Llanrljfatrr Iwmng • I’ - Members Ot the Audit Unrean Ot Clrcnlationa
T * ? - ' -7t ■<-r;;s«-^<=" \ ' r - ' : / i ■X / ■ • ' -t - y sit-'.— : NET PRESS RUN . THE WEATHER AVERAGE DAIL7 CIRCULATION Foreaast br 0.^8. Weather Boreaa, MeW Uavea for the Month of duly, 1029 V . Fair tod|iy; partly doady on Son- 5,301 llanrljfatrr Iwmng • i’ - Members ot the Audit Unrean ot Clrcnlationa, lOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, 1929. FOURTEEN: PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. XLIIL, NO. 271. (Classifled Advertising on Pago 12) <p- DEATH LIST ZEP TO LEAVE 100,000 THRILLED AS NAVY FLYERS STAGE DARING FEAT AT CLEVELAND AIR RACES SEVENTY-FOUR LOST MOUNTS IN FOR GERMANY MESTINE T H i m E N l N G IN PACIFIC TRAGEDY Another Town Pillaged and Dr. Eckener Turns Over Big Here*s Real Big Job CHECK-UP Burned — 25 Killed and Ship to His First Officer Scores Wounded — Bril- — Orders Crew to be For County Sheriff GOMG ON ish Rush to Rescue. Ready by 8 O'clock. Lakehurst, N. J., Aug. 31.—LdkeAfused a berth after he had booked! most other people, James G. Hoi-1 passage. The Tom’s River Court Exact Total of Fatalities May man, under sheriff of Ocean coimty, j entertained the complaint, and sent | BUULETIN! Lakehurst, N. J., Aug. 31.—With N. J., has always wanted to do Holman down to Lakehurst to hold, Never Be Known As the world still marvelling over her I. something big. the Graf as. security so that Hillig i London, Aug. 81.—Admiralty could get his cash should the court | achievement in bringing the far- And now he has his chance.
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