
Ref.: TC/411

13 April 2021

David Owen Planning and City Regeneration Directorate of Place Civic Centre, Road, Swansea, SA1 3SN

By e-mail: [email protected]

Application: 2021/0747/FUL & 2021/0748/LBC

Site: The Palace Theatre High Street City Centre Swansea

Proposal: Refurbishment of the existing Grade II listed theatre building to enable the creation of high quality A2/B1 commercial office space. This will require the removal of some internal fabric, the insertion of three areas of new floor to the stage house, auditorium and roof void, the insertion of mechanical plant louvres at high level to the Bethesda Street Elevation and roof along with the reinstatement of the conical roof at the apex of the building, reinstatement of the two entrance canopies and introduction of glazed roof lights to the roof. Externally Bethesda Street in to become a one way street with a servicing / delivery bay to the rear the theatre. The pavement is to be widen along the High Street facade to facilitate a new main entrance to the building (Amendment to Planning Permission 2020/1966/FUL granted 1 Dec. 2020 to include: Change of Use of Basement - A2/B1 as Approved plus D1 & D2 uses; Ground Floor - A2/B1 as Approved plus A3, D1 & D2 uses; First Floor to Fourth Floor - A2/B1 as Approved plus D1 & D2 uses. Minor amendments externally to the roof and internally with fit out furniture as follows - Pitched roof continued over stage house area; Rooflights amended to suit detailed truss positions; Rooftop lourve made full width between existing turrets and set back; Mansafe system to the roof indicated

Remit: Theatres Trust is the National Advisory Body for Theatres and was established by The Theatres Trust Act 1976 'to promote the better protection of theatres'. The Trust is a statutory consultee in the planning system and local planning authorities in are required to consult the Trust on planning applications for ‘development involving any land on which there is a theatre’, ‘residential development within 50 metres of a theatre’ as well as for proposed theatres. The definition of theatres within the Act defines a theatre as ‘any building or part of a building constructed wholly or mainly for the public performance of plays’, and therefore applies to theatres, playhouses, arts centres, ciné-varieties or buildings converted for theatre use, old and new, in other uses or disused.

Comment: Thank you for consulting Theatres Trust regarding these amendments to the previously consented applications for planning permission and listed building consent at the Palace Theatre. The Palace has been on the Trust’s Theatres at Risk register for some time and is a priority building. The Trust has been strongly supportive of the proposals which will safeguard the building and bring it back into active use.

A number of revisions are proposed. Partly these will introduce and leisure (D1/D2) as permitted landuses throughout the building which is welcomed and supported as being consistent with the building’s original and more recent functions as a place of performance and entertainment. It will also add finance and professional services which will enhance flexibility and attractiveness to potential occupants and food and drink use to the ground floor which could potentially facilitate a café or restaurant to bring more people into the building and support its users. These are all supported as they will support the viability and sustainability of the venture.

There will also be some minor alterations to approved plans, focused on the pitched roof over the stage house area, amendments to rooflights, the rooftop louvre made full width, and a mansafe system to the roof. None of these changes would have any material impact on the significance of the Palace as a heritage asset, or compromise potential for future return to performance use.

Therefore we would be supportive of the granting of planning permission and listed building consent.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you wish to discuss these comments further and continue to engage with us should plans be further amended.

Tom Clarke MRTPI National Planning Adviser