Rountable on Sustainable Palm Oil Annual Surveillance II 16 May – 20 May 2016 Assessment Report
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SUCOFINDO INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION SERVICES Rountable on Sustainable Palm Oil Annual Surveillance II 16 May – 20 May 2016 Assessment Report PT. Kresna Duta Agroindo – Jelatang Mill, Jambi, Indonesia This annual surveillance assessment report has been prepared in accordance with RSPO requirements and the information included is the result of a full RSPO assessment of the Mills and supply base as included in the scope of the certificate. Prepared by: Nuzwardy Sjahwil (Lead Assessor) Certification decision made by: Triyan Aidilfitri PT. SUCOFINDO (Sucofindo International Certification Services – SICS) Graha Sucofindo B1 Floor, Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu Kav. 34, Jakarta 12780 Indonesia Contact Person : Tuti Suryani Sirait Phone : (62-21) 7983666: Fax : (62-21) 7987015 Email : [email protected] Sucofindo ICS FRM 14.05 Issue 00 Rev. 1 1 of 122 SUCOFINDO INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION SERVICES List of Contents Page A Scope of the Certification Assessment ................................................................ 4 A.1. National Interpretation Used ................................................................................ 4 A.2. Assessment Type (Estate and Mill) ..................................................................... 4 A.3. Location Map ...................................................................................................... 4 A.3.1. Location Address of the Mill and Approximate Tonnages Certified (CPO and Mill ) .................................................................................................... 5 A.4. Description of Supply Base.................................................................................. 6 A.4.1. General Description ............................................................................................. 6 A.4.2. Location of Supply Base ...................................................................................... 6 A.4.3. Statistic of Supply Base ....................................................................................... 6 A.5. Other Certification Held ....................................................................................... 8 A.6. Organizational Information and Contact Person .................................................. 8 A.6.1 Audit Against the Rules for Partial Certification.................................................... 8 A.7. Date Certificate Issued and Scope of Certificate .................................................. 12 B. Assessment Process ........................................................................................... 13 B.1. Certification Body ................................................................................................ 13 B.2. Qualifications of the Assessment Team ............................................................... 14 B.2.1. Qualifications of the Lead Assessor and Assessment Team................................ 14 B.3. Assessment Methodology ................................................................................... 15 B.3.1. General Overview ................................................................................................ 15 Sucofindo ICS FRM 14.05 Issue 00 Rev. 1 2 of 122 SUCOFINDO INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION SERVICES B.4. Stakeholder Consultation .................................................................................... 18 B.4.1. Summary of How Stakeholder Consultation was Organized ................................ 18 B.5. Date of Next Surveillance Visit ............................................................................ 19 C. Assessment Findings .......................................................................................... 19 C.1. Lead Assessor’s Summary and Recommendation for Certification ..................... 19 C.2. Summary of the Findings by Criteria .................................................................... 20 C.3. Non Conformity Register ..................................................................................... 71 D. Certified Organization’s Acknowledgement of Internal Responsibility..................112 D.1. Formal Sign-Off the Assessment Findings…………………………………............112 D.2. Statement by the Certifier Body on Behalf of PT. Sucofindo SBU-SICS…………113 Appendix 1 - List of Abbreviation………………………………………………………………..114 Appendix 2 – MAP………………………………………………………………………………..117 Sucofindo ICS FRM 14.05 Issue 00 Rev. 1 3 of 122 SUCOFINDO INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION SERVICES A. Scope of the Certification Assessment A. 1. National Interpretation Used The management of the Palm Oil Mill(s) and associated suppliers of Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) were assessed for compliance against RSPO Principle and Criteria 2013 Generic and RSPO Certification Systems and RSPO Suply Chain Certification Systems 2014. A. 2. A.2 Assessment Type (Estate and Mill) Certification Unit : PT. Kresna Duta Agroindo – Jelatang Mill located at Desa Jelatang, Kecamatan Pamenang, Kabupaten Merangin – Jambi, INDONESIA. A.3. A.3 Location map Please see Appendix-2 Map: 1. Map of Location, 2. Land area, 3. Topography and 4. HCV areas. Sumatera Island - Indonesia Sucofindo ICS FRM 14.05 Issue 00 Rev. 1 4 of 122 SUCOFINDO INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION SERVICES A. 3. 1. Location address of the mill and approximate tonnages certified (CPO and PK) 1 Name of Mill Jelatang Mill - PT. Kresna Duta Agroindo 2 Location address Desa Jelatang, Kecamatan Pamenang, Kabupaten Merangin, Provinsi Jambi, Indonesia 3 GPS Reference Lattitude (S) : 02o 05’ 50” Longitude (E) : 102o 21’ 58” 4 Mill Capacity 30 Ton/Hour 5 Actual Production (from January CPO : 1,050.11 MT – December 2015) (Own estate PK : 268.53 MT only) FFB : 5,338.64 MT 6 Certified tonnage claimed (Mill CPO : 1,326.04 MT capacity 30 tonnes per hour) PK : 320.20 MT FFB : 6,099.00 MT 7 Certified area 218.08 Ha 8 Planted area 203.3 Ha 9 Certified Tonnages Sold CPO : 0 MT ; PK : 0 MT 10 Certified tonnages purchased CPO : 0 MT ; PK : 0 MT Sucofindo ICS FRM 14.05 Issue 00 Rev. 1 5 of 122 SUCOFINDO INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION SERVICES Note : A.4. Description of Supply Base A. 4. 1. General description PT. Kresna Duta Agroindo operates 3 palm oil mills under PT. Kresna Duta Agroindo, named PT. Kresna Duta Agroindo - Jelatang Mill (JLTM), PT. Kresna Duta Agroindo – Langling Mill (LNGM) and PT. Kresna Duta – Pelakar Mill (PLKM) This report scope is only for PT Kresna Duta Agroindo - Jelatang Mill and its supply bases. (Bangko Estate only). The raw material/ FFB for PT. Kresna Duta Agroindo - Jelatang Mill is supplied from the own estate, scheme smallholders, independent smallholders and outgrowers : 1. Own estate : Bangko Estate (Division 4) 2. Scheme smallholders : 1. Batang Gading KKPA, 2. Tiga Serumpun KKPA 3. Independent smallholders : 1. Pamenang Plasma; 2. Kubang Ujo Plasma, 3. Bangko Plasma; 4. Kubang Ujo Plasma 4. Outgrowers Totally supplied FFB from own estate, scheme small holders, independent smallholders and outgrowers to the mill from January 2015 - December 2015 were 107,812.56 MT All supply bases are located in Jambi, Indonesia. PT. Kresna Duta Agroindo is a subsidiary of PT SMART Tbk which is a member of RSPO and they are maintaining RSPO Certified Palm Oil for all its production. A. 4. 2. Location of the supply base GPS No. Estate Name Location Latitude (S) Longitude (E) Desa Langling, Kecamatan Bangko, 1 Bangko Estate 02o 05’ 50” 102o 21’ 58” Kabupaten Merangin, Provinsi Jambi, Indonesia A. 4. 3. Statistic of supply base (Data from Januari 2015 – December 2015) A. Own Estate No. Estate Planting Area/ FFB/Year CPO/Year PK/Year Name Year (tonnes) (tonnes) (tonnes) Planting Year 1 Bangko 1993 103.3 2,805.38 551.82 141.11 Estate Divisi 4 1995 100 2,533.26 498.29 127.42 Total 203.3 5,338.64 1,050.11 268.53 Sucofindo ICS FRM 14.05 Issue 00 Rev. 1 6 of 122 SUCOFINDO INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION SERVICES B. Smallholder – Full Manage No. Estate Planting Area/ FFB/Year CPO/Year PK/Year Name Year (tonnes) (tonnes) (tonnes) Planting Year 1 Batang Gading 1996- 1999 1,494.99 12,195.56 2.398,87 613.44 KKPA 2 Tiga Serumpun 2002-2007 1,945.71 14,495.79 2.851,32 729.14 KKPA Total 3,440.70 26,691.35 5.250,19 1.342,58 C. Independent Small holder No. Estate Planting Area/ FFB/Year CPO/Year PK/Year Name Year (tonnes) (tonnes) (tonnes) Planting Year 1. Bangko 4,218.00 2,105.20 414.09 105.89 1990-1998 Plasma 2. Pamenang 1990-1999 6,290.00 44,249.52 8,703.88 2,225.75 Plasma 3. Bukit 1995-1997 4,676.00 8,824.81 1,735.84 443.89 bungkul 4. Kubang 1990-1994 2,960.00 16,906.20 3,325.45 850.38 Ujo Plasma Total 18,144.00 72,085.73 14,179.26 3,625.91 D. Outgrowers NO Estate FFB/Year (tonnes) CPO/Year (tonnes) PK/Year (tonnes) Name 1. Outgrower 3,696.84 727.17 185.95 TOTAL 107,812.56 36,014.93 8,897.81 Sucofindo ICS FRM 14.05 Issue 00 Rev. 1 7 of 122 SUCOFINDO INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION SERVICES Projected 2016 Supply Bases CPO Hectare FFB (tonnes) PK (tonnes) (Tonnes) Own Supply base 203.30 6,099.00 1,326.04 320.20 Small holders – Full Manage 2,238.87 52,016.26 11,573,62 2,730.85 Independent – Small Holder 413,000.00 91,893.00 21,683.00 Out grower - - - Total 471,115.26 104,792.16 24,733.55 A.5. Other Certifications Held SMK3 (Indonesian Occupational Heath and Safety Management System) PP 50 2012, ISPO (Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil) certified 2015. A. 6. Organizational Information and Contact Person 1. Company Name PT. KRESNA DUTA AGROINDO 2. Personal Contact Ismu Zulfikar 3. Management Representative Suwarno Akhsan 4. Company Address Sinar Mas Land Plaza, Tower II, 30th Floor Jl. MH. Thamrin No.