Lynx Meet Ole Miss Thin-Clads Tomorrow

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Lynx Meet Ole Miss Thin-Clads Tomorrow SOU'WESTER VOLUME XIV MEMPHIS, TENN., APRIL 7, 1933 26 C __ ___ S \ LYNX MEET OLE MISS THIN-CLADS TOMORROW ~ PLAYERS WILL Easter Vesper To Speaker Students To Take 0 P EN SEAS 0 N PRESENT PLAY Be Held Sunday In Educational Tests IN DUAL EVENT AT AUDITORIUM Hardie At 5 P. M. On April 17 and 18WITH RED, BLUE Annual Three-Act Produc- The Rev. F. B. Gear to Everyone Except Frosh to Lynx Strong in Dashes; tion To Be Staged Speak At Freshman Take Cooperative Starting Gun At April 28 Service Exams 2 O'Clock Coach Kenneth Gatchell and his Southwestern will present a three- The fourth and final Vesper serv- Southwestern will participate In the Ole Miss track stars will invade the act play, "Skidding," by Aurania ice of the year will be held Sunday 1933 Cooperative Testing program Lynx lair for a dual track meet to- at afternoon at 5 o'clock in Hardie Au- conducted under the auspices of the Rouveral, Friday night, April 28, morrow. The events will begin at Ellis Auditorium. The play is a spark- ditorium. It will be the Easter Ves- American Council on Education. The per. tests will be given at the college on 2 o'clock on Fargason Field, with ling and interesting comedy that por- the pole vault and the 100 yard dash The Christian Union cabinet has Monday and Tuesday, April 17 and trays a true picture of American life. being the first on the program. been working hard on the vesper and 18. It had a long run on Broadway. T'he Red and Blue have a strong hopes to make it the best one of This year all sophomores, juniors. Mrs. Terrell Brame is the director, and well balanced team. Thornton is the year. Miss Nell Davis, chairman and seniors will take the tests. Last and because of her wide experience a good sprinter from of the vesper committee, announced year the tests were given to sopho- the freshman a finished production is promised. team, and Caspar is a varsity hold- that plans are to have the decora- mores only. The testing program will Those appearing in the cast will be: over who can broad jump as well as tions carry out the Easter spirit. A be given in room 101 Science hall Julia Marie Schwinn as Marion, the sprint. Alan Shoemaker is a star White Cross will form the major REV. F. B. GEAR The seating arrangement for the youngest daughter of the Hardy fam- hurdler. Big Jess Flowers decoration, and will be so placed as tests will be posted on the bulletin and Brad ily who comes back to Idaho from White are excellent field men, and to cast its shadow on the back wall, boards in Palmer and Science halls college very much in love but also Flowers is also a high hurdler of no giving the appearance of being in FIN AL DEBATE on Wednesday. desirous of a political career. Judge mean the distance. All students who fail to take the I ability. Chester Curtiss is a Hardy and Mrs. Hardy, typical Amer- good half miler and Bradley is dan- This is the freshman class program, tests on time will be given double ican old-fashioned parents, will be SATURDAY NITE gerous in the two mile run. and a large attendance is expected. cuts and charged a fee of $2.50 for played by John Hines, Jr., and Mar- Although the Lynx have been out The. Rev. F. B. Gear will be the the special examination. All students garet Clay Faulhaber. on'y two weeks, they are rapidly speaker. He,is one of the outstanding are urged to take the tests on the The two married sisters who "come Lynx Meet Miss. State At rounding into form and will make the men in the synod and a capable and scheduled days. home to mother" will be portrayed Mississippians hustle to beat them. well-liked preacher. He has done con- 8 O'Clock In the tests given last year, South- by Anne Galbreath and Peggy Walk- Capt. Herbert Newton, will run the er. Eugene Stewart will take the siderable work in Scotland on his western ranked among the leaders The Southwestern forensic team will 220 dash, a lap on the relay team, part of Andy, the kid brother. Fred ministerial work. with only 10 colleges above South- meet the debating team from Mis- and will highjump, broadjump and Bearden is the handsome New York- Louis Nicholas has charge of the' western. One hundred and thirty- sissippi State tomorrow night at 8 heave the discus. er who is very much opposed to Ma- music, and the men's chorus, which eight colleges took the tests. p. m. in the college chapel. The de- "Chicken" High will run in the 100 rion's yen for politics and wants to will render the music, has been prac- The tests will be under the direc- bate will wind up the home schedule yard dash, 880, and the relay. Car- marry her. ticing long and hard on the Easter tion of Dr. W. R. Atkinson. Pencils for the year. The question is "Re- roll Cloar who nosed out Newton in The maiden aunt will be portrayed music. and material for the tests will be h di.. )U,,Ci L D -iIA i. a 220 yard trial last week will also by Therese Canale. The character solveU: tral Sovlet ussia should beDefurnished the students. recognized by the United States". broadjump and probably run in the part, that of "Grandpa," will be taken relay. Russell Cross is cast by Reed Brock. A. O. Pl TO HAVEI A Lynx team composed of Ronald "Red" Forman will probably run - iHayhoe and Henry Oliver will defend LYNX MAY HAVE as the typical small-town politician. the 100 and relay. Mac Elder is an- prompter Robert Neill will act as BENEFIT PARTY he"MississippiM saffirmative State side wasof theone question. of the other sophomore sprinter who is for the production. schools met by the Lynx team which BASEBALL CLUB doing well. Jimmy Wilson, a quarter The set will be constructed by Jes- made a southern tour through that mile star, is also available for the Dean, who has done remarkable Party To Be Held At sie section relay. Wilson will share the javelin Theatre and Paul of the country last year. As work at the Little Casino Tomorrow the question is one of popular appeal, All Depends On Action throwing with Fred Bearden. group Calame will be chairman of the an interesting debate should result. Of Council Above the sprints, Southwestern of student co-workers who will help The A. O. Pi benefit bridge party shows a paucity of material. High him. will be given tomorrow afternoon at There is a possibility that South-v will have little help in the 880. Mc- 2 o'clock at the Casino. Bill Taylor's Easter Holidays western may have a baseball team this Gaughran and Smith will run the mile, Political Scientists orchestra will furnish music during Easter Holidays season. The diamond sport which has and Riley will run the two mile race the afternoon. Start Thursday been kept off the college athletic pro- alone. Will Meet Monday Sara Naill has charge of the at- annualThe Easter holiday gram for the past two years may Harvey Drake will take care of tendance prizes; Betsy O'Brien theholidays will are The Political Science club will hold prizes; Betsy O'Brien the start Thursday at 5 p. m. Class again return. The big "if" in the case the high hurdles. The weights table prizes; its regular meeting Monday, April 10, Mary Allie Taylor the sessions will be resumed Monday at is the student council. the Achilles heel of the Lynx, but ticketsaleticketof sale:candy. and Clara MeGehee the sessions will be resumed Monday at Sheriff Knight will at which time a talk will be given by Clara MGeheethe 8:30 a. m. with the chapel services. If the student council appropriate:: Sidl Hebert and Prof. George A. McLean on the pos- some money for the sponsoring of a try to bring in points in the shot Inn addition,addition, Halle on Main Street The dean's oifice announced that sibilities of the group making a defi- Halle on Main Streetouble cuts will be given for class team, Southwestern will have baseball. mnd d;scus. Som e of the sprinters nite alliance with a national pol'tical has arranged to give a fashion show. cuts will be given for class The athletic committee of the college will run the low hurdles. "Senor" The models organization. and theare alumnae to be chapters.Theygirls from the absences~andfor the two two days days for following the holidayse the has approved having a team but the John Barnes is a pole vaulter and is A large attendance is expected, and active and the alumnae chapters. They recess. committee is unable to appropriate counted on to win this event as well much debate is promised on the ques- have not yet been definitely decided any funds. It is up to the the action as the highjump. tion of whether the club will go on, but they will be at least 12 in of the student council. Democratic. Socialist, or otherwise. number. A number of the students are in The radical element of the club warns favor of having a team and also it Six Men Inducted that they will play a heated part in Meet At 3 P. a known fact that several member Into Sigma Upsilon the affiliation discussion.
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