
` Space How much do you know about space? The final frontier!

1. Can you name this Mars Earth Mercury planet?

How many planets are there in the 2. 7 8 9 solar system

3. What is space junk? A man-made object stuck orbiting space

Space Rocket 4. What does mean? Star Sailor Cowboy Man

Which is the largest star within our 5. Sun solar system?

Can you name 6. this planet? Saturn Venus Jupiter

When the sunsets in Mars, what 7. Red Green Blue colour is it?

8. What is the sun made mainly from? Rock Gas Liquid Lava

National Aeronautics and Space 9. What does NASA stand for? Administration

Who was the first man to walk in Yuri Neil 10. Buzz space Gagarin Armstrong

11. Can you name this Jupiter Neptune Mercury planet?


How does a meteor become a 12. It hits the earth’s surface meteorite?

Who was the first women to have a Valentia Kathryn D. Svetlana 13. solo mission in space? Tereshkova Sullivan Savitskaya

Which planet has not been named 14. Mercury Earth Saturn after a god or goodness?

What is the name of the orbiting laboratory where NASA learns about 15. International Space Station exploration as live and work in space?

Can you name this planet? 16. Uranus Neptune Earth

Who was the first British women in 17. Helen Sharman space?

Which planet in our solar system is 18. Uranus Pluto Neptune now considered a dwarf planet?

What is the name of the first official 19. Timothy Peake British astronaut to walk in space?

20. Can you name this Venus Mars Neptune planet?

Who is the only person to hit a golf Neil 21. Buzz Aldrin ball on the ? Armstrong

22 Which planet rotates on its side? Venus Neptune Uranus

Mercury Venus Earth Can you name the 8 planets starting 23. Mars Jupiter Saturn with the planet closest to the sun? Uranus Neptune