General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Accord
GENERAL AGREEMENT ACCORD GENERAL SUR RESTRICTED ON TARIFFS AND LES TARIFS DOUANIERS ™<$2^ TRADE ET LE COMMERCE Special Distribution MINISTERIAL MEETING REUNION MINISTERIELLE Tokyo, 12-14. September 1973 Tokyo, 12-14- septembre 1973 LJEST_QF jŒPRESENTATIVES LISTE" DES REPRESENTANTS Chairman: Mr. Masayoshi OHIRA, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan Président: ALGERIE Représentants S.E. M. Mustapha Belhocine, Ministre plénipotentiaire, Ministère des Affaires étrangères M. Mohamed Bouzarbia, Conseiller, Ministère des Affaires étrangères M. Abderahmane Charef, Directeur des Relations extérieures, Ministère du Commerce M. Mohamed Kamel Achour, Conseiller technique, Ministère du Commerce, M. Mustapha Dadou, Deuxième secrétaire, Ambassade à Tokyo Secretary of Meeting: Mr. H. van Tuinen, Room 319, Tel. ext 14-06 Press Officer: Mr. J. Croome, Matsu Room, 2nd Floor, Tel. ext. 362 -437-6904. (direct line) MIN(73)lHP/4/Rev.l Page 2/3 ARGENTINA Représentantes Sr. Gabriel Martinez Emba ador Représentante Especial para las Negociaciones Comerciales del-GATT, Sub-secretario de Comercio Exterior Sr. Fernando Lerena Ministro, Représentante Especial Alterno, Director de Tratados y Negociaciones de la Sub-secretaria del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr» Jorge Livingston Consejero ante el GATT, Misidn permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unides en Ginebra AUSTRALIA Representatives The Eon. J.F. Cairns Minister of Overseas Trade and Minister for Secondary Industry Leader of Delegation H.E. Mr. G. Warwick Smith Ambassador, Special Trade Representative Mr. F.C. Pryor Secretary, Department of Secondary Industry Mr. S.F. Harris Deputy Secretary, Department of Overseas Trade Mr. J.C. Taylor First Assistant Secretary, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Mr. F.M. Collins First Assistant Secretary, .
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