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Philips Technical Review DEALING ~H TEC~CAL PROBLEMS RELATING to the PRODUCTS, PROCESSES and INVESTIGATIONS of the PHILIPS INDUSTRIES VOLUME 20, 1958/59, No. 9 pp. 24.5-276 Published 8th May 1959 Philips Technical Review DEALING ~H TEC~CAL PROBLEMS RELATING TO THE PRODUCTS, PROCESSES AND INVESTIGATIONS OF THE PHILIPS INDUSTRIES THE PHILIPS HOT-GAS ENGINE WITH RHOMBIC DRIVE MECHANISM by R. J. MEIJER. 621.412-231.312 Since the first reports on the Philips hot-gas engine, published in this Review in 1946 and 1947, further research and development on the engine has taken place along two different lines. These investigations have resulted on the one hand in the construction of the cold-gasrefrigerating machine, now in production for some years, and on the other hand they have led to the design of a new type of drive mechanism which is of special importance for the hot-gas engine proper (particularly large machines). By the application ofthis drive mechanism it has been possible to drop the idea of using one piston to perform both power and gas-transfer functions (the "double-acting" principle) and return to the thermodynamically more efficient system of separate power and transfer pistons. In this way and by the incorporation of a number of im- provements in the design of regenerator, heater etc., the engine has now been given a form that promises well for future development. Measurements carried out on a 40 H.P. experimental engine built according to the new design have demonstrated that, as far as efficiency and specific power are concerned, the new engine can compete with the best amongst familiar forms of prime mover, besides possessing all the virtues inherent in the hot-gas cycle. With the help of modern materials and with new This was indeed an elegant principle. The basic knowledge of flow and heat-transfer phenomena, type of hot-gas engine, the Stirling engine, has the hot-air or hot-gas cycle, which has been known separate power and transfer pistons, while in our since the early part of the last century, can be made "double-acting" engine one moving body performed to take place with high efficiency. This was made thc functions of both, this constituting a very con- clear in a series of articles that appeared in earlier siderable mechanical simplification. Moreover, in volumes of this Review 1,2,3,4,5). distinction to the small transfer-piston (or displacer- Contrary to expectation, development work on piston) engines made at the time (which worked the cycle in the Philips laboratories did not in the very well), the single-piston engines did not require first place lead to a hot-gas engine, but to a gas the crankcase to be pressurized. This promised con- refrigerating machine - which, in the meantime, siderable advantages for higher-power engines where has come to occupy an important place in refrig- a pressure crankcase would necessarily involve large- eration practice 4,5). There are several reasons for weight penalties. However, these advantages had the slower development of the engine. The principal to be paid for. In the first place an exceptionally among these were the practical difficulties encoun- intractable lubrication problem now arose: a piston tered when it was tried to apply what was termed had to act as a moving gas-tight seal between a hot the "double-acting" or single-piston principle. and a cold space between which a large periodic pressure difference occurs. Also, both thermodynam- 1) H. Rinia and F. K. du Prê, Air engines, Philips tech. Rev. 8, 129-136, 194·6. ically and aerodynamically, this type of engine 2) H. de Brey, H. Ri~a and F. L. van Weenen, Fundamentals was inferior to the displacer-piston engines, owing for the development of the Philips air engine, Philips tech. Rev. 9, 97-104, 1947/48. to the fact that the volume variations of the hot 3) F. L. van Weenen, The construction ofthe Philips air engine, and cold spaces could no longer be freely chosen as Philips tech. Rev. 9, 125-134, 1947/48. 4) J. W. L. Köhler and C. O. Jonkers, Fundamentals ofthe gas regards their relative magnitude and phase .. refrigerating machine, Philips tech. Rev.16, 69-78, 1954/55. With further development it has proved possible 5) J. W. L. Köhler and C. O. Jonkers, Construction of a gas refrigerating machine, Philips tech. Rev. 16, 105-115, to drop the idea of a single "double-acting" piston 1954/55. and to design an engine of the displacer-piston type 246 PHILIPS TECHNICAL REVIEW VOLUME 20 which also possesses the feature that the crankcase cool the gas periodically, is combined with a power need not he pressurized. This was made possible piston that compresses the gas while it is in the cold by the embodiment of a new kind of drive mecha- space and allows it to expand while in the hot nism. The latter offers the, additional advantage space (all dead spaces in cooler, heater etc. being that even a one-cylinder engine can be perfectly disregarded). Since compression takes place at a balanced. Of the various engines built according to this design, a single-cylinder 40 H.P. machine will be described here and some result~ of measurements o~ the output and efficiency will he given. ---- Hot space ro save the reader the trouble of consulting ear- lier' volumes of this Review, we shall now very briefly recapitulate the principles of the hot-gas \ engine, restricting ourselves to an engine provided with 1\ displacer piston. ---- Displacer Brief account of the hot-gas cycle An internal-combustion engine provides a surplus of work in virtue of the compression at low temper- Cold space ature of a certain quantity of air, to which atomized fuel is added either before or after the compression, the subsequent heating of the mixture by rapid combustion, and its expansion at high temperature. 96937 The hot-gas engine is based on the same principle, Fig. 1. Principle of the displacer-piston system. Moving this piston up and down causes the gas to be transferred back and i.e. the compression at low temperature and ex- forth between the hot and cold spaces, via heater, regenerator pansion at high temperature of a given quantity of and cooler. gas. The heating takes place, however, in an entirely different manner, the heat being supplied to the gas lower temperature than expansion, a surplus of from outside, through a wall. For this reason the work results. Fig. 2 shows four phases of the cycle description "external-combustion engine" is appro- through which the whole system passes if a discon- priate. Owing to the high thermal capacity of the tinuous movement of power piston and displacer wall, it is not of course possible to heat and cool the piston is presupposed. The displacements they are gas simply by rapid heating and cooling of the wall. assumed to undergo are plotted as functions of time Stirling had realized as far back as 1817, however, infig. 3; the ordinates in band E represent the varia- that the gas temperature could be made to change tion in the volume of the hot space, and those in periodically by causing a "displacer piston" to band C the variation in the volume of the cold space. transfer the gas back and forth between two spaces, The volume variations are plotted separately in the one at a fixed high temperature and the other at a lower part ofthe diagram. Fig. 4 is the p, V diagram fixed.low temperature - see fig. 1. If we raise the of the cycle (V is the total volume of the gas). displacer piston in fig. 1, the gas will flow from the In a practical version of the engine the movements hot space via the heater and cooler ducts into the of power and displacer pistons must of course be cold space. If now the displacer piston is moved continuous, not discontinuous, as they have been downwards the gas will return to the hot space assumed to be in these figures; the continuous move- along the same path. During the first transfer stroke ments will be obtained with the aid of some kind of .the gas has to yield up a large quantity of heat; an crank and connecting rod mechanism. It will not equal quantity of heat has to be taken up during then be possible to distinguish any sharp transitions the second stroke. The regenerator shown in fig. 1 between the four phases, but this will not alter the is inserted between the heater duct and cooler duct principle of the cycle (or detract from its efficiency in order to prevent unnecessary wastage of this hcat. - see below). The movements of power piston and h is a space filled with porous material to which displacer might now be as indicated in fig. 5, in which the hot gas yields heat before entering the cooler; the volume variations of the cold and hot spaces when the gas streams back, it takes up the stored have again been plotted separately. The only es- heat again prior to its entry into the heater. sential condition for obtaining a surplus of work is 'I'he displacer system, which serves to heat and that the volume variation of the hot space should " 1958/59, No. 9 HOT-GAS ENGINE WITH RHOMBIC DRIVE MEcIÄ~f~llIPS' GLO£IU ,~~[2~tt t f. I IJ 1II N 96938 Fig. 2. Diagrams to illustrate the hot-gas cycle. For the sake of clarity the power piston and the displacer piston are supposed to move discontinuously; it is then possible to dis- tinguish four phases that make up the complete cycle.
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