Llanrljfatrr Iwmng • I’ - Members Ot the Audit Unrean Ot Clrcnlationa
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T * ? - ' -7t ■<-r;;s«-^<=" \ ' r - ' : / i ■X / ■ • ' -t - y sit-'.— : NET PRESS RUN . THE WEATHER AVERAGE DAIL7 CIRCULATION Foreaast br 0.^8. Weather Boreaa, MeW Uavea for the Month of duly, 1029 V . Fair tod|iy; partly doady on Son- 5,301 llanrljfatrr Iwmng • i’ - Members ot the Audit Unrean ot Clrcnlationa, lOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, 1929. FOURTEEN: PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. XLIIL, NO. 271. (Classifled Advertising on Pago 12) <p- DEATH LIST ZEP TO LEAVE 100,000 THRILLED AS NAVY FLYERS STAGE DARING FEAT AT CLEVELAND AIR RACES SEVENTY-FOUR LOST MOUNTS IN FOR GERMANY MESTINE T H i m E N l N G IN PACIFIC TRAGEDY Another Town Pillaged and Dr. Eckener Turns Over Big Here*s Real Big Job CHECK-UP Burned — 25 Killed and Ship to His First Officer Scores Wounded — Bril- — Orders Crew to be For County Sheriff GOMG ON ish Rush to Rescue. Ready by 8 O'clock. Lakehurst, N. J., Aug. 31.—LdkeAfused a berth after he had booked! most other people, James G. Hoi-1 passage. The Tom’s River Court Exact Total of Fatalities May man, under sheriff of Ocean coimty, j entertained the complaint, and sent | BUULETIN! Lakehurst, N. J., Aug. 31.—With N. J., has always wanted to do Holman down to Lakehurst to hold, Never Be Known As the world still marvelling over her I. something big. the Graf as. security so that Hillig i London, Aug. 81.—Admiralty could get his cash should the court | achievement in bringing the far- And now he has his chance. officials stated this afternoon For Holman, has been ordered by award him a judgment. i Purser With the Passen they had no confirmation of the flimg comers of the earth closer to the Tom’s River Court to “ attach” Holman sat on a soap box in the report from Cairo, Egypt, that gether than ever before in history, the dirigible Graf Zeppelin as se Graf’s hangar most of the night a British man of war, believed the great German dirigible Graf curity in a damage suit, but the wondering whether the job was go ger List Is Among Those to be the cruiser Barham, had Zeppelin bids farewell to America ■ sheriff is in a quandry, for he ing to be too big for him. j sheiied an Arab encampment tonight. doesn’t know what to “attach” it to. Officials ot the Naval Air station; near Haifa, kUilng 80 Arabs The Zeppelin is returning to her The suit was brought by Otto have co-operated to the extent of ' Lost — More Details of and wounding 10 others. home port of Friedrichshafen, Ger Hillig, Liberty, N. Y., photographer, wiring to Washingtotn for instruc-; There was some confusion many, leaving behind her a record who wants $125,000 for being re- tions. ' Maritime Disaster. over the name of the warship for speedy circumnavigation of the mentioned in the report. It earth that will probably stand for was given first as the “ Cruiser years to come. NO HERALD MONDAY San Francisco, Aug. 31.—^Wlth a Durham,” but there is no crui Future Plans ser of that name In the British new check adding half a dozen more But the Graf is not returning to In accordance with custom P A H O N TO ENTER navy. inactivity or retirement. Great ven probable victims, the list of missing there will be no issue o l The in the steamship San Juan disaster The Barham, of the British tures still lie ahead of her. More Herald on Monday, Labor Day. Mediterranean fleet, has been flights across the Atlantic, to South rose today to seventy-four. ---^ BIGGEST SEASON The exact total of fatalities may anchored off Haifa, but up to 8 America as well as to the United never be determined, it was disclos o’clock this afternoon the Ad States, are on the ambitious pro miralty had not received any gram mapped out for the huge air ed by A. E. Gillespie, president of • official news of the reported the company that operated the San ^ liner. Francisco-Los Angeles liner which bombardment from the Bar And the inhospitable Arctic, whose ‘SAN JUAN’ GORMAN Faces Strennous Schedule ham’s commander. fringes the Graf touched on her foundered at midnight Thursday sweeping flight across Siberia on the This Fall — To Appear after a collision with an oil tanker, Jerusalem, Aug. 31.—With the roxmd-the-world tour, may play host NOT A LOCAL MAN Gillespie pointed out there may death list mounting hourly in the to the triumphant dirigible before have been extra passengers who bloody conflict between Arabs and many months have passed. Plans boarded the San Juan just before Largely in Philadelphia. she sailed and purchased tickets Jews throughout Palestine, renewed are under way for an explorational \ from the purser after the ^vessel appeals were made by prominent flight of the Arctic expanses in the Name on List of Stricken Ship Hebrew organizations today for gigantic craft. Here’s how an airplane ivas hooked on to a giant dirigible and a passenger transferred to the plane in cleared port. Fred Patton, Metropolitan Opera Purser Among Lost world co-operation in bringing the Preparing For Trip mid-air in the first test of the kind ever made, witnessed by 100,000 awed spectators at the National Air At an early hour this morning, Company baritone, who with his Only the purser would know how disorders to an end. Races at Cleveland. Lieutenant A. W. Gordon, navy flyer, below, hooked his standard Navy fighting plane Proves To Be Not That of many such passengers the San , Following the Arab attack upon the re-gassing and refueling of the wife and two daughters, are spend Juan carried, Gillespie explained, Safed, the ancient seat of Hebrew liner for her return flight across the (shown below) to a device lowered from the Los Angeles and Lieutenant Calvin Bolster climbed down to the Former Local Man. ing a few days with relatives here, and the Purser was not among the mysticism in upper Galilee, the Atlantic were virtually completed. plane. Above is the Los Angeles over the airport, with an arrow indicating a sketch showing how the hook will enter one of his most strenuous Hugo Eckener, the Zeppelin’s com survivors. Gillespie believed, how National Coimcil of Palestine Jew up between plane and dirigible was made. The thrilling mid-air stunt was performed to demonstrate the ever, that the belated passengers ry broadcast an appeal to Jews mander who has turned over control seasons this fall. He has just com ability of dirigibles as airplane carriers, as the two new dirigibles now being built for the navy will each carry would not number more than three throughout the world to aid in to his flrst officer. Captain Ernest Clifford (jorman, of San Francis pleted an extensive summer season or four. stemming the tide of persecution. Lehmann, for the crossing, ordered several planes to take off and return in mid-air. co, formerly of Manchester, a broth with the Cincinnati Opera Company this work to be concluded by eight Eleven more survivors, four of Extent of the casualties at Safed er of Walter Gorman, proprietor of in Cincinnati. them injured, arrived in San Fran is not definitely known owing to o’clock tonight. the Pinehurst Grocery, was not a Extensive Prog^ram cisco today on the Coast Guard cut disrupted communications. Re But the expert crew of the naval air station here, familiar with diri passenger on the “ San Juan, the During the coming season Mr. ter Shawnee. The iU-fated craft, ac ports state that between twelve cording to revised figures, carried and 25 are dead and scores wound gibles and all the details attendant CHINESE-SOVIET DISPUTE FIRES SHOTGUN steamer which sank off the Pacific Patton will appear extensively in sixty-six passengers and a crew of ed. upon their preparation for long coast yesterday. At first local re concerts, oratorios, opera and “cn flights, worked at top speed and the air.” He will sing before the fifty. Forty-two passengerw and sea Bum the Town completed the task in record time. latives of the young man feared microphone more this year than men were rescu^. The Arabs attacked Safed with AT WIFE HITS that R. O. Gorman mentioned in the Limping into San Francisco un-' Graf’s Cargo. OVER RAILROAD SETTLED ever before and this news will be out warning, murdered and pillaged Three thousand poimds of cargo passenger lists might be A. C. welcomed by his many local admir der her own power, her bow plate and then set the town ablaze. Vir Gorman, Clifford’s correct name. and a huge supply of mail will be ers since it is rarely they Imve an tom and dented,' the Standard Oil Last night Walter Gorman put in tually every building with the ex carried by the Graf to Friedrich DEER IN A STORE opportunity to hear him in fMs sec tatiier-S CTT Dodd, whleh rammed MIRROR, JAILED a-telephone call to his brother’s ad ception of the government offices shafen for distribution all over .^MESSES UP THINGS tion. Among the engagements al and sank the coastwise liner in a One of the Most Serious dress and learned from parties was razed. Europe. The freight to be carried ready booked for Mr. Patton are heavy fog off the Santa Cruz coast, Although British troops routed a there that his brother was not on ranges from lawn mowers to Bridgeport, Aug. 31.—Hyman three performances with the Phila brought the bute of the stunned and large force of Bedouins advancing the ship and was going to Los An women’s pajamas, and includes ma Menaces to World Peace Schine found his East End dry- delphia Civic Opera Company.