
H8120 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 20, 2005 INHOFE. This legislation can help fund Mr. RENZI. Mr. Speaker, I yield back prominence of women serving in the NASA repairs to the environmental damage the balance of my time. Corp, thereby giving us hope for wrought by Hurricane Katrina to the The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. the future of American , in- cluding Ellen Baker, , Tracy gulf coast, as well as help other high LAHOOD). The question is on the mo- Caldwell, , Laurel B. Clark, priority wetlands throughout the tion offered by the gentleman from Ar- Mary Cleave, , Eileen Col- . izona (Mr. RENZI) that the House sus- lins, Nancy J. Currie, , Bonnie When the North American Wetlands pend the rules and pass the Senate bill, Dunbar, Anna Fisher, Linda Godwin, Susan Conservation Act was enacted in 1989, S. 1340. J. Helms, , Kathryn Hire, it directed that money appropriated to The question was taken; and (two- Marsha Ivins, Mae C. Jemison, Tamara E. this program was to be deposited into thirds having voted in favor thereof) Jernigan, Janet Kavandi, Susan L. Kilrain, an interest-bearing account and that the rules were suspended and the Sen- Wendy Lawrence, , Sandra the interest earned could be used for ate bill was passed. Magnus, Megan McArthur, , A motion to reconsider was laid on , , , conservation purposes. , Judith A. Resnik, Sally K. the table. b 1545 Ride, Patricia C. Hilliard Robertson, Mar- f garet , Heidemarie Sefanyshyn- In the past 16 years the interest has RECOGNIZING Piper, Nicole Scott, Kathryn C. Thornton, amounted to $235 million or nearly one- Janice Voss, Mary E. Weber, , third of the total Federal investment COMMANDER , , and : Now, in the North American Wetlands Con- WENDY therefore, be it servation Program. LAWRENCE, AND THE CONTRIBU- Resolved, That the House of Representa- As a result of this money, millions of TIONS OF ALL OTHER WOMEN tives— acres of critical wetlands habitat has WHO HAVE WORKED WITH NASA (1) recognizes Space Shuttle Commander been conserved, maintained, purchased Eileen Collins, Mission Specialist Wendy Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I move Lawrence, and the contributions of all other and restored. Those wetlands are essen- to suspend the rules and agree to the women who have worked with the National tial to the survival of not only millions resolution (H. Res 450) recognizing Aeronautics and Space Administration fol- of migratory waterfowl, but, more im- Space Shuttle Commander Eileen Col- lowing the successful mission of the Space portantly, to the people who live along lins, Mission Specialist Wendy Law- Shuttle Discovery on STS–114; and our coasts. rence, and the contributions of all (2) celebrates the many achievements of Most of southern Louisiana, includ- other women who have worked with women in the National Aeronautics and ing New Orleans, is wetlands. And NASA following the successful mission Space Administration and congratulates Commander Collins and the rest of her crew. those communities, as well as Gulfport of on STS–114, and Biloxi, Mississippi and Mobile, Ala- as amended. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- bama, can benefit from the projects The Clerk read as follows: ant to the rule, the gentleman from (Mr. CALVERT) and the gen- funded under this bill. Unfortunately, H. RES. 450 tleman from (Mr. AL GREEN) the authority to retain earned interest Whereas the National Aeronautics and expires on September 30 of 2005. Space Administration was created in 1958 each will control 20 minutes. S. 1340 extends that provision until under President Eisenhower and has, since The Chair recognizes the gentleman 2016, and this legislation is supported then, accomplished great things in the fields from California (Mr. CALVERT). by the Bush administration, a host of of science, technology, aeronautics, and GENERAL LEAVE conservation groups, including Ducks aerospace exploration; Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I ask Unlimited, the Congressional Sports- Whereas women have worked since the unanimous consent that all Members 1960’s for the right to play a vital role in man Foundation, and the International NASA’s missions in ; may have 5 legislative days within Association of Fish and Wildlife Agen- Whereas after more than twenty years of which to revise and extend their re- cies. waiting, the first American woman, Sally marks and include extraneous material Mr. Speaker, I urge a yea vote so Ride, flew in outer space in 1983 aboard the on H. Res 450, the resolution under con- that we can send this conservation ; sideration. measure to the President. Whereas in 1984, Kathryn Sullivan became The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of the first American woman to perform a space objection to the request of the gen- my time. walk aboard the Space Shuttle Challenger tleman from California? during mission STS–41; There was no objection. Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I yield Whereas in 1986, Christa McAuliffe, who myself such time as I may consume. was to be the first teacher and civilian in Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I yield (Ms. BORDALLO asked and was space after being selected from 11,000 appli- myself such time as I may consume. given permission to revise and extend cants, and Mission Specialist Judith Mr. Speaker, I want to commend the her remarks.) Resnick, were killed aboard the space shut- gentlewoman from (Mrs. Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, the tle Challenger just 73 seconds after lift-off MALONEY) for her insight into the con- purpose of S. 1340 is to extend for 10 during mission STS–51L; tributions of women in the NASA com- years the authorization to use surplus Whereas in 1992, became the munity and to the success of our Na- first African-American woman to fly in outer tion’s civil space program. funds in the Pittman-Robertson wild- space aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavor life restoration account to support wet- during mission STS–47; House Resolution 450 goes a long way lands restoration projects, coordinated Whereas Shannon Lucid previously held in recognizing the importance of under the North American Wetlands the United States record for the amount of women to our Nation’s civil space pro- Conservation Act. time spent living and working in space on a gram, from Commander Elaine Collins The accrued interest generated by single mission aboard the Russian space- and Mission Specialist Wendy Law- funds deposited in the Pittman-Robert- station for over 6 months in 1996; rence of the Discovery mission, to the son account since 1989 has provided Whereas in 1999, Eileen Collins became the other 40 women who have served in over $235 million to fund North Amer- first woman to command a space mission NASA’s Astronaut Corps. when deployed the ican wetlands conservation projects Chandra X-Ray Observatory; To all of the women who offer ground across the country. Whereas in 2003, Mission Specialists support for the launches, these women This extension will ensure the con- Kalpana Chawla and were in the sciences, our Nation offers a re- tinuation of this valuable conservation killed aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia on sounding thanks. funding source, and will be important reentry during mission STS–107; Not all of those women are often in to our future efforts to restore pro- Whereas we celebrate America’s Return to the spotlight, but they still serve as in- tected wetland habitats in the region Flight with Space Shuttle Discovery’s STS– spiring role models for all our daugh- devastated by Hurricane Katrina. 114 mission, which Eileen Collins com- ters. What better way to have our chil- manded and on which Wendy Lawrence I urge Members to support this wor- served as Mission Specialist; and dren think they can be whatever they thy legislation. Whereas great strides have been made in aspire to be than to have everyone Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance the Space Shuttle and International Space share the opportunity to get a bite of of my time. Station era to increase the number and the apple of success.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 07:18 Nov 16, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H20SE5.REC H20SE5 CCOLEMAN on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE September 20, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8121 In order for the United States to re- I am especially delighted today to mathematicians, and of to- tain its global competitive edge, we recognize the achievements of my fel- morrow. I thank them for their won- need the contributions from all of our low New Yorker, Eileen Collins from derful contributions. I congratulate the citizens. Since all advanced societies Elmira, New York, who in 1999 became entire team. now depend on technology for their the first woman to command a space Mr. Speaker, I submit for printing in economic might, the new measure of shuttle. the RECORD the names of 29 current and that might are those graduates with In 2003, Ms. Collins again took to the 13 deceased or former female NASA as- degrees in science and engineering. reins of a space mission, providing tronauts. The United States is slipping in this steady guidance to the Space Shuttle Ellen Baker, Yvonne Cagle, Tracy category. We are producing a shrinking Discovery during an incredibly difficult Caldwell, Kalpana Chawla, Laurel B. Clark, share of the world’s technological tal- and perilous mission. Mary Cleave, Catherine Coleman, Eileen Col- ent. China and India are the newest Mr. Speaker, women have taken part lins, Nancy J. Currie, Jan Davis, Bonnie Dunbar, Anna Fisher, Linda Godwin, Susan and strongest competitors. The last in some of the greatest NASA missions, J. Helms, Joan Higginbotham, Kathryn Hire, time the U.S. graduated more - and some of the most heartbreaking Marsha Ivins, Mae C. Jemison, Tamara E. ing and scientific Ph.D.s than Europe too. Some of these women gave their Jernigan, Janet Kavandi, Susan L. Kilrain. and three times as many as Asia was in lives for our country. Wendy Lawrence, Shannon Lucid, Sandra 1975. As a former teacher, I remember feel- Magnus, Megan McArthur, Pamela Melroy, These trends have reversed so now ing incredibly proud when my col- Barbara Morgan, Lisa Nowak, Karen Nyberg, the European Union graduates about 50 league, Christa McAuliffe, was selected Ellen Ochoa, Judith A. Resnik, Sally K. Ride, Patricia C. Hilliard Robertson, Mar- percent more Ph.D.s than the United from more than 11,000 applicants to be- garet Rhea Seddon, Heidemarie Sefanyshyn- States, and Asia is slightly ahead of come the first civilian in space, the Piper, Nicole Scott, Kathryn C. Thornton, the United States. first teacher in space. Janice Voss, Mary E. Weber, Peggy Whitson, At the current rate, China will prob- Of course, we were all horrified when Sunita Williams, and Stephanie Wilson. ably overtake us by 2010. They have al- the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded b 1600 ready produced nearly as many engi- 73 seconds after lift-off, cutting short neering graduates in a month as we do the lives of Christa and the other brave Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 in a year. Outstanding role models in- who flew with her. minutes to the gentlewoman from Ohio spire our young ladies to pursue a life The loss of the Challenger and, more (Mrs. SCHMIDT). (Mrs. SCHMIDT asked and was given of study and work in science and engi- recently, of the Space Shuttle Columbia permission to revise and extend her re- neering. were staggering blows to our country. marks.) Seeing these women doing exciting But I know that our space program will Mrs. SCHMIDT. Mr. Speaker, I thank important jobs in our space program is rebound from these disasters, as it al- the gentleman for yielding me this the best way that I know to encourage ways has, with a new sense of purpose, time. I rise in favor of House Resolu- our children to do the same. stronger and more determined than tion 450, recognizing Shuttle Com- Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank ever. mander Eileen Collins and Mission Spe- again the gentlewoman from New York I also know that as we rebuild, Amer- cialist Wendy Lawrence, who are an in- (Mrs. MALONEY) for her thoughtful leg- ican women will be leading the way, in- spiration to women everywhere. They islation. I plan to support this impor- spired by the sense of duty to our coun- serve as role models to young women tant legislation when it comes to a try and by the women who have come and have succeeded in fields tradition- vote and encourage all Members to do before them. Women like , ally dominated by men. the same. the first woman in space; Kathryn Sul- Their success is due in part to the Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of livan, the first American woman to hard work of trailblazing women who my time. perform a space walk; Mae Jeminson, came before them. Elizabeth Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speak- the first African American woman as- Blackwell, who was a resident of my er, I am honored to yield such time as tronaut; Shannon Lucid, who set a U.S. native Cincinnati and the first Amer- she may consume to the gentlewoman record for the most time living in ican female medical doctor, once said: from New York (Mrs. MALONEY). space. ‘‘For what is done or learned by one Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, I am Thanks to these pioneering women class of women becomes, by virtue of delighted to rise today to pay tribute astronauts, the sky is the limit for their common womanhood, the prop- to our female astronauts. These hero- women and girls in this final frontier. erty of all women.’’ ines are not only a source of pride for Today, we recognize the contribution When we think of great women astro- all Americans, but they have also in- of all of the women who work to realize nauts, we must remember two from the spired countless women to reach for the grand mission of NASA and who Buckeye State. the stars in their own lives and careers. continue to contribute today. The first is Judith Resnick. She was The space program has long been one Mr. Speaker, today our country faces born in Akron, graduated from Fire- of the best examples of America’s lead- an increasingly severe shortage of stone High School, and earned her doc- ership role in the world. Our astronauts qualified math, science, and engineer- torate in electrical engineering before are daring, brilliant, and selfless, risk- ing students and professionals to fill joining NASA. Judith died tragically ing their lives for the sake of scientific the high-tech jobs of tomorrow. aboard Space Shuttle Challenger. discovery. But like our Nation itself, Women have long been underrep- The second is Nancy J. Currie of they were once divided along gender resented in these fields, both in the Troy, Ohio, who graduated from Troy lines. workplace and in the classroom. It is High School, earned a degree in bio- Indeed, when NASA was created by essential to our economy, even to our logical science from Ohio State Univer- President Eisenhower in 1958, there national security, that we attract the sity, eventually earning a doctorate in were no female astronauts. Of course, best and the brightest to these fields. engineering. She flew four successful there were no women on the Supreme The number of girls and young missions between 1993 and 2002, and in Court back then, and in Congress there women entering math, science, and en- 2003 Dr. Currie was selected to lead the was just one female Senator, and only gineering is growing and moving in the Safety and 15 women serving in Congress. right direction. And in our universities Mission Assurance Office. Mr. Speaker, we have come a long and workplaces, we need to cultivate These women are outstanding in way in the last four decades. There are nondiscriminatory environments to their field, outstanding by virtue of now 14 women Senators, 66 female further this momentum. what they have accomplished, not be- Members of Congress, and at NASA NASA truly showcases the very best cause they are women. They succeeded women are not just along for the ride, of what women can achieve and can in fields traditionally dominated by they have assumed leadership roles in contribute, and the fact that they can men and inspired young girls around both the agency and on its missions, as contribute equally. May the women the country to succeed in their foot- we have seen by this fine work of Ei- pioneers we honor today inspire not steps. It is for these future female lead- leen Collins and Wendy Lawrence. only the astronauts, but the scientists, ers that we must continue to push the

VerDate Aug 31 2005 07:18 Nov 16, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H20SE5.REC H20SE5 CCOLEMAN on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H8122 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 20, 2005 envelope and recognize those who came NASA in preparing to launch the Space not just to today, but for generations before them. Shuttle Discovery. to come. Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to Women have made great strides in Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speak- vote in favor of this bill. the space and aeronautics industry. er, I yield 4 minutes to the distin- Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speak- The first African American woman in guished gentlewoman from Texas (Ms. er, I yield myself such time as I may space was my good friend Dr. Mae JACKSON-LEE). consume. Jemison. She served as the science Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support mission specialist on STS–47 - Speaker, I thank the distinguished gen- of House Resolution 450, a resolution to J in 1992. tleman for his support and advocation honor the women of NASA for their In 1999, Mr. Speaker, we had another for NASA and its work. I thank the hard work and dedication. In 360 B.C., first: Eileen M. Collins was the first fe- chairman of the full committee, the the great philosopher Plato bemoaned male commander of the space shuttle. gentleman from New York (Mr. BOEH- that ‘‘nothing can be more absurd than Collins and her crew launched aboard LERT); and of course the ranking mem- the practice that prevails in our coun- Space Shuttle Columbia in July of 1999. ber, the gentleman from Tennessee try of men and women not following My State of Texas has a strong focus (Mr. GORDON), for their leadership, the same pursuits with all their in space and aeronautics as the home along with the gentleman from Cali- strengths and with one mind, for thus, of the . I am es- fornia (Mr. CALVERT), chairman of our the state instead of being whole is re- pecially proud of all the women who subcommittee; and of course the rank- duced to half.’’ have made significant contributions to ing member, the gentleman from Colo- It has been more than 2,000 years the space flight, and I honor their cour- rado (Mr. UDALL). since Plato made this simple, common- age. Dr. Mary Ann Webber is another I am especially appreciative that we sense observation. It has not been easy; astronaut, who is now employed in my would come today to acknowledge not but in the intervening centuries, district at the University of Texas only the leadership of women but also women have proven time and time Southwest Medical School and working NASA’s contributions to America. So I again that they can excel in any field and encouraging young ladies now to rise to speak as well to H. Res. 441 and they choose. Along the way, there have think of a career of that sort. H. Res. 446. I thank the gentlewoman been many trailblazers: Barbara Jor- Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 from New York (Mrs. MALONEY), who dan, the stateswoman; Marie Curie, the minutes to the gentleman from New has been steadfast in reminding us of the importance of the involvement and scientist; , the pilot; York (Mr. BOEHLERT). Dr. , the first woman (Mr. BOEHLERT asked and was given the empowerment of women. Is it not exciting that we can rise and the first Hispanic Surgeon General. permission to revise and extend his re- today as the Discovery crew comes to Today, we honor some new additions marks.) the to be able to to this august list, the talented women Mr. BOEHLERT. Mr. Speaker, what a acknowledge that Eileen Col- of NASA’s astronaut core. Commander pleasure it is to come to the floor, as I lins was, in fact, the commander of this Collins and Mission Specialist Law- just left Colonel Eileen Collins and particular outstanding effort to return rence performed flawlessly on their lat- Wendy Lawrence and the rest of the United States to space. STS–114 crew; and they are an inspira- est mission aboard Space Shuttle Dis- One would wonder with Hurricane tion to all of us, not just those of us in covery. Katrina behind us and Hurricane Rita They are but the latest examples of a this Chamber but to people around the in front of us why we can stand before long tradition of excellence among our world. our colleagues to acknowledge the out- I stand today in support of the reso- female astronauts that stretches back standing contributions of women to the lution offered by my colleague and over two decades to Sally Ride’s his- safety and the advancement of human- toric mission as the first American fe- good friend from the great State of kind and Americans and as well that of male astronaut. New York (Mrs. MALONEY). NASA. And I say this: NASA equates to This resolution recognizes the valu- These astronauts stand as inspira- science and scientific discovery and ad- able contributions that women have tions to young women, not only in this vancement, and I am very proud to say country but around the globe, who look made at NASA and particularly praises that our lives have been made better at them and understand that no dream those who played a role in the success by the contributions that NASA has is out of reach because they realize of STS–114. The accomplishments of made to society. that they too can do what others have the STS crew are the result of a rich We were told early on that the use of done. history of women in NASA. Long be- NASA technology could have predicted They should be very proud of their fore STS–114 women like Sally Ride, or maybe not predicted, foreseen, de- accomplishments. the first American woman in space; tected the tsunami. We know now that Of course, in praising the astronauts, Kathryn Sullivan, the first American we have seen the constant repetitive- we should not neglect the contribu- woman to perform a space walk; Mae ness of hurricanes that NASA will be a tions of other women of NASA: the sci- Jemison, the first African American in very strong partner in determining entists, the engineers, the program space; and Shannon Lucid, the previous how we can better detect the coming of managers, and all of the others who American record holder for the length hurricanes and be more safe. contribute to our space program. of time spent in space on a single mis- So it is with great pride that I rise to All of these talented women are trail- sion, they pushed the boundaries of thank Sally Ride, a neighbor in our blazers in their own right. I commend human space flight. community in ; Kathryn Sul- them for their hard work and the excel- Women have also paid a dear price in livan; Christa McAuliffe, who lost her lent example they set. the name of human space flight. life in the earlier Challenger flight; and I want to thank the gentlewoman Christa McAuliffe, Judith Resnick, Judith Resnick; Mae Jemison, of from New York, not only for her initia- Kalpana Chawla, and Laurel Clark will course, who served as a role model for tive in introducing this most thought- always be remembered for their cour- many, many young girls; Shannon ful resolution but also for helping age and heroism. And Eileen Collins Lucid; and of course Kalpana Chawla make real Plato’s ideal of equality of and Wendy Lawrence and the rest of and Laurel Clark, who lost their lives opportunity for all. STS–114 crew stand on the shoulders of in Columbia in the 2003 mission. I think it is a great resolution, and I those great women who came before But today we have a lot to celebrate urge its adoption. them, and this resolution rightly rec- because Eileen Collins and Wendy Law- Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to yield 2 ognizes that fact. rence were part of that great Space minutes to the distinguished gentle- Once again, I thank the gentlewoman Shuttle Discovery, STS–114. With their woman from Texas (Ms. EDDIE BERNICE from New York (Mrs. MALONEY) for in- leadership, we return to space; and I JOHNSON). troducing this important resolution, believe we return to the opportunities Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of and I commend all of my colleagues for that space allows. Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of paying attention on the floor today to I am always reminded, whenever we all women who have worked with something that is really important, have the opportunity to salute what

VerDate Aug 31 2005 07:18 Nov 16, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H20SE5.REC H20SE5 CCOLEMAN on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE September 20, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8123 NASA does, to say that the research President John F. Kennedy set the course for Whereas the Space Shuttle Discovery Crew has generated successes in detection our Nation when he stated in a speech at Rice completed three highly successful extra-ve- and cure of strokes, HIV/AIDS, heart University in 1962: ‘‘We set sail on this new hicular activity spacewalks; disease, cancer. So we know that NASA Whereas the STS flight 114 accomplished sea because there is new knowledge to be the first in-flight heat shield repairs on the is part of our society, and it has the gained, and new rights to be won, and they Space Shuttle; ability to enhance our society. must be won and used for the progress of all Whereas the Discovery crew delivered My congratulations to the Discovery people. For space science, like nuclear more than 6 tons of needed supplies and crew, to the many women we honor science and technology, has no conscience of equipment to the International Space Sta- today, such as Ellen Baker, Yvonne its own. Whether it will become a force for tion; Cagle, Tracy Caldwell, Bonnie Dunbar, good or ill depends on man, and only if the Whereas Discovery’s spacewalkers removed Anna Fisher, Marsha Ivins, Susan L. a failed gyroscope and re- United States occupies a position of pre- placed it with a new one, restoring full capa- Kilrain, Wendy Lawrence, Ellen Ochoa, eminence can we help decide whether this Judith A. Resnick who has passed of bility of the Station’s attitude control sys- new ocean will be a sea of peace or a new tem; course, Sally K. Ride, Nicole Scott, and terrifying theater of war . . . The great British Whereas the Discovery mission success- many, many others. explorer George Mallory, who was to die on fully used three different Canadian robotic It is for us to carry forth their dream Mount Everest, was asked why did he want to extensions to conduct spacewalks and to sur- by providing the support from the climb it. He said because it is there. Well, vey the Shuttle: the Shuttle ; the United States Congress but, more im- Space Station Canadarm2; and the Orbiter space is there, and we’re going to climb it. Boom Sensor System; portant, it is to announce that these And the moon and the planets are there. And women are leaders but also that NASA Whereas the crew of the Discovery experi- new hopes for knowledge and peace are has laid the groundwork for this soci- enced ‘‘virtual’’ visits from leaders of 2 na- there. And therefore, as we set sail, we ask tions, the President of the United States and ety and all around the world to be ad- God’s blessing, on the most hazardous, and the Prime Minister of Japan; and vanced to a better quality of life. dangerous, and greatest adventure, on which Whereas Commander Eileen Collins led the My salute to NASA and to the fellow crew of 7 and guided the Discovery vehicle employees and as well to the leaders, man has ever embarked.’’ Our Nation has seen great tragedy and yet we continue to through an unprecedented back flip maneu- women, who have taken us into space. ver: Now, therefore, be it I rise today as a proud cosponsor of H. Res move forward because that is the only path Resolved, That the House of Representa- 450 which congratulates the National Aero- that knowledge will accept; truly it is appro- tives— nautics and Space Administration and the Dis- priate that this shuttle was named Discovery. (1) commends the entire National Aero- nautics and Space Administration team and covery crew. Let me offer my own personal Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speak- er, I have no further requests for time, community, who provided invaluable tech- congratulations to this brave crew who re- nical support and leadership for the historic turned NASA to flight and made history in our and I yield back the balance of my time. mission of Space Shuttle Discovery STS Nation through the advancement of aero- flight 114; nautics. Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I have (2) commends Commander Eileen Collins, Being from the City of Houston, which is no further requests for time, and I for being the first female space shuttle com- home to the Johnson Space Center, I take yield back the balance of my time. mander and a role model for all; great pride in the accomplishments of NASA. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. (3) commends Col. Jim Kelly, pilot of STS I am proud to say that I was among the Con- LAHOOD). The question is on the mo- 114, for his second flight aboard the Space tion offered by the gentleman from Shuttle and his participation in robotic arm gressional Delegation that was at Cape Ca- operations; naveral for the anticipated launch. While the California (Mr. CALVERT) that the House suspend the rules and agree to (4) commends Charlie Camarda, mission correct decision was made not to launch that specialist, a ‘‘rookie’’ who performed like a day, this brave crew was able to successfully the resolution, H. Res. 450, as amended. veteran by transferring the multipurpose lo- complete its mission. The launch of the Space The question was taken; and (two- gistics module from the International Space Shuttle Discovery came more than 2 years thirds having voted in favor thereof) Station to the Space Shuttle; after the tragic Columbia shuttle accident. The the rules were suspended and the reso- (5) commends Wendy Lawrence, mission crew of the Discovery included astronauts lution, as amended, was agreed to. specialist, for outstanding skill in operating Canadarm2; Steve Robinson, Jim Kelly, , A motion to reconsider was laid on the table. (6) commends of Japan, Wendy Lawrence, Charlie Camarda, Eileen mission specialist, a ‘‘rookie’’ who was a Collins and Soichi Noguchi. With implementa- f ‘‘spacewalker’’ for the inspections and re- tion of the Columbia Accident Investigation CONGRATULATING NASA AND THE pairs of the Space Shuttle; Board recommendations completed, this crew ‘‘DISCOVERY’’ CREW (7) commends Steve Robinson, mission spe- of seven astronauts flew aboard Space Shuttle cialist, for his outstanding skill as a Discovery on mission STS–114 to test new Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I move ‘‘spacewalker,’’ who enhanced and repaired safety techniques and deliver needed supplies to suspend the rules and agree to the Discovery and the International Space Sta- to the International Space Station. Two crew- resolution (H. Res. 441) to congratulate tion; and the National Aeronautics and Space (8) commends Andy Thomas, mission spe- members, Steve Robinson and Soichi cialist, who performed the laser checks on Noguchi, ventured outside the Shuttle three Administration and the Discovery crew of Commander Eileen Collins, Pilot the leading edge of the Space Shuttle by the times on spacewalks. The first demonstrated operation of Canadarm2. repair techniques on the Shuttle’s protective Jim Kelly, Mission Specialist Charlie tiles, known as the Thermal Protection Sys- Camarda, Mission Specialist Wendy b 1615 tem. During the second spacewalk, they re- Lawrence, Mission Specialist Soichi The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. placed a failed Control Moment Gyroscope, Noguchi, Mission Specialist Steve Rob- LAHOOD). Pursuant to the rule, the which helps keep the station oriented properly. inson, and Mission Specialist Andy gentleman from California (Mr. CAL- Finally, they installed the External Stowage Thomas on the successful completion VERT) and the gentleman from Texas Platform, a sort of space shelf for holding of their 14 day test flight to the Inter- (Mr. AL GREEN) each will control 20 spare parts during Station construction. STS– national Space Station for the first minutes. 114 will also be the third trip of the Multi Pur- step of the Vision for Space Explo- The Chair recognizes the gentleman pose Logistics Module (MPLM) named ration, begun from the Kennedy Space from California (Mr. CALVERT). Raffaello to the Station. It’s essentially a Center, Florida, on July 26, 2005, and GENERAL LEAVE ‘‘moving van’’ that transports supplies to the completed at , Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I ask orbital outpost. California, on August 9, 2005. This his- unanimous consent that all Members I have consistently stated that since the Co- torical mission represented a great may have 5 legislative days within lumbia shuttle accident, safety must be our step forward into the new beginning of which to revise and extend their re- number one priority. All Americans can look the Second Space Age, as amended. marks and include extraneous material proudly upon the achievements of our space The Clerk read as follows: on H. Res. 441, the resolution under exploration when they look upon the crew of H. RES. 441 consideration. the Space Shuttle Discovery. Whereas the Space Shuttle Return-to- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Truly, we as a Nation have come a long Flight is the first step in the Nation’s Vision objection to the request of the gen- way in the area of since for Space Exploration; tleman from California?

VerDate Aug 31 2005 07:18 Nov 16, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H20SE5.REC H20SE5 CCOLEMAN on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE