THETHE U.S.U.S. ManufacturerManufacturer ofof Streetcars!Streetcars!

ChandraChandra Brown,Brown, PresidentPresident Iron Works, Inc. and , LLC.


United Streetcar, LLC, is a newly formed subsidiary of , Inc. (OIW). OIW is a specialized fabrication and manufacturing company founded in Oregon in 1944. United Streetcar’s mission is to provide modern, efficient, safe and reliable American- produced streetcars and to be a pioneering force in increasing urban transit options throughout the . UnitedUnited Streetcar,Streetcar, LLCLLC andand SkodaSkoda

„ OIW has signed an exclusive technology transfer agreement with Skoda, from the . The agreement was signed in February 2006 and allows United Streetcar, LLC to offer the latest European technology in rail vehicle design, electric traction equipment and products for the United States.

ƒƒ The vehicle design is for a three body, articulated, low floor streetcar and fully compatible with the current . The new streetcar will be manufactured in the US and will be fully compliant with the Buy-America Act. CityCity ofof PortlandPortland StreetcarStreetcar ContractContract

„ The OIW-Skoda team was awarded the contract to manufacture the prototype vehicle for the City of Portland in compliance with the Buy-America Act.

„ United Streetcar, LLC and Skoda look forward to a continued relationship with plans to produce the next generation of streetcars ƒ The new streetcar will use a (5 bodies, low floor streetcars) and wide variety of U.S. produced other transportation vehicles (light components with easy rail, trolleybuses, etc.). In addition, procurement, replacement United Streetcar, LLC and Skoda and service from United plan to provide electrical Streetcar, LLC. equipment and spare parts with rapid response for after market needs. CityCity ofof PortlandPortland StreetcarStreetcar StatusStatus As of July 2007 ƒ August 2006 - RFP issued by the City of Portland

ƒ November 2006 - The City of Portland selected OIW as winner of the competitive RFP process

ƒ January 2007 - OIW received the Cost and Buy-America audit compliance papers from TriMet

ƒ March 2007 - The City of Portland awarded and signed the contract with OIW.

ƒ Fall 2007 - Fabrication of the Body Shell

ƒ Beginning 2008 - Interior Trim and Electric Equipment Installation

ƒ Spring 2008 - Bogie Assembly Installation

ƒ Fall 2008 - Vehicle Complete

ƒ Late Fall/Winter 2008 - Move to customer track and begin 6 months of testing CityCity ofof PortlandPortland StreetcarStreetcar –– CurrentCurrent ActivitiesActivities

„ Long Lead Time Component Procurement – finalized commercial contracts for the major vehicle components/systems

„ Finalized the new appearance of the prototype car with the City of Portland

„ Continuous interface with the City and the technical contractor – LTK

„ Design and testing of major components/systems – on going; periodic reviews and submissions to LTK

„ Production planning and preparation within United Streetcar / OIW’s facility ““FaceFace LiftLift”” StylingStyling OptionsOptions

For the new US made vehicle we have used (new/refreshing) US styling

Different head lights “themes” have been investigated & developed ““FaceFace LiftLift”” StylingStyling OptionsOptions UnitedUnited Streetcar,Streetcar, LLCLLC AdvantagesAdvantages

„ High quality product which meets and exceeds safety and reliability standards „ Extremely Cost Competitive „ Partners in Your Project - We encourage and embrace direct and open communication between ourselves and the customer before, during and after project construction „ Local / US support on after market needs - spare parts, service, repair, etc. „ The best in European design and technology which has been adapted to fit U.S. needs „ More timely delivery than foreign competitors FutureFuture OutcomesOutcomes

„ UnitedUnited Streetcar,Streetcar, LLCLLC isis fullyfully committedcommitted toto producingproducing thethe mostmost modern,modern, efficient,efficient, safesafe andand reliablereliable vehiclevehicle toto meetmeet thethe mostmost stringentstringent requirementsrequirements ofof thethe USUS market,market, whilewhile remainingremaining costcost competitive.competitive.

„ UnitedUnited Streetcar,Streetcar, LLCLLC willwill offeroffer fullfull maintenancemaintenance andand supportsupport optionsoptions asas wellwell asas beingbeing thethe fabricatorfabricator ofof choicechoice forfor U.S.U.S. producedproduced modernmodern streetcarsstreetcars toto meetmeet thethe marketmarket’’ss mostmost complexcomplex transportationtransportation projects.projects. FutureFuture OutcomesOutcomes

„ UnitedUnited Streetcar,Streetcar, LLCLLC willwill pursuepursue bothboth BuyBuy AmericaAmerica andand standardstandard modernmodern streetcarstreetcar contractscontracts inin citiescities throughoutthroughout thethe UnitedUnited States.States.

„ WeWe looklook forwardforward toto enhancingenhancing thethe urbanurban transittransit optionsoptions andand offeringoffering aa competitivecompetitive U.S.U.S. manufacturingmanufacturing choicechoice forfor thethe entireentire

„ ForFor moremore informationinformation pleaseplease visitvisit ourour websitewebsite atat