Congressional Record—House H4386
H4386 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 15, 2020 senior centers provide for the elderly. I Mr. Speaker, included in these ar- detainees, inhumane detainment conditions, stand today to recognize all the hard rests are several opposition leaders, in- persecution of political opposition and jour- work and dedications these centers cluding former presidential candidates nalists.) 8. Ivan Kubrakov, Director of Minsk police provide throughout the First District Sergei Tikhanovsky, Viktar Babaryka, department (Notes: Commission of acts of vi- of Kentucky. Coordination Council members Liliya olence against peaceful protesters, portrait f Vlasova, Sergei Dylevsky, Maria detainees, inhumane detainment conditions, Kalesnikava, and Maxim Znak, as well JUSTICE FOR ALL persecution of political opposition and jour- as several of their staff and volunteers, nalists.) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, the opposi- 9. Roman Golovchenko, Prime Minister Chair recognizes the gentleman from tion presidential nominee, was forced (Notes: Organization of falsification of elec- Texas (Mr. GREEN) for 5 minutes. to flee the country, as was opposition tions.) Mr. GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, 10. Igor Sergeenko, Head of presidential ad- leader Veronika Tsepkalo and her hus- ministration (Notes: Organization of fal- and still I rise, as a liberated Democrat band, former presidential nominee, sification of elections.) to say that the moral movement for Valery Tsepkalo. 11. Viktor Sheyman, Chief Manager of the justice everywhere cannot condone in- None of the dissidents have been President (Notes: Persecution of political op- justice anywhere. We cannot allow our- given a fair trial, and all of them have ponents of Alexander Lukashenko.) selves to be induced to believe that had their human rights denied.
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