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Volume 21, No. 1 T HE N EWSPAPER OF THE U NIFICATION C OMMUNITY January 2002 TRUE GOD’S DAY CELEBRATION IN KOREA by Rev. Michael Jenkins the offering table. Then the three primary (It was the same nations of Korea (Father- he True God’s Day Pledge royal chairs that land), Japan (Mother- Service was held January 1, were used in the land) and America (Elder 2002 at the Cheong Pyeong Coronation Cere- Son) bowed. Then rep- Heaven and Earth Training mony for God’s resentatives of four major Center. Rev. Kwak was the Kingdhip.) Then religions bowed, MCT for the morning prayer service. True Mother bowed. JudeoChristianity, Islam, True Parents entered in their holy robes. Then True Mother Buddhism, Confucian- The offering table was glorious with 12 took her place with ism. Then the four rep- stacks of foods (2 rows deep) of all the True Father. Then resentatives of the Able- creation, Korean pears, apples, straw- True Children type world bowed (free berries, oranges. About four feet high bowed. Hyo Jin Nim, world), then the four rep- on a foot table. 7 large candles were Hyun Jin Nim, Sun resentatives of the Cain- evenly placed across the offering table. Jin Nim, Young Jin type world (communist Father and Mother entered with Nim in the first row. world) bowed. Hoon Mo applause. Father lit the candles. First Their spouses and Nim and other saints the center candle. Then the one on the children in the sec- then bowed represent- far right and far left then the one to ond row. ing the spirit world. Then the right of center and so forth back Then second ger- we recited the family and forth. ation blessed cou- pledge. It was beautiful. True Parents bowed with such serene ples bowed. Then Everyone was in perfect quite and holiness. Slowly. Then Father all families bowed. harmony. (Rev. Kwak took his place on the throne behind had to guide us about this many, many times because there is a tendency for everyone to race through the Kajong Mengse too fast True God’s Day Motto for 2002 leaving the MC behind and being total- ly unharmonious. This was about the fourth time at a major pledge that Rev. Kwak asked the couples to stay in sync. This time they did and it was power- ful.) Then True Parents offered the prayer The Complete Settlement of Cheon Il Guk of Freedom, for God’s Day. After the prayer True Peace and Happiness, which is the ideal of the Mother helped Father take off his holy robe and Father was in his tradition- Parents of the Heaven and Earth, Mansei. al white Korean vest and pants. True Cheon Il Guk is the short form of Cheonju Pyeonghwa Tongil Guk - the Nation of Cosmic Peace and Unity Mother took off her crown and holy see CELEBRATION on page 3 Hyun Jin Nim’s 2001 US Campus Tour hortly after the IIFWP Assem- entertainment; Introduction: by the MC speech ( an edited version of the 10/22 Jin Moon who delivered his message bly 2001 in October, the (usually Ken Bates); Powerpoint on Ser- speech in New York); VIP comments on “Service for Peace—Crisis and Hope” to founder Rev. & Mrs. Moon vice for Peace delivered by Robert Kit- the Hoon Dok Hae and the ideals of over 2500 students and guests through- encouraged the president of tel; Hoon Dok Hae from True Parents’ SFP; Keynote address by President Hyun out the tour. CARP, Hyun Jin Moon, to Following are brief reports of some Scontinue the message of peace by speak- of the events. ing in person on the top universities in Yale the United States. In this year, 2001, by Stephen K. Nomura it was decided to hold four events in the following representative schools: fter being initiated in July of Yale, Columbia, Northwestern (Chica- this year, on Friday, Decem- go) and the University of California at Aber 7th, the Service for Peace Berkeley. program made its way to Yale Uni- His motto for the tour was “constant versity’s Battell Chapel. The brain- improvement” and we were all kept on child of Hyun Jin Moon, president of our toes in this respect. The purposes World Collegiate Association for the of the tour included the launch of Ser- Research of Principles, the program vice for Peace in the United States, the invited faculty and students from revival and reintroduction of World CARP both Yale University and the nearby to major college campuses, and the con- University of Bridgeport. tinuation of bringing True Parents’ mes- Serving as Mistress of Ceremonies sage on the formula for peace to the for the night, Esther Bessell, presi- students dent of the Student Congress at the The basic format of each event was University of Bridgeport, began the as follows: Preprogram: 20 minutes of see HYUN JIN on page 5 2 Unification News January 2002 FOUNDER’S DISCOURSE ON UNIFICATIONISM GOD’S DAY MIDNIGHT ADDRESS

by Reverend must be accomplished to achieve heav- Heaven and earth—these two per- belongs to you. You offer everything to en. Chun Ju means that heaven and sons, should be connecting the two. God. All the ownership of the world This is an excerpt from the address earth must be united connecting the The ideal of heaven and earth is the has become a barrier and block between given at midnight, Dec. 31, 2001. two horizontal lines. ideal of freedom, peace, Unification and man and God. That is why all owner- he Chinese character for First the mind and body must unite, happiness. Chun Il Guk An Jak. An ship must be given to God. When all heaven is Chun and has two then the husband and wife must be Jak has to do with “Settlement”. Chun is offered through the Total Living Offer- horizontal lines which means one, then parents and children then Jak means going to or on the way to ing then God can bless it. Then you it has two persons in it. One brothers and sisters. Then the family the goal. An Jak means that after it is can reorganize all of the world. Cen- is horizontal and another is and the nation must unite. accomplished. tering on a couple that becomes com- horizontal.T It means the unity of heav- If mind and body, husband and wife Last years motto: May the parents pletely one, then you can establish en and earth. The Absolute will of God have conflict there can be no unity and of heaven and earth and the children, ownership and oneness with God. In peace. by uniting as one mind and body, ful- the family you have the 8 stages that fill the will of True Love’s subjective can perfect the ideal of God. You become character, which is absolute, unique, the subject and starting point. You offer C ALENDAR unchanging and eternal. all of this to God and you can be proud Three generations become one only of God. Koreans, Japanese, Americans JANUARY 2002 through True Love, True Life and True and all nations have nothing to be 1 True God’s Day (1968) Lineage. By making such unity the proud of from the strict view of heav- 2 Day of Victory of Love (1984) children make the third position. They en. They are all descendants of the fall- are like the grandchildren of God. Who en history and still under Satan’s claim. 3 Heung Jin Nim’s Ascension (1984) is the third generation? They are the Because of the fall, all humanity became 6 UN Jin Nim’s Birthday (11/23/67) blessed couples or Blessed Central the enemy of God. Their ownership is 10 Kook Jin Nim & Soon Ju Nim’s Blessing (1989) Families. Originally, through the fall, not blessed by God. 11 72 Couples of the Second Generation Blessing (1989) the second and third generation was The Blessed Central Family is the 12 1275 Couples’ Blessing (1989) lost. Only God remained as the first third generation of God. You completely generation. True Parents have restored deny yourself and offer everything to 13 Coronation Ceremony for the Kingship of God (2001) the second generations position and God. This can only be achieved through International Federation for the Victory Over Communism (1968) Blessed couples are in the third gen- total offering to God and self denial 14 Shin Choon Nim’s Birthday (12/2/90) eration or grandchild’s position to God. and oneness of the husband and wife 15 Hyo Jin Nim’s Birthday (12/3/62) Whether American or any nation or centered on True Love, True Life and 23 Ye Jin Nim’s Birthday (12/11/60) Korean or Japan. Nationality makes True Blood Lineage. If couples fall, they no difference. As a Blessed central become the second realm of the fall. 27 WCSF Blessing Ceremony (2001) family we become the engrafted third Before the blessing, everything you 31 Shin Yul Nim’s Birthday (12/19/92) generation. Your children are the 4th have belongs to Satan. You have to FEBRUARY 2002 generation level. Now Adam, Jesus, deny what you want to see, touch and Messiah and the 4th Adam’s era has feel. The Japanese, have nothing to be 1 Day of the Opening of Heaven (1985) come. Now centering on the unity of proud of. Americans, Chinese Rus- 5 Hyo Jin Nim & Yun Ah Nim’s Blessing (1999) the mind and body man must become sians. Nothing to be proud of. How Jun Sook Nim’s Birthday (12/24/67) the true son’s position. about Koreans. You complain about 6 Inter-religious and International Federation for World Peace Parents must unite and children Americans, Russians and Chinese. In Established (1999) must unite too. The family can now God’s eyes you have no difference. You settle down. Just like in a factory you are descended from the same fallen 7 Shin Gil Nim’s Birthday (12/26/87) have a model you created from which ancestors. 360 Million Couples’ Blessing (1999) everything is modeled after. The True Chun Il Guk (The Nation of Cosmic 8 1800 Couples’ Blessing (1975) Family is the model. No one can be left Peace and Unification). It means True 11 16 Couples’ Blessing (1978) out. Grandfather, Grandmother, Moth- Love. True Freedom, Peace and Hap- 12 Hoon Sook Nim’s Birthday (1/1/63) er, Father, sons and daughters, uncles piness. You can have lunch with God and aunts. Every one is seeking for in total joy. If the husband laughs the Lunar New Year happiness. We are going to establish wife then laughs. It should be a nation 13 First International Blessing of 400 Million Couples (2000) the Kingdom. without struggle, fear and animosity. Cosmic True Parents’ Federation Established (2000) An Chak doesn’t mean we are going From now on the ones who want to be Family Center for Universal Peace and Unification (2000) toward this. It means we are already the center of conflict and fighting you 14 Yeon Jin Nim’s Birthday (1/3/81) there. That the time of settlement has should be hit by lighting. Rev. Yoo are come. Looking at the mineral world you here. Will you do it or not. Do you 17 Father’s Birthday (1/6/20) everything is in the pair system. The want to be a congressman? You must Mother’s Birthday (1/6/43) eyes and nose and all elements become become a congressman without being International Security Council Established (1985) one. When husband and wife become in conflict. This is where God can set- 18 Choongmo-nim’s Ascension (1/7/68) one—True Love is able to visit there tle in peace. 20 In Jin Nim & Jin Sung Nim’s Blessing (1984) and settle there in that couple. Until Our Monsei will keep rising. The Heung Jin Nim & Hoon Sook Nim’s Blessing (1984) mind and body become one we can’t beginning of the Nation of Heaven, fulfill the vertical or horizontal stan- heaven and earth become one. If God 21 74 Couples’ Blessing (1977) dard. What is the most important thing is there and the son and daughter are 22 430 Couples’ Blessing (1968) to bring unity of the mind and body. united there he can become one. If you 23 Day of the Victory of Earth (1977) True Love, True Life and True Lineage. are filled with True Love you can go to 27 Shin Jung Nim’s Birthday (1/16/83) When you wash your face in the morn- the left or right. Even if you say some- Declaration of Parents of Heaven and Earth (1998) ing all your face becomes one. If your thing wrong but you say it centering lips don’t come together you can’t on True Love Satan can’t claim it. 28 Shin Man Nim’s Birthday (1/17/00) speak. When two come together you Satan’s shadow can’t appear. It’s like 43 Couples’ Blessing (1969 achieve peace, freedom and happiness. high noon in which the Sun is shining MARCH 2002 You have to create that kind of Chun brightly and shadows don’t exist. When Il Guk and offer it up to God. This is you are filled with True Love Satan’s 3 Kwon Jin Nim’s Birthday (1/20/75) the responsibility of the Blessed Cen- shadow or claim cannot appear. 6 Shin Sook Nim’s Birthday (1/23/84) tral Family. You invest and forget. That kind of 13 Dong Sook Nim’s Birthday (1/30/55) The perfection of the Individual, nation can have the cosmos and God. 23 Shin Won Nim’s Birthday (2/10/88) family, nation and world must all come Invest, give, give and forget . 26 Martial Arts Federation for World Peace Established (1997) under the possession of God. The Now the Chun Il Guk means that insects and all the created world must the Congresses and Parliaments of this 27 New Ecumenical Research Association (New ERA) Inauguration come under God’s dominion. When world can receive HDK. If you are real- (1980) they all live for the sake of others then, ly confident you can meet your Presi- 28 43 Couples’ Blessing (1969) True Love can dwell there. dents of your nations and they will lis- 31 Hyun Jin Nim & Jun Sook Nim’s Blessing (1987) To offer your nation you must offer ten. ❖ the Total Living Offering. Nothing Jin Sung Nim’s Birthday (2/18/62) © 2000 COURTESY OF KATHERYN COMAN January 2002 Unification News 3 TRUE GOD’S DAY CELEBRATION IN KOREA built by physical world or spiritual daughters. “What Satan hates the most is a CELEBRATION world. Who built this building? True “The concave and the convex. Do united couple. Satan likes Japanese from page 1 Parents son of filial piety. Heung Jin they change. Only the man has the nationalism. You should say I’m a mem- Nim built this building. I didn’t touch convex organ. It can never change. The ber from Japan. Don’t say I’m Japan- robe and had the white hanbok on. even one stone. Thus, this is the heav- same can be said about human faith. ese. As you discovered the grief of God Then True Parents distributed the enly palace. You can be punished if If you look at it from a different angle then you had to follow and change your offering. First to Hyo Jin Nim, then to you violate this place. and it changes then it can be destroyed. life. You are pitiful people that had the Hyun Jin Nim and all the rest of the “I didn’t touch one stone of this place. Faith must be unchanging in all situ- destiny to be destroyed. No matter how True Family. Then True Mother gave It was completely done by Heung Jin ations. long I speak. The first condition is that the tray to Rev. Kwak and the offering Nim. HJN is the head of the spirit world. “All of the ideal forms in the uni- mind and body become one. We have was distributed to all. That was the With what power did HJN build this verse are created. In the new Millen- to build a nation. We need two to build. conclusion of the 2002 Pledge Service. holy place at Cheong Pyeong? With nium these academic theories must Two hands, Mind and Body, Husband God’s Day Morning Address what power did he build this? He built be cleared up. This is the era of safe and Wife. True Parents arrived to thunderous it with the power of True Parents as a settlement. Have you ever unified the “Today, the issue is to become a applause. The large sanctuary of the son of filial piety. Those who are twist- mind and body. If you’re not united prince or princess of the Chun Il Guk. training center was absolutely jam ed in their mouth and tell lies you are inside and you look like you are you The principle is that two people must packed. (Maybe 5000. In adjoining very dangerous people. You must be won’t pass the test. God will select you become one. With True Love we can rooms it was estimated that more than the Blessed Central Families of the set- but when it comes time to enter the grow into that kind of position. You 10,000 attended True God’s Day.) Father tlement of the Noon Day standard. The Kingdom of heaven you won’t pass the have to have the heart to welcome God asked for chairs to be placed off of the standard in which you cast no shad- test. If you are a filial son then you into your country at any time. If you stage down on the floor with True Moth- ows. In total light if your mind and won’t miss this. I liberated God and I don’t have an object you can’t fulfill. er. That placed Father right in front of body are united you When your hus- us. have no shadow. band comes to Father was speaking without the “It is constantly you it’s the same mike and everyone said, “We can’t hear”. noon and constantly as God visiting. First Father spoke concerning how the day now. There is no You should wel- mike was a necessary nuisance but shadow if you are cen- come him. that we must respect how technology tered on True Love. If “Adam and is important for without it we can’t your mind and body Eve had the false reach the people. fight you will cast a lineage. All “We must appreciate the techno- shadow. If not you can- mankind were logical developments. They can advance not pass through the the children of God’s Kingdom. Especially the mass gate. Love can’t be real- A & E and are media. It is very important. ized when you are by thus thieves “Now Jesus and all the saints are yourself. from the strict meeting in the spirit world to plan how “What do women point of view of to cooperate with us. The world must need? What do they heaven. God is hear about this. We must effectively need? They need a the first gener- use technology to move this whole master of love. They ation, True Par- world. Because I’m attending God I need a master of love ents are the sec- know this very well. The holy song we that they can attend. ond generation sang today was the one I wrote. It brings Until you know a man and you Blessed back many memories. What is Chun and have marriage you Central Families IL Guk. (The Nation of Cosmic Peace don’t know what it is are the third and Unification). What does it mean. to be one. Only through generation. If The Chun in Chinese characters has love can you meet your they are not two horizontal lines meaning two per- master. A woman will parallel they sons. Two persons unite as one. When find an alternative mas- cannot go for- people are uniting they become one, ter until she finds the ward. The hus- when they are fighting they are not True Master. The True band and one. You have to have two together to Master must live for spouse and the make unity. You need both hands to the sake of others. If children must be able to make things. Only one hand you don’t live for the go on parallel wouldn’t work. Does man need woman. sake of others you will lines to True Who is more important. They are equal. disappear after one Parents. There Is everything centered on man. No. generation. With out is no colliding. Man must totally respect and honor this you can’t stand as It follows the woman. Without woman, man would the master of true love. pattern of True not exist. You need two to make heav- What if the giving part Parents. That’s en. is as big as Baek Ju why the Chinese “I have called everyone to become mountain then how big character for one. The Korean man is no better than should the receptacle Chun has two Japanese or American man or for that be. No matter how parallel lines. matter a man from any nation. Why small you are it must Two people should I share all these secrets with be used to make one- become one you. You heard about the third gener- ness. Should it be big without collid- ation is centered on God. Now we don’t or small. If the recep- ing. Your fami- even use True Parents in our prayer. tacle is big in a woman, ly becomes par- Why we now pray in our own names. then a woman has that allel to True Par- Did you chase True Parents away? Now kind of big embracing ents. Everything it is only the third generation Blessed power. The man who connected to the Central Families? The third generation belongs to such a woman can rule a want to see God in the position of the old lineage has to be burned. If two was the source of endless pain for God nation and that woman can rule that King. No one has even had this kind pray together then God will be there. as they were the children of Satan. man. Without the unity of the mind of thought to liberate God and crown Then north and south will come togeth- Now that has changed. and body you are a thief. If man and God. er and become one. How many years “Without True Love and True Par- woman can’t unite and the man looks “Eventually all languages will fade have I done this. All of my life. ents you can never come to perfection. to the side it’s like a thief. What if a away except the true language. Will “Rev. Kwak will now read the dec- I feel so moved that 50 years ago I made man looks toward another woman out- you be qualified as 100 %. Those who larations of the leaders in the spirit this holy song. At that time there was side of his spouse. He is a thief. don’t understand will fall away. Those world. Not one of them is against me. so much darkness. “God is attracted to those who live who understand will automatically In the spirit world, the heart and mind “Now millions are going into the for the sake of others. God has not stay. Under those conditions will the of people can change to God’s way so mainstream of the kingdom of heav- found a greater man than Rev. Moon Japanese remain. The headquarters much faster than those on earth. On en. How about this training center in all of history. Then God is like a of the Japanese church is that Japan- earth its so difficult. You must become building at Cheong Pyeong? Was this grandfather clinging to True Parents. ese property or blessed. This is the only way. True The parents follow the filial sons and property? see CELEBRATION on page 4 4 Unification News January 2002 True God’s Day and Victory of Love

he 35th True God’s Day Cel- which people can cheer Man Mansei piness. We sincerely pray for all of these Jin Nim’s memorial service will be held ebration was held at Cheong for the completion of Your eternal hope with all our hearts and ask Your per- together with services for Hye Jin Nim Pyeong Heaven and Earth for billions of generations under Your mission for all our hopes to be real- (38th anniversary of her passing), Young Training Center, in Korea protection. As all the blessed families ized.” Jin Nim (3rd anniversary of his pass- on January 1st, 2002. After from the spirit world and on earth gath- After the midnight prayer, True Par- ing), Hee Jin Nim (33rd anniversary of TrueT Parents offered the midnight er here today in one heart and as one ents gave the motto for the year: “The his passing), and Shin Yea Nim (1st prayer, Father spoke. Pledge ceremo- body of unity between parents and Complete Settlement of Cheon Il Guk anniversary of her passing). ny was held at 7:00 a.m. and at 10:00 children, and start a new beginning of of Freedom, Peace and Happiness, During the memorial ceremony, a.m. the commemorative service fea- serving God, we want to pour all of our which is the ideal of the Parents of the IIFWP international president Rev. tured Father’s speech. At 3:00 p.m. hearts and minds into establishing the Heaven and Earth, Mansei.” read from Father’s afternoon entertainment was held. In tradition on the individual level, fam- In his speech, True Father said: speech at the third such memorial his prayer at mid- “Mind and body, husband service, held in 1986, then, in his com- night, Father and wife, parents and chil- memorative address, explained the prayed as follows: dren, and siblings should meaning of Heung Jin Nim’s ascen- “As we start the become one and settle with sion and the example of the holy sac- second year of the God at the center. Through rifice of the True Children. All mem- third millennium, the three generations of bers of the Family Federation should a time of new God, True Parents, and determine to devote themselves, sac- beginning has blessed families, the right rifice themselves and fulfill their respon- emerged in which of inheritance can be estab- sibility. to establish God’s lished. In order to receive True Father stated that Heung Jin hope and the ideal this inheritance, all blessed Nim was sacrificed for the protection of God’s nation families must stand in a of True Parents, the salvation of the with the new position of absolute self- nation and the establishment of the motto of the year; denial, offer the Total Liv- foundation of God’s will. He empha- The Complete Set- ing Offering, and fulfill their sized that with the beginning of Cheon tlement of Cheon responsibility for the estab- Il Guk, we are to fulfill our path as a Il Guk of Freedom, lishment of Cheon Il Guk filial son or daughter, loyal subject, Peace and Happi- which realizes the ideal of saint and child of God. We must make ness, which is the freedom, the ideal of peace the foundation to attend True Parents ideal of the Par- and the ideal of happiness.” and create the global culture of Cheon ents of the Heav- True Father instructed Il Guk. en and Earth, that the blessed families At the International Leaders’ Meet- Mansei. (Cheon Il in each nation participate ing held On Jan. 3, the following points Guk is the short in a Holy Wine Ceremony were emphasized: Completion of the form of Cheonju at the opening of the era family (tribal) messiah mission; Edu- Pyeonghwa Tongil Guk—the Nation of ily level, national level, worldwide level of Cheon Il Guk. This is the special cation and restoration of the tribe; giv- Cosmic Peace and Unity) and cosmic level, to establish the new love and grace that is being given to ing the blessing; Completion of blessed “The Parents of Heaven and Earth, tradition of the Cheon Il Guk for which the blessed families who are entering families’ 12 tribal branches; Each fam- and the blessed families both on earth You entrusted us to be responsible. the era of the Cheon Il Guk. ily create their own 3, 36, 72 (etc.) and in the spirit world all together pro- We would like the way of filial piety At seven o’clock in the morning of blessing groups; Fulfillment of respon- claim the ideal of the Nation of Cos- and patriotism for God’s nation to be January 2nd, the nineteenth Day of sibility of Ambassadors for Peace and mic Peace and Unity, and the new age the standard for the entire world so the Victory of Love marking the 18th national leadership; Accomplish the settling the Cheon Il Guk full of free- that this year could be the new year anniversary of the ascension of Heung Blessing Ceremony; Strengthening of of the victorious heavenly world, the Jin Nim, a memorial service was held. the education of Ambassadors for Peace; dom, happiness and peace. We truly ❖ hope that this nation will develop into world of liberation, and the heavenly Notably, according to the direction of and blessing them the world of good sovereign power in kingdom of freedom, peace, and hap- True Parents, from this year, Heung

attended a 120 day training session was given on Classical Korean Dance. outstanding play. Their skits are such CELEBRATION with some of the Elders of our Church. True Parents were so pleased with high level performances you feel like from page 3 Then True Parents could open the door a performance by one of Japan’s most you’re watching a stage show. Second Love, True Life, True Lineage. You are for blessing. This is when the first real famous entertainers, Junko Sakura, gen has the power!!! all stained by your ancestry. I should- dialogue could take place between reli- who was blessed years ago and made Their theme was a inspirational n’t have to even relate with you. I had gions. Without True Parents overcom- a huge media storm. She never lost teacher that taught them to liberate to pay so much indemnity. Should he ing these obstacles there would be no faith and her presentation was absolute- God and True Parents heart and live be registering you into the Chun Il Guk. way for denominations to come togeth- ly beautiful. She testified that the most for others. Yes, I must relate with you because the er, much less the world’s religions.” precious thing in her life is her bless- Then one of the most famous Kore- principle teaches that I must save the Then Father spoke to the Japanese ing and three children blessed by True an singers came. Mr. Kim Kook Hwan Cain sons. We cannot conclude care- with incredible and shocking provi- Parents. She sang “Impossible Dream” sang. He has many gold records in lessly. dential details concerning the Prime and other great numbers. Korea. But he has relatives that joined “We are gambling by investing you. Ministers of Japan. The promises they Then Mr. Kenny Muhammad, the the church and he is now a member. You are the third generation – you are each made to Father and their lack of Human Orchestra, brought a message He apologized for not being more ded- the Blessed Central Families.” fulfillment. Father really gave the Japan- of love to True Parents from the Nation icated. He made True Parents happy. ese leaders and family a loving punch. of Islam and Min. Farrakhan. Kenny His numbers were extremely popu- Messages How can Japan not welcome Father. will be performing on the tonight show lar and all the Korean family was singing Rev. Kwak read a special message This is a serious matter. Mr. Oyama- and has become a hit. Through his at the top of their lungs. Director Kim from Heung Jin Nim: The following is da you should bet your life on getting voice and a microphone he provides a did a really great show. a very brief synopsis. this solved. Mr. Kuboki gave his life for powerful drum beat and sound show Then Hyung Jin Nim did a profound Heung Jin Nim. “When I first came this. The American presidents also went that sounds like 5 drummers and 3 performance of the Shaolin Kung Fu to spirit world I couldn’t get into work- this path and did not fulfill their respon- moog synthesizers. Interspersed in his with a sword and a great story in Kore- ing here. Everything is so divided. Espe- sibility to heaven. powerful beat would be an incredible an. He was fantastic. cially the religious people. They see This session concluded with great “Cham Bu Mo Nim!!” Da da da da, Finally, True Parents came on the things strongly from their own point joy. . Father had Rev. Matsunami head boom, boom, boom, wonk, wonk, wonk stage and we were so happy with the of view and are not open. There was of CARP in Japan sing. He sang a great —— “Cham Bu Mo Nim”. Then he did excitement of Father and Mother sign- no way to even relate. But I had to begin Korean folk song. Mr. Sudo, Mr. Oya- Chun Il Guk and Coronation of God- ing and dancing with all the perfomers somewhere. mada and Father danced together. It ddddddd!” It was something. The house on stage. Father bumped Kenny “Because True Father came as the was a moment of blessing for our beloved exploded when Kenny walked directly Muhammad and some other perform- Messiah on the foundation of Chris- Motherland. ) off the stage with his remote mike and ers on the head using the microphone went right to True Parents with an like a drum stick and every one laughed tianity I could decide to start with Chris- Celebration tianity first. In 1996 we began the first explosion of rapid fire drum beats. with great joy. special training in Cheong Pyeong for The evening celebration was filled Cham Bu Mo Nim !!!! What a fantastic and victorious begin- this purpose. At that time Jesus and with joy. It began with Second gener- Father got so excited he jumped up ning to this historic year of 2002. ❖ the founders of the four major religions ation performance with high energy. and started shaking to the beat!! Then an highly professional offering Then the second generation did an January 2002 Unification News 5 Hyun Jin Nim’s 2001 US Campus Tour Center in Passaic and Paterson, who ber one.” sity Technological Institute Auditori- HYUN JIN acknowledged the importance of such The night’s keynote speaker, Hyun um, Evanston, IL, Saturday, December from page 1 an event as Service for Peace. Referring Jin Moon, came on-stage as the audi- 8th, 2001. to the Islamic tradition of calling on ence rose to its feet. Mr. Moon presented The International President of World program promptly at 6pm, introducing peace, Imam Salahudin alluded to the a prepared speech emphasizing the CARP, Mr. Hyun Jin Moon delivered a four musical talents. Jimi Baughman primal state of bliss that Adam and Eve increasingly necessity for the partici- message on Service for Peace: Crisis sang the Life Uncommon by Jewel, fol- had experienced, and his encourage- pation of the youth leaders of America and Hope, an exploration to the pres- lowed by Kiyomi Kobayashi who sang ment to restore the world to such bliss. to assume the responsibility of living ent crisis and giving solution to it. World Sarah McLachlan’s Angel. The Presi- As he began his speech, Imam Salahudin for the sake of others in order to solve Collegiate Association for the Research dent of World CARP at Yale, Shane Kim, closed his speech with the hope for the conflict. of Principle (World CARP) and North- performed the second movement of Max “Peace” to all. Ending the night was Jonathan van western University Chinese Students Bruch’s Violin Concerto No. 1 in G, A Christian recipient of the Ambas- der Stok, president of World CARP at and Scholars Association sponsored minor, Op. 26. He was fol- NEW FUTURE PHOTO this event. lowed by Elizabeth Woo, There was also a Service Vol- who also played the violin. Hyun Jin Nim speaking unteers Festival, a display on She played Henryk Wieni- at Columbia University different service projects of 14 awski’s Scherzo-Tarantelle. participating service organi- Welcoming remarks were zations that gave the partici- given by Shane Kim, who pants the opportunities to get emphasized the mission of involve on the various service CARP and the significance projects. A VIP reception and of this event as an exten- a kids’ room were also provid- sion of Assembly 2001 held ed. in this October. The Inter- Packets were given to the national Director for the participants which included Service for Peace program, Hyun Jin NIm’s official speech, Robert Kittel, presented a the Hoon Dok Hae reading on Powerpoint presentation on the Path to World Peace in View the value of service and the of God’s Will by the Rev. Sun ongoing projects taking place Myung Moon, the Service for around the globe. Mr. Kit- Peace brochure, and the tel later introduced the direc- Response Form. tor of the Service for Peace Mr. Yeqing Li, the Regional program at the University Director of World CARP Chica- of Bridgeport, Tamami Kawa- go, mastered the ceremony. A mura, who encouraged the Japanese Choir followed next audience to actively embody and offered a soothing song in service in order to promote character sador for Peace award, Archbishop the University of Bridgeport, who guid- Japanese. The Xilin Chinese Perfor- development. She specified the planned George Stallings of the Imani Temple of ed the audience to actualize the hopes mance Arts Center, presented a won- projects on the local level, which includ- Washington, D.C., enlivened the audi- for service through filling out the response derful Chinese Instrumental and then ed a food drive and activities at the local ence with his message, reminding the form to signify interest as well as deter- the Call for Peace Drum Dance offered soup kitchen as well as a campus beau- audience that “we are all brothers and mination to work with the Service for a native-American Dance for peace. tification effort. sisters” regardless of religious faith, as Peace on the local, national or inter- Lastly, the School of Survivors performed Following an introduction to the serv- one Primary Source was the origin of national levels. Jonathan van der Stok Martial Arts demonstrations for the ice side of the program, Christoph Yasu- all. Archbishop Stallings kept the audi- and Shane Kim met together on stage assembled peacemakers. take, vice-president of the Student Con- ence involved and at rapt attention, to draw prizes for a digital camera as Miss Xiaojing Dong, the President of gress of the University of Bridgeport, reminding all to “make a difference.” well as an mp3 player. The winners were Chinese Students and Scholars Asso- read Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s “Path to Reflecting Rev. Moon’s speech, Arch- a UB graduate and a current UB stu- ciation at Northwestern gave the wel- World Peace in View of God’s Will,” which bishop Stallings encouraged living for dent respectively. coming remarks. had previously been presented at Assem- the sake of others and actively working Mr. Robert Kittel, The International Chicago University bly 2001. The speech demonstrated the to embrace the right principles and live Director of Service for Peace gave a won- relevance of service based on the prin- in the right manner. He ended his talk by Bella Baco derful presentation on the practical edu- ciples of living for the sake of others leaving the audience smiling and at cational system of Service for Peace. and building an ideal family for the ulti- ver 600 students, professors, times laughing with delight, as he request- religious and community lead- Next, was the reading of the Founder’s mate goal of world peace. ed the audience to stand and repeat Mr. plenary address The Path to World Peace This was followed by the recipient of Oers from various universities, Moon’s motto for World CARP, “There’s in View of God’s Will given to various the Ambassador for Peace award, Imam religions, races and nationalities gath- no such thing as number two, only num- ered together at Northwestern Univer- Ameer Pasha Salahudin of the Islamic see HYUN JIN on page 8

by Hyun Jin Moon Revolution of the Heart ing God as the universal parent, how can we talk about brother- This is an excerpt from the speech how we have now entered a time when Moses and Noah of the Old Testament hood? There are many homeless peo- given on the campus tour. it is no longer enough to simply believe Age care about what others thought of ple on the street. If you don’t know the e have to build a revo- in him and follow his directions. After them, or did they only think about God’s homeless people, would you stop? If it lution of the heart, the coronation of God, we have the providence? Adam and Eve were to be was your friend, you might stop. If it because if we want to responsibility to directly represent God true sons and daughters of God. Were was your brother the question is no change people we have and True Parents. Therefore, we have they? The Messiah is the true son of longer would you stop but when will to begin by changing to live for the sake of others as they do. God. A True Son goes the path of ful- you stop. The most are deep and endur- theirW soul. At the core of the new par- The idea of Service for Peace was filling his father’s will and God’s will. ing relationships are in the context of adigm of true leadership I am sharing built on the foundation of the Inheri- When God looks upon humanity, family. is the message of living for the sake of tance and Development Tour. We have does he like all the different cultures, We’ve entered an inflection point in others. As a leader, as a central per- entered the Age of Second Generation, languages, nations, etc.? Does he like human history. From here human his- son, you need to become someone whom the Settlement Age. We are building a the fact that humans separate them- tory can branch out in many directions. God, True Parents, and True Family whole new world, yet the Second Gen- selves because of the color of their skin? Service for Peace can become a mass can trust. This trust comes with enor- eration don’t understand their root. No. God wants to bring together the world wide movement. Who’s going to mous grace and responsibility. You Inheritance means understanding the whole variety of children into one har- get that ball rolling? CARP is a youth need to use the blessing of heaven to root of history, the beginning of the monious union as one family. This is movement so we have power. If we cre- positively influence those around you, movement and God’s framework and the Kingdom of Heaven. And where ate the conviction, we have power to not for yourself. In other words, you time line. Development explores the does that Kingdom of Heaven begin? move this nation. If we keep living for need to become a True Abel. Abel was possibilities of the future. With ideal families. Blessed Families the sake of others, they will begin to blessed not for his sake but for Cain’s We cannot be political people who are the foundation on which the King- change. We have power and we have the have many different constituents to dom of Heaven is built upon eternal, vision. Centered on the Second Gener- sake, and for the sake of saving his ❖ family. please and are bound to many mas- lasting relationships. ation youth we can change history! True Father has been emphasizing ters. If you work for God’s providence, People say belief in God is ideal, but you can only have one master. Did not pragmatic. But without recogniz- 6 Unification News January 2002

REV. MICHAEL JENKINS 2001: What an Historic Year! Rev. Jenkins is the God asked him to bring. Christianity cy on the 50 state tour when True Father of state. The Archbishop of the Catholic President of the was transformed. said, “It will happen quickly.” 10 days church took a stand for marriage and American Church In the mornings we would have Hoon latter she came home!. Since that time the media, worldwide, exploded. Dok Hae, always reading the Corona- 22 couples have been brought back Unprecedented cooperation came thank you for your faithfulness as tion ceremony for God’s Kingship. The together through Pastor and Mrs. Bar- during and after the 50 state tour. The we bring the historic year 2001 to fundamental principles of the new dis- rett’s testimony. The tours spokesper- IIFWP, AFC, CARP, WFWP, FFWPU, a close. The trials and tribulations pensation were revealed in that “those sons were the Christian ministers who, ACLC , business families, young and we went through strengthened us who seek to gain their live will lose it through their confidence of Father’s old came together to work as one on as a chosen people. We began this and those who seek to lose their lives “anointing” created a flurry of positive one single objective. Saving America. Ihistoric year with the Coronation Cer- will gain their life.” Also that Blood Lin- headlines throughout the nation. “Local To prepare and strengthen us. Dae emony for God’s Kingship and inherit- eage, the care for others hearts, the Clergy Join Moon’s Mission,” “Moon Mo Nim swept through America, liber- ed the authority as Blessed Central proper use of material were laid down Shines In Chicago,” “Family Values ating and blessing our families and Families to pray in our family name, to as Maxims for the Completed Testa- focus of Moon’s UB address.,” “Rev- ancestors. Giving us great authority match our children in marriage and ment Age. erend Moon goes mainstream in 50 and confidence as well as ancestral claim our inheritance. After state tour,” “Pas- merit to do His will. the Coronation ceremony tor’s Welcome Mrs. Erikawa mobilized the Japan- we came back from Korea Moon,” “Moon car- ese missionaries in intensive Christian for the Inaugural Prayer ries message of outreach. We marched forward to ful- Luncheon in which some unity to all 50 fill the 12,000 couple blessing at Madi- of the most notable Chris- states,” “Moon: son Square Garden. It was really amaz- tians attended and the Attor- ‘We’ve got to bring ing to see the clergy of New York blos- ney General gave his sup- purity back to our som as Bishop Stallings, Bishop Johnson, port. Then the United children’,” “Moon Rev. Daugherty and our New York lead- Nations welcomed the our preaches for uni- ers were joined by our Regional Direc- True Parents and their his- fied society,” “Uni- tors from every region to make this toric address for world peace. fication Leader blessing a turning point in history. Then the World Peace Bless- finds many fans Members and leaders from LA, Indi- ing where married couples in Winston,” ana, Chicago, Atlanta, Seattle, San representing most member “Moon in Des Francisco, Alaska, Oregon and Dallas— nations of all races, nations Moines pushes all of America joined in to lift up the and religions of mankind marriage as vital,” covenant of marriage. Bishop Stallings held up the family model “Rev. Moon and Bishop Johnson together with Rev. as the basis for peace was emphasizes impor- Daugherty went forward day and night held. tance of family,” giving God’s word to the clergy that had With the support of the “Rev. Moon pro- been prepared by God. A spiritual rev- pastors of the American Clergy Lead- Through the Coronation speech we motes love, unity for Utahns.” olution has been set in motion in New ership Conference, True Father and could understand that the key failure At the end of the tour Father said York City and is continuing now. Mother went to all 50 states on the We after WWII was the that Christianity— he wanted to show his gratitude to the In the final weeks of preparations Will Stand Tour visiting 52 cities. A new Catholic and Protestant—could not African American Christian communi- for MSG, massive breakthroughs were movement of Christian leaders arose unite. The Christian response through- ty for supporting his work and min- occurring in the Bronx where sudden- to walk this triumphant path with True out America has set the condition that istry. He decided to do one more event— ly clergy began to commit huge num- Parents. It was a grueling course for Christianity is united with our bers of Christian True Parents but extremely rewarding. True Parents. We must culti- leaders for the Our Blessed Families rose to the chal- vate this unity with our care blessing. Then Sep- lenge and created a city by city, state and love for the 2nd Israel. Now tember 11th struck. by state triumph the likes of which was in many cities almost 50% of Along with a never recorded before in American his- our families are participating stunned nation we tory. All races, faiths and peoples came actively in the One Church One also were stunned to hear the heart to heart address of Family movement in which each to our very soul. our True Father. Night after night he family takes one church as their True Father stayed poured his soul out with tears, sweat extended family. in his room in Alas- and love for America and Christianity At the victory celebration on ka praying for three as the Second Israel. April 18th, True Father pulled days before he Father’s investment in America is Bishop Stallings and Bishop came down. The now starting to show magnificent devel- Dan Johnson together and he Elder Son Nation opments in the faith of the people. You put his forehead on their heads was struck with a could see in the faces of our American and said, “We are a Trinity!” deadly blow. Father members. Mothers, brothers, sons, Bishop Stallings went on to announced Amer- daughters, sisters and husbands, Asian, receive his wife from True Par- ica was on the Hispanic, African American, European— ents and now Sayomi is the first Cross. From that all Americans came together with the lady of a growing Imani Tem- cross a new resur- same spirit that founded this nation. ple in Washington, D.C. rected America has Every state responded with everything That was a special moment in his- in Harlem, at the noted civil rights now emerged. Starting with the NYPD they had. Particularly moving to Father tory. Pastor T.L. Barrett Jr. prayed for leader, the Rev. Dr. Wyatt Tee Walker’s and the FDNY of New York the princi- was seeing our brothers and sisters, 10 that his wife would return home. Canaan Baptist Church. Harlem truly ple of “Living for The Sake of Others” especially our western sisters who set This prayer was answered in prophe- welcomed Father and True Parents and inspired America. Bishop Johnson, Dr. aside their day to America rejoiced. Then it was Yang, Kathy Winnings and all our lead- day work to go on to the special gathering ers did everything they could to com- on to the front on Capitol Hill organized by fort a city in pain. Many of our clergy line. This touched the American Family Coali- lost members in the World Trade Tow- True Parents tion, in which Congressmen ers. When I went with Dr. Wyatt Tee heart deeply as and great American’s from Walker to pray at the site and comfort it brought back all backgrounds heard the the firefighters, Dr. Walker was over- the memories of “God is our True King” come with emotion over the sacrifice. the spirit of the address and gave significant (He lost two of his members—one whose early pioneer testimonies concerning our young son is left without a family). We American Unifi- True Parents. pledged in our prayers that this sacri- cation movement. On May 27th another fice will not have been in vain—that Many times gigantic media explosion from this hallowed ground a new Amer- Father’s spoke occurred. Father and Moth- ica will emerge. Our course since that for 2 hours from er blessed 60 Interreligious time has created a totally new Ameri- his heart and and International couples ca. then he went on representing all major faiths True Parent’s had already planned to deliver written and attended by former heads a major IIFWP conference to continue message that see 2001 on next page January 2002 Unification News 7

by Rev. Michael Jenkins) t pledge Father and Mother Celebration of the Coronation came out in traditional Han Boks. Fathers Han Bok was a rich and very deep copper Ceremony for God’s Kingship color. True Mother’s was a veryA beautiful color of gold at the top the major religions. This time Dr. Yang addressed them in the speech, howev- at the Coronation Ceremony. It also high- and a bright red lower half. Rev. Chung asked Bishop Stallings to represent Chris- er the core contents were universal. lighted the three heavenly laws of the Hwa Kwak was the MC for Pledge serv- tianity. With Rev. Kwak’s permission We welcomed True Parents with Kingdom. 1. Keep the Pure Blood Lin- ice. Archbishop George Augustus Stallings applause. They sat before us at the right eage. 2. Don’t violate human rights. 3. Pledge began with True Father light- represented World Christianity. It was of the stage. The main sanctuary of the Don’t misuse public money. Don’t steal ing the 7 candles at the front of the offer- the first time in the history of pledge Cheong Pyeong Heaven and Earth Train- public funds. ing table. Then Father and Mother bowed service that the literal representative of ing center was absolutely packed. Every This is an excerpt from Father’s address: the faith came to offer bows to God. It inch was taken. Sitting with Bishop to God. Then Father took his seat behind Celebration Speech the offering table and True Mother bowed was a moving moment for all. We could Stallings, were Dr. Chin and Dr. Salo- with grace and serenity. Then Mother see that soon the actual representatives nen of the University of Bridgeport. Mr. Where is the sovereignty of God? Do took her place. True Parents chairs were of the world religions will now enter the Joe Tully, Mr. Farley Jones, Dr. Paul the Christians have sovereignty? There golden. The same as was used last year Chun Il Guk (The Nation of Cosmic Peace Werner, Rev. Reiner Vincenz and many are so many denominations that are at the Coronation ceremony. True Par- and Unity) and represent their faiths at American and Western elders were in divided. Can God be sovereign in divi- ents chairs were behind the offering table pledge. Next the Able and Cain type attendance. sion? How pitiful for God. placed apart at the end of the offering world’s representatives bowed. Then the We opened with a powerful prayer by Due to the fall, three generations were st table. The Throne of God was two white representatives of the spirit world bowed. one of our Korean FFWPU Internation- destroyed in one day. God (1 gen. And Thrones together at the center behind Hoon Mo Nim (representing Dae Mo Nim), al leaders. Mother wiped the tears from Grandfather), Parents (Adam & Eve) and the offering table a little further back Mrs. Kang and Mrs. Eu and one other her eyes after the prayer. Then we watched Children. from True Parents thrones. elder woman bowed. a video documenting the thorny but vic- I can speak for many hours. I have Then True Children bowed. Hyo Jin Then True Parents gave the offering torious path leading to the coronation the record of speaking for almost 17 Nim, Yana Nim and Hoon Sook Nim. to True Family and then to all of us. ceremony. Father and Mother watched hours without stop. Chen Ee. This a Then the congregation bowed. Then the 500 Korean Ambassadors For Peace from a small monitor at their seating beautiful word. It means enjoyment or representatives of the three primary were in attendance for the celebration area as the 7000 gathered watched on interesting. We are to have enjoyment. nations of Korea, Japan and America speech. These were elected officials, top a huge bank of monitors that made 12 Do you have a big package of enjoyment. bowed. Then representatives from the 7 Christian leaders as well as academic ft. x 12 ft. screen. How about the Ambassadors for Peace. continents. Then the representatives of and civic leaders. Father primarily The video covered True Parents prayers Does every body like you in the village. see KINGSHIP on page 8

ence in which the 2000 Ambassadors Father and Mother supported a world- Luther, Wesley and the Rev. Dr. Mar- 2001 for Peace were established through 33 wide Muslim conference chaired by tin Luther King gave their testimony from page 6 conferences from October to Decem- President Wahid, with support from about the Principle and our True Par- ber, 2001. This combined the IIFWP, the world Moslem leadership includ- ents. It is a profound moment in his- to break down all religious barriers. AFC, FFWPU/ACLC, CARP, WFWP, UTS ing the Honorable Minister Louis Far- tory. Now the conference became a vortex and all our movement into one organ- rakhan. Dr. Kaufmann, Mr. Taj Ham- America is resurrecting from that of the first encounter of the major ization. This time our Christian lead- mad and I worked together under Rev. old rugged Cross. Because of the love Moslem world leaders with Western ership joined together with religious Kwak’s and Dr. Yang’s guidance to of our True Parents, the work of our Christian leaders. Global Violence: Cri- and political leaders. Particularly our achieve this special dispensation. The Blessed Central Families, allies and sis and Hope. In this historic confer- Muslim leaders who had been perse- world Muslim leaders concluded the particularly the Christian Clergy, Amer- ence Father showed the standard of cuted in the days following September conference with a declaration of peace ica is entering an age in which it will True Love. He embraced the Moslem 11, 2001 were deeply moved in many and pledge to build bridges of trust become the model Elder Son nation leaders from all backgrounds—mod- meetings as they heard True Parents with the western leadership and par- that truly loves and respects all peo- erate, liberal , radical and passive and message and saw the work of peace. ticularly with American religious lead- ple and religions. There are many impor- brought them together as one family The ACLC clergy would invariably cre- ers. tant additional and central historic with Christians and Jews as well as ate a great moment in each conference Hyun Jin Nim’s campus tour set a events that occurred centering on our heads of state. Rev. Stan Wachtstetter and call, as Christian Leaders, for the new direction for our movement and True Parents 2001 Victory and the told me, “ I saw for myself that Rev. embrace of our Muslim brothers and the students of this nation—Service for Coronation ceremony. Let us lift them Moon, through that conference, pre- sisters. Peace. We will bring love and educa- all to heaven as our offering at this vented a global Muslim / Christian war. On this basis True Parents did a 8 tion with action, sacrifice and joy. His time with our sincere prayer that next When the people arrived at the con- city tour in both Korea, Japan and address at UC Berkeley was an his- year we want to do even better. ference there was enormous uncer- finally an 8 city tour in America. This toric world address where he proclaimed Please know how much True Par- tainty, tension and animosity. The Holy time True Mother herself appointed that peace will not come from military, ents love you—first and second gen- Spirit moved and the enemy spirit left Ambassadors For Peace. Mother’s economic or political measures alone. eration Blessed Central Families. Your the major Moslem and Christian lead- strength and love brought a special They will come from building a culture value is infinite. You are the bearers of ers sowing seeds for peace.” I believe the God’s authority and that Rev. Wachtstetter was holy power to bring the right. Kingdom of God. Dr. Yang We then launched the and I want to express International Leadership our sincere gratitude to Conference with Rev. Kwak, you and your family for Dr. Yang and Mr. Joo. New bearing the cross and cooperation has now come liberating God and True about as Father has now sent Parents. Hyun Jin Nim to assimilate Let us bring the King- and unify all of our activi- dom forward even more ties. Hyun Jin Nim is the quickly in 2002. Let us embodiment of the spirit , march on to the 144,000 wisdom and heart of our couple blessing victory Father and Mother. He is and wave the banner of anointed for such a time as Blessing and Peace for this. all Humanity. Father then proclaimed healing to America that everyone felt of True Love with True Families. A new We pray that great blessing, pros- on True Children’s Day the “Chun Il was so much needed. Her heart brought age has dawned. perity, joy and happiness will pour Guk” or the Unified Nation of Cosmic an inner peace and her message brought A new year is coming. To conclude down from heaven on you and your Peace. Is represents the “nation” of the hope. this year in America, Father has asked family, as you continue this holy path Kingdom of heaven. It’s citizens are the One clergyman in New Jersey com- that the reflections of the 120 Chris- for which you and your ancestors were Blessed Couples that registered and mented, “When Father came for the tians who attended the workshops with prepared for thousands of years. God the Ambassadors for Peace. Father 50-state tour it was like a hurricane Dr. Lee in the Spirit World be published. Bless True Parents and True Families. asked us to create Ambassadors for hit. Now Mother comes and it’s like Today, The IIFWP and the FFWPU spon- God Bless the Fatherland and Moth- Peace that would represent the “New springtime. Now I can understand the sored those historic messages in The erland. God Bless the Elder Son Nation Nation” or Kingdom of Heaven that meaning of True Parent’s. Perfect bal- Washington Times and in papers and the World. True Parents have established. Amer- ance.” throughout the world. The 12 disci- Victory for God and True Parents in ica came together for this purpose in To further anchor peace in the world ples, St. Paul, Augustine, Moses, Calvin, 2002 ! ❖ the International Leadership Confer- 8 Unification News January 2002 share one common vision for the future, a true owner of Service for Peace and passion. Michael Balcomb of World CARP, HYUN JIN stemming from the recognition of where not just to say it but instead to prac- delivered a dynamic reading of Rev. Sun from page 5 the problem lies for humanity as it tack- tice that ideal. After the speech was over, Myung Moon’s speech entitled, “The les the issue of world peace. That com- a bouquet of flowers was given as a token Path to World Peace in View of God’s academic, political and religious lead- mon problem, if one looks and tries to of appreciation. Pres. Hyun Jin Moon Will.” Three prominent religious lead- ers Assembly 2001 on Global Violence: deal into its origin, comes from the break- then directly proceeded to the victory ers graced the stage with their presence. Crisis and Hope. The speech was read down of a true God-centered families. celebration. Imam Ameer Pasha Salahudin, Dr. by Mr. Mike Balcomb. He further said that young people Elgin Watkins and Rev. Jesse Edwards Columbia University Mr. Timothy Boyd, V.P. American should dream again, believe in human- all emphasized the importance of young Theosophical Association, Mr. Ishmael ity and live for the sake of others which The hall was full by 6:30pm with more people in today’s world. Rev. Jesse Muhammad, Assistant Minister to the is the manifestation of True Love! At the than 650 guests. The evening began Edwards focused specially on the sig- Minister Louis Farrakhan, Nation of end, he challenged everyone to become with exciting musical performances. nificance of sexual purity before mar- Islam, and Pastor T.L. Barrett, Senior There was singing, poetry and dancing. riage. Pastor, Life Center Church of God in A Columbia Choir Group moved the Following these speakers, the audi- Christ; Co-chair, American Clergy Lead- audience as they sang in beautiful har- ence warmly welcomed Hyun Jin Moon. ership Conference, gave great com- mony centering on Keiha Kobayashi, a Hyun Jin Moon delivered a sincere and mentaries after the reading. Columbia Graduate Student. A Chris- inspiring speech delivered impromptu After all those awesome commen- tian performance group that had trav- from his heart taries, the keynote speaker, World CARP eled all the way from Oakland, Califor- Although there was a written text President Hyun Jin Moon, delivered a nia presented a poetry reading accom- prepared, Hyun Jin Moon was so moved profound and overwhelming speech on panied by a choreographed dance. This that he only read the first line before Service for Peace: Crisis and Hope! He work had been performed the night deviating to his own spontaneous con- deeply touched the hearts of the lis- before at Ground Zero, the site of the tent. He spoke with enthusiasm and teners, as he explored the present cri- former World Trade Center. with obvious passion for the cause he sis, hope and the solution to it. Ken Bates served as Master of Cer- represents. In conclusion, Mo Sook Park According to him, Service and Peace emonies for the evening. Following the announced the upcoming service proj- should be closely tied together, like hus- musical performances, Robert Kittel, ect to take place on December 15 and band and wife. True peace cannot come International Director of Service for more importantly encouraged us each about without service, and true service Peace, captivated the audience with his to realize in our own hearts the impor- cannot come about without peace. He explanation of the importance of SFP tance of caring for people. ❖ strongly encouraged young people to delivered with enthusiasm and great

son. Even God and Satan listen to me. I made the Tong Il factory. If you don’t Do you know that until now God could KINGSHIP Please raise your hands if you pledge have power you will go down. You must not love his filial son because of the fall. from page 7 that you will become an interesting per- be able to take care of things properly. God had no filial son. God couldn’t share Am I ugly or good looking. I like the word son. Rev. Moon went to prison many I’ve been working in America. There are his precious love. His children were lost. ugly. When I was young I was so hand- times. But wherever I go I make friends probably CIA agents here. Whatever I However, parents heart is universal and some that many proposed to me. I spoke with everybody. The prisoners, the guards say, the CIA catches it and analyzes what God’s heart is to save his son no mat- for 16 plus hours. Many could not leave. etc. I went to prison 6 times. I was called I say. You know what I say. ter what the crime or sin. Don’t parents It was a record. the saint of the prison. I said interest- If you waste the public fund you can feel that way? Now I proclaim that ene- If I’m good looking then many women ing things. If a man wanted rice cakes I be destroyed. What about Bin Laden (his mies must be blessed to each other. will come after me. That’s why I don’t would give it to him. If someone came name sounds like sideways in Korean). Now Jesus, Bhudda, Confucius and want to be good looking. Actually I’m to meet me I would give two thirds of If you want to bring this victory back Mohammad are supporting me. They are kind of ugly. I hope all of you become what they brought to me to others. home you must live for the sake of oth- telling their disciples to follow me. Chris- better looking than me. You think only bad people go to prison. ers. Don’t look to become government tianity is divided and must be united. I Does God enjoy this world? When God But it actually is a very interesting part officials. You are the brother of the deaf love Korea more than any patriot. You looks at this world does he think this of life. Will you do this more success- and handicapped. peace Ambassadors. Now is the time to world is enjoyable. Wherever you go if fully than me. Those that call themselves There is so much money wasted on become famous for working with Rev. you are criticized as an uninteresting disciples of Rev. Moon, my hope is that elections. This money should be given Moon to save Korea. We can resolve all man what do you think God will feel you will become better than me. Wher- to help the poor. We should have elec- and any resentment now. about this man. If you say the Satanic ever I go I can make friends. I can make tions where we just close our eyes and We must subjugate our body. We must world is uninteresting to God you have friends with gangsters or anybody. write down the person that you want. stand opposite of the worldly ways. We to take responsibility. When I started Some of you Ambassadors for Peace, God is asking us to live with Absolute can’t drink and smoke. If I did that a the Unification Church no one thought you don’t know the difference between Faith, Absolute love, Absolute Obedi- huge problem would occur in the prov- it was interesting. The entire world said night and day. You have to become peo- ence. Those from Incheon raise you hand. idence. “get rid of him”. In this world, I said ple that God likes. I was criticized. The You offered me a plaque with these three Is there anyone who thought to have everything the opposite way that the westerners here, you should study Kore- mottos. But the character of obedience the Coronation Ceremony for God. Only world does. Now looking back, I crossed an. that I’m talking about is the one that is Rev. Moon. You must expect to be per- many mountains. Now I’m calling all of No matter where you go you must be absolutely and selflessly obedient. secuted. Yet you must stop all fighting you to come up to the top of the moun- an interesting (fun) leader. 500 of you. If you live the round way you can get and bring unity. When I meet all the reli- tain. If you were to care for more than 500 bigger and bigger. The Unification mem- gious leaders, I love them all and can Now people are beginning to say that people they would be indebted to you. bers here. You made me receive perse- stop the fighting and bring unity. Rev. Moon is right. They are also lis- You cannot live without a goal. You must cution because they believe that I took We must unify religion in Korea. The tening to True Mother’s words also. They have a purpose and goal. You must live you away from your families. Every nation- NGO groups are not so powerful. But call True Parents Mother and Father. for the sake of others. ality react the same way. when combined with WANGO they go Because I’m old, I’m leaving behind many If you have a lot of money, it will go In the fallen world there is Japan, beyond national and religious bound- things for you to inherit. Each of you away. Going beyond the position of Father. America, China. Does Japan belong to aries and become a true force for peace. must bring 12 more people and be able You are peace Ambassadors. Why do you God. You must ignore your own coun- The religious leaders must wake up! The to support and feed 12 people and 12 have to live for others. You are proud of try and seek a better nation to be built. Filial Son who crowned God King is look- organizations in your nation then you being great but some of you live poorly. When God looks at America.? No. Why. ing for a NATION!! If the Christians had become their master and then you are You can be destroyed by being great. I Because they come from the satanic lin- listened to me in 1945 Korea would not truly an Amb. for Peace. The people who had to give up everything. Can you hear eage. All these nations must decline. have divided and the cold war would not have patriotism this is the way to lead me in the back. I have gotten persecut- Unless they turn to God but they are have occurred. Christians bound togeth- the nation. Say this, “I’m an interesting ed and chased away. Yet this made me not God’s country. er and caused my first wife to divorce person.” How about Rev. Moon. Actual- interesting and now I can have more fun. You must educate the leaders of this me. They surrounded her and proclaimed ly Rev. Moon is uninteresting to the world. There was no one who liked me in the country. Don’t try to seek political office that she shouldn’t go with this sect leader. Why?. If I go to the liquor store I can’t world. Germany, France they all perse- yourself. You are higher than that. Have They caused the separation – that caused even take a drink!” But I’m interesting cuted me. Now the American govern- you read the message from the 120 Chris- Korea to be divided. Someday you will in a way. If I never drank and smoke can ment is speaking up for me!! You must tians in the Spirit World. They testify to see. Nothing scares me more than the I tell people not to do that? be humble. Wherever you go, I must be me. Is it True or not. You Christians ( woman. Woman can bring great destruc- Generally Men want to have an affair. creating the fun. Looking at the histo- the majority of the Amb. For Peace are tion. I can tell by looking at you that many of ry, you know what I have done. You’re prominent Christian leaders.) You there I went through a 40 year wilderness you would like to have an affair. If you in a school for fighters and revolution- (Father points to a dignified woman Amb.) course to restore that difficulty. Now do that you destroy your family and your ary people. Become the friend of the You must be a Christian because you True Mother and I have fulfilled our lineage. nature and the water. are looking at me sideways. Yet Jesus responsibility and the family will be unit- This is 80% of the reason brought I want to go back to nature. That’s is testifying that you must follow me. ed forever. Mother fulfilled her respon- countries to ruin in history. What will where you can find God. I’ve built ships I am the founder of the Unification sibility. Now you can fulfill your respon- destroy a nation. A very small thing can and boats that are created to bring us Church. That can never be changed. I sibility. ❖ destroy the world. I’m not a normal per- back to nature. did the coronation ceremony for God. January 2002 Unification News 9 CHEONG PYEONG HUSBANDS’ WORKSHOP

At the Cheong Pyeong Husbands’ Workshop

NEW FUTURE PHOTO by Rev. Michael Jenkins t is truly amazing here at Cheong Pyeong. The Western contingent, mostly from America, is over 400 husbands. We Iare going through the Cheong Pyeong 8-day workshop. Dae Mo Nim expressed joy at the level of participation and com- mitment to the ancestor lib- eration demonstrated by the Western husbands. I don’t know what is going on but the Westerners are giving everything during the Holy Songs (with clapping) and great sessions of Hoon Dok Hae with the Diving Princi- ple. Cheong Pyeong is the place of holy pilgrimage. It’s very powerful. Also with this work- shop are the Japanese 8-day workshop (meeting separately) and the Korean Workshop. There are over 2,000 leaders here going through the blessed family training. We had the 43 through lies to go to the registration blessing. 49 generations of Ancestors liberated Now its the husbands turn !! I know vBJbjzGvBJ recently. Many are shedding tears. The this makes the wives happy. Wives, presence of the spirit world is profound. your husbands are doing a great job. Come Fly b Many testimonies are coming as I don’t know when I can remember B Heaven and Earth are now combined seeing 400 Western leaders and Trib- the World with together. Many Regional Directors, Vice al Messiahs all gathered at one place. j Regional Directors and AFC, FFWPU All men going forward as true sons of J and business leaders are here setting filial piety. GOGO WORLD,WORLD, INC. conditions for the 144,000 couple bless- We had a brotherhood ceremony z ing. The Coronation of God has given with the Korean Ambassadors for b Special fares to Chung Pyung and Jardim, Brazil God absolute dominion. The 8-day Peace—400 Western leaders, 400 Japan- We have low rates for travelling to all of Asia workshop was originally to be a 21 day ese and 400 Koreans became broth- j G workshop equivalent to what our wives ers! ❖ Let Go World guide your travel today! went through that allowed our fami- Your international AND MULTILINGUAL travel service! v z Japanese, Spanish, French, Filipino, Korean and English spoken. He is a builder The Builder Construction plans are Stones: New Yorker Hotel, Suite 522 • 481 - 8th Ave. B On his mind; Solid, G New York, NY 10001 • fax (212) 629-3648 If itÕs the Kingdom he HeÕs friendly with the workers Reliable, ☎ (212) 967-8080 ☎ (800) 327-3667 believes in Likes to watch them Everlasting. J I donÕt know. Especially the mason. v e-mail: [email protected]

He believes in stones. Ina Conneally bjzGvBJb 10 January 2002 CHEONG PYEONG HUSBANDS’ WORKSHOP

n the way to the workshop, WORKSHOP TESTIMONY going on during the workshop. Some on the plane, after doing of it was apparent, but much of it we some reading in Rev. In really don’t know about. Dae Mo Nim Hoi Lee’s book “Creating even apologized for pushing us so hard. Richard Urban Many times you are tired, and it is not Personal Vision”, and Dr. OTyler Hendrick’s book “Family, Church, easy to go through three clapping ses- guides the person to self realization. It I think that my Polish ancestors were Community, Kingdom”, I was just doz- sions each day. is better to be silent than to be “hon- liberated and happy. When Lech Wale- ing when I felt tears of repentance for The chance to step away from the est”, which may cause heartistic pain sa was mentioned in Rev. Kwak’s lec- not appreciating and loving my wife regular environment and reflect on how to another person. If you are not absolute- ture as an Ambassador of Peace, I felt Stacey and daughter Sarah more. I am doing in fundamental family and ly sure about every fact, then it is bet- proud to be Polish, and some emotion My goals for the workshop were for mission areas is invaluable. It also ter not to speak. I felt God’s presence came to me from the ancestors. Also, God to show me the things that I need helped me to understand the signifi- deeply when praying at the Chong Shim somehow, Polish people need to follow to change to be the person that He cance of being a Registered Blessed Prayer Hall, and saw many angels in True Parents to indemnify not helping wants me to be. Family. We also were able to liberate the form of points of light. And I felt more to stop the murder of two million Dae Mo Nim’s guidance on not speak- our ancestors for both husband and repentful for having caused heartistic Jewish people. Interestingly, I also have ing carelessly was very valuable. Even wife to the 49th generation. pain to my wife and daughter, and shed Jewish ancestors on my mother’s side. though she knows something is wrong, I highly recommend the workshop tears. I believe that much restoration was ❖ she does not say it directly. Rather, she for all brothers.

come from Germany and belong WORKSHOP TESTIMONY was a main spirit who had many other to the 30,000 couples blessing. bad spirits under his command. Again Because of my job I could not this session I invested my whole self, attend the eight day workshop for Franz Rott specially I tried to follow with my mind my blessing-group, so we asked the meaning of the song. Iif I could attend an earlier workshop, In this session this spirit left my the eight day workshop. Because I faced some spirits may be liberated, but still and I was allowed to do so. I had plen- body. I don’t know exactly when, prob- so much difficulties in my life, I was my head did not feel light and free. ty of experiences during these eight ably when I concentrated on doing ansu very determined to change something In the afternoon session I again days, but in this testimony I will con- on another person’s back. After this in this eight days. I was clapping very worked hard, almost desperately, and centrate on the most outstanding one. session I felt so happy, my head felt hard (maybe some brothers where won- when hitting my head strongly I again I was blessed in 1992 and started light, and to my surprise, the right side dering why this young guy was clap- started to feel sick, but this time I felt family-life in 1995. We have two chil- of my brain felt like empty. It was a ping like crazy). I learned the Korean that many spirits went out of me, like dren, four years and two years old. In very unusual feeling. text by heart and also its meaning, and a swarm of insects. I am not very open my married life there were a lot of trou- When I told my wife about this expe- tried to sing with all my heart and ener- spiritually, so I can not see it directly, bles. I did not experience a real har- rience, she said that sometimes she gy, sometimes shouting but I had such kind of monious couple life. Also I always had felt very strange about me. My face as loud as I could. feeling. At the end of each a desire to do something for God and On the way I heard would be so angry sometimes, that she On day number six I session we do a few min- True Parents, I could not bring any felt this was not me but another per- had a special experience. this spirit speaking utes final ansu without result. Around one and a half years son. I feel strongly that this spirit made Generally I had very deep (or thinking) singing. This time I also ago I started to increase my life of faith. me like this. During all my family-life experiences during prayer concentrated so much I started to pray every day, did the something like: “I it was so difficult for me to accept some in the Chong Shim prayer on my head. Again I felt Hoon Dok Hae (in the beginning 10 will not go out of points of my wife’s personality. When hall, feeling the presence many spirits left, but at minutes, then 20 and finally 40 min- we were fighting and she shouted at of God and Dae Mo Nim here. Until now I the same time I felt one utes), and paid 10% tithing. But even me, I would feel pain in my heart and directly, and praying with very strong spirit in the I like our movement very much, some- didn’t go out, and keep resentment against her for a long, tears. But sometimes I right side of my brain, times I would realize inside myself some this time I will also long time. I reasoned that I was right felt again inside me some- and I felt I could not lib- feeling against True Parents, some- and she was wrong. thing strongly disliking not go out. I have erate this spirit in this thing inside myself which really did- I realize now that this spirit want- True Parents. session. Through my n’t like them. stayed here already ed to destroy my blessing. He made I decided to concen- angels I felt I should give Another problem was my sexual feel- so long, so why I me feel and think in a certain way, trate on this problem a donation of 10 000 Won ings induced by seeing women. Whether using many of his serving-spirits. For today. Every day we had should go out now?” as a condition to put out on television or on the street, often example, when my wife got angry and three clapping sessions, this spirit, so I made up good looking women made sexual feel- was shouting, he would order his fol- in the morning, after lunch my mind to do so. ings arise in me, specially when I was lower-spirits in my heart to make my and in the evening after dinner. This After the session I had some sen- struggling with my wife. Sometimes heart feel pain, then he would make day I focused so much in the clapping sation in my head. I felt this spirit as my eyes would be pulled like by a strong the follower-spirits in my head make sessions, and when we did ansu on some black substance, like bitumen, magnet to watch good looking women me think that my wife was wrong and our head I hit quite strongly, and in the right side of my head. I went to on television or on advertisements. that she can not do this. Also he would earnestly asked God to help me. When the prayer hall. On the way I heard I explain this because it is impor- induce a resentful heart in me and nur- I was hitting my head, my body start- this spirit speaking (or thinking) some- tant to understand my experience in ture and keep this feeling. He made ed to feel sick. After this session I felt thing like: “I will not go out of here. me think that maybe this was not the Until now I didn’t go out, and this time right women for me, that maybe anoth- I will also not go out. I have stayed here er women would be better for me. already so long, so why I should go out This spirit also tried to stop me from now?” In the prayer hall I made the doing church activities. He worked donation and prayed, and again I felt through my emotions and through my Sunshine Flowers Corp. many spirits going out of my body. Also thinking, always trying to hide his pres- I spoke to the remaining spirit, that he ence. doesn’t need to be afraid to go out, that I am so grateful and happy I could he could go to a better place, and that attend this workshop. Every day was God would not spank him but forgive full of many different experiences. I am Toll Free: him, and even that he could get mar- happy I could experience many of my ried and lead a truly happy life. elder brothers and their devotion to When the evening session started I True Parents. In my life I had always experienced another very interesting difficulties to find friends and make thing. I saw one of the leading sisters contact to other people, and this issue 1-800-786-8062 on the stage, and this remaining strong 1-800-786-8062 also appeared during this eight days. spirit wanted to make the other spir- I think in this eight days I could solve its in my body to induce a sexual feel- things which otherwise would take a Full Service ing in me, but this spirits were not lifetime to solve, or even more. there anymore, because they had left A thousand thanks to God, True my body already. Then I felt the power Parents and Dae Mo Nim who made Fresh Flowers and Supplies of this main spirit had already so much this possible. ❖ diminished, and I realized that this January 2002 Unification News 11 CHEONG PYEONG HUSBANDS’ WORKSHOP

rom December 5th to Decem- WORKSHOP TESTIMONY this hospital to be as comfortable (pleas- ber 12, husbands partici- ant and warm environment) as if you pated in the Second Work- were being taken care of at your our shop for Registered Blessed John O’Connor home. Many of our members need phys- Husbands. The Blessing ical healing as well as spiritual heal- Fgroups who participated were from the ing. Members will be able to combine readers. The goal of the readers was cial environment in which to pray. It 777, 1800, 43, 118 couples. The staff a Workshop and a hospital stay in the to read fast, lively, with passion and is the place of all the angels in sup- reported to us that there were 174 same time period. He envisions that heart, with clarity, among other heav- port of our spiritual growth and to Koreans, 302 Japanese, and 97 West- non-Unification members may also enly adverbs. As many of you have directly take our prayers to Heavenly erners. The leader for our Western eventually take part in the workshop experienced, the Principle really jumps Father. On the last evening of our work- group was Jeff Tallakson, Regional sessions. off the pages when you are in that set- shop while in the Prayer Hall, I felt a leader in Russia. Particular focuses will be on: men- ting. Of course, we all had moments very warm and physically embracing Hoon Mo Nim/Dae- tal illnesses, skin dis- monim spoke to us on ease, pregnancy defi- three occasions. She left ciencies. They plan immediately after the third to have more than talk in order to go to the 100 beds with 3 sto- airport for a flight to Brazil ries below and 8 sto- where there was a Blessed ries above ground. Wives 21-Day workshop They have special- in progress. Daemonim ized and certified doc- reminded us of how many tors and nurses pre- spirits dominate us in our pared. The facility daily life. Therefore, lib- will house a research eration of evil spirits and center. The Director our own discipline in daily said they must have life is necessary for prepar- unique services and ing for our eternal life in be a very unique spirit world. She said that hospital in order to after people die, and enter attract people to spirit world, many of them come to this quite wonder for 40 days look- remote location or ing for their home. Many they will not succeed times they find where they beyond our church are supposed to be but membership. reject that place as not When someone good enough. They con- passes away, there tinue looking for a better is a dedicated room place but don’t find it. We for an Ascension Cer- make preparation for our emony. house here on the earth. They plan to com- As well, she reminded bine traditional, us to repent for our ances- herbal, and spiritu- tors’ sin. Our ancestors al methods. There may be trying to tell us will be gynecologists many things but we can- and cancer special- not hear them. Daemon- ists. But as well as im encouraged all mem- doctors providing bers to come to Chung Pyun and par- treatment, there will when we fought off the powerful desire feeling. My arms and upper body tin- ticipate in ancestors liberation in order be other practitioners with specialized for sleep! gled as if angels were massaging me. to more quickly restore spirit world. methods. There may be practitioners The WFWP leaders organized a pre- I felt Heavenly Father’s great love for She said there is a beautiful world pre- applying therapy based on music, sentations of the Divine Principle in all of us. pared but we have to cleanse ourselves smells, food diet, drinking liquids, etc. chart form. These are presentation and live according to Principle. Her Palace and hospital As well, acupuncture and Tae-Chi meth- made using overhead with underlined intention was to spend more time with ods will likely be applied. text next to the “chart” or diagram. The New construction of the palace con- us as she said: “I am sad that I can- The director pointed out that the goal of this format is that everyone can tinues. We were treated to a visit to the not be here to teach you more to take strongest point of their programs should use it to lecture by just reading the holy ground, some 45-minute walk care of you wife. Hold her hand and be based on spiritual healing, that is, brief script and pointing (with a laser behind the new hospital. This location be good to her.” removing the base of the problem. light) to the key words on the diagrams. will be the place where True Parents It seems that there will be high Lectures All of us got a chance to practice with residential Palace will be built. It will chances for success as this hospital have facilities to receive VIPs and con- We had two sessions of Unification the laser light emanating from the will be a beautiful facility located in duct important meetings. At this time, Thought studies. It was a very mean- hand-held pen. According to Dr. Shim- pristine nature coupled with such a there were only several drilling machines ingful time to read and discuss the myo’s instruction, we were to just make wide variety of approaches and a high- and a limited amount of material on content. We had a helpful guide in the one split second flash near the indi- ly trained staff. site. The altitude at this location affords person of who has stud- cated word or phrase. Challenging it Bridgeport University will be coop- the best breathing atmosphere, accord- ied Unification Thought and compar- was and sometimes very funny as well erating with them for development of ing to one of the project presenters. ative philosophies. As we were study- as the light beam would make multi- services for the hospital. They plan to We received a report about the new ing masculine and feminine charac- ple flashes and streaks across the get overseas clients and will do wide- hospital under construction. The head teristic, Hyun-Ie Kim made some screen! spread advertising. The goal is to make director and head doctor gave reports instructive remarks about the hus- Of course, there were the central it a profitable venture. The director on the progress and vision of the “NAME” bands making effort to understand the activity for which we were there, the asked several rhetorical questions: 1) Hospital. According to the Director, nature of their wives. He said we need Holy Song and Ansoo sessions. We have Why so remote? Answer: Chung Pyun True Father has had the vision of this to develop sensitivity to the feminine learned that through these sessions, is a place with high spiritual power hospital since the 1970s. One of the nature of our wives. When we perfect many members have overcome med- and it is important to be in quiet nature main points is the goal of unifying East- husband-wife relationship, God will ical and spiritual problems. The envi- to accelerate healing as opposed to the ern and Western methods. East and bring us special Blessings. As well, he ronment was more harmonious than traditional location in the busy city. West traditional approaches are very said, together we will develop the most when I went to the first time in 1997 2) Why so high? Answer: There is plen- different. Typically, the East focuses important identity, the “family identi- for 40 days. The Ansoo method is devel- tiful fresh air for quicker healing. 3) on internal problems while the West ty”. oping. One of the workshop staff admit- How to combine spiritual with physi- focuses on external symptoms. He said Our other reading time was devot- ted that when he first knew of the Ansoo cal healing? Answer: That is a very big much research is needed to accom- ed to the Essentials of Divine Princi- method he thought it was very primi- challenge which they face but are doing plish this as it is not easy to unify the ple. We read through the colored por- tive. Now he sees Ansoo as a highly ongoing research to be up to the task. two approaches. The facility is open tions. Dan Stein, as our Hoon Dok advanced spiritual application. The planned goal for completion of the for public patients. The hospital will leader, set a very high standard for our The Prayer Hall provides a very spe- hospital is June 2003. ❖ be designed in a resort style. They want 12 January 2002 CHEONG PYEONG HUSBANDS’ WORKSHOP

ecently a good friend and WORKSHOP TESTIMONY new. Like the 3-day ceremony, before brother of mine wrote to me, starting our Blessed family lives—what asking for some frank infor- was that? Did something change, real- mation regarding the impor- Carlton Johnson ly? Then, where is our victory of absolute tance of the current 8-day Faith, Love, and Obedience. Why is RBlessed Husbands Workshops. He spirit world not testifying in Father’s need to know that.” I bring up this special ceremony at this 8 days. Is this ear about me? explained in his note that, for him to moment to illustrate a sense I have, special somehow vs. one attending for go to CPL right now, is very difficult. The question is a most reasonable that, to Father, these numbers and a 21 day in the summer instead? one, “TF’s spirit and 80-year course is He attended a 40 day workshop there, details are significant. Even for those The ‘ceremony’ is “showing up,” “being in the past, as well as the 3 day regis- burning intensely within me already. who live in Korea, the journey to Chung- counted.” Father is out there, lever- My fire is lit. What is special about this tration after his wife fulfilled a 40 day, Pyung at this time of year is perilous. aged up to the tip of his head, bank- and, a few years later, the 21-day re- special 8 days in CPL?” Our family lives only two hours away ing on our conditions. We are all still I cannot take responsibility for anoth- registration workshop. (three in heavy snow), but we have to in the realm of “non-ownership,” thieves. My good friend confided that he feels er man’s course. I can not tell you, in climb and descend three ranges, before Chun-il Kuk is as real as God’s word unqualified terms that you must go. it is always great to remove additional reaching the training center. And per- — which surely will not come back to spirits from our body, but he is con- Hyo (filial piety) is not a matter of mere haps you know of our own narrow escape Him void. “I have promised and I will ‘duty’ or ‘obligation’ —though, at times cerned that if that’s all there is to it, from the jaws of death, just one year do it.” But its substantiation awaits he would be better disposed I felt it depicted as such by our expe- to attend at a more con- NEW FUTURE PHOTO rience in Japan. Rather the venient time. So, he asked standard of Filial Piety that me was there some special Father is praying for, on our ceremony at this “8-day behalf, is that of an ‘irrepress- workshop.” ible emotional force’ to give (and “Is this really special, receive) True Love, particular- somehow; versus one’s ly between ourselves and God, attending, instead, a 21- our Original, True, Chun-Ji day workshop in the sum- Pumo Nim-tul. As such I must mer. True Father’s spirit confess, that the intensity of and 80-year course is burn- True Father’s spirit and 80- ing intensely within me, year course, though burning already,” he writes. “My fire in me, is still only a pale reflec- is lit.” tion of what Chun-il Kuk “So, what is special about requires of me, in these latter this special 8 days at CPL?” days. This 8-day Workshop may Good question ... one which or may not be special — depend- forces me to attempt to cod- ing on to what extent we have ify all the novelties of what fulfilled all the conditions lead- I have just experienced, ing up to the title of True “Cen- there at Chung-Pyung, in tral Blessed Families.” But I that recent 8-day workshop. would emphasize (even as I As an aside: On the morn- regret our family’s own tardi- ing of True God’s Day, while ness with respect to Jardim the Hoon Dok Hae was going and the Total Life Offering) that on (and being of course pep- not attending this call, now, pered intermittently by com- should be a forfeiture fraught ments and further exposi- with a level of repentance com- tions from Father), I was mensurate with the depth of the heart of attendance that busy observing Father, him- ago on these slopes. How much more our assent, our ascent, our affirma- self, as we (I mean he) strolled up the Father holds in trust for us, through treacherous is the journey for those tion, at the risk of our lives, again and his recent prayers and conditions on center aisle — with thousands of broth- who come from the southernmost regions. again. Invest and forget the investing. ers and sisters packed on either side. our behalf. For our part, my wife and (And one car ahead of us, going over To be honest, I have yet to fulfill all I are burning with anguish, hope, and Sitting there on the floor, oriental style, that last mountain, came all the way the conditions to stand as a “Central a hodgepodge of ancestries, East and longing to make this the year of prom- from my wife’s mission town, some addi- Blessed Family.” Yes, I went to the Reg- ise. West; we were a continuous sea of hope tional 6 or 7 hours from the south, istration Blessing; and 160 couples and promise. Hardly an inch of space To all my brothers who are agoniz- below Pusan.) In other words, as it was were Blessed (“pre-blessed”); my wife ing over the timing, here; I am nothing could be seen, here or there, and the snowing throughout the night, many is mobilized, here in Korea. But we traditional heated floor made us obliv- and have nothing over you or anyone came at great risk. And that counts for could not yet complete the “Total Life else, certainly not until I have released ious to the wintry season outside. There something, I am sure. Offering;” nor could we go down to we were, awash in the lulling warmth Father from the co-signature of the loan Through Father’s Midnight prayer Jardim. However, through the 8-days, he has made for me. So I hope that I of Father’s womb, if you will; and he and address I could gather that, he is I could better understand ‘what time was strolling, in Freedom, Peace, and have not conveyed a heart that you will using every possible, every slightest it is’ in the providence, in my life, in be beneath me if you don’t, if you can- Happiness on the waters. condition on anyone’s part, to claim my eternity. And through Father’s God’s Suddenly, arriving near the back of not, attend this Blessed Husbands and proclaim “Chun-il Kuk.” We look Day address, I could understand even workshop. I regret that the state of our the room where a makeshift scaffold- around and we wonder, “Does the emper- more how important it is for me to mobi- ing was erected to elevate the two pri- collective Blessings are such that we or really have clothes on?” ... Where is lize the offering, the tithe, and the man- could not assist one another to total, mary television cameras, Father that nation? What land, what sover- power, so as not to default of that lib- addressed those members on the right mutual victory in these important con- eignty is he talking about? But we real- eral loan which True Parents have pro- ditions. On the other hand; the year side of the hall, asking them to straight- ly should be asking “Is Noah really cured for me; procured on the basis of en up their horizontal rows and count- 2004 is fast approaching. Will we be naked? ... Is God truly pleased with the their own good credit before Heaven different? Do we need to be different? off — from the one sitting on the aisle, sanctity of his ‘birthday suit’?” Unfor- and Earth. On their merit, we stand as all the way to over to the last person Our tribe? The sovereign powers of the tunately, though, we do not have eyes ‘Central Blessed Families,’ when, in earth? Our Chun-il Kuk? Our God? in that row, against the far wall. Maybe enough to see, ears to hear. fact, we are due, now, to leave the house, he did so to see how many could count Shall we be more bold to say, “Follow In the Midnight prayer and God’s and establish our own resurrected, me, as I follow The True Parents of the in Korean? Or to make sure that we Day address, Father was emphasizing, restored, 4th-Adam independence from were all awake? (Maybe there were New Heaven and New Earth”? again and again, the significance of the our Parents. I hope you can make it. If you do about 40 in that row.) As everyone “Central Blessed Family” and the “Total A special ceremony? There is a diplo- observed him inquisitively, some were your testimony will be an inspiration Life Offering,” as conditions upon which ma, there are group pictures, there are to me and others; another surging wave probably wondering if Father were going the “Chun-il Kuk,” would be further prayers and pilgrimages. But, what are to give these recruits a new mission to convict us towards the shore. I hope ‘unfurled’ Apparently, the spiritual world they, really? Any ceremony is just a rit- we can all find more desperate hearts assignment, like “You, all, in this group, at this time is easier to restore than ual to align the collective conscious- prepare to go to Africa, tomorrow!” to fulfill all of these elementary condi- the physical world. Many may be won- ness of those involved. We are alumni tions, so that God may truly be liber- But, as the last one counted-off, dering, like my good friend: Of course of certain blessing groups. We come Father just looked around, stuck out ated to “open the windows of heaven, it is always great to remove additional together, we see ourselves, briefly, as and pour out a blessing, that there shall his tongue with a smile and said, “I just spirits from my body, but was their a we are. We recommit, accordingly, as ❖ want to know how many are here. I not be room enough to receive it.” January 2002 Unification News 13 CHEONG PYEONG HUSBANDS’ WORKSHOP WORKSHOP TESTIMONY any times I had told my n’t seen since Switzerland 16 years wife that I didn’t want before was realized. On my fifth day in or need to go to Cheong Korea I called him to get his address, Pyeong because I was Marius Henry but he told me not to worry about his looking toward the address, but to just ask for the Palace Mday of true revival here in the Unit- Hotel, and everyone would know ed States. But one brother who I where that was. The bus from Cheong have become friends with told me Pyeong took me and another French that he had been given a gift of the brother to the closest stop, and with expenses to Cheong Pyeong, and he joy I asked a taxi driver to take us hoped that I could also go togeth- to the Palace Hotel. We had no idea er with him. So, finally I decided to where we were, and it seemed like go, and I called a brother in Seoul God took control over everything. who I had worked with in Switzer- When Joseph came to the hotel to land 20 years before, and we arranged meet us, I saw the king in him because to meet after the 8-day workshop. he had mastered the Korean lan- I was looking forward to this. guage. I was at his mercy but he gra- I had to search deep in my heart ciously guided us through that sec- for the internal reason to go to tion of the town where he lived. God Cheong Pyeong, and these are the revealed a lot to me about what is reasons I finally did go: 1. to wor- going on in the country of the first ship Heavenly True Parents with all mission of the Messiah.. I tried to my soul in spirit and truth; 2. to give hope to Joseph about revival in honor the first True Parents on America, but he could only see a earth; and 3. to liberate and save somber reality. my family. Everything went smoothly leav- Our plane arrived at Inchon Air- ing Seoul. It was a wonderful trip. I port instead of Kimpo. When we looked in the window of a store and arrived at Inchon, it dawned on me: saw Rolex watches, from the coun- able to share in the blink of an eye the an intense moment of personal rela- try of my father, and remembered one I am called also for the liberation of many sorrows our brothers have and tionship with Heavenly True Parents, Korea. America is now the elder son. brother whose parents both worked in the Grace that we are receiving today. singing Amazing Grace at the Memo- Rolex Geneva. He had inherited a Rolex Now to meet so many precious broth- I met a Japanese brother, and I asked rial. I realized that American people ers is the Kingdom but, alas, many do watch and wore it with pride, but God him if he knew another Japanese broth- are very idealistic, and that they can reassured me that I, too, am a king. not know that the King is at the door. er, Kondo-san, I had worked with for understand an ideal like the ideal of We were told by the spiritual world of The symbol of Rolex is a crown, but 4 years but whom I hadn’t seen for True Parents. the symbol on my watch, a Fortis, is the many sins and evil spirits that are almost 17 years. He did know Kondo- I had the fortune to meet one French in us, but I told myself, “Nothing can also a crown. I certainly didn’t pay the san, and I was filled with gratitude brother, Gabriel. I felt the spirit of the price of a Rolex for my Fortis. I felt God separate me from the love of God.” I again, remembering how he had loved angel Gabriel and in my prayer I ordered told myself that my body was the tem- telling me, “This store is really for the me. I would love to hear from him and him to follow us. Later, when we fell rich and famous only. Look here, the ple of God. I decided I had to take care know that he and his family are all behind the group, walking to visit the of His temple—not an easy thing in cashmere sweater costs $420. Your right. His prayers many years ago saved Palace of True Parents, two Korean reward is in heaven. Yes, your trip was Cheong Pyeong, but I found a place my life. I am sure of this. brothers picked us up in their car and where I could wash and keep my body valuable for me. Please give blessing What an amazing site it is at Ansu drove us to the top. There I felt in my and resurrection in America, and angel clean. Sitting in the bathroom, I felt I in Cheong Pyeong. Our big, respected heart Heavenly True Parents telling could sit as a king on the throne. Gabriel will be with you.” Now my spir- leaders are in the same child-like sit- me, “Your palace is the place where I it is lifted like lightening. I have been I tried to look into the window of the uation as all of us. We must be like meet you at the moment of receiving eyes of the brothers. I went up every- to the Tree of Blessing and seen the children to enter the kingdom of heav- true love in the relationship between promised land. Yes, I see a revival in day to the Tree of Blessings and real- en. Blessed are those who are pure in you and your wife.” ized how important it was for me to be America, where the word of God has heart, they shall see Him. I experienced In one speech of Dae Mo Nim’s, one become like fire. All evil spirits will brother cried out to leave us because of repentance. Yes, Mrs. Kim, “Please for- the Kingdom of God is at hand. give me Dae Mo Nim.” Our Heavenly True Parent is call- I tried to approach ing us into the new age of the Fourth him and invited him Adam. Through the total living sacri- to pray together. I felt fice of the first True Parents on earth, inspired to share, we can enter this age. We have to put “Where I found for- the wine in new wineskins now. We giveness and no guilt can really be born again. ❖ is with God, and I know that because of True Parents’ total liv- HOLISTIC WELLNESS CENTER ing sacrifice and blessing, we can Carmen Z. Kartachov, MD enter a direct rela- Jin Suh Park, ND tionship with Him. Now the time of Preventive-Acute blessing and res- Pediatric / Family Services urrection—the age of the Fourth Botanicals Adam—has come. Naturopathy Our attendance Couseling to Heavenly True Homeopathy Parents will sanc- tify us.” Acupunture It was by 481-8th Ave. Suite 724 amazing grace New York, NY 10001 that I had one day free in Korea OFFICE HOURS BY APPOINTMENT before I had to PHONES: leave, and my Dr. Kartachov (917) 405-0496 dream of meeting the brother in Dr. Park (914) 830-2280 Seoul who I had- 14 Unification News January 2002 Sun Myung Moon and the Search for Peace

by Dr. Chung Hwan Kwak World Peace (IRFWP), and most recent- “from another religion” keep giving and she to him. The parents give uncondi- ly the IIFWP, we have had many occa- giving in this way? I will tell you the tionally to the children and so forth. A This address was given at the Sum- sions of working together to show the secret. To Father Moon there is no such family which perfectly incarnates this mit for Muslim World Leaders: Islam and world Islam’s wisdom and beauty. This thing as someone from “another reli- pattern of living for the sake of others a Future World of Peace, December 21, cooperation and investment has gone gion.” There is only one God and God truly reflects God, and becomes the cor- 2001. on for decades. While helping this work, loves all people. God desires One World nerstone of a peaceful community. The steemed leaders from I myself have enjoyed the love, Under God. A world there are no insid- true family is first institution which can the glorious world friendship, and guiding light ers and outsiders. So far, Father Moon offer God an enduring place in the world. of Islam. It is my from friends such as Pro- has not been able to find anyone whom The True Family is the place of life, humble pleas- fessor Zaki Badawi, Syria’s God does not love. love, and lineage. Through lineage God- ure to address Sheikh Ahmad Kuftaro, I am humbled by President Wahid, liness can endure through generations, Eyou on this historical occa- the late Yemeni Grand Minister Farrakhan, and each person and not pass away in a single lifetime sion, on behalf of the Inter- Mufti Sheikh Zabarah, in this room. You are exemplary in your like a great life, or a burning love. This religious and Interna- and many, many others. response to the Will of God. In such a matter of lineage and how it ties natu- tional Federation for World I am sure you all know short time period, right after fasting, rally to the Godly pattern of living for Peace and its founder Dr. how intimately involved in the most crowded time of the year, the other, is the reason why Father Sun Myung Moon. My and supportive Father the great leaders of Islam hastened from Moon concentrates on True Parents as heart is moved as I behold Moon was for the won- every corner of the world to devote them- the dominant reality in his world view this gathering and con- derful selves to the call for template the potential that last year in Washington DC. peace. Nothing exists here today to establish Did you know that from could speak more a model of peace for all the world 1989 until 1991 we welcomed highly of your great to recognize and emulate. literally 1,000’s of top Muslim lead- devotion and seri- Of course I am not normally identi- ers from 9 Muslim countries to Inter- ous desire for peace. fied as a Muslim even though my Mus- national Leadership Seminars? These Let every eye see lim friends tell me that I qualify as a lasted 40 days each, and were done and every ear hear Muslim based on its meaning of peace, again and again. how the leaders of and surrender to Allah. Not only that. I am sure that many of you know Islam love peace. I am also a great lover of the blessed that since the September 11 tragedy, In the next days Prophet Mohammad, peace be upon a great many Muslim students in Amer- you will invest in him. ica became worried and felt anxious. serious dialogue and The most important thing though is At the University of Bridgeport, how- discussion of many that I have been a student of Father ever, just the opposite has been the different aspects of Moon’s teachings for more than 40 case. Due to Father Moon’s emphasis Islam’s role in build- years, and I have learned from him to on interreligious and international coop- ing a world of peace. have a great love for Islam. Now he is eration, the University of Bridgeport As men and women deeply concerned about this crucial has the greatest diversity of any Amer- of spiritual maturi- and timely meeting. ican university. Rather than feeling ty, you will be able He inspired and worked hand in hand timid, the Muslim student population to take up differences, and difficult mat- and way of life. with your celebrated conference con- at UB has in many ways openly led the ters with dignity and elegance, again a True Parents would never keep a veners, His Excellency Abdurrahman debate on issues spawned by the Sep- wonderful tribute to the power of the ledger against their children to add up Wahid, and the honorable Minister Louis tember 11 tragedy. Prophet’s example and the teaching of what they have given. True Parents can- Farrakhan. Just like all of you, includ- How can someone who is said to be the Holy Q’ran. Also I pray that your not love one child more than another, ing the devoted lead- conclusions show char- even a smarter one, or a more hand- ers who convened this ity and love for all peo- some one. True Parents do not reject a conference, Father ple and all nations. child because they err, or because they Moon shares a burn- Since I may not have struggle. They do not cast away a son ing desire that the Mus- a chance to see all of you or a daughter for wrong belief. lim world unite around again easily, may I say Not only is this love of True Parents a clarion message of a word or two about all embracing, but it also creates blood peace reflecting the true Father Moon’s basic lineage. The fountainhead of human beauty of Allah, His teaching? I think they equality comes from the harmonizing beneficence and mercy. should be of interest, power of perfect parent’s love. True Par- Probably you know and perhaps they can ents love spawns the world of >no bound- that these initiatives participate in the aries.’ This is the third and final point from Father Moon, and exchange of ideas in the of my remarks today. No boundaries. the deep friendship coming days. In a true Godly family difference is among Unificationists According to Father overcome by love. and Muslims is no Moon the deepest essence This is how we can create an ideal recent thing. Through of all religious life is to world of peace. We imitate Allah by liv- the Council for the Alive for the sake of oth- ing for the sake of others. The first fron- World’s Religions ers.” This means that we tier of living for others is the true fam- (CWR), the Interreli- imitate God. It is the way ily where husband and wife love and gious Federation for for each person can serve the other, parents love the chil- become Godly. At the dren, and the brothers and sisters love time of creation, Allah and serve one another. In such a fam- God poured himself out ily, God can dwell and through such completely, holding noth- families God can exert His Will through- ing back. Even after his out the society and the world. A world most beloved of creation of no boundaries, no enemies, no one rebelled, God continues rejected, and no one unwelcome. Simul- to give everything with- taneously lineage arises so that God’s out a thought of self. presence need not disappear horizon- Since we are created in tally in one generation. It remains in the image of God, our lineage, and God’s eternal, unchang- behavior toward this ing traditions. world and toward oth- Life for the sake of others, True Fam- ers should be just the ily, and no boundaries. This is the sim- same. ple way of life for Father and Mother This Godly way of life Moon, and this is the natural reason is first and most clear- why we have been with you for decades, ly seen in a God-cen- why we are with you here today, and tered family. The Hus- want to stay with you forever… in one band gives uncondi- world under God. ❖ tionally to the wife, and January 2002 Unification News 15 SUMMIT CONFERENCE FOR MUSLIM WORLD LEADERS Islam and a Future World of Peace

by Dr. Frank Kaufmann Within 22 days, 180 Muslim lead- mad, as well as by ers, from 51 countries sat in the ball- a 15 minute video rom October 19 - 21, the Inter- room of the newly opened JW Marriot presentation he pre- religious Federation for World Jakarta to welcome speakers for the pared specifically to Peace (IIFWP) hosted the inter- opening plenary of the Summit for Mus- address the confer- national conference, Assem- lim World Leaders discussing Islam and ees of the Summit. bly 2001, Global Violence: a Future World of Peace. In addition to the FCrisis and Hope October 19-21, 2001, Readers please fill in the necessary full investment of New York, NY (fully reported on miracles from your own imagination. H.E. Wahid and his http://www.iifwp.org/Activi- The direction came in the middle of the colleagues, and the ties/2001/Assembly/), the first major Holy Fasting Month of Ramadan (dur- Honorable Minister international conference in New York ing which a great many Muslims are Farrakhan and his since the 9/11 attacks on New York. incommunicado), the start date for the appointed repre- During this conference, IIFWP founder conference was three days after Eid, sentatives, it can Dr. Moon had a handful of private meet- one of the highest Holy Days of the Mus- rightly be said that ings with prominent conference guests. lim Calendar, and the world of Islam is the conference could One such meeting was a luncheon to in an intense period of its history. Its hardly have suc- which former president of Indonesia most prominent voices of peace tend to ceeded without the Abdurrahman Wahid, and Nation of be over booked to the extreme. additional factor of Islam’s leader Minister Louis Farrakhan Additionally, whispers and suspi- the IIFWP contribu- were invited. The two had never met. cions floated about. But none of the tion, the sacrificial Dr. Moon recognized them as poles apart obstacles held sway. For two days, Mus- work of its leader- but urged them to work together despite lims of every nationality, faction, and ship Dr. Chung clear differences. sect engaged and embraced one anoth- Hwan Kwak, Mr. Taj About one month later (November er in peace. They worked hard in a vari- Hamad, Dr. Thomas 23, 2001) while at breakfast with a cou- ety of venues, seeking ways to chart a Walsh and others, ple of followers, Dr. Moon looked up voice and a vision of harmony as a its conference man- and suddenly insisted, “Muslims should ground for the expansion of the faith agement team under hold a peace meeting before the end of in the world. Successful results were the direction of the year. Ask H.E. Wahid and Minister meant for the positive approval of friends Frank Lagrotteria, Farrakhan if they will convene such a from the other of the world’s faiths, and and the seasoned conference. I will help if needed.” in the hearts and faith of Muslims believ- field representatives ers in all traditions and of the IIFWP in all 191 countries. tradition of the Ulemas. But the gov- nations. The venue was the brand new JW ernment is still not free to anyone beyond Both Minister Farrakhan Marriott. 3 months old. Hosting its first the Ulemas. NGO’s need to fill the gap. and H.E. Wahid agreed imme- ever, international conference. Their Muslims put too much stress on the diately to co-convene the con- excitement and eagerness also helped institutions; the physical institutions ference. Additionally a num- give the conference energy and added like the Islamic party or the state, and ber Wahid’s colleagues, promi- in a lovely way to the experience of the the non-physical institutions such as nent leaders in Indonesia participants. fiqh and tassawuf. We need to promote (including Dr. Alwi Shihab, Flight schedules precluded any activ- freedom for the layman.” chairman of the Nation Awak- ity on the day of arrivals. The opening Akbar Muhammad, Representing the ening Party, Dr. Irawan plenary (0900, Friday, Dec. 21) includ- Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan Abidin, former Ambassador ed Speeches from Gus Dur, MLF’s rep compared what he referred to as dif- of Indonesia to the Vatican, Akbar Muhammad, and Reverend Kwak. ferent forms of terrorism, among which Dr. M. Habib Chirzin, Pres- he included actions of Western nations. Opening Plenary ident of the Islamic Millen- “When you are in a troubled hour, nium Forum, and others), The conference opened with a mag- nurse the Qur’an. 1,200 Muslims are devoted them- nificent Qur’anic recitation by Indone- in jail. The Qur’an says in chapter 17, selves whole- sia’s, 2001 champion, Muhammad Ali. “And say to my servants to say what is heartedly and sac- Session Chairman: Mr. Taj Hammad, best. Surely the Shaytan ever sows dis- rificially to the World Association of Non Governmen- sension.... Peace is secured by strength, conference, in tal Organizations. not weakness. We have to look for a effect guarantee- H.E. Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur), principled peace.” ing a positive Former President of Indonesia spoke Reverend Kwak, Chairman of the result in the arena first offering a captivating comparison Board of the Interreligious and Inter- of the conference between Middle Eastern, and Asian national Federation for World Peace logistics, program, Muslim social and political structures. explained what about Dr. Moon’s life and event man- “Southeast Asian people are free to and teaching causes him to involve him- agement. choose their Imams and make inde- self so sacrificially with Muslims, as he Minister Far- pendent choices. South Asians are a has done, for example, with this par- rakhan was ably little less free. In the Mideast, the gov- ticular conference. represented by Mr. ernment takes everything. Ayatollah “Probably you know that these ini- Akbar Muham- Khomeini began to tell us this at the tiatives from Father Moon, and the deep time of the Shah, and to boost up a new see ISLAM on page 16 16 Unification News January 2002 SUMMIT CONFERENCE FOR MUSLIM WORLD LEADERS

It remains in lineage, and God’s ISLAM eternal, unchanging traditions. from page 15 “Life for the sake of others, True Family, and no boundaries. friendship among Unificationists and This is the simple way of life for Muslims is no recent thing. Through Father and Mother Moon, and the Council for the World’s Religions this is the natural reason why (CWR), the Interreligious Federation we have been with you for for World Peace (IRFWP), and most decades, why we are with you recently the IIFWP, we have had many here today, and want to stay occasions of working together to show with you forever, ... in one world the world Islam’s wisdom and beauty. under God.” This cooperation and investment has In this session The Honorable gone on for decades... Ambassador from the Philip- “This is how we can create an ideal pines, Sanchez Ali read personal world of peace. We imitate Allah by liv- greetings to the conference from ing for the sake of others. The first Philippines Speaker of the House frontier of living for others is the true Jose Devenicia, and Philippine family where husband and wife love President Gloria Macapagal and serve the other, parents love the Arroyo. children, and the brothers and sisters In addition to this and the closing of participants in each group. should not trail behind the rightful love and serve one another. In such a plenary, the program had a closing Each program component was meant position that Allah expects of us. Wealthy family, God can dwell and through plenary, an introductory small group to support the conference theme, Islam Arab nations should take the lead to such families God can exert His Will discussion, and three additional ple- and a Future World of Peace. Session create Arab unity. We are hindered by throughout the society and the world. nary/small group packages which 1 explored Religion and Spirituality, our compartmentalization, and dis- A world of no boundaries, no enemies, explored core elements related to the Session 2 - Politics and Society, and unity.” no one rejected, and no one unwel- conference theme. Discussion groups Session 3 - Interfaith, Intercultural, Dr. Alwi Shihab, Chairman, Nation come. Simultaneously lineage arises were assigned randomly so as to have and International Relations. Awakening Party, Indonesia stated, so that God’s presence need not dis- as broad and diverse a cross section “As Muslim leaders we bear great respon- appear horizontally in one generation. Religion and Spirituality sibility to remind ourselves and oth- Chairman: Dr. M. Habib Chirzin, ers that Islam is not the only religion President, Islamic Millennium Forum, of peace, since Peace is a universal Indonesia. religion. “The Quran is not meant to Syed Mussawi, Ahlul Bayt Islamic be simply an object of contemplation, League, England said, “Bombing can- but a divinely revealed scripture whose not solve the current problem. Ter- world view are meant to be pondered, rorism exists in every society, and is comprehended and implemented in not specifically a Muslim problem. the life of human society... It must From our side however, we are respon- therefore be emphasized that the Quran sible to explain the peaceful side of recognizes the plurality of religious Islam to the masses. Prevention is communities and the essential valid- always preferable to the difficult work ity of their beliefs.” of a cure. Terrorism is always against The paper was a careful study of Islam, regardless of which Sheikh or positive interreligious relations while how long his beard. This same form of avoiding pitfalls like accommodation, summit should be held for leaders of which the author decries. all religions.” The Honorable Minister Louis Far- Ahmad Tijani Ben Omar, Imam, Uni- rakhan, The Nation of Islam (by video- versal Islamic Center, USA said, see ISLAM on page 17 “The Umma should unite. Muslims

e begin by invoking the Interfaith, Intercultural, blessings of Allah on this JAKARTA DECLARATION and International Relations Weffort and with salutations three lines of inquiry: Religion and terrorism. We affirm that: on the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Spirituality, Civic Responsibility in To be just is the spiritual Dialogue toward harmony and upon him) Political Society, and Interfaith, obligation of all faiths and nations. understanding is a Muslim religious We, the participants and guests of Intercultural, and International Rela- Muslim leaders and scholars are responsibility. As a consequence, the Summit of World Muslim Lead- tions. responsible for, and have a moral Muslims encourage people of all ers gathered to reaffirm the obligation to teach and promote faiths to acknowledge, accept, Religion and Spirituality teachings of the Holy Q’ran and the knowledge about the fundamental promote, respect and appreciate the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad We affirm that: ethics of Islam, thus providing the diversity among their different faiths (PBUH), under the theme Islam and a The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) foundation for peace and peaceful and cultures. Future World of Peace, on 6 - 8 was sent as mercy for all coexistence and harmony in the Interfaith dialogue for the purpos- Shawwal, 1422 (20 - 23 December, humankind. The message he world. es of removing fear of the unknown, 2001) in Jakarta, Indonesia. delivered aims to produce peace and generating good will, and We affirm that: prosperity, promote love, compassion Civic Responsibility establishing mutual trust, should Islam is a religion of peace and and forgiveness, and create a in Political Society occur at all levels including at the justice. From its core values emanate humane society. It is an important We affirm that: level of individuals, faith groups, respect for life and human dignity, source of guidance in a changing and Muslim nations must devote their larger communities, and globally. affecting all ideals and actions that shrinking world and must be recog- energies toward education of their Intellectual and spiritual leaders guide the day to day life of the Mus- nized as such. masses, and improvement of are obliged to establish enduring lim. To fulfill the ideals of the Prophet economic opportunities for their peo- structures of dialogue to prevent Our understanding of religion and (PBUH) Muslims must recognize ple. They must enhance their conflict among people of differing spirituality grows from the Quran these teachings and his example as a interaction with other Muslim coun- religious commitments and opinions. and the Sunnah of the Prophet guiding principle of their moral and tries in joint projects for the welfare These leaders of all faith must Muhammad (PBUH). These resources spiritual development. of their populations. convince their constituencies to work provide the basis for resolving all Islam rejects violence in any form All nations of the world must harmoniously with other groups and challenges of this and every age, as against the innocent. In fact, it apply their energies to conflict reso- influence their elected or appointed well as all social circumstances. promotes justice and exhorts lution globally, and be consistent at leaders to promote peace and justice The universality of the teachings Muslims to be just even it be against both home and abroad in their as the cornerstone of their agenda, of Islam affirms the sanctity of their own selves, their parents, or concern for justice, freedom and policies, and practice. humankind, and thus enjoins on us kinfolk. Thus implementation of jus- human rights. May Allah bless this effort and for- an enduring dialogue of faiths and tice for and by the Muslims will be In any system of government, the give our shortcomings. ❖ civilizations. the single most important factor in protection of the freedoms and rights Deliberations proceeded along the elimination of violence and of the citizens is paramount. January 2002 Unification News 17 SUMMIT CONFERENCE FOR MUSLIM WORLD LEADERS wartime occupation? Any nation ISLAM can drop bombs. The real test from page 16 of a responsible nation in power is to work toward a peaceful tape) said, “Allah answers ... ‘My puri- world... fied ones’. So we might become what “Civil liberties, respect for He wanted us to be, enjoining good, civil rights in the whole world forbidding evil, believing in Allah. Our is moving towards democracy jealousy, envy and so forth have kept and openness ... us trodden under foot. Many of us are “Islam is dealing with moder- trying to get back to the Path, but some nity and the conservative slant take such an extreme way that it is not of Islamic thought: these issues recognizable.... [The] Khalifate was are totally irrelevant to the ter- destroyed by our own corruption and rorism issue. These issues are the machinations of the Europeans. part of an internal theological We’ve become nationalistic, not for the debate. Alternate visions of Islam- Umma. We must find the path of unity, ic society will emerge as the and hold fast to that handle, settle our result of internal debate with- differences internally and show the in the Islamic interpretive com- world a united front.” munity. Outsiders cannot make Civic Responsibility and Political normative judgments of influence the Intercultural Relations with Muslims and not Muslims. The Qur’an says there is no compulsion in Society outcome of the debate.” Chairman: Professor Dr. Rahmah religion. Who want to believe, he is wel- Chairman: Dr. Irawan Abidin, Chair- Dr. Mohammad Manzoor Alam, Direc- Binti Bujang, Director, Academy of come to believe. Who wants to deny, man, Conference Service Committee, tor of Institute of Objective Studies, Malay Studies, Malaysia. he is welcome to deny. Indonesia, and Indonesian ambassa- India stated, “Civic responsibility Dr. Mustansir Mir, Professor of Phi- “I suggest that another conference dor to the Vatican, said, “This session demands a peaceful moral struggle to losophy and Religious Studies, be held in Africa.” is about the duties and responsibili- eradicate injustice from human soci- Youngstown State University, USA, ties of the individual Muslim citizen to ety.... We must understand the nature said, “How can Muslims, drawing upon Closing of change, as the best Umma, and work the society that gives him protection their religion, show love to the “other” The formal conference program fin- and provides the environment for his together to save the humanity...” in a world of diverse people and faiths H.E. Dr. Hadi Nejad Hosseiman, ished with a closing plenary. Imam work... The responsibility of the citi- at a time of increasing ignorance of Tariq Aquil (assistant to W. Deen Muham- zen to the nation-state. It is a two-way Ambassador of Iran to the United Nations, people towards their faith? This ques- Iran, said, “Terrorism is a global men- mad), from the Muslim Society of Amer- track of rights and responsibilities. tion is applicable to all the great reli- ica presented his thoughts on the con- Rights, by virtue of his citizenship and ace and needs a global response. We gions. We need an answer which is both must take greater responsibility to ference, as did Professor Dr. Rahmah by virtue of being a human being. He authentic and practical, to draw a Mus- Bujang of Malaysia. Two randomly cho- owes the state, as the formal repre- address the root causes; people of vision lim response... are needed to rise above the situation sen, small groups reported on their sentative of society, civic responsibil- “The issue of peace is primarily legal. deliberations, and members of the draft- ities to society. Question: is there any to see fairness and compassion. We The solutions to all the great issues in need to address social marginalization, ing committee presented a draft dec- difference in this between Muslim cit- Islamic history have become a part of laration for approval. izens and non-Muslim citizens? The injustice, double standards as possi- the Islamic traditional repertoire, with ble situational causes leading to ter- The declaration read by Sister Mutazaa teaching of Islam has answers to all the stamp of approval of the great Mus- was unanimously accepted by all pres- civic and political relationships. The rorism. We need to distribute the ben- lim legal minds.” efits of globalization more equally. We ent. most effective politics is one informed Dr. Nagasura Madale, Professor, Min- Many would like to have made it a by justice. The Prophet, peace be upon need a long term multi-disciplined strat- danao State University, Philippines egy whereby every representative of stronger statement, but realized that him, was a wise and just citizen before said, “The conclusion from this infor- in the time allowed we could not ham- forming a wise and just government.” civil society has a chance to pronounce mation was to use the UN, non-vio- on how to mend the situation... mer out something which dealt with Mumtaz Ahmad, professor of polit- lence, and Islamic concepts in devel- potentially divisive and very sensitive ical science, Hampton University, USA “Either we draw close to the divine oping peaceful solutions to conflicts. human community envisioned by the issues. said, “How to create a life of fairness One cannot impose the western con- President Wahid noted the wisdom and compassion, a society based on Prophet (peace and blessings be upon cept of peace on the Muslims because him) ˆ or ˆ we get bigger bombs, stronger of such a start during his informal din- justice, international relations based Peace is one of the 99 names of Allah. ner speech, saying “Many have sug- on equity? There are three points. 1. police, and so on... “We have to break the ‘invisible walls’ “In 1998 President Khatami, in the gested that the conference declaration is terrorism an Islamic problem? 2. of prejudice... was too ‘soft.’ For the sake of educat- What social, economic and political United Nations, spoke on the dialogue “The solution is educational over- of civilizations. Dispose of hostility. Any ing the wider masses, it is much bet- conditions exist today to give rise to haul to produce a breakup of preju- ter to start with something ‘soft.’ Once political violence and terrorism? 3. dialogue has to take into consideration dice, and to teach respect of life, the religion, emphasize the essential and we have achieved a certain degree of What can we do to ensure a lasting and practice of active non-violence, and the success with our education, we will just peace? leave aside the historical baggage. We process of sharing time and material want a new paradigm of international have much greater success with our “A new Marshal Plan policy would resources.” demands and with presenting matters go a long way towards giving new hope relations to replace the old paradigm Dr. Imtiaz Ahmed Ali Yusuf, Head, of hegemony.” that are ‘harder’ and more challeng- to an alienated generation. We were Dept. of Religion, Graduate School of ing.” quick to put together an alliance to Interreligious, International, and Philosophy and Religion, Assumption H.E. Wahid offered a lovely spirit in fight terrorism. Why not be as quick University, Thailand offered a sensi- closing at the farewell banquet. He to ally against poverty, injustice, and tive and deeply considered presenta- noted how his struggles to know the tion on Buddhist-Muslim dialogue, truth and goodness from each of the touching upon issues such as non-the- four lines of Muslim interpretation ism, the status of prophethood, and rather than a burden, have actually other core points of theological, and been the light which has guided him cultural contact. to have greater depth, breadth, love “To achieve a civilized face of Islam and compassion. This same dynamic to the world, take the all-around moral moves in his heart when relating to high ground and don’t fight. Each can other religions, and has been a big part regard the other as a world view. Mus- of the delightful relationship he has lims can learn much from Buddhism enjoyed with Dr. Moon. about respect for all life and medita- The closing speech by his excellen- tion... cy was warm, light, funny, and pro- “Don’t a priori condemn any religion vided a final stroke to urge the com- in this world.” munity in the direction of greater unity Shaykh Imam Hassan Cisse, Pres- and responsibility. ident, the African American Islamic The conference enjoyed excellent Institute, Senegal, elaborated on the local press coverage. Front page, pos- obligations of Muslims to stay united itive press coverage for 3 days run- and not to allow people to attack Mus- ning. Additionally, at the time of this lims under any name. writing, already, a great many initia- “Islam has no problem with other tives and follow up activity has already religions. We are ready to make peace begun. ❖ 18 Unification News January 2002

PETER F. BROWN Clinging to God’s Love Forever not worth a moment’s worry. Twisting dream of love sustained us; fed us; stantial steps, placed even through the our way through the bramble bushes gave us hope that one day we would very midst of this Slough; but at such of our fallen nature requires thought be able to hug God and make Him time as this place doth much spew out that is focused on the simple precept happy. its filth, as it doth against change of of heart. I believe that this is why Jesus James Lipton, on Bravo’s television weather, these steps are hardly seen; ery few of us have the lux- said that we must be like children to program, “Inside the Actor’s Studio”, or if they be, men, through the dizzi- ury of spending large enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Little always asks each actor, “When you are ness of their heads, step besides, and amounts of time in still- children are so simple in their heartis- entering heaven, what do you want then they are bemired to purpose, ness and in quiet. Noise tic desires that they cut right through God to say to you?” Oh, how I yearn notwithstanding the steps be there; has become a constant all the mud and confusion that mess to hear a sincere answer about God, but the ground is good when they are companion.V Time has telescoped inward, up adult synapses. Children tend to in the public forum! One seldom does. once got in at the gate.’” compressed by the tyranny of instant say things that are wonderfully obvi- I can’t think of anything I’d rather What are the steps for us, as peo- communication and shortened dead- ous (to them) like, “But of course I want hear God say, than, “You made me ple who, at the birth of our faith, want- lines. Life has become so intense, that my mommy and daddy to love each happy.” ed to love God and True Parents, and I often find myself yearning for the time other and stay together!” In the silence of contemplative wanted to help build a heavenly world when I’ll live in the spirit world, where As adults, we are reluctant to seem thought, we find the root of our heart of heart? What will help us find our time doesn’t exist, because only there unsophisticated. Who wants to be a and the root of our faith. We find our way through the muck of battlefield will I have endless time to do quiet country bumpkin, anyway? It doesn’t love, because we yearn for love. We pain and resentment? things like draw and sing and idly help that society is often so brutal and long to cling to God, and long to go One could create quite a lengthy examine flowers. shallow that it seldom applauds sim- beyond the vestiges of doubt and pain prescription, based on our many and Yet, our irony is that faith requires ple virtues like kindness and sympa- and insecurity and fear that drive us varied experiences and the teachings time spent in many quiet moments of thy. We are beset from within and with- away from the One who simply wants that we’ve received from Father. In fact, reflection, away from the distractions out. to be with us. When I think like this, a common reaction from someone who that prevent us from hearing and feel- King David, in Psalm 63, eloquent- I know why I trust and love True Father. is struggling to stay committed to the ing the presence of God. It is also our ly expressed his intense longing to stay No one; simply no one, has taught us church is, “Don’t give me any book sad irony that, as devoted church mem- in communion with God, when he said, about love and God’s lonely heart with answers. I’ve heard them all.” And it’s bers who have struggled and sacrificed “O God, thou art my the depth that True true. We all know the litany of anti- for years, we sometimes find ourselves God, I seek thee, my soul Father has expressed. dotes, such as prayer, repentance, far away from the faith that we prayed thirsts for thee; my flesh King David, in Psalm Fighting our way past humility, study (can anyone say “hoon with tears to attain. There is a distinct faints for thee, as in a dry 63, eloquently the layers of cultural dif- dok hwe”?), public service and faith in parallel between the feelings of hope and weary land where no expressed his intense ferences, and the layers things unseen. felt by newlyweds and new religious water is.” longing to stay in of personalities sur- I believe that all of these are valu- converts. In both cases, the future He went on to say: “... communion with God, rounding Father has able and true. If one has to cross a seems bright, and thoughts of disillu- my mouth praises thee when he said, “O God, proven difficult for us, bridge over a chasm, each rung is indi- sionment are nowhere to be seen. with joyful lips, when I thou art my God, I seek as Americans. Our reli- vidually important. One misstep on After years in the trenches, howev- think of thee upon my thee, my soul thirsts gious life in the Unifica- any of them, and the end is nigh. How- er, our church life often seems to be bed, and meditate on thee tion Family Church is ever, rather than simply focusing on dominated by one emergency campaign for thee; my flesh in the watches of the night; faints for thee, as in a nothing if not complex. “methods of faith”, I believe that we after another; where the desire for short for thou hast been my Everyone has their own have to deal with motivation. Not just dry and weary land term goals tends to interfere with the help, and in the shadow opinion, and flavor of “how” to cross the bridge, but “why.” ability to reflect deeply about a long of thy wings I sing for joy. where no water is.” faith. How then, can we If we can’t think of a good reason, we term perspective. In many ways, short My soul clings to thee; maintain our own faith may just decide to stay home. term goals are easier to digest. Amer- thy right hand upholds in God and True Par- Unlike Marxists, for us, the end does icans have an amazing power to pull me.” ents, without falling prey not justify the means. Although it may together in brief and intense campaigns. I was especially struck by his phrase to the temptations of cynicism and go against conventional wisdom, and Many of us probably enjoyed such dra- “... and meditate on thee in the watch- resentment? How can we pass through though we may be scorned for acting matic times spent sacrificing together es of the night.” I imagine David gaz- all the complicated difficulties that so, our view of life tells us that the for the glorious cause of building God’s ing out from his tent at the silent desert, can’t be ignored by intelligent adults? means to the end are the same as the kingdom. At least the first few times. reflecting about God, yearning to be The Principle does express that mod- end. We reach the world of true love Now, after a large portion of our closer to Him. King David tried to “cling” ern man requires a scientific expla- by creating it as we travel along the American membership is growing rather to God through a process of profound nation of faith in order to persevere way. We are fueled by our heartistic gray around the edges, we may feel heartistic thought. He thought in and correctly understand God. purpose. True love, in all of its beau- like we’ve been wrung dry far too many silence—away from the noise and dis- Sometimes, in our misery, we entire- ty, really is the most powerful force in times. Phrases like “blood out of turnips” traction of daily life. ly lose our way, and can’t even remem- the universe. For this reason, I remind float through our minds as we stolid- When we sit in nature, gazing at a ber where we were going in the first myself, and my children, and con- ly gaze at memos detailing new and beautiful and idyllic scene, our minds place. I love the passage in Pilgrim’s stantly talk together with my beloved ever so urgent projects. “Oy” might can become calm, and we can notice Progress, where John Bunyan talks wife, Kim, about the simple prescrip- become an operative word. our hearts once again. The whole con- about the man named Christian, who tion of love. It’s so very easy to become tired. cept of “heart”, as defined by the Prin- has lost his way in a “slough of despond.” In our prayer room, we have a prayer When our soul and heart are tired, ciple, is amazingly simple, but at the “Now I saw in my dream, that just that we wrote, called, aptly enough, and when we feel abused, misunder- same time incredibly strong, like a as they had ended this talk, they drew “The Prayer of Love.” It isn’t very long, stood and generally under-appreciat- spine. Stating that the core of each near to a very miry slough that was in but at the end, has one sentence that ed, our thoughts quite easily can become human being is “the desire to gain joy the midst of the plain, and they, being sums it all up: cynical and hopeless. We may chew by giving and receiving love” is a pow- heedless, did both suddenly fall into “I pray that I can give and serve and on pains both imagined and real, tick- erful and uncommon way of looking the bog. The name of the slough was attend and love, infinitely, in all direc- ing off our growing list of justifiable at people. The revelation that God has Despond. Here therefore they wallowed tions, every second of every day.” complaints until the atmosphere around spent a million plus years in lonely for a time, being grievously bedaubed Father spoke of us living at the cen- us becomes completely dark. It is then grief over the misery of mankind is an with the dirt; and Christian, because ter of a “sphere of love”, giving out- that we desperately need to stop quite explanation of spiritual reality that of the burden that was on his back, ward in all directions, continuously dead in our tracks and find the time transforms our hearts when we med- began to sink in the mire. creating an atmosphere of love around to think. itate in the “watches of the night.” “This miry slough is such a place us. We reach out toward God with our Thinking is a very interesting activ- When we gaze at a barren outcrop of as cannot be mended. It is the descent love, toward True Parents and toward ity. Intellect by itself has no root, and rock on a mountain side, we feel the whither the scum and filth that attends each and every person that we encounter. can go in wild and horrific directions, age of things in our bones, and with- conviction for sin doth continually run, We cling to God and cling to the water pushed by the subtle tides of our fall- out trying to, we suddenly cry from the and therefore is it called the Slough of of true love. en nature and evil desires. How else realization that God has been living Despond; for constantly as the sinner When Kim and I struggle with the could Nazi doctors so calmly consid- alone. is awakened about his lost condition, travails of daily life, I give her a hug er making lampshades out of human We believe in love. Not pat love; not there ariseth in his soul many fears, and kiss her cheek, and smile, and skin? saccharin sweet pap that rambles across and doubts, and discouraging appre- say, “Kimmy Poo, let’s just pray the If we’re feeling especially intellec- the backs of boring greeting cards. As hensions, which all of them get togeth- prayer of love, and everything will be tual about our misery, we might start men and women of faith, who bled and er, and settle in this place. And this is ok.” to travel down the Gallic path of view- sweat and cried as we worked without the reason of the badness of this When she smiles back, I know we’re ing life as but a dream—and therefore sleep in the cold of fundraising nights ground.... on the way. ❖ SUBSCRIBE TO THE and hot campaign days, we know what “...’True, there are, by direction of UNIFICATION NEWS love meant to us in our youth. The the law-giver, certain good and sub- January 2002 Unification News 19 Detroit Service for Peace Leads with Vision at Peace Gathering by David Kasbow brought 20 of our young people all wearing “Service for Peace” T-Shirts kiko Ikeno lit the fuse. Com- that one of our families made. ing as a dynamic repre- To open the program Imam Elahi, sentative of the Second Gen- Congressman Conyers, a local minis- eration to our winter work- ter and a Rabbi welcomed the 100 shop, she shared Hyun Jin young guests. Art was invited to be Nim’sA vision of “Service for Peace” with the first to speak and presented the our young people and parents. The congressman, the Imam and others timing was perfect. Just days earlier with Service for Peace T-Shirts. They Imam Mohammed Ali Elahi, of the were clearly inspired by the vision we House of Wisdom Mosque, had invit- had to offer. Part of the program had ed us to his Mosque for New Years Day the children break off into discussion to celebrate “One Day in Peace”, a new groups where they focused on differ- holiday initiated by the UN and sup- ent topics related to creating peace. ported in Detroit by Congressman John After the groups finished four of our Conyers. The Imam had a press con- young people, including nine-year-old ference days earlier inviting young peo- August Lindsay, spoke before the whole ple from different religions and cul- group reporting the results of their tures to come together to foster peace- talks with the other young people. ful understanding. We told the Imam The event was covered on the evening that on Jan. 1st we celebrate God’s news and in both papers the next day. Day, our biggest holiday of the year, We are now planning our first service and that we would be happy to send project with the Imam and the con- some young people since we would be Now, after Akiko spoke, instead of gressman. For us, Service for Peace we had something to offer as a way to gathered at our church for our cele- just attending to support what the is an idea whose time has come. ❖ substantial peace. Our American Fam- bration Imam and Congressman were doing ily Coalition (AFC) director, Art Roselle, Mr. and Miss University Regional Contests Hungary Thanks to all staff (4 associate friends tried traditional Thai dance, drama and 20 core) who worked really hard and even a talk show. he 7th Hungarian Mr. & Miss and in unity. Miss Uaploy Ploypanich, a 1st year University Beauty Pageant was student of Accounting and Business Thailand held on October 27. We set up Administration, Thammasart Univer- info-desks on several campuses For many years T-CARP has sent sity and Mr.Panya Buaboobpha, 2nd eachT day to introduce the event and Mr. & Miss University of Thailand to year student of Faculty of Dentistry, CARP ideas. Some teachers or profes- challenge on the world stage, and this Chulalongkorn University, were the sors became inspired, and announced year, Mister University of Thailand was winners. the program to their students. Many the runner-up. For the pageant next young students were inter- year, we are hoping for the gold! Final in Seoul ested in the event, but they Thirteen representatives from The finals for Mister & Miss Uni- mostly wanted to take courage various universities nationwide versity will be held in Seoul, Korea in for next year! came to Bangkok aiming to win mid February as part of the celebra- Finally eight students the beauty pageant.. This year tions of WCSF 2002. A number of coun- applied. We all created such we set up a new, stricter stan- tries have still to select candidates, so a good atmosphere that after dard in order to find out the anyone interested should contact their the first day everyone opened real talents of the candidates. local chapter immediately for applica- up their heart very honestly After the interview on the first tion information. ❖ in front of the others. At the day, they all had to demon- end, even they wrote a common song The event strate at the final round. Some of them for the pageant. The performances were was better organized and nicer really colorful and included an Arabic compared to last year. Among the dance, a Krishna-song, a Taekwondo jury we could welcome a profes- demonstration, country, Hungarian sional teacher and artist of singing, and original music and a fantasy-pan- and a representative of the Nation- tomime as well. The event was broad- al Children and Youth Parliament, Sunday School Manual cast by the local TV and some inter- which is an umbrella organization Parent and teacher study material views were done by radio. of the government. CARP is going to join them in the next month. with childrenÕs coloring book his Sunday school manual contains 50 lessons, almost one for each Are more than tenants, love at the paying a common cellular level TSunday of the year. The material covers FatherÕs and MotherÕs life, A Kiss rent. CanÕt happen the Principal, Jesus life and his teachings and the main central with a yawn. characters from the Old Testament. Two beings Casual awareness, Each lesson is accompanied by illustrations that can be photocopied if separate in window shopping The explosion for the children to color in. This will help the children, especially the thought, in front rooms of of spherical love younger ones, to memorize the lessons. There are also some simple harassed in a feelings, needs a spark, crafts that the children will enjoy doing. This Sunday school Manual is moment Leaves one bland A pilot light probably most suited for children from four to ten years of age. by nothing at all, because of ignorance. and a compass. The Manual will be a considerable source of inspiration and Live apart information for all the Sunday school teachers and for parents who are without trying. Two beings A kiss, concerned about giving the best spiritual education to the Blessed is a phrase a communion children. The cost of the manual is £7 including postage DM24, USA$20. Friends, to be supplanted of giving If you would like to order a copy, you can contact George Robertson at: mates, partners Ñ By a oneness Repeated endlessly, HSA Publications UK, 44 Lancaster Gate, London W2 3NA, Great Britain. lovers, subatomic in passion. is the door to heaven. Tele: 0207 723 0721 extension 104. email: [email protected]. sharing eggs and toast forever, Merging Peter Falkenberg Brown 20 Unification News January 2002 TRUE PARENTS’ HISTORY FOR CHILDREN Father Goes to Pyungyang

Ken Weber & Mrs. Linna Rapkins time, he began going to the churches ing his wife and seeing her great faith he had memorized them. Then he could to meet Christians. He invited people and love, he finally repented. He sup- carry Father’s words in his heart wher- ather worked hard for over to his little room, where he taught them ported Father’s group and encouraged ever he went. two years in southern Korea. about God’s revelation. Rather quick- his own children to join. Besides teaching the people who But he could not find even ly, the word passed around, and more came to his room, Father also spent Won Pil Kim one person who would become and more Christians came to hear him many hours in meditation and prayer, his helper—his disciple. speak. Many of these people were old Meanwhile, one of the people this especially on Sundays. He would spend FHe cried and prayed for the people women, who had received messages woman witnessed to was her 18 year several hours praying, then have the many long hours, and looked for a way from spirit world to go there. Over and old nephew. He had just graduated Sunday Service. Then they would all to win them over. But he met one obsta- over, hour after hour, day after day, from high school, and he went to his go together to the countryside and talk. cle after another. Finally, he made a Father taught from his little Bible. Soon aunt’s house to ask her advice on what It was a time to ask Father questions decision. “I will go north,” he said. and understand his words bet- “There are many Christians there, and ter. God has been preparing them to believe “Won Pil,” said Father one my words.” day, “don’t you have any ques- On June 6, 1946, he set off by foot. tions? You never ask me any- Leaving the churches in the south, thing at all.” leaving the churches in the east, he “No, Father,” answered Won walked north and west. Pil Kim. Times were still difficult in Korea. “I want you to always remem- World War II had ended and the Japan- ber one thing,” Father said to ese were gone, but now the Soviets him. “Our group is different had sent their communist soldiers than any other group in histo- into Korea. They came from the north, ry.” and they immediately terrorized the Won Pil Kim understood those people. They tried to end religion in words later, when he realized Korea. They closed one church after Father was the Messiah for the another. Many Christians were arrest- whole world. ed and disappeared without a trace. “There is no God, you fools! You Riveted to the floor must stop going to church! We will As more people came, amaz- kill you if you go to church!” the com- ing things began to happen. munist soldiers threatened. Whenever Father taught God’s The Koreans were afraid of these Truth, the people sat as if riv- terrible men. Many families tied big eted to the floor, their eyes never bundles of their belongings onto their leaving his face. It was as if they backs and left their homes, leaving had to hear every word. Then behind everything they couldn’t carry. something like a heat wave They hurried south. Soon the roads the corners of the pages became round- he should do with his life. He respect- would pass through their bodies. It was were full of refugees, their backs bent ed from the constant use. ed her very much, so when she told like electricity or fire, only it didn’t hurt. over from the heavy loads, their faces There was one woman who came him to go with her to hear Father’s They got so excited that they forgot wet with tears. Some of them had to many times. All her life, she had longed message, he obeyed. The next day he their problems and began repenting leave family members behind who could- for Jesus to return. She loved Jesus went again. And then he went again. for all the bad things they had done in n’t make the journey. very much, and she had a strong feel- He never talked or asked questions, their lives. They repented and cried Father was walking north. He knew ing he would come to Korea. But she because he was shy and he thought and prayed, and after a while, it was it was dangerous to go that way, but had many questions which were never he knew nothing. But he liked to be as if some great burden was lifted from he felt he MUST go. There were Chris- answered by her church. When she there because he felt peaceful around them. They felt like they had been set tians there who were looking for the first heard Father speak, her questions Father. Father looked at him and said, free. They would rise up, feeling so joy- Messiah. As he walked along, he met were all answered. She suddenly felt “You meditate alot, don’t you? But you ous and light, that they would start thousands of poor Koreans heading warm all over and her heart beat faster. need to focus on one thing.” He was so dancing around. the opposite way. They looked at him The words vibrated through her body: surprised, because it was exactly true! The houses were close together in as if to say, “Why are you going that “This is it! This is it!” She felt so much This person’s name was Won Pil Kim, the towns of Korea. The walls were quite way, young man? Don’t you know it is excitement. After the meeting, she quick- and he became Father’s first full-time thin, and the doors were so thin you dangerous?” Later, he learned that five ly went to all her friends and relatives disciple. It was July 1946, forty days could see through them at night. When million people had left their homes to and told them to go hear this man after Father had left southern Korea. these early followers of Father gath- escape from the communists. He wept speak. When Won Pil Kim first came to hear ered, they prayed and cried and sang for them. With great joy, she shared her feel- Father, the July weather was scorch- and danced. They were a very noisy ing hot, and the room was so small group, and everyone in the neighbor- Many Churches ings with her husband. But he wasn’t so joyous about it. “I’m not interested that the heat in there was almost unbear- hood could hear them. Eventually, Father arrived in a town in such a person,” he scowled, “and I able. “Who are those people, anyway?” called Pyungyang. In this town there don’t want to hear what he has to say. Father always spoke strongly and they asked each other. were many churches. After the Japan- Forget about him, wife!” with great energy, and he spoke for six “I don’t know, but there are men and ese had been driven out, the Koreans She still hoped his feelings would or eight hours at a time. (That is like women in there, and they stay togeth- had quickly rebuilt their ruined church- change, so she tried to win him over. going from breakfast until dinner.) He er until late at night.” es, so they could worship together again. She worked harder. She kept the house didn’t even stop to rest or eat, and yet “I saw them dancing around.” It was such a spiritual place that many cleaner and cooked better food. She he never seemed to get tired. As Father “They must be crazy people. Maybe Koreans called it the “Second Jerusalem.” served him and gave him more love. spoke in the stifling heat, the sweat they’re dangerous.” When the communist soldiers came, But still he was suspicious and jeal- poured down his body. Whenever he The neighbors didn’t like anything they tried time and again to make these ous, because she kept going to see finished speaking, his clothes were so different going on, so they reported Christians stop going to church. But Father. soaked from the sweat that they looked Father’s little group to the police. The they loved God and Jesus so much and “Why do you keep going to that man’s as if Father had just come in from the communist police officers didn’t like were so strong that the communists room? Have you fallen in love with him? rain. Often Father would take his shirt father, either. They thought he might had failed to stop them. Every Sunday I think he is trying to take all the wives off afterwards and twist it in his hands be a spy from , because morning at 5:00, the church bells still away from their husbands!” He got to wring out the dripping sweat. he suddenly appeared from the south, rang throughout the city. At that early together with some of the other hus- Won Pil Kim was amazed. “How can and he had no identification on him. hour, prayer meetings were held. Some- bands, and they looked for a way to he do it?” he asked himself. “He is so Also, the police had just arrested all times as many as 12,000 people were stop Father’s speeches. strong, so special.” He became deter- the members of another church, and praying all in unison. Many had to “He’s a heretic,” they told everyone. mined to help Father all he could and now here was this group acting the stand outside because there was not “We must run him out of town.” But be a good disciple forever. same way. enough room inside. Neither cold nor Father continued witnessing and teach- Won Pil Kim always stayed with In August, not quite two months snow could keep them away. ing. Father when he spoke to the people. since Father arrived in Pyungyang, he Father found a room in a small house It was only many years later that He took notes on everything father said was arrested and put into Pyungyang with a Christian couple. Wasting no this man changed his mind. After watch- and studied them over and over, until prison. It was a sad, sad time. ❖ January 2002 Unification News 21 DIVINE PRINCIPLE STUDY How, Where and When Christ is to Return Volume 6 * Part 5 ruler of the Holy Roman Empire. kingdom of Israel was in a position of their sins, so monks and saints of Now a theocratic stamp had been comparable with that of Cain, some- the Catholic Church attacked the vices n historical parallel exists placed on the empire, and Western what alienated from God, and the of powerful churchmen. For example, between the eras of the Old Christendom was at last united in a southern kingdom of Judah was in an Dominic, a Spaniard (1170-1221), Testament United King- kingdom of God of which Charlemagne anointed position similar to Abel’s. founded the Order of Preachers (Domini- dom and the United Chris- was the earthly head. Accordingly, several notable ethi- cans) to reform the Church through tian Empire. Both periods cal and spiritual advances took place preaching and teaching. Likewise, lastedA for a total of 120 years each. in Judah. For example, great prophets Francis of Assisi (1182-1226) formed The Old Testament monar- the Minor Brethren chy started with Saul, who was to preach repentance anointed as the first king of to all and love for the Israel by the prophet Samuel. oppressed. He was succeeded by his for- mer armor-bearer and son-in- Captivity law, David, who made the newly- Following the captured Jerusalem his capi- Divided Kingdoms, tal. Henceforth, this city became the periods of exiles, the epicenter of Hebrew reli- first of the Hebrews gious and cultural life. and then of the David in turn was succeed- Roman pope, pro- ed by his son, Solomon, who is vide a further com- credited with building the royal parison between the temple which came to serve as Old and New Testa- the center of Jewish activities. ment epochs. At the same time, however, Because both the Solomon took wives from for- northern kingdom eign nations, allowing them to of Israel and the worship their own gods. From southern kingdom the standpoint of the Hebrew of Judah failed to historian (I Ki 11:1-13), such repent, and thus tolerance was a heinous sin. failed to establish Divine Principle looks at the the foundation for reigns of Saul, David and the coming of the Solomon in terms of their dis- Messiah, they were pensational importance. The taken captive into ultimate purpose of this peri- Babylon. This exile od was to build a Temple which lasted for 70 years. was to foreshadow the coming Likewise in the Messiah. In a mystical sense Christian era, a cor- the Temple, which was the cen- rupted papacy was ter of Jewish life, was a sym- moved to France, bol of Christ who was to come as the Divided Kingdoms arose who emphasized the moral and also for 70 years. restored center of human society. That After both the Hebrew United King- ethical components of religious faith, Let us first examine the Old Testa- David was willing to build the Tem- dom and the United Christian Empire concern for the weak and the oppressed. ment exile. The northern kingdom was ple, and that Solomon finally achieved had been established, both kingdoms Beginning with Amos, these men were invaded by the Assyrians and destroyed it, was of understandably significant became beset by conflict and division the first to realize the place of moral- in 721 B.C. The southern kingdom import in the historical providence of for periods of roughly 400 years. When ity in religion. Yet, in spite of the emer- was invaded by the Babylonians in God. Solomon compromised his devotion to gence of these Hebrew luminaries, the 597 B.C. Mass deportations were Corresponding to the Old Testa- Yahweh both by allowing his foreign division of the United Kingdom con- ordered, beginning a whole new peri- ment United Monarchy, the United wives to worship their own deities and tinued. Just as Cain had failed to od in Israelite history. It is said that Christian Empire also lasted for approx- by neglecting to fulfill his other obli- respect the status Abel apparently had over 10,000 Jews were carried off to imately 120 years, beginning in 800 gations, the seeds were sown which in the eyes of God, so Israel failed to exile in Babylon. A.D. Just as the Hebrew united monar- destroyed the United Kingdom. The respond to the spiritual influence of Corresponding to the Babylonian chy was begun by Saul, who was anoint- kingdom was subsequently divided Judah. The Lord’s efforts were being exile, the papacy experienced a com- ed king by the prophet Samuel, so the into the northern kingdom of Israel rebuffed. parable captivity. When the medieval United Christian Empire was inau- and the southern kingdom of Judah. In the Christian era a similar dis- popes did not correct their errant ways, gurated by Charlemagne, who man- According to Divine Principle, because unity afflicted the Holy Roman Empire the papacy was exiled to France and aged to have himself crowned by Pope Solomon had united with Satan, God of Charlemagne, largely because of remained there under the control of Leo III. With his coronation, effected split his kingdom in order to separate disagreements among his grandsons. the French king. It was a period of con- at St. Peter’s Church on Christmas the good from the evil. The northern Gradually, the kingdom was divided fusion and humiliation for the Vati- Day of 800, Charlemagne became the into three parts—the kingdoms of the can and the Church. East Franks, the West Franks and that When the period of papal captivity No longer few, but all the rest. of the middle—Italy. Italy ultimately was over, the papacy was divided came under East Frank control, and between Rome and southern France; Dry Your Tears The sun is warm, the water clear so the division became one between later a further subdivision was made. True MotherÕs charm is always near. the kingdoms of the East Franks or These parties were finally integrated, A higher rise than the one before Hunger and thirst for truth on high the Holy Roman Empire, and the West and the papacy was revived in Rome. The loving hearts collect hi score Best and first comes clear as sky. Franks or the kingdom of France. The papacy was thus reconstructed To render to the world a peace According to Divine Principle, the east- through a three-stage process. Includ- Thru brand-new lineage white as fleece. ern kingdom, containing the seat of ing the times of captivity and return, Sing a ring of angels the period lasted for 210 years. So listen carefully all you ears the Roman Catholic Church, now Sing a happy song became the primary object of God’s After the Babylonian captivity, the To how the True Parents can allay your Sing aloud hosannah dispensation; it occupied an Abel posi- Jews also returned in three stages, fears. No more sadly wrong. tion, as had Judah during the time of which developed over a period of 140 the Hebrew kingdom. years. Combined with the 70-year exile, Dry your tears. The Lord has come The earth is full of song birds A significant further parallel between this meant that 210 years had elapsed Hooray, hooray, the Kingdom won. the Old and New Testament divided after their Babylonian captivity began, The sky is full of plans kingdoms is that generated by the rise matching the 210 years of the papal Now all we need is to think of that WeÕll do the best you ever heard of certain Roman Catholic monks and exile and return. And become proverbial copy cats. So weÕll lend True God our hands. saints. These spiritual giants corre- Next Month * The 20th Century❖ spond to the Hebrew prophets men- So start anew and do your best Mardi Esselstyn tioned earlier. As Israel and Judah were warned by the prophets to repent 22 Unification News January 2002 40 YEARS IN AMERICA

by Dr. Michael Mickler in Japan, a 500 member-plus global team traveled by ferry to Pusan, South Launching the World efore Coming to America, Korea on March 27th. There, from April Rev. Moon made strong 1st until May 17th they supported mas- Japan, Germany and America had been tacle. Estimates of attendance in Seoul efforts to solidify the church’s sively-attended Day of Hope festivals the three most materially blessed nations press accounts ranged from 600,000 national foundations in in Pusan, Taegu, Seoul, Inchon, Jeon- since the end of World War II and request- to 1.2 million. Three hundred persons, Korea and Japan. In the ju, Kwangju, Taejon, Cheongju and ed that each of them make the sacri- including the representatives of sixty Bsame way, having solidified fices necessary to support the nations, occupied the huge platform the American movement, he foreign mission. stage and the thousand-member IOWC launched the church’s world This is the sixth in a series of excerpts from the The movement’s final step in team sat at the front with banners. A mission during 1975-76. This book 40 Years in America: An Intimate History of launching its worldwide mission million Korean flags were distributed, involved some sacrifices for the Unification Movement 1959-1999. The editor during the first half of 1975 was and 2,400 police were mobilized for the American movement. Sev- the “World Rally for Korean Free- crowd control. In his principal rally eral hundred members joined is Michael Inglis, the historical text by Michael Mickler. The book is available from HSA dom” sponsored at Yoido Island address which was entitled, “Korea in the first Global IOWC team Plaza in Seoul on June 7th. The the World,” Rev. Moon proclaimed that in early 1975, and later that Publications for $70 + $8 s&h. Contact them at: immediate context for this rally “enthusiastic youths from 60 different spring the American church 4 West 43rd Street, NY NY 10036; tel: (212) 997- was the fall of Cambodia and Viet- countries” would “defend this country sent out dozens of its most nam to communist forces in late to the last, at the cost of their lives.” experienced and best leaders 0050 xt250 or at their web-site: www.hsabooks.com. April. This heightened insecuri- Noting that “world members” of the as pioneer missionaries ties in Korea about the American Unification Church regard Korea as throughout the world. It also commitment on their peninsula “their religious fatherland and holy involved two major challenges. Chuncheon. Prior to this, Rev. Moon and raised the specter that they could land,” he warned that if “North Korea The first challenge was familiar. That was the guest of honor at a Day of Hope become a second Vietnam. The Kore- provokes a war against the South Kore- is, just as in America, the church banquet in Seoul at the Chousen Hotel an government sponsored a May 22nd an people,” his followers would organ- throughout the world needed to escape on January 16, 1975. With more than rally for national unity. However, the ize a “Unification Crusade Army” and from obscurity and become known. 600 prominent guests, including the Park regime was under attack in U.S. “take part in the war as a supporting Rev. Moon hoped to accomplish this Speaker of the Lower House of Korea, newspapers. In fact, while criticizing force to defend both Korea and the free through huge rallies at New York’s Yan- this was something of a coming-out human rights violations in the South, world.” American HSA-UWC President kee Stadium and the Washington Mon- party at which Rev. Moon could offer the New York Times printed full-page Neil Salonen echoed these sentiments ument which would gain the world’s testimony to the work in America. statements by North Korea’s “Respect- in his rally statement, affirming that attention. The second challenge was A second step in the launch of its ed and Beloved Leader,” Kim Il Sung. the representatives of sixty nations new. Whereas the movement was able worldwide mission was the interna- Convinced that Kim Il Sung was try- would “rise up, barehanded if neces- to conduct its whirlwind Day of Hope tional marriage blessing of 1801 cou- ing to invade the south by taking advan- sary” to oppose renewed aggression. A tours within a climate of receptivity, ples in Seoul’s Changchung Gymnasi- tage of the Indochina situation, Rev. “Resolution of World Representatives the Yankee Stadium and Washington um on February 8, 1975. Billed as the Moon determined to stage a massive of the Unification Church Internation- Monument rallies unfolded within a “largest wedding in human history,” rally that would be different from the al from 60 Nations” similarly stated climate of increasing negativity and the ceremony brought together cou- government’s previous effort. First, it that “if the North Korean Communists even persecution. Ironically, the con- ples from twenty nations, including would blame Kim Il Sung “not only in should ever invade the Republic of troversies that erupted over the Unifi- seventy-six from the United States. the name of the people and mankind, Korea, we shall immediately organize cation Church during 1975-76 helped Over 10,000 guests witnessed the event, but also in the name of God.” In other a voluntary army of crusaders to pre- the movement attain international vis- after which couples boarded ninety- words, there would be a crusading edge serve and defend our holy land.” ibility. four sightseeing busses for a parade to the rally. Second, the rally was to be Barrytown Training through the streets of Seoul. Apart from a “worldwide convention” with not only generating substantial coverage world- Launching the Worldwide Korean people gathered but also 1,000 At the same time that he was launch- wide, the 1800 Couple Blessing pro- Movement representatives from 60 countries ready ing the worldwide mission, Rev. Moon vided much of the personnel for a third to offer their resolve for “the protection was working to transform the move- Rev. Moon long considered the Unit- major step in its worldwide outreach, of Korea and the whole world.” ment in America. In particular, he chal- ed States to be the gateway to the world. the establishment of missions to most The world representatives were mem- lenged the American membership to In early 1975, the Church launched nations of the world. Prior to 1975, the bers of the Unification Church’s glob- quicken their pace of numerical growth activities worldwide based upon its suc- movement had established a presence al IOWC team which had swelled to by more closely emulating the stan- cesses in America. The initial step was in Korea, Japan, the United States, the that number during the spring Day of dard of faith and witnessing methods the creation of a global Day of Hope European nations, Canada, Taiwan, Hope campaigns in Korea. Their final utilized in the East, especially Japan. team. On January 14, the first global Australia, New Zealand, India and sev- push was the Yoido Island rally. For To that end, he instituted a 120-day team, which included some 340 Amer- eral Middle East and South American that purpose, four-person groups con- training program at Barrytown, New ican and European members, board- nations. However, this development sisting of Korean, Japanese, American York under the leadership of Mr. Ken ed a chartered jumbo jet in Los Ange- was haphazard and lacked overall coor- and European IOWC members dis- Sudo, “recognized as a great teacher les for Tokyo. There, they joined forces dination. In the spring of 1975, the tributed some 5 million leaflets and as in the Japanese movement.” Accord- with an even larger contingent of Japan- movement more than doubled its over- many as 1,700 chartered busses were ing to Rev. Moon, the minimum num- ese members to evangelize and hold seas mission by sending out teams con- used for transport from local cities and ber of members necessary to influence Day of Hope rallies in Tokyo, Sendai, sisting of one Japanese, one German provinces. the United States in a positive direc- Osaka, Nagoya, Kyoto, Hiroshima and and one American member to 130 The rally itself was a staggering spec- tion was 30,000, a goal that he hoped Fukuoka. After spending nearly 80 days nations. Rev. Moon explained that to attain by 1978. He also needed sub-

Pioneers at Barrytown, shortly before leaving for their missions January 2002 Unification News 23 40 YEARS IN AMERICA

mons. Previously, members had felt a Sudo counted 500 core witnessers at Mission 1975–76 sense of urgency and worked hard to Barrytown. Beginning in June and dur- meet goals. However, the primary moti- ing the second half of 1975, “Barry- stantially more members to success- tradition was established, members vating factor for their efforts was the town pioneers” went to the field, first fully undertake ambitious evangelistic were raised and functioned within a vision of an ideal society and world. in the Northeast region and later through- campaigns at Yankee Stadium and supportive, family-style environment. This was the underlying dynamic and out the nation. Washington Monument. Barrytown During the Day of Hope era, strong what empowered members during the To a large extent, Barrytown Train- Training was to be the starting point emphasis was placed on the “team” Day of Hope tours. Ironically, having ing was a Japanese import. That is, the for a new pattern of education, and concept, particularly within the Inter- attained a certain level of accomplish- movement attempted to cultivate the Rev. Moon wanted “to re-train the entire national One World Crusade. Rev. Moon ment, the movement felt more rather attitudes and methods in witnessing American movement.” became convinced that the movement than less pressure to succeed and a that had been successful in Japan. The Barrytown Training under Mr. Sudo could not reach its goals at the current greater fear of failure. The utter col- same was true for the movement’s finan- was a significant departure from the rate of growth and, therefore, “outlined lapse of U.S. policy in Indochina and cial operation. If Mr. Sudo became the former orientation of the American plans for restructuring the American the fall of Vietnam to communist forces de facto director of education of the movement. In essence, the effort was movement, gradually replacing the reinforced these feelings and stimu- American Church, Mr. Takeru Kamiya- to develop not just core membership, regional system with independent pio- lated the vivid articulation of apoca- ma became its fundraising director. but hardcore membership. This was only appropriate As Mr. Sudo put it, the as funds from Japan were movement’s purpose over Rev. Moon with some fueling the movement’s evan- the next seven years was of the missionaries at gelistic campaigns in the Barrytown before their U.S. and Korea as well as “to swallow the world.” departure for their There were at least four respective countries its major property purchases. ways in which the Barry- To some extent, the Japan- town experience departed ese outlook and modes of from the previous pattern. operation became even more First, there was a much pervasive in the church’s sharper distinction drawn mobile fundraising teams, between the Church and or MFTs. There was an even the “outside world.” Under clearer distinction between the early missionaries and the church and the world during the Day of Hope as, unlike witnessers, mobile tours, the effort had been fundraisers had occasion to establish a common base for only very temporary and and points of contact with superficial interaction with the wider society. There was outsiders. Loyalty to one’s a strong emphasis on achiev- immediate central figure, ing public acceptance, and or, in MFT terminology, to even symbolic forms of good one’s “captain” or “com- will such as civic procla- mander” was far more strong- mation or keys to cities were ly stressed, and members valued and sought. Barry- were expected to grow in town Training imparted faith, offering sincere devo- more a sense of competi- tion to “mobilize the spiri- tion. Or, as Mr. Sudo put tual world” and thereby, it, “We must exceed the increase result. Although world. In order for Cain to there was a strong team sys- obey Abel, Abel must exceed tem, fundraisers had to “pio- Cain.” neer missions in the field.” This method lyptic scenarios. According to Mr. Sudo, neer” products and area and rarely A second departure was the stress had been successful in expanding the “Unless we can fulfill our mis- worked with others but were entirely placed on loyalty to one’s immediate Church’s outreach to villages in Korea. sion...many people will be killed by on their own virtually all day, every central figure and the necessity to rec- It also was regularly employed in Japan. Communism. Hundreds, thousands, day. MFT members were desperate and ognize one’s fallen nature. These points Rev. Moon believed that “the new sys- millions of people will be killed by com- urgent, just as witnessing members also were part of the Church’s past tra- tem of independent missionaries” was munists. The first victim will be the were to meet goals, and because of suc- dition in America. However, there also “the quickest way to increase mem- Unification Church.... If it happens, cess, many nurtured hopes of being was a history of divisiveness, particu- bership.” Barrytown was the training how terrible it will be. Can you imag- future business and corporation lead- larly during the early mission period. ground for these missionaries. ine the bloody tragedy of brothers and ers. At the same time, apocalyptic sce- In addition, during the Day of Hope Finally, there was a stronger sense sisters who are being tortured and narios of the sort outlined by Mr. Sudo era, at least according to Mr. Sudo, of urgency, desperation and heaviness, raped? Tortured and killed by Com- were also a source of motivation. more emphasis was placed on exter- or what Rev. Moon termed “overbur- munists—screaming, shouting and The MFT existed in a kind of paral- nal accomplishments than on devel- dened responsibility” in one of his ser- finally killed. Can you imagine? If you lel universe to the church and grew oping an internal life of faith. truly love your brothers and proportionately to the witnessing prov- Mr. Sudo noted that it was sisters, you will not be able idence. The original MFT teams worked relatively easy for the mem- to bear such a tragedy. This 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. five days a week. bership to have faith in God is the providential situation....” However, during 1973-74 there was and in Rev. Moon but diffi- Barrytown Training pressure to step up funding for the cult to have faith in one’s became the major focus of rental of Madison Square Garden and direct superior. However, this the American movement dur- other Day of Hope stops, and fundrais- was the secret of success in ing 1975. In January, thir- ers increased their pace, working as the Japanese movement. Also, ty-eight state leaders were many as twelve hours a day, six or rather than have members participating in an expand- seven days a week. Results also increased focus on external accom- ed 100-day program. At a from $70-100 daily averages to $200- plishments, Mr. Sudo “sent February 24th Director’s Con- 300 averages, with top fundraisers gen- them out into the snow to ference, “older” members and erating highs of $900-1,000 on a sin- pray for a few hours to real- those with college degrees gle day. As of May 1975, there were six ly humble themselves before were directed to go to Bar- two-van National Headquarters teams God and to repent.” rytown immediately. In March, consisting of about ninety members A third departure was the those preparing for overseas who covered West Virginia, Virginia, emphasis on individual “pio- mission joined others from the Carolinas, Maryland, and parts of neer” witnessing. Again, this the field at Barrytown, and Ohio and Pennsylvania. The rest of the also was part of the Ameri- Rev. Moon called on the country was covered by “Father’s Task can church’s past tradition movement’s ten regional lead- Force MFT” with 350 members. In from the arrival of its first ers to attend. In May, the November, two hundred additional missionaries to the setting wives of older members and members joined the MFT and it was up of state and local centers. IOWC members from the field consolidated under Mr. Kamiyama. ❖ Barrytown International Training Center, later to become were added. In June, Mr. However, once the “center” the Unification Theological Seminary 24 Unification News January 2002 INTERRELIGIOUS AND INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION FOR WORLD PEACE Somoan Conference Focuses on Family by Rev. Paul Saver he said Samoa could become a role boring nations. Moreover he stressed that our life on model for other nations. He said: Compared to many industrialized Earth is preparation for eternal life in rom September 10th till the Samoa may be a small nation com- nations of the world, Samoa retains a the spirit world.. We prepare by culti- 11th 2001, the Interreligious pared to the superpowers. But in terms strong family and clan structure with vating a heart of true love that mani- and International Federation of it’s people and it’s moral authority, four royal lineages that share tradi- fests in daily life through a lifestyle of for World Peace, together with rooted in the family, it can become a tional governance. Samoa’s history living for the sake of others. the International Educational superpower. It can become a nation goes back at least 3,000 years. In recent Rev. Kwak’s second presentation FFoundation and FreeTeens, convened that other nations seek to imitate. times with the influx of Hollywood cul- highlighted the absolute importance a conference in Apia, the capital of Throughout the conference, the Prime ture with it’s emphasis on individual- of marriage and family under God’s Samoa. Minister authorized a government vehi- ism and free sex, traditional values grace and blessing. Adam and Eve were The theme of the conference was cle and driver to trans- and mores are being cast out of the Garden of Eden through “An Exploration of Principles and Prac- port Rev. Kwak and his Throughout the duration threatened. This is man- failing to obey God’s commandment. tices that Strengthen Families, Edu- staff members to and from of the conference very ifested in a sudden Later they had children. Hence we can cate Our Youth and Rebuild Our Soci- the conference site plus positive and extensive increase in teen preg- deduce that they were married with- ety”. More than 180 people including for sight seeing. media coverage by way of nancy and STD con- out God’s blessing and protection. leaders from the spheres of politics, Accompanying the the national radio station traction rates plus 30 Satan’s life, love and lineage came to education, media, public service, youth Prime Minister at the con- and newspaper took youth suicides having be multiplied. Through the holy mar- groups and the churches gathered for ference were 7 ministers place. Not only the taken place in the past riage Blessing ceremony, married cou- two days of highly stimulating talks of his government plus participants, but the 12 months. ples could rededicate themselves and and discussions. the Deputy Head of State: nation as a whole were This phenomenon has be reborn into God’s life, love and lin- Notably in attendance, was the Prime Afiuga Mataia Visesio able to benefit from this caused alarm amongst eage. Minister of Samoa, the Hon. Tuilaepa Europa. Other notable brief visit. conscientious Samoan Throughout the duration of the con- S. Malielegaoi who gave the welcom- leaders of Samoa in atten- leaders and consequently ference very positive and extensive ing address. The following morning dance included 24 Chris- the educational programs media coverage by way of the nation- (Sept. 11th), the International Chair- tian ministers, 23 school teacher’s, 4 that were introduced by Freeteens and al radio station and newspaper took man of IIFWP, Rev. Dr. Chung Hwan high school Principals, 5 community the International Educational Foun- place. Not only the participants, but Kwak, together with his entire staff, health educators and representatives dation (IEF) were very well received. the nation as a whole were able to ben- hosted a breakfast meeting with the of the Ministry of Education. Though the Minister of Education was efit from this brief visit. The challenge Prime Minister and two of his minis- Unlike a number of other island unable to attend the conference her- that lies ahead, is to direct the inspi- ters. The Prime Minister expressed nations in Oceania, Samoa comprises self, she was able to grant her time to ration gained from the conference and gratitude for the previous opportuni- one fairly homogenous nation with one learn of the work of the IIFWP, IEF and channel it into programs that can ties for numerous members of his gov- single language which is spoken and FreeTeens through meeting with Mr. address and provide solutions to the ernment, the media and the church- understood throughout the nation. Robert Beebe, Richard Panzer, Paul problems that face the nation. es to attend conferences sponsored by English is taught in schools and is Saver and Jacinta Moreau. A steering committee to implement the IIFWP. He wholeheartedly endorsed understood and used by approximately Once again a highlight of the pro- FreeTeens was established plus a com- our work and expressed a desire to 70% of it’s population of 170,000 peo- gram which occurred in the final ses- mitment from the Ministry of Educa- work together for the betterment and ple. The main religious group is the sions were presentations by Rev. Dr. tion to seek to review and adapt IEF prosperity of Samoa. Congregational Christian Church of Kwak who spoke of the significance of character education curricula to suit Dr. Kwak responded warmly saying Samoa which has as it’s beginnings our eternal life and the Spirit world Samoa. The proposal to run regular that in all his travels to more than 100 from the time in 1830 when repre- plus the significance of the family and teacher training seminars for the imple- nations, he felt that Samoa was such sentatives of the London Missionary the holy marriage Blessing. With pas- mentation of character education cur- a peaceful country and blessed by God. Society brought Christianity to Samoa. sion and deep conviction, Dr. Kwak ricula in all schools was well received. Dr. Kwak further reiterated some essen- Amazingly, the nation was converted spoke about the spiritual nature of all Rev. Saver is the National Leader, tial points that he had already men- ‘overnight’ and 30 years later, Samoa people and the continuation of life in FFWPU Australia ❖ tioned in his keynote address, when sent her own missionaries to her neigh- the spiritual world after physical death.

by Michael Hentrich material into booklets entitled: “Wisdom of True Love”, “Wisdom hen True Parents HDH For Beginners of Marriage and Family”, and “The came to Cheyenne, Truth about Life After Death.” My Wyoming on their 50- HDH, and begin a 40-day witnessing condition wife and daughter joined the effort by state tour this past mainly at which, for the first time, was to involve repeatedly proofreading and giving their March, Father offered large con- the whole family, including the chil- input and suggestions. onlyW one specific point of advice or ferences for dren. Our children were 16 and 14. After massaging and massaging, we direction to help our work here. He leaders. On So, I said to my son, Michael, “I don’t found we had three very nice HDH said, “When you witness, begin with the local know when I will ever make booklets of 30-60 pages each, which HDH instead of the Divine Principle.” level, and this inspiration become offer a very stimulating introduction Now, we have tried many different one-on-one, reality the way I am going, to True Parents’ vision and thought. approaches to introducing people to we had lit- but if you will help me, we They are the kind of material that is True Parents and the Providence through tle founda- can do it as part of our 40- very comfortable to hand to even a new the Principle, but only recently with tion to build day witnessing condition.” acquaintance and certainly appropri- upon or He agreed and we began. ate for our friends, contacts and rela- work I poured tives. And, I felt very good creating this with in through all of together with the children since it also HDH for Beginners terms of our English lan- gave them an opportunity to have anoth- Well-selected excerpts of True Father’s HDH. guage HDH pub- er level of give and take with Father’s words in small pocket-size HDH After spending too lications, mark- words, themselves. many days and weeks ing all the We printed a small quantity of book- booklets—great for witnessing.Three thinking about what excerpts which lets at a local copy shop and have made to choose from:“Wisdom of True Father said, I was seemed espe- them available to members to purchase Love” (30 pages;“Wisdom of inspired that what we cially appropri- for their own use. But, our hope is that Marriage & Family” (70 pages) and needed were small, pocket-size ate as introduc- something like this might become a HDH booklets on various gener- tory material. very helpful tool in our collective efforts “The Truth about Life After al topics which could convey After this, to reach especially the young people Death” (53 pages). Father’s vision to even a casual Michael typed of this country, as well as the leaders, Send $1.50 per booklet (postage new acquaintance. However, weeks them into his and turn their hearts in the direction included) to: Michael Hentrich, and months of procrastination computer where of God’s Will. flew by as all of the wrong priorities we could then organize and edit the PO Box 1272, Casper WY 82602. For more information contact: Michael found their way to the top of my selected verses. I tried to organize the Hentrich AFC of Wyoming, PO Box For information call (307) 266-5209 or daily to-do lists. Then, we received excepts into 7 topics, but finally set- 1272, Casper, WY 82602. email: mikhen- email at [email protected] the direction this past summer to tled on just three. We boiled down the [email protected]. Ph: 307-266-5209 ❖ January 2002 Unification News 25

PAUL CARLSON HELLO HUMANISTS tidimensional ‘fields’ poised in swift of sexual excitement, can be mimicked speed is effectively omnipresent. Since harmonic vibration. New Agers love to in similar ways. But if you relied on that something also ‘underlies’ the parrot such terminology, but the real- that, you’d starve! And in the long run, entire cosmos, it would by definition Part Two ity is even more amazing—and quite cease reproducing. Humanists would be omnipotent. Having ‘made the rules’ similar to the Principle of Creation. probably retort that anorexics and nar- in the first place, its only limits would his is the second half of a Why do humanists claim we’ve cissists have similar problems. And I, be the ones it placed upon itself! two part article about reached the boundaries of the known? in turn, would call them spiritual anorex- But how could God comprehend Humanism. With the dis- Science made that mistake a hundred ics, and worse. everything, all at once? Without a speed- crediting of Marxism, it is years ago, and may again. I know it’s Professional skeptics demand hard of-light limit, computability is also now the most aggressive risky to name names, but why not take proofs for everything. I would ask them, unrestricted. You’ve heard of the Pen- formT of atheism. I see this as a major Rupert Sheldrake’s theory of ‘morphic “Do you love your spouse? Is that per- tium 4, so how about a Pentium ∞? fields’ seriously? Tens of millions of son very special to you, even exclu- challenge, and this article is addressed Conclusion to humanists and the believers who educated, perceptive animal lovers will sively so?” Could they prove that objec- encounter them. tell you that, without a doubt, their tively, or demonstrate it for me in a Here’s a challenge to humanists. pets have some type of ESP. lab? I’d like to see them try. Or would One of their greatest bugbears is the Something New But you may have a hard time get- they tell their spouse that their love is idea of Life After Death, and especial- The ranks of Humanism include ting them to say so! Why? Skeptics only an illusion; an effect of oxytocin ly communication those who have many brilliant, even groundbreaking, have so browbeaten the public that and social conditioning? passed on. Most people think it hap- scholars and scientists. Even so, they most people know very well when to Humanists are human, too. No mat- pens, even while doubting séances held sometimes come across as modern- shut up. Who wants to get called a nut ter their stated convictions, they’re peo- for thrills, or for money. The real point day Luddites. In their eagerness to case, or an ignorant fool? Folks will ple with undescribed beliefs, higher is, do humans have a component beyond debunk America’s (all too numerous) even argue themselves into disbelief, passions, and profound desires. They the physical, or not? quacks, frauds, and harebrained notions, whenever they have a paranormal expe- too have priests and prophets, they What if that component is separat- they also stomp on a number of gen- rience. just call them something else. ed from observation by a fourth spa- uine, cutting-edge theories. Ever witnessed a really strange, truly tial dimension? What if it’s something Knowledge For example, they do not posit that inexplicable occurrence? Between the like the exotic ‘dark matter’ that now the mind is seated in the brain, but humanist skeptics and the airheaded After Darwin, humanists assumed confounds astronomers? What if claim there is no ‘mind’ at all! Just a New Age types, tough luck getting a that God had been banished; that the tachyons turn out to be real? (That cascade of physical impulses racing fair hearing these days! Bible was only a fairy tale. But now, could explain things like precognition.) around those soggy neurons. There- I just read an account by a respect- geneticists has discovered that all Or, as Roger Penrose says, our neu- fore the ‘sense of self,’ morality, per- ed magazine editor. He lives alone, and humans are descended from a single rons have a direct quantum compo- sonal goals, etc., are all illusions, lit- on the morning of Sept. 11th he slept Mitochondrial Eve, who lived in Africa nent? tle fancier than the inchoate yearnings in. And had a very disturbing dream, tens of thousands of years ago. Archae- It might even be possible to discov- of animals. about a tall skyscraper in flames after ologists continue to verify the Scrip- er and study the immortal human This idea is controversial, and is not a terrorist explosion. Humanists won’t tures. soul—and remain an atheist! But that’s accepted by most mind/brain call him a liar, at least not to his face. When Copernicus discovered that not likely. Whatever our spirits are researchers. Philosophers can blow it Instead they’ll say that he always has the Earth is not the center of the uni- made of has a source, and that Source out of the water, because no scholar strange dreams; that this vision of ter- verse, humanists rejoiced. But then will be as obvious as the Sun is to its can even propose that theory without ror was a mere coincidence. Or maybe Hubble found out that the entire uni- companions here on this Earth. somehow stating, “I think it is true.” the neighbor had the news playing real- verse flashed into existence in one Genuine wisdom includes knowing The ideas of quantum physics and ly loud, just before he woke up. All I instant, which his rival Hoyle soon the limits of reason and belief. When superstring theory are discomfiting to can say to that is: “Yeah, right.” dubbed the Big Bang. Not only that, desire is informed by belief and rea- humanists, because they depict all Similarly, ‘psychic’ frauds are a dime but its underlying physical laws were son, with sincere humility, then suc- existence as energy. As intricate, mul- a dozen. No one has earned the skep- so precisely ‘tuned’ that stars, chem- cess and happiness can follow. One tic’s million dollar prize. But a gen- istry, and intelligent life would later popular, real-life example is depicted uine psychic would be nuts to trade emerge. in Homer Hickam’s book The Rocket that money for the deluge of med- Humanists claim that nothing could Boys, and its movie version October ANNOUNCEMENTS dling, if not the dire peril, that would be as powerful as God. Yet physics is Sky. The hagiographies of the saints arise from claiming it. (Seriously, now positing the existence of quantum offer countless other examples. could this prize be claimed with some singularities, Higgs fields, and Hilbert I’ll meet you back here in ten thou- Tired of the Big City? And high cost of guarantee of anonymity?) space. (Look it up, if you dare.) sand years, and we’ll talk. ❖ living? Consider relocating to Casper, Anything that moves at an infinite Wyoming. Call Michael or Shigeko Hentrich Human Nature to talk; 307-266-5209. email Humanists now claim they’ve [email protected] relegated every human experi- I am looking for a child called Gurion Dae ence to the test tube. Our noblest Seng Ramirez, born on 4/16/97. I have his impulses, they say, are mere Miracle Massager for Micronesia certificate of WFWP membership and a chemistry. For example, the hor- by Ray & Kathy Sabo sia”last March, so we also hope that pendant of TM. Please call me at 212-244- mone oxytocin can stimulate you can purchase the Miracle Mas- 0719. My name is Kwi Suk Ferrabolli. reetings in this New Year. motherly love and, in animals, sager to help our projects in Microne- An American Sister who has been in the erase it when blocked. My family and I are very The chemical MDMH (“ecsta- excited on the announce- sia such as: beginning a school, fish- church a long time, truely loves God & True ing projects,and outreach programs parents, is looking for a Comfort Blessing sy”) can make anyone feel loving. ment of our patent-pend- with someone whose spouse passed into It will give people a ‘high,’ but G in the community. ing invention “The Miracle Massager” the spirit world (not divorced please). I am then it wears off, leading to a mis- We hope that you will be able to We know you will like the Miracle 49 years old, a teacher, and would like to erable ‘crash.’ If it’s imposed by purchase a Miracle Mas- Massager because we have been share my life and create a loving home with a pill, then it isn’t really you. If sager or two. receiving great responses from a man wo is financially stable, in good it really worked, you’d only have everyone that has tried it. spiritual & physical health, caring and family to take it once. Over the past year oriented (children welcome). Please write we developed the Mir- Please visit our web site at Humanists tell how an ‘expe- http://www. with a photo or email: Frances Vianale, 75- rience of oneness’ and the ‘pres- acle Massager to help C St. Andrew’s Blvd, Clifton NJ 07012. ence holiness’ can be generated miraclemassager.com email [email protected]. ease those tight mus- by applying electric fields direct- cles in your back and There are 2 ways you can Bright, 20-year-old sister, living in ly to the brain. They also discount help release the ener- order. By secure credit card line Vietnam, desires to get Blessed in April with the fascinating idea that God has or mail in check. Shipping is a morally upright US citizen. Vu-thi-My- gy by placing the mir- ‘hard wired’ us to experience His acle massager along the available around the world. Hanh has sent in her application with presence. But, as with the pills If you would like to reach us photos. For more info. contact Don pressure points of your described above, if you switch off please go to the web site and Marsolek, 913-341-6828, 9am-10pm CST the device, the experience goes back. This is a very simple but very effective massager. use the comment section to send an away. email. Build Your Website Religion and family are the We hope that you can try it out. Build your website for Free genuine article. Our family moved to our NM Coun- Thank you very much. May God http://newmw.com Note that the experience of try “The Federated States of Microne- bless you and your families. satiety (of having just eaten), and 26 Unification News January 2002 IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM Edouard Amede Joseph Gagné February 14, 1953 – December 8, 2001 Mrs. Ding See Hwa t 5:45 am on October life, having suffered much during HQ building manager. In 1986, Ed douard Gagné passed into 9th 2001, Mrs. Ding the Japanese occupation in the joined CAUSA International for 5 the spiritual world on See Hwa ascended to second world war seeking hide- years as an audio-visual technician December 8, 2001 of a the spirit world in a outs along with her family in the and facilities manager. He sudden cardiac hospital in Sri Man- thick jungles of green Malaysia. then worked with Future arrest. Ed was jung,A Sitiawan. Her Seung Hwa She has gone through many near Productions from 1992 Eborn on February 14, ceremony was held on October death experiences. Being a reli- to 1995 as produc- 1953 in Ste. Marguerite, 13th, and she was interred at the gious woman she always turn to tion supervisor. In Quebec. Ed grew up Kutien Cemetery, Sitiawan. heaven for help and protection. 1995, Ed joined the in Canada and, at Ding See Hwa was born Despite all the hardships and New Yorker Hotel 21 years of age, as the second daughter sufferings in her life she Management Co. while hitchhiking of ten children on Dec. never complained but as the Purchas- in the US, met the 1923 (lunar Calen- always keeping a cheer- ing/Telecom Unification Church dar), in Sitiawan ful bright spirit hop- Manager until in Oakland, CA, in in the State of ing that one day his death. 1975. He official- Perak, West things will be bet- Ed was ly joined the UC on Malaysia. ter. matched to Ana December 22, 1975. At the tender She first came Aldan in 1979 and Only a few weeks age of 16 her into contact with they participated after joining the UC, parents matched the movement in the Madison Ed joined a Mobile her to someone through her daugh- Square Garden Bless- Fundraising team and who was born in ter in 1989. Seeing ing Ceremony on July traveled all over the coun- China and ten her for the first time 1,1982. They have a son try for 4-1/2 years. He then years her senior and after seven years of and a daughter—Jeremy joined Tongil Farms in New whom she has never separation brings great who is 14 years old and Mika who York for a year. After that, he joined met before. Spiritually joy. Upon her daughter’s is 13 years old. They reside in Clifton, the New York HQ staff as caretaker and physically she is so return from Korea with her New Jersey. ❖ of Camp Happy Lake and then as beautiful. With such a great deep Austrian husband after the bless- love, she mentioned that she must ing in 1989, she received them have great faith in accepting some- with open arms even though ini- one whom she does not know, but tially she struggled when she first IN MEMORIAM to her surprise he is a very loving saw a photo of them together in as well as a good looking person. 1987 when they were first matched She gave birth to ten children. One by True Father. It took her three ax Mayr, a of the children ascended to the months to overcome due to the member of Max Mayr spirit world when he was three fact that the son-in-low is a white the 8000 years of age. Her husband Mr. man. Eventually she received the Couple Korea for a period of time. He moved Wong Chiew Keat already ascend- blessing (blessed to her husband Blessing, passed into his family to Westport, NY, a small ed to the spirit world in 1974 leav- who is in spirit world) in May 1997 MSpirit World on August 16, 2001. town in the Adirondacks, in 1996. ing her to tend to the nine chil- in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where He was born in Barvaria, Germany, Max suffered from ill health in the dren. Her heart was always filled the blessing was conducted by on July 15, 1921. He served in the latter years of his life and passed with the prayerful wish and utmost Rev. Dr. Yoo, the Korean Nation- German Air Force during World War away early on the morning of August sincerity to raise the children to al Messiah to Malaysia. II. He emigrated and became an 16, 2001. His Sung Hwa was offered be loving sons and daughters of May she find joy and fulfillment American citizen in the 1950s. He by the Albany Family Church on heaven. in her new life in the spirit world. ❖ met the Unification Movement in August 18 in Westport. She has lived a very sacrificial 1974 and was matched and Blessed Anyone wishing to contact the to Gong Shim An in October 1982. family to offer their condolences They have a son, Cheon-Gueon can write to Gong Shim Ahn-Mayr, (Johnny) who is 11 years old. PO Box 325, Westport NY 12993- Max worked for many years in 0325. ❖ Useful Internet Addresses the New York City area doing var- ious missions. He also worked in Unification Church: unification.org Family Federation: familyfed.org HSA Bookstore: hsabooks.com Unification International: www.tongil.or.kr Unification Outreach: www.unification.net Brunhofer & Balise, LLP Bridgeport University www.bridgeport.edu Certified Public Accountants The World Community Journal www.worldcommunity.com offices located at: UTS: www.uts.edu 287 Farview Ave. Ocean Church oceanchurch.org Paramus, NJ 07652 : www.sunmoon.ac.kr 201-599-9899 PWPA: www.pwpa.org 201-599-2328 (fax) World CARP: worldcarp.org & Pure Love Alliance: purelove.org 825 E. Florida Ave. HSA E-Directory: users.aol.com/HSAUWC Denver, CO 80210 Unification Archive: www.Tparents.org 720-570-1047 726 ICRF: www.religiousfreedom.com fax: 720-570-1048 Religious Youth Service www.rys.net [email protected][email protected] World University Federation www.wufed.org

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