

The meeting was hel-d at the Station in Shreveport. Board members ino .Tim /-anar'lrr Fnn:lri IJorzan T.onn:rr.l attenC'l were; v 4r!! vv.rvA +J lvvrrql g Wi lson- Anng ' , Gremillion, John Coutret, Andrew Bindursky, Jana De Benedetti, and Mary Decker.

Staff members attending were: Kermit Poling, Henry Edwards, Ranae Moran, Kate Archer Kent.

Ona Wilson of Alexandrj-a, , attended as guest.

Board President John Coutret caJ-l-ed the meeting to order. On the Board's behalf he thanked Ona for coming and then said how good it was to have Ronald attendinq Board meetinqs aqain after an absence due to il-l-ness.

John cal-l-ed for the reading and approval of the Minutes for the September, 2014, Board meeting, which were approved after the making of one correct. (The new Board member is Joe Kane rather than Joe King. )

,Tohn then rer:oonized the Staff foli f s renorts:

A. Genera] Manager Kermit Po]inq:

-John Nabors of ETEX had donated iPads as on*air gifts. -E'.rranl-q 'i-n m:rlzihd h Annirrarerrv qrEare 6l:l- e. f 1l the NetWOfktS 30f )| . \r/ a reception honoring volunteers to be held at the Station on December 13, 2414, and another reception to be held sometime l_ater in Al-exandria (2) on-going negotiations with the Convention Center for a public cel-ebration for sometime in the New Year (3) broadcast of a series of 30-second spots from public offj-cial-s and others wishj-ng the NetwoTK HAPPYBIRTHDAY. -Current consj-deration of the idea of bringing the popular WAfT, WAIT/ DON'T TELL MEI to Shreveport for a public appearance. -NPR (1) has changed the programming clocks of its news shows and (2) wants its affiliate stations, including Red River Radio, to make promotional spots on NPR's behal-f. -Tha nrrclr i c nn to increase l-istenar rrrsrrrv9!memlrershin olrrI, 6rt6l to j-ncrease Red Rlver Radio's visibility throughout the l_istening area. -A station 1s for safe in Tyler, , which woul_d greatly enhance Red River Radio's visibility in this fastest-growing part of East Texas. The Network's goal is not to own the Tyler station, but to be the entity chosen to staff, manage, and provide programming for it. Time i-s short whatever the arrangements t.hat Red River Radio can make wJ-th regard to the Ty1er station. The Board wil-l be asked for advice and other forms of assistance in the effort to qet Red River Radio int.o the Tyler area.

(B) Development: Ranae Moran:

-flndarr"rril-.ina iq nninn t^rall,Yv4+' l-.,it m91g UndefWfit.i na is:lwarzq l-reCCef. Board assistance is welcome j-n suggesting and helping to acquire additional- underwriters. (C) There were no other Staff reports.

There was no Ol-d Business.

Under New Business the Board unanimously elected the following people to Board membership: (1) Joe Kane of Shreveport, Louisiana (2) Sally Langston of Garrison, Texas (3) pike Thomas of Benton, Louisiana and (A\ Rri:n Mrrrnhrr Of NaCOgdOCheS,, TeXaS.rg^qo.

As there was no further business, the Board unanimously voted to adjourn, with the next meeting schedul-ed for noon wednesd.ay, ,January 27, 2015, at the Station in Shreveport.

Mary Charl-otte Deckr Recording Secretary