3 INDEX Page TRS-00 SOfcerer of Siva . .•• •••.••• • .•.•.••. , •••.•••.••... ...•• . •..•.•.. .•• , . 4 Crush , Crumble & Chomp! ..•..••••...••••.• . ... 6 First may I say for all the 2 months, u•s nice to recei~e Star Warrior ......... ..... ....•.......... .. ..•......................... 7 comp ts, but we also like to ocs and helps to unprove our Rescue at Rigel 8 service, and to this end we have e h1ch 1f you complete The Datestones of Ayn .... 9 Morloc's Tower 9 add send to us then you'U be enntlcd d ISlft on the Captain 80 T ample of Apshai .... 10 Book of Adventures. Upper Reaches of Apshai •. 10 Hellfire Warrior .•.. 11 Second, you'U find enclosed The Keys of Acheron . 11 Frog Race •... 12 with a star these programs are new re Moonbase Rescue • 12 fmd them arc within these pages, they Air Attack ••. 12 'bonus, purchase an two and ded Rescue the President .. 13 Labyrinth of the Drongos .•. 13 Nukewar .. 13 Third, we like to sec programs ur name and address l.R .V ... 14 and 1f possible your telephone n c ubJCCI of contnbuted Spaceship to Nowhere . 14 software don't forget we pay top r Gauntlet of Death .. 14 Also 1f you don't write Base Numbers .•... 15 programs yourself but know a good 0 mtrod cuon bonm, 10 Domes of Kilgari .. 15 claim t · bonus simply get yo fn n your name and if we Death Dreadnaught ...• 15 publish anyof his/her work then Banle for the Stars ....• , . , •. 15 Video Monopoly .. 16 Graphic Basic ..... 17 Lastly, may J apologise for the (a alogue, but we have been Wo,dVll .... 17 a.mng for authorisation for publica unfortunately traru-atlantic Wordprocessor 2.02 .... 17 Tower of Talos .. 18 communication being what 11 JS, we are as c receive we n authonsauon North Atlantic Convoy Raider 18 will send a separate nyer on these p Planet Miners •. 18 Invasion Orion 22 Calendar 2J PET Dragon's Eye . 5 Rescue at Rigel ... , ..••.•.••• 8 The Datestones of Ayn . 9 Morlee's Tower .... • • . • . .. • • . 9 Temple of Apshai , . • • . • .. • . • 10 Hellfire Warrior 11 THE LfiPT 13 Nukewar •..•.... Arrows 16 Conqueror . • . ............. 16 Sub Commander •......•.....•..... , •• . .••••.•....•••....•. 16 North Atlantic Convoy Raider .....•••.•• . ...•... 18 B Planet Miners ...•••. 18 Mazeman 19 Asteroids 19 APPLE ADVE ES Sorcerer of Siva 4 Dragon's Eye •.. 5 Crush, Crumble & Chomp! . 6 Star Warrior . • • 7 This book represents a start mg de ttlal ALL the programs Rescue at Rigel . , . • . ...••...••. 8 contained in rt have been previous y p mgatupto(12each! The Datestones of Ayn ..••••••••.. 9 Morlee's Tower .. 9 Temple of Apsha1 10 Programs by Scott Adams le; Upper Reaches of Apshai. 10 Altogether 18 Adventures for the TRS Hellfire Warrior .. 11 disk dnve this program 1s won ti doub t Keys of Acheron 11 Nukewar 13 Superscribe 11 If you have never tned an AdvenlL 16 this book contains North Atlantic Convoy Raider 18 Adventures trat will provide you w Planet'Miners 1 rie 'or you, your 18 family and friends. Wizardry .•. 19 Galactic Attack . 19 lnvation Orion 22 The book also conta1r<S h nts o l e<; adveriture ideas and Ricochet .. 23 how to market them I ATARl400 / ~ Nukewar 13 North Atlantic Convoy Raider . 18 Plane! Miners 18 Cassette Tapes .• 21 Disks .•.....••.. '.. 21 4 DUNJONQUESf:·.·tr·,· 5 Sorcerer · QragonS Eye ( ./ :; \~ 9S of Siva Apple 48k Disk Apple 48k Disk TRS-80 16k Cass & 32k Disk Amulets, nngs, necklaces. scepters. oh, yes. and a pair of old boots await you 111 the magi al mines of Siva . M ag1C and r1Ches Dragon's Eye, an overland adven­ abound. But weal th 1s not all you seek The only entrances als behind you a you • Graphics! Computer-generated PROCLAMATION ture, invites the player into a completely enter the dark stillness of the mine. Armed map. ~App l e* and Atari* use detailed world of fantasy involvement. color and sound.) IN THE NAME OF PHANTASMAL with only a dagger and your magical abi lities. POWERS THAT GUARD THE GATES Though the game is relatively easy you have but a few short hours to seek out • Real time. OF TIME, I, THE GOOD MAGICIAN to learn, the subtle interplay among the secret exit (hidd n somewhere on the AND MAGE OF THE SEVEN PROVIN­ fi ft h level) before you are sealed in for all time • You play the role of a spe ll ­ magic effects, monsters, weapons, CES, DO HEREBY MAKE KNOWN AND and treasures retrieved makes this But beware the wandering so ulless crea tures wielding wizard in magical PUBLICLY PROCLAIM THE NEED FOR that dwell in the more than 300 chambers of combat. A CHAMPION. a challenge. the magical mine. guarding eve r ~ treasure Dragon's Eye is an outstanding • For ages 10 through adult. All ye who are skilled in battle and and lurking beneat h every trap door. introduction to fantasy role-playing A wiza rd you are. yes . who can hurl fire • Complexity: Intermediate. horrible of mein and great of cunning, ball or lightning boit to slay the blood thirsty ye who are familiars of the supernatural adventures. Combining simplicity with. banshee; put an end to the deadly demon. or • Playing time: 30 minutes to and initiates to the ways of spell-casting­ variety and real time battle graphics, goad the goblin wait ing to way lay you. hours of fun. come ye forth and declare yourself. Dragon's Eye will captivate and enter­ Your spells ca n crea te openings in solid • For one player. Great are the rewards to him who tain the younger player for hours. waUs and sea led entrances, heal your wounds. rescues the Seven Provinces from the For one player, ages 8 and up. res tore you; strength. or give you the gift of GAME CONTEN TS : curse of the Dragon's Eye. But great also weightlessness which le ts you mov effor t are the perils. Treasures of true potency lessly from room to room. Your own bravery - Book of Lore will be found by those who seek out the GAME CONTENTS: will decide how many s p ~ ll s you .shall bring - Playing Summary Card Eye- treasures that are guarded by foul - Book of Lore int o the mines. But beware the evil Sorcerer . - Ga me program & data files dragons, go/ems, ghosts, and a variety of who 1s wait ing to cas t his favorite spell for your computer beasties and beings that go bump in the -Command Summary Card forge tfulness to deprive you of your most night. - Game program & data files valuable magic . He who accepts the challenge will for your computer But all is not lost .. You may regain a spell behold the full graphic splendors of spell· or two or. perhaps. even find one you had not casting and serf)ent slashing. His magic before. 1f you can discover the wondrous glass will reveal to him, as never before touchstones no archaeologist has yet found it could, in chillingly animated detail, the stones with powers to increase your magical gory destiny that awaits his readied blade. abilities. Though, expect not that these, or Hidden ·treasures will be found that others. always lie still, for the Sorcerer and bedazzle the eye. Magic effects will his minions are afoot confound the senses. Be warned. too. that not all treasures you To him who finds the Dragon's Eye, might fi nd are true. Mysterious items might know ye that your great prowess will drain your life's blood and leave you in black haue banished forever the curse of the ness. Will a ring bring you only wea lth? Can a Evil Necromancer. Your name will be pair of old boots do more than protec t your garbed in glory, and you will receive the soleful feet? In expt=!rience hes wisdom. worthiest of rankings. Good lu c k~ And happy mining ... Apply withi1uif' ~ Crush, Crumble _......___...~-- ... ----~..-.. --- --..-..-__......_ ____ ~ - ~ - -..._.. ------.-------------..----------...._.....,.-- ..._...--- - ..._.. - and Chomp! STAR WARRIOR Apple 48k Disk Apple 48k Disk TRS-80 16k Cass & 32k Disk TRS-80 16k Cass & 32k Disk But wait! The National Guard is out to get you. T he local police are sworn to your ~~Cf)' destruction. Even as you read this. a secret weapon is bei ng readied against you by mad and skillful scientists. Are you truly prepared to face helicopters, tanks, artillery, and more, driven by those who are li terally dying to get at you? Sooner or later, humanity will triumph ... have decoys to fool your enemy, and you Breathe fire. terrorize cities, snack on a maybe. Or maybe vengeance will be yours. are equipped with nuclear missiles. In this STAROUEST, you are a star­ horrified populace, and further develop your blaster and power gun. The governor is faring knight bound tightly by your code, villainous personality. CRUSH, CRUMBLE, always on the move, so you never know • Graphics. Computer­ a mercenary with a cause. You are a and CHOMP' where you'll find him next' generated metropolis. (Apple Fury, an interplanetary avenger on a Is there a particular city against which yo_u But like your mythical namesake, you and Atari use high-resolution mission of justice and danger. called 011 crave to wreak revenge? Do you have a are a Fury- a soldier of daring and color) by the people of the planet Fornax to free grudge against the Golden Gate Bridge? courage, and the people of Fornax are them from the rule of an oppressive Lunch on San Francisco, then . Can't control .., Sound depending on you! military governor. You must take on an your burning desire to consume the Penta· • Real time entire planetary occupation force ­ gon? Dine on Washington, D.C.
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