Of Allies' Trad!
toE BIXTE Ey WSBMEiSDAT. lA N U A R T 8; 19B«. ■biiiiieiiiiii THB WKATBCR AVimAOB OAILT' OIBOIIIATIOli Fnreeeet ot D, Jl. Weather Bsteen^' D A N C E TO THE Mr. and Mrs. CHarmico T. Ander Mm. UUloa Bfauchard o f Fair- 691 Portsr attaat; fourtii for the Month of December, YtiS Hertford son and small son, Alan, have moved flald street li confined to her home dUe prisa, llDen lunch set from 'Ilia nREcoMPiuaEsruN Rain probeUy mixed with aleeh er I"' CONNECTICUT from 85 Alton street to their re. with an atUck o f grip. NINE m NIGHT Textile Store, Mrs. F. Oetaewlcb, saow thin ofteneoB and teeight, lODBADORS’ ORCHESTRA cently completed home, at 167 168 Porter atreet; fifth merchsa- probably ending Friday merefiigt Princeton street, In the Elizabeth dlse prise, basket of food. Popular 5,852 The advlaoty committee of Town- DINNEIIS FOR m s MONTH Member ef tbe Audit not n n i^ change In temperatarou ^ M m>oI S t Bee., Friday, dan. 10 Park section. Contractor John R. eend Club No. 1 will bold an Impor PRIZES AWARDED Market, Mrs. James Wilson, 7U The .D.FF4 COUP. ^^SlIO to 12:80. AdmiMion SSe. Wennorgren built the house, which tant meeting tomorrow evening In Florence atreet; sixth merchandise' Porten od Ctrcaletioiie MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM pS.' Door Prize, Season Pass. Is an attractive Cape Cod style. the home of John Blackwood, 16 prise, box of powder from Beauty Each eompany o f tha Maaehester M aN csitna COhN*. Princeton street which rumi north Trotter atreet.
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