(Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-08-28
, FATA, MEATS, book I ••• • ed ,lamp. Q! Ih ••••h Ut It)od lhrourh AUI. 3. ; VU thraurh ZI tbuDrb Sent. 30: Al 11I,01l(h 1!1 .ood IhtOu,h Oel. 31, and FI faIr lh,o",l1 hI food Ih.ou,h Nov. 3U. 1.1 Ih,.. ,h III be come "alld epL. I and are ,ood 'hrouJh Oeo. 31 . SUGAR, litam" Nfl ,.ood throurh A_,. 81 rflr five pound.. Siamp 86 ,oDd Sopl. I Ibro_,b DIO. 81 for DAILY IOWA: Generally fair and rive pound.. 8110£8, book three airplane IOWAN. .tllD,. ,. THE conUoueci warm. :t, H pnd 4 are "MJld Jndetlnlt.f1I)". Iowa City's Morning Newspaper ?IVE CENTS THE ASSOCIATED PRESS IO~A CITY. IOWA TUESDAY. AUGUST 28, 1945 TBI. AIIIOClATU- ...SI VOLUMED! NUMBER 286 e .In • U, S. S. ENTERPRISE, SIX TIMES 'SUNK' BY JAPS, SURVIVES Rullian Occupation • Big Occupation Plane • SUNK SIX TIME by Japanese claim, the USS Enterprise Is still Of Manchuria, Korea i F1'rs'l Troops afloat. The "tiglltlngest ('arrler In the fleet" accounted for 911 Jap Fleel Steams I Crashes on Okinawa; • aIrcraft shot down by the mighty rIattop's planes and IrUnll, 71 \ Virtually Completed enemy ships sunk by her pilots and anotlter 19! damared or proba • • bly sunk. Photo !I.t right shows where a bomb, dropped by a Jap LONDON (AP)-The Russian In Tokyo Bay SAN:::::;:~il~ob- Prepare·Way plane, landed on the deck of the carrier, rolled a wan, came to a occupation of Japanese-held terri ert Shaplen, NBC and Newsweek stop and never exploded.
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