
The Headline Goes Here Subheadline Goes Into This Space

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VivamusClean auctor leoAir vel dui. Taxi Aliquam erat Rebate volutpat. Phasellus nibh. Vestibulum anteThe Sanipsum Francisco primis Municipal in faucibus Transportation orci luctus Agency et ultrices (SFMTA) posuere is a leader cubilia in Curae;providing Cras and tempor.regulating Morbi environmentally egestas. sustainable transportation options, including the taxi fleet. Over 90% used in the taxi fleet are low-emission and play a critical role in meeting the city’s ambitious climate goals of 80% of trips taken by sustainable means of travel by 2030 and zero emissions by 2050. In order achieve our goals, the SFMTA’s clean air taxi program offers a rebate up to $7,000** per qualifying with a total of $350,000* in dedicated funding.

The new rebate is only for the following brand-new eligible vehicle types purchased since January 7, 2020: $5,000** for each $5,000** for each compressed (CNG) vehicle $7,000** for each Accessible CNG vehicle • Weekdays, 8am to 6pm $7,000** for each electric or cell vehicle • December 18, 2019 to March 20, 2020 To request a rebate, please provide the following documents: This rebate is in • Geary Blvd. Between 22nd & 28th Ave. • Vehicle Registration (not temporary registration) addition to any • Copy of sales invoice or purchase order existing federal, state, Vivamus• IRS Form auctor W-9 leo vel dui. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus nibh. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubiliaand local Curae; tax credits Cras tempor.• For large Morbi cab company egestas, fleet urn apurchases, non consequat a spreadsheet tempus. listing each vehicle’s make, model, year, fuel type, VIN, and date that may be available vehicle was put in service as a for such vehicles.

ForPlease more submit information, the information please to [email protected] contact: , SFMTA.com/Pagenameor at the Taxi Window at One South Ness. OptionalFor questions, Contact contact Info [email protected] Line Two . Optional* Grants disbursed Contact on a first comeInfo first Line serve Threebasis. ** The new increased rebate is effective starting January 7, 2020. Vehicle purchased between July 1, 2016 to December 31, 2019 refered to the old rebate rate available online https:// www.sfmta.com/clean-air-taxi-rebate