Nazar Delegan | Curriculum Vitae 500 rue Verdure – Brossard J4W1R3 – QC Canada Æ +1 (514) 996 7665 • Q
[email protected] ¯ Objective: Achieve a positive impact via innovative research and fruitful collaborations. Have fun doing it. Doctoral thesis Title: Codoped titanium dioxide thin-films for visible light fueled applications: fabrication, characterization, and optimization. Supervisor: Prof. My Ali El Khakani (INRS-EMT) Abstract: Radio-frequency magnetron sputtering was used to synthesize visible-light active nanoscale TiO2:N films. This introduction of NO species formed new VBM-straddling Eg states, lowering the effective optical-gap from 3.2 eV to values as low as 2.2 eV, while maintaining desired crystallinity. Un- fortunately, VO-defect density was seen to increase as a result of this, leading to decreased photocharge lifetimes. To remedy this, an acceptor-donor charge passivated TiO2:WN were developed and synthe- sized. The optimized codoped films were shown to have increased VO formation energies, improved photocharge lifetimes, and decreased lattice strain. The improvement of these properties directly re- sulted in TiO2:WN photoanodes showing a ∼300 % increase in 1.5AM-light driven electro-photocatalytic degradation rates of real-life pollutants when compared to pristene TiO2. Education Ph.D. in Materials and Energy 2014–2018 INRS - Energy, Materials, and Telecommunications, 4.3/4.3 Montreal Acceptor-donor defect passivated, visible-light active TiO2 for electro-photocatalytic applications. M.Sc. in Materials and Energy 2012–2014 INRS - Energy, Materials, and Telecommunications, 4.15/4.3 Montreal Development and optimisation of nitrogen doped TiO2 films for visible light fueled applications.