1936-07-01 [P A-2]
$3,600,000,000 SUM Washington WALLACE LINKS Ill Financier Carried Home Wayside BUDGE IN 4 SEES Congress Appropriated 10 Tales He Calls for “Co-operative Race III Advised, Says Rep- Briton Rallies to Eliminate Billion for All Purposes, Society” in Attack on resentative En Route to U. S. Star—Von Cramm Random Observations Reveals. States’ Rights. Turns Back Austin. Report of Interesting Events Washington. KENNEDY. PI the Associated Press. By tfct Associated Press. the Press. BY WILL P. and Bj Associated Federal funds totaling $3,600,000,000 Things. NEW YORK. July 1—The adminis- MINNEAPOLIS. July 1—Marlon A. WIMBLEDON, England, July 1 — till be available for employment pur- GUILE. tration's sharpest critic of the Supreme Zioncheck, fun-loving Democratic Fred Perry, bidding for his third Court, in a book to be of poses during the fiscal year opening LITTLE woman who walks published today, Representative Washington, en route straight title, gamed the final round of the that with the to today, Chairman Buchanan pertly around town carrying groups body Republican Seattle, today termed the Union of the all-England tennis rhampion- Committee, es- and the as of Ifouse Appropriations a stick, whose eyes twinkle party Liberty League party presidential candidacy Repre- ship today as he came from behind to least of the time” sentative William Lemke, timates. A and who is so full of guile upholders—“at part Republican, trim California's Don Budge, 5—7. The second session of the Seventy- —of the doctrine of States' rights “at of North "111 advised.” the might burst any day now, is still Dakota, 6—4.
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