RED BANK REGISTER, JULY 27,1932. Moomouth Count;*! flrwi Market Plaw Left Estate to The Regiiter1! OtaulB«d Department— UTH CO.UNTY'S GREAT- > Where the Belief Find* Her Daughter 'tho Buyer. - Will of Mr», Josephine Stoffel of "Where the Buyer Meets the Seller" Thirty Word?8TER Red Bank is Probated—Well Known Rumton Resident Left Subi crip tlon Price i One Year 11.50 Six Months S1.00. Single Copy 4c. PAGES 1 TO 8} a Large Estate. ARTICLES FOR SALE. FARM PRODUCE ' MISCELLANEOUS LOST/ VANT ADVERTISEMENTS. ELECTniC refrigerator. 809.60 f. o. b., NOW IK the time to Weather strip jour BALED HAY for Bale. E. D. Lentllbon, LOST, on July * , Mrs. Josophlno Stotfet, a well- nine •quare (eefabelf space, porcelain Mlddlet6wn. phone 681. windows and doors. Call or write us lined. 68 fee cubes; Dry Zero Insulator. for estimates. H. A. Hendrlckion & Co., with Inltlala E they would hold a ape- hnown reBldont of Rod Bank for ARTICLES FOR SALE. VETCH la a nltrojren BRtherinir cover 114 Monmouth atraet, Red Bank, phone ln«\ somewhere to act on it as soon, as it See It lit TuaUng'i. 10 MonmouLb atreet. Atlantic Highl j An Outing For Business of Red many years, executed her will ih OR SALE, Winch' Hed Bank. crop of low coBt, an one bushel of eeqd 1400. a •ter 80 cilibra sun nowfl four ocroat homo jrrown seed at to W. D. Helr - January, 1823. Bho loft $200. to F*lr IIS: ahellie.lt,, lZ'sruKK*. tl.g.51.8o0 for tht! e COItD WOOD, furnace wood and fire- WANTED, UHcd EnullBh aaddlea. brldlei t. Ot 'harneai' , 11.001 wine k«gi, fl (6.00. For sale by H. T. Gtilick & Son, "" '' en complaint was received View cemctory, tho Income from place wood for Bale; price $10 per cord. Mlddlelown. K. J., phone 8S4-J. and equipment. Twin Brook Farm. Tin- Fresh Air Kiddies Bank Of f icialq nd tei dftllon. 1 , 75 cents <iach. Fho: Frail Man, phone Matawan lC82-__ ton Falls road, Eatontown G16. LOST, an ofriuel Riker about the con- which Is to bo usod In caring for her :od Hank -H7.4. Lufburrow lane. It was re- USED TRACTORS; McCormlck-Deerlnir, PLYMOUTH ROCK broilers, 3Zo per OLD GOLD—WJ uay you casi (or four burial plot All tho rest of her es- fSED FURNITURE bought and sold; Bolena and Fordeonsi ono with'Johnaou eld cold iBwelry, watcheB, etc' Reus* Mr. Day. led Bank Rotary Club to Enter- Two Dilapidated Houie* 014 nnytMna from one plcco to contenta of pound, dflllvcrod to yoii direct from tato was loft to hdr daughter, Mrs. cultivating equipment) aleo pi owe, eecdors, BIIICB', 36 Croud jtreet,_Jted_J3ank. etltlon with thirty signatures our name, Visit our •how rooms. Gram- etc. Conovor Dros^ Wlckatunk. K. J.. farm. D. L. Temple, Cranbury, N.J., tain Children at Eunice Home Weat Bergen Place to bd Elizabeth II. Pope, and eho wan™n. Whlto Btreat, Rod Bank. TAkE~LESSdNS"Tn~controct brldje only received asking for a light at phone Holmdel 0. ^* 'rsffl certified teneherj, Unions given With a Trip to Belvedere Razed —Recorder Poulioq r named-executrix-of the will. — I*OR BALK, Peklntfeao dose; wonderful privately or in groups. Jane Williams, -=-re corner of Monmouth avenue and JPTial*!-new -mnUrtii«ar"«ll T1 s Collects $67. •George L. Worthley of Bed Bank, $8.85; feather plllowt 49a each. company ,for young and old; beautiful ORDERS tflkon for ell kinds fresh fruit brldtca and backgammon atudlo, 68 River- . ort Monmouth road at Port Mon- Beach, Keansburg. ' who died at Long Branch a few umoroua other bargain! at Gramann'*, ->ncl very healthy. At Coylo'a Kennels, and vegetablesbles,, squabi. broilcra andnd- ue, phona Bed Bank 8<5j. mouth. 'It was referred to tho light Nutqwamp road, phone llCfl. Red Bank, chickensickens;;; dayolduy.-old eggs.. Applly flypay TTon : I BUY and sell second-band clothes; must .The annual outing of the children At the meeting of tho mayor and weeks ago, made his will four yearn AUT1 WhltO TRUNKo streetS, Befodr Banklaid; : standard lite. g committee. ago last month. He left $100 each SPECIALLY reduced prlceB on ealeaman'a Roomm,. onee milmlloe north Red -Habile, route | ha In good condition. L. Kerber. liOJ t tho Eunice fresh air home at council of Red Bank Monday night Talcphono lied Bank 209B.M.* nartrles ladles' and misses' sport-knit ^J aouth of Headden's Corner. avenue. Red Bank, oho A check for $3,430.34 wag received lhapel hill, under the auspices of theCouncilman J. Albert VanSchoIck r«u to Marie Eaton and Mary E. Ar-BEAUTIFUEATIFUL malmaina Scotch torrlarterrier,. twtwo nults, dnaB«H and BwenUrs. 336 SafconJ FOR BALE, M kinds of fre.h'voeetnbles >m the township committee of yeara old, vlth mnrveloua pedlaree: wilill avenue, Long Branch, near 0unbar ave- V AT EH" SY3TEMB--Folrbanka-MoraaiUestS ted Bank Rotary club, will take ortcd that two unused and dllapN runtB and $50 to Robert'J. Eaton. 1 Ht the farm. Sweet corn gathered while rewBbury township for that town- Kr-lflxcoa . Fhon'CV.nnea afte«»•«r 6i»at .O0n PY>. M1/. M..*Mrs. nue. you wait; No. 1 quality. Ocortio McQueen, u-r systems installed. We «[n)cla'KeanS- ilaco Thursday afternoon of next atcd houses on West Bergen Dl*ce, All of his six and seven per corft orothy Mlnton. Red Bank 8742-M. ilp's share of the cost of Improving stock of the Public ^orvlce company wost end 01 Fattcrsort avenue, Shrewsbury, puriip rcpuirlnK. Residence. Midi nnhllr eek, following the club's usual between Bridge avenue and \v"lItovS! pE BOX. medium alted, In fair condition. J. J.. i.hono Mlddlotown 66. PI* P">""- Swimming River road. 'eekly luncheon. These outings are street, were a fire menace. He laid hcniinganil tinning.._ Fred. 0. Hii-.?°Lnaburg = J LiindJ$10S4n«ftBh;Hertbequeathe4t$.q o "WO., lnqulCT...()jj..E(itti!rtjaM» FARMERS, end truclCN»rovt«rfcwlll-8ndn : pj *P fj--. jj/f—.jifl'inm o n u ^ tiur'huiises Vera-Bcr run •flown" triad-" ready marlcet for their produce by nu- SUMMER BOARD—Shady Kniyat village rM*b7"'TfilTotiiSfiSaing'""T!i5fBfe l' St Peter P. Ervlnff.' 'All the; rest of his n, N. J, 1 id Joseph G. Weskosky of Leonardo T MISS thoBo bargains! Ltvlnr room vertlalne ID The Rcaloter .. classified coU rend. Fair Havens dellffhtfolalnts and he club's summer program and thethey were at the-point of collapsings estate, Including stock and money, 3L10.J, limns. ^ omo lor (Bmlllesi five-acre ct *1 __j ere appointed special policemen They have frequently boon uned bj] mil to $19, dining room suite $2f>, bed- cd TM O mombers and their l&dieB look for- was bequeathed to Mrs, Florenco M. oom nutte JSfi, Ice boxci, cnest of draw- 80D for Kolf courecf), ternicce, Inwna and lent meals i near ocean. Ter and JUB- thout salaries. ward to a great afternoon with tho tramps for sleeping quarters, Mr< Ervlng and she was appointed execu- >rs, droHBem, at 8t>i new bed outfit $9; cem«t«ries, ^ William Kano, MlddletQwn wlth running water; 1032 /Dp. delegated VanSchoIck expressed fear that tht 'ontnurant RUPPI.OH, office deika, books. 281-J. BUSINESS NOTICES. Z83jt5ilj!ajik j the atteh- jroup of children of the New York trix of tho will. itc, at very nttrnctlva prices. Red Bank : tr houses would catch fire and the) FIREWOOD, 13.00 tier load; locusw |joit» BAKTON CHAMBEHLAIN, contractor and WHEAT ORDERS taken tjommlttee last cnement district that arc fortunate •^urnlttirQ Auction Eoomi, 85 East Front and lumbar for sale. Cuitom sawing flames would spread to other builds Charles Lawrence Rlker, a well- trcet, phon>'218.* builder; Jobbing •epeclallr. Ill South ery Boon crop harveatr jnough to iave been sent for . known Bumson rosldont, executed done. Charles G. Bennett, Mlddtetawn. atreot. Red Bank, phone 8S5I. many poultry men came ; Activities of the ings. 3IHLS1 BIOVCLB for BHIO, practtcally new, N. J.. phone 70. week's stay at tho fresh air home hlB will In 1015. All of his wearing JOSEPH PKONE, mason, bi]lldcr &nd croi) sold out. Price rlrjn a very I :hrough the courtesy of charity The taxes on the houses have noli *10. Call Red Bank 2.084-W.* SOD, top .oil, fill dirt, cinderl, gravel, general contructor; fiitlmatet. planfl, apparel, Jewolry, silverware, house- 'OR SALE. 28-foot cabin cruiser, com- manure: also grading of all kinds. PriceB riiociflcatloni furnslhedi jobbing and altoaltorr- aLUM^SNu^nFT *™ O'»«« Woman's Club ivorkers. been paid for several yeara arid foil hold furniture and automobiles wore pletely equipped; self starter, motor and rliht. ClnuJo C. VVrlcht, Mttle Sllvor. atlons ulven speciaill attentiontti . Ol lel a24 2466 convalescents, ohron'Dg to what he had For several seasons, with the ex-this reason they arc virtually owned ender; S17G.0Oi'h&ve no .use fnr same, W. J,, ph£no Bed Bank HJ%J. lyftlghlon avanue, Red Bank, phone 186. ous cases. Licensed, and BUbStanCO of by the town—They have deteriorated, - bequeathed to his wife, Selena 8 ;eption of last year on account of the Klkor. Ills godchildren, Margaret B. loo Mr. Brooks. Fair HnvonYicht Works. TJSED TIItES, off makes ami »lic», ?1.00 CURCKIN'3 for roil art. Curchln's harder private rooms. 700 B' Executive Board of Red Bank Into a condition beyond repair* Tha up. Stout'B The Store, 121 West front shop la tha place whore art means some- phone Red Hank nfantile paralysis epidemic, the Ro- Strong, Francos |T. Rlkor, Helen 8, nti-oit.
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