SEPT. 11,1931. THE INDIANAPOLIS TIMES PAGE 23 DOEG BATTLES LOTT, VINES FACES PERRY IN NET PLAY expressed the belief that another Gotham Clubs single game would net as much for Holder Upsets Represent Tourney charity as a prolonged series. The Springfield Title City in National to matter was referred back the Oppose Series mayor's committee. Vi ins Second Shields, U. S. Cup Ace HOOSIERS HOLD EDGE By United Press SPRINGFIELD. 111.. Sept. 11.—An NEW YORK, Sept. 11.—New FT. WAYNE, Ind., Sept. 11.—With 8 to 6 victory Thursday night gave [Young Stars Clash in Semi-Finals of U. S. Cham- York's three major baseball clubs, one game of the championship se- Springfield a two-game lead over the Yankess, Giants and Robins, ries to their credit, Ft. Wayne divi- Walter Holke's Quincy Indians in playoff League pionship; California Comet Faces Real Test in today failed to approve a proposal sion of Pennsylvania railroad west- the for the Three-I of the mayor’s committee on ern division employes’ baseball team I championship. un- of Struggle With British International Hero. employment that they engage in a will meet the Cleveland division at Winner four of the seven games in the series will named * round robin series for the Cleveland tonight. 1 be BY HENRY M’LEMORE benefit of charity and suggested a winner Ft. 1 champions. Springfield overcame United Prr.t Staff Correspondent that The of the ,Wayne- single game be played instead. Cleveland series will play Long Is- | a six-run lead to score its second FOREST HILLS. N. Y., Sept. 11,—'Those critics, who less than a The Yankees and Giants met in land nine, eastern titleholders, for straight win. Score; week ago said that Johnny Doeg, delending champion, Springfield *. Ztt 061 10x—* 9 4 would be lucky a financially successful game on the championship of the Pennsyl- On Incv V*o 600 IWUI—6 11 3 to Smith, Susee; reach the second round, were naming the big southpaw to defeat Wednesday, and the system. j Campbell and Pettit. Done- club owners vania { lag. Morgan and Sflmer. in one of the semi-final matches of the men’s national ten- nis singles championship here today. The critics changed their mind about Doeg’s chances Thursday when he followed up his victory over with a decisive win over Frank Bhields, New York seeded No. 2 in the tournament. In whipping Shields, Doeg proved that although he may be a dub in the CAR smaller tournaments he OWNERS is torment when the stakes are high. Lott, however, is not without his backers. The flery-tempered Phila- delphian etarted the tournament determined to establish himself as a first-class singles player. So far he has succeded admirably. The Philadelphian proved he was DEMAND VALUES a gamester of the highest order when, after losing the first two sets Jockey Allen to Johnny Van Ryn Thursday, he came back with a tremendous surge —not run Claims! to out the next three sets. His Claims comeback was all the more remark- Thugs able in the light of Van Ryn’s per- formance in the two sets he won. Johnny simply blasted Lott off the Slugged Him court with an assortment of shorts that was almost unbelievable in ac- curcy and power. Front Row' (left to right)—Bright, p; Mueller, c; Fuller, cf; Bur- By United Press The other semi-fiinal match pits roughs, ss; Beplay, 2b. Middle Row (left to right)—Francis, Reno, CHICAGO, Sept. 11.—Stewards of , the California Schaefer, Twigg and Bader, all pitchers. Back Row (left to right)— the Lincoln Fields race track today comet, against , brilliant Manager Brown; Seffel, utility; Weathers, lb; Schott, cf; Booz, c; were investigating the alleged kid- young British internationalist. Vines Broughton, cf; Drissel, cf. Big League naping and robbery of Jockey showed he was on top of his game by eliminating The Power and Light team, Manager Brown and his boys, the Charles E. Allen, one of the leading Berkeley Bell in Manager straight with Brown at the P. and L. pastimers having won riders on Chicago tracks. three sets in a quarter- helm, final tiff. left for Cleveland today to several city crowns in the past to Fans Drop riding along represent Indianapolis Allen was Lincoln Vines, however, in the na- gain entry into the national highway Wednesday night, accord- showed little tion amateur baseball tourney. more tennis in trouncing Bell than event. BY L. S. CAMERON ing to his story, when a Title teams from all The captured Press Sports car drew did Perry in breezing to an easy over the Power club the United Editor up along side of him, and three country will battle for the pennant in city and triumph Frank Bowden, the its league NEW YORK, Sept. 11.—With the men, armed with revolvers, over coveted crown in a series of then went to annex ordered New York “dark horse,” who on the city to them. elim- games at the Cleveland American championship in an playing out of the schedule reduced him accompany He said inated Sidney cup elimination he was robbed of a B. Wood, Davis League park. tourney, to a mere formality, baseball fans diamond ring ace, in the third round. playing bang-up ball valued at $2,000 and a large sum It’s no new experience for throughout the current campaign. have lost interest in the major of league races and magnates face the money before he was beaten BRITISH NETTERS MEET . prospect heavy losses about the face and body and thrown By Times Special cf .tor the bal- out ance of the season. of the car. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. Chicago Heights 11.—Joan Lack of interest was demonstrated police said the Ridley and Mrs. Elsie Goldsack TALKING IT OVER case was not reported to them and conclusively Thursday when less Pitman of England clashed today BY JOE WILLIAMS than 25,000 that they could find no evidence for the women’s middle states witnessed the seven jockey ten- YORK, Sept. 11.—Every ball games or fights you ever heard major league games, as compared that the had been kidnaped nis championship. They eliminated and injured. Allen rode Spanish NEWnow and then I think that a of. with the attendance of 60,000 and Virginia Hilleary of Philadelphia moment, Play to fourth place in the Ken- man should put on his hat, leave “Now Just look for a there is 45,000 for “charity” city series games and Alice Reanis of Orange, N. J., Johnny Doeg down there. Look at that tucky Derby. respectively, Thursday. the flat fiat and get out and get at New York and Chicago the pre- Understand, I am kid. He was a national champion a year vious day. under the sun. ago, now he’s a bum. Every one has any press agent for the sun not licked him but Tammany Young and Cincinnati set the new low mark but after all, once in a while one Sam Seabury. Look how he’s doing. He’s for the season with a paid at- things total should be a man about such holding that big guy Francis Shields even. tendance of 276 spectators for a Down the Alleys rays. and brave its horrible Shields ought to murder him. Frank has game between the Reds and the BY LEFTY LEE So Thursday I met a party named Ed playing steadily Europe Brooklyn wn been In and ln Robins. The Philadelphia Anthony and the first thing I know this country. Doeg been working Big: League has for Athletics and St. Louis The Four will again resume sistent, his sheet showing of are sitting east stands at Forest Cardinals, play, using the alleys Fri- 210 and scores 210 in the a living over in Newark, if a fellow can day night. Pritchett each 215. Fred Tegeler rolled 630; watching a young respective leaders in the American A close and Interesting race Menges, and Hills group of earnest living in always hag 607. Proschaska, 604. Team ever make a the town. been the rule for this loop, plav resulted in a two-out-of-three men batting a little white ball back and “He right in there playing and National League records, drew wh ch specializes in producing new plavers Capitol Gem series. has no Wi Ice. Coal, Auto Equipment. forth across the net. a the best crowds of the day a take their place with the stars of the Virginia Grille, Duesenberg against boy like Frankie who has been in home city. and Heiden- Anthony gentleman who reich defeating S. and S. Service. Seats Mr. Is the in there right along. It’s like as though games—the Cards attracting 6,500 Motor Service, charming story spectators League also Blue Point Service. Emrich wrote that little bed time Benny Leonard came out of retirement to and the A’s drawing Avalon starts play tonight. Hardware, Indianapolis Glove end Coca ’Em Alive,” is Tolling on the early squad at Pritchett’s. Cola. “Bringing Back which take on Mickey Walker In his first fight 5,000, Frank Coval Is the secretary of this league the tale of Frank Buck's adventures while but, . . . say, young fellow . . . looklt and promises to have the teams fighting pioneer Brooklyn The Washington League capturing wild animals and out- •” starts ...He won all the way in an effort to live up to last s son him! the first set Cincinnati’s loyal followers saw their year’s o. o. -?/? the Illinois alleys tonight fielders. Mr. Anthony is what is known battle for top honors that was not fit oloQ. By now your o. ’cial door darkener has favorites defeat Brooklyn, 6 to 1. decided night’s play. as a master silly trade Red until the final craftsman in this awakened. Say, now, maybe there is a Lucas kept a the Robins' eleven safeties Shaw continued to roll in sensational of writing and the brave fellow has story try Barrett led the individual play In the 1 uP(°wn alleys, giving in this tennis gag at that. I scattered. 64th tne or a book of poems and numer- Universal League series, having counts of Merchants a 684 series during novel two. to forget about that Canzoneri-Berg sav- 244. 321 and 181 for a mark of 646. Runyon rvfm play, the literary extravaganzas to his New York stopped Pittsburgh really which helped his ous other agery to remember something about Doeg. the Pir- was next with a 635 that was con- to a Hur apparently ates eight-game winning streak, 6 C i?t„ . win over t Bros. credit. But the guy, who is to 1 R TTUptown Garage Os course, I only went out to Forest Hills Carl Hubbel holding the Pirates to and N. W. State otherwise, is on tennis. four Bank slso won three from Odd Five and normal nuts to get a dash of sun tan and to snatch hits. Uotown. while United Dental and J P I am a fellow who can take his tennis a few minutes sleep but maybe there’s ‘“ok the rubber from Broadway Shields and Chicago’s Cubs advanced to within one- and Trout Majestic. or leave it and while Frank something to this brutal sport of tennis Other 600 totals' sweating socking, of,.,th?rd Place by drubbing aWSOn 609 R ‘ Ce Johnny Doeg were and Philadelphia, for ’ ' ’ 601> and Hamil- after all. 17 to 4. Pat Malone al- Signed tons 6d Bears while you imagine an upset price comparisons. games the this fall was Paklne t^t o fro'0 the ard ...Can what it Earnshaw allowed nine hits in Orient Cat 234sai byJ nd Wild ness and trying to keep the spokes of that earning his in Wuensch ln the last game would be if Doeg won? ... What a nineteenth victory. Why risk a tire of unknown today by Fred Lieb, New York my remaining good manufacture when you can get the Extra Quality, made featured. lady’s parasol out of story. sports writer, who is conducting the eye. Extra Strength, and Extra Safety of special patented By now I admit I’m awake. . . Awake. by^ l rs the construction of the splller during I my defeating t he le d? features tour. star Pin All unconsciously, voice some of Say, cheering Doeg 3 i the Citizens Gas . . . kid Firestone Tires—Gum-Dipping, and North Side League nlav Anthony gets very I’m that Two Extra Cord Plies under the Tread? ! in- will made of the .thoughts and Mr. . go The team be up 2, '.no;n all over the place. . . We all for i s dignant. Anthony a gentleman who You get these Extra following players: u Mr. is a fighter and this kid who plays tennis Values—plus our Service and the DOUBLE GUARANTEE of base; Frank £ should have literary cauliflower ears from Lou Gehrig. Yankees, first from Leaks”I?•.'SS.'LS?;and Pumps, as Dries Gauges with all the grace of a Firpo and all Firestone and ourselves second Walter many ghost writing. He —at no more cost? Frisch. Cardinals, base: his years of a Ping fielding a MaranvlUe. Braves. shortstop: Willie over the finesse of Bodie A1 Sim- s£ssr:sr£sLt should be bowed over from bending the Drive in today.— Kamm.. base: r ground actually winning from We have sections cut from Cleveland, third ages. ball is Firestone Tires, special-brand mail* mons. Athletics, left field; Tom Oliver. typewriters of all sexes and guy who has “ been introduced as “our tires and Red Sox. center field: Frank O’Dool.Robins, It might in passing that order others.—See the evidence.—Take nothing for granted.—Judge right field: Mickey Cochrane. Athletes, and be mentioned c .mine national champion” ever since I for Yourself, ak!n(tl three games Anthony, Gene Tunney’s Tigers, T ,,ifc 3 ~ who is one of Ruel. catchers: Leftv Grove C y from Mr. Harold Pirates, r Am monia. can remember, which dates back to 1355. Larrv French. and *h. Screen and Holder playmates, is a Roettger Is Athletics insV oirfdd fellow whom Bruce Cunningham, Braves. pitchers; th Rame - Sulphate and best little not Sure, I’m excited. Tar. t 0 Boiler you expect go on any- George Kellv. Minneapolis, and Ralph would to overboard And when the match finally ended and COMPARE Buffalo, utility players. might see at Shinners. Greasers thing like tennis. You him Doeg, the champion who came back, even QUALITY, CONSTRUCTION Na- ‘ found the Oilers to and PRICE Umpire Jack Reardon of the k n " their a ringside or at one evil places u n ? the Shell League play, uk- of those if it was just for a day, had been de- Sold to League will accompany the i ?hf f as street, a A’s tional ser,ies' Specialties and on west Fifty-first but at tennis by a 6-2, 11-9, 4-6, 6-4 ,. e 0, Firtston* ★Special Eugenie clared the winner £L Ji !5 Firestone Firestone 771 T 7 team and will officiate at all games. match—please Empress take off score you expected to hear ! Sentinel flfend Sentinel almost the MAKFmAKE OsOr CARtar TIRE Typ# S'?"! ** • Firestone Brand awful feathers! cite Mill1 Type Type Tuqa 4.75*19 oirfflaifi Judge Emil Fuchs, president of the that hat with the bird’s stentorian tones of Joe Humphries bellow By Times Special d,r Mail Anyhow. Anthony, you please , . c“hPrice Cash Price Older Ceil- Price TIRE r Mr. will 9 yM * Boston Braves, will accompany the forth: “The winner and still champion. Each Tire Per Pair Each ! Tlr & take the Tire Per Pair P rn. o , floor. Johnny Doeg.” PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 11. team, Lang, former presi- mcers or the new season ... Oscar as will A1 h are n n u 0e g Star first sa<:ker 4.40-21 dent of the Florida State League. ff ft ft 5 p T\ of the Che'rroiVtllZZj 94-98 14.98 $9.90 $4.35 $4.33 s*.so Mora Weight, ■ people who think that Ul American OOI,d expedition • McKi..;g- “A7"OU young Doeg will be Association club Chevrolet 4.50-20 P 18.00 17.80 Approval of the has been sgiSJiiA-,? fights are pretty marvelous hashn/hbeen purchased 5.60 5.60 10.90 4.78 4.78 9.26 X by - the world - i MAYBEblasted right out of that tour- 4 50 21 *•** 5 -69 M given by K. M. Landis, baseball me Phila : •! 4.*s 4.85 MO ££? Transportation League give a pain,’’ he warbles. “These delphia Athletics for ?'rr. .65. .60S of is nament before the week ends. What , iff commissioner. ton squads cash ~ and a ~ *•** • change and there has E tennis matches have more drama, his player, Mark 4 7S 19 *•“ in the naming of team* Last vear of it? He’s had moment. 'We Connie M* .*4l .250 thev were named more color and more thrilling tay- *; * 1 aft?r various”om?e S and mo- had our moment, too. £ - ments attached to them light- STTS? 4 -,5 2# *•” one® than any* I saw Tony Canzoneri defend his •-4 f.7S 3.73 11.16 "SaLTErt. . S r"™“se=! * SW ta "ZX weight against courageous, well, Same Width, ° title the Chandler ] Cooper Grabs N • a capTain least, industrious, a * DrSotn inche* .... MeTOl No’ 3 - Indianapolis at onslaught of Jackie attM aboVe he “* 5.X0 5.20 \> 2. Centra? r ntrfn ii v Union S ea m n Berg a few hours later but compared to a!l in Same Price . $6.05 86.65 w Durant ' S > k Ce°n t°r al. ggSiS the battle that Doeg made it didn’t seem ß tt the Open Honors °T- foUrth played ■ -°°'l9 *•** ”•* n v, sold 5 A Winner by c very important somehow—and, t°heh sSnfS te W ° • Met honest. h are certain ’ eHSf M 8 Captain Mounts; 9 Pally, a fight A A win Rooeevelt I I ' Firestone I Brand I Special RniWhfraU b.: Captain S No. I’m fan, and, of course, not ners of thSh A A pennant 4.50-Z1 By Times vcil c' Rutherford WiUya-Knightj Sentinel Man Order No.m?. 10. Wabash.l Captain and altogether sane. Jnhn L,\ u ' ’ - Pitcher Waller hy and TIRE " GARY, Ind., Sept. 11.—Touring Second — racquet gets a man. Ja?ksshyS baseman Tlf Transportation That tennis kind of er were E^ex 5.00-20 7.1© 7.10 13.80 $.lO 6.10 11.9® Beverly Country Club * purchased the Shores season will run comedy tension v by V a d wtu cnd usual There’s drama and and th?he 287 for the seventy-two f?iedtnea -with the cheering Yankees, and George M Hghl links in chicken Sdinner. One of the mi? in it. There is and hissing on Davis '°°' : * . n e Wll * slugging s 2l 735 35 p°nnaT . holes, Harry Cooper, veteran Chi- the tournament part is a outfielder, by the 7 *4*3o $.35 6.33 12.40 17.02 16.10 wimwUh tnethe Chicagochwo lPassenger Cluh Thi the of the gallery. There warm Phillies! OhiiLobiulZ cago easily gets your you pro, outdistanced the alternates between Indianapo- sun that in hair and lulls Batch 1 Last Chicago 5.25-211 8.57 8.57 10.70 7.37 7.37 4-52 Year comforting " field to win honors in the tri-state t.inertd enter- into a sense of something or ■— this season it be ud tn -1 ir 1 More Non-skid the Indianapolis boys will you get two here Thursday. to other that don’t hours later Fire- ■ inches . open throw the party. Tracy pj,,. —■ Fire- Depth, .250 .234 at a fight. *°" Walter Murray, Gary pro, was Miller championship Cox Sues Stone *Spe- *Spe- More Pile. led the Transportation old! .Icm ° ” last ld Under . $ a Bill Ehlers, young ..J’ele * Ve o{ I don’t know. Maybe I can’t make it MAKE TIRE Old* MAKE Old- eh I Tread. S hext with 301. HaueK fno ae £ 187- followed by any more. field mE,IKt ld with* andZ Brammell 175 But, honest. Pally, you should OF Rld Brand Tyne OF field Bfi"d f* Same Width, Terre Haute amateur, was the best The n S with are rearranged aZE Y Mail .... t5 i each vear so have been there Thursday at that Doeg- Athletic CAR V Ca?h c SIZE Ty£ £p inche. 4.75 4.75 V Sta Board IYVl *‘ tARAt? with rt *S" £**" of simon pure a 311. a .gap d 1 they C h Price r,f l. Order a, In~ the ~ e Shields put Same Price . $4.85 $4.85 team*'hand a ”n b u^d each night* match. I mean both Price Tira p.. p“" Tire lc it out. And in these days when Mr. Pair Each ££ SHOOT SET Chancellor Philip Snowden is slapping a Suit seeking his reinstatement by ALL-DAY per q p,c®* - 25 on the state boxing A> _ cent tax incomes that means commission, ) 22.00 . has nidlmOldem 5.25-18 $7.90 $7.9015.30 6.00-2111.6511.65 t , Major something. I always say down with the filed Stuts __ Special Brand" tircie mad* An all-day shoot at Indianapolis Leaders been in circuit court by Tracy 6.50-2013*45 13.4525.40 hy Dole. Cox, local junior lAirimin] Cadillac a manufacturer for distributor* Gun Club on Thursday, Sept. 17, And by the way, who win lightweight boxer. E DING did that Cox 3,50-18 8,75 8.75 17.00 15.35 a. m., was an- Pt. py— .Ji £ hitters Canzoneri-Berg was suspended by Un-1n|7.00-20|15.35 29-80 “.^“oth^",ndTr'rAameTh^ starting at 9:30 3 fight Thursday night? the ... I’ll com- 1 does not identify the tire Ruth, you mission last Ip ' ' manufac- on the Tfankees .. i 2 teU the truth, was so busy week after 1 1 nounced today. Events card Simmons. f 4?' nt I telling the state ■ Ath... 115 463 99 175 ’3BOI my press box neighbors, group charged his 150-targets at 16-yards In Morgan. Indians. 123 437 gs Harry Grayson manager, Bert TRUCK and BUS TIRES include 15s ■ tone Gehrig. 'vis and Joe Madden, Rumer, , under hia own name. Urea puta handicap in Yankees. 136 545 147 Mons. about Doeg and had broken a P7l. 5.50-19 8.90 8.90 17.30 F ( six events, 50-targets 193 4 contract for Mm. on Cochrane. Ath... 114 438 152 Shields I get a cox fight K“j bw EVKRV tire he two events and 50-targets doubles 83 .'3*3 that never did chance to Lew Massey of Phila- SIZE Oldl." *Sp,.l iSfiS HOME to fight ... RUNS watch the at ail . which is delphia, Sept. 18 at one event. Terre Haute, D' in ” o,dt,Ti,• §‘B: a k ' Averill. Indians.. 29 probably a great break for the Old cox, in the v3S., 6.00-18 HJiO 'vL ”• suit, prizes will be award- ri ott contends _ Merchandise Klein, nSi'iv' 1? - Giants 28 Colonel, at that. that each of four Phillies... 3l;Foxx, Athletics.. 27 Commissioner Lee Bays, ‘Double ed, four prizes in Sullivan 30x5 - $17.95 Guarantee Every tir. | RUNS BATTED IN suspended Hudmn 6.00-19 11.45 22.20 1934-90 a trophy will go to high him while the law pro- Hupm.! 32x6 _ a . 29.75 l th* classes and Yankees 166 vides 9 7f 57*90 Cronin. Senators 119 that two * Ya nk es GRID IS . 36x6 “ S- ° over all. ’• 146 Klein, tILT PLANNED commissioners act. 7 ?“i?(n T / Phillies... 115 I Fireatone’a unlimited guarantee and { Averill, uu >X 11.4722.30 . Indians. 1301’rd/P*16.00-20 11.47.47|11.41 22.30 600 .as ff’Jf15.25 }29 90 •