Mozambique Environmental Threats and Opportunities Assessment

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Mozambique Environmental Threats and Opportunities Assessment MOZAMBIQUE ENVIRONMENTAL THREATS AND OPPORTUNITIES ASSESSMENT January 2013 This Report was produced for review by USAID-Mozambique. It was prepared by the Environmental Threats and Opportunities Assessment (ETOA) Team under contract to the US Department of Agriculture Forest Service – International Programs. Cover photo: Mangrove poles being harvested for local construction, Angoche, Nampula Province. Photo by B. Byers, September 2012. MOZAMBIQUE ENVIRONMENTAL THREATS AND OPPORTUNITIES ASSESSMENT January 2013 AUTHORITY Prepared for USAID-Mozambique. This assessment is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this report are the sole responsibility of the ETOA Team and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government (USG). PREPARED BY ETOA Team: Bruce Byers (Team Leader), Rezia Cumbi, Mario Falcão, Felisbela Gaspar, Valerio Macandza, and Marcos Pereira. TABLE OF CONTENTS Abbreviations and Acronyms ..................................................................................................................... i Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................................................... v Executive Summary .................................................................................................................................... 1 1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 9 1.1 Purpose .......................................................................................................................................... 9 1.2 Methods....................................................................................................................................... 10 2.0 State of the Environment ................................................................................................. 12 2.1 Biophysical Setting ..................................................................................................................... 12 2.2 Ecosystems .................................................................................................................................. 13 2.3 Species ........................................................................................................................................ 20 2.4 Protected Areas and Conservation Priorities............................................................................... 22 3.0 Values and Benefits of Biodiversity ................................................................................ 26 3.1 Ecosystem Products .................................................................................................................... 26 3.2 Ecosystem Services ..................................................................................................................... 29 3.3 Non-Material Benefits of Ecosystems ........................................................................................ 30 4.0 Threats and Causes .......................................................................................................... 33 4.1 Habitat Loss and Degradation ..................................................................................................... 33 4.2 Overexploitation of High-Value Species .................................................................................... 38 4.3 Invasive Species .......................................................................................................................... 40 4.4 Pollution ...................................................................................................................................... 40 4.5 Climate Change ........................................................................................................................... 40 5.0 Laws, Policies, and Government Institutions ................................................................. 43 5.1 Laws and Policies ....................................................................................................................... 43 5.2 Institutions................................................................................................................................... 47 5.3 Land Tenure ................................................................................................................................ 54 5.4 Treaties ........................................................................................................................................ 55 6.0 NGO and Donor Programs and Activities ..................................................................... 57 6.1 Non-Governmental Organizations .............................................................................................. 57 6.2 Donors ......................................................................................................................................... 57 7.0 Actions Needed to Conserve Biodiversity, Forests, and Environment ........................ 58 8.0 Contribution of Proposed USAID-Mozambique Programs ......................................... 64 8.1 USAID Context ........................................................................................................................... 64 8.2 Overview of USAID-Mozambique Programs ............................................................................. 67 8.3 Extent to Which USAID’s Proposed Programs Could Contribute to Actions Needed ............... 71 9.0 Recommendations............................................................................................................. 75 Annex A: References and Websites Consulted ............................................................................... 85 Annex B: ETOA Scope of Work (SOW) ......................................................................................... 93 Annex C: Biographical Sketches of The ETOA Team ................................................................. 104 Annex D: Persons Contacted, Their Institutional Affiliation, and Contact Information ......... 106 Annex E: Land Cover 2007 Map.................................................................................................... 108 Annex F: Summary of NGO Programs ......................................................................................... 109 Annex G: Summary of Donor Programs ....................................................................................... 110 Annex H: Actions Needed According to Key Informants ............................................................ 113 Annex I: Actions Needed Grouped by Theme ............................................................................. 121 Annex J: National Parks, National Reserves, Forest and Integral Reserves ............................. 130 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ABCG Africa Biodiversity Collaborative Group ADF African Development Fund AFDB African Development Bank ANAC National Agency of Conservation Areas ATB Agriculture, Trade and Business AWF African Wildlife Foundation BIOFUND Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CBNRM Community-Based Natural Resources Management CCAP Coastal City Adaptation Program CDCS Country Development Cooperation Strategy CFR Code of Federal Regulations CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species CO2 Carbon Dioxide CONDES National Council for Sustainable Development CSO Civil Society Organizations DINAGECA National Cadastral Service DG Democracy and Governance DNAC National Directorate of Conservation Areas EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EMP Environmental Management Plan ENSO El Niño Southern Oscillation ETOA Environmental Threats and Opportunities Assessment FAA Foreign Assistance Act FAO Food and Agriculture Organization FTF Feed the Future FUNAB National Environmental Fund GDP Gross Domestic Product G-FISH Global FISH Alliance GIZ German Agency for Technical Co-operation Mozambique Environmental Threats and Opportunities Assessment i GOM Government of Mozambique IIAM Institute of Agrarian Research INE Statistics National Institute INGC National Institute for Disaster Management INIA National Institute of Agronomic Research IOTC Indian Ocean Tuna Commission ISSG Invasive Species Specialist Group IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature MAE Ministry of State Administration MCT Ministry of Science and Technology ME Ministry of Energy MF Ministry of Finance MICOA Ministry for the Coordination and Environmental Affairs MIKE Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants MINAG Ministry of Agriculture MIREM Ministry of Mineral Resources MISAU Ministry of Health MITUR Ministry of Tourism MOPH Ministry of Public Works and Housing MP Ministry of Fisheries MPA Marine Protected Area MPD Ministry of Planning and Development NGO Non-Governmental Organization NP National Park NR National Reserve NRM Natural Resources Management PA Protected Area PARP Plan for the Reduction of Poverty PEPFAR President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief), ongoing maternal and child PES Payments for Ecosystem Services PMI Presidential Malaria Initiative REDD Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation SADC Southern African Development Community ii Mozambique Environmental Threats and Opportunities Assessment SAVE Scientific, Academic, Voluntary and Educational
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