
St. Luke’s Day Schoo Infant/Toddler Department General Information – Luke’s Place

Welcome to the 21-22 School Year! The circumstances of school start-up are unique, and we want to be sure all your questions are answered. Please read your 2021-2022 Family Handbook and COVID-19 Addendum carefully. Here are a few highlights that need your special attention as your child begins the new school year.

Pre-acceptance Daily Health Check: Parents or caregivers will take temperatures and assess COVID-19 symptoms at home before leaving for school. If symptoms arise or escalate in transit to school, we will re-take your child’s temperature and an administrator will help determine if your child’s health permits school entrance. DO NOT send your child to school if they have a temperature of 100.0°F or above, or with the slightest COVID-19 symptoms (known seasonal allergies will be considered).

Arrival and Departure Procedures: Please allow extra time for arrival and dismissal and proceed with patience and grace for our school family. We suggest that parents stagger arrival and dismissal times during the suggested windows to avoid long waits.

Arrival Tips: For the first couple of weeks when you bring your child to school, it may take a few minutes for your child to feel comfortable. When you leave, give your child a hug, say goodbye, and then leave quickly. Once your child begins to adjust you can shorten your time at drop off. Drawing out your departure is hard on your child, so a quick hug and goodbye before you leave will minimize the time it takes for your child to calm down. Please remember you may call the office; they are happy to check on your child and give you a report. We will call you if your child does not calm down in a short period of time. . Signing In: Teachers will sign-in and out your child daily as parents are dropping off at carline or at the door.

Diapers and Wipes: Parents are responsible for sending . The school supplies wipes. Some of our classrooms have varying spaces for storage. Your teacher will help you determine how many diapers to bring. Please label all diapers with child’s initials. Also, if diaper cream is needed, please label.

Naptime: If your child is in the Bunnies/Honeybees classes bring one fitted crib sheet each week; Lambs classes bring two fitted crib sheets each week. Children in the Lambs classes sleep in a sleep sac at naptime as do the Bunnies children who are not yet walking. Parents may also send a pacifier, if needed, or other comfort item. Some of our children are reassured by having a picture of Mom and Dad. Licensing regulations state that soft or loose bedding such as blankets, sleep positioning devices, stuffed toys, quilts, pillows, bumper pads, and comforters must not be used in cribs for child under one year of age. Food and Bottles: We encourage all food items to be sent in an insulated lunch kit with an ice pack to keep items cold. Little Luke’s Place classrooms each have a small refrigerator for dairy products only; parents must label food containers and bottles in the refrigerator with the child’s name and the date. This is required by Licensing and accreditation standards. Bottles should come already prepared. Please send food for one day only. Please label all bottles and lid tops. We support infant breastfeeding and will coordinate the feedings and servings of expressed milk with the infant’s mother as requested. Please contact your child’s teacher for arrangements.

Lunches: Students bring lunch and snacks from home in a lunch box as usual; any snacks served at school will be in individual pre-packaged containers. Please do not send squeezable yogurt for infants and toddlers. Students also bring a water cup to be used during the day. We will send home the water cup each day. The school will provide disposable cups for water, if needed. If you wish to send another kind of drink in the lunch box for lunchtime the cup will be sent home with all lunch containers to be cleaned daily and not used throughout the day. Utensils: St. Luke’s Day School is endeavoring to do our share to teach children environmental responsibility. Every day, please bring and take home eating utensils. Label everything, please! Labeling: Everything belonging to your child must be labeled with your child’s name. This includes drinking cups, diapers, lunch kits, bedding, , etc.

Play Clothes: your children in simple clothing, jumpers and rompers, with openings in the diaper area. Please avoid belts, suspenders, and without snaps. Remember that we have many children to change in a limited time frame. Send two sets of season-appropriate clothes, all labeled, to be kept in the classroom in case of accidents. As seasons change and children grow, please remember to send appropriate clothes for your child. We recommend that children wear rubber-soled, close-toed . No or ; they are unsafe on the outdoor classroom. Please remember that hair barrettes and clips are choking hazards and not to be worn in infant/toddler classes.

For the Lambs Class only: In order to better protect our non-mobile and newly crawling infants in the Lambs class, we have a plan regarding floor cleanliness. All adults, entering the Lambs class, will remove shoes or cover shoes with clean foot coverings which are provided. are acceptable.

Medications: In the event your child requires medication while at school, please hand the medication to a Carline Helper or drop off with the attendant at the SLDS AC Welcome Desk. Do not deliver medications directly to classrooms. A “Medication Dosage” form can be found on our website. Please complete and sign the form noting specific time of day and dosage amount to be given, and place the form in the zip lock bag along with the medication.

Parties: We have three parties a year in the I/T department: Christmas, Easter and End of School. Parents may sign up to support the parties. Parents will not attend parties until pandemic protective care protocols have ended.

Curriculum and Early Academics: St. Luke’s Day School’s philosophy and goals for curriculum, classroom environments, and promoting academic readiness are outlined in the Family Handbook. Lesson plans for each class may be found on your classroom Shutterfly page. Please read them and feel free to discuss them with us.

Parent Participation: Our Parent Advisory Council sends out a form in the fall, listing all volunteer opportunities in our program. While volunteer opportunities will shift under protective practice, we will continue to offer ways for you to volunteer and support your child’s school experience.

Especially with our unusual circumstances, we thank you so much for helping us begin a successful and enriching year with your child! Please don’t hesitate to contact us with further questions. We are glad to be “in this together” for a successful school year!

August 2021