3 INDEX Page TRS-00 SOfcerer of Siva . . .•• •••.••• • .•.•.••. , •••.•••.••...... •• . •..•.•.. . .•• , . . 4 Crush , Crumble & Chomp! ..•..••••...••••.• . ... 6 First may I say for all the 2 months, u•s nice to recei~e ...... •...... •...... 7 comp ts, but we also like to ocs and helps to unprove our 8 service, and to this end we have e h1ch 1f you complete The Datestones of Ayn .... 9 Morloc's Tower 9 add send to us then you'U be enntlcd d ISlft on the Captain 80 T ample of Apshai .... . 10 Book of Adventures. Upper Reaches of Apshai •. 10 .•.. 11 Second, you'U find enclosed The Keys of Acheron . 11 Frog Race •... 12 with a star these programs are new re Moonbase Rescue • 12 fmd them arc within these pages, they Air Attack ••. 12 'bonus, purchase an two and ded Rescue the President .. 13 Labyrinth of the Drongos .•. 13 Nukewar .. 13 Third, we like to sec programs ur name and address l.R .V ... 14 and 1f possible your telephone n c ubJCCI of contnbuted Spaceship to Nowhere . 14 software don't forget we pay top r Gauntlet of Death .. 14 Also 1f you don't write Base Numbers .•... 15 programs yourself but know a good 0 mtrod cuon bonm, 10 Domes of Kilgari .. 15 claim t · bonus simply get yo fn n your name and if we Death Dreadnaught ...• 15 publish anyof his/her work then Banle for the Stars ....• , . , •. 15 Video Monopoly .. 16 Graphic Basic ..... 17 Lastly, may J apologise for the (a alogue, but we have been Wo,dVll .... 17 a.mng for authorisation for publica unfortunately traru-atlantic Wordprocessor 2.02 .... 17 Tower of Talos .. 18 communication being what 11 JS, we are as c receive we n authonsauon North Atlantic Convoy Raider 18 will send a separate nyer on these p •. 18 Invasion Orion 22 Calendar 2J PET Dragon's Eye . 5 Rescue at Rigel ... , ..••.•.••• 8 The Datestones of Ayn . . 9 Morlee's Tower ...... • • . • ...... • • . 9 , . . . • • . . . • .. • . . . • 10 Hellfire Warrior 11 THE LfiPT 13 Nukewar •..•.... Arrows 16 Conqueror . . . . . • ...... 16 Sub Commander •...... •.....•..... , •• . .••••.•....•••....•. 16 North Atlantic Convoy Raider .....•••.•• . ...•... 18 B Planet Miners ...•••. 18 Mazeman 19 Asteroids 19

APPLE ADVE ES Sorcerer of Siva 4 Dragon's Eye •.. 5 Crush, Crumble & Chomp! . 6 Star Warrior ...... • • 7 This book represents a start mg de ttlal ALL the programs Rescue at Rigel . , . . • . . ...••...••. 8 contained in rt have been previous y p mgatupto(12each! The Datestones of Ayn ..••••••••.. 9 Morlee's Tower .. 9 Temple of Apsha1 10 Programs by Scott Adams le; Upper Reaches of Apshai. 10 Altogether 18 Adventures for the TRS Hellfire Warrior .. 11 disk dnve this program 1s won ti doub t Keys of Acheron 11 Nukewar 13 Superscribe 11 If you have never tned an AdvenlL 16 this book contains North Atlantic Convoy Raider 18 Adventures trat will provide you w Planet'Miners 1 rie 'or you, your 18 family and friends. Wizardry .•. 19 Galactic Attack . 19 lnvation Orion 22 The book also conta1r

Cassette Tapes .• 21 Disks .•.....••.. . '.. 21 4 DUNJONQUESf:·.·tr·,· 5 Sorcerer · QragonS Eye ( ./ :; \~ 9S of Siva Apple 48k Disk Apple 48k Disk TRS-80 16k Cass & 32k Disk

Amulets, nngs, necklaces. scepters. oh, yes. and a pair of old boots await you 111 the magi al mines of Siva . M ag1C and r1Ches Dragon's Eye, an overland adven­ abound. But weal th 1s not all you seek The only entrances als behind you a you • Graphics! Computer-generated PROCLAMATION ture, invites the player into a completely enter the dark stillness of the mine. Armed map. ~App l e* and Atari* use detailed world of fantasy involvement. color and sound.) IN THE NAME OF PHANTASMAL with only a dagger and your magical abi lities. POWERS THAT GUARD THE GATES Though the game is relatively easy you have but a few short hours to seek out • Real time. OF TIME, I, THE GOOD MAGICIAN to learn, the subtle interplay among the secret exit (hidd n somewhere on the AND MAGE OF THE SEVEN PROVIN­ fi ft h level) before you are sealed in for all time • You play the role of a spe ll ­ magic effects, monsters, weapons, CES, DO HEREBY MAKE KNOWN AND and treasures retrieved makes this But beware the wandering so ulless crea tures wielding wizard in magical PUBLICLY PROCLAIM THE NEED FOR that dwell in the more than 300 chambers of combat. A CHAMPION. a challenge. the magical mine. guarding eve r ~ treasure Dragon's Eye is an outstanding • For ages 10 through adult. All ye who are skilled in battle and and lurking beneat h every trap door. introduction to fantasy role-playing A wiza rd you are. yes . who can hurl fire • Complexity: Intermediate. horrible of mein and great of cunning, ball or lightning boit to slay the blood thirsty ye who are familiars of the supernatural adventures. Combining simplicity with. banshee; put an end to the deadly demon. or • Playing time: 30 minutes to and initiates to the ways of spell-casting­ variety and real time battle graphics, goad the goblin wait ing to way lay you. hours of fun. come ye forth and declare yourself. Dragon's Eye will captivate and enter­ Your spells ca n crea te openings in solid • For one player. Great are the rewards to him who tain the younger player for hours. waUs and sea led entrances, heal your wounds. rescues the Seven Provinces from the For one player, ages 8 and up. res tore you; strength. or give you the gift of GAME CONTEN TS : curse of the Dragon's Eye. But great also weightlessness which le ts you mov effor t are the perils. Treasures of true potency lessly from room to room. Your own bravery - Book of Lore will be found by those who seek out the GAME CONTENTS: will decide how many s p ~ ll s you .shall bring - Playing Summary Card Eye- treasures that are guarded by foul - Book of Lore int o the mines. But beware the evil Sorcerer . - Ga me program & data files dragons, go/ems, ghosts, and a variety of who 1s wait ing to cas t his favorite spell for your computer beasties and beings that go bump in the -Command Summary Card forge tfulness to deprive you of your most night. - Game program & data files valuable magic . He who accepts the challenge will for your computer But all is not lost .. . You may regain a spell behold the full graphic splendors of spell· or two or. perhaps. even find one you had not casting and serf)ent slashing. His magic before. 1f you can discover the wondrous glass will reveal to him, as never before touchstones no archaeologist has yet found it could, in chillingly animated detail, the stones with powers to increase your magical gory destiny that awaits his readied blade. abilities. Though, expect not that these, or Hidden ·treasures will be found that others. always lie still, for the Sorcerer and bedazzle the eye. Magic effects will his minions are afoot confound the senses. Be warned. too. that not all treasures you To him who finds the Dragon's Eye, might fi nd are true. Mysterious items might know ye that your great prowess will drain your life's blood and leave you in black haue banished forever the curse of the ness. Will a ring bring you only wea lth? Can a Evil Necromancer. Your name will be pair of old boots do more than protec t your garbed in glory, and you will receive the soleful feet? In expt=!rience hes wisdom. worthiest of rankings. Good lu c k~ And happy mining ... Apply withi1uif' ~ Crush, Crumble _...... ___...~-- ... ----~..-.. --- --..-..-__...... _ ____ ~ - ~ - -..._.. ------.------..------...._.....,.-- ..._...--- - ..._.. - and Chomp! STAR WARRIOR Apple 48k Disk Apple 48k Disk TRS-80 16k Cass & 32k Disk TRS-80 16k Cass & 32k Disk

But wait! The National Guard is out to get you. T he local police are sworn to your ~~Cf)' destruction. Even as you read this. a secret weapon is bei ng readied against you by mad and skillful scientists. Are you truly prepared to face helicopters, tanks, artillery, and more, driven by those who are li terally dying to get at you? Sooner or later, humanity will triumph ... have decoys to fool your enemy, and you Breathe fire. terrorize cities, snack on a maybe. Or maybe vengeance will be yours. are equipped with nuclear missiles. In this STAROUEST, you are a star­ horrified populace, and further develop your blaster and power gun. The governor is faring knight bound tightly by your code, villainous personality. CRUSH, CRUMBLE, always on the move, so you never know • Graphics. Computer­ a mercenary with a cause. You are a and CHOMP' where you'll find him next' generated metropolis. (Apple Fury, an interplanetary avenger on a Is there a particular city against which yo_u But like your mythical namesake, you and Atari use high-resolution mission of justice and danger. called 011 crave to wreak revenge? Do you have a are a Fury- a soldier of daring and color) by the people of the planet Fornax to free grudge against the Golden Gate Bridge? courage, and the people of Fornax are them from the rule of an oppressive Lunch on San Francisco, then . Can't control .., Sound depending on you! military governor. You must take on an your burning desire to consume the Penta· • Real time entire planetary occupation force ­ gon? Dine on Washington, D.C. Fed up with • Sound! alone' Outnumbered by storm troopers cheap imports? Tokyo, perhaps. Do you • You are the villain of the Stellar Union, you'll always be on • Real time! hunger for the Big Apple? Munch on New • Six monsters, four cities, five the lookout for hover craft, robot tanks, York. • Two different scenarios! game objectives- over 100 artillery- even the deadly, rapid firing Be the deadly amphibian who longs to p.ossible scenarios "Mauler"-nine types of enemy vehicles • For one player leave trails of poisonous nuclear pollution ; in all. But you're far from helpless. simultaneously smash street cars with a • For ages 10 through adult single blow of your scaly tail, lunch on help· • Complexity: Intermediate When you play "Star Warrior," you'll - Player's Handbook less humans. and radiate a ray of death from • Playing time: 10 minutes to walk, jump-even fly - over swamps, - Command Summary Card forests and mountains. Six different your malevolent eye. I hour - Map Card Or would you like to be, perhaps, not even sounds and even better graphics than of the fallible nesh but . rather, of horren· • For one monster our series make "Star - Game program & data files dously heartless steel? A lifeless, but life-like. Warrior" more fun, and, the emphasis is for your computer mechanical g1zmo preprogrammed by zero· on fast action and challenge. population-growth professionals for the Choose from 19 cpmmand options, destruction of all things earthly. several suits of powered armor, 5 levels of If you were a giant winged creature. think skill and 2 scenarios. In Scenario One, of the aerial attacks you could make on the you must divert your enemy from the terrified but tasty tidbits beneath you. main attack. Your aim is to destroy·as Take on the persona of any of six demonic many military installations and vehicles beasties (even more for those who have a as you can before you are recalled . Yqu disk). Select from four mouth-watering can even set your own time limit, so you metropoli and five different objectives - over can play tor as little or as long as you 100 possible scenarios, complete with graph· like! In Scenario Two, you must track ic mayhem and the resounding thunder qf down and destroy the tyrannical military your monsterly presence, await your beastly governor and his staff You'll use sophis­ appetite. ticated electronic direction finding equip­ ment to home in on your targets. You 8 9 ~& q<;' ...... --- -..------~~- .---­ ..- ...... ------.- ---._.. -- - aim-- -- .,._. ~ .- The Datestones -~ ---- -~ ~--- - ~ f~ ~ ------.-- - C Ry Apple 48k Disk Morloc's Ql fl TRS-80 l 6k Cass Apple 48k Disk RESCUE AT RIGEL Pet 16k Cass TRS-80 16k Cass Apple 48k Dis k A dastardly robber band led by the noton Tower Pet 24k Cass TRS-80 l 6k Cass ous rogue, Rex the Reaver, has stolen the Morloc. 1he malevolenl m<1g1c user. h<1s Pet 16k Cass precious Datestones from the ducal caiendar sworn 10 level the< 1ty of Hagedorn by to111gh1. of Ryn. upon 1he nse of the new moon Unle::.::, vou Armed with powergun and blaster you You're working against the clock to retrieve Bnan Hc1mmerhand _ I. must battle the aliens that lurk there. and the stolen treasures. You must finish your none of rhe 111hab1tc1nts of lhe town. pur-.ut'd then. somehow get yourself out of the quest before the sun sets! In The Datestones by the .iwesome and evil powt'r of tlw w11<1rrl. 1 moonbase al1ve Yo ur powergun and of Ryn'" the real·t1me action keeps you on the will live to see the next sunn'>t' shield drnw energy from your powerpack edge of your seat' MoriOl· comm.ind!:> lht' f1rP 1h,11 hurn'> ilw Your blaster has only a handful of charges You play the hero, Bnan Hammerhand soul crnd Pr~·11or5. and your res.cue ship 1s under o rders to a mercenary at large as you explore the from a TJl'< UTl' 111 1 Can you rescue the 10 prisoners before tants! Especially the deadly shme his tower but the '>eeds of h1~ de..,tru1 tu111 ,in• your p~werpack 1s depleted? Can you The Datestones of Ryn 1s a fantasy role '>DWn there111 get hack to your rendezvous point in playing adventure with more than a dozen CcJn you. dS Bn,u1 H,m1m<•rh,1nd p1111ll' time? Can you escape the dreaded real time play options and they're all easy our rhe workings of Morin< 's possP~'>l<>n'> ,111d The trouble started when a renegade clutc hes of the unmerciful High Tollah ? to use single· key commands Fight or flee. ~o use 1hem dga1nst th!!11111,i...1er' Will v• 1u ~1.11, Hig h Tollah sought sanctuary 1n the Try 1t. Smitty You 're their only ho pe parry or thrust, heal your wounds or speak the <1rrhv11ld1n .ind 0<1w 1lw f,11r 111<11d l11wkl.i Stellar Union To get back at the renegade. with monsters. The choice 1s always yoursl for hettl'r lhI The Datestones of Ryn has a built in and women from the Orion colony o f • Graphics! Computer-generated nngs. d m,1~1l sword rwo .1mull'1.., 1 h.ilf 1 compet1t1ve sconng system that lets you Ult1ma Thule taken prisoner There. inside map! (Apple uses high­ doll'n other lredsurl''>. JO rorn1h. 18 11•.il 1111H ' a secret base on a moonlet c1 rc l1ng Rigel. resolution color & sound!) measure how well you do in successive tOnlllldnd op11on::,,<1ndd do1111IVJ'<''><>l1111111 Tollah sc1ent1sts used these v1c t1ms to playings and allows you to test your prowess • Real time! Slt'r~. 1nclud1ng 1 t.if11, old Morlot h1nN•il find a means of re ducing the human ra ce against that of your friends. Can you <;natch Morlo1 's Tower 1s .i f.ist 111.11111!:) 4.imt• 1h .. 1'... every last Datestone from the robber~· yrasp? to the status of Common Tollah In the • Different every time you play! <'f Although the Tollah race walks erec t. • Playing time: 20 to 60 minutes - Colorful 16-page Book of Lore thl' punll's (or 1h111k vou h,11.p I. 1.01 'II pl.i~ their faceted eyes. mandibular iaws and <1g.i111 <111d ,19<1111 to 1111pro1. ' ~·<>u1 '' 11r<· B 11 I long abdomens are clearly 1nsecto1d Will • For one player - Game program & data file the puzzle should prm<' 11>0 111ugh. 1h1 I~" .k the 10 prisoners be transformed into for your computer of l.orl' offl'r., h1nh 1" lwlp 1.1111 l111d 11,. these aliens. o r will they be saved miracu­ 'olu11011 lo usly by yo ur role-play ing alter-ego B w.irned tlw op11111<1l ... 11111111111 \1.il pre , Sudden Smith ? to h<> evpn n on' vJu...,1\.t rl .111 rhe u.I i.. ' ~· With "Rescue at Rigel .. you c an have the excitement o f o ur fantasy role-playing • Superb graphics. C omputer- system in the sc1ence-f1c t1 on unive rse of generated map. "Starfleet Orio n · and " In vasion Orion .. You take the part o f the brave Smitty and • Real time it's all up to yo u Yo u must find your way • A race agains t time! through a maze of c orridors. c hambers gravshafts and teleportals trying to • Competitive scoring sy5. tem save the 10 humans held somewhe re • For ages 10 through adult within Their 1n secto1d capto rs move th em from roC'm to room inside th e com ­ • Complexity: Intermediate plex. so each time yo u play you must • Playing time: 10 to 30 minute <, 1 searc h aga1n • For one plaver IV II DUNJONQUESf 1empleof Apsha~:i21<: Now. you , ,rn t> nle1 ,1 tllll\'erst' 111 whit h quit k w11 . 1he t rengt h of your sword arm .ind ,1 1,1\ismiln ilround your neck might be TRS-80 16k Cass & 32k Disk Wh

Apple 12 Cf'D ;¥11. C$<; Upper Reaches of Apshai TRS-80 Th e Keys of Ac heron ~~~1 i. For the true Temple of Apshai aficionado, Perhaps a sizable horde, maybe a healing The Upper Reaches of Apshai is the first in potion- or something even more intriguing­ The mage spoke in low tones: " Your first On your journey, you'll meet a frie ndly a series of expansion dunjons for the remain within the cleric's realm . quest will ta ke you to a world not far unicorn with a magical necklace to help you award-winning "Temple." In The Upper Reaches of Apshai, you'll separated from our own. Once there, you in your sea rch. But to reach him, you must be walking on eggs in search of ... Who The 'Upper Reaches of Apshai has four must find the secret passage to the cave cross the dark and fea rsome mandrake knows? In Olias' cellar may lie the sword fun levels and over 150 rooms, gardens, where The Dragon has sec reted the key. forest. Other monsters inhabit the dim and and shield he took from you, oh , so many berry patches and caverns. Horrible So begins your nex t ad venture as a Hellfire frightful places through which you must pass moons ago. monsters, from giant tomatoes to killer to reach the four keys. But time is short and Take· your favorite character along, or have Warrior. Four magica l jewels, the keys, chickens. lurk in the Innkeeper's backyard. each in a different dimension, must be fame and fortune drive you onwa rd to the the Innkeeper generate a new -one for a end of yo ur ques t. Discover the secrets of Benedic's combined indoor and 01Jtdoor adventure. · recovered from the rule of Kronus the Monastery and the cottage of Merlis the Be warned, though, The Upper Reaches Demon. One is guarded by The Dragon. The Keys of Acheron is an expansion Mage. What of aU those donations adven­ of Apshai is not a complete game. You must Another by an evil cleric. Still another lies dunjon for Hellfi re Warrior. You must have turers have made to Benedic over the years? rave Temple of Apshai to play. dee p within a fiery volcano. The fourth is Hellfire Warrior to play. protec ted by Kronus himself. 12 13 guns and shells last. From the firing position you can see all round the horizon by traversing your Air Attack gun tlJrret using the LEIT and RIGHT ARROW Nukewar KEYS you can elevate and depress using the UP and DOWN ARROW KEYS. When a target The time is the late twentieth century. Your This computer simulation creates a <3 '1$" appears your spotter signals to you its direction country and a neighbouring country have hypothetical conflict between two abstract From England's hottest new programmer comes (N,S,E, W). recently developed nuclear capability. Never the countries. NUKEWAR is very fast paced and esy this exciting new arcade-style game with a best of friends in the first place your countries to learn, and can be enjoyed equally by game dHference - 3-D attacks! You fire via the space bar, hold it down for are now engaged in a massive arms race that has players of all ages and levels of experience. Best multiple shots. You will see a flash at the edge of come to be known as "cold war". The stakes are of all, once the nuclear war is over, you can bring This is the best use of the TRS-80 graphics we the picture as the gun fires and a point of light as a~. high as they come: literal survival for your the two countries back to life and try it all over have ever seen! Planes swoop out of the sky on your shell explodes a few moments later. If you c1ttzens and your democratic way of life. again! strafing runs, twin engined bombers try to blast score a hit there is a big flash and the target This computer game can be played on the you out of your position - but the real deadlies disintegrates. Each year, you must decide to allocate some following systems: are the V l's you have only a limited time to hit resources into massive espionage efforts to locate these and these never miss! As you improve the challenge mounts twin­ enemy baf.e and industrial centres, or concentrate ATARI 400/800 16k effort inro- producing more engines of engined planes come in on a dive-bombing run APPLE II, Applesoft Basic, 16k memory You are defending the East Coast against and can knock our one of your guns. l destruction. You must choose among jet fighter­ beyond Basic enemyilircraft during World War II, and if you bombers, land-based missiles, missile submarines PET, l,6k or anti-ballistic missiles. find time swing your gun around to have a look The score and number of unused ammunition TRS-80, Level II, 16k Memory at the sleepy town you are defending laid out boxes is chalked on the blockhouse wall, and can around you. Your weapon is a four-barrel anti­ be seen by those with time to point the guns An Game aircraft battery and you have a thousand rounds inland! of ammunition in four cases. Your object is to Machine Code with Sound!! blast as many planes out of the sky while your TRS-80 16k and up Level II Model I & Ill Labyrinth of The Drongos Moonbase Rescue Within this 3-D labyrinth many treasures exist, An exciting arcade style game with a difference, but also many dangers. To get past a Drongo you give him what he you have nothing to shoot down, you have co scoutship is able to penetrate the meteor wants, but as Drongos love to haggle you can So be prepared you are about to be teleported pilot your ship between showers of meteors so showers, and the colony on the moon have only a probably knock down his demands, to a more imagine a colony in space where disaster has freighter. It being too slow and big to avoid the into the Drongo's Labyrinth. Great rewards can reasonable level, but beware being in the struck. meteors which come from both directions! be won there, but disaster also awaits the presence of a Drongo is very energy draining. unwary. A host of meteors rings the moon brought. So you have to pilot your ship to land as many To get past a grundhund, you must either there by "Planetary Mining Corps" to be times as possible to pick-up and return to your As well as 3-D perspective views of the maze, shoot him or throw up an invisibility shield. You processed at leisure for the mineral Leuconite, mother ship in orbit before your fuel runs out. which is different each time you play you have usually have time to react before he does, as the this is then shipped to Earth. ( the option of the normal plan view. You will grundhund is a very slow-witted beast especially Your task is not easy! appear in the N. W. corner and the exit is in the after teleporting, but beware some are faster S.E. corner, you must try and reach it with as But a load of meteors have been directed into Machine Code wilh Sound!! than others. much as you can. polar orbit, this "means that only a two-man TRS-80 16k Level II An excellent original program with superb The Drongos teleport around their maze as do graphics. the ferocious but slow witted Grundhunds and have a nasty habit of booby trapping the treasure TRS-80 16k Level 11 Frog Race boxes! Fast action machine code written by the newest If y0u 've been in any Arcades recently then member of our band of happy authors, complete you'll have seen froggo - but if you haven't Rescue the President l~qs with SOUND, self-play mode and Hi-score table. then the scenario is: You have control of a frog and have to cross a Motorway and a Crocodile To rescue the president you must shoot down a If you like arcade-type games or just like to infested river to get back lo your mud-hole and fleet of enemy craft guarding the approach to If you 're tired of the usual run of the mill load them in to show your friends, this will maybe pick-up a girl-friend on the way (get her moon, make a manual landing to the surface, arcade style games, then try something with a certainly give many challenging playing hours. back lo your selected mudhole for a big bonus). traverse the underground complex (different story to it, TRS graphics at their best give this each time you play), battle killer robots, and origitlal program an added zest. T RS-80 4k & 16k versions, Model I & Ill finally make a manual ascent to dock with' your Piease state which machine mother craft in orbit. 14 Battle for the Stars Gauntlet of Death .f~cr 9<.~ Battle for the Stars in a Tactical battle for human survival in the far future. As Thoran the Barbarian, you must traverse the Earth must not fall, but other sectors may be perils of the gauntlet. It is filled with invisible n_iarked by T's. They will help you to survive the You are the supreme general that Earth needs. sacrificed, as long as the people of Earth do not rigors of your travels. traps, avoidable by the experienced and the The war against the Torks is going badly. Five of starve! But for the long term security of the lucky. the ten sectors have been taken and Earth itself is Empire it is imperative that the Torks be driven ~urin~ your travels you may see numbers in danger. out of the Empire. You have to use the arrow keys to m6ve chiseled mto the walls. These may be significant. around the rooms, so the older Video Genies You have but 22,000 ships remaining of the You are the last hope of the Empire. can't run this the first of a series of gauntlets. One word of warning: a potion seemingly once mighty fleet, and these arc scattered among health-giving and innocent, may be your the remaining 5 sectors of human habited space. TRS..80 16k Level II In your travels, you'll come upon potions downfall. marked. by P's. Some potions will heal you, some may poison you, and others will allow you to see This program is guaranteed to give weeks or the tra~s. But don't drink a potion immediately months or years!! of playing time. on findmg .one. The ability to see traps only lasts Death Dreadnaught a short "".h1le, an.ct the final room is a doosy, and .In fact anyone who sends us the map to the ~h~ healing potions don't help if you 're not e~ll before l~t August, 1982 will receive a 500/o This adventure is unlike any adventure you have besides you. You have one chance for escape, discount to his/ her next purchase. mJured. ever experienced. It is not for the squemish or locate the remaining shuttlecraft in its hangar, infirm! It allows no mistakes for they are fatal. activate it, and leave this hovering horror behind TRS-80 Level II, Model I & 111, J6k Scattered through the rooms are treasures PJay Death Dreadnaught at your own risk. you forever.

You're really in a mess this time, you arc And if you survive to to tell the tale of this trapped aboard a huge relic, a once proud most gruesome and bone chilling of adventures, battlecruiscr of a vanished race. Evidence is then let it be to warn all to stay clear of the Death Spaceship to everywhere of a· violent carnage that decimated Dreadnaught. FOR THE CREATURE LIVES! the occupants of this vessel. There are signs that Nowhere something on board this death ship lives . . . TRS-80 Level 0 16k

You awake on the bridge of a silent U.S.S. A graphic excursion into an adventure without The Domes Ulysecs with a feeling of something wrong, ever leaving your armchair. You move arotmd So get set to enter the Interspacial Digitrons where's the crew, why is everything registering th.e spaceship via the cursor control keys, but you ·1 • j Q Qt""' Ion Generating Station and prepare for the overload and why the hell has this got 10 happen still ~ave to enter two word sentences to get and

After escaping from an alien relic floating in the voil'I "OU find yourself out of fuel and no Base /tt-Cf<} options I• rt except slow starvation ... or . . . the I.R.V. Ion Fuel station under the planet's surface. l.R.V. is a machine code utility that is a must for corrections, insert or delete. At long last the sequel to the infamous Death Nllmbers anyone who writes their own programs in Dreadnaught is here! All the complexity and For any of you who strugle(t with convertinf it allows you to: INPUT SHORTHAND ·- on; AJI keys have auto repeat. tension that made Dreadnought a smash hit is numben or Hex to Oct, or Decimal or even tried ~eystr.okc Cl;in enter a whole line! The feature you l>OUBLED in 'Fhc Domes of Kilgari. to do calculations within these bues then this liked m Level II BASIC and T-short, now with But the ~ost useful feature is the ability to superb program is equipped not only to cR. aJI the keys user programable! e~ter graphic characters into strings. Use some· * DEATHTRAPS to please the most daring. conversions of any base but also to carry out kmd of sketch program to draw a figure on the' * PUZZELS and MAZES beyond your ability calculations in any base. RELOCATE a line by editing the line number screen. Then use the line editor to place quotes to solve. - renumber lines individually! around the figure, with either PRINT or • And the ever lingering feeling that you arc Menu driven for ease of use. equating a string name and line number in front NOT ALONE VIDEO EDITOR allows cursor orientated of the line. TRs.IO 16" Leva D Model I editing of your ~rograms. Just move the flashing cursor to the hne to be edited and type the- TRS-80 16k, 32k, 48k cass. or disk Level O 16 Superscribe II 17 Superscribe II takes word processing with micro Wordprocessor 2.02 Printer spooling with no hardware computer and moves jt into the world of the big Built in form letter and mailing label capability This WORDPROCESSOR is designed for tbe without shift results in lowercase letters and main frame units. As a total character orientated The ability to edit BASIC Text and Binary text user who needs to write some text occasionally using the shift means capitals, exactly like a word processing system. Superscribe allows to files and wants a POWERFUL, FAST and EASY to typewriter. enter and change text anywhere in your Complete search and replace tearn word processor to do the job. document with a minimum of keystrokes. This Some of the features are TABS, Screen means you spend your time writing, not talking With all these capabilities and more, It is suitable for users with 16k memory or any orientated editing, right justification, facility .to to your computer. Superscribe will become many things to many higher configuration. The amount of memory embed printer control codes to enable the use of people. For example with the form letter reflects the number of lines of text that the all type faces etc., that your printer can produce. Superscribe has expanded features not found capability you can create personalised letters or computer can hold. A lower case modifaction is Delete character, line, whole sections of text, in most word pr~sors, such as: advertising mailings, and use the same files to useful, but not essential for the WORDPRO­ Insert character, line or sections. Save text to Upper & Lower case with no hard w ar~ address the envelopes. CESSOR. The printer that is connected can be tape and verify it! 70 column display with no hardware any type which can print 65 characters per line. APPLE 48k with 3.3 DOS AND it's in machine code so no waiting for Users without the lower case modification will garbage collection that some of the other find that the cursor shifts half a line up whenever cassette based word processors go in for . it encounters a capital letter. Pressing a key Sub Commander TRS-80 Level II 16k & up, cass.

Command second world war sub on a seek and sitting duck dr0ps its guise and turns into a Q­ destroy mission. Deep within enemy territory ship. Word VII you find a harmless merchantman in your All the equipment you need to command a A cassette based word processor for the Line The computer can hold up to 180 lines of text periscope sights, you decide to surface to sink it mission, radar, radio, etc., and a supply ship with a line width of 62 characters. Text can be Printer VII it produces lower case decenders and with your deck gun to preserve your dwindling nearby to replenish your supplies, extensive use a £ sign. manipulated in a variety of ways. It is possible supply of torpedos, this is an easy way to earn an of graphics give this program a play and play to insert, delete and overtype, typing is confined hero's reception in the Fatherland. Your dreams again necessity. It is written entirely in machine-code for super­ to one line on the screen with text scrolling up as of an Iron Cro s are rudely awakened as the on a typewriter. PET ROMS2, 3&4 fast execution of all commands. It needs cassette facilities and the lower case hardware modification, coupled to a Radio Shack Line Left and Right margins can be set, plus page Printer VII. depth to give a powerful, easy to use system. Conqueror Arrows TRS-80 16k Level II

Command your armies and outwit the computer A fast action arcade style game, written entirely in a battle spread out over Europe, a must for all in machine code with full control over your craft, war-gamers to hone their strategy against a your task is not easy: to destroy alien craft Graphic Basic pitiless opponent who will without remorse forming above you , but beware when the attack invade and conquer any country you leave with formation is complete they descend on a suicide Graphic Basic is intended to add to Level II Basic The program occupies approximately 3k and the slightest weakness in defence, your only mission to explode on impact, this mission is Various commands which make the limited sets up a second buffer area for the screen, course is to wipe his forces from ihe face of made more hazardous by the mother craft's graphics capability of the TRS-80 and Video commands are available to draw lines, points, Europe. Are you able to plan your battles excursion into ihe game, miss this one at your Genie more flexi ble. circles etc. both on the screen and in the buffer, effectively or will you fall in tlje face of peril. also to exchange contents of buffer and screen relentless pressure, only you know With the hardware limitations imposed, also to merge them, to enable you to add PET ROMS2, 3&4 Graphic Basic gives the TRS-80 some of the Graphics and Sound to your program with no PET ROMS2, 3&4 capabilities of more recent computers. problems.

SOUND EFFECTS: The command DEFMUS NOTE: This program uses the linkages (N,D) outputs a musical note (N) for a duration provided by LEVEL II for Disk Basic . Therefore Video Monopoly of (D). The note is output via port 255 (the it cannot be run under Disk Basic. cassette port on TRS-80) and uses port 254 to initialise the second cassette relay on the Video Also this program comes with a short If you like the board game Monopoly but are track of, leaving you to concentrate on beating Genie. Therefore the note may be hear!! by demonstration program, would you believe having difficulty fi ndi ng anybody to play then it. attaching a small amplifier to the Mic. Jack of " Blowing in the Wind " in a couple of lines of here's the ideal partner, always ready to play you the cassette lead. On the V .G . the second cassette code! and keep track of everyt hing th at needs keeping TR -80, Level II Cassette lead is used. TRS-80 16k Level II 18 Planet Miners Asteroids Maze man system. But when they aren't around, well who £9.95 Isl JANUARY, 2050: After many decades of knows - perhaps a spot of claim jumping? or research and development of space travel, maybe a little sabotage. mankind is·now ready to reach out into the solar From the arcades comes this fast-paced machine Another fast macnine code Arcade style game code version of ASTEROIDS with all the based on PUCMAN you have to manoeuvre system to establish mining rights. The survival of PLANET MINERS gives you the opportunity to technological civilization depends on the rapid facilities, rotate, fire, hyperspace jump, high­ around a maze filled with ghosts that are chasing guide your family to a commanding position in score table. you; scattered around the maze are power pills, and efficient utilization of these mineral the solar system. From one to four players can resources to replace the rapidly diminishing get to these points and then chase and eat a few play with the computer taking the part of all the You have been given the task of clearing the ghosts before the power wears off for extra supply of industrial minerals on earth. For this other families. reason the United Nations has formed a Mining space lanes of asteroids, you have the latest anti­ points. matter cannon and a stripped down cruiser, on Council and empowered it to grant mining PLANET MINERS is ready to run on any of the concessions to anyone who can be the first to hitting a large asteroid it will split into smaller An added bonus of this game is the ability to following computers: fragments on different flight paths, it is up to set the number of monsters between 1-10 and claim them. ATARI 400/800 24k your rea<,:tions to clear the space lanes as a direct the speed, for an unending challenge. APPLE II Applcsoft BASIC, 16k beyond Basic hit from · any rock fragments will shatter your There are only 4 large companies able to equip PET 16k fragile craft. To make things a little more PET 8k, ROMS 2, 3 & 4 a space fleet to undertake this task, all deadly TRS-80 Level II, 16k rivals, but to keep things 'friendly' the U.N. have difficult an alien craft is lurking around to disturb your concentration and your ship! a number of Patrol Ships stationed around (he An Avalon Hill Game PET8k, ROM 2,3&4 North Atlantic Convoy Please specify your machine Raider .(,i.ss Galactic Attack 8th MAY, 1941: Your battleship slips quietly through the fog bank and suddenly emerges in Galactic Attack is a real time simulation of Space conserve your resources in order to be able to the midst of the unsuspecting British convoy. All War, you the commander of the USS BLAISE fight off Kzinti Star Marauders. turrets open fire with deadly accuracy as the PASCAL, has the difficult task of recapturing convoy ships scatter. Then just as suddenly, two Tower the planets of the solar system from the savage As Galactic Attack is a real time game, British battleships appear from the fog bank. Kzinti Invaders. indecision, especially in battle, can be fatal. The ability to coolly plunge into a maelstrom of You are captain of the German battleship To complete your mission, you must travel to enemy ships, torpedoes, and explosions is the Bismarck, the single most powerful ship in the of planets, strafe off enemy armies, and transport mark of an experienced commander. Atlantic. Do you ·turn and run for cover in the human armies to the planets to gain control of fog bank, hoping to find another convoy, or them. At the same time you must carefully APPLE 48k with 3.3 DOS stand and fight at bad odds? You must decide quickly, and a mistake could be fatal ... Talos This game is a computer simulation of the Bismarck. convoy raid of 1941. The computer The last of the Titans, Talos guards treasures controls the British convoys and British that the Gods have left in the valley of mygro. battleships. Will the Bismarck sink the Hood, You have to enter the Tower of Talos and catch Wizardry only to be sunk by the King George V, and his minons who carry the treasures with them, Rodney, as in history, or will, the Bismarck but beware Talos who can assume different cripple or sink the British Home Fleet and go forms with different powers. Beware also the Bored by Computer Fantasy Game? walls; Talos capable of heating some of them to rampaging through the convoy lanes? Your treasure and glory. decisions will determine the fate of the Bismarck. vaporise you on touching them. Maybe it's time you played the most challenging fantasy game ever created for a personal computer: But the treacherous dungeon (in 3-D This computer game can be played on the The tower is a multi-levelled multi-roomed perspective) holds some surprises of its own. following systems: palace of treasure, but the dangers are many. WIZARDRY You can choose from five races and eight Hundreds of monsters, many with powers to equal your own. ATARI 400/800 16k If you are slain on your quest, you may be professions to create up to six characters, each restored to life by a wandering Mage but he will with its own strengths and weaknesses. APPLE U, Applesoft Bask, 16k memory beyond You ' ll even be able to challenge your present expect payment for this deed, you may have to Bask characters with additional cenarios! PET, 16k perform some task for him before you return to Under your command the band of adventurers armed with surprising powers and as many as TR."-80, Level II, 16k Memory your quest. 50 spells, explore a mysterious dungeon in search of APPLE 48k DOS 3.3 An Avalon Hill Game TRS-80 Level II 16k 20 At ALGRAY we are constantly searching for new and better programmes to sell you at the best possible prices. You may in fact see a few programmes in this catalogue that are at a lower price than we have previously advertised at. Indeed you may very Name ...... ··· ··· ·········· ... ······························· well have bought such a programme (see later).• City/Town ...... ································· Our policy is to give good programmes and service at minimal cost and, by this Machine: TRS ( ), Apple ( ), PET ( ) means, we hope to keep you happy. Specification (Cass., Disk, Memory): ...... ·. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

This policy is, in the vast majority of cases, successfully carried out. This is borne 1. Have you purchased from Algray before ...... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·YES/ NO out by the many 'repeat' orders that we receive. However, we do receive some complaints and, if human nature is anything to go by, there are no doubt at least as 2. How Many ...... (1) (2) (3-5) (6-10) (More) many grievances that are not aired to us directly. 3. Do you feel (a) Very satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) It was almost acceptable NOW IS YOUR CHANCE ! ! ! (d) Dissatisfied (e) homicidal towards us and, YOU CAN GET DISCOUNT 4. If it. was almost acceptable, or worse, was it regarding: (a) Speed of service FOR AIRING YOUR VIEWS ! ! ! (b) Faulty programme (c) Misled oy advert What we want is to get as many facts as possible on the likes and dislikes of our (d) Programme too costly customers. The feedback that you give us will enable us to plan ahead with (e) Other (please specify) confidence knowing that we will be offering what you yourselves wish to have and ...... being able to offer the service that you deserve......

For those of you kind enough to fill in most of the form overleaf (if you object to 5. Did you complain to us ...... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·YES/NO answering any particular question just write N/A), 6. If you did complain, was is sorted out entirely to your satisfaction .... YES/NO *If you have bought it at a higher price you may claim difference when you next order from us - just tell us roughly when you bought it and if possible enclose 7. Have you b6ught software from other software houses via mail order .... YES/NO invoice number. Offer valid until July 31st 1982. 8. If so would you consider the service of these houses ...... Better/Same/Worse

9. Which are your favourite pieces of software: Sundries (a) ...... {b) ...... (c) ...... Cassettes (C12) per 10 ...... £6.50 10. Which computer magazines do you read: per 5 ...... £3.50 (a) ...... The quality tape we use in production of 0ur own programmes. Guaranteed. (b) ...... Disks: Verbatim (Unformatted soft sector) (c) ......

Single sided, single density) per 10 ...... ·f ou don't want to purchase at the moment, we would still appreciate £23.00 N ..B E ven 1 y Single sided, double density per 10 ...... £33.50 your filling the form in - Use the Freepost. (Prices include Hub Rings) a en ar l Jn 3 abme, the operator enter; a tnng of three or more characters. The programme searchC$ for TRS-80 16k Cass all ou:urance-; r'!ardlC$S of posiuon m the event TRS-80 32k Disk mme (for use nh enher text and lists them sequent1all}. You ... 111 rea(lth Apple II 48k Disk fl PP l ti: I allo... appreoate that this programme lend 11.self to You can even design your own ships! un t1ons being used a mm1-ftlmg stem Invasion Orion is infinitely expandable! e.g. February 20th 1982 Bills-Elecmat) 2 It's easy to learn, too, because the March 15th 1979 Bills-Gas computer takes care of the details, so In this e ample, 1f you enter "Bill" under J. 4 penod. ~ou ould have the 1... 0 date<> above d1 pla cd If there are no complex rules to remember ~ ou ere 10 enter "El". ou ... ould get the -and your computer prompts you for 6 F uaf') 20th mformauon dt pla)ed your orders. And the simultaneous com­ bat is resolved quickly. With Invasion Orion you're always free to concentrate on your strategies for victory!

GAME CONTENTS: - Illustrated Battle Manual - Game program, scenario creation You are Fleet Admiral, and as com­ program & data Illes for mander-in-chief, you alone can stop the your computer alien forces! The robotic Klaatu have just invaded Stellar Union space! You 'll need all your wits about you to • 10 different scenarios command up to nine starships-battle­ • Create your own star fleet cruisers, dreadnoughts, scouts-30 dif­ ferent types -even planetary defenses­ battles agai nst the alien hordes! • Design your own ships Your ships are armed with destructor • For ages 12 through adult Faulty /Damaged Programme Policy beams, tractor beams, missiles and tor­ pedos. Each has onfy a limited amount of • Complexity: Intermediate energy to power its drive, energy screen "30 DAYS" • Playing time: 20 minutes to Any programme discovered faulty and returned to ALG RA Y within 30 days or and beams. However, you must decide 2 hours how to allocate the energy to your best purchase will be replaced free of charge. advantage. Will your ship's armor be • For one or two players enough to stop a torpedo? Or should you " OVER 30 DAYS" . divert energy from yow beam to your Any programme discovered faulty and returned to A LG RAY outside _the 30 da) shield? Should you move in for the kill on period may, at Al GRA Y's absolute discretion, be re-recorded for a nomina l sum.* your weakened opponent and risk a beam 1}+ This offer applies al o to accidental destruction of tape or disk, c .g. dog chews it. attack? Or try to outrun the enemy? The Provided: . . choice is up to you' (a) That Al GRAY produced it; i.e. our label is on 1l. Choose from three levels of skill. . i+ (b) It 1s so 1denllfiable. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, ~ (c) That the programme 1s still in our hsts. Invasion Orion'" is challenging and + (d) That payment accompanies the request. exciting' .\. ' *At pre~ent, the. nominal charge is £2.00 for re-recording and 0. 70p and (2.00 for Invasion Orion comes with 10 fully­ + -.,rf ca sette and d1 c re peeti\ely (if required). tested scenar.os-from one-on-one star­ 11 B- ship combat to full-scale armageddon! " And a special supplemental program lets P.,r tcdbv KI< Bishop !PAI 10West Sueu Worsl:Jmu;.h Dale llamsley4124 you create more scenarios of your own.