INSTITUTE OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD ECONOMICS NATIONAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE From the research on socially-sustainable agriculture (43) Agrarian question and sustainable development of Polish agriculture Józef Stanisław Zegar MONOGRAPHS OF MULTI-ANNUAL PROGRAMME NO. 61.1 MONOGRAPHS OF MULTI-ANNUAL MONOGRAPHS OF MULTI-ANNUAL ISBN 978-83-7658-703-5 61.1 PROGRAMME WARSAW 2017 From the research on socially-sustainable agriculture (43) Agrarian question and sustainable development of Polish agriculture INSTITUTE OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD ECONOMICS NATIONAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE From the research on socially-sustainable agriculture (43) Agrarian question and sustainable development of Polish agriculture Author prof. dr hab. Józef Stanisław Zegar THE POLISH AND THE EU AGRICULTURES 2020+ CHALLENGES, CHANCES, THREATS, PROPOSALS Warsaw 2017 7KHDXWKRULVWKHUHVHDUFKHUDWWKH,QVWLWXWHRI$JULFXOWXUDODQG)RRG(FRQRPLFV ±1DWLRQDO5HVHDUFK,QVWLWXWH 7KLVPRQRJUDSKKDVEHHQSUHSDUHGXQGHUWKH0XOWL$QQXDO3URJUDPPH ³7KH3ROLVKDQGWKH(8DJULFXOWXUHV&KDOOHQJHVFKDQFHVWKUHDWVSURSRVDOV´ ZLWKLQWKHVXEMHFWDilemmas of the development of sustainable agriculture in Poland 5HYLHZHU dr hab. Anna Matuszczak, PoznaĔ University of Life Sciences &RPSXWHUGHYHORSPHQW BoĪena Brzostek-Kasprzak 3URRIUHDGHU Joanna Gozdera 7UDQVODWHGE\ Summa Linguae S.A. &RYHUSURMHFW Leszek ĝlipski ,6%1 Instytut Ekonomiki Rolnictwa i Gospodarki ĩywnoĞciowej – PaĔstwowy Instytut Badawczy ul. ĝwiĊtokrzyska 20, 00-002 Warszawa tel.: (22) 50 54 444 fax: (22) 50 54 636 e-mail:
[email protected] Table of contents Introduction 7 Chapter I. CLASSIC AND CONTEMPORARY CONCEPT OF THE AGRARIAN QUESTION 11 1. Classic approach to the agrarian question 11 2. Contemporary approach to the agrarian question 20 3. Environmental and social aspects of the agrarian question 27 Chapter II. AGRARIAN QUESTION IN THE HISTORY OF POLISH AGRICULTURE 31 1. Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the partitions 31 2.