MISTRAL ARTIST - NEW YORK “Angels Are Made Of Light” - Final English subtitle listing

“#” indicates italics


**:**:**.** 00:00:00.01 **:**:**.** **:**:**.** **:**:**.** **:**:**.** **:**:**.** **:**:**.** **:**:**.** 01:52:05.07

1: 10:01:23.08 10:01:27.02 #The Qur'an is our guide,# #the words of God,#

2: 10:01:27.06 10:01:30.18 #The light that guides us# #today and tomorrow,#

3: 10:01:30.22 10:01:34.15 #With our body and soul,# #we accept the laws of the Qur'an...#

4: 10:01:34.19 10:01:38.08 #The light of faith shines within us,#

5: 10:01:38.13 10:01:42.02 #The Qur'an is our guide,# #the words of God#

6: 10:01:42.07 10:01:45.17 #The light that guides us# #today and tomorrow.#

7: 10:01:45.22 10:01:48.07 Thank you, well done, good job.

8: 10:01:49.10 10:01:53.06 If you sing it three times, it's enough.

9: 10:01:53.10 10:01:55.12 "We accept the laws of the Qur'an..."

10: 10:01:55.20 10:01:56.17 Who's next?

11: 10:01:56.21 10:01:58.15 Just Sohrab? Anyone else?

12: 10:01:58.19 10:02:00.12 Come and read, Sohrab, my sweet son.

13: 10:02:00.17 10:02:03.21 Move back, my little flowers...

14: 10:02:13.13 10:02:16.01 Teacher? Yusef? Come on.

15: 10:02:16.05 10:02:17.14 Should I read, teacher?

16: 10:02:19.11 10:02:21.10 "In the name of God Almighty..."

17: 10:02:37.01 10:02:40.23 #One day,# #an old man was carrying a lantern...#

18: 10:02:42.08 10:02:44.11 #in broad daylight.#

19: 10:02:47.14 10:02:50.12 #He stepped outside# #and wandered through the city.#

20: 10:02:52.07 10:02:53.23 #The people stared.#

21: 10:02:57.01 10:03:01.19 #"Oh, father, why do you burn# #your lantern in broad daylight?"#

22: 10:03:05.04 10:03:09.09 #He replied,# #"I'm searching for a human being."#

23: 10:03:30.20 10:03:32.16 Hey kid, don't you go to school?

24: 10:03:33.17 10:03:36.13 - Don't you go to school? - I don't have a bag.

25: 10:03:37.04 10:03:39.22 - How, without a bag? - You don't have bag?

26: 10:03:43.16 10:03:48.16 Tell your father or mother to buy you a book bag.

27: 10:03:50.14 10:03:52.23 My father doesn't have money.

28: 10:03:56.07 10:03:59.16 My father's leg was hurt.

29: 10:04:01.03 10:04:06.11 Blood was coming out of his leg.

30: 10:04:17.21 10:04:19.23 Pay attention, all of you students.

31: 10:04:20.10 10:04:22.12 What do you see in this picture?

32: 10:04:22.16 10:04:24.06 A plane!

33: 10:04:24.16 10:04:27.08 In our country... In our country...

34: 10:04:27.14 10:04:29.15 - there are... - there are...

35: 10:04:29.19 10:04:32.04 - many planes. - many planes.

36: 10:04:32.08 10:04:34.01 - Who learned it? - Me!

37: 10:04:36.14 10:04:43.19 Complete and process a list of teachers in all subjects for the coming year.

38: 10:04:44.04 10:04:46.15 It's ready. We just need to send it in.

39: 10:04:47.09 10:04:50.07 It should have name, father's name, and so on.

40: 10:04:51.00 10:04:57.22 #...the Soviets and the # #were better than these Americans.#

41: 10:04:58.03 10:05:02.09 #I want to put that in the ear# #of Radio Freedom.#

42: 10:05:02.14 10:05:05.05 #Dear respected Mr. Ali Hussein...#

43: 10:05:05.10 10:05:09.17 #It is clear from your message# #that you are very upset with America.#

44: 10:05:09.21 10:05:13.11 #But you do not explain# #the basis for your hatred.#

45: 10:05:13.15 10:05:21.09 #Why are the Russians and the Taliban# #better than the Americans?#

46: 10:05:22.08 10:05:26.16 - What time is it, dear sir? - By God, there was so much traffic.

47: 10:05:27.03 10:05:29.11 God have mercy on your fibbing.

48: 10:05:35.06 10:05:39.05 Daqiqi Balkhi School

49: 10:06:00.03 10:06:03.19 #I love reading books,# #they fascinate me.#

50: 10:06:05.19 10:06:09.05 #When someone reads books,#

51: 10:06:10.23 10:06:15.15 #he can gradually# #become aware of everything.#

52: 10:06:26.23 10:06:30.11 #That's my older brother, Rostam.#

53: 10:06:32.22 10:06:36.06 #Ever since Rostam was small,#

54: 10:06:36.10 10:06:38.23 #he always liked mechanical things.#

55: 10:06:43.15 10:06:45.19 - Here it is, father. - Very good.

56: 10:06:52.13 10:06:57.04 #In the neighborhood,# #they call me Rostam.#

57: 10:07:01.23 10:07:04.19 #I want to be like my father.#

58: 10:07:12.08 10:07:14.11 #One night I dreamed#

59: 10:07:15.03 10:07:17.03 #that I was with my father.#

60: 10:07:18.01 10:07:22.07 #We were in a deep place,# #filling up with water.#

61: 10:07:23.09 10:07:26.09 #We were climbing and climbing,#

62: 10:07:26.13 10:07:29.13 #and I was only a single step# #from the top...#

63: 10:07:30.09 10:07:33.01 #Then I fell down# #to the bottom again.#

64: 10:07:39.18 10:07:42.01 #My little brother, Sohrab...#

65: 10:07:43.08 10:07:45.15 #He only studies his lessons.#

66: 10:07:46.03 10:07:49.17 #He doesn't think# #that he has to go to work.#

67: 10:07:50.23 10:07:55.06 "...Both kings allowed the couple

68: 10:07:55.13 10:08:01.09 "to marry on an auspicious day,

69: 10:08:01.20 10:08:08.22 "and they gathered for an enormous feast."

70: 10:08:10.10 10:08:13.01 #I'll sit in my chair.#

71: 10:08:14.06 10:08:19.12 #Frankly, I've never liked manual labor.# #I'm no good at it.#

72: 10:08:35.15 10:08:38.12 #This is Yaldash, our little brother.#

73: 10:08:42.01 10:08:45.07 #If he becomes a tinsmith,#

74: 10:08:46.16 10:08:49.16 #I put the blame on him.#

75: 10:09:04.11 10:09:06.20 #What can I learn as a tinsmith?#

76: 10:09:08.15 10:09:12.01 Tang-tong, tang-tong, #hammering away at nothing.#

77: 10:09:13.08 10:09:16.21 #I'd shatter everyone's peace of mind,# #far and wide...#

78: 10:09:17.19 10:09:19.06 #Every day.#

79: 10:09:20.22 10:09:23.01 #Now I'm sick of it.#

80: 10:09:25.12 10:09:27.17 #I want to be free.#

81: 10:09:29.21 10:09:30.21 Hey, boy!

82: 10:09:31.03 10:09:32.06 Habib!

83: 10:09:32.18 10:09:34.06 What did I tell you?

84: 10:09:37.11 10:09:41.21 When someone's heart is heavy, how do they look? Who can tell us?

85: 10:09:45.01 10:09:47.18 Everyone has a heavy heart sometimes...

86: 10:09:47.22 10:09:49.21 Both you and I.

87: 10:09:50.21 10:09:54.15 Try to share your burden with friends,

88: 10:09:54.19 10:09:57.20 and your load will be lightened.

89: 10:09:59.23 10:10:02.07 #I like Rostam very little...#

90: 10:10:03.05 10:10:05.09 #And I don't like Sohrab at all.#

91: 10:10:06.01 10:10:09.08 #I don't know why# #they always beat up on me.#

92: 10:10:10.06 10:10:11.13 #I don't know.#

93: 10:10:13.12 10:10:15.04 #I am alone.#

94: 10:10:16.23 10:10:18.07 #Alone.#

95: 10:10:24.11 10:10:26.00 #"Ya illahi..."#

96: 10:10:26.04 10:10:28.23 It means, "My Lord, or My God."

97: 10:10:29.10 10:10:31.07 Support my mother. 98: 10:10:31.16 10:10:35.06 Give support to my mother.

99: 10:10:36.16 10:10:40.04 Help my father through these hard times.

100: 10:10:40.14 10:10:46.07 Help my father with these problems.

101: 10:10:46.22 10:10:50.02 Protect my country from her enemies.

102: 10:10:50.17 10:10:55.03 Keep my country safe from evil enemies.

103: 10:10:56.02 10:10:58.22 How should we defeat our enemies?

104: 10:10:59.02 10:11:00.09 - With a pistol? - A sword?

105: 10:11:00.13 10:11:02.02 Not with a pistol.

106: 10:11:02.09 10:11:03.21 With a spear?

107: 10:11:04.01 10:11:08.12 We must use logic as our weapon.

108: 10:11:09.13 10:11:15.13 We don't mean that you take out a pistol and shoot your enemy,

109: 10:11:16.07 10:11:18.15 or stab them with knives.

110: 10:11:19.04 10:11:21.23 How do we make our enemies understand?

111: 10:11:22.04 10:11:24.00 With your words...

112: 10:11:24.04 10:11:26.23 By using your logic with them.

113: 10:11:27.14 10:11:28.19 Understand?

114: 10:11:29.04 10:11:30.02 Well, then.

115: 10:11:30.13 10:11:32.21 It says in the Holy Qur'an,

116: 10:11:33.01 10:11:39.01 "I am closer to you than your jugular."

117: 10:11:39.16 10:11:45.05 No matter how softly you call upon God,

118: 10:11:45.11 10:11:47.03 He hears.

119: 10:11:49.04 10:11:54.00 #I worry about what will# #become of us in the end.#

120: 10:12:00.07 10:12:02.22 #This thought consumes me.#

121: 10:12:17.17 10:12:20.18 #Our father really encourages me to work.#

122: 10:12:21.16 10:12:24.22 "My son, work will do you good."

123: 10:12:30.20 10:12:33.22 "Either be a mechanic, or study."

124: 10:12:36.01 10:12:38.01 #Which one should I let go?#

125: 10:12:42.07 10:12:45.00 #If I keep working,# #I'll fail in my studies.#

126: 10:12:45.04 10:12:48.00 #If I study hard, I'll lose my job.#

127: 10:12:51.18 10:12:54.00 I'll check to see if Boss Zilgail's back.

128: 10:12:54.06 10:12:57.00 If he catches you, he'll give you a walloping.

129: 10:13:00.15 10:13:06.18 #I worry so much about# #what will happen to me in the end.#

130: 10:13:36.12 10:13:40.11 - Will you be the top student this year? - Who, me?

131: 10:13:41.07 10:13:43.05 No, this year I'll leave.

132: 10:13:45.09 10:13:47.10 I really want to have first place.

133: 10:13:47.14 10:13:49.07 You're not the top student? 134: 10:13:49.11 10:13:50.23 What position are you?

135: 10:13:51.05 10:13:52.03 Third?

136: 10:13:52.07 10:13:53.07 Second?

137: 10:13:53.20 10:13:55.19 But you were first before.

138: 10:14:01.17 10:14:03.22 I really want to be first.

139: 10:14:05.22 10:14:08.17 To be first is a special honor.

140: 10:14:44.13 10:14:48.16 #This place was called Blacksmith Street.#

141: 10:14:49.03 10:14:54.18 #After the wars began,# #all of the shops were looted.#

142: 10:14:56.19 10:15:00.10 #They burned the neighborhood# #before my very eyes.#

143: 10:15:07.09 10:15:12.03 #We had an historic mosque,# #the third largest in City,#

144: 10:15:12.07 10:15:15.13 #that was called Gudri Mosque.#

145: 10:15:16.04 10:15:18.10 #And today, it's ruined.#

146: 10:15:18.21 10:15:22.08 #Our own Mujahideen burned it.#

147: 10:15:24.20 10:15:27.11 #And after these foreigners leave,#

148: 10:15:28.13 10:15:31.01 #we will face that war again.#

149: 10:15:33.14 10:15:35.13 - Faisal? - Present!

150: 10:15:37.23 10:15:39.20 - Nurullah? - Present!

151: 10:15:41.20 10:15:43.11 - Abu Zahir? - Present!

152: 10:15:45.20 10:15:48.00 #This is our mother.#

153: 10:15:48.23 10:15:53.12 #She has worked so hard# #to raise us up into adults.#

154: 10:15:54.08 10:15:57.18 #And even if we sacrifice ourselves,#

155: 10:15:57.22 10:16:01.07 #we can never repay her# #for what she has done for us.#

156: 10:16:06.16 10:16:09.06 "Luba" means "play"...

157: 10:16:11.04 10:16:13.15 I need someone to come up and read.

158: 10:16:14.13 10:16:16.21 You kids, pay attention!

159: 10:16:17.06 10:16:19.00 Whose book is this?

160: 10:16:19.09 10:16:22.04 In the name of God, "The Sentence"...

161: 10:16:22.23 10:16:29.08 "An elephant and an ant were best friends"...

162: 10:16:29.12 10:16:30.20 Teacher, the bell rang.

163: 10:16:35.18 10:16:41.14 # speakers are Afghans,# #but their language is different.#

164: 10:16:45.06 10:16:49.16 #These different tribes can't get along#

165: 10:16:49.20 10:16:53.17 #because the will say,# #"What's your language?"#

166: 10:16:55.13 10:16:57.14 #Our language is Dari.#

167: 10:17:00.07 10:17:06.12 #They detest the sound of our language.#

168: 10:17:07.10 10:17:08.23 Who learned it? 169: 10:17:09.06 10:17:11.08 Just raise your hands.

170: 10:17:13.21 10:17:18.11 #Just like that, the Panjshiris# #and other tribes can't be united.#

171: 10:17:19.21 10:17:22.00 I'll tell you again, kids.

172: 10:17:22.20 10:17:25.23 Hey kid! Hey kid! Hey!

173: 10:17:27.07 10:17:28.05 Hey!

174: 10:17:28.21 10:17:30.17 Take both of them to the office.

175: 10:17:30.21 10:17:33.12 Come on, let's go, take him!

176: 10:17:34.06 10:17:36.17 Kid, gather up his pens.

177: 10:17:49.21 10:17:52.09 He's a very naughty boy.

178: 10:18:01.23 10:18:08.03 So this is the thing, for example, a mosque is the house of God.

179: 10:18:08.08 10:18:12.20 Understand? How can people believe this with their rational minds?

180: 10:18:13.02 10:18:15.07 True, we call it the house of God...

181: 10:18:15.11 10:18:16.20 Well...

182: 10:18:17.03 10:18:18.03 What?

183: 10:18:21.00 10:18:23.01 Let me tell you another thing I heard.

184: 10:18:23.05 10:18:27.04 Even God received advice from the angels.

185: 10:18:27.08 10:18:31.16 But how can the angels give God advice, when He created them?

186: 10:18:33.08 10:18:38.13 When a question stays unanswered, it creates problems for people.

187: 10:18:43.03 10:18:47.06 Noah, peace be upon him, lived for 950 years.

188: 10:18:49.00 10:18:50.06 Understood?

189: 10:18:50.13 10:18:54.00 There were the Torah, the Bible, the Psalms and the Holy Qu'ran.

190: 10:18:54.05 10:18:55.18 To whom was The Bible sent?

191: 10:18:56.01 10:18:57.22 The Bible went to the glorious...

192: 10:18:58.02 10:18:59.15 No talking!

193: 10:19:00.04 10:19:02.05 - To Jesus! - To Jesus, peace be upon him.

194: 10:19:02.09 10:19:03.12 What was his father's name?

195: 10:19:03.16 10:19:05.21 - The father of Jesus? - Can I say it, teacher?

196: 10:19:06.01 10:19:07.14 - Yes. - Imran.

197: 10:19:09.10 10:19:13.19 - But teacher, it was... - Listen to what I'm telling you.

198: 10:19:15.01 10:19:20.12 You asked for the name of Jesus' father, but he didn't have a father,

199: 10:19:20.16 10:19:22.08 but Her Majesty Mary did.

200: 10:19:22.12 10:19:26.16 I didn't ask for His Majesty Jesus' father, I asked for Mary's.

201: 10:19:26.20 10:19:30.05 His Majesty Jesus, Peace be upon Him, didn't have a father!

202: 10:19:30.09 10:19:31.22 Her Majesty Mary had a father... 203: 10:19:32.02 10:19:33.05 Get the idea?

204: 10:19:48.17 10:19:49.20 What group are you?

205: 10:19:50.00 10:19:51.04 A.

206: 10:19:55.23 10:19:58.03 Third question for group B...

207: 10:19:58.07 10:20:04.03 What shapes have you seen in the clouds?

208: 10:20:07.08 10:20:10.03 #Teacher Nik Mohammed is a good man.#

209: 10:20:11.19 10:20:16.00 #Every time he comes to class,# #he asks us to draw parrots.#

210: 10:20:16.09 10:20:21.20 #After a while, when you look# #in your notebook, it's full of parrots.#

211: 10:20:23.13 10:20:26.22 "What's the difference between things you see far away

212: 10:20:27.02 10:20:28.20 "and things that are close?"

213: 10:20:29.00 10:20:30.15 Write it down.

214: 10:20:36.04 10:20:39.16 #If you ask him,# #he knows everything about the past.#

215: 10:20:41.01 10:20:45.17 #The principal doesn't let him# #teach history,#

216: 10:20:46.00 10:20:49.16 #although he knows a lot about it.#

217: 10:20:51.18 10:20:53.19 Fourth question for Group B...

218: 10:20:54.02 10:20:57.03 Draw a beautiful landscape.

219: 10:21:10.13 10:21:14.23 #I only know about the time # #since I was born.# 220: 10:21:18.00 10:21:20.12 #But what was it like in history?#

221: 10:21:22.07 10:21:25.19 #Which king took the throne?# #What happened?#

222: 10:21:28.14 10:21:30.22 #Was it chaos?#

223: 10:21:32.18 10:21:34.08 #Was there war?#

224: 10:21:36.03 10:21:40.18 #My classmates and I# #would all like to know.#

225: 10:21:42.02 10:21:44.21 Go sharpen your pencil.

226: 10:21:46.22 10:21:49.20 You did it again, you see?

227: 10:21:56.04 10:22:00.02 #By God, in the past,# #the teachers were like flowers.#

228: 10:22:02.02 10:22:05.09 #Now teachers are living in...#

229: 10:22:06.17 10:22:09.08 #The Atomic Age, all of them.#

230: 10:22:11.21 10:22:16.09 #Now everything is destroyed,# #but in the past it was a kingdom.#

231: 10:22:22.11 10:22:26.08 #In the time of King Zahir,# #there was peace everywhere.#

232: 10:22:35.06 10:22:40.13 #People knew respect,# #gratitude, and mercy.#

233: 10:23:04.09 10:23:09.22 #On Fridays, thousands of people# #took tent picnics to Paghman.#

234: 10:23:41.03 10:23:43.17 #Life was very peaceful.#

235: 10:23:47.20 10:23:50.06 #It was a time of plenty.#

236: 10:23:54.13 10:23:57.23 #People were at peace,# #their souls were fresh.#

237: 10:23:59.05 10:24:02.16 #They were comfortable# #and affectionate.#

238: 10:24:05.19 10:24:09.10 #It was a peaceful, simple life.#

239: 10:24:09.18 10:24:12.16 #There was no war,# #no bombing, no hunger.#

240: 10:24:15.05 10:24:18.18 #Now trust and love have vanished.#

241: 10:24:22.15 10:24:24.20 #Everything was destroyed.#

242: 10:24:31.00 10:24:33.17 Hey, Rohit, what's your uncle say?

243: 10:24:33.21 10:24:37.12 "Everyone is bent over." Now the kite is bent over too.

244: 10:24:38.00 10:24:40.17 Little Rohit cut down everyone with his green string,

245: 10:24:40.21 10:24:44.12 but I used the red string and cut everyone like #whirrrrr.#

246: 10:24:44.20 10:24:46.00 Pull it in.

247: 10:24:46.06 10:24:48.10 Hey? No, he's above us.

248: 10:24:48.15 10:24:50.04 Pull it in!

249: 10:24:52.14 10:24:55.04 Yaldash, take the spool.

250: 10:24:56.05 10:24:57.23 Rohit, move away!

251: 10:25:00.20 10:25:02.11 It fell in the mosque.

252: 10:25:03.02 10:25:05.02 He came from below...

253: 10:25:05.06 10:25:07.23 As soon as he pulled it, he was cut down.

254: 10:25:11.05 10:25:14.15 Give me some slack to straighten my kite.

255: 10:25:27.10 10:25:30.01 Rohit, let more string out.

256: 10:25:31.17 10:25:34.13 Bring it down, Tamim.

257: 10:25:43.05 10:25:45.17 #The foreigners brought this balloon,#

258: 10:25:46.03 10:25:49.02 #and raised it into the air.#

259: 10:25:53.15 10:25:57.20 #Everyone says that# #the balloon is a camera#

260: 10:25:58.07 10:26:01.21 #to film the homeland.#

261: 10:26:20.04 10:26:24.13 #All of the auto shop workers# #are sick of the city government.#

262: 10:26:38.05 10:26:42.06 #One morning, we could see# #from the Mahmoud Khan Bridge#

263: 10:26:42.17 10:26:44.07 #all the way to our shop.#

264: 10:26:44.11 10:26:46.22 #They had destroyed everything.#

265: 10:26:47.17 10:26:49.18 What's going on?

266: 10:26:51.10 10:26:53.11 Hey, it's Noorin TV.

267: 10:26:53.15 10:26:55.09 Noorin...

268: 10:26:56.03 10:27:00.08 They destroyed this place without any reason.

269: 10:27:00.22 10:27:04.17 I guarantee that this street was in good shape.

270: 10:27:05.09 10:27:09.12 But there were people who have power and control.

271: 10:27:10.07 10:27:15.22 #Now all these 200 auto shops# #are sitting on their hands...#

272: 10:27:20.23 10:27:24.09 #God willing, our country will be okay.#

273: 10:27:25.19 10:27:30.10 #But if there will be corruption# #like now, it will never be good.#

274: 10:27:41.21 10:27:46.10 We should tie them all together like that one!

275: 10:27:53.20 10:27:55.15 On behalf of all these boys,

276: 10:27:55.19 10:28:00.02 I congratulate the principal, deputy principal, and teachers...

277: 10:28:09.11 10:28:11.02 Sit in your places!

278: 10:28:12.19 10:28:16.15 Today we celebrate Teachers' Day!

279: 10:28:16.19 10:28:19.05 Thanks to all my students...

280: 10:28:19.11 10:28:22.21 Shawali! He ate it all!

281: 10:28:25.00 10:28:29.12 Be patient! I'll divide it up for you, my flower blossoms.

282: 10:28:33.19 10:28:37.07 Stand in a nice group behind the leader.

283: 10:28:45.08 10:28:48.01 In the Name of God, the Merciful and Beneficent...

284: 10:28:48.13 10:28:51.13 In the Name of Our Creator,

285: 10:28:51.21 10:28:54.19 from which the Universe takes its movement,

286: 10:28:54.23 10:28:57.20 and the Earth takes its balance, 287: 10:28:58.04 10:29:00.10 our ceremony today is for Teacher's Day...

288: 10:29:01.16 10:29:03.13 When is it our turn?

289: 10:29:03.23 10:29:07.08 First they'll do theirs, and then it's our turn.

290: 10:29:09.18 10:29:12.06 Come on, Sohrab, my boy...

291: 10:29:12.20 10:29:14.14 Go in, Sohrab.

292: 10:29:16.04 10:29:18.20 Go in like a lion, come back like a fox.

293: 10:29:19.10 10:29:22.18 Teachers are the creators of human history,

294: 10:29:22.22 10:29:25.20 and the builders of our civilization.

295: 10:29:26.04 10:29:30.08 Teachers rescue humanity from the darkness of ignorance.

296: 10:29:30.21 10:29:34.13 Teachers are representatives of the Prophet.

297: 10:29:34.21 10:29:39.18 They have been put in this esteemed position by God.

298: 10:29:41.01 10:29:45.17 Teachers pull us out of darkness to the light.

299: 10:29:46.02 10:29:50.11 It is said that you should sacrifice a lily for your teacher

300: 10:29:50.17 10:29:54.03 to show thanks for what your teacher has given.

301: 10:29:54.07 10:29:55.23 Thanks for your attention.

302: 10:30:09.03 10:30:11.11 That's enough... 303: 10:30:13.12 10:30:16.19 - You rascal! - Your voice was so loud!

304: 10:30:37.15 10:30:41.00 #I tell myself, "I have to study."#

305: 10:30:42.06 10:30:45.08 #My father says,# #"You go to the tin shop."#

306: 10:30:47.22 10:30:49.14 #What can I tell him?#

307: 10:30:55.14 10:30:58.09 #We must respect# #our father and mother,#

308: 10:30:58.17 10:31:02.17 #so that we can enter Paradise# #with the forgiveness of God.#

309: 10:31:10.16 10:31:13.04 #We are made from dust...#

310: 10:31:14.19 10:31:17.09 #And to the dust we shall return.#

311: 10:31:54.21 10:31:57.15 #Now I'm reading a book.#

312: 10:31:58.05 10:32:01.12 #The title of the book# #is "What is Life?"#

313: 10:32:02.05 10:32:05.07 #It's filled with prose and poems,#

314: 10:32:06.10 10:32:10.09 #poems describing# #the feelings of the poet.#

315: 10:32:13.21 10:32:16.03 #If I write,#

316: 10:32:17.01 10:32:21.06 #I will write a book# #about my homeland.#

317: 10:32:46.19 10:32:50.06 #We've been in the old school# #for eight years.#

318: 10:32:52.00 10:32:57.11 #I was walking home from the auto shop# #and I saw that a wall had collapsed.#

319: 10:32:58.13 10:33:03.02 #I heard that two students were injured.#

320: 10:33:05.17 10:33:09.12 #Then the principal got angry.#

321: 10:33:12.00 10:33:15.03 #He said,# #"We can't have walls collapsing."#

322: 10:33:16.14 10:33:21.03 #So they moved all the desks# #from that school to this new school.#

323: 10:33:31.14 10:33:33.19 What are you doing, Uncle Nur Mohammed?

324: 10:33:35.00 10:33:36.07 Which way should we go?

325: 10:33:44.09 10:33:47.14 - What sport do you see here? - Tae Kwon Do.

326: 10:33:48.00 10:33:50.10 Who wants to tell us about Tae Kwon Do?

327: 10:33:50.18 10:33:52.07 Rostam, my son, get up and talk about it.

328: 10:33:52.15 10:33:54.04 It's good for your health,

329: 10:33:54.08 10:33:57.14 you won't get sick, and you can defend yourself.

330: 10:33:58.01 10:34:03.22 if you're surrounded by guys, you can defend yourself.

331: 10:34:05.13 10:34:10.12 #The people learned how to fight,# #but not how to live a normal life.#

332: 10:34:12.17 10:34:16.06 #Our time was so different from theirs.#

333: 10:34:18.11 10:34:21.11 #They have been changed# #by the circumstances.#

334: 10:34:23.18 10:34:26.04 #They are different in every way.#

335: 10:34:28.01 10:34:31.01 #Until when will we have# #a war in our country?#

336: 10:34:31.15 10:34:35.08 #Until when must we live# #in poverty and despair?#

337: 10:34:39.02 10:34:40.02 Read it, my dear.

338: 10:35:27.09 10:35:30.20 #I've worked here for some time.#

339: 10:35:31.16 10:35:36.13 #Everyone calls on me.# #"Auntie, do this. Auntie, do that."#

340: 10:35:37.17 10:35:39.15 #That's how it is.#

341: 10:35:41.14 10:35:45.00 #Now I've grown old and grey.#

342: 10:35:46.22 10:35:53.13 #All the problems I have seen# #were written into my destiny.#

343: 10:35:58.02 10:36:02.04 G - A - R - D - A - N

344: 10:36:02.09 10:36:03.15 - Gardan. - Gardan.

345: 10:36:03.19 10:36:06.19 S - U - N - N - A - H

346: 10:36:06.23 10:36:08.05 - Sunnah. - Sunnah.

347: 10:36:09.02 10:36:11.11 #There's a literacy class here.#

348: 10:36:14.10 10:36:18.11 #I copy into my notebook# #when he tells us to write.#

349: 10:36:19.21 10:36:23.01 #But when the book is closed,# #I can't do it.#

350: 10:36:25.21 10:36:29.05 #This is how sadness enters my heart.#

351: 10:36:31.07 10:36:34.18 #But for the little ones, it's excellent.# 352: 10:36:36.20 10:36:39.06 #They are the future of the nation.#

353: 10:36:41.07 10:36:43.22 - Are there more? - Tie it the other way, no?

354: 10:36:44.03 10:36:45.16 No, that's enough.

355: 10:36:46.03 10:36:48.17 - Are there more? - The paper will fall out.

356: 10:36:48.21 10:36:50.05 So be it.

357: 10:36:50.15 10:36:52.14 Write this down...

358: 10:36:54.22 10:36:56.15 135...

359: 10:36:58.12 10:37:01.02 Plus 215...

360: 10:37:02.08 10:37:05.04 Solve that one and I'll give you another.

361: 10:37:09.01 10:37:10.19 18...

362: 10:37:11.12 10:37:13.05 Divided by 3...

363: 10:37:22.04 10:37:23.16 Is mine wrong?

364: 10:37:26.14 10:37:28.14 Hey, you copied off me?

365: 10:37:29.01 10:37:30.22 Teacher, he's cheating off of me!

366: 10:37:31.02 10:37:32.12 - Who? - Habib...

367: 10:37:32.16 10:37:34.13 No, I cheated from here.

368: 10:37:34.23 10:37:36.23 - From where? - From here.

369: 10:37:37.03 10:37:39.05 But you cheated on the other one. 370: 10:37:39.10 10:37:40.09 Look here...

371: 10:37:40.13 10:37:42.10 Which question is it?

372: 10:37:44.09 10:37:47.18 "Who were the first people who converted to Islam?"

373: 10:37:47.22 10:37:51.03 "Who were the first people who converted to Islam?"

374: 10:37:51.13 10:37:54.06 What's the first question for Group B?

375: 10:37:54.17 10:37:56.19 Come here, teacher!

376: 10:37:57.06 10:38:00.22 Teacher, what's the first question for Group B?

377: 10:38:02.00 10:38:06.07 "How many sections are there in the Declaration of Human Rights?"

378: 10:38:09.04 10:38:13.05 #There's a war in our country# #and we can't study.#

379: 10:38:15.19 10:38:20.22 #It pains me to see# #how other countries are peaceful.#

380: 10:38:21.02 10:38:23.12 #They can study...#

381: 10:38:25.05 10:38:26.20 #And look at us.#

382: 10:38:29.00 10:38:31.10 ...How did he become the king?

383: 10:38:31.21 10:38:33.11 Who came to power?

384: 10:38:34.01 10:38:39.22 #Our government and the rich people# #think the whole country belongs to them#

385: 10:38:40.02 10:38:42.10 #because they have money.#

386: 10:38:43.14 10:38:47.08 #It fills my heart with pain.# 387: 10:39:03.21 10:39:08.17 Anyone who hasn't returned their book, get it after the exam!

388: 10:39:18.11 10:39:19.20 Here's a drawing book.

389: 10:39:20.00 10:39:23.17 - And science? - Here's a science book.

390: 10:39:24.02 10:39:27.08 - Is this social studies? - Yes, social studies.

391: 10:39:30.02 10:39:31.14 Get in line, kids.

392: 10:39:31.21 10:39:33.21 When will school start?

393: 10:39:34.13 10:39:38.07 After three months, nine books in three months.

394: 10:39:38.13 10:39:40.12 One book's for Roeen, okay?

395: 10:39:51.16 10:39:53.09 - Nabiullah? - That's me.

396: 10:39:58.01 10:39:59.21 is this a single-file line?

397: 10:40:00.03 10:40:02.06 Attention, class 6A!

398: 10:40:02.12 10:40:08.16 Listen, the teacher helped you a lot so you could pass.

399: 10:40:09.16 10:40:12.01 They helped you so much,

400: 10:40:12.05 10:40:17.08 but the first, second and third place students are very clever.

401: 10:40:17.21 10:40:21.01 For Class 6A, Owais is in first place.

402: 10:40:26.12 10:40:28.21 Sohrab is in second place.

403: 10:40:33.17 10:40:35.00 - Omid? - That's me, teacher. 404: 10:40:35.04 10:40:37.14 Third place, very good.

405: 10:40:40.10 10:40:45.08 How do you always get second place?

406: 10:40:45.14 10:40:47.23 What are you complaining about?

407: 10:40:48.07 10:40:50.02 You're always in second place.

408: 10:40:50.06 10:40:52.08 How'd you do in Qur'an class?

409: 10:40:52.12 10:40:55.09 - I got 40. - I got 46.

410: 10:40:55.13 10:40:58.01 - How much did you get? - 46.

411: 10:40:58.06 10:41:01.16 Okay, hold on, in Holy Qur'an, I got 55.

412: 10:41:01.22 10:41:05.10 Because they asked you to read the Surrah.

413: 10:41:07.03 10:41:09.16 And what did you get in Pashto?

414: 10:41:09.21 10:41:12.16 In Pashto, 60...

415: 10:41:13.14 10:41:15.15 - Me, too. - Show me.

416: 10:41:15.20 10:41:18.16 - What about Dari? - In Dari...

417: 10:41:18.23 10:41:20.13 36.

418: 10:41:20.22 10:41:22.06 I got 60.

419: 10:41:33.18 10:41:35.13 Hey, crybaby!

420: 10:41:36.09 10:41:37.16 Crybaby! 421: 10:41:41.01 10:41:45.22 Sohrab, put something on the fire, it's going out.

422: 10:41:46.19 10:41:48.03 It's so cold.

423: 10:41:48.14 10:41:51.12 Put the plastic on. It burns longer.

424: 10:41:52.18 10:41:53.22 Hashmat?

425: 10:41:54.03 10:41:57.12 Hashmat? You know what we'll have in the new school?

426: 10:41:57.20 10:42:00.02 Math, computers and English...

427: 10:42:00.07 10:42:03.02 - Do we have to pay for that? - No, we don't.

428: 10:42:03.10 10:42:05.10 Hashmat can go there?

429: 10:42:06.18 10:42:10.02 Not only Hashmat, but everyone.

430: 10:42:20.01 10:42:22.21 Give me the file, I'll check it myself.

431: 10:42:24.06 10:42:27.05 Give me the number of his letter and his results.

432: 10:42:27.09 10:42:30.06 - Okay. - Just give me the number...

433: 10:42:48.10 10:42:50.07 We're leaving this place.

434: 10:42:52.19 10:42:54.15 We won't come here for school anymore.

435: 10:42:54.19 10:42:57.02 We'll attend school over there.

436: 10:42:57.07 10:43:00.08 They'll rebuild the mosque here.

437: 10:43:00.22 10:43:02.23 And your house will be on the other side.

438: 10:43:03.07 10:43:08.00 and other countries say they raised the money to do it.

439: 10:43:08.04 10:43:11.18 - They'll reconstruct it. - We already paid all the money.

440: 10:43:11.22 10:43:13.00 - Oh really? - Yeah.

441: 10:43:13.04 10:43:15.09 Only you paid, nobody else?

442: 10:43:16.17 10:43:23.05 They'll collect money from everyone, won't they?

443: 10:44:45.20 10:44:47.04 You two take this one.

444: 10:44:47.08 10:44:50.12 It would be better if we had another guy.

445: 10:44:50.18 10:44:51.16 Let's go.

446: 10:44:58.16 10:44:59.19 Rest it here.

447: 10:45:00.02 10:45:01.16 Come on, you idiot.

448: 10:45:28.08 10:45:30.12 Kids, don't make noise!

449: 10:45:35.10 10:45:37.08 Think of this as your home...

450: 10:45:37.12 10:45:42.04 The washrooms, windows, classrooms and the playground...

451: 10:45:42.17 10:45:43.15 It all belongs to you.

452: 10:45:43.19 10:45:46.10 If you draw on it, or break it, nobody will repair it.

453: 10:45:46.14 10:45:50.08 The foreigners have donated this for us to develop ourselves. 454: 10:45:50.13 10:45:53.14 If anyone breaks a desk, chair or window,

455: 10:45:53.18 10:45:55.18 he'll be expelled and fined.

456: 10:45:55.22 10:46:01.00 We'll send him to the police and he'll go to jail with his father.

457: 10:46:13.06 10:46:20.04 You studied in that old school for six years, isn't that right?

458: 10:46:20.19 10:46:23.11 You should all try to use this opportunity to study.

459: 10:46:23.16 10:46:30.07 Now our country needs us to re-build itself.

460: 10:46:30.23 10:46:32.10 Understand?

461: 10:46:41.16 10:46:42.21 Silence!

462: 10:46:44.23 10:46:46.00 Mustafa Ali-Mohammed?

463: 10:46:46.04 10:46:47.03 He's absent!

464: 10:46:47.10 10:46:48.04 Nabiullah?

465: 10:46:48.08 10:46:49.10 Present, sir

466: 10:46:49.21 10:46:50.11 Samir?

467: 10:46:50.15 10:46:51.07 Sir!

468: 10:46:52.10 10:46:55.00 Stop talking, stop talking...

469: 10:46:56.08 10:46:57.11 Listen...

470: 10:46:59.14 10:47:01.19 #My name is Nabiullah.#

471: 10:47:03.13 10:47:06.16 #Sometimes they call me "The Cat."# 472: 10:47:15.07 10:47:18.22 #My father is old# #and he still works.#

473: 10:47:22.18 10:47:27.15 #We cook liver,# #and people next to us sell cigarettes.#

474: 10:47:34.02 10:47:35.22 #Hikmat is my friend.#

475: 10:47:38.20 10:47:42.07 #He's filled with sadness# #because of his brother...#

476: 10:47:47.10 10:47:51.18 #There was a suicide bombing# #near the Education Department.#

477: 10:47:56.15 10:47:59.11 #Poor guy...# #His brother was killed,#

478: 10:48:04.22 10:48:07.20 #He was my very close friend.#

479: 10:48:16.09 10:48:21.09 #If the explosions increase,# #people won't leave their homes.#

480: 10:48:24.10 10:48:26.00 Nabiullah, are you still alive?

481: 10:48:26.04 10:48:28.04 - What are you doing? - Not much.

482: 10:48:28.08 10:48:29.21 Wanna play soccer?

483: 10:48:31.12 10:48:34.02 You and Nabiullah against me and him.

484: 10:48:58.11 10:49:00.01 Shoot!

485: 10:49:01.17 10:49:03.11 Oh, a mosquito.

486: 10:49:15.02 10:49:17.09 Are you playing it out of bounds?

487: 10:49:18.14 10:49:21.05 Sohrab, there's a little room. 488: 10:49:22.22 10:49:24.05 You scored a goal, come be on my team.

489: 10:49:24.09 10:49:27.02 - No switching sides! - Ask him, we can switch.

490: 10:49:27.06 10:49:28.17 Rostam, can we change sides?

491: 10:49:50.04 10:49:52.23 Every class should have its own line!

492: 10:49:56.03 10:49:57.15 Come on up.

493: 10:49:58.02 10:49:59.02 Come up, son!

494: 10:49:59.14 10:50:03.03 #We work and we struggle,#

495: 10:50:03.10 10:50:07.05 #We will fill # #with flowers once again,#

496: 10:50:07.09 10:50:11.10 #Education is our occupation,#

497: 10:50:11.15 10:50:15.19 #Knowledge is our watchword# #and our pride.#

498: 10:50:21.15 10:50:28.06 In the last lesson, we studied about our faith in angels...

499: 10:50:28.17 10:50:31.20 - In whom do we have faith? - In angels.

500: 10:50:32.02 10:50:34.10 And what are angels made of?

501: 10:50:35.15 10:50:37.07 They are made of light.

502: 10:50:37.11 10:50:42.04 We can't see them, but they can see us.

503: 10:50:46.16 10:50:47.23 #Angels...#

504: 10:50:48.07 10:50:50.09 #are made of light.# 505: 10:50:52.18 10:50:57.14 #They were sent by Glorious God.#

506: 10:50:59.09 10:51:02.03 #We can't see them.#

507: 10:51:05.21 10:51:12.00 #If they come down to the earth,# #they will not reveal themselves.#

508: 10:51:15.15 10:51:20.05 #They will change# #to human form, like us.#

509: 10:51:53.07 10:51:55.09 Unit Five, Lesson One...

510: 10:51:56.10 10:51:58.21 Past tense of "be."

511: 10:51:59.01 10:52:01.12 Past tense of "be."

512: 10:52:02.21 10:52:05.02 How would you say, "I was"?

513: 10:52:06.10 10:52:07.09 "I was."

514: 10:52:07.13 10:52:13.07 I was a student in 1393.

515: 10:52:13.22 10:52:14.13 Sit down.

516: 10:52:14.17 10:52:17.03 Your friend is gonna talk about

517: 10:52:17.07 10:52:20.04 Mohammed Daoud Khan.

518: 10:52:22.01 10:52:23.12 In the name of Allah,

519: 10:52:23.19 10:52:26.23 Sardar Mohammed Daoud Khan he was...

520: 10:52:27.03 10:52:30.13 born in 1909...

521: 10:52:30.18 10:52:32.17 - "Bron" or "born"? - "Born."

522: 10:52:33.01 10:52:35.04 ...born in 1909, 523: 10:52:35.08 10:52:37.10 and he was...

524: 10:52:39.13 10:52:42.11 President, president...

525: 10:52:42.15 10:52:45.07 ....

526: 10:52:45.11 10:52:49.08 And died in 1978.

527: 10:52:53.06 10:52:56.03 Who read yesterday's lesson?

528: 10:52:58.16 10:52:59.18 Read it.

529: 10:53:00.01 10:53:13.13 "Television came to Afghanistan in 1977 under Sardar..."

530: 10:53:13.17 10:53:16.09 ...Sardar Mohammed Daoud Khan...

531: 10:53:26.23 10:53:34.20 #No dreamed that Daoud Khan# #and the kingdom of Zahir would fall.#

532: 10:53:36.02 10:53:38.03 #Nobody saw it coming.#

533: 10:53:38.20 10:53:39.21 Teacher?

534: 10:53:42.02 10:53:43.01 Teacher?

535: 10:53:44.04 10:53:46.04 Teacher, can I read?

536: 10:53:48.05 10:53:49.12 Teacher, me!

537: 10:53:49.19 10:53:50.13 Read it, my son.

538: 10:53:50.17 10:53:55.05 "He said, 'In the past, the world was less cruel.

539: 10:53:55.10 10:54:03.20 "'Everyone has piled the cruelty higher and higher.'"

540: 10:54:04.10 10:54:08.02 Even this cruelty will pass. 541: 10:54:08.11 10:54:11.10 That was the moral of the king.

542: 10:54:20.09 10:54:25.16 #Taraki used to say the wrath of# #the people is the wrath of God.#

543: 10:54:26.21 10:54:28.12 #It's true.#

544: 10:54:35.17 10:54:39.22 #The storm of Taraki's revolution came.#

545: 10:54:41.00 10:54:46.02 #Taraki came to power# #and declared a .#

546: 10:54:47.08 10:54:53.00 #The kingdom was toppled# #and all the poor people...#

547: 10:54:53.05 10:54:55.19 #Everyone would work# #according to their ability#

548: 10:54:55.23 10:54:58.01 #and receive according to their need.#

549: 10:55:01.04 10:55:05.01 #The drums started beating# #and everyone danced.#

550: 10:55:07.00 10:55:11.21 #The girls and boys wore red# #and they danced the .#

551: 10:55:33.16 10:55:37.22 #Since that time,# #the people have not known peace.#

552: 10:55:43.22 10:55:48.08 #Amin strangled Taraki# #and came to power.#

553: 10:55:49.16 10:55:52.00 #Amin was a CIA agent.#

554: 10:55:58.05 10:56:03.03 #He said he needed only one million# #young people. He'd kill the others.#

555: 10:56:03.09 10:56:06.07 #He would have slaughtered the nation.#

556: 10:56:08.12 10:56:11.09 #Because of the executions# #and imprisonments,# 557: 10:56:11.17 10:56:14.03 #people fled into the mountains.#

558: 10:56:18.20 10:56:22.19 #Russia invaded Afghanistan# #and occupied the country.#

559: 10:56:24.06 10:56:28.15 #After Amin was killed,# #Karmal took power.#

560: 10:56:40.06 10:56:45.03 #In the time of Karmal,# #Amin and Taraki came and went.#

561: 10:56:50.00 10:56:51.14 #Najib took power.#

562: 10:56:52.14 10:56:55.04 #But it was too little, too late.#

563: 10:56:55.15 10:56:59.13 #They squeezed us like pomegranates# #and nobody cared.#

564: 10:57:00.09 10:57:02.21 #And it's still like that now.#

565: 10:57:39.03 10:57:41.00 #My boss told me,#

566: 10:57:41.04 10:57:45.07 #"Follow either the metal road# #or the road of books."#

567: 10:57:52.20 10:57:55.12 #He doesn't know any more than me.#

568: 10:58:04.00 10:58:06.14 #When I sit in the tin shop,#

569: 10:58:09.09 10:58:10.21 #the good people,#

570: 10:58:11.05 10:58:13.12 #the rotten people,# #and the bad ones...#

571: 10:58:13.17 10:58:15.11 #I see them.#

572: 10:58:18.23 10:58:21.10 #The women and the men...#

573: 10:58:27.09 10:58:29.11 #I see everything.#

574: 10:58:34.04 10:58:37.01 #I cannot see God...#

575: 10:58:39.04 10:58:41.17 #but I can see His power...#

576: 10:58:45.09 10:58:48.14 #The earth and sky,# #the mountains and rivers...#

577: 10:58:50.01 10:58:52.17 #the animals, the humans...#

578: 10:58:55.13 10:58:57.17 #He created everything.#

579: 10:59:04.19 10:59:06.17 #He created us.#

580: 10:59:13.18 10:59:16.17 #He is up high# #and we are down below.#

581: 10:59:21.05 10:59:23.15 #He is in the heavens.#

582: 10:59:34.06 10:59:37.01 #Death hangs over humanity.#

583: 10:59:38.18 10:59:40.19 #Death is coming.#

584: 10:59:43.11 10:59:45.20 #Doomsday is coming.#

585: 10:59:48.19 10:59:50.21 #Everything is coming.#

586: 10:59:53.16 11:00:00.11 My dears, you are blessed with the Eid Day of Sacrifice...

587: 11:00:01.10 11:00:04.13 The Eid Day of Sacrifice is given to us by God,

588: 11:00:04.17 11:00:07.14 a sun shining on the darkness of humanity.

589: 11:00:08.00 11:00:15.04 Abraham took God's test of the sacrifice.

590: 11:00:18.18 11:00:21.12 God says to Abraham...

591: 11:00:22.17 11:00:30.19 "Abraham, I have given you a son, and you love him more than Me.

592: 11:00:32.21 11:00:35.19 "Two cannot live in one heart.

593: 11:00:39.16 11:00:42.22 "Abraham, you must kill your son."

594: 11:00:43.20 11:00:47.01 Abraham accepted God's command,

595: 11:00:47.05 11:00:52.07 saying, "If you ask it, I can sacrifice my entire family."

596: 11:00:56.06 11:00:58.08 God sent a sheep to him,

597: 11:00:58.12 11:01:01.03 and stopped him from sacrificing his son.

598: 11:01:39.14 11:01:42.07 #My father doesn't love me.#

599: 11:01:48.13 11:01:51.22 #He mostly likes my little brother.#

600: 11:02:01.08 11:02:04.15 #Compared to him,# #he doesn't love me at all.#

601: 11:02:29.09 11:02:32.05 #I was trapped,# #working at the tin shop.#

602: 11:02:33.11 11:02:35.17 #Inside a prison.#

603: 11:02:38.10 11:02:40.15 #When I told my mother...#

604: 11:02:42.13 11:02:46.08 #she took me out of the tin shop# #and said, "Go study."#

605: 11:02:48.04 11:02:49.01 Mother said,

606: 11:02:49.05 11:02:52.00 #"Leave the tin shop,# #and you will learn."#

607: 11:02:53.21 11:02:56.18 read... R-E-A-D

608: 11:02:56.22 11:03:00.05 read... R-E-A-D 609: 11:03:01.11 11:03:04.13 #Now I feel like# #I've been released from prison.#

610: 11:03:06.06 11:03:07.19 #Free...#

611: 11:03:08.04 11:03:10.08 #Now I'm truly free.#

612: 11:03:11.10 11:03:14.06 Teacher, don't you want our homework?

613: 11:03:14.11 11:03:17.04 I wrote three pages in each notebook for you.

614: 11:03:24.18 11:03:29.16 #Teacher, you serve# #the Hadith of the Prophets,#

615: 11:03:29.23 11:03:35.02 #Teacher, you follow the religion# #of Mohammed, The Chosen One...#

616: 11:04:01.14 11:04:07.07 I congratulate all teachers on this World Teachers' Day...

617: 11:04:07.19 11:04:10.22 Keep the microphone farther from your mouth.

618: 11:04:11.05 11:04:15.07 Sohrab, are you wearing the same color clothes as him?

619: 11:04:15.21 11:04:20.01 Only the boys who are performing can stay.

620: 11:04:25.03 11:04:27.15 What will you sing, girls?

621: 11:04:38.00 11:04:43.09 #My land is tired,# #tired of deceitfulness...#

622: 11:04:49.15 11:04:54.12 Our work is the work of tobacco chewers...

623: 11:04:54.19 11:04:56.07 Don't even ask.

624: 11:04:56.23 11:05:00.16 If there was money, they would take us to a restaurant.

625: 11:05:01.01 11:05:04.07 "A hundred portions of meat and rice, please!"

626: 11:05:05.16 11:05:10.08 If you don't have money, you must push the camel forward.

627: 11:05:11.04 11:05:12.20 Wait a minute.

628: 11:05:13.06 11:05:16.07 Let's finish cutting it up.

629: 11:05:16.22 11:05:18.18 I'll use a different technique.

630: 11:05:19.01 11:05:20.12 Pass the handkerchief.

631: 11:05:25.01 11:05:27.12 What's going on in there?

632: 11:06:03.02 11:06:05.19 We're Muslims, this isn't our way.

633: 11:06:08.02 11:06:10.12 Brother, you three may leave if you like.

634: 11:06:10.17 11:06:12.05 Brother, are you Muslim or not?

635: 11:06:12.09 11:06:17.07 I'm Muslim, this little party may not be strictly allowed.

636: 11:06:18.01 11:06:19.17 Look here, sir.

637: 11:06:19.21 11:06:23.22 If you want to stay, you can stay. If not, the door is open.

638: 11:06:24.03 11:06:26.18 We fast and pray...

639: 11:06:27.02 11:06:30.19 So if we make a little sin, what's the worry?

640: 11:07:20.23 11:07:21.20 Speak up!

641: 11:07:23.09 11:07:24.18 "The Word of Majesty 642: 11:07:24.22 11:07:26.14 "Exalted is God...

643: 11:07:27.12 11:07:29.23 "and praise be to God..."

644: 11:07:32.07 11:07:34.11 How many months has it been?

645: 11:07:34.16 11:07:36.17 Go stand and grab your ears.

646: 11:07:37.00 11:07:38.11 Lift your leg!

647: 11:07:43.01 11:07:45.19 Go grab your ears and stand on one foot.

648: 11:07:46.16 11:07:47.13 Come on up.

649: 11:07:48.02 11:07:49.11 Hurry it up!

650: 11:07:49.22 11:07:51.05 Grab you ears!

651: 11:07:52.14 11:07:53.16 Recite it!

652: 11:07:56.07 11:07:58.07 Grab your ears!

653: 11:07:59.16 11:08:00.14 Hurry up!

654: 11:08:01.02 11:08:01.22 Very good.

655: 11:08:02.05 11:08:04.01 Speak up, my boy.

656: 11:08:04.08 11:08:06.15 "The Word of Majesty..."

657: 11:08:07.11 11:08:10.13 Go stand over there and grab your ears.

658: 11:08:11.00 11:08:12.03 Over there!

659: 11:08:12.14 11:08:13.22 Squat down and grab your ears.

660: 11:08:14.02 11:08:15.19 Get down and grab your ears!

661: 11:08:16.09 11:08:17.08 Like that.

662: 11:08:17.15 11:08:19.11 You also squat and grab your ears.

663: 11:08:19.16 11:08:20.21 Grab your ears...

664: 11:08:21.03 11:08:22.02 You, too.

665: 11:08:23.11 11:08:25.03 Go squat down!

666: 11:08:27.03 11:08:28.17 From the beginning...

667: 11:08:33.13 11:08:38.03 #I've seen hundreds of kids# #who can recite the Qur'an.#

668: 11:08:39.21 11:08:42.00 #But not in Kabul.#

669: 11:08:43.13 11:08:46.10 #They don't know about their religion.#

670: 11:08:50.18 11:08:55.00 #This is the land of the Afghan,# #and everyone is a Muslim.#

671: 11:09:29.20 11:09:31.13 #Hussein, Hussein is our watchword,#

672: 11:09:31.17 11:09:33.14 #Martyrdom is our glory!#

673: 11:09:33.20 11:09:37.11 - Scream out like Haider! - Oh, Ali!

674: 11:09:44.19 11:09:51.21 #I seek refuge from Satan in God...#

675: 11:09:57.01 11:10:05.07 #In the name of God,# #the Merciful and Beneficent...#

676: 11:10:53.17 11:10:58.05 #The Shia beat themselves# #in anguish over Imam Hussein.#

677: 11:11:04.21 11:11:09.09 #And the Sunni sing poems to Mohammed# #and cry out to God.#

678: 11:11:15.07 11:11:18.04 God! God! God!

679: 11:11:30.17 11:11:35.09 #Most people are destroyed# #by the money and filth of the world.#

680: 11:11:39.12 11:11:43.17 #One day your property and# #worldly goods will be left behind.#

681: 11:11:46.22 11:11:50.19 #The powerful people# #have forgotten this.#

682: 11:11:54.22 11:11:59.17 #, , Pashtuns,# #and , we are all brothers.#

683: 11:12:00.02 11:12:04.03 #If his religion is different,# #he's not a stranger.#

684: 11:12:05.13 11:12:09.15 #To the gardener,# #each flower has beauty.#

685: 11:12:28.02 11:12:30.12 Listen to what I'm saying, boys.

686: 11:12:30.20 11:12:37.02 The monitors will come and if I see any cheat sheets, you'll fail!

687: 11:12:41.11 11:12:43.09 Boys, are you men or women?

688: 11:12:43.17 11:12:44.17 Huh?

689: 11:12:45.14 11:12:47.21 If you are men, then don't talk.

690: 11:12:48.06 11:12:51.05 If you're a girl or a woman, keep talking.

691: 11:12:53.19 11:12:54.18 Group B...

692: 11:12:55.03 11:12:57.02 Explain the meaning of this poem.

693: 11:12:57.06 11:13:00.10 #Rejoice in each breath you take,# 694: 11:13:00.20 11:13:03.19 #Without a bird, the nest is barren.#

695: 11:13:06.17 11:13:09.10 Wow, so lovely!

696: 11:13:10.11 11:13:11.18 What's all this?

697: 11:13:11.22 11:13:14.15 Is it my grandmother's wedding, or yours?

698: 11:13:14.21 11:13:15.22 Huh?

699: 11:13:18.21 11:13:21.08 What kind of machine is a computer?

700: 11:13:21.14 11:13:22.23 Describe it.

701: 11:13:23.10 11:13:24.10 How easy!

702: 11:13:26.14 11:13:27.11 What?

703: 11:13:28.11 11:13:32.07 A keyboard, no, first is the CPU.

704: 11:13:32.16 11:13:36.08 The second is monitor, then keyboard, then mouse...

705: 11:13:39.12 11:13:40.17 Teacher?

706: 11:13:41.21 11:13:45.17 Teacher, should we write in Pashto or in Farsi?

707: 11:13:46.00 11:13:47.22 In Pashto, my son.

708: 11:13:48.02 11:13:51.18 Is this subject Pashto or Dari language?

709: 11:13:52.02 11:13:53.00 Teacher?

710: 11:13:53.08 11:13:56.08 - How should we answer that one? - Which one?

711: 11:13:57.06 11:13:58.13 Look here. 712: 11:13:58.23 11:14:02.01 This is the fourth question.

713: 11:14:02.13 11:14:05.20 Who created the entire world?

714: 11:14:06.04 11:14:08.04 The entire world, who created it?

715: 11:14:08.10 11:14:09.14 In Pashto?

716: 11:14:09.21 11:14:11.07 Write in Pashto.

717: 11:14:11.17 11:14:12.23 The entire world?

718: 11:14:13.04 11:14:16.17 God created the entire world.

719: 11:14:17.04 11:14:18.23 That's an easy one.

720: 11:14:19.09 11:14:21.07 God created it.

721: 11:14:22.23 11:14:26.08 What harm does war bring?

722: 11:14:26.20 11:14:29.11 You know there's war in our country, no?

723: 11:14:29.16 11:14:32.05 What harm does it bring us?

724: 11:14:32.09 11:14:34.03 What is the harm of it?

725: 11:14:35.18 11:14:38.14 What harm does war bring?

726: 11:14:38.23 11:14:40.23 Don't write down that letter.

727: 11:14:41.07 11:14:44.23 What harm does war bring? What injury does war do?

728: 11:14:46.15 11:14:48.18 #If there's war again,#

729: 11:14:49.04 11:14:54.12 #We will see men, women# #and children dying on the roads.# 730: 11:14:55.04 11:14:57.06 #They will be fleeing in every direction,#

731: 11:14:57.10 11:15:00.01 #their homes collapsing upon them.#

732: 11:15:04.04 11:15:06.00 #This winter...#

733: 11:15:07.07 11:15:09.22 #There's no work in this country.#

734: 11:15:13.19 11:15:16.11 #Most of the people are poor.#

735: 11:15:17.14 11:15:19.16 #Working as cartmen.#

736: 11:15:21.01 11:15:23.13 #Many of them sell plastic bags.#

737: 11:15:28.22 11:15:31.10 #Many are apprentices.#

738: 11:15:32.00 11:15:37.04 #They go to work for pennies# #just to feed their families.#

739: 11:15:47.19 11:15:50.15 #My father is unemployed now.#

740: 11:15:54.15 11:15:59.18 #I could never leave the auto shop.#

741: 11:16:04.21 11:16:09.11 #I'm the older brother, I have to help# #my younger brothers study.#

742: 11:16:13.09 11:16:17.22 #If I didn't work,# #who would support my family?#

743: 11:16:19.17 11:16:20.13 Pull it.

744: 11:16:29.13 11:16:31.15 Leave it...

745: 11:16:32.06 11:16:33.23 We'll move back.

746: 11:17:06.15 11:17:08.21 #When I worked in the tin shop,#

747: 11:17:09.05 11:17:13.12 #I thought my mother# #didn't want me to study.# 748: 11:17:15.03 11:17:17.11 #She just said, "Go to work."#

749: 11:17:18.16 11:17:21.14 #At that time,# #I hated my mother and father.#

750: 11:17:23.16 11:17:25.12 #Now I'm happy.#

751: 11:17:26.11 11:17:33.07 #First, I'll learn to speak English,# #then I'll learn how to use computers.#

752: 11:17:35.21 11:17:38.03 Mother, I'm finished.

753: 11:17:40.18 11:17:45.02 #If you don't know about computers,# #you don't know anything.#

754: 11:17:45.23 11:17:48.03 #You won't be useful.#

755: 11:17:50.05 11:17:52.21 In the Name of God, "the rain"...

756: 11:19:03.14 11:19:07.17 There's no difference between the current school and old one under the tents.

757: 11:19:07.22 11:19:09.20 Each class is 35 minutes,

758: 11:19:10.00 11:19:13.21 and when I go into the classroom, the teacher and students are sitting idle.

759: 11:19:14.12 11:19:16.15 When I ask what's going on, he'll say, "I've finished my lesson."

760: 11:19:16.21 11:19:19.05 The students don't have any problem.

761: 11:19:19.10 11:19:21.17 In the next classroom, they say,

762: 11:19:21.21 11:19:25.16 "The kids don't understand, so why should I care?"

763: 11:19:26.16 11:19:33.01 If you're a teacher, then accept your responsibilities and earn your pay.

764: 11:19:33.17 11:19:35.04 You must answer before God. 765: 11:19:35.08 11:19:42.09 If we fail in our task, it's worse for the kids than narcotics.

766: 11:19:43.08 11:19:46.20 Each day, we are disloyal to the children of this nation.

767: 11:19:47.21 11:19:54.06 We don't have any support. This year we only have 56 staff.

768: 11:19:54.17 11:20:00.09 I requested two more, but they turned me down...

769: 11:20:03.06 11:20:06.04 #Until the economic situation improves,#

770: 11:20:07.04 11:20:10.03 #I don't think Afghanistan can develop.#

771: 11:20:13.01 11:20:17.07 #On TV, I saw that it's only# #29 days until the elections.#

772: 11:20:18.10 11:20:26.08 #Each candidate has thousands# #of photos posted around Kabul.#

773: 11:20:28.15 11:20:35.02 #If we, once again, think about our# #tribes and ethnicity and language,#

774: 11:20:35.14 11:20:39.15 #I don't think# #we'll benefit from this election.#

775: 11:20:41.18 11:20:44.09 #Some people are afraid that#

776: 11:20:44.13 11:20:48.16 #the Taliban will come# #to occupy Kabul once again.#

777: 11:20:51.09 11:20:54.19 #Will there be civil war again?#

778: 11:20:57.08 11:21:01.16 #Our school# #is one of the polling centers.#

779: 11:21:07.19 11:21:10.03 #In this election,#

780: 11:21:11.00 11:21:14.05 #nobody feels secure.# 781: 11:21:16.00 11:21:17.19 #And there's no work.#

782: 11:21:34.07 11:21:38.07 Dr. Abdullah or Dr. , whomever you like.

783: 11:21:39.00 11:21:41.00 Mark it there.

784: 11:21:42.04 11:21:45.15 You're a young guy just like Dr. Abdullah, as you see.

785: 11:21:45.19 11:21:47.09 No, Ashraf Ghani is the educated one, okay?

786: 11:21:47.13 11:21:48.12 That's not my business.

787: 11:21:48.16 11:21:51.03 You shouldn't support one of them, or I'll call someone.

788: 11:21:51.08 11:21:55.08 I didn't say anything, only Dr. Abdullah and Dr. Ashraf Ghani.

789: 11:21:56.05 11:21:58.16 Do your work or I'll alert them right now.

790: 11:21:58.20 11:22:01.10 No, I'm not endorsing anyone, not at all.

791: 11:22:01.17 11:22:02.15 Enough.

792: 11:22:02.19 11:22:06.23 You did something wrong, saying this is Dr. Abdullah and this is Dr. Ashraf Ghani.

793: 11:22:07.03 11:22:08.16 Don't say their names!

794: 11:22:12.09 11:22:15.22 No, no, sister, I only introduced them

795: 11:22:16.10 11:22:21.03 Please don't introduce them anymore. You did it this time, but that's it.

796: 11:22:21.15 11:22:24.00 They can see it, they have eyes. 797: 11:22:26.17 11:22:30.21 Those people are always making conflicts, by spinning things.

798: 11:22:31.02 11:22:34.07 We weren't like this before and won't be in the future.

799: 11:22:34.11 11:22:36.16 Neither I, nor my people.

800: 11:22:49.06 11:22:51.12 #My father told us#

801: 11:22:51.16 11:22:55.07 #that the president was# #already chosen by America.#

802: 11:23:00.08 11:23:07.06 #They'll need months and months# #just to count the votes.#

803: 11:23:15.01 11:23:19.05 18 for Ashraf Ghani, 321 for Dr. Abdullah.

804: 11:23:25.08 11:23:27.18 #Let's see who will win#

805: 11:23:27.22 11:23:30.07 #or who has been pre-selected.#

806: 11:23:35.12 11:23:38.01 On election day...

807: 11:23:38.05 11:23:39.12 Listen, listen...

808: 11:23:39.16 11:23:44.03 Some Ashraf Ghani supporters in a blacked-out Corolla

809: 11:23:44.07 11:23:49.13 stopped our neighbor at the old school...

810: 11:23:49.17 11:23:53.13 They asked who he voted for and he said, "Dr. Abdullah."

811: 11:23:53.17 11:23:58.10 They swore at him, saying, "Why did you vote for him?"

812: 11:23:59.07 11:24:00.18 - Ashraf Ghani supporters? - Yes. 813: 11:24:00.22 11:24:04.06 We just want things to be okay.

814: 11:24:04.10 11:24:08.04 Whoever takes power won't benefit us.

815: 11:24:08.08 11:24:13.07 They fight against each other, but the poor are trampled.

816: 11:24:14.02 11:24:18.20 Eleven voters had their fingers cut off.

817: 11:24:22.05 11:24:26.11 Teacher, they showed it on TV. They cut off their fingers.

818: 11:24:30.12 11:24:32.07 Listen up!

819: 11:24:33.07 11:24:35.03 Who are the guardians of Paradise?

820: 11:24:35.07 11:24:37.11 Mother and Father.

821: 11:24:40.03 11:24:41.22 Everyone start writing.

822: 11:24:42.06 11:24:44.01 Starting writing, son.

823: 11:24:48.23 11:24:53.09 Tteacher, didn't we already do the topic on mothers?

824: 11:24:53.20 11:24:59.00 We also wrote, "Father Knows Best, But A Mother's Love Is Better."

825: 11:24:59.04 11:25:01.11 Remember, teacher?

826: 11:25:01.15 11:25:05.02 - That was last year. - It was this year.

827: 11:25:07.12 11:25:11.01 Shut up, we've already written two lines on it.

828: 11:25:12.03 11:25:13.04 Come and read.

829: 11:25:15.06 11:25:18.16 "In the Name of God, A Composition About Mothers"...

830: 11:25:19.16 11:25:21.20 S...

831: 11:25:22.00 11:25:23.12 It's unreadable!

832: 11:25:23.16 11:25:26.21 It's an upside down "S"!

833: 11:25:30.02 11:25:32.22 - Does it have dots? - No!

834: 11:25:35.13 11:25:37.05 K...

835: 11:25:37.21 11:25:40.15 Will you forget it?

836: 11:25:41.06 11:25:45.08 Now we'll write the "G" and the "K" in your note books, hurry.

837: 11:25:54.09 11:25:59.08 #When I look at these kids,# #I remember my own childhood.#

838: 11:26:02.15 11:26:07.17 #There are some families who# #don't let their children go to school.#

839: 11:26:10.04 11:26:13.09 #They don't want# #their children to develop.#

840: 11:26:15.00 11:26:20.00 #My uncle doesn't even allow# #his sons to attend school.#

841: 11:26:23.08 11:26:30.11 #He says, "They'll become bright-minded# #and stand against us."#

842: 11:26:32.16 11:26:34.23 How do we know God exists?

843: 11:26:35.03 11:26:36.05 How do we know?

844: 11:26:36.09 11:26:39.22 Because of His power that He created everything!

845: 11:26:42.04 11:26:44.04 - Who understood it? - Me! 846: 11:26:44.19 11:26:46.08 Come up.

847: 11:26:47.20 11:26:50.03 In the Name of God...

848: 11:26:52.11 11:26:56.01 #We're in this world,# #and we must struggle.#

849: 11:26:58.05 11:27:02.16 #It's only a brief blooming of life# #and then we die.#

850: 11:27:02.20 11:27:05.04 #We grow old and then we die.#

851: 11:27:10.21 11:27:14.21 #The vice principal told me my# #school scarf should be clean.#

852: 11:27:15.03 11:27:20.10 #My nails must be clipped and# #nobody must see my hair in school.#

853: 11:27:25.12 11:27:31.03 #I want to be something in the future.# #I want to be educated.#

854: 11:27:33.03 11:27:36.05 #All the girls in school think like this.#

855: 11:27:52.18 11:27:56.08 We'll clap and one girl will go in the middle!

856: 11:28:07.18 11:28:11.21 I'm the shepherd, my herd's out to graze, they're well-fed!

857: 11:28:12.01 11:28:13.17 Say it loud!

858: 11:28:13.21 11:28:16.21 Tell them to come choose you!

859: 11:28:36.14 11:28:38.12 #Oh, Lord...#

860: 11:28:41.18 11:28:45.01 #Why did I obey my father# #and leave my studies?#

861: 11:28:48.03 11:28:50.05 #I wanted to be free.#

862: 11:28:56.20 11:29:00.00 #I was 13 when I got married.#

863: 11:29:03.02 11:29:06.07 #When I got married,# #it was a joyful time.#

864: 11:29:06.11 11:29:09.17 #There were entertainments,# #there was the cinema.#

865: 11:29:11.03 11:29:12.20 #Kabul was good.#

866: 11:29:13.22 11:29:19.02 #It was good during the time of Najib# #because the Soviets left our country.#

867: 11:29:19.09 11:29:21.08 #The infidels left.#

868: 11:29:22.22 11:29:25.12 #Our life was rolling along.#

869: 11:29:29.15 11:29:32.23 #After the Soviets left,# #all the others arrived.#

870: 11:29:34.19 11:29:37.21 #The Mujahideen,# #as they were known...#

871: 11:29:39.01 11:29:41.07 #Seven factions of them.#

872: 11:29:42.18 11:29:45.03 #They started the war.#

873: 11:29:47.12 11:29:52.09 #Day by day,# #love and respect ended here.#

874: 11:29:57.23 11:30:00.12 #First, I'm a lady...#

875: 11:30:02.11 11:30:05.09 #I always wonder what it is?#

876: 11:30:05.13 11:30:08.12 #Why can't they solve their problems?#

877: 11:30:15.11 11:30:21.18 #They made divisions between people,# #saying, "You're Communist, I'm Muslim"...#

878: 11:30:22.12 11:30:25.07 #Sowing war among them.#

879: 11:30:29.11 11:30:33.09 #Tthey fought among themselves# #and destroyed Kabul.#

880: 11:30:34.21 11:30:37.05 #If they had not fought,#

881: 11:30:38.04 11:30:42.12 #the world would be a garden and# #our Afghanistan wouldn't be destroyed.#

882: 11:30:49.10 11:30:51.06 #When they took over,#

883: 11:30:52.06 11:30:55.18 #all the roads were blocked,# #no more ration cards.#

884: 11:30:55.23 11:31:00.01 #They hoarded the bread,# #and the people went hungry.#

885: 11:31:10.09 11:31:13.20 #They were burning# #tanks along the roads.#

886: 11:31:15.06 11:31:19.02 #They claimed to be holy warriors,# #but they weren't.#

887: 11:31:20.03 11:31:22.11 #They were just rapists.#

888: 11:31:25.10 11:31:28.10 #Some were raped.#

889: 11:31:29.12 11:31:32.21 #Some were killed# #and some disappeared.#

890: 11:31:36.12 11:31:38.19 #The fighting grew worse.#

891: 11:31:40.09 11:31:43.17 #The people grew desperate.#

892: 11:31:51.16 11:31:54.02 #Kabul is a ruin.#

893: 11:31:57.08 11:32:00.09 #We didn't want to flee the country.#

894: 11:32:01.23 11:32:04.08 #It's our country.#

895: 11:32:06.21 11:32:11.19 #That bloody war# #forced us out of the city.# 896: 11:32:15.01 11:32:16.23 #When the Taliban came,#

897: 11:32:17.14 11:32:20.11 #I was afraid for my daughters.#

898: 11:32:21.16 11:32:24.15 #What would happen to them?#

899: 11:32:27.00 11:32:30.18 #So we became refugees# #in the countries of strangers.#

900: 11:32:36.19 11:32:41.00 #The Taliban took power# #and stayed for five years.#

901: 11:32:44.02 11:32:48.14 #Then they announced that# #Karzai had taken power.#

902: 11:32:50.16 11:32:53.16 #We came back to our Kabul.#

903: 11:32:54.20 11:33:00.06 #I hope God strikes me down# #before I see such a time again.#

904: 11:33:12.02 11:33:16.06 We want peace! We are tired of war!

905: 11:33:18.04 11:33:21.19 The "Dependent" Election Commission is cheating!

906: 11:33:34.21 11:33:38.19 - Long live the Mujahideen! - Long live the Mujahideen!

907: 11:33:39.17 11:33:43.05 Death to Karzai traitor of Afghanistan!

908: 11:33:43.09 11:33:46.02 Long live the Mujahideen!

909: 11:33:47.13 11:33:51.03 Long live the Mujahideen of Afghanistan!

910: 11:33:56.09 11:34:01.04 We don't want fraud! We want justice!

911: 11:34:02.01 11:34:04.09 Death to the election commission!

912: 11:34:04.15 11:34:08.21 We want our votes! We want our rights!

913: 11:34:09.20 11:34:12.05 Long live the Mujahideen nation!

914: 11:34:12.17 11:34:15.19 Long live Afghanistan!

915: 11:34:40.17 11:34:46.03 #The elections passed in fear.#

916: 11:34:47.03 11:34:49.11 #Everyone says there will be war.#

917: 11:34:49.23 11:34:53.15 #If the candidates fight each other,# #there will be war.#

918: 11:34:53.19 11:34:56.19 #if not, the future is roses#

919: 11:34:59.06 11:35:03.03 #Only God knows what will happen.#

920: 11:35:04.02 11:35:06.11 What time is it? Seen the remote?

921: 11:35:07.03 11:35:10.08 - Do we have the remote? - Let me, I'll arrange it.

922: 11:35:11.22 11:35:15.12 Did they say when they'll give the election results?

923: 11:35:15.23 11:35:18.21 Turn it up, press 4 to make it louder.

924: 11:35:22.00 11:35:27.03 #The government of Afghanistan has agreed# #on the makeup of a coalition government,#

925: 11:35:27.07 11:35:31.09 #but the makeup of the government# #has not yet been released to the media.#

926: 11:35:31.13 11:35:34.07 #Those two didn't come up with a solution.#

927: 11:35:34.11 11:35:38.23 #True, especially with the pressure# #from the of America.#

928: 11:35:39.03 11:35:42.05 #This idea was proposed by John Kerry,# 929: 11:35:42.09 11:35:48.23 #who said, "If you don't agree# #to this coalition government..."#

930: 11:35:50.14 11:35:52.01 These are not men!

931: 11:35:52.05 11:35:54.01 I tell you what, it's not good to say it,

932: 11:35:54.05 11:35:55.23 but most of these guys were victimized as children!

933: 11:35:56.03 11:35:58.19 They're all thieves! They're all looters and pickpockets!

934: 11:35:59.03 11:36:04.09 #...Most of this coalition is made of people# #who have fought against each other.#

935: 11:36:04.23 11:36:08.21 #They are cooperating now# #only for power and position.#

936: 11:36:09.07 11:36:15.13 #I'm seriously concerned and lack optimism# #for the future of the coalition government.#

937: 11:36:15.17 11:36:17.02 She's right...

938: 11:36:17.06 11:36:19.23 that 30 years of war was only over power.

939: 11:36:20.03 11:36:28.03 #...If all power is in the hands of one group# #or leader, or in the hands of one party...#

940: 11:36:28.07 11:36:29.23 This group, that group!

941: 11:36:30.03 11:36:32.11 Your mama's group your daddy's group!

942: 11:36:32.15 11:36:34.20 Sit down! We're all Muslims!

943: 11:36:35.01 11:36:38.11 We already have our team with the Holy Qur'an!

944: 11:36:39.02 11:36:42.05 Why do you need another group? Just for your mama?

945: 11:36:42.09 11:36:46.09 This group, that group... It's all bloody ego, isn't it?

946: 11:36:47.04 11:36:49.05 All this damn money!

947: 11:36:53.17 11:36:58.19 #...Today, with the agreement,#

948: 11:36:59.01 11:37:05.13 #you can see happiness# #on the faces of Afghan citizens...#

949: 11:37:06.05 11:37:10.01 Where do you see that, you dumb sonofabitch?

950: 11:37:10.16 11:37:12.11 Did your mother see that?

951: 11:37:15.04 11:37:17.13 Have some grapes, dear.

952: 11:37:18.10 11:37:22.14 - I can't, I have a sore throat. - Your throat is fine.

953: 11:37:22.19 11:37:24.17 No, I can't do it.

954: 11:37:28.10 11:37:35.01 #...In the world of politics, no system# #is better or worse than another.#

955: 11:37:35.12 11:37:44.04 #In other words, we shouldn't look# #with prejudice at any system...#

956: 11:37:44.08 11:37:47.13 There's no real story, it's all imaginary.

957: 11:37:47.17 11:37:50.13 In the end, we die and then live forever.

958: 11:37:58.01 11:37:59.23 Have a bite, my child.

959: 11:38:00.03 11:38:05.22 Take a bite, while the whole country is sold out by these bitches!

960: 11:38:07.04 11:38:11.21 #...For 10 years,# #whichever leadership there was...#

961: 11:38:16.11 11:38:20.13 #One day, a strong young man# #will take power in this city.#

962: 11:38:22.19 11:38:27.13 #He will know neither east nor west,# #but only the Qur'an and Islam.#

963: 11:38:36.08 11:38:39.08 Father, we've got half a bag of oil.

964: 11:38:44.23 11:38:48.04 When you come back, I'll get it from Chandawol.

965: 11:38:56.21 11:38:59.06 Can I pour you a tea?

966: 11:39:05.21 11:39:07.04 Here.

967: 11:39:13.00 11:39:14.16 Is that all you're paying?

968: 11:39:17.08 11:39:21.17 No, that's for 100, you paid 80.

969: 11:39:22.16 11:39:25.19 I served two 50 rupee plates.

970: 11:39:26.01 11:39:32.07 He asked for 30 rupees of liver,

971: 11:39:32.16 11:39:37.19 and then with the bread, it's 50.

972: 11:39:38.03 11:39:39.08 Hold on.

973: 11:39:39.12 11:39:42.06 You ordered the bread, that made it 50 rupees,

974: 11:39:42.10 11:39:44.20 and I served you both 50 rupee plates.

975: 11:39:45.00 11:39:48.17 It's no big deal, I said 50 rupees with bread.

976: 11:39:49.00 11:39:52.13 You agreed to pay 50 rupees each, don't deny it now.

977: 11:39:53.09 11:39:55.05 Are you stealing the food?

978: 11:39:55.18 11:39:59.17 If you didn't want to steal, why not order the small plate?

979: 11:40:00.04 11:40:03.22 They thought it was 25 for each.

980: 11:40:05.21 11:40:10.01 I even included a glass of tea for each.

981: 11:40:12.07 11:40:14.18 I'm not a rich man.

982: 11:40:16.08 11:40:19.02 Oh, we're all so rich here?

983: 11:40:26.07 11:40:29.17 #It's so hard to earn this money.#

984: 11:40:33.03 11:40:36.23 #We borrow from the money lenders.#

985: 11:40:37.15 11:40:40.08 #We slide into debt.#

986: 11:40:44.10 11:40:48.09 ...five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen...

987: 11:40:48.13 11:40:50.14 So, this isn't fake money, right?

988: 11:40:50.18 11:40:52.20 I hope it's not fake.

989: 11:40:55.13 11:40:57.12 Oh, Hajji, sir...

990: 11:40:58.01 11:41:00.20 These animals will stun your eyes.

991: 11:41:01.00 11:41:03.16 They weigh at least 56 kilos each.

992: 11:41:03.20 11:41:04.21 How much?

993: 11:41:05.01 11:41:07.22 - 7,000. - Give me your hand, please.

994: 11:41:08.03 11:41:10.17 I'll stick to my word, exactly what I said. 995: 11:41:10.21 11:41:12.09 No, please, 7,500.

996: 11:41:39.01 11:41:41.23 #My father was a Mujahideen fighter.#

997: 11:41:42.09 11:41:45.16 #He had 70 people under his command.#

998: 11:41:49.15 11:41:52.15 #They had a village# #under their protection.#

999: 11:41:55.13 11:41:59.08 #He fought under the falling rockets.#

1000: 11:42:01.00 11:42:05.23 #The Taliban didn't have any problem# #with my father or his men.#

1001: 11:42:08.03 11:42:11.17 #He stopped them# #from destroying the village.#

1002: 11:42:18.19 11:42:21.02 That's it, tie it up.

1003: 11:42:23.21 11:42:26.05 #Because of these Americans,#

1004: 11:42:26.17 11:42:28.20 #there's nothing but war.#

1005: 11:42:32.00 11:42:34.15 #I want peace in this land of ours,#

1006: 11:42:34.23 11:42:36.19 #a peace where...#

1007: 11:42:37.04 11:42:39.05 #there is neither Taliban,#

1008: 11:42:39.14 11:42:41.07 #nor Americans.#

1009: 11:42:43.05 11:42:46.03 #Then our country will do well.#

1010: 11:42:57.10 11:43:03.22 ...Most high officials hold prejudices, don't they?

1011: 11:43:04.09 11:43:09.16 And we have those who favor their own tribes.

1012: 11:43:10.05 11:43:12.12 They are not seeking the truth, are they?

1013: 11:43:12.20 11:43:15.23 Who can talk about the last lesson?

1014: 11:43:16.19 11:43:20.00 In the Name of God, prejudice is used

1015: 11:43:20.04 11:43:22.00 to favor your own tribe.

1016: 11:43:22.04 11:43:26.06 His Majesty Mohammed has forbidden this.

1017: 11:43:26.17 11:43:35.00 He said that a true believer must not hold tribal prejudice.

1018: 11:43:36.03 11:43:37.16 You, read...

1019: 11:43:38.17 11:43:43.22 "Some times are full of happiness and joy.

1020: 11:43:44.07 11:43:47.17 "Other times we face hardship and sadnesses.

1021: 11:43:47.21 11:43:53.00 "And these hardships have a deep effect upon us..."

1022: 11:43:55.00 11:43:58.06 #All the aid from foreign countries...#

1023: 11:43:59.07 11:44:01.04 #Where has it gone?#

1024: 11:44:02.12 11:44:08.06 #Billions of dollars flowed into# #Afghanistan during the time of Karzai.#

1025: 11:44:16.01 11:44:19.23 #President # #told the people in his speech...#

1026: 11:44:20.22 11:44:23.06 #Great nation of Afghanistan...#

1027: 11:44:25.04 11:44:31.01 #The last thirteen years has been# #a time of struggle and patience...#

1028: 11:44:33.05 11:44:40.14 #for a better future for our homeland.# 1029: 11:44:43.23 11:44:50.01 #Your patience has always been# #my motivation and support,#

1030: 11:44:51.01 11:44:53.19 #and I appreciate it deeply.#

1031: 11:44:56.05 11:44:59.17 #Tomorrow, I will transfer# #the authority of governance#

1032: 11:44:59.21 11:45:03.16 #to the next elected president.#

1033: 11:45:06.12 11:45:12.05 #And I will be an ordinary citizen# #of the Islamic .#

1034: 11:45:13.07 11:45:19.09 #God keep you all, my dears,# #in safety and highest dignity.#

1035: 11:45:20.18 11:45:22.18 #Long live the great nation.#

1036: 11:45:24.07 11:45:26.06 #Long live Afghanistan.#

1037: 11:45:27.13 11:45:30.23 #God be with you.#

1038: 11:46:00.01 11:46:02.13 #Testing, testing, one, two, three...#

1039: 11:46:04.06 11:46:07.02 Teacher, here's your gift.

1040: 11:46:08.06 11:46:13.12 #Teacher, you are# #our wise leader and guide...#

1041: 11:46:18.13 11:46:21.06 #Ah, the days of youth...#

1042: 11:46:22.11 11:46:27.07 #You can never bring back your# #school days, not even in dreams.#

1043: 11:46:29.01 11:46:32.15 #You're like a king# #without responsibilities.#

1044: 11:46:38.06 11:46:41.05 #The children were raised in fire...#

1045: 11:46:41.22 11:46:47.13 #Raised on hunger, thirst,# #exile and desperate times.#

1046: 11:46:53.10 11:46:56.15 #When youth passes...#

1047: 11:47:01.04 11:47:05.10 #People are blown by the winds of life.#

1048: 11:47:07.15 11:47:13.03 #While I work, a thousand things# #turn in my thoughts.#

1049: 11:47:13.13 11:47:15.15 That one, the black one.

1050: 11:47:17.17 11:47:20.21 #I should have my own auto shop.#

1051: 11:47:24.10 11:47:27.04 #I should stand on my own feet.#

1052: 11:47:33.06 11:47:37.23 #If the goverment only# #fills their own pockets...#

1053: 11:47:39.19 11:47:43.02 #And drinks the blood of the country...#

1054: 11:47:43.22 11:47:46.12 #Everything will be destroyed.#

1055: 11:47:48.10 11:47:50.18 #It will be worse and worse.#

1056: 11:47:54.04 11:47:56.04 #It will be war.#

1057: 11:48:19.20 11:48:25.19 #Now I must to study and move up# #so I can be a minister or something.#

1058: 11:48:26.01 11:48:28.09 #Or take a high post.#

1059: 11:48:39.08 11:48:42.01 #That night my father told me...#

1060: 11:48:43.04 11:48:46.13 #He's taking me back to the tin shop# #in the morning.#

1061: 11:48:49.06 11:48:53.13 #I begged my father# #not to take me back to the tin shop.#

1062: 11:48:54.20 11:48:58.16 #But he said, "No, you must go."# 1063: 11:49:02.01 11:49:06.11 #I cried myself to sleep.#

1064: 11:49:19.00 11:49:23.08 #Now my feet no longer# #wander the streets and markets.#

1065: 11:49:27.23 11:49:32.10 #I was so exhausted,# #but nobody can see what I feel.#

1066: 11:49:42.11 11:49:45.23 #When I left the tin shop,# #my writing improved.#

1067: 11:49:49.16 11:49:52.00 My reading got better.

1068: 11:49:57.09 11:50:02.11 #Now that I'm back here,# #it's like the past repeating.#

1069: 11:50:22.13 11:50:24.03 Owais?

1070: 11:50:24.12 11:50:26.01 Third place.

1071: 11:50:26.15 11:50:28.16 Third place, teacher?

1072: 11:50:33.14 11:50:35.03 - Sohrab? - Here!

1073: 11:50:35.07 11:50:36.22 Fourth place.

1074: 11:50:46.11 11:50:49.10 #I'm 13 now.#

1075: 11:50:51.19 11:50:55.05 #This is the way life passes.#

1076: 11:51:01.03 11:51:03.15 #Now that I'm older...#

1077: 11:51:06.04 11:51:10.04 #I can write the story I wanted.#

1078: 11:51:11.07 11:51:15.15 #It will be about my friends,# #my father, mother and brothers.#

1079: 11:51:26.04 11:51:30.15 #This war is destroying our country.#

1080: 11:51:34.10 11:51:38.20 #The divided tribes must become one.#

1081: 11:51:47.18 11:51:50.23 #If God is willing...#

1082: 11:51:53.13 11:51:56.22 #I want to write a book like this.#