Dr. Marco Ferroni -- Profile
Dr. Marco Ferroni -- Profile Marco Ferroni is Chairman of the System Management Board of the CGIAR, an international food and agriculture research partnership with a track record in crop and livestock improvement, agricultural development and growth, sustainable natural resource management and both food security and better nutrition and health. Mr. Ferroni focuses on renewal and modernization in his role while ensuring strategic oversight of R&D portfolios, funder engagement, change management to position the organization for success in the 21st century and ‘go-to-market’ strategies in partnership with governments and both commercial and non-profit actors. A strong analyst, advocate, motivator and communicator, Mr. Ferroni served as Executive Director of the Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture (SFSA) for ten years to September 2017. Working in partnership with others, the Foundation identifies and develops scalable solutions for farmers, tests them and fosters their progression to the market under ambitious impact frameworks in crop improvement research, seed systems development, mechanization, agricultural index insurance and finance, digital decision tools, and farmer-empowering links to supply chains and markets, among other aspects of producer and farm sector support. Mr. Ferroni shaped the Foundation as an incubator of technologies and services, contributed potentially disruptive solutions in weather insurance and seed systems, among other aspects, and achieved freedom to operate for SFSA as an independent corporate Foundation in ways unequalled in the crop science industry. Earlier in his career, Mr. Ferroni held executive and senior advisory positions at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the World Bank in Washington DC. He was a member of the Board of Directors at IDB and later had responsibility for technical and advisory services to Country Departments in social sectors, information technology, and agriculture as Deputy Manager of the Sustainable Development Department.
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