^ . • •. : • t ■ ■ ‘ . r-n'.-’ ■ l THE WEATHER NET PRESS RUN Foreeaat by O. 8. Weather Barcan, AVERAGE DAILi CIRCULATION Net* U area for the Month ol July, 1»29

I Conn. State Library— Corap, Showers tonight follow^ by 5,301 clearing Saturday. Membera of the Andlt Bnrean of Clrcolationa ______PRICE THREE CENTS SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1929. SIXTEEN PAGES VOL. XLIIL, NO. 264. (Ciassitied Advertising on I’age 14) LEflON TDRNS~I NAVAL PARLEY Denies She’ll Wed Young Hoover ZEPPEUN NOW OVER PACinC OVER AFFAIRS ! TO BE CALLED TOFDNMKERS F O R j c r m RIDES THROUGH FIERCE GALE Forty and Eight Mostly in Premier MacDonald, of Human Heart Kept Alive BOLTS THREATEN Charge of Convention in Great Britain to Be Its 30 Hours After Man Died Hartford Today — Sponsor— Other Powers GIANJ[D1RIGIBLE Cambridge. Mass., Aug. 23— Tbat^^to beat, and the pencil traced the to Be Invited Later. line of heart action. Parade This Evening. a human heart survived thirty “ A beating heart can be made to hours after the death of the indi­ beat much more rapidly by passing vidual, was told today to the sound waves through It,” the phy- Hartford, Aug. 23.— The Ameri- Washington, Aug. 23.— If nego­ Airship Strikes Storm Area 300 Miles from Start of tiations for Anglo-American naval Physiological Congress Prof, siologist stated. ean Legion convention session to­ Eusebio A. Hernandez, Paris, But it would not be possible to day adopted resolutions calling for agreement continue to progress at who told of his own experiments, ^resuscitate a person whose heart Third Leg of Journey— Worse Storm Than Graf Ex­ a bigger cruiser service for the their present satisfactory pace, it The Parisian physiologist pro­ stopped beating, by means of sound waves because the tissues would United States Navy, prompt con­ is entirely likely that a qall for a posed that a study of death be perienced Over Atlantic Last October— Command­ struction of all cruisers called for general naval conference will go made by an international organiza­ absorb them and not penetrate the chest cavity.” by the so-called “ cruiser bill;” uni­ out from Washington sometime in tion of physiologists. Prof. Hernandez’s proposal fol­ Dr. Philip B. Hawk of-the food er Eckener Plays Tag With Death for Minutes While versal draft service in case of war; October— with Premier Ramsay research laboratories of New York increased pay for men now In the MacDonald of Great Britain as its lowed the experiment performed Army and Navy of the United before the congress by Prof. E. said that ha discovered that there sponsor. was no noticeable difference in ef­ States to make up for the dimin­ The White House expects Mac­ Newton Harvey, of Princeton, in Lightning Flashes Around Huge Airhag— Passengers ished purchasing power of the dol­ which a dead heart was set beating fect from drinking six cups of cof­ Donald to come to Washington fee daily compared with drinking lar; and adequate training for the about the middle of October. rythmlcally by supersound waves. Calm During Ordeal— Ship Making Fast Time. young men of the nation who Lake i Dr. Harvey placed a heart of a of one cup. By that time, it is expected, the The International Congress the citizens military training camp naval experts will have jockeyed frog in a glass tube. A level was attached from the heart to a re­ comes to an end this afternoon at cours6s. the current negotiations to a point Sanders theater. Harvard. Follow­ (Copyright 192D. INS) In considering state matters, the where the British premier will be volving drum which showed a Legion passed resolutions urging straight line, the sign of death. ing that, several expeditions of On Board Graf Zeppelin, August 23.— (Via Radio).— The able to announce that “ substantial physiologists will leave for other that women who served during the accord” e.xists between Great Brit­ Then without any change in the Graf Zeppelin, en route from Kasumigaura Flying Field, to Los surroundings, the ventricles began centers of research. war be given accommodations in ain and the United States on the Angeles, on the third leg of its round-the-world flight, today the new government hospital that knotty questioh of naval parity. successfully passed through the worst storm in the history of Is to be erected at Newington. Then Other Invitations. the Legion voted to urge that a The invitations to Japan, France BOY SCOUTS DISLIKE its air travels. . , . Connecticut Boy Scout Day be sel The airship struck the storm within 300 miles after the and Italy, the other great naval SKIRTS AS UNIFORMS. aside annually, with the last Satur­ powers, to join with Great Britain MOTHER DEMANDS start from Kasumigaura, at 3:12 p. m. (2:12 a. m.. Eastern day or Sunday in June suggested and the United States in a general as feasible. New York, Aug. 23.— “ ScotOh Daylight Time). . ^ 4.1 u- u +v,« produced. The huge cast has been Scouts have a neat outfit— but The storm was of greater intensity than that which tne The resolutions affecting na­ The Issuance of such a call from RETURN OF CHILD tional matters will be submitted to Rumors, that she is engaged to Allan Hoover, son of the president, skirts won’t go in America,” Graf encountered over the Atlantic last October during the first Washington by a British premier declared Duggie Ryden and the national convention of the Le­ would give it a joint sponsorship are denied by Miss Alice Davis, ab ove, but she admits that they flight from Friedrichshafen to Lakehurst, and was far more gion. “ are very god friends.” She and her father, Dwight- F. Davis, Brinkley Bass, Boy Scouts of aspect of consilerable moral value. Beaumont, Texas, who stopped dangerous. ______This is the way administration newly-appointed governor of the Philippines, recently arrived at Hartford, Aug. 23.— The Ameri­ Manila, where this picture was taken. Below, she is shown with Grandparents Say They here today en route home from The storm furnished the p a s s e n ------>9 officials would like to see things the world jamboree of Scouts in. ZEPPELIN’S LOG can Legion, assembled in the work out. her father at a reception in his honor. Notice the absence of full dress gers aboard the Graf, and Dr. eleventh annual convention of its coat, bacause of the heat. England. Hugo Eckener and his officers, ] Department of Connecticut, devot- It is realized, however, that there Adopted Child and Re­ In the opinion of Bass, the New York, Aug. 23.— Fol­ still remin a great, number of for­ tl-eir first experience with an elec­ rd much time to fun-making to- Prince of Wales wore “ sloppy” trical storm while in flight. lowing is the log of the Graf midable hurdles to overcome before shorts when he visited the jlay. Serious matters included re­ For several minutes, which Zeppelin since the beginning of such a program can be realized. fuses to Give It Up. Scouts in England. her round-the-worlfl fljght. All ports of county officers, and ad­ There is the cruiser controversy, seemed like hours to those in the “ Well, anyway the; Prince has times are Eastern Daylight Sav­ dresses by other patriotic societies on which “ satisfactory progress” is ] NINE PLANES SET DEMOCRATS PLAN control cabin, the vivid flashes of in Connecticut, from the G. A. R., a way about him that makes ing time. being made, but on which neverthe­ New York, Aug. 23— Mrs. Helen one forget the shorts,” another the deadly lightning played about to the organization of Veterans of less the British and American ex­ the great silver hulk of the air­ THURSDAY, AUG. 9. Foreign Wars. During the day the Von Tilzer Marx, who married tha Texas Scout declared. 12:40 a. m.— Ijcft Lakehurst. perts are still some distance apart. FOR OREGON RACE ATTACK ON TARIFF Some of the scouts arrived ship. Any one of those brilliant matter of selecting officers for There is also the uncertain state of fifth Marx brother, claims she has bolts, the concussion of which 1:45 a. m.— Circled Statue of another year went on slowly. There lost her baby through a technicality here wearing English monocles Ijiberty in New York har­ the reparations situation in Europe, 1 and carrying ash walking sticks, sounded like the rending of the was no strong candidate for de­ which has an important bearing on and brought suit todav to recover universe, would have blown the bor, the official starting partment commander of the Legion i ----- — ------— the projected naval conference. Un­ great air liner and its human car­ point of the round-the- appeared in sight even as late as less there is a peaceable settlement To Fly to Cleveland, 0.; Hoi- Start Work Today to Draft it. ■ world flight. Mrs. Marx, recently married Milton go to bits, had a direct hit been noon, though all the men whose of this question in the present con­ registered on one of the gas bags. SATURDAY, AUG. 11 names were mentioned had sub­ ference at the Hague,, it is consid­ Marx wealthy dress manufacturer 8:00 a. m.— Landed at Fried­ stantial followings and seemed to man Is Picked to Win the! Amendments to Sugar and brother of the well-known ATTEMPT LAUNCHED Play With Death richshafen. ered very doubtful here if Mac­ During this time Dr. Eckener be running about even in the race. Donald will be able to come to stage quartette (Harpo, Groucho. WEDNESD.AY, AUG. 14 The election takes place late to­ Zeppo and Chico). She had pre­ and his navigating officers literal­ 11:35 p. m.— Departed for To- Washington. He will be too busy Contest. I and Other Schedules. ly played tag with wholesale death morrow morning, to be followed by at home. ‘ And in that event, too, viously been the wife of R. Russell- TO RESCUE PARLEY kio on the second leg of the the parade that ends the conven­ Von Tilzer. son of Jack Von Tilzer, iu the skleh, but the Graf rode round-the-world flight. the whole naval reduction project magnificently through the ordeal. tion. may be jeopardized by the political millionaire music publisher and MONDAY. AUG. 19 Facing the convention in Foot estrangement of England and her Portland, Oregon. Aug. 23.— Washington, Aug. 23.— Eager for moving picture man. Young Von The roaring motors never once fal­ 5:40 a. m.— Landed at Kasu­ Guard Hall today were _Jg,mes A. Continental neighbors. Nine sleek birds of flight today pending tariffs wars. Democratic Tilzer died shortly after the birth tered, and not once did the great migaura air field, near To- of their baby, Karlyn Olga, who is Powers Unite to Work Out silver hull fail to respond smooth­ Haggerty, of Willimantic, depart­ Officials Puzzled. were groomed for a race from here j members of the Senate finance kio. ment commander of the G. A. R., now nineteen months old. ly and unerringly to the move- FRIDAY, AUG, 2S Administration officials here to Cleveland. These, and possibly committee met today to devise a Thomas McLagan, of Hartford, were somewhat puzzled today over 1 The elder Von Tilzers have the Scheme to Satisfy De­ ment-of her rudder or stabilizers. 2:12 a. m.!:—Departed for Los state commander of the Disabled London dispatches hinting that the two more, were scheduled to take I campaign for wholesale slashing of child in their Larchmont home. All on board, from Dr. Eckener Angeles on the third le* of ’ I the sharp increases in industrial down to the airship’s diminutive proposed conference might include off at ten a. m., from the Swan j ^ew Republican tariff They refuse to surrender it, accord­ globe encircling voyage; (Continued on Page Three.) ing to Mrs. Marx. cabin boy, realized the danger, but only Great Britain, the United Island Airport. i bill. mands of Great Britain. 6:10 a. m.— Reported over States and Japan. MacDonald pub­ Demands Child one and all remained calm. Sanohe in northern Japa*. Charles W. Holman, Chicago,! Democrats came into the picture The plaintiff mother today asked Lady Hay Calm licly stated only a few dgys ago 4- and W. H. Emery, Bradford, Pa.. as Republican tariff-makers stepped Supreme Court Justice Alfred The Hague. Netherlands, Aug. Lady Drymmond-Hay, the only that any naval accord reached be­ aside after completing their revision m tween the United States and Great were among the latest to arrive Frankenthaler to order the grand- 23— A new attempt was launched woman passenger on board, was REV. EMPRINGHA here. Earl Wright, San Francisco, of the House bill. Democrats met the coolest and apparently the least chosen excellent flying weather for Britain would necessarily be de­ with Senator Simmons of North K g e l she w4rrnduced‘ ^fconse^t today to-save the. Hague conference the start 'of the Pacific leg of his pendent upon the willingness of the and D. G. Warren had not arrived concerned of the passengers, just last night but may arrive in time Carolina, minority tariff leader, to t'^ adoption of the chi'.d through j on reparations and post-war pro- trip, and that he was driving bis other powers, i. e., France and draft arpejidments to the Republi­ as she was the heroine of the inci­ charge at an average of better QUITS MINISTRY Italy, to go along. Neither Wash­ to start the race. misrepresentation. blems from collapse. dent in the main cabin when the Holman and C. D. Dickinson, 72- can bill arid to determine a course WTien she went to Europe on her than 85 miles per hour. ington nor London is disposed to of strategy for approaching de- Delegates of France, Belgium, Graf so nearly plunged into the sea It was not known here whether drastically limit navies while leav­ year-old aviation enthusiast, drop- ^ second honeymoon, Mrs. Marx al­ Japan and,Italy met with the Ger­ off Bermuda, last October, on the ped in from Chicago with their j ba^es. leges that the Von Tilzers suggest­ the Graf’s commander was follow­ ing other powers free to build as Democrats will concentrate their man representatives in an effort to first Lakehurst flight. Her magnifi­ ing the practice established on the Temperance Leader Launch­ they please. I heaviest fire upon a few industrial ed that she give them temporary work out a scheme to satisfy 75 cent behavior had a most beneficial There have been mutual conces- guardianship of the baby. trans-Siberian journey of using pany Holman in the race. i accept almost ver- per cent of the demands made by effect on the other passengers. but three or four of the Zeppelin's cessions by the British and the “ They told me they would kee^ Philip Snowden on behalf of the Brief Storm Holmfn rconsfdered one of the I batim increases in the agricultural Karlyn while I was. abroad,” s a ': five motors to conserve fuel, or es Bitter Attack Against British government. The storm was not actually of whether all five motors were bein^ (Continued on Page Three.) best bets. He won the (Gardner | ^chedule.^^^^^^^^^^ Demands. Mrs.- Marx. "As soon as I returned The plan calls for the Allied na­ long duration, nor did its wildly and established by new home they used to develop full speed. trophy race between St. Louis and , appeared the sugar, watch, ce- tions to contribute two-thirds of twisting currents and deadly light­ The reports from Taira and Bishop Mannmg of N. Y. Indipapolis this spring as as | ^ iron schedules would be promised to give iny baby back to , amount demanded by Britain ning flashes seriously delay the me.’’ Senohe indicated Dr. Eckener was placing first in the Los Angeles hardest by Democrats, although in excess of the reparations total progress of the air liner. following the course tentatively Cincinnati Air Derby in 1928. | effort undoubtedly will be made Signed Papers New York, Aug. 23.— The calm FARMER IS HELD provided for under the Young plan Almost as soon as the main cab­ announced before the start from Tex Rankin s plane was attract- ^>,3 On the day of her wedding, Mrs. while Germany would supply the in ceased to heave and roll as the surface of the ecclesiastical sea was ing considerable attention. His Marx declares she signed legal Kasumiguara— via Hokkaido, the little ruffled today by the sensa­ free list. remaining third. navigating officers hurled it this Kurile islands, the Aleutian isl­ Waco ship has neither wheels or Senator Borah (R) of Idaho, papers but objected to the word Not Very Hopeful way and that,. seeking the least tional action of Dr. James Empring- shock absorbers. Large tires at­ adoption. She declares that she ands and down the Pacific coast, ter ham, erstwhile anti-vice crusader FOR KILLING BOY gave Democrats some hope for suc­ Observers were»none too hopeful dangerous areas of the storm, than tached directly to the hub consti­ cess in their efforts to slash indus­ was assured this was merely a that the scheme would be worked the passengers gathered around Los Angeles. and superintendent of the Church technicality. Kasumigauia Air Field, ToWo, Temperance and Health Education tute the landing gear. trial rates. ■ Borah issued a state­ out successfully, however, for even the dining table for dinner. C. F. Bates, Milwaukee pilot is ment, declaring the bill should be Counsel for the Von Tilzers in if Germany were persuaded to The meal was finished at 9 p. m. Aug. 23.— Starting out on the Societies, in resigning from the opposing the court application, longest sustained flight over water Protestant Episcopal clergy and Says He Was Not at Home flying the same Waco speed j present form as it furnish this additional amount, (S a. m.. Eastern Daylight time), plane thatvW'on the national air tcjur.} economic inequality denied that fraud was practised there was considerable uncertainty without furth'jr incident. ever attempted by aircraft, the launching a bitter attack upon the and asserted Mrs. Marx is not en­ passenger dirigible Graf Zeppelin tenets of religion adhered to by last year and which placed third 1 ^jg(..^ggjj g^gJ.Jg^Jt;ure and industry, as to whether Snowden would he As this dispatch was filed, soon When Children Were Shot in the 1928 New. York-Los Angeles 1 gorah declared the increase titled to the baby. willing to accept this compromise. after dinner, the Graf was running left the Kasumigaura air field at Bishop William T. Manning. At the time of her remarriage, Dr. Empringham, whose activi­ race. on farm , products rates were ade­ Germany’s share in the conces­ smoothly, making about 81 land 3:12 p. m., today (2:12 a. m. New Route Of Race according to defendant’s counsel, York Daylight Saving time) for ties in connection with the health quate to protect agriculture in.the sion would be as follows: miles per hour. The airship’s posi­ In His Cornfield. The route from Missoula where present niarket, he said the larger Mrs. Marx was contented to permit 1. Increase the unconditional an­ Los Angeles on the third leg of its Education Society were recently adoption because she feared that tion was then more than 300 subjected to criticism and censure. the first overnight stop is schedul­ increases in industrial rates would nuities. miles northeast of Kasumiguara flight around the world. ed will be to Billings, Mont., and her second husband might object to The “ jinx” which had held the Is understood to be in New York, 2. Renounce its claim to the sur air-field. then to Bismarck, N. D., for the (Continued on Page 2.) the child. pills accruing ' during the transi­ giant air liner captive at this air­ but his precise whereabouts are un­ Somerville, N. J., Aug. 23.— The court reserved decision. Now that the experience of the While his alleged slayer maintain­ second night. St. Paul,, Minn., will tion period between the Dawes and storm is past, both passengers and port for 36 hours beyond the time known. Bishop Manning, who is at which she was scheduled to ed a stolid indifference in jail here be the next night stop and then the Young plans in favor of Britain. officers df the Zeppelin are de­ vacationing in Maine, has made no racers will hop to Milwaukee, for Herr Gustav Stresemann. Ger start fled with the slackening of reply to Dr. Empringham’s charges little Johnnie Kolesar, 12-year-old WOMAN IS MURDERED lighted with the performance of tlie that the former’s interpretation of the last night stop before heading man foreign minister and chief ship in time of such dire stress. cross-jyinds which had swept, the sen of an immigrant widow, was NORELIUS LEADING Christianity was a “ lie and a curse for South Bend, Ind., and Cleve­ German delega,te to the conference The experience has added confi­ field all during the morning, and buried today in Sacred Heart cem­ land, Ohio. was unwilling to participate in this dence to the already complete as­ under the expert direction of Com­ to humanity.” IN FIGHT OVER FENCE compromise attempt, which augur mander Dr. Hugo Eckener, the Writes From California etery at Weston. It was the price Six thousand dollars in prizes surance felt on all hands, of the are to be awarded: First, $3,000; ^ BIG TORONTO SWIM ' r ill for its success from the start Graf’s ability to weather almost any huge craft started on the Third Ian In a letter written on Aug. 17 he paid for attempted theft of a To Consult Socialist of its epochal journey without dif­ from Fontana, Cal., where Em­ second, $1,500: third, $750; | Neighbors Quarrel Ov,er Boun­ kind of a storm which may beset few ears of corn to roast. fourth, $450 and fifth, $300. | “ “ The allied delegates, however pringham has been staying, he asks dary Armed With Shotguns; the air. Everyone aboard con­ ficulty. _ ^ Hard-visaged mill workers, many decided to consult the Socialist gratulated themselves and one;an- The dirigible lost no time get­ to be relieved of his clerica". com­ leader Breitschied, Herr Brunning mission, frankly admitting his loss of them weeping silently, and their No. 9 Major G. Eckerson, Spring- j OlYHipiC Gll< ampion Slightly Two Wounded. otber on the airship’s behavior. All ting into its 85-mile-an-hour stride poorly-clad families filled Sacred field. Ore.— J-5 taper winger Waco. \ ^ chief of the Centre Party and Dr were happy, too, pver the splendid for 14 minutes after the take-off of faith in the church’s creed. Marion, 111., Aug. 23.— Mrs. Ora Hjalmar Schacht, president of the Simultaneously, he sent copies of Heart church Avhen a requiem No. 1 :. Tex Rankin, Portland,! progress the ship is making toward the Graf was reported over Mito mass was said for the freckle-faced Oregon.— J-6 taper winged Waco, j Ahead of National Title- Howard was slain and her husband Reichsbank, all- of whom have now Los Angeles. city, 65 miles north of Tokio and the letter for publication here. and 13-year-old son, Lloyd were The communication, which termi­ lad. No. 30. W. H. Emery, Bradford, 1 arrived here. more than 21 miles from the aero­ In Somerset hospital here Pennsylvania. Traveliar. | seriously wounded today In a shot­ In spite of Stresemann’s attitude, Tokio, Aug. 24.— The giant air­ drome. nates relations with Bishop Man­ holder First Stretch. gun battle which climax'ed a feud ^ there seemed to be some chance ning that has been strained for sev­ Joseph Klementovitch, ten, John­ No. 40. Charles Holman, Chicago, j liner, Graf Zeppelin, carrying a Escorted by Planes nie’s playmate, clung to a slender 111.— Laird. between the Howard family and i tha,t the other German delegates complement of eighteen passengers The Zeppelin was accompanied eral years, bristled with hostility would agree to these proposals, but to the bishop’s leadership in the thread of life. His abdomen and No. 4 2. Snydor Hall, St. Louis, that of Loyce Kimmell. , . _ and forty-one members of the by a fleet of five Japanese military chest were torn in the hail of Mo.— J-5 Travelair. | Toronto,' Out., Aug- 23.— Miss Kimmell, 35, is in the county ; even this would still leave Britain crew, late tonight was over north­ airplanes which took off from church. Opinion in church circles to be honsidered. here today was that the resignation buckshot that killed the Kolesar No. 45. Clarence F. Bates, Mil-i Ruth Tower of Toronto and Miss jail here charged with the shooting. ern Japan, well on its way toward Kasumigaura shortly oefore the waukee, Wis.— J-5 taper winged Martha Norelius, New York, na­ The families lived on neighboring A stumbling block may arise in Los Angeles via the Great Circle Giaf launched herself into the air. would be accepted, and that in all boy. the reported demand, of Snowden ^)V3,C0. ' tional and Olympic champion, were farms. route, making wonderful speed. Big Crowd Present '.ikelihood no official reply would be Charged With Murder that the remaining 25 per cent un­ Craig Hoffman, 44, well-to-do No. 88. T. U. Wells, Wichita,! practically in a dead heat in the The quarrel arose over a boun­ Just four hours after Dr. Hugo As the probable time of the hop- nade to the resigned clergyman’s dary fence and waxeci into _^bitter satisfied demands be covered by an charges. scion of a long line of New Kansas.— J-5 Travelair. |first stretch of the ten mile swim -at Eckener, commander of the round- off had been announced several — Dick Rankin, Portland, Ore­ the Canadian national swimming hatred when the two inen met at “ economic understanding” design­ the-world airship, gave the order hours previously, ri mammoth Dr. Empringham stated he would landowners, is charged with mur­ ed to relieve Britain’s home sltua- gon.— J-5 Waco. events here today. the line dividing their farms this “ let go!” at Kasumigaura airfield, crowd had assembled at the aero­ come to New York to “ face his de- der in the slaying of Johnnie, atro­ j tion. ■ cious assault and battery in the No, 123. Ben Clark, Portland, Official timings for the three morning with shotguns. near here, to begin the third leg of drome to bid the aerial monarch Eamers” in connection with the Mrs. Howard was shot through-1 closing of the health clinic, during wounding of Joseph, and with as­ ! Oregon.— J-4 Travelair. leaders at the end of the first the world-circling flight, the air­ farewell. It was' estimated that sault and battery in the wounding ] stretch were Miss Tower 25 min­ the heart and died instantly. How- ! POLICE FORCE IN MIX-UP. ship was sighted passing over several hundred thousand person^, jperation of which he has been ac­ ard, shot in the face arid chest, is Mattawan, N. J., Aug. 23.— Two- cused of posing as a ^ medical of Joseph’s sister, Helen, less seri- utes and 22 seconds; Miss Norelius Sanohe, Aomuri Prefecture, 343 including German ind other for­ ously injured. FLIGHT POSTPONED 25 minutes and 23 seconds and not believed fatally hurt. The boy I thirds of this town’s polirie force miles northeast of Tokio. eign residents as well as Japanese, luthorlty in examining patients .He was *Iess .seriously injured. jof three , today awaited Grand claims he has a “ clean conscience” , He protests he was not at home Miss Ethel Hertle, New York, 26 Two hours previously the word were on the field when ;he Zeppe­ when the children'were shot. They New York, Aug. 23.— Because of (minutes and 30 seconds. j Jury action on assault and battery had reached Tokio that the Zeppe­ lin soared majestically into the sky. ind emphatically denies allegations SUES ills WIFE charges ’ preferred against each :hat he ever did any medical work. were mowed down while in the unfavorable weather. Captain R os-! ' Shortly after the first stretch was ^ lin had passed over Tiara, which The Graf had been ready since coe Turner today postponed until-. turned Miss Norelius took the lead other after Police Chief Edwin is approximately 125 miles north­ midnight to take off on the lon^- ccrnfield on the Blue Ribbon farm New York. Aug. 23.— Wed forty- Sloat disputed Patrolman Leroy tomorrow morning his return trans-! arid Miss Tower was trailing by two east of the capital. trans-Pacifle flight. At that time, TREASURY BALANCE. he and Bis brother, Grover, inher­ eight years, Charles Decordova, 75, Sproul’s right to a night off. Sloat ited years ago. continental flight to Los Angeles. | boat lengths. Miss Norelius was Excellent Weather I pairs to the rear motor gondolk* "a swimming 58 strokes to the minute, a tea broker, today sued to prevent claimed Sproul .knocked him down ’ Washington, Aug. 23.— Treasury Johnnie’s sister Anna, who es­ He will stop en route at Cincinnati. Sproul Both reports of the liner’s prog-1 with Miss Tower doing only 4 6 his wife disposing of their $75;000 jand kicked him while (Continne on Page 2)( jalance August 21: $107,235,348.- caped the hail of shot, and Helen Tulsa, Oklahoma and Albuquerque, savlnzs. all In fecurlties. charges Sloat hit him first. ress indicated Dr. , Eckener had fO. Klementovitch have identified him. N. M. strokes. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 23,1929. PAGE TWO

Georgia newspaper has ' been til the throng finally assumed such WENCIS G IE RETURNS, thrown into temporary receivership ZEP NOW OVER OCEAN proportions that a -cordon of. gen­ 13 WOMEN LEFT ' SAVE MONEY darmes had to be thrown up to ^ GERMANS PROTEST POWER FIRM PAID by a row between its owners, Wil-, leave sufficient clearance space in i Ham Lavarre and Harold Hall, it j WELCOMED BY MOTHER On Your Children’s RIDES THROUGH STORM front of the hangar. INAIRDQIBY was revealed in testimony. I Following the departure from ENGLAND’S STAND PAPER’S EXPENSES Checks as Evidence. Kasumigaura, Mr. Eckener planned School Shoes N ow ! Two checks, dated respectively (tlontinaert Irom Page 1.) to follow a course which would take Father, However, Determined July 25 and August 3, 1929, total­ him .north along the Curile island ing 16,500 were sent to the Chron­ ! to Have Marriage Annulled damaged when the ship was being to ,Cape Lopatka, at the southern Allies Are Trying to : If He Can. Twenty Started for Cleve­ icle by the International Paper & walked out of its hangar for the ^ d of Kamchatka, and thence Money Supplied to Southern Power Co., according to verbal and take-off early yesterjjay, had been southeast and northeast along the documentary evidence. completed, and the passengers had Aleutian Island chain following the land But Accidents Forc­ This testimony was brought Sadde Cost of Their Dif­ Love for her mother caused, Journal Up Until a Few assembled for the start. route of the United States Army Jennie Wencis, 16 year old. north] out when W. S. Morris, auditor of But a cross-wind of sharp veloci­ world flight. the Chronicle, called as a witness ty was blowing across the field, and* After reaching Unalaska. the nose ferences Upon Germany. ’end girl, to cut short her honey­ ed Seven Out of the Race. Weeks Ago. for Hall, was cross-examined by Dr. Eckener decided it would be of the dirigible will be pointed to­ moon in New York and return to counsel for Lavarre. Hall is seek­ risky to attempt to take the ship ward Vancouver, and from that Manchester today after she had ing operating control of the Augus­ Fort Worth, Texas, Aug. 23. —^ I from its hangar until the breeze point the ship will follow the Berlin, Aug. 23.— A fresh storm eloped with John Puzines of New Their number further diminished ta paper, together with the Colum­ subsided. coastline of the United States, pass­ Macon, Ga., Aug. 23.^Money bia, S. C., Record, and the Spartan­ of protest and indignation swept j York against the wishes of her par­ by accidents and illness, 13 remain­ Wind Dies Down ing over Seattle and San Francisco. ents. ing entrants in the Santa Monica to supplied by the International Paper burg, S. C., Herald and Journal, About noon, it was seen that the The Graf started 'with Its full Germany today as a result of the which Hall and Lavarre purchased Jennie left home Monday morn­ Cleveland W’omeii'*s Air Derby Company, a holding corporation for wind was decreasing in velocity, load of passengers, but for a while allegation that the Allies at The ing and when she failed to return were to take off here today on the Don’t wait until the la^ day. with money borrowed from the and Dr. Eckener again ordered' all the largest power utility in New yesterday it appeared that some Hague conference are “ trying to from the mill, where she was em­ sixth lap of their eastward race. Jlave your children’s ^hool power company. " : made ready for the start. The would be left behind. When the saddle the cost of their differences Twenty feminine pilots started in England, continued until a few Knew of Payment. ployed, her parents became alarm­ ground crew of 500 Japanese sol­ broken motor gondola was repaired. upon the Germans.” ed. They ent to police headquar-!the event last Sunday. Three who shoes rebuilt and save the price weeks ago, to defray the expenses “Did you as auditor of the com­ diers, sailors and marines was re­ Dr. Eckener did not anticipate be­ Editorial comment was couched of the Augusta, Ga.; Chronicle, It ters herd in effort to locate theirlleft El Paso on the 600-mlle'Texas of a new pair. pany know that the International assembled, and the passengers took ing held up any longer by winds, in bitter terms, although the So­ was testified today at the Lavarre- Paper Company ■vyas furnishing the missing daughter and in the excite-v'^ash were prevented from reaching their places in the main gondola. and he ordered his passengers to cialists press held aloof as an evi­ Fort Worth by mishaps. Hall injunction hearing. Chronicle money directly?” he was ment of-the matter became involv­ There was some delay while Dr. leave Tokio at 6:10 p. m., Thursday dent concession io the political ed in an automobile accident that Florence Lowe Barnes, San The money continued to be fur­ Eckener bid farewell to a number for Kasumigaura. The Selwitz nished the Chronicle despite the complexion of the Labor govern- sent the mother to the hospital. Marino, Calif., and Blanche Noyes, The witness admitted he did. of Japanese dignitaries and govern­ He planned to start at 10 ment which is in power in England. Cleveland, damaged their planes in wide publicity given efforts of the Further questions elicited from _ — u I The accident happened the day Shoe Shop ment officials who had come to the o’clock Thursday night, and when, Non-Soclallst newspapers raged after Jennie ran aN RAINPROOF 2RM.&___ SRM. ElicreiClIGHTCO EARLIER. Double Feature / ! W hundeihoft" Attraction lAi ------With ------MANCHESTER SANDY BEACH j e E X R E ^ FAY WRAY — RICHARD ARLEN BALLROOM ONE DAY ONLY A Thrilling, E'ast .Moving SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK Saturday Eve;, Aug. 24! :------ALSO ------Drama of the Code of the GUS EDWARDS’ Wednesday Aug. 28 ORANGE ICE CREAM AND International Beauties! Underworld. Dazzling ,25c — 50c. PINEAPPLE ICE CREAM World’s Most Beautiful Girls] >Iovietone Revue DON’T MISS IT ! . . . ADMISSION PRICES ...... • • in a . “SONG OF Also Bulk Ice Cream and Fancy Shapes. Grounds — Manchester Riding Academy Will select prettiest girl ini THE ROSES” the ballroom who , will be For sale by the followingf local dealers: Featuring a Bevy of ' Free Parking Space ! crowned Miss Eastern Conpj Beautiful Girl^. necticut and awarded a gold j Farr Brothers Packard’s Pharmacy SPECIAL FEATURE! prize. 981 Main Street At the Center Music by “ DIAMOND THE HANNEFORP FAMILY t t ! MASTER” STATE World’s Greatest Riders! Duffy and Robinson Edward J. Murphy The Commanders STATE NEWS (‘WHERE THE SCREEN SPEAKS” 111 Center Street Depot Square Winners of Battle of Music and Featured at Riverside Ballroom ..6 •• i V I

M a n c h e s t e r EVENINa HERl^n)r S0T]TH^MA^CHESTER,'^G0NN7"5RTiyAY; AXJGU 28,1929rr

reached between the, . po'krers on HILLS GROVE KILUHiS SWEETHEART TOWN FACES 4 SHITS post-war financial problems, it was WED IN NEW YORK GETS IVY POISON ALONG Wapping CRANE HOPES TO stated in an Exchange Telegraph, dispatch from the Hague today. NEED RESERVES Modem and Old Fashioned WHEN SHE SPURNS HIM IN OAK ST. CRASH Interviewed as he was about to (Special to the Herald) WITH JAG OF CRAWFISH DANCES ESTABLISH STUDIO partake in the “compromise confer, New York, Augpist 23— Charles Prize Fox Trot ence” with the delegates of Italy, TO STOP PANICS J. Mlnicucci, 24, of 178 Oak street. SATURDAY, AUG. 24 Is Co-Defendant in Three and Japan and Belgium, Loucheur said: Then Fires BuHet Into His “The chances of an agreement South Manchester, and Elsie L Johnny Mikoleit Finds That Weiman’s Orchestra, 8 Pieces In Fourth Is Sued Alone for Own Brain— She Told Him being reached yesterday were about Carlnl, 23, of 176 South Main Vegetable Sting Lasts Long­ ' Damages. She Loyed Another. Camera Artist’s Family Face 50-50. Today, it appears that the street. South Manchester, obtained Need Another Agency to er Than Crustaceans. odds are about five to three in a iicense to wed yesterday. The ABOUT TOWN ” The Town of Manchester is favor of settlement.” New York,'Aug. 23.—-A girl and: Future Bravely; Express made co-defendent in three suits couple announced they would be a boy lay dead today, victims of a married by the New York city clerk A vert Depressions, Someone told Johnny Mikoleit. Rev. W. D. Woodward of Hollis­ returnable to the superior court of romance that was broken when an­ i this county in September, all grow- CA'TCH SHARK. yesterday. Woodland street youth, that fish­ ter street will occupy the pulpit at other youth stole .the girl’s heart Mr. Mlnicucci was born in Man­ erman pay big prices for soft- Gratitude for iUd. ! ing out of the automobile accident the union service Sunday morning while her fiance was in Copen­ Seabright, N. J., Aug. 23.— Two chester, the son of Domenico and Speaker Tells Institute. shelled crawfish because they are at the North Methodist church, and tn Oak street on May 13. In still hagen, Denmark, to tell his par­ another case . growing out of this fishermen were paid $60 today for Lucia Beilossa Mlnicucci. Miss excellent bass bate. So Johnny Rev. James E. Geer, assistant pas­ ents of his great fortune. Carinl was also born in Manchester, took the tip as a good means of ‘‘I wish you would try to express accident the town alone is being an eight and one-half foot shark;------tor of the South Methodist church While the boy, Paul Larsen, 22, which they caught three miles at the daughter of. Buonsiglio and Ida Williamstown, Mass., Aug 23 — earning some money on the side. the gratitude^of this family for * 'e sued.-The first suit Is in tl ' amount will preach at the Center church was abroad, he received a note from of $5,000 against town and John sea after a thrilling battle. * Preli Carinl. The need for prosperity reserves to He knew where there were plenty Sunday morning when that congre­ his sweet heart, Edith Clum, 17, of extraordinary sympathy that has end periodic business depressions j of _them, he said gation unites with the South been extended to us,” said N ’. Spadroy and is brought by Joseph 477 Clinton street, Brooklyn, in Fourvllle, a minor, who claims was emphasized at the Institute of Taking along his younger broth­ Methodist. which she said she had learned to Harry B. Crane yesterday, as she Politics today by Otto T. Hallery, er, Harold, Johnny went to a se­ stood amid a jumble of household damages alleging that the town did ------j love another. n >t properly maintain its roadways, member of the presidents confer­ cluded little cove at Hilliar'^'s pond. James B Hutchinson of Hamlin j paul raced back to New York, effects which truckmen were even ence on unemployment and of the Working laboriously, the boys street will leave today for Newjarrlvlng July 13. but could make then carrying into fhe new home especially on Oak street and that industrial relations committee of caught two or three hundred craw­ York by Hartford boat, He v/ill no progress toward regaining of the Cranes at 148 South Main John Spadroy, as owner of the U the Philadelphia Chamber of Com­ fish. many of them soft-shelled. spend a week visiting various Edith's favor. So he shot and m or-, street. “ We were just caught. j drive machine which was wrecked, merce. , _ , They planned to take them home beaches and places of Interest, tally wounded her, and th^n put a j that’s all—-thln^gs happened ton allowed the machine to be driven According to Mallery the Fed­ and keep them alive, but both boys making New York his headquar­ bullet through his own brain. fast, principally sickness. And recklessly* Leo Berube asks $2,500 from the eral Reserve Board was created to became poison I'/y victims and all ters. They met when Le boarded at then that unreasonable eviction, avoid money panics and to provide the crawfish died because there was her mother’s home In Poughkeep­ just at the time when Mr. Crane town as he alleges that the road business with adequate credits. nobody to look after them. Miss Madeline Brown, assistant sie, two years ago.. was trying to finish up quite a bit was defective and should have been 3 ' T a d i i t s Another agency is necessary to Johnny returned to his work at principal at the Lincoln school, re­ of work and get in his collections. in proper condition, laying the i assist in avoiding major periods of The Herald office today after being turned to town Wednesday and was I don’t know just what we would cause of the accident to a galvan- . business depression and unemploy­ out of work a week, three days of greeted by her numerous friends COURT DENIES WRIT have done if it l)adn’t been for the ized pipe that protruded in the ! ment.” he said. “ After private which he spend flat on his back in after her vacation. kindness that was shown to us by street. | business had done all it can to bed with a lovely crop of record- everybody. We are not charity The town and John Spadroy are i / a a r t H a t t ^ stabilize itself there will remain at breaking blisters. He said today, Frank F. Spencer of North Main TO UBERATE CHINESE seekers, really, but we did get into sued jointly for $2,500 by Joseph ] times unbalances for the govern­ ‘ ‘Never again.” street and* his son William have a jam and no mistake.” Spadroy and the same defendants i ment ’to correct." returned from an automobile trip Mrs. Crane turned over her baby for $10,000 by Lawrence A. Lavoie, j — which has been very sick but Is For Fall Its Program to Maine. They left Mrs. Spencer New York, Aug. 23.— Justice This new' stabilizirig agency for a stay at Kennebunkport. getting better now— to one of her SEES SETTLEMENT Stephen Callaghan in Supreme two boys while sheTecelved frori a should include among its functions Court, Brooklyn, today denied a Days a definite program to increase pub­ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Handley-of Herald man a little roll of bills London, Aug. 23— Louis Lou­ NAVAL PARLEY writ of habeas corpus to William and checks representing the re­ cheur. French delegate to the re- lic works in bad times, to conapen- Oakland street and son Joseph left C. Fong, wealthy Chinese import­ sate in part for the fal in private yesterday for a few days visit with ceipts from contributors to the parations conference at the Hauge. i er, and an Amerlqan citizen, who “ Crane loan.” It wasn’t much.of a was more confident today that a industry and employment. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Handley and is wanted in Boston on a charge Public works need not fill tne TO BE CALLED children who are spending their roll, only $61 at that time— there satisfactory agreement would be of murder. are a few more dollars at this of­ total void but only a small Portion vacation at Black Point. of it The psvchological effect or Fong Is charged by the police fice to be added to it— but it seem­ of the New England cit;- with kill­ releasing a public works reserve Miss Anna Sullivan of New ed to mean a lot. would he to give courage to private FOR OCTOBER ing Yee Wah, a Boston Chinese, Crane, the artist photographer, Hartford is spending a few days at on August, 5, la». wasn’t at the South Main street industries to resume in the know- her home at 88 Oakland street. that new orders He just fOintlnneil from Page 1) Through his attorney, Robert home. He was up at 14 Union ledge R. Larson, Fong declared that he ahead. street, the place from which the ■ Mrs. Joel M. Nichols of North knew nothing of the , Boston slay­ family was evicted because the For the purchasing power cre­ American negotiations on the Elm street has left for a visit of ated by public works and the wages cruiser question that took Ambas­ ing and that he could prove he August rent wasn’t forthcoming, at­ two weeks with her sisters at was in New York at the time it tending to the other end of the paid in making the materials need­ sador Dawes to Scotland for re­ Bucksport, Me. ed would exert a demand for all newed conferences with MacDon was committed. Larson added that moving. His courageous wife, he would oppose extradition and however, said; “ We are very glad commodities including shirts, aid. A number of notes have passed A call for a special meeting of radios, teddy - bears and tooth­ between Washington and London that he would appeal to Gov. you put this assistance in the form the Fifth School district, next Wed­ Roosevelt not to permit. Fong to of a loan. We’ re surely going to Just Received! brushes which have no obvious re­ in this period. , nesday evening is understood to lationship to public works,” Mal­ Britain, it is understood, has be taken to Boston. pay it back some of these days. have been occasioned by a fear that What Mr. Crane hopes to do is to lery stated. agreed to come down somewhat on the vote adopted at the regular an­ 2,000 Yards the total cruiser tonnage that her get a little studio going. He had experts have always insisted upon, nual meeting which laid a two-mill THREE ACCIDENTS one in Arizona and did well with NEW PATTERNS and in return for this the Ameri­ tax was.not so phrased as to com­ it. He does awfully good work. legiW tOrns can viewpoint has been modified ply with legal requirements, the If he can do that we’ll be absolute­ IN concerning Britain’s tremendous forthcoming meeting being called INJURE SIX MEN ly all right. But we’re as apprecia­ superiority in six-inch gun cruis­ to correct the error. tive as we can be. just the same, of ers. what has been done for us by the OVER AFFAIRS. Britain’s Contention Work was started today hauling New Britain, Aug. 23.— Three Social Service Committee and Miss AMERICAN The British insist that a small loads of dirt to Mt. Nebo to be used accidents in the New Britain area Reynolds and the Herald and ore cruiser mounting 6-inch guns in filling in the large hole in the early today put five men in the or two wonderful friends over should be considered “ a defensive center field of the baseball field to New Britain General hospital and north.” TO FUNMAKERS vessel”, as opposed to “ an offensive make the surface suitable for foot­ one in Hartford hospital for treat­ The new home of the Cranes is PRINTS vessel” of the 10,000-ton type ball next season. About 40 loads ment, and as a result two of the a very modest little place but it is (l.'ontinned from Page 1) mounting 8-inch guns. Britain has will be required. victims at least may die. Most se­ pleasant and comfortable and gives Fast Colors plenty of 6-inch gun cruisers, some riously hurt are. John Margelot, of promise of being a happy one. American Veterans Society: John of them of only 4,000 and 5,000 President Harold R. Germaine New Britain, who is in Hartford However, the less than $80 so hospital with a fractured skull, Ideal for children’s school J. Connors, of Danbury, state com­ tons. of the Cubs Football Club has call­ far received by the Herab’ isn't go­ mander of the United Spanish Wat Therefore, It has been proposed and Patrick McMahon, of New ing to do a great deal toward set­ dresses. ed a special meeting of the busi­ Britain, who is in the local-hospi­ Veterans; and John B. O Keefe, of that the United States be content ness committee for 11 o’clock Sun­ ting Harry Crane up in business. tal with -a fractured skull. Everything that is .Wi^v Bethel, state commander of the with parity, or even slight superior- day morning. And judging from indications at Veterans of Foreign Wars. Each . ity, in the 8-inch gun class, while Margelot and William Hailing, this writing Manchester’s urge to . . . everything that is of New Britain were hurt when made a short appropriate address leaving Britain preponderant in Miss Sue- Callery of Oaklawri, help has pretty much shot its holt. different . . . everything' Railing’s car was wrecked on the to the convention and was received the small cruiser class, which the R. I., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Out of the five thousand families that is smart in the fall m il-. with affection and acclaim. British contend are so necessary to McCaughey of 47 Maple street. Middletown-Berlin road. Hailing in town just nineteen were repre­ Hold Caucuses police her far-flung trade inter- applied at New Britain hospital for sented in the contributions to the “ Growing On Value” linery realm you’ll find ini treatment and later told police he During the morning the seven 6StS. Robert, small son of Mr. and loan up to noon today. this newest purchase o f ; districts into which the Legion has Such an arrangement, of course, Mrs. James Hamilton of High had walked here from the scene advance fall models that: of the accident. Police Investigated divided the state gathered their would call for the completion of street, was five years old yesterday. FIVE KTTiLED IN CRASH. are very interestingly • delegates into a series of caucuses ! the fifteen new American' cruisers Mrs. Hamilton accordingly invited and announced Hailing had been Traverse City. Mich.. Aug. 23.— and canvassed the field for candi­ ordered by Congress last year, and a number of his little boy and girl given a ride from the scene of the Five young persons, two of them The T extile priced at $3.95. Velours, dates. It is the result of these cau­ which President Hoover ordered friends to help him celebrate the accident while Margelot was being girls, were killed and two others velvets, and smart combi­ cuses that will be announced to­ suspended at the outset of the event. The dining room was dec­ carried to Hartford. Hailing will were injured when an automobile nations. : morrow when the news of the an­ present negotiations. orated* with green and yellow be charged with driving while un­ in which they were riding went off nual election is made public. It is now generally accepted in streamers and the centerpiece on der the influence of liquor. the road and struck a tree shortly S t o r e The Forty-and-Eight, the fun- V/ashington that these 15 new 10,- the table was a large birthday Other Accidents after midnight today. The dead making organization of the Legion, 000-ton cruisers will be built, de­ cake with five pink tapers. The McMahon was injuied when a are; Bert Lust, 18, Royal Oak; 849 Main St., So. Manchester was to have its election this after­ spite Mr. Hoover’s reluctance to children played romping games car in which he was riding with Harold Aucherson. 18. Detroit; noon. The Forty-and-Eight will increase rather than diminish and had a thoroughly enjoyable af­ his brother George, also of New Ruth Jacks. 20. Toledo; Albert hold the boards until far into the naval armament. In view of Great ternoon. Robert was remembered Britain, upset in Plainvllle. George Voice, 16. Traverse City; and Bella small hours of tomorrow. A great Britain’s unwillingness to scrap with a number of gifts. is in the hospital but not seriously Mayne, 16, of Alden. street parade is to take place this down to the American level, there hurt while Patrick’s condition is evening. That event starts at 7^30. exists no other alternative but for The annual outing for Order of critical. ’N MUSHY Later the Forty-and-Eight will hold the United States to build up. Amaranth members throughout Albert Malone, 20, of Torring- initiations. Then comes a dance at Dafes’ Opinion the state will be held Thursday af­ ton and Frank D’Emmanuel, of Fair Customer; I want a pencil. Colt Park. To cap the climax the Elgin, Scotland, Aug. 23— “ It ternoon and evening. September 5 Southington, 23, are in New Brit­ Assistant: Hard or soft? Forty-and-Eight holds a midnight must be remembered that, al­ at the Oasis clubhouse, station 22, ain hospital seriously injured. Fair Customer: Soff; it’s for frolic at the State theater. though naval disarmament nego­ Glastonbury, on the bank of the Their car struck the base of one writing love-letter.— Answers. Hundreds of delegates swarmed tiations have advanced satisfactor­ Connecticut river. Basket lunches of the gates at the Whiting street toward Brainard Field this after­ ily, they have not necessarily Reach­ will be tatken and coffee will be grade crossing in Plainville and FORGOT HIS SUPPORTS noon. Out on the broad river mead­ ed the stage where they can useful­ served at 6 o’clock. was wrecked. Police found six gal­ ows the Hartford Aero Club staged ly be discussed in detail by the lons of hard cic'^tr in the wreckage Sunday School Teacher: 'What a treat for the city’s war-hero,^------press,” declared United States T^ Am * Mrs. t.obert Wilson of San Fran­ and the two will be charged with killed Sampson? guests. Every visitor who desired it i bassador Charles Gates Dawes to- cisco, Cal., is visiting her parents, transporting liquor. Willie; Falling arches.— Life. could have a ride over the city, day speaking at the ceremonv of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Staye of There were planes enough and to conferring the freedom of Elgin East Center street. Mrs. Wilson Cleaning Aids spare. Then a great air carnival upon Premier Ramsay MacDonald, prior to her marriage at New Year’s came into being. Aerobatics, bal­ of England. was Miss Jessie Staye. Mr. Wilson loon-bursting, dead-stick competi­ The American ambassador con who is a special agent of the Aetna tive landings and parachute jump­ tinned: Life Ipsurance company has been ings were on the program. ‘‘The arbiter of the ultimate fate transferred from Seattle to San of these efforts will be the public GENERAL @ ELECTRIC The members of the Legion were Francisco. continuing to appear in the city in sentiment of the respective coun­ Qui(Jc Turnovers increasing numbers today. Fully tries, and time must be taken to Mr. and Mrs. Clinton E. Wil­ 5,000 are expected to be in the reduce them to their simi "est terms liams of Tolland Turnpike and CLEANER final parade tomorrow afternoon. before there is any public discus­ their younger son, David, are tour­ The National Guard also is to be sion of the problems involved so ing northern Vermont and New on hand to swell the ranks of the the average man can better under­ Hampshire. Small Profits-Low Overhead If you want to make cleaning as easy as possible, use one of the marchers. The adjutant-general’s stand what it is all about. office long ago issued the orders Nee(l.«i Preparations The Manchester Country club larger General Electric Cleaners for your rugs. Then let the that gave permission for every unit “ The smaller the compass into will have its usual 18-hole handi­ light little Hand Cleaner clean its way into comers and in the state to appear in Hartford which the necessary naval techni­ cap sweepstakes tomorrow after­ IE it so desired. Most of the units calities are reduced, the clearer will noon. Is Our Way Of Doing Business crevices, with its hungry, dirt-getting suction. . be the public conception of the re­ are planning to take advantage of That’s the way the modem woman cleans house. the permission. lative insignificance of the quanti­ The Manchester Construction i ) l)V' Meanwhile the Woman’s Auxi­ ties involved, as compared with the Company is making good progress She finds it a much better arrangement liary of the Legion had an active total naval strength of the powers; on the razing of the “ old building” When you buy- here day again today. That organization and the more general will be the part of the Center Congregational you are saving money. because she not only saves precious held a business session during the demand that these smaller techni­ church, which Is being removed to We specialize . in .parlor minutes but priceless energy. 9 morning. A past president’s ban­ cal differences be fairly adjusted in make room for new construction. ) order that the whole cause of furniture and bedding quet was held this noon. Bricks were being taken frpm^ the •St a n d a r d * Tested and approved by Good world peace shall not be jeopardiz­ lower section of the chimney and a but can supply you with MODEL Hotisdieeping. ed unjustifiably thereby. rope was used in pulling it over. most anything in th6 “ It must be realized that the The better part of the frame struc­ Attaehmenta one unforgivable thing now would furniture line. • 3 5 ® ® COUPLE EXECUTED ture is well down. either $6.50 or $10 be Inadequate preparation for the Give us a share of less attachmenu proposed natal conference.” Bronke & Diana are having the Hull, Quebec, Aug. 23.— A mid­ It Is expected that the ambassa­ front part of the, building they your patronage. dle-aged woman, Mrs. Marie Viau, dor and Premier Mac Donald will occupy as a restaurant and bowling mother of eight, and her lover were hold another conference in a short alley repainted. According to their EASY TERMS $2.00 DOWN ♦Ha n d hanged here today for the murder time. lease ail repairs and improvements c l e a k e s of the woman’s husband, Zephir must be done by the lease holder. IF $3.00 MONTHLY Viau, 62. Mrs. Viau, the sixth woman to • 1 3 * ® ACCUSED AS SPY. Joseph Coughlin leaves tomor­ DESIRED pay the extreme penalty in the his­ row in company with Joe Kaminsky tory of Canada, bore up bravely un­ Warsaw, Poland, Aug. 23.— by auto for a trip Into Pennsyl­ til the end. She was dropped vania. They will be gone for ten through the cedar log gallows in John Beblik, a naturalized Ameri­ SPARTAN Hull court yard a t. 8:16 o’clock can citizen, was arrested today at days. STEINITE this morning, sixteen minutes after Makowze, near Lemberg, while Philbert Lefebvre, her suitor, died making films of mutilated world IT SUITS HIM S In the same trap. war veterans. The police accused STEW ART-WARNER But a small group was present to Beblik of spying and “ using the Proud Parent: What kind of a ELECTRIC CORN POPPER FREE see the execution of the 42-year-old films for anti-Polish propaganda.” man is this fiance of yours? woman who followed the lure of an .Prudence (his daughter): Well, RADIO WITH EACH PURCHASE OF A GENERAL ELECTRIC CLEANER. illicit love for a 30-year-old man he says he has always wanted a -until it swept them both up the ATTEMPTS SUICIDE home. fateful thirteen steps that led to Proud Parent: That sounds the hangman’s noose. Los Angeles, Aug. 23 — Dressed good. It was the first double execution in an evening gown, Juanita King, Prudence: And he likes our’s The Maiuiieister Electric Co. very much.— Answers. > here in several years and the first 27, formerly of Dallas, Texas, was BENSON FURNITURE CO. PHONE 5181 hanging of a woman in more than found near death today in her 773 MAIN STREET thirty. Others have been con­ apartment, here from a self-inflct- A blue tailored suit from Paris “ The Home of Good Bedding” 1. demned, including Doris MacDon­ ed bullet wound. has a hand-made beige batiste > . ald, the American girl, but all were She left a note addressed to Jos­ blouse that has its b6dy all-over Cor. Main Street and Brainard Place So. Manchester '•^1 saved from the drop that carries tucks to bolero length and its % ' eph A. Walton, wealthy official of > - convicted kjllers from time eter­ a Los Angeles mortgage company sleeves tucked up to above the > nity in a few brief minutes. as "the man who does not care.” elbow. , -T a '


Years’ War. Aloyslus Flrs^ be­ Kip Prepares Divorce Suit came a noted patron of the > arts. 6ANCR0FTATmfE ' John the First was an Australan ANDOVE Field Marshal In the Napoleonic IN “THONDERBOLF Royal Wedding Brings Neiv wars and in 1S09 succeeded to Miss Anna Llndholm returned the supreme command of the home Friday from Amherst where Austrian armies. she had attended the Lecturers’ A new, different and tremendous­ In 1866, when and Convention as delegate from the ly Important all-talking picture Queen To Smallest Nation Prussia were at war, Liechtenstein local Grange. Miss Llndholm will opens at the State theater today sent a small military contingent report on her trip to the' next reg­ where it will hold sway for the re­ to help Austria. The tiny prin­ ular meeting in September, mainder of the week. It. is GeprgI cipality never recognized Prussia’s Children having fruit and vege­ Bancroft’s latest starring vehicle, victory and technically la still at table gardens are requested to “Thunderbolt,” from the popular war with Prussia, although even sign their names to posters hedg­ magazine story by Charles Fmth- the former Kaiser Wilhelm Sec­ ing in the stores in town signifying mann and Jules Furtbmann. ond never contemplated sending a their intentions of competing for “Thunderbolt” is gripping dran^ punitive expedition into the little the prizes to be offered for the In every way. It takes you frjm place. best garden' by the local Orange at the Harlem district of New York its fair in September; City to the awe-inspiring setting of August Llndholm and two Sing S'.ng’s Condemned Row. It daughters, Anna and Mary, and rushes you half-madly through the WAPPING Paul Manager spent Sunday at brilliantly-lighted night clubs of Narragansett. New York’s “black belt” to the Mrs. Edward Yeomans and four “Little Green Door” where society Mrs, Alice G. Smith will enter­ children, Alice, Ruth, Einlly and exacts its penalty for crime. tain with a , luncheon and bridge David, and Miss Alice Palmer have Getting ready for his newest attempt to free himself from his colored Through all this surging of love, party at her home on the Buckland returned home from Nlantlc where wife, Leonard Kip Rhinelander confers with his attorneys at Las Vegas, adventure and drama. Bancroft Is road this afternoon. Mrs. Charles they have been spending their va- Nev.,AvOv.f onvAl theV&Xv divorce auiwsuit he filed OigAAUOl,against Alice wwU^OJones XVliRhinelander lUdCXUu'Sx llLat forever prominent. “Thi iderbolt” Fenn, Miss Mildred Fenn, Miss cationr Reno. Rhinelander^Y ) 4 M ^ IM « « .4 A M ' 4 m shown gi V. ^here, left, withi A V. 1% his i M attorneys, ri^ Thomas V. a _ a t J. is.is, without a question of doubt, the Sally Fenn. Mrs. Virginia House Mrs. Elizabeth Phelps of West­ Salter (center) and H. A. Harmen. Unable to get a divorce in New<'Sreatest vehicl'’ that Paramount has and Mrs. Frank Locke were guests. chester is visiting her daughter, York, Rhinelander has established a legal residence in the Nevada ever given him. All the players Cards have been received from Mrs. Harry Milburn. m ountains. appearing in the picture talk. You Rev. and Mrs. Harry B. Miner from Miss Kena Halsted .of Pough­ hear the familiar voices of - auch m m m m m r n Daytona Beach. Florida, where keepsie is visiting her brother Ray­ popular stars as Richard Arlen, they were to remain for two days, mond Halsted. ing a few days with her son. Rev. I Wednesday evening. The sale was Fay Wray. Fred Kohler. Mike Don- t vSSSt'' returning through the Blue Ridge August Llndholm and his son John )H. and Mrs. A.. Fitzgerald------,j at very successful lin and Tully Marshall. Joseph ?3 mountains. They expect to arrive Edward and George Johnson of their'summer home in Hebron. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Platt and von Sternberg directed. here about the middle of next Hop River left Tuesday for a trip son Douglas of Manchester spent Gus Edwaqds’ glittering and week. Mary and Olga Llndholm, who dazzling Metro Movietone • revue, to the White Mountains. They ex­ work in Hartford, are spending Thursday night with Mis. Platt’s •' ■-is® The schools in South Windsor pect to be gone a week. parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Frink. “Song of the Roses.” in which a will open for the fall term Septem their vacation at home. Wednes­ bevy of beautiful girls and a host Mr. and Mrs. Samuel O’Neill day they motcred to Rocky Point Miss Anna Llndholm is spending lluling Princess of tiny Monaco is Elsa von Liech enstein, left, daughter of an Austrian coal magnate her 10. The teachers will report motored to Highland Lake camp of star talent are heard, is also be­ for duty on Sept. 9. All the teach­ for the day. a few days in Willimantlc, the ing shown on today’s bill. iuid bride of Prince Franz von Liechenstein, upper rl ght. Below is a view of Vaduz, the capital and only Sunday and took Mr. O’Neill’s guest of Mrs. John Wilcox. elty. Th^ towered buildings at the right mark Monte Carlo, famed gambling resort. er,. of last year are to return. They three sons there. The boys have Lewis Brown Is the owner of “Song of the Roses” is a tuneful are Mrs. May Holden of Manches­ twin goats, which seem to he a presentation wherein the latest of been spending the summer vaca­ melody can be found. Wonderful ter, principal: Mrs. Francis Burn­ tion here but will be at the camp great curiosity from the number of A resident of Ardara, Fa., is al! ham of Pleasant Valley. Mrs. Ethel scenic and custome effects are fea­ . London—The ruler of a nation Hungarian monarchy. His last In. The last prince built roads, two weeks before the opening of people who call to see them. puffed up ’cause he can write 454 was married the other day in Vien­ important post was as Ambassa­ churches, art museums and muni­ Bopdy of Manchester. Miss Blanche There were 150 at the Ladies letters on a grain of rice. Mebbe tured throughout. Finesilver, Miss Lidia Jones and school at Wlnsted. Shorter subjects will also be na, but the rest of the world paid dor to St. Petersburg. cipal structures. The present Mrs. Helen Fitzgerald is spend- Benevolent Society supper and sale the rice is puffed, too. scarcely any attention to the news. Last year he went to the throne Prince and his rich bride are ex­ Miss Alice Shuttuck. shown. For the groom was Franz von of Liechtenstein, succeeding his pected to carry on the good work. The fair committee of Wapping Liechtenstein, 76-year-old Prince late brother, Prince Johann II. The very existence of this tiny Grange held a meeting at the home of the tiny independent country of The latter held a modern world’s state is a romance of history and of Walden V. Collins, Wednesday Monaco. 'The bride was Frau Elsa record for length of time as a a history of romance. It comprises evening and decided to hold a fair von Eroes, 50, daughter of Baron ruler. Queen Victoria is usually two former fiefs of the Holy on October 4 and 5, even though Gutmann, the coal king of supposed to be the record-maker, Roman Empire—the Lordship of the hailstorm did take almost everything in the fruit and vege­ Austria. having reigned for 64 years. But Schellenberg and the County of Thus for the second time a Johann II, who died at 89, ruled Vaduz. These passed into various table line. Jewess became the reigning lady for 70 years. hands until they finally belonged over little Monaco, in which is Monaco is almost an Arcadia. to Prince John Adam of Liechten­ SHORT-LIVED JOY famed Monte Carlo. Some years It has only 65 square miles of stein, a wealthy Austrian noble­ ago the then Prince of Monaco territory and only 11,000 inhabi­ man who had an ambition to be The man who had been held up married Alice Heine, daughter of tants. The capital, Vaduz, has a prince in fact as well as in name. by bandits was very bitter about a rich Jewish banker, of New only 1200 population. It is com­ In 1917 Emperor Charles Sixth of it. Orleans. But she became a con­ posed in part of a mountain Austria raised Vadez and Schel­ "For a moment,” he said, “my VERYTHING vert to Catholicism, and it is pre­ plateau and in part of a deep riad lenberg into an hereditary state of heart leaped with Joy. I thought sumed the new Princess Liechten­ rich river valley. Farming and the Holy Roman Empire under they said: ‘Your money or your stein also has become a Catholic. ’dairying are the main occupations the name of its owner —Princi­ wife.’ ”—Tit-Bits. ■ j O ne-feature gasolines are plentiful. But the new-type, extra-powered She and her husband had been of the people. There are no manu­ pality of Liechtenstein. friends for many years, being facturing industries. The cost of - Family Rose to Fame COVERED SPRINGS F brought together by their mutual living is very low. The taxes are ]ove of art and literature. The ruling princes sent gifts to Atlantic combines in highest degree a ll the qualities needed for a practically nil. their loving subjects, but none of In the near future automobiles may be equipped with a new fiexl- A Wealthy Landholder Prince Real “Taxpayer” them ever visited the place until The Prince is one of the richest as late as 1842. In the meantime, hle spring cover being put on the motor fuel’s many-sided job. It is the most complete-burning, most accurately balanced— men in eastern Europe, being a Instead of paying out money market by two companies. The for the support of their Prince, the family won a great place for great landed proprietor both in itself in Viennk. Prince Joseph covers fit over the spring and are Austria and Czecho-Slovakia. For the people are accustomed to see efficient in retaining grease and most ideally correct all-round gasoline ever formulated for modern motors and present- the latter pay out money to make Wenzel was one of Empress Marla a long time he was in the diplo­ .Therese’s marshals in the Seven keeping out dust. matic service of the old Austro- the little state better worth living day driving conditions.

I EASY STARTING NEW LOW [Without sacrifice of power, Atlantic Gasoline contains just the right proportion of the lighter or more volatile elements needed to let the spark take hold quickly when PRICES the motor is cold.


Easy and complete ignition, through a scienti^ally YALE balanced “chain of boiling points,” makes Atlantic instantly responsive to the command of the throttle. Note Atlantic’s action in traffic 1 TIRES \ EXTRA POTVER

BUY HERE BUY NOW By bringing more of the higher power-producing Yale Rebuilt Tires at Rock Bottom Prices. elements of petroleum into a form that enables modern motors to utilize them fully, a pronounced degree of HIGH PRESSURE SIZES BALLOON SIZES 30x5.25 ...... $8.75 Good for 15,000 Miles 29x4.40 ...... $4.95 31x5.25...... $8.95 extra power has been developed in Atlantic Gasoline. or More. 30x4.50 ...... $5.95 29x5.50 ...... $9.00 3 1 x 4 ...... $7.20 29x4.75 ...... $6.75 30x5.50 ...... $9.25 3 2 x 4 ...... $7.80 30x4.95 ...... $6.95 30x5.77 ...... $9.50 3 3 x 4 ...... $8.80 3 1 x 4.95...... $7.45 30x6.00 ...... $9.50 33x41/2...... $10.60 29x5.00 ...... $7.25 3 1 x 6.00 ...... $9.75 MAXIMUM MILEAGE 3 0 x 5 ...... $12.0030x5.00 ...... $7.75 32x6.00 ...... $10.25 % 3 3 x 5 ...... $14.50 31x5.00...... $8.25 33x6.00 ...... $12.50 Atlantic Gasoline is so remarkably clean and so splen­ didly balanced that* complete burning is inevitable, MORE MILES PER DOLLAR YALE TIRES YALE TIRES maxinlum mileage obvious and pocketbook economy an The unconditional guarantee on these Yale Firsts protects you from trouble on the road and are serviced by us for one year from date of purchase. undisputed fact. A Sample of Our Prices on Yale Firsts 30x31/2 ...... $4.85 29x4.40 ...... $5.95 30x4.50 ...... $6.60 READY OBTAIN ABILITY SAVE 31x5.25 ...... $9.98 SAVE 33x6.00 ...... $12.95 No matter how good a motor fuel may be, it is of little Secure a New WILLARD BATTERY. New Low Price. use to you unless you can. get it when you want it. FOR GREATER TIRE VALUES ALL ROADS LEAD TO There’s always an Atlantic pump on the road you are DEPOT SQUARE GARAGE traveling. Convenient and dependable service assured I ERNEST A. ROY, Prop. Corner No. Main and No. School Sts., Depot Square EXTRA-POWERED Phone 3151 or 8159. Towing, 24 Hour Service. Battery Service. Auto Supplies. Repairing ATLANTIC GASOUNE NO EXTRA COST

\ . , under the auspices of the Interna­ BIG ROAD PLAN IOWA'S OPENING DP don today and burned in effigy of Gastonia trade unionists on a railing under construction, •faked murder charge." tional Class War Prisoners Aid Or­ Judge Barnhill, who presided at ganization. lay to traffic. the hearing of cotton mill strikers T}ie prisoners were accused of New Jersey contemplated spend­ Iowa is planning to connect Brooklyn, Pomfret Road, an im­ killing the chief of police during ing more than 140,000,000 on Its eveiy^ county ecat and town wi^ provement Is being made on the at Gastonia, N. C. a paved road-to help tanners in London, Aug. 23— About 1,000 The Communists adopted a resol­ strike troubles at Gastonia. Traffic mishaps In large cities roads this year, according to the CONDtnONOF Pomfret Brooklyn road, and delay The mass meeting here was held seem to grow by leaps and bumps. state highway commission. getting their crops to market. < to motorists may be expected where Communists held a mass meeting ution protesting against the arrest grading operations are being car­ In the shadow of the Tower of Lon­ ried on and whore surfacing Is be­ STME ROMS ing laid. Cheshire and Meriden road un­ der construction. Slight delay to Road conditions and detours In traffic at steam shovel. the State ot Connecticut made ne­ Canton Center, Collinsville road READ! cessary by highway construction, Is under construction. STOP! LOOK! repairs and oiling announced by East Haddam, Town street Is un the Connecticut Highway Depart­ der construction for one mile. No laafflaisiiaai' ment, as of August 21, 1929 are as delay to traffic. follows: Durham, Wallingford road Is Route No. 1. Westport-Falrfleld- under construction. No delay to traffic. Norwalk Road, shoulders are being East Hampton, Leesvllle road, oiled. grading for one mile. Darien Road, shoulders are being East Morris, Watertown road Is under construction. °^^Route No. 2. Merlden-Hartford East Windsor, Scantic road is un­ Pike, shoulders being oiled tor one der construction. Op.en to traffic. Ellington Sadds Hill road is un­ "^^Wallingford - Hartford Pika, der construction, but open to traf­ shouders being oiled for one mite. fic. Route No. 3. Danbury-Newton Ellington, East Side Stktlon to road, concrete pavement completed, Melrose oiling road for 2 miles. shoulders and railing uncompleted. Glastonbury, Addison road is un­ Route No. 4., Salisbury-Great der construction, open to traffic. Barrington road Is under construc­ Klllingworth, Chester road. tion. Short detour around bridge AUGUST Grading for one mile no delay. Bed — Dresser — Chest aear Mass., line.' No alternate Lakeside, Washington Road is under construction. of This Lovely Bedroom Suite Route No. 5. Enfield-Sprlngtield Lisbon, Newent-Glastonbury road Splendid 3-Piece Living Room Suites You can buy the Bed, Dresser and Chest of Draw­ Road, shoulders being oiled for is under construction. Open to In Wool Mohair traffic. ers of this lovely suite for only 963! You can picture “ ^Route No. ,6. Kllllngly-Provi- Ledyard-Quakertown Road Is Take pride In your home by “ dressing” It what this suite looks like from the Illustration but you( 'dence road, shoulders being oiled under construction for 2 miles up with a brand new Living Room Suite! It will be surprised at Its quality and loveliness when' for 2 miles. . north of Ledyard. Groton town win pay you many returns in happiness and you see it! You will exclaim that It la the best value _ Brooklyn - WllHmantlc road, line open to traffic. comfort! A small down payment delivers you have seen for a long time! All four pieces only J1.0( W ecklj; shoulders being oiled for 2 miles. Litchfield, Milton Road is underj your suite immediately- I tio divan of this »118 W5. Route No. 8. Wlnchester-Rowley construction. Short detour around suite has the three reversible cushions! The T HERRUP’S— Corner Main and Morgan Sts., Hartford. street bridge. Wlnsted Is under bridge. Wing Chair and Club Chair are deep and $1.50 Weekly construction. Short detour. Madison-Horse Pond road is be­ restful! The covering is of hig-i-grade wool Stratford-East Main street, ing graded for 2 miles. mohair! Buy now! shoulders being oiled. Monroe, Stevenson road, shovel Route No. 10. Bloomfleld-Gr^nby grading and macadam under con­ road is under construction, but struction. No detour. open to traffic. , ,, , i. i Morris, East Morris-Thomaston Middletown- Hartford- SaybrooK Road is under construction. Short road, shoulders being oiled for 5 delay at shovel cuts. Short detour around bridges. No alternate route. Route No. 12. A section of the New Hartford, Bakerville road is Norwich-Putnam road Is being re­ under construction. Short detour constructed just south of Central around bridge. Village. Grading Is being done. New Hartford - Barkhamsted Traffic can pass. road, bridge under construction. Montvllle-Norwlch-New London Road closed during high water. No Road, shoulders being oiled for 4 alternate route. miles. Oxford-Quakers Farms road. Plainfield, Norwich road, shoul­ Shoulders under construction. No Console Mirrors High Chair A special value! High ders being oiled for 5 miles. delay to traffic. Genuine plate glass In A ^ Route No. 17. West Hartford. New Mllford-Meeryville road, handsome frames! Hand ^ Chair finished in oak! Avon-Albany avenue is under con­ steam shovel grading and macadam engraved! 1 to a customer. Come early for this struction, but open to trattic. 1 here construction under way. No de­ is a five minute delay due to the tours. construction of a bridge over the Somers-Keeneys Mill to Hall Hill Farmington river. oiling entire section. Norwich - Norwlchtown road, Somers Hall Hill road is under shoulders being oiled for 2 miles. construction, but open to traffic. Route No. 32. Windham, Nor­ Sprague on the Baltic-North wich rdhd, shoulders being oiled Franklin road, a new bridge Is be­ for one mile. • ,, , , ing built over Beaver Brook. Motor­ You Will Always Have a Spare Bedroom With a Route No. 101. Putnam, bchool ists are warned t-> use extreme care Street, shoulders are being oiled in passing over the work. for one mile. „ ^ Sterling-Sterling - Ekohk Hill Comfortable 3-Pc. Bed-Davenport Suite Route No. 102. Colchester-HarL- road is under construction. Macad Bassinette ford-New London road, shoulders am surfacing is being laid. Travel End Tables How often you-wished for a spare bedroom at your disposal, and Just Choice of Ivory atid walnut te - being oiled for 4 miles. can pass. think, for only $129. You get the Route No 109. M^nstield- Voluntown and North Stoning- Rigidly built End Tables bedroom for unexpected guests, and Ish, A splendid August $ Phoenixvllle Road is under con­ ton, Pendleton Hill road is under finished mahogany color. how uncomfortable it has been to of­ three pieces! Do not overlook this Sale vdlue! 3.95 struction. The shoulders of this construction, grading operations One to -a customer. $129 opportunity! You owe-it to yourself are in progress vehicles can pass fer your friends a night’s hospitality’ road are being built at this time. Now, you may have an extra $'1.50 Weekly and your family to see this offer! Open to traffic. through although delay and a Route No. 112 Durham-Gullford rough going will be encountered. road is under construction for 2 Washington-Bee Brook road, miles. Short detour at north end macadam completed. Bridge nearly- and one way traffic. Traffic for completed. points between Guilford and Llin- Warren-Woodvllle road, steam ton advised to use route No. 10 and shovel grading. No detours. 106 via Higganum. Weston-Bull Punk Hill road, ma Route No. 111. Portland, Port­ cadam complete. Shoulders and land-East Hampton Road, shoul­ railing uncomplete. ders being oiled for 4 miles. West Hartland Road is under East Hampton, East Hampton- construction. Portland Road, shoulders being oil­ Windham Center, North Wind­ ed for 3 miles. ham road i:, being reconstructed. Route No. 118. Hamden-Dixwell Open to traffic. Ave. shoulders being oiled 4 miles. Windsor Locks-Suffield, East Route No. 122. New town. New- Main street is under construction, town-Brldgeport road, shoulders but open to traffic. There is a flf Assorted are being oiled for 4 miles. teen minute delay to bridge con Route No. 128. New Milford, struction on south end of East Fancy Pillows Value ! 3-Piece Jacquard Suites Danbury-New Milford Road, shoul­ street. A Bedroom Suite That Will Give ders being oiled for 5 miles. Woodbridge-Race Brook road. Special Route No. 134.— Cornwall Pro­ bridge under repair. No delay In Combination with Velour. ject. Bridge under construction on traffic. Years of Happiness! You have almost an unlimited Certainly you would not sacrifice j'our happiness new location. No detours. Wilton-Hurburt street, steam In this suite, you will realize all that you 4 Pieces choice of many pretty color^cornbi^ha- ^ when you can buy a wonderful three-piece Living New Milford-New Mllford-Kent shovel grading. No detours. have wished for in a stunning Bedroom Suite. Aons and various shapes’ Limit 2 to' Room Suite for only $65! And it is covered with Winchester-Winchester road is The veneers are durably and artistically ap­ $ 6 5 road, shoulders being oiled for 10 a customer. Jacquard; too! Jacquard in combination with miles. under construction. No alternate! plied in tlie newest fashion. Handsome con­ $1.00 Weeklj;' Kent - Kent - Cornwall Bridge, route. trasting veneer overlays add greatly to Its $138 Velour ! The Divan, Wing Chair and Club Chair. shoulders being oiled for 10 miles. beauty. The Bed, Dresser, Chest of Drawers Route No 103. New Fairfield, and Vanity are priced at only $1.50 Weekly Sherman road, macadam completed, shoulders and railing uncompleted. JOCKEY IS KILLED Route No. 148. East Haddam- At Herrup’s— Comer Main Moodus Road, laying macadam sur­ Rockville, Md., Aug. 23A sor­ At Herrup’s— Corner Main face, one-way traffic or detour. and Morgan Sts., Hartford rowful young bride started back to and Morgan Sts., Hartford Route No. ISO. Lyme-Hamburg Arizona today with the body of Road, shoulders being oiled for 3 her husband. Young “ Dick” Her­ miles. man, steeplechase jockey, who was Route No. 152. New Preston- thrown here yesterday and so bad­ Warren Center Road, construction ly injured he died enroute to the work underway. No delay to traf- hospital. llc. Route No. 153. Salem, Norwich- Mrs. Herman asked the lad not Hadlyme road is being oiled for 3 tv) enter ihe race in which he was killed, as she had a presentiment miles. Route No. 154. Washington- ot danger. He laughed at her fears. Woodbury road, macadam recon­ At the second jump his mount. struction under way. No detours. Royal Airman, stumbled and went Route No. 158. Newtown-Red- down. The jockey’s neck was brok­ ding Road, bituminous macadam en. Young Herman recently came completed, shoulders and rallin east from Tucson, Arizona. uncompleted. Route No. 168. Jonathan Trum TURKS VISITING U. S. Bed Springs bull road is under construction Telephone Set from route No. 3 to the end of the The National Bed Springs famous Roosevelt Field, L. I., Aug 23 for strength and non-sagging improved road north of Columbia — Members of the Turkish Aero­ The Stand and Bench are rigidly Green and from- the end of the im­ nautical Mission hopped off today built. Finished in mahogany color. qualities. proved road south of Columbia for Buffalo for the start of a four A special Q C Special ...... Green to the end of improved road weeks’ nationwide tour. value ...... at Lebanon. Power shovels are at Buffalo will be the first stop. work on an excavattion. Surface is Then a. hop will be made to Cleve­ being laid. Travels are warned to land from which they will take off use extreme care in passing for Clovis, N. M., stopping off en through. route at large cities where airports Columbla-The completed section and fiylng apparatus and conditions of the Jonathan Trumbull road Is may be studied. being oiled. Members of the party are Major Route No. 186. North Haven, Sheflk Bey, assistant chief of the State street, shoulders being oiled general staff for aviation in Tur­ tor 2 miles. key: Captain Ferruh Bey, and Hamden-State street, shoulders Lieut. Klazim Bey both of the ire being oiled for one mile. Turkish Navy. Route No. 182. Brookfield-Ob­ for Clovis, N. M., stopping od gen tuse road, bituminous macadam Popular Demand Created This Fine Value! 5-Ply complete, shoulders and railing un­ complete. NAB LAZIEST CROOK No Route Numbers. Walnut Veneered Table and 6 « Chairs 5-ply walnut veneer over gumwood, the Mattress * Ashford, a section of Westford, Chicago, Aug. 23— Chester Kop- Carpet Sweeper We have had so many requests for just Willlngton Road Is under construc­ Isksi, the world’s laziest holdup durable cabinet wood. The seats of the China Cotton MattresB, fully tuft­ tion. Traffic can pass. man, today had ample opportunity a, high-grade Dining Table and six chairs are covered with high-grade Jac­ Barkhamstead, Pleasant Valley Easy running, picks up all the ed. with roll edges! Q C to catch up on lost sleep In his po­ dirt quickly! Special at ^ < / I Q Chairs to match, that we have decided to quard! This set gives you high quality, Durable ticking ...... Road Is under construction. No al­ lice cell. only ...... and as a special feature we offer it for ternate route. He wa^ arrested last night after make a very special offer on this hand­ $1.50 Weekly Beacon Falls, Pihes Bridge Is un­ he had lined up 35 restaurant cus­ this low price! der construction, but open to traf­ some set! The flat exposed parts are of tomers preparatory to taking their l-y i fic. cash. As the diners stood “ reach­ Bolton-Bolton street is under ing for the celling,” Kopisksl saw construction, but open to traffic. a day bed In a far corner. Bolton, Bolton Center Road, oil­ Tuning in soft music on the if ing entire new section. radio he excused himself and re­ H E R R U P 'S ” The Home of Home Outfits* Con Main mm Bristol, Terryvllle Ave. shoulders tired for a short nap before con­ Incomplete. No alternate route. tinuing his holdup task. Police In­ Bethany, Carrington Hill Road, terrupted his repose. u - V / : . r - ■ r V MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 28,1929, PAGESTX^ stones valued at 37.728, Bernard Alma Picks Manager as Hubby Ross, manager of the Frank "A. DAILY RADIO PROGRAM Andrews Jewelry Go., reported tq A'fflOUGBf 422.3-WOR, NEWARK-710^ Leading DX Stations. police. .;. . . I Friday, August 23. 6:30 6 :80—Concert ensemble. (DST) (ST) Ross stated that the man asked Th» lltUa round Uble« of tha New 7:00 6:00—Beau Brummel’s hour. 8:00 7:00— Native Hawaiian mutic. 405.2—W SB , ATLAN TA—740. to see some dlBmohds. la some un­ York Cnfa hold a atory which will nev­ 8:30 7 :30—Rolllckers male quorteL 9:00 8:0D—W JZ programs (2 hrs.) known manner he secured the bag, For there Is no falthtalness lu er appear In print, but which will be 9:00 8:00— True story drama. 12:45 11:45—Klmo Kalohl’s cnscmtdo. 202.6— WORD. BATAVIA—1480. and declaring he was not interest­ their month; their Inward |iert 1* revealed to listeners of W E A F and 10:00 9:00— Feature music hour. J very wickedness; their throat ic 10:30 9:30— Russian peasant music. 8:00 7:00—Concert; agtlcultural talk. BATTLE OF MON8 ed In thq'stones shown Mm by the aMoclated stations 9:00 8:00— Musical preferam; artists. day night. The plays tells how Mur­ 11:06 10:05—Two dunce orchestras. manager; the-man left. - , an open sepulcher; they flatter 302.8—W BZ, NEW ENGLAND—990. 293.9— K YW , C H IC A G O -1020. with their tongnew P s^m 5:9. phy. the cop, refuses the offer of a 8:00 7:00— WJZ programs (2Vfe nra.) On Auff. 23. 1914, the battle of bootlegger. wf>o tries to bribe hi™ to 6:30 6:30— Dinner dance music. It was not until after,his depar­ 7:30 6:30— WJZ programs (3V4 hrs.) 10:30 9:30—W E A F comic aktt. Mona was fought In Belgium. silence. Instead, Murphy tips off and 11:15 10:15— Dance music to .3:00. ture that the absence of the bag protects Mike Tracy, proprietor of the 454.3—W E A F, NEW YORK—660. About 3 p. m„ the German army 8:00 6:00— Ludwig Luurler’s orch. 389.4— WBBM, CHICAGO—770. containing ,tbe iidlaoioods was no­ When flatters meet the devil cafe. Mike has often balked Murphy 8:00 7:00—Apollo male quartet. attacked the Briliah along the line and yet has as often given him valu­ 6:30 6:30— Harmony twins, tenor. ticed, Ross told imlice. 1 goes to dinner.— DeFoe. 6:00—Comic Metropolitan skits. 8:30 7:30— Dance; music novelties. of the Cohde-Mons canal. able clues. Tho drama is an exciting 7:00 10:00 9:00— Black Forest tavern. one, “Chastonchlkl," a song so en- 7:30 6:30— Dark Town Wanderers, Tbe Britiah were to a certain ex­ Fred Van Epa. banjolst. 10:30 9:30—^l.ewls dance orchestra. triely nonsensical It can not be trans­ 254.1—WJJD, CHICAGO— 1180. tent surprised, and the powerful lated from the Russian idiom, hut for 8:00 7:00— Concert orchestra witn Leo O’ Rourke, tenor. 7:00 0:00—Symphony orchesli-.i: talk. German - artillery played havoc which tho tuneful melody Is « “ ^o^ble 9:00 8:00— Moosoheart chlUlren'e hr. in any land, will be sung by the Rus­ 9:00 8:00— Drama of underworld, among them, with -the result that ‘•Murphy Plays Square. 416.4—WON, CHICAOO-720. sian male quartet over WOR s net­ 0:30 Kt«0— Danco hand, harmony. that nlgHt the British forces were work oa 10:30 o’clock. At the extreme 9:30 8;3(F -8 chradertown band prog. 9:00— Melodies of summer. 10:30 9:30— Music; Hungry Five. compelled to fall back to a position Is the melancholy "'To My Comrat^s, 10:00 11:20 10:20—Two dance orchestras. to bo sung as a bass solo by Ivan Qrc- 10:30 9:30—Tha Family goes abroad, which bad previously been recon- comic dramatization. 12:00 11:00—Dream ship; dance musla bonlctsky. It is a farewell to the out- 344.6—W LS, CHICAGO—870. uoitered, resting on the left of the Side world by an Inmate of a Siberian 11:00 10:00— Two dunce orchestras. 9:00 8:00— String sextet hits. fortress of Maubeuge abd extending FINAL CLEARANCE prison doomod to many years more of 393.5—WJZ, NEW YORK—760. 9:30 8:30—W EAK bend concerL servitude. 4‘00 3:00—Pacific Little Symphony. 10:00 9:00— Orchestra, violinist, on the right to Janleln, southeast 6:00 6-00— New Yorkers orchestra, 11:00 10:00— Skellodluns feature hour. of Valenciennes. ' Wave lengths in meters on left of 7:00 sloo—The Salon mixed lingers. 11:30 10:30—Show boat hroadenat. Opposing the English were the station title, kilocycles on tho right. 7:30 6:30— Dixie Circus program, un 447.5— WMAQ, CHICAGO—670. Times are Easiein Oayllght Saving cle Bob Sherwood, clown. 8:00 7:00—WOR programs (2 hrs.) fourth and ninth German army “ PricerAt Their Lowest- and i'>stem Standard. Black face 8:00 7 :00—Contralto orch. 10:00 0:0n—I’lnza band concert. corps, and they fought about equal type Indicates best features. 8:30 7:30—Mystery drama. "Adven. 11:00 10:00—Artists: piano recital. numbers. The forces which awaited turs of Nick Carter." 12;00 11:00— Danco orchestra. Leading East Stations. 8;00—Comedy - harmony team. / 288.3—W F A A . DALLAS—1040. the German attack numbered about Big Boy and Shorty. 8:00 7 :00—Studio exercises. 86.000 men, roughly divided into Tomorrow will see the lowest Mid«season 8;30_Theater memories o i 12:00 1 1 :0 0 -Roy and his hoys. 70.000 infantry, 10.000 cavalry and 272>^WPQ, ATLANTIC CITY—1100. ••Blossom Time.” 361.2— KOA, DENVER—830. : Markdowns* Take advantage of the won­ 8-05 7:0r>—'rwo dance orchestras. 10:00 g;00__Quakers male quartet, so­ 12:00 11:00— Denver Municipal l»and. 312 guns. ^ y;00 8:00—Baritone, soprano, songs. prano. contralto. 1:00 12:00—Concert; stage conchera. The front of the British army derful’ bargains this Clearance Sale offers Oi.m 8:30— Three dance orchestras. 10:30 9;30— Koestner'a orchestra 2:00 1 ;nn—Broadway melodies. . covered about 20 miles and was an 12;n0 It:00—Midnight organ music. mixed chorus, tenor,.trio. 374.8—WBAP, FORT WORTH—800. 283—WBAL, BALTIMORE—1060. 11:00 10:00—Amos ’n’ Andy, comedians 10:30 9:30—Orclicstrni concert. excessive strain upon so small a 7-30 C:30—W JZ circus hour. 11-15 10:15—Slumber music. 11:00 10:00—Show boat; organist. force, since the enemy was more 243.8-WNAC, BOSTON—1230. 491.6— WIP, PHILADELPHIA—610. 11:30 l0:30-‘-Muslcnl progs. (21fe hrs.) The screen career of Alma Bennett has been so well managed by compact. 7'11 6:11—Amos 'n' Andy, comedians 7:30 6:30— Instrumental quartet, 285.6— KNX, HOLLYWOOD—1050. JHarry Splngler that Miss Bennett has elected him to manage all her SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE 7:30 6:30— Feature music hour. x'oo 7:00— Knlghls of tho Batn. 12:00 11:00—Optimistic order hour. affairs for life. They’re shown here as they obtained a license to marry The defeat in the battle of Mons 8 00 7:00-^011 programs (3% hrs.) 9’00 8:00— Frederick Ehmann, tenor. 1:00 12:00—Lion Tamer’s program. was the beginning of the’ Anglo- 11-25 10:26—Two dance orchestras. 9- 30 8:30—Instrumental trio.1:45 1 2 :4 5 -Legion Stadium events. at Los Angeles. 646.1—WQR, BUFFALO—B50. 10:00 9:00— Dougherty's orchestra. 491.5— W D AF. KANSAS CITY—610. French retreat whlch-^ld not end AT’ 6- 30 5:30— Van Surdam’s orchestra.535 4__WLIT, PHILADELPHIA—560. llhOO 9:00— Dntii’e mii.slc; concert. until the famous battle of the \ 7:30 6:30—Sludio music hour. 8-00 7:00—W E A F concert orchestra. 11:00 10:00— Skellodlans; serenaders. years will take place in this city on Marne. THE GREATEST O f THE SEASON 8:00 7:00— W EAK programs (2 hrs.) D-(i0 8:00— Tenor and pianist. 12:15 11:15—Varied iiiusicul program. Tuesday next, in connection with 10:00 11:00—Tho two bears. g.’ljy 8:30— W E A F hand concert. 1:45 12:45—Nlghthawk frolic. 10:30 <):80—W EAK comic sketch. ib'OO 9:00—Tenor and pianist. 468.5— KFI. LOS ANGELES—640. ' Downle Brothers circus. The pa­ 333.1—W M AK. BUFFALO—900. 305.9-KDKA. PITTSBURGH-980. 12:00 11:00— Artists feature hour. rade will be held at noon, so as to REDUCTIONS 7:00 6:00—Studio music guide. 6:00 6:00-L lltlo , 1 :00 12:00—Studio musical program. I, ROCKVILLE give the mill and office help an FOREST FIRES RAGING 7- -30 6 :30— Beach entertainment. 7:00 6:00- WJZ programs (3>,fe hrs.) 2:00 1 :U0—Broadway ’melodies. opportunity to witness It. There 8:30 7:30— WGY coiieert orchestra. 10- :i0 9:30— Bestor’s datico miislc. 365.6— WHAS, LOUISVILLE—820. 9:00 8:00—WOR programs (life tirs.) linio lU:on— WJZ slumber music. 9:00 8 :00—W E A F programs (.T hrs.) are to be two shows, one in the 428.3—WLW, CINCINNATI—700. 246.8—W CAE, PITTSBURGH—1220. 370.2—WCCO. MINN.. ST. PAUL—810. Auto Accident. afternoon and evening. Town farm 7:30 6:30—WJZ programs (3 hrs.) 6-10 5:10—Twilight music recital. 9:00 8:00—WOR programs (l\fe hrs.) Mrs. Louis Boucher of McLean Missoula, Mont., Aug. 22.— 10:80 9:30— Woodwind ensemble. inmates and County Home children C'30 6:30—Twins; concert hour. 10:30 9:30—Radloettes concert. street was taken to the Hartford will be present as guests. Scores of additional Are flghters 11:00 10:00— Orchestra; rumble:s. 7:30 6 :3 0 -W E A F progs. (2‘A hrs.) 11:00 10:00—Martuccl’a danco music. were rushed today to the vicinity 12:00 11:00— Reveries: orchestra. 11:00 10:00—Tracy-Brown’s P£ohe8l''a. 11:30 1 0 :3 0 -The Singing Fireman. hospital Wednesday afternoon, fol­ Hostess to Club. 1:30 12:50—Sweet and low down. 260.7— W H AM , ROCHESTER— 1160. 12:00 11:00—Two dance orchestras. lowing an auto accident which oc­ of Glacier National Park, where 280.2—WTAM, CLEVELAND—1070. 7'30 6:30—Cornell Collegians music. 461.3—WSM, NASHVILLE—650. curred in, Newington, on the turn- Mrs. Martha Kuhnly entertained a new outbreak has occurred In 8:uu 7:00— WJCAF orchestra, quartet. 8 00 7:00-WJZ programs (3',fe hrs.) 8:30 7:30—string quartet, soprono. pike. Mrs. Boucher was riding the members of the Jolly Whist the devastating conflagration that 9:00 8:00—Suitmen; lolks hour. 11- 15 10:15—Windsor danco music. 9:00 8:00— WJZ comedy team. 10:00 9:00— Baritone, guitarist, orch. 379.5—WGY, SCHENECTADY—790. 9:30 8:30— Franklin's dance orch. with her husband, when their nia- club at her summer home. Twin has been sweeping the heavily tim­ 10:30 9:30— Friday night fiollc. r>-55 11-55—Time: weather; markets. 10:00 9 :0 0 -NBC programs (1 hr.) chine was struck by one driven by Birches, Crystal on Wednes- bered lands of the United States H:30 1 0:30—Variety hour; organist. 6- 30 5:30—W E A F harmony team.11:00 10:00—Orchestra, soprano. Jolin McVeigh of Walkley road, day afternoon, following a pro- national forests for the paet t'wo 1:00 12:00— Wylie's dance oichestra. 7- 00 6:00- Educational talks.11:30 10:30— W.IZ Slumber music. 399.8—WJR, DETROIT-750, 7:30 6:30— WHAM music hours. 379.5— KGO. OAKLAND—790. West Hartford. Both cars were g^am of sports supper was served weeks. ; 8:30 7:30— WJZ programs (1 hr.) 8'00 7:00— Concert orch. with Arturo 1:30 1 2 :3 0 -The three boys. going south and according to State and whist was played, with the fol- Reports here said that the fire 10:00 9:00— Harmony piano twins. Phllllpl, tenor. 2:00 1 :n0-Viollnl.st and pianist. 10:30 9:30— W.IZ recording artists. 3:00 2:00;:-I[al.slc:id's danco orch. Pollce Boucher attempted to drive lowing prize winners; was sweeping Belton, a town of 499.7—W TlC, HARTFORD—600. 9-00 8 :0 0 -W EAF programs (1 hr.) 10-00 9*00— Studio concert orchestra. 508.2—W O W . OM AHA—590. between McVeigh’s machine and William Burke; .second Mrs. Ne e 100 inhabitants, administrative 7:00 6:00—Serenaders; harmonlzcrs. 12:00 11:00— Mu.s;cal. vocal recital. one that was parked on the side of Meyers; consolation. Miss Hattie headquarters of the Forest Serv­ 7:46 6:45— Musical program. 10:30 9:30—WJT.AF comic sldt. 11:00 lu:00—Dornberger's orchestra. 1:00 12:00— Arlisls program. the road. Mrs. Boucher was thrown Gross, ice. All women and children were 8:00 7:00—WEAB'...... programs. - (3 hrs.) Secondary Eastern Stations. Secondary DX Stations. through the windshield and re- * Notes, taken out of the town last night, 202.6— W H T, CHICAGO—14E0. celved a deep gash on the fore- Miss Isabel Frledrlck of Franklin the manpower remaining to aid In The first 608.2—W E E I, BOSTON—690. 1 410.7—CFCF, MONTREAL—730._ 9:00 8:00— Musical entertainments. 12:00 11:00- Your hour league. head and another at the base of the street was surprised by a number conquering the flames. Belton was 6:00 6:00—Vacation club ensemble. 11-00 10:00— Denny's dance orchestra. 344.6— WENR. CHICAGO—870. 6:30 5:30—Mlnuto men; organist. 8:15 7:15— I'armer Rusk’s talk. skull. She’ was also hurt about of frfends one evening this week cut off from wire communication 7:30 0:30- Merrymakers’ concert. '348.6—WABC. NEW YORK—860. 7:30 0 :3 0 - Beau Brumel’s recital. 12:30 11:30—Orchestra: comedy skit. the back. According to reports re- in honor bf her coming marriage, today. 8:00 7:UU—WEAF programs (2 hrs.) 8:00 7:00— Entertainers; orchestras. l:M() 12:00—DX vatidevlllo hotir; celved from the Hartford hospital she received many gifts, 10:00 9:00— Fur trappers’ concert. 10- an 9:110- Ramblers; ensemble. Several small ranches in the re­ 374.8—.WSAI. CINCINNATI—800. 9:00 8:00— Music of Old . she was resting quite comfortably Mrs. John Blake and family of gion have been razed, but no loss Straight-8 in 374.8— KTHS. HOT S P R IN G S -800. 7:30 6:30—Memories; organist; talk. 9:30 8 :30— Drama, ‘‘Senl Senor. 10:00 9:00— United Choral Singers. 9:30 8:30—Orchestra; classics. today^ Providence. R. I., are the guests of of life has been reported. 8:30 7:30-1-310010 artists hour. 11:30 1 0 :3 0 -Studio dance music. 9:00 8:00—W E A F programs (1 hr.) 10:30. .9:30—Negro nchievemenl hour. Elected State Treftsurcr. ,Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blake of Or- A flfty-mlle ring of flames sur­ 11:00 io;00— I'arainount orchestra. 12-no 11 :(in—Studio entertainment. 10:00 0:00— Accordionist. Imrllone. 296.9— W H N, NEW YORK—1010. 370.1—W RVA. RICHMOND—1110. At the State Convention of the | chard street. , tt, , rounds the forest lands In western lO-.IO 9:.30—WEAF programs (1 hr.) 9:00 8:00—W.IZ liarmony team. H. and L. A.. A. O. H., held Miss Shirley Mathewson of East 215.7—W H K , CLEVELAND—13S0. 9:00 8:00— Movie Club; orcliestra. I Montana and Idaho, with more 10:30 9:30- Songs; lilues, ukelete. 9:30 8:30—Radio club; trio. fn MerVden"'Mrs. Esther A. Rear-1 Main street is the guest of , x, her than 2,500 tire flghters trying to TOGO field 7-30 6:30—Orchestra, enteriatncrs. 11-15 10:15— Harmony: vaudcviHo. 10:30 9:30—W JZ feature hour. 8:00 7:00—W OR programs (3 hrs.) 11- 30 1 0 :3 0 -Orchestra, organist. don was elected' state treasurer of: aunt, Mrs. Fred Whitcomb of New control the flames. 11:00 10:00— Feature; song story. 272.6_WLWL. n e w YORK—1100. 6:00 5:00—prehestrn, baritone, talk. 238—WJAX. JACKSONVILLE—1260. the L. A., A. O. H. Mrs. Mary London. 18:00 11:00- Three dance orchestras. 7:30 6:30—Orchestra, artists. Miss Alice Hammond and Miss 325.9—W W J, DETROIT—920. 7-00 6:00—'Tenor, orchestra, soprano Burns, Miss Margaret McGuara. '526—WNYC. NEW YORK—570. 9:00 8:00— NBC entcrtalnmcnL this 8:00 7:00— W E A F programs (3 hrs,) 10:00 9:00— Studio concert. Miss Bernice Hammond and Miss Helen Martin are spending S7.000 IN GEMS STOLEN 11:30 10:30— Hollywood frivolities. 6- 05 5:0.5—Contr.alto: French lesson. yveek at Hampton Beach, New 7- 00 6:00—Welfare Council talk.11:00; 10:00—Dunce orchestra. Mary Phillips, delegates from the 12:30 11:30—Studio organ recital. local auxiliary, with delegates from Hampshire. Boston, Aug. 23 — Entering a the local division of the A. 0. H. Miss Anna Swlder, who will be Washington street jewelry store on voseve/f" an operation for varicose veins on were entertained in the company married to Francis Tobin of this the pretext of purchasing diamonds, MARMON'IUILT the leg a serious one?" of the national president of the La­ city on September 1, was given a a short dark man this afternoon W T l C Answer:— Removal of the en­ des Auxiliary. Mrs. Mary Martin surprise shower at the home of stole a bag containing 16 unset larged veins is always a dangerous Mrs. Joseph Tobin of Union street PROGRAMS MENUS Silk, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. have been any piocedure, not so much because of T. J. Horrlf?a,n of Meriden, during on Wednesday night. There was a fidence o f control that takes mock marriage and refreshments number of four-cylinder the danger of the operation. Itself, the convention. WM. E. KRAH all the fight and pension out Travelers, Hartford For Good Health but'because of the after-effects. It Friendly Class Social. were served. cars at this price. Today there The Singing and Declamation o f driving. 5UU m. 6UU K. C. is far better to wear an elastic The next regular meeting and Expert are many sixes at this b ^ re. stocking, or to reduce the size of dub of this city has purchased But there is only one straight-- There*s new hill-climb­ social of the Friendly Class will he from Herman Frledrlck a piece of Radio Service the vein by electrical treatments held In the dining room of the eight—the Roosevelt. ing ability—just give the A Week’s Supply or the application of ’Ice. The Ice land on the west end of Franklin I Philco Jars and Batteries Program For Friday Union Congregational church on You can do things with this Roosevelt a little heavier toe Reccimmended Ify should be held against the enlarg­ street. R C A Tubes and New Sets (E. D. S. T.) Wednesday evening. September 4. Roosevelt that have never be­ and watch eight cylinders really p;00 p. m.— Cities Service Concert Dr. Frank H. McCoy ed vein for three or four minutes Jatnes R. Quinn is in charge of the Phone 4949 fore been possible with any car Orchestra and Cavaliers from at a time and treatment given two entertainment. Refreshments jind WESTINGHOUSE STOCK BOOMS go to work. " N. B. C. Studios— Rosario * or three times dally. a social hour will follow the meet­ selling around $1000. There *s comfort made pos­ (Melba Toast) Bourdon, Director. Dr. McCoy's menus suggested ing The committee in charge Is New York, Aug. 2 3— Westing- There*s power, punch sible by extra-long springs and Spanish Serenade ...... Bizet for tiie week beginning Sunday, Question: D. H. asks:— "Should Mrs. Rose O’Brien, Miss Mary Melba toast be buttered?" house Electric was a sensational and^et^away that no other extra-deep cushions. Pearl o’ M ine...... Fletcher August 25th: — Synder. Mrs. Elsie South wick. Mrs. performer on the New York Stock I- Gems from "Sweethearts” . . . SUNDAY Answer:-—Melba toast should be Nellie Willis. Ashur Reed, James car at the price can possibly A Roosevelt buttered fresh as it Is being eaten. Exchange today. Price of that stock ...... Herbert Breakfast— Coddled eggs, toasted R. Quinn, Miss Ella Noble and Mrs. rose to 274 1-2 this afternoon, a Tonight’s cope with. is ready for 'Let Me Call You Sweetheart. . cereal biscuits, stewed or ripe By actual experience I have found Ida Weber. you today. that there seems to be some inter­ jump of 17 3-4 points. There^s sureness and con­ ...... Taylor flgs with cream. Legion at Convention. This was a new all-time record the ' Cavaliers Lunch— Baked eggplant, cooked ference with the other foods eaten Several members of the Ameri­ with .Melba toast when the butter high for Wesllnghouse stock. West- Tear Drops ...... Davis celery, sliced tomatoes on let­ can Legion and Auxiliary are at­ inghouse was selling as low at 192 Swee' Nothings . . Rettenberg j 1,1 allowed to melt on the toast as Night! tuce. tending the state convention being In the first week of July. Roojtve/f, $995; Plano Solo, Milton Rettenberg Dinner— Tomato and celery soup, I U is being made. This may sound held In Hartford. Mrs. Anna Mae The market generally was a brisk Melody in F .... Rubinstein j a little unreasonable, but my ad­ Pfunder opened the morning ses­ Stay home thU eve­ Marmon 6.8, roast veal, string beans, stuffed affair, with a majority of stocks $1465; MsrmoH A Brown Blrd’slnglng...... beet salad. Ice cream. vice Is to butter each bit as It Is sion by singing the national an­ higher and some attaining new ning and listen to ...... Haydn-Wood taken. them. Mrs. Pfunder Is state chair­ the Armour Hour. 78, $1965. Pricu MONDAY high records. at fsttory. Group Tenor solo, Leo O’Rourke (Growth In Head) man of membership. The Legion Other stocks which hit new high A great orchestra ^Of a Tailor and a B ea r...... Breakfast— Waffle, broiled ham, Question: S. G. writes:— "! delegates are Paul Wroblowskl equipment extra. applesauce. marks Included: and grand chorus...... MacLowell have a growth in my head which William Baer, George Brigham and Gillette Safety 142 7-8. up 2 7-8: Special features. Old Uncle Ned ...... Foster Lunch— Melon or any one kind of has almost closed the air passage. Edward Newmarker. fresh fruit, all desired. Dupont 207 1-4. up 11 1-2; Wool- Czardas from ‘‘Coppelia’’ .... I have to breathe through my Played Rascball. worth 98 5-S. up 3 7-8: Air Reduc­ ...... Delibes Dinner— Broiled steak, souffle ” *■! mouth most of the time. Any dust The Hockanuni Mill baseball A r m o u r squash*. conrbiuaUon salad of team has won the Industrial League tion 186 23, up 11 3-4; Bethlehem Can’t You Hear Me Callin’. causes me to sneeze, my nose to Steel 133 1-4, up 3 3-8 and Pacific THE CRAWFORD AUTO SUPPLY CO. Caroline? ...... Roma tomatoes, celery and cucumbers, water, and my head to stop up championship and played before baked peaches. Gas 84 3-4, up 6 1-4 points. H o u r A. E. CRAWFORD, Prop. Cavaliers so bad. I will appreciate anything o„e of the largest crowds of the STATION WRZ Center and Trotter Streets, South Manchester 9:00 p. m.— Graphic News Clip­ TUESDAY you can advise to get relief.” 'session on Tuesday night at Henry Breakfast— Poached egg, Melba 10:30 to 11 P. M., pings— Norman L. Cloutier, Answer: Most nasal growths can park, with a score of 7 to 2. POVERTY C.AUSES SUICIDE East. Daylight Time 1 Depot Square Garage, Associate Dealer Director. toast, stewed apricots. be cured through dieting. The trou­ Marriage Intentions. 9:30 p. m.— Schradertowu Band Lunch— Baked potato, string ble is generally that the mem­ Marriage intentions have, been Willimantlc, Aug. 23— Despon­ Depot Square Ernest Roy, Prop. Manchester from N. B. C. Studios— Arthur beans, lettuce. branes of the nose are inflamed filed at the office of the town dent over tho prospect of passing Pryor, Director. Arthur Allen Dinner— Roast mutton, baked and swollen by the irritations of clerk as follows: George ’W. Madge- his days In the almshouse here, and Louis Mason as "Gus and ground beats, McCoy salad, Jello toxins which are thrown out frau and Audrey E. Browne, both George L. Waters 79. hanged him­ Louie". or jell-v/ell. through the mucous glands. Local of Rockville; Ernest W. Lutz and self In that institution this''after­ 10:00 p. m.— King Perfecto Music WEDNESDAY treatments to the nose are some­ Gladys N. Long, both of Rockville; noon. He was a native of Norwich. Memory Contest directed by Breakfast— Cottage cheese, fresh times helpful, but the systemic James V. Currie of Wllllmantlc and A son, George T. Waters, runs a Emil Helmberger. or canned peaches. ! cause must be removed If you are Etta E. "Wheelock of this city. cigar store here. Lunch— Cooked carrots and peas, to expect a complete and perma­ Circus Parade. 10:30 p. m.— The Family Goes The first circus parade in many^ raw celery. nent cure. Your Neighborhood Store and Abroad— comic skit, “ The Re­ Dinner— Boiled lean beef, mashed turn Voyage." turnips, salad of cold cooked as­ 11:00 p. m.—"Pleasant Dream paragus on lettuce, prune whip. “Highest” Form of German Art Favorite Soda Fountain Sell Hour"— Cliff Strong, Allyn THURSDAY a Theater Organist: Breakfast— Baked eggs, crisp ba­ Sleepy Valley ...... Sanley con, Melba toast, stewed raisins. Marphe Militalre . . , Schubert Lunch— Fresh pears as desired, And Serve Three "Show Boat" Selections with handful of pecans...... Kern Dinner— Roast pork/ zucchini, sal­ •i^i\ \ (a'i Can’t H elp'^ ovin ’ that ad of sliced cucumbers, baked Man. ! apple. (b) Why Do I Love You? FRIDAY (c) Old Man River. Breakfast — Toasted breakfast Manchester Dairy Ice Cream « You Tell ’Em, Ivories...... food, with cream or milk. ^ Confrey Lunch— Macaroni, spinach, head "The New Moon" . Romberg lettuce. It’s always available—fresh and perfectly frozen— Prelude ...... Rachmaninoff Dinner— Baked white flsh, stewed To Identify Three Popular Airs; .tomatoes, string bean salad, (a) Down Among the Sugar plain jello or jell-well, no cream. Canes ...... DeRose SATURDAY Genuine Aspitin so that it can be served at its best. Its popultuity (b) There’s the One For Me Breakfast— Coddled eggs, Melba h e increasing nse of Bayer Askt toast, stewed prunes. (c) Let’s Dream ...... Coots Lunch— One pint of buttermilk, T Aspirin every year is proof everywhere is the reason for its sales. 11:30 p. m.— Hotel St. Regis Or­ 10 or 12 dates. that it has no ill effects. It is the chestra— Vincent Lopez, direc­ Dinner— Salisbury steak, buttered accepted antidote for pain. It tor. beets, sliced tomatoes on lettuce, always helps; it never harms. Qnick 12:00 Midn. — Baseball scores: baked pears. relief when you’ve a headache, or Hartford Courant News Bulle­ ‘ ♦Souffle of squash; 2 1-2 cups' cold; or are suffering .from neu­ tins; weather forecast. of cooked mashed squash, 3-4 cup ralgia or neuritis. Bhenmatic pains of whole milk, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon­ yiel^ too, if you’ll only give these SPEAKEASY IN CAPITAL. ful of butter. tablets a chance. But yon want The Manchester Dairy After squash has been thorough­ genuine Aspirin, so look for the Washington, Aug. 23— A flour­ ly mashed, gradually beat in the Bayer Oross on every tablet. The ishing speakeasy was put out of milk and yolk of the egg. Whip box always bears the name Bayer y ‘, business today by the police-after the white of the egg stiff and dry and the word geau/ae printed in red. Ice Cream Company operating for months just across and fold Into tho squash, turn into i oiled dish, and bake in a moderate D IA L 5250 the street from the office of the I assistant district attorney In charge o^en for about thirty-five minutes. 1 of liquor prosecutions. Add to each serving a generous r Always Obtainable at Your Neighborhood ; Mrs. Laura E. Hanson, 62. lump of butter. Works of art are sky high In Germany now— particularly the plane Store or Favorite Soda Fountain pleaded guilty to possession of 31 kind of painting you see here. Edgar Dittman, above,-has made a high half gallons and sundry pints of QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS art of flying by giving an airy decorative touch to the glider in which he brushes past the clouds. His Hopes of setting a new altitude record 'Whiskey* ^ Anlrin it th« trtds murk of Bum Mkanfuetan ‘ Judge Mattingly deferred sen- . Veins) for gliders may not be castles in thp air like the one painted on the rud­ ot IfonotMtiMoidMtet ot BkUarUotcid tanea. Question; W. H. J. asks:— "Is der.


Injection Causes Growth to Breathe Itself to Death, Sci­ . HARTFORD entist Says. SP E aA L ! COMPLETE SPRING CHICKEN DINNER, 50c. Cambridge, Mass., Ai’g. 23 A foung research worker has dis­ covered a compound which has proved highly successful In treat­ ment of cancer in animals. It was COME TO HARTFORD learned today at the Thirteenth In­ ternational Physiological Congress at Harvard Medical School. The compound is Injected hypodermically into the growth. It SHOP AT WISE, SMITH & CO. STORE sets up oxidation action and causes the dleased cells tp “breathe them­ selves to death" through abnormal consumption of oxygen. f The discoverer. Dr. Boris Soko- OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY loff, a guest at the Institute of Cancer Research at Columbia Uni­ versity, and Dr. W. H. Howell of We have made special preparations for your visit here Saturday. New merchandise Johns Hopkins University, presi­ dent of the longress, were enthus- —the very height of Fall Fashions—at Prices that will prove decidedly worthwhile. lastih over the success of the ('•• periments on animals, lastic over the success ot the ex­ dent of the congress, kere enthus- A Word About the predlctions ’ about adaption of the treatment to humans. Firet Big Coat Sale Fall and Winter, 1929 Furniture Sstle: CHINESE GOVERNMENT From the Beginning, This Wise, Smith Sale TELLS WOES TO U. S. S A T l^ D A Y Has Shattered Its Own Record . . and still continues to W’ashlngton, Aug. 2 3 ■— The do so. For weeks, hun­ Chinese government today had on record with nil the signatories to at $29.95 dreds of eager home­ the Kellogg anti-war pact her for­ mal case against Soviet Russia, over Our Second Floor Coat Shop makers have been roam­ the Chinese Eastern Railway, in 9-Piece Living Room Outfit! the form of identic notes. opens the new season with a ing through our great The hote to the United States most interesting collection of furniture floors . . hun­ was handed to Secretary of State clever coats for Fall! Smartly Stimson by Chinese Minister C. C. dreds bought and were Wu. It was a long recital of the styled with unique cuffs and wrongs China alleges she has suf­ pockets and large, snug collars satisfied . . more furni­ fered from the Russians In propa­ Includes Davenport, Club Chair and Fii'eside of fine fur! The materials are ture being sold than ganda and wholesale assassinations Chair—each piece tailored in high-jvrade velours; in rich shades of brown and plots. It repeated charges that ever before. There is have been previously published fine spring construction; dainty modernistic deco­ soft tans, new fall fabrics, from China and threw no new rated end table; decorated hardwood magazine only one reason for this light on the situation. basket; complete metal smoker; bridge lamp with While deeply resentful in tone record . . . the Wise, the note said China would at any shade; junior lamp with silk shade; hardwood time within the limits of possibility mahogany finish davenport table; table scarf and Smith sale is giving full­ “discuss and settle with the Soviet framed picture. Nine pieces in all. at $14.95 est satisfaction, and so government the disputes Induced by a misrepresentation of the facts more and more people on the part of the Soviet govern­ $10 Down Delivers This Outfit. Sports coats at a low and ment.” popular price that offer all that are coming in . . knowing that this vast you could wish in a smart coat stock of furniture is fundamentally right of good quality! The materials in its workmanship, its design, its prices . . THREE VIOLENT DEATHS are in soft browns, greys and tan and are tailored with excel­ knowing, too, that prices are from 10 TO 40 New Haven. Aug. 23-Three fatali­ lent care in Parisian influenced PER CENT. LESS NOW . . knowing that ties were reported in the New models. Haven district today. > the Budget Credit Account will allow the Samuel Jones, of Guilford, died w ise, Smith— Second Floor. in New Haven hospital from the ef­ payments to be distributed over a period of fects of being run down by an iin- ' time. .known motorist between Guilford w ise, Smith & Co.—Fifth Floor. »nd Branford. Harold Owens, a Hamden bakery ilriver, died at the same hospital CENTER BARGAIN SQUARE after his truck had been struck by a New York-bound railroad train Unusual Selection of on a Hamden grade crossing lead­ Important Sale ing to the North Haven brickyard district, FALL FROCKS FOR WOMEN Mario Pacelll, of New Haven, died at New Haven hospital from the effects of a self-inflicted bul’ct New Autumn wound, after writing a note saying he was about to kill himself for the sake of his girl. Silk Dresses $16.95 Coroner .T. J. Corrigan investi­ gated the th.ree fatalities. STYLISH AND DISTINCTIVE! Newer ensembles and smart K. OF C. CONVENTION A notable contribution to any Living Room 'would be this ]\Lohair Suite of distin­ $5.00 dresses of fine novelty crepe in tai­ guished charm! Just received from the manufacturers as the newest expression of lored mode with clever pleatings— good taste! Covered in lusterous Mohair, Serpentine fronts and Button Bottom 'Irim! dressy satin ensembles and satin Milwaukee, Aug. 2 3 — Support Splendid reversible cushions. Spring construction throughout! Webbed, bottoms! The most stunning of new Autumn of a strong national program of Either chair with the Davenport at this August Reduction Sale. dresses with unusual flare skirts. preparedness was urged by Rev. irocks . . . over 75 new variations of the Col. Joseph M. Lonergan of Rock­ Fall mode. Silk crepe and georgette dresses ford, 111., former national chaplain OPEN AN in rich shades have double tiered of the American Legion, in an ad­ EASY CREDIT Satin, flat crepe, silk faille and Celanese dress before the Supreme Council TERMS ACCOUNT in rich, new Autumn colors, modes for or flared, skirts and chic trim­ of the Kniglits of Columbus, who $169 practically every occasion. Sizes 14 to mings of transparent velvet with were holding closing sessions of their annual convention here to­ 46. And extra sizes at $5.49. jeweled buckles. day. The speaker attacked the Kellogg WUc, Smith—Main Floor. peace pact and advocated a power­ ful navy. NEW SILK DRESSES All supremo officers, headed by Supreme Knight Martin II. Car- New arrivals In Canton crepe—satin mody of Grand Rapids, Mich.,'were and crepe faille In a variety of styles— re-elected. each n Fall model In a As emissary of Pope Pius XT., stunning ne'w shade. .. . most Rev. Henry J. O'I.earn con­ Men’s All Wool ferred on Supreme Knight Car- Wise, Smith—Second Floor. mody the order of the Grand Cross IdJ • (■ Df St. Gregory. He is the third SUITS-Special American to be so honored.

SOUTHERN EDUCATOR HERE. President Edward E. Green, $17.50 president of the Cotinty Life .\cad- / emy, located at Star, Nortli Caro­ lina. was a visitor in town this Regular Values Were morning. He visited ithe Orford $22.50 to $35.00 ‘ vSoap Company and was surprised Ik to learn that it was the home of An incomplete line of our pop­ "Bon Ami.” He was on his way to Complete 9-Piece ular one and two pants suits! visit. Cheney Brothers’ office to seek permission to view their All wool or worsted in gray, tan, works and was anxious lo learn If brown or blue mixtures. other manufacturing was carried Modem Outfit! Conservative models for men on in Mancliester. He was particu­ and dapper styles for young WOMEN’S FALL FOOTWEAR larly interested when he learned that Manchester was only 105 years men. Well tailored types . . . old as a town and that-there were two or three-button models with Fascinating Strap Pumps several industries other than the peak or notched lapels. Sizes silk mills, that there was five post offices and that the population wa.s Consists of Davenport, Club Chair and your 34 to 44. $ 5 o0 0 well over 23,000. His Information Men’s Store—Main Floor. choice of Wing or Button Back Chair. Each piece Black or brown lizard calf pumps with matching Wd had been that Manchester and tailored in Genuine Jacquard Velours. The fol­ South Manchester were two sepa­ quarters. Also black or brown suede and patent lath er rate towns. lowing pieces are also included: Smoker, Mahog­ in single strap models with center buckle or side fasten- any End Table, Bridge Base and Shade and Ma­ DALL FOR ET.ECTRICIANS hogany Davenport Table. Nine High Grade ette. Covered Cuban or spike heels. TO EXECUTE TWO MEN?S BROADCLOTH SHORTS Pieces for only $129. Modeme Ossining, N. Y.. Aug. 23—A call Smart lor electrical experts was made to- 3 9 c lay from Sing Sing prison here so Comfortably cut shorts of Reptilian Ties “Tailored” Ties ;hat Milton Harris of Buffalo and broadcloth^and percale in a large / fohn Fabn of Syracuse may bo variety of patterns. Regular Musliner’s brown Tailored ties of ixecuted. brown or black reptile leather, Following recent riots at Au- 50c value! suede, also . dull >urn and Dannemora, electrical / trimmed with soft V V jenerator and other apparatus mat kid with a ' ised In electrocution was moved $4.95 ALL WOOL brown k i d to clever shield toe tip and lut of the prison power house and SWIM SUITS match. Covered Cuban the hew covered Cuban B being erected In the death heels. louSe. All wool suits; Famous “Spsed" model Md re^ lM or spike heels. The apparatus has proved too types in several good colors. CO ^ 0 Wiiie, Smith—Main Floor. lellcate for prison electricians to FURNI idjust as It must be regulated so At hat the executioner may apply 188 State Street Hartford Wise, Smith—Main Floor. oough current to produce almost nstant death without burning or Hsfigurlng the body. sbuTO I^roAY, AUGUST 28,192^,

,, tree illver Democrat that year. aion ot two automobiles. The ■1\ 'VBEMk -■ H ' > s w n u i R v i w * Feaieiiden, ot eoaree, was a Ifepnb* chances ot either of these"inen be­ lloan—one of the most influential ing able to drop from his machine, Health and Diet Cvnrtttg X n ^ ot Connecliout party leaders. Hie after the crash, la highly proble­ political affiliations were unshak- matical. To encourage such adven­ Advice ■ •BBRAiiD^rafOTiSS TOMiSSrr, inc. ably established. His partner, Car­ tures is what would h.av® been These furnishings have been ■ ‘ 18 Bluall 8tr**t called, in old fashioned times, South lUaobMMr, Comi. ter, had been a Democrat—a very By DR. FRANK McCOY THOUA8 FBRQUSON common strategic Arm arranfe- plain sinful. It Is also sinful for } General Maneger _____ ment a generation ago. But Cum­ the public to patronise pictures I' Specially Priced for August j. Founded October I, 1881 mings, as a kid member ot the that depend for their appeal.- dn HEALTH PROM AUTOSUG­ the feckless risking of human life. GESTION ' Publtihed Every Evening Bxcept concern, had no practical party af- ■ Furnishing for the first time . • refurnishing a room or two . . or Sundays and H olldaya BnUred at ihe flllations. Post Ofllce a t South Everyone Is familiar with re­ just changing or cohipleting some comer of your home? Now, during th** Conn^ as Second Class Mall Blatter. In 1896 any number ot Influen­ ports of miraculous recoveries of August reductions, is the time to make your selections for Fall, for th* SUBSCRIPTION RATBSl tial Democrats in the east quit apparenily incurable Invalids by One Tear, bv m a ll...... }**J® faith or suggestion. Doctors are savings are well worth while! Per Month, by mail ...... f •*“ their party on the free silver Is­ equally familiar with the fact that Delivered, one year ...... Going Places Single copies ...... * sue. Some ot them declared for many diseases, such as paralysis, McKinley. Some of them Joined AND mental disorders, and digestive dis­ SPECIAL advertising REPR E­ the "Gold Democratic Party,’’ turbances, may be caused by sug­ SENTATIVE: Hamilton - DeLlsser. gestion, -fear, or other powerful Inc.. 886 Madison Ave.. New Fork. N. whose nominees were Palmer and T.. and 613 North Michigan Ave.. Seeing Things emotions. Chicago. Ilia ______Buckner. Yet any law firm that It Is undoubtedly true that the pioposed to do a composite politi­ mind has a tremendous Influence The Herald la on sale dally at all Port Huron, Mich.—And so, af­ upon our well being. Many are Crawford Ranges Schnlts and Hoatllng nows stands In cal straddle, for business’ sake, New Fork City. ter drifting here and there, another coming to realize that they can would have to have not only one grown-up found himself back on a powerfully Infiuen'ce themselves by available on Leased Wire Service client ot ln< Democratic member but two, one spot which, over 20 years, he had autosuggestion. The mind natural­ ternatlonal News Service. in either camp. So the story used remembered best. ly plays around In the storehouse Full service client of N E A Service Club Terms to go that Carter and Cummings Yes, there It was! . . . A mean­ of memories, and If this storehouse Inc. looking vacant lot which, no doubt, Is stocked with pictures of health pulled straws to see which would Member. Audit Bureau of ClrculS' many neighborhood Improvement and well being, one Is constantly re­ The Victory Crawford, sketch­ tions. ______assume the social handicap—for it clubs had blushed lor. . . • The ceiving suggestions for good: but, ed above, while only 36 inches w'as nothing else that year—of same scattering of tin cans over by on the other hand. If the mind Is The Herald Printing Company. Inc., wide, combines coal and gas. free silver Democracy—ttfid Cum­ the fence. . . . The same ash continually contracting thoughts of assumes no gnanclal responsibility heaps. . . . The same hard-pack­ It has two gas ovens, a gas for typographical errors appearing In mings lost. Carter lining up with disease and disease symptoms, the advertlsments In the Manchester ed pathways. Intersecting at a point suggestions received are enervating broiler, a coal oven, as well as Evening Herald. the "goldbugs." which made a perfectly swell home and detrimental. the open gas and coal burners. Whether there was much truth plate for the sandlot ball players. One striving for health should In porcelain enamel. FRIDAY. AUG. 23, 1929 . . . The tottering remains ot a completely eliminate from his to the tale or little, or none at all, crude goal post over In one corner. vocabulary such words as aching, YANKEEPHOBIA the elongated Cummings made the . , . Remnants of clothes .lines, tired, miserable, attack, ailment, $5 Down - ?5 Weekly Somehow we missed altogether best, the funniest and the most bits of wire and abandoned "shln- sickness, complain, painful, dis­ 9 Old English Dining Pieces $169. Frank Ward O’Malley’s valedic­ arousing free silver speeches that hey” sticks. . . . Well-carved couragement. etc., and substitute were made that year by anybody posts— positive words bringing up pictures A soft, amber finish makes this group glow with old age! American tory as an American, delivered on And most familiar of all, the hot- of health such as strong, beautiful, his departure to live hereafter In in this state with the single excep­ weather sounds and smells. The vigorous, well, hardy, joyful, walnut, gumwood and maple have been used with Old English "antique type a better land, but we see him quot­ tion of the lamented Henry Bald­ faint sugestion of sweet clover and healthful, etc. drops for handles. Smoothly sliding drawers, and a velvet lined silver Indian grass. The clacking noises ed as describing this country as win of Naugatuck. Whenever a mean thought or a tray are features. Buffet, china, table, arm and 5 side chairs. Regular of the cicadas and the lotus-llke depressing one enters the mind, en­ $203.00. saturated with "the depraving Perhaps sometime or other Mr. hoppers. The lovr gtbwllng of heat- deavor to think of another thought philosophy of crass materialism, Cummings will tell the world bothered dogs.’ or some Joyful anticipation. Keep the political grip of the Methodist whether he really did pull straws. the mind busy on constructive Other barefoot' boys now pos­ Board of Prohibition, Temperance Anyhow, If he did, he abided by thinking and you will find that a sessed the vacant lot. But they rainbow will appear over your Mohair Covered and Public Blah, hypocrisy, crook­ the Issue, for he remained a regu- actually had an honest-to-goodness clouds of gloom to forcast the sun ed thinking, Ignorant scoundrels In lai Democrat for a long, long time. ball bat. Instead of the slab of shine and happiness ahead. Upholstered Group high office, unbelievable bigotry, whittled wood used by the young­ If your mind constantly dwells sters of my day. And they had a Plain taupe mohair has been used all over these three pieces, with one appalling provincialism, national on unpleasant conditions, they will ASSININE , real baseball. Instead of a concoc­ continue to grow until they are side of the seat cushions brightened with a softly hued ratine tapestry. swell headednesB, rainbow-chasing A statement purporting to con­ tion of many balls of twine and old vicious monsters, but If you The design is a graceful roll arm type with carved cabriole feet, A daven­ ‘progress’# lag criminal procedure, vey certain views of Henry Ford rags. your mind from Images of pain and port. wing chair and a high, button-back club chair are included. Regu» Simplicity of design marks the insane legislation, a fanatical phil­ 1 wanted to ask them If they tragedy to those of health and Joy, State Crawford as an up-to-the- on the subject of prohibition has wouldn't let me take Just one swing lar $199.00. osophy of Puritanism that stifles you will build up a wealth of good minute coal range. Note ‘ the been distributed to the press of at the ball. 1 wanted to explain pictures which are not only pleas­ smooth plain castings. It Is a size all gentle living and beauty.” the country by a propaganda agen­ that this whs once my own play­ ant to contemplate, but have the for the average family, and comei ground and that Its tin cans and Well, now! One hardly feels like cy. Very few newspapers have pub­ magic power to grow by attracting In black finish. dust and ash-heaps were sentimen­ other thoughts of a like nature. 4 Piece French calling the clever Mr. O’Malley a lished It, probably for the reason tal memories. But 1 felt that If 1 The mind Is especially susceptible i$3 Down - $3 Weekly;, liar for so describing his native that It does not sound like the ut­ did this, some urchin would chirp to suggestions In the twilight be­ Bedroom Ensemble land. We might almost go so far as terance of a person quite In his up with, "What about It?” or, "Go tween being awake and sleeping, to say that while he was about tt button up your nose.” and It is a good plan to keep alive right mind and It Is extremely dif­ So 1 walked on, This group follows the Louis XVI style with its turned legs and posts. he might have gone even a bit fur 'the pleasant memories and Joyful ficult to Imagine Its being a bona constructive thoughts In your mind Walnut and American gumwood are the woods used in creating a beautiful ther than this in listing the dis­ fide document. After a time, I came to the as you are preparing for the repose paneled bed, a dresser, chest of drawers, and a French dressing table. agreeable things to be encountered Mr. Ford is represented as say­ place where the hill ran, in a of sleep. , I Formerly $200.00. hard sand trail, down to the river. Not only should one think in In the United States. But what we ing, In effect, that he would give What had once seemed like a mere are Interested In is how Mr. O’Mai terms of health, but one should up manufacturing If prohibition hop-skip and a Jump to an energy- talk health and act strongly. If you ley is going to get away from all were abandoned, asserting that he charged boy had, somehow, seemed are dellgent In your search for con­ these things by going bdck to the would not care to put automobiles quite a walk to the man who sav structive knowledge and helpful down on the hill tip to piece to­ thinking, you will soon find that very place where every mortal one Into the hands of people soggy gether again old scenes associated of them originated and whence it your effort brings Its reward In a with alcohol. ' with the remaining ruins of a happier, healthier everyday life was Imported here. It Is to be anticipated that Mr. wrecked wharf. Ford will presently disavow this ' A couple of lads were wading, QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS What Mr. O’Malley and a good but no one was swimming. 'rhe many others of his Ilk seem to statement. Just as he disavowed, dangers of the river's current have Palpitation of Heart forget Is that In every one of Its after a long time, the attacks made been well advertised since 1 was Question: Miss H. writes:—"I human characteristics, admirable by his personally owned Dearborn lad. have palpitation of the heart, but Independent upon the Jews. all the doctor does is to give me A Crawford gas range in spark­ or otherwise, America is the heir So, by a roundabout route that ling green and white porcelain ena­ of Europe. Our culture, for better Anyone with a grain of sense some medicine to use whenever the skirted the river, 1 found my­ trouble becomes bad. I know 1 am mels, is equipped with a Wllcolator- or for worse, Is an amalgam of knows, of course, that no more ar­ self standing by a two-story house worse whenever I have gas on my controlled oven. This oven, as Euopean cultures; our vices are rant rubbish than this prohibition that once had been home. 1 won­ •stomach. Please mark off the gassy well as broiler, is lined with porce­ dered what would happen were I foods I should not eat. I am en­ lain enamel to make cleaning easy, European vices and our virtues are statement was ever printed. For to go up and-ring the bell and say, and to eliminate, rusting. European virtues. You cannot cre­ sixteen years before prohibition closing a list. "1 was a small boy In this hous,s. Answer;—As you did not give ate a new ethnical strain In any was adopted Ford was making and Many years ago, I played "Auth­ me your name and address I could $5 Down - $3 Weekly such time as three hundred years. selling Just as many automobiles or” by the dining room radiator— not send you a dlre^ct answer, so ca he possibly could. A great many yes, and Lotto and Parches!. The will merely name those foods you There are many other Crawford It is just simply nonsensical to talk floor space of that little closet off 3 Smart Sunporch Pieces $89. ranges to select from, In plain as If this country had had the persons had been killed by his cars have listed which are often found the dining room was the treasure 4o.be gas producers with those who black and colored porcelain fin­ time to develop a brand new set of before there was even a prospect chest ot toys—cluttered with have this tendency: Brown or white Artfiber in natural brown and black has been used in making the three ishes. Included is the new Craw­ faults or a brand new set of merits of prohibition, some of them, of abandoned Christmas games and breads, potatoes, apple pie, cake, pieces sketched above. The spring seats, which are removable, are covered ford gas range with insulated oven. course, through drunkenness. A deflated football hides and base porridge, lettuce, beets, bananas, Any of these ranges, as well as any all Its own. ball mitts and tops and 'kites. in a colorful modem cretonne, showing reds, orange and greens on a black other makes in our stock, are avail­ The American Is a composite great many people have been kill­ peas, corn, and chocolate. background. This group makes an ideal sunporch grouping. Formerly "That space just below the cellar Diet In Anemia able on easy club terms. European. If he Is a fool and a ed by his cars since prohibition, entranceway was once a pirate's Question: G..F. asks:—"What Is $106.50. boaster it Is because his European some of them through drunken­ cache. And the sand pile at the side was a gay circus grounds many a good diet for an anemic person?” forebears were fools and boasters. ness. Mr. Ford did not hesitate to a time. And once we actually had Answer:—The first thing to re­ If he Is a ninny there were plenty sell as many cars to a wet country, member Is that anemic patients a raccoon tor a menagerie. The must not be staffed with an excess of ninnies In Europe to account from 1903 on, as he could find bark oft the back fence posts was of food. At the start of treatment a for him. If he’s a hero and a sacrl- buyers for. He never Inquired stripped many times for the cedar bark clgarets we bad learned . to fruit diet will do more than any llclent It’s because heroism and whether they were drinking people make. . And the old barn, over by other diet to bring the blood back WATKINS brothers,r«* self-sacrifice are qualities of Euro­ or sots. He doesn’t Inquire now. to normal. After the fruit diet, all the alley, was the hatchery for meals should be carefully balanced, pean civilisation, as well as nlnny- We have never regarded the countless escapades.” using a reasonable amount of all 5 .4 S o u t h . Manchester Ism and money-grabbing. opinion.of Henry Ford on any sub­ Somehow, to say all this to a stranger seemed silly. Doubtless the dilZerent food substances. As I Bunk and blah and meanuess ject outside of manufacturing as many lads bad come and gone from soon as the toxemia which produces are everywhere. So are fineness being worth a straw. His mentality anemia Is thrown out of the systejji, this house since my childhood. ' 1 the body will be able to get the ond nobility and modesty and Is below the average In a very found myself wondering If tl;e boys benefit of any good food. truth. If a man .deliberately shuts great many matters. But' we serl; who had come and gone had bad halt the fun 1 had. Is Starch Necessary? his eyes to the virtues of America ously doubt his being ass enough And Just then, from around the Question: K. J. writes:—"My and to the demerits of Europe he to have formulated or specifically corner, came a boy carting an meals are mostly milk and fruit, or a protein and vegetable. 1 am afraid can kid himself Into thinking his authorized any such Idiotic state­ empty box. This he abandoned for that hardly any of the offices were a moment on the yard, an'd after I do not get enough starch. Does The atmosphere of modernity and own country Isn’t fit to live in and ments as this one accredited to the body require a definite amount luxury of the big new stores fas­ occupied and tor a year thousands a series of whistles and calls, be ol Washingtonians have been pass­ that Europe Is too good for him. him. was Joined by two others and, quite of starch, and will I suffer on ac­ cinates the public, and hordes of If he shuts his eyes to the virtues count of the small amount I take WASHINGTON people cone In for sightseeing ing the building dally, wondering mysteriously, they w^nt into a why It hadn’t filled up. back-yard huddle. Soon the first In?” .tours with no intention of buying of Europe and the demerits of PLAIN SINFUL Answer:—I do not believe It Is anything. Tourists parties from the America he can easily convince There Is always some question came running out the‘ back dour LETTER with a big pitcher of lenionade, a necessary to use any highly starchy country, family groups and bodies RETURN FROM EUROPE himself that this Is the only coun­ as to the common sense ot a law couple of newspaper and some foods at all In the diet. Of course, of school students are to be seen try In the world that ought to be against sulcjde—or, rather, at­ there Is always a small amount By RODNEY DUTCHER. < can also recommend other senors, in the more attractive stores at squares of ice. In another couple fofind In the non-starchy vegeta­ including First Secretary Oscar almost anytime. The store owners allowed to exist. tempted suicide. But If there are of minutes a business enterprise bles. Carnivorous animals get Washington.—On these nights in Blanco Viul of the Chilean em­ like that. In summer they all throw New York, Aug. 23.—Returning . In either case he Is a chump. So any states other than New York was flourishing on the front law^ Washington officials and diplomats bassy; First Secretary George de la from an extended stay abroad,-Mrs. —"Lemonade, 6 -cents." along very well without starch and open large roof gardens to their Is Frank Ward O’Malley. which have such statutes, and It sugar, and under certain forced cir­ who must stay In town through the Barra of the Bolivian legation, visitors visitors to one Tokio store Thomas Oole and daughter, Miss No, kids haven’t changed! summer are often to be seen in and Jose Ortego of the Pan-Amar- Louise Cole, of 10 Middle ’Turn­ Is probable that there are, it would GILBERT SWAN. cumstances men have lived for have numbered as high as 200,000 years under practically an exclusive white flannels, dancing and dining lean Uniop. Among other addicts a day, with 60,000 as a minimum pike, Manchester, arrived here last CUMMINGS seem as It they ought to amend meat diet. Don’t worry about not outdoors at what appears to be the are Columbian Minister Enrique for any one day. evening from Glasgow on the S. S. The third marriage, of Homer their laws to Include such stunts only bright spot In the capital's Olaya and Persian Minister Mlrza ___ » Caledonia. On disembarking Mrs. FIND MILLIONAIRES’ BODY getting enough starch; the chances Cole said she and her daughter Cummings, Fairfield County klfl as those pulled off by some of the are you will get too much rather night life. Khan Meftah. Three yearn ago somebody built Among the diplomatic women had enjoyed a two months visit glove Democrat and national fig motion picture producers when Alexandria Bay, N. Y., Aug. 23 than too little. In the absence of any formal so­ a 16,000,000 office building on Higli Blood Pressure cial functions, swimming and one likes to watch are Mme. De le with relatives In Ireland. , . ure, has given the editor of the they hire fliers to purposely crash —Following the detonation of Barra, Mme. Samy Pasha—who what Is considered the most val­ The Calldonia also brought In more than 2,000 sticks of dynamite Question: S. D. writes:—"My dancing parties have become pop­ the first detachment of American Middletown Press opportunity to their planes. In the St. Lawrence river here wife Is suffering from high blood ular. There are several pools and comes with her husbandi the Egyp­ uable piece of business property In put his intimate and accurate There Is one aviator, still alive, pressure. Some of the doctors tell dance floors scattered about^Wash- tian minister—and Mme. Popovlc, Washington. The site Is bounded Boy Scouts from the World Jam- during the past few days, the body the Rumanian legation secretary. botee at Birkenhead, England. The memory ot Connecltcut politics to who has taken part In so many of of W. Charles' Llpe, Syracuse mil- us It cannot be cured. Would ap­ ington, but tne place the folks out by Fifteenth street, New York ave­ of the Social Register and the Con­ The home folks also make a lads were unanimous in declaring' work on a review of the clever these shockingly hazardous wrecks lionaire, came to the surface today preciate your advice.” nue and G street and the building that their greatest thrill abroad and was recovered. Answer:—That cause Is .due gressional Directory favor Is the good showing, however. George- W. faces the Treasury grounds with Mr. Cummings’ career. In the that he was qualified to write, for either to hardening of the arteries, so-called Plage Deauville, alongside Wlckersham, head of the Hoover the White House Just beyond. was the visit to their camp of the Mr. and Mrs. Llpe and Capt. Ford law enforcement commission, fre­ Prince of Wales In Scout costume# course ot his artlclb he recites that a widely circulated magazine, a Dodge were drowned Friday when or arterial tension, and most cases the Wardman Park swimming pool. High priced materials were used, can be cured by diet alone. If you quently entertains on the banks of with a first-floor exterior finish in Homer, then a tall and gangling high-priced article about the their speedboat crashed Into an ex­ Theplage, which someone says the pool on evenings when he is AY SANDY BEACH cursion boat near here and sunk. will send me your name and ad­ means beach, is of cement and is brass, cdarble and bronze, public fledgling Junior member ot a Stam freakish and perilous business. But dress I will be glad to forward ad­ here, altnough he doesn’t . dance. corridors paneled In hegvy walnut ford law firm the other partners ot Search had been abandoned a dotted with large beach umbrellas Senator Sam Shortrldge of Cali­ The International Beauties, a he Is one survivor among many few hours before recovery of Llpe's ditional Information on this sub­ wlilch are handy enough In the- and brass and bronze fittings all which were the celebrated Samuel fornia also prefers to look on. But through. It was called the Wasn- big attraction wherever they have- companions who have been killed body. ject. daytime. A raised dancing floor Senator Royal S. Copeland of New appeared on their tour of Nesf ’ Fessenden and Galen Carter, be In the same class of activities. Now Search efforts Were immediately overlooks the layout and between ington Building. York does a mean fox-trot and . Somebody Is going to lose a lot of England, are scheduled to appear^ eame a Democrat in the soul-try it is asserted that one movie con­ redoubled to find the bodies of Mrs. dances the diners watch the bath­ other nationally known figures are at Sandy Beach Ballroom tojno|^ Llpe knd the pilot, LOOK BEFORE LEAPING ers swim and dive. money on' It. The structure has Ing year of 1896 when William cern has hired this same author- to be seen from time to time. gone on the auction block. It ap­ row evening. This beauty pa^anlp "What! Lottie Brown engaged? On an evening recently your cor­ is featured with the Commanders^ Jennings Bryan first ran for the stuntlst and another‘air dare-devil, THE ANSWER. respondent observed an ambassador pears that Boston and Philadelphia That proves what I’ve always said Turning from expensive amuse­ firms raised J'J.SOO.OOO on a first battle of music winners.- L presidency. The Press edltorla paying them |6,000 for the job, to — that no matter how plain and and two minister tangoing grace­ The International beaulles, Ml^v- drops in the information that Mr. Here Is the answer to the Letter fully there, with smaller diplomatic ment to cheap amusement, one mortgage bond issue, 8800,000 on stage a collision of their two disagreeable a girl is, there's al­ considers the Japanese i^t 't.he other second mortgage bonds and 81.- England, Miss Prance, Miss Irtft! Cummings had theretofore been a Golf puzzle on the comic page: ways a simpleton ready to marry fry on every band. So many of the land and Miss Austria, selected planes a mjle In air, going at top ROOT, BOQT, BOAT, BEAT, alitin-Amerlcan diplomats go In for side of the world. Consul Lea D. 800.000 on a preferreL stock issue pepublican. speed. They are supposed to come her. Who’s the Idiot?” Sturgeon at Tokio reports to the —total financial obligations ot 86,- Dallas, Tex., at an International BEET BEER. "I am.”—Tlt-Blts. this sort of thing that the Deau­ Beauty Pageant as four of th6^', We have always wondered what down via parachute. ville orchestra plays many tangoes. Department of Commerce on the 900.090. The site was expensive operation of new_ Japanese depart­ and previous leasholders had to be world’s most beautiful girls, wil^ Moment ot truth there- was to. a A collision of two airplanes go­ . An Austrian recently played a The dancers who can’t tango seem select the prettiest girl in thf* ^ A Virginian raised some white to get along Just the same. 'Senor ment stores. bofight and before the building wa«« Itory which for many years circu­ ing at fifty or sixty miles an hour violin for 24 hours without stop-t Instead of organizing theater completed the money ran out, ballroom’ who will be cro‘wne6 ping. 'We’ve known plenty of peo­ blackberries: If that isn’t the rasp­ Ddn Eduardo Diex de Medina, the Miss E as^n Coiineetlcat and wilt lated in the state, relating precise­ Is, of course, Just as likely to berries, our contention is that Bolivian minister, is one of the parties, groups of Japanese often though no one knows where It all ple who have Just fiddled around organize departn},ent store partl‘'s. went. So much litigation resulted [be given^gold prise. ly ho^ Mr. Cummings came to be a mash up the occupants as a colli- half their livesr ' ' they are not black. . most enthusiastic tangolsts, One L


STATE POLICE TAKE Lincoln’s Clock BOTH KILLED IN DUEL Clover, Ga., Aug, 23,— Behind the, smoke of shotguns a debt of honor, 3 IN BRAKE TESTS had been settled ‘here today with all the characteristics of an old frontier gun-battle. Pate Huddleston. 53, and Marcus One Had No License and Brown, 42, are dead. They shot It out In the center of the town by EVERYTHIM£-SCHOOL pre-arrangement, fighting a duel to One No Registration; $10 the death at arms' length with buckshot. A good-sized crowd, attracted by and Costs the Dose. the Impending tragedy, was power­ less to prevent It. The duel marked the culmination Three out of town automobile of a long enmity between the two drivers were caught In the net men which started when Brown, who Is married and a father, began which State Police set here yester­ paying attention to a divorced day afternoon for motorists who daughter of Huddleston. operate machines with defective brakes. The net was still spread DIES FRpM DRINK. i this morning, the officers stopping the drivers near the railroad un­ Stamford, Aug. 23.— Martin Con- | Time to g o back to school! And it’s a very exciting busi­ der pass on Center street, a short Ion, 33, a New Haven railroad j distance from the point where Mrs. laborer, died In Stamford hospital i ness when one has smart new clothes, fresh white tablets S. Emil Peterson of Alton street during the night from the effects of i and long shiny pencils. Ward’s has a complete stock of was fatally injured by a driver This clocit once perved Abraham over-dcinkng. Conlon was found in whose car had defective brakes, a Lincoln. Rachel McElhlney, Uni­ a drunken stupor on a street here | everything for youngsters—from those just beginning short time ago. versity of Kansas co-ed, is holding yesterday afternoon and taken to Weldon Sanborn o^ 1273 Main the timepiece which Lincoln auc­ the police station where a surgeon kindergarten to grown-up eighth-graders. Mothers will street, Hartford was arrested by tioned off when he left Greenvlew, ordered his Immediate removal to Stale Policeman R. C. Grant and 111., for Springfield to practice law. the hospital. ^ - appreciate the values we are offering. paid a fine of $10 and cos's. De­ It is now owned by W. O. Swain of Police are unable to find the puty Judge Thomas Ferguson was McLouth, Kan. > man's relatives. ___ on the bench. At twenty miles an hour, it took 60 feet to stop Sanborn’s car with Watches and Clocks W ash Suits* the foot brake and 250 with the emergency. For School Days Falls to Appear Tony Calabri of Hartford. W \ The New Air W ay Sanitary System | You can start a good record for $1.00 In addition to having bad breaks punctuality with one of these trusty had neither registration card or For those who do not know AIR WAY, let us show you why Wash Suits of the famous Fruit of the mirror, failed to appear and will he men like Thomas A. Edison, Henry Ford and many other Me­ time-pieces to get you to classes on Loom fabric have printed blouses and brought Into court. It required 75 chanical Geniuses bought AIR WAY for their homes. Also time! trimly tailored, button-on shorts. Tub- feet and 150 feet respectively to WHY various departments of the U. S. Government use tast. Sizes 2 to 8. stop his car with the foot and hand AIR WAY in preference to other cleaning devices. brakes at twenty miles an hour. Buy now as price Increases September 1st. I-.0 Fred Tr©bbe of 26 Laffot street, New Rochelle, N. Y.. was stopped and while his brakes passed the For Demonstration, Dial 6058 or 5624 test. It developed that he had no Son’s Needs for School Include license. ^ pleaded guilty and VVVVA.VVVVV paid a fine of $10 and costs. the Important Four-Piece John Leshunk was fined $10 and 'H costs for Intoxication. He was ar­ Patent Leather rested on Oakland street by Ser­ LONG PANTS SUITS geant John Crockett. Sturdy Hose SHOES Sizes r t O to FOR BUSINESS REASONS THE- BENTLEY- SCHOOL OF 6 to 16 $9.95 An Irish priest offered sixpence For School They’re the kind that boys like be­ to the boy who could tell him who ACCOUNTING-AND-FINANCE cause they are made like big $ 4 . 4 9 was the greatest man In history. brother’s— with two-button coat, "Christopher Columbus,” an­ Announces ikalils Fall Term trim vest and two pairs of trou­ Single strap design . . fancy cutouts. swered one boy. pr. for 0 0 c sers. Cashmeres In grays, tans Flexible Goodyear stitchdown leather "peorge Washington,” answered \^ tegins on Wednesday SeplemLer and browns; also blue serges. soles . . rubber heels. another boy. Sturdy Hose for school. Mercer­ "St. Patrick,” shouted a bright ized cotton In plain or Derby Rib. little Jewish lad. iLie elevenlk. Reinforced heels and toes. Black, «LONGIES” "The sixpence Is yours,” said the / For Junior Misses Tanbark, Champagne, Nude, White. To Wear With Sweaters priest: "but why did you say St. Those planning lo enter who Sizes 6 to^ 9 . Patrick.” "Right down In my heart I knew $1.95 “ $2.95 It was Moses,” said the Jewish boy, Lave not filed an application for $2 .2 5 "but business is business.” — Tit- The same cut, same styles, and Bits. enrollment should do so at once. Children’s same materials that are used for Three-eyelet ties . . popular Blucher grownups’ clothes. Sizes 6 to 16 style . . smart tan calf grain leath­ years. er. Fine value. The tongue of a seventy-foot (aialo^ sent^on re<^uesl whale has been known to yield as Underthings much as a ton of oil. H.C.BENTLEY. CRA.. president Knit Underwaists. Collar-Attached Shirts All Wool Sweaters Ages 2 -1 2 ...... 921 Boylstpn Street, Boston, MassacLuselts Fancy Patterns. d*-1 Q Q NOTICE! Sateen Bloomers. O Q # * A Genuine V a lu e ...... - ...... — ...... -V 11 - 1 — ^ ^ Ages 8 - 1 6 ...... Made of fine broadcloth with matching collar Notice is hereby given that ittached. Youthful stripes and figured pat­ $2 .9 8 Rayon Bloomers.. Art ^ terns. Tub splendidly. Sizes 14 to 17. there will be a special meeting of Ages 2 - 1 2 ...... For boys or girls . . school or play the legal voters of the wear. Large double knit collar, snug WT.GRANTGO. Girls’ Rayon Combination. Q Q /* cuffs, pockets. Fifth School District ti 1 .» r \' .1 I i Ages 2-12 ...... * 7 0 V of the Town of Mai^chester, held at the schoolhouse in said district on the 28th day of August, 1929, at 7:30 o’clock in the afternoon GRANT’S Special (Standard Time) for the following ] purposes to wit:— Typical Fall Values 1. To elect a moderator for said School Preparations Cost “Wardrite” Pens meeting. but Little-Our Children’s* 2. To hear a report of the Treas­ Men’s Dress Shirt& urer. ^ Things are so Low Priced. Non-Breakable Barrel 3. To see of the district will vote to lay a tax. 4. To transact any other busi­ ness that may be proper to come Virginia Belle $ L 0 0 before said meeting. Dated at Manchester, ,Conn. this I Dresses Nothing cheap about It but the price! 22nd day of August, 1929. 14-karat gold point and gold filled Here is value truly extraordinary. EDWARD H. KEENEY, Long Sleeved Fall Styles pocket clip, lever and band. Me­ Durable Madrases and Broadcloths, HENRY P. JORDAN, dium point; large and medium sizes. correct for Fall. Roomy cut. Both THOMAS N. PRENTICE, New and different dresses made of In gay colors, green, red, blue, ma­ neckband and collar-attached styles. Committee. woven suitings in attractive plaids, hogany. They’re the kind of shirts you’d ex­ and fast color prints that girls will pect to pay twice this low price for. like. Long sleeved fall styles, so smart that you can ^ 4^ hardly believe they cost NOTICE! only one dollar. Notice is hereby given that a spe­ Distinctive, Depepdahle ‘Treasure” cial meeting of the legal voterg 'of Girls’ the SILK AND RAYON HOSE Ninth School District Fall Sweaters LUGGAGE Gold Bond Pen Such nice sweaters are seldom so Traveling Bag— Top grain cowhld^. Black or of Manchester will be held in the low priced. Slip over and coat brown; soft leather lining; three roomy pockets. Lifetime Guarantee Assembly Hall of the High School styles, finely knit of soft » yarn. Effective patterns Reinforced sewed corners. O O O Q Building. August 28, 1929, at seven 18x9% inches ...... Ic pr. o’clock in the evening. Standard and colors. Sizes 24 to 3 4. Time, for the following purposes: 18-Inch Traveling Bag— Shark-grained seal leath­ $2.48 $4.98 1. To see if the District will er. Leather strap handles. Sewed Q Q For business ." . for drefis vote to purchase the Barnard Outfit Your Boy at Grant’s reinforced corners. 3 inside pockets. . . you can wear these new School Building so-called, with fur­ Rich contrasting combination of socks anywhere, confident Iridescent pearl and black jet effect. niture and equipment therein, and Gladstone Bag— 22-lnch shark-grained split cow- thaUyour ankles are smartly the grounds and walks adjoining KlUckers Non-breakable Stonlte barrel; 14- clam They’re pure silk and hide; black or mahogany; leather karat gold points tipped with Iridi­ said building as of July 15, 1929. of New Fall Suitings handle. Sewed, reinforced corners. rayon . . plaids, stripes, 2. To see If the District will $ 1 3 . 9 8 um. Fine value. and figured patterns . . authorize the Committee to rent Black Hatbox— 18 Inches In diameter; brown bind­ made for wear and priced such portions of the Heating Plant. ing; cretonne lined. Inside frilled lor savings. Recreation Building and Franklin pocket and removable hat form. School Building as are needed for $ 4 . 9 5 the purposes of the Ninth School So correctly made, of such good Leather handle. District of Manchester, and to enter suiting materials, that they look Dress Trunks— Size 36 x 21x23^' NEW FALL SHOE into a contract with the owners and wear as well as much more Inches. Covered with black Vul­ thereof for such rental. expensive knickers. canized fiber. Sturdily built. for Active Feet 3. To see if the District will Tray 5% inches deep. Nicely lined New style features are combined ALL-AMERICAN OXFORDS vote to appropriate a sum of money, throughout. ^ with famous Foot-Health fea­ In addition to any appropriations Made for Longer Wear tures! Steel arch support •. new At the stadium, in the classroom . . where- ^ Q f \ 0 heretofore made at the Annual Dis­ medium vamp. Soft fine kid In 3-50 ever college men gather this Fall you’ll find trict Meeting of July 12, 1929, to either black or brown. Fancy $ the All-American a favorite style. Good ^ meet the expenditures authorized Shirts cutout model. looks and- strength by votes passed at this meeting. .. . broad toes, fine 4. To see if the District will Golden Crest Hosiery quality calfskin vote to lay a tax, not to exceed 1 Chiffon Service leather, heavy oak mill; the same to be in addition to Collar attached style, o f plain per­ Other Models leather soles, leath­ $1.49 $1.25 the tax laid July 12, 1929, to meet cale or broadcloth. Fine quality er heels. A wise any appropriations of money au­ for Fall In the New Fall Shades buy for the thrifty thorized by votes passed at this full cut, in sizes 12|/2 to 14^ . college man. / pieeting. $1.98 to $3.50 5. To see If the District will vote to authorize the Treasurer of The Kind of Hose You Like to Wear the District to borrow in the name of the District such sums of money as may be necessary to meet any ^^Mapleknit” Rayon Hose This mark of appropriations voted at this meet­ Only 39c. for this fine gauge rayon hose that looks quality Identi­ ing, and to give the notes of the so much like silk. In all the most attractive « a fies our adver­ District therefor, and to renew the same from time to time as the same shades, and it is less than half the price o f silk. tisements, our shall become due, if necessary. stores, a.n d SO. MANCHESTER, CONN, Dated at Manchester, Connecti­ our exception­ MAIN STREET cut, August 22,1929,. ¥lnp M cn *s ^ PHONE 3306 HOWELL CHENEY, W T.G R A N TC a Broadcloth al merchan­ Rayon dise offerings. MARY CHENEY, OEDDSnDflBBDBSBI •*41, t-* StoreHours; 9A.M.to6P.M. Wed., 9 A. M. to 12 Noon. Thurs, and Sat., 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. . JOHN H. HYDE, Lingerie Shirts Committee of The $1 81:5 Main Street $1 Ninth School District of Manchester, i . /r •l•‘•''• ‘ ’ M ^C H B ST A R e v e n in g HBRAED, SOPTH MAIJJCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 2S;1929. , ■•■ A-^ .■ ?AGB

mc/AlNING-^TAl ' a J ^ i c e li^CJ ,'J0 S», ELEA/^OR tA 1?l.Y ©KM Cotnt> Tu.t-Tift.'DaTlTtxg' . Charges that Mrs. Mabel Walker ^Women’s Organization for National M HotWr UillAolo-iiou.” —bit CfcTi Qnl^ (Je'ua On\ii Two Willebrandt’s “own inside story’ Prohibition Reform is making itc She took It curiously, and read woman, who had turned her back A Wou.rO THIS TTAS HAPPENED of her life and attempts to enforce appeal to “good women” as mothers aloud: ^ on love> WO.Hld be lonely. And, in 9ott prohibition. With special attention And wives, asking then! If they wish her desolatlonv she wodld cry with MOLLY BUKNHAM, lovely play­ paid to setting right all criticism their children reared in such a god­ “Love came to me so many times the, prophet,. “All is vanity and HO - against her, is a typically feminine less era, Just as old-.fashioned tem­ wright, had an old sweetheart, It grew a common thing, vexation of spirit." perance Women made the same plea JM5K WELLS. But Jack has trick, proving that women simply I thought that it would always For Molly, meant, in her book, cannot endure criticism as men for the sake of the diry cause. saIl<^'for Italy with a middle-aged come to show th at t}ie things of life are ndWotialress named MRS. BUL- can, do not seem very, sound when With song-birds in the Spring: as nothing. And only the white-hot one stops to reflect that Mr. Calvin MAYBE TTIEY KNOW. •WEB-ELATON. The papers are full flame of love has power to comfort, Coolidge, is even now writing his The National Woman’s Party le of stories about the pair, and And so I dreamed and wonderdd and to heal. Molly Is furious. She refuses to memoirs and explaining many acts in the opening Inning, looked the It would be a difficult thing to for which he was criticized and continuing to shriek loudly and tidk of Jack, or discuss the affair What next year’s love would be. write. Diffiult, because It would more loudly about "perfect ecfiality With'^even her best friend, RED which criticism, it can be plainly Until one Spring there came no bird be the baring of her own Innermost (iow Ju-Ci: LooW. At Alt seen, cut rather deeply. of woman witb man.” One of tbeii i^LYNN, a reporter who usually To any blossoming tree.” existence. No longer should she a o A o n a a .t m Tiio\a A t^alf Wou.r Le.Ct —n 9oa^re. But Bob, at the moment, is half lilac color, sprigged with pink Coming- Or son at the next desk. woman who’s very “free” today. way through a rather strange pro­ favorite names. One was Lalun. Go’tfitf. I'’' > Organizations are working for all roses and forget-me-npts. Her linen And the other was Jale. She In- ir'eWt . .Qouf I Caw posal. He is asking Molly to slippers were gay with embroidery, iMt wim t)ou. Cor "FOR YOUR CHILDREN.” women—while most of us laugh at marry him, but his technique is •tended, in those days, to have 0 » l (Tore. -NO -N O — ’em. and her wide-brimmed hat was twins, and named them Lalun and It is interesting to note that the hardly orthodox. ___ loaded with tiny flannel flowers. \ i^oar" NOW GO ON W ITH THE STORY Jale. Jale is a Turkish name, and They fluttered from the ends of means Dewdrop. Molly never knew blood and causes changes in the CHAPTER XXXIX her sash, and were caught in a blood that are u\ost always per­ With her hands on his chest, what Lalun meant, but it didn’t NO-NO - perky nosegay on her shoulder. manent. Molly held him from her. make any difference. It was “Hello, mama! Hello daddy!” beautiful nam«, and, since she was Some of the tissues are more “Go on, Boh,” she commanded. Daily Health affected by gases than are others. “I’d like to know exactly what She kissed them Impartially. never to have twins now, she might “Oh, daddy, I know some new It has been estimated that during you’re driving at.” as well use ,lt somehow. It seemed words. Nancy’s nurse told us. more appropriate for the heroine ■? Service rest 80 per cent, of the bluwd pass­ “You’re different from most es through 20 per cent, of the tis­ girls,” he floundered. “You’ve got ‘Fermez la bouche.’ It means 'shut of a tragic novel than Jale, because your mouth,’ daddy.” by Work! Famed Authority sues in each round of the circu­ more sense. That’s what experi­ tragic heroines seldom' suggest Hints On How 'fo Keep Well “ I told her it was naughty to dewdrops. Lalun had an intrigu­ - -Come.'’'i5eav-va — lation and that the remaining 8C ence does — gives a woman sense. per cent, of the tissues receivt As I was saying—if you’d been an say that,” declared Nurse Marie ing sound that might mean almost flou lamV) —• bOe. NiiClr Go only 20 per cent, of the blood. innocent little kid, Red primly. ‘‘Nancy’s nurse is a very anything. ICn’t Thib OoTvier^ul-- r’^iTuit'e------. would have given you such a thrill common person. Miss Burnham, I She had a hard time getting the MANY POISON GASES TEND The amount of blood that goes shan’t allow Rita to talk with her TO ACT FIRST ON DELICATE to the brain, the organs of the you’d have thought he was the only first chapter started. It was differ 'Cdu.S’6 Oe, 'to GeV* again.” ent . than writing plays. All you BRAIN TISSUES. body and the glands is large; the man. But you know better thp du.f in 'Tfcn rTinate/o*------amount .hat goes to the muscles, that. You know enough to dis­ “Oh, that’s all right,” declared had to think of for a play was ac Molly gayly. “It’s time Rita got tion. Action and dialogue. (This is the third of a series of the bones and the feet- is small. count this thrill business. I don’t There is no doubt that for this mean that I think you’re anything rough. Don’t you adore her ac­ But with a novel like “Ashes of articles by Dr. Morris Fishbein on poisonous gases and their ef­ reason the brain is more seriously but the straightest girl that ever cent, Bob? I’ll run along now, and Desire” one must be whimsical H6?- HO - not bother you. Be a good girl, Tender. Profound. Molly went to fect on the human body.) affected early by small doses of lived. If I didn’t know that.^ I poisonous gas than are other tis­ wouldn’t ask you to marry me. I’m Precious.” her book shelves, to see how other By DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN. sues of the body. only trying to say . . . 'well, you She stooped to kiss Rita, and authors did. There was George Bob said again, “Think over what Moore’s “Sister Teresa,” , which With these points in mind, the know what it’s all about, Molly. T. gases that affect the. human being You’re not an ingenue ^model, if I had to say, won’t you?” was, also, the study of a woman’ Editor Journal of the American ©1929. BY NEA SBRVKX. WC. Medical Association and of Hygeia, may be divided into various types. you know what I mean.” “Fermez la bouche,” she told him life. over Rita’s head, and laughed be­ Molly turned to the opening the Health Magazine. First are those that cause a lack “No,” she conceded, “I’m no in­ of oxygen in the body and which genue. Go on.” _ cause he seemed annoyed. page: She went from the nursery to “She was conscious of her in hidden anticipation moving under In order to understand how poi­ produce death by asphy^atlng Bob cleared his throat with evi­ the human being. Some gases dent embarrassment. her bedroom, and threw herself on dolence: within and without her the sullen surface.” sonous gases affect human be­ the chaise longue. Bob had threat­ there was a strange, lifeless calm Molly loved introspective stuff. prevent oxygen from getting into “I know I don’t give you much -VDUR ings and to k,now how to treat the lungs. Other asphyxiating ened to ta :e Rita away, if she did a strange inactivity In the air and Lalun must be introspective. She of a kick,” he admitted. victims, it is necessary to have the gases act on the blood to keep it “No.” she interrupted cooly, not do as he wished. He was stub­ in her mind. In the landscape and wondered if it would be plagiarism, fundamental understanding of t'ne in her there seemed no before and if she should begin, “Lalun was from carrying oxygen or op the “You don’t.” born enough to do it, too. Molly mechanism of breathing that has tissues of the body to keep it from “But that doesn’t make any dii- knew ihat he had been more suc­ no hereafter. But a glance inwards conscious of her own futility; with­ been given in the previous article using oxygen. ference,” he insisted. “When a girl cessful lately. He could hire a revealed to her the ripple of some in and without her there was emp­ CHILDREN i ; ^ ^ = a = = ; and to know something about the A second group of gases are marries, it’s because the man has capable woman to care for the tiness. . . ” way in which poisonous gases dif­ child, and do the housework also. called irritating gases. They burn something she wants. You know, She considered a moment, and fer from the ordinary air and or otherwise injure the surface as well as I do, the transitoriness Rita did not need constant super­ then began, swiftly, a type. Before ^ Olive I^berts Sarfon from oxygen. tissues of the lungs, causing in­ of passionate love. You know its vision any more. She was a she stopped, Lalun had became a - When the gas is taken into the flammation and in that way pre­ not worth building on, don’t you. healthy, intelligent child. As Molly living, breathing woman. A crea­ ©1928 NEA Service.Ina body it may be absorbed by the venting absorption of oxygen and I may not have any particular frequently remarked, having her ture of fire and of promise. And, plates are not used, he must lay producing death. physical attraction for you. But 1 about was almost like having a because she was beautiful, she was When children get older and get A third group of gases exert a have something infinitely more im­ grown person in the house. She beloved, of course. out into the world, people won’t the bread on his plate. He should never lift a whole A Flyer At 17 drug-like action after they get in­ portant. I have Rita.” was such a dependable little crea­ The man who loved her was six judge them so much by their to the blood by way of the lungs. Molly stepped back. ture. clothes as by their manners. At j slice, nor half slice, of bread to his me feet, one. He had dark hair, and They include the nitro compounds “You're not trying to bribe If marriage with Bob was un­ eyes to match. Laughing eyes. And least, the right kind of people mouth. Bread should be broken thinkable, so was life without Rita. won’t. As far as that goes, they before it Is spread. Small pieces which alter and destroy the red with Rita, are you?” she asked. a very strong, determined chin. Hi? coloring of the blood and In that “Why. yes.” he admitted. “I sup­ Lots of people marry without love, hair had a little wave in it, and will judge them by their manners ' only should be picked up and eaten, and are happier than the roman- i If a child is small and his way interfere with the carrying of pose I ‘am—if you want to PUt ^ his chin had a dimple. when they’re little, too. oxvgen, and they include also the like that, You see. I know that ticists. So many romances are Molly took the sheet out of the mother does the spreading, she can I have Now, this is not going to be a anesthetics. you don’t love me Molly. failnres. Expeditious marriages typwriter, to read what she had dissertation on door-banging and leave all the pieces—spread—on his to advance some reason to argue wear better, and last longer. Sen­ written about the man who was foot-wiping, nor a chapter on bow­ plate. But an older child should mv> plea.” __ sible people bring to matrimony Laiun’s loVer. ing and handing milady a chair. It spread one piece at a time as it is BOTTLE OPENER eaten. ‘“But it's ghastly to talk of the same sound reasoning with “Good heavens!” she thought, is going to be a long loud howl ri»*e without love:” she protested_ which they consider any other con­ about the way children are permit­ Now about holding a fork. I Tiny, sharp-pointed milk bottle tract. Well, why not be practical? “I've described Jack Wells!” . , . wish I could write this In electric “No.” he contradicted calmly. i And so she had. It was like a ted to eat at the table. I’ve seen top extractors are very inexpen­ Molly sighed wearily. lights and hang It up In the middle don’t think it is. There’s a chap portrait. some atrocious things lately and I sive and save the temper tremend­ named Collins— a ei' things I’d adore. Why. you’d sim- marked the passages he loved. In­ with scarf collar of white dimity. make him replace the water glass p-jy laugh at my adolescent no­ side the cover she put the verse Sprigged dimity with crisp white “Every sensible person knows where it belongs. And teach him tions!” „„ ^ about love and a career, that she organdie collar is cute. Yellow linen that if the pebple 'Who have to go to lay his bread on the butter plate “ What kind of notions? he de­ clipped from a newspaper the day with white linen, printed lawn In into the battlb line ’and ‘do the ac­ —not on the table cloth. If butter manded. “What do you mean?” of graduation. It was a long time red and white with plain white tual fighting were allowed a voice, “Silly things,” she floundered. now since she had opened the lawn,'pale blue gingham with blue there would never again be armed “I’d love a husband who’d write drawer where her one-time treas­ and white gingham check collar, conflict.”—Secretary of Labor iiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiimiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiinwiMiiiiiiiimiiiiHiMHiiiiHiiiiiiHiiiimimiiiiiiiii me love notes every day, and pick ures lay. She felt that she could and orchid chambray with white James J. Davis. me nosegays. And buy me things never stand to look at them again. pique are lovely for wee fashion- like lollipops and peanuts, because Red’s letters cluttered her bureau ablen for play time. “The standard of living among I like them so. And play the guitar drawers. They were witty and en­ Flesh colored crepe de . chine, American farmers and industrial nights, and sing me love songs. tertaining, and she hated to des­ jacquil yellow organdie, and pale workers has reached a higher level And kiss me before and after every troy them. She was always mean­ blue' batiste with organdie collar than the world has ever seen at any meal.” ^ , , ing to gather them together, and are ideal for “dress-up” occasions. other time or in any other place.” “That sounds ^ike a doctor s put them away somewhere, so she For cool, fall days, it will, make ^ H artford, Conn. up so smartly in pastel wool jersey —William Bennett Munro. (For­ prescription.” could laugh over them when she um .) “I know,” she confessed, it s aw­ was old. that can be tubbed and tubbed. fully silly. But there you are! She wondered what Red would Pattern pride 15 cents in stamps That’s the sort of a husband I think of Bob’s proposal. And she or coin (coin Is preferred), wrap want. I tell you I’m a horn ro­ lay on her pretty chaise longue for coin carefully. inioteonvE manticist. You didn’t know that, a long time, meditating. 'We suggest that when you send did you? You never guessed I was The trouble with me, she decided for pattern, you enclose 10 cents one of those dreadful sentimental­ “Is I’ve been idle too long. I ought additional for a copy of our new ists who go round simply screech­ to be ashamed of myself! I’ll get Fall and Winter Fashion Magazine. F all H ats ing for love.” to work on that book—that’s what Our End-of-the "You’re a little liar, he told her I’ll do!” of coolly. “You’re cold as Ice, and you The thing had been taking shape Manchester Herald Month Sale know it. You sent Jack ’Wells In her mind for some time. Grad­ Pattern Service Felt and Velvet away, because be couldn’t make ually. Hazily. Like a furtive dream, Continues money enough to satisfy you. full of vague shapes and shadowy PATTERN NO. 658. An Assortment You’re playing at love now with substance. The story of a woman As oar patterns are mailed of Three Groups Red Flynn.” who had loved and lost. A woman from New York d ty please at- TINES SQUARE "That’s not true! she defended who had bartered romance for a low five days., New'rtmROTY Unusual Beauty REGULAR $9.95 DRESSES herself. . , career and hated i the career, and jnaofrintAM|yst But Bob shook bis bead. longed for love. \ Price 15 Cents K)943iM»4l*lr “You’re a vain creature, Molly. It must be a beautiful book, beau­ Lpy0 bas come to you so often, It’s tifully written. The heart cry of a Name $lo95 to$4c95 $3.95 grown a common thing.” He was lonely womap. She.must find lovely ALL HEADSIZES REGULAR $5.95 DRESSES rimbllng through bis wallet. words, and magnificent phrases. HjOmUOS QPHW Size fiisiiat Beautiful Dresses For The “I’ve something to show you. And she must blend them exquis­ Clipped It oht of a magazine yes­ itely, so the whole should be per­ Address terday,-because It made me think fect. The delineation of a woman’s $2.95 of'you. I was sure I stuck it in life. A passionate woman, passion­ NELLE6S A FEW $9.95 DRESSES here somewhere . . . Ob, here is ately seeking. Seeking the things Manchester’s MUlinery Bride and Bridesmaid Isl’’ of existence. The cheap, trumpery, i-He held a tom piece of paper tawdry things. Fame, and money, Send yonr order to the ‘iPatn, Headquarters Also Stunningr Fall Numbers tocher. and thrills. Satisfaction unto tern Dept., Manchester Evening State Theater Building $1;95 "‘Read It,” be said, "It’s satiety. Herald, So. Manchester, Conn." pwphetle."- And—^when she was sated— this / MANCHESmm iWEOTNG HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., FRTOAY, AUGUST 2S, lg29. FIGHT FOR TOWN TENNIS TITLE

AMERICAN Jesanis Brokers and Ty Holland 47 Women Are Entered NATIONAL VICTOR AND VANQUISHED At PUladelpkla^ CUBA le, PHIliUBB r *^^CHI80X 4, ATH1.ETIC8 8 Win Way Into the Chlcaso a H. PO. A. E, McMillan, 3 b 5 z 0 2 0 Metzler. If ------5 1 0 2 .0 0 6 2 4 1 3 Clssfcll. ss ...... i... 5 0 2 0 1 1 SE>n-FTNAL MATCHES In Wrigley Marathon EnsUsh, 88 . 0 6 2 2 2 4 Reynolds, rf ...... 4 1 2 0 1 TODAY IN WOBIBN’S 6 2 2 4 0 Shires, lb ...... 5 i 5 5 Paul Beats KoUs, Don Trims NATIONAIi TENNIS Cuyler, rf ...... 6 1 3 1 0 Hoffman,/ c f ...... 2 0 0 6 0 Stephenson. It ...... 4 2 1 1 0 Kedfem. 3b ...... 3 0 0 3 1 ! 1 0 I 2 :8 0 o’ CSlock. Blair, lb ...... 5 ' 2 2 11 Kamm, 3b ...... 1 9 J 0 0 I Earl BisseD and Holland Miss Marlh Norelhis, Olym­ Taylor, c ...... 5 3 4 5 .0 Kerr. 2b ...... 4 1 1 4 Doubles — Mrs. ■ Dorothy G. Blake, p ...... 2 0 2 0 0 Berg, c ...... 4 0 0 i Cvengros, p ...... 2 0 1 0 0 Lyons, p ...... 2 0 1 0 0 ! Ousts Ynyles; Two Dou­ Shepberd-Barron and Mrs; .R. pic Champion is Picked to Bush, p ...... 0 0 0 ...... 0 8 C. Coveil, England, vs. MIsk' 33, 4 9 27 6 3 Lawrence. A. Harper and- I? 16 21 27 11 . 0 Philadelphia . Philadelphia AB. a a PO. A. E. : bles Matches Played; Fi­ Miss Edith Cross, California. Win Chilly Ten Mile Aa R. a. po. A. a Bishop, 2b ...... 5 0 0 3 2 0 1 3:30 o’clock. - Thompson, 2b ...... 5 2 3 3 Haas, c f ...... 4 1 0 1 1 0; Sngles — Mrs. Phoebe Watsoir, Friberg, I f ...... 5 1 2 0 Cochrane, o ...... 4 1 0 4 0 0> England, vs. Miss Helenr O’Doul, rf ...... 5 1 2 0. Miller. If ...... 4 1 3 1 0 0 ; nals September 7. Swim. Whitney. 3b ...... 5 0 2 0 Foxx, lb ...... 4 0 1 H 0 5 ' Jacobs, California." Hurst, lb ...... 4 0 1 12 Summa. rf ...... 4 0 1 2 0 0 4:30 o’clock. Williams, cf ...... 5 1 3 2 Only eight players remain today Singles— Miss Helen Wills, Cal­ Toronto, Ont., Aug. 23.- Thevenow, ss ...... 4 1 1 2 Boley. 88 ...... 5 5 i n 5^ ifornia, vs. Mrs. Molla Bjurr, Davis, c ...... 4 1 1 4 Grove, p ...... in the field/Of 34 that sUrted the forty-seven women lined the sea Willoughby, p ...... 0 0 0 0 sted Mallory, New York. 36 3 6 x25 13 0 battle for the men’s town tennis wall at the Canadian national ex­ Dailey, p ...... 3 0 0 1 singles championship a few weeas 5:30 o’clock. McGraw, p ...... 0 0 0 0 ChicacQ ...... 021—4 Doubles — Mrs. Watson and hibition ground here this morning Sweetland, p ...... 0 0 0 0 Philadelphia ...... 000 000 030—3 ago. After tomorow there will be Runs batted in: Cissell, Miller 2. Mrs. L. R. C. Michell, Eng­ on the start of thei. ten-mile swim Collins. X ...... 0 0 0 0 but four of the original sixteen left land, vs. Miss Betty Nuthall, Miller, xx ...... 1 ,0 0 0 Kamm 2. Shires, Foxx; three base in the women’s division. __the first of this year's Wrigley hits. Miller: two base hits, Cissell. England, and Miss Jacobs. 41 7 15 ‘27 13 -1 It was definitely decided today Marathon for the championships fatlory At St. Lonisi— __ _ _ to postpone the finals one week so Chicago ...... 959 ??5— as not to have the title matches of the world— one of them, a Philadelphia ...... 001 600 110— 7 BROWNS 10, YANKS 0 Don Jesanis vs. Rev. Greer. young lass bearing a nationally Runs batted In: Hornsby, Wilson 3, St. Louis come during the Labor Day week Cuyler 3, Blake, Whitney, Thomson. A B. R. H. PO. A. E. end as they had been tentatively Aldo Gatti vs. Paul Jesanis. known name but who is competing Blue, lb ---- ...... 5 1 2 ,13 1 0 Friberg 2, O'Doul. Williams 2, Tay­ 2 0 0 planned. This action was taken iu her first marathon, was conced­ lor 2. Cvengros, Blair 2. Bush. Eng­ McNeely. If ...•••••• 5 2 2 lish 2; two base hits, Blake, Thomp­ Badgro. rf ....«••••• 6 2 4 3 0 0 because of numerous requests from As matters now shape, it looks ed as having the best chance o son, Taylor. Cvengros: three base McGowan, cf • ••••« 5 1 2 3 1 0 tennis players and fans alike who as though one of the Jesanis broth­ Kress, ss .... 1 2 1 6 0 all hits, Friberg, English; home runs. Molla Mallory Defeats 2 2 1 2 0 are planning to be out of town the Miss Martha Norelius. Wilson, Williams. O’Rourke. 3b ...... ers, probably Paul will reach the Melillo. 2b ..,...... 4 0 1 1 b 0 holiday week. The finals will now and national champion ^.nd holder Manlon. c ...... 2 1 0 2 1 0 be held September finals from the bottom .bracket with of eleven out of a possib' It tuie , At Brooklyn «— Gray, p ...... 4 0. 0 1 0 0 One Match Tonight. Bissell, Holland and Macdonald who recently turned professional ROBINS 13, REDS S Brooklyn „ 38 to 15 27 16 0 Five matches were* played last standing about an even chance in to win in this, hei first ong-dis- AB. R. H. PO. A, E. Betty Nuthall 6-3, 6-3 night, three in the men’s singles New York the top half. However, Rev. Greer tance awim, is considered the high 5 2 3 2 0■ 1 AB. R. H. PO. A. E. and two in the men’s doubles. To-' Frederick, cf 5 2 4 2 0 0 may spill both Jesanis brothers ^.d favorite to win the $10,000 award­ 0 Byrd, rf ...... • * ^. 9 i i night there will be only one match. 5 1 2 1 0 Robertson, 3 b ...... 2 0 0 0 Gatti and Smith may also turn In ed to the winner. Bressler, If .. 5 2 2 5 0 0 Dickey, c ...... 4 0 1 3 Miss MarJoHe Smith, daughter of an upset victory. The remaisLng The ability of Ethel Hartle, de­ Bissonette. lb 3 1 1 10 0 0 Senator and Mrs. Robert J. Smith, 1 4 0 Meets Helen WiOs Today InljUNIOR LEAGUE Ruth. If ...... 4 0 1 1 matches will be a treat for-tennis fending champion, ‘ Moore, ss ...... 3 0 1 Combs, cf ...... 4 0 1 0 meeting Miss Elizabeth Washkte- Rhiel, 2b ...... 5 1 2 0 2 0 fans and large galleries are expect­ a background position due 0 Gehrig, lb — ...... 3 0110 wlch in the quarter-finals at the Plcinich. c .... 4 2 1 6 0 Lazzeri, 2b ...... 2 0 0 3 ed to witness them. The time of entrance of Misses Norelius, Olive CUrk. p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Senri-Finals of Women’s ! g y j j j high school at 6 o’clock. Tomorrow the matches will be announced 1 0 0 0 Koenig, s s ...... 3 0 1 5 Gatterdam, Seattle miss who Ju s t BALLS COLLIDE ON GREEN Flowers, z ... 1 1 Durst, rf ...... 2 0 1 1 afternoon Miss Marjorie Smith of ahead of time through the Herald. missed out last year, taking second Morrison, p .. 1 1 0 0 1 0 Lary, 3b ...... 2 0 0 0 Golway street meets Miss Ruth Doubles Results. prize, and Miss Anne Benoit, of, In stroke competition, when both 37 13 17 .27 7 National Tennis Finals. Hoyt, p ...... I 0 0 0 Behrend, defending champion, in Pipgras, p ...... 2 0 0 0 In the doubles tournament last Holyoke. Mass., a constant balls are on the putting gr^n Cincinnati . Durocher. 2b ...... 1 , 0 0 0 the last of the quarter-finals. In and# one with plenty of reserve and one player shoots his ball so AB. R. H PO. A. E. Nekola, p ...... 0 ® ® ® Edition to the winners of these night, Fred Mack and Eddie Bate­ Swanson, If 2 5. Forest Hills, Aug. 23.— A bronze Playoff Necessary Between son eliminated Frank Cervini and strength,'must be recognized. Ithat it r.-»Les his opponent’s ball, 0 0 matches, ouly Aileen McHale and Lucas, X .. complexloned woman, with the 32 0 7 24 12 1 Harry Russell at 5-7, 6-3, 6-1 while the player shall incur a penalty of Kolp, p ---- 0 2 Mildred Holland remain in the 0 spirit of conquest burnng as St. Louis ...... 204 020 02x—10 Paul* Cervini and Tommy Faulkner one strike. Stripy, XX 0 strongly within her as it did four­ Yanks and Cubs as Form­ Runs batted in: Badgro 3. Me- competition. The ball that was struck shall be Dressen, 3b 0 0 Gowan. Kress 2. Melillo. Manlon. Blue nosed out Mac Macdonald and ms Walker, rf ...... 5 1 0 teen years ago when she came to Both of the Jesanis brothers, replaced, according to the rules. 3 0 2: two base hits. Ruth. Gehrig, Mc- Paul and Donald, won their second pupil, Tom Stowe, 6-4, 7-9, 6-4. in TILDEN MEETS COEN Kelly, lb ...... 5 America to establish a monopoly on Keely, .McGowan. Blue, Badgro. the latter match teams were tied at The ball nearer the hole may be Allen, c f ...... 4 1 1. the national championship, walked er Wins 5-2. round matches last night without lifted at the option of either of the Ford, ss ...... 5 3 2 four games apiece in the third and 3 2 off the stadium courts of the West At Detroit:— any serious difficulty last night as players. Critz, 2 b ...... 5 NATIONALS 0, TIGERS 1 did Ty Holland, the defending deciding^set when when Cervini Gooch, c ...... 3 1 0 Side Tennis club yesterday with the and Fainkner took the next two IN THE SEMI FINALS Sukeforth, c ...... 3 1 0 cheers of 4,000 spectators acclaim­ The Yanks beat the Cubs 5 to 2 Washington „ champion. Padl Jesanis took Marry 0 0 in the Junior playground league, AB. R. H. PO. A. E. games. This leaves only three Rlxoy. p ...... • • • 1 ing her for one the greatest vic­ Judge, lb ...... B 2 8 7 1 0 1 Kohls into camp 6-3, 6-1 while nis Ehrhardt, p ...... 1 0 0 ft brother Don was “ hooking” Earl more first round matches to be Luque, p ...... 1 0 0 tories of a career that had been yesterday morning thus tying with Rice, rf ...... B 1 2 0 0 played. Franklin and Allan Dex­ Purdy, If ...... 2 1 0 thought to have come to a glorious the latter team for the league Goslln, If ...... 4 1 2 2 0 Bissell, one of the four seeded Myer. 2b ...... B 0 '2 3 5 stars, on the other high school ter meet Aldo Gatti and Eddie Warfar and Pup3 Clash; Lott climax three years Ago. championship, all games having West, cf ...... 5 0 1 4 1 42 9 15 24' 7 1 On the same turf whereon she court with '-qual ease, 6-1, 6-2. Idarkley, but thi^ has been delayed been played. Like in the senior Tate, c ...... 4 0 1 7 0 because Gatti is on a vacation. It Brooklyn ...... 009 110 20x—13 staged her thrilling rally to victory league, this will necessitate a play­ Cronin, ss 3 0 0 2 3 Holland took the measure of m and Van Ryn In'Other Local Cincinnati ...... 104 000 400— 9 from 0-4 In the third set of her Hayes. Sb ...... 4 1 2 1 2 Herman Yulyes, captain of the may be played Sunday. Albert de Runs batted In; Gilbert 2. Bressler off. which will take place next Braxton, p ...... 3 1 1 1 0 Nivelle and Paul Jesanis meet Hud-/- 2, Moore 2, Flowers 2, Rhiel, Fred­ final round match with Miss Eliza­ Monday at the West Side. Rauten- high school team last season in an beth Ryan In 1926, Mrs. Molla Mol- 38 6 14 27 12 0 Interesting match -at the Nathan son Lyons and David Samuelsbn, erick, Herman, Bissonette, Crlt« 8, berg allowed the. Cubs but three but Lyons has been on a vacation. Half. Sport Swanson, Lucas, Kelly, Allen Rurdy; lory, eight times national champion hits yesterday and Mahoney gave Detroit Hale. 6-3, 6-2. In each case thi two base hits, Kelly 3. Allen. Crlt« 2, AB. R. H. PO. A. E. loser fought hard but simply bow­ Earl Bissell and Bob Dawson will since 1915, defeated Miss Betty but five to the winners. "Chuck” .. 5 0 0 1 1 0 Frederifck^ Flowers, Bressler. Her­ NuthaH of England in the most be­ ed to a better man. meet Rev. Greer and Francis Burr, man. Bls^nette; three base hits, Smith’s batting featured. TV* Rice, cf .. 4 0 2 1 0 0 at 6 o’clock tonight at the Nathan Newport. R. I-. Aug 23— Four Picinlch, Frederick; home run, Swan­ wildering form reversal of the sea­ Yanks (5) .. 4 0 2 4 2 0 Only Eight Left. Chatter .. 4 0 2 2 0 0 This leaves ifcly eight players in Hale. The mixed doubles matches American tennis stars remain in son. son. AB R, H PO A E Fotherglll, rf 0 There was nothing halfway about Alexander, lb .. 4 0 0 10 2 the quarter-final competition and will also get under way over the the competition for the Cushinan Ford, 2b .,.. 3 0 0 3 1 0 McManus, 3b ' .. 4 1 1 0 0 0 At Boston:— this victory. It was as clear cut as 0 each will play one match next week week end. The finals of all three Cup at the Newport Casino as the CARDS B, BRAVES 4 Rautenberg, p 1 0 1 0 1 0 Shea, c ...... 4 0 2 4 2 tournaments will be played two St. Louis the score of 6-3, 6-3, indicates and C. Smith, 3N . .3 2 2 1 5 1 Westllng, ss ...... 3 0 0 2 6 0 or sooner il' they desire, 'fhe semi­ result of play in the quarter-final .. 1 0 0 2 3 0 finals, however, will "not be played weeks from tomorrow. A B. K. H. PO. A. B. It was exacted by the same-emblaz­ A. Brimly'i lb .3 3 1 8 1 0 Carrol], p ... 1 round of the singles yesterday. H. It is reported that the Cloven Douthit, cf ...... 5 1 3 4 0 0 Yde. p ---- -V ,. 1 0 0 1 0 until the Tuesdays, Wednesday and oned fighting spirit that neither Hickey, ss . .. 4 0 1 2 1 0 Hellmann, z .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 W (Bunny) Austin of Englan^d and leaves are. going to be represented High. 3b ...... 3 0 1 1 1 0 Miss Ryan in 1926 nor Mile. Su­ - —mom — Thursday folowlng Labor Day so as Paul de Rlcou. French member of Frisch. 2b ...... 4 0 1 3 2 0 Metcalf, c . . . 3 0 0 5 0 0 on the football field again next 1 11 1 0 zanne Lenglen in 1921. could gain­ .3 0 0 0 0 0 34 1 9 27 15 1 to keep the interest running high. the Oxford University Bottomley, lb .... . 5 1 W. Smith, rf . Washington ...... 002 022 000—6 season but so far no one has come Hafey, If ...... 4 0 1 1 0 0 say for all the superiority of their J. May. cf . . . 2 0 0- 1 0 0 Both finalists‘ must be determined only invaders who had survived the 2 3 0 0 Detroit ...... 010 000 000—1 forward with any official notifica­ Holm, rf ...... ; . 5 1 cudgels. •Cotton, If . . . 2 0 0 1 0 0 Runs batted in: Carroll, Goslln 4, by that Thursday at the latest but BASEBALL previous rounds of the tourney, tion. Dr. A. B. Moran, president of Butler, ss ...... 4 1 1 1 4 1 Tuesday and Wednesday were more . 2 1 2 3 0 0 Assumes Role of Aggressor. . Myer. Hayes: two base hits. Mc­ Eastern League. were eliminated. the club last season, is said to be Wilson, c ...... ; With her features set in the grim Manus. Braxton. Myer. Fotherglll: preferable. Semi-final matches In the outstanding matches or Hald. p ...... 3 0 0 0 1 1 Totals ...... 24 !t 5 21 9 1 at the head of the movement. Frankhouse, p .... . 1 0 '0 0 1 0 lines of an antagonist fighting a Cubs (2) three base hits, Hayes; home runs, must not be played over the Labor SATURDAY, AUGUST 24 the day. John Van Ryn of East cause that everyone else t^iought Goslln, Hayes. Day week-end because there are Orange, N. J.. account for Austin 36 5 12 27 10 i I Sullivan. 2b ..3 0 4 2 The Green baseball team will Boston- hopeless, Mrs, Mallory assumed the Lat^enskl, c , . 2 1 7 3 many fans who want to see the HARTFORD by 4-6. 6-4. 7-5. 6-3, and Junior role of the aggressor and took ss .. 3 matches. Coen of Kansas City Put «ut de journey to Middletown tomorrow 1 0 0 afternoon to play the State Hospi­ 4 0 1 4 0 0 young opponent by storm from tfi®Ufahoney. p ...3 0 2 ' a The pairings for the quarter­ —vs.— Ricou by 6-0. 6-2, 6-4. William Maranvllle, S3 5 0 0 1 3 0 final matches next ’ week are as tal team. The local contingent will 4 2 2 2 0 0 very start. For thirty-eight min- U _ j^a.gU8kus;3b 3 0 0 1 H om e Runs Tilden of Philadelphia and George Richbourg, rf utes she did nothing hut knock the ^ Raguskus.lb 3 follows: M. Lott of Chicago were the others leave the Center at 1 o’clock. The 3 0 1 12 1 0 0 7 0 PITTSFIELD ' Red Sox of Hartford play here Bell, 3b ...... 4 1 1 1 3 0 cover off the ball and put up Tdoyd, cf .... 2 0 1 0 to reach the semi-finals. 0 0 Major Leagues Sunday. Harper, If ...... 3 0 0 0 exhibition of court Covering that' Ecabert, If . 0 0 0 Bob Smith vs. Ty Holland. It took Tilden four sets to defeat Mames, z ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 would put' most of the younger gen­ Ruth, Yankees ...... 33 "Cap” Bissell vs. Mac Macdon­ BULKELEY STADIUM 3 0 2 1 2 0 Salomson, rf 0 0 1 Fritz Bercur of Harrisburg, Pa., Maguire. 2b .... eration of players to shame. Klein, Phillies ...... 33 H artford 6-1, 3-6, 6-4, and in a long, gruell­ Just where the Green and Red Clark, zz ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 ald. Spohrer, c ...... 4 0 0 6 0 0 I^ere was a bandage around the Totals ...... -2 3 2 3 21 12 2 Wilson, C u b s...... 32 ing match. Lott conquered Berke­ Sox will play is not known. It la Brandt, p ...... 4 1 0 0 4 0 Ott, G iants...... 31 , - »■» left knee of Mrs. Mallory but in her Score by innings; ley Bell of Dallas, Texas. 6-4. 2-6. understood that the Economy team zeal for the frar and her absorption Foxx, Athletics ...... 30 6-3. 6-8. 6-2. As a result, Coen of East Hartford has obtained a 34 4 7 27 13 0 Yanks ...... 202 000 1— 5 In her task she never favored her Cubs ...... ■ 000 200 0— 2 Simmons, Athletics ...... 27 will meet his mentor, Tilden. in the permit for the West Side field for St. Louis ...... 100 210 010—5 knee, or spared .herself for a mo­ Gehrig. Yankees ...... 27 upper semi-final bracket, and Lott Sunday ^idently planning on Boston ...... 000 112 000—4 Three base hit,' A. Brlraley home “GOLF HEADQUARTERS Runs, hatted In; Wilson 2. Butler. ment but stood to her “ °"jrun. Antodlo struck out by Rauten Hornsby, Cubs ...... 27 and Van Ryn will fight i‘ out in the playing a home game here. fllnchlngly and retrieved everyth^^^^^ by Mahoney 6: base oi. Bottomley, Cardinals ...... 25 is at 789 Main Street,” says lower half. Tilden has two legs on Hafey, iFrisch. Welsh, Slsler, Bell, Maguire; two base hits. Douthlt 2, in sight until t^eUalls. off. Rautenberg, off Mahoney O’Doul, PhllUeB...... 25 Glenney. the Cushman Cud and Lott has one. Tonight * marks the opening of Hafey. Holm. Butler. Slsler. . Bell; Impossible, for her to keep up ine' Hurst, Phillies...... 25 THE SUMMARIES: three base hits. Welsh; home runs, 5; umpire Brown. the Conran’s alleys at the north Wilson. pace. When the time comes when Singles end for the lith year. A feature Mrs. Mallory hoists signals of dis­ Fifth Round^William T. Tilden, BRiNCr ON YOUR , tonight and tomorrow will be a At New York:— tress on the court it will be the Philadelphia, defeated Fritz Mer- special prize for the highest three PIRATES 0, GIANTS 2 first time in her many years of 1KX3CN9C JONESES AND WA&ENS, cur, Harrisburg. Pa.. 6-1, 3-6. 6-4; string score. Pittsburgh championship play. BROKE A HUNDRED! W. F. Coen, Jr., Kansas City, de­ 5 2 3 4 3 0 It 'was the former champion s feated Paul de Ricou, Paris, 6-0. 5 1 3 5 0 0 stonewall defense that brought 6- 2, 6-4; John Van Ryn. EastMurphy’s alleys at the south end L, Waner, cf have also been put into first class P. Waner, rf 3 1 1 0 0 0 about the defeat of the fair-faced Orange, N. J.. defeated H. W. Aus­ Traynor. 3b . 4 1 1 1 4 0 young English girl more than any­ tin, England. 4-6. 6-4. 7-5, 6-3: shape for the bowling season and Coniorosky, If 4 0 2 3 0 0 Manager Reuben B.-onkie antici­ Hemsley. c 4 0 0 4 0 1 thing else. Miss Nuthall was over- George M. Lott. Chicago, defeated 3 1 0 8 0 0 sighting the baseline on her back­ Berkeley Bell. Dallas, Texas, 6-4. pates a record-breaking business 2 1 0 The season will open there short­ 4 0 1 hand at times, but she was also 2-6, 6-3. 6-8. ^ 2 . Petty, p 4 0 0 0 1 0 pocketing the ball in the ulUma^ Doubles ly. _ _ _ _ ...... • -- A t Three Low Prices 36 6 11 27 9 1 corners from both wings with rac­ Third Round— E. F. Feibleman, New. York ing low drives that should have New York, and J. Brooks Fenno, East Berlin comqs to . Hickey’s A B. R. H. PO. A. B. scored for her and would have Boston, defeated Bruce Barnes, Grove to meet the Bon Ami in a Fullts. If ...... 3 1 against almost any other player but Austin, Texas, and Philip Neer. County Y league game tomorrow Roush, cf 5 Ltndstrom 3b 1 Mrs. Mallory. P.Trtland, Ore., 9-7, 6-4, 6-3; Mer- afternoon. The soap makers lead Terry, lb- .. 16 Point Score. cur ahd J. Gilbert Hall. South the circuit and bid fair to win the Ott, rf ---- 1 The point score .and ®iroke an­ ^ONi.YVH»CH,NiNE? Orange, N. J., defeated F. X. pennant. * Jackson, ss 2 alysis of the Mrs. Mallory-Mlss Nut- Shields, New York, and Donald O’Farrell, o 0 Cohen, 2b . 1 hall match follow: Strachan, Philadelphia. 10-8. 6-2, Carl Allen, manager of tke Bon. Henry, p .. 0 First Set. 7- 5; Tilden and Francis T. Hunter,Ami is vacationing at Coventry Farrell, x . . 0 Point Score. Qenewich, p 0 New Rochelle, defeated Dr. George Lake. Pts. O. King, New York, and R. N. Wil­ 20 I I 17 IB 4 liams. Philadelphia, 7-B, 6-3, 5-7. Mrs. Mallory a The Ramblers and Hudsons will Pittsburghgh ...... 201 010 OU—# MlSi Nuthall .244824343— 28 8 8- 2; Lott and John H. Doeg. Santa New Y o » ...... 000 002 000—2 , Stroke Analysis. „ _ Monica, Cal., defeated H. G. N. meet tonight In the first of a three game play-off series to settle the Runs batted in; P. Waner 2, Tray­ ' N. 0 .. P. Sa. Df. Values Ransre Froin $35.00 to $49.50 Cooper. England, and de Ricou, nor, Llndstrom, Ott, Comorosky, Pet­ Mrs. Mallory •••^7 "11 5 0 0 6-3, 6-2. 6-4. senior playground baseball league ty. 8 2 2 ICOULON’T^ HAVE. _ championship. Miss Nuthall -. }* Second Set. OONallTJWlTHOOT FE.\R ROW AT GAME i Point Score, FASHION PARK SUITS' THESa*UMtN ^ Company O will practice at 6 j Pts, o . ■It' , , KNicaeasjLWT^ Cincinnati, Aug. 23 — Recalling o’clock tonight at Mt. Nebo and HARTFORD GAME '.Mrs. Mallory 6 Are Included in the Lot the prediction of Manager Jack there will be a special meeting Sun­ iMiss Nuthall ..244504351— 28 3 Hendricks of the Cincinnati Reds day morning at 10 o’clock at ■Ai HsctfoTBi— Stroke Analysis OLENNEY'S that there would be "something 130 Oak street. SENATORS 7, GRAYS S N. 0. P. Sa. Df. doing” when the Chicago Cubs Hartford. 9 0 1 1 THfiTRl^HTlTOfirSl AU. R. H. PO. A. E. Mrs. Mallory .. 1 ^ tome to Cincinnati, President C. J. Corrella, 3b , ...... 2 3 0 0 A 0 Miss Nuthall . . . 7 16 10 0 3 ! SURE OOtPUTfPEP^ McDlarmld of the local club en­ Watson, If ..; . .. ! .. 4 8 8 1 0 0 Recapitulation. FLORSHEIM SHOES gaged 52 extra police for next Sun- Roser, rf ...... /4 1 2 1 0 0 p. Sa. Df. m youR].&AM ^^ Hohman. cf .. •••••• 4 0 1 4 0 0 N. O. lay’s double-header. Leading Batters Marttneck. lb ...... 4 0 1 15 1 0 Mrs. Mallory ..1 7 18 14 0 1] At August Sale Prices Feeling between the Cubs and Briscoe, sa ...... 4 0 1 2 5 1 Miss Nuthall . .17 30 18 2 5 Ihe Reds, never any too cordial in Harrell, 2b ...... 4 0 0 1 5 0 \ E. Ep. Tp. G, Sts. recent years, became particularly Smith, 0 ...... 4 0 0 3 0 0 66 12 WUtie, p ---- ...... 3 1 1 0 3 0 Mrs. Mallory . .36 14 bitter as a result of the fistic en- Q. AB. R. H. PC Miss Nuthall ..52 20 56 6 0 1 $8.85 $6.35 sounters in which Outfielder Hack National Leagme ...... Time e Herman, Bkln. ..112 440 85 180 .409 35 7 9 87 15 1 Umpire — H. L. Richards, Wilson of the Cubs and Pitcher Ray O’Doul, Phlla. •-.1.19 .472. Ill J88 ,398 Providence of Match— 38 minutes. Kolp and Red Donahue of Cincin- AB. R. H. PO. A. B. Terry, N. Y...... 119 481 76 184 .883 Barron, cf ...... 4 0 0 2 0 0 latl' figured in the last series In Hornsby, Chi. ...117 457 114 16b .361 Boyle, If ...... 4 0 0 2 0 0 “ Fly-it-yourself” Is the latest Bostonians and Other Good Makes Chicago between the two clubs. Hendrick, Bkln-. 88 313 67 112 .358 Peploski, 3b, ss 4 0 1 0 4 0 thing In aviation. A lot of peopie| Special trains will bring thous- Leader a year ago today, Hornsby, Dunlap, rf ...... 4 1 2 9 1 0 Boston, 376.^ Meyers, 2b ...... 4 0 0 0 3 6 will fall for it. Linen knickers, four-piece inds of Cub rooters here. American League ____ Messner, s s ...... 8 0.' 0 0 1 0 Foxx, Phlla. ...,120 425 105 162 .381 Pond. 3 b ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 $4.95 golf suits. Sweaters, Wind- GODFREY ^SUSPENDED Fonseca, Clev. ...116 4B0 , 79 166 .369 Pasek.-c ..'...... 3 1 0 3 2 0 breakers, golf socks, sport Simmons. Phil. ..114 471 92 172 .305 Weston, ib ...... 3 11 8 0 1 Special On - Combs. N. Y. ....I ll 461 99 I60 .363 Proffitt,, p ...... 2 0 1 0 2 1* shirts—every dress acces­ Los Angeles, Aug. 23.— George MUfiush. St. L. ...118,483 76 l7S .368 Evans, p ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Ladies* Flej^ible Soles Godfrey, giant negro boxer who Leader a year ago' today, Goslln, sory of the game is here lost on a foul to "Long Tom” Haw­ Washington, .389. 33 3 6 24 18 2 and Heels AT 789 MAIN STREET^ Hartford ...... 100 004 20x—7 GXJBNNEY'S kins August 13, was under suspen- EaRtcinv I \ \ ^ mmV NNNXSNNNSXNx'-XN'. .\\n'. \ \\\\\\S»#-/»» nV 4^SN\VNN%\SSN'»'%% M S.V> s iKw !•/■- '"S’ ^ *»Ar*_ T h e B e s t Plac^ to Shop T h e Be0t Stores Adver^l

■'.fc oSlIfSSSSSsSSiSSIS^ morning were to the effect that ap­ D O N ! LEAVE THE CAT Navy’s “Tin Blimp” Takes to the Air ^UTH END U B ^ Y parently many persom. had misun­ HOSPITAL NOTES OAKLAND MILL TO derstood the item in ' yesterday's ^ '' i '' Herald regarding the closing of BEHIND AT THE COHAGE '' ' '(A , . TAKES NO VACATION the north end ilbrarj and The Her­ Mrs. Antlonette Besoue of Soutli START UP SEPT. 3 ald was asked to correct the false Bolton was the only patient rfH Xf ;'* v impression. . , Humeine Society. Urges Sum­ Although the library at the ported admitted to the. Meiaorlkl mer Folks Not to Abandon north end is closed thle week and hospital. ■ * - ?: Pets on Returning. next for the purpose of giving the CAN’T CAKRy ANT MORE Patients discharged were Mrs. Will Employ 25 or 30 Paper attendants their vacations simul­ George Jolly and infant dangbt«.r The Connecticut Humane Soci- taneously, the South Manchester FIRST DRY SNOOPER: Let’s of 20 Bank street, Hilding B o lin g Makers— No Use of Wa­ ety has Issued the following ap- i L'brary will maintain its policy of raid just one more place tonight. 235 Center street, Arvid Carlson Of peal: keeping open the year around. Re­ SECOND: No. we have plenty 103 Autumn street and Donat'd Schools begin soon and there ■ port at the south end library this for one night.— Life. Gustafson of 66 Garden street. . ter Power Planned. will be a general exodus from the shores, the lakes and the hills back / to the home town. > ^ ' Recondltioning of the Oakland Don’t forget to tak. the children home with you, friends. “ What Mill is progressing rapidly and if absurd advice! That’s what we are no unexpected obstacles are en­ going home for, the children!” countered to retard the work C. Of course you won’t forget to take the kiddies with you when the [ sMlTirS GROCERY 1 H. Dexter & Sons, Inc., of Windsor Locks, who recently purchased the cottage is closed— but how about 1 Tel. 5114 2 North School Street Tel. 5114 1 property as an extension to their the cat or the dog? Supposing plant, will begin operations on “ Tabbie” is off hunting for field Tuesday, September 3. according to mice or has gone fishing when the moment of departure arrives— are Dexter Coffin, a member of the •; firm who Is supervising the work you' going to leave her to shift for at the plant. herself, to forage like a wild cat, V, The company will employ be­ to starve and die as winter comes 1 M e a t D e i l a r t m e n t 1 tween 25 and 30 men at the plant, on? in the making of thin paper. In Nobody wilfully wants to do a thing of that kind, of course, but the near future, if possible, they it is done so often that every fall will manufacture carbonizing tis­ numerous complaints are sent to sues and manifold paper. 1 Roast P ork...... 33c lb, LegsLamb . .39c'42clk I the Humane Society from the sum­ * * Vn ' No Water Power Used mer resorts all over the statte and The machinery will be electrical­ especially from the beaches, that HiV'.' ly and steam driven. A Terry steam people have deserted the pet cat or 1 Fresh Shoulders... 23c lb. Rib Roast Beef. 35c40c Ik 1 turbine will be placed in* the ma­ dog and left it to starve or to the chine room. Although water is kindness of its more merciful available it will not be used as not Here’s the newest thing in dirigibles— the U. S. Navy’s all-metql ZMG2, photographed as the strange neighbors. The prevalence of this airship look the air for its first test flight at Detroit. The test, staged 'before prominent naval officials, enough horse power can be devel­ thoughtless kind of cruelty caused 1 LambStew .. 20c-25clk Pot Roasts...... 35c Ik 1 was eminently successful, the big craft rising to 1,000 feet with pilot and' four passengers and Femainlng oped. The beating of rag stock, the Cpnnecticut Humane Society which Dexter & Sons use exclusive­ aloft 49 minutes. Designers say it is no heavier than the ordinary fabric dirigible as the thin metal several years ago to offer a stand­ sheeting does away with the need for interior steel cross beams. ly, requires a much higher horse­ ing reward of $20 for evidence power than the beating of paper 1 Sausage M eat...... 3Sclb. Hamburg...... 35c Ik 1 leading to the arrest of anyone who stock. thus abandons a cat, dog or any ington, D. C., gave an interesting should vote to purchase the Bar- No paper will be finished at the other animal. Of course, the so­ Oakland Mill. A truck will make talk on her work as Extension Nu­ hard school, bonding would, of ciety doesn’t like to prosecute any­ tritionist, U. S. Department of Agri­ TACKLE SCHOOLS course, be necessary. one trip a day from the Windsor one although it is obliged to do so Locks plant, about twelve miles culture, Monday afternoon at the In case the district should re­ all too often. It is only interested nome of her aunt, Mrs. Charles away, load up the rolls of paper, in the welfare of the animal and cline to buy the Barnard school 1 G r o c < e r i e s 1 and return with them to Windsor Daniels to a large company of wo­ MAZE WEDNESDAY then the town of Manchester, if it sends out this kindly warning hop­ men. Locks for finishing. ing that there will be fewer or no is to continue to use that building The business administration will complaints of abandonment this for High school purposes, would be taken care of at the original 111 fall. SOVIET PLANE STARS have to make its own rental or pur­ Sugar...... 10 lbs. 55c Tomato Soup...,3 cans 25c 1 (*ilant, and the shipping will also be Special Ninth District Meet­ chase arrangements with Cheney 1 from that point. One man will Brothers. have charge of the office work nec­ Moscow, Aug. 23— A second at­ tempt to make a Moscow-to-New essary at the Oakland mill. ing Called Few Days Be­ 1 Cucumbers...... 3 for 10c C hipso...... 21c 1 The force of workmen under the TOLLAND York airplane flight by stages be­ SMALL BOY’S VERSION Supervision of Alexander Shearer gan today when a bl-motored n ino- plane christened “ Land of the of this town have torn down the Mr. and Mrs. Myron Sparrow ot fore School Begins. Small Sister; Let’s play that storehouse which stood a few f^ t Soviets” flew from Moscow to Kur­ | | Ivory Soap, med.. .3 for 21c Evap. M ilk .,..,. 3 cans 29c 1 North Woodstock called on rela­ gan. we’re married. from the main building. On the tives and friends here Thursday. Small Brother; Naw— let’s play right-hand side, just beyond the The first plane which attempted The long deferred problem of the football and then we won’t The regular meeting of Tolland the long flight, was damaged in driveway, a large garage has been Grange No. 51, P. of H., met Tues­ Ninth District schools and the bunged up so much.— Life. erected against the embankment. forced landing in Siberia a fort­ day evening in the Federated night ago. town’s use of Barnard school as a Inside the mill there is a cease­ church vestry. The lecturer, Ira less hum of activity. The beaters The crew consist's of Chief Pilot High sahool annex, which has been Wilcox repotted on the aoings of S. A. Shestakov and four compan­ out of the public eye for months have been washed and scrubbed the New England Lectuiier’s con­ and put in the best possible condi­ ions. while the fall term of,schopl,steadi­ ference at Amherst, which he and ly approaches, bids fair to be tion. Each will have an individual Mrs. Wilcox attended. Mr. Adams drive. The machine on the lower RAIDS IN CHINATOWN threshed out, in part at least,’ at a of Groton, one of the state officers, special meeting of the voters of the floor is being subject to a cotnplete Mrs. Charles.Gardner of Westfield ECON Ninth district, which the District overhauling to suit the quality of and Mr. and Mrs. Taylor of New Boston, Aug. 2 3— Large quanti­ CO. paper to be manufactured. ties of opium and smoking imple­ Committee has called for next R O C I London were present and gave Wednesday evening at 7 o’clock, Bales of rag stock have already talks. Anecdotes and humorous ments were seized, and ten Chinese arrived ready for immediate use on were arrested early today when standard lime, at the. High School reading^, with refreshments, at the Assembly hall. th^ opening of the plant. social hour completed the evening's five car loads of police from the headquarters vice-squad raided a At the annual meeting of the dis­ entertainment. trict in July the subject of the pur­ Charles C. '.'alcott, who has spent four-story house in Albany street. The raiders were forced to break chase or rental of the Cheney own­ WHERE CONNECTICUT B U Y ^ T S GROCERIES two weeks in Canada at the Megan- ed school buildings was disposed tic Club, returned home Thursday. in three heavy steel doors. Sound How They Stand of the heavy sledges ringing of temporarily by postpdning it to Mrs. Rose Zeman ot New York a meeting to be held not later than City is a guest at the home of Mr. against the steel doors was heard A throughout the district. August 3. the understanding being YESTERDAY’S RESULTS and Mrs. Howard Crandall. that a definite plan would be arriv­ LARGE RIPE CALIFORNIA R. Eldred Doyle has had a tele­ LAND'O’LAKBS SWEET CREAM SHUN ICE WAGON ed at before that time. That meet^- Eastern League phone installed in his home, the ing has never been held. number being 851-13. PEARS Dozen 59c Hartford 7, Providence 3. Two football stars who haven’t May Buy To Rent BUTTER 1 lb. Roll 45c Bridgeport 9, Allentown 5 (1st.) Rev. William C. Darby and M.rs. It is the understanding, however, It's Fresh! Pure! Healthful! John H. Steele attended the after­ done their spring training toting Allentown 2, Bridgeport 1 (2d.) weighty blocks, .of ice around on that at the meeting next Wednes­ FANCY NATIVE Albany 6, New Haven 2. noon and evening meetings at the day evening it will be proposed that FANCY SELECTED Willimantic Camp Ground Thurs­ their shoulders are Milo Lubrato- Springfield 5, Pittsfield 3. vich and Kenneth Kruger, line­ the district purchase the Barnard American League day. school, arranging to rent it to the ONIONS 4 lbs. 15c Rev. George S. Brown, Mrs. men candidates for the University Chicago 4, Philadelphia 3. of Wisconsin’s tern this year. The town for High'school purposes, and POTATOES 15 lb. pk. 55c Washington 6, Detroit 1. Brown and son Jarvis of Mapleville, former has been driving a tractor itself rent from Cheney Brothers FINEST sw eet: . St Louis 10, New York 0. R. I., were guests of relatives here such parts or services f»f the heat­ Wednesday. and the latter has trained with a PANGY SEEDLESS (Other game rain;) surveying outfit. ing plant, the Recreatiqn buildings National League Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pearson and and the Franklin school as the POTATOES 4 ilM. 25c Pittsburgh 6, New York 2. Mrs. Mildred Pearson Mason of GBAPES 2 lbs. 25c Hartford were guests Tuesday at BITES POLICEMAN district may need. Brooklyn 13, Cincinnati 9. New York, Aug. 23— Maybe this As matters now .stand neither St. Louis 5, Boston 4,> the home of Mrs. L. Ernest Hall. the town of Manchester, for its Miss Miriam Birdseye of Wash- is news: Chicago 16, Philadelphia 7. Omar Lutfey, 30, paid a $10 High school, nor the district, for its QUALITY PEAS 2 fW 2^ fine- In Tombs Court for biting a grade schools, is entirely provided THE STANDINGS policeman in^ the leg. We was for— and the opening of the fall CHIPSO large pkg. 21c Size 2 Can ' IT PAYS TO over-stimulated with Bowery liquor term is almost on the point of be­ Eastern League ADVERTISE at the time, he told the judge. v ginning. 1 ' . Quick Suds — At the Touch of Hot Water. Tender and Sweet — Melt in Your Mouth. W. L. PC. One of the articles in the call Albany ...... 78 48 .619 ! That Biblical quotation about all provides for the levying of a dis­ Bridgeport . . . . .77 50 .606 i being vanity suggests that even in trict tax not to exceed one mill, in BOYLSTON BREW (Contents) s OC.« Previdence . . . . .70 56 .556 those days there must have been addition to the regular district tax. 3 Bottles ...... : ______V ' ' ' . .61 63 .492 I Pittsfield...... people who refused fried chicken, It is understood that this tax would QUALITY SLICED W^YNE COUNTY VINEGAR— 1 7 ^ Springfield . . •, .58 68 .460 I corn on the cob and home-made take care of the rentals which it ’’s New Haven . . . . .57 68 .456 ! ice cream so they wouldn’t get fat. proposed to assume. If the district Fonda MIQk Allentown . . . •. .51 73 .411 I PEACHES .397 I SfflMMP—‘Fancy Grade— 1 Oc ' 1 Lb. Tall Gan '' Hartford ...... 50 76 1 Lb. American League Riiiiiiiiniiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia!!*r’!’ *uiiiiiiiHiiiiim W. L. ■ " ,.,r’ "l^ll Can ' CBRTO— % Philadelphia . . . .83 36 ' 8 Oz. Bottle...... M c/C ' 5 - fo r '’2Sc-' ' New York ...... 69 46 '2 (brt'^gc Cleveland ., ,. . .61 55 I ru Q N i PICKLES— Fancy Sweet 5Il.ved— Pure Wholesome Milk St. L o u is...... 62 57 Quart Jar ...... from the Land of the Detroit ...... 56 63 Delicious EJavpr ^ r n of Ten Thousand Lakes. . .51 64 MUSTARD— FRENCH’S CREAM SALAD— 1 W’ashington . . ^ California Sunshine. 9 Ounce Jar ...... XOC' Chicago ...... 47 72 %■ ■ 4 • V. . - B oston ...... 40 76 PEANUT BUTTER— O Kg* ' ...... t. } 'I'".. ' National League GOOD THINGS TO CAT W. L. PC. Chicago ...... 77 36 ,681 MAZOLA R-C ASPARAGUS TIPS—Eastern Style— ■ 'c o r n A - Pittsburgh . . ., . .68 ,596 Squash, 3 for 10c. CAULIFLOWER 55 .534 New York ...... 63 We Are Again Featuring Size 2 Can St. L o u is...... , . .58 58 .500 SUGGESTIONS FROM OIL CATSUP—Fancy— , , OR#* Brooklyn ...... 53 63 .457 the PINEHURST 16 Ounce Bottle .’...... 67 .427 Cincinnati , . .50 MEAT DEPARTMENT 16 0z.D n Philadelphia .,. . .47 68 .409 VERY BEST COFFEE PINEAPPLE—Fancy Sliced— 2 Q c ‘ 2 fo r 29e , . .47 70 .402 Butt Ends of Ham. (Bulk, fresh ground for yoiir Oau Boston ...... Lamb Patties,^4 for 33c. order), m a r m a l a d e —Crosse & BlackweU’s— OQ#* GAMES TODAY SAUSAGE MEAT, 33c lb. A t 49c Lb. : " ; ' ',27c- Fancy Variety— Freshly ground. It’s the'best coffee special we Grown and E^cHed Eastern League have had in some time. A Pure Salad and MARSHMAIXOW FLU FF- ^ Pittsfield at Hartford. , ‘ • .12 Ounce Package ...... w ’Way Down East - tSTi Albany at Springfield. LEGS OF LAMB ' JUICY ; CefoMng Oil from Providence at Bridgeport. SHOULDERS OF LAMB SMALL ORANGES . ’ PENNANT CRACKERS— 2 0 C. in Maine. Allentown at New Haven. Properly boned and rolled. 2 Dozen 49c.- Corn. American League Rib or Loin Lamb Chops Washington at Detroit.. 1 Lb. Rolls Cloverbloom ' FRIEND’S BEAN8-L / 2 4 C Philadelphia at Chicago. Butter, 49c. 1 ...... t V • •• - -t New York at St. Louis. ■ We will have Tender CONNECTICUT HOUSEWIVES RNOWVTHAT THEY Boston at Cleveland. MILK FED BROILERS Sweet Potatoes, National League V " OUR SEI^CTED ARE GETTING THE VERY FINE^TIN Pittsburgh at New York. FOWL for FRICASSEE 4 Lbs. 25c Cincinnati at Brooklyn. ROASTING CHICKENS ’Phone Service until Nine To­ Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Chicago at Philadelphia. night for the special early FRErn WHITE EGGS St. Louis at Boston. Saturday delivery. ' '.And at the very lowest prices when they buy theni at an Econ« FRESHLY GROUND omy Store. If yon are not minlliar with BOQNO.MT’S deUdo^ START TICKET DRIVE EARLY It certainly pays to advertise. , Are the ,veryib^t that CUMi sold at any price. From produce It will pay you handsoitoly to do so. The University of California has The Union Pacific railroad offices at PINEHURST BEEF Buy one pound of Alice Foote Buy Produce At Your Economy Store I . ilready started its ticket drive for Omaha, Neb,, learned this when the 30c Lb. ‘ sciehtiically ■ tW and carefidly raised ^ hens, each egg lames to be played at Berkeley two stacks of letters shown above •. 5 MacDongall Coffee and get . a ’.his fall. Thirty thousand appll- came as answers to widespread ad- ” Try it either for meat loaf or Drlpco Coffee Maker for 50c— comes to you •• selected and candled, unconditionally DON’T MISS JOAN CAROL’S SUGGESTIONS ukrtions have been mailed out to vertisement of 43 national parks meat balls. cost price. ON THE-BACK OF OUR CIRCULARS. . guaranteed. ■ i ^ ^ • - , ill states in the Union and to sev- served 'by Its lines. Miss Betty __------——- - —------1 . ------■ - — iral foreign countries to eliminate Chalafont, above, had to answer last minute ticket rushes. all of 'em I. 235353485353234848232353534848484823535353532353535389902348 -V\ .J*. -f--


New York, won eight round deci­ to Louisville next mhntb to contest Last Night Fights sion over Harry Ferry of McKees­ for national honors against a west­ LOWER SUMP AFFUEtlNG [ ' port, Pa. ern team yet to be selected. At Waterbury— Louis Kid Kap­ Buffalo won out by ,defeatlng lan defeated Joe Trabon, Buffalo BUFFALO WINS. Lisbon Falls, Maine, 6 to 4. lightweight, in ten rounds. TH AN USUAL Savings depend, of oourse, upon the tiuaUty C O ip ^ PUYERS At New York — Artie Thomas, Washington, Aug. 23.— Buffalo’s When the D. S. fleet visited Brownsville, knocked out Felix Junior Bisons won the eastern Panama last winter, sailors spent of the foods purchased • • • that’s why so Milano, Havana, in second round. championship of the American around 26,000,000. Cobs of money, many thousands of families rely on A & P At Bridgeport — Tommy Down, Legion baseball series and will go as ’twere. , advertisements to give them correct inform Have Dropped Five Out of mation about meat and grocery prices. Fot seventy years, A & P has followed t ^ rme Six Last Games; Yankees of its founder to never sacrifice quality' to price . . . Doing Jnst as Poorly.

It requires no Philo Vance or HALE’S SELF-SERVE even a second cousin of the famed POTATOES snooper to observe that Mr. Mack’s MEATS — athletics are writhing these days in Every piece of meat sold by A & P Fancy note potatoes here is a typical A & Pi value — choice potatoes at a new low pricel r the throes of a terrible slump. is guaranteed . . . it must be R □ E E R Y satisfactory Five out of their last six have Mr. Mack’s hearties dropped and I IT H ^ a Tg.WAiTrON YOUHgEUr l five out of six for a ball club that ROAST BEEF, 10 lbs. 57® has been storming along at a bet­ Prime Rib. ter than .700 clip is slumping with a capital S. LB. The question naturally arises as 35cv45c to what the Yankees have been do­ Week-End Specials BHLK . 1 . ing about it. The answer is, little WHITEHOUSE, Ewiporatedmilk’of quoRtyf If anything. ----- at —— POT ROASTS Yesterday while Moses (Ace-of- Lean. the-Staff) Grove was being tortur­ ed 4 to 3 by the White Sox, tha LB. 1 tall can ^ c Yankees calmly submitted to a ten 33c to nothing shellacking at the Manchester’s Puclic Pantry hands of the Browns. Sam Gray rung up his 16th win of the season PORTERHOUSE at the New Yorkers’ expense. Due CHEESE to the Injury of Schulte and Man- For Delicious Iced Coffee Use— STEAK White or Colored^ properly aged and curedt. ush the Browns used a scrub out­ Large-Tenderloin. field but it performed in excellent She got Secretary of State Stim- LB. fashion. son's goat— just long enough to Maxwell House Coffee Goslin and Hayes rapped homers pose before the cameia. Pretty 69c l b ; as Washington defeated Detroit, 6 Catherine Brown is shown holding A delicious, refreshing coffee hot or cold. Special this week-end— to 1, in the first game of the se­ “ Billie the Kid,’’ the eight-months- ries. old Angora goat sent to the cabinet ROAST PORK Boston and Cleveland enjoyed a member from an admirer in San pound can 47^ Fresh Rib. day of rest due to rain. Angelo, Tex. He’ll be able to National Affairs • chew the rag with any Washington LB. Sweet Potatoes National affairs were featured politician and perhaps horn in on 29c hy the hitting spree enjoyed by the some important conferences. Cubs who, away from a close se­ Hire’s Extract (Root Beer and Ginger Ale) bottle 2 1 ^ ries with the Giants, let loose their SHOULDERS heavy artillery to bombard the For summer picnics at the beach or a nearby lake, take along a few bottles of home made Phillies, 16 to 7. The League lead­ MIGHT NOT FIGHT Well Trimmed 5 !!•*• 1 5 ® Root Beer or Ginger Ale. ers made 21 hits. Four pitchers Fresh Pork. worked for Philadelphia and three The Risko-K. O. Christner go. for Chicago. Hack Wilson hit his scheduled to be pulled off in Cleve-, LB. 32nd homer and Cy Williams, sub­ land. Sept. 4, might not come off 22 c stituting for the ailing Chuck because Charley Marotta, pro­ Thompson’s Malted Milk '’Z'* 45^ SUGAR IGein, got three hits, one a homer. moter, has refused to divulge Fine granulated sugar at a price to bring sa tings names, of his associates to the city Chocolate flavored malted milk— a nourishing drink The harried Giants dropped an­ LAMB LEGS to every thrifty buyer! other game^ this time to the Pi­ boxing commission. It is reported rates by a 6 to 2 measure. The two that both fighters have already All Weights clubs gathered 17 hits, all singles. signed for $5000 each. Salada Tea (R-n^bcD 1 /2 lb. Genuine Spring. LBS Petty went the route for Pltts- 43f burgs and had very little trouble. FERRELL STOPS THE BAM “ 3 8 o Brooklyn’s Robins went berserk (Blue Label) i/n 3 9 ^ ^ MACARONI, Spaghetti and Noodles 4 pkgs 25c j and followed Wednesday’s 1 to 0 Wes Ferrell, by walking Babe Your choice of Mixed or Orange-Pekoe. / triumph over the Cards with a 13 Ruth three times in a recent game P & G SOAP 10 cakes 39c to 9 victory over Ciuc^natl in the with the Indians, broke the Big LAMB ROULETTES first of'a series. Seventeen hits, in­ Barn’s streak of hitting four home CIDER VINEGAR 24 oz bot 17c 12 oz hot 9c cluding five doubles and two runs in that many consecutive OCTOGON POWDERS triples rattled off Brooklyn’s bats games. Three of those home runs PALMOLIVE SOAP “ 35c CRAB MEAT 3 No. } 4 cans 89o while the Reds produced 15 safe­ Speeial this week-end at the Self-Serve were against the Cleveland toam GROUND ■WHOLE ties, which include! five doubles in a home stand. For that schoolgirl complexion. low price of and a home run. Trailing 5 to 0 in RIB LAMB CHOPS CINNAMON 2 oz pkg lOc oz pkg 5c the third the Robins proceeded to 0 Packages 2 2 C pcore nine runs. Count Keyserllng writes that a 3 19c CLOVES 2 oz pkg 9c 1J4 oz pkg 5c The Cardinals broke a 4-4 tie in man is never worse off for hard “ 49c 2 oz pkg 5c the eighth to whip the Braves, 5 muscular work. Wonder if the GINGER 2 oz pkg 9c count dictates to a stenographer or to 4. Jimmy Wilson hit a home ALLSPICE 2 oz pkg 7c 2 oz pkg 5c run with one on. writes his own stuff. BROILERS Miscellaneous Specials Fresh Killed. NUTMEG 2 oz pkg 10c 1 oz pkg 5c N'amco CRAB MEAT (new pack) ...... can 31c “ •45c MUSTARD 2 oz pkg 7c oz pkg 5c Armour’s Veribest CORNED BEEF ...... 2 cans 49c PICKLING FRYING CHICKENS 2 pkgs 25e Maltop Redemixt M ALT...... can 69c OAKITE C 1jO R E I N ® E ’ S pkg IQe PUFFED RICE ...... 2 pkgs. 27c “ 45c ARGO STARCH MINUTE GELATINE pkg 12ei “The store that holds faith with the people” Wale’s Home Made JELLY ...... jar 19c D & C LEMON PIE FILLING 3 pkgs 25o Comer Main and Maple Streets Telephone 8258 (Honey flavored jelly). FRESH FOWL F. Kelley, Prop. 4 Lbs. Average. MY-T-FINE DESSERTS 3 pkgs 25c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables LB. 39c MARMALADE Robertson’s lb jar 25o At This Store You Are Protected Against CERTO bottle 29e* S M Q - MARSHMALLOW FLUFF oSi 19c C A N W Inferior Quality Products Sold As 500 Dozen Thin, Seedless, Juicy FRESH FRUITS CIGARETTES carton $1.15 2 pkgs 23o Nationally Known Merchandise Califoniia Sunkist Oranges dozen 19c and Lucky Strikes, Camels, Old Golds, Chesterfields! It has always been our policy to carry only the best VEGETABLES Ideal Preserving Jars pt. size, doz. 89c of every line and at NO time have we ever substituted Thompson’s Seedless GRAPES...... 3 lbs. 25c Every A & P fruit .store carries a qt. size, doz. 99c fine assortment for any of it. We know as well as you do that THERE Large Bartlett PEARS...... • .quart 19c Good Luck Jar Rings pkg. 9e IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY. (Extra Fancy). . YELLOW ONIONS Lipton’s Yellow Label Tea Vi lb. pkg. 47c California Iceberg LETTUCE...... 3 heads 29c From Connecticut Valley. Cider Vinegar Vz gal. 35c; gal. 65c A large assortment of Home Cooked Foods with spe­ Fancy PIE APPLES...... 3 lbs. 25c Cape Cod Cookies pkg. 19c cials changing daily. ' ' 15c (Large Size). ^ Toasterettes pkg. 19e Large assortment of Otto Stahl’s Smoked and Cooked SWEET POTATOES...... 5 lbs. 25c Meats and Our Own Baked Ham and Roast Chicken. CRISP CELERY Gillette Razor Blades 3 pkgs. $ 1 ^ Imported and Domestic Delicacies. Fancy Native POTATOES ...... ------5 lb. peck 54c BUNCH 1 9 c BLACKBERRIES______. . .quart 29c Store Open Every Evening Until 9 o’clock ^ ■ - YELLOW CORN COFFEE Native Tomatoes quart DC)ZEN ROKAR . Large 14-quart basket, ^9c. The blend o f a great WHITE GRAPES coffee planter “ 4 T • Seedless. LB. RED CIRCLE Health Market Specials 10c A favorite for over U. 4 1 - three generationa Kibbe’s Quality ICEBERG LETTUCE e i g h t O’ CLOCK Pork Roast (tender and letui) pound 32^ 2 LARGE HEADS The world*s best , etffea v a lu e “ 3 T PEACHES C offee Lean Shoulder PORK CHOPS. .~».pound 32c 4 LBS. 2 9 c TEA Lean, SmaU LEGS OF LAMB ...... pound 35c too, makM a refreshing summer drink . . . so Roasted and Packed in Hartford (Genuine). NATIVE TOMATOES easy to serve and to quieUy made by Best Cut Loin LAMB CHOPS...... Pound 45c 4 LBS. 2 5 c Our ow n m iRPKg "Y ____ M ixed UtMTKG 29^ Tender POT ROAST ...... PO”"*! 29c W e also carry a fi&e asoortm ent of Cantaloupes, Pears, Spinach, Orai^e Pekoe KlBrXG 29^ Prime RIB ROAST BEEF...... P«uiw> ^6c Summer Squash, White Com, The E. S. Kibbe Co. Pej^pers, PicUing Onions, Etc., HinncG 29^ _ (Boned and Rolled). AT A & P FINE VALUES. In^a Ceylon MILK FED FOWL ...... POund 40c Roasters of Fine Coffees A & P is the largest retailer of THE GREAT Since 1878 Fresh Milk Fed Broilers ' pound 48;^ fine meate, groceries, fresh fruits ATLANTIC A PACIFIC and vegetaUes in New England TEA CO.

|i .. ” t . •■''^ S.'.'■” ■ S •'"'*'■■ . , . , \ . MANCHESTER EVBNTNG HERATO SOOTH MANCHESTER. CONN., TRH)AY, ATJGW 28,192ft'• » PAtSB FOURTEEN^


REPAIRING 23 Speedboat Crash Kills Wealthy Pair Want Ad Information CARD OF THANKS E “THE VAGABOND KING” CARD OP THANKS SEWING MACHINE repairing of all Manchester makes. oHs.^needles and supplies. COMING TO HARTFORD , Evening Herald W e wish to thank the friends and R. W. Garrard, 37 Edward street. neighbors for the numerous floral Tel. 4301. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISE­ tributes and expressions of sympa­ Cast Selected from 3 Major MENTS thy In our recent bereavement. Es­ VACUUM CLEANER, phonograph, clock, gun repairing, key flttlng. Companies to Produce Fa< Count «lx av«raa« ‘fJi.l’JiJl: pecially to the organist, choir and Want a cook. Inltlala numbers and soloist of the, German Lutheran Bralthwaite, 52 Pearl street. mods Operetta Soon. W ant a clerk, )aoh count as a word and church and those who so kindly jrords as two worda Minimum cost Is MATTRESSES, 'box springs, pil­ Want a partner. jrlce of three llnes^ loaned cars. lows and cushions made over The management of the Par­ MR. AND MRS. FRED FRED­ Want a situation. rates per day for transient equal to new.^.l day service. Phone Line ERICK AND FAMILY.______Want to sell a farm, ^ sons theater, Hartford announced ads. 6448 Manchester Upholstering Co. the forthcoming engagements, ol EflectlTe March 17, J®*-” „ Cash Charge 331 Center, street. Established Want to borrow money. “ The Vagabond King," Sept. 5', 6 I Consecutive Days ..| J otsl 9 ots LOST AND FOUND 1 since 19,22. Want to sell sheep, cattle. and 7. The Vagabond King has Want to sell town property, been styled by critics everywhere l o s t —MARKER SX 2220. Return LAWN MOWERS REPAIUEL), All orders for Irregular Insertions Want to sell groceries, drugs. as the most thrilling operetta ever to Cole Motor Sales, 91 Center chimneys cleaned and repaired, aspect of considerable moral value, w'll be charged at the one-time rate. key fitting, safes opened, saw Hline Special rates for long term every street. Tel. 8275. W ant to sell boots and shoes. selected from the New York, Chi­ day advertising given upon request. and grinding. Work called for. , W ant to sell dry goods, carpets. cago and Boston companies, and is Ads ordered 'for throe or six days Harold'Clemson, 108 North Elm i W ant to sell clothing, hats, caps. said to be one of the finest that has and stopped before the third or fifth AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 street. Telephone 3648. day win be charged only for the ao- W ant to find buyers for anything,. yet interpreted this brilliant musi­ tual number of times the ftd appear- 1926*NASH 4 Pass. Advance Coupe. cal play. The original sCenic pro­ ed. charging at the rate earned, but 1926 Studebaker Commander Se­ ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD, duction is being brought intact, and no allowances or refunds can be maoe COURSES AND CLASSES 27 on six time ads stopped after the dan. Advertising gains new customers. all of the effects and costumes 1924 Chevrolet Truck, cheap. Advertising keeps old customers. exactly as presented at the Casino *’^N^'^"tUi forbids"; display lines not CONKEY AUTO CO. SPECIAL DAY and evening sum­ Advertising makes success easy, Theater, New York, the Great mer classes now open in barber- Northern, Chicago and at the Win­ *°^he Herald will not bo responsible 20 E. Center Studebaker Dealer ‘Advertising begets confidence. ror more than one Incorrect Insertion Ing. Low rale of tuition. Inquire ter Garden Theater, London. The of sny advertisement ordered for 1925 NASH COACH. Vaughn's Barber School, 14 Mar­ Advertising means business, original orchestra from the Casino more than one tlmA 1927 OAKLAND SEDAN. Theater is being brought. The lead­ The Inadvertent omission of ket street, Hartford. Advertising shows energy. •ect publication of advertising will be 1927 ESSEX COACH. Advertise and succeed. ing role of Francois Villon, the rectified only by cancellation of the 1925 ESSEX COACH. vagabond poet, and “ king for a -harge made for the service rendered 1924 NASH SEDAN. HELP WANTED—MALE 36 Advertise judiciously. day,’’ is played by Paul Keast, rat­ 1925 FORD COUPE. Advertise or bust. ed as one of the best singers and All advertisements must conform in style, copy and typography witn 1926 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN. WANTED— Young man for mill Advertise weekly. actors ever seen in this great role. MADDEN BROS. Inheriting $5,000,000, Mr. and Mrs. W. Charles Lipe, of Syracuse, Joseph Miller is seen as King Louis regulations enforced by the publish- operations. Apply to Cheney Bros. Advertise now. era and they reserve the right to 681 Main St. Tel. 5500 N. Y., turned to speedy sports— airplanes and racing boats^—but agreed XI. All other roles are equaly well edit, revise or reject any copy con- ‘Employment office. Advertise never to fly together for fear their three children might be orphaned by l east. Only the finest voices from Udered objectionable. • 1926 Studebaker Stand. 6 Sedan. an accident. But thei* pact did not include speedboats, and the other __ _ CLOSING H'URS—Classified ads MAN FOR A REAL money-making • HERE the three major casts having been lo be published same day must be re- 1923 Dodge Coupe. day both were killed, with their pilot, in a collision with an excursion 4 chosen*, opportunity. This is not electric craft on the St. Lawrence river. Here you see the hole torn into the ■ jelved by 12 o'clock neon. Saturoa\ 1926 Pontiac Coach. cleaners or washing machines, fo:30 a. m. __ 1925 Willys-Knight Sedan. prow of the latter boat. Mrs. Lipe is pictured in the inset. but such experience would prove TELEPHONE YOUR WANl 1926 Overland Coach. STORMS DELAY HOP When better Used Cars are Sold valuable. A car would increase ADS,. your earning power. J. W. Hale yesterday; Eastman Kodak 218’,^, Ads are accepted over the telephone We’ll Sell Them. ALL ABOARD! CALL up 6% : Air Reduction 199%, up Paris, Aug. 2 3.— Unfavorable It the CHARGE RATE given above COLE MOTOR SALES Co. weather conditions today continued is a convience to advertisers, but INTERRUPTS LUNCHEON 15; Borg Warner 86%, up 3% and the CASH RATES will be accepted as 91 Center St. Tel. 8275 Woolworth 100%, up 3%. to delay the start of Captain Dieu- P'ULL Pa YMEN’1 If paid at the busi­ Trading was exceedingly brisk. donne Coste, famous French avia­ 1925 Dodge Sedan. SITUATIONS WANTED— Tokio, Aug. 23.— A delect­ ness office on or before the seventh Transactions for the first half hour tor on his second attemi - to fly the dav following the first 1928 Studebaker Coach. able Japanese luncheon, pre­ MALE 3 totaled 659,000 shares as compared Atlantic from east to west. each ad, otherwise the CHARt,E 1927 Dodge Coupe. pared with especial care for Coste and his navigator, Mau­ RATE will be collected. No responsl- 1929 Graham Paige Sedan. the 'benefit of the Graf Zeppe­ with 413,200 the corresponding bllUy tor errors In telephoned ads BOOKKEEPER — ACCOUNTANT, BOARDERS WANTED 59-A HOUSES FOR RENT 65 period yesterday^ rice Bellonte, have' taken their 1924 Dodge Coupe. lin’s passengers, was interrupt­ will be assumed and their accuracy twelve years experience, good The ticker tape fell seven min­ plane, the Question Mark, to Val- cannot be guaranteed.__ 1927 Chrysler Coupe. ed today when word came references, desires position. Ad­ FOR RENT— Very pleasant room, utes behind the market in record­ lacoublay field, which is too small INDEX OF CLASSIHCA- A number of other good usel 8 ROOM FLAT, modern, very rea­ through that the ship was soOn dress Bookkeeper, 10 Adelaide will give board. No objections to ing sales at 10:30 a. m. Big blocks for a take-off, to await improve­ cars. sonable rent. Center and Main to start on its trans-Pacific TIONS street, Hartford. Phone 7-2415. transients, centrally located. street 352. Telephone Hartford of stock were dealt in. ment in weather conditions. Births ...... Crawford Auto Supply Co. Available garage. Dial 6129. flight. Engagements ...... " Center and Trotter Sts. 2-3887 before 6 p. m. All of the passengers had Marriages ...... J-; Tel. 6495 or 8063 WANTED— Gentleman boarder in gathered at a restaurant in the Deaths ...... “ DOGS— BIRDS— PETS 41 FOR RENT— 6-room flat, heat fur­ DON’T TAKE MUCH private family. Centrally located. nished, all improvements. Inqul.e nearby town of Tscuchiura, 1928 ESSEX COACH. and were enjoying a luxurious FOR SALE— Birds and cages. In­ Address Box F, in care of Herald. 82 Cottage street. Phone 4332, She: You’ll drive me out of my Lost apd Found ...... J 1926 FORD TUDOR. meal when the telephone rang MACKLEY’S quire 19 5 No. Main street. Man­ mind. Announcements ...... * 1925 OAKLAND SEDAN. to announce that Dr. Eckener Personals ...... ® 1923 STUDEBAKER. chester. He: That’s not a drive— that’s a USED CARS AotoinoMles APARTMENTS— FLATS— HOUSES FOR SALE 72 planned to leave as soon as 1928 OLDSMOBILE S^DAN. putt.— Life. Automobiles tor Sale ...... * TENEMENTS 63 possible owing to improvement CHEVROLET Automobiles tor Exchange ...... ° 1925 JEWETT TOURING. FOR SALE— SINGLE HOUSE 6 in the weather conditions. Auto Accessories— 'I'lres ...... « 2— 1926 ESSEX COACHES. GARDEN—LAW N- FOR RENT— 5 room modern flat. COACH Auto Repairing— Painting ...... 7 rooms, practically new, sll im­ The diners left their places ,The pole star is always directly 1929 Auto Schools ...... ‘ *A MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES DAIRY PRODUCTS 50 i Practically new. Garage if desired. provements, hard wood finish, at once and scurried pell mell over the north pole. Low mileage; new car warraii- Autos—Ship Py Truck ...... » . . . o 1069 Main St. Tel. 5462 Inquire 164 Eldridge street, or new garage, and chicken coop, for the air field. They had a ty. Lovejoys, bumiiers, spare Autos— For Hire ...... f Thonaas Donahue, Mgr. 58 Ashworth street. large lot, small down payment, tire. “ With An O. K . That P.a rages—Service— Storage ...... FOR SALE— Clapp favorite pears three hours’ wait, however, be­ for canning $1.25-$1.50 basket. 256 Woodbridge street. 7 ROOMS Motorcycles— Bicycle ...... j* 1925 HUDSON COACH FOR RENT— 5 room flat, all mod­ fore the Zeppelin started. Counts.” Wanted a iitos —Motorcycles . — 12 Edgewood Fruit Farm. Telephone 1927 OAKLAND SEDAN ern improvements. Call at 158 lliiaineaa tinil I'rofeaalonnl Services 5909. W. H. Cowles. FOR SALE OR TRADE— Store WITH TILE BATH ESSEX ' Business Services Ottered . . . . 13 BETTS GARAGE Maple street. with 7 room tenement, near school SEDAN Household Services Offered ...... 18-A Hudson-Essex Dealer—‘129 Spruce house on Spruce street, over 600 1928 Building—Contracting ...... JJ FOR SALE— Gladiolas 50c a doz. FOR RENT— 4 room tenement with . Brand New Very nice condition and rear Florists—Nurseries ...... 1“ Over 80 varieties of better kind. school children pass daily. The STRUCK BY AUTO AS buy at the price. “ With An h'uneral Directors ...... 1^ all modern improvements. Inquire candy trade alone will pay ex­ GARAGES—SERVICES— Clark’s Glad Garden, 425 Middle 105 Spruce street or telephone O. K , That Counts.” Heating — Plumhing—Roofing ... 1' Turnpike, Manchester Green. Tel. penses. This property must be $7,500 Insurance ...... STORAGE 10 4980. SHE STEPS OFF CURB .Milllnerv— Dressmaking ...... 19 5339. seen to be appreciated. See We offer this* brand new single, PONTIAC M oving—T r uc k 1 n g—St orage . . . 20 FOR RENT— 3 room suite in John­ Stuart J. Wasley, 815 Main street. COUPE l*.alntlng— Papering ...... 21 Telephone 6648. seven rooms, spacious hall; ■ oak 1928 Professional Services ...... -2 FOR RENT— Garage at 43 Garden son Block with all modern Im­ In A-1 shape and equipped FOR SALE— Roasting chickens, provements. Apply Janitor 7635. Miss Anne Brown, Injured at floors and other modern equipment, Repairing ■...... 2® street. 4-6 lbs. Tel. Manchester 4602. with hydraulic shock absorbers, I’alloilng — Dvelng—Cleaning, ... 24 the Center, Recovering at at $7,500. It is a real bargain, on spare tire, bumpers. “ With An rmlet Goods and Service ...... 2,f> FOR RENT— 5 room furnished easy terms, too. Wanted —Business Service ...... 2fi ITAUAN ACE KILLED Hospital. O. K. That Counts.” KrtncnIlonnI BUSINESS SERVICES rent, all Improvements, near Bus. Courses and Classes ...... 27 OFFERED 13 HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 Piano, garage. Box W, in care of S ' $6,200— $500 Cash, buys a six- REO Private Instruction ...... 2S Herald. Rome, Aug. 23.— Italy’s hopes room Single. Steam heat, etc.! 2- Janclng ...... 28-A Miss Anne Brown, 64, of 489 SPEEDWAGON THE KING OF THEM all The Na­ FOR SALE— One Crawford combi­ FOR RENT— 5 room tenement, all for victory in the Schneider Cup Main street, the Odd Fellows car garage. Central location. 1927 Musical — liramatlc ...... 2S nation coal and gas range. Rea­ improvements, garage. Telephone seaplane races to be held off the Capacity 1 1-2 tons. Re-Du- Wanted—Instruction ...... 30 tional Air Power WaterSystem. building, is in the Manchester coed and priced right. “ With Flnti ticlnl sonable. 18 Winter street. Dial 3C64 or call at 15 Ashworth St. Isle of Wight, England, next Here is a good bargain! $5,500 i Water fresh from the well. I'he Memorial hospital recovering from .-Jn O. K. That Counts.” Bonds—Stocks— f' ■'gages ...... 31 Demming deep and s.iallow well 4487. month received another severe injuries suffered when struck by Duys a six-room single; steam heat. I Business Ouu"nui"'ies ...... 3’2 rO KBN'l'— CENTENNIAL apart­ setback today. Money to l.oan ...... 3.3 automatic electric ourops. Service FOR SALE— Adjustable high chair ments, four room aparlinenl, fanl- ail automobile at the Center night gas, 2 poultry houses, 2-car garage; j CHEVROLET 11el|i and Silnnllons on all kinds of pumps, motors, Captain Giuseppe Motta, a mem­ $2, Vulcan gas range with broiler tor seivice, heal, gas range, ice before last. 15 fruit trees. Close in and very COUPE Help Wanted — Kem»le ...... 35 generators, light plants. Renew ber of the Italian Schneider Cup 1926 Help Wanted — Male ...... 3fi 3 burner $10. Rex gas water heat­ box furnished. Call Manchester Miss Brown was struck as she your old pipes. Iron filters. Carl team, was almost instantly killed convenient to trolley, bus and Re-Ducoed in Mistlno Gray Help Wanted—Maleot Female 37 er with pipe $8. Radiant gas heat­ Construction Company. 4131. stepped off a curb into the street and fully equipped. “ With An Agents Wanted ...... 37-a Nygren, 15 Anderson street. Tel. w'hen his. plane plunged into the schools. er $6. Inquire 169 West Center . . in front of an automobile driven O. K . That Counts.” Mtuatlons Wanted — F e m a le ...... ' 3» 8439. lake at Desenzano during a I by John Kemp of this town. In ad­ Situations W anted—‘Male ...... 39 street. FOR RENT— 3 room tenement, all Henry Street, new Single of six Employment Agencies ...... 40 improvements excepting heat. In­ flight. dition to minor cuts about the FORD I,I VC snick— |‘els— |•^>ul^ry —Vehicles DECORATED BEDROOM set, 3 quire 39 Cottage street. The plane, built especially for body and face. Miss Brown has a rooms, oak floors, etc.; heated TOURING Dogs— Birds— Pets ...... 41 MOVINCJ-TRUCKING— pieces $20. Charm Crawford coal the races, was totally destroyed. fractured elbow. She was taken to garage. Lot 62% x 140, offered 1926 I.lve Stock — Vehicles ...... 42 STORA(JE 20 FOR RENT— 6 room tenement, all Only a few weeks ago another Ralioon tires and in A-1 shape. Poultry and Supplies ...... 43 stove $27.50. the hospital by Mr. Kemp. No ar­ now at $6,900. Why delay? “ With An O. K. That Counts.” Wanted — Pets—Poultry—Stock 44 WATKINS modern improvements, also five Italian Schneider Cup plane met rest was made, the accident being For Stile—'Mlscellnneona WANTED— Load to and part load . FURNITURE EXCHANGE room flat on Center street. Inquire a similar fate at the same spot, obviously unavoidable by the driv­ Articles for Sale ...... 45 from Philadelphia, Pa., Camden, 147 East Center street. Tel. 7864. but the pilot escaped with minor er. The Mackley Boats and Accessories...... 4(5 N. J.. or enroule any day this FOR s a l e — ONE MODERN Glen- ■injuries...... Building Materials...... 47 FOR RENT— 4 room tenement on Diamonds—Watches—Jewelry .. 48 month. Perrett & Glenney. Phone. wood E coal range with shelf, Captain Motta was one of the Robert J. Smith Chevrolet Co., Inc. Cottage street, all Improvements. Electrical Appliances— Radio ... 49 3063. nickel trim, 23 Edgerton street. chief members of the Schneider 1009 MAIN STREET 527 Main St. Tel. 6874 Fuel and Feed ...... 49-A Phone 6523. Inquire 32 Cottage street. Phone. Cup team, and was regarded as gULLS ON A RAMPAGE PHONE »450 Garden — Farm—Dairy Products 50 PERRETT & GLENNEY— Express 5662. ■ one of Italy’s chief hopes of win­ Household Goods ...... 61 and freight service: local and We SeU Insurance of AH Kinds. Mactiluery and Tools ...... 5‘i FOR RENT— Modern 5 room tene­ ning the coveted aviation speed Musical In stru m en ts...... 58 long distance. Expert furniture WANTED—TO BUY 58 trophy. AT MARKETS OPENING Office and Store E q u ip m e n t...... 64 moving. Service any time by call­ ment with garage, rent reasonable. Specials at the S t o r e s ...... 56 ing 3063. Apply 429 Center street. Wearing Apparel—Furs ...... 67 JUNK FOREST FIRE RAGES. W anted—To Buy ...... 58 MERCHANDISE ordered by you to­ Sell your junk for high prices to FOR RENT— Modern 4 room tene­ Many Stocks Soar to Unheard llooms— Hon ril— Hotel*— Resorts Glens Falls, N. Y., Aug. 23.— Reatnnrnnt* day In New York, or to be sent to the reliable dealer, Wm. Ostrinsky, ment A-1 condition, garage. of Prices— Steel Goes Up Rooms Without Board ...... 69 New York, picked up by us to­ 91 Clinton, Tel. 5879. I also buy Adults only, 238 Oak street. I The biggest forest fire of the year Boarders Wanted ...... 59-A night and delivered the next and sell used furniture. * in the lower Adirondacks, blamed 5 3-8 Points. Country Board — Resorts ...... 60 morning via Manchester and New FOR RENT— 4, 5 AND 6 room on campers, today destroyed a saw Hotels — Restaurants ...... 61 rents. Apply Edward J. Holl, 865 mill and several thousand feet of New York, Aug. 23.— “ Bulls” on Wanted — Rooms— Board ...... 6?, York Motor Despatch. Daily ser­ WTIL PAY. HIGHEST cash prices Ken' Estnte For Kent tor rags, paper, magazines and | Main street. Telephone 464?. lumber on Huckleberry mountain the New York -Stock Exchange went vice and reasonable rates. Call on a rampage at the opening of the Apartmei.ts. Flats. Tenements .. 63 3063, 8860 or 8864. metals Also buy all kinds of | before 75 fire fighters gained con­ Business Locations for Rent ... 64 chickens. Morris H. Lessner. Dial FOR RENT— Modern 4 ropm tene­ trol. market today, sending many issues Houses tor Rent ...... 65 ment. S. D. Pearl. 120 Woodland Suburban tor Rent ...... 66 6389 or 3S86. into new high ground for all time. Summer Homes for R ent ...... 87 street. Phone 6730. REPORT MASSACRE. United States Steel soared 5% Wanted to Rent ...... 68 PROFESSIONAL points to 255%. Two weeks ago OUHG FLOONOESi'C FOR RENT— 5 ROOM flat, down­ KenI Ksinie For Sale SERVICES 22 London, Aug. 23.— It is officially today this stock opened at 216. it’s SWIA\ AND LOOK LIKE, Apartment Building for Sale ... 69 ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 59 stairs, 112 Oak street. Inquire 114 * reported from Saigehih, Hupeh sensational rise has been a feature OTHER T=TSH, BUT LATER- Business Property for Sale ...... 70 Oak street. ON'THEV LIE FLAT P'arms and Land for Sale ...... 71 ..Piano Tuning Province, China, that the Red lead­ of the market since. FOR RENT— Pleasant room in pri­ IN THE SAND, Houses for S a l e ...... 72 Expert’ work guaranteed FOR RENT— 5 room flat at 21 er Ho Lung and his followers burn­ Other new highs established Iji Lots tor .Sale ...... 73 Kemp’s Music House vate family. Reasonable. Telephone early trading were: Westinghouse yANO ONE EWE - Resort Property for Sale ...... 74 Cambridge street. Available Sep­ ed fifty persons to death and m as-’ 5992. Inquire 272 Porter street. sacred 800 families and destroyed 291, up 14 points from yesterday’s^ /MGRATES OVER. Suburban for Sale ...... 76 tember 1st. Inquire on premises. TO THE OTHER- Real Estate for E x ch a n g e ...... 76 Married women are banned 1 2,000 house by fire, said an close and a 34-point advance since Wanted —Real Estate ...... 77 Exchange Telegraph dispatch from Wednesday; Dupont 214, up 8 SIDE. THEIR- Aactlon— Legal Notice* from working outside their homes FURNISHED ROOM to rent, In- b o t t o a s u r f a c e A perfect wife is one who never Canton this afternoon. points on top of a ten pointy gain Auction Sales ...... 78 in Dallas, Texas. quire 8 6 Church street. throws her ashes on the floor. IS THEN 'NITH- Legal Notices ...... 79 OOT r O lO R ., GAS BUGGIES—Poor But Proud By Frank Beck


0 'J © MOTHER. DEER RAISES o n n n P i '■ 'm HER. ■'FLAG " n g n n n n ft n n n n AS SHE OARlS^ O F F IIYID THE DENSE FOREST^ ^ A\AKING (T '7 EASIER- FOR­ /A MER. FAW NS I ft r yiU/ TO i=OLLOW. M i i ' o A —' dAi. 0 SOS. W’ ' OlMA BY MCA samcb INC. I' ‘ MW m OaT\ ^ S L tc.wm^ ^ Itolk. L. *■ P . MANCIIESTER EVENING HERALD, SOPTH MANCHESTER, CONN., rRlUAY, AUGUST 28, 1929. By Pert? L. Oradi^ Flapper'F a n n y Sa y & SKIFFY -r»np m s . O. S. PAT. OFT.______SENSE aod nonsense fr I5N T MAN ^ Me f?UNHe-S WOlM OiOPn A m * j u s t a t I Why I liike Business / up HIT SOPPei^ A m ‘ I like business because yit de- HOCD OOUJN TOJO ^0 0 3 , © o r ME s ^ M o o n r 1-r A ytSKe a v ^ ' mands faith. Faith in human nat* O C O M A N Is jure, faith in one’^ .se lf, faith in ■ one’s customers, faith in one’s em- r n e w )S s R ; ployers. I like business because it rewards I deeds and not words. I like business because it does 1 not neglect today's task while it is thinking about-tomorrow. I like business because it under­ takes to please, not to reform. I like business because it is m ■* // orderly. I like business because it is i bold in enterprise, j I like business because it is I honestly selfish, thereby avoiding i the possible -hypocricy and senti- I mentality of the “ unselfish” atti­ tude. ! I like business because it is I promptly penalized for its mls- I takes, shiftlessness, or ineflficiency. -023- i I like business because its Q ) Percy L. Crosby, Great . Britain rights reserved. efc j philosophy works, Q J King Feature* Syndicate. Ine. fK!? j I like business because each day QMtA i is a fresh adventure. OUR BOARDING HOUSE Not holding a putter at the right; By Fontaine Fox angle causes many a slip twixt the' The Grocer’s Love Mickey (Himself) McGuire By Gene Ahern cup and the tip. The grocer loved a charming girl, As lovely as the day; He wondered if she would marry him. THE ToUGiKe^T FI^MT EV/ER HAP i Ad MAtToR^^-'Too bad (SREAT' CAESAR , LAP r** AIL R(erfT,^Voa And said “ Let soap she may.” VoU UEt'ME 0E-r (Ai A WORP SAUi LOlUPCiii Aid’ BUCKIMe HAM I And straighway to her house he “to eo US UP ABOirT vaidERE I OAUE went. .dhJ Her lovely face to see. *10 BUS-fei^'S BEEAl I E6A1>» PO ud PARIS’ VoU A PUZZLING DRINK. Exclaiming, "Ah, I know full well >’W M , - - v a h v e s / VOQ TFAAiev/ -TMAT LOAiPOiU SAVd TH’ EIFF&L That cheese the girl for me.” UoRSeS- *1bW E R ! AioW ROOT BEER is the beverage on amp PARIS ARE MERE the letter golf menu today. Par is The girl was very kind and said MlLKIKie COUlS-«^ m -THAT'S OVER That she was very glad ' ’ 'w ’ S TLA6-S-roPS K -M five and one solution is on an­ cSAfMeRfAlo Wit h 9 S o other page. To see him there and then remark­ I MV UloRP, ^ VoU WAX ed MAV- — EAiTidUSlAS-ncALW ABOUT le r C s T e l l V ou What a bad coffee had. , ABOUT OUR T im e AAA''-rH’ EA -rs-x — A H^OLLEV RIPE Tb 0 T Then they got most kittenish - MA/U , wc Votl AT TH’ FARM And she let him kiss her brow, AAi CRPIMARV TARM "’“ V/ V 1 ■ ©'■ But when he spoke of marriage, she WOULP MAV/B tAlP WITH ITS SIMPLE said BACK VoUR EAR5 “ Oh, do not teas me now.” Hir LIFE AAiP COMELV SIGHTS'j Questionnaire "’XA-r 1. Who and his money are soon , T O O P ' ^ 1 parted^ 2. Who rush in whpre angels fear to tread? ' ( 3. One what is born every min­ ute? 4. Who addressed his prayer to a lE - R rag, a bone, etc? m 5. No what like an old what? G THE RULES. 6. You can5t what all the people all the time? 1— The idea of Letter Golf is to 7. To whom is April 1st dedicat­ Change one word to another and do ed? it in par, a given number of 8. No whattin’? ( 3 strokes. Thus change COW to /■ HEN, in three strokes, COW, HOW, Fruity Item (2) HEW, HEN. An Orangeman’s son who thought 2— You change only one letter athe was some pumpkins had a date a time. with a peach who was the apple of 3— You must have a completehis eye. But when she handed him word, of common usage, for each a lemon and told him he was full jump. Sling words and abbrevia­ of prunes and even set the piano tions don’t count. in the cozy corner he had once 4— The order of letters cannot benectarine, he went plum crazy. changed. They’ll never make a pair because she doesn’t care a fig lor him. ( S -2 3 - Feed a cold and starve a fever, b'f

— 4 fS u tU B L B WASHVel \^E . 3 1 M a fa lls \MTQ THC fWSSlAN’S PLOT* lAE IS TRAPP6P*,

J © 1929. 3>Y N£A .IteVUc, U » HeO. U. S.PKT.Q^. ff FRECKLES AND fflS FRIENDS Head or Tail? By Blosser

r r ALL CISUT-VNE’LL ONE FOR TAE OU, VUAIT a L1U.ETUIS? SORE, <5EE*TM a l m o s t BCY- PP o f i i p g o i ^ ^ s AAONEY-TVMO FOR /MNOTE-I'LL t e l l ! IT DOESN'T m a k e TRY IT a g a in = TTAEM was to AFRAID *Tt> UOOR 7t\E StVO^-TUREE A BETTER ANY d if f e r e n c e ® C'AAON-TAW-E. Wa s sRowia HEADS NJE 6 0 Co m e OP AT }TU VJJAY t o do IT - uo'N ITS d o n e :' YOOB UAK® AoJAY- A UTTLE P.O/V.E AND TAILS TO MALE ready C M AN’------oo IT ON *ruE ‘ ^ IT UAS TO BE ^ M -E S IC K ..... MJE OONT Ba c r o f Your BOT AiEnUER UANO- - oN$ BE CAEEFOU UE. NOR-TAG AiOvN So You VNILL SAV TWAT DON'T LOSE TUSV v^JANTT to iL ANY p e n n y 6 0 IAOm E = - TJXEV FLIP A PEN N Y - U£AOS '..*1. TJaEV 60 '■mi AUD TAILS TUEV STAY— BOT « '1 ^ ,; COIN La n d s OM ITS EOSB REG. U. S. PAT. OFF. s o IT DOESN'T ■C- , Q 19Z9. BY NEA SERVICE. INC. COO^^T•••• J By Small (READ THE STORY, THE.N COLOR THE PICTURE) SALESMAN SAM Mrs. Guzzlem Subs for Sam The aviator spun along. His mo­ now and then that always make tor sang a whirring song and alt us worry. I just hope that you "infe Ripe oM are wrong. Let’s just hang on ITfSMiGKTY MlCe O F yoU OK, D oM T V/HAT CAM I DO F0«. YOU, VWY, 00 You KMOW ViWAT the little Tinies wondered just how and cease to fret, ’cause we must T o cot^e OoWM AMD +teLP '( a s n t l o n vt; S oN M Y ? HAPPENS T o LlTtLE eCLL^ VJE OELWEA^ -we. ^ueetMwr long they’d ride. The canvas that WV) fS ' VIHO TfeLL U C S ? take w’hat ere w'e vget. The US OUT T o d a y , K O T V - I LOYETo (C e they clung to tight was still intact aviator seems real kind. He STTLL GctNQ OrUR-LLSt^ — 'VJAITOM CUStOtASRS^ I <3roTA Dlt^e. iTbLO «, BRICKS and seemed all right. At- times won’t stay up for long.” Oue. fJORjH especiftCLY K i o s - N\OK V’D SAVE, BUT IM H o P 3 ^ KoTOOSS ’twas hard to keep a hold. 'Fheir And then the plane began to OV H fS I'M CiOMMA SPEMD A L M f^ hands appeared to slide. drop. At last the flyer planned to f^oTo/zeVece^ OM 1C^ stop. “ We’re getting closer to IT FEP^CAMDST- “ Say, I don’t care for this at &UT TdPfiY 'ft a „ : all,” said Coppy. “ I’m afraid I'll the ground,” cried Carpy. “ 'ITiis. T fall. I wish he’d take us dowm to is great! If Mister Flyer’ll only W e ooM 'r earth w'here we’d be safe and land. I’ll very gladly shake his K m w o v sT sound. Of course we may be safe hand. Just think of being safe Wf^ER.6 He up here and likely there is naught again. Why, I can hardly wait.” to fear, but I would feel much The plane then took a sudden So Le'Ts better if my feet were on the swoop, which made the ’I'inies ground.” • gaily wTioop! The canvas drag­ “ Me, too,” snapped Clowny. ged upon the ground and then the To “ I don’t care to stay so high up airplane’s wheels bumped for a (xcnzLeM s iu the air. The way the motor’s moment on the earth, took a hop ^ T o fz e - humming, I don’t think ’ twill ever and brought the big plane to a stop. The thing that really fright­ stop. The Tinies were not hurt, ens me is that we may sail o’er though they went right head over the sea. Supposin’ this brave heels. flyer’s on a long;, long ocean hop.” I (The Tinymitcs meet tlie aviator Said Scouty, “ There you go \fe> ijjw,u!ffPiw.ii|i.i again. You think of queer things in the next story.) Iwtttttg We^

Mr snd Mrs. Donald Hemingway | and small son of Oxford street nre j ABOUT TOWN visiting Mrs. Hemingway’s sisf . Hamilton, Ontario, and will ' llr< and Mr«. John Walker of sight-seeing trip before reliw Bigelow Btreet have purchased a sin- gl® tenement house and garage on Thomas Harrison of Woodbridge Clinton street from Lorenzo Carlni street and Mrs. Margaret Adams through the agency of R. J. Smith. were married last evening at 7 The same agency, acting for the o’clock at St.' , Mary’s Episcopal GCEATEK relatives of William Behmfield, has church. The ceremony was per­ sold the property owned by William formed by Rev. Alfred Clark. Behmfield oh Summer street to Peter and Annie Ambrose of Hart­ Miss Helen and Miss Mary Chap­ ford road. man of Forest street, who recently returned from' the White Moun­ Mrs. George Fox and Miss Milll- tains, are paaeing a few days in cent Fox of Oakland street are guests this week of Mrs. Mary Rush Fenwick. Childs of Springfield, Mass., for­ EEOSEEEITy SALE merly of this town. Miantonomah Tribe, No. 58, Im­ proved Order of Red Men, will Mr. and Mrs. William A. ^ o f l a hold its regular meeting in Tinker Perhaps you only need an 81 x ^0” sheet— and son Earl of Henry street left Hall at 8 o’clock tonight. Important this morning for Hampton Beach, business will come up for discus­ Perhaps you need an entire ensemble of N. H., where they will remain for sion. the next two weeks. clothes. But no matter what you need you Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Nevue and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Segar of Main daughter Elizabeth of West street will save money in this Greater Prosperity, street are spending their vacation leave tomorrow for Vermont and Women’s at Pleasant View. Their son Ed­ Canada where they will spend their Sale ! Come tomorrow ! Save 10% to ward has just returned from a mo­ vacation. at Pleasant View. Their son Ed- 50% on new, quality-right, fashionable tor trip to Niagara Falls, N. Y. John Miner of Wadsworth street Wash Dresses and Clifford Carlson of Wetherell things you need right now ! Miss Emma W. Borowski of Fern street leave tomorrow to spend the street who teaches in the Washing­ week-end in New York. ton school and was severely injured This sale is the talk of the towp. We early in the summer in an automo­ Piques, Linens, Rayons and bile accident at Wapping, is mak­ Mrs. Jennie Tracy and children made a promise—a promise to save you ing as satisfactory progress as can of North Elm street are guests for Dimities be expected at the Memorial hospi­ a few days of Mrs. George W. money—and we are keeping our word! Summer tal She will be unable to return to House olC Benton street who is oc­ her school duties, however, at the cupying the Keeney cottage at We are doing our part to increase your, opening of school in September. Coventry Lake. prosperity—to help you dress yourself, HATS S2 .9S To Close-out At The Salvation Army outdoor The National Broadcasting com­ meeting last night at Birch and pany and associated stations an­ your children and your home—for less Main streets, was largely attended, nounced over the radio that it is due to the fact that the leaders their intention to broadcast the ($4.98 and $5.98 Grades) money. $ 1.00 were Miss Jessie Larder ani’ Miss flight of Coste, the French fiyer Rachel Lyons. Both young women who is expected to reach New York Come to the Greater Prosperity Sale to­ Felts, hairs, braids and are soon to enter the Army Train­ in his Paris to New York fiight Sun­ Sleeveless piques, linens, broadcloths, novelty straws in black, ing School in New York. day afternoon. morrow 1 How you will save ! navy and gay summer voiles, dimities and rayon silks in plain shades. Large and small shades and colorful prints in becoming head sizes. Tailored and models to close-.out at $2.98. Frocks SAVE 10%) TO 50% IN dress styles. Values in the that were priced as high as $5.98 at the lot as high as $4.95. beginning of the season. We are also GREATER PROSPERITY SALE I Millinery— Main Floor. including at this price our remaining stock of women’s two-piece cotton en­ sembles which were priced $5.98 to $9.98. Limited Number! I Exceptional Values | Fur Coats Hale’s Wash Frocks—. I All Day Saturday Main Floor, rear. featured tomorrow Specially Priced! Women’s $ 5 0 . 0 0 i women’s and misses’ | Silk Dresses (Regular Reduced to $100.00 Grades) W inter Five only fur coats have beeu specially priced at $50.00. The group includes: 2 only $ 5 - 0 0 squirrelette coats with large gray fox collars, sizes 36 and 38; 2 only sealine coats with squirrel collars, sizes 36 and I Cloth Coats I ($10. and $16.75 Grades) 38; and 1 only black pony with bjjqadtail trimmings^ size 40. We have reduced one rack of high Purchase one of these coats on I Luxurious With TJie Season’s \ Salesmen’s Samples Hale’s Fur Coat Club plan— a grade $10. and $16.75 dresses bo this small down payment and the Important Furs . . i very, very low price for tomorrow for remaining balance in small Silk quick clearance. • Women’s and misses’ monthly payments. silk frocks in both sleeveless and long I At Midsummer Sale Prices ... [ sleeve models. The smartest summer Fur Coats— Underwear fabrics: Rajah, silk crepes, silk pique, Main Floor, rear. and striped tub silks in white, pastel $2 .9 9 shades, prints and dots. I $48-00 $58-00 I ($3.98 and $5.98 Grades) • * Hale’s Silk Dresses— Main Floor, rear. A special purchase of salesmen’s samples of heavy, all silk crepe de chine underwear— slips, gowns, step-ins, bloomers, dance sets, chemises, and shorts— in tailored and ex­ Women’s Pure Silk quisite lace trimmed models. White and I $78-00 $98-00 I pastels. Some rare values in the assortment. Silk Underwear— ^Main Floor, rear. I Outstanding fashions in sport and dress coats; ma- Marvelette Corselettes Full Fashioned Hose § terials, new, soft and lovely, every irriportant shade; i prices lower than regular; it is to your advantage to buy Rayon Shorts Featuring Silk Tops—Inner-Belts E your coat now. and Bloomers Reinforcement Bolt raised in of coutil across front supports diaphragm with flesh thickness Special ! three horizontal thru diaphragm. I $ 1 .2 9 p a i r bones. $2.95 FUR COATS Another shipment (Chiffon and Service Weights) each of the popular Mar­ velette corselettes ($1.65 and $1.95 Grades) I At Mid-Summer Sale Prices A, special purchase of fine quality that feature the silk rayon shorts in two-tone colorings with top and inner-belt. Hale’s Silk Chiffon Stockings. .pure silk from S stunning range of smart models for misses and be- elastic top and bottom. Your choice of These corselettes yoke front and band knee bloomers as have been one of tip-to-toe. . square heels. A fine, pure silk I coming youthful styles for women, all at extraordinary well as the regulation style. All pastel our most popular stocking that will give the maximum of wear. colors of fiesh, nile, peach, rose-bud and sellers and they are Sizes 8 V2 to 10. A good range of smart E savings. white. 1 Abdominal belt real values at shades. Joined back far $2.95. Sizes 36 to = SECOND FLOOR. Vests to M a tc h ...... each 50c enough to per­ fectly support 44. ■ abdomen. ^„l„)lllllllllllll||||||||||||||||lllllillllliilllllilllllilllillllilllillllililillll>IIUIIIIIIIII Rayon Underwear— Corselettes— “ Miss Janet” Service Stockings, .medium-service Main Floor, right aisle. weight stockings wth practical square heels.. A V eltstlc gdre Elastic inserts and Main Floor, rear. 3-inch lisle hems. A choice of smart shades: eliminates strain vertical boning form French nude, tansan, nude, teatime, evenglow, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Verplanck of side hooking belt. Main street are at the Weekapaug when seated. gun metal, champagne and moonlight. Inn., Weekapaug, R. I-, for the re­ SUNDAY DINNER Saturday Only mainder of the month. at the $1.93 Silk Chiffon Stockings with black heels. Drug Specials Boys’ A sheer, .pure silk stocking. . pure silk from SHOE REPAIRING tip-to-toe. A stocking that will go well with Ladies’ Flexible Soles and Gibson’s Rubbing A lcoh ol...... pint 29c black fall costume. ' Agarol ...... 86c Fancy Clock Chiffon Hose of sheer, .all silk chif­ Robber Heels a Specialty. R O TE SHERIDAN School Wash Suits fon with fancy heels or embroidered clocks. SAM rULYES Erbjus Tonic ...... 79c A limited number to sell at $1.29. 701 Main St., So. Manchester Turkey, Duck or Chicken Palmolive Shampoo ...... 29c with all the fixings $1 Adhesive Plaster— «/2-in-> 5 yd. pkg. 19c $1.98 Adhesive Plaster— 1-in., 5 yd. pkg. 29c Hale’s Hosiery— Main Floor, right aisle. 85c Colgate Combination O u tfit------49c Flapper style wash suits with novelty beltSi Linen Th^set consists of two tubes of Colgate’s and chqmbray suits in tan, green, brown, and oyster toothpaste and a Colgate toothbrush. colorings. ^Izes 2 to 8 years. WATKINS BROJHEkS, Inc. Drugs— Main Floor. Baby Shop— Main Floor, rear.

' Funeral Directors Silk Triangle Scarfs ESTABnSHED 54 TEARS • TOOTH PASTE Tube New fall triangle scarfs in stunning patterns and ■aqni s 088— ^ ^ 1 °° J^ouoxa color combinations. CHAPEL AT 11 OAK ST. ' -ox •B0?s'Bd mooj 2uepoi puB 69e sonXiOH ‘BnuBdi ‘jueposdej Scarfs— Front Entrance. ‘oDoaqaa: Jo eoioqo'*anoi S Roljert Kl’Aniaerso^ Phones: Office 5171 u s o U TH Mf\ NCHESTER ■ CONN P Funeral D irectoi;' Residence 7494 TT——