
Public Document Pack



Date: WEDNESDAY, 10 JUNE 2020 at 6.00 pm

Microsoft Office Teams virtual meeting Civic Suite Town Hall SE6 4RU

Enquiries to: Kevin Flaherty 0208 3149327 Telephone: 0208 314 9327 (direct line) Email: [email protected]


Damien Egan Mayor L Councillor Chris Best Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for L Health and Adult Social Care Councillor Chris Barnham School Performance and Children's L Services Councillor Paul Bell Housing L Councillor Kevin Bonavia Democracy, Refugees & Accountability L Councillor Andre Bourne Culture, Jobs and Skills (jobshare) L Councillor Joe Dromey Culture, Jobs & Skills (jobshare) L Councillor Brenda Dacres Safer Communities L Councillor Sophie McGeevor Environment & Transport L Councillor Amanda De Ryk Finance and Resources L Councillor Jonathan Slater Community Sector L

Members are summoned to attend this meeting Kim Wright Chief Executive Lewisham Town Hall London SE6 4RU Date: Wednesday, 10 June 2020

The public are welcome to attend our committee meetings, however occasionally committees may have to consider some business in private. Copies of reports can be made available in additional formats on request.


Item Page No No.s 1. Declaration of Interests 1 - 4

2. Minutes 5 - 11

3. Matters Raised by Scrutiny and other Constitutional Bodies 12

4. Council's response to Covid 19 - Financial update 13 - 34

5. Statement of Community Involvement 35 - 54

6. Parks and Open Space Strategy 2020-2025 55 - 221

7. Excalibur land assembly and construction 222 - 233

8. Achilles Street Land Assembly 234 - 246

9. Exclusion of Press and Public 247

10. Excalibur land assembly and construction 248 - 314

11. Achilles Street Land Assembly 315 - 324

12. Procurement of a supplier to upgrade CCTV cameras + control room 325 - 333 equipment

13. Dry Recyclables Contract award 334 - 357

The public are welcome to attend our Committee meetings, however, occasionally, committees may have to consider some business in private. Copies of reports can be made available in additional formats on request.


You are welcome to record any part of any Council meeting that is open to the public.

The Council cannot guarantee that anyone present at a meeting will not be filmed or recorded by anyone who may then use your image or sound recording.

If you are intending to audio record or film this meeting, you must:

 tell the clerk to the meeting before the meeting starts;

 only focus cameras/recordings on councillors, Council officers, and those members of the public who are participating in the conduct of the meeting and avoid other areas of the room, particularly where non-participating members of the public may be sitting; and

 ensure that you never leave your recording equipment unattended in the meeting room.

If recording causes a disturbance or undermines the proper conduct of the meeting, then the Chair of the meeting may decide to stop the recording. In such circumstances, the decision of the Chair shall be final.

Agenda Item 1


Report Title Declarations of Interests

Key Decision No Item No. 1

Ward n/a

Contributors Chief Executive

Class Part 1 Date: 10 June 2020

Declaration of interests

Members are asked to declare any personal interest they have in any item on the agenda.

1 Personal interests

There are three types of personal interest referred to in the Council’s Member Code of Conduct :-

(1) Disclosable pecuniary interests (2) Other registerable interests (3) Non-registerable interests

2 Disclosable pecuniary interests are defined by regulation as:-

(a) Employment, trade, profession or vocation of a relevant person* for profit or gain

(b) Sponsorship –payment or provision of any other financial benefit (other than by the Council) within the 12 months prior to giving notice for inclusion in the register in respect of expenses incurred by you in carrying out duties as a member or towards your election expenses (including payment or financial benefit from a Trade Union).

(c) Undischarged contracts between a relevant person* (or a firm in which they are a partner or a body corporate in which they are a director, or in the securities of which they have a beneficial interest) and the Council for goods, services or works.

(d) Beneficial interests in land in the borough.

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(e) Licence to occupy land in the borough for one month or more.

(f) Corporate tenancies – any tenancy, where to the member’s knowledge, the Council is landlord and the tenant is a firm in which the relevant person* is a partner, a body corporate in which they are a director, or in the securities of which they have a beneficial interest.

(g) Beneficial interest in securities of a body where:-

(a) that body to the member’s knowledge has a place of business or land in the borough; and

(b) either (i) the total nominal value of the securities exceeds £25,000 or 1/100 of the total issued share capital of that body; or

(ii) if the share capital of that body is of more than one class, the total nominal value of the shares of any one class in which the relevant person* has a beneficial interest exceeds 1/100 of the total issued share capital of that class.

*A relevant person is the member, their spouse or civil partner, or a person with whom they live as spouse or civil partner.

(3) Other registerable interests

The Lewisham Member Code of Conduct requires members also to register the following interests:-

(a) Membership or position of control or management in a body to which you were appointed or nominated by the Council

(b) Any body exercising functions of a public nature or directed to charitable purposes , or whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy, including any political party

(c) Any person from whom you have received a gift or hospitality with an estimated value of at least £25

(4) Non registerable interests

Occasions may arise when a matter under consideration would or would be likely to affect the wellbeing of a member, their family, friend or close associate more than it would affect the wellbeing of those in the local area generally, but which is not required to be registered in the Register of Members’ Interests (for example a matter concerning the closure of a school at which a Member’s child attends).

d:\moderngov\data\agendaitemdocs\6\5\5\ai00025556\$tr4nvyiw.doc Page 2 (5) Declaration and Impact of interest on members’ participation

(a) Where a member has any registerable interest in a matter and they are present at a meeting at which that matter is to be discussed, they must declare the nature of the interest at the earliest opportunity and in any event before the matter is considered. The declaration will be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. If the matter is a disclosable pecuniary interest the member must take not part in consideration of the matter and withdraw from the room before it is considered. They must not seek improperly to influence the decision in any way. Failure to declare such an interest which has not already been entered in the Register of Members’ Interests, or participation where such an interest exists, is liable to prosecution and on conviction carries a fine of up to £5000

(b) Where a member has a registerable interest which falls short of a disclosable pecuniary interest they must still declare the nature of the interest to the meeting at the earliest opportunity and in any event before the matter is considered, but they may stay in the room, participate in consideration of the matter and vote on it unless paragraph (c) below applies.

(c) Where a member has a registerable interest which falls short of a disclosable pecuniary interest, the member must consider whether a reasonable member of the public in possession of the facts would think that their interest is so significant that it would be likely to impair the member’s judgement of the public interest. If so, the member must withdraw and take no part in consideration of the matter nor seek to influence the outcome improperly.

(d) If a non-registerable interest arises which affects the wellbeing of a member, their, family, friend or close associate more than it would affect those in the local area generally, then the provisions relating to the declarations of interest and withdrawal apply as if it were a registerable interest.

(e) Decisions relating to declarations of interests are for the member’s personal judgement, though in cases of doubt they may wish to seek the advice of the Monitoring Officer.

(6) Sensitive information

There are special provisions relating to sensitive interests. These are interests the disclosure of which would be likely to expose the member to risk of violence or intimidation where the Monitoring Officer has agreed that such interest need not be registered. Members with such an interest are referred to the Code and advised to seek advice from the Monitoring Officer in advance.

(7) Exempt categories

d:\moderngov\data\agendaitemdocs\6\5\5\ai00025556\$tr4nvyiw.doc Page 3 There are exemptions to these provisions allowing members to participate in decisions notwithstanding interests that would otherwise prevent them doing so. These include:-

(a) Housing – holding a tenancy or lease with the Council unless the matter relates to your particular tenancy or lease; (subject to arrears exception) (b) School meals, school transport and travelling expenses; if you are a parent or guardian of a child in full time education, or a school governor unless the matter relates particularly to the school your child attends or of which you are a governor; (c) Statutory sick pay; if you are in receipt (d) Allowances, payment or indemnity for members (e) Ceremonial honours for members (f) Setting Council Tax or precept (subject to arrears exception)

d:\moderngov\data\agendaitemdocs\6\5\5\ai00025556\$tr4nvyiw.doc Page 4 Agenda Item 2


Report Title Minutes

Key Decision Item No.2


Contributors Chief Executive

Class Part 1 Date: June 10 2020


It is recommended that the minutes of that part of the meeting of the Mayor and Cabinet which were open to the press and public, held on May 13 2020 (copy attached) be confirmed and signed as a correct record.

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MINUTES OF THE MAYOR AND CABINET Wednesday, 13 May 2020 at 6.00 pm

PRESENT: Damien Egan (Mayor), Councillors Chris Best, Chris Barnham, Paul Bell, Kevin Bonavia, Andre Bourne, Joe Dromey, Brenda Dacres, Sophie McGeevor, Amanda De Ryk and Jonathan Slater.

ALSO PRESENT: Councillor Juliet Campbell and Councillor Jacq Paschoud.

302. Declaration of Interests

None were made.

303. Minutes

RESOLVED that the minutes of Mayor & Cabinet held on March 11 2020 and the Mayoral meeting held on March 25 2020 be confirmed and signed as correct records.

304. Matters Raised by Scrutiny and other Constitutional Bodies

The Head of Business & Committee reported on the Business Panel’s approval of the Single Equalities Framework which had been considered by the Mayor on March 25. He stated an assurance regarding the Safer Stronger Communities Select Committee’s tabled comments had been sought. The Head of Business & Committee advised the Cabinet that the usual practice was to require officers to prepare a report for their consideration and subsequent reporting to the Select Committee.

The Mayor confirmed he was happy to follow accepted practice and asked officers to prepare a response.

RESOLVED that officers be asked to prepare a response to the comments of the Safer, Stronger Communities Select Committee tabled on March 25.

305. Covid-19 Recovery: Business Rates, Business & Resident Support

The Mayor offered some introductory remarks thanking Councillor Dromey and the officers involved in formulating the proposed support package. The Mayor acknowledged that the impact locally of the global Covid-19 pandemic was unprecedented. He reported on efforts to involve local businesses in devising appropriate support packages to sustain the local economy during the crisis.

The report was then presented by Councillor Joe Dromey. He outlined the package of support measures put in place to support local businesses at significant cost to the Council. He had received confirmation that existing budgetary provisions allowed the expenditure to be made but that the course Page 6 of action undertaken was based on the understanding that Government would reimburse Councils which had offered support. Councillor Dromey and other Cabinet members expressed concern that the Government might be backing away from the undertakings they had given on March 16. The Cabinet decided that they should share their concerns with the three local MPs and press Government to deliver on their promises to ensure local councils were properly reimbursed for their outlay.

Having considered an officer report, and a presentation by the jobshare Cabinet Member for Culture, Jobs & Skills, Councillor Joe Dromey, the Mayor and Cabinet for the reasons set out in the report by a vote of 10-0:


(1) the broad package of support to business and residents set out together with the specific recommendations indicated below be approved;

(2) Across all areas of income collection for the next three months note the Council’s general approach be noted and endorse the following be endorsed: : a. Generate invoices based on existing agreements and charges unless specifically waived;

b. Hold the sending of any reminders for payments due on bills raised; with communications emphasising payment flexibility for business those struggling to pay and not referencing enforcement action;

c. Invite all customers, businesses or residents, to contact the Council early to discuss any financial difficulties they may be facing as a result of Cod vi19;

d. Offer flexibility to vary payment schedules to waive charges for up to three months and reset future payments to recover the monies due thereafter.

d. Delegate authority to the Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration and Environment in consultation with the Acting Chief Finance Officer to scope the recommended options, implement processes and eligible accessibility criteria.

(3) the Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration and Environment in consultation with the Acting Chief Finance Officer be authorised to introduce temporary top-up to emergency loans to support families with unexpected Covid-19 bereavement costs, to bridge the circa 7 week delay in obtaining the £1,000 DWP ‘funeral expenses payment’; this is subject to the outcome of the current all Borough’s representation to DWP to reduce delays in processing applications.

(4) the Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration and Environment in consultation with the Acting Chief Finance Officer be authorised to implement

Page2 7 the following proposals as part of a comprehensive package of support to help protect Lewisham business and jobs:

(5) For Council commercial tenants - if requested by the tenant and having checked on a case by case basis that they have availed themselves of other available government support, to: a. At least defer all commercial rents due up to a 3-month period - essentially terms would be agreed to recover the rent over a longer period. b. Allow flexibility for officers to discount or forego commercial rents due for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs with fewer than 250 employees, and a turnover of less than £50 million) who have not received business rates relief or grants, voluntary groups and charities – initially - up to a 3-month period, c. Consider in June on whether to defer or forego rent for a further quarter for businesses that - still remain vulnerable to imminent closure.

At an estimated cost to the Council from loss of income of up to £800k.

(6) For commercial waste customers - where appropriate for those not trading (e.g. excluding supermarkets), agree an initial three-month free-period on annual waste collection charges from the 1 April 2020; and if requested, defer payments for 3-months for SMEs who are still trading (e.g. shops) at an expected cost to the Council from loss of income of up to £500k.

(7) For Licenced premises - provide leniency on when the statutory premises licencing fee is paid, not to suspend premises for non-payment of license fees, not to chase on non-payment – but continue to invoice premises for their annual fees as normal. Council will provide a 3 month grace period after the Covid-19 lockdown regulations cease before chasing payments and suspending premises.

(8) For Commercial tenants paying service charges - If requested, defer charges due from Forest Hill Business Centre and Bow Arts Trust for up to a 3-month period, with consideration in June for a further quarter deferral – essentially terms would be agreed to recover the full service charge over a later or longer period.

(9) For Market Traders - endorse the agreed blanket approach to cease all fees and charges to support Lewisham Markets & Traders without charge penalty or loss of pitch for the first quarter at an expected cost to the Council from loss of income from all markets across Lewisham of £225k.

(10) For Business parking - endorse the four month blanket reduction on annual business parking permits from the 1 April 2020 at an expected cost to the Council from loss of income of £130k.

(11) For Shop Forecourt licences - cease all fees and charges to support Lewisham business owners without charge, penalty, or loss of shop forecourt

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licence for the first quarter at an expected cost to the Council from loss of income from all licensed shops of £35k.

(12) a ‘Lewisham backs Business’ Task Force, comprising lead Members, representatives from the local business community, industry, and officers be established to develop and coordinate a whole Council response to supporting business and jobs recovery quickly and inclusively from the disruption of Covid 19.

306. Exclusion of Press and Public

RESOLVED that in accordance with Regulation 4(2)(b) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information)() Regulations 2012 and under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12(A) of the Act, and the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information

6. Home Park Allocation of S106 monies as part of the Council's Precision Manufactured Homes Programme.

7 Smarter Technology Phase 2 Project Equipment Rollout.

8. Permission to Extend Youth Services Contract.

9. Permission to extend current Specialist Short Breaks contract – Ravensbourne Project.

10. Permission to extend current Children & Young People's Personalised Care and Support Framework Agreement.

307. Home Park Allocation of S106 monies as part of the Council's Precision Manufactured Homes Programme

Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the Mayor, the Mayor and Cabinet for the reasons set out in the report by a vote of 10-0:

RESOLVED that the allocation of a stated sum of Section 106 contributions received by the Council from the Planning agreements, as set out, be approved to provide affordable and wheelchair housing delivery in the borough at Home Park.

Page4 9

308. Smarter Technology Phase 2 Project Equipment Rollout

In presenting the report, Councillor Bonavia supported the urgent requirements for equipment necessary to support home working.

Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for Democracy, Refugees and Accountability, Councillor Kevin Bonavia, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report by a vote of 10-0:


(1) a stated spend be approved on the Laptops, PC, Monitors and supporting items necessary for Smarter Tech Phase 2

(2) the order be placed with Shared Services using existing arrangements as set out.

309. Permission to extend Youth Services contract

Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for School Performance and Children’s Services, Councillor Chris Barnham, the Mayor and Cabinet, for the reasons set out in the report by a vote of 10-0:


(1) an additional extension to the current Youth Service contract with Youth First from 01/08/2020 to 31/03/21 at a stated maximum cost be approved;

(2) the provisions around pensions and redundancy liability provided by the Council for the existing contract are maintained for the period of the extension be approved; and

(3) authority be delegated to the Executive Director for CYP to agree appropriate terms in particular any changes to the existing terms and conditions for the extension relevant to Covid 19, such as open book accounting, the right for the Council to clawback unspent monies and ability to bring the extension period to an end early

310. Permission to extend current Specialist Short Breaks contract - Ravensbourne Project

Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for School Performance and Children’s Services, Councillor Chris Barnham, the Mayor and Cabinet for the reasons set out in the report by a vote of 10-0

RESOLVED that the contract with Ravensbourne Project be extended to provide overnight, holiday and weekend provision of specialist short breaks from 1 September 2020 to 31 August 2021 at a total stated cost of overnight,

Page 105

holiday and weekends.

311. Permission to extend current Children & Young People's Personalised Care and Support Framework Agreement

In presenting the report, Councillor Barnham confirmed alternatives of spot purchasing would be costly and commencing a new procurement would not be practical.

Having considered a confidential officer report, and a presentation by the Cabinet Member for School Performance and Children’s Services, Councillor Chris Barnham, the Mayor and Cabinet for the reasons set out in the report by a vote of 10-0:

RESOLVED that the current Children & Young People’s Personalised Care and Support Framework Agreement be extended for a period of 24 months from 01/04/2020 to 31/03/22.

The meeting closed at 6.39pm.

Page6 11 Agenda Item 3


Report Title Report Back on Matters Raised by The Overview and Scrutiny Business Panel or other Constitutional bodies

Key Decision No Item No.


Contributors Head of Business & Committee

Class Open Date: June 10 2020

Purpose of Report

To report back on any matters raised by the Overview and Scrutiny Business Panel following their consideration of the decisions made by the Mayor on May 13 2020 or on other matters raised by Select Committees or other Constitutional bodies.

d:\moderngov\data\agendaitemdocs\8\5\5\ai00025558Page\$ebqs5obh.doc541 12 Agenda Item 4 Chief Officer Confirmation of Report Submission Cabinet Member Confirmation of Briefing

Report for: Mayor Mayor and Cabinet X

Mayor and Cabinet (Contracts)

Executive Director

X Information Part 1 Part 2 Key Decision

Date of Meeting 10 JUNE 2020 Title of Report Council's response to Covid 19 - Financial update

Originator of Report Acting Chief Finance Officer Ext. 49114 At the time of submission for the Agenda, I confirm that the report has: Category Yes No

Financial Comments from Exec Director for Resources X Legal Comments from the Head of Law X Crime & Disorder Implications X Environmental Implications X Equality Implications/Impact Assessment (as appropriate) X Confirmed Adherence to Budget & Policy Framework X Risk Assessment Comments (as appropriate) X Reason for Urgency (as appropriate) X

Signed: Cabinet Member: Cllr Amanda De Ryk Date:


Executive Director: David Austin Date 2 June 2020

Control Record by Committee Support Action Date Listed on Schedule of Business/Forward Plan (if appropriate) Draft Report Cleared at Agenda Planning Meeting (not delegated decisions) Submitted Report from CO Received by Committee Support Scheduled Date for Call-in (if appropriate) To be Referred to Full Council

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Mayor and Cabinet

Council's response to Covid 19 - Financial update

Date: 10 June 2020

Key decision: No

Class: Part 1

Ward(s) affected: All

Contributors: Acting Chief Finance Officer

Outline and recommendations

The emergence of the Covid 19 pandemic has significantly influenced the Council’s activities since early March. This report updates on the work being done to assess and monitor the financial implications of the Covid 19 response. In summary, the financial impact assessed from the May monitoring identified a potential £82.7m impact to the 20/21 budget - from additional costs of £22.9m and lost income of £59.8m (before applying government funding received). After applying government funding received of £33m for business rate reliefs, £18m for Council services, and assuming the remaining estimated Collection Fund lost income of £11.5m is met by government once the full taxation impact becomes clear, the outstanding financial gap for the Council is currently estimated at £20.2m. This represents all the unallocated reserves the Council holds of £20m. This is the current position with the recovery and longer term impacts to the budget still to be assessed and funded.

Members are invited to review and note this update for information.

Members are invited to review and note this update for information.

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1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1. The emergence of the Covid 19 pandemic has significantly influenced the Council’s activities since early March. This report updates on the work being done to assess and monitor the financial implications of the Covid 19 response. It is for Members to note.

1.2. Government has looked to Councils to support significant elements of its response, through supporting new schemes, working collectively with partners, and delivering the services the Council provides. In response a clear strategy and objectives were put in place to govern the response and this is now evolving to begin the preparations for recovery while maintaining the focus on critical services given the continuing risk of further spikes.

1.3. The government schemes are focused on support for businesses with a view to future employment. The main elements include:  £33m of additional business rates relief for the 1,560 retail, hospitality, and leisure sectors in Lewisham;  £47m of small business grants for the potentially 3,650 businesses identified as eligible in Lewisham; and  An amount to be confirmed (circa £2m) of discretionary grant to support small and medium enterprises for guidance is pending from government.

1.4. In addition the Council has received £3.2m for residents to be distributed as £150 credits to households of working age in receipt of the Council Tax Reduction Scheme and to supplement the Council’s hardship support scheme.

1.5. In respect of the burden on Council services, the government has provided some funding to meet the financial impacts. This is via additional funding and early payment of some grants to support cash flow. Of the £3.2bn funding announced nationally, Lewisham has received £18.0m to cover the costs of the Covid 19 response. Monthly monitoring is now in place to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) and based on the April returns and analysis by the Local Government Association (LGA) this level of funding is estimated to be only a third or a quarter of what is likely to be needed before Council’s return fully to business as usual.

1.6. This means the Council has to proceed with caution and be alert at all times to the financial implications and risks as the current arrangements continue and the full range and scale of their impacts emerge. This includes assessing the likelihood and potential implications for the need to use reserves to meet the cost of the response should government support not cover the full costs.

1.7. The Council is expected to close 19/20 with a Directorate outturn overspend of £7.0m, up from the £5.4m previously reported, and use the £8m of reserves committed to support the budget – total £15m. It is therefore expected the financial statements will show general reserves of £20m and earmarked reserves of £62m available for 20/21 and future years. This is consistent with the likely outturn position set out in the 19/20 budget. However, the anticipated improvements in control of directorate spending have not been fully delivered.

1.8. The 20/21 budget was set without the use of reserves and after the funding of growth and pressures of £23.5m to reset service baseline budgets and reduce the risk of the in- year overspending seen in recent years. The budget was also set with the commitment

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from services to deliver £16.6m of agreed cuts. Some of these plans are now at risk of delay or not being delivered due to the Covid 19 response taking priority. These are the revenue budget impacts and the risks also extend to the expanded capital programme which is currently being reviewed.

1.9. The May monitoring return to MHCLG identified the potential financial impact at £82.7m to the 20/21 budget - from additional costs of £22.9m and lost income of £59.8m - before applying government funding received. After applying government funding received of £33m for business rate reliefs, £18m for Council services, and assuming the remaining estimated Collection Fund lost income of £11.5m is met by government once the full impact becomes clear, the outstanding financial gap for the Council is currently estimated at £20.2m. This represents all the unallocated reserves the Council holds of £20m. This is the current position with the recovery and longer term impacts to the budget still to be assessed and funded.

1.10. Extensive work at Mayor and lead Member level through political and London networks and by officer through their professional networks continues to inform and improve the monitoring, benchmarking, and planning for the impact of Covid 19 now and through recovery.

1.11. Finally the report looks to the risks and opportunities that are being tracked to ensure their financial implications are considered and the recovery phases supported. All of which requires regular monitoring and a full review of budgets plans and the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) to be reported to Members early in resumption of full Council business, expected from September.

2. RECOMMENDATIONS 2.1. Members are invited to Council's response to Covid 19 - Financial update

3. CONTENT 3.1. This report has been prepared to brief the Council’s senior officers and Members of the financial funding, impacts and monitoring being undertaken as part of the Council’s response to Covid 19.

3.2. The report sections include: 1. Executive Summary 2. Recommendations 3. Content 4. Policy Context 5. Background 6. Government Funding 7. Starting Financial Position 8. Financial Impact on Council Services 9. Other Considerations o Monitoring o Forward look o Recovery o Risk & Opportunities 10. Next Steps

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4. POLICY CONTEXT 4.1. The Council's strategy and priorities drive the Budget with changes in resource allocation determined in accordance with policies and strategy. The Council launched its new Corporate Strategy in 2019, with seven corporate priorities as stated below:

4.2. Corporate Priorities  Open Lewisham - Lewisham will be a place where diversity and cultural heritage is recognised as a strength and is celebrated.  Tackling the housing crisis - Everyone has a decent home that is secure and affordable.  Giving children and young people the best start in life - Every child has access to an outstanding and inspiring education, and is given the support they need to keep them safe, well and able to achieve their full potential.  Building and inclusive local economy - Everyone can access high-quality job opportunities, with decent pay and security in our thriving and inclusive local economy.  Delivering and defending health, social care and support - Ensuring everyone receives the health, mental health, social care and support services they need.  Making Lewisham greener - Everyone enjoys our green spaces, and benefits from a healthy environment as we work to protect and improve our local environment.  Building safer communities - Every resident feels safe and secure living here as we work together towards a borough free from the fear of crime.

Values 4.3. Values are critical to the Council’s role as an employer, regulator, and securer of services and steward of public funds. The Council’s values shape interactions and behaviours across the organisational hierarchy, between officers, and members, between the council and partners and between the council and citizens. In taking forward the Council's Budget Strategy, we are guided by the Council's four core values:  We put service to the public first.  We respect all people and all communities.  We invest in employees.  We are open, honest, and fair in all we do.

5. BACKGROUND 5.1. The emergence of the Covid 19 pandemic has significantly influenced the Council’s activities since early March. The Council moved to a Gold command structure, aligned with the London resilience forum, to focus on services deemed critical to an effective response. The response strategy and objectives are:

Strategy  We will work together with our partner agencies to respond to and recover from COVID-19 for our communities, businesses and staff.

Objectives  To provide support to the vulnerable.  Managing resourcing to meet the needs of emergency and maintain essential public services.

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 To provide support to our responding partner agencies who are protecting and preserving life.  To provide support to Lewisham businesses and communities.  To inform and reassure through communication and engagement.  To provide community leadership/reassurance.  Minimize disruption to infrastructure and business.  To facilitating recovery and the return to normality.

5.2. On the 23 March, the Government introduced stringent lockdown measures to restrict movement to essential travel only. This impacted and continues to impact the economy hard and the businesses and many of those in employment in the borough. The Council’s and its staff have continued to work as part of the essential public services response.

5.3. In addition to the focus on protecting the most vulnerable, the work of the Council has also prioritised those critical services supporting the community. For example; this has included maintaining an education offer for those children eligible to attend schools, providing shelter and housing to those at risk of homelessness, running waste services and opening the parks, and operating the benefits, registrar and bereavement services to cope with the rise in demand for them.

5.4. To do this many staff have volunteered and been redeployed to support these priority services in the Covid 19 response. Other services, with staff working from home, have continued in the background as far as reasonably possible, but always with the priority to deliver any requirement for the critical services first. This includes the corporate services such as the human resources, technology, and finance teams.

5.5. The government has injected various support measures for councils to implement in support of residents and businesses. However, despite this, the Covid 19 response is also materially impacting the Council’s financial plans and service income and expenditure budgets for the year 2020/21. Depending on how long the response continues and nature of the recovery phase(s) these financial risks and impacts will continue.

5.6. As the situation continues to evolve the assumptions and estimates will need to be revisited and updated over time. The remainder of this report seeks to set out the work and impacts as they are currently known so that the Council can effectively monitor them to help inform its future planning and decision making.


Government Schemes 6.1. The government has announced various schemes to be administered by local authorities on their behalf to support businesses and residents.

Business 6.2. For businesses these have taken the form of extended business rates relief for 2020/21, grants to small businesses and those in the retail, hospitality, and leisure sectors, and a grant to support Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) – those with less than 50

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employees – not covered by the initial grant arrangements. The latter was confirmed on the 2 May and guidance received on the 13 May. To date the Council has:

6.2.1. Credited £33m of business rates relief for the retail, hospitality, and leisure sectors and a limited number of nurseries as the qualifying businesses in the Borough.

6.2.2. Received £47m to distribute in grants of £10k or £25k to small business within certain rateable values and/or in the retail, hospitality, and leisure sectors. To the 31 May the Council had assessed all those who have applied and disbursed 2,850 grants from the 3,375 expected (down from 3,720) and over £36.0m. Work continues to actively reach out to those more than 800 businesses who may be eligible but have yet to apply.

6.2.3. Expects to receive an estimated £2.3m of further grant (5% of the £47m) to support the recently announced discretionary scheme. Having received the government’s guidance on the 13 May the criteria to do this are being established urgently and will communicated to businesses to invite applications.

6.2.4. In summary these are set out in the table below:

Number of business Value Business support from government supported £m 1,560 32.9 Additional business rates relief for the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors 2,850 47.0 Small business grants for those eligible (3,375 potentially eligible) businesses with rateable values below £51k TBC Est. 2.3 Small and Medium Enterprise (<50 employees) discretionary grant 82.2 Total

6.3. In the case of grant applications the Council is running a process to verify that it has the right contact details for businesses, including an update on their trading status and bank account. This ensures the available grant is targeted to legitimate qualifying entities to reduce the risk of fraud or error. In line with government advice, further checks are also being run post-payment using the Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Spotlight counter fraud tool.

6.4. Having current contact details for the businesses in Lewisham will also be very helpful to improve the communications and partnership working between the Council and those employing many residents of the Borough to support a strong and sustainable recovery post Covid 19. The establishment of this taskforce is one of the key objectives for the task force proposed in the report to M&C in May on support for business.

Residents 6.5. For residents the government has given the council £3.2m to distribute to those of working age qualifying under the Council Tax Reduction Scheme and via local hardship schemes. The Council, as set out in the M&C paper of the 13 May, is preparing to

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deliver this support via the Council Tax system and has supplemented the amount available for hardship cases and is responding to address growing demand.

Support for the Council 6.6. The government has provided some financial support to councils to undertake additional activities in recognition of the unplanned costs they are incurring in responding to Covid 19. Based on the analysis by the Local Government Association (LGA) in April the £3.2bn from government for local authorities is estimated to be between a third or a quarter of that which will be needed. This is to recognise, that as well as the additional costs being experienced by Councils, they are also facing significant and harder to recover income losses given the scale of economic impact from the pandemic.

6.6.1. The Council is experiencing additional unplanned work and costs to sustain critical services. These include supporting the social care market, distributing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and providing shielding support to the most vulnerable as critical services. As well as the extra work to run and support services including housing, waste, benefits, and bereavement services with higher levels of activity while also maintaining social distancing and safe working practices. The lost income considerations as the government’s lockdown continues cover the tax base (businesses and residents), commercial and charged for services, and the housing revenue account.

6.7. The two main contributions have been £9.6m and £8.4m (total £18.0m) as part of the £3.2bn provided by the Ministry for Housing, Communities, and Local Government (MHCLG) so far. The first allocation was distributed based on the adult social care needs formula and the second on a straight per capita basis, in part to ensure District Councils received more.

6.8. Communications from the Secretary of State, most recently in his evidence to the House of Commons Select Committee on 5 May, are starting to suggest the government intends to reimburse councils for those costs arising from the work the government has requested them to undertake. Other costs or lost income from local commercial decisions may not be covered, at least at this time, with the expectation councils will need to draw on their reserves to cover these costs.

6.9. For Lewisham, the activities that may therefore not be covered include sales, fees and charges, the financial impact of support the Council chooses to offer local businesses and residents, and commercial risks on investments in regeneration vehicles (e.g. Catford and Besson Street). The Council will continue to make the case this should not be the case and that support should extend to also covering the financial impact from delayed plans, the lost ability to deliver agreed budget cuts in 2020/21, and the cost of recovery to return the Council to a sustainable ‘new normal’.

6.10. In respect of two big potential impacts from the loss of income – business rates and council tax – MHCLG are stating that the position will be reassessed later in the year when the likely impact can be more accurately assessed based on actual figures. In the meantime the government have provided some cash flow support measures. The most significant are the payment of £6.5m in advance of expected section 31 grants and £11m for three months of grants in advance, most significantly the Better Care Fund and improved Better Care Fund.

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Reporting 6.11. As expected, given the unusual circumstances and sums of money involved, the Council is required to report back to government regularly on how this funding is being used.

6.12. At present the BEIS have instigated a weekly reporting process to confirm progress with the disbursement of grants to business. At the 11 May Lewisham was 267 of 314 authorities in terms of the number of businesses to whom grants had been paid.

6.13. The MHCLG have begun collecting monthly returns from councils on their expected costs and loss of income. This continues to change and be refined as more detail and history of the financial impacts is recorded the longer the response continues. The shape it is taking is based on extensive consultation between the Ministry, LGA, and the Treasurer societies. The considerations and detail of the first return for Lewisham are discussed below in section 8. The most recent return was completed on the 15 May.


Outturn 7.1. The forecast outturn position for 2019/20 reported with the Budget in February to Council was a Directorate overspend of £5.4m with continuing pressures in certain services. In particular for children social care, environment, and technology services.

7.2. The full final outturn position has been delayed by two weeks as the finance teams are supporting more of the service finance work while service managers focus on the delivery of critical services. This has delayed closing, originally timetabled for the 4 May, and will also impact the preparation of financial statements for audit. Such delays are not unique to Lewisham. Indeed they have been recognised by government with the date for audited accounts to be approved by Councils pushed back to November 2020, from July.

7.3. The Directorate outturn estimate is now provisionally for an overspend of circa £7m, an increase of £1.6m. The schools and housing revenue budgets are expected to be in balance and the capital budgets underspent as forecast. The corporate provisions budget is also forecast to be in balance and used to replenish those reserves with regular but uncertain spend against them, such as; project costs, redundancy and pension costs, change work, and elections.

7.4. The table below summarises the provisional outturn:

PROVISIONAL Net Budget Forecast over / (under) Outturn variance OUTTURN 2019/20 Dec-19 Outturn v Net budget v Dec-19 2019/20 £m £m £m % £m CYP 58.9 3.7 6.5 11% 2.8 COM 91.8 -2.3 -3.3 -4% -1.0 HRE 34.7 2.6 2.6 7% 0.0 Corp. Serv. 34.0 1.4 1.2 4% -0.2

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PROVISIONAL Net Budget Forecast over / (under) Outturn variance OUTTURN 2019/20 Dec-19 Outturn v Net budget v Dec-19 2019/20 £m £m £m % £m Directorate 219.4 5.4 7.0 3% 1.6 Corporate 23.6 0.0 0.0 0% 0.0 Total 243.0 5.4 7.0 3% 1.6

7.5. The reason for the increase in the final position for Children Social Care, compared to the previously forecast position, was due rising expensive placements not fully reflected in the finance monitoring extrapolation of activity and costs to the year-end from November onwards when the service was predicted to overspend by £3.7m. A full outturn report and first budget monitoring is scheduled for scrutiny and M&C in July.

Reserves 7.6. The audited revenue reserves position for 2019/20 identified that the Council held £20m of general unallocated reserves and specific earmarked reserves of £77m. Other earmarked reserves totalling £69m are held but these are committed (e.g. to schools or via PFI contracts) and to support the Council’s self-insured risks. This placed the Council in the middle or towards the upper end of the CIPFA financial resilience index.

7.7. Spend against the corporate provisions and reserves, including the outturn position above, is expected to be as planned for 2019/20. This position will be confirmed as part of closing and the preparation of the financial statements. After the impact of the 2019/20 planned commitments from reserves and outturn, reserves are expected to fall by £15m for the start of 2020/21. This is consistent with the position forecast in the Council 2019/20 Budget report (February 2019). This would mean the Council has general and available earmarked reserves of at least £20m and £62m respectively for 2020/21, aside any monies held as part of Covid 19 cash flow support.

7.8. The impact of Covid 19 on the Council’s financial plans, if not covered by further government funding support (as they assess the ongoing costs of responding to the pandemic and disruption to councils income streams, especially from lost Council Tax and Business Rates), will fall on these reserve balances. First from the general unallocated reserves and then, if needed, the earmarked reserves. These are one off balances so once spent are no longer available, reducing the Council’s resilience in the face of any other crises until replenished.

7.9. If the Council has to use earmarked reserves this will impact other plans with choices having to be made of what to no longer support. A key vulnerability here is the risk to investment in the transformation work necessary to support the recovery phase while the Council also prepares for the next Comprehensive Spending Review and Fair Funding Review, now delayed to 22/23. This investment will be needed to realise the opportunities from Covid 19 changes to delivering services and ways of working to improve the Council.

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2020/21 Plans 7.10. The Council’s 2020/21 budget was set without the need to commit reserves. This was predicated on services being able to deliver £16.6m of cuts and recognised pressures and growth of £19m being funded. The Budget also included a significant expansion of the Council’s capital programme for 2020/21 and future years. Primarily focused on supporting the Building for Lewisham priorities from both the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account (HRA).

7.11. With the impact of Covid 19 at the start of the financial year, many of the assumptions will need to be monitored closely and potentially revisited during the year.

Cuts and Pressures 7.12. The detail of the cuts and growth pressures built into the 2020/21 financial plans are set out in the Budget report for Council from February. Presenting these in summary by Directorate, they are:

Directorate Cuts £k Growth funded £k Children and Young People Children Social Care 1,375 5,900 Commissioning - 900 Schools catering and FM - 690 Community Services Adult Social Care 5,982 2,278 Crime & Enforcement 221 230 Culture and Community 125 120 Housing, Regeneration & Environment Housing 1,871 - Environment Services 957 2,500 Regeneration & Property Service 1,000 1,360 Planning 100 - Corporate Services Public Services 1,624 1,315 Financial Services 350 450 Corporate Resources 2,500 310 IT and Digital Services - 1,675 Legal Services 32 - Policy and Governance 259 280 Strategy & Communications 80 430 Human Resources 133 520

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Directorate Cuts £k Growth funded £k Transformation funding (once off) - 4,570 Total 16,609 23,528

7.13. Given the focus for the Covid 19 response, those at risk of delay or non-achievement in 2020/21 are most likely to be those in respect of critical services. In particular adult social care, community services, housing, and technology for higher spend; and environment, regeneration, and public services for lower income. At the same time some of those services which have been operating at a lower than expected level during the response may not need the full allocation of pressures monies. Both cuts and pressures are being actively reviewed and will re-assessed with services as part of the budget planning for recovery work. The need and importance of working together as a senior leadership team to work through the implications for the re-allocation of resources going forward and their alignment to effective ways of working is acknowledged and forms part of the recovery work and need to reset the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) and Budget.

7.14. At this stage, some early assumptions are made in the Covid monitoring modelling discussed in section 8 below. This is also being tracked in the financial monitoring to build the evidence base so that any returns to government clearly reflect the full impact of the Covid 19 response on the Council’s budgets and financial plans.

Capital Programme 7.15. The Capital programme as currently set in the budget for 2020/21 reflects the priorities and momentum going into the start of the year. The capital programme is looking to commit £560m across the general fund and HRA over the next three years. While principally for the delivery of the Building for Lewisham housing programme plans, the plan also includes spend on Council offices and the theatre at the heart of the Catford complex.

7.16. There is now considerable uncertainty for London over future property values and rents as the market has stalled during the Covid 19 response and the impact through recovery on employment is not yet understood. This comes on top of the Brexit uncertainties already in place going into this pandemic. Additionally the Covid 19 response is likely to have fundamentally shifted the ways of working of the Council and the current plans may no longer reflect the estate the Council needs to maintain.

7.17. For these reasons and while the programme is effectively stalled, a review of the capital programme set in the Budget is being undertaken as part of the recovery planning phase. The conclusions of this will be brought back to Members at the earliest opportunity for their review and decisions on future plans post Covid 19 as part of future budget updates.


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8.1. In March, at the start of the Council’s Covid 19 response, cost codes were established corporately and in each Directorate to capture the direct and indirect costs of responding. The intention being to enable the full cost of the response to be identified and reported and to preserve the underlying integrity of the Council’s budgets in respect of ‘business as usual’ to facilitate the recovery phase. Subsequently in areas with particularly high activity additional codes have been set up by finance to capture specific service costs. For example; some adult social care provider costs, tracking free school meals, and certain housing costs.

8.2. The April monitoring has closed and the costs and income impacts evaluated to enable a more accurate picture of the impact and cost of the Covid 19 response to be reported and accounted for. At part of this, discussions with service managers on the activities they are changing and assumptions on how this will impact their budgets going forward are being captured. The most notable example being how quickly the workforce has adapted to flexible working and greater use of technology to facilitate effective working. This intelligence informs the monthly reporting to MHCLG, with the most recent return reviewed by Executive Directors and submitted on the 15 May.

8.3. The May monitoring return to MHCLG identified the potential financial impact at £82.7m to the 20/21 budget - from additional costs of £22.9m and lost income of £59.8m - before applying government funding received. After applying government funding received of £33m for business rate reliefs, £18m for Council services, and assuming the remaining estimated Collection Fund lost income of £11.5m is met by government once the full impact becomes clear, the outstanding financial gap for the Council is currently estimated at £20.2m. This represents the all the unallocated reserves the Council holds of £20m.

8.4. This is the current position with the recovery and longer term impacts to the budget still to be assessed and funding sought from government. This gap and the future risks are being reviewed with neighbouring Boroughs, London Councils, and with the Treasurer societies and LGA.

8.5. The Covid response to MHCLG focused on expenditure and income impacts which are set out in the table below. The summary of the monitoring reported to MHCLG is set out in the tables below for expenditure and income. These impacts are summarised against the Council’s service structures as an appendix.

EXPENDITURE May Apr Diff Comment £m £m £m % on Apr to May movement Adult Social Care 5.8 5.7 0.1 2% Children Social Care 1.3 1.7 -0.4 -24% less demand than anticipated Education 3.5 3.9 -0.4 -10% less demand than anticipated Highways & Transport 0.0 0.4 -0.4 -100% impact now in loss of income Public Health 0.4 0.4 -0.0 -10% Housing (non HRA) 1.9 1.0 0.9 90% more demand and higher costs Housing HRA 1.0 0.5 0.5 100% more demand and higher costs Culture & Leisure 1.0 0.6 0.4 67% supporting leisure contracts Environment & Regulatory 0.8 0.9 -0.0 -6% Planning & Development 0.0 0.0 0.0 0%

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EXPENDITURE May Apr Diff Comment £m £m £m % on Apr to May movement Finance & Corporate 0.7 0.5 0.2 40% ICT and additional staff support Other 6.5 8.4 -1.9 -23% impact on capital prog. reduced Total 22.9 24.0 -1.1 -5%

The key costs noted include:  Social Care (Adults and Children) includes demand, workforce, PPE, and market pressures  Education includes SEND, Transport, and Cartering contract  Housing includes homelessness, rough sleeping, etc..  HRA includes workforce, materials, and other costs  Environment & Regulatory - includes waste, bereavement & mortuary services, and parks  Other includes shielding, non-social care PPE, and unachieved savings / projects

INCOME May Apr Diff Comment £m £m £m % on Apr to May movement Business Rates (ex. reliefs) 4.0 7.0 -3.0 -43% less risk after £33m of reliefs Council Tax 7.5 8.5 -1.0 -12% collection not falling as fast Collection Fund losses 11.5 15.5 -4.0 -26% Sales, Fees & Charges 9.0 4.5 4.5 100% loss of Tfl income & reclassification Commercial income losses 4.4 2.3 2.1 91% reclassification from other Other income losses 0.7 4.7 -4.0 -85% lower loss on debt & reclassification HRA income losses 1.2 2.0 -0.8 -40% lower arrears & voids non Collection Fund losses 15.3 13.5 1.8 13% Total 26.8 29.0 -2.2 -8%

The key income streams noted include  Sales, Fees & Charges includes parking, utilities, TfL, planning & development income  Commercial income includes commercial waste, rents, parks, passenger services etc..  Other income includes collection of adult social care fees and enforcement fees

Monitoring 8.6. The work on the monitoring of Covid spend and income alongside management decisions in respect of service changes will firm up these assumptions as each month more detailed reporting becomes available. This needs to include the monitoring of demand and activity levels by the services as well as the financial implications.

8.7. A significant uncertainty lies with the potential loss of Council Tax and Business Rates income. Not least as reminders and enforcement action are currently being stayed during the lockdown phase to avoid raising additional financial pressures on those already potentially facing financial hardship and loss of their livelihoods and/or homes. Until the recovery phase is well underway and the impact on the local economy and employment are known it is very hard to assess the full implications for these tax receipts.

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8.8. To inform the impact on Council Tax collection, officers are monitoring collection rates, changes of payment terms, and levels of change of circumstances and benefit applications. For April a fall of 0.9% was evidenced in collection compared to the previous year. This aligns with the 5% modelling above over six months. In addition 482 direct debits were cancelled and 200 revised payment plans were agreed. In terms of benefit activity, through April the number of claims received per week is rising at approximately 50 per week, from around 200 at the start of the month to over 360 by the end. This is over 1,000 people coming onto Benefits in April.

8.9. Similar levels of monitoring are undertaken for Business Rates collection but the reports are currently distorted from paying out the government grants. The data for April is being reviewed to separate these two elements out going forward.

Benchmarking 8.10. Working with colleagues across London with the support of London Councils, Boroughs are modelling and comparing their assumptions and returns in completing the MHCLG and their own monitoring. From the April return Lewisham’s experience broadly mirrored that experienced by many other Boroughs, although not as expected those who are tariff rather than top-up authorities for business rates.

8.11. Learning from the April returns MHCLG requested more detail and was more prescriptive in the assumptions to be used. London Councils (in consultation with the LGA and individual authorities) have also developed some assumptions for Boroughs to use as a reference point. These set out a range by expenditure and income service area with optimistic, realistic, and pessimistic assumptions. Overall Lewisham was aligned to the realistic view but there are some differences when drilling down into individual areas. The work to understand and test these differences based on local experience and circumstances continues as more monitoring data becomes available.


Monitoring and planning 9.1. It is also worth noting that the approach to monitoring and assumptions being made for Lewisham, while owned locally, are not being taken in isolation. There are extensive networks and information exchange happening at the national, regional and local levels.

9.2. The MHCLG and LGA are reviewing the national implications and pressures on local government. Regionally, through London Councils, Mayors / Leaders and Finance leads are meeting regularly and sharing insights and learning. At the same time, through the London resilience response, the Chief Executives of all London Boroughs and the Authority (GLA) are meeting and have a dedicated finance strand to their work. Similarly Treasurers (s151 officers for the Boroughs) are meeting weekly sub-regionally and every two weeks for all of London to do the same. These officer meetings, supported by London Councils, are supplemented by regular discussions with central government, the LGA and others (e.g. other professional networks such as those for adults and children).

9.3. In addition locally the Council, through Member and Officer interactions, is engaging and consulting with its partners to assess the changes they are experiencing. In particular, the Council is in regular discussions with the Health sector, Voluntary and Business

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communities, other anchor institutions, and in regular dialogue with the unions on staff wellbeing and employment matters. These discussions will feed into the recovery planning.

Forward Look 9.4. There are a number of areas, some of which are listed below in no particular order, where there remains uncertainty that could impact the Council’s planning and therefore the financial assumptions. They include:

9.4.1. Grants – the Council receive and share a number of smaller grants which if the activity stops or cannot be delivered the service must adjust its cost base quickly or it will incur an overspend. An example of this is the funding from Transport for London for infrastructure and highways projects for the year given their own financial constraints.

9.4.2. Contracts – the Council, following the guidance from government, is paying on demand and in some cases in advance of contract payments being due with agreement to open book accounting to reconcile the payments for work at a later date. There may be some providers who withdraw from the market leaving the Council unable to recover the services due. There is also the risk of significant above inflationary pressures for the cost of goods and services as the economy recovers but is still not a full capacity.

9.4.3. Pooling – the Council is currently a member for 2020/21 of the London business rate pool which no longer has the ‘no detriment’ guarantee from government. Depending on the impact on business rates income across London the Council will likely not receive a benefit from the pool this year and may in the worst case have to pay in.

9.4.4. Property – the outcome of the recovery phase in the short and longer term for development, asset valuations, and future commercial and residential occupancy and rents is currently unknown. The Council has a balance sheet with over £2.5bn of assets which will be affected by these uncertainties as the viability of sustaining the Council’s asset base impacts future financial plans.

9.4.5. Service demand – changes have been made as part of the Covid response in respect of a range of services but particularly social care, housing, education, and community support with Council providing more support during the pandemic. We are expecting further increase in demand in these, and other areas, as lockdown begins to ease. The Council will have to assess what to continue and what to stop and what changes it might need to make elsewhere to align budgets and spending plans if we are to stay within our available resources. For example; how to pull back on the additional support provided to social care providers to sustain the market through this challenging period.

9.4.6. Employment – depending on how the economy recovers from lockdown the employment levels locally will be impacted with a potential knock-on for benefit and support costs and the role of the Council to prioritise economic development more than in previous years.

9.4.7. Income streams – in particular from expected business and new homes growth previously forecast in medium term financial plans will likely need to be adjusted and the Council’s appetite for ventures to extend income generating activities reviewed.

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9.4.8. Public Sector partners – the GLA (including TfL), Health services (Trust and CCG), local anchor institutions and voluntary sector partners will all be changing their future plans which will likely impact the balance of provision and priorities for the Council’s planning. For example; the Council will have to work with Health partners to assess the impact of the cost of care and the changes made to the discharge practices during lockdown.

9.5. These wider considerations will be kept under review and updated as part of the service and financial monitoring discussed above.

Recovery 9.6. The Council is preparing its recovery response which will be underpinned by the following principles:  Tackling widening social, economic and health inequalities;  Protecting the most vulnerable;  Ensuring the Council’s continued resilience, stability and sustainability; and  Enabling residents to make the most of Lewisham the place.

9.7. More specifically for finance, the recovery phase will include:

9.7.1. Completing closing and preparing the financial statements and submitting these for audit. These include the Pension Fund accounts alongside the Council accounts and the group accounts to include the Council’s subsidiaries, namely; Lewisham Homes and the Catford Regeneration Partnership both limited companies. The revised date for this work to be concluded in the end of November 2020.

9.7.2. Resetting the Directorate budgets for the reorganisation and Director changes agreed by Council in February. This will also require the monitoring report to be refreshed with improvements in the alignment to performance data to enhance forecasting accuracy given the pace of change in the Council is increasing and services are taking more risk to ‘fail fast’, learn, and improve.

9.7.3. Review the budget and MTFS for 2020/21 as the impacts of the Covid 19 response is better and more fully understood and changes to how the Council operates going forward are agreed. This work will include the impact for the previously agreed cuts and assessment of growth and pressures to guide the approach to setting future year budgets.

9.8. Through recovery it is possible the government support for councils may not fully match the cost of the response and future funding not acknowledge where costs have increased, for example in care settings. If this is the case, the Council is likely to have to make significant changes to the range and scale of services it offers or further put the burden of these costs on local tax payers, who themselves will be managing the financial implications of Covid 19 to their household budgets.

Risks and Opportunities 9.9. Many of the detailed examples of these are covered above through the forward look and recovery commentary. As part of the recovery phase the Council’s risk registers – corporate and directorate – are to be reviewed to capture the changes being prepared.

9.10. The senior leadership team are collectively responsible for making the recovery phase a success. Initial consultation has identified four areas to focus on: People; Partnerships;

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Processes; and Performance. The detailed work to expand on these and engage through the staff led change networks is now being prepared.

9.11. For finance there are risks and opportunities here too. Clearly the financial impacts now and for future budgets are significant. This requires the Council to be mindful of its financial sustainability to ensure it does not need to consider issuing a section 114 notice. As per the assessment of the position going into Covid and assumed impacts, including the financial support received from government to date, set out in this report the Council is not in this position at this time. This needs to be kept under review and will be commented on through the external audit process and their value for money conclusion, in the regular 20/21 monitoring, and as the MTFS is refreshed and the budget for 21/22 prepared.

9.12. Finance will also continue to contribute to the Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) and Fair Funding Review (FFR) consultations, noting these have been delayed again for a further year to 22/23 as government responds to the Covid 19 pandemic. This will be critical to assessing the future size of the Council’s budget and level of cuts that may be required depending on how the government anticipates recovering the public finances from the impact of Covid 19. The positive in this is that the value of public services, in particular the importance of local government social care and universal services to communities, has come to the fore and been recognised through the national response to Covid 19.

10. NEXT STEPS 10.1. Given the scope of this report there are clearly a number of stands of work covering a wide range of Council activities, on top of the regular accounting, monitoring, and reporting work for finance. All of these need to be sustained as the Council continues in the Covid 19 delay phase and begins preparations for the recovery phase.

10.2. The intention is to refine this report in consultation with Members and Officers and update its contents to ensure the right level of detail is provided for future reports.

10.3. As the business of the Council returns to the more usual cycle of meetings, expected from the Autumn, officers will also need to bring forward more detailed finance reports. Including the regular financial monitoring reports across the Council’s budgets, updated Medium Term Finance Strategy based on new circumstances, and a refreshed capital programme and treasury strategy.

11. LEGAL IMPLICATIONS 11.1. The Council is under a duty to balance its budget and cannot knowingly budget for a deficit. It is imperative that there is diligent monitoring of the Council’s spend and steps taken to bring it into balance. The proposals in the body of the report suggest this can be achieved this year by use of reserves.

11.2. Section 114 Local Government and Finance Act 1988 places a duty on the Council’s Section 151 officer to prepare a report if the Council has taken or is about to take a course of action which if pursued to conclusion would be unlawful and likely to cause a loss or deficiency on the part of the Council. The effect of a s114 notice would be to prevent any further expenditure by the authority save with the approval of the s 151

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officer on the basis that it would prevent the financial situation worsening, to improve it or to prevent it recurring. The report sets out that the Council is not yet in that position but that the situation will have to be carefully monitored in future.

11.3. The Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities) (England) Regulations 2000 as amended provide that if a decision is concerned with the Council’s budget, borrowing or capital expenditure and is an executive function, the decision cannot be taken by the Executive if it would not be wholly in accordance with the Council’s budget or plan/strategy relating to borrowing or capital expenditure. The Acting s151 officer has advised that this situation has not yet arisen but it will need to be borne in mind in relation to any future decisions.

11.4. Under Section 17 Crime and disorder Act 1998 the Council has a duty in the exercise of its functions to consider the impact of all their functions and decisions on crime and disorder in their local area.

11.5. Section 12 of the Health and Social Care Act inserted a new section 2B into the NHS Act 2006 to give a local authority a new duty to take such steps as it considers appropriate to improve the health of the people in its area. The steps in this report are consistent with that duty.

11.6. Under S3 Local Government Act 1999 the Council must make arrangements to secure continuous improvement in the way in which its functions are exercised, having regard to a combination of economy, efficiency and effectiveness. This duty remains even in these exceptional circumstances.

12. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS 12.1. The whole report deals with the financial considerations arising from the Council’s Covid 19 response.

12.2. In overview, the Council’s financial commitments are currently not wholly inconsistent with the budget as, while there are significant changes at this time, the Council continues to operate its usual services and is receiving government funding for the additional and unplanned impact of Covid 19. A revised budget in the Autumn may be necessary to confirm the position at that time for the remainder of the financial year.

12.3. Taking the estimated costs and lost income considerations of the Covid 19 response and additional support from government into account, the Council has sufficient reserves to meet these financial commitments at present. While the impact of the Covid 19 response may reduce the Council’s financial resilience to face future shocks, it is the section 151 officer’s assessment that the circumstances do not require consideration of a section 114 notice with the Head of Paid Services and Monitoring Officer at this time.

13. EQUALITIES IMPLICATIONS 13.1. The Equality Act 2010 (the Act) introduced a public sector equality duty (the equality duty or the duty). It covers the following protected characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.

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13.2. In summary, the Council must, in the exercise of its functions, have due regard to the need to:  eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act;  advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not; and  foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.

13.3. It is not an absolute requirement to eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimisation or other prohibited conduct, or to promote equality of opportunity or foster good relations between persons who share a protected characteristic and those who do not. It is a duty to have due regard to the need to achieve the goals listed in the paragraph above.

13.4. The weight to be attached to the duty will be dependent on the nature of the decision and the circumstances in which it is made. This is a matter for members, bearing in mind the issues of relevance and proportionality. They must understand the impact or likely impact of the decision on those with protected characteristics who are potentially affected by the decision. The extent of the duty will necessarily vary from case to case and due regard is such regard as is appropriate in all the circumstances.

13.5. The Equality and Human Rights Commission has issued Technical Guidance on the Public Sector Equality Duty and statutory guidance entitled “Equality Act 2010 Services, Public Functions & Associations Statutory Code of Practice”. The Council must have regard to the statutory code in so far as it relates to the duty and attention is drawn to Chapter 11 which deals particularly with the equality duty. The Technical Guidance also covers what public authorities should do to meet the duty. This includes steps that are legally required, as well as recommended actions. The guidance does not have statutory force but nonetheless regard should be had to it, as failure to do so without compelling reason would be of evidential value. The statutory code and the technical guidance can be found at: https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/en/advice-and-guidance/equality-act-codes- practice# https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/en/advice-and-guidance/equality-act-technical- guidance

13.6. The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has previously issued five guides for public authorities in England giving advice on the equality duty:  The essential guide to the public sector equality duty  Meeting the equality duty in policy and decision-making  Engagement and the equality duty: A guide for public authorities  Objectives and the equality duty. A guide for public authorities  Equality Information and the Equality Duty: A Guide for Public Authorities

13.7. The essential guide provides an overview of the equality duty requirement including the general equality duty, the specific duties and who they apply to. It covers what public

Page 19 of 21 Page 32

authorities should do to meet the duty including steps that are legally required, as well as recommended actions. The other four documents provide more detailed guidance on key areas and advice on good practice. Further information and resources are available at: https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/en/advice-and-guidance/public-sector-equality- duty-guidance

14. CLIMATE AND ENVIRONMENT IMPLICATIONS 14.1. There are no specific climate or environment considerations in the report although both of these will be part of the recovery phases.

15. CRIME AND DISORDER 15.1. There are no specific crime and disorder implications at this time.

16. BACKGROUND PAPERS 16.1. The key financial reports preceding this paper include:  Budget 2020/21 at Full Council on the 26 February 2020  Business Support report to M&C on the 13 May 2020

16.2. Appendix  MHCLG May return by Lewisham Services.

Page 20 of 21 Page 33

Directorate Expenditure £m Income £m

Children and Young People

Children Social Care 0.8 -

Commissioning 1.9 -

Schools - Catering and FM 3.5 -

Community Services

Adult Social Care 9.1 0.5

Public Health 0.4 -

Crime & Enforcement 0.0 -

Culture and Community 1.9 -

Housing, Regeneration & Environment

Housing (incl. HRA) 2.9 1.2

Environment Services 1.2 4.6

Regeneration & Property Service 0.2 4.4

Planning - 0.4

Corporate Services

Public Services 0.3 4.2

- Business Rates 4.0

- Council Tax 7.5

Other – Finance, HR, IT, Comms. 0.7 -

Total 22.9 26.8

Page 34 Agenda Item 5 Chief Officer Confirmation of Report Submission Cabinet Member Confirmation of Briefing

Report for: Mayor Mayor and Cabinet X

Mayor and Cabinet (Contracts)

Executive Director

X Information Part 1 Part 2 Key Decision

Date of Meeting 10 June 2020 Title of Report Proposed temporary changes to the Statement of Community Involvement during Covid19 Pandemic Originator of Report Emma Talbot Ext. 49051 At the time of submission for the Agenda, I confirm that the report has: Category Yes No

Financial Comments from Exec Director for Resources X Legal Comments from the Head of Law X Crime & Disorder Implications x Environmental Implications x Equality Implications/Impact Assessment (as appropriate) X Confirmed Adherence to Budget & Policy Framework x Risk Assessment Comments (as appropriate) x Reason for Urgency (as appropriate) x

Signed: Cabinet Member Date: 2nd June 2020

Signed: Executive Director Date: 2nd June 2020

Control Record by Committee Support Action Date Listed on Schedule of Business/Forward Plan (if appropriate) Draft Report Cleared at Agenda Planning Meeting (not delegated decisions) Submitted Report from CO Received by Committee Support Scheduled Date for Call-in (if appropriate) To be Referred to Full Council

d:\moderngov\data\agendaitemdocs\2\9\5\ai00025592\$t1j4ei21.docPage 35 KEY DECISION

Mayor and Cabinet

Proposed temporary changes to the Statement of Community Involvement during Covi19 Pandemic

Date: 10 June 2020

Key decision: Yes

Class: Part 1

Ward(s) affected: All

Contributors: ED Housing, Regeneration and Environment (Christopher Dale)

Outline and recommendations

The current unprecedented public health emergency means there is a need to review and adapt existing processes in relation to Local Meetings and Planning Committee Meetings which are set out in the Council’s Statement of Community Involvement (SCI). The recommended changes will enable the Council to continue to fulfil its statutory duty to determine the full range of planning applications, including applications relating to critical major regeneration or housing schemes. It is recommended that:

 The Mayor and Cabinet authorise temporary modifications to the Council’s Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) which will be reviewed after a 3 month period following introduction.

Page 36 Timeline of engagement and decision-making

The Current Statement of Community Involvement was adopted in July 2006.

1. Summary

1.1. The Council is under a statutory duty to determine planning applications submitted to it. It is important that during these exceptional times that the Council is able to continue to determine the full range of planning applications in order to fulfil its statutory duty and to ensure that major regeneration schemes and proposals involving the delivery of much needed affordable housing are not held up. 1.2. There is therefore a need to review existing processes to enable virtual planning committee meetings to take place and to enable an alternative format for Local Meetings to be developed through the use of information technology. 1.3. Planning decisions are matters of planning judgment, and planning applications are determined either by the Planning Committee or they may be delegated to officers. . Planning Committee meetings happen in public where the officer’s report to the Committee is discussed, representations are heard, and are important for ensuring democratic and public accountability of decision making. Where officers take decisions, a report is prepared explaining the decision. 1.4. Planning committee meetings are resource intensive. A wide range of planning matters go before Planning Committee. For example, some cases which go to Committee are straightforward applications of plan policies and others are complex matters of planning judgment. Some cases are of major public importance to the whole borough, some are of significance to more than just a local area, and some cases which are taken to committee for decision are of limited public interest. This range is caused partly because of the low level of 3 objections resulting in a committee referral. The current public health situation has resulted in a reduced capacity within the Planning service. This could be addressed by enabling more straightforward applications to be decided by officers for a temporary period, providing appropriate safeguards are built in. 1.5. In order to enable these changes to happen it is necessary for the Council’s Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) to be amended. The proposed changes to the SCI will enable the Council to deal with the growing backlog of planning applications currently requiring referral to planning committee. Crucially, the proposed changes to the SCI will mean that decisions can be made on planning applications relating to critical major regeneration and housing schemes. However, it is proposed than any changes should

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be reviewed after a period of three months. 2. Recommendations

2.1. It is recommended that The Mayor and Cabinet authorise temporary modifications to the Council’s Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) to enable the following:  Threshold for applications being required to go to Planning Committee for decision to be raised from 3 to 5  Any application with an amenity society objection to be subject to case review with Chair to determine whether it is referred to planning committee for a decision  Any application with 5-9 objections to be subject to case review with Chair to determine whether it is referred to planning committee for a decision  Invitations to planning committee meetings and other communications and information (including publication of agendas) relating to planning committee meetings be carried out electronically wherever possible  Make it explicit that people wishing to speak at planning committee meetings will need to register to speak in advance of the meeting and will need to submit written copies of their speeches in advance of the meeting  A new online format for Local Meetings to be developed and implemented  Make any necessary amendments regarding the publication of agendas and decisions  Above changes to working practices to be reviewed after a 3 month period following introduction. 3. Policy Context

3.1. The content of this report is consistent with the Council’s policy framework, particularly the Core Strategy and the Sustainable Community Strategy (2008-2020) (SCS). The SCI is a legal planning document that sets out how the Council will consult the public and other stakeholders when preparing statutory development plan documents and how it will consult on planning applications. The Council must (as a minimum) comply with statutory requirements for consultation set out in relevant legislation, including:

 The Town & Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 – for planning applications  The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Regulations 1990 (as amended) – for listed building consents

4. Background

4.1. The Council adopted its current Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) in July 2006. The SCI forms part of the Local Development Framework and is a legal planning requirement. It sets out the Council’s policy for involving and communicating with interested parties in matters relating to the preparation and revision of local development framework documents and the exercise of the authority's functions in relation to planning applications. In particular, it sets out the circumstances in which decisions on planning applications will be made by planning committee (rather than officers) in line with the Council’s Constitution. It also outlines the processes through which interested parties will be notified of the committee meeting and sets out how they can make verbal representations at the meeting. The SCI also makes provision for additional community engagement by way of a Local Meeting where 10 or more objections have been received to a planning application.

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4.2. Recommendations to the Local Democracy Working Group made in February 2020 included a recommendation that a new Statement of Community Involvement is adopted and a review of committee referral triggers are also implemented. 4.3. Previously, Council meetings only happened “in person”. The Government has passed new legislation to enable Councils to meet remotely.

4.4. The current COVID-19 pandemic means that in the interests of public safety and given the need to ensure social distancing, it is not reasonably practicable to hold in-person meetings in public. This position is likely to persist for some time. The Council is under a statutory duty to determine planning applications submitted to it. It is vitally important that the Council is able to continue to determine the full range of planning applications in order to fulfil its statutory duty and to ensure that major regeneration schemes and proposals involving the delivery of much needed affordable housing are not held up. The ability of the Council to process critical major housing or regeneration planning decisions is one of the indicators which there is currently a requirement to report on weekly.

4.5. Most decisions on planning applications are delegated to officers. However the SCI currently states that, unless senior planning officers intend to refuse planning permission under delegation, a decision on a planning application will be made by a Council Planning Committee in the following circumstances:  where there are three or more individual and separate written valid planning objections received from different residents

 where there is one or more objection(s) from a recognised residents’ association or community/amenity group

 where the application is for development which is not in accordance with the approved development plan policies or other approved planning policies

 where, in the opinion of the Council’s Head of Planning, the matter would be more appropriately dealt with by the relevant committee.

These thresholds for referring applications to a planning committee for determination are in line with the Council Scheme of Delegation set out in the Constitution. Diagram 1 illustrates the current process as set out in the Constitution.

Diagram 1 – Existing processes as set out in the SCI

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4.6. The SCI sets out that the following will occur when a planning application is to be decided by a Council Planning Committee:  The agenda will be available in all libraries, at the Planning Information Office and on the Lewisham website five days prior to the meeting. A specific Committee report can be sent out on request.  All those who have made a written representation (not statutory authorities) will be invited (by letter) to the meeting.  The applicant for planning permission (or a representative) will be permitted to speak to the Planning Committee for five minutes.  A representative of those who have made written representations will be permitted to speak to the Planning Committee for five minutes. A full list of those who have made written representations will be made available on request so that they can get together to coordinate a single presentation to the Committee. 4.7. The SCI also states that a local meeting will be offered to those that have made representations and the applicant at least two weeks prior to a decision being made on a planning application in the following circumstances:

 where one or more objection(s) have been received from a residents’ association, community/amenity group or ward Councillor and/or  where a petition is received containing more than 25 signatures and/or  where 10 or more individual written objections are received from different residents. (See Diagram 1) 5. Proposed changes to the SCI

5.1. Since it has not been possible to hold planning committee meetings since March a backlog of around 40 planning applications requiring determination by committee has built up and continues to grow. The Government has brought in legislation to enable decision making to take place through virtual committee meetings and the Council has put in place measures to hold virtual planning committee meetings.

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5.2. Taking planning applications to a planning committee for a decision is resource intensive. The current unprecedented situation has reduced the capacity of the Planning Department due to staff working from home with childcare responsibilities and staff volunteering to help out with frontline services to assist vulnerable groups in the community. Practice runs of virtual committee meetings have demonstrated that these are likely to take longer than physical meetings. Due to the temporary postponement of planning committee meetings a backlog of applications requiring determination by planning committee has arisen. There are currently around 40 cases awaiting determination by planning committee. 5.3. Planning guidance published on 13 May by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) includes guidance on virtual planning committees and notes that “To ensure planning decisions continue to be made, local planning authorities should take advantage of …. powers to hold virtual planning committees – rather than deferring committee dates. They should also consider using ‘urgency powers’ within their constitutions to give senior officers delegated authority to make decisions.” 5.4. Lewisham currently has comparatively low thresholds for referral of items to committee meaning that proposals with very localised interest such as household extensions are frequently referred to planning committee. It is proposed to increase the threshold for referral of applications to planning committee from 3 to 5 objections. However an added safeguard will be introduced in the form of a case review with the committee chair when there has been an amenity society objection to agree whether a case should, still be referred to Committee. Applications which are recommended for refusal by officers would continue to be determined under delegated authority unless called in by a Councillor. 5.5. Officers considered a higher level than 5, such as 7 or 10. Key reasons for selecting 5 included that officers considered that a higher level was likely to be overly high for the current public health emergency and overly increase social contact as people would seek additional support from neighbours. Whilst Officers considered that a figure in the range of 5-10 was acceptable, on balance, as a matter of judgment, officers considered that increasing the level from 3 to 5 was considered proportionate in all the circumstances. However, it is proposed that cases which have a threshold of between 5 and 9 objections, would be subject to a case review with the committee chair. 5.6. In order to ensure virtual committee meetings are conducted in an orderly fashion it will be necessary to introduce a new requirement for public speakers (including applicants and/or their agents) to register their intention to speak 24 hours in advance of the meeting so that the IT department can arrange for them to be invited to the meeting. It will also be necessary for public speakers to submit their intended verbal statements in advance of the meeting as a precaution to ensure that their views can still be taken into account by the Planning Committee in the event that their verbal presentation is cut short due to technical difficulties. 5.7. The SCI makes provision for Local Meetings where 10 or more objections have been received to a planning application. These meetings are an opportunity for the community to find out more about proposals which may affect them and to ask officers and applicants questions about the planning application. As it is no longer possible to hold public meetings it is proposed that a new electronic format for Local Meetings will be developed which fulfils the same important role of community engagement. 5.8. There is evidence that the current situation has resulted in some delays to postal deliveries so it is proposed that, wherever possible, notification of Local Meetings (in their revised electronic format) and Planning Committee Meetings be made by email. Where an individual’s or group’s email address has not been given, the Council will

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continue to communicate with them via post.

5.9. At this time, libraries are closed, as is the Planning Information office. The SCI notes that these locations are available to view planning applications, committee agendas and decisions. As these locations are not currently available, it is proposed to update the SCI to make it clear how the public can access this information such as via the Council website.

5.10. In summary, it is recommended that the Mayor and Cabinet authorise temporary modifications to the Council’s Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) to enable the following:

 Threshold for applications being required to go to Planning Committee for decision to be raised from 3 to 5  Any application with an amenity society objection to be subject to case review with Chair to determine whether it is referred to planning committee for a decision  Any application with 5-9 objections to be subject to case review with Chair to determine whether it is referred to planning committee for a decision  Invitations to planning committee meetings and other communications and information (including publication of agendas) relating to planning committee meetings be carried out electronically wherever possible  Make it explicit that people wishing to speak at planning committee meetings will need to register to speak in advance of the meeting and will need to submit written copies of their speeches in advance of the meeting  A new online format for Local Meetings to be developed and implemented  Make necessary amendments regarding the publication of agendas and decisions  Above changes to working practices to be reviewed after a 3 month period following introduction.

Diagram 2 – Proposed processes following amendments to SCI

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6. Financial implications

6.1. There are no significant financial implications. As public meetings would be hosted online rather than physically there may be a small saving on venue hire expenditure. 7. Legal implications

7.1. The Equality Act 2010 (the Act) introduced a new public sector equality duty (the equality duty or the duty). It covers the following nine protected characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.

7.2. In summary, the council must, in the exercise of its function, have due regard to the need to:

 Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act  Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not  Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and persons who do not share it

7.3. The duty continues to be a “have regard duty”, and the weight to be attached to it is a matter for the decision maker, bearing in mind the issues of relevance and proportionality. It is not an absolute requirement to eliminate unlawful discrimination, advance equality of opportunity or foster good relations.

7.4. The Equality and Human Rights Commission has issued Technical Guidance on the Public Sector Equality Duty and statutory guidance entitled “Equality Act 2010 Services, Public Functions & Associations Statutory Code of Practice”. The council must have regard to the statutory code in so far as it relates to the duty and attention is drawn to Chapter 11 which deals particularly with the equality duty. The Technical Guidance also covers what public authorities should do to meet the duty. This includes steps that are legally required, as well as recommended actions. The guidance does not have statutory force but nonetheless regard should be had to it, as failure to do so without compelling reason would be of evidential value. The statutory code and the technical guidance can be found at:

https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/en/publication-download/technical-guidance- public-sector-equality-duty-england

7.5. The legal implications of amending the SCI to be effective immediately have also been taken into account. It is lawful to take decisions on the basis of the new SCI if approved by the Mayor and Cabinet. It is recognised that residents or others may have made representations on the current applications in the backlog on the basis of the framework in the current SCI. For example, this may have impacted how many people choose to write in to the Council. The legitimate expectation that decisions will be taken in accordance with the published SCI and its procedures is important. However, public authorities also have in principle a right to alter their policies or to depart from them in a particular case. Amenity societies have been informed of the proposed changes and been given an opportunity to make representations. A notice has also been published on the Council’s website. Any comments received will be reported verbally. The circumstances of the public health emergency are pressing and unique and justify changing the policy in the proportionate manner proposed, for a temporary period, with a review proposed. Further, case-by-case judgment is always applied in a planning

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decision and officers may recommend taking a particular application to committee if they consider it appropriate, including on the basis of a change in the SCI between consultation stage and officer report stage.

8. Equalities implications

8.1. There are equalities implications. Key implications that officers recognise include that holding virtual meetings may risk excluding some people for a variety of reasons, including for example those who do not frequently use or have ready access to electronic media or do not have reliable access to the internet by way of broadband or sufficient data allowances, and that people with protected characteristics for example such as age may be more impacted than others. Officers also recognise that holding virtual meetings may make it easier for some others with protected characteristics to “attend” virtually. These impacts have been taken into account. We will aim to reduce some of the possible impacts of virtual hearings (and advance equality) by requiring speakers to provide what they wish to say in advance, so that if there is a technological issue their representations will still be taken into account, and we will be recording all meetings and the recording can be made available later to those who wish to view at a later time. 9. Climate change and environmental implications

9.1. There are no climate change or environmental implications. T 10. Crime and disorder implications

10.1. There are no crime and disorder implications. 11. Health and wellbeing implications

11.1. There are no health and wellbeing implications. 12. Background papers

12.1. Lewisham Statement of Community Involvement https://lewisham.gov.uk/myservices/planning/policy/ldf/statement-of-community- involvement

13. Glossary

Term Definition

The SCI forms part of the Local Development Framework and is a legal planning requirement. It sets out the Council’s policy for involving and communicating with interested parties in Statement of Community matters relating to the preparation and revision of local Involvement (SCI) development framework documents and the exercise of the authority's functions in relation to planning applications.

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Term Definition

The name for the collection of Local Development Documents. It consists of Development Plan Documents, Supplementary Planning Documents, a Statement of Community Involvement, Local Development Framework the Local Development Scheme and the Annual Monitoring Report. Together, these documents provide the planning framework for the borough as developed at the local level. 14. Report author and contact Christopher Dale [email protected]

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Mayor and Cabinet

Proposed temporary changes to the Statement of Community Involvement during Covid19 Pandemic Addendum Report

Date: 10th June 2020

Key decision: Yes

Class: Part 1

Ward(s) affected: All

Contributors: Christopher Dale

1. Summary

1. Introduction

1.1 This report has been prepared to provide an update following the publication of the report for proposed temporary changes to the Statement of Community Involvement, and covers the responses received as a result of the notification to Amenity Societies in the borough and the statement published on the website. Officers have reviewed the submissions. Some of these relate to changes to the Council’s scheme of delegation which was considered and approved by Strategic Planning Committee on 9 June 2020. Officers acknowledge the concerns raised and consider that the time-limited proposals being made have the appropriate safeguards built in to ensure continued transparency and democratic accountability in decision making. For the avoidance of doubt, it is proposed that the three month temporary period will expire on 16th September 2020.

2. Comments received on the Proposed Temporary changes to the Statement of Community Involvement Page 46

2.1 Society

2.1.1 Brockley Society is concerned that any Temporary changes to the Scheme of Delegation decided must be temporary. We understand that they will be reviewed after three months after which we hope for a return to the previous arrangements, including the return of physical Planning Committee Meetings as soon as is safe.

2.1.2 In the case of an Amenity Society objection or 5-9 objectors to an application, we need to be able to reliably mandate our Ward Councillors as our representatives at a case review with the committee chair or at virtual committee meetings, should that take place.

2.1.3 This presupposes that we get to see agenda reports in advance with adequate time to make written comments, etc.

2.1.4 If Officers are able to deal with a greater number of applications under delegated authority, any revisions as may be agreed as part of negotiation processes must be referred back to respondents in good time for comment.

2.1.5 Getting back to reliable reporting of Public Notices for Planning Applications would start the ball rolling with good intent - the last logged report published on the LBL Planning Website was for 25 September 2019

2.2 Society

2.2.1 Under the proposed changes, an objection by a councillor would still result in an application being referred to committee, but an objection by an amenity society would only require a case review by the committee chair in the first instance. Ten or more objections from the general public would be needed for an application to be taken to committee. Considering that amenity societies generally represent many more than ten members, we question the fact that the weight of their objection is being played down so severely.

2.2.2 Amenity societies, with their strong and direct links to local community groups, residents and businesses, are often relied upon by council officers and councillors to act as their 'eyes and ears' across the borough. We believe this role is increasingly important during this time of restriction on movements and contact, and would like to see it reflected in the council's consideration of these matters.

2.2.3 The council states that the changes will be reviewed after three months. We would like to know what criteria will be used to measure whether the changes have been successful or not, and on what basis a decision will be made on whether to continue them.

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2.2.4 We would also like to know what steps the council intends to take to ensure that these changes to procedure do not result in the digitally-disadvantaged members of our community being excluded from the consultation process.

2.2.5 We appreciate the opportunity to comment on the proposals and would ask that the above concerns be tabled at the forthcoming meeting.

2.3 Telegraph Hill Society

2.3.1 We appreciate the need for short term amendments to the process give the current difficulties of operating. The process must however, remain transparent, provide for adequate chance for objection and observe the rules of natural justice.

Length of force of Temporary Measures

2.3.2 We are concerned that there is a proposed review in 2.1.1 only after 3 months. We believe that the review should take place at the earlier of 3 months or when restrictions on public meetings under the Coronavirus Act 2020 are reduced, whichever is the earlier.

Case Review

2.3.3 We are unclear as to how the case review will occur and whether it will only comprise the chair of the relevant planning sub-committee and the case officer. In our view any such case review should include at least one further member of the sub-committee and/or a local councillor (who will have knowledge of the area concerned). There need to be written guidance for the case review otherwise there is a risk that reviews of different, but similar, applications will lead to different decisions as to referral and, potentially, to legal challenge. We would further recommend that the reasons for the decision (as to whether to go to delegated powers or to committee) be published on the planning portal.

Review of Officers Recommendations

2.3.4 At present, with public meetings, we are able to see the officer's recommendations and reasoning before we make our objections at the meeting. A process whereby we are able to challenge the officer's recommendations must be left in place.

2.3.5 We would therefore strongly urge that should the Chair of the planning sub- committee decide that, after the proposed case review (under paragraph 2.1.1), a delegation to an officer is appropriate:

(a) the officer' should prepare a draft analysis and recommendation in a similar way as they would if the matters was to go to committee (b) the draft analysis and recommendation should be circulated to the applicant and objectors for written representations (equivalent to the 5 minutes oral representations currently allowed)

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(c) those representations should be taken into account when then final decision is made.

2.3.6 We believe that such a process must be included to ensure that the officer's analysis and recommendation is subject to adequate review. Whilst such analysis is generally good, inevitably there are instances where it is wrong or omits salient facts which are brought to the committee's attention during the oral presentations. The procedure for challenging the officer's analysis and recommendation is therefore vitally necessary and will ensure that legal challenges to decisions are avoided.

Self-Review Threats

2.3.7 A fundamental tenet of good decision making is the avoidance self-review threats. Given the increased ability of an officer under these new delegated powers to make decisions, we believe that the planning officer who considers the application and makes the decision should NOT have been involved in any pre-application enquiries or given any pre-application advice to the applicant.

2.3.8 The current process is biased in favour of the applicant in that objectors do not have a similar opportunity to challenge a proposal in its pre-application stage (although we appreciate that this is planning law and not in the hands of the Council to change). It must be recognised however that, no matter how great the integrity of any planning officer is, it must always be true that they will find it hard to be objective on a case where they have already given advice. Even if they are, indeed, objective, the appearance is one of lack of true independence. With the temporary absence of public meetings to challenge a decision therefore, it is important, for natural justice, that the public can trust the system. The system in place must not therefore allow the suggestion that independence could be compromised by self-review.

Amendments to Planning Applications

2.3.9 At present where a case is to be referred to a planning sub-committee, there is often discussion between the case officer and the objectors to see if the objections can be met by changes to the application. In other instances, where the application still goes to committee we have found that last minute changes have been made by the applicant of which we are unaware. Council process at present requires the local amenity society to be informed of the original application but not of amendments to that application. If more delegated decisions are going to be made, it is critical that amenity societies are informed of any amendments in good time and allowed to comment upon them since they will have no opportunity (unlike at present) to comment on them in public meeting.

2.4 Blackheath Society

2.4.1 We would like to draw your attention to the code of best practice developed by the London Forum of Amenity Societies, attached, which itemises some common concerns of amenity societies to be addressed in developing these new procedures.

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2.4.2 In the spirit of Lewisham’s Democracy Review, we would like to propose that these are circulated and covered in the committee discussion.

In particular, we would like to:

1) Query the apparent lack of opportunity for members of the public to contribute to (as opposed to observe) online meetings. Please could you clarify what the options will be.

2) Query the initial consultation step: the diagrams outlining the new process imply that the first step – consultation by letters and site notices – is unchanged. Please can you confirm that this is the case.

3) Suggest a much more detailed agenda document outlining the procedures and modus operandi, including participation and observing, be used, offering clear guidance. We are attaching a document used by which we find helpful.

2.5 Culverley Green Residents Association

2.5.1 Whilst we understand that these changes are temporary and that normal services will be reviewed in three months, something we all hope for, we remain concerned as do other societies.

2.5.2 We are concerned that local resident's objections may well be ignored despite the fact that as an Resident Association we may submit an objection on behalf of the local community. It is not clear that these objections will be taken into account.

2.5.3 How will the democratic right to be heard be exercised in these cases? Surely it is the legal requirement for due weight to be given to any objection submitted, particularly by Residents Associations who represent the local population.

2.5.4 When officers make a decision using their delegated powers how can we be sure they are in possession of the full facts of the case especially if they are not familiar with the area and a site visit may not taken place.

2.6 Sydenham Society

2.6.1 The Sydenham Society is aware of the difficulties facing the Council at the moment. We are of the view, however, that the proposed changes to the scheme of delegation should have been subject to a full consultation process rather than amenity societies merely being notified about them.

2.6.2 We have seen the representations made by the Telegraph Hill, Brockley, Blackheath and Deptford Societies, together with the Culverley Green Residents Association, and agree with the points made. In addition we wish to ask:

 That it be made clear that these are emergency measures only.  They must be subject to a sunset clause. Any temporary (emergency) measures automatically expire in a maximum of three months time. They must be for a prescribed period - such as the UK Government uses for its temporary measures. If Planning wishes to extend the measures at the

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expiration of the three months, then the Council must hold a proper and timely consultation and debate before doing so and any extension must not be for longer than an additional three months.  That these measures not be backdated. If the goalposts are moved for applications where the public consultation period has already closed, then we believe they could be open to a legal challenge.  That Planning Case Officers ensure that all planning application documents meet the Lewisham Local Information Requirements standard prior to being validated. Where they do not, then they should be returned to the applicant and not validated. There have been cases where documents are being validated that do not meet the requirements as set out in the document: Lewisham Local Information Requirements 2016.  That officers are to ensure that site notices are posted in a timely manner – ie officers to put up the notices themselves and not rely on applicants to do so.  Where a minimum of two amenity societies object to an application, then that application must go automatically before a Planning Committee.  We agree with Brockley Society's comment that: "In the case of an amenity society objection or 5-9 objectors to an application, we need to be able to reliably mandate our Ward Councillors as our representatives at a case review with the committee chair or at virtual committee meetings, should that take place.” In those cases we should be able to rely on a relevant Ward Councillor (and/or Lewisham's Heritage Champion if relevant) to formally request a full Planning Committee hearing.  That where a Planning Committee Chair is making a decision as to what goes before his/her Committee that he/she reads in full all the comments that have been submitted - not just the Officer's report.  That Case Officers must act in accordance with the considered guidelines and grounds for objection that have been drawn up in more considered times.

2.7 Society

2.7.1 I would like to add the concern of the Ladywell Society to the proposed changes to the consultation process, and support the many reasoned comments from our colleagues in the other amenity societies.

2.7.2 Of particular concern is that these changes will not be temporary but will be retained in the forthcoming Statement of Community Involvement, which is being discussed at this week's Mayor and Cabinet. The current SCI dates from 2006, although some consultation took place in 2018, for a revised document. You may remember that amenity groups attended consultation meetings in the Civic Suite and made constructive suggestions on how the document could be improved. It is regrettable that officers were unable to proceed with the new SCI at the time.

2.7.3 I hope that the comments you have received from amenity groups on this will be passed to the Mayor and Cabinet officers for inclusion in that discussion.

2.8 Lee Forum

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2.8.1 I write to express concern about the recommended changes to Lewisham Council's adopted Scheme of Delegation (SoD) and Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) on behalf of Lee Forum Committee.

2.8.2 We understand that there is a backlog of 40 applications and the council's document states the reason for this is that ''Since it has not been possible to hold planning committee meetings since March a backlog of around 40 planning applications requiring determination by committee has built up and continues to grow''.

2.8.3 The council's paper also gives a solution though, saying ''the Government has brought in legislation to enable decision making to take place through virtual committee meetings and the Council has put in place measures to hold virtual planning committee meetings''.

2.8.4 We would hope it would now be possible to deal with the backlog through these virtual meetings, as some other councils are doing; prioritising those decisions with upcoming deadlines; without needing to make the recommended changes which dilute local democracy. 2.8.5 If the proposals are however deemed necessary and adopted by the council we would ask that it is made clear in the decision document

1. How the community may participate in virtual meetings to the same extent as they would have done in physical meetings

2. That these are temporary measures.

3. How the community is to be involved in the decision in three months’ time as to what to do next. The council's recommendation is that the Strategic Planning Committee should make the decision at that time. The effect of this would be that the community's voice in local planning is now to be diluted after one week of consultation, and it will then be excluded from the decisions as to when, whether or how to reinstate it's voice to previous levels.

2.8.6 We know and appreciate the pressures the council is under at this time, with some planning staff members presumably seconded to other departments to work on the pandemic. However we ask the council to proceed with caution and make use of safeguards since these proposals could lead to erosion of local democracy and effects on the local landscape that have effects long after the pandemic has passed.

2.9 Deptford People Project

2.9.1 West Greenwich Deptford and Evelyn Ward Lewisham Deptford residents are currently experiencing extreme levels of hardship. This was the case prior to Covid19 and I can only assume, until I have access to statistics that this will have been exasperated by the pandemic.

2.9.2 Now as resident and a local community organiser I have some serious concerns. Concerns regarding local resident’s ability to be fully consulted on planning. Planning that directly effects their lives.

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2.9.3 Many local residents do not have digital access. Many do not have the ability to use online services and provisions. A great number of residents that are linked directly to the convoys site.

2.9.4 The Proposed Temporary changes to the Scheme of Delegation would disproportionately effect the rights of low income families, those with disabilities and our local BAME community.

2.9.5 We have no public library services. No community services where help and support can be accessed. The proposed changes completely cut the local community out of the local planning process. This is hugely discriminatory.

2.9.6 I understand that we are dealing with exceptional circumstances. However if planning applications are to be pushed through without the acknowledgment and support of local people. I can only assume that this will cause a huge black lash not only against the council but also the developers.

2.9.7 If the process is to be changed and those changes disproportionately effect the poorest and those from the BAME community the changes will be openly discriminatory.

2.9.8 Social distancing and self-isolation also means that local people are less likely to see on site posted planning notifications.

2.9.9 We need a tangible and practical way of ensuring local people and those at a disadvantage are actively encouraged to be visible. Visible and represented within local redevelopment initiatives. This will avoid later campaigns and protests.

2.9.10 In light of this issue. We are suggesting that the council and planning department factor in a suitable solution or service to address this issue.

2.9.11 Our suggestion is a local area hub. A small temporary space where social distancing can be achieved. This would provide access to planning information and digital provisions allowing local people the tools and support needed to be involved in the local planning process. This would also include local outreach.

2.9.12 We as a community are happy to voluntarily run and coordinate any such provision. Perhaps with regards to Convoys this element could be added to the cultural strategy and funded by the developer as part of their public consultation requirements.

2.9.13 Local people are not against the development of convoys. We need change, social housing and a new local focus. Especially after the Covid crisis.

2.9.14 But local people do need to feel included. Actual residents, not self-appointed funded organisations such as Voice for Deptford. Who in reality represent no person that actually lives on the site.

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2.10 Other individual representations received

2.10.1 An important change in the democratic process that allows citizens to publically comment on changes in their physical and social environment is being made on the basis of a backlog of just 40 outstanding planning applications.

2.10.2 The threshold levels of member involvement has been established, I assume, for good reason. I imagine that the good reason was that some changes to the physical environment may be very 'local' in terms of how many people are affected but the effect of those changes could be massive on a very small number of citizens - this does not change because of the pandemic emergency at all.

2.10.3 Other organisations (including the House of Commons) are adapting to new ways of working that maintain the traditions of democracy through online meetings, public engagement and decision-making - perhaps these could be considered first.

2.10.4 It noted also that you are attempting to change planning law by increasing the number of objectors for planning applications in order that they may not be placed before elected members; thereby denying the community use of the democracy on which are members were elected. This must be resisted. It is an abuse of process.

2.10.5 Our concern now is that under the Covid-19 regime, many of these planning permissions may be waived through by officers - and without consultation with elected members.

2. Report author and contact Christopher Dale [email protected]

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Agenda Item 6 Chief Officer Confirmation of Report Submission Cabinet Member Confirmation of Briefing

Report for: Mayor Mayor and Cabinet x

Executive Director Information Part 1 Part 2 Key Decision

x x

Date of Meeting 10th June

Title of Report Parks and Open Space Strategy 2020-2025

Originator of Report Nicholas Pond Ext.2007

At the time of submission for the Agenda, I confirm that the report has:

Category Yes No

Financial Comments from Exec Director for Resources y Legal Comments from the Head of Law y Crime & Disorder Implications y Environmental Implications y Equality Implications/Impact Assessment (as appropriate) y Confirmed Adherence to Budget & Policy Framework y Risk Assessment Comments (as appropriate) y Reason for Urgency (as appropriate) y

Signed: Cabinet Member Date: 2 June 2020

Signed: Executive Director Date 2 June 2020

Control Record by Committee Support Action Date Listed on Schedule of Business/Forward Plan (if appropriate) Draft Report Cleared at Agenda Planning Meeting (not delegated decisions) Submitted Report from CO Received by Committee Support Scheduled Date for Call-in (if appropriate) To be Referred to Full Council

d:\moderngov\data\agendaitemdocs\5\9\5\ai00025595\$omxrwt2a.docPage 55 KEY DECISION* *Double click here and delete this rectangle if the report is not a key decision.

Mayor and Cabinet Above type the name of the Committee / Mayor and Cabinet / Full Council

Report title: Parks and Open Space Strategy 2020-2025 - Adoption

Date: 25 March 2020

Key decision: Yes

Class: Part 1.

Ward(s) affected: All

Contributors: Regeneration & Customer Services

Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration and the Environment

Director of Law

Outline and recommendations

This report seeks the adoption of a new Parks and Open Space Strategy 2020-2025 for parks, allotments, nature reserves, churchyards and highways enclosures owned or maintained by the London Borough of Lewisham.

It is recommended that Mayor & Cabinet:

 Adopt the Parks and Open Space Strategy 2020-2025 into Council Policy

Page 56

Timeline of engagement and decision-making

1. Summary 1.1. This report sets out the context, vision, and themes contained within the Parks and Open Space Strategy 2020-2025. The strategy has been developed as a tool to identify, communicate, map out and monitor a series of actions to protect, maintain, and enhance parks and gardens, allotments, nature reserves, churchyards and highways enclosures owned or maintained by the London Borough of Lewisham. 1.2. The strategy seeks to protect our existing parks and open space and to ensure the quality of provision meets the needs of Lewisham’s growing population. 1.3. At the core of the strategy is the ambition that our parks and open spaces become: “the heart and lungs for Lewisham, connecting active, healthy, and vibrant local communities.” 1.4. Please note that the current draft document requires some minor mapping changes to improve ledgibility, provide updates and corrections, as follows: Open Space in Lewisham map, page 8. Area of Deficiency maps on page 36,37,38,39, and 40. Sub area strategy maps to include minor amendments to the proposed walking and cycling routes page 41, 42, 45, 49 and 52. Eastern sub-area map – to show the outline of the proposed Grove Park Urban National Park. The substantive message and commitments as detailed in the strategy remain unchanged and current draft maps should therefore be considered to be indicative. It is intended that all these corrections and additions will be made ready for inclusion before the formal Mayor and Cabinet approval and any subsequent wider publication.

2. Recommendations

2.1. It is recommended that Mayor & Cabinet: Adopt the Parks and Open Space Strategy 2020-2025 into Council Policy.

3. Policy Context 3.1. Revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 2019, promotes the protection and improvement of green open spaces. It encourages the strategic protection of green infrastructure to create high quality environments, enhance local landscape character and contribute to a sense of place. Policy also recognises the role of green spaces in promoting healthy communities by reducing air pollution and noise as well as easing

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the impacts of extreme heat and extreme rainfall events. Furthermore, parks are recognised for the important role they play in encouraging ecology and biodiversity. 3.2. Although there is no national or regional requirement to produce a Parks and Open Space Strategy there is: “Open Space Strategies Best Practice Guidance” produced by the Mayor of London and CABE Space in 2009. This document sets out the benefit of preparing a strategy as a management tool to prioritising spending and plan resources. Crucially, it shows how much open spaces are valued and makes the case to funders for increased resources. 3.3. The Lewisham’s Corporate Strategy sets out seven corporate priorities and the adoption of this strategy contributes to six of these in particular:  Open Lewisham – to preserve and enhance parks and open spaces that provide welcoming and safe spaces which support events that bring our communities together  Giving children and young people the best start in life – by consulting with young people about parks improvements and by facilitating a program of outdoor environmental education in our parks and open spaces  Building an inclusive local economy – through the ‘insourcing’ of the current parks management service  Delivering and defending health, social care and support – by creating opportunities for people to develop and sustain healthy lifestyles through the provision of activities and opportunities that support physical and mental wellbeing  Making Lewisham greener – to preserve and enhance the borough’s award winning green spaces, increase the use of environmentally friendly transport options, and lead by example to promote better care for our local environment and the planet  Building safer communities – by working in partnership with communities and the police to explore opportunities to provide and act on better intelligence led data about antisocial behaviour and explore opportunities to provide a greater formal presence in parks

4. Background 4.1. This strategy has been developed to follow on from the previous Parks and Open Space Strategy 2012-2017 [Appendix 4]. It should be read in conjunction with the Lewisham “Open Space Assessment (OSA)” report, May 2019. This study carried out by Jon Sheaff and Associates assessed the current provision and quality of public parks and spaces across the borough and proposed a future level of provision. [Appendix 2] 4.2. Forecasts indicate that Lewisham’s population will increase to 318,000 people by 2021 and it is anticipated the population will reach 344,500 people by 2031. To accommodate this growth the draft London Plan indicates the need for between 20 to 30 thousand new homes in Lewisham over the next ten years. 4.3. The purpose of the Parks and Open Space Strategy is to plan how the borough’s parks and open spaces can support the health and wellbeing of this growing population, adapt to climate change, and support biodiversity and conserve nature. 4.4. In developing both this strategy and the OSA the study team consulted local key stakeholders through an online questionnaire, at a public meeting and at the Lewisham Parks Forum, (the umbrella group for the borough’s 25 formalised parks user friend groups).

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4.5. The online consultation had 806 responses and the summary report of November 2018 is included as Appendix 3 in the strategy.

5. Parks and Open Space Strategy 2020-2025 5.1. This Parks and Open Space Strategy has been developed as a tool to identify, map out, communicate and monitor courses of actions to reflect the shared vision: “to be the heart and lungs for Lewisham, connecting active, healthy, and vibrant local communities.” 5.2. The strategy provides the framework for the management and development of open spaces within the borough that seeks to protect, create, enhance, and connect spaces and people. It is intended to maximise the benefit of every £ spent and to enable the whole community - residents, community organisations, voluntary and statutory agencies and businesses - to work in partnership to obtain the maximum benefit from our open spaces. 5.3. The strategy builds on the previous Open Space Strategy 2012-2017 and the recent OSA, 2019. It is, however taking a new approach by presenting the baseline, vision, priorities, goals and delivery plan in a readily accessible way. Themes, priorities, and goals are at the beginning of the strategy document. This format is more user friendly, easily accessed and understood. All the evidence that supports the strategy is contained in the Appendices. This is a new approach intended to promote and present the core message, values and deliverables up front so the reader does not have to search through pages of background evidence before discovering what the plan actually says. 5.4. The online consultation identified that good quality parks deliver benefits under three themes:  Social  Economic  Environmental 5.5. The strategy uses these as headings and provides: “Priority Statements,” “Goals,” and a “Delivery Plan” for each theme. 5.6. The ‘Priority Statements,’ provide the direction of travel that if achieved, will deliver positive social, economic and environmental aims and benefits. 5.7. The ‘Goals,’ identify actions and provide the finer detail of what this strategy is seeking to achieve. These goals will then be monitored and tracked to demonstrate progress or identify where further work is required so our parks and open spaces meet future needs. 5.8. The ‘Delivery Plan,’ sets out the goals, measures and work required. It provides milestones and a time scale for achieving goals. Monitoring will be conducted annually and presented in an, ‘Annual Review Monitoring Report,’ that will track progress. 5.9. The option to significantly change this Parks and Open Space Strategy 2020-2025 will delay the adoption of this strategy and any associated delivery plan. 5.10. The option of not adopting the Parks and Open Space Strategy 2020-2025 will mean the Council will miss an opportunity to endorse a strategy that supports six of the Council’s Corporate Priorities. Additionally, the plan to prioritise spending and resources based on the OSA and public consultation, will not be achieved. This will have a negative impact on the delivery of an improved network of high quality parks and open spaces.

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5.11. The strategy was presented to the Sustainable Development Select Committee on the 10th March. The committee welcomed the new Parks and Open Space Strategy and made several comments and recommendations, as shown in the appendices to the report. The incorporation of the recommendations in to the current draft will be reported in detail to a future meeting of Mayor & Cabinet for approval and thereafter submission to the Sustainable Development Select Committee.

6. Financial implications 6.1. This report recommends that Mayor & Cabinet adopt the Parks and Open Space Strategy 2020-2025 into Council Policy. 6.2. It sets out the benefit of the strategy as a management tool to prioritise spending and plan resources. Crucially, it shows how much open spaces are valued and makes the case to funders for increased resources. 6.3. Online consultation with key local stakeholders identified that good quality parks deliver benefits under three themes:  Social  Economic  Environmental 6.4. The ‘Delivery Plan,’ sets out the goals, measures and work required. It provides milestones and a time scale for achieving goals. Monitoring will be conducted annually and presented in an, ‘Annual Review Monitoring Report,’ that will track progress and facilitate management of risk. 6.5. A key output under the social aims theme will be the delivery of £1m of additional facilities and improvements to parks and open spaces over the five year strategy via the “Greening Fund”. This is funding provided by developers under s106 agreements, and £360k has been allocated under the corporate priority of “making Lewisham greener”. Under the economic theme, a key deliverable will be securing £300k external investment from non-Development Control sources over the five year period. 6.6. The Green Scene service sits within the Environment Division and is currently forecasting an overspend of £157k against its revenue budgets.

Legal implications

7. There is no statutory requirement for the Council to have a Parks and Open Space Strategy in place but this is considered to be a matter of best practice. The Council has a wide general power of competence under Section 1 of the Localism Act 2011 to do anything that individuals generally may do. The existence of the general power is not limited by the existence of any other power of the Council which (to any extent) overlaps the general power.

7.1. The Council has a range of powers and duties in relation to those parks and open spaces identified in the Strategy, specific legal implications will be provided in respect of any proposals for implementing the Strategy’s aims in the future 7.2. The Parks and Open Space Strategy does not fall within the range of plans or strategies whose introduction needs to be approved by Full Council. Therefore the decision as to whether to adopt it is an executive function for Mayor and Cabinet. 7.3. The report at paragraph 6.5 identifies that £360k has been allocated to the “Greening Fund” from S106 agreements. Whether or not money from that fund can be applied to

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any of the projects brought forward to fulfill the aims set out in the Strategy will depend upon whether or not they meet the legal tests set out in the S106 Agreement that secured the money. 7.4. The Equality Act 2010 (the Act) introduced a public sector equality duty (the equality duty or the duty). It covers the following protected characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. 7.5 In summary, the Council must, in the exercise of its functions, have due regard to the need to:

 eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act

 advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not

 foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not

7.6 It is not an absolute requirement to eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimisation or other prohibited conduct, or to promote equality of opportunity or foster good relations between persons who share a protected characteristic and those who do not. It is a duty to have due regard to the need to achieve the goals listed above.

7.7 The weight to be attached to the duty will be dependent on the nature of the decision and the circumstances in which it is made. This is a matter for the Mayor, bearing in mind the issues of relevance and proportionality. The Mayor must understand the impact or likely impact of the decision on those with protected characteristics who are potentially affected by the decision. The extent of the duty will necessarily vary from case to case and due regard is such regard as is appropriate in all the circumstances.

7.8 The Equality and Human Rights Commission has issued Technical Guidance on the Public Sector Equality Duty and statutory guidance entitled “Equality Act 2010 Services, Public Functions & Associations Statutory Code of Practice”. The Council must have regard to the statutory code in so far as it relates to the duty and attention is drawn to Chapter 11 which deals particularly with the equality duty. The Technical Guidance also covers what public authorities should do to meet the duty. This includes steps that are legally required, as well as recommended actions. The guidance does not have statutory force but nonetheless regard should be had to it, as failure to do so without compelling reason would be of evidential value. The statutory code and the technical guidance can be found at: https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/en/advice-and-guidance/equality-act- codes-practice

https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/en/advice-and-guidance/equality-act-technical- guidance

7.9 The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has previously issued five guides for public authorities in England giving advice on the equality duty:

• The essential guide to the public sector equality duty

• Meeting the equality duty in policy and decision-making

• Engagement and the equality duty: A guide for public authorities

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• Objectives and the equality duty. A guide for public authorities

• Equality Information and the Equality Duty: A Guide for Public Authorities

7.10 The essential guide provides an overview of the equality duty requirements including the general equality duty, the specific duties and who they apply to. It covers what public authorities should do to meet the duty including steps that are legally required, as well as recommended actions. The other four documents provide more detailed guidance on key areas and advice on good practice. Further information and resources are available at:

https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/en/advice-and-guidance/public-sector-equality- duty-guidance#h1

8. Equalities implications 8.1. The Parks and Open Space Strategy has positive equalities implications as it aims to preserve and enhance parks and open spaces so that they provide welcoming and safe spaces for the whole community. The strategy will promote and support events that bring our communities together and provide outdoor activities and healthy lifestyles for all. A priority for park managers will be to weigh up local needs so that parks serve the broadest diversity of people whilst balancing their value as a place to relax and enjoy being in nature.

9. Climate change and environmental implications 9.1. The Parks and Open Space strategy has positive climate change and environmental implications. At its core is the principle to protect, preserve and enhance the quality of our parks so they can deliver ‘eco-system services’ and a range of public benefits, including play, habitat creation, landscape improvements and flood storage. A series of priorities and goals can contribute to the councils plans to address climate change, such as:  To ‘green the grey’ by developing partnerships to deliver active green travel links through highways infrastructure projects so both people and wildlife benefit  To commit to exploring the value of commissioning a Corporate Natural Capital Account (CNCA) for the borough to assess the value of economic, social and environmental benefits that investment in green infrastructure will deliver  To manage the spaces sustainably and recycle wherever viable and as close to the source as possible  To explore a reduction in the use of herbicides where economically viable and practical  To reduce carbon emissions and the reliance on fossil fuels by using electric machinery where reasonably viable  To plant more trees and hedgerows where appropriate and where this does not conflict with balancing environmental and social uses/needs  To support existing and new greening of active travel links so both people and wildlife benefit  To contribute to regional partnerships that are working to maintain and enhance

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the environment such as the Ravensbourne Catchment Improvement Group and the Green Chain Walk  To facilitate and support the work of the Lewisham Biodiversity Partnership so that it can continue to develop strategies and projects that enhance the borough for people and wildlife

10. Crime and disorder implications 10.1. The Parks and Open Space Strategy has positive crime and disorder implications because at its core is the principle to protect, preserve and enhance the quality of our parks. 10.2. A key element of this is to provide clean, welcoming and safe parks that can appeal to everyone. Over 95% of respondents to the online consultation said that quality parks and open spaces made neighbourhoods good places to live in. Feeling safe, providing good sports areas and quality facilities such as toilets, cafés; and good infrastructure (e.g. bins and benches) and good play provision for children were all highly important and encouraged greater use by the whole community. 10.3. It is widely recognised that well-kept and maintained areas attract greater use and that this is the key ingredient to enable the broadest appeal for users and for these spaces to be successfully self-policed. This will be achieved by:  Seeking investment prioritising neglected and rundown areas  The promotion and support of active citizens and the ethos, “My space, my responsibility” by promoting more public involvement and engagement with the formal user ‘friends’ groups  Achieving a cost effective high quality parks service that delivers continuous improvement by winning 15 Green Flag Awards and continue to rank highly in the ‘Good Parks for London’ benchmarking exercise  Responding to anti-social behaviour (ASB) issues in parks by exploring opportunities to provide a greater formal presence in parks and by working in partnership with formal user groups, the Safer Neighbourhoods Team and Lewisham enforcement officers to promote the bye laws and encourage respectful use

11. Health and wellbeing implications 11.1. The Parks and Open Space Strategy has positive health and wellbeing implications because it aspires to deliver ‘wellbeing’ by putting parks and open spaces at the heart of outdoor activities and healthy lifestyles for all. A goal is to work with colleagues in Public Health and community services to support and encourage walking, cycling and other active travel modes that link open spaces such as, the South East London Green Chain, Waterlink Way, the Thames Path and other local elements of the All London Green Grid. 11.2. A priority is to get nature to people and people to nature. The delivery plan sets out how the Council intends to:  Develop and enhance the nature conservation and wildlife habitats, where appropriate, in parks by supporting nature conservation volunteering initiatives and environmental education  To support and encourage the cultural, physical and mental health benefits and opportunities that our parks and open spaces offer  To support the partnerships and work to support Highway colleagues on,

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‘Cycleways,’ ‘Legible London’ and ‘Healthy Neighbourhood’ transport programmes to promote ‘pathways to parks’ and ‘greening the grey’ by developing sustainable travel links that use planting and greening as a tool to reduce carbon emissions  To promote the different features and facilities available in Lewisham’s parks so that the characteristics of each park are fully promoted via the LBL website  To work with colleagues in Public Health and community services to support and encourage walking, cycling and other active travel modes that link open spaces

12. Social Value implications 12.1. The Parks and Open Space Strategy has positive social value implications as detailed in the approved Mayor and Cabinet report “The Future Management and Maintenance of Parks and Open Spaces.” 12.2. The Parks and Open Space Strategy also will deliver on the corporate priorities to create a greener and healthier Lewisham as already detailed in sections 9 and 11.

13. Background papers 13.1. Mayor and Cabinet report “The Future Management and Maintenance of Parks and Open Spaces.” http://councilmeetings.lewisham.gov.uk/ieDecisionDetails.aspx?AIId=23753 14. Report author and contact 14.1. Nicholas Pond – Service Development Manager, Greenscene - 020 8314 2007

15. Glossary 15.1. ‘Anti-social behaviour (ASB’) - Is defined as 'behaviour by a person which causes, or is likely to cause, harassment, alarm or distress to persons not of the same household as the person' (Antisocial Behaviour Act 2003 and Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011). 15.2. ‘CABE’ – Is the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment.’ This was an executive non-departmental public body of the UK government, established in 1999. It was funded by both the Department for Culture, Media and Sport and the Department for Communities and Local Government. It was merged into the Design Council on 1 April 2011. CABE was the government's advisor on architecture, urban design and public space in England. Its job was to influence and inspire the people making decisions about the built environment. It championed well-designed buildings, spaces and places, ran public campaigns and provided expert, practical advice. It worked directly with architects, planners, designers and clients. 15.3. ‘Corporate Natural Capital Account (CNCA)’ - Is a method of accounting a monetary value to green infrastructure. Capital assets have the important capacity to produce various goods and services. Nature, or ‘natural capital’, can be thought of in the same way. In fact, natural capital can be regarded as the source of all other types of capital: whether manufactured, financial, human or social. Natural capital can be defined as, “The elements of nature that directly and indirectly produce value or benefits to people, including ecosystems, species, freshwater, land, minerals, the air and oceans, as well as natural processes and functions.” Natural capital comprises of individual assets, which include ecological communities, species, soils, land, freshwaters, minerals, sub- soil resources, oceans, the atmosphere, and the natural processes that underpin their functioning. Typically natural capital needs to be combined with other capital inputs (i.e.

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manufactured, human capital) to produce ‘goods’ and ‘services’, which can be either consumptive (e.g. timber, drinking water) or non-consumptive/‘experienced’ (e.g. recreation). The value of these goods and services represent the benefits that are derived by individual organisations or wider society in general. 15.4. ‘Cycleways’ - Is a Transport for London initiative to develop routes that link communities, businesses and destinations across London in one cycle network. 15.5. ‘Eco-system services’ - These services come from ecosystems that are made up of a combination of soil, animals, plants, water and air. They include production of food and medicines, regulation of climate and disease, provision of productive soils and clean air and water, and landscape opportunities for recreation and spiritual benefits. 15.6. ‘Delivery Plan’ – Is a document that sets out priorities for spending funds and outlines the activities that need to be delivered over a specified period of time. 15.7. ‘Good Parks for London’ - Is an annual report. This report is intended to support and give recognition to the work that London Boroughs and other land managers do to maintain London’s parks and green spaces. The initiative is administered by ‘Parks for London’ an independent charity that promotes London’s parks and green spaces. 15.8. ‘Insourcing’ - The practice of using an organisation's own personnel or other resources to accomplish a task that was previously delivered by a contractor on behalf of the organisation outsourced. 15.9. ‘Open Space Assessment (OSA) 2019’ - Is a report commissioned by the London Borough of Lewisham as part its Local Plan review process. The report assessed the quality of 349 public parks and green spaces across the borough and conducted a needs assessment of current levels of provision of greenspace and proposes a future level of provision. 15.10. ‘Revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)’ - The revised National Planning Policy Framework was updated on 19 February 2019 and sets out the government's planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied. This revised Framework replaces the previous National Planning Policy Framework published in March 2012, and revised in July 2018.

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Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025 ‘To be the heart and lungs for Lewisham, connecting active, healthy and vibrant local communities’


Page 66 Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

‘It is important that the parks ‘The creation of spaces for ‘When I was recovering from belong to everyone in the outdoor education – forest post-natal depression I found community and where there schools, school visits - is the Park invaluable, the are no social barriers’ important’ playground gave me a non- threatening place to meet other local families and make friends, ‘Biodiversity is really ‘Use fewer ‘Not all the community that meets fundamental – knowing that pesticides’ parks need round the café is incredibly bees and other species can to be the supportive and friendly’ thrive and breed. Provision of same’ shade on hot days – and trees ‘Zero to help ‘cleanse’ the air – is a tolerance to ‘Better dog facilities, real respite from the crowded dog fouling ‘Provide accessible water fountains, and polluted road but not closed picnic park attendants would of Lewisham’ dogs’ areas’ improve my park’

‘I am now a pensioner and have been going to my local park for 45 years – in the seventies to relax after work, in the eighties to play ‘Make it easy in the park with my children, in the nineties finding a natural space ‘Don’t to report with my teenager and since then for relaxation, exercise and sheer neglect problems’ enjoyment of the open space, the lack of pollution, the friendliness micro open of the other park users. If anything, I value the open space more spaces’ now than I ever did when I was younger’

‘Areas that provide the ‘Improve connections linking ‘I love the variety of parks in opportunity for off-lead green spaces’ Lewisham. Each is different exercise for dogs have fewer and unique. As I get older, problems with dogs due to feeling safe is also important, dogs being able to learn correct ‘I like to be able to watch and access to well-run public social behaviour off the lead’ wildlife, especially birds, and toilets; seating for those see the seasons changing in unable to walk far; and being the park’ close to public transport’ ‘A diversity of areas will attract a diversity of people’ Draft‘Parks are for everybody and ‘The best parks have a good should be versatile. Sport one café, they are clean and safe “Zero tolerance to dog fouling day, relaxing the next…’ and community focused’ but not dogs”

‘Invest in parks and you’ll ‘I love exercise, running on my “Improve connections linking probably have a healthier own but also group activities green spaces” community’ like park run’

Page 67 Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

Contents Scope and Limitations of the Parks and open space strategy...... 7

Key themes: social, economic, environmental...... 9

Strategic social aims ...... 10

Strategic economic aims...... 12

Strategic environmental aims...... 14

Delivery plan...... 16

Open Space distance standards...... 22

Responding to open space deficits...... 23

Open Space overview borough wide...... 25

Sub-area strategies...... 41

Heritage...... 58

Rivers...... 62

Appendix: 1...... 63–84 Supporting evidence Strategic context: National, regional and local National and regional planning policy Regional policy context Local policy context Open space needs

Appendix: 2 Open space assessment May 2019Draft Appendix: 3 A new strategy for parks and open spaces In Lewisham report Nov 2018 – Your chance to have your say

Appendix: 4 Parks and open space strategy 2012-2107

Page 68 3i Parks and open spaces Strategy 2020–2025

Introduction and forward by Councillor Sophie McGeevor, Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport

This parks and open spaces strategy has been developed as tool to identify, communicate, map out and monitor a course of actions to reflect the shared vision: ‘to be the heart and lungs for Lewisham, connecting active, healthy, and vibrant local communities.’ The network, number, size and quality of parks and open spaces provide an essential ecosystem service that regulates our immediate environment and helps protect us from the effects of the climate emergency. They give clean air, regulate temperature and provide flood storage. They are an important home for wildlife and biodiversity, and have direct social value providing health and wellbeing for local residents. They do this by encouraging recreational opportunities and supporting active lifestyles. They can connect and shape an area and improve the visual attractiveness of where we live and work. Our parks and open spaces define the character of our neighbourhoods and their unique identity. They improve the economic performance of the borough by supporting town centres, retaining employment, and attracting new businesses and skills; and by increasing the value of domestic and commercial properties. The benefit from this green infrastructure has been calculated to a value of up to £2.1 billion. This equates to an annual value per resident of the borough of £393. The Draftvalue of these benefits across Lewisham outstrip the cost of maintaining these assets by a factor of 25:1. (Mayor of London/HLF/National Trust (2017): Natural Capital Accounts for public greenspace in London). This document provides the strategic framework for the management and development of open spaces within the borough that seeks to protect, create, enhance, and connect spaces and people. It intends to maximise Page 69 4i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

the benefit of every £ spent, taking into account the future anticipated population growth in the Borough and the areas of the Borough where population increases are likely to be greatest. This will enable the whole community - residents, community organisations, voluntary and statutory agencies and businesses – to work in partnership to obtain the maximum benefit from our open spaces. The strategy builds on the previous Open Space Strategy 2012–2017 and the recent Open Space Assessment 2019 (OSA). It is, however, taking a new approach by presenting the vision, priorities, goals and delivery plan in a readily accessible way. Themes, priorities and goals are presented so that they can be easily understood and more widely used. The objective evidence base strategy is then presented. In setting out the strategy, we are stressing the importance we place on our desire to involve both partners and the whole community in shaping the future of our open space. We recognise that open space affects the lives of almost everyone that lives and works in the borough, and believe that sustainable management and community involvement of our open spaces offers considerable potential for helping to make Lewisham the best place to live, work and learn.

Our Baseline 47 Parks, 18 Nature Reserves, 6 designated Local Nature Reserves, 5 Churchyards, 37 Allotments 15 Green Flag Parks and 3 Community Green Flag Award Spaces 1st Place ‘Good Parks for London’ benchmarking in 2017, 2018 and 3rd in 2019 Support 25 formalised park user Draft‘Friends’ groups Won Heritage Lottery Grant to invest £5m in Place Park In the last 4 years delivered 2,951 nature conservation events, with 24,437 volunteers who’ve achieved 73,311 hours of work, worth £773,431 Over 96% of respondents to the 2018 Parks and Open Space consultation thought that the current condition of Lewisham’s parks was either ‘good’ or ‘fair’ 74% felt that the standard had improved or stayed the same over the last 3 years

Page 70 5i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025 The Vision ‘To be the heart and lungs for Lewisham, connecting active, healthy and vibrant local communities’


Page 71 6i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

Scope and limitations of the parks and open space strategy This parks and open space strategy focuses on areas that fall within the current Parks Team’s management responsibility. This includes publicly owned parks and gardens, council-owned allotments, ‘maintained’ churchyards, and numerous highway enclosures.

This strategy is not intended to strategically deliver policy recommendations for amenity green spaces, housing land, private sports grounds, private allotments, green corridors, natural or semi-natural urban greenspace or Lewisham cemeteries, although some of the same evidence base has been used and is discussed in the following sections. Policy recommendations for these open space types can be found in other studies, such as the Strategic Open Space Assessment 2019 or the Lewisham habitat surveys 2015-16.

The strategy has a number of themes, and certain priorities are cross-cutting as they can deliver on more than one theme.


Page 72 7i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

Open spaces in Lewisham


Page 73 8i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

Key themes: social, economic, environmental

Public responses to the ‘Parks and Open Space survey’ (November 2018) identified three broad themes or areas of benefit that our parks deliver for our residents and visitors:

l Social l Economic l Environmental.

This strategy therefore acknowledges the three themes as areas where we aim to deliver positive benefits.

Following from evaluation of the survey and further consultation, the strategy sets out:

Priority statements – these statements provide the direction of travel that, if achieved, will deliver the positive social, economic and environmental aims and benefits.

Goals – these are identified actions that provide the finer details of what this strategy aspires to achieve. These goals or outputs will then be monitored and tracked, to demonstrate progress or identify where further work is required to ensure our parks meet our future needs.

Delivery plan – this sets out the goals, measures and undertakings required. It also provides an anticipated time scale and/or milestone for the undertaking identified.

The word cloud below represents what Lewisham residents think are the most important features that should be maintained and enhanced in our parks, according to the Parks and Open Space survey in November 2018. ‘for everybody’ peaceful & relaxing biodiversity & wildlifevaried landscape park rangers supportingchildren’s good mental health play equipment Draftdog free areas opportunity to be involved welltoilets maintainedplace to socialise & clean clean air sportnice & fitnesscafé interestingfeeling planting safe better & more seating protect open space dog provision – off lead area Page 74 9i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

Strategic social aims

Over 95% of respondents expressed the view that quality parks and open spaces made neighbourhoods good places to live in. Feeling safe, providing good sports areas and facilities such as toilets, cafés and good infrastructure (e.g. bins and benches) and good play provision for children were all highly important and deemed to encourage greater use by the whole community. The value of, and need for, good quality maintenance, cleanliness and safety attracted the most written comments. Formally protecting parks and the enforcement of bye-laws and Public Space Protection Orders were considered important, as was providing a visible presence in parks to combat antisocial behaviour. It is widely recognised that well-kept and maintained areas attract greater use. This is the key ingredient to enable the broadest appeal for users and for these spaces be successfully self-policed. Overall, the value of the parks as places for quiet relaxation and access to nature and wildlife was the fourth most significant comment from respondents who ranked spending to support nature conservation as the highest priority.


l To preserve and increase the number of Green Flag Award Parks

l To improve, protect and provide clean and safe parks, allotments and nature reserves by seeking inward investment prioritising neglected and rundown areas

l To deliver ‘wellbeing’ by putting parks and open spaces at the heart of outdoor activities and healthy lifestyles for all

l To promote and support active citizens and the ethos, ‘My space, my responsibility’ l To get nature to people and peopleDraft to nature

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l To work in partnership with park user ‘friends’ groups, Local Assemblies, Neighbourhood Forums, the Lewisham Biodiversity Partnership and Allotment Committees to deliver the ‘Greening Fund’ and other grants and initiatives to provide additional facilities and make improvements to parks and open spaces

l To promote more public involvement and engagement with the formal user ‘friends’ groups so that they can broaden their appeal and capacity

l To target and deliver investment for parks, pocket parks and small open spaces that are classified as fair or poor in the Open Space Assessment (OSA) 2019

l To improve and maintain the highest feasible standards of grounds maintenance for formal sports areas to maximise their use and appeal

l To develop a park events strategy that supports active, cultural or artistic events that take account of environmental sustainability using the ‘right time, right place and right space’ principles

l To work with colleagues in Public Health and community services to support and encourage walking, cycling and other active travel modes that link open spaces, such as the South East London Green Chain, Waterlink Way, the Thames Path and other local elements of the All London Green Grid

l To protect, develop and enhance the nature conservation, wildlife habitats and species - where appropriate - in parks by supporting nature conservation volunteering initiatives and environmental education

l To support and encourage the cultural, physical and mental health benefits and opportunities that our Parks and Open Spaces offer

l To consult with and seek the views of young people via available networks and the Young Mayor’s forum to ensure that park improvements deliver safe, well-used and respected spaces l To seek advice through the newDraft Disabled People’s Commission and identify the best way to engage with disabled young people, their parents and carers to ensure that our parks and open spaces are designed to enable children of all abilities, to access and enjoy

l To respond to antisocial behavioural (ASB) issues in parks by exploring opportunities to provide a greater formal presence in parks and by working in partnership with formal user groups, the Safer Neighbourhoods Team and Lewisham enforcement officers to promote the bye laws and encourage respectful use

Page 76 11i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

Strategic economic aims

Catford, Lewisham town centre, and south west Deptford will be the principle regeneration areas for the borough over the next 20 years. As a consequence, existing greenspace within this part of the borough will come under increasing pressure from intensified use. Improving the quality of parks and open spaces and providing robust, diverse spaces that can deliver a range of economic, social and environmental outcomes will be essential, as will adopting measures to enhance the multi-functionality of greenspaces. New developments within these areas are required to include adequate provision of green and open spaces, based on the needs of the residents and occupiers of the development, and the particular deficiencies identified in the local area.


l To protect parks and open space

l To preserve and, where possible, enhance the quality of existing green and open spaces, to deliver eco-system services and a range of public benefits – including play, habitat creation, landscape improvements and flood storage

l To achieve a cost-effective, high-quality parks service that delivers continuous improvement

l To promote the concept of Corporate Natural Capital Accounting (CNCA) as a methodology used to assess the value of economic, social and environmental benefits accruing from green infrastructure

l To ‘green the grey’ by developing partnerships to deliver active green travel links through highways infrastructureDraft projects

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l P arks and Open Space Officers to recommend the refusal of planning permission for all insensitive development, on site or on surrounding land that significantly erodes the biodiversity value, quality, use, access or enjoyment of designated green and open spaces

l To support sustainable development and urban regeneration that delivers enhancements to the quality of existing open spaces to deliver a range of benefits and uses, that embrace its long-term maintenance

l To successfully in-source the current park management service, and maintain standards by winning 15 Green Flag Awards and continue to rank highly in the ‘Good Parks for London’ benchmarking exercise

l To explore the value of commissioning a Corporate Natural Capital Account (CNCA) for the borough so that decision- and policy-makers are better apprised of the collective value of decisions that relate to the natural environment

l To support the partnerships by working with Highways colleagues on ‘Cycleways,’ ‘Legible London’ and ‘Healthy Neighbourhood’ transport programmes, to promote ‘pathways to parks’ and ‘greening the grey’ by developing sustainable travel links that use planting and greening as a tool to reduce carbon emissions

l To actively support and encourage partnerships that seek to deliver important green infrastructure/eco-system services, such as: appropriate Environment Agency flood alleviation schemes; the All London Green Grid; the London Environment Strategy 2018; National Park City and the Grove Park Urban National Park initiative Draft

Page 78 13i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

Strategic environmental aims

Action to conserve and enhance Lewisham’s natural environment has a long tradition. Much of what Lewisham has now is the result of the endeavours of a number of committed local residents and voluntary organisations who have given their support for over 25 years. Along with organisations like the Environment Agency and the Lottery Fund, ecological restoration work has taken place on many of our greenspaces, such as at Meadows, , , Cornmill Gardens, and along the River Pool Linear Park and Riverview walk. The 2016 Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC) habitat assessment (the evidence base that underpins the SINC designations) demonstrated a 35% reduction in Areas of Deficiency for access to nature over the previous 10 years. Spending more money on managing sites for wildlife and nature conservation has been endorsed by consultation. It is clear that supporting biodiversity is a principle function of our parks and is important for many people, for our collective understanding and for the guardianship of the environment.


l To balance functionality and local needs for parks and open space to serve the broadest diversity of people without compromising their value as a place to relax and enjoy being in nature

l To manage the spaces sustainably and recycle wherever reasonably practical and as close to the source as possible

l To explore a reduction in the use of herbicides where economically viable and practical

l To develop, with user groups, management and improvement plans that seek to enhance nature and people’s connection with it

l To reduce carbon emissions and the reliance on fossil fuels by using electric machinery where reasonably practical

l To plant more trees and hedgerows where appropriate, and where this does not conflict with balancing environmental and social uses/needs

l To support existing and new greening of active travel links so both people and wildlife benefit Draft l To contribute to regional partnerships that are working to maintain and enhance the environment such as the Ravensbourne Catchment Improvement Group, and the Green Chain Walk

l To facilitate and support the work of the Lewisham Biodiversity Partnership so that it can continue to develop strategies and projects that enhance the borough for people and wildlife

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l To promote the different features and facilities available in Lewisham’s parks, including via the Council’s website

l To encourage recycling, promote home recycling and discourage single-use plastic

l Wher e new planting is implemented, these will be designed – where appropriate – to be sustainable planting schemes e.g. hardy and drought-tolerant

l To compost green waste in the park it was generated in, leave fallen trees and standing dead wood in situ, where appropriate and safe to do so

l To develop and trial an integrated weed control policy to avoid, explore alternatives to, and reduce the use of herbicide

l To work with ‘Friends of’ user groups to support the implementation of projects designed to benefit locally appropriate biodiversity and engagement

l To trial electric machinery to understand its performance and cost-benefits

l To prohibit ice cream van idling and work towards installing electric points to improve air quality in and around parks

l To increase the parks’ tree stock and linear metres of hedgerow

l To achieve new green linkages and work with neighbouring boroughs to address regional environmental issues

l To improve water quality in the Ravensbourne, Pool and Quaggy rivers so that they can achieve ‘Good ecological potential’

l To continue to partner the ‘Street Trees for Living’ initiative to plant and care for more street trees Draft

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Delivery plan

Social aims Delivery plan measures and undertakings Timescales/ milestones Goal – To work in partnership with Greening Fund successfully delivers £360k of improvements April 2021 park user ‘friends’ groups, Local by April 2021 Assemblies, Neighbourhood Forums, Greening Fund successfully delivers £0.5m May 2022 the Lewisham Biodiversity Partnership Three completed rounds of the Greening Fund May 2022 and Allotment Committees to deliver the ‘Greening Fund’ and other grants Successful delivery of the Greening Fund leading to its June 2022 and initiatives to provide additional adoption post-2022 facilities and make improvements to Number of successful applicants + 70 January 2025 parks and open spaces £250k additional match funding delivered January 2025 Greening Fund successfully delivers £1m May 2025 Goal – To promote more public Explore and, if feasible, provide umbrella PLI insurance March 2021 involvement and engagement with for running events the formal user ‘friends’ groups, broadening their appeal and capacity Develop a memorandum of understanding, for the March 2021 functioning of Park User Groups and a model constitution for new groups Maintain updated information on the Lewisham website Every 6 months for all groups so that contact details, web links and other information can be provided Explore and, if feasible, facilitate training and/or advice sheets One training/ on topics such as: ‘Effective methods of communication, seminar every year consultation and social media use’‘Promotion of the “Lewisham Way” ethos of collaboration’ Goal – To target and deliver Deliver investment to: Annual review investment for parks, pocket parks 1. Durham Hill 21. Margaret McMillan Park monitoring report and small open spaces that are 2. Southend Park 22. Park x5 March 2022 classified as fair or poor in the Open 3. 23. Lewisham War x15 March 2023 Space Assessment (OSA) 2019 4. Riverview Walk Memorial Gardens x25 March 2025 5. Folkestone Gardens 24. The Common and x35 March 2027 6. Home Park Summerhouse Field 7. Lewisham Park 25. Deptford Memorial 8. Gardens 9. Riverdale Sculpture Park 26. Westbourne Drive 10. Lewisham Way Enclosure 11. Hatcham Gardens 27. Grove Park Draft12. Ferranti Park Library Gardens 13 Friendly Gardens 28. Laywell Green/ 14. Luxmore Gardens Slagrove Place 15. Broadway Fields 29. Wickham Gardens 16. Evelyn Green 30. Beachborough Gardens 17. Baxter’s Fields 31. Beaulieu Avenue Green 18. Ravensbourne 32. Kirkdale Green Park Gardens 33. St Norbert Green 19. Edith Nesbitt Gardens 34. Turnham Road green 20. Eckington Gardens 35. Culverley Green Page 81 16i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

Target and spend the £54k grant from the Office Communities March 2021 and Local Government in Lewisham’s parks and open spaces that are outside the identified growth area where there is less Section 106 availability Next Open Space Assessment to validate the upgrade in the March 2025 status of all the listed sites above Goal – To improve and maintain the To support Lewisham’s Playing Pitch Strategy (June 2019) Annual review highest feasible standards of grounds and its action plan where funds are available and do not monitoring report maintenance for formal sports areas conflict with the varying requirements to provide a broad to maximise their use and appeal range of activity and appeal for our park users Number of new facilities and external grants achieved Annual review monitoring report Goal – To develop a park events To achieve an endorsed and adopted strategy March 2023 strategy that supports active, cultural or artistic events that take account of environmental sustainability using the ‘right time, right place and right space’ principles Goal – To work with colleagues Ensure that all new interpretative initiatives and appropriate Annual review in Public Health and Community infrastructure promote the linking of parks and open spaces monitoring report Services to support and encourage across the borough walking, cycling and other active Provide interpretation and way marking to link River Pool All by March 2025 travel modes that link open spaces, Linear Park and Ladywell Fields Park with: such as the South East London Green 1. 3. Mountsfield arkP Chain, Waterlink Way, the Thames 2. Manor Park 4. Lewisham Park Path and other local elements of the All London Green Grid The Greening Fund will finance improvements to parks. This Annual review will include new bike locking points, new water drinking monitoring report fountains, new signs and way-finding posts, new benches and bins. The implementation of these improvements will improve and refresh parks, and increase use Goal – To protect, develop and Deliver 52 Natures Gym sessions engaging 550 volunteers Annual review enhance the nature conservation, per year monitoring report wildlife habitats and species - where To facilitate and support 10 forest schools appropriate - in parks by supporting Nature Conservation Team to deliver x10 sessions per year nature conservation volunteering (300 children) initiatives and environmental education Lead the 3 Rivers Clean Up initiative in June/July each year Goal – To support and encourage the Install new outdoor gym equipment x4 March 2022 cultural, physical and mental health Install new outdoor gym equipment x8 March 2025 benefits and opportunities that our Install new table tennis tables x2 March 2022 Parks and Open Spaces offer DraftInstall new table tennis tables x4 March 2025 Maintain and update the Lewisham website so that the Annual review information on parks remains current monitoring report Monitor and maintain the Natures Gym and Rivers and People websites Increase the number of licensed boot camps from 25 30 by March 2022 35 by March 2025 Increase the number of community events facilitated in parks 714 by March 2022 from 694 734 by March 2025 Page 82 17i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

Goal – To consult with, and seek Where major park projects take place, monitor the number Annual review the views of, young people via and outcome of any young people consulted monitoring report available networks and the Young Mayor’s forum to ensure that park improvements deliver safe, well-used and respected spaces Goal – To seek advice through the Where major park playground projects take place: Annual review new Disabled People’s Commission, l monit or the number and outcome of consultation with monitoring report and identify the best way to engage disabled stakeholders and the application of inclusive play with disabled young people, their principles in their design, layout and equipment choices parents and carers to ensure that our l develop a play strategy that balances inclusive play for By March 2023 parks and open spaces are designed children of all abilities and age ranges to enable children of all abilities, to l ensur e that the design brief builds on best practice in terms access and enjoy of intergenerational design Goal – To respond to antisocial Seek to maximise the static presence in major parks November 2021 behavioural (ASB) issues in parks through the process of in-sourcing the parks’ Grounds by exploring opportunities to provide Maintenance Service a greater formal presence in parks Provide customer care training to all new and transferring November 2022 and by working in partnership staff so they can perform frontline duties as the face of with formal user groups, the Safer the Park Service Neighbourhoods Team and Lewisham Develop a reporting process/protocol to train staff to capture November 2022 enforcement officers to promote essential information on ASB occurrence & patterns the bye-laws and encourage respectful use. Develop a database of antisocial behaviour patterns, November 2022 and deliver joint enforcement events where feasible Annual review and appropriate monitoring report Address all antisocial casework issues within the Annual review 10-day timescale monitoring report Record any metrics/improvements in perception of safety Annual review monitoring report Draft

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Economic aims Delivery plan measures and undertakings Timescales/ milestones Goal – Parks and Open Space Number of planning applications refused from 2019-2025 Annual review Officers to recommend the refusal monitoring report of planning permission for all Amount in hectares and/or number of parks and open spaces No net loss by insensitive development, on site or on lost to development 2025 surrounding land, that significantly erodes the biodiversity value, quality, use, access or enjoyment of designated green and open spaces Goal – To support sustainable Number and monetary value of park enhancements that Annual review development and urban regeneration derive from S106 agreements or Community Infrastructure monitoring report that deliver enhancements to the Levy receipts quality of existing open spaces £1m of investment from Development Control sources March 2025 to deliver a range of benefits and £300k of external investment target for non-Development March 2025 uses, that embrace their long-term Control sources maintenance Goal – To in-source the current park 15 Green Flag Awards July 2022 management service successfully, 17 Green Flag Awards July 2025 and maintain standards by winning 15 Green Flag Awards and continuing to rank highly in the Good Parks for London benchmarking exercise Goal – To explore the value of Present a briefing paper and potential business case to the March 2023 commissioning a Corporate Natural Sustainable Development Select Committee to seek political Capital Account (CNCA) for the support and steer so that policy-makers are better appraised borough so that decision- and of the collective value of decisions that relate to the natural policy-makers are better apprised of environment the collective value of decisions that relate to the natural environment Goal – To support the partnerships The Healthy Neighbourhood programme is part of Lewisham’s x3 Healthy by working with Highways colleagues transport strategy. It will create streets that encourage more neighbourhoods on, ‘Cycleways’, ‘Legible London’ and people to walk and cycle. An element of the program is by April 2021 ‘Healthy Neighbourhood’ transport to make areas greener and to reduce air pollution. We are x2 Healthy programmes, to promote ‘pathways delivering the first tranche of Healthy Neighbourhoods in neighbourhoods to parks’ and ‘greening the grey’ by the Lewisham Lee Green, East Sydenham, Telegraph Hill and per FY thereafter developing sustainable travel links Bellingham areas. that use planting and greening as a The Cycleways program is designed to encourage and 2 Cycleways tool to reduce carbon emissions promote safe cycling routes not dominated by vehicles. A by April 2021 key element of this is promoting our green spaces to provide 4 Cycleways a well-designed network of neighbourhoods. An important by April 2022 element of this is more street planting and sensitive grounds Draftmaintenance throughout the routes. Provide interpretation and way-marking to link River Pool All by March Linear Park and Ladywell Fields Park with: 2025 1. Manor House Gardens 3. Mountsfield arkP 2. Manor Park 4. Lewisham Park

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Goal – To actively support and Play an active role in all appropriate forums and Annual review encourage partnerships that partnerships, such as the Lewisham Biodiversity Partnership, monitoring report seek to deliver important green Ravensbourne Catchment Improvement Group, Environment infrastructure/eco-system services, Agency Flood Alleviation consultations, Thames Tideway, such as: appropriate Environment All London Green Grid, London Parks and Open Spaces Agency flood alleviation schemes; the benchmarking group, Allotment Officers Association, and All London Green Grid; the London the London Tree Officers forum. Environment Strategy 2018; National Park City and the Grove Park Urban National Park initiative

Environmental aims Delivery plan measures and undertakings Timescales/ milestones Goal – To promote the different Update and review all web-based information Complete overhaul features and facilities available by 2021 in Lewisham’s parks so that the Explore with the web team some interactive search element Annual review characteristics of each park are or map that the public can access to illustrate park features monitoring report fully promoted via the LBL website and facilities, such as: toilets; cafes; sports (field, tennis, table tennis, bowls, rugby, cricket, kite-ing and frisby); horticultural features e.g. trees and bedding; play provision including water play; relaxation; walking for health; events; linkages; formal and historic elements, memorials and monuments Goal – To encourage recycling, To install H20 drinking water fountains 3 per year, promote home recycling and 15 by 2025 discourage single use plastic Install signs on all newly installed bins and on noticeboards to Annual review encourage and promote home recycling monitoring report Monitor amount of green waste disposed of offsite and Annual review reduce quantity every year monitoring report Goal – Where new planting is Monitor the number of new planting schemes that deliver an Annual review implemented these will be designed, integrated approach to fertiliser, weed control and watering monitoring report where appropriate, to be sustainable by using drought-tolerant plants, recycled mulches and that planting schemes e.g. hardy and minimise the need for all chemical applications drought tolerant Goal – To compost green waste in the Monitor the amount of mulch imported from suppliers and Annual review parks it was generated in, leave fallen reduce quantity every year monitoring report trees and standing dead wood in situ, Actively work with tree contractors to co-ordinate the use Annual review where appropriate and safe to do so of chipped bark for local parks and open spaces when monitoring report contractors are working in the vicinity Goal – To develop and trial an Target specific locations within key parks where alternative Interim report integrated weed control policy to Draftmethods would have the greatest benefit and monitor by May 2023 avoid, explore alternatives and reduce effectiveness and cost. Final report the use of herbicide by May 2025 Goal – To work with ‘Friends of’ Measure the number of distinct biodiversity projects Annual review user groups to support the Measure the number of volunteers monitoring report implementation of projects designed to benefit locally appropriate biodiversity and engagement

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Goal – To trial electric machinery Measure the area/features managed with electric machinery, Interim report to understand its performance and and monitor the effectiveness and cost by May 2023 cost benefits Final report by May 2025 Goal – To prohibit ice cream van idling Monitor the number of ice cream concessions and the Annual review and work towards installing electric installation of electric points monitoring report points to improve air quality in and around parks Goal – To increase the parks tree stock Record the number of newly planted trees and tree losses. Annual review and linear metres of hedgerow Achieve a greater than 2:1 ratio. Record the establishment monitoring report of 150 metres of hedgerow per year. Goal – To achieve new green Deptford Parks Liveable Neighbourhood (DPLN) – new April 2021 linkages and work with neighbouring greening areas on Rolt Street, Scawen Road and Woodpecker boroughs to address regional Road following community engagement environmental issues Goal – To improve water quality in Deliver over 40 river-related volunteer sessions Annual review the Ravensbourne, Pool and Quaggy Lead the 3 Rivers Clean Up initiative in June/July each year monitoring report rivers so that they can achieve ‘Good Work in partnership with the Ravensbourne Catchment ecological potential’ Improvement Group to identify projects that will enhance the biological quality of the rivers and river corridors Goal – To continue to partner the Deliver the £48k Street Trees for Schools project in Plant 100 trees ‘Street trees for Living’ initiative to partnership by 2022 plant and care for more street trees Plant an additional 200 street trees per year in partnership Annual review monitoring report Draft

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Open Space distance standards

Distance standards for the provision of different sizes of publicly accessible greenspace, types of playspace and types of natural greenspace set out in The London Plan and Supplementary Planning Guidance. These standards specify what should be provided at maximum walking distances from the location of any home in the Borough.

Publicly accessible greenspace Minimum size Maximum walking distance from homes Name of size of greenspace of greenspace (guide) 2 hectares 400m / approximately 5 minutes Local park and open spaces 20 hectares 1.2km / approximately 15 minutes District park 60 hectares 3.2km / approximately 15 minutes Metropolitan park

Distance to playspace Type of playspace Walking distance and Minimum size Description approximate time Local Area for Play 100m / 1 minute 0.01 hectare A stimulating landscape that Play area for ages 0–6 encourages play, however, it Mapping won’t necessarily include play Open Space equipment. Distance Local Equipped Area 400m / 5 minutes 0.04 hectare A stimulating landscape that Standards for Play Playground for encourages play that includes Maps ages 0–8 play equipment. illustrating which areas of Neighbourhood 1,000m / 15 minutes 0.1 hectare A stimulating landscape that the Borough Equipped Area for encourages play that includes meet the Play Playground for play equipment with some distance ages 0–12+ equipment for teenagers. standards and where there Natural Greenspace are areas of Natural Greenspaces are also known as Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs). deficit are They are designated as Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation for their nature and provided on page 36. biodiversity value. Distance There are three different categories of Sites for Importance for Nature Conservation – Sites standards do of Local Importance for Nature Conservation, Sites of Borough Importance for Nature not currently Conservation and Sites of Metropolitan Importance for Nature Conservation. exist for the Draftprovision of other types Types of publicly accessible Walking distance and approximate time of open Natural Greenspace spaces such Borough or Metropolitan Site of Importance 1,000m (approximately 15 mins) as allotments, for Nature Conservation community gardens and outdoor sports Access to Sites of Local Importance for Nature Conservation do not have a distance standard facilities. in the London Plan. Page 87 22i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

Responding to open space deficits

Where deficits of open space provision are identified there will most often not be the land availability to create new open spaces, given the need for land for housing. Therefore it will be necessary to consider the following mitigation strategies for the areas of deficit:

l Improving the quality of the nearest open spaces l Improving walking and cycling routes to the nearest open spaces l Introducing ‘pocket parks’ on streets where small sections of roads are closed and replaced with public amenity space. (See precedents below). l Securing planning contributions from strategic sites to contribute to the continued improvements of open spaces.

New developments in Areas of Deficiency in Access to Open Space For new developments in areas of deficit to open space the Council will strongly resist the location of communal amenity spaces and playspaces on rooftops instead of on the ground. In addition very high quality soft landscaping including tree planting will be required.

Occasionally, the Council will seek to negotiate the provision of publicly accessible open space on a development site taking into account the following factors:

l The size of the site and the practicality of making on-site provision of open space l The additional open space users which the development of the site will generate l The accessibility of the site to existing publicly accessible open space l The need for open space, taking into account factors including child population density and the health and deprivation levels of the local population l Ensuring that there is a sustainable mechanism for maintaining the space after it has been provided l The Local Plan will identify sites on which on-site provision of open space will be required. Draft

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Precedents A New Open Space: Charlottenburg Park, Temporary Pocket Park, Prince Street, Deptford Deptford

This pocket park scheme was implemented in August 2019 as part of Transport for London’s ‘Liveable Neighbourhoods’ project, to test the impact of removing traffic from the street and creating more pedestrian-friendly amenity spaces.

A Pocket Park, Northcote Road, Part of the recently implemented Waltham Forest Canal Linear Park

This pocket park has reduced vehicular use of residential streets and increased publicDraft space.

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Open Space overview borough wide

This document assesses publicly accessible open space and does not include assessment of private housing land, private sports pitches and private allotments. An audit of current open space provision and the quality of this provision was carried out in the summer of 2018. A total of 349 sites were surveyed, and categorised in accordance with the following typologies.

Typology (PPG17) Area (ha) Parks and Gardens 47 Children and Teenagers (play) 43 Natural and Semi-natural Urban Greenspace 26 Outdoor Sports facilities 25 Amenity 88 Allotments and Community Gardens 47 Green Corridors 62 Cemeteries and Churchyards 11 Total 349

Parks and Gardens In the hustle and bustle of modern inner-city life the significance of local parks and gardens cannot be underestimated. They provide an essential ecosystem service by moderating the ambient temperature of our inner city, providing clean air, attenuating rainfall to prevent flooding, and supporting important biodiversity and wildlife. For many residents they have a crucial impact on both quality of life and the perception of the area where they live and work. Good quality parks are what make an area attractive and this in turn supports the local economy. Parks and gardens provide accessible opportunities for a range of informal recreation, formal sporting opportunities and a place for peace and relaxation. They provide space to walk the dog, look at the flowers and meet friends, and opportunities for children of all ages to play.

The Parks and Open Space Assessment (OSA) identified 50 sites ranging from Metropolitan Parks (Beckenham Place Park and Blackheath), District Parks and Local Parks.

Parks and gardens cover 273ha, 7.8% of the borough. Whilst the borough is fortunate to have a good geographic spread of parks and gardens, certain areas are found to be deficient. Lewisham is well-served with openDraft spaces of ‘Metropolitan’ scale. There are small areas of deficiency to the west of Forest Hill and to the south-east of Grove Park. Lewisham has a significant deficit in ‘District’ parks. Only Beckenham Place Park Common and Summerhouse Fields in the extreme south of the borough lie within this definition. ‘District’ parks in neighbouring boroughs create some provision on the western fringes of the borough.

Local park provision is good but there are corridors of under-provision between New Cross and Forest Hill and between Lewisham, Grove Park and Bellingham. Given these gaps, the retention and enhancement of several individual sites is of particular significance. These include Forster Memorial Park, Blythe Hill Fields, and Manor House Gardens. Page 90 25i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

Quality assessment Quality by area 0.7%

% Area (ha) Good 65.1 168.41

34.2% Fair 34.2 88.41

Poor 0.7 1.9

65.1% Total 100 258.72

The Quality Assessment for Lewisham’s parks and gardens based on area shows 65% is of ‘good’ quality, 34% is of ‘fair’ quality and just under 1% of the area is of poor quality. The assessment suggests, in the context of the London Plan typology, there are no local parks judged as being ‘poor.’ 45% are assessed as ‘good’ and 55% as ‘fair’.

London Plan

28% Good DraftFair 72%

‘Good’ quality sites are mostly local parks with only 17% being ‘small’ open spaces. ‘Fair’ quality parks are evenly distributed between ‘local’ and ‘small open space.’

‘Poor’ quality open spaces are evenly distributed between ‘small’ open spaces and ‘pocket’ parks. Page 91 26i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

Summary of quality assessment findings Local park typology Poor None listed  Fair Durham Hill, Home Park, Folkestone Gardens, Southend Park, Lewisham Park, Forster Memorial Park, Riverview Walk, Blythe Hill Fields and Beckenham Place Park – The Common and Summerhouse Field

Beckenham Place Park i

Small open space typology Poor Friendly Gardens (Lewisham), Lewisham War Memorial Gardens and Luxmore Gardens

Fair Baxter’s Fields, Edith Nesbitt Gardens, Grove Park Library Gardens, Evelyn Green, Eckington Gardens, Ladywell Green/Slagrove Place, Broadway Fields, Sayes Court Park, Ravensbourne Park Gardens,


Pocket park typology Poor Riverdale Sculpture Park, Deptford Memorial Gardens, Westbourne Drive Enclosure, Wickham Gardens, Beachborough Gardens, Beaulieu Avenue Green, Kirkdale Green, St Norbert Green, Turnham Road Green

Fair Lewisham Way, Hatcham Gardens, Ferranti Park, Culverley Green

Draft i

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Horniman Triangle

Far left: Ladywell Fields Left: Pepys Park

Children’s Play Providing facilities for children and young people is important because it offers opportunities for play and physical activity, and this helps with the development of movement and social skills. Provision for children consists of equipped play areas and specialised provision for young people, including skate parks, multi-use games areas (MUGAs) and teen shelters.

The OSA audit of facilities identified 78 areas. Lewisham has good levels of provision of ‘Neighbourhood Equipped Areas for Play’ (NEAP) but there is a swathe of under-provision along the eastern edge of the borough. The potential influence of NEAPs outside the borough on provision in this area was not assessed. ‘Local Equipped Areas for Play’ (LEAP)Draft are evenly distributed across the borough but there are areas of relative under-provision in a corridor between New Cross and Forest Hill and between Catford and Grove Park. Local Areas for Play are also broadly distributed but there are similar geographical gaps in provision to those affecting access to LEAP sites.

Overall, play site provision across the borough is satisfactory apart from the area to the south-east of Catford where there is a lack of provision.

The upgrading of Northbrook Park and to achieve NEAP status would help alleviate some of the lack of provision in an area of deficiency. Page 93 28i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

The lake at Beckenham Place Park

Natural and Semi-natural Urban Greenspace Natural green spaces are open spaces that include woodland and scrub, grassland, wetlands, open and running water, and wastelands. They provide valuable habitat for wildlife and biodiversity but also opportunities for environmental education and nature conservation volunteering.

In 2015–16 Lewisham Planning Policy commissioned a borough wide ‘Habitat and Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs) survey’. The survey was required to inform the preparation of a new integrated Local Plan to replace the Lewisham Core Strategy.

For the full report see: https://lewisham.gov.uk/myservices/planning/policy/ldf/evidence- base/ldf-evidence-base--environment

The report found that all 64 SINCs maintained their ecological interest for which they were designated and made a number of recommendations including:

l the identification of six new proposed SINCs l upgrading of four sites from SitesDraft of Local Importance to Sites of Borough Importance l boundary changes to 28 SINC sites that increase the area by 12.8ha.

If adopted by the new Local Plan there will be new additions to existing SINCs: six new proposed SINCs. This will increase the SINC area from 595ha to 614ha. This represents a 3% increase in ten years.

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Access to nature is a key component of living in an urban environment. Although Lewisham has good access to green spaces, in some parts of the borough people do not enjoy easy access to green spaces with wildlife value. Localities where people are further than 1km walking distance from a publicly accessible site of Metropolitan or Borough level significance for nature conservation are defined by the GLA as ‘Areas of Deficiency’ (AoD).

Previously Lewisham had five AoD covering 14% of the Borough. The largest of these was located in the north-west, spreading from the River Thames in the north to Brockley in the south and the boundary with in the east. The other four are smaller and discrete. Their broad location and extent are listed below:

l A large area in the north-west around Deptford – 319ha

l Central, around Lewisham town centre – 55ha

l East, around Lee – 48ha

l South west, Forest Hill – 77ha

Following the 2015-16 study, the AoD in nature has reduced from 520ha to 337.4ha, a fall or drop of 182.6ha or 35%. This is the result of improvements at Bridgehouse Meadows and Ladywell Fields, creating wildlife-rich habitats valued at the borough level. Improved access into the and Manor Park Site of Borough Importance has also helped to reduce the AoD.

A proposed boundary extension to Beckenham Place Park has alleviated the AoD by 28.5ha in the London Borough of to the south. A further 45.5ha of AoD is also alleviated in Southwark as a result of Bridgehouse Meadows recommendations.

Of strategic ecological importance to Lewisham are the railway lines and naturalised stretches of the , River Pool and River Quaggy. These form habitat corridors and are contiguous with a large number of other SINCs of borough importance. The size, maturity and variety of habitats are integral to the sustainability of populations of bats, birds and invertebrates.

Five SINCs were assessed as meeting their current level of designation, but are in decline. These are Grove Park Cemetery; Hillcrest Estate Woodland; Cemetery, Lewisham Crematorium and Reigate Road OpenDraft Space; Mayow Park; and St Paul’s Churchyard and Crossfield Street Open Space. Since the publication of this study, Crossfield Street Open Space has been lost to development to facilitate the Tideway Tunnel.

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Ladywell Fields

Outdoor sports Facilities This category includes stand-alone sports facilities such as public, private, leisure and educational sports grounds and playing fields. They also include sports facilities listed under other typologies, for example public parks. A dedicated ‘Playing Pitch Strategy’ (PPS) and needs assessment has been prepared (June 2019), that provides a robust evidence base and identifies if the supply and demand of playing pitches within the Local Authority is sufficient to meet the current and future needs for sport.

Amenity Green Space Amenity green space is classified as housing area green space, roadside enclosures and verges, and other sites usually near to people’s homes, which may include facilities such as play areas. Many of these sites are simple and less formal, but in their own way they provide valuable and aesthetic spaces.

The housing amenity sites are managed by a number of housing providers in the borough and many sites are currently being improved, reflecting recognition of the important role quality green space can play, alongside improvementsDraft to the housing stock.

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Evelyn Community Garden?

Far left: Edward Street Allotments

Allotments There are currently 37 allotments sites within the borough catering for more than 1,100 plot- holders, including schools and community groups. This is an increase of 200 plot-holders over a three-year period. The increase reflects our encouragement of smaller, more manageable plots, to provide better opportunities for families and for those with less time to manage a traditional full-sized plot.

We have also centralised the allotment waiting list system, ensuring the process is clear and accountable. As a result, in the year 2018-19, we reduced the average waiting time by four years. Draft Lewisham has an above-average number of allotment sites compared to other London Boroughs. Whilst waiting lists are lengthy in certain areas of the borough, demand is significantly less in others. The key to managing waiting lists lies in supporting local allotment committees to manage their sites effectively, ensuring regular maintenance of plots and promoting those allotments in areas of less demand. All allotment applicants are sign-posted to online information regarding community gardens and a neighbouring local authority with vacant plots, to make applicants aware of opportunities to participate in growing food until an allotment plot becomes available in their area. Page 97 32i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

Lewisham’s Allotments and Community Gardens have an intrinsic role in the health and well-being of the borough’s residents, offering multiple benefits:

l Personal – individuals actively involved in managing their own space, producing their own food and engaging in their local environment

l Community-building – engaging groups of all ages and cultures in taking responsibility and ownership for their local Open Spaces; shared decision making and shared skills input.

Self-managed committees are offered annual training sessions which focus on site management processes and current themes. These sessions promote good practice along with fair and transparent processes in allotment management. This is also an opportunity for committees to network and share experiences.

The spirit of allotmenteering in Lewisham is exemplified by the popular and well attended annual allotment awards event organised by our valued volunteers, the Lewisham Self-Managed Allotments Association (LSMAA). l Health – access to locally grown nutritious food, regular outdoor exercise and fostering of physical and mental well-being l Education – all ages learning how to plan, grow, maintain and harvest crops; learning about organic, sustainable methods of land management as well as encouraging co-operative, social skills l Environmental sustainability – provides a forum for, and encouraging, prudent use of resources (water/composting), reduces food miles and encourages wildlife habitats.

Lewisham has recently installed a compost toilet offering environmentally friendly and sustainable facilities for allotment users. We will be supporting the installation of more compost toilets across the borough’sDraft sites using the Mayor’s Greening Fund.

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The Waterlink Way runs along the rivers Ravensbourne and Pool

Green Corridors – networks, chains and grids Greenspaces are important in their own right, but there are also benefits in creating and enhancing links between sites to form a connected green infrastructure for both wildlife and people. The South East London Green Chain is a linked system of over 300 open spaces connected by a network of footpaths that stretch 50 miles (80km) from the riverside at Beckenham Place Park and through to . The South East London Green Chain was extended in 2011 to include Sydenham Well Park, Woods, Dulwich Park and Nunhead Cemetery.

The Waterlink Way is a shared route for cyclists and pedestrians that runs from the River Thames at Deptford Creek southwards to the Green Chain Walk at Beckenham Place Park. It follows the route of Sustrans Route 21 as it passes through Inner London on its way to the south coast at Eastbourne. The Waterlink Way takes users north-south through the centre of the borough along the rivers Ravensbourne and Pool. It serves as a valuable blue-green artery connecting many of the borough’s green spaces with the green chain walk network and has been a driving force for restoring the river corridor and its associated habitats.

Both the Green Chain and Waterlink Way forms part of the South East London Green Chain Plus Area which is a component of Draftthe All London Green Grid (ALGG). The ALGG aims to create a regional network of interlinked and multi-purpose open and green spaces with good connections to the places where people live and work, and to public transport, the capital’s rivers - especially the Thames, the countryside and urban fringe.

The railway embankments and neighbouring soft landscaping in Lewisham include long stretches of valuable natural greenspaces with high levels of biodiversity. However, large parts of these areas are currently not publicly accessible. Introducing pedestrian and cycling routes along them represents a key strategic opportunity for significantly improving pedestrian and cycling accessibility through the Borough. Page 99 34i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

St Mary’s Churchyard

Left: Grove Park Cemetery Right: Ladywell and Brockley Cemetery

Cemeteries and churchyards Cemeteries and churchyards can provide a valuable contribution to the portfolio of open space provision. They provide a place for peaceful contemplation and often have wildlife conservation and biodiversity value.

The borough has three cemeteries: Grove Park, Hither Green, and Ladywell and Brockley Cemetery. In addition, the Bromley Hill Cemetery falls within the Lewisham borough boundary but is managed by the London Borough of Bromley.

The Council maintains five churchyards: St Mary’s, St Margaret’s, St Pauls, St Bartholomew’s and St Andrew’s under the 1906 OpenDraft Spaces Act, where deeds of grant were signed agreeing that the churchyards should be used by the public as open space and that the Council would maintain them in a ‘good and decent’ state.

Cemeteries and churchyards can make a significant contribution to the provision of urban green spaces, often providing a sanctuary for wildlife. A wide variety of habitats can be found supporting the natural and semi-natural space typologies.

‘The opportunity to study the flora and birds is not to be underestimated’ – Friends of Brockley and Ladywell Cemetery. Page 100 35i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

Open Space provision

The below maps show Open Space Provision of different sizes of parks, playspace and sites of nature conservation in accordance with the London Plan distance standards described above.

Areas of deficiency in access to public open space (Local, small and pocket parks) in Lewisham


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Areas of deficiency in access to public open space (district parks) in Lewisham


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Areas of deficiency in Metropolitan Parks


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Areas of deficiency in access to playspace It should be noted that the methodology for producing the below playspace map uses straight line distances rather than walking distances.


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Areas of deficiency in access to sites of importance for nature conservation in Lewisham (updated designations)


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Sub-area strategies

The open space assets and needs of five different sub-areas of the borough are summarised below. Please see the draft Lewisham Characterisation Study (2020) for further analysis of the different sub-areas.

The five sub-areas of the borough


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Central sub-area

Central sub-area


Categories of open spaces Features Parks and gardens Stations Natural greenspace Subarea boundary (publically accessible) Rivers 1 Natural greenspace Opportunity Area 2 (not publically accessible) Main roads Allotments Railway lines Outdoor sports facilities Cemeteries Play areas Improvements/Proposals 8 Waterlink Way Cycling routes between New open spaces (as part parks to be enhanced 3 of new development) Walking and cycling 4 Park prioritised for routes between parks to 6 improvement be enhanced Potential approximate Walking routes between location for pocket park parks to be enhanced 5 Parks 1. Cornmill Gardens and River Mill Park 2. Hilly Fields (northern sub-area) 3. Lewisham Park 4. Lewisham Memorial Gardens 5. Mountsfield Park 6. Ladywell Fields 7 7. River Pool Linear Park 8. St Mary’s Churchyard

0m. 500m. 2000m.

Current and future area profile Lewisham Central consists of the borough’s two principal centres: Lewisham Town Centre and Catford Town Centre. Located centrally, the area is bounded to the north by Deptford, to the east by Blackheath and Lee, to the south by the southern suburbs and to the west by and Brockley. Lewisham Central has four distinct places: Lewisham Town Centre, Ladywell, Hither Green and Catford. The central sub-area currently has Draftthe highest density of all the sub-areas in Lewisham, with Lewisham Town Centre being of a very high density, with a predominance of tall towers of between 10 and 25 storeys and several large developments having been delivered over the last 15 years. There are also some tall buildings located around the A21 and the South Circular between Lewisham Town Centre and Catford, and the rest of the sub-area is of a typically lower density with two-storey housing being the predominant typology. The density of the Central sub-area is set to rise further over the next 20 years, particularly within the Lewisham and Catford regeneration and growth area, which is one of the most significant areas of growth within the borough. The sub-area has the potential provision of approximately 7,000 new homes. As the population of the sub-area increases, the demand on existing open space Page 107 42i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025 will also increase and further more, new open spaces will be required as is recognised in The Lewisham Town Centre Local Plan (2014). One new open space has already been delivered as part of the redevelopment of Lewisham Town Centre – Cornmill Gardens and River Mill Park (2007), and further new spaces are planned.

Provision Greenspace The largest parks serving the central sub-area are Mountsfield Park (13 hectares), Ladywell Fields (16 hectares) and Lewisham Park (4 hectares). The River Ravensbourne is a key feature of several parks in the area and runs through Ladywell Fields and the River Pool Linear Park.

There are two substantial Areas of Deficiency in Access to Local Parks in the central sub-area: an area surrounding Lewisham Town Centre and another area covering Catford Town centre, south Catford and much of Hither Green. Both of these Areas of Deficiency in Access to Local Parks are characterised by extensive grids of Victorian and Inter-War low-rise housing and there is no undeveloped land available to accommodate new open spaces. There are two large private sports fields within walking distance from Catford Town Centre, which provide visual amenity from the street.

There are no parks above District Park size (20 hectares or more) in the central sub-area, although small parks north and south of the sub-area benefit from being within the catchment area of Metropolitan Parks – Blackheath (83 hectares) and Beckenham Place Park (70 hectares) respectively.

Lewisham Town Centre also benefits greatly from being within 10 minutes’ walking distance of Blackheath Metropolitan Park in the eastern sub-area.

Playspace The Areas of Deficiency in Access to Playspace in the central sub-area broadly correspond to the Areas of Deficiency to Local Parks. There is an area to the east of Lewisham Town Centre and another area that includes Catford Town Centre, South Catford and much of Hither Green. There are only two Local Equipped Areas for Play in the area which are both located at Ladywell Fields.

Natural Greenspace There are no Areas of Deficiency to Accessible Natural Greenspace in the central sub-area. Quality Draft The two largest parks in the sub-area – Mountsfield Park and Ladywell Fields – are of a good quality. However, Lewisham Park – which serves the Town Centre – is only of fair quality.

Walking and cycling access The two north-south railway lines, as well as the north-south A21 road, create east-west severance within the area and compromise access between Ladywell Fields in the west of the sub-area and Mountsfield Park and Lewisham Park in the east of the sub-area.

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The Waterlink Way provides a generally good quality north-south walking and cycling route through the River Pool Linear Park and Ladywell Fields. However, the section of the route that links the River Pool Linear Park and Ladywell Fields through Catford is of low quality. In addition, the walking and cycling routes from Catford Town Centre to the Waterlink Way could be enhanced with safer and more attractive pedestrian and cycling crossings of the South Circular (A205) and surrounding roads.

Improvement strategies Addressing Open Space deficiencies Within Lewisham Town Centre, the second and final part of the redevelopment of Lewisham Gateway will create new high quality public space and re-naturalise a section of the culverted River Ravensbourne. The redevelopment of other sites within the town centre, such as , the Tesco site and Connington Road, will also provide enhanced public spaces and offer the opportunity to further enhance and re-naturalise the river and provide a more comprehensive network of green links and open spaces.

As part of the Catford Masterplan, a new civic square fronting the Broadway Theatre at the heart of the town centre is being proposed, as part of a Council-led framework.

Local parks and playspace deficiency around South Catford and Hither Green could be alleviated through the closure of some sections of streets to vehicles and the creation of pocket parks. (See precedent on page 24).

Existing and future projects The improvement of Lewisham Park should be prioritised, given the high-density development proposed for the nearby Lewisham Town Centre and the park’s current ‘fair rating.

In Catford, a new public space will be created through the realignment of the South Circular (A205) in front of the Broadway Theatre.

Improving walking and cycling access Pedestrian and cycling access between the River Pool Linear Park and Ladywell Fields (The Waterlink Way) should be improved through providing a clear cycle route along Catford Hill between River Pool Linear Park and the South Circular Road, and widening the opening through the Catford Bridge arch to improve visibility of the Waterlink Way route and reduce the risk of antisocial behaviour. Attractive and safe east-west walkingDraft and cycling routes should be provided to improve links between both Mountsfield Park and Lewisham Park toLadywell Fields and reduce the severance impacts of the A21 and north-south railway lines.

Green walking and cycling links should be created through the redevelopment of Lewisham Town Centre to help improve connections to the Waterlink Way, Blackheath and other parks in the north of the borough and the River Thames.

An east-west cycle link should be implemented that runs parallel to the South Circular (A205). This should include a link from Elm Lane to the Waterlink Way that goes via Vineyard Close. Page 109 44i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

Northern sub-area

Northern sub-area


Categories of open spaces Features Parks and gardens Stations Natural greenspace Subarea boundary (publically accessible) Rivers Natural greenspace Opportunity Area (not publically accessible) Main roads Allotments 1 Railway lines 4 Outdoor sports facilities 2 Cemeteries Play areas

5 Improvements/Proposals 3 Waterlink Way Cycling routes between parks to be enhanced 10 Thamespath Walking and cycling 6 New open spaces (as part routes between parks to of new development) 15 be enhanced 8 Park prioritised for 9 Walking routes between improvement parks to be enhanced 11 7 Parks 12 1. Pepys Park 9. 16 2. 10. Bridgehouse Meadows 3. Folkestone Gardens 11. Eckington Gardens 13 14 4. Surrey Canal Linear Park 12. Hatcham Gardens (partly complete) 13. Friendly Gardens 5. Sayes Court Park 14. Brookmill Park 6. Evelyn Green 15. St Paul’s Churchyard 7. Margaret McMillan Park 16. Broadway Fields 8. Charlottenburg Park

0m. 500m. 2000m.

Current and future area profile The northern sub-area is bounded by the river Thames to the north, Deptford Creek and the London Borough of Greenwich to the east, Telegraph Hill to the South and the London Borough of Southwark to the west. The sub area corresponds to the Deptford and New Cross regeneration and growth area and comprises three distinct places – New Cross, Deptford, and North Deptford.

The northern sub-area already has a much higher density than the southern, western and eastern sub-areas A large proportionDraft of the housing in the northern sub-area is flatted and without private gardens which means that often residents are dependent on parks and opens spaces for external amenity space and access to nature.

Several railway corridors run through the area which create severance and divide the sub-area into three zones.

The northern sub-area is one of the most significant areas of growth within the borough, with the potential for the provision of approximately 10,000 new homes over the next twenty years. Most of the sub-area is located within the Lewisham, Catford and New Cross, Opportunity Page 110 45i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

Area, and there are a number of strategic development sites identified through the existing Core Strategy and emerging Local Plan that have either been delivered or will be delivered in the near future. These will result in the addition of thousands of new homes in the area. Significant growth in Southwark will also influence the area’s future role and character, notably within the Old Road Opportunity Area to the west and at Canada Water to the north.

Provision Greenspace Space There is a good level of overall provision of local parks in the northern sub-area, although most of the sub-area lies in an area of deficiency to large green spaces of 20 hectares and above (District and Metropolitan Parks) excluding a small aprt of the north-west of the sub-area from which Southwark Park is within walking distance. The largest parks in hte sub-area are Fordham Park (7 hectares) and Deptford Park (3.5 hectares).

The are significant Area of Deficiency to Local Parks in the north-east corner, the south-west and along the edge of the northern sub-area.

However the following small parks provide some mitigation for the deficiency of Local Parks – Charlottenburg Park, Sue Godfrey Nature Park, St Paul’s Churchyard, Twinkle Park (Greenwich), Charlotte Turner Gardens (Greenwich), and Brimmington Park (Southwark). Two Areas of Deficit to greenspace in the borough are mitigated by open spaces in Southwark.

Charlottenburg Park Draft

The rivers in the northern sub-area provide some mitigation for the deficiency of greenspace. The sub-area enjoys adjacency to the River Thames for a short stretch of approximately 700m, and the River Ravensbourne – a tributary of the Thames – runs through it, joining the Thames at Deptford Creek. Page 111 46i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

Playspace The northern sub-area has no Areas of Deficiency in Access to Neighbourhood Equipped Areas for Play. However, there are a few pockets of deficiency in Access to Local Equipped Areas for Play and much of the northern area lies in an area of deficit to Local Areas for Play, as does most of the borough.

Natural Greenspace There are Areas of Deficiency in Access to Natural Greenspace around New Cross and at the most northern point of the sub-area.

The embankments of the two north-south railway corridors in the sub-area provide green corridors which include substantially-sized Natural Greenspaces (Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation). However, these are mostly inaccessible.

Quality The two largest parks in the northern sub-area – Fordham Park and Deptford Park are rated as being of a good quality. However, over 50% of the open spaces are rated as either fair or poor.

Walking and cycling access The railway corridors that run through the area create severance and compromise walking and cycling accessibility to open spaces. To address this issue the ‘North Lewisham Links’ programme of green space improvements was created and the delivery of improvements is ongoing. As part of this programme ‘Route 1’ – an east-west walking and cycling route that runs between Deptford and New Cross had alredy been provided and is very well used.

Improvement strategies Addressing open space deficiencies To provide future mitigation for deficiency in access to open space and meet the needs of the growing population, new open spaces are being planned as part of several very large development sites including New Bermondsey; and the Surrey Canal Linear Park will link the developments of Marine Wharf, Cannon Wharf and development at the Deptford Timberyard site. Opportunities will also be sought to create new open space on other strategic sites, including Hatcham Works and Creekside.

Despite the provision of some additional open spaces, it is recognised that in the context of Lewisham facing significant housing need, there is limited scope to provide major additional open space and it is therefore essential that the quality of existing greenspaces and access to them be improved to meet the needsDraft of the growing population. Existing and future projects All open spaces in this sub-area should receive investment to ensure that they can meet the demands of the existing and greatly increased future population.

Evelyn Green is one of the few publicly accessible open spaces that is rated as ‘poor’ in the sub-area and it is a priority for enhancement.

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The Council is currently working with park user groups and other key stakeholders to improve a number of Local Parks within the area with a ‘fair’ rating, including Folkestone Gardens and

Sayes Court Park.

Bridgehouse Meadows should be prioritised for improvement to help provide some mitigation for the Area of Deficit in Access to Local Parks to its south, and serve the needs of the future expanded population and the Council has secured a significant financial contribution from the Surrey Canal Triangle application to improve the park.

The New Cross Nature Reserve and Sue Godfrey Nature Reserve should be prioritised for improvement as the two accessible nature reserves in the northern sub-area that are rated as ‘fair’.

The Council will work with key local stakeholders in the area including Goldsmiths University to improve the quality and range of activities at open spaces in the New Cross area.

High quality access to the rivers in the sub-area should be maximised. Through the Convoys Wharf development the Thames Path should be implemented along the Thames River frontage, and public access, Rights of Way and views of the river along Deptford Creek should be improved through planning applications for schemes located adjacent to Deptford Creek.

Improving walking and cycling access Walking and cycling access will continue to be improved through The North Lewisham Links project (described above). The North Lewisham Links webpage and New Cross Area Framework provide further details on the key links across the area which include: the Thames Path, the Waterlink Way, Surrey Canal Road, the Surrey Canal Linear Park, Woodpecker Walk, the Childer Street-to-Deptford route and the New Cross Nature Reserve Link.

Improvements will also be made through the Healthy Neighbourhoods project, where traffic is being removed from sections of residential streets to improve the public realm and facilities for walking and cycling.

Links between the Convoys Wharf site and the neighbouring Pepys Parks should be improved as part of the redevelopment of Convoys Wharf.

In addition, cleansing and lighting strategies should be developed for underpasses and railway viaducts to improve their safetyDraft and attractiveness for pedestrians and cyclists. Pedestrian and cycling priority should be strengthened on ‘Route 1’ at junctions with the highway, with the inclusion of zebra crossings where possible and traffic calming measures.

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Western sub-area

Western sub-area

4 Legend 1 2 Categories of open spaces Features 3 Parks and gardens Stations Natural greenspace Subarea boundary (publically accessible) Rivers 5 Natural greenspace Opportunity Area (not publically accessible) Main roads Allotments Railway lines Outdoor sports facilities 6 Cemeteries Play areas Improvements/Proposals Waterlink Way Cycling routes between Green Chain Walk parks to be enhanced 22 Potential approximate 7 location for pocket park Walking and cycling 25 routes between parks to Park prioritised for be enhanced 8 improvement Walking routes between 9 Additional play 10 parks to be enhanced facilities recommended 12 Parks 11 1. New Cross Gate Cutting 13. Horniman Triangle Play Park 2. Telegraph Hill 14. Baxter Field 3. Telegraph Hill Upper Park 15. Sydenham Wood 4. Luxmore Gardens 16. 14 13 5. Hilly Fields 17. Albion Millennium Green 6. Brockley and Ladywell 18. Dacres Wood Nature Reserve Cemetery 19. Mayow Park 24 17 7. King’s College Sports Ground 20. Kirkdale Green 8. Blythe Hill Fields 21. Home Park 15 9. Garthorne Road Nature 22. Ladywell Fields 18 Reserve 23. Crystal Palace Park 10. Devonshire Road Nature (Southwark) 16 Reserve 24. Sydenham Hill Wood 19 11. and (Southwark) 20 Gardens 25. Camberwell New Cemetery 21 12. Horniman Nature Trail (Southwark)

0m. 500m. 2000m. 23

Current and future area profile The western area is made up of a series of older villages located along a north-south spine which developed intensely in the Victorian period around railway stations. It comprises Telegraph Hill, Brockley, Ladywell, Crofton Park, , Blythe Hill, Forest Hill, Sydenham and Sydenham Hill. Although the area has a predominantly suburban character it includes a considerable number of flatted developments without private gardens, where residents are more dependent on parks and open spaces to provide their open space needs. The substantial number of flatted developments andDraft terraced housing results in the Western sub-area being of a significant density. Large-scale redevelopment is not anticipated in the western area. However, there are opportunities for sensitive infill development, particularly in Sydenham and Forest Hill, with the potential provision of approximately 1,000 homes and some related demand on open space.

Provision Greenspace Greenspace provision is relatively fragmented. There are two large local open spaces in the northern part of the sub-area: Brockley and Ladywell Cemetery (15 hectares) and Hilly Fields Page 114 49i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

(19 hectares) and a concentration of open space sites in Sydenham and Upper Sydenham in the south-west corner of the borough, including the following large parks: Mayow Park (7 hectares) and the Horniman Museum and Gardens (6 hectares).

There is a significant Area of Deficiency to Local Parks in the relatively dense area of gridded residential streets between Forest Hill Station and Catford that straddles the South Circular (A205).

The southern part of the Western Sub-Area benefits from the nearby Crystal Palace Park in neighbouring Bromley – a large Metropolitan Park.

The Western Sub-Area also benefits from proximity to Sydenham Hill Wood, adjacent to the western border of the sub-area on Sydenham Hill in Southwark.

Playspace There is an Area of Deficiency in Access to Playspace, which is similar in location but smaller in size to the Area of Deficiency in Access to Local Parks described above which straddles the South Circular to the east of Forest Hill Station.

There is a long Area of deficiency in Access to Locally Equipped Areas to the east of the railway line from Roundhay Close to the northern edge of the sub-area.

As is the case throughout Lewisham, most of the western sub-area lies within an Area of Deficiency in access to Local Play.

Natural Greenspace There are no Areas of Deficiency in Access to natural greenspace in the western sub-area.

The Devonshire Road Nature Reserve is a Site of Metropolitan Importance to Nature Conservation. However, public access is limited to a few hours each month.

Quality The largest parks in the Western Sub-Area are of good quality. They include Hilly Fields, Mayow Park, Sydenham Wells and The Horniman Museum and Gardens.

The Horniman Triangle Play Park occupies an important strategic location but is only rated as ‘fair’. Draft Walking and cycling access The north-south railway line between Sydenham and New Cross (The Brighton Main Line) is a barrier to access between the east and the west of the sub-area. This issue is partially alleviated by a footbridge with a wheeling channel for bikes which crosses the railway between Sydenham Park and Dacres Road and an underpass at Forest Hill Station. However, the gradient of the wheeling channel does not meet current Cycle Standards.

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Improvement Strategies Addressing Open Space Deficiencies The creation of pocket parks on current small sections of residential streets should be considered within the Area of Deficiency to Local Parks and Play that straddles the South Circular to the east of Forest Hill Station (see example on page 24).

Existing and future projects Blythe Hill Fields should be prioritised for improvement as it is the one larger park in the western sub-area that is currently rated as fair.

Increasing the hours of public access to the Devonshire Road Nature Reserve will be considered.

To mitigate for the Areas of Deficiency of Play Facilities in the sub-area, enhancing play facilities at Blythe Hill Fields, Mayow Park and the Horniman Triangle Play Park is recommended.

Improving walking and cycling access To improve walking and cycling access across the Brighton Main Line, it is recommended that step-free access is provided at Forest Hill Station to the subway, and ramps are provided on the footbridge between Sydenham and Forest Hill Stations.

To mitigate for the deficits of local space and play in the area straddling the South Circular (A205), walking and cycling access should be improved to the following parks nearest to the areas of deficit: Blythe Hill Fields to the north, Mayow Park to the south, and The Horniman Museum and Gardens and The Horniman Triangle Play Park to the east.

An east-west cycle link should be implemented that runs parallel to the South Circular (A205). Draft

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Southern sub-area

Legend Categories of open spaces Parks and gardens Natural greenspace (publically accessible) Natural greenspace 10 (not publically accessible) Allotments Outdoor sports facilities Cemeteries Play areas

1 Features Stations Subarea boundary 4 3 Rivers Main roads Railway lines 9 2 5

Improvements/Proposals 7 Waterlink Way Green Chain Walk 6 Park prioritised for improvement 8 Cycling routes between parks to be enhanced Walking and cycling routes between parks to be enhanced Walking routes between parks to be enhanced

Southern sub-area Parks 1. Forster Memorial Park 5. Southend Park 9. Fields 2. Home Park 6. Beckenham Place Park 10. Hither Green Cemetery 3. Bellingham Playzone 7. Summerhouse Playing Field 0m. 500m. 2000m. 4. Bellingham Green Children’s Park 8. Bromley Hill Cemetery

Current and future area profile This southern sub-area comprises the neighbourhoods of Bellingham, Downham and Bell Green and is characterised by suburban development with spacious gardens. It is the sub-area with the lowest density in the borough and was largely developed after World War 1. There is some growth expected in this area, with the potential provision for between 2,000 and 6,000 new homes being constructed, depending on delivery of the Bakerloo Line Extension.

Provision Greenspace Draft The southern sub-area has a large mount of greenspace and the total combined size of areas of deficiency in access to local parks in the sub-area is the lowest of all sub-areas. The area includes Beckenham Place Park (70 hectares) – a very large Metropolitan Park as well as other large sized parks such as The Common and Summerhouse Fields (25 hectares – and located directly adjacent to Beckenham Place Park), Durham Hill (13 hectares), Forster Memorial Park (17 hectares) and Hither Green Cemetery (18 hectares).

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Forster Memorial Park

The southern sub-area also includes a number of smaller open spaces. A succession of inter- connected open spaces lie along of the Pool River, which forms the southern section of the Waterlink Way. The River Ravensbourne runs through Summerhouse Fields and then along the Catford Loop Railway line until it merges with the River Pool at River Pool Linear Park, just to the north of the Southern Sub-Area.

Playspace The southern sub-area is generally well covered by Local Equipped Areas for Play and Neighbourhood Equipped Areas for Play. However, there is a small Area of Deficiency in Access to Playspace to the north-east of Downham District Centre.

Much of the sub-area lies within an Area of Deficiency in Access to Local Areas for Play, as is the case across the Borough.

Natural Greenspace There are no Areas of Deficiency inDraft Access to Natural Greenspace in the southern sub-area. Quality The recently regenerated Beckenham Place Park is rated as a ‘good’ park. However, a large proportion of the parks in the souther sub-area are only of a ‘fair’ quality and should be prioritised for improvement. These include Durham Hill, Forster Memorial Park, Southend Park, Home Park, Riverview walk and The Common and Summerhouse Fields.

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Walking and cycling access The Southern sub-area benefits from the regional north-south walking and cycling route of the Waterlink Way. The route runs through the sub-area alongside the River Pool from Lower Sydenham up to the River Pool Linear Park near Catford, and beyond the southern sub-area boundaries it extends up to Deptford Creek and the River Thames in the north, and down to Cator Park in Beckenham in the south. The Waterlink Way is connected to Beckenham Place Park through a spur but this is not currently signposted or supported by walking and cycling infrastructure.

The southern sub-area benefits from another strategic walking route – the South-East London Green Chain – an east-west route which runs through Beckenham Place Park and beyond the borough boundaries to Crystal Palace to the west and Mottingham to the north east.

Access between the adjoining Beckenham Place Park and The Common and Summerhouse Fields is difficult due to the Catford Loop Railway Line that separates the two open spaces and there is an approximate 850m distance between the existing bridges crossing the railway line. Additional severance within The Common and Summerhouse Fields is created by the River Ravensbourne.

Improvement Strategies Existing and future projects The parks of a ‘fair’ quality, named above, should be prioritised for improvement.

To improve play provision for residents within the area of deficiency in access to Playspace, a ‘pocket park’ should be considered for inclusion within the area of deficiency. In addition facilities within the nearest park – Durham Hill –should be improved.

Improving walking and cycling access Signage and other walking and cycling infrastructure are recommended for the spur of The Waterlink Way connecting The Waterlink Way to Beckenham Place Park.

An additional bridge across the Catford Loop Railway Line between Beckenham Place Park and Summerhouse Fields should be considered.

Access from the Areas of Deficiency in Access to Play in the east of the southern sub-area to the nearest play facilities at DurhamDraft Hill should be improved.

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Eastern sub-area

Legend 8 Categories of open spaces Parks and gardens Natural greenspace (publically accessible) Natural greenspace 7 (not publically accessible) Allotments Outdoor sports facilities Cemeteries Play areas

6 1 4 Features Stations Subarea boundary Rivers 5 Opportunity Area Main roads Railway lines

3 Improvements/Proposals Green Chain Walk 9 Potential approximate location for pocket park 2 Cycling routes between parks to be enhanced Walking and cycling routes between parks to be enhanced Walking routes between parks to be enhanced Eastern sub-area Parks 1. Blackheath 5. Hither Green Cemetery 8. Grove Park Cemetery 2. Manor Park (southern sub-area) 9. (Greenwich) 3. Manor House Gardens 6. Grove Park Nature Reserve 0m. 500m. 2000m. 4. Northbrook Park 7.

Current and future area profile The eastern sub-area comprises three distinct places – Blackheath, Lee, and Grove Park - which historically were three centres on the road to Greenwich. It is bounded by Lewisham Town Centre, Hither Green and Downham to the West, the London Borough of Greenwich to the East and the London Borough of Bromley to the South. Generally, development is of a low scale and density with a suburban feel and the character of the Eastern Sub-Area transitions from north to south from a discernible village at Blackheath with a mixture of sizes of housing, to Victorian terraces in Lee and then 20th centuryDraft suburbs in Grove Park in the South. Over the next 20 years it is anticipated that growth will be relatively moderate, with the potential to provide approximately 1,000 new homes. There are likely to be concentrations of growth around town centres – particularly within Lee Green and Grove Park – that offer the opportunity to provide new and improved public spaces as part of any future development.

Provision Greenspace The eastern sub-area enjoys Lewisham’s largest greenspace – The Metropolitan Park of Blackheath (83 hectares) – as well as proximity to Greenwich Park, another large Metropolitan Page 120 55i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

Park that adjoins Blackheath, and is located just beyond the sub-area and borough boundary in the London Borough of Greenwich.

There are three other Local Parks in the area of a significant size – Manor House Gardens (4 hectares), Northbrook Park (4 hectares) and Chinbrook Meadows (11 hectares) – as well as the accessible Grove Park Nature Reserve (5 hectares). All four of these spaces are of a ‘good’ quality. Manor House Gardens is a site with particular significance as an island of provision in an otherwise under-provided part of the borough, serving the south-east of Lewisham Town Centre. Manor Park, located directly South of Lewisham Town Centre, is small (1.3 hectares) but also plays an important strategic role for the Town Centre.

The eastern sub-area area also benefits from two parks located just beyond the eastern sub-area and borough boundary in Greenwich, Blackheath Park and .

The River Quaggy flows through the Eastern-Sub Area, through the open spaces of Manor House Gardens and Manor House.

There is an Area of Deficiency in Access to Local Parks in the eastern sub-area between Manor House Gardens and Northbrook Park, to the south of the A20 and the east-west Dartford Loop Railway Line that runs between Lewisham Town Centre and through Lee. There is another Area of Deficiency in Local Parks to the north-east of Manor House Gardens.

The central part of the eastern sub-area lies within an area of deficit to District Parks.

All of the main local parks in the eastern sub-area have a ‘good’ quality.

Playspace There is a significant Area of Deficiency in Access to all types of playspace in the north of the eastern sub-area. This is partly caused by Blackheath – the largest greenspace – not including a play area.

The Grove Park Library Park playground plays an important strategic role in the Grove Park Area.

As is the case throughout the borough, much of the sub-area lies within an Area of Deficiency of Access to Local Areas for Play. Natural Greenspace Draft There is a moderately sized Area of Deficiency in Access to Natural Greenspace that straddles the A205 around Lee District Centre.

Quality The key accessible open spaces in this area are of a ‘good’ quality – namely Chinbrook Meadows, Manor House Gardens, Manor House, Grove Park Nature Reserve and Northbrook Park.

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Walking and cycling access The A20 lies between Blackheath and Greenwich Park, which creates severance between the two open spaces.

The three railways within the Eastern Sub-Area – The South Eastern Mainline, The Dartford Loop Line and The North Kent Line (Blackheath) – as well as the Hither Green Traction Maintenance Depot, create severance and hinder access between open spaces and to the west of the eastern sub-area.

Access between Blackheath District Centre and Blackheath (the open space) is compromised by the presence of the east-west North Kent Railway Line that runs between Blackheath and Lewisham Railway Stations.

Improvement strategies Existing and future projects It will be important to ensure the delivery of new, publicly accessible open spaces on development sites including Lee Gate and Grove Park Centre, and the Council will continue to secure planning contributions from strategic sites to contribute to the continued improvements of open spaces within the area.

New play provision should be considered on Blackheath or nearby to address the deficiency in access to playspace in this area.

The Metropolitan Open Land from the South Circular to Grove Park offers a unique linear expanse of natural parkland along the railway cutting to its west and has the potential to drive green-infrastructure-led regeneration in Grove Park, not only providing wildlife habitat but also as a significant amenity for leisure and recreation and providing a number of ecosystem services, where nature-based solutions are embedded into future proposals to ensure issues of climate change and resource management are addressed. The Council is supportive of the emerging proposals from the Grove Park Neighbourhood Forum to promote these linked greenspaces as the ‘Grove Park Urban National Park’. The park includes the railway cutting which is thought to have inspired Edith Nesbitt’s famous children’s novel – The Railway Children (1906) – that she wrote when she lived nearby between 1894–1899.

Improving walking and cycling access Additional bridges across the River Quaggy should be considered in parks through which the river runs. Draft

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The historic origins of Lewisham’s parks and open spaces have influenced their character to this Mayow Park day. A few of the borough’s parks and open spaces were created in the 19th century, hand- drinking fountain in-hand with rapid urban growth andDraft an expanding population, a time when politicians began to recognise the health and well-being benefits of providing space for recreation within the urban environment. Examples of these are Mayow Park (1878) and Telegraph Hill Lower Park (1894). Many others were formerly the gardens of old private estates which were opened as public parks in the 20th century, such as Sydenham Wells Park (1901), Mountsfield Park (1905) and Beckenham Place Park (1927). Some parks in Lewisham have been created more recently on previously residential sites that became derelict in the post-war period. These include Fordham Park (1975) and Eckington Gardens Park (1981). Elsewhere, fields through which the Borough’s rivers flowed were left undeveloped due to regular flooding, as in the case of Ladywell Fields and River Pool Linear Park. Page 123 58i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

Two of the Council’s open spaces, Manor House Gardens and Grove Park Cemetery, are of particularly special architectural and historic interest, and are on Historic England’s Register of Parks and Gardens at grade II. Manor House Gardens formed the garden and landscaped pleasure grounds of the listed 18th century Manor House on Old Road, Lee, and an oval lake and an ice house survive from its original layout. Grove Park Cemetery is an unusual example of 1930s municipal cemetery design which combines formal and informal elements with Moderne and Art Deco influences. The cemetery retains most of its original buildings and structures, along with much of its structural planting. More information on both can be found at www.historicengland.org.uk and at www.thegardenstrust.org which is dedicated to protecting and conserving the heritage of designed landscapes, also offers more information.

Several of the borough’s parks and open spaces are located within Conservation Areas and contribute towards their special character (see map page 61). Conservation Area Appraisal Supplementary Planning Documents outline recommendations for the preservation and enhancement of the special character of historic parks within their areas. These are available to view at www.lewisham.gov.uk/planning.

In Lewisham there are also historic open spaces protected for use as ‘ornamental garden, pleasure ground or ground for play rest or recreation’ under the 1931 London Squares Preservation Act. One such example is the grassed enclosures at Rushey Green, which serve as a reminder of the area’s rural past and mark the path of a stream lined with mature trees that rose at Catford and flowed northwards.

The Council promotes the preservation, restoration and reinstatement of historic features of value in parks and open spaces. It also seeks to increase the provision of interpretation facilities within parks that explain the origins and historic features of parks. These are greatly valued by visitors and they add interest and opportunities for greater understanding of places.

Heritage Lottery Fund grants are available for the restoration of historic parks and in 2016 Beckenham Place Park was awarded £4.7m Heritage Lottery Funding comdined with Big Lottery Funding. The works undertaken included the reinstatement of an 18th century lake for wild-swimming, and the restoration of a Grade II Listed stable block to include educational facilities. Draft

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The reinstated lake in Beckenham Place Park Draft

The restored Grade II Listed stable block in Beckenham Place Park Page 125 60i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

Lewisham Council borough wide conservation map

1. Deptford High Street 10. Brookmill Road 20. St Stephens and St Pauls Church Draft 11. Brockley 21. Belmont 2. St Marys 12. Telegraph Hill 22. Sydenham Thorpes 3. Lee Manor 13. Jews Walk 23. Perryfields 4. Grove 14. Forest Hill 24. Beckenham Place Park 5. Sydenham Hill 15. Somerset Gardens 25. Sydenham Park 6. Cobbs Corner 16. St Johns 26. Blackheath 7. Halifax 17. Hatcham 27. Deptford Creekside 8. Stanstead Grove 18. Deptford Town Hall 28. Parry Vale and Christmas Estate 9. Culverley Green 19. Ladywell 29. Lewisham Park Page 126 61i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025


The tributaries of the River Thames that are located in Lewisham – The Ravensbourne, The River Pool and The River Quaggy which to the north of their merging points become Deptford Creek, contribute significantly to the character of the Borough. They provide attractive amenity space, walking and cycling corridors and biodiversity. As described earlier in this strategy, award winning river restoration schemes have already been implemented in the Borough and there are more proposed in Lewisham Town Centre as part of future developments. Along the north-eastern tip of the Borough there is also a short stretch of the River Thames which is a highly valuable amenity feature.

The Council supports improving access to and along rivers, river restoration and naturalisation of river surfaces to maximise the environmental and social benefits of rivers and The River Corridor Improvement Plan SPD (2015) provides further detail on its river improvement strategies.

Source: The River Corridor Improvement Plan SPD (2015), available on the Council’s planning webpages Draft

The River Pool Page 127 62i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

Appendix: Supporting evidence Strategic context: National, London Plan and local

National and London Plan planning policy: l Revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 2018, MHCLG

l National Planning Guidance, Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG), including Guidance for the Natural environment, Climate change, Design, Health and Wellbeing and Open space, sports and recreation facilities, public rights of way and local green space

l The London Plan, Mayor of London, 2016, and The Draft London Plan, 2017

l The London Environment Strategy 7, Mayor of London, May 2018

l The All London Green Grid Supplementary Planning Guidance including the ALGG Area Framework 6 that focuses on the South East London Green Chain

l Shaping Neighbourhoods: Play And Informal Recreation, Supplementary Planning Guidance to the London Plan , September 2012

l Open Space Strategies Best Practice Guidance, Mayor of London and CABE Space, 2009 Draft

Pepys park Page 128 63i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

National Policy Context The revised NPPF (2018) provides the principal national planning policy for open space and green infrastructure. It places particular emphasis on its role in promoting healthy and safe communities, and conserving and enhancing the natural environment. In response, open space policies for Lewisham should:

l provide good and equitable access to high quality open spaces to support the health and wellbeing of communities

l proactively plan for the creation, protection, enhancement and management of networks of green infrastructure to improve physical and ecological connectivity, and promote biodiversity and nature conservation

l be based on robust and up-to-date assessments of the need for open space, sport and recreation facilities, including quantitative or qualitative deficits or surpluses, as well as providing opportunities for new provision

l identify the potential for designating specific sites as Local Green Spaces through Local and Neighbourhood plans.

The revised NPPF (2018) provides further emphasis on the role of open space planning to support the communities’ health, social and cultural well-being and particularly where this is able to address identified local health and well-being needs. This can be through the provision of safe and accessible green infrastructure including networks that encourage walking and cycling. More effective use should be made of sites that provide community services, such as schools and hospitals, and offer access to open spaces. Green infrastructure should also be proactively planned to mitigate the impacts of climate change, improve air quality and reduce the risk of flooding.

Regional Policy Context Regional policy set out in the London Plan (2016). The Mayor of London’s vision is for the capital to excel among global cities – expanding opportunities for all its people and enterprises, achieving the highest environmental standards and quality of life and leading the world in its approach to tackling the urban challenges of the 21st century, particularly that of climate change.

A city of diverse, strong, secure and accessible neighbourhoods to which Londoners feel attached, which provides all of its residents,Draft workers, visitors and students – whatever their origin, background, age or status – with opportunities to realise and express their potential, and a high quality environment for individuals to enjoy, live together and thrive.

A city that delights the senses and takes care of its buildings and streets, having the best of modern architecture while also making the most of London’s built heritage, and which makes the most of and extends its wealth of open and green spaces, natural environment and waterways, improving Londoners’ health and welfare.

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The London plan deals with London’s living places and spaces, and there are policies for ‘place shaping’, protecting open space, the natural environment and landscape.

The plan also provides strategic regional open space and green infrastructure planning policy – particularly Policy 2.18 Green Infrastructure: the multi-functional network of green and open spaces. This policy seeks to protect, promote, expand and manage the extent and quality of and access to London’s network of green infrastructure to secure a wide range of social, environmental and economic benefits.

In response, open space policies for Lewisham should align with the planning and investment objectives of the All London Green Grid (ALGG), with specific priorities set out in ALGG Area Framework 6 for South East London and the Green Chain. It should be noted that the strategic objectives for Area 6 are:

l enhance distinctive visitor destinations and boost the visitor economy

l promote healthy living and sustainable food production

l promote green skills and sustainable design, management and maintenance

l increase access to open space, the Green Belt and the urban fringe

l conserve the landscape and the natural environment, and increase access to nature

l adapt to climate change and make sustainable travel connections

l ensure new development proposals provide additional green infrastructure that contributes, and is connected, to Lewisham’s existing open space networks – including the Green Chain, and particularly where these open spaces are publicly accessible

l incorporate all forms of green infrastructure and open space assets, and carefully consider aspects of design, funding and long-term management

l take account of local biodiversity action plans, and avoid adverse impacts on biodiversity and the natural environment throughDraft the development process. ALGG Area 6 strategic opportunities The All London Green Grid (ALGG) is a policy framework to promote the design and delivery of ‘green infrastructure’ across London. A review of the All London Green Grid is currently under way. A review of the conclusions and recommendations contained within the Lewisham Open Space Assessment report might be required once the review of the All London Green Grid has been completed.

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The ALGG Area 6 identifies a number of strategic projects that influence the provision of, and access to, greenspace across Lewisham.

Opportunity 1 - The Waterlink Way; proposes the creation of a connected park system along the valley of the Ravensbourne and Pool rivers. Proposals include the reinstatement of natural channels, improving habitats, creating an exemplary green transport route and creating a link southwards into the London Borough of Bromley.

Opportunity 2 - The Quaggy River route; would reinstate a natural river along the river valley with natural banks and meanders, creating additional flood storage capacity.

Opportunity 3 – The South East London Green Chain; would promote and enhance the South East London Green Chain route, improving extensions and linkages into Lewisham’s green spaces.

Opportunity 11 – Deptford Links; would improve connections and open space quality in Deptford, Deptford Creek, New Cross and New Cross Gate through establishing new connections with the Thames and the Surrey Canal.

The ALGG proposes a number of projects, the execution of which would help to deliver these strategic objectives.

l Green Chain Walk ’Making the Links’: a network of footpaths linking greenspaces with the SE London Green Chain across boroughs in south-east London. This project has not received any funding to date and there is currently no arrangement in place to co-ordinate or support its delivery

l Quaggy corridor: works to the river channel at Mottingham Farm, Sydenham Cottages Nature Reserve and Sydenham Cottages. There is currently no identified funding source to deliver this project

l Waterlink Way and Deptford Links: improvements to signage and walking and cycling infrastructure between Deptford Creek, Greenwich Park, Blackheath, Lewisham and Lower Sydenham and adjoining green spaces, including Beckenham Place Park, Hilly Fields, Ladywell Fields and Mountsfield Park ; flood risk management within the River Ravensbourne between Lewisham and Catford; connections to green spaces in Deptford and the Surrey Canal. Much of this original project has been delivered – it will continue to be delivered along the LewishamDraft Links project that is planned for the south of the borough

A number of other publicly inaccessible greenspace linkages can be identified along transport corridors across the borough. The main railway lines between London Bridge, New Cross and Forest Hill and between London Bridge, Lewisham and Grove Park do not have public access but all act as significant wildlife corridors and include a number of linked Sites of Importance to Nature Conservation (SINC). Further railway line corridors between Nunhead, Catford Bridge and Bellingham include a number of un-designated sites with less well-established connectivity.

Page 131 66i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

The London Environment Strategy (2018) is the first integrated strategy to combine specific policies for air quality, green infrastructure, climate change mitigation and energy; waste, adapting to climate change, ambient noise and the low carbon circular economy. Lewisham’s open space network and environmental assets can make a significant contribution to delivering these policies for which the GLA will provide a variety of grants and resources. In particular this should take account of areas of known deficiency in access to local and district public open space provision.

The Mayor of London has committed to make the capital the world’s first National Park City and Lewisham can proactively seek to support this initiative by aligning open space planning policy and provision across the borough that will contribute to making London a city which:

l is greener in the long-term than it is today, and where people and nature are better connected

l protects the core network of parks and green spaces, and where buildings and public spaces aren’t defined only by stone, brick, concrete, glass and steel

l is rich with wildlife, where every child benefits from exploring, playing and learning outdoors. Where everyone can enjoy high-quality green spaces, clean air and clean waterways, and where more people choose to walk and cycle

Policies should encourage greater participation and involvement by Londoners in the protection and enhancement of the natural environment at the neighbourhood level. Recent research published in the State of UK Public Parks reports (2014, 2016) indicate that the management and resourcing of parks and open spaces will become increasingly mixed and varied. Community groups, charitable organisations and the private sector are expected to take greater responsibility in funding and managing open spaces in the future. This is particularly evident for formal sports sites and clubs, community gardens and small neighbourhood spaces, nature conservation sites and allotments.

Shaping Neighbourhoods: Play and Informal Recreation, Supplementary Planning Guidance, September 2012 Draft

Page 132 67i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

Local policy context In recognising the strategic importance of the natural environment to accommodate growth, promote public health and well-being, build resilience and help mitigate the impacts of climate change, the London Borough of Lewisham will adopt a Parks and Open Space Strategy that will articulate the Council’s specific aims for parks and open spaces.

This strategy has involved wide ranging consultation with other services and sectors, service users and the general public. The strategy will address the key issues and opportunities facing the borough and will help protect, enhance, guide and manage open spaces and green infrastructure. It has been shaped by Lewisham’s local policies that align with national and regional policy and guidance.

Figure: Policy hierarchy

Corporate Strategy 2018–2020

People, prosperity, place, Lewisham’s Health and Lewisham’s Regeneration Wellbeing Strategy Draft Strategy 2008–2020 refresh 2015–2018

Lewisham Core Strategy, Local Development Framework Lewisham Climate Lewisham Local Plan A safe Lewisham – Emergency Strategic a plan for 2018–19 Action Plan 2020-2030

A Natural Renaissance for Lewisham Outdoor Lewisham, Biodiversity Playing Pitch Action Plan 2015–2020 Strategy

Open Space Assessment Parks and Open Space 2019DraftStrategy 2019

Page 133 68i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

London Borough of Lewisham planning policy and strategies:

l Lewisham Corporate Strategy 2018-2022

l Lewisham Core Strategy, Local Development Framework, adopted June 2011

l Lewisham Local Plan, draft for public consultation, October 2015

l People, Prosperity, Place, Lewisham’s Regeneration Strategy 2008-2020

l Lewisham Health and Wellbeing Strategy Draft Refresh 2015-18

l Lewisham Leisure and Open Space Study, May 2010

l Lewisham Open Space Strategy 2012-2017

l A Natural Renaissance for Lewisham 2015-2020 (Borough endorsed Biodiversity Action Plan)

l Lewisham Outdoor Playing Pitch Strategy (June 2019)

l River Corridor Improvement SPD (September 2015)

l Lewisham Cycle Strategy (2017)

The Corporate Strategy 2018–2022 sets out how the Council plans to deliver for residents over the four-year period. The policies have been chosen to show how in a time of austerity the Council can still make a positive change to people’s lives and to protect the identities of neighbourhoods so that Lewisham can continue to be a place where people love to live.

Lewisham Council will build on its historic values of fairness, equality and putting the communities at the heart of decision-making. The Council’s vision is to develop its inclusive tradition of working alongside residents and community, voluntary and faith groups and to call this partnership approach the ‘Lewisham Way.’

The strategy aspires to deliver for people and place by joining up green spaces with ecological recreational routes, as well as creating a mix of low traffic, cycle and pedestrian-friendly ‘healthy streets’ and neighbourhoods.Draft The seven corporate priorities are: 1. Open Lewisham Lewisham is a welcoming place of safety for all where we celebrate the diversity that strengthens us.

2. Tackling the housing crisis Everyone has a decent home that is secure and affordable.

Page 134 69i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

3. Giving children and young people the best start in life Every child has access to an outstanding and inspiring education and is given the support they need to keep them safe, well and able to achieve their full potential.

4. Building an inclusive local economy Everyone can access high-quality job opportunities, with decent pay and security in our thriving and inclusive local economy.

5. Delivering and defending: health, social care and support Ensuring everyone receives the health, mental health, social care and support services they need.

6. Making Lewisham greener Everyone enjoys our green spaces and benefits from a healthy environment as we work to protect and improve our local environment.

7. Building safer communities Every resident feels safe and secure living here as we work together towards a borough free from the fear of crime.

The sixth priority is to make Lewisham greener so that, “Everyone can enjoy and benefit from a healthy environment”. This policy commits the Council to the preservation of award-winning green spaces, increasing the use of environmentally friendly transport options, and promotes better care for the local environment and the planet.

In recognition of the efforts of local community groups who have worked to protect and enhance the borough’s parks and open spaces, the Council has established a new Greening Fund.

This acknowledges that Lewisham benefits from a number of Green Flag Award winning parks and open spaces, and the strategy emphasises the importance of attractive, liveable, accessible and safe neighbourhoods.

The Greening Fund is resourced by Section 106, which is a financial contribution negotiated from developers to make civic improvements that are needed as a result of their development. This fund provides a structured approach for park groups to apply for S106 money so they can focus on local priorities, build their capacity and work with the Parks Team in a collaborative and responsive way. It will speed up investment in parks and open spaces and will help deliver the Local Democracy Review that aims to:

l Enhance openness and transparency

l  Draft Further develop public involvement in Council decisions

l Promote effective decision-making.

Page 135 70i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

The Regeneration Strategy for Lewisham is structured around a set of specific objectives for ‘People, Prosperity and Place’.

Following significant investment and improvements to Beckenham Park, and taking account of established aims including two separate Open Space Strategies (2005–2010 and 2012–2017), the regeneration strategy emphasises the need to:

l protect open space in Lewisham from inappropriate development

l enhance and improve the level of quality of open space in Lewisham

l improve accessibility of open spaces to promote greater social inclusion

l build on the role of open spaces in sustaining the health and well-being of residents

l reduce the fear of crime in open spaces, making Lewisham a safer place.


Blythe Hill Fields Page 136 71i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

Open space needs An online web-based parks and open space consultation survey was undertaken in October and November 2018. A total of 806 residents/respondents participated in the survey. The survey asked respondents’ views on current levels of provision, the quality of this provision and the specific focus for the future development and management of open space across the borough. (Full survey summary Appendix 3)

What is the current condition of Lewisham’s parks?

4% Good


Poor 46%


Over 96% of respondents thought that the current condition of Lewisham’s parks was either ‘good’ or ‘fair’.

Condition trend over the last 3 years?

Improved 39% 16%

Same 45% 39% DraftWorse 16%

39% of respondents thought that the condition of 45% Lewisham’s parks had improved over the past three years. 45% felt that their condition had stayed the same. Page 137 72i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

The vast majority of respondents who participated in the survey hold their local parks in high regard and value the contribution that they make to their neighbourhood. Respondents’ experience of the condition of parks in Lewisham is very positive and 39% feel that condition has improved in the last three years. Respondents have a range of views in respect of the function of parks but the majority feel that they should be inclusive, provide a range of offers and support a variety of functions and activities.

l 66% of respondents were in the 30-56 age range. 62% of respondents were female.

l Over 83% of respondents walked to their local park and over 63% felt that it was important to have a park within five minutes’ walk of home, emphasising the importance of local open space provision.

l Over 95% felt that parks and open spaces made neighbourhoods good places to live.

l Around 95% of respondents felt that parks should provide access to nature and help to reduce air pollution.

l High percentages of respondents felt that safety, security, good facilities - such as toilets, café and equipment (e.g. bins and benches)- and good play provision for children were all highly important.

l The value of, and need for, good quality maintenance, cleanliness, and safety attracted the most written comments. Formally protecting parks and the enforcement of by-laws and public space protection orders was considered important, as well as trying to provide a visible presence in parks to combat antisocial behaviour.

l Overall the value of the parks as places for quiet relaxation and access to nature and wildlife was the fourth most significant comment from respondents, who rank spending to support nature conservationDraft as the highest priority.

Page 138 73i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

Areas for quiet relaxation


500 550



200 171 100 38 59 0 Important Moderately Slightly Not important important important

Promotion of educational engagement e.g. nature walks and school groups 300

250 259 259

200 184 150

100 Draft 96 50

0 Important Moderately Slightly Not important important important

Page 139 74i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

Promotion of organised physical activity 600

571 500




100 157 44 28 0 Important Moderately Slightly Not important important important

Used by all members of the local community 600

571 500



200 Draft

100 157 44 28 0 Important Moderately Slightly Not important important important

Page 140 75i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

Used for growing food 250

231 200 226 200


139 100


0 Important Moderately Slightly Not important important important

Used for hosting events 250 246

200 225

150 165 162 100 Draft


0 Important Moderately Slightly Not important important important

Page 141 76i Parks and open spaces strategy 2020–2025

What to prioritise spending on

Improve safety 63

More new cafés 27

Run more events 10

Manage sites with less pesticides 20

Manage sites for wildlife and nature conservation 344

Improve and build more play facilities 133

Develop more opportunities to be 17 involved i.e. volunteering Improve and build more outdoor gyms and 35 other sports facilities

Improve and build more toilet facilities 65

Improve signs and information 4

Improve landcaspe 16 gardening Draft Prevent ooding 8

Protect historically important parks 58

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

Page 142 77i A New Strategy For Parks & Open Spaces In Lewisham (Autumn 2018) - Your Chance To Have Your Say: Summary report

This report was created on Tuesday 06 November 2018 at 13:30.

The consultation ran from 24/08/2018 to 28/10/2018.


Question 1: How often do you visit a park or open space in Lewisham in the autumn/winter? 3 How often do you visit? 3 Question 2: How often do you visit a park or open space in Lewisham in the spring/summer? 3 How often spring/summer 3 Question 3: Which park or open space is closest to you? 4 Which park or open space is closest to you? 4 Question 4: Which park or open space do you visit most often? 4 Which park or open space do you visit most often? 4 Question 5: How would you normally travel there? 4 How you get there 4 Question 6: How important are the following when using your park or open space? 5 How important are the following factors when using your park or open space? - My local park or open space is within 5 5 minutes walk from my home How important are the following factors when using your park or open space? - A larger park or open space is within 20 5 minutes walk from home How important are the following factors when using your park or open space? - Areas for quiet relaxation 6 How important are the following factors when using your park or open space? - Promotion of organised physical activity 6 How important are the following factors when using your park or open space? - Promotion of educational engagement e.g. 7 nature walks and school groups How important are the following factors when using your park or open space? - Used by all members of the local community7 How important are the following factors when using your park or open space? - Growing food 8 How important are the following factors when using your park or open space? - Used for hosting events 8 How important are the following factors when using your park or open space? - It makes the neighbourhood a good place to 9 live Question 7: What else is important to you when using parks and opens spaces? 9 what else is important to you 9 Question 8: What do you think is the current condition of public parks in Lewisham? 9 What is the current condition of public parks in Lewisham? 9 Question 9: What do you consider to be the trend in the condition of public parks in Lewisham over the past three years? 10 What do you consider to be the trend in the condition of public parks in Lewisham over the past three years? 10 Question 10: To what extent do you agree that the following are important to help assess the quality of parks and open spaces in 10 Lewisham? What is important to help assess quality - Welcoming environment for all i.e. noise, safe/secure, lighting and disabled 10 access What is important to help assess quality - Good facilities such as toilets and cafes 11 What is important to help assess quality - Good equipment such as lighting, bins and benches 11 What is important to help assess quality - Good facilities for children and young people 12 What is important to help assess quality - Good playing pitches and games areas 12 What is important to help assess quality - Cleanliness i.e. standard of maintenance, litter collection, no dog fouling 13 What is important to help assess quality - Accessible up-to-date information including signs and notice boards 13 What is important to help assess quality - A variety of natural features i.e. meadows, woodland and open/running water 14 What is important to help assess quality - Formal landscaped areas that include seasonal planting and flower displays 14 Question 11: Are there other factors we should use to assess the quality of parks and open spaces in Lewisham? 15 Are there other factors we should use to assess the quality of parks and open spaces in Lewisham? 15 Are there other ways to assess the quality of parks and open spaces? 15 Question 12: Do you agree that the following are important benefits of parks and open spaces? 15 What is important - Providing a variety of flowers, plants and trees 15 What is important - Providing access to nature and a home for wildlife 16 What is important - Preventing flooding 16 What is important - Helping reduce poulltion and improve air qualityPage 143 17

Page 1 What is important - Lowering the summer temperature in built up areas 17 Question 13: Are there any other areas that you think we should consider? 18 Are there any other things that make good parks and open spaces that you think we should include? 18 What else? 18 Question 14: Which of the areas below do you think we should prioritise in our spending plans (please select a maximum of four 19 areas)? Ranking of 'Most important to spend money on' 19 Most important to spend money on - Managing sites for wildlife and nature conservation 20 Most important to spend money on - Improve and build more play facilities 20 Most important to spend money on - Developing more opportunities to be involved i.e. volunteering 21 Most important to spend money on - Improve and build more outdoor gyms and other sports facilities 21 Most important to spend money on - Improve and build more toilet facilities 22 Most important to spend money on - More new cafes 22 Most important to spend money on - Managing sites with less pesticides 23 Most important to spend money on - Improve safety 23 Most important to spend money on - Run more events 24 Most important to spend money on - Improve signs and information 24 Most important to spend money on - Improve landscape gardening 25 Most important to spend money on - Prevent flooding 25 Most important to spend money on - Protect historically important parks 26 Question 15: Are there any other areas that you think we should prioritise in our spending plans? 26 Are there any other areas that you think we should prioritise in our spending plans? 26 Are there any other ways to spend money in parks and open spaces you think we should consider 26 Question 16: Do you have any other comments you would like to make about Lewisham's parks and open spaces? 26 Do you have any other comments you would like to make about Lewisham's Parks and Open Spaces? 26 Do you have any other comments? 27 Question 17: Would you like to be more involved in the future, for example would you be interested in the following? 27 interested in being involved 27 Question 18: So we can analyse the findings by different locations in the borough, please can you provide your postcode? 27 Please add your post code 27 Question 19: Are you responding as a: 28 Who are you responding as? 28 Question 20: Introduction 28 Consent 28 Question 21: What is your age? 29 Age 29 Question 22: What is your sex? 30 Please select one of the following from the dropdown list: 30 Sex identity - other 30 Question 23: Is your gender identity different from the gender you were assigned at birth? 31 Transgender 31 Question 24: What is your ethnicity? 31 Ethnicity - White 31 Ethnicity - Mixed or multiple ethnic groups 31 Ethnicity - Asian or Asian British 32 Ethnicity - Black African, Black Caribbean, Black British or any other Black background 32 Ethnicity 32 Ethnicity - Other 33 Ethnicity - Other 33 Question 25: Are you pregnant or on maternity leave? 33 Please select one of the following from the dropdown list: 33 Question 26: How would you define your sexual orientation? 33 Please select one of the following from the dropdown list: 33 Sexual Orientation - Other 34 Question 27: Disability 34 Disability - Do you consider yourself to be a disabled person? 34 Disability Type - How would you describe your disability? 34 Disability Type - Other 35 Access Requirements - Do you have any access requirements? 35 Access Requirements - Other Page 144 35

Page 2 Question 28: What is your religious belief? 36 Please select one of the following from the dropdown list: 36 Religion and Belief - Other 36

Question 1: How often do you visit a park or open space in Lewisham in the autumn/winter?

How often do you visit?


Once or twice a week

Once or twice a month

Once or twice


Not Answered

0 365 Option Total Percent Daily 302 37.47% Once or twice a week 365 45.29% Once or twice a month 112 13.90% Once or twice 20 2.48% Never 7 0.87% Not Answered 0 0%

Question 2: How often do you visit a park or open space in Lewisham in the spring/summer?

How often spring/summer


Once or twice a week

Once or twice a month

Once or twice


Not Answered

0 415

Page 145

Page 3 Option Total Percent Daily 415 51.49% Once or twice a week 328 40.69% Once or twice a month 48 5.96% Once or twice 14 1.74% Never 1 0.12% Not Answered 0 0%

Question 3: Which park or open space is closest to you?

Which park or open space is closest to you?

There were 803 responses to this part of the question.

Question 4: Which park or open space do you visit most often?

Which park or open space do you visit most often?

There were 805 responses to this part of the question.

Question 5: How would you normally travel there?

How you get there



Public transport



Not Answered

0 676

Page 146

Page 4 Option Total Percent Car/motorbike 73 9.06% Walk 676 83.87% Public transport 10 1.24% Cycle 43 5.33% Other 3 0.37% Not Answered 1 0.12%

Question 6: How important are the following when using your park or open space?

How important are the following factors when using your park or open space? - My local park or open space is within 5 minutes walk from my home


Moderately important

Slightly important

Not important

Not Answered

0 515 Option Total Percent Important 515 63.90% Moderately important 189 23.45% Slightly important 56 6.95% Not important 41 5.09% Not Answered 5 0.62%

How important are the following factors when using your park or open space? - A larger park or open space is within 20 minutes walk from home


Moderately important

Slightly important

Not important

Not Answered

0 508

Page 147

Page 5 Option Total Percent Important 508 63.03% Moderately important 198 24.57% Slightly important 53 6.58% Not important 38 4.71% Not Answered 9 1.12%

How important are the following factors when using your park or open space? - Areas for quiet relaxation


Moderately important

Slightly important

Not important

Not Answered

0 550 Option Total Percent Important 550 68.24% Moderately important 171 21.22% Slightly important 59 7.32% Not important 21 2.61% Not Answered 5 0.62%

How important are the following factors when using your park or open space? - Promotion of organised physical activity


Moderately important

Slightly important

Not important

Not Answered

0 239

Page 148

Page 6 Option Total Percent Important 239 29.65% Moderately important 208 25.81% Slightly important 174 21.59% Not important 177 21.96% Not Answered 8 0.99%

How important are the following factors when using your park or open space? - Promotion of educational engagement e.g. nature walks and school groups


Moderately important

Slightly important

Not important

Not Answered

0 259 Option Total Percent Important 259 32.13% Moderately important 259 32.13% Slightly important 184 22.83% Not important 96 11.91% Not Answered 8 0.99%

How important are the following factors when using your park or open space? - Used by all members of the local community


Moderately important

Slightly important

Not important

Not Answered

0 571

Page 149

Page 7 Option Total Percent Important 571 70.84% Moderately important 157 19.48% Slightly important 44 5.46% Not important 28 3.47% Not Answered 6 0.74%

How important are the following factors when using your park or open space? - Growing food


Moderately important

Slightly important

Not important

Not Answered

0 231 Option Total Percent Important 139 17.25% Moderately important 200 24.81% Slightly important 231 28.66% Not important 226 28.04% Not Answered 10 1.24%

How important are the following factors when using your park or open space? - Used for hosting events


Moderately important

Slightly important

Not important

Not Answered

0 246

Page 150

Page 8 Option Total Percent Important 165 20.47% Moderately important 246 30.52% Slightly important 225 27.92% Not important 162 20.10% Not Answered 8 0.99%

How important are the following factors when using your park or open space? - It makes the neighbourhood a good place to live


Moderately important

Slightly important

Not important

Not Answered

0 767 Option Total Percent Important 767 95.16% Moderately important 30 3.72% Slightly important 3 0.37% Not important 0 0% Not Answered 6 0.74%

Question 7: What else is important to you when using parks and opens spaces? what else is important to you

There were 725 responses to this part of the question.

Question 8: What do you think is the current condition of public parks in Lewisham?

What is the current condition of public parks in Lewisham?




Not Answered

0 397

Page 151

Page 9 Option Total Percent Good 373 46.28% Fair 397 49.26% Poor 33 4.09% Not Answered 3 0.37%

Question 9: What do you consider to be the trend in the condition of public parks in Lewisham over the past three years?

What do you consider to be the trend in the condition of public parks in Lewisham over the past three years?




Not Answered

0 362 Option Total Percent Improved 314 38.96% Same 362 44.91% Worse 126 15.63% Not Answered 4 0.50%

Question 10: To what extent do you agree that the following are important to help assess the quality of parks and open spaces in Lewisham?

What is important to help assess quality - Welcoming environment for all i.e. noise, safe/secure, lighting and disabled access


Neither agree nor disagree


Don't know

Not Answered

0 733

Page 152

Page 10 Option Total Percent Agree 733 90.94% Neither agree nor disagree 54 6.70% Disagree 12 1.49% Don't know 3 0.37% Not Answered 4 0.50%

What is important to help assess quality - Good facilities such as toilets and cafes


Neither agree nor disagree


Don't know

Not Answered

0 632 Option Total Percent Agree 632 78.41% Neither agree nor disagree 125 15.51% Disagree 42 5.21% Don't know 3 0.37% Not Answered 4 0.50%

What is important to help assess quality - Good equipment such as lighting, bins and benches


Neither agree nor disagree


Don't know

Not Answered

0 703

Page 153

Page 11 Option Total Percent Agree 703 87.22% Neither agree nor disagree 68 8.44% Disagree 28 3.47% Don't know 2 0.25% Not Answered 5 0.62%

What is important to help assess quality - Good facilities for children and young people


Neither agree nor disagree


Don't know

Not Answered

0 679 Option Total Percent Agree 679 84.24% Neither agree nor disagree 97 12.03% Disagree 23 2.85% Don't know 4 0.50% Not Answered 3 0.37%

What is important to help assess quality - Good playing pitches and games areas


Neither agree nor disagree


Don't know

Not Answered

0 497

Page 154

Page 12 Option Total Percent Agree 497 61.66% Neither agree nor disagree 253 31.39% Disagree 41 5.09% Don't know 13 1.61% Not Answered 3 0.37%

What is important to help assess quality - Cleanliness i.e. standard of maintenance, litter collection, no dog fouling


Neither agree nor disagree


Don't know

Not Answered

0 752 Option Total Percent Agree 752 93.30% Neither agree nor disagree 25 3.10% Disagree 23 2.85% Don't know 3 0.37% Not Answered 3 0.37%

What is important to help assess quality - Accessible up-to-date information including signs and notice boards


Neither agree nor disagree


Don't know

Not Answered

0 480

Page 155

Page 13 Option Total Percent Agree 480 59.55% Neither agree nor disagree 266 33.00% Disagree 51 6.33% Don't know 5 0.62% Not Answered 5 0.62%

What is important to help assess quality - A variety of natural features i.e. meadows, woodland and open/running water


Neither agree nor disagree


Don't know

Not Answered

0 663 Option Total Percent Agree 663 82.26% Neither agree nor disagree 123 15.26% Disagree 13 1.61% Don't know 2 0.25% Not Answered 5 0.62%

What is important to help assess quality - Formal landscaped areas that include seasonal planting and flower displays


Neither agree nor disagree


Don't know

Not Answered

0 364

Page 156

Page 14 Option Total Percent Agree 364 45.16% Neither agree nor disagree 332 41.19% Disagree 100 12.41% Don't know 5 0.62% Not Answered 5 0.62%

Question 11: Are there other factors we should use to assess the quality of parks and open spaces in Lewisham?

Are there other factors we should use to assess the quality of parks and open spaces in Lewisham?



Not Answered

0 368 Option Total Percent Yes 339 42.06% No 368 45.66% Not Answered 99 12.28%

Are there other ways to assess the quality of parks and open spaces?

There were 360 responses to this part of the question.

Question 12: Do you agree that the following are important benefits of parks and open spaces?

What is important - Providing a variety of flowers, plants and trees


Neither disagree nor agree


Don't know

Not Answered

0 699

Page 157

Page 15 Option Total Percent Agree 699 86.72% Neither disagree nor agree 94 11.66% Disagree 8 0.99% Don't know 2 0.25% Not Answered 3 0.37%

What is important - Providing access to nature and a home for wildlife


Neither disagree nor agree


Don't know

Not Answered

0 765 Option Total Percent Agree 765 94.91% Neither disagree nor agree 38 4.71% Disagree 1 0.12% Don't know 0 0% Not Answered 3 0.37%

What is important - Preventing flooding


Neither disagree nor agree


Don't know

Not Answered

0 599

Page 158

Page 16 Option Total Percent Agree 599 74.32% Neither disagree nor agree 161 19.98% Disagree 14 1.74% Don't know 27 3.35% Not Answered 6 0.74%

What is important - Helping reduce poulltion and improve air quality


Neither disagree nor agree


Don't know

Not Answered

0 769 Option Total Percent Agree 769 95.41% Neither disagree nor agree 27 3.35% Disagree 5 0.62% Don't know 1 0.12% Not Answered 5 0.62%

What is important - Lowering the summer temperature in built up areas


Neither disagree nor agree


Don't know

Not Answered

0 614

Page 159

Page 17 Option Total Percent Agree 614 76.18% Neither disagree nor agree 143 17.74% Disagree 24 2.98% Don't know 20 2.48% Not Answered 5 0.62%

Question 13: Are there any other areas that you think we should consider?

Are there any other things that make good parks and open spaces that you think we should include?



Not Answered

0 410 Option Total Percent Yes 280 34.74% No 410 50.87% Not Answered 116 14.39%

What else?

There were 303 responses to this part of the question.

Page 160

Page 18 Question 14: Which of the areas below do you think we should prioritise in our spending plans (please select a maximum of four areas)?

Ranking of 'Most important to spend money on'

Managing sites for wildlife and nature conservation

Improve and build more play facilities

Improve and build more toilet facilities

Protect historically important parks

Improve safety

Improve and build more outdoor gyms and other sports facilities

More new cafes

Managing sites with less pesticides

Developing more opportunities to be involved i.e. volunteering

Improve landscape gardening

Prevent flooding

Run more events

Improve signs and information

0 2.44

Page 161

Page 19 Item Ranking Managing sites for wildlife and nature conservation 2.44 Improve and build more play facilities 1.31 Improve and build more toilet facilities 1.10 Protect historically important parks 0.89 Improve safety 0.84 Improve and build more outdoor gyms and other sports facilities 0.68 More new cafes 0.56 Managing sites with less pesticides 0.54 Developing more opportunities to be involved i.e. volunteering 0.51 Improve landscape gardening 0.43 Prevent flooding 0.24 Run more events 0.21 Improve signs and information 0.10

Most important to spend money on - Managing sites for wildlife and nature conservation





Not Answered

0 344 Option Total Percent 1 344 42.68% 2 114 14.14% 3 86 10.67% 4 73 9.06% Not Answered 189 23.45%

Most important to spend money on - Improve and build more play facilities





Not Answered

0 442

Page 162

Page 20 Option Total Percent 1 133 16.50% 2 110 13.65% 3 71 8.81% 4 50 6.20% Not Answered 442 54.84%

Most important to spend money on - Developing more opportunities to be involved i.e. volunteering





Not Answered

0 620 Option Total Percent 1 17 2.11% 2 53 6.58% 3 65 8.06% 4 51 6.33% Not Answered 620 76.92%

Most important to spend money on - Improve and build more outdoor gyms and other sports facilities





Not Answered

0 569

Page 163

Page 21 Option Total Percent 1 35 4.34% 2 72 8.93% 3 62 7.69% 4 68 8.44% Not Answered 569 70.60%

Most important to spend money on - Improve and build more toilet facilities





Not Answered

0 451 Option Total Percent 1 65 8.06% 2 120 14.89% 3 93 11.54% 4 77 9.55% Not Answered 451 55.96%

Most important to spend money on - More new cafes





Not Answered

0 618

Page 164

Page 22 Option Total Percent 1 27 3.35% 2 60 7.44% 3 59 7.32% 4 42 5.21% Not Answered 618 76.67%

Most important to spend money on - Managing sites with less pesticides





Not Answered

0 604 Option Total Percent 1 20 2.48% 2 54 6.70% 3 63 7.82% 4 65 8.06% Not Answered 604 74.94%

Most important to spend money on - Improve safety





Not Answered

0 524

Page 165

Page 23 Option Total Percent 1 63 7.82% 2 65 8.06% 3 79 9.80% 4 75 9.31% Not Answered 524 65.01%

Most important to spend money on - Run more events





Not Answered

0 719 Option Total Percent 1 10 1.24% 2 17 2.11% 3 20 2.48% 4 40 4.96% Not Answered 719 89.21%

Most important to spend money on - Improve signs and information





Not Answered

0 761

Page 166

Page 24 Option Total Percent 1 4 0.50% 2 6 0.74% 3 15 1.86% 4 20 2.48% Not Answered 761 94.42%

Most important to spend money on - Improve landscape gardening





Not Answered

0 638 Option Total Percent 1 16 1.99% 2 38 4.71% 3 57 7.07% 4 57 7.07% Not Answered 638 79.16%

Most important to spend money on - Prevent flooding





Not Answered

0 700

Page 167

Page 25 Option Total Percent 1 8 0.99% 2 13 1.61% 3 36 4.47% 4 49 6.08% Not Answered 700 86.85%

Most important to spend money on - Protect historically important parks





Not Answered

0 488 Option Total Percent 1 58 7.20% 2 72 8.93% 3 85 10.55% 4 103 12.78% Not Answered 488 60.55%

Question 15: Are there any other areas that you think we should prioritise in our spending plans?

Are there any other areas that you think we should prioritise in our spending plans?



Not Answered

0 434 Option Total Percent Yes 260 32.26% No 434 53.85% Not Answered 112 13.90%

Are there any other ways to spend money in parks and open spaces you think we should consider

There were 284 responses to this part of the question.

Question 16: Do you have any other comments you would like to make about Lewisham's parks and open spaces?

Do you have any other comments you would like to make about Lewisham's Parks and Open Spaces?



Not Answered 0 Page 168 412

Page 26 Option Total Percent Yes 309 38.34% No 412 51.12% Not Answered 85 10.55%

Do you have any other comments?

There were 337 responses to this part of the question.

Question 17: Would you like to be more involved in the future, for example would you be interested in the following? interested in being involved

Join or start a Friends Group for your local park? ( A Friends Group is a voluntary community

organisation with a particular interest in a park or open space in its neighbourhood)

Volunteer in parks and open spaces

Join or organise a community action day

Attend park events

Being kept informed through mail outs and newsletters

Not Answered

0 353 Option Total Percent

Join or start a Friends Group for your local park? ( A Friends Group is a voluntary community organisation with a particular 158 19.60% interest in a park or open space in its neighbourhood) Volunteer in parks and open spaces 188 23.33% Join or organise a community action day 108 13.40% Attend park events 340 42.18% Being kept informed through mail outs and newsletters 353 43.80% Not Answered 270 33.50%

Question 18: So we can analyse the findings by different locations in the borough, please can you provide your postcode?

Please add your post code

There were 766 responses to this part of the question.

Page 169

Page 27 Question 19: Are you responding as a:

Who are you responding as?

Lewisham resident

Business based in Lewisham

Lewisham resident and business based in Lewisham

Representing a voluntary/community organisation

Representing a public sector organisation

Not Answered

0 741 Option Total Percent Lewisham resident 741 91.94% Business based in Lewisham 5 0.62% Lewisham resident and business based in Lewisham 18 2.23% Representing a voluntary/community organisation 19 2.36% Representing a public sector organisation 4 0.50% Not Answered 19 2.36%

Question 20: Introduction


Yes - I consent for my personal data to be used for the purposes described above

No - I do not consent for my personal data to be used for the purposes described above

Not Answered

0 635

Page 170

Page 28 Option Total Percent Yes - I consent for my personal data to be used for the purposes described above 635 78.78% No - I do not consent for my personal data to be used for the purposes described above 171 21.22% Not Answered 0 0%

Question 21: What is your age?


Under 18















Prefer not to say

Not Answered

0 122

Page 171

Page 29 Option Total Percent Under 18 3 0.37% 18-24 1 0.12% 25-29 25 3.10% 30-34 69 8.56% 35-39 122 15.14% 40-44 98 12.16% 45-49 91 11.29% 50-54 81 10.05% 55-59 85 10.55% 60-64 65 8.06% 65-69 44 5.46% 70-74 30 3.72% 75-79 14 1.74% 80-84 5 0.62% 85+ 3 0.37% Prefer not to say 11 1.36% Not Answered 59 7.32%

Question 22: What is your sex?

Please select one of the following from the dropdown list:



Prefer not to say

Other (Please describe below)

Not Answered

0 502 Option Total Percent Male 217 26.92% Female 502 62.28% Prefer not to say 25 3.10% Other (Please describe below) 2 0.25% Not Answered 60 7.44%

Sex identity - other

There were 3 responses to this part of the question.

Page 172

Page 30 Question 23: Is your gender identity different from the gender you were assigned at birth?


Yes my gender identity is different

No my gender identity is the same

Prefer not to say

Not Answered

0 616 Option Total Percent Yes my gender identity is different 6 0.74% No my gender identity is the same 616 76.43% Prefer not to say 39 4.84% Not Answered 145 17.99%

Question 24: What is your ethnicity?

Ethnicity - White



Gypsy or Irish Traveller

Any other White Background

Not Answered

0 514 Option Total Percent British 514 63.77% Irish 25 3.10% Gypsy or Irish Traveller 1 0.12% Any other White Background 102 12.66% Not Answered 164 20.35%

Ethnicity - Mixed or multiple ethnic groups

White and Black Caribbean

White and Black African

White and Asian

Any other mixed or multiple ethnic background

Not Answered

0 771

Page 173

Page 31 Option Total Percent White and Black Caribbean 10 1.24% White and Black African 3 0.37% White and Asian 5 0.62% Any other mixed or multiple ethnic background 17 2.11% Not Answered 771 95.66%

Ethnicity - Asian or Asian British





Any other Asian background

Not Answered

0 788 Option Total Percent Indian 5 0.62% Pakistani 3 0.37% Bangladeshi 0 0% Chinese 2 0.25% Any other Asian background 8 0.99% Not Answered 788 97.77%

Ethnicity - Black African, Black Caribbean, Black British or any other Black background



Any other Black, African or Caribbean background

Not Answered

0 787 Option Total Percent African 2 0.25% Caribbean 8 0.99% Any other Black, African or Caribbean background 9 1.12% Not Answered 787 97.64%


Prefer not to say

Not Answered

0 759 Page 174

Page 32 Option Total Percent Prefer not to say 47 5.83% Not Answered 759 94.17%

Ethnicity - Other

Other (Please describe below)

Not Answered

0 798 Option Total Percent Other (Please describe below) 8 0.99% Not Answered 798 99.01%

Ethnicity - Other

There were 16 responses to this part of the question.

Question 25: Are you pregnant or on maternity leave?

Please select one of the following from the dropdown list:

I am currently pregnant

I have been pregnant in the last six months

None of the above

Prefer not to say

Not Answered

0 627 Option Total Percent I am currently pregnant 13 1.61% I have been pregnant in the last six months 20 2.48% None of the above 627 77.79% Prefer not to say 34 4.22% Not Answered 112 13.90%

Question 26: How would you define your sexual orientation?

Please select one of the following from the dropdown list:

Straight or heterosexual

Gay or lesbian


Prefer not to say

Other (Please describe below)

Not Answered 0 Page 175 510

Page 33 Option Total Percent Straight or heterosexual 510 63.28% Gay or lesbian 45 5.58% Bisexual 13 1.61% Prefer not to say 103 12.78% Other (Please describe below) 4 0.50% Not Answered 131 16.25%

Sexual Orientation - Other

There were 6 responses to this part of the question.

Question 27: Disability

Disability - Do you consider yourself to be a disabled person?



Prefer not to say

Not Answered

0 622 Option Total Percent Yes 52 6.45% No 622 77.17% Prefer not to say 33 4.09% Not Answered 99 12.28%

Disability Type - How would you describe your disability?

Physical or mobility related

Visual or hearing related

Mental health condition

Cognitive or learning disability

Longstanding illness or health condition

Prefer not to say

Other (Please describe below)

Not Answered

0 721

Page 176

Page 34 Option Total Percent Physical or mobility related 18 2.23% Visual or hearing related 3 0.37% Mental health condition 10 1.24% Cognitive or learning disability 3 0.37% Longstanding illness or health condition 19 2.36% Prefer not to say 29 3.60% Other (Please describe below) 3 0.37% Not Answered 721 89.45%

Disability Type - Other

There were 6 responses to this part of the question.

Access Requirements - Do you have any access requirements?

Easy read


Chaperone/carer present

Step-free access

Accessible toilets

Wheelchair access

Prefer not to say

Other (Please describe below)

Not Answered

0 707 Option Total Percent Easy read 3 0.37% BSL/interpreter 0 0% Chaperone/carer present 3 0.37% Step-free access 16 1.99% Accessible toilets 7 0.87% Wheelchair access 6 0.74% Prefer not to say 38 4.71% Other (Please describe below) 26 3.23% Not Answered 707 87.72%

Access Requirements - Other

There were 16 responses to this part of the question.

Page 177

Page 35 Question 28: What is your religious belief?

Please select one of the following from the dropdown list:








Prefer not to say

Other (Please describe below)

Not Answered

0 395 Option Total Percent None 395 49.01% Buddhist 7 0.87% Christian 159 19.73% Hindu 1 0.12% Jewish 2 0.25% Muslim 0 0% Sikh 1 0.12% Prefer not to say 81 10.05% Other (Please describe below) 21 2.61% Not Answered 139 17.25%

Religion and Belief - Other

There were 20 responses to this part of the question.

Page 178

Page 36

Mayor and Cabinet

Report title: Comments of the Sustainable Development Select Committee on the parks and open space strategy

Date: 10 June 2020.

Key decision: No.

Class: Part 1.

Ward(s) affected: All.

Contributors: Sustainable Development Select Committee

Outline and recommendations This report informs the Mayor and Cabinet of the comments and views of the Sustainable Development Select Committee, arising from discussions on the parks and open space strategy.

Mayor and Cabinet is asked to consider the Committee’s comments and ask the relevant officers to provide a response.

Page 179 1. Summary

1.1. On Tuesday 10 March 2020, the Sustainable Development Select Committee considered a report from officers on Lewisham’s draft parks and open space strategy (link to the agenda and reports for the meeting on 10 March 2020) The Committee reflected on the contents of the report – and received a presentation from officers. Following questions to officers, the Committee agreed to refer its views to Mayor and Cabinet. 2. Recommendation

2.1. Mayor and Cabinet is asked to consider the Committee’s comments and ask the relevant officers to provide a response. 3. Sustainable Development Select Committee views

3.1. The Committee welcomes the new parks and open space strategy and asks in particular that consideration be given to the recommendations in its ‘parks management and maintenance’ review. Furthermore, the Committee supports the development of linkages between green areas and it reiterates its support for the ‘Railway Children Urban National Park’ initiative - as outlined in the Grove Park neighbourhood plan. It recommends this should be referenced in the parks and open space strategy and - that the Council should undertake to update the assessments of the sites of nature conservation in the area covered by the proposal. 3.2. The Committee welcomes and encourages the plan to develop a corporate natural capital account for Lewisham. 3.3. The Committee recommends that careful attention should be given to the best ways of engaging with disabled young people - as well as their parents and carers - regarding the development of the accessible play strategy. 3.4. The Committee recommends that the parks and open space strategy should reference the Lewisham cycling strategy and -in particular- the opportunities that parks and open spaces provide to enable active travel. 3.5. The Committee recommends that Mayor and Cabinet should task officers with considering whether there are elements of the parks and open space strategy that can be delivered using neighbourhood community infrastructure levy funding. 3.6. The Committee believes that parks and open spaces can provide opportunities for younger and older people to meet and interact. It recommends that Mayor and Cabinet should ensure that the design for all new public spaces in the borough builds on best practice in terms of intergenerational design. 4. Financial implications

4.1. There are no direct financial implications arising from the implementation of the recommendations in this report. However, there may be implications arising from them implementation of the Committee’s recommendations. These will need to be considered as part of the response. 5. Legal implications

5.1. The Constitution provides for select committees to refer reports to the Mayor and Cabinet, who are obliged to consider the report and the proposed response from the relevant Executive Director; and report back to the Committee within two months (not including recess).

Is this report easy to understand? Please give us feedback so we can improve. Page 180 Go to https://lewisham.gov.uk/contact-us/send-us-feedback-on-our-reports

6. Equalities implications

6.1. The Equality Act 2010 (the Act) introduced a public sector equality duty (the equality duty or the duty). It covers the following protected characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. 6.2. In summary, the Council must, in the exercise of its functions, have due regard to the need to:  eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act.  advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.  foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not. 6.3. There may be equalities implications arising from the implementation of the Committee’s recommendations – these will need to be considered in the response. 7. Climate change and environmental implications

7.1. There are no direct climate change or environmental implications arising from the implementation of the recommendations in this report. There will be climate change and environmental implications arising from the implementation of the Committee’s recommendations – these will need to be considered in the response. 8. Crime and disorder implications

8.1. There are no direct crime and disorder implications arising from the implementation of the recommendations in this report. There may be implications arising from the implementation of the Committee’s recommendations – these will need to be considered in the response. 9. Health and wellbeing implications

9.1. There are no direct health and wellbeing implications arising from the implementation of the recommendations in this report. There may be implications arising from the implementation of the Committee’s recommendations – these will need to be considered in the response. 10. Report author and contact 10.1. If you have any questions about this report then please contact: Timothy Andrew (Scrutiny Manager) 020 8314 7916 – [email protected]

Is this report easy to understand? Please give us feedback so we can improve. Page 181 Go to https://lewisham.gov.uk/contact-us/send-us-feedback-on-our-reports

Mayor and Cabinet

Report title: Comments of the Sustainable Development Select Committee on its parks maintenance and management in-depth review

Date: 10 June 2020.

Key decision: No.

Class: Part 1.

Ward(s) affected: All.

Contributor: Sustainable Development Select Committee

Outline and recommendations This report asks the Mayor and Cabinet to consider the recommendations arising from the Committee’s parks management and maintenance in-depth review.

1. Summary

1.1. In April 2019, Members of the Sustainable Development Select Committee discussed their work programme for 2019-20. They considered their priorities for the year ahead and agreed which issues were of primary importance. One of the Committee’s key areas of interest was that of parks management and maintenance and it was agreed that this would be the topic of the Committee’s in-depth review. 1.2. The Committee carried out the review during the course of 2019-20. It agreed its final report and recommendations at the meeitng on 10 March 2020. 2. Recommendation

2.1. Mayor and Cabinet is asked to consider the Committee’s recommendations (as set out in section 4 of the attached report) and ask the relevant officers to provide a response. 3. Financial implications

3.1. There are no direct financial implications arising from the implementation of the recommendations in this report. However, there may be implications arising from them implementation of the Committee’s recommendations. These will need to be considered as part of the response.

Page 182 4. Legal implications

4.1. The Constitution provides for select committees to refer reports to the Mayor and Cabinet, who are obliged to consider the report and the proposed response from the relevant Executive Director; and report back to the Committee within two months (not including recess). 5. Equalities implications

5.1. The Equality Act 2010 (the Act) introduced a public sector equality duty (the equality duty or the duty). It covers the following protected characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. 5.2. In summary, the Council must, in the exercise of its functions, have due regard to the need to:  eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act.  advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.  foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not. 5.3. There may be equalities implications arising from the implementation of the Committee’s recommendations – these will need to be considered in the response. 6. Climate change and environmental implications

6.1. There are no direct climate change or environmental implications arising from the implementation of the recommendations in this report. There will be climate change and environmental implications arising from the implementation of the Committee’s recommendations – these will need to be considered in the response. 7. Crime and disorder implications

7.1. There are no direct crime and disorder implications arising from the implementation of the recommendations in this report. There may be implications arising from the implementation of the Committee’s recommendations – these will need to be considered in the response. 8. Health and wellbeing implications

8.1. There are no direct health and wellbeing implications arising from the implementation of the recommendations in this report. There may be implications arising from the implementation of the Committee’s recommendations – these will need to be considered in the response. 9. Report author and contact 9.1. If you have any questions about this report then please contact: Timothy Andrew (Scrutiny Manager) 020 8314 7916 – [email protected]

Is this report easy to understand? Please give us feedback so we can improve. Page 183 Go to https://lewisham.gov.uk/contact-us/send-us-feedback-on-our-reports


Overview and Scrutiny

Parks management and maintenance

Sustainable Development Select Committee

Spring 2020 ______

Page 184 Membership of the Sustainable Development Select Committee in 2019-20:

Councillor Liam Curran (Chair) Councillor Patrick Codd (Vice-Chair) Councillor Obajimi Adefiranye Councillor Abdeslam Amrani Councillor Suzannah Clarke Councillor Mark Ingleby Councillor Louise Krupski Councillor Pauline Morrison Councillor Alan Smith Councillor James-J Walsh

Page 185 Contents

Chair’s Introduction ...... 4 1. Purpose and structure of the review ...... 5 2. Context...... 8 3. Findings ...... 12 4. Recommendations ...... 33 5. Monitoring and ongoing scrutiny ...... 37 Sources and background documents ...... 38

Page 186

Chair’s Introduction

To be added

Councillor Liam Curran Chair of the Sustainable Development Select Committee

March 2020

Page 187

1. Purpose and structure of the review

1.1. In April 2019, Members of the Sustainable Development Select Committee discussed their work programme for 2019-20. They considered their priorities for the year ahead and agreed which issues were of primary importance. One of the Committee’s key areas of interest was that of parks management and maintenance and it was agreed that this would be the topic of the Committee’s in-depth review.

1.2. The topic of ‘parks management’ met the criteria for an in-depth scrutiny review because:  it is a strategic and significant issue for the Council and its finances;  it has the potential to affect a large number of people living, working or studying in Lewisham (and also smaller groups of people disproportionately);  the Council is reviewing and developing this area of work.

1.3. The review is of particular significance because the Council has initiated the process of reviewing the management arrangements for its parks service – in anticipation of the end of a long term maintenance and management contract with an external provider.

1.4. In June 2019, the Committee received a ‘scoping report’1 for the review – which set out the context for this piece of work and proposed key lines of enquiry – as well as timetable for evidence gathering to answer the questions posed in those key lines of enquiry.

1.5. The Committee considered its priorities for the review given the time and resources available and agreed three ‘key lines of enquiry’ (KLOE). These are set out below and represent broad areas for investigation.

KLOE1: future options for the parks service  (Having considered reports by officers) - Which option for the future of the parks service does the Committee believe would be best?  What good practice should Lewisham seek to retain and which areas could be strengthened further?

KLOE2: income generation  How much progress have officers made in delivering proposals to generate income from the borough’s parks?  Are there examples of good practice that Lewisham can learn from? How might Lewisham avoid the potential pitfalls of income generating projects?

1 Sustainable Development Select Committee: ‘Parks management review scoping report’ June 2019

Page 188

 Are changes required to Lewisham’s policy for events in parks to ensure that the Council continues to build on its best practice whilst also creating opportunities for income generation?

KLOE3: maintenance and management of other open spaces  How well is Lewisham homes doing at maintaining and managing housing amenity space?  How might Lewisham ensure freedom of access to open spaces in the borough?  Are there innovative options for the maintenance of these spaces that the Council could consider?  What progress has been made on delivering the greening fund?

1.6. During the course of the review, the Committee also agreed to seek evidence regarding a number of interrelated issues, including:  Tree planting and climate change mitigation  Bio-diversity corridors for insect migration  Flood alleviation  Use of equipment in parks and sustainability  Opening hours for parks and accessibility of cycling routes  Lighting in parks  Management and maintenance of play areas for children and young adults

1.7. The timetable for consideration of reports and collection of evidence for the review was as follows:

Committee meeting 4 June 2019 Consideration of the ‘key lines of enquiry’ for the review and agreement of a timetable for collecting evidence.

Committee meeting: 4 July 2019 Update from officers on the development of the options for the future of the parks service (to help answer questions under KLOE1);

Lewisham’s parks visit: summer 2019 Visit with officers from the parks service to examples of good practice in the borough (to help answer the questions posed under KLOE1 and KLOE2);

Committee meeting: 11 September 2019 Report on summer visit by Councillors who attended; final report from officers on ‘future options for the parks service’ in advance of Mayor and Cabinet;

Page 189

Committee meeting: 28 October 2019 Update from Lewisham Homes (to help answer the questions posed under KLOE3); invitation to Lewisham’s Green Spaces Forum and representatives of ‘Good Parks for London’

Lewisham Green Spaces Forum 28 January 2020 Members attended a meeting of the forum and listened to views about the future insourcing of the parks service (to answer the questions posed under KLOE 1)

Committee meeting 10 March 2020 Consideration of the parks and open spaces strategy in advance of Mayor and Cabinet; final report and recommendations for submission to Mayor and Cabinet.

Page 190

2. Context

2.1. National planning policy promotes the protection and improvement of green and open spaces. It encourages the strategic protection of the green infrastructure open spaces, river corridors, green roofs and gardens in order to create high quality environments, enhance local landscape character and contribute to a the distinctiveness of different places. Policy also recognises the role of green spaces in promoting healthy communities by reducing air pollution and noise as well as mitigating the impacts of extreme heat and extreme rainfall events. Furthermore, parks are recognised for the important role they play in encouraging ecology and biodiversity.

2.2. Research2 by the Heritage Lottery Fund has found that nationally, park use is rising while resources and skills available to manage them are declining. It has also found that the downward trend in condition of parks first highlighted in its 2014 report on the state of parks is set to continue.

2.3. The Mayor of London’s environment strategy recognises the importance of parks in the broader ‘green infrastructure’ of the city. It includes the ambition to make London ‘Greener’:

‘All Londoners should be able to enjoy the very best parks, trees and wildlife. Creating a greener city is good for everyone – it will improve people’s health and quality of life, support the success of businesses and attract more visitors to London’3 London Environment Strategy (2018) p12

2.4. The Greater London Authority’s ‘natural capital account for green space in London’ estimates the value of London’s parks to be 5 billion pounds a year. It notes that: ‘For each £1 spent by local authorities and their partners on public parks, Londoners enjoy at least £27 in value’4 This benefit is accrued from the value of:  Recreation  Mental health  Physical health  Property  Carbon storage  Temperature regulation (based on lives saved due to cooler peak temperatures)

2.5. Accordingly, ‘Making Lewisham Greener’ is a priority in Lewisham's Corporate Strategy (2018-2022). Through the delivery of the strategy, the Council is committed to ensuring that: ‘Everyone enjoys our green spaces and benefits from healthy environment as we work to protect and improve our local environment.’

2 Heritage Lottery Fund ‘Public Parks Face Decline’ 3 Mayor of London ‘London Environment Strategy’ (2018) 4 Greater London Authority ‘Natural Capital Accounts for London’ (2017)

Page 191

2.6. Lewisham’s Mayor and Cabinet has agreed to the creation of a ‘greening fund’5 to support the delivery of the plans in the corporate strategy. The amount of £360k is being distributed to parks groups in order to enable local groups to improve local green spaces. Officers in the Council’s Green Scene team are overseeing the Council’s approach to this work to ensure the best use of the funding.

2.7. This is important because, by 2021, projections indicate that Lewisham’s population will have increased to 318,000 people and by 2031 it is anticipated the population will reach 344,500 people. To accommodate this growth, the Committee has heard that national assessments as well as those for the draft London Plan indicate the need for between 20 to 30 thousand6 new homes in Lewisham over the next decade.

2.8. Lewisham’s Open Spaces strategy (2020-25) provides useful descriptions of the different types of open spaces in the borough:

Parks and gardens: includes urban parks, county parks and formal gardens Children’s play: includes equipped play areas, multi-use games areas (MUGA), BMX tracks and skateboard parks Natural and semi-natural urban greenspace: includes green corridors, woodlands, scrubland, wetland, and nature conservation sites Outdoor sports facilities: includes pitch sports, athletic tracks, tennis and bowls Amenity: housing open space, village greens, informal recreation space, hard- surfaced areas (civic space) roadside enclosure Allotments and community gardens: site opportunities for those people who wish to grow their own produce Green corridors: includes grids, chains and networks Cemeteries and churchyards: Quiet contemplation and burial of the dead, often linked to the promotion of wildlife conservation, biodiversity and to provide a link to the past.

2.9. The review focuses primarily on Lewisham’s parks and gardens. However, members of the Committee were also interested in the provision of green spaces by Lewisham Homes as well as children’s play - additional information about this is included in the sections below.


2.10. Glendale grounds management service has been Lewisham Council’s contracted provider of parks management and maintenance services since the year 2000. Its full list of services to the Council includes:7

5 Mayor and Cabinet ’Greening Fund report’ (2018) 6 Sustainable Development Select Committee ‘draft local plan’ January 2020, p81 7 See Glendale, your service’: and ‘the future maintenance of parks and open spaces’ Mayor and Cabinet (October 2019)

Page 192

 Grounds and ecological management  Environmental maintenance  Serviced facilities e.g. parks buildings and depots  Maintenance of park furniture and sports equipment  Playground inspection repair and maintenance  Water play and water features  Infrastructure maintenance  Keepers/patrols/locking/unlocking  Events and activities  Sports and sports development  Marketing and development  Customer care

2.11. A limited grounds maintenance only service is provided at other locations such as:  Closed churchyards  Car parks  Homeless persons’ accommodation  The corporate estate, including Laurence House and the Civic Suite in Catford  Two school playing fields (Elm Lane and Whitefoot Lane)

2.12. It should be noted that in addition to the outsourced services provided by Glendale a number of Lewisham’s open spaces, as set out below, are managed in-house by the Council’s Environment Division. This ‘mixed economy’ of service delivery has been in place for the duration of the outsourced contract and has delivered comparable levels of quality across all locations.  Mature trees within parks  Street trees  Infrastructure maintenance within closed churchyards  Beckenham Place Park  18 Nature reserves  37 Allotment sites  Cemeteries and crematorium grounds

2.13. The contract for parks and greenspaces management and maintenance is worth approximately £2.5m a year. This does not include the western section of Beckenham Place Park, which is managed in-house and has its own budget. The annual contract was originally worth approximately £3.5m but at that time it also included Lewisham Homes. The delivery and performance of the contract is overseen by officers in the Council’s Environmental Services Division within the Housing, Regeneration and Environment directorate.

2.14. Funding for parks management has, like all other Council services, been subject to budget cuts and efficiencies due to the ongoing reduction in Lewisham’s budget.

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Nonetheless, the Council has been successful at accessing funding from external sources - and notable examples include the Heritage Lottery Funding for Beckenham Place Park and the funding for the improvements to Ladywell Fields and the Waterlink Way.


2.15. During 2017-18 around 500 events were held in Lewisham’s parks and open spaces. These ranged from small events to the two day OnBlackheath music festival. In October 2018, the Committee considered officer proposals8 for balancing the Council’s budget and heard from officers that demand for events in Lewisham’s parks and open spaces is increasing. In particular, officers proposed (see proforma CUS2) that large events in the borough’s biggest parks (Blackheath and Beckenham Place Park) might generate significant income. A target of £500k was proposed to be delivered over the two years to 2021.

2.16. Responding to the proposals, the Committee recommended to Mayor and Cabinet that the policy for managing commercial events in Lewisham’s parks should be reviewed. Members suggested that this should build on best practice and that it might include options for charging for the full range of commercial activities taking place on the borough’s green spaces (including but not limited to: commercial dog walking, commercial exercise classes and other profit making activities)9.

2.17. A number of London authorities are undertaking projects to raise income from parks. Such initiatives might include small scale commercialisation, such as charging users that deliver professional services from parks and rents for park buildings. Some boroughs have begun to use their parks for private ceremonies and celebrations, such as weddings. However, others have begun to host large scale events such as festivals and concerts over a number of days or weeks10. It is worth noting that a number of community campaigns against the commercialisation of local parks have been started in boroughs that are using their parks for large scale events, with some community groups concerned about the damage to park infrastructure and the limiting of access to public space11.

2.18. As outlined below – the provision of income generating events is largely an issue for the Council’s parks management contractor. Future changes mean that the Council will have a far greater role to play in determining the programme of events and income generating activities for Lewisham’s parks and open spaces.

8 Sustainable Development Select Committee ‘agenda’ (28 October 2018) 9 Committee comments to the Public Accounts Select Committee meeting (7 November 2018) 10 See for example, Guardian ‘London's parks accused of creeping privatisation of public space’ (2018) 11 Crowd Justice: https://www.crowdjustice.com/case/brockwelltranquillity/

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3. Findings

Future options for the parks service

3.1. Glendale’s long-term contract with Lewisham Council was due come to an end in early 2020. This change presented an option for the Council to review its arrangements for the management and maintenance of Lewisham’s parks.

3.2. Before the summer of 2019, a report to Committee set out the timeline – and the relevant considerations for the options appraisal being prepared for a decision by Mayor and Cabinet. The options included: retendering of the contract to a green spaces provider; bringing the service back ‘in-house’; sharing of services with other authorities or public sector partners or developing an arm’s length local authority trading company (LATCo) to provide services on the Council’s behalf.

3.3. Given the Council’s restrained financial position it was recognised that the expenditure on the new service would be a key consideration in the options appraisal. Officers in the Council’s financial team supported the modelling for each of the options and an appraisal model developed by the Association for Public Service Excellence (APSE) was also used.

3.4. The APSE model set out a number of key areas for assessment, including: risk; advantages and opportunities; value for money; commercial opportunities for the Council; viability of each option to deliver a quality service; responsiveness of management and assuredness of service delivery as well as social value (which was assessed in line with the Council’s newly agreed policy).

3.5. Assurance was provided by officers that, whichever option was agreed, Glendale had committed that it would provide a quality service until the end of the contract. The Committee was also assured that the relevant consideration would be given to the employment rights and conditions of parks service employees in the event of any change to the service.

3.6. The Committee recommended that in developing any future plans for the parks service, consideration should be given to:  The future management and viability of spaces for sport in parks;  Options for the ring fencing of the parks budget;  Safeguarding the employment of professionals with volunteers focused on providing support – rather than allowing volunteers to replace paid employees;  Biodiversity, climate change mitigation and environmental protection;  Management of rough sleepers;  The availability of officer resources to deliver the urban national park project;

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 The maintenance of specialist assets (such as built features as well as ceremonial and memorial gardens) in parks

3.7. At its meeting in September 2019 – the Committee carried out pre-decision scrutiny of the options appraisal for the future of the parks service in advance of a decision being taken at Mayor and Cabinet. The appraisal put forward three models for delivering the parks service: a local authority trading company; a contract managed service; an in- house service.

3.8. The previously considered option for developing a shared service was discounted during the process due to the practicalities of timing and the potential implications for the control and management of the service. And – whilst it was recognised that a local authority trading company could provide a number of benefits – officers believed that there was insufficient time to carry out the work required to make this option viable before the end of the Glendale contract.

3.9. It was also noted that the Council’s Corporate Strategy 2018-2022 priority: ‘Building an inclusive local economy’ states that when considering whether to commission services, ‘we will have an assumption that the Council is our preferred provider and in- source our contracts’.

3.10. Assessing the various options, officers considered the following factors:  Risk  Advantages/opportunities  Value for money  Commercial opportunities to generate income  Barriers to market entry  Responsiveness/management and surety of service delivery  Social Value

3.11. The recommendation made by officers - based on the options appraisal - was that the parks service should return in house to direct delivery and management by the Council. The number of wider opportunities and challenges related to the insourcing of the parks service were also reported to the Committee. One compelling factor for in- sourcing was the increased control that the Council would have over the day to day management of the parks service – which would also allow for increased prioritisation of budgets and spending decisions in parks.

3.12. Consideration for the development of a LATCo was not discounted by officers but it was reported that Councils that had most successfully created LATCos that incorporated a broader range of environmental services within the remit of the company – in addition to parks management. Costs, governance, legal and financial implications would also need to be better examined and understood before the

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Council could embark on the commercialisation of the service. The Committee recommended that this work be expedited during the transition period from the contract to the in-house service.

Key finding: the planned insourcing of the parks service will bring opportunities and challenges. An opportunity exists in the creation of a local authority trading company.

3.13. The Committee also questioned the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport – who outlined the ambitions for the parks service, in line with the Council’s corporate strategy. It was felt that increased control of the service would allow for: increased flexibility of services; better training for staff as well as better pay and an anticipated increase in motivation.

3.14. The Committee agreed with the recommendation made by officers – and emphasised its recommendation about the evaluation of options for the future creation of a LATco. Subsequently, at its meeting in October 2019 Mayor and Cabinet12 agreed that:

(1) Intention in principle be given to insource all aspects of Lewisham’s parks and open space services on 1 November 2021, subject to further detailed consideration.

(2) Officers undertake a more detailed evaluation of the option to establish a wider divisional LATCo the outcome of which will be to be reviewed following the insourcing of the parks service.

(3) The current contract be extended on the existing terms and conditions with Glendale Grounds Management for 20 months from 29th February 2020 until 31st October 2021 at a maximum cost to the Council of £4,347,000

Key finding: there is further work for scrutiny to do in advance of the insourcing of the parks service. Scrutiny’s role as a ‘critical friend’ will be vital whilst officers negotiate the risks implicit in such a significant service change. Support could also be provided for assessments of best practice and consideration of relevant operating models – both for the service and for any potential future LATCo.

Good Parks for London

3.15. Parks for London is an independent charity which advocates for the protection and best use of London’s green spaces. Its stated vision for London is that it: ‘…is a healthy and sustainable world city. A place where parks and green spaces make a contribution to the health and wellbeing of Londoners and to the environment they live

12 Mayor and Cabinet ‘agenda and decisions’ 10 October 2019

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and work in’13. It is responsible for the new ‘Good Parks for London Report’, which assesses the overall quality of parks and parks services in all of the London boroughs.

3.16. Researchers for the ‘Good Parks for London’ report14 use the following measures for assessment: Public satisfaction (based on borough surveys) Awards for quality (based on numbers of Green Flags and London in Bloom awards) Collaboration (evidenced by cross boundary management and delivery of parks services through partnerships and alliances) Events (based on quality of events polices as well as numbers and variety of events) Health, fitness and well-being (incorporating promotion of social prescribing; health campaigns and healthy infrastructure, such as free water fountains) Supporting nature (based on biodiversity action planning and the proportion of sites of importance for nature conservation that are being well managed) Community involvement (based on a combination of measures on involvement of community groups) Skills development (number of parks apprentices as a percentage of the total workforce) Sustainability (based on the sustainability of fleet vehicles, use of battery operated equipment and management of waste) Strategic planning (assessed by current open space/green infrastructure strategy action plans and management systems)

3.17. Lewisham’s parks (and parks management service) received the highest ranking of the 33 London Boroughs (and ) in 2018. Lewisham’s strengths were also highlighted in several sections of the report which demonstrate good practice. In particular, Lewisham’s planning and programming for events was commended:

‘Lewisham’s parks currently offer one of the most diverse range of community, sporting, arts and cultural events in London. They provide a mixture of charity and commercial events that increase public use of parks and promote greater social inclusion and cohesion’ Good Parks for London (2018), p20

13 See Parks for London ‘about us’ 14 Good Parks for London (2018)

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Key finding: Taking into account a range of measures – Lewisham’s parks are independently acknowledged as some of the best in London.

3.18. Lewisham’s partnership with Glendale and the combined efforts of both organisations to bolster community involvement is also praised in the report. Nonetheless, the Committee is conscious that the high standard achieved must not drop with insourcing and it is also mindful that there are areas for improvement. Excellent standards need to be reached across all measures for all parks in Lewisham.

3.19. To better understand the Good Parks for London assessment the Committee invited Tony Leach, Chief Executive of Parks for London to attend its meeting in October 2019. The Committee heard that Parks for London was not only interested in parks and open spaces but also in the maintenance of green infrastructure from ‘doorstep to destination’ – this built on the acknowledgement that all green spaces mattered. During the question and answer session, a number of issues were discussed, a summary of key points it included below:


3.19.1. The Committee heard that current trend seems to be for London Boroughs to bring services back in-house for two main reasons: firstly there are very few costs savings still to be made from outsourcing services. There is also the possibility that if contracts continued to be squeezed then providers might go out of business; secondly – the delivery of services in-house allows for greater flexibility, especially during periods of seasonal demand.

3.19.2. The number of green spaces contractors in London has reduced from 15 to three in the past five years. This is partly because of acquisitions – but it is

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largely because there is very little money to be made in delivering green spaces management and maintenance services.

3.19.3. There are ways to ensure that insourced parks services can be encouraged to maintain services. In some boroughs, user groups are enabled to report on the maintenance and management of parks and green spaces. Parks for London has developed a quality manual to assess standards in parks which could be used to support this work.

Key finding: User groups can play an important role in reporting issues and helping to maintain high standards.

3.19.4. The presence of people in parks helps to maintain a sense of safety – there are examples of parks in which dog walkers – and residents in the vicinity of parks are given a special contact phone number to report issues.

3.19.5. The days of having permanent staff at every park are over. However, some boroughs issue uniforms to members of friends groups – so that they stand out and provide a visible presence in a park.

3.19.6. The standard of parks in London is falling over time – as the squeeze of resources pushes boroughs to do the minimum to maintain their parks and green spaces.

Commercialisation and collaboration

3.19.7. Traditionally – councils had looked upon parks as assets that maintained themselves. However, this is not the case – parks need management.

3.19.8. Income generation could be part of the mix of activities in parks. Parks for London has developed an events policy for councils to use – it also benchmarks costs between boroughs.

Key finding: Lewisham demonstrates a range of good practice – but it may need to draw on external ideas to continue to innovate.

3.19.9. The quality of cafes in parks across London varies considerably. There are always a number of issues to consider – including: local feeling towards established providers; affordability of the offer and the opportunity to improve provision.

3.19.10. The Council might seek to manage green spaces as a whole rather than maintaining the artificial division between parks and housing green space.

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3.19.11. Parks user groups are formed for a variety of different reasons – often in response to a threat to a park. However, once they achieve their objectives – these groups can lose their impetus. Support could be provided for user group – but care had to be taken about how this was delivered. Efforts by boroughs to set up user groups might be well meaning but they were fraught with problems.

3.19.12. User groups should have a named person at the Council that they could contact for support and sometimes user groups need more coordinated support from fundraisers or other technical support.

The Open Spaces Assessment

3.20. The Committee has been scrutinising the development of the new Local Plan. As part of this work, it is reviewing the developing evidence base for the new plan. At its meeting in April 2019 – the Committee reviewed the ‘Lewisham open spaces assessment’15 - which was carried out by Jon Sheaf & associates and overseen by the planning department. It included categorisation and assessment of 349 parks and green spaces in Lewisham.

3.21. The study team considered the quality and accessibility of Lewisham’s green spaces, in order to inform future planning policy. The study also reviewed future requirements for open space, given the projected increase in Lewisham’s population over the next 20 years. Analysis for the study found that:

‘To maintain the current level of greenspace provision, the growth in the borough’s population over the next twenty years implies the need for the provision of approximately 50 hectares of new public open space by 2030. The benefits that could

15 LB Lewisham Open Spaces Assessment

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accrue from additional open space could be delivered by improving the quality of existing provision.’ Open Spaces Assessment 2019, p7

Key finding: to meet the requirements of an increasing population – Lewisham will have to continue to improve the quality of its parks. Moreover, it is recognised that facilities in parks will need to be extended and varied to meet the needs of the growing population. There will also have to be a greater emphasis on parks and all of Lewisham’s green spaces to mitigate the pressures on the environment caused by an increase in population.

3.22. The assessment of Lewisham’s existing open spaces found that the majority of Lewisham’s parks were of good or fair quality. However, the assessment did not find any ‘excellent’ parks in the borough. It also found that Lewisham has a number of poor quality green spaces, including a number of spaces that are categorised as ‘pocket parks’. Though it should be noted that a distinction is drawn between those spaces that are publicly accessible and those that are not. For example, the assessment included some areas adjoining railway corridors and a number of other areas that would not be suitable for public access.

Lewisham Homes

3.23. The Committee wanted to better understand how Lewisham Homes manages the communal green spaces in and around Lewisham’s housing stock so it invited representatives to attend the Committee’s meeting in October 2019.

3.24. Lewisham Homes’ annual report16 (2018) states that resident satisfaction with grounds maintenance increased from 62% in 2015-16 to 77% in 2017-18: ‘We have invested £180k in improving our environmental services, which includes caretaking, grounds maintenance and bulk waste removal… We’ve recruited an extra team of gardeners so that we can spend more time improving the quality of the green spaces on our estates, and we’re planting thousands of new flowers and shrubs that are bee friendly, sustainable and will grow each year.’ Lewisham Home’s annual report (2018) p6

16 Lewisham Homes ‘annual report’ (2018)

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Grounds Maintenance Customer Satisfaction 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 (Q1)

3.25. The Committee heard that Lewisham Homes sees communal gardens as ‘estate parks’ – that is: places of rest, recreation and inspiration which have potential to improve mental and physical health and to promote community cohesion. The grounds maintenance team is a key element in realising that potential.

3.26. Grounds maintenance services were previously provided by Glendale (as part of the Council contract) however – in late 2015 Lewisham Homes returned the service in house and consulted with residents about their priorities. As a result Lewisham Homes has moved away from a commercial culture, focussed purely on maintenance, to a dedicated community-orientated approach. From the outset of the insourcing of it engaged residents in helping shape how it maintained and invested in sites.

Key finding: Lewisham Homes has moved from a commercial/contracting approach to grounds maintenance to one that is based on community engagement.

3.27. Residents wanted more certainty about schedules and standards so Lewisham Homes replaced the client/contractor performance based model with an area-based one. It sent out teams, dedicated to specific areas, to work on a clear fortnightly cyclical maintenance programme so residents would know when to expect their gardening team and what to expect on a maintenance visit:

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Information for residents of Lewisham Homes about the insourcing of the grounds maintenance contract17 3.28. As well as ensuring all sites receive regular maintenance, the Lewisham Homes approach has helped build relationships with residents and take ownership of the sites they maintain. They built on this relationship to develop an annual investment plan to deliver sustainable improvements – often with direct input from residents and partner organisations. As well as working with people in their neighbourhoods, officers have collaborated on a more strategic basis with the Residents’ Engagement Panel (REP).

3.29. From 2019/20 Lewisham Homes has begun adapting its approach to promote more environmentally sustainable improvements. A key part of the programme is to develop a bee corridor around the borough which links sections of green space to enable bees and other insects to easily cross between green spaces. Further work will be carried out in spring 2020.

Key finding: Lewisham Homes’ plans for a ‘bee corridor’ are welcome – however – the details of its development and plans for its management should be reviewed further.

3.30. Lewisham Homes has used the insourcing process to progressively harmonise terms and conditions for grounds maintenance staff so they now enjoy the same basic annual leave and sick pay entitlements and their pay scales are commensurate with caretaking staff. Staff surveys indicate environment staff are more engaged and

17 Lewisham Homes Grounds maintenance comes to Lewisham Homes (2015)

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motivated compared with other field-based employees. Furthermore, like their counterparts in caretaking, grounds maintenance staff benefit from a basic professional skills programme, opportunities for career progression and a quarterly performance conversation with their line managers.

Key finding: Lewisham Homes’ approach to insourcing demonstrates the possibilities for improving staff working conditions and encouraging engagement.

3.31. There were added costs associated with bringing the grounds maintenance service in house as Lewisham Homes took on liability for pensions and other staffing related costs. It is recognised that there are likely to be increased costs as a result of the Council bringing its services back in house (the initial estimation is an increase of more than £100k on contract costs).

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Field work

3.32. The Committee carried out a visit in the summer of 2019. Its purpose was to see first- hand how Lewisham’s parks are being maintained and managed. Council officers were also present on the visit to answer questions. Members visited the following locations:  Manor House Gardens  Hither Green Crematorium  Blackheath  Deptford Park/Deptford Park Community Orchard  Brookmill nature reserve  Luxmore Gardens

3.33. Members taking part in the visit had a number of questions that arose from the key lines of enquiry. The specific interest was in further exploring KLOE1: What good practice should Lewisham seek to retain and which areas could be strengthened further? The additional questions were as follows:  What are the differences between management of big/small parks/pocket parks?  How businesses/cafes are managed in parks?  Is there a process for creating links/routes/signage between parks?  How is the upkeep of formal areas/monuments/sports facilities managed?  Are there examples of projects that have encouraged significant increase in parks use/successful park improvement projects?  What’s the process for staff training/tree management and planting/use of equipment and minimisation of carbon emissions/use of glyphosate?  What are the processes for improving biodiversity in parks?  What are the opening times for parks/how is the accessibility of cycle routes and the policy for lighting in parks managed?  How is the maintenance and management of play areas for children managed?

3.34. Key points from discussions between officers and councillors during the course of the parks visit are outlined below.

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What are the differences between management of big/small parks/pocket parks?

3.35. All parks are subject to regular monthly inspections. This includes a 10% random sample of planting and other features within the park. Some parks are weighted higher within the monitoring process and any areas found below specification incur higher performance deductions from the contractor. Members also heard that parks with ‘friends groups’ benefited in a number of ways - but in particular - active groups of friends could alert the parks service to issues that needed to be resolved.

How businesses/cafes are managed in parks?

3.36. Glendale manages the contracts for cafes on behalf of the Council and receives all income generated from parks concessions. Figures on turnover and usage are not readily available. Anecdotally, some cafes are more successful than others. Where there have been issues with cafes in parks (such as anti-social behaviour or break- ins’) the Council has worked collaboratively with Glendale to support operators. It was noted, that at the end of the existing Green Space contract, there might be options for the Council to more closely manage cafes in parks. This might provide financial benefits as well as contribution to the Council’s policy objectives (such as sugar smart and the living wage) It was also noted that capital funding from the Rushey Green Renewal has been made available to support the development of a new café in Mountsfield Park. It is being considered whether rents should be related to a business’s turnover alongside a mechanism to share profits.

Key finding: There is potential to deliver social value by supporting well run cafes in parks.

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Is there a process for creating links/routes/signage between parks?

3.37. There are good examples of projects which link green spaces in the borough – the most notable of these being the Waterlink Way – which runs the length of the borough.

3.38. North Lewisham links is a project to link green spaces in the north of the borough – to make cycling and walking more enjoyable. It was noted that work had started on the development of a ‘south Lewisham links’ project.

3.39. It is clear that linkages between green spaces have to work within the constraints of the borough’s fundamental characteristics. The borough is divided by its principal road and rail routes. There was discussion on the visit about the potential to safely open railway cuttings for active travel and to create green links using management of residential streets – following from the Council’s healthy streets initiative.

3.40. There are some good examples of the ways in which other towns and cities promote walking routes between green spaces. One such example is that from Kirkstall (see the photo) where colourful eye catching signs help to draw people between green spaces. Lewisham has many green spaces – including pocket parks and informal green spaces. It might be that these could be threaded together – at relatively low cost in order to make the most of the spaces outside of – on the way to and in the vicinity of our parks. The community driven ‘Urban National Park’ is another example of a project to link green spaces. The Committee did not consider the proposals during the review but it is a project which is supported by Members.

Key finding: Creating links between parks and green spaces might broaden their reach and create an experience of small spaces that is greater than the sum of its constituent parts.

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How is the upkeep of formal areas/monuments and sports facilities managed?

3.41. Members visited tennis courts in Manor House Gardens as well as a recently laid cricket pitch; football pitches and an outdoor gym in Deptford Park.

3.42. The Council operates a pin based access system for tennis courts. Users are required to pay a fee for access. The fees are collected by the council using an online system. Part of the revenues collected are held in a sinking fund for future repairs. Glendale receives a payments for the routine maintenance of the courts.

3.43. Members also heard that there were plans to apply for funding from the FA (football association) community fund for improvements to playing pitches. On the visit, Members were approached by the manager of a youth amateur football club – who had concerns about the provision for football. Officers emphasised the work being carried out to ensure that there was sufficient access to sporting facilities as well as a balance between parks usage. Work between officers was taking place to deliver the ‘playing pitch strategy’ which has been developed by officers in the Council’s community services directorate. Sports equipment (such as outdoor gym equipment) is often paid for using section 106 funds – and maintained by Glendale.

3.44. Memorial sites in the borough are managed by Glendale. They are subject to regular inspections by the Council. Sites on ‘red routes’ are managed by Transport for London. Glendale is also responsible for the management and maintenance of monuments in parks as well as formal borders, beds and gardens.

Are there examples of projects that have encouraged significant increase in parks use/successful park improvement projects?

3.45. There are a number of planting initiatives supported by friends groups. For these projects, Glendale provides training, plants and equipment for community groups. There are multiple benefits – including: the support for community groups; the increase in the sense of ownership and belonging for parks users and the freeing up of parks staff time to carry out other projects.

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What’s the process for staff training/tree management and planting/use of equipment and minimisation of carbon emissions/use of glyphosate?

3.46. The Council directly maintains and manages mature trees (in green spaces inside and outside of parks) but the tree maintenance budget is under pressure. This is particularly the case when it comes to routine maintenance. The maintenance programme is prioritised based on risks. Regular assessments and prioritisation of works are carried out by the Council’s two tree service officers. An independent assessment of all of the borough’s mature trees is carried out every four years.

3.47. There was an extended discussion about the management of young trees. Members reported that they had received specific complaints in relation to grass cutting and damage to trees in Mountsfield Park. Officers from Glendale acknowledged the concerns and highlighted that there might be multiple causes for damage to trees and that problems should not always be attributed to grass cutting works. They also outlined the work that was taking place to address complaints related to Mountsfield Park.

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3.48. Complaints from parks user groups and members of the public are investigated and if a complaint about the work carried out by parks staff is founded then parks staff receive further training as well as instruction on the best used of machinery and tools. Officers in the parks service were confident that – aside from the specific concerns being raised in Mountsfield Park – there was not a trend of complaints about grass cutting and tree maintenance in parks.

3.49. There are sometimes options to increase the level of meadow area around trees in parks (which might reduce the potential for damage) however- the parks service reviews planting in parks on a case by case basis to ensure that the appropriate mix of meadow, open space and tree planting is maintained. It was also reported that meadow land could not predominate in parks - in order to meet the standards required for the Green Flag standard.

3.50. Turnover of staff in the parks service is low – so the majority of staff working in parks are experienced. Staff who work on shorter term seasonal contracts during busy periods regularly return to work for the service. Glendale uses very few agency staff – as the majority of seasonal workers are directly employed.

Key finding: A great deal of value exists in the commitment, knowledge and engagement of those who work for the parks service. The Council has an opportunity to build on this further with the insourcing of the service.

What are the processes for improving biodiversity in parks?

3.51. There were discussions throughout the visit about the growth of meadow in parks. An extra 35 thousand square metres of meadow land has recently been created on Blackheath – in part to balance the cutting required for the OnBlackheath festival. However, there are limitations to increasing the levels of meadow in parks. There were several opportunities on the visit to see areas that had been left to meadow – with close cutting delineating paths – or boundaries – in order to demonstrate active management. It was reported that in hot summers areas of dry meadow could become a fire risk.

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3.52. Members were in agreement that meadow land was an important new element of parks and green spaces. However, it was felt that more work may need to be carried out to ensure that residents were aware of the rationale for reducing cutting and the benefits of doing so.

3.53. An increase in ponds and other water features would increase the potential improve biodiversity. However, it is recognised that additional water features would not be appropriate in every park – and that they could be costly to maintain. It is also recognised that there are long term challenges with the management of ponds and other bodies of water because they tended to change significantly over time.

3.54. Other approaches to improving biodiversity were discussed – such as engaging members of the public with bird feeding and encouraging them to act as bird champions. Officers also emphasised the importance of ensuring that contributions from developers towards biodiversity projects be carefully planned. It was believed that features could be useful if they were in the right places with the right kind of management. Major schemes (such as the Quercus project in Ladywell Fields) to open up rivers (de-culverting) could also help to improve bio-diversity by providing new habitats and nesting grounds.

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What are the opening times for parks/how is the accessibility of cycle routes and the policy for lighting in parks managed?

3.55. Members and officers had a discussion about the accessibility of cycle routes. Members were concerned that some parks were locked too early – foreshortening cycle routes though Mountsfield and Forster parks. It was reported that the were costs associated with locking parks each evening but that previous proposals to leave parks open had not been welcomed due to potential issues with anti-social behaviour. It was also reported that during negotiation of the new lighting PFI it had been agreed that parks and open spaces would not be routinely be lit – given cost, sustainability and biodiversity implications.

3.56. There was a discussion about the potential different options for helping cyclists safely navigate parks after dark – including: luminescent tarmac; low level lighting and ‘cats-eye’ reflectors.

3.57. The timing of the route for locking parks was also discussed. It was agreed that a straightforward solution to the closure of parks that limited cycle routes might be to include Mountsfield and Forster Parks (as well as any other that were integral to cycle routes) to the end of the ‘locking up’ route.

Key finding: Some simple and cost effective measures can be implemented easily to enable safe cycling through parks and green spaces.

How is the maintenance and management of play areas for children managed?

3.58. Members received a comprehensive account of the management and maintenance of play equipment in parks. An asset database called ‘PSS live’ is used by the parks service to log issues with play equipment and quickly escalate issues. In addition to a daily visual inspection - on a fortnightly basis inspectors qualified to the British Standard examine play equipment in parks and carry out minor repairs as necessary. Any larger repairs that are identified are allocated to the in-house maintenance team for action. A quarterly

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inspection of all equipment is also carried out by different inspectors to ensure that a range of qualified operatives have reviewed all play equipment. In addition, there is an independent annual inspection of all equipment each summer, which is carried out in depth in compliance with EN117 standards. Any issues identified by this inspection are added to a risk register and prioritised for remedial action. It is believed that Lewisham’s playgrounds are very safe, which is evidenced by the low number of complaints received.

Key finding: As part of its preparation of the insourcing of the service, the Council will need to move carefully but quickly and deliberately to ensure that it replicates the system for assessing and maintaining play equipment in parks.

Parks user groups

3.59. The Committee was keen to hear from members of Lewisham’s Green Spaces Forum about their assessment of opportunities and challenges in Lewisham’s parks. Evidence gathering took place on two occasions – including the Committee’s meeting in October 2019 and in January 2020 when members attended the meeting of the Green Spaces Forum.

3.60. The forum was created to represent friends groups from all Lewisham parks and green spaces – its aims are:

 To protect & promote green space;  To improve & enhance the quality and amenity of green space;  To improve staffing & management of the Borough’s green spaces;

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 To ensure involvement of Friends / Users groups as partners in the management of our Borough’s parks and public green spaces;  To encourage use and appreciation of our parks and open spaces. Lewisham Green Spaces Forum (2019)

3.61. Lewisham’s parks groups are made up of lots of different people – with varied interests and a range of thoughts and concerns about the management of parks and green spaces. The forum is managed by volunteers – as with parks user groups. This clearly takes a substantial amount of time and effort from those involved. Officers take a collaborative approach to working with the forum – as with individual groups. Nonetheless, the number of officers available to support user groups is limited, as are the financial resources to do this work. There is no indication that additional officers or resources will be available in future so careful consideration will have to be given to the approach the insourced parks service gives to engaging with user groups.

3.62. A number of groups have issues that are specific to their parks or green spaces – but there are several issues that groups have in common, including:  The decline in support from park rangers – or otherwise trained/named officers responsible for specific parks.  Concerns relating to conservation and developing the biodiversity of Lewisham’s green spaces.  Consultation about tree planting - which it is felt should be carried out in liaison with friends groups. Some user groups also have concerns about the ongoing upkeep of newly planted trees in parks – specifically related to the mowing of grass and protection of saplings from damage.  Recycling in parks and the general approach to litter collection and bins.  Possible proposals for income generation – and the potential impact on parks of pursuing income in contrast to maintaining parks as open spaces for recreation and relaxation.

3.63. User groups have also highlighted a particular concern about the mechanism for maintaining quality in parks and ensuring that issues are dealt with promptly. Under the existing contracting arrangement with Glendale – the contractor is required to meet a set of performance standards. The contractor’s failure to meet these standards may result in a financial penalty – so there is a strong incentive to maintain high levels of service.

Key finding: User groups are the Council’s eyes and ears in parks on a day to day basis – identifying issues and reporting problems early on.

3.64. Using this mechanism, park user groups have supported the parks service to hold Glendale to account. The strength of this three way relationship between the Council, user groups and Glendale has developed over the years of the contract.

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4. Recommendations

4.1. The following recommendations were agreed at the Committee’s meeting on 10 March 2020.


4.1.1. Our parks play a role in providing places for our communities to meet. It is important to ensure that these spaces, by their very nature, do not exclude certain demographic groups and encourage intergenerational interaction. All new designs for play areas, recreation, seating etc. should encourage social interconnection. Officers should seek out good examples of this from other Councils where this has been achieved. The Committee believes that Lewisham’s parks and green spaces should be accessible to all. It recommends that - by the end of the next municipal year (2020-21) - the Council should publish a play strategy, which develops a coordinated approach to inclusive play for children of all abilities as well as play and recreation spaces for young people of all ages. Moreover, the Council should consider the options for carrying out a full assessment of the accessibility of all its parks and green spaces.

4.1.2. The Committee recommends that the Council use good examples from other councils to provide wayfinding signs to help our residents locate our parks and green spaces and understand how they join up to provide positive walking and cycling, clean air routes through our borough. Furthermore, where parks form part of cycling routes every attempt needs to be made to keep these open for as long as possible. They should be closed last by ground staff and the times should be clearly posted on the gates. In addition, during the next round of maintenance of the paths, the insertion of cats-eyes to make cycling safer should be implemented.

User Groups

4.1.3. The Committee wishes to recognise the commitment and enthusiasm of Lewisham’s parks user groups and it commends the collaborative approach officers take to working with these groups. However, the Committee is concerned about the absence of groups in some parts of the borough. It is also mindful of the single person dependency in some user groups. The Committee recommends that - in time for the insourcing of the park service (November 2021) the Council should consider how best it can support park user groups. This should include an action plan for establishing user groups in parks and green spaces that are currently underserved as well as a process for volunteer management and succession planning which builds on best practice from other local authorities.

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4.1.4. The Committee notes that the current contractual arrangement for the management of the parks service provides a strong incentive for the service to fix issues quickly and to maintain high standards. The Committee recommends that – in time for the insourcing of the parks service (November 2021) options are explored for park users to report issues. This might include a formal process for escalation of issues by user groups (or a coordinated ongoing process for monitoring standards) as well as promotion of the ‘Fix my street’ app for reporting issues in parks.


4.1.5. The Committee recognises that Lewisham’s parks are well loved because they provide spaces for relaxation as well as recreation. Open spaces are essential for play, community gathering and exercise and these need to be protected. All other areas of our parks for example, edges of fields, pathways, flower beds, underused open spaces need to be considered as land suitable to improve biodiversity, for example, leaving spaces to re-wild, seeded as meadow, space for more tree planting and possibly, in the right situation, introducing water into the parks. Furthermore, in order to maximise biodiversity benefits, reduce costs and waste most formal flower bed planting, both in our parks and other green spaces, should be changed to perennial planting schemes.

4.1.6. In order for our parks to reduce their carbon footprint and increase biodiversity, all natural waste materials, such as leaf fall and annual prunings etc. should be kept on site and composted as far as is practically possible. Leaf fall should be left to decompose in situ and cleared only where it becomes a slip hazard or needs to be controlled to encourage other forms of vegetation growth.

4.1.7. Training of staff should be of the highest standard for all maintenance of groundwork done around trees to ensure that they are given sufficient protection. All new staff should be properly supervised until there is a good level of confidence that trees will not be damaged. Equally all trees in our parks should be given the highest level of protection at events. No vehicles should be allowed to park or drive close to any trees to avoid soil compaction around their roots. Vehicles arriving and departing from events must be provided with a clearly delineated route and be supervised.

4.1.8. The Committee recommends that the Council should develop an integrated pest management policy, which prioritises biodiversity and sustainability. This policy should seek to minimise glyphosate use as far as possible, devising a

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plan to phase out its use, except where it needs to be applied to control invasive species that cannot be controlled in any other way.


4.1.9. The Committee believes that there should be close collaboration between the insourced Lewisham Council parks service and Lewisham Homes’ ground maintenance service. The Committee expects that the options appraisal for the local authority trading company being carried out by officers should include an assessment for the potential to incorporate the Lewisham Homes’ service. Furthermore, the Committee expects the high standards of our parks to be applied to all green open spaces across the borough including land managed by Lewisham Homes.

4.1.10. The Committee believes that the insourcing of the parks service provides an opportunity to accentuate the features that make Lewisham’s parks distinctive and special. As such, the Committee recommends that in advance of the insourcing of the parks service (November 2021) there should be an audit of the formal and historic assets in Lewisham’s parks. This should include memorials and monuments as well as works of art and special gardens. The parks service should then develop a programme to manage and maintain these special features.

Cafes in parks

4.1.11. It is recognised that cafes provide an essential hub for park users and extends the time users will stay in parks, making them safer and more valued by our residents (The Committee notes specifically: the spaces that cafes in parks provide for families without outdoor space at home – as well as the provision of informal meeting places for neighbours and communities (including elders and parents with young children)).The Committee supports the provision of cafes in parks. Well run cafes are recognised particularly for their social value. The Committee recommends that the Council’s future approach to the management of cafes in parks should strongly emphasise social value.

4.1.12. It is very important that there is continued dialogue between café owners, park user/friends groups and the council so that any issues which are perceived to be hindering the success of the cafes are ironed out. Therefore, it is recommended that all cafes are required to make an annual financial report to the Council and/or operate a turnover based rental model so that the Council and the cafe operator both share in success and the Council can work with the cafe operators to discuss corrective action when turnover is falling. Also, there should be at least an annual meeting with senior officers in the parks

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service and park user/ park friends’ groups to discuss any issues specific to the café and the park where it is situated.

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5. Monitoring and ongoing scrutiny

5.1. This review will and its recommendations will be submitted to Mayor and Cabinet for consideration and response. The Council’s constitution provides that scrutiny committees should receive responses to their referrals within two months (not including the summer recess).

5.2. The Committee will consider its work programme for 2020-21 at the first meeting of the new municipal year (April 2020). The Committee should consider how it will scrutinise the actions being taken to prepare for the insourcing of the parks service in 2021. Members may also wish to review best practice in a number of areas, such as:  Other local authority approaches to monitoring the quality of insourced parks management;  The set up and structure of local authority environmental services trading companies;  Best practice in encouraging bio-diversity;  Best practice in supporting and maintaining parks user groups.

5.3. Due to a number of pressing priority issues on the Committee’s work programme – including scrutiny of the parking policy as well as the development of the local plan and supplementary planning documents for Surrey Canal Triangle – there was insufficient time to consider all of the issues raised in the key lines of enquiry. Specifically, the Committee did not review the Council’s programme for generating income from parks nor the process for spending the greening fund. It is recognised by the Committee that for our parks to remain viable and to keep them at the high standard currently enjoyed parks do need to create income. However, the Committee recognises that this needs to be done with sensitivity and with the protection of the biodiversity of the parks as a priority. Accordingly, the Committee may wish to give these issues further consideration when deciding on its annual work programme for 2020-21.

5.4. As part of the work programme for 2020-21 an item will be added to the agenda of the Committee’s autumn meeting to include a six-month update on the implementation of the recommendations in this report.

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Sources and background documents

Communities and Local Government Committee (2017) Public Parks Inquiry: link to the Public Parks Inquiry report

Glendale Lewisham (accessed 2019): http://lewisham.glendalelocal.co.uk/services/

Good Parks for London report (2018): link to the Good Parks for London report

Greater London Authority (2017) – national capital account for green spaces in London – local authority summaries: https://www.london.gov.uk/sites/default/files/11015viv_nca_by_borough.pdf

Guardian (2018) ‘London's parks accused of 'creeping privatisation' of public spaces’: link to Guardian article about the privatisation of public spaces

Heritage Lottery Fund ‘Public parks face decline’ (2016): link to heritage lottery fund report about parks

Lewisham Green Spaces Forum (2019) ‘About’ accessed online: https://lewishamparksforum.wordpress.com/about/

Lewisham Open Spaces Assessment (2019): link to the Lewisham Open Spaces Assessment on the Council's website

Mayor and Cabinet report: the future maintenance and management of parks and open spaces (October 2019): link to the report to Mayor and Cabinet on the Council's website

Parks for London (accessed 2019): https://parksforlondon.org.uk/about-us/

Sustainable Development Select Committee agenda, decisions and minutes 11 September 2019: link to agenda, decisions and minutes on the Council's website

Sustainable Development Select Committee agenda. Decisions and minutes 28 October 2019: link to agenda, decisions and minutes on the Council's website

Sustainable Development Select Committee agenda, decisions and minutes 10 March 2020: link to agenda, decisions and minutes on the Council's website

Page 221 Agenda Item 7 Chief Officer Confirmation of Report Submission Cabinet Member Confirmation of Briefing

Report for: Mayor Mayor and Cabinet

Mayor and Cabinet (Contracts)

Executive Director

X X X Information Part 1 Part 2 Key Decision

Date of Meeting 10 June 2020

Title of Report Excalibur land assembly & construction

Originator of Report James Ringwood Ext. 47944

At the time of submission for the Agenda, I confirm that the report has: Category Yes No

Financial Comments from Exec Director for Resources X Legal Comments from the Head of Law X Crime & Disorder Implications X Environmental Implications X Equality Implications/Impact Assessment (as appropriate) X Confirmed Adherence to Budget & Policy Framework X Risk Assessment Comments (as appropriate) X Reason for Urgency (as appropriate) N/A

Signed: Cllr Paul Bell Cabinet Member for Housing Date: 2nd June 2020

Signed : Kevin Sheehan Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration and Public Realm Date: 2nd June 2020

Control Record by Committee Support Action Date Listed on Schedule of Business/Forward Plan (if appropriate) Draft Report Cleared at Agenda Planning Meeting (not delegated decisions) Submitted Report from CO Received by Committee Support Scheduled Date for Call-in (if appropriate) To be Referred to Full Council

d:\moderngov\data\agendaitemdocs\6\9\5\ai00025596\$i3rlqupw.docPage 222 KEY DECISION

Mayor and Cabinet

Report title: Excalibur land assembly & construction

Date: 10 June 2020

Key decision: Yes

Class: Part 1

Ward(s) affected: Whitefoot

Contributors: Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration and Environment; Acting Chief Finance Officer, Head of Law

Outline and recommendations

It is recommended that the Mayor:  Notes the progress of the Regeneration Scheme as set out in this report;

 Notes the rationale for including the land at the former TMO office at 1 Baudwin Road and neighbouring property at 3 Baudwin Road in conjunction with the Excalibur Estate Regeneration Scheme;

 Agrees the inclusion of the land at the former TMO office at 1 Baudwin Road and neighbouring property at 3 Baudwin Road in conjunction with the Excalibur Estate Regeneration Scheme;

 Subject to agreement of the above recommendation and the Phase 3 land being transferred to L&Q, agrees to transfer the land at 1 & 3 Baudwin Road to L&Q for development subject to the development of Phase 3 going ahead;

 Subject to agreement of the above recommendation, agrees to delegate authority to the Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration and Environment in conjunction with the Director of Law to negotiate and enter into a legally binding agreement with L&Q requiring the land of 1 and 3 Baudwin Road to be used to deliver 3x 2 and 1x 3 bedroom houses to be let at social rent;

Page 223 Timeline of engagement and decision-making

Lewisham, and London more generally, faces severe housing pressures across all tenures. A combination of historic and on-going lack of new supply, a reduction in the number of available lets across the social housing stock, welfare reform, and rising property prices and rents, has led to rapidly increasing, and unmet, demand for social housing. This report is a Key Decision, therefore any decision will be subject to scrutiny.

A summary of previous reports to Mayor and Cabinet in relation to the redevelopment of the Excalibur Estate are as follows:

 Excalibur bungalow estate – decent homes through stock transfer – 17 April 2007  Excalibur bungalow estate – decent homes through stock transfer – 25 June 2008  Excalibur Estate – decent homes through development – 24 March 2010  Excalibur estate ballot result and way forward – 15 September 2010  Regeneration of Excalibur Estate – Section 105 Consultation and Decanting of Phase 1 – 17 November 2010  Regeneration of the Excalibur Estate – 23 February 2011  Regeneration of the Excalibur Estate – 7 March 2012  Redevelopment of Excalibur: Demolition notices and Future letting’s – 20 June 2012  Redevelopment of the Excalibur Estate – 15 December 2012  Regeneration of Excalibur Estate – Update – 10 April 2013  Regeneration of Excalibur Estate – Roads – 19 March 2014  Regeneration of Excalibur Estate – Phase 3 CPO – 4 March 2015  Regeneration of Excalibur Estate phase 1 & 2 site disposal and overarching development agreement – 4 December 2015  Excalibur Update – 22 March 2017  Excalibur Regeneration update – 28 February 2018  Excalibur Phase 3 Land Assembly – 11 July 2018  Phase 3 Enabling works – 25 April 2019

1. Summary

1.1. The regeneration of the Excalibur Estate is a historical scheme that has been led by the need to move residents from post-war pre-fabricated homes into modern homes. The Council has made commitments to the residents as part of the ballot which took place in 2010. The recommendations in this report are to ensure that those commitments continue to be maintained and that the remaining residents are moved into new homes as quickly as possible.

1.2. The Council has been working with residents on the Excalibur Estate on options for the regeneration of the estate for many years and also with L&Q as partner for the estate regeneration since 2006. The full history is detailed in earlier Mayor and Cabinet reports. A list of previous reports is provided in Section 14.

1.3. In November 2010 Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the Council proceed with the regeneration of the Excalibur Estate in partnership with L&Q. This followed on from extensive consultation including an independent ballot and Section 105 consultation. The regeneration scheme has been planned to be delivered over 5 phases.

1.4. The scheme has suffered significant delays. These have been caused by an application

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to list the Estate with English Heritage, a requirement to follow a formal Stopping Up Process on the estate roads, a significant increase in build costs and contractor delays.

1.5. Following the application to list properties, English Heritage listed 6 properties on the estate and so these are not included in the regeneration plans. The Council also decided to exclude St Marks Church on Baudwin Road, the then active Tenant Management Organisation Office at 1 Baudwin Road and the then occupied property between the office and church at 3 Baudwin Road, from the regeneration scheme.

1.6. The first new homes were completed in January and May 2018 in phases 1 and 2, providing 34 new social rented homes. There are a mix of 15 x 2-bed houses, 5 x 3-bed houses, 2 x 4-bed houses, 11 x 2-bed bungalows and 1 x 3-bed bungalow. 5 new shared equity homes have been available to freeholders wishing to remain on the estate and 18 homes will soon be available for outright sale. All 34 new social rented homes are let on protected social rents to existing estate residents.

1.7. Vacant possession of the land forming Phase 3 was secured in summer 2018 and required the use of compulsory purchase powers.

1.8. The Council entered into a licence with L&Q to demolish the 48 prefabricated bungalows in Phase 3. Demolition was completed by late summer 2019.

1.9. This report is seeking authority to work with L&Q and the GLA to continue with the development of the Excalibur Estate Regeneration scheme.

2. Recommendations

2.1. It is recommended that the Mayor and Cabinet:

2.2. Notes the progress of the Excalibur Estate Regeneration Scheme as set out in this report; 2.3. Notes the rationale for including the land at the former Tenant Management Organisation (TMO) office at 1 Baudwin Road and neighbouring property at 3 Baudwin Road in conjunction with the Excalibur Estate Regeneration Scheme; 2.4. Agrees the inclusion of the land at the former TMO office at 1 Baudwin Road and neighbouring property at 3 Baudwin Road in conjunction with the Excalibur Estate Regeneration Scheme; 2.5. Subject to agreement of the above recommendation and the Phase 3 land being transferred to L&Q, agrees to transfer the land at 1 & 3 Baudwin Road to L&Q for development subject to the development of Phase 3 going ahead; 2.6. Subject to agreement of the above recommendation, agrees to delegate authority to the Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration and Environment in conjunction with the Director of Law to negotiate and enter into a legally binding agreement with L&Q requiring the land of 1 and 3 Baudwin Road to be used to deliver 3x2 and 1x3 bedroom houses to be let at social rent; and

3. Policy Context

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3.1. The Council’s Corporate Strategy (2018-2022)[1] outlines the Councils vision to deliver for residents over the next four years. Building on Lewisham’s historic values of fairness, equality and putting our community at the heart of everything we do, the Council will create deliverable policies underpinned by a desire to promote vibrant communities, champion local diversity and promote social, economic and environmental sustainability. Delivering this strategy includes the following priority outcomes that relate to the provision of new affordable homes:

 Tackling the Housing Crisis – Providing a decent and secure home for everyone.

 Building an Inclusive Economy – Ensuring every resident can access high-quality job opportunities, with decent pay and security in our thriving and inclusive local economy.

 Building Safer Communities – Ensuring every resident feels safe and secure living here as we work together towards a borough free from the fear of crime.

3.2. Homes for Lewisham, Lewisham’s Housing Strategy (2015-2020)[2], includes the following priority outcomes that relate to the provision of new affordable homes:

 Key Objective 1 – Helping residents in times of severe and urgent housing need.

 Key Objective 2 – Building the homes our residents need.

 Key Objective 4 – Promoting health and wellbeing by improving our resident’s homes.

4. Background

4.1. There is a long history of the Council working with the former Tenant Management Organisation and other groups of Excalibur residents on the future of the prefabricated home estate. This has included consultation groups and events, surveys and working with independent tenant advisors. The extensive history is detailed in previous reports to Mayor and Cabinet. Following is a summary of key milestones in formal consultation: 4.2. Having been chosen as the preferred partners to work on the redevelopment of the estate, in July 2008, L&Q in partnership with the Council commence the consultation on the offer to be made to estate residents (regeneration proposals). 4.3. Following the consultation, at the Mayor and Cabinet meeting on 24 March 2010, the unprecedented decision was taken to offer residents a ballot on the regeneration proposals. This being well in advance of the GLA policy on balloting residents on potential estate regeneration schemes. Residents were informed that, in the event of a ‘yes’ vote, the Council and L&Q would work together to deliver the regeneration of the Excalibur Estate. In the event of a ‘no’ vote, residents were informed the regeneration proposals put forward by L&Q would not go ahead.

4.4. Residents were provided with an offer document which provided commitments in the event of the scheme progressing. The key commitments were:

[1] http://councilmeetings.lewisham.gov.uk/documents/s61022/Draft%20Corporate%20Strategy% 202018-2022.pdf

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 Minimum of a 2 bedroom house regardless of need;  2 bedroom bungalow for those that need them;  Protected social rents;  Lifetime tenancies;  Separate bedroom for every child regardless of age (up to a maximum of 4 bedrooms) on the new estate; and  Resident freeholders offered a social tenancy if they wish or a shared equity offer.

4.5. In July 2010 Lewisham Council, through the independent Electoral Reform Services Ltd, conducted a confidential Ballot of residents. The Ballot was offered to resident tenants and freeholders whose primary home would be demolished in the proposals. In total, 224 Ballot papers were distributed.

4.6. Residents eligible to vote were asked ‘Are you in favour of the regeneration of the Excalibur estate as proposed by L&Q?’ Residents were given two options to answer. Out of the 224 possible votes, 203 (90.6%) were returned. A total of 56.2% of residents supported the re-development of the Excalibur estate as proposed by L&Q. This meant that if the 21 who did not vote, had voted ‘No’, there still would have been more residents that wanted the re-development to go ahead.

4.7. Following this, the Council was required to carry out statutory Section 105 consultation with secure tenants affected by the proposals. At the closing of the consultation period a total of 38 responses had been received from secure tenants, which represented a 21% response rate. 23 of the responses were classified as opposed to the development while 4 were in favour and 11 were neutral. The responses to the Section 105 consultation were reported to Mayor and Cabinet on 17 November 2010 and, having considered the responses and the Equalities Impact Assessment, the Mayor and Cabinet agreed that the Council should seek to achieve the redevelopment of the Excalibur estate in partnership with L&Q.

4.8. On the 18th January 2012 Mayor and Cabinet agreed a change to the phasing of the scheme. 3 prefabricated homes from later phases were included in the Phase 1 build site. Mayor and Cabinet agreed this on the basis of a second Section 105 consultation that took place with residents. A total of 4 responses were received in time to be included. The 4 responses represent a 6% response rate (of the total 140 secure tenants remaining on the estate). 3 were in favour of the proposed change and 1 was neutral, there were no objections.

4.9. Officers continue to work closely with residents including through a Residents Steering Group who currently meet bimonthly to discuss progress of the estate regeneration.

5. Project Progress

5.1. Key milestones in the project are set out below.

 L&Q obtained planning permission in March 2012 (detailed for Phases 1 - 3 and outline for Phases 4 - 5);  The Secretary of State consented to the disposal of the Phase 1 and 2 land under Section 233 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 in October 2013;  The Council obtained vacant possession of the Phase 1 and 2 site in 2014. 33 tenants were re-housed. 7 freehold properties were bought back and the Council obtained and used CPO powers to assist with this;  The decant of the 48 prefabricated homes in Phase 3 commenced in 2013 and

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the Council obtained vacant possession of the Phase 3 site by September 2018. 39 tenants have been rehoused. 9 freehold properties were bought back. The Council obtained and used CPO powers to assist with this;  The Council entered into a licence with L&Q to carry out demolition of the 48 properties in Phase 3 and to carry out ground works in preparation of building works;  Demolition and land clearance of Phase 3 was completed by September 2019;  Phase 3 land did not transfer upon completion of the demolition due to viability concerns; and  Officers are working with L&Q and the GLA to address the viability issues.

5.2 Information on the viability concerns and ongoing discussions between the Council, L&Q and the GLA are contained in the accompanying Part 2 report. The development of the Phase 3 site is being delayed until the viability condition of the Development Agreement is satisfied.

5.3 Across phases 4 and 5 there are currently 33 secure tenants and 5 freeholders (1 of which is confirmed as being a non-resident).

6. Inclusion of 1 and 3 Baudwin Road

6.1. The pre-fabricated bungalows remaining on the estate were built as temporary post- war housing. Whilst they have provided housing for much longer than originally anticipated, they are now past their useful life and are challenging to heat and maintain. 6.2. As detailed earlier in this report, the scheme has experienced numerous delays. The Council are committed to limiting any further delays so that the remaining residents can move into new modern homes as soon as possible. 6.3. The inclusion of the land at 1 and 3 Baudwin Road presents an opportunity to build sufficient homes for all remaining secure tenants and resident freeholders to move into Phase 3 whilst continuing to adhere to the commitments made as part of the ballot (as set out in 4.4). If these homes are not built alongside Phase 3, then some residents will have to wait for Phase 4 to be built before they can be made an offer of a new home on the estate. This will be at least another 2 years after the completion of the Phase 3 homes. 6.4. The properties at 1 and 3 Baudwin Road were originally considered as part of the regeneration scheme along with the neighbouring St Mark’s Church, all are original Excalibur Estate prefabricated buildings. The buildings were not considered in the final plans as 1 Baudwin Road was used as the estate office by the then active Excalibur Tenant Management Organisation (TMO). The church was not considered part of the plan following early discussions with the Church of England and 3 Baudwin Road is ‘land-locked’ between the TMO office and the church.

6.5. In March 2017 the Excalibur TMO was closed. The former office at 1 Baudwin Road was not suitable for residential use and so has since been secured by a property guardian using the building as a studio.

6.6. The secure tenant who lived at 3 Baudwin House was moved into a new home on the estate in May 2018. Initially the property was used as temporary accommodation, but due to deterioration has remained empty since December 2019.

6.7. There are currently no plans to include St Marks Church within the regeneration scheme.

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6.8. Officers started reviewing the site with L&Q in summer 2019 for possible redevelopment as part of Phase 3 of the Excalibur Estate Regeneration Scheme. The brief to L&Q was to deliver new homes on the site whilst fulfilling the commitments made to residents as part of the ballot. Additionally, the brief was to work towards satisfying the decant of both the remaining phases within Phase 3.

6.9. Having assessed the remaining 37 households in phases 4 and 5 and taking into account the key commitments made to residents as outlined in 4.4, it has been identified that the highest need to satisfy the remaining decant is for 2 bedroom houses.

6.10. L&Q have been assessing the site and commenced planning work. These early plans indicate that 3 x 2 and 1 x 3 bedroom houses can be delivered on the Baudwin Road site. All will be for rent and offered to current residents at a protected social rent. As yet, a planning application has not been submitted.

6.11. Officers have discussed the proposal for the site with the Excalibur Steering Group. These is no requirement for consultation under Section 105 of the Housing Act 1985. Local residents will be consulted as part of the planning process should the recommendations in this report be approved and a planning application is submitted.

6.12. The current Phase 3 site has planning approval. This is being reviewed with the intention of making an application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to make a minor material amendment. The application will review the tenure of the homes to be delivered in order to meet the identified decant need of the remaining residents and fulfil the objective of decanting the final two phases together. If achieved, this would deliver resident moves at least two years earlier than if the phases remain separate. This can only be delivered with the addition of the proposed houses on the site of 1 and 3 Baudwin Road.

6.13. In December 2019, a valuation of the site was carried out on behalf of the Council. The result of the valuation is considered commercially sensitive and is therefore contained within the accompanying Part 2 report.

6.14. For the reasons outlined, officers recommend that the site compromising of 1 Baudwin Road and 3 Baudwin Road (as outlined in red as appendix A) is transferred to L&Q to be redeveloped in conjunction with the Excalibur Estate Regeneration scheme.

6.15. Officers further recommend that the site is transferred to L&Q on condition that they develop the wider Phase 3 land and that they enter into a legally binding agreement with the Council to only use the site to build 3 x 2 and 1 x 3 bed houses (subject to planning permission) all of which are to be offered to current Excalibur Estate residents at a protected social rent.

7. Financial implications

7.1. The financial implications are contained within the accompanying Part 2 report. 8. Legal implications

9.1 The Equality Act 2010 (the Act) introduced a new public sector equality duty (the equality duty or the duty). It covers the following nine protected characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.

9.2 In summary, the Council must, in the exercise of its functions, have due regard to the

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need to:

. eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and . other conduct prohibited by the Act. . advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected . characteristic and those who do not. . foster good relations between people who share a protected . characteristic and those who do not. 9.3 The duty continues to be a “have regard duty”, and the weight to be attached to it is a matter for the Mayor, bearing in mind the issues of relevance and proportionality. It is not an absolute requirement to eliminate unlawful discrimination, advance equality of opportunity or foster good relations.

9.4 The Equality and Human Rights Commission has recently issued Technical Guidance on the Public Sector Equality Duty and statutory guidance entitled “Equality Act 2010 Services, Public Functions & Associations Statutory Code of Practice”. The Council must have regard to the statutory code in so far as it relates to the duty and attention is drawn to Chapter 11 which deals particularly with the equality duty. The Technical Guidance also covers what public authorities should do to meet the duty. This includes steps that are legally required, as well as recommended actions. The guidance does not have statutory force but nonetheless regard should be had to it, as failure to do so without compelling reason would be of evidential value.

The statutory code and the technical guidance can be found at: http://www.equalityhumanrights.com/legal-and-policy/equality-act/equality-act-codes-of- practice-and-technical-guidance/

9.5 The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has previously issued five guides for public authorities in England giving advice on the equality duty: 1. The essential guide to the public sector equality duty 2. Meeting the equality duty in policy and decision-making 3. Engagement and the equality duty 4. Equality objectives and the equality duty 5. Equality information and the equality duty

9.6 The essential guide provides an overview of the equality duty requirements including the general equality duty, the specific duties and who they apply to. It covers what public authorities should do to meet the duty including steps that are legally required, as well as recommended actions. The other four documents provide more detailed guidance on key areas and advice on good practice.

Further information and resources are available at: http://www.equalityhumanrights.com/advice-and-guidance/public-sector-equality- duty/guidance-on-the-equality-duty/ 9.7 Additional legal implications are contained in the Part 2 report. 9. Equalities implications

9.1. The initial Equalities Impact Assessment for the scheme was presented to Mayor and Cabinet on 17 November 2010. This was updated in 2012 to take into account the public sector equality duty contained within the Equality Act 2010. The assessment remains under constant review.

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9.2. The decant process involves the provision of an individual service, where decant officers visit tenants at home and get to know them and their needs on an individual basis. Any special requirements are identified and taken into account in planning the move, factors such as language, mobility and other support needs often need to be considered. It is recognised that decanting is a very stressful time and decant officers offer as much support as required to minimise the anxiety to residents. 9.3. The scheme will provide thermal and security improvements, with all new properties more than meeting the decent homes standard. 9.4. All new affordable units in the development will meet lifetime homes standards. A Lifetime Home unit can be adapted when required to suit residents changing needs. 9.5. In line with GLA and Council policy, more than 10% of units across the development will be wheelchair accessible or easily adapted for those using a wheelchair.

10. Climate change and environmental implications

10.1. The current prefabricated properties were built post-war and are lacking and are environmentally inefficient by modern standards. The new homes to be built will meet the current standards and will benefit from modern technologies that will make them more efficient. Additionally, the Council will work with L&Q to endeavor to source building materials from local suppliers to reduce the travel distance and seek materials that do not contain animal products – where possible. This will help Lewisham achieve its carbon reduction goals.

11. Crime and disorder implications

11.1. There are no specific crime and disorder implications specifically arising from this report. 12. Health and wellbeing implications

12.1. There are no health and wellbeing issues arising specifically from this report. 13. Previous reports


Date Name of report

17/04/07 Excalibur bungalow estate – decent homes through stock transfer.

Report update on the stock transfer option

25/06/08 Excalibur bungalow estate – decent homes through stock transfer.

Update and agreement of offer document, proposed tenancy agreement and freehold offer

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24/03/10 Excalibur Estate – decent homes through development

Update of the scheme, highlighting key issues and need to identify alternative to stock transfer. Permission to ballot residents

15/09/10 Excalibur estate ballot result and way forward

Part 1 report – Note ballot outcome and permission to undertake S105 consultation

Part 2 report – Funding requirements

Regeneration of Excalibur Estate – Section 105 Consultation and 17/11/10 Decanting of Phase 1. Part 1 – Consider S105 responses and EIA Part 2 – Funding requirements

23/02/11 Regeneration of the Excalibur Estate

Part 1 – Progress of the scheme and rehousing arrangements (NoSP’s, buybacks)

Part 2 – authority to enter into a Development Agreement (DA) with L&Q, permission to dispose of phase 1.

07/03/12 Regeneration of the Excalibur Estate

Part 1 Authority to proceed with a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO)

20/06/12 Redevelopment of Excalibur: Demolition notices and Future letting’s - Part 1 report – Permission to proceed with Demolition Notices and end future lettings through Homesearch

15/12/12 Redevelopment of the Excalibur Estate

Update and land appropriation

Regeneration of Excalibur Estate – Update 10/04/13 Part 1 – progress and appropriation of additional properties for phase 1 & 2. Rehousing and buyback arrangements for phase 3 and future phases Part 2 – Budget requirements for phase 3

Regeneration of Excalibur Estate – Roads 19/03/14 Part 1 – To agree all roads on estate to be dedicated as highways

Page 232

Regeneration of Excalibur Estate – Phase 3 CPO 04/03/15 Part 1 – Authority to proceed with CPO for phase 3

04/12/15 Regeneration of Excalibur Estate phase 1 & 2 site disposal and overarching development agreement

Part 2 Agreement of final terms of the DA with L&Q

22/03/17 Excalibur Update

Part 1 – approval to serve Demolition Notices on phases 4 & 5 and management of all remaining prefabs on later phases

28/02/18 Excalibur Regeneration update

Part 1 – land appropriation phase 3

Part 2 – Budget update

11/07/18 Excalibur Phase 3 Land Assembly

Part 1 – approval of project brief and inclusion of additional land. Demolition of phase 3 under licence

Part 2 – Disposal of phase 3 terms and underwriting of demolition costs

25/04/19 Phase 3 Enabling works

Part 1 – Underwriting costs and budget increase

Part 2 – underwriting costs and budget increase

14. Report author and contact 14.1. James Ringwood, Senior Development & Land Manager ([email protected]) 020 8314 7944

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Agenda Item 8 Chief Officer Confirmation of Report Submission Cabinet Member Confirmation of Briefing

Report for: Mayor Mayor and Cabinet X

Mayor and Cabinet (Contracts)

Executive Director

X X X Information Part 1 Part 2 Key Decision

Date of Meeting 10 June 2020 Title of Report Achilles Street Estate Land Assembly

Originator of Report James Ringwood Ext.47944 At the time of submission for the Agenda, I confirm that the report has: Category Yes No

Financial Comments from Exec Director for Resources x Legal Comments from the Head of Law x Crime & Disorder Implications x Environmental Implications x Equality Implications/Impact Assessment (as appropriate) x Confirmed Adherence to Budget & Policy Framework x Risk Assessment Comments (as appropriate) x Reason for Urgency (as appropriate)

Signed: Cabinet Member Date: 2 June 2020

Signed: Executive Director Date 2 June 2020

Control Record by Committee Support Action Date Listed on Schedule of Business/Forward Plan (if appropriate) Draft Report Cleared at Agenda Planning Meeting (not delegated decisions) Submitted Report from CO Received by Committee Support Scheduled Date for Call-in (if appropriate) To be Referred to Full Council

d:\moderngov\data\agendaitemdocs\8\9\5\ai00025598\$u14gzwmc.docPage 234 KEY DECISION

Mayor and Cabinet

Report title: Achilles Street Estate Land Assembly

Date: 10 June 2020

Key decision: Yes

Class: Part 1

Ward(s) affected: New Cross

Contributors: Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration and Environment; Acting Chief Finance Officer, Head of Law

Page 235 Outline and recommendations

It is recommended that the Mayor and Cabinet:  Notes the progress of the Achilles Street estate regeneration scheme;

 Notes the responses to the consultation carried out under s105 of the Housing Act 1985 between 17 March 2020 and 15 April 2020;

 Having considered the responses to the consultation ‘’, agrees to continue with the plans to redevelop the Achilles Street Estate;

 Subject to agreement of the above recommendations:

 delegates authority to the Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration and Environment in conjunction with the Head of Law to serve Initial Demolition Notices on all secure tenants on the Achilles Street Estate pursuant to paragraph 4(2) of Schedule 5A of the Housing Act 1985 (as amended) at such time as deemed appropriate;

 agrees to the suspension of letting secure tenancies on the Achilles Street Estate;

 notes that officers will commence full housing assessments for all secure tenants of the Achilles Street estate;

 agrees that any secure tenant on the Achilles Street estate who receives an offer of alternative accommodation and moves out of their property in advance of the decant officially commencing receives a discretionary payment equivalent to the statutory home loss payment and reasonable disbursement costs they would otherwise have been entitled to; and

 notes the potential requirement for the Housing Needs Manager to exercise their discretion to award additional priority to secure tenants and resident leaseholders of the Achilles Street estate when specialist or large properties become available for letting.

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Timeline of engagement and decision-making

Lewisham, and London more generally, faces severe housing pressures across all tenures. A combination of historic and on-going lack of new supply, a reduction in the number of available lets across the social housing stock, welfare reform, and rising property prices and rents, has led to rapidly increasing, and unmet, demand for social housing.

This report is a Key Decision, therefore any decision will be subject to scrutiny.

Previous reports to Mayor and Cabinet in relation to the proposed redevelopment of the Achilles Street Estate are as follows:

 Achilles Street Redevelopment Proposals – Part 1 – 12 December 2018  Achilles Street Redevelopment Proposals – Part 2 – 12 December 2018  Achilles Street Landlord Offer for an Estate Regeneration Ballot - Part 1 - 18 September 2019  Achilles Street Landlord Offer for an Estate Regeneration Ballot - Part 2 - 18 September 2019  Achilles Street Estate Regeneration Ballot Results – Part 1 – 15 January 2020

1. Summary

1.1. In September 2019 Mayor and Cabinet agreed to the offer being made to the residents of the Achilles Street Estate on the redevelopment of the estate and agreed to the ballot of those residents on whether they were in support of the proposals. The proposals and commitments were contained within the Landlord Offer which was delivered to eligible residents in advance of the ballot.

1.2. The Estate Regeneration ballot was carried out between 18 October 2019 and 11 November 2019. 92% of eligible residents voted which represents 81 of 88 eligible voters on the estate. Of the 81 residents who voted, 72.8% voted “Yes” in favour of regenerating the Achilles Street Estate. This means that 59 eligible residents support the redevelopment proposals. The outcome of the ballot was reported to Mayor and Cabinet on 15 January 2020.

1.3. The report of 15 January 2020 also recommended all secure tenants on the estate be consulted under s105 of the Housing Act 1985 on the proposals for the estate. This consultation has now been completed and the results are provided in Section 6 of this report.

1.4. If the redevelopment proceeds, the Council needs to protect its position in relation to the land assembly. To do this, officers recommend the suspension of any further applications under the Right to Buy through the service of an Initial Demolition Notice on all secure tenants. Further, officers are recommending the suspension of letting any new secure tenancies on the estate, with vacant properties instead being used as temporary accommodation let on non-secure tenancies.

1.5. Information on households was collated in advance of the ballot in order to produce the Landlord Offer but detailed housing assessments and applications have not yet been conducted. These will be required to assist with the design and planning process for the redevelopment and to ensure that the commitments made to residents are delivered.

1.6. Whilst it is hoped and anticipated that the majority of residents will wish to remain on the Page 237

estate in a new home, conducting housing needs assessments and completing housing applications will give those who do not wish to remain on the estate an opportunity to move in advance of the new homes being available.

2. Recommendations

2.1. It is recommended that the Mayor and Cabinet:

2.2. Notes the progress of the Achilles Street estate regeneration scheme; 2.3. Notes the response to the consultation carried out under s105 of the Housing Act 1985 between 17 March 2020 and 15 April 2020; 2.4. Having considered the responses to the consultation, agrees to continue with the plans to redevelop the Achilles Street Estate; 2.5. Subject to agreement of recommendation 2.4: 2.6. delegates authority to the Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration and Environment in conjunction with the Head of Law to serve Initial Demolition Notices on all secure tenants on the Achilles Street Estate pursuant to paragraph 4(2) of Schedule 5A of the Housing Act 1985 (as amended) at such time as deemed appropriate; 2.7. agrees to the suspension of letting secure tenancies on the Achilles Street Estate; 2.8. notes that officers will commence full housing assessments for all secure tenants of the Achilles Street estate; 2.9. agrees that any secure tenant on the Achilles Street estate who receives an offer of alternative accommodation and moves out of their property in advance of the decant officially commencing receives a discretionary payment equivalent to the statutory home loss payment and reasonable disbursement costs they would otherwise have been entitled to; 2.10. notes the potential requirement for the Housing Needs Manager to exercise their discretion to award additional priority to secure tenants and resident leaseholders of the Achilles Street estate when specialist or large properties become available for letting.

3. Policy Context

3.1. The Council’s Corporate Strategy (2018-2022)[1] outlines the Councils vision to deliver for residents over the next four years. Building on Lewisham’s historic values of fairness, equality and putting our community at the heart of everything we do, the Council will create deliverable policies underpinned by a desire to promote vibrant communities, champion local diversity and promote social, economic and environmental sustainability. Delivering this strategy includes the following priority outcomes that relate to the provision of new affordable homes:

 Tackling the Housing Crisis – Providing a decent and secure home for everyone.

[1] http://councilmeetings.lewisham.gov.uk/documents/s61022/Draft%20Corporate%20Strategy% 202018-2022.pdf

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 Building an Inclusive Economy – Ensuring every resident can access high-quality job opportunities, with decent pay and security in our thriving and inclusive local economy.

 Building Safer Communities – Ensuring every resident feels safe and secure living here as we work together towards a borough free from the fear of crime.

3.2. Homes for Lewisham, Lewisham’s Housing Strategy (2015-2020)[2], includes the following priority outcomes that relate to the provision of new affordable homes:

 Key Objective 1 – Helping residents in times of severe and urgent housing need.

 Key Objective 2 – Building the homes our residents need.

 Key Objective 4 – Promoting health and wellbeing by improving our resident’s homes.

4. Background

4.1. Since the beginning of 2016 the Council has been working with residents on the Achilles Street Estate to create redevelopment proposals that look at how the estate could be rebuilt to provide new council owned homes for social rent, new homes for all existing residents, and new space for businesses. 4.2. On 18 September 2019 Mayor and Cabinet agreed that a resident ballot for estate regeneration should be held on the Achilles Street Estate to determine if the redevelopment proposals should go ahead. 4.3. The resident ballot ran from Friday 18 October through till Monday 11 November, and all residents who were eligible to vote, based on the criteria set out by the GLA, were given the opportunity to vote on the Achilles Street Estate regeneration proposal.

4.4. All eligible residents were sent a Landlord Offer from the Council that provided details of how they will be affected by the regeneration, the new homes they would receive, and how they could be involved in the design of the new estate. The Landlord Offer was based on extensive engagement with residents on the estate, and provided the best possible offer for council tenants, resident leaseholders and families in temporary accommodation on the Achilles Street Estate. The primary aim of the redevelopment proposed for the Achilles Street Estate is to increase the amount of Council owned homes for social rent, but the proposal also seeks to address current issues around accessibility (lack of lifts in some buildings and lifts that are too small for a wheelchair in others) and to provide modern facilities. The Landlord Offer was designed to enable the much-needed redevelopment to take place in a way that benefits all of the current residents.

4.5. 92% of eligible residents voted in the Achilles Street Estate resident ballot for estate regeneration. This represents 81 of 88 eligible voters on the estate. This is the highest turnout of any resident ballot for estate regeneration held to date, and is a positive reflection of how engaged residents on the estate are with deciding the future of their community.

4.6. Of the 81 residents who voted, 72.8% voted “Yes” in favour of regenerating the Achilles

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Street Estate. This means that 59 eligible residents support the redevelopment proposals.

5. Project Progress

5.1. On 12 December 2018 Mayor and Cabinet agreed to a budget to commence the voluntary buyback of leasehold properties and commercial land within the proposed site boundary. This budget reflected a proportion of the overall expected budget and was to be used to kick start the land assembly of the site.

5.2. At the time of writing this report, the Council has purchased 4 of the 33 privately owned flats on the Achilles Street Estate and terms have been agreed on a further 2 properties. All of the properties purchased are being used for temporary accommodation. The Council has also completed on the ending of the lease on a commercial unit and is in active negotiations with other commercial owners.

5.3. Following the outcome of the estate ballot (as outlined in section 4), Lewisham Homes are now leading the Achilles Street regeneration development on behalf of Lewisham Council and have been working closely with estate residents on the next steps (subject to consideration of the outcome of the s105 consultation by Mayor and Cabinet). As well as traditional forms of contact such as telephone calls, newsletters, letters and emails, Lewisham Homes have found innovative ways to continue to engage with residents through the period of lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This has included using virtual technology to continue to meet ‘in person’ and to deliver training sessions.

5.4. This work has seen nine ‘champions’ from the community come forward including a youth representative. These residents have undertaken various training sessions in order to enable them to understand the processes required for the development to take place as well as to assist with key decisions. Training sessions undertaken include Design Development, Procurement and the Council decision making process. This training is designed to put residents at the heart of the development, making key decisions such as selecting the architect who will be designing the scheme as well as having an understanding of why and how decisions are made.

5.5. These champions have virtually met with other residents from regeneration estates across London and Independent Tenant and Leaseholder Advisors to develop their understanding of regeneration processes and to receive advice from their experiences. The Champions have worked collaboratively with Lewisham Homes to develop the terms of reference and code of conduct for the Achilles Resident Steering Group which will be established shortly. The Achilles Estate Residents' Steering Group will ensure meaningful resident consultation and effective participation in decision- making on all aspects of appraising and implementing the redevelopment proposal for their estate. The Champions supported by Lewisham Homes have held virtual ‘drop in’ or ‘call in’ sessions in May to allow their neighbours on the estate to meet them and advertise the Steering Group application process.

6. Section 105 consultation

6.1. Section 105 of Part IV of the Housing Act 1985 makes it a requirement for a landlord authority to consult with those of its secure tenants who are likely to be substantially affected by a matter of housing management. The Act specifically identifies a new programme of improvement or demolition to be a matter of housing management to which Section 105 applies. 6.2. On Tuesday 17 March 2020 a letter was hand delivered to all 47 secure tenants on the

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Achilles Street estate allowing 28 days for their observations or comments to be received. The letter set out the Council’s proposals for the redevelopment of the estate, explained that the existing properties on the estate would need to be demolished and asked tenants for their views on the proposals. A copy of the letter is appended as Appendix A. 6.3. At the closing of the consultation period a total of 2 responses had been received from secure tenants. This represents a 4% response rate. A further response was received after the closing. 6.4. Whilst this is a low response rate, it should be noted that there has been extensive resident consultation on the Achilles Street Estate prior to the estate ballot. The Landlord Offer contained all of the information in the s105 consultation and as outlined in 4.5, 92% of all eligible residents cast a vote. The s105 consultation is a separate requirement to the estate ballot requirement and the two cannot be combined. 6.5. All three of the responses received were considered to be positive in relation to the redevelopment proposal. The following are quotes from each of the responses:  “It's a development that is overdue. An increase in homes is a good idea, its all good if it gets people of the waiting list.”  “I am all for the regeneration of Achilles Street for two reasons; 1. The development will build some much needed homes for the area. 2. Achilles Street will finally get the love, care and attention that it deserves.”  “I would like the building to be redeveloped as it provides more spacing; help with pest infestation and ongoing mould which I've been told is from the walls.”

6.6. The full responses received and the Council’s replies (redacted to protect identities) are available on request.

6.7. Officers are continuing to communicate regularly with residents about the redevelopment and how the scheme is progressing. There will be many more future opportunities for consultation and information sharing as the designs are developed and when the planning application is submitted and in future years as detailed planning approvals are required.

6.8. Officers recommend that the Mayor and Cabinet note the outcome of the s105 consultation and agree to continue with the redevelopment of the Achilles Street Estate.

7. Demolition Notices

7.1. The current maximum Right to Buy discount is £112,300, available to secure tenants that wish to buy their council homes. Right to Buy presents a risk to redevelopment schemes as the Council is required to buy back leasehold or freehold interests granted under the Right to Buy in order to proceed with the scheme. An increase in the amount of leaseholders, would increase the cost of the scheme and potentially could make it financially unviable. 7.2. Officers are therefore seeking approval to serve Initial Demolition Notices on all secure tenants to suspend any current or future Right to Buy applications from completing. This is standard practice in regeneration schemes. The Initial Demolition Notice is required to contain certain prescribed information including a statement that the landlord intends to demolish the property, the reasons for this and the period within which the demolition will take place. Once the proposed demolition date is actually known, the Council can then serve a Final Demolition Notice which renders all existing right to buy applications ineffective and prevents any further right to buy applications

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being made. 7.3. As the final phasing and forecast construction schedule are not yet confirmed, officers request that the decision on when to serve the Initial Demolition Notices is delegated to the Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration and Environment in conjunction with the Head of Law. 7.4. Officers will return to Mayor and Cabinet once demolition dates are confirmed, for a further decision on serving the Final Demolition Notices. 8. Future Lettings

8.1. The commitments in the Landlord Offer for the proposed Achilles Street Estate development apply only to secure tenants, resident leaseholders and temporary households (to whom the Council has accepted a homeless duty) who were resident at the time of the ballot. This provides certainty for the architects and officers on the size and types of new homes that need to be built. 8.2. Over the period of time between the ballot and the new homes being available, some of those eligible households will no longer be resident on the estate, thereby creating a vacant (void) property. 8.3. Where a vacant property is suitable for re-letting, the Council will seek to use it as temporary accommodation for a homeless household. The temporary letting would not acquire any of the commitments in the Landlord Offer and this will be made clear to the resident at the commencement of their tenancy. 8.4. Where the Council has accepted a full homeless duty to a homeless household who is not eligible to be offered a property on the rebuilt estate, that household will be made an offer of suitable alternative housing at the time that full vacant possession is required to commence demolition.

9. Full Housing Assessments

9.1. Leading up to the Estate Regeneration Ballot, officers conducted interviews with residents. 9.2. The interviews were informal, giving officers an opportunity to discuss residents’ preferences in terms of the proposed redevelopment scheme as well as an opportunity to collate information on household make-up, vehicle ownership and whether residents wished to remain on the estate or would like to move to another part of the borough. 9.3. This information was used in part to bring forward the commitments made to residents in the Landlord Offer. 9.4. Full housing assessments, which would require providing proof of occupancy, proof of vehicle ownership and property preferences, were not carried out and not all residents could be interviewed. 9.5. Completing full housing assessments with tenants and leaseholders now would enable officers and residents to further develop the plans when an architect has been appointed. The confirmed information will allow for architects to design a scheme that will meet all of the commitments made to residents. In addition, completing a housing assessment now will confirm other rehousing priorities, such as overcrowding, under- occupation, medical needs which would result in an active housing application whereby the resident could bid for another property through Lewisham Homesearch should they wish. 9.6. Where there is currently no rehousing priority, the application will be held until the ‘Decant priority’ is applied or the households circumstances change and a rehousing priority becomes applicable. Officers will return to Mayor and Cabinet to recommend

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the awarding of ‘decant priority’ at the appropriate time. 10. Discretionary Home Loss and disbursement payments

10.1. As outlined in the Landlord Offer, secure tenants who are decanted as a result of the will be entitled to a statutory Home Loss compensation payment (currently £6,400) and be able to claim a disbursement payment for other reasonable expenses such as reconnections, mail forwarding and removal costs. As outlined in 9.6, officers will return to Mayor and Cabinet to recommend commencing the official decant in the future and for authority where necessary to serve Notice of Seeking Possession. 10.2. In the meantime, some secure households may move to another social housing property for other rehousing reasons. Officers recommend that these residents receive a discretionary payment equivalent to the statutory home loss payment and reasonable disbursement costs at the time of their move and upon providing vacant possession of their Achilles Street estate property. 10.3. This will ensure that residents who have a need to move and wish to move are not dis- incentivised by not receiving a payment that they would be entitled to if they remained in their unsuitable housing until the decant officially commences. 10.4. As outlined in 8.3, the Council will seek to use any property vacated by a secure tenant as temporary accommodation for a homeless household. 11. Exercise of discretion of the Housing Needs Manager

11.1. The Council’s current Allocations Scheme provides the Housing Needs Manager discretion to increase the priority of an individual application. Section 3.2 of the Lewisham Housing Allocations Scheme states: “….In exceptional circumstances, the Housing Needs Manager may in the exercise of their discretion increase the priority awarded to your application or vary the type of accommodation you may be considered for, based on the exceptional circumstances of your case. They may only do so where this would be in accordance with the objectives and spirit of the Lettings Policy. The Housing Needs Manager’s decision will be final…..” 11.2. The Allocations Scheme works alongside the Annual Lettings Plan which specifies that certain properties are advertised in Lewisham Homesearch with specific criteria for allocation. One of these specific criteria is that decanting residents will receive a priority for a certain percentage of overall lettings. 11.3. The Council and our housing partners have numerous active decant schemes where secure tenants already have a ‘decant preference’ on their housing applications. However, there are occasions where there are no active decant residents who need a particular property type that is offered with a decant preference under the Annual Lettings Plan. 11.4. Moving forward, where there is no identified need for an active decant application for a particular property type that is made available via the Annual Lettings Plan, but there is a household on the Achilles Street estate that would be suitable, officers will prepare and present a case to the Housing Needs Manager for the use of their discretion. 11.5. The Landlord Offer outlines the commitments to households in temporary accommodation who already have a priority under the Allocations Scheme. 12. Financial implications

12.1. The financial implications are contained within the accompanying Part 2 report.

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13. Legal implications

13.1. The Housing Act 1985 contains a statutory procedure for the service of Initial and Final Demolition Notices by authorities. Broadly, the effect of the service of Initial Demolition Notices on secure tenants is to suspend the requirement for the Council to complete right to buy applications for as long as the notice remains in force. The Initial Demolition Notice (IDN) is required to contain certain prescribed information including a statement that the landlord intends to demolish the property, the reasons for this and the period within which the demolition will take place, which must be a reasonable period expiring not more than 7 years after the date of service of the IDN on the tenant. As the final phasing and forecast construction schedule which will inform the period within which demolition is expected to take place are not yet confirmed, officers are therefore requesting that the decision on when to serve the Initial Demolition Notices is delegated to the Executive Director for Housing, Regeneration and Environment in conjunction with the Head of Law. The IDN does not prevent tenants from making right to buy applications. However, the effect of the IDN is that the Council is not required to complete any right to buy applications within the period specified in the IDN. In the event that the IDN expires before the demolition has taken place, the consent of the Secretary of State would be required to serve a IDN. Tenants with existing right to buy claims at the time the IDNs are served are entitled to claim compensation for legal and other fees, costs and expenses (e.g. survey fees) incurred prior to the IDNs coming into force. 13.2. Once the proposed demolition date is actually known, the Council can then serve a Final Demolition Notice which renders all existing right to buy applications ineffective and prevents any further right to buy applications being made. Again, compensation will be payable to Tenants with existing right to buy claims at the time the Final Demolition Notices are served. Officers will seek approval from Mayor and Cabinet prior to serving Final Demolition Notices. 13.3. Section 84 of the 1985 Act provides that the Court shall not make a possession order of a property let on a secure tenancy other than on one of the grounds set out in Schedule 2 to the Act, the relevant ground in this case being Ground 10. Ground 10 applies where the local authority intends to demolish the dwelling house or to carry out work on the land and cannot reasonably do so without obtaining possession. The demolition works must be carried out within a reasonable time of obtaining possession. Where the Council obtains possession against a secure tenant it is required to provide suitable alternative accommodation to the tenant. This is defined in the 1985 Act and requires consideration of the nature of the accommodation, distance from the tenants’ family’s places of work and schools, distance from other dependant members of the family, the needs of the tenant and family and the terms on which the accommodation is available.In accordance with the Land Compensation Act 1973, secure tenants will be entitled to statutory home loss and disturbance payments where possession orders under Ground 10 are made. The Land Compensation Act 1973 also provides for these payments to be made on a discretionary basis where the secure tenant gives possession by agreement rather than requiring a possession order to be obtained. 13.4. The Equality Act 2010 (the Act) introduced a public sector equality duty (the equality duty or the duty). It covers the following protected characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. 13.5. In summary, the Council must, in the exercise of its functions, have due regard to the need to:

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• eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act.

• advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.

• foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.

13.6. It is not an absolute requirement to eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimisation or other prohibited conduct, or to promote equality of opportunity or foster good relations between persons who share a protected characteristic and those who do not. It is a duty to have due regard to the need to achieve the goals listed at 9.3 above. 13.7. The weight to be attached to the duty will be dependent on the nature of the decision and the circumstances in which it is made. This is a matter for the Mayor, bearing in mind the issues of relevance and proportionality. The Mayor must understand the impact or likely impact of the decision on those with protected characteristics who are potentially affected by the decision. It is not an absolute requirement to eliminate unlawful discrimination, advance equality of opportunity or foster good relations. The extent of the duty will necessarily vary from case to case and due regard is such regard as is appropriate in all the circumstances. 13.8. The Equality and Human Rights Commission has recently issued Technical Guidance on the Public Sector Equality Duty and statutory guidance entitled “Equality Act 2010 Services, Public Functions & Associations Statutory Code of Practice”. The Council must have regard to the statutory code in so far as it relates to the duty and attention is drawn to Chapter 11 which deals particularly with the equality duty. The Technical Guidance also covers what public authorities should do to meet the duty. This includes steps that are legally required, as well as recommended actions. The guidance does not have statutory force but nonetheless regard should be had to it, as failure to do so without compelling reason would be of evidential value. The statutory code and the technical guidance can be found at: https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/en/advice-and-guidance/equality-act-codes- practice

https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/en/advice-and-guidance/equality-act-technical- guidance

14. Equalities implications

14.1. An Equalities Analysis Assessment for the Landlord Offer for people on the Achilles Street Estate that is part of the Resident Ballot for Estate Regeneration has been completed and is attached to this report as Appendix B. 14.2. Equalities impact assessments are carried out for projects within the regeneration programme for Achilles and the main development programme

15. Climate change and environmental implications

15.1. The majority of properties on the estate would benefit from improvements to insulation and modern methods of heating and climate control. The new homes to be built will meet the current standards and will benefit from modern technologies that will make them more efficient. Lewisham Homes will be appointing an MEP and Sustainability Consultant and the Steering Group who will have sustainability training to collaborate to Page 245

address the carbon neutral ambitions and ensure homes that are affordable to build, maintain, manage and live in.

16. Crime and disorder implications

16.1. There are no specific crime and disorder implications specifically arising from this report. The new build homes will have improved and modern security features and architects will be briefed to minimize future potential crime through better design. 17. Health and wellbeing implications

17.1. As outlined in 4.4, accessibility to the current buildings is restricted for some members of the community with lifts not being present in some buildings and lifts in other buildings not being able to accommodate wheelchairs. The new homes to be built will be accessible for all residents. 17.2. The new estate will have redesigned functioning public spaces to replace the current areas which are underused and poorly designed. 18. Report author and contact 18.1. James Ringwood, Senior Development & Land Manager ([email protected]) 020 8314 7944

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Agenda Item 9


Report Title Exclusion of the Press and Public

Key Decision No Item No.


Contributors Chief Executive (Head of Business & Committee)

Class Part 1 Date: June 10 2020


It is recommended that in accordance with Regulation 4(2)(b) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information)(England) Regulations 2012 and under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12(A) of the Act, and the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information

10. Excalibur Land Assembly and Construction

11. Achilles Street Land Assembly

12. CCTV IP Upgrade

13. Dry Recycling Contract award

d:\moderngov\data\agendaitemdocs\3\9\5\ai00025593\$kl4jgxkc.doc Page 247 Agenda Item 10 By virtue of paragraph(s) 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.

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