water Witch. iThe Lincroft Range latter were "pulling their punches" team suffered its third and worst de- action will be taken In an attempt to A large week-end crowd enjoyed from the third inning on. feat of .the season on Sunday when salvage the league. If the league rewboat fishing for fluke, porglesand Scoring 185 in tho 200-bird match T. Seltzer, Long Branch leitfleldcr, it was buried under an avalanche of continues, the winner of the second Army Polo Team snapperpp s at Eoxy'sjt^Watoyjt^Wt rW Wih at tho Lliicroft Gun club, Mrs. Jos- proved to be that team's most effec- hits and runs by Fort Monmouth. half will play Neptune City, which ThTha season Is on hher o for hthe small oph Murphy of Freehold Won.-tb.e-- tive stickman. Ho made three of theTho game was played at Leonardo won the first half. Defeats Rumson Four boals and many good catches are twenty-dollar prize Sunday. Her ' live hits made by the visiting nine, and the score was 17 to 1. brought In every day. Tho rivalry competitor was Mrs'. Wesley Still- and one of them -was a double. Des- The Leonardo boys could not get A crack U. S. Army polo team de- wagon of Trenton, who had a score pano also contributed a double and JOE HEDW1CK. feated a Rumson squad In an eztra- In very koon for tho dally prlzco. o£ 175. Tho first leg for tho prizo of started. Jack Miles was slated to Larry Doyle Still The prlzo-wlnnera for the wook aro the othor hit was made by Nolan, pitch for them, but due to the ab- Houston, Texas. (AP)—Fans call him leader ot Texas league hitters chukker game Sunday, 6 to 5. $23 In gold offered by Mayor Edward who replaced Hoagland in the ninth. With the score tied at 5-all in the B follows: Bud Qullan, New York, W, Currlo of Mata-wan was won ly sence of McLaughlin, tho regular him "Duckie Wuckie." Pitchers re- this summer. pounds 4 ounces; Julia Hummon, Ike Woolley starred at bat for Key. In the Baseball Game eighth chukker, Lieut. A. R. Barden Frank PugHoso of Tronton with a backstop, Miles was forced to play fer to him as the one-man-ball-dub. •Medwict Calendar* Pleasant Plains, 3 pounds 6 ounces; port. He made four hits In flve times tho position of catcher, while Jay ortbTSTlrmy took a pass from'Maj. scoro of 47 out of BO. Capt, W. T. J No matter how craftily the years His real name is Joo Medwiek and A form listing Texas loague lead- A. Crasser, West New York, 2',i at l>at; He stole throo-bases and inSmith did the pitching. C, C. Smith in the extra period and Woodward of Rlvorsldo Holghts won, steal bases, a baseball idol is never he's a baseball player through and ers, Issued daily by The Associated pounds; John Burket, _Wost New- a log on tho whlto bird ovont trophy tthhe fleldfl pplayeyd an exceptionallp y good The soldiers liked Smith's offer- through. smasheil^the ball through the up- tithancejdthaiiL out. So it's good news to baseball Press, baa become known as therights to end the sea-saw contest. York, 2% pounds; C3. Bolson, Rail- donated by Bordon Hanco of Rod —gameraccepting-ton-chancesjdthaiiL rfigsr-They-pountied-outrten hits and fans that Laughing Larry Doyle is Ho Is so ppopulap r that he hsi had!Mjdwlck CalendarCalendar " because "DuckiDuckie way, 3 pounds; Ed Hickey,' Eliza- Bank. His total scoro waa 42 out seven runs in three innings. Miles Amy Poa. BUMSON a miscue. Art Manuel ended a batting still playing baseball. The aggres- a candy bar named after him, and wuckie" leads in BO many depart- w, Sullivan (l)Gen. H. S. Borden beth, 4% pounds; W. Meirdlorclt, of 50 score. Two dlrihdr tickets "do-" slump of several weeks and had athen took up tho job of pitchini g for sive, hard-hitting second baseman of tho bar is a big seller in Texas league 'ments . ' I.t, R. IS. Barden (2) Arthur Border. Irvlngton, 2 pounds, 13 ounces. nated by. tho. Riverside Grill. iQt the. perfect day at bat with two hits out Leonardo and Ellsworth "Lanky" the New York Giants from 1907 to LI. K. S. Thomion (!) U. G. W. Rtdad parks. Through July 25th, Medwiek was Mai. C. C. Smith (4) Ivar Balding Bahr's at Highlands- highest straight run was won by Mr. of two times up. The score: Conover, who ordinarily plays first 1916 is now playing In an Industrial Branch Rickey, wizard of the St.leading the league in batting with 421 Tho "Martha" from this point, Pugileoo with a run of 29. KEYrOKT. base, did the catching. Miles fared league in Brooklyn. When he steps Louis Cardinals' chain of minor times at bat and 1H hits for an av- Score by chukkera: ,rmy 10011101 J—8 under Capt Kloln, reports a largo A special 50-blrd match will bo held ABBE P2O Ano better than Smith. The hard- to tho bat, these days, ho wears the league clubs to which Houston be- erage of .366. " amount of sea bass aro now being Carhart, cf. 3 1 0 2 hitting soldiers pounded the ball all uniform of tho Richfield Oil team. longs, believes "Duckie Wuckie" will Rumion 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 1 0—5 Sunday whoa Oscar Mundy of South PhElnn, cf. - I 0 1 10 On the same date he was In the Goals—Smith 2, Barden 2, Thompson taken by them on. tholr dally trips Amboy and Wesley Stlllwagon of over tho Held and in tho seventh in- Ko baseball history Is complete turn out to be the slugging outfielder Sullivan, Balding 8, H. Borden, A. Borjen Woolley, lb. 6 80 0 ning Conover took over the job of van for total bass hits and was tied Theso fellows disappeared for a tlmo Trenton will shoot against C. H. W. Manuel, 2t>. « 0: o without the name of Larry Eioyle. In who will make Cardinal supporters with Homer Peel, a cluhmate, for the Referee—Edwin Stewart, 8d. Time of cnuli- hut now hive returned in good num- A. Manuel. »». 2 1 1 0 pitching and Hllea went back as forget Chick Hafey. kcrd—7 ^minutes. Young of Daylon and Charles Hower WslUng, »»• 1 1 1 3 1915, he was tho champion batter of lead In doubles with 35. He was third bers and put up a gamo fight. Blaclt- of Red Bank for a prizo of ten dol- cctcher. However, the soldiers could tho National League with a batting Musio was furnished between chuk- Haitiler, 3b. 3 01 2 not be stopped and they continued Good Last Year. In the home, run race with 20, second flsh and fluke are also being caught lars. A 50-blrd special will-bo shot in Crale, If. 4 0 average of 310. His all-time aver- Mcdwick is not just a one-season in runs scored with 86, second in runs kers by tho post band. Drltj. it. 2 0 scoring until tho end of tho game. Bay Head and Sea Sldo rnrk. and 10-blrd events. 0. Manuel, c. ..-. 4 1 ago was .287. But with tho fans of minor league sonsatlon. Ho was &batted in with 85. In fielding he al- Joslln, who is one of the Field club's twenty years ago, his popularity was Frazeo's at Bay Head reports Scores In tho EO-blrd handicap Sun- raisoiv P —- —• * 0 good ball player last year and this so ranks with the league's best OIBL BASEBALL PLATEBS, day woro D. Ely of Froohold 48; C. 33 7 11*26 10pitchers, was unable to play on ac-1.000 plus. He was one of the great plenty of action along this end of season is far superior. Veteran managers of the Texas Young of Dayton V7; Wesley Still- Hoasland out buntlnji foul on lost strike. count ot being sick. ones, because he WHS a star player the shore on "blues" and weakflsh. A right-handed hitter and thrower, lcaguo have stylod Mcdwlok a "nat-Fort Monmouth Fcmlnlnn Team wagon, Jr. of^ Tronton 46; Oscar.Mun- LONO BRANCH. Leonardo's only run -was scored In and because he had a sunny dis- Many fine catches are being taken ho weighs 189 pounds and is flva feet, ural." He plays hustling, heads-up Flayed Close Series With Boys. dy ot South..Amboy 44; F. Webb of ABB H PO Atho eighth Inning, when Jay Smith position. Ho captained tho Giants 11 inches tall. All hia abilities and baseball all the time, and is hand- In the surf on crabs and mossbunk- Despano, cf. -——.-..— er. Two fishermen who supply Fra- Trenton 44; A. L. Ivlns of Rod Bank BS doubled and camo homo on a two-through most of his playing career. thoughts are directed to one game- some enough to make a hit with fem- The deciding game of a series of Hoagland, * zeo's market had a wild ride last 43; John Battcrsby of Linden 43, Kolan, ES. —. , base hit by Conover. Balyck, the He was no small factor In helping baseball. inine fans. In fact he is unpopular two out of three was played Monday soldier pitcher, held the Fleld club them win the pennant In 1911, 1912 afternoon between the Port Mon- Thursday night. They were out InThomas Karry of Hlllsdalo 43, Mrs. n«Ser, rf. lb. It Is not unusual to see Medwlck only with opposing pitchers. 1 Westley Stlllwagon of Trenton 43, W. 2b to four hits, Conover and Smith each and 1913. mouth Bloomer Girls and a team of their poworboat fishing for "MUCH DlllioneK ,- 2b. . 1 seated at a ball park or In a hotel Medwiek played for Keyport in toe Broailster of Dayton 43, J. Jaggard of Smith, c. — * getting two. Twenty years may weaken a man's lobby "honing" the handle of a pot Port Monmouth young men. Rules when an electrical storm camo up. .Cittxdino. It. if. 4 series with Red Bank the past two were made that right-handed boys There was nothing for thorn to. do Mount Holly 42,' Mrs, Joseph Mur- Ii. Sdtirr, 8b. .' 3 0 » 1 1 Next Sunday the Field club will arm a little, but it cannot cure him bat. The scraping process helps him years and his heavy and timely talt- phy of Freehold 42, W. Forman of BM»Ua, 3b. 10 0 0 0play u return game on Its own dia- were to bat and fleld left banded and but throw out their anchor and drag of loving baseball, especially If he'skeep the firm hold that has made I ting waa a feature of these games. left-handed boys were to bat and Illghtstown 42, Fred I.nngnndorf of T. Sdbt.r, If. * 1 S 1 0mond against Rumson. been among baseball's best. Honus bottom, which they did. Howovor, Now York 41, Miss Helen Kolly of ' Hansel], p. 2 10 16The score of last Sunday's game Held right handed. The girls could they were blown 25 miles out of tholr Wagner Is still a player and still a bat and field aa they chose. The Everett 40 and Miss Muriel Read of S3 6 6 24 12follow: fan in spite of his years. Out in NEW BASEBALL CLCB. way, finally riding the storm out andEvorott 38. Scores in tho 25-blrd Score fcr innlncs: boys won the first game of the series returning safoly with 1,500 pounds LEONARDO. Kansas City, Johnny Kling, tho Vliss Jacobs Wins and the girls won the second gamo. rnco wcro Jacob Jeffrey of Llncrbtt- leni Branch 0 0 0 0 0 111 2—5 AB R II Efamous old Cub catcher, still plays Four Former Hoblns Form NucleuB of fine large "blueB." 20, W. Hays of Colt's Nock 22, Clar- Kerport 3 2 0 10 0 10 x—7 Esldlo, If 4 (I 0 0a few innings now and then. And of New Fair Haven Team. Ihe game on Monday was won by Barncgat Bay. enco WJllctt of Colt's Neck 21 and Errors—Woolley, Hartzlcr. H. Seltier. MileB. c. r> 3 0 0 2 Seabright Bowl the boya by the score of 10 to 3. Two-base nit—Walling. T. Seltier. Sacrl- Conover. lti.. c. a few years ago, Cy Young showed Four players who withdrew from There are plenty of tido-runnc Mrs. •William T. Woodward of River- fl«—Karttler. Stolen bases—Carhart. ho hadn't forgotten how to pitch. The girls had one masculine player, Maclntonli, pa. . « 0 0 1 tho line-up of tho Fair Haven Rob- he being Philip Bellly, who covered weaks being taken hero In the bay,side Heights 18. Woolley 8, Deiti, Despano, HoaBland, T. Wolte. cl 4 0 0 0 Country's Second Best Woman running from 5'A to 0 pounds. Al Beltxer, Hanien. Left on bases—Keyport VimNess. 3b. ... ins last wcok after a dispute with the first base. All of the other players - 7, Lcrair Branch 1. Runs battetl in—Hartz- Bayard. 2b .- 2 0 0 COMEDY OF ERRORS. Player Defeated Josephine a largo number of fluke. • Jer !, Woolliy, A. Mannel 2. Smith 2. Des- manager of that club will form the on tho feminine team are girls. They MARRIED vs. SINGLE MEN. Simpson, rf. _ 1 0 0 nucleus of a new ball team which w|ll Cmickabank in Final Round are Olga Eastmond pitcher, Peggy Bon Covert of Red Bank, who panq. Hoaeland 2. Strike-outs—By Pax- Applcssto. rf - 2 0 0 tak'ca-Jlshing parties out at Eno's, aon '5, by Hansen 5.. Bases on balln—Off Smith, p.. lb 3 1 2 WUtefrvllle Firemen Defeat Card- take tho field this Sunday. The oppo- and Permanently Wins Cup. Till catcher, Rota Kreba second Now, Monmouth Ilimliandn Win First TMXsan 5, off llansen 5. Jilt by pitche liuUs, 13 to 8, In Five-Hit Contest. sition has not yet been booked, base, Irene Bellly third base, Ella Forked RWer, had A. B. Wilde, Sr., By Hoaaland (PespanD.) AVild pitch—Han- and friends out Sunday and had a of Scries ot Dull Games, aen, Passed balls—Smith. G. Manuel. Um- Errors were plentiful and hits Tho now team will be known ten- Miss , who ranks No. Eastmond short stop, Marian Cros- pires—Krustr and Davi* FORT MONMOUTH. tatively as tho Fair Haven All Stars. among tho women tennis stara of ble left fleld, Amy Mallett center very pleasant and profltablo day of Tho married men and tho single AB scorco last Sunday afternoon In the field and Mary Schwartz right fleld. fishing. They returned with 32 larfjo men of Now Monmouth played tho Kelly, rf gamo played between tho Red Bank Charles L. Britten of 733 River road, he country, gained permanent pos Shllo. 2h ie»Blon of tho Seabrlght howl Satur- The Bloomer Girls would like to "woaks" and 27 fluke. Mr. Wlldo first of a series of twilght baseball Cardinals and tho Wliltesvllle flre de-Fair Hnven, Is thn manager. He games Monday at Bolford. Tho mar- Miirtin, cf. _ 1 ay by defeating Miss Josephine book games with other teams oi caught a prizo fluko weighing eight Rumson Loses Matk, c. ..._ - partment on the Neptune high school would like to hear from cluba desir- ried men won by tho scoro of. 8 to ing games, particularly such teams as rulckshank. in the ftnal round of glrltt. pounds, of which he. wns justly Bluth. If grounds. Although tho scoro was 12 proud. 2. Tho score was lop-sldcd, but the Shatter, ss to 8, tho firemen made but two hits tho Bolford athletic club, tho Leon- he tournament at the Seabright single, men claim, that it would hav» to Highlands Jpnklm. lb _.. ardo field club, tho Eatontown Alerts, awn tennis and cricket club. „ Miss Gas Men Defeat Belford. Another party of Red Bankers MpKsnnn, 3V> and tho Cards three. The vamps went out from Beach Haven with boen about an ovon go If tho hus- ..5220 tho Red Bank drays, the Red Bank Jacobs won at Seabrisht in 1923 and Tho County gas company nine d«- Uclyck, P mado flvo errors, however, and the Capt. Cumm!nRB.tcon tho "Aldcen." bands had not had Robert Hughes, Nosed Out by Score of 5 to 4 in Red Bankers mlscued seven times, all Cardinals, the Long Branch athletic 1929, but lost tho following year to fcatcd Belford Thursday by a score a twelvc-yetir-old boy, to play for Interesting Game on Parmly 47 17 20 2 club and the Felngold Specials. Mrs. Lawrence Harper and laat year of 6 to 0. In thla same the gas menThey went deep-sea fishing about 12 of which accounted for tho runs. The miles out and camo In with 05 "blues" thorn. Asldo from Robort everybody Field—Highlands Backstop score: Tho All Stars will be a visiting to Mrs. Helen Wills Moody. sprang a pitching surprise, They on tho team was married. Robert club though they will maintain home The score Saturday was 6-4, 6-3use. d Sam Poston, who has been play- and one bonlta, using lead equi 1 Star* With Stick. RED BANK CA.HDINAI.S. with eel skins drawn over tho top.batted in tho first run scored by bit Red Bank Grays All It grounds on tho Little Silvor Bremen's laying a steady game Mlsa Jacobs Ing second and center for the gas team and distinguished himself by The Highlands athletic. club won Scalzo, 3b. If. _. 3 I Hold, »rced her opponent to net th« hall team. Posten showed a variety of Those In tho party were Gono La- flno fielding. For tho married men over tho Rumsan nthletlo club by a Soden, p. c ... 4 S frequently. Miss Jacobs'B well-placed curves, and the Belford heavy hit- levee, Frank Ellmor and A. Kclr. Trounce Robins (antalice, p. Bit. i n Tho four former Robins on the tho I'onturmann brothers, George ' scoro of 5 to 4 lust Sunday afternoon Figaro, c. 3 b 4 1 team ore Jim Clcary and Elmer ihots forced Miss Cruickshank out ters were at his morcy. Ho allowed nnd Fritz, wero tho outstanding on Parmly fleld at Rumson. Ench UBiondn, cl _ _... Smith outfielders, Eddie Mulligan of position time and again. At theono hit. Bus Keyea received for him, One of tho quickest ways to find a stars. For tho nlnglo men Frederick team gathered ten hits. Fair Haven Team, Minus Five llnmmonil, lb. 4 0ft catcher and Amerlco Bruno short- conclusion of tho match the trophy Henry Hanson made a sensational Job is to advertise in Tho Rogls- Roberts won tho palm for Holding Zelgler, Rumson first Backer, led P. Costa, aa ..... waa presented to Miss Jacobs by catch. ter's Want Department.—Advortlso- of Its Regulars, Goes Down „ _, 2 0 0 stop. Danny Joronl Is expected to ment. ability. the. batting for tho homo team with Mnrancln. rl. pitch for tho All Stars, who are nowHolcombo Waxd. threo hits In four timcB at bat. Kolcn- to Defeat by Score of 10 to 6Moli-tto. 2!>. It., rf. angling for other players. A moet- Robert (Lefty) Bryan of Chatta- bush, tho visitors' first bnaemnn, made j —Robins Start Late. p _... InR will bo held next Tuesday night looga, Tennessee, and John McDIar- four hits, including a triple nnd n nt Mr. Britten's home. mld of. Fort Worth, Texas, won the einglo in flvo trips to tho plate, and Tho Fnlr Haven Robins, weakened by tho failure nf ilvp regulars to put WHITESV1LLE FIREMEN. men's doubles from Samuel Oilpln Hllfllcker contributed three hlla to All It of Philadelphia and Eddls Jacobs of YOU CAN PICK IT UP the Highlands' total. In an apponrnncp, worn bndly ppE. 1 trounced by tho Red Brink Grays last K. Enuse, 2b. 1 CARDS DEFEAT Y. M. C. A. Baltimore, Ml, 6-2, G-3, 6-4. The EVERY DAY AT Freddy Mcrrlmnn, Rumson lend-off mixed doubles were won by Miss EASY MONEY" Kunilay afternoon. The senre WEIS 10.1. F.nuse, cl. man and leading bnttor of that team, to 4. Win Over Wcstslde Nine, 6 to 5, In larollne Bibcock and Lester Stoefen again hit safely, maklnj; this tho fif- l'rMler, 1 b. 4 Twilight Game Friday. Munnccf Pclo Ecolnnrt stated nftrr Carlton, rt both of Los Angeles, who defeated Auto Accetaories teenth consecutive gnmc In which he llrynolili, Mrs. Elsie O. Plttman of England hao done so. Nnrrty continued In atho Runic, that the. live Kuhlna had Lawrence, Tho Red Bank Cardinals nosed out Batteries, Tires slump and could get no hltn In live fnilPil to notify him of their deter- Mrrlll. If tho Wcstsldo Young Men's Christian nd 8ldney B. Wood, Jr., of New THE MOTOR BOYS times up. mination to quit. However It Wits association nlno last Friday after- York, 0-3, 6-1. nnnonMl In Keil severnl days Fishing Tackle Tho HlKhlnnila started nff hy ncor- Seme (,y Innings noon in n seven Inning game. Tho 93 BROAD STREET, RED BANK, N. J. before tlii; ^amo that tho men would ! |lri] TUnk TWILIGHT GAMB TONIGHT. Ing a run In tho first nnd put the 0 0 13 score wns 0 to 5. The Cards miulo Sporting Goods not play, ulthnii^li no reasons were 0 n 0 3 right hlta and tho Y. M. C. A. team NEXT TO POST OFFICE. gamo on Jce In llm nwnml wllli Ihrc advanced fnr their mtlon nt, 'ho time. nioro run* Thr- n-orr: live, Tho scoro: (arrUnurr Giant* and fian(op'» The (Irnya F.eoird Unit- III ft run In HKRVICK Til/VMS I'LAY. HKD HANK CAlmiNALn. Bronoofl to Cluh on Local Field. • IIU.M.'iON. Ihe third nnd iiuulu three more In tho All I'D A All R I! Twilight baseball will bo given Its 13-Plate Battery It 11 llfth on two htln, a walk ftn'l nil er- if Simoniz M.rtlmnn. ••(. .. r, 1 1 1 0 I urt llunriM'k lk-atn Kurt Mimmmilh Sn,|,. third trial this (canon by Johnny fitrnflKtll. If f, li 1 .1 0 ror. Knur hlt.i In Ihe neventh (ic- in Fourth Hrrles (iiimi>. WAX or 1 1 I'nntiillri SII. Calandrlello, manager of tho Red 18-Month Guarantee o. cm, ah r. o countetl fur tin llies fur Mnlitti., 1U-KKNKU Nmily. ». mnrn Tlin Fort Ilnnrock bnsclmll tonm Bank baseball club, tonight when tbo (ltd in Ilir Tito V!N- ArliTini "'aV.'.' With Old One— 4*19 rlaburK Colored Glnntn opponn HIM. OOa. T. tilll.' Uli. . '.... ilrfrnti-d tlio Kent Mnnmniilh nlnu 37= pri ili'il t id tluor Y.,,«I..[|II. , [ en liiiit week In thn fourth (if tlin nc-vi-n Pontnp'n Ilroncoi at Huntor'« fleld. mini total tin- ninth. The ll. <:,,»n Polishing Baby pinion porlfn hntwrrn (he two nor- Tho game Is nchodulcd to ntnrt at I Straw Sent HoMmi ilM IK>t ;•< daileil Mill 11 the TIII.TI.-I. 6:15 o'clock. 9< HAMMOCKS ! vlcn loams. Tlin Kurt Munmoulli CLOTH ! »'Vi'titli when th'' adf tliice runs 69' rf. . COVERS Their nther tally n .ailiiil In themilillorn Imvr. win flin-n ivinirn nml If tho attnmlancn I" Rood, olhor ihn Mnnily Hunk li';im him rnpluri'il if, >> mea betwn«n leading ICantorn IGNITION PARTS AUTO plutilh. Tin. :,ciu RELINERS r% I.'ifll werk'n Ktmin w.'ifl |ilnyi-tnK(Ml on the 29' t : All Rlu-i. FOR ALL CARS. CUSHIONS null l 'cirt ilnticnrli. Tin, MMire; Wr,.TJTH'F, V. M. ('. lurnl inniilnt, Manager Cnlnndrlnllo 59' I (HIT JIANrorK. All utittud. Th« llnrrinliurK club will Itllfll'loi, 1 I1.' • All It 11 I.1:. (il-.irr, rf. prolmlily net nil thn homo Imm. 0 V '•'I' I II i1 I Krn.lil.-1.. 11,. I'riMl, l>. .. . Tha lloil linnk rlub will refttimn lflOj; Pure Pennsylvania Oil FENDER C l-lnik, f ]l,:Uit...n n M.I, i II I 1 flnylng nn Munilny, AuKimt 28th, Hl. II il Ui.- *iii It will iipimufi thft )C«yport « OAK HKAI.K.ll CAN—MKJHUM 29 W'.lf.r, 71.. TAX rilKIC—<:«)NTA1NKH FLAPS Wei!,?, I' M.-K, II'.Ml. ietlo OKSKU'Wltm In 41m fti«l of the •2.29 11*11. Wllll.., cuunty rhnniplniinhlp imrlrii, f,'nl»nitrl«llr> »lntml fmlny (hat t«m- Itmi. I,, Ifitlvn pliitin nrp liiinR nimin tn hnnnr I It I! II (I I All! HAVt.:.'. Al HFIM, IOI Mmljyplil nn.l "I'/./ky" iliiMi...II II II II V II FISHING LICENSE Fishing Tackle Cut-Rate. B,,... II all.' llll'IM I Hit I MIIMMII' (I 1 Wllll«, f»r)iii>r ni"iiilirr» n[ Ilin IIMI T»(,l.«.o III IlttllU 'Viiwnen, Bt Hl« rlnwn nf fhn , II. I.ill. I. I.IH. lln Idagim Kianrin. Mnil]f»UI unit Keli 1 ),""•'• li"l«i'l. .!•!>. CRAB NETS SINKERS c or. AL FOSS nAnr,nAu. • 1» wltti Hi. rlillailiilitl : dor. nml will In nil imilinlilllly ».l I I lid If iirtit l,!lV«l" Bllil tll.||)llll)lll Ileri l(l» T'allntml l'iillr» lll»>r, a pillill- rio ,,f (Ho Itml lUnh mi'l vl' Itllly QOc rmtlnll iiatnlwi III Hi» llil«l"l« "f |»i Illinium, llnll'n,. •wllnil •till, l. Ilii. HiV tn wr |( l tr'iln Innl wnnlv »fll>t All nl Level Witul Rnd llr«i il»|,«tlmoti(« In 111" fi'iHiHr. t"> |-,,ll,,wll, ' riii, ]•»»» lif "•! In ,\ STEEL RODS K il.T tho n '• Illuli- «liu r*ai«< (l.l.l -n U.-.-.n Wnt^r I Ann k til" IIIBI Bll'i'illiil! Binirn 49' IllKlll. n tlmy 111 to. nt |»itl» «me|l 111 lvo ulnUn illlllni! illfil n io i.f Ilirni |.r|nE R h Mf J!'1I.K II..-, nl. wlilln 3-W»y 'i All tt l| ft. y Inn 'II llrnillw limit*, f'.lll IllU, ,,|in ,if w|t|, SWIVEL TENNIS HALLS MOIIIIK <•!• dwnnle'1 IH ml hiv liv T III" r.\ ti|itnj • 1 FREE 1 For Rr.cor«l th« twtMltnl, Tli« ••"Hilly I" OUIii >'f /Min M ilil.i f.,nr tildlllrll, wllh lw«lm |" 1'llrn nllc hy Tim f,rlf,,,.l |,,m I,, Slmft $1 ,r,9 !»•<*• In »mli 01.till I, Tl<° f'lin I'" il (ill TKNNIS ||ft#m«n Inablim Hi* li||?li*»il p.-.iBn Hnl jto COLFCLUIIS •I, I -111 111! Vl". I | ttW*t»» liiiiiu nffitoh,, VUriiinf II..V n r-ili I I. ,.( ,:, .1 |«,l Il.»,--V riro I'l I'llll'llll felling I lie 1 I 'H«f- 1 U(«ll Tb« RED' BA'ftK REGISTER, 'AUGUST'3,' 1932:' YACHT BACE AT BUMSON. AIX THIS WEEK—Zoe Aldn'i Uproarious Efcioa • Ariel Winner of Water Witch Wins Water Sports lose Contest Sailed There Saturday v 'THE GREEKS HAD A WORD FOR IT" Sunday's Race Afternoon. From Sycamore Club at Belvedere Today! Today!! Today!!! SEATS NOW—PHONE BED BANK 38M. •itfwo, seconds was the time between ~"~ ~ BEG. MON. NEXT—SEATS NOW I ie first and second boats at the fln- The Water Witch tennis club de- THE; MONMOTJTH COUNTY PLAYERS iarry McMahon Brings Hit Boat h of Saturday afternoon's race of eatedths Sycamore tennis club 7-1 Long Branch Mermen Win Relay Grand Opening Prenent Home First in Field of Five— le Rumson country club knock- >n the Hance courts at Middletown Race at Keaiuburg—Large outs on the South' Shrewsbury riv- (aturday. - With this victory the PHILIP BARRY'S GREATEST COMEDY HIT Ariel and Dolphin in Tie on course. The victory-was-credlted Vater Witch club now has two points Crowd Attends Semi-Annual Season's PoinU. Samuel Rlker, Jr.'s, Osprey which award the cup and the Sycamore Meet in Belvedere Pool. MONMMOUTH WAITING ROOM st nosed out Vice Commodore Ed- lub has one point. A mh&d"doubles 3. MERHAN, Manager. Harry McMahon's Ariel, with her JUrnament will be held at Mon- The West End Casino swimming •ard C. Fiedler's Snail a few feet team won the 160-yard relay race, 2 Monmouth St., near Broad, Red Bank "HOLIDAY" iwner at the tiller and with Charles points on the season trophy. louth Hills Saturday, August 13th. the feature event of the Beml-annual 3urd at the sheet, nosed out William The race was sailed in a stiff to The results , of last Saturday's SPECIALS FOR TODAY, TOMORROW, WITH THIS GEEAT CAST: •L B. White's Dolphin with Mr. natchea were Mary Ann Slcllng and water sports held last Sunday at the oderate westerly to northwest Belvedere Bwlmmlng pool at Keans- McKay Morris, Aleta Freel, Roas Alexander, Ben Vhlte at the helm and Ferdinand eeze, which gave the skippers plen- 'oily Bruyere of tho Sycamore ten- FRIDAY and SATURDAY ! White as eheetman, In the race for IB club defeated Helen Shlpway and burg. The Belvedere swimming club of action. It was one of the clos- was second, the Ideal Beach life- Milk Shakes Cc I Ice Cream Socks Hoagland, Gavin Muir, Rosalind Russell and others knockabouts under the auspices o( it races of the season as only flf- Jorls Brust of Water Witch 4-6, Note These New Popular Summer Prices! the • Monmouth boat club Sunday guards third, tho New Point Com- icn seconds separated the winner 18-16, 6-3. Virginia Mandeville and fort pool team fourth and the Bea- Excellent Orch. Scats, $1.10, |1.65. Entire Mezzanine; SSo. morning. In addition to winning the •om the last boat to cross the finish Marjory Palgo of Water Witch de- Brick Ice Cream, all flavors quart event-tho-Arlel-brought-herself to feated Julia Gulick and lone Gllllg of con Beach swimming club fifth. an even position In points with tho :ho Sycamore club 6-3, 5-7, 6-0. Mrs. A l&rge crowd saw the races. Dolphin for the season trophies of- Thcso Saturday afternoon races of Charles 'Epplnger was starter, Ed- Loose Ice Cream pt. 9'Ac1 "qfc; CJfic RED BANK AUDITORIUM o aleek craft of tho Rumson coun- 5"lnch and Judy Seymour of Water fered by President Augustus M. Witch defeated Olga Schwcnker and ward lane, William Vicser and Mi- ADJOINING ELK'S CLUB—Eve». Only, 0:00 P. M. Mintoh of the Monmouth boat club ry club are attracting much atten- chael Antonelll were judges, Edward all flavoro «« «W lon and quite frequently the eklp- Edith Head of Sycamore 3-6, 10-8, MAKE IT A HABIT TO SHOP AT THE WAITING ROOM. and Thomas Irving Brown, president 6-3. Mrs. Sawhill and Doris Brust Selfert was judge of diving and of the North Shrewsbury Iceboat and ters have members of the fair sex frank Depplsch was announcer. The 'acht club.) ;o along not only as guests but real of Water Witch defeated Jeanne eet was in charge of Amhrose 'honest to goodness" members of the Parker and Teresa Papa of Sycamore Manhattan, captain of lifeguards at The raee was sailed In a very light ew. 6-3, 7-5. John Hlgglns and Bob Mora- •esterly' wind, which shifted at fleli^f Water WltehLdefeated. John the pool. The other results follow: IHcT JTheJiqats .!n_Saturday's Jace be-. ""'ariter- and Jimmy Cowan of Syca- 25—y»rd«- (boyiJ-^Louls- Oolllwhln, ittfies tsTeulfiWfsT Ides those previously mentioned Eliiabtth. firiti ProtlJ ROSBI, Belvolero, . NEW LOW PRICES orthweat, giving the skippers a hard more 6-1, 6-2. Lyman Middleditch second; Frances LacDrte, West End, third. | A to the windward due to tho Commodore William B. Potts'i and Ross Shcppard of Water Witch 2S-yards (jrlrU)—Shlrloy shellln. Bel- j —at— changeable airs. Tho Ariel led over 'azz, Bertram H. Borden'B Oriole defeated Avery Giles and Johnnie 'adere. first j Eileen Brennan, Belvedere, ,nd William C. Rlker's Frances flu- second) Gladys Berthold, Keanaburg. f the starting line with the Dolphin hing in tho order named. Egan of. Sycamore fl-4,6-4 . Donald third. second, Henry Applegate's Naomi ickles and Mr. Drake of Water SO yards (boyB>— Max Miller. Elizabeth, hlrd, Joseph Kennedy's Llndy Witch •' defeated Charles Blair and first; James BHer, West End. second; Club San Remo 'ORT MONMOUTH WINS TWICE. Thomas Patttraon, Bolvedorc. third. i's Beauty Salon fourth and Ellwood Powers's Tern Jack Mount of Sycamore 6-3, 6-2. 60 yards (glrli)—Virginia Hopkln». fifth. Bill Seymour and Rudy Sheppard of flacon Beach, first; Dorothy Rohlneon, formerly On tho run to the outermark off [crsey City Eagles and Mlddletown Water Witch defeated Bill Blair and Belvedere, second: Margaret Baralow, Ocean Avenue, West End, N. J. Colored Nine Defeated Last Week. South Amboy, third. THE KELLY BEACTY SHOP. Suyon's point the boats changed po- Donald English of Sycamore 14-12, 100 yards (men)—Harold Pixley, Wont sitions but at tho turn the Ariel was Port Monmouth was active In base-- 5-2. !nd. flnt; Albert Luke. Elizabeth. »cc- 10 Broad Street. Tel. R. B. 1515. again in the lead. The course led ittll circles laBt week, defeating the rad; Walter Robinson, Belvedere, third. trom thore to a stake off Jones's Tho members of the Sycamore tcn- 100 yards (women)—Virginia Hopkins, C c C HARRY KILBV ersey City Eagles, 7 to 3, Thursday ils club and their friends played at taacoa Beach, first; Helen Burke, Eliza- point, thence to Filler's cove and and the Mlddletown Colored nine on >eth, tiecondt May Meyers, Keansburg, Hair cut 25 50 75 PRESENTS then homeward. The Tern took the Sunday, 8 to 1. Mulligan and Gillette the Wlllgerodt court at Llncroft last .bird. lead on the windward journey but divided the "pitching honors. Jimmy Sunday. 120 yard medley—James Rellly, West Tho results woro William Parker End, first: Max Miller. Elltaheth. second; Shampoo and Finger Wave $4.00 A Floor Show Every Evening at the homestake on the first lap ofMcKay, the one-arm pitcher, played Walter Johnson, Belvedero, third. the race the Llndy showed her heels enterfleld and caught seven ballad and Isabel Grlesenbeck of Llncroft 220 yard free style—Harold Pixley. to the float. Xh9..J?SteJl!n_t!irn«d, defeated Polly Bruyere and Harry West End. flrsti E. Wlnficld, .West End. Hot Oil Treatment $ ter place. The party landed 116 blu pitched for Rod Bank and Murphy For Reservations—Phono One Seven Four Three. winners, getting four of their eigh fish, 29 bonltas and two big bass Combination Codfish-Shark Caughi and Pryor alternated behind tho goals. Tho total catch weighed over 50 Yesterday at Scabrignt. plate. Oliver and Hopkins comprised Others on tho Baby Elephant pounds. Many of the Red Bankers the batteries for the visitors. WILLIAM O'BRIEN team were Jamo Elkus and Bourn It's n fish, but no fisherman I: CLUB SAN REMO s friends enjoyed fish dinners throug! Seabright knows what to call It The Red Bank Colored Giants d»- Ruthrauff. On General Borden'B tean their generosity. * feated the Fair Haven Royals last FAMOUS FOR ITS EXCELLENT were J. Roebllng, General Bordei Somo of the old .follows at Seabrigh night, 10 to 8, at Miles' field on Plumbing and Heating Arthur Bordcn and Manton B. Mel who have t>een fishing 25 years sa Shrewsbury avenue. A home run by CUISINF calf. Edwin Stewart was tho rcfcrei Crack Swimmers at Seabrifht. they never saw a fish like It befor Taylor. Red Bank pitcher, with orjc Roofing — Sheet Metal Work Forty-five members of tho Wes Thfl. hent guess they can make Eln>h»nt« inilii o—i base, was a feature. Walnrlght and sldo Young Men's Christian assocl that It 1R a cros3 between a codfis Walker pitched for Fair Haven. RED BANK . SEA BRIGHT Old Oak» .._. 10 0 2 0 0 0 1—. tton of New York spent Sunday i and a shark. The fish was caught tho Surf bathing pavilion at Sc yesterday In a pound off Seabrlght bright. Among the group were aom and was put on exhibition by Clar- Bcrusflt Keyport Gamn. of tho crack speed and distance enco Carlson. H weighed about 30 The Keyport athletic association swimmers of tho Eastern part o( pounds. Its head was like a codfish, and the County gas company team of the United States. Lew Vaughan of hut the rest of tho body resombled .Atlantic- Highlands will play Friday New York, swimming director of the a shark. Pieces of sharp bone pro- night at six o'clock on the Keyport Young Men's Christian association, truded from its back. Carlson said high school diamond for tho benefit nnd O. B. Hanson, also of Now York, tho fish ^ of tho underprivileged children's 'S MARKET not valunblo enough to were In chargo of tho group. be mounted. fund sponsored by tho Keyport Wom- an's club. Mayor Raymond L.. Wyc- 19 E. FRONT ST., Phone 372. RED BANK Fun For koff of Keyport will throw out tho Red Hank Gray* Elect Hod Rank Negroes Low*. first ball which will be received by Specials—Thura., Fri., Sat., August 4th, 5th, 6th. John Vncarolll has been elected Tho Freehold Southern Giants de- Mayor Currlo of Matawan. Howard piv.iulcnt nnd treasurer of tho Rodfeated tho Red Cnnk Colored Giants, Stockton, president of tho County 11 in'.; rirays. Harold IPatty) Patter- 7 to 2, last Sunday afternoon at gas compnny will he the tatter.' Legs Spring Fresh-Killed Rotating ii:ni In mnmifror of the club. Jnhnnld MUCR'S Meld nn Newman KprinRfl Lr.vlj la playing manager and Tony rond. Tho counly-sr-nters gathered MUBIC will bo furnished by tho Kry-| VuliMill rnptnln. Tho Grays are plnn- olght hits, while the lncaltt hiul to bo port firemen • bandd LAMB Chickens nine to hold a series of dancpfl in content with live, .lohnnon, Itc-cl Hank Everybody the n'iir future Danny Joronl, tnrm- outfielder, mndfi three, nut of four. Fair Itavdl KliiCKeni. or uirmbpr nf tho Fnlr Haven Rob- Following arn 'hft nvnnfzcr nt tho 1b. In!-. Is n regular member nf tho X'nknown Win. flvn lradlnK hallri n nf th i Fnlr ' C;; :>vi-' tci\m. Hnven Rnblnn 29 Tho prnbrlght Unknowns of Hra- Q An l: 1! AVV; Inlglit defeated thn Colored Ginnts KlvcVncr i: i in ,IM SHOULDER SPRING LAMB CHOPS IIHJOT IHISI OKI-DAY am lant week by a ncoro (if i) to 2. Onn-:>. T.imliiM'l [ .". 13 i.n Ii. '.' '- .! Ill — at klll nnd Jonen woro thn hnttlni; titntti II. Kitflanil ...... II r. i •' 1 111 19' K»MI« II :-.' 'i l ' •ln-i for tho Unknownn nnd Hlmllor led 11 ,u; <\ 1.: :'..", i OUTINGS?! In thn nllckwnrk fnr llm Olnntn. One Fresh-Killed Shoulder Spring I »T tow nouHo-Ttip r««ii mM of thn frnturrn (if Ilio untuo w»« n nntch or n linn dilvn liy Cnpt. ltuli Tu'llltht flnnm Tomorrow. Mmllh of thn Uiilumwnn. Tim !-tt. .Iimiir' Cithollc Cluli will FOWL LAMB cronn bnln with 'ho Knliiiitown I'.il-

New York ored fllnntn liirm>rrr,w nk'li' nt Hunt- Thn rond to tinltor nnd tilcrter liiinl- nr'» flfiil. Tlir Rirnm will ''nl "< tlx SUNDAY, AUGUST Mill il\iin leniln thrnUKh Tim llir,littpr> n ' Wr.DNEsllAY, AtJCU.Vr 1711, nrttnlnir columnf.—Ailvnrtlnrmrnt. n'rUirk. Elks' Charity / .<\illl.l«r Wnll.r.,1,, Lr.AVC* / A. M, A. M. 12 Utll. .Illv.r „._ riUfl l-»n« llr«nth ..._ t:l1 7iBii Mntawan „... n 11 It fti24 233H-.I. KRAFT MAYONNAISE pint jar -|JJc Mhlill#lnwn t\:t)t\ . ... . HI II HANK -. Hilll dill Ail,I On. Hour lor Dayllihl .tivlrif Tl»» IfMAI.I. I.F.AN 1I,,,1U, ...„,.I,,,, .-,,,„,!„», A,ii.1.1 Hill,, • n,l W#>lnMt .llat. ( on«ull In- Smoked Cnlln((O l>l lIlWl •!.,,!• f», <•>.. .,,,1 xllKl.lUl. B. A. SHOEMAKER r.vriiv »i IN DAY IN HAMS'-RY wr.HNr.inAY. BUTTS r..,n,t.r w..i.....i.r ii,. I.I.AVI'I A.M. AM BAZAAR •AlUnll. Till 7|44 tl.||.,r.l _..„ 7i4H 7inJ Hl|lil"n.l» ...... Tiim 7iU COAL I Win,I,' .,r Mmnl. Half) 21 t.'analiuif Tilt «<»" K»ri">tt ,.....- fltiii rtiiio AUGUST 8th to 13th I »mi*r,t» 7|41 7,4/ CAMl'I.KLL'S TOMATO SOUP li I'hlt Mmimnnllt . , 7l4l> 7ifl1 Wood, Feed, Hay, Straw 19" ri«« Milil 7ll» T/n llnlim lltarlt ...„. , 7in« Him W«l«r Wll-li THi> 7un I.1ME nnd FERTILIZER Ann- rll ••'• •••!»« llm* * Iltlt.t. m.v »U,» I,. |,,ir«li.a*il font* Prnl Mmn All KimU of Poultry 1-Vrtl ELKS' HOME, RED BANK, N. J. Allanlli IHlliUniia onlr, vl. n.f'lr |l"»h BUTTER hi. ...,.,•. 1..... Ail.,,11. 111,1.1 Potatoes •i,,,(,!.,. a<< A. Mi \v.J^...l.,. in* ]{A1C(1 ShnvinK* A M. n.|»tntn>, ll.t.l, ,.,.,,! nn ...r "... Ir ll.nb m....,.r -r .„> ru- J.ia-r basket t *MI,.| 11.1,1, »ir.|*t Ik* pin. C«I».I, in ScllinK LEHIGI1 «ntl WILKKS-BAKIvh Matinee for Children—Saturday Afternoon, August 13lh. J 1 I IM.YMOUTII COAL Tut Twrnlytita) V«AI«. H-.ANUT HUTTKK 2-lb, Try n Ton of TliU Red A»h C

WAIX STREET. from distributing; goods at the low- Sometimes a special caller vra< came with his wife, "Gram," to Be- est possible price. Financial systems named to direct the various figures. tn?tlt, had a good time fiddling for From "Successful living In This Ma- do not determine the course of bus- These Interesting dance directions In- Henry, and became temporarily not- chine Age" by Edward A. rilene. iness evolution. They follow It, Our cluded "manners to your partners," ed throughout the country, ""It is a real peril of tola mass pro- financial system will be something "balance all,", "promenade eight," erstwhile enowshoa maker duction age that many expert flnan- very different In the near future "three to one,"-"gentlemen dance," play_ '.'The -.Campbells- Are _Coming," "/our hands round," "balance to your "Jingle Bells," and "Rippling Waves" t elera should finance great enterprises, when the* needs of mass production and then, through failure to under- are clearly understood'. Wall street places," and "promenade all." Other In a way that put more warm action stand the real purpose of these enter- is not yet organized to conserve the typical ".calls" were "salute your into dancing feet than anything the prises, almost wreck them. A dozen consumer's dollar, but Wall street lady," "swing your partner," "ladles city had known. The jaded younger large factories, say, are in compe- must become so organized, or the do ce do," "gents you know," "swap generation, thrilled by the rousing tition. Each company may be aware power of Wall street will pass away. your partners," "gents to the right," jigs and reds and taken with the Low-cost production demands low- "ladles to "the left," "Indian .Hie neighborly mingling of the figures, pt how much better the country cost financing; and' just as high-cost home." Occasionally the caller would took up the fad for a time; and the could be served If they all could be production has already proved un- become sentimental and give his di- older people also took an active part brought under unified control. It Is rections in verse: It Is a far cry—in this case, we one thing to perceive the advantage profitable, all financial practices might say a long step—from the old tend to benellt the Two little ladles aids by tide: of effecting such a merger, however, which- do not Cantants come down on tht e old cowhidecowhide. to the "new in dancing, American' and quite another to effect It; and consumer, and enable his dollar to go HHandd s In your pocketkts heand backbk s to the dancing has progressed through a tha financial genius who succeeds In farther and ever farther, must soon " wall. Take a chew of tobacco and promenade dozen or more stages since the days inducing these 12 organizations to prove to be unprofitable. ... ill. of the Virginia Reel. The boys and give up their Independence performs Balance all and your partner ewinst girls, have tfanced polkaa~walb!esr Down the center and jjust the ring. an Incalculable service. L&dies forward the sefres*to meet; turkeytrots, foxtrots, one-steps and OLD SONGS AND DANCES. ,'. bwing them ladles clear lr*^l£itreet. tangos, and in late years various Unfortunately, he may not consider "walks," "rocks," "glides," "stomps," it incalculable. He may consider it Condensed from Arcadian Magazine In the round dance, the'jipunger by Edna Mae Ewert. chaps were apt to "cut some high dl- "drags," and "sways." They have Calculable and start to calculate. In dos" as they went around. I "The done the Charleston a#d the Black 10 years, he may calculate, the eco- The whining fiddles saw out the balance all" and the "promenade Bottom. Now, with the swish of long nomies from auch a merger will jus- old-time tune: • skirt fashions, they revert tempor- tify him in taking a present "rake- eight" gave them a chance to/ "come Clear away thoy kitchen, for Me'M have JL out strong." They would "eut the arily to the old -waltzes and tangoes. ott" of $30,000,000* - The -rake-off will >: dahce lotflght: •*" • " pigeon wing" and try tho/"doublo But through all these yeara tha old- come out of a hew stock issue; and Swine your pardner gently and ateppin' shuffle." . In an especially hilarious fashioned dances have kept their this man, 1s such a recognized lead- rolshty light. , rfJ & Daddy in the comer with the fiddle to his moment, a man would seize his part- hold upon public favor and staged er in the financial world that the sale jaw— ner around the waist and go "career- constant comebacks. The "do ce do of the new securities to the invest- Everybody's capering to "Turkey In the around your beau" may still be Straw." ing around like a wild horse in a ing public is assured. muddy lot." lasting tradition when the modern But the merger starts with a ter- There is an hypnotic effect about The dancing, set after -set. con- stomps and slides are forgotten. riflo handicap. The security buying the free swinging rhythm and the tinued Into the "wee sma' hours" of public has just presented a financier persistent repetition of the old musi- trie morning, everybody getting a and his associates with $30,000,000, cal themes that makes the dancers chance to go through the figures sev- "Can you come around and have '.and looks to the merger to get It excited and enthusiastic Grizzled eral times, especially the prettiest dinner with me on Monday?" back. The ten years' profits, there- old men, youth temporarily renewed, girls. These same girls were usually "No, I have an engagement Mon- fore, are pretty well mortgaged, skip in and out of the figures with the objects of much gossip and com- day evening." ^economies may be effected, but they amazing agility. Sedate matrons ment from the other women who "Then perhaps Tuesday." can not bs reflected in a lower price swirl their skirts In dignified spins Btood by, waiting for the next dance. "Sorry, Tuesday's out." just yet The result is that mass pro- and turns, as they fling themselves 'JJok at Janey, how she twists and "Wednesday?" duction hasn't done any good after intb the various formations. wiggles whon she goes by. She's Just "Busy." all. It may even have done harm. The couples, young and old,. Invent puttln' on alro for that town fellor. "Thursday?" Better methods of production are ew hops and slides Inspired by the And look at Betsey, how she's leanln' "No." adopted,,htit_the_p_rice_iiot being re- familiar old tunes from the scraping on John and makin' those dyin' calf's "Friday?" duced, no more goods are sold" and wheezing fiddle, for the fiddle is in- eyes at him." "Oh, hell! Make it Monday." no,greater production effected. Men, evitable as are most of the tunes. These differ In the various sections That same spontaneous criticism therefore, instead of getting hlgrher has survived. Nor are tho old dances Klffht Up His.Alley. . •wages and shorter hours for In- of the country. New England holds to "Lady of the Lake" and "Boston of the agile-footed pioneers in. any "Now, I want Albert to have a creased production, are simply let Fancy." A half century ago the Mid- Immediate danger of being forgotten. out to look for another Job. dle West went wild over "Old Dan They survive in country communi- thoroughly modern and up-to-date ed- . This is a very real evil, for the Il- Tucker." Other tunes that were ties everywhere in Amorlca, and al- ucation," said his mother, "including lustration I have given Is a co"mmon- hailed with delight in their day are though the light fantastio tottering Latin." place of modern finance. • The rem- and tramping of the modern age ap- 'Yes, of course," said the headmas- edy, however, can not b' e found in "Chase the Squirrel,~ " "Spee~ d the peal to the greater part of young ter, "though Latin Is, as you know, prohibiting such mergers. The loss to Plow," "Pop Goes the Weasel," "Ar- America, the old dances are con- a dead language." the public does not He in' the fact kansas Traveller." "Great Big 'Taters stantly being revived. In Carolina, "Well, all the better. Albert's going that $30,000,000 has been made out of in Sandy Land," nd "Cotton Eye Illinois, Kansas, Idaho, everywhere, to be an undertaker." Joe." we flnd them, the old figures, pic- a Wall street merger, but in the way The parties and dances of the good that it was made. Only out of Its turesque bits of folk-custom carTledi final Alibi. income, obviously, can any industry old pioneer days were generally held far by the pioneer and hardily sur- jay profits, and its income derives at night. One of the settlers raised viving in their foster lands. Tombstone Dealer (after several a house or barn, cleared a piece of futile suggestions)'—"How would just not from the sale of Its securities but new ground, or had a log-rolling or A few years ago, Henry Ford, be- 1 from the tale of its product Intelli- a simple 'Gone Home do for an in- tobacco-stripping. The neighbors for lieving the younger set to be in need scription?" gent financiering in thlB mass pro- miles around shared in the work and of the spirit of group fun offered by duction age must, therefore, follow In the jumping, wrestling or foot rac- the quadrille and the polka, which The Widow—"I guess that will bo intelligent shop management and ing that followed. On such occasions are "more athletic and less confiden- all right. It was always the last place henceforth avoid any step which may the "women folks" held a quilting, a tial" than jazz, sought to make these he ov6r thought of going." tend to make prices higher than ab- goose-picking or a carpet-rag sewing dances popular. He offered free in- solutely necessary. and, at the same time, prepared a struction In them and issued a book IJke Finding Money. !-.'..Consider, for instance, the "power sumptuous dinner of chicken pie and explaining the old-fashion waltz- Thankful! What have I to be Interests," which have been most un- pound cake for the crowd. Along polka, echottlsche, varsovionne, and thankful for? I can't pay my bills," der criticism in tho matter of finan- toward evening, everybody, excited round and contra dances. Mellle "Then, man alive, be thankful you cial methods. War developed be- and talkative, ate a; hasty supper, and Dunham, the old fiddler from Maine, aren't one of creditors." tween shortsighted financiers, bent tho fiddlers took their places in the Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Smith, New foods, for variety upon burdening the industry so that corner and tuned up for the dance. financiers' profits would be increased At times, however, the dance was _l!Ut-Tates_cpuld not be lowered, and held In the barn, following a "huskin' equally shortsighted ' champions of bee." At such a "bee," the farmer the people who demanded that the gathered in all his corn, dumped it Mrs. Robinson, and . . . bargains, for econo- industry he put under political ad- in tho center of the barn, and sent ministration so that no one would out word of the proposed party to all Hot Weather Hint:-- mike a profit out of It. Both sides the neighbors. The whole communi- to this controversy were wrong. Had ty, especially the younger set, came many, many others—all my .. ^ quality foods at both sides known that high rates on foot, on horseback, In heavy wag- •were as had for the owners as they ons, or (In later years) in the "can- Pitted black heart cherries filled with '•vere for the consuming public, the opy top" carriage, spring wagons and cottage cheese and served on crisp lettuce controversy could not have hap- top buggies. The men selected part- tell us that they profit pened. As It was, with all tho mls- ners by drawing names. Then the with mayonnaise, cold churned Butter- special prices, for better takes of overcapitalization, the, pow-1 couples circled around the corn pile er interests did go in for the dlscov- j a"d jx>re off the husks with record milk. ery of more economical methods of speedJ , eac"h~ 'huske ' r hoping to find production and distribution. the red ears. These prizes gave the by following the food meals ... thai is what a -"•Inlhe matter of financing, the pow- finders tho privilege of kissing his or er interests were pitifully short- her partner. When the corn was DRINK A QUART OF MILK A DAY. aighted. In the matter of engineer- shucked and the floor space cleared, ing, their vision was superb. Driven tho dancing began. by lust for profit, they floated Issue Those wero tho dayB when pretty news in the advertising reading of the food ad- after Issue of securities based upon glrlo woro red and bluo calico dresses faith, hope and optimism; but driv- and linsey-woolsey petticoats with en by lust for profit, they also built edges of white lace showing between SHREWSBURY DAIRY CO., inc. shoo top and calico hem. The gay columns of The Red up a Buper-power system throughout young "sparks" who served as their vertisements i si The America In a single decade which a partners parted theJ.r'halr In tho mid- Serving you 12 years with Milk produced nba-proflt administration of tho in- dle, "wore brbgah shoes, hickory dustry would hardly have arrived at shirts, and jeans or buckskin breech- solely in Monmouth County. to a hundred years. es, and sported big silk handkerchief Bank Register. Not only Register does for, count- J Such an achievement does not Jus- neckties. tify the financial extravagance with Red Bank 1455. Oroad Street, Shrewsbury, N. J. •which it was accompanied. Never- Sometimes one of the fiddlers acted theless, the power Industry was saved as prompter and "called" the dances. by Its opposition. Hates were, kept do they know what's less women in this com- down, at least to a figure which mtde profits possible, In spite of all th&t the shortsighted financiers of the industry itself could do to pre- new but they find they munity. If YOU haven't vent It And in the end, some pow- er1 companies began to seo low rates that might be more profitable than high. When that lessnn ia thorough- ly learned, tho power Interests may can shop more econom- formed the habit yet— remain quite as "greedy" as ever; but their Ereed will bo the public's strongest ally, for nil thm cunning FEET HURT? which once went Into tho war ngalns-t ically and place better try it. You'll find it th» common good will then bo direc- ted, not toward miltlnj: rains mornly "fair," hut toward mnliinr; 1hc>m us low ss boumllrps rnerrry fruMrtl 1>,- pclentlflo Tpsrnrch can nmkp thrm. Dr. Scholl's Personal Representative- meals on their tables. saves you time. In other words, tho oh.uco tint Wa.ll utrrol flnnndrrj lire KITHIV •• not ihe rcnl trouble. In tho Kim!-, pursuits o( profits, I uiikl admit, in. MR. T. DELANEY Inens h.i" often < miunlitrd cvw known crlmr. Mlmllmly, (ho i<-x tm, tlvo linn brmiKlit un to nil :.nihi ,,! irrlef; but If tlm proMcm ivin I. will be at Albert S. Miller's The Register carries more food advertising than any •olvrrl only by Ilin r![mlna( inn nf rr\ from liumnti llfi\ Mir pll,;tit \< 1i"w )«!««. Nnw, lll. Jt Irn'l rn-< \ tisers know that food-buyers read The Register. And to rrnnrt. lo rniinln nn'l j-wnntiv I' August 3rd to 5th, brlnf It Intn piny. Kuril n ili>|iiiH|nl,!, Ynntlvft »• tlilft In pilrrly \v lh.> mm to demonstrate the latest and moat improved mnn wflfiro, thn cdim'w.n \viirit,. the food-markets, all the time. WQllM prrm In tin unnuifl, wltm-n If rh# cwruri'il] xvrltnlr U <1r|irn>!rMf methods of foot relief. ttpon ko*»rn nttnrlird. \VHi,r«» | on* <>f tlio <-)\\ft )irn|,hru ,,r Learn the cause of your trouble and bow to prixlllrilnrl, wll'l lia> rh"Wn Imw Anierl'JIIt IniiMtlry almuM liMn-rrmtli quickly overcome it. fc» organl*A l«r, tin llllOo mote fimilfy Ilinn nny ttt lh»m-»n,l III" I'lilili" ,,.),.i,,.|' No charge for this valuable service. T)l» tool tr.,illj« will, Wall t!irr| flnan*sl»t*, tli»"t. I'1 inii r:irr,j ThU OMlV III.IIIIIB • IH. ilir. ,,| la llirl, nhorMslit"**'1' 'l'l>^v BIIII eiit-i<'<-D jhit III* gioaltil |.|<>nl« inn l.o IIKXIR \ from «l*l"t i>.,««n,lo RED BANK REGISTER V|p« tn t!ta« tioi i.f |.o Albert S. Miller til* ''ty >*•< (1*

lit whirl) >"< hl i.r I. *"•!' BED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 3,1&32. Pagd Tflivetegn Murder Mystery >• at Long Branch UTH •COUNTY'S GR-EA-T MARKET PLACE- Edwin Conners Found in Bunga- Where the Buyer Meets the Seller** Thirty Words for Twenty-Five Cents low of John Rumer at North Long Branch With Bullet ARTICLES FOR SALE; BUSINESS NOTICES. EMPLOYMENT. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Wound in Head. APARTMENTS. LKCTKIO refrigerator. J0C.60 . f, o. b., ELP WANTED, white general house- FOR RENT, building 40x100, located with- : WANT ADVERTISEMENTS. BAUTON CHAMBERLAIN, contractor and FLAT, four rooma in business and shopping district of n«d OR RENtT»ixM oo"iiiTouBoTirath" ho't wiP nfna iquaro feet thtlt apaca, porcelain bullden jobblns fispeclafty. 161 South workers, cooks, charnberma!d-waltrc*E«s, heat and water; tcr heat, new plant. CO Spring atr««U The solution ot the murder of Ed- iodf, 63 Ico cube?, Dry Zero fmulator. * treat. Red Bank, phone 36B4. ouplos. Apply Misfl Gould, Red Bank Bank! ..(tabl. e for picture theater, bowling Rent rciiHonablo. Lntiutre Owner, 12 Oak ARTICLES FOR SALE. per month. Appl* l %unSK Ail? iliey andd pool room, manufacturer'! or win. Connors ot ^Asbury Park In tho See'fb nt Tustlns'f, 18 Monraouth ttrect, Imiiloyment ARcncy. 21 Monmouth lied Bank. Land it place. Fair Haven, phone 2470 Red BanV. FOR SALE, FAirbanki-Mor« ftUtomEt.c It«d Uank. _____ JUtitfH a PI CONE, mnbou, builder and trcet, phone Red Hank 821. jobber's supply boune or garage. Apply home of John Eumer, at North Long electric pump, suitable' ftjr six or eluht- 2en«r&. contractor j astlmlUOB, planfe, APARTMENT, nicely furnlihad, fust _ . at offtcfl _ und Elnner Company or FOR RENT, more rooms on MonmoOtS Branch Friday night 1B said by nu- OHD WOOD, furnaco wood find fire- rpoclfieatloni lumBlhodi jabblnsr and nlUr* 'ANTED, position as chnuffeur-mechanic street. Red Bank. Favorable location} room hou««* good condition) no further place wood for tale, price S10 per cord. jitlons given Sjpoclal atUntloru OUco 246 or eervho ntatlon attendant; expert- private entrance; home-like nurrtiundy) telephone Red Bani( 1100. moderatQ rent* Apply at the offlco nf . thorltlea to depend largely on thoUBQ for BBtne. Ptlco $26. Chprlci E.. Fal- Prod Mars, phona Matawan 188U. Leigh ton avenue. Red Hank, phone 166. fin, homes Joceted Sllverwhlte Oar* dJ, box IS. Mlddletown. iced; good worker. Address G. A. E., denB, ono tlx rooms, aun parlor, open Slumunti Elinef Co* or tclovhon* . Sin capture of two men who wore sopn - , - ~— BEb~7THAOTOB8 j McCo'rml c k~D'c c rlnir, CUUCHIN'S for real art. Curchln'a barber >x 611, Red Dank.* Bank 1100. ENGUBH , pculi fireplace, steam heat; ready October Int: fleeing from tho place Immediately Fiel.dl»M.dd Club. . nghtonDsvlard »t, JolonBln t and FordsansFdns; ; ccn o witithh JohnsoJh n shop In the* ptaco where art means «ome- 3 YOU NEED, domestic help! JuBt call Re.d. , Bank, phone «66-W. Garage. $90 per month. Tho other house has nine HOUSE HUNTING! If so. 1st m* blip the American itlv&tlnK equipment! also plows, leaders, thinff. For roal proof try us once, and us (employer* free); male and female FURNISHED three-room apartment (or rooma, all modem appolntmento. Hadley you. 'I have many listings of houiaRlor following the murder. When 'police Forrest avenue, Tlntcm Falls, phono Eaton- «tc Conovor Bros.. Wlckatunk, N. J then you will elways.. Thli also applies entered the Humer- homo thoy wera town 88S-J. M elp; refuroncea thorouarhly Investigated. rent; all improvements, centrally lo- Hall, fll> Monmouth Btreet, Red Bank. rtnt In Red Bank and vicinity. Reaaoti* phonaHolmdel P. to ladles''fcnd chllctten. Second National tJnntic Employment Agencyt 61 First cRtcd; Bvi tab) o'toi Ujrht housekeeping Kef. ph abla rents. W. T. Parker, 64-68 Broad ITI10AItD_ boat, -with motor, .tlOOl out- Bonk building,' Red Tiank. U natal re. • Btreet, Red Bank, phono 0822. . rtoldby hls-wlfo Busonr thirty, and OUTBOi ;rECIALL¥SOIALL - reduced . pprice s on. csnaiia JG, Atlcntlo HishlnndB, phone 838. 17 Wn-hlngtoa «tr«t, I H0USE of BU rQoma M(| u^ ^ ,m. ionjd boat 107.50, dlnihy 152.50.. samplcB said to be a drug addict, that Bhe samplcB lei ana d mimesmimes' fiDort-knltfiDortknlt TUL HIGHEST prices paid for Kvo chick ARM HANDS supplied of all~natlonall- Red Bank, p i Dj»*m._ _ : __ . I provementsprovementaij one-caone-carr aaraKa J pdHieBalon FOR RENT, four.r.oam-btinualow.and.nv**' Thomnion Boat Wotfci, 2 C«nt«r strict, aultBlt , ddrQBseB and awaatorBt . 3355 SeconSdd ens. Joe Baker, 280 Mechanlo street, tlcii. Call or write. S. Beracr's Agency, room bungalow; all Improvement* had shot her husband. Connors was "eabrlahnht' , N. J. vanue, Lone Branch, near Dunbar fiO LEROY PLACE, njtractivo apartment at oncp. . R, HH.. VanderveerVand , 49 Branch phone Red Bnnk 280B. fl West street. New York City, bhone of four large roomi and bath, fur- nvenue. phono 1465. Rod Bank. Charles Dronker. {07 Weit Front itrect. found sitting In an easy chair with EJVIIi BOAT, 17-foot, bird cluu. Jib moln- Jarclay -7-2624. nished and heated; all Improvements; a|. River Plain, N. J. a gaping wound In his head. Ho dlod jail: scats five; very seaworthy. 1Two FORMERLY of Goorko Cov papering )7.T6c FOR RENTEN, , half of doublo househouBC,. locatelocated iBlls.tono brand new) ] fine conditiont,:full [IOOP PAINT sixty cents per calloni Including material, any room In the iRESSMAKINa! remodeling, repairing BO largo garage. Phono Red Bank Bt 29 TInton avenue. Eatontown, N. J, FOR RENT, ulx rooma, two tile hath a, shortly afterward on tho operating ehlnglo stain, ninety cents per cat ton, house) room palntad 15,75. Go every- for ladles or genta; curtains, draperies, 100-M. near 'bus line; BIX roo ma, all Improve- heated Kara go attached t all Improve- eaulpmont; sail cover, etc. Owner buying ffood faouso point Cl.SO' per ctalloti. Moa- where Exterior work coarantced. Mor- ments; high clnns ronldentlal •ection, |R0 table at the ILorig' Branch hospital, larger bput'. Will contlder any rea.onable ,ny kind of Bcwing done. Prices reason- FOUR and five roome, bath, all Improve- ments ; garaga. Inquire at 33 Tlnton ave- rooutti Paint and Varnish Work a, 256 rleaey, Fried Under Co., 611 Anbury avo- ible. Ella RyBodorph, 28 Rector place, ments'; rent reasonable to responBible nue, Eatontown. Price IZG per month. WhlU-Pach. Irie, Red UanV, Mrs. Rumor was arrested and herprice. Docked nt Iluxton'. Boat Yard. Willow avenue. Long Branch, phone nuo. phono Aebury Park 3360. led nunk. phone 1482-J. phone 2100. Fleasuro Bay. S. Morris. Lonjt Branch ^llflJ party. Inquire at 119 Weat Front street. FOR RENT. lour rooms and bath; all 1m- husband was held under $5,000 ball Trust Co.. Long Branch. CESSPOOLS cleaned, cellars duf. coop- . ^hauffeurt commercfal or IUd Bank. ; . provemente) ffarasc; Bjt2a Bcreened -=.-.—aa «.,mat(irlal-WltneBS,. , ._„..,_,.,_ D for ffolf coureoa, terraces, lawns and prlvnto; deeires position. Good me- TWO APARTMENTS for rent; five m BAWJTS, on J»!B at all tiroes I N«w vfes, cometerieB.—William-Kane, MLIdll ing, and grading at reasonable ratea, porch, can be used for sleeping. Ideal for REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Connors, who was forty years old, land Whltei, urlced low! Senlbe and Juiv 281-J. indB its.' ^ - - ^.----.-" lanlc; excellent referencea. .418 West. rooms.each, End bath; plenty of closet newly married couplepe;; stone'tea throw frofrom or doe« for breeders! some doe» bred. W. 5nd( nvenue. Long Branch*. N. J., ptbne .bom; rent J26~*ea~ch apartment. Tnnulro di t A. BBlschtjffBlhff , "MM (li lie tow a, NN. -JM"TWO huflhouneflrr flrge ^ lotlotii - onconer«t8TOsdon-coner«t8-TOsd.. lived at Asbury Park with his wife. Cuttrall Rr.bbltry, Everott road, Everett, FIREWOOD, 10.00 por loud; IOCUBM poBto Henry F. Hylln, 42 Broad street, Register phone 2C1-MC1M . In ReRdd BankB ; goodd locatioli n fof r BenI Ice He Is roputed to have been a. gamb- nhonn R«d Bank 1818.W-I. and lumber for j&le. Custom Bawlnu JOSEPH L. KNIGHT, auctioneer, over IITUATIONS wanted, domestic—Cook- building, Red Bank. DESIRABLE office for rant In the Elnner itation; {5,000, cash needed $750. Fmnk done Charles G. Bennett, Mlddletown, twenty years' experience selling houHCworker and experienced laundress, APARTMENT for rent, furnished. 6 Riv- building. Apply at the office of Slsr- i. La wen, 140 Monmouth atrent, jlet] ler. The Rumors and tho Connors FOR SALE, 23-foot cabin -orator, com. N. Ji, phone 70. Bank, - lilotcly equipped; self starter, motor and Kooda at auction. I sell anything any- lUHtrlnn, nqvon years' reference ?50, ex- erside avenue. Red Bank. mund £lsnBr Co, or telephone Red Bank mot at Hot Springs, Arkansas. They SOD, top soil, nil dirt, cinders, gravel, lorlenced houiicworkcr and care of chil- 1,10 0 • tendort 5176.00; bave no use lor jaror where. Phono Red Bank 721-W. APARTMENT of three connecting rooms SIX-ROOM Colonial house, one-car na> came to this section several months See Mr. Brooks. Fair Haven yacht Work. .anuto; aUo gradlns of all kinds. Prices dren. Swedish and Scotch, $36-$40; experi- and bath; 5 30 Der month. Tetley, 17 FOR BENT, stores, offices, flats,lats, houaei rage; lot 00x100; owner him had to ago; whon Humor was ordered by his _ it. Claudo C. Wright, Little Silver, enced Herman couple, cook, butler-chauf- Broad street, Red Bank. apartments; Improved; all1 (olocations< . chan«e residence and la thercforo wllllria GLADIOLI blooms for sale. J»me« T. Bo- N. J., phono lied Dank 14D3-J. feur-EHiderier, five years' references, $80. to Bncrlflce for JR.250 on very liberal physician to go to the BcaBhoro for den, Llncroft, N. J. SADDLE HORSES— W« buy. cell and ex- THREE and four room apartments, desir- Just oil Broad street. Land & Loan Co™ USED TIRES, all makes and sizes. SI.00 chanBo hlfih clans dhow and plensuro nderson's Agency, 625 Garden Btreet, Ho* 12 Mechanic street. Red Dunk. terma. G. Howard Llpplticott. 31 ilon- the benefit of his health. Tho twoTROPICAL FISH—Como Mid .00 tho now ioken 3-1312. (Will bring help by ap- able location; all Improvements. Phone mouth Rtreet, phono Red Bank 321. up. Stout's Tiro Store, 121 Wcat Front horees, polo ponies and hunters. A large Red Bank 2006, W. F. Grover. SPLENDID house located at Buttonwoad, couples werq very friendly and vlalt- Bhlpmont of tiBh! «H »!«»• Aquarium itreet. Rod BHnk, nhona 17*2. udBortrnoiit nlwayti on hnnd. Twin Brook lolntment.) i—*» Band, food and flflh BUPPHCB. Bet- THREE ROOMS and bath for rent Shrewsbury: Bevcn two baths, FOIt SALE, seven-room cottage and bath. UNCLAIMED atom no furniture for snloi Farm, TInton Falla road, Eatontown, THREE (JIRLS, experienced cook, waitress Rorvimts* quarters; attached garase. Had with all Improvements; will tell at a ed tpgethor frequently. ,B» Fish Hatchory, 171 WeBt Front phone 516. _^_^______" and chnrtibormald, want poBltfonB toiteth- Monmouth street. Red Bank. y, t. Bed Ba"iiK.-iih-Sn«TS»«t-W" . -mlticollnncaiiti usuoitment ol utotaife lotu ley Hall. ?B Monmouth street, Red Bank, •ncrlfieo on very oaiiy terma. AddrCl* When questioned by tho pqlfce. Btrco t-Blve-awny-. prlccH. - Bed eprlnga aud TRUCKINU mo^ina .hauling: ail irooli ; AIBO experienced chauffeur-mechanic, FOUR-ROOM fiat for ront; improvements" phone 3500.- HUlslde N'uriery, Atlantic Highlands. N._J. Mrs. Rumer. declared that sho shot BALE of new and renowed furnftura. mattiCBfl, |B.9S. Atlantic Furniture Ware- carefully handled. Phone [led Dan ddrena Box 265, Run-on, N. J. Ira Balrd, 16 Woat street..Red Bank. SALB or. rent, year round homes,, bunga- Bedroom Bultcs, $10.75 to S120, AN EXCEPTIONALLY goud Bite on the Connors after ho had made improper hRe, 35 Mo^mouth street, Red Bnnk. for prompt service. O'.tjnan'n K WHITE WOMAN wishes day's work to do,TWO apartmentn at Rumson, four rooms gtnte highway in Red Bank; eullnble lows, caUaeec, hotels, etores, ofllcei, Kitchen cabinet!,' baby carriages, break rrena, 183 Mechanic utrect. *ed Bnnk. ould do laundry in or out. Call at each; all Improvement?; large porches. for a lunch watron or rcfroshment ntand, building Iota and farma i all locatlotmi advances to her. Sho also claimed fast BOts, etc, .Big savings. AUonlli UAVE your clothes cleaned at the Clt. 176 Mechanic street, after 6:00 P. . M, $20 and %25 each. See tailor next .door. There la a seven room modern hom aummer rentala. Anbury Edwards. 22(r that sho took tho revolver from Con- Furnituree WarehouseWare , 85 Monmoutn LOST AND FOUND »hono Rc.l Rank 1214.* River road and Lafayette Btreet, or tele- tt Bd Bnt / Dry Cleaners, 0 Mechanic street, neat onfi-cnr Rarage on tho property ners's pocket. This was later dis- atrect, Bed Bant. / Ilroad Bircct, Red Bank. Phono 2117, WU WOMAN housework of nny kind, phone 23fiO.M._n«d_Bank. can bo used as a rwWtnce, A KOC proved when the revolver was Idon- SEAA. SKIFF, eighteen-foot lonif, Unlversa LOST, on July 15th, a blnck zipper ban llnin Ofltrov. proprietor. _____^_^ or wush take hontp. E. Jones, ATTRACTIVE apartments with gampe portunity for Bomcono to eatubllnh n pay- FOR SALE or exchange, choice front nut foufo r cylinder- engine, for salel • gooil ,\Vlth initials E. A. C, contnlnliiK cloth- Newman Sp and Sprlngdalc nvenue, and private porch; four and five rooniH in R businesg •with vory low overhead. G. or 125 feet on State Highway; term*. boat. Can bo seer. »t Patten Ing, Bomewhore between Red Bank apd 'lYL'EWIUTEU headquarters. Typewriter! stifled as be]onglnf^to^Ilumor. Dr. S. ilii bt C bo seen at Patten rented, bought and eold. Trubin's, 6 and bath; convenient to town, river and Howard Lliipincott, 31 Monmouth street, R. J. Gibbons, Uiddlctown, N. Jw phona H. Cassiay of KoyportT^wfitTasslsteiT k .Uvcr-PIB«. Apply 52 _Hubbard Atlnntio Hlshlnndu. Rcwiird if returned Broad street. Red Dank. station. Rent rcdtited. C. E. Rosa, I Al- phone Red Bonk 321. . 873. avenuo. Phono R«d BBHK S856-J to W. V. JloimboJd, 107 Bay avenue, At- MIDliLfe AE~r>RIVE~homer beautiful view street, Lang Branch. twenty-quart tomato crates, feed bugs TWO GOOD CARS for sale; Studobake.r UPHOLSTERING, draperies and slip c< tcnnnU. Hadley Hall, 99 Monmouth BuiUblo for grain. veaeUblas, potatoes. A RESPECTABLE colored woman wishes of river: will rent for $60 per month. sedan and Ford coupe; ueod, but not era made to order reasonably; onliraatt general housework; good cook; refer- street. Red Bunk, phone 3500. Hndley Hall, 09 Monmouth Btreet. Rod FIVE-ROOM biinRuloW, near bu» line] I FAIR AT SEABRIGHT. 'olephono lOU-M-l. Red Dank.* abused. Can bo seen at 24 Arthur place. cnrefully Riven. Call Deal 8313-J, or steam heat, tllo bath, all Improvementst! PhEtlT\y APARTMENTS wanted! two and three- Rank. Phone afiOO. Karngot tot 60ill5; price J4,000, ensy f FOR SALE, Jersey family cow; also two Hod Bank. Uivur road. Fair Haven, next to poatofTi SITUATIONS wanted for fU t cln"B Ftn- room apartments; furnished Rnd unfur- work horses, Warren Messier, phone E. Rolle. 3S Norwood avciuie, Deal, N. B nished, whitt have you 7 Seo Milton BUNGALOW and houso with all improve- terma. Rent furnished, $60. W. A. Hop* Methodist Official Board Held An- THIRTY-PASSE^r.ER White school bus nlnh iMMiple, $100 per month; excellent ments; $2 5 per month up; special rate ping, 8 Linden place. Red Bank, phuntf Red Bank 2084-J." for salo ;'ln good order; $500. LcBter ELECTRICAL "wiring, five" or nix roo ralorcd roviplo want RII year round posi- Berk, 3 Mechanic street, or phono 1617 ^ nunl Eycntl-nstWccUi bungalow or houHo, wired complete; fi Red Bank. for July; also bungalows and houses for 397.* ' MOTOR- BOAT, thirty-foot- half -cabin, Thome. R. D. No. I, K«yiiort> N. J., tion, $M) iioi' month; Hood colored Kcnoral roflneil colored families, John H. Cook, with Unlvemal Flexlfour moort , elf phono Mlddlotown 4fiK. turen, etc, $5fi to $50. Write Don hoiifcworkcra; cxerienced chnulTeurB and I HAVE CLIENTS who wont to rent LOCI CABINS, four roomkVtfffKQ norch,- Tho ofllclal board of the Seabrlght starter, electric lishts, etc. Price $425. Electric, I'oit Monmouth. N. J., or phi Jr., Sycamore avenue. Shrewsbury, N. J. ruatlc ofTcet. Enay terms, rl^ht tu v». tarter, electric lishts, etc. Price $425. USED parta at your own price; Cadillac, handy men; will work reaRonable. Ger- houses and bungalows; nil year round. Phone. 4.'.t-M. Red Hank. Mothodlat church hold its annual Calll att TllTullen''s ddockk . RRumion. or writi e FF. Kcanaburg 444. man general houseworkcr. Kood cook. $50 Whnt have you I See Milton Ecrk. 3 ter. Richard Plum, 208 £tfbwt|r Btreet, Weatphal. Rumion, N. J. Nash. Bulck anil Dodge. Eomo used r SEVEN-ROON' i Cod cottaRo, hot - Bvi ch. fair Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Urea. 167 West Front street, Dobbins." r menth. We invefltli, nte all references, Mechanic street, phone 1617. Red Dnnk. hen!, two (.replaces, two-car garage; Mra. Ellzaboth Cloughly was in gen- SELLING nt sacrlfico (tale, one liirgo Kar- MONEY TO LOAN on first bond and onmoulh Employment Agency. H9 Mon- LOT. OKxiig feet, hetwoen ITivor rond^ .oiith street. Red Dank, phone 8500, over hiilf an mie of beautifully oh rubbed nnd river; five mlnutca' walk to cent«r eral chargo of tho arrangements and onahon rua, hand woven, about 17 feet WE HAVE a usod enr to fill your re- mortgage. Appllc&tlons given Im- REAL ESTATE FOR_RENT_ and Undamped proundn; also n river long. A few antiques aleo. Call at 123 mediate attentlc Hawkins Broth- OUN(! married mnn havinR Kcncrnl of- right nf wny; near nchooU and stolen; f town. Price J5.H0O. W. A. IlApidng, Mra, Ruth Llndman was treasurer. quirements , priced from $00 to fice nnd practical llthograMc knowledue, Llnilcn place, lied Uank, phono ai>7 Uci-Rcn place, Hod Bank, mornings.* ers, real eitate and Insurance, 10 FIVE-ROOM bunsalow, one-car Karag« . J7.S per month. (.. Howard Llpplncott. 31 $2,7 00. Howland C Jonea Cadlllao Bhes steady position, anything paying a IEVEN-ROOM houae, lot 60x177 feit, gaX^ Thoso in chfirgo of tho various ICE HOX for iftle. 100 nondu capacity! Monmouth street, Red flunk. 'Ing wago. <;«orno Darratrh, Little Sli- river right of way; (SO per month, (i. Monmouth street, phono Rod Uank 321. booths and tables woro Mrs. Albert good condition. Call MMmm. PPorn Co.. Mnplo avenue. Kcd Unnk. phone Howard Lipplncott, 31 Monmouth strcot, rago nnd chicken house; loratrd on < er, phone Red fianklMl-R," riudson street, Marlboro, N. J. AUo Bchnoor, UcKocd, N. J,, phono KKoansburb s 910. URL wnntod to workln ice'eream store; phone Red Dunk 321_._ BIX-ROOM house at 7B Riverside ave- Applogate, cako tablo; Mrs. Howard lOBn" J AUTHOR LITTLE, painting i nd docorat- household go nil a: nntnei imtlmios to cloi* * Hash, candy table; Mrs. ISllo, Miles must have experience. Apply nny tlmo CCT'LONTALrHOUSErBUVoomB. hot water nue, newly furnished : (iencral Elec- estate. Can be Hecn 4th nnd Gth of Au« EASY WASHER, enamel RUB range, $15 ins. work dono by day or contract. tor G:0O P, M. nt Hcsae'o, 8 West Front heat, open fl replace, two-car mini we. CADILLAC Bcdan, custom job; choaji to tric rofr.Rerntor: hot water heat; one- KuBt. D:OU A. M. to 7:00 P. M. The E'xer- and Mrs. Clarence Stevens, apron each; pat stove, dressers, beds and 4 4 Limlci place. Red reet. Red Bank." fruit trees; located in Shrewsbury. Hurt- quick cath buyer; at no uton.. Aim Ira M. Schanck i\nd William X£. other lurnituro! must ba sold at once, 11 . _ _. _ . _. CiidlllJia j»hae- Bank, phono 170-M ley Hal), 00 Monmouth, lied bank, phone car KnrnRo. lmjuiro Carl J. Dletz, and towel table; Mra. William It. ton, Reo truck and ChryBlor 7U(»Bcdan. 1G7 White street, Red Bank. ______TLUMBlTu. and hcntlrg; time payments"; 35JH). 123 Weat Front street, phone Red Fowlor, Sr., and Mra. Stokes Fowler, West Front Btreet. Dobbins.* PIVE-ROOM Spanish tyro bunjjnlow. | . USED FURNITURE bought and soldi repair work. Joseph W. Fox, 116 0 fancy tablo; Mra, William EnRholm, FOR RENT at Folr Haven, unfiirnlahed Uank 678. cated near river, echoola and stores| anything from one pleco to contenti of 1030 CONVERTlTlLli Cad'fllno coupo; ex- rincknoy road. Phone Red Dunk 2317. ROOMS FOR RENT. ilx-room bungalow, corner Kemp avf-nue grocery fnblo; Marshall Crlaor and your home at Grnmann'a, 11 White street, client contiitlon. K. Kmmso, 68 Set STAR Window Cleanlnff Co., G*cortro Lea, nearly half ncre of ground; three-car Ea» Drift ftvonvio. HlHhlnnds, N. J. OMFORTABLE furnished room for rent, and Catherine alruut. Full Haven; Idenl rage; 17,^00. O. Howard Lipplncott. II Mrs. Mabel Bedford, frankfurter lied HnnJc. mananer, 0 Wharf avenue. Red Dank, locntlon. Rtindy for ocrupnricy AuKUHt ENCLISII Colonial cottnso near Red Bank; with private fanjfJy; convenient to bus, vw\y devm-atetl J/utitJe and out; three Monmouth street, phone Reft Hank stand; Claronco Slovens and Mlaa phono _3711-W. ruin, restaurant; all conveniences. Ga- 15th. Apply Mrs.. Wflklna, phono Red COLLIE PUPPIES: two beautiful PUP- GRAHAM-PAIGB and Poerlesi Berr- CONCRETE work done; sidewalks and ce- Hank 2557-W or 351. bed looms, tiled bathroom with shower $1,500 DOWN huya nU-room house, alt Harriet Johnson, ico cream and soda uge If desired; roasonablo. G5 Mnplo ave- ml electi-fr heater; dining room, llvlns _ . ; itun porch, hot WBter rlosj throo months oldt one trl-col- Ico and parts. SimonUlnu, supplies, ment blockB; aUo Northwestern crano phone' 3R9r>. HOUSE for rent or sale at Water View, wator stand; Oscar Anderson, over- for rent. Peter DIPonto, 245 Shrewsbury room and tireakfast room, two ot>on fi re- heat; garage; river privileges. Frank B, or, male, one sable and white, female, storage. Fred H. VanDorn, 77 Mon- ,AIt(iE. pleasant, rot 1 furnUhcd roomn; all Uclford, N. J.; seven rooms and bath. places. Kit then, with electric dlsr.wi.nher, Law-en, U6 Monmouth ntroet, Hed Hank. firreens stand; Mrs. Ruth Llndman, avonue, Rod Rank, phone lTiO^t. A_pp!y to Charlca D. Brown, Belford. N. J^. gorgeously marked with white; sired mouth street. Red Bank, phone 478. iin.noveinetits ; ret souable. 15 Wallace hngo iiK-liuMntor nnd new Smooth tor 32-ACRK farm, rnnveniont to Hod Bnnk, crockery tablo, and Mra. Elizabeth RELIABLE Electric Shop, electrical con- Lreet. Ited Hank.' _ FT elx rooms *nd~bath\~ali rnriRe; running hot and colti water; hy English Champion Laund Lang-ton. tractor, now located ut 182 Fair Haven colonial home, nins room*, two bathi, Cloughly, glasBwaro table. .ODGE IIOOM for rent! dealrablB room JlLlLIIUVGI*.iUlll.l]Improveraenta i ILJIJA1room1 foMJLr UllonUe mcalr ,j 4K9V modern automatic control hot water fur- trout brook, fortllo soil, hlk'h ground. Frlco reasonable. May te seen by ap- 1024 FORD eoui'Q for Hale, road, Fair Haven, phone Red Bnnk 2028. Faiir HHaven road, ono blnclkk t o riveri , one acn nnd rurilntors, one-car tcaraga; one- large road frontage; eacrlflco $7,900. Ray' chiinlc Btreet, Keil Dank.* allable for use' Becond and fourth pointment. Bclltfaven Collie Kennels, ALL REDUCED rated: Washing tl.00 lo :ailay nights of each month. Apply it block to bus. Inquire at 1 Clay street. thiid of an acre In fruit trees, ahrutiB and H^ StlMman. _£ntontnwn, phona 178. Fair Haven. flowers. Inquire Lewis C. Thomson, 91 foot of Locust avenue, phone 667, 1T0R KALE, Unlck suburban, just like new. Sl.EtO. Also reduced rates for Slmonti- he ofilco of SIBITIund EUner Co- I)ESIUAnLE~HOMES~lor nnla or rent! $300. Taylor's Auto Laundry, Pearl Inff. Jones Filling Station, North Di-dlge BUNc.ALOW for rent, fuur Uree rooms Went Front Ktieet, phone Red Bunk 2910. Shrewsbury News. Red Dank. 3BSIRABLB ROOM In private iitmllr; FOR ilKNT, fievcn-ioom houBQ and ffarage have clients for umall farms und uparU itroot. Red Hank.* avonue. Red Bank, Chariot RoDorta, pro- and bath, all improvementB. 24 Fflater g mentsi llntlniTB wnnteth V. N. Mastera, 61 prietor. Phono Red Bank 12ft*. good location, near buRlncis aectlon; In Freehold; all Imnrovemenla; (Tho Red Bank Register can bB bonutit 11 Improvements. --•-•33 Hordin• g road•. lie-- d• street, River Flnza, Ketl_Ban_k_. team White street. Red Hank, phone 264 2. and board. In Ehww.bury from Hlchard Baaka at tha ATTEIIY charaer for eale, capacity 80 FARM PRODUCE ank. phono "304. r ubU~" ho"u»e~~on IlU-er roiid. f ne Ad- LOT for nnle. south Hido cf Kormnn nva- poatofftco.) butterleH, perfect condition. Morrttt I'alr Hav ; nix roomi, gHrano, nil Im- Seven-room Huuse, box til 1, Red MISCELLANEOUS :OOH8; hot nnd cold water, ample heat; Hank. nue. Fair Haven. 50x150; no ronionabU ' nchlno fihoi), Red Bank. BALED 11AV for eale. E. U. Lentllho provemonts. Iin.ulro 643 River road. Fair ofTer refused; water, electricity and ttarf, MIBS Besslo Green Is motoring pleasant location In private family, near Haven, or phone Ret] linnU 12J5, FIVE nni] »ix vonm bungalows and houso iECOND-HAND aewlni machlno for sale, MUldletown. pllono GUI. {3,000 MORTOACG ivnnteil on proncrty Itch school; un bus line; with garage. R. A. L. IvJna Agency, Rotflster building. through Malno with a numbor of Ini'jitud in ShrowKbilry, M" and up. Al- Phone Red Hank Uttit.' In first clans condition I cheap... . Phono orth more than ilouhlB thnt umount. HOUSE of flvo~roomi, bath, open nre- 1 BTCU la a nitrogen (rathei-lnc cover I. VanDerveer, 40 Branch avenue. Red so Huts loi'iitod In Red Bank. M "' and up. frlonda. Sho Is expected to return 02-11. Red Dank, or call it 8( Hardlnc crop of low rofit, ns ond tunnel of noeil place; K«raee: bus pansca door; flvo lrM "hou nl> Improvement S1X-AUHK farm' wiTh eight-room houit*. . York atato. 'UltNrTUK&—Warehouse n»l«. now, ured TAKE" LESSONS In contract 'brliieo' only [1 fthopirorn furniture, iieds |l'.P8; N J. [iiovementi; centrally located ; fine rcnl- hot water hent ; Iwnod floors ; new and all new biitldlnKH; good for poultry Mra. Sndlo Ecott had us n. week- from c«rttn«cj t«achera. L«nsorn ulven N THE IUVEIU laiiro room In prlvnte d I vlnu room eulten, flS to $110, HunORDER- S taken (or nil kinds frenh fruit ,Iri.Mul nectlon In i.ed Unnk ; S-^. N.1, t,.5. OP trucking; J7,fiU0, llbernt ttrmi. th lvntcty or In icroups. Jitno Wllllft, family; hot water; one block from Monmouth ntreet, end gucut her Bon, Bonjumln Scott rodi of odd pieces at bargain prices. At- ntid vcKctnl>loH, n(,unl))>, hrollviR ancl Finnk H. Lnweii, H6 Monmouth utrcet. Frank H. Lnwen. 1 Howard Llpplncatt. 31 Monmouth itreet, lirlJua and bnckunmnion ntuillo. G3 lUvur- i ond atriet, 81 EaRt Front ilreot, Ited Hcd li»r.k. ot Brooklyn. tld Furniture Warehouse, 86 Mon- lckeiiR; day-old crfun. Apply (iypsy Ten nlde nvenus, phono Kcd Hunk 8*54. Keil Uank. phone Red Unnk S'21. th street. Hail Bank. irewnbiiry; hot w«- Room, unoo mllo north Hedd DDunku , routs iwet her EXCEPTIONALLY attrartlvo modern SIX-nOOM coUiiitfi I mLEIidr~~IidU ~i p a;It«3 Rov. O. H. MlUsnh hns had his car rOY and B.II .eioml-hand clothe, i mum uge; larue plot of 'OH SALE, Pekingese dag-s, wonderful 9&,inuthh nf HdHeaddrnjd i CCoijiir. or ieiM.ralelv; Ux-alod nnnr rnilrot d Mi>- icf-iilonce at Hut ton wood, Shrc«hl.iir toi hcul; one-car Dank: ja.onn. r*ny termn; good Invest-, repainted. bs In good condition. U Kerber, <; IIOWUKI Ml menti hi-lnirn In $ IHU per y«ar. taxes low. lompany for youngo ami old: benutlful KOR"HALK,"Vui»iiro l- rcd' white .ii. Imiulie at 17^ fifumntMith ntrcct, (H-i, mnMcr ->iilh«, Ihit-o,s f. p ShroWHbury avenuo. Red Dank. Dhone fttreet, ptione Red Ifaiftey K.ill, tlfi Monmouth «treot, Rid* Clnroncn Brown has boon conllnod nd very healthy. At Coyle's Kennels, dark*, ono ilrnko; HUIPCII tr j Ton 20S(-J. lU-tl Hank. ______twin itetlB, maid's room \\M\ Imth ; rntil In JnUwamp road, rhona lftBH-M, Retl Ilwtik. MBO gee!«t?. Wllllum l'ulmct, Wa mimnicr, wnrni tti wirner; Inw ii'iitnl d. Hank, rh'iite .Ifiint. to his homo with Illncso nlnco Tuoa- ItOliM fnr rent nt 14~ WATEU SYSTKMH-* I'alrhanks-Moi ne wa- SiiH oxhltlntl coiiflltluiin. (.. II. Ncvl Mo dsy of lant wock. SUCKER HPANIEL puppies for snle: phnn« Dtal 21H-K-J 1. fl«rnnln«:^ ter «ynem« Installed. W* •imclitllio In Kcl lUi.k 20~~LriiI^fmnTVTTa6T»~to I MitcwHhtiryMiM'W . N. J. _ llflo.ooi); easy tenm. Now 1. (h« tlm* rhnmplon prdlgreid itock«l male I2r>, COltN" for Halo "at^ the Yhii'an'farm, Ever niimit rtlialrlnu. Itmldance. Mid Jle town nue; gn • Mnrtln Mnix nnd fumlly enter- FUTAl.nHri Mlrhen ; ? *• n t p r in Iniy. Prlrei itto nlnii up, Hatllny imnia fit. DiornRS A. llnycf, B2 Ocean- e!L AtUhr** S, Ji Millonty. ](. I). No p !, J'j I <;i'Or» ilnp-rnnm Kutmc, riot wider haul : tut. Apply M N. J.. phonu Mlfl())eto»n «0. l'ltiroblnir oinn; i»lt nty of Jn>t »m Mm, It. f HHII, l>0 Monninuth plnct, Red Hank tained n group of friends Inst week. >rt HV«nue, Lonn Uranrh.* ___ 2, Kpypnit, N. J. irniA i; Inrue lot, l>i>ntv of nlimlo trcct ; Ulve hnthifll f nnd t.nnlnir._ Frtcl__r». Ilurnt. t. iihnno ati2l, llrd Ha Kr-,1 llnnk iihfiiitt anon. A bench party was held at Ln- ilXTKKN-KOOT tmllbonl. ulnop rlir: \unr. LATl'l I'tihliuun plnntH for Fale. ( ImriT TK tiUMMKR liOAlil)— Shndy Knoll, liiTm-i KiM and l.nnnl: n U tliartlvo 11 in I by lUl'l, DU Moniiiouth fltifct. 1U. I valotte bench Frldny night by Mlna _t 1 r n 11 y_ n «W;__P li o »«_Jle il 1'nnk S2H0-W. Whl(«, llrnnrh avenue, Mule Mlver roiid. Fnlr 1 Invent delightful sunuiini with rurmliiu wiiicr, lor lonl. V lci- ponlte Foxwoml I'm k,' niM Hunk. JBHO Wyllo. About 25 wcro present. ADIO, Atwnter-Kent tnblo model, mi nor- \wmo for fnnilltfiii flvr-ncrn ontttoi * s r ** I - ni', M Wulliuo strict. lUd Hunk. l>hono )i(itn>nl>citi. WyrVtitr iu»<], wild ruimlnif witter i id SI mtcs. I'tiont all I Mrs. ClootKO Sllvero last wciok nottod r>n 411(1.• •JH!I II.M, Hank. _ i ; newly r«li)oi|elc. Kattuituwii, phono liulcmluwn 1MH. y i-^iil jri. H,,,i,r tho Young 1'cnpln'n homo mlnnlonnry / liortnliU ilnn hou«« and. run for WII.I.IAM.TH JNiir• Inii~lTcim• ~for~invill 1.1«' ir.nlhit or rail U. lMFloie. nor.lcty or tlio rronhylcrlnn church In, At 18 Locuat iivanui, Fair IIu- BUSINESS NOTICES. convnloHirnlFi, chronic, flk'cl and lie, v I 3'J nboul fltty dolnlni. Tlio iinlo wun for N. J.* _ on* funo». l,\CPU•dd. I'l IVRII or i*tnl for WINf.llKMTKirilf. r~alihr;"uu»>r/, H..M-" KXIT.11T null') nml ricrlihnl vmk; Ixiir ixlvntn rnunifl. fill) l.lvar rund, <'>1r Un nbotit litty dolliim. Tlin BIIIO WBS fm VMi, |ilt<.no lint Hunk Hill, • win Ire client ti, wrltlnit denk fi, Htrli- oiillrln liintnllril nnd rirrtrlrni ni>l>U • chargo of MM. Wllllnm A. Bbopinn HOAHI) at irnR'iiinblt rnt«nj nil tmnlvii pll'n Kt vil tuliln |1, two litviroom rtmim |l nicti, niirdi ivpnlicil. Hntttiy nml l.rnllliiii nnrv, nl ' her mul Mm. Hurry llmilnn. nt hnrncni fl. 1'hnne lied lUnk H71." lc-» tin IUHON nnd IxmtH. Ijulrk .TIVII. litil-HivrniMiU'. hut mil] <'<>lil lumiini nfl ' wntvr; rrntinl tnrnt Imt. llndtxit III>UP<« It Ur.NT", ho me. nil Imi'tov Unrhort J. Hmllli nnil fumlly of 1 1 ATTI.AtS'l'lV'r; Mllln ptli'trt. * 'nil u'niiiRtiu v:i'.- I :t 1 II.i,!-.u. nvrmi*. fhorifl Hr.t hunk \Hi IM Hinnlilf. Ti LA K new hiuiin they Imvo pinrhnni-d at clln rornrtUm, 2'H Ho men flnro, m nr )Ud llnnk (n, K nu.l.lln nVt,[ I Seabright News. hi 1U«1 Hn«V. Mill* Illlvor. I t.-.nn rul7-M, Hnl Mnnh. ),r:» It |. iu.t 1<"i imlir. nli'l trnl Ulir.l /M'.'I l(U;ht n<>w MunMHiiilli cmmly fi nltti nw\ v<-(;rtn- m-l.ln, A'ldifKi Jnlm CnlLmth, |l,,, [,|] .i IntiU lillv*!, illncw- llov. iind Mm. J. 1*. Illdlllot nf Nnw (Tim I'-r| 1IB»It IUtftit«r run !• hr until ISII ( 1IAIH M-Mli^l KiicUl «t tftit tmi t, Mld^.i l>l'-n urn nt 1 hr it- juhiin nnd ih'Mr '|unll(y U not "x- n ICr,| Untile. nrk ni' wprndlnjf tlirlr vwiillon n in JlMhrlitht nt t)n •tnrcs ot Morrli WsU* l(n| M'l-M. Itr It.iy II. ::-t 40 ynu* »llli riipfnuiPi- fiom W(»i<»i-I» • L MONJ.V »nr*l: hmv* rrllnl Mnywlii'io in tln» roimtiy. ltrniilrntH u( Mnii- mi nntl II, UUuw.U,) I HlwJn nti |ffr« (I, [.Icr'tf. . ttllH tllllCA. l Co'Muli, W»r.l. W A. II In Unlnw, nil. I.Hill |>uy thr 11>*tit pt len to olitnlu tlirnn i|tiullty )iHMlu<'tn, thn toiitb nnnlvrrnary of hln rnr.Uir I.IIHI. |.tni... It'll I V. Ill, I.IKMItiMt.ti f^ will. IIIM (inl.InK "<"nrU nffor a wnnU'n HITMAN':! I.XI'ltl.'IM-Muvinu MI., t'l>" I'll..II, »hlp uT MM •••n ||.ri^« '",.( A)l ?.N-r« i.R>.it ).»fi*«; unv of p!('ht mrn lnudnl in,O(KI Idinnin for tlmlr j>( cnUn t« liy nitvm tlulm; In Ihr-m Oily Aiiiiimt Int. IH22. umnilrf of lihir-IUli nixl thn linul t'liiMi* niH7-w. inn M«< I,.,I, f'tl'Milnv ululil, i uliiiiitri, Mimt i'Vi'1 ylmily iimi n rm IHI\VIHII.\.I mul Thn I.nrck fumlly unl'irlnliind r >i{itiK>it (w(i rrnln n pound nt KUUl lUnk, iihn |i;r>. . in. yn 'twin M*|.1rn • ainiM l>« i;l't111n i;iown fiitui ii|m1mti, An Tho pen nit Iff ntOifiin^n Imvo br^n lll'ltlil.'lll.llINU nnil ..-r;, l.i.i,, ,,t , «nr«l. Il.u) Hni,k.« n rlirmUtry nt llnod rullc|;n, KIT II i ir • 1. f.i f l: Uln.lla .in ,.!. f vn ll-ui.-nt In tlin rimmlflnl Cnliniiiin f>r Tho ](. link, Vn., *vnn thn uncut, of ltnv. trlriKltiK In ftmu h lo 1, iMmndu i:.l llir.|:,lil.n, ( u 41 oil i (if ttlllof.n|| r'nvU (tin. I."«t w*elt (lift IT.•,L ami i In '••1 'in..1 (ft- ti'lllnc. In it wJinl you hnv/i to nlTftr U mu* Mm, C'alliill M. IliircU hint wrrli AiHH.I IT M'i.1" lwi<' IT ( , ..iM.ll/ I I,,]," 1 '. M -'in cut. !(r,l WAU1 li Illlil ltlli'Uhlnw of Mnlltn iivnnun, wliMlMHittn iM.oo nt. rv«h|lnlit wnn flvn ad. His >..!• .uciiil I." II'" Milan IIK • I'l H iM ,,\., ,,l:.i . 1 .• •,i •,,•-•! l,,,m MIUH. ]i.l . 1,1. ,.,„(,. -IMIIB «t U l!Kr,,l 1 > ' 1 ' U..u l criiln n pouml. ( r i M L iiv dilvlnt; > Iliiilimi iin,lnnt wnn In n,,,.i., ,|,.,l.| {,.„ |,, I,,,, .ill M.••)••• I'.,,) I • h 7 4H ' I Wf.'/IMtf II I , „ Mir r.ti • 11• i nil, niMi IMIII.1 up n IM >iT n dil Mr, nml Mm. Moi L I». 'I'IHM mfi 'I tin' r'l-r.'IU u t | >VAtili.n, t U Ml )>y V. T, lllrlnRinlmr of Chl,n ii, I I I..i i WI in m | ict r«M MMt lit "lull V^l l**i t 111 n 11,{ U tltn K i4'rtillii(( Iwn WM^UB In Mnlnft. I,,,,., llm . .., . t I I - l<> I It.I Mtltnv/NlMliy nvrlllln bntwrMi tlin nlr it W»*Mi>v .tin..., "«?,.|' .„ i.i* r.lfUi! f I.I...I 11 III I Ilr-tllnlPt' mlvni'l Inlnn. O'tllilK < ntttitinri i jinlt ntnl Mycdfii'iln nvfntln lUtutln ITU. lll« Rrtlllrdnf nfi'l )mn fnft'ln OOVPJII II III II 111 II I, In |,. tllli w/iy ruin tlio nl ,,l arillm; mul lill'i;" 1 IHIT lll'imloK nlmul U:J'I n'< l-i.ll, 'III Itlnl lrtl>R (it. Ilin ilvrr, .I. MAW; ir.r,. I M'n wmlli hint. lafl rrnr nf ilia illiUU wna ilnnlnHni Thn nnW limiting loyilliitliiMil ]>! D- III'.IH, I'UI.I- i.i'T.ii.lnit <•'« fu'lu M>II'»I.' I-:" I'la nml llm fliillt of llu< rin ililvrnyh |ittllUlt.if nn nun ii|i1«.ifOrn«li Will -I M I.. |n.i Itllillttl'iw WUH ilnliifiH*'!. N<> (ill I'l .I'.Mi.MII' nvntnio nnd n)i uim ftldt Dm I'll .l.-.l vnfn (intldntf tttmrei Imlntl filled. FKin ... I'*,I Moi. In Unit"!. w«» nt (In? of I dny'fl t'ri^wiiil nil th» ht-mhrti wn|n I'AIM-. I llm lniKflil pu tar Ihtn irnR'in, 1 -^ II,. ....I, I,U« MM lUi.,-1, r MM, nr,, • MUo lll,- l,r(li flnyilnr nf f/pwn n MlM Nfnry N»vln4 «»r HlvMttnfo, i; i \r t>t • ; >. fi.-i »rt ,, , AI'AUrAII.NI.S. wni itilMiH'mt <•) MlVfilvlow tionpl Ilrvr Ynik. In vlf-Hltitf Mi«. Cyril i.. MOB <* in t ,i, u ink Ilnmrti, - " "'• AIM> I Ml •' 1 1 IL.I n« 'HRIMII tiflWP'*!! « MiMli'itl t^|' ,lt|v» 1 utr. t. )>y l\n)tpt\ M. P^linl. uT Nnwnlli flit h^uot nf \\V-I Vmtk I'. A Tt«W Y"tU I'.MI i.OYMI.Nl. .1. I.,.i if,. «'rat illlvnli l,y l'illll|i ltn««M (if II' f»mlly for it ("al nf Ilia \Min < v-i-tt- 1, • Iniliill, Tlio Itu'lami I" oniinl I 0 • u •., •! 1•'.lUt .,,.1 Ui.l.... I'.. p.ii.n, l^.ll. I. IT:, MmI,II ,,f K.sinv. In II •Mi. ,al |t( wlili li M|B« f1|iy>lc| Wfl>t li Ilia ttoil llnnU ne^Ul liat.l. lts.f \ftft JJI «| ytv JHIMI w«ia llM^a yuMME ItiKU mi uver lively U.i'.ti In Ilia !!I«I II (atty Ynii> iflr,«atiEA \" wtlu MVA (in tlla.fl l AUGUST 8,1932.

Is spending the summer with rela- night by a score of 7 to 8, and Un- DR. L. W. CARLBON Eatontown New*. tives at Franklin, Pa. excelled of Neptune township Fri- ,Mlss Graco easier Is improving day night by a ecora at I to 3. On SURGEON • "iThe'Rod Bank Ke"»l»t;t"«iS"fi'bou«h% from a slight stroke last week. Friday night of this week Little Sil- Leon's FOOT SPECIALIST Refrigerator ,n Eatontown from Noble Moibr »t th. Office Hourai Dally 10 «. m. to 8 p. m. 1 Charles Joseph Marcello, son of ver wUl play Unexcelled at Neptune. Rock Bottom Ratea on Electrical postofflco ani at Franlc Marcello . barber A meeting of the board of health Evenings! Tueiday and Thuriday. ihop.) Mr. and lira. Frank Marcello, was Refrigerator baptised at St. Dorothea's church was held last night, ' For appointment phone 3442. Rev. and Mrs. Leroy T. Dlllencr Tho regular meeting of the fire Column 21-23 BROAD 8T, ItEDBANK,N.J. SERVICE, KEPAIBS and Sunday afternoon. Tho sponsors were 3 BROAD ST., and children loft- Monday' morning Rev. Charlea J. Farrin and Mrscompan. y will bo held Friday night RED BANK. KEFINISH1NG ' for a motor trip to Cameron, Mis- of thla week at nine o'clock. souri. Mr. Dlllener's home. They will Ella Conway of Occanport. Two Phones; _ : I J3334—3335. OREL D.ORVIS, Phono 1143 Charles ISnglo has purchased a now John Qulgley has rented his house LOW-FARE EXCURSIONS camp e'nroute making stops and via- at Foxwood Park for the rest of the Day or Nile • Its to' all points of interest on the Studebaker car. Mn and Mrs. Charles Brceso- en-summer to Martin L. Gallagher of Specials—Thura., Fri., Sat., August 4th, 5th, 6th. 1« Shrewsbury Ave, Red Bank. way. Tho first stop was Gettysburg. New York. They arc expected to return in two tertained Mr. and Mrs. Albert.-,H." to three weeks. Brcesu of Atlantlo City over' the Mayor Ellas S. Black, who was We Use Filtered New York week-end. about tho house last week Biter a Mra. James Eteen of Broad Btreot Mlsa May Plcrson Is making a mo- spell of sickness, Is once more con- Newark and Elizabeth Frying tor trip with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth fined to his bed. , Fresh Fowl Fields of Wayside through the New Mrs. Mary Berlin, who ha» been Pennutized a Roasting England states and Canada. lald^up with sickness"the past six Roun$1.15d Trip 33.d St. and 7th Annui Oliver C. Dorinls, Agnes Cotgreave weeks, i3 able to be around again. Chickens 23c ib. and''Abblo Dangler have returned Rose Marl® Beauty Salon from a week's fitay at Pcnnington Boys can make extra pocket money $1.00 >^S5£r (3 to 4 lbs.). (All Sizes) nstitute. scllinc The Register.—Advertisement Round Trip Cortlandt A Church Su. Prohibition enforcement tag3 are SUNDAYS Finger Wave or being sold by the W. C. T. U. of PDBLIX in Laundering Anguet T, 21,' C , Eatontown. LEGS GENUINE SPRING Marcel with Shampoo Tho Ladles' aid will meet tomorrow ^eptcmbar 4, IS 1 LAMB -Tonic, Dandruff,_.,'l Your Clothes " * 1b Methodist church. Aufutt 10. 24, . ". Treatment Mr. and Mrs. Charles Laveno re- September 7, 31 turned home Saturday from Alabama, Performances Phoot LAMB "7c» Eyelashes & Eyebrows Dyed $2 where they attended tho funeral of 2:30, 7,9 P.M. 1800 Eaatem Standard Tlmo Shoulder Mr. Lavene's mother. Saturdays and Holidays Continuous Lv. Red Bank S:53AJA. for Stew Genuine Eugene Permanent Rev. and Mra. Carlton Whitehead Sia Flyer* or Coniult Afenta m left Monday for a trip to.Connecticut. LAST TIMES TODAY I —and that is just one rea- Shoulder «|gc th Waves $5 They will travel by bus and boat. At 3:25. 7:55. 9:60 Appointments Not Necessary. "FREAKS" Lamb Chops LAMB 10c John Bennett did not accompany with son why things washed Pennsylvania Railroad Come at Your Convenience. them as was planned. WALLACE FORD Miss Dorothy Wolcott is entertain- LEILA HYAMS OUR way come back Red Bank ing Miss France's Conrow Qt- South OLGA BACLANOVA PRIME RIB ROAST ...... '.:....: 29c "> 15 Linden Place IT™ ROSCOE ATES - cleaner "and. last longer! Just Off Broad; Around the Corner from Strand Theatre. Manchester, Connecticut. Miss Con- row is the daughter of Joseph Con- GLADDEN X-RIB or BOTTOM ROUND ROAST ...... 29c » row, a former ^ashler of the Eaton- town bank. SIX hundred gallons of fil- CHOPPED BEEF .] 17c » Mrs. Mary H. McKaig and son her Warren and Harry Hullck motored TOMORBOW and FMDAY tered, rain-soft' water Is to Washington Saturday to attend Feature' ot 3:15, 7:45, 9:53 Smoked Tongues 21c Ib the funeral at Mrs. Henry Hulick.. our average for each fam- The Ladles' .aid of tho Methodist Woiv L. I. DUCKS ~ZZ... 19c » chur6h will have their annual beacn ily washing. The water dmraraaqs party at Deal beach Wednesday oven- MARY DUGANI Ross Fentoii Farm is changed over and over FRESH SEA FOOD Ing, August 10th. Cars will leave the church at seven o'clock. Anyone I with wishing to go may notify either Mrs. UNASHAMED again—from nine to Sea Bright WeakFish lb On Deal Lake, North Asbury Park Charles A, Falkenburg or Mrs. Ar- thur Taylor. twelve times, depending BLUE FISH Butter Fish 15' Frank P. Ford Announces Mrs. Verm Frazior has returned FLOWERS home from the Monmouth Memorial on the article. CRAB-MEAT Shells Free This Week-end Program hospital whero she was a patient from An Epworth League business meet- EACH fabric receives the ng will bo held Friday night at the SOFT cea. | SOFT cqU ' Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Methodist church. laundering process proved Rev. Lewis M. Case has fully re- CRABS CLAMS S2 :overed from his Illness. He enter- best by scientific tests. August 5th, 6th and 7th alned frlenBs Sunday from Strat- DEAN'S Deh C B :ord, whero he formerly lived. , Colors that are suspected ROLL BUTTER ™ 22 Engagement Extraordinary ! Mr. and Mra. Fred G. Steelman and LITTLE SILVER, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. John Batcman have of not being fast are wrltton to friends that they have with PHONE B. a 359. reached California after having a washed separately. Silks, NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT application will bo mado for the allowance most enjoyable trip. \ Robert Young Member Florlete' Telezraph Delivery Ala'n Estate ot James P. Hopping, deconnad. of commission!! and counsel fees, Lewis Stone Notice l« hereby given thnt tho ac- Dntod July JOth. A. D. 1032. Mrs. Vetter has returned to woolens, etc., are jfiven counts of the subtcrlbor, Burvlvlnn oxocu- HELEN A. HOPPING. Jean Hersholt trlx of the citato of anlil tleeowien, will Red Bank.N, J., .- her home at Brooklyn aftt/r epondlng be audited nnd stated by tho Surrocato Survlvlnu Executrix, Frances Williams seven weeks visiting at Eatontown. M. G. M. Pic- special handling. ot tho County ot Monmouth »nd reported Applesate. Stevens, Foster it Thomas Case la visiting Rev. L. M. ture for settlement to tho Orphnns. Court of Hounnlllo. , lase's brother at Long Branch. Boys can make extra pocket money sold County, on Thursday, tho eighth day Red Bonk. N. J., . ' International Musical Comedy Star. —Featurettei— selling Tho Roulstor.—Advertisement ot September, A, D. 1032, at which time Proctors. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Zlngale and "Commoner Made King" SUCH care as this insures First Appearance on the Jersey Coast. daughter Virginia visited at Brook- lyn Sunday. "HAREM SCAREM" with Al St. John longer life for your J. I All dog owners must- have their Henry King and his Orchestra pets licensed by August 10th. Those Paramount Pictorltl N«wi clothes. And it costs sur- not complying with the ordinance by Wednesday will be subject to a sum- PUBUX prisingly little. Call for mons before Recorder K. Herman I Free Parking Stoye and liable to a fine. The warn- a routeman and let him HORSE SHOW NIGHT! ing was issued by Mayor James B. CARLTOAf Hathaway after the matter had been help you choose the par- Direct Behind In conjunction with the Rumson Horse Show, discussed at a. council meeting. ticular service that fits Friday Night, August 5th. Home of Paramount Pictures Little Silver News. SATURDAY and MONDAY your requirements and Featuring a Special Shore Dinner at $2.50 Feature at 3:05, 5:18, 7:36, 0:27 (Tho Red Bank Kezlater can bo bought your budget. per person. In Little Silver at tho Union News Stand "The Washington at the depot and at Georce Quackenbush'i General etore.) Masquerade" Saturday Night Dinner Dance, $3.50 per person. gl IS there any reason why you Miss Ruth Isaacs of Silversldo avenue was arraigned before Re- NAEKET Sunday Night Dinner, $2.50 per person. A national trader— should send your laundry corder Myron L. Campbell yesterday nd a politic 1 trap after she had locked herself In the baited with a or cleaning miles away agent's office at the railroad station woman' 21 W. Front St., Red Bank, H. J and had refused to let Harry Her- from your home town IMPORTANT NOTICE! bert, the agent, in tho olllce. Chief of Police Fred Zlcglar got her out. when the best work and Phone. 26SS Dinner Guests at Ross Fcnton Farm are novor asked to pay She was taken to a home at Way- side. IN a cover charge at any limn during lha ontlra evening. service can be obtained in EFFECT AUGUST 4th, sth, 6th. Tho organization of the new (ire- For Reservations—Telephone Asbury Tark 854 or 2074. men's leaguo of eight teams will be your own community' effected at a meeting tomorrow night at the flrohoUBc at this place. The c ROSS FENTON FARM league, which disbanded recently, had twelve teams. The Little Silver Brookfield BUTTER *• 21 nlno defeated Occanpurl Monday 'LET US DO YOUR •LAUNDRY" u,.1h ^ik Fancy WAGNER MARKET CO LIONEL LEGS We maintain a cold Spring Small KAREN MORLEY ' DIANE SINCLAIR storage vault for tho PRICES EFFECTIVE AUGUST 4, 5 6> 6 NILS ASTMER WM. COLLIER, Sr. protection of your val- FOWL "IIOLLYWOOIJ '()N 1'AIIADE" LAMB All Star Rowu. IS^ , -LONG ISLAND I;ted«lc MARCH — Jlck OAKIE uable Fura and Rugs. Glnjtr I1OGF.RS — Mini GRFTN lb. 110SWELL_Sl.ter.-EddTrEAffq[l£ For the Saturday Mallnce SUrtl 1 1'. M. SEND US YOUR STRAW, SeUctxl rhotopliy I'att 12—"AIR MAIL MYSTERY" PANAMA AND FELT White Rose HATS FOR CLEAN- L HERE IS A REAL.OPPORTUNITY TO - ING. Royal ^ Cherrys °r 21 ENJOY A DELICIOUS DUCK DINNER WE MAKE THEM LOOK c AT THIS AMAZINGLY LOW PRICE. TUKSHAY nml WKItNKSDAY LIKE NEW. r*ntiir«» nl .1:10, 1:42, D:no Shoulder Fine Quality Smoked llnr.l Al III* llmmlw.v |-.VM. IInIII n YfHifTilrr tut Multi Slrcil .•.«ll...f,l 'l|,,|r M-.iU »,,H y/x-\h. Ronsting LEGS GENUINE SIRLOIN Atl-,,,1 ll,,l, |.|vr.t Support a Local Firm Spring CALI LAMB POUND STEAK POUND Who Employe Locnl Help Who Spend Their LAMB Chickens HAMS Money Locally. GLADE RIB ROAST POUND ROAST POUND Ib.

LOINiLA'MO SHOULOER PORK PHONE lb CHOPS POUND CHOPS RED BANK Special Steak 29 VEAL RID LAMB 1 2800 CUTtETSi POUND 35' CHOPS Boston Lettuce . 5c Libby's Ulnck Lnbol GXTRA-LARGG JERSEY EON'S Fancy Celery each 5c Vtn Cantaloupes 2 Potatoes 15 mr AW1PI fcPVIMl— Jerftey Tomatoes 3 "" 10c Pine lracleanj Apple BOSTON GREEK Jersey Potatoes 27 lbs for 27c LETTUCE I:AC«I BEANS Armour's Peaches 2 for 25c canB*'*' MAIN OFFICE & 36 Monmouth Street, Red Bank I'l.ANTt lb 70-70 Wliilo Slrcet, Schneider's ^ Bacon - 311 YOUR MON1V