Programmable Digital Microcircuits - a Survey with Examples of Use
- 237 - PROGRAMMABLE DIGITAL MICROCIRCUITS - A SURVEY WITH EXAMPLES OF USE C. Verkerk CERN, Geneva, Switzerland 1. Introduction For most readers the title of these lecture notes will evoke microprocessors. The fixed instruction set microprocessors are however not the only programmable digital mi• crocircuits and, although a number of pages will be dedicated to them, the aim of these notes is also to draw attention to other useful microcircuits. A complete survey of programmable circuits would fill several books and a selection had therefore to be made. The choice has rather been to treat a variety of devices than to give an in- depth treatment of a particular circuit. The selected devices have all found useful ap• plications in high-energy physics, or hold promise for future use. The microprocessor is very young : just over eleven years. An advertisement, an• nouncing a new era of integrated electronics, and which appeared in the November 15, 1971 issue of Electronics News, is generally considered its birth-certificate. The adver• tisement was for the Intel 4004 and its three support chips. The history leading to this announcement merits to be recalled. Intel, then a very young company, was working on the design of a chip-set for a high-performance calculator, for and in collaboration with a Japanese firm, Busicom. One of the Intel engineers found the Busicom design of 9 different chips too complicated and tried to find a more general and programmable solu• tion. His design, the 4004 microprocessor, was finally adapted by Busicom, and after further négociation, Intel acquired marketing rights for its new invention.
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