THE YPBILANTI DAILY PRESS, YPBILANTI, MICH., FRIDAY, 22, 1949 Sports Roundup JUNE PAGE SIX SI’OHTS ROUNDUP 2UOL Detroit--AT- Byron Nelson, Toledo umbrella salesman who has a habit of putting his golfing rivals In the shade, had his eye on his sec- Amateur Golf tangled Date Set topflight Tourney ond roiirse record in a week ns he today with three professional rivals in the first round of l’lum Hollow Uolf Club's ex- clusive 72-hole "Pig Fore" tournament. •*• after the dosing of the • • Washtenaw to bomber Tigers Have DAILY CROSSWORD Country Club plant, will to beat, Detroit AT A claiming spree In which 37 horses changed hands he be the man ACROSS 2. Shoshonean during the first four da>s of the Detroit fair grounds race meeting was 18. Goddess according to local golfers who have blamed today for eaneellaliop of tonight's eight-race twilight card be- 1. Slice Indian of dawn Revive Open watched his play the past few Again 4. Chum Boy’s 22. Championship cause of a shortage of entries Hank c* 3. Flippant years. •*• • • 7. Method of nickname 23. Daubed The Detroit. June 22 AP—Hammer- , Washtenaw Country Club fying round, and she runner-up in No mall entries will be accepted. t> AP Fifteen schools have entered 4S players In quest in' Hank Greenberg, looking enough learning 4. Bundles 24. Fruiting haa definite Columbus. a a announced datea for the match play. of championship laurels In the 4Sth annual National like his old self to spell 4. Genus of 8. A wing spike of 1 1 team aid lndi> idual plenty the revival of the Washtenaw Coun- The event has not been held for a HUNDRED MILLION Collegiate gclf tournament opening on Ohio State University's course of trouble for American League lily 8. A Rhine grain try Club Golf Championship tour- number of years, was WAGERED ON DOGS Monday. , was back in his Detroit 10. Covered siren 25. A pair hut formerly with, feature ••• • • Tiger uniform today after four wax 7. Kingly 28. Theater nament. a very popular of the golf- 9. ing program In London,'‘England, June 22—A- years in the 11. Anxious * . 4 area... Detroit—AT —Gene Hal. a 2S-1 shot, took fifth tare at Northville Army and Farin' to Unit of employee The qualifying round of 18 holea thi* comeback. weight 10. Yesterday's Aamrr may Among the favoritea to capture P a 50 per rent reduction in Downs harpess racing meet Thursday nichl to bang up otic of the larg start his baseball Point of 27. River be played any day from July Greenberg, on the sunk the title will be such Ann Arbor meetings payoffs the placed Army 13. Grow old land (Poland) 32. Goods August 1, the number of permitted, est of current meet. 28 to inclusive. There players as Chuck Menefee (recent Air Forces' inactive list last week, 14. Allcorrect 12. Empty 28. Pry at sea more than $100,000,000 wna put rejoined his former mates shoylly 18. Seif (Scot.) will be the championship flight medalist In the Detroit District Chicago AP- Miss Pauline Pels of Ix>s Angeles, and Tal- 29. River 37. Female ruff Team Championship), through the mutual machines at William before the Tigers whipped Cleve- 18. Chalks for 14. Ancient (Eur.) Route only, composed of (ho 16 low quali- Lloyd Kubly, bert Cincinnati, two of the nation's topflight stars, have en- 38. Dick Gustiue, Loudon's 13 dog racing tracks in of land 5 to 1 yesterday for a sweep work 17. Mimic fiers. The first ami second rounds Cal Markham, Jimmy tered the National Clay Courts tourney which opens at the suburban art Stumble 31. Merrily 39. Malloy, and any of 1944. of the three-game series but re- 10. Zodiacal of match play will lx- held Satur- the members River Tennis Club June SO. of the strong University of The church's committee gamb- Forest mained at home for conditioning sign day, Aug. 4. The semi-finals will Michi- on drills as the club departed morning. gan golf team, should they he ling has asked. parliamentary can- tor a 20. Any power- be Sunday Aug. 5, and four-game week' end series at St. thv finals Sunday afternoon. available for entry into the event. didates whether they would "sup- ful deity Ypsilantl golfers curtail facilities to Louts. The event Is open to any amateur who are rated a port measures to Hitting Streak Due Interest Revived in The big righthander, in 31. Pole golfer residing chance to cop the title Include for betting at popular sports and excellent 22. Microbe in Washtenaw Cun- physical condition despite his 34 ty. and Is also open to students tn Merle Hutton and Tat O'Hara, and. eliminate all Inducements to gamb- Return to First Base Harness Horse Races if remains years, reported to the Tigers weigh- 23. Little girl temporary residence In this county, Joe Green In this area le." 24. priest ing 215 pounds—exactly his playing High or to any matnber of a country Chicago, —Capt Phil June 22—AP | Springfield. 111.. June 21— A— weight when he was drafted tn 20. Unload ffri club in this county, though mu even Cavarretta of the Chicago Cuhs is P horse racing fans are visu- 1941. 27. Cebtne his residence may he elsewhere. on a hitting streak and Manager Proof that he is ready to take monkey In spite of the war time condi- alising a revival of interest in the up his American League career Behold! the Harlie Grimm apparently is con 28. - tions. committee was fortunate Os Course Your Roof where he left off was provided 30. Employ in securing a suitable trophy for return to his first base sport and establishment of Illinois *Sv- vinced his when the big slugger swung on 31. Misleadingly /p the winner, and prizes will also he Job has something to do with his as the nation's suikv center Manager Steve O'Neill’s second mutilated «- awarded the medalist in the quali- current .360 average. through legalization of harness pitch to him in batting practice. As 33. Exclamation players of both and r - Doesn’t Leak When It’s Cavairetta was it} left field for ths Detroit 34. Indefinite pari mutuel betting. Cleveland clubs stood by to watch when Heinz article ,Onlv Eight five days Becker took ~ 7*^ Only Governor Green's signature with interest Greenberg belted a Hail! ——P first base job but Becker top 38. n over his line drive that the of the used was needed for legislation approv- left the 80. Word had a date with his draft board : field screen 350 feet from in song Not Raining plate. a and Phil returned to his regular ed by the general assembly and Face Filly Greenberg, sporting the familiar 38. Bet w position. In the five games since sponsors of the measure say he 40. Stsgger pllpllpllll BUT “No. 5" on his back, worked out Arcadia. Calif., June 22 AP hs has made 12 hits in 17 times at will give his approval. Sponsors both in the outfield and at first 41. Armadillc . 42. Ruler of The lineup for the $50,000 Santa “'ll bat—two homers, a triple, a double say it will bring top ranking com- base as he acquainted himself with j Anita Derby was shrinking today, that’s the time to the Tigers and gave special Tunis and eight singles (plus five walks) j petition at tracks in Chicago, Auro- 1945 with indications that only eight greetings to Rudy York. Hal New- 43. Yearning colts would face the barrier tornor- —for a .706 average. 1 ra, Ihi Quoin and Springfield. houser, Trout and A1 Ben- DOWN Paul row against the nation's top tllly. ton, only remaining members of 1. Centers mk'\ I mr\ I j Busher. Call Detroit's pennant winning club of riff Sea Sovereign. Charles S. How 1940. ard's rapidly improving son of the ought "Pm in good shape and to great Seabiscuit. was regarded as 2513 he ready to play before July 1." the chief threat to movie man Greenberg said. "It shouldn't take Louis B. Mayer’a The long sharpen my eye Busher. FOR COMPLETE me to batting Fine Points in Bridge I Mexican thunderbolt, Checkerhall. adjust my fielding Judgment. and also was held In high favor on the ROOFING SERVICE I'm going to have to study up on basis of his races In pitchers.” FEAR UNBALANCED HANDS easier for North. The club A was, j Mexico City these new ! last winter. Manager course, ruffed, a heart led to WE ALSO HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF General Jack Zeller said INDICATIONS of wild distribu- of Already winner of SIOO,OOO, Bush, with appar- a ruffed, a Greenberg would put in “about four tion around the table, the A. second club er would pick up $::8,100, minus to the •BRICK SIDING ‘GYPLAP hours a day" in practice, hitting ently every suit divided unevenly, heart led K. and nothing ' trainer and grooms' awards, against practice Bill remained to by batting should make a prospective doubler for North do but r apturing the derby. If she wins •ASBESTOS SIDING »ROCK LATH Crouch. tricks He his I wary. He should be particularly club and trumps. got ! convincingly she may go out after •BLANKET Inflation 'SHEET ROCK Leaving Greenberg at home to cautious if his Intended double is extra trick. Thumbs Up. Gay Dalton, Brie a Tigers •INSULATION BOARDS PAINT polish up, the departed for based mainly on an expectation of West then gave East a little les- Brae and other older horses a week league •BEAVER BOARDS ‘CEILING TILE St. Louis with a lead of high card tricks in side suits. son in doubling. First, he pointed from Saturday in the SIOO,OOO Santa 2’Vi games on the New York Yan- When the hands are unbalanced, out that, in place of 120 points for Anita Handicap. In that big race •CONCRETE BLOCKS ‘BRICK kees. much of his honor strength Is In making 4-Spades, plus 30 for the ! the likely favorite. Thumbs Up. (Stubby) Frank Overmtre coasted danger of being canceled by ruffs extra trick—total of 150—North 1 with 130 pounds, would he spotting to an easy verdict over the Indians of and South got 240 for the doubled j her 16 pounds. in registering his fifth pitching the other side. & 4-Spades, plus 200 for the doubled Mayer’s prize filly has bested Sea PRESTON’S LUMBER victory, seven drlv. 4KQ 4 3 2 scattering hits. trick, 50 | Sovereign twice this season at ing in two Detroit runs himself « 10 0 8 7 6 extra plus for making the doubled contract—a total of shorter distances, so If tomorrow’s and aiding his cause with a couple A J 10 9 one-eighth truly 490. That was 340 more than the ! mile and event is of sparkling fielding plays. A None | run there seems to be no reason —— pair would have got if East had Overmire, who walked only one A J 9 8 7 6 A None why she again. BUILDING SUPPLIES not doubled, a clear present from shouldn't triumph man while fanning two, had trouble SNA J 4 3 | She has lost only twice in her rac- only with ex-Tiger Don Ross. Ross 76 4 East. ing whipped 315 Emerick St. at Ecorse Rd. «Q 5 WE AKB • • • j career and hasn't been collected three of Cleveland’s seven AAQ e 32 as a three-year-old. hits, scored the Indians' lone run *Q 10 2 - A A J 9 Tomorrow's Problem in the ninth and was the only Trihe A a 10 ? » base-runner to reach second, get- AAK 2 AAK8 7 ting there three times. A 5 A4 3 2 The Tigers tagged starter Jim 6 5 4 3 10 8 4 3 2 Bagby for nine hits in six Innings, +KB7 South West North East AQ9 86 5 W E AQJ 5 when Overmire's punched K J two 1 Dbl 2 AAKQJ e .A runs home. 14 A A 6 5 Roy Cullenblne's double and Jim Pass Pass 2 A Pass 97A J 10 7 5 4 / Outlaw's triple were the Tigers' 3 Pass 4 Dbl A Q -.¦jg* M- OV,. A A 10 9 3 2 ¦ only two hits off relief pitcher Earl East led his diamond 6, which A A 10 7 Henry, who replaced Bagby in the West won with the A. He switched A seventh. Bagby, winner only once at once to the spade 7, giving East A None this season, w-as charged with his a chance to ruff with his heart 3. (Dealer: South. Neither side eighth defeat. Now afraid that the declarer vulnerable.) Paul (Dizzzv) Trout was Mana-’ would get an extra trick, he laid What factor makes a No Trump eer Steve nominee O’Neill’s to down his club A to prevent that contract more logical on this mis- 1 pitch tonight’s arc-light opener of j • danger, but it only made the job fit deal than one in a minor suit? I1 I .I wiiiy | the four-game set in St. Louis I A RAFFERTY TO SHOW ¦I Boston 27 25 .519 HOW HE GOT NAME 5Vi ([Schmidt's ) New York, June 22—AP— Cincinnati 23 28 .451 9 Jim How They Stand NO SUGAR OR GLUCOSE ADDED & Rafferty. New York A. C. star, will Philadelphia ... 14 45 .237 22 show how he earned his nickname Thursday's Results of "Iron Mike*' while at Fordham AMERICAN LEAGUE Chicago 5, Pittsburgh 4. Here's a —a daily from lie competes in Metropol- treat story the wealth when the W L Pet. GB Brooklyn 9, Philadelphia 2. itan A.A.T'. track and field cham- and world-wide experience of this famous radio commen. Detroit 32 21 .604 ... pionships tomorrow. St. Louis 4, Cincinnati 0. tator and author. Make a practice of reading this exclu- New York 29 23 .558 Rafferty, who has won nine 2Vi Only games scheduled. sive feature of The Detroit News. 28 4 straight mile races, will start in Boston 25 .528 Today's games that event and an hour later will Chicago 29 26 .527 4 St. Louis at Chicago. m_ Washington mu imi mi iciair nim qctmt go straight in .... 25 26 .490 6 KNOW YOUR after his third title Boston at DO YOU NEWS? the two-mile Steeplechase. St. Louis 24 26 .480 Brooklyn, night. OV4 your knowledge of current events and personalities by answering these Cleveland 21 29 .420 9V4 Pittsburgh at Cincinnati, night. Check Philadelphia ... 20 32 .385 lIH New York at Philadelphia, night. questions: Thursday's Results 1. WHO IS Kim Siqler? THE OLD JUDGE SAYS Detroit 5, Cleveland 1. BIG NAMES LISTED New York 14, Boston 4. FOR TENNIS TOURNEY 2. Who is Clintoa P. Anderson? Philadelphia at Washington, rain. games Only scheduled. New York, June 22 —AP—A three 3. Who is Stanislaw Mikolaycxyk? „ Today's Games day tennis carnival, staged for the night. Who Hartford? Detroit at St. Louis, benefit of the Rod Cross, will get 4. is John Chicago at Cleveland, night. under way today at Forest Hills Philadelphia New York. 5. Whoro is Foochow? at Stadium with the field of partici- Washington at Boston. pants Including many of the top 4unri Is Sssday'i Nswi, fiefs 2; Alt* Msfss/ss fisfs Mssifsy stars of the past two decades. Heading the pifYade is 52 W L Pet. GB the year old . Others are Brooklyn 34 21 - .618 ... , Chicago 28 22 .560 William Talbert, Mrs. 3*4 Sarah Palfrey Cooke, The Detroit News St. Louis 30 24 .556 Pancho Segu- 3Vi ra. Elwood THE HOME NEWSPAPER Pittsburgh 30 25 .545 4 Frank Shields, Cooke, New York 30 26 .536 4V4 Welby Van Horn, Lt. Gardner Mul- NORTON GRANNIS, SR. loy, , Dorothy May Bundy and Richard Skeen. 505 Washtenaw Ave. Phone 1097-W Today's program includes men's Ring Decisions and women's singles, mixed doub- les and men's doubles. Portland. Me. —Leo Mucucci, 128, Portland, knocked out Irish Jack Pennlmrton. 132, Boston, 5: Kden Germaine. 134, Portland, outpoint- ed Eddie Berry, 135. Portland. 6. Fall River. Mass.—Pat Boyle, 130, Fall River, knocked o'lt Steve Kro- MEN nia, 128, Boston, 2; Ceferino Bronco, 149, Fall River, outpointed Jim Pettle. 152. Woburn. 8. Richmond, Va.—Bobby Ruffle Learn a Post-War Job Now 13*. New York, knocked out To my Mills, 129 3-4, Valley Stvea " & N. Y„ 5: Frankie Wills, 152, V. GOODYEAR TIRE RUBBER COMPANY ington, D. C., and Danny McMil: 160, Mobile, Ala., drew, 10. Jackson, Michigan

11 a 1 FRED: “Is it true, Judge, that a war can’t a more human role. The medical supplies he won without the use of war-alcohol... which our military doctors use to alleviate ® Good hourly earnings 48 hour week the kind the be\erage distillers have been I>ain, combat infection, save lives are pre- %m producing for the government for over jiared with war-alcohol.” fW Vthan See representative at two years?" FRED: “No wonder, then, more and more •. J YOU EVER OLD JUDGE: "That's right, Fred. It is a people are recognizing the great contribu- THOUGHT basic ingredient in the smokeless powder tion our beverage distillers have made to UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT SERVICE used in virtually every firearm from a pistol winning war with the of the their double- Street, Ypsilanti to a 16-inch gun. And, in addition, it plays duty product.” 113 Pearl ?SI? apply * or at Plant, Horton and Chapin, Jackson, Michigan Tktf m4trtUky Ctnftrtntt •/ AUnknltc Brntragt Indtntrus, Int. DUtIHERS CLUB