1934-07-27 [P A-12]
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Anticipated Golf Clash Between Peacock and Harper Appears Near at Hand rr*wte*t heights to win. 3—4, 6—0, [—g, 7—g, while Orant subdued Role in Davis of the Wood Has Crucial Cup Play Off Tee Henry Pruaoff Seattle, rlooting Straight GRANT PLAY I1 itar of the tournament up to that STATE CHAMPIONS BELL. joint. 3—8. 3—3. 3—6. 6—3 if l niter! State* I* to Defeat Knglanr!. Nothing In the women * division ln- Believer! He Mnrt Conquer Perry Claude Hippy CONNELLY. licnte* that there will be serious op- 1 Harlan WUl and John Baer, mak- jo*ltlon to Helen Hull Jacob's *lmilhg < > JOHN Pre**. that the of regaining believe that Henry Bunny . women's bowl Th* Amcri- a* t»» A**oeisted agreed job * FINAL he single* Washington Harding Cup SEABRIGHT ing up FINALISTS the Davtt for the United Auatm. England* second-ranked ■an women's wfU meet LIKELY Cup champion July 27—The draw left at noon today for Pitts- State* rented squarely on the star and Perry can beat Frank golf team, Babcoek of Ln« Angeles In in Davt* Cup play to begin Carolyn shoulder* of Wood Shields, Woods lanky singles burgh to take part In the national he final round Saturday. Saturday between the Unti- Wood Former Allison. partner They believe that Elevated as Sarazen Goes Conquers While Miss Babcock was Title Holder at 23 ed Statea and England to- The magnificent play of the public park* championships opening dropping Maryland LONDON can beat Austin Wheeler In beating Jack s set to Oracyn of Santa day placed Frank Shield* blond New Yorker Monday. They were accompanied by The stage is set then, or so they j her in <Bunny; Austin in Crawford, world No. 2 ranking Helen Jacobs Is Sailing Monica, before winning place Is Oldest in M. A. against Henry figure, for a duel between Wood Out—Houghton Playing B Harry Graham. Rock Creek course Player and B star. In the key match of the he final* yesterday, 3—8, 8—3. 6—4 the first match Sidney and for the odd match in with Perry manager The trip Is being made by Mi** Jacob* sailed Into the Wood against Fred Perry. English inter rone finals Australia, gracefully five and the cup the United States i Shute Today. Saunders. The ! Merrily Along. Semi-Finals. match leads the critics to believe that automobile Harrv last round, defeating Mr*. Mary Oreef ! ace In the second lost to France in 1927. The book- Wood, and Wood alone, has a Star's Waahington horseshoe pitching Harris of Kan*a* City. 6—1. •—3. at Wimbledon Mon- j In double* makers have made the English last and alternate on chance to beat Fred Perry, •hamplon year, B? the Associated Pres*. Miss Jacob* and Elisabeth Ryan George Lott and LesU-r Stoe- a 2-to-3 favorite, with even BY BOB CAVAGNARO, will M day at No 1 over the world pair the District of Columbia team, were matched todav Mrs Johr BY W R Mot ALU meet ranked against fen of America will Perry money against the Amer- Associated Pres* in — courts, when England and the quoted Sport* Writer. join the Washington contingent N. J.. 27 w and Jo*e. 27 Palrlflt Hughes July Van Ryn of Philadelphia SPRINGS. Va., July and Georg' ican's chances. had been vacationing United States square off In the n y July 27 — Pittsburgh He Life has become one dis- phlne Crulckshank of Santa Ana, in —The heralded match see* Shield* The 3-2 victory of the United long Tuesday's first challenge round here Saturday. In Missouri. after another the women's doubles final. Saturday over Australia in the Time is his own now for appointment meeting between the battle Perry Starting times will States team will to- The concede the United The District golfers practice SEABRIGHT,for Wilmer Allison, the Allison and John Van Ryn. former those the experts Interzone finals, after Crawford the roving Roman, Gene HOTtwo holder)! of be the same M during morrow and Sunday on the South com- youthful States a double victory for quiet, mild mannered young American Davis Cup double* and Vivian McGrath had taken Buffalo,Sarazen. It has been links. match** the and Virginia Interson* finals Park, Alleghany County bination. will meet Bell and Maryland George Lott and Lester Stoe- a 2-0 lead both Shields since been Texan, who ranks as the Na- Oregory Officials a complete by beating years he has thrust State amateur golf champion- reported fen combination S Mangln of Newark for th* mens seats against any and Wood in the singles play, into retirement the around In 73. Craig McKee tion’s No. 2 tennis singles player. was in here today sellout of reserved early during Going ships prospect the British can muster. They made all cautious. honors In A rouplf of weeks ago Dirk Williams doubles title. The experts were pretty well ! predictors professional golfers annual war- yesterday won low gross as Roger Peacock of the Indian Davis cabled him an fare. but this year he returns the Reconstruction Finance Corpora- Clip captain, Club of Washington. "S O S" that sent him acroas Spring early to his Sabine farm tion Legal Division tourney at Indian racing crown-wearer, and and back the Atlantic to .toin the Davis Cup KANNS IN TWO GAMES Maryland Calm resignation marked Sarazrn's Spring. He was out in 38 of Portsmouth Links Trio ADJUTANTS RETURN a* Lott's double Chandler squad Oeorge partner. * Harper PLAY SEMI-FINALS Munym attitude after hi* defeat by A1 Wat- in 35. holder of the Virrinia title, with an 88 But when he got there Lester Stoefen's and in Va, rous of Detroit, 4 and 3. in the sec- Glenn Hardy, gross, cap- Oppose Lansburghs Hechta moved toward the final round In as Bandits tured low net honor*, his handicap of play had improved to such an extent T^ken TO WINNING STRIDE ond round of the P G. A. champion- Tomorrow. Atlantic IN MUNY TOURNEY a net 66. W J. that Allison wasn't needed, and sadly League the current middle ship yesterday, although in prior 23 giving him won second low net. wltn J he returned to play at Seabrlght. championship years St razen when beaten back Rochelle Kann* base bailer*, who won the ** two 1 fad- July 27 <JP).—The 83—26—67. and C B Henderson, with he watched from Oenerally regarded the at Full in Federal would stt mp off the course snarling, ; Now, seeded No. 1, (lrst half title In the Department Mldatlanttc Welah v* and Markey Again Strength 83—25—68. was third. S. J Foster, ing shot makers in the M'Elvenny PITTSBURGH.three-man golfing delegation sour and burning the sidelines today as Berkeley Bell, Store League, and have captured the 18 took Peacock and Harper were In with 30 putts for the holes, New York was eo In the territory from San Antonio. Tex ran P. 0. and Interstate This was a highly Important com- dynamo, pitted against •>niy game far staged second v» Mitchell I* Card Today. Loop—6. j the least halve* of the draw as the mercial affair at Buffalo for the the prise for making putts Bryan (Bltsy) Grant of Atlanta, an- naif, twice tomorrow, engaging opposite lot of barrier* before play Its semi-fins! into a they In the tourney. McKee was second in the Anal tournament moved into Gravem-Latona Lose. Battle to a Tie. brawny and bronzed little man against other plnt-slaed explosive, lauisburgh* at 11 am., and Herht’s were favored ever arrived here for the national with 31 phase early today and whom many famed golfers have putts. round tor the highly prised singles it 3:30. both on the South Ellipse. to clash in the final. They never tourney and been silver bowl. Hecht's and Palais Roysl face at publinx championship bumped wrecked Sarazen A1 Houghton. Kenwood pro. will de- have met in tournament play Harper ’a DJUTANT 11 o'clock on th* North singles matches be- opening Monday. GENERAL'S OFFICE ranreled European exhibitions to fend his title In the- Bedford tPa.J Allison was eliminated by Bell yes- Sunday Dominion ha* thrice won the Old base bailers, who started the come bsck and play in the P. G. A. as the New Yorker rose to his Ellipse. tween Barney Welsh, defending Halbert Crumble*. Lanier Lind- Springs open, August 4 and 5. terday Peacock won the State title while SEMI-FINAL MrElvenny Federal League season at a burn- This was his only title and he needed champion, and Ralph and Lorraine Young left home | championship last yesr and say their first five a because Maryland at 4 30 o'clock, and Dooly Mitchell ing pare, winning championship champion- this year. on Monday shortly after Ray Ham- and then down mean and Bud Markey at 5, were scheduled games bogged badly ships money. Before this pair reach the final ilton, noted criminal, and two after their star La this In the D C public parks losing pitcher, A1 overcome evening from a round, however, they must 1 other convicts escaped Valley, and other in- Takes Defeat championship tenn.s tourney on the mainstays by Calmly. determined for Harper Dallas jail. appear to be back in opposition Sixteenth Street Reservoir courts juries. winning when a title is in view matched shots in his half of the semi- The outlaws made their getaway stride and row are the wa* rather a decided favorite, visioning pen- Sarazen can draw a bead Welah as the one sharp final with the slim, determined Bobby in the same type of car nant A O.