UnificationUnification NewsNews $2

Volume 17, No. 11 T HE N EWSPAPER OF THE U NIFICATION C OMMUNITY November 1998 Third International Ocean Challenge Workshop, Kodiak

NEW FUTURE PHOTO by Rev. Eric Holt—NY, NY Our daily schedule included ocean- or river-fishing, hoon dok hae, spiri- group of seventy partici- tual guidance, testimonies and a con- pants from all over the world siderable amount of practical training gathered in Kodiak, Alas- in boat-handling, navigation, fishing, ka for the Third Interna- knot-tying, first aid, etc. The local U.S. tional Ocean Challenge from Coast Guard Auxiliary came by for sev- SeptemberA 9 through October 18, 1998. eral evenings and presented a series The majority were National Messiahs, of lectures concerning boat-handling (missionaries in Africa, Europe, Latin and seamanship. All of us completed America, Asia, the Middle East and a final examination – and everyone Oceania). The Family Federation con- passed! The local Red Cross came and tinental directors of North America, taught CPR. Everyone received their Latin America, Asia and Europe also CPR certification. participated as well as several second Boat-handling involved days of prac- generation brothers and sisters. tice, practice and more practice. Dock- ing turned out to be a most difficult True Father speaking at North Garden exercise, in view of the constantly vary- see KODIAK on page 4 Recent Activities of True Parents in South America A report by Rev. Joong Hyun Pak, on October 3 to celebrate Foundation Continental Director, given at East Gar- Day for the Nation of the Unified World. den, New York November 11, 1998. Rev. On October 5 they conducted the Cer- Pak returned with True Parents from emony of Liberation and Unification of Jardim where he and Mrs. Pak are the Spirit World and Physical World. attending the Ideal Family workshop. At this ceremony, they assigned the True Parents asked Rev. Pak to accom- major religious leaders in the spirit pany them back to America for the cel- world to continents on the Earth. North ebration of True Children’s Day and the America, of course, is centered on Jesus; week’s activities. South America is centered on Mary and Joseph; Korea, Buddha; China, Con- rue Parents have been gone fucius and Islamic nations, Mohammed. since September 21. They True Parents remained in Sao Paulo have spent most of this time to officiate at an international religious going back and forth between freedom conference held October 10- Fuerte Olimpo and Salobra 12 entitled “Religious Freedom in Latin inT the Pantanal, teaching and fishing America and the New Millennium.” Thir- and then to Rio Perdido and back to ty-two countries around the world par- Jardim to teach there as well. ticipated. It was reported to have been True Parents traveled to Sao Paulo very successful, with notable people Rev. & Mrs. Pak on the Salobra River see S. AMERICA on page 2 TFV Seminars and International Night in

by Richard Lemont—Chicago, IL inar. Rev. Braxton is a minister and is in charge of pastoral counseling at Pro- nion MBC in Chicago is gressive Community Church. Progres- one of the oldest African- sive has often been called ‘The Mayor’s American congregations in Church’ because Mayor Harold Wash- Chicago and the pastor, ington attended services there while Rev. Marvin Alexander, is he was mayor of Chicago. It’s Pastor, Uone of the most powerful and respect- Rev. B. Herbert Martin, is a long time ed preachers in the city. Rev. Alexan- friend of TFV Ministry and an ICC grad- der invited the True Family Values Min- uate. Rev. Michael Jenkins from TFV istry in Chicago to present a TFV Sem- Ministry gave a powerful presentation inar at his church to his core lay leaders. in the late morning portion of the Sem- Over 20 guests attended bright and inar. He prevailed upon Rev. Alexan- early on a Saturday morning. These der to assist him in delivering the top- were the deacons and missionaries and ics of “Jesus and the Holy Spirit” and Sunday School teachers that make a see CHICAGO on page 16 substantial success of any ministry. We were blessed to have Rev. Steve Braxton deliver one session of the sem- Rev. Michael Jenkins introducing TFV on International Night in Chicago 2 Unification News November 1998 ica. The populations of Argentina and early morning, to the dark of late night, blessed couples to live a life of this stan- S. AMERICA Uruguay are all “white,” making them True Parents were on the water. Father dard. I realize that our attendance is from page 1 Cain-type; Paraguay and Brazil, on the is so intent on maintaining the sched- not enough. other hand, are racially mixed, so they ule that if the boat did not depart on True Mother is a great fisherwoman. attending, including many from the are Abel-type. time, he would become very frustrat- She caught five bacu on each of two United States. I once read about an interview with ed. The boat is small, a five-person boat. successive days. The record for every- True Parents stayed with the nation- Mother Teresa, in which she was asked The guide is a native, not a member. one else is 70 in 40 days, but most al messiahs at their workshop at Fuerte when she thought the messiah would They would go up small rivers, full of catch 30 or 40 in 40 days. Olimpo until October 20. Although Par- come and where would the Garden of alligators and the land populated with We can say that Chung Pyung Lake ents have already fulfilled all the indem- Eden most likely be. She answered: wild animals. The vegetation was so is the “cleansing center.” We did not nity conditions necessary, still they “The year 2000, but if we are not pre- dense that even to make their way up deserve the blessing, but Father for- continue to give their sweat and tears, pared for him then he will be perse- the channels the guide had to chop gave us. He has a timetable and has to investing so much everyday. cuted and delayed in his work. The away branches with a machete. The work with unqualified people. This is There are 2,000 members present- location of Eden will not be Africa but cut branches, on return trips, were why our blessing marriage life is not ly in Jardim attending the Ideal Fam- in the South American rain forest,” she dangerous, like spears pointing at the good enough. We disrespect God, the ily workshops. The spirit is high. The said! boats going up the narrow channel. Principle and the value of the blessing. various races and nations are loving Father said that he chose Jardim But Father would push and push the So at CPL we clean out our past char- each other as a beautiful community. and the surrounding Pantanal region guide to go faster. A boat that small acter and liberate our evil spirits and Father conducted 18 Hoon Dok Hae ancestors so that they can attend sessions there in just a 12-day peri- Heung Jin Nim’s 100-day workshop. od, one day starting at 5 am and end- CPL is like cleaning the dirty cup. ing at midnight. There is a large stage Jardim is where we fill this cleaned in the main lecture hall and True cup. We receive the Holy Spirit. At Parents continually stayed on the CPL, Dae Mo NIm conducts the activ- stage, in view of everyone, sweating ities, but at New Hope East Garden, so profusely because it is so hot. But True Father, True Parents directly they are with everyone all the time. conduct the teachings, the activities. True Parents matched workshop Through doing the Hoon Dok Hae national messiah families. Mrs. Pak and visiting the holy grounds, we gain and I were matched with a Japan- power and energy to go out to the ese 1800 couple blessing family. After world as messiahs. Koreans, Japan- that, True Parents sat for family pho- ese, Americans—everyone working tos for 900 couples! It took a long together on teams, farming and build- time. Can you imagine smiling for ing. It is a joyful experience. 1,350 photographs! The next stage will be to connect At Salobra, Parents made a spe- this work at the headwaters of the cial prayer condition and then caught Paraguay River to the headwaters of 14 fish. After having them “preserved,” the Amazon River, which flows out they brought the fish to Jardim and True Parents with Korean National Messiahs at the Fuerte Olimpo workshop of the northern side of the Pantanal. displayed them on the stage. Father Too many people are cutting down the gave a prayer for the 3rd Ideal Family Amazon rain forests. These forests are workshop and then offered the fish by because it is the least developed area can easily capsize. the lungs of the planet. Only Father’s lottery. The cost of a lottery ticket was on the planet, hence the closest to the They would travel three hours on vision, leadership and love will save $300, so Father raised $200,000! Two original creation. Father has gone there this narrow river, in areas where there this. He will divide it into 185 territo- of the fish went to Korean couples and to love the land, water, and all crea- was no human habitation. The rivers ries and assign these territories by lot- 12 went to Japanese couples. Then tures. True Parents have invested all are full of piranhas. Just recently a tery to the 185 Eve-nation national Father invested the $200,000 to buy their physical and spiritual resources boat (not ours) capsized with six peo- messiahs. Father often spoke about 1,000 cattle for the farm. When the cat- there, to the point of almost dying, to ple on board; five survived but one was the need for an insect museum, for tle arrived, the couples shepherded make a vast foundation. It is now devel- eaten by piranhas. But Father wanted tourism, boating, and so forth for this them into the fields. It was a powerful oping non-stop everyday. We visited all to make his own trip faster each day! area. Now all this can be fulfilled. experience. Father’s mind and body were To educate families, Father is con- Garden of Eden completely invested. This is ducting the Ideal Family workshops in what brought the miracles of Jardim. As the Elder Son nation let us On November 6, Father RFK and MSG. This time, as I prepare well. declared, “The Fulfillment of realized this, I could only cry [When all reports were completed, the Restoration in the Gar- tears. Everyone carries guns in True Father gave a simple conclusion den of Eden.” Garden of Eden that wilderness, but True Par- before dismissing us: “When we build means harmony of land and ents have no security; there a house, we need the component parts water, fish, birds and ani- was only one staff member with first; then we assemble them and the mals, and sinless blessed them. house is created. In the same way, to couples. This is the mean- One day, when circumstances build the Kingdom of God, we need all ing of the 40-day workshop allowed, a sister invited Par- the component parts. The major part is directly with True Parents. ents to come off the boat to have our family, the family system.”] ❖ This third workshop was the lunch on the dock, but Father foundation to declare the ful- declined the invi- fillment of restoration. tation with The Hoon Dok Hae focused thanks, saying on the following: a book of that he had to C ALENDAR the prophecies of Nos- eat on the boat tradamus from a Korean because if he got NOVEMBER translation; Dr. Sang Hun off he would lose 3 Daemo-nim's Ascension (1989) Lee’s book on the spirit world; focus. At the end the two Hoon Dok Hae volumes on 4 Shin Eh Nim's 9th Birthday On the Paraguat River at Fuerte Olimpo of the day, after sit- Spirit World; True Parents (vol. 10 ting for long hours in 6 Shin Ok Nim's 9th Birthday of the Hoon Dok Hae series) and that cramped little 8 Hwa Yun Nim's 21st Birthday from Father’s Prayers, the volume space on the boat, on “the mind of filial piety.” Following 19 TRUE CHILDREN'S DAY (1960) the holy grounds and heard the expla- Father had difficulty 22 Shin Sun Nim's 8th Birthday the readings, Father would then pro- nation of what True Parents have done standing up and walk- vide his commentaries. at each place. We followed their foot- ing. Everyday it was cold 24 Yun Ah Nim's 20th Birthday The overall theme was for all blessed steps. This has made me a new per- and rainy. In rain or sun, Shin Hoon Nim's 4th Birthday couples to arrive at the perfection level son. I learned Divine Principle all over Father gives no attention 29 3.6 Million & and for blessed children to find suc- again, especially “Restoration through to his health or his skin. 36 Million Couples' Blessing (1997) cess, not just on Earth but in prepa- Indemnity.” Indemnity ration for eternal life while still living DECEMBER on Earth. To do so we follow True Par- Victorious Blessings All this indemnity ents and True Family’s victorious model The RFK and Madison Square Gar- mobilizes the spirit world. 6 Jin Whi Nim's 35th Birthday of love. When we fulfill this, we can reg- den victories did not come about because I could not bear to raise Shin Young Nim's 12th Birthday ister in True Parents Family Registry. of our hard work, but rather because my head and look at True 11 Heung Jin Nim's 32nd Birthday Father is working so hard among of True Parents’ indemnity in South Parents directly. At the four chosen nations of South Amer- America. From the dark and cold of the Jardim, Father asked the 22 35 Couples' Blessing (1976) November 1998 Unification News 3 FOUNDER’S DISCOURSE ON UNIFICATIONISM

NEW FUTURE PHOTO TOTAL PROVIDENTIAL CONCLUSION by Rev. People say, okay, why don’t you do joy of His children as parents. Each The fourth Jardim declaration states it in Korea? It is because Korea is not generation call God, Father. From this that from God’s viewpoint, the family This is an excerpt from the sermon the central Christian nation. Think of point of view, parents and children are is a set of relations that cannot be given on September 20, 1998, at the impact of a huge investment every equal. changed, hence it is fate, inalterable Belvedere, New York. Rev. Peter Kim year in Africa. If you have money, you We have to understand the value of forever. Even God follows this concept was the translator and these are unof- should use it for the sake of your coun- the family, which reveals the invisible of absolute fate. But in the secular ficial notes taken by Dr. Tyler Hendricks. try. I have been mobilizing the resources course of His own creation, together in world the family relations do not reach our mind and body are fight- of the world for America, every penny. three dimensions, also the course of that standard of fate. Those relations ing. They should be subject- Strictly speaking, you are indebted to Adam and Eve’s creation is replicated. were to have been built in the garden, object. But they go different Father and should pay him back for That’s why when we look at the fami- but were not. Now as blessed couples, directions. They cannot make what he has done for America. ly we see God, grandparents, king, par- we are not original branches but are absolute husband-wife rela- The world someday will follow Rev. ents, and future world, our children, engrafted branches. tions.Y If we have that, we can register Moon. It will realize that no one but spirit world, the present world and The relationship of parents and chil- for the Kingdom of God. NEW FUTURE PHOTO dren is absolute and should be ful- (On the 90 degree connection filled even after we die. Hence, Jesus True Parents has been working to complete it able to travel everywhere. On the in Alaska absolute love connection with the even in Spirit World, even if it takes opposite sex. A long discourse on forever. Father in one generation is the many aspects and applica- embracing the entire world and tions of absolute.) turning it around. Even to restore Why is Father so busy between one family is almost impossible and North America and South Amer- Father has to turn the entire world ica? Why was the universe cre- around. Difficult! Therefore, we need ated? For love. Did God need a absolute faith. Our lives have been period to mature? He did, to wishy washy, but after this point become the absolute God, through of great transition, we must be three stages, equivalent to chil- absolute. It was God’s night and dren’s period, brother period and Satan’s daytime, but now is Satan’s conjugal period. God Himself cen- night and God’s daytime. It is a dif- tered on True Love, through which ferent world now. Don’t you think He grew into maturity. we need to prepare ourselves for In the world are three stages, his era? Like those who pack every- mineral, plant and animal. They thing and flee as if from a war zone. are all in the pair system, because In heaven, marriage is fate. It they came from love. Plus- minus never ends. There is no divorce. The came from the paradigm or ideal fourth declaration is of the libera- of man and woman. Without two tion of the four realms of heart rela- poles, there is no action. Without excep- Rev. Moon has been devoting his life future. Everything is compacted in the tions from the loose, relative relations tion, existing beings have plus and to world peace. So the center should family structure. We each eventually of the fallen world, into eternal rela- minus, male and female, which com- be the axis of God and True Parents, become the king of each level. This is tions that exist in the Kingdom of God. bine to multiply. There is no way for and around this axis the globe should the dream of humankind. These four proclamations were given an existing being to continue without spin. God, Adam and Eve have become We can serve God as children serv- in Jardim and then Father gave the 4.4 going through the gate of love and order a four position foundation. If it expands ing our parents and grandchildren serv- in Kodiak, and that can be considered of love. into three dimensions, then you cut off ing our grandparents. Thus, the uni- the 5th declaration. You were not there, How do we open the gate of true love? the corners and make a sphere. Then fication of heaven and earth is possi- so I share it with you now as the elder We do so in the family where we mul- the love organ is restored into the palace ble. The family is the center fulfilling brother nation, so that you can elimi- tiply our children. The order of love is of original life, love and lineage. Inside the Kingdom of God vertically and hor- nate free sex and homosexuality. There that smaller serves the larger. Darwin there is no divorce concept. izontally. Adam received only vertical is an abundance of waste here, but you saw this but did not understand the The 1st Jardim declaration centered love from God, but made no horizon- should save even one cent to send to whole picture, so his theory is incom- on the ethic of absolute faith, love and tal love, hence there was no godly third the needy. Millions die of starvation plete. He didn’t know the concept of obedience. The reason relates to God’s generation. each year. If 200 people team up to love, by which the smaller offers itself status as creation, lost at fall, and now Fulfilling the three object purposes. help one starving person, that person for the larger. The desire of all things Father restores it to bring recreation. Dr. Lee explains about this, having God can be saved. I’ve been preparing for is to reach toward the love of God. All The 2nd Jardim declaration had to do behind it. This is the building block of this for four years. This cannot take things want to become part of some- with God’s four major attributes being the spirit world. place overnight. I came up with fish thing closer to God. The final terminal recreated in His perfect complete object, After WW2, Protestants and Roman powder. point is human sex organ. the family. We will suffer in hell until Catholics could have united as Cain Father cannot guarantee when he But in the fallen world, there is no we recover that standard, four attrib- and Abel. In 1992, WFWP was estab- comes back. High level people are beg- love concept, but rather killing and tak- utes fulfilled by each of the four fami- lished, and then there is 7 years from ging him to come here and there. But ing. So all things are lamenting. But ly components (parents, husband-wife, 1992 is 1999, so the completion has he doesn’t want to get involved in pol- all things are created for the sake of children and the entire family). We to be made by then, to bring the bless- itics. the larger, so they are suffering. God inherit this at Jardim. After the third ing to all humankind. Today’s title is “Total Providential is subject and all human beings are session, the location of this workshop Due to fall, God had no grandchil- Conclusion.” We go through three stages object. The family is the unit to build may change. Jardim is a bridge between dren and no four position foundation. including water and land. Nutrition true relationships with God. Based the land, the hunting world, and water, The grandchildren level has been estab- from the mother’s body or earth. The upon that comes the tribe and nation. the fishing world. The 21st century is lished through the history of restora- five senses necessary for the next world To make it faithful, the key is the father- the century of the family centering on tion and hence Father could proclaim are prepared in the world preceding it. child relationship. God is father to every God’s true love. You are in position of 4.4 Commemoration. This is the begin- We enter the world with a burst of cry- generation. This is eternally unchang- Adam prior to the fall. The blessing ning point of the Kingdom of God on ing. We learn from our physical par- ing. None of the four realms can be guarantees you will not end up in hell. earth and heaven. All blessed couples ents how to utilize our five senses. Our altered. That is the minimum guarantee. are in the grandchildren’s position. The parents are even more powerful than Father is investing enormously every The Third Jardim proclamation is three generations are God, True Par- God is. year to save America. Has any wealthy that our children are the third creator. ents and blessed couples. Therefore as In the Physical World, we develop American sacrificed money to save God is first and parents are second. blessed couples, we should set the offer- our spiritual senses. Then we break America? Father cannot run for office God grew centering on love. He creat- ing table condition, offering $16,000. into the Spirit World. We experience here. He has not drawn a salary from ed himself invisible and the creation of This is to offer everything we own, which love food, love clothes, etc. This is an American businesses. He has been act- the universe unfolded in His own image, belonged to Satan to God. By offering ascension, not a funeral. The butter- ing like a fool from an economic point from baby to child to adult. Then He it, we will receive God’s blessing back. fly has 3 stages: water, cocoon, flying. of view. He has devoted his life to reviv- created children who were to become Connect your property to the nation We have three parents: our mother in adults and have children and so forth. and world. It is restoring the four posi- womb, nature in this world, and God ing Christianity, the bone of America. ❖ Saving America means reviving Chris- When we meet someone face to face, tion foundation in many ways. It places in Spirit World. Breathe love there. tianity. It is not a matter of politics. we feel most excitement. The grand- us in God’s lineage, as their grand- children of God allow God to feel the children. 4 Unification News November 1998

when my ocean experience consisted the line of the person fishing next to confined her to one of the compart- KODIAK of emptying my stomach of its contents you on the boat. The mighty halibut ments. The following day we confined from page 1 and turning a greyish-green. Let’s just is of course the fish of choice. Sever- her to our stomachs. ing winds and currents. Other exer- say that it felt like a near-death expe- al large halibut (plural?) were landed, Catching salmon from a river bank cises included navigating waves and rience. So, this time around I prepared the biggest being a 218-pounder. There’s calls for another set of physical and rescuing an imaginary “man overboard”. by going to my local mental skills. We tried In the end, we all took part in a prac- drug store and load- to catch salmon as they tical examination to test our boat-han- ing up on every con- made the final stage in dling skills, and, yes, we all passed! ceivable type of sea- their life’s journey. After During the first ten days, Rev. Moon sickness medicine. five or six years on the spoke to us in the mornings after hoon I must say, this was high seas, these mag- dok hae. A recurring theme was the a good move. I also nificent creatures return three stages of human life: life in the got some good advice to their hometown for womb, earthly life and life in the eter- from an “old salt”: matching, wedding, mul- nal spirit world. This can also be com- keep your head and tiplication… and death. pared to water, land and air. Life in body vertical while Salmon fishing can be the womb is preparation for earthly on the boat – the summarized by the life, and earthly life is training for life boat may rock back words patience and per- in our eternal domicile. Rev. Moon and forth but you severance. On occasion, likened our ocean-going experience should not. This was although very infre- with the embryo’s watery existence in the best advice – and quently, it was relative- the womb. it worked. There’s ly easy to catch a few. Hyun Jin Nim, the Vice-President some kind of reli- My first day salmon fish- of Family Federation International, was gious message here: ing was like that: it was also in Alaska at around the same time, if you keep your ver- pretty easy to catch them. on a moose-hunting expedition. After tical faith in God Maybe that was God’s several days of fruitless search for the amid the turbulent seas of life, you will no telling when a halibut will get hooked. way of encouraging me, because after illustrious moose, a moose showed up be able to cope. The likelihood of sea- Sometimes one will bite after a day of that it was murder. In light of this, at the last minute, weighing in at over sickness is further reduced if one keeps zero action. One of the Coast Guard Rev. and Mrs. Moon’s abilities at salmon- 1,200 pounds. The process of carry- one’s vision on the distant horizon. instructors recalled how a local resi- catching are all the more marvelous. ing several hundred pounds of moose Yes, there’s a lesson there, too: a long- dent had recently thrown out a line at The vast ever-changing ocean, the meat and antlers back to the base camp term vision and perspective will help the dock, and tied it up during lunch. endless varieties of fish, crustaceans took all day. In one of his talks, Hyun a person to navigate the short-term dif- When he returned, a 300-lb halibut and other life all attest to the magnif- Jin Nim related how the experience of ficulties of life. was pulling on the other end of the line! icence of God and the boundless char- God and His creation had taught him On the ocean, one can recognize the One day, as I was pulling in my line acter of His love for His children. It’s the value of humility and gratitude. incredible bounty that God has placed it seemed that there was a heavy weight a whole different world out there, espe- When I first learned that I would be in the ocean – a seemingly endless vari- on the other line. However, whatever cially if, like me, you’re a city boy used going to Alaska for ocean-fishing, by ety of fish, including some fascinating it was it was not fighting much. A to the concrete reality. mind immediately rewound to a not- multi-colored fish. As you bring the sunken treasure? An old lobster pot? Rev. Holt is the Regional Coordina- line up, you wait in suspense to see No – a large octopus! This rather siz- tor of the in New so-glorious day in Gloucester, Massa- ❖ chusetts about fifteen years earlier what (or who!) is on the other end. able octopus proceeded to walk around York. Hopefully, your line is not tangled in on deck for about an hour, until we Ocean Challenge in Kodiak with True Parents

by Rev. Lloyd Howell—Philippines to Angelucci representing India and purpose nature of the Ralph Jensen, Taiwan. workshop was n early September True Parents Having arrived ten days early the announced. These called various FFWPU leaders, Asia team received great benefit in being being: 1) unity mostly National Messiahs, half a able to have some intimate moments between first and 2nd dozen Continental Directors and with True Parents and to attend many generations; 2) unity other miscellaneous leaders, to breakfasts and dinners at True Par- between Adam mes- IKodiak, Alaska, to participate in a meet- ents’ table. But most wonderful was to siahs in Pantanal, ing which later turned out to be a 40- be able to camp out and salmon fish Paraguay, where they day Ocean Challenge workshop. amid the splendor of Marka Bay and too were holding a 40- I was the first to arrive followed by other scenic locations. During that time day fishing challenge, the rest of the Asia team consisting of camera shutters were constantly click- and Cain and Abel the Rev. & Mrs. Byung Wooh Kim, Kyle ing away as attendees captured prized messiahs in Kodiak; and Shinyo Kim, Mr. Young Tae Park photos of silver salmon and True Par- and 3) to inherit (Mrs. Kim’s younger brother), Andrew ents. Father’s vision for the Lim from Singapore, Dr. Lek and Tony Most other attendees arrived about ocean and love of cre- Aparo representing Thailand, Umber- 10 days later whereupon the multi- ation. The schedule con- sisted of several hours a day of Hoon Dok Hae, most of it in Kore- an with comments and guidance by faith and trust extended once again to Father, lectures by Continental Direc- us who have so many times failed to tors, testimonies, boat handling and meet the heavenly standard. Father orientation both in the classroom and poured out his heart and belief in us on the ocean, and ocean and river fish- attendees without reserve—a resur- ing. Later participants were given a test recting experience indeed. administered by the U.S. Coast Guard— Of particular interest to this nation- Tokyo which all the Asia team passed! al messiah to the Philippines was to $699 For this writer it was very inspiring Nagoya (212) 889-1141 arrive at Kodiak airport expecting to $699 Call Toll Free to meet and get to know Father’s heir observe native Alaskans only to find Fukuoka $779 and now vice president of the FFWPUI, that those who I first thought to be 800-451-5112 Hyun-Jin Nim who was simultaneously Seoul $850 Alaskans were actually Filipinos! In Fax (212) 889-7965 holding his own training program for fact, as it turned out, Filipinos com- Amsterdam $399 2nd generation leaders. His dignified 401 - 5th Ave., 4th floor prise about one third of Kodiak’s pop- and confident posture spoke of a young Paris $399 New York, NY 10016 ulation and can be found everywhere: man who stood on his own indemnity Fort Lee, New Jersey Branch working in supermarkets, McDonald’s Frankfurt $399 foundation as a true 4th Adam. London Toll free: 800-944-2330 and as laborers in local fish factories. $399 However among all of this writer’s Rev. Lloyd Howell is national mes- New York, Round Trip, Tax Extra 201-363-0177 From experiences the most memorable was siah to the Philippines ❖ FARES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE to look into Father’s eyes and see absolute November 1998 Unification News 5 Alaskan Adventure: Moose Hunting with Hyun Jin Nim

by Jinhyo Kwak—New York camp as early as 3am and heavy pressure on the shoul- return to base as late as ders. But every time it almost This article is reprinted courtesy of 2:30am. became unbearable to take Today’s World magazine. One of the reasons this any more steps, Hyun Jin Nim n the evening of Aug. 9, hunt was very tough was the strongly encouraged us: “Don’t Hyun Jin Nim and eleven terrain. The area was filled think about the pain. Forget second-generation mem- with patches of marsh, lakes, the pain and concentrate on bers, including the heads hills and valleys of soft mossy moving your legs forward.” of the Second Generation ground, and heavily wooded By the time we arrived at ODepartments from Korea, Japan and brush. And because there the base it was 2:30am. After Europe, left East Garden for special were no tall mountains to give some rest we had to make two training in Alaska. It was Hyun Jin us a high-elevation vantage more such trips to bring back Nim’s desire to train and educate those point to scan and shoot, it the rest of the meat, and the in responsible positions to fully rec- was necessary to constantly moose rack (antlers). When ognize the desire and direction of True walk around in search of the the plane landed on the lake Parents and True Family so that they moose. It was typical for us at about 6pm, we had just fin- will be better prepared to guide all other to walk 10 to 15 miles a day ished the final trip and had blessed children. And he hoped that in that rough terrain with begun packing our gear to go this physically and mentally challenging equipment on our back. A back. experience of hunting and fishing in moose has keen hearing and We left Ilyamna and arrived Alaska would be a means through which sense of smell, and sharp at Anchorage the next day. We to build the internal qualities required vision, and is very adept at learned that True Parents were for young people to become qualified hiding itself in the thick brush. also coming to Anchorage and future leaders. Despite every day’s cease- were expecting Hyun Jin Nim’s It took seven days of hard driving less effort, each day’s hard return. Many Alaska members for our two vehicles to reach Anchor- hunt resulted in futility, as gathered at the airport togeth- age. Every day of the trip was a valu- we could not even sight a sin- er with Hyun Jin Nim for their able time of learning and reflection, gle bull moose. Various tech- for the moose. We sat and waited for arrival. When True Parents got through Hyun Jin Nim’s guidance and niques such as bull- and cow-calls as about two hours. As it was beginning off the plane, they were extremely happy following the Hoon Dok Hae tradition, well as hiding out in a covered area to get dark, we began to wonder why to see Hyun Jin Nim had returned safe- among other things. Once we arrived also did not seem to work. It was even they were not coming back. Then at ly and especially with a huge trophy at Kodiak, we spent the next 40 days more physically challenging because that moment we heard the first gun bull moose. Soon they had to fly back fishing and hunting, where we were of our extremely short food supply, not shot. There followed a second, a third to New York and Hyun Jin Nim’s group continuously guided by Hyun Jin Nim to mention hordes of mosquitoes and and a final shot. Not knowing what to headed back to Kodiak for the rest of as well as True Parents. blood-sucking gnats, and being con- make of those shots we waited a long the training. Hyun Jin Nim spent part of the train- stantly soaked because of the marshy 30 minutes for any news. Then to our Despite the tremendously challenging ing time to hunt for elation we heard Hyun Jin Nim call- and difficult nature of this experience, a Yukon moose, the ing from a distance. We ran toward his I was truly grateful to Heavenly Father largest species of the voice and there was Hyun Jin Nim, for protecting everyone on the trip, and deer family. He invit- very excited and exhilarated, who told especially for having provided us with ed three people on us that he finally shot a very big bull the biggest bull moose in the area. this trip to yet anoth- moose. Hyun Jin Nim mentioned that such er part of Alaska When we ran to the site, we saw a blessing could only come about because called Ilyamna: Ian huge, dark animal with enormous of the perseverance and unyielding Reid, an American antlers such as I had only seen in post- effort. Heavenly Father was, in a way, member with much cards. Hyun Jin Nim and the three of testing us to see whether the futility hunting experience, us were extremely happy and grateful. of the first six day’s efforts would cause In Bong Lee, a sec- Hyun Jin Nim patted the moose, thank- us to give up and not see it through ond-generation mem- ing him and Heavenly Father. It was until the final moment. Although the ber from the Korean quickly getting dark and we began to three of us were ready to give up, I Headquarters’ Cul- take all the edible meat from the moose, believe Hyun Jin Nim’s perseverance ture Department who as required by regulation, which totals allowed God to finally bless us great- was to videotape the over 800 pounds from a 1,300-pound ly in the final hour of the final day of trip, and myself. animal. By midnight, we had filled our the season. After preparation back-racks with 100 to 150 pounds of Jinhyo Kwak is the second son of of food and gear, the meat. And we began the most difficult Rev. . He and his four of us first flew to Anchorage and terrain. We could only afford to have phase of the moose hunt—carrying wife Soon-Ok were blessed in the 200- then to Ilyamna. From there we were a packet of oatmeal in the mornings, those enormous loads back to our camp, couple second-generation blessing in chocolates and beef-jerky for lunch, 1992, held in Seoul. They have one to reach our campsite on the south- miles away. ❖ ern part of Ilyamna Lake in a small and some canned food for dinner. With such a load on our backs, it daughter. single-propeller, four-seater Cessna. As our food supply dwindled to only was impossible to stand up on our own. To our dismay, however, we were bread and some butter, and as the last One person had to take informed by the pilot just minutes day of the moose season drew near, off his back-rack and Hyun Jin Nim in the East before our flight that we would have Hyun Jin Nim seemed very disap- help another person to leave behind a significant amount pointed—and the three of us had almost up, and that person of weight and volume from our sup- concluded that there was probably no would help the other plies. We scrambled madly through moose in the area and that we should people stand up. The the ten day’s supply of food and gear just end the seemingly fruitless effort. top-heavy load also to reduce its volume, and to stuff as Yet, Hyun Jin Nim told us that he was made it difficult to bal- much as possible in the boxes. After not about to quit and he would stay to ance oneself. In such the initial chaos was over and every- find that trophy moose even by him- rough terrain and in one had reached the base camp by the self. pitch dark with only beach, what had originally been eleven When the pilot arrived to pick us up one small flashlight, boxes was reduced to only three. Fur- the next day, which was the last day taking even one step thermore, we realized that one of the of the moose-hunting season, Hyun was a grueling chal- boxes with smaller pieces of equipment Jin Nim told him to fly back in the fol- lenge. We had also on top was filled with chocolates and lowing day so that he could hunt until practically run out of candies underneath. the day was over. We set out for one food that day. Yet, we After such a rough start, Hyun Jin final attempt at finding the moose at took one step at a time Nim and the three of us headed inland, 4:30pm. We had only about three hours toward the base, some- and from early the next morning began to find and shoot the moose before sun- times tripping or falling the extremely challenging process of set. on our backs. We were hunting for the trophy moose the local Having walked for about 45 min- sweating buckets and hunter had told us about. And for the utes, Hyun Jin Nim told In Bong and our arms were becom- Hyun Jin Nim addressing church member at the next seven days, we would leave the myself to wait while he and Ian searched ing numb due to the Tokyo center on his tour of Korea and Japan 6 Unification News November 1998 My Experience at Jardim

by Rev. Lloyd Hudson These training sessions going on in love and heavenly tradition over the shop, which started July 22nd, they Brazil are designed to educate the whole duration of this period qualifies each had what I would call a familyhood cer- onkeys, macaws, ana- family in true love and heavenly tra- family to be brought into the the lin- emony; meaning it was very much like condas, paranas, par- dition. Father is calling all U.C. mem- eage of True Parents. Upon graduation our sisterhood ceremonies. We were rots, mosquitoes, beans bers worldwide to come to South Amer- you get the precious opportunity to matched together with a Korean hal- & rice. What do all these ica A.S.A.P! True Parents are in Jardim, have a picture of your family or cou- moni. things have in common? Brazil, and wherever True Parents are, ple taken together with True Parents. Her couple is from the 430 couple MThey are all elements for wonderful that's where we ought blessing. She was there sightseeing in Brazil as well as good to want to be, without her husband. After fishing, dangerous habitants, friend- During a session we matched she immedi- ly wildlife, and delicious eating. All of where True Parents were ately took to us with a warm these ingredients together is the rea- speaking in the huge and embracing spirit. Her son 40 days at New Hope East Garden temple on the New Hope name was Mrs. Sao. She in Jardim, Brazil was such a great East Garden property, took hold of us like a moth- experience. Father lamented with er hen and led us around Taking an historic picture with True great frustration “Why the temple showing us off Parents, daily reading of Hoon Dok are there so few couples to her friends as if we were Hae, participating in work projects and here? I wanted to give prize specimens. In reality being directly educated by True Par- a great blessing!” The she was really the prize ents in true love and ideal family liv- significance of this work- because she showed us so ing. These are the main activities that shop may not be glar- much heartistic love while make up the workshop schedule at ingly obvious initially she was there. We came New Hope East Garden. They make for and it may take some late so we got to see her an experience not to be missed and time before brothers and leave going back to Korea. one that you will never forget. sisters start going to Marie and I had many How long has it been since mem- Brazil en masse, but when the full Watching a soccer match at Jardim deep experiences which cannot be bers who could not speak the Korean scope of this workshop is perceived, told at this time because of the lack language have an opportunity to sit in many members will regret that they of time and space in this paper. To an audience where True Parents were didn’t respond to Father’s call right In other words ; this is considered to conclude this testimony we only hope giving speeches, guidance and some- away. be the family level blessing. Father is and pray that members can really catch times one on one counseling in the This workshop in short allows mem- calling for 3 generations to attend this the South American spirit and respond thought and practice of true love? I bers to condense a 40 year period of workshop. Children, parents, and grand- to the call of our True Parents. think we can all respond to that ques- attendance of True Parents into 40 parents. When my wife and I went to Rev. Hudson is the HSA State Leader tion in total unity. It’s been too long!! days. Family education, practice of true Brazil in the middle of the 1st work- for Illinois. ❖ Right? Illumination at New Hope East Garden

by Melvin Perry—Los Angeles, CA for helping Japan. True Father has we have been buying all the land with- of fulfilling their responsibility. In many given the Japanese members a dead- in that circle. True Father appointed cases True Father would be face to face he first thing I can say line by which to fulfill their responsi- families to be messiahs to one of the with Japanese brothers shedding tears. about being at New Hope bilities as an Eve nation. These work- 33 cities inside the circle. They have The workshop schedule is set up to East Garden is that it’s both shops are set up to help educate the to pre-bless and educate 5,000 cou- allow lots of free time for families to be Heaven and hell. When we Japanese members how to fulfill that ples, and build a church center. True together. During the 40 days there, left Los Angeles we had there are different tours to go on. theT pleasure of traveling with Thomas True Father is also building a Hwang, the Korean National Mes- hospital and an international air- siah to China. Arriving at New Hope port. The school is almost ready to East Garden, we saw huge build- open soon. True Father is letting ings all lit up like Las Vegas. Two the members decide whether to come years ago Kevin Thompson was here; to New Hope East Garden. After 40 the only building at the time was days I can honestly say that some- True Parents’ house. Now it it is day I want to go back and live there. dwarfed by the size of the buildings Members really get a chance to live there now. the lifestyle that True Parents live. Our personal room we stayed in was responsibility. Even Japanese mem- Father is going to develop agriculture, Right now the only person who is similar to a Motel 6 room. Father real- bers not living in Japan are asked to forestry, industry and marine biology. totally united with True Father is True ly wanted couples, especially three gen- attend these workshops. By setting up When True Father declared New Mother— both as an object partner and erations of a family, to attend. Three enough conditions True Father wants Hope East Garden, the new Garden of as someone representing Eve. And True generations of a Blessed family is a to avoid the consequences if they fail. Eden, he took off his shoes and socks Father is really looking for families who complete four position foundation. So True Father went to Brazil and and walked around the entire camp- can not only follow True Parents but Attending the 40-day workshop in made the Sao Paulo Declaration in site. Two Korean leaders are respon- become True Parents themselves. Jardim is equal to attending True Par- 1995. Very simply, True Father made sible for the building, Pres. Kim and True Father is almost 80 years old. ents for three years. the members responsible for following Dr. Yeon. True Father is the main lec- When he turns 80, True Father may The first three workshops are no longer give speeches to mem- set up as a family: Korea as the bers. If anyone wants to hear True Father Nation, Japan as the Moth- Father speak, going to Brazil is the er Nation and America as the Elder best way now to hear him. There Son Nation. The workshop has two are many timetables True Father primary functions. Only families is finishing up, all mostly by the can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. year 2002. True Father stated that That is why people are asked to if the Feb. 7, 1999 Blessing is a come as couples and/or families. victory, then the age of the King- By completing the course, taking dom of Heaven will be here. a test, making a monetary offering and the traditions of True Parents by hav- turer there while Dr. Oyamada explains I hope everyone can go and attend taking a picture with True Parents, a ing absolute faith, absolute love and the basic content of the South Ameri- the 40-day workshop. The experiences couple can receive the True Parents absolute obedience towards God, True can providence. that Mika and I had down there are a Blessing, which is the Clan-level Bless- Parents, mankind, creation and the While True Father is lecturing, he lifetime treasure. ing, meaning to be able to Bless your world. can be both entertaining and at times Excerpted from American Neighbor- children and relatives, to be in the Since 1995, True Father has been dead serious to all the members—espe- hood, newsletter of the Unification Com- Fourth Adam position, to be recognized working nonstop. Centering on Jardim, cially to the Japanese members. At the munity of Northern . ❖ by God and spirit world as part of True True Father drew a circle going out 200 first two workshops Japanese and Kore- Parents’ family. kilometers. From one end of the circle ans were brought to tears as True Father The second part of the workshop is to the other is 400 kilometers. Then lectured to them about the importance November 1998 Unification News 7 New Hope Garden of Eden and Absolute Faith

by Rev. Ki Hun Kim—Chicago, IL river and from there is was just visit South America, 3 to 7 hours by boat to they live in South Amer- This is from a sermon given by Rev. Olympio. ica. Kim, 10/18/98 at the Chicago Church, Many people struggled I felt that the 40-day just after returning from the 40 day with the $3000-$4000 cost training theme was when workshop for National Messiahs in The to attend the workshop. Father mentioned the first Pantenal Trur Father said it takes night about absolute faith, t. Peter wrote a letter to Chris- total faith and absolute love and obedience. The tians during a time when investment. Father said first declaration at Jardim, they had no central figures that if we don’t attend my 4/31/95, says that God and been scattered and told country will struggle with created all things through them to have faith in God me as National Messiah. absolute faith, love and S(IPeter 1:21-25). He mentioned that Trur Father wants us to obedience. It means we the hope of faith will occur when we catch 40 each of 4 differ- must deny ourselves and live in God’s word, the truth. ent fish. It is a 4 year course follow. Whoever invests When we went to New Hope Garden 40 days each year. During himself in an unlimited of Eden, True Father told us that this the 4 years we must finish way will prosper forever. was not a workshop, but a training the condition. But during Absolute faith, love and session. I’m not sure how they are dif- the 40 days I couldn’t even obedience are the main ferent, but he was very clear that they fulfill finishing even 1 of thought to receive the 2nd the 4 fishes. I caught a total coming of the Messiah. were. Father wants to live in an unstained of 46 fishes. So Father told me I could The Second Declaration at Jardim, After I returned from Brazil, Rev. world. The population there is about come back again. Sitting in a class- 8/7/98, says that God is absolute, Pak called me and asked me “Are you 2000, the locals are called Indios, room and studying and hearing testi- unique, eternal and unchanging. We OK?” He had heard many stories after descendants of the Spanish and local mony and going fishing is not so bad. must stand as absolute, unique, eter- National Messiahs were returning about indians. I skipped fishing 1 day and I don’t know when I will go back, but nal and unchanging children. We must how difficult it was so I replied “I am went to the nearby village. The fami- I will. live at absolute, unique, eternal and full of Trur Father’s spirit and OK.” lies live in 1 room for everything. Father The water is clean. Water pigs live unchanging couples. We must become Many National Messiahs returned to said that we don’t need TV or fancy in the water, did you hear about them? absolute, unique, eternal and unchang- Korea after Brazil very sick. It was furniture. The last thing Father asked Very large animals. Many people got ing parents. And we must live as almost all men, except for 1 me was when I can move absolute, unique, eternal and unchang- woman. There were many into this area. ing families. elder brothers and older The Paraguay region In the Third declaration at Jardim, members and we younger needs a visa. I only had 8/21/98, Father said that the blessed men were worried about a Brazilian visa but got families are in the 3rd creator position, many elder members, their the local authorities to God is the 1st creator, Adam & Eve are health and the tough sched- give me permission to the 2nd creators and the Jardim work- ule. We would wake up at come in and stay for 30 shop families are the 3rd creators. 4am, then we would have or 40 days. Everyone The 4th declaration at Jardim, breakfast at 5am and go fish- around there knows True 8/28/98, said that Heavenly Father ing at 6am. Father. Centering on and the Blessed couples are in a Par- After we were out on the Jardim for 400 kilome- ent and child relationship. So we can- river, we would have local ters around we are pur- not betray God. people drive us so we chasing land. Every time The 5th declaration was the 4.4 com- wouldn’t become lost because a small plane flies by the mencement, 9/8/98, and means human the river had many side natives point and say beings began centering on a satanic 4 streams. The weather was “Rev. Moon is coming!” position foundation. Now it is changed. very hot, it was so hot that They all know Father. We are building a 4 position founda- we jumped in the water with I want to encourage tion centered on God. our clothes on in order to all family members to Registered families should follow the cool off. But after 1 hour our attend in Jardim. There 1 to 5 declarations. True Father said clothes were dried off. Three you will receive your reg- this is the requisite to be citizens of or four times a day we would istration into the king- the Kingdom of Heaven. jump in to cool off. We would fish Rev. Kim with dorado and backu fish he caught dom of heaven. You need to attend Father mentioned one heavy point, until 6pm and then we would return. as husband and wife together. If this is the problem of the education of Then at 8pm we would read Hoon you do then True Parents will take cut fingers, the fish have big teeth. young people. Father is inspired by the Dok Hae with True Father until 1am a picture together with your couple. Every day it would happen even though PLA and said to do this in every coun- or 2am. This photo is like your registration in we were lectured to about this and we try, do rallies and demonstrations. We lived in a small house; 100 peo- the Kingdom of Heaven. Even though knew the situation. Someone gets excit- Next year there will be a big bless- ple crowded into 1 small hall for every- True Mother was sick they sat for hours ed when they see the big fish they just ing of young matched couples. We will thing. We slept and ate and studied and took pictures with 700 couples. caught and they would just grab for it send 1,000 couples from America, there. One restroom was used by every- I believe that now True Parents don’t one. Everyone was so busy that even and get their fingers bitten. including 200 from Chicago. True Children didn’t even have time to It would take 50 days to explain do anything outside the daily sched- my 40 days in Brazil—a time of strug- ule. gles, happiness and joy. One day we Father is very serious about Hoon would see True Parents in a happy Dok Hae. Without truth no one can mood or a serious mood, then the sit- live in hope and faith. uation could quickly change. Olympio is in the north of Paraguay. So, keep hope. If we lose hope we It was a big shock, living in one room will disappear. St. Peter wrote to the and kitchen. Trur Father doesn’t care Christians to encourage them in trou- about external conditions. Raining or bled times. hot he doesn’t care; he just goes fish- Who are the people who will remain ing everyday. in this world? They are the people If you invest you will prosper. With- who are burning with faith, hope and out absolute faith, love and obedience passion. We should examine every no one can attend the messiah. Every- page of history and investigate the one who wants to understand must rise and fall of nations and look for understand these 3 elements. the people who held fast to faith and Travel to Olympio takes a long time. fidelity. The people who are burning It was 9 hours by plane from Chicago with hope and zeal and do not hesi- The building at to Sao Paolo. Then it was another 2 tate to risk their lives for the sake of Olympo where Father hour flight to Campo Grande than a 4 God are the ones who are close to and the members live ❖ hour drive to Jardim. Then we had to God. take another 4 hours by bus to the 8 Unification News November 1998 WFWP • Where We’ve Been

by Nora Spurgin—NY, NY unteers to every country to interest of leaders and opinion identify needs, provide WFWP • Into the Future makers, (men and women through- everal months ago resources and connect out America), WFWP sponsored Reverend Moon questioned to women leaders of his is the first of a three-part series on the struc- over the next two years, 129 bridge me about how many each nation. Their ture, vision, and activities of the Women’s Fed- ceremonies and 17,000 pairs of speaking tours I had work created a eration for World Peace. Part One: “Where We’ve Japanese and American women, done and then asked T substantial foun- Been and Where We’re Going”, will look at WFWP from who promised each other to be Sme to do another tour. He com- dation for WFWP ambassadors of world peace. a historical perspective and discuss the new restruc- mented that the time between International, turing plan that will bring us into the new millennium. Women who “crossed the bridge” now and the year 2000 was a which was incor- spoke of this moving experience crucial time for women, and porated in 1994. Part Two: “What We’re Doing and its Social Impact”, as a “moment of magic” – often a that it was important for WFWP After a very suc- will provide an overview of WFWP activities and our transcendental moment which to continue its activities. His com- cessful and pow- approaches to those activities. Lastly, Part Three: “WFWP deeply touched their lives. WFWP’s ments were short, but they again erful Sisterhood Pro- – Touching the Rest of the World”, will discuss how all bridge became a significant event reminded me of the great window of gram in Korea between our work translates into real and lasting change. known in influential circles for its opportunity we have as women to spear- Japanese and Korean women, potential for conflict resolution. head changes in our society. WFWP USA entered a whole When we completed the Japan- I thought back over the last six years new stage of activity and plans and was the keynote speaker for our sem- ese-American Sisterhood Cere- since April of 1992 when I was asked to for Sisterhood Ceremonies in America monies in December 1996, the interest take the role of USA President of the newly inar. The seminar was held in a large began. room which held 400 people and was in using this ceremony for interracial con- created Women’s Federation for World flict resolution had already taken root. Peace and when our Founder, Dr. Hak WFWP Goes to Beijing overflowing with members and guests. Our presence in Beijing, at the confer- WFWP members in Florida sponsored a Ja Han Moon, made an eight city Inau- With plans for Sisterhood Ceremonies ence and at the NGO forum was an incred- small, but very successful interracial cer- gural tour in the U.S. and then contin- underway, another major event was tak- ible networking opportunity which opened emony. Heather Thalheimer of Boston ued on a worldwide tour. ing shape, the United Nations Fourth many doors for us worldwide and served was also planning a “Beyond the Dream” We created a fledgling organization World Conference on Women in Beijing, as the beginning of our application process Ceremony. During the next two years, funded solely by membership fees, set China. WFWP International, was apply- for N.G.O. status at the United Nations. ceremonies were held in New York City up a non-profit 501(C3) organization, and ing for accreditation with the United and many cities throughout the country created a regional structure based on the Nations to send an international delega- The Sisterhood Ceremonies – A New between women of many races – African incredible dedication of local Chairwomen. tion to China and provide a seminar enti- Era American, Hispanic, Asian, Native Amer- We sought to build an organization of its tled, “The Renaissance of the Family”, at In January of 1995, when it was decid- ican, Caucasian, and others. Ceremonies own strength and integrity by reaching the NGO Forum. Since I was in Ameri- ed that Sisterhood Ceremonies would be were held on college campuses, high out into our communities while at the ca, it fell upon me to get the accredita- held between Japanese and American schools, nursing homes, in civic centers same time we planted our roots deeply tion and arrange for the seminar. The women, we became alive with great excite- and churches. in our providential mission as the “Moth- trip to Beijing was a great success for ment and the plan for a beautiful Bridge Bridge of Love er” half of the Church. WFWP. Ms. Maureen Reagan joined our of Peace Ceremony evolved. Catching the In 1994, WFWP of Japan, sent 10 vol- delegation of members from 17 countries In 1997, the bridge ceremony also

by Karen Judd Smith—NY, NY the “Frequently Asked Questions” seemed reasonable. I’m not sure if your questions ou have questions are exactly the same as some of mine, about WFWP? You want but they can’t be too different. to know if WFWP is WFWP I have questioned WFWP’s real doing anything these purpose, What is its most effec- FREQUENTLY AS days, and if so, tive approach to local and glob- what?Y I hope we can begin to al issues, how to position it— many individuals’ efforts. They are born ferences ended and what was the result answer some of your ques- as a service organization, edu- from a belief in the vision of genuine, true of those conferences? tions here. We hope that the cational organization, partnerships between men and women rest will be answered by what membership organization—and as the basis for a peaceful world and the This is perhaps the most commonly you see WFWP doing in the why, and many more. Some desire of the human spirit to be effective asked or unasked question, yet it is per- next year or two. questions were very personal, in our pursuit of this vision as a united haps the most important to ask… and to Possibly because I spend ones I would have had to face no group of women rather than as individ- answer. I wish to answer this one in two quite a bit of time on the com- matter where I was in the world. uals. ways. puter and on-line, asking ques- Others stemmed from genuine con- Without this common sense of com- First of all, WFWP is not yet very dif- tions myself, the idea of helping flesh cerns that are bigger than any one of us mitment to the vision of WFWP, without ferent, as we have only started on a new out the latest of the Women’s Federation as individuals. Nevertheless, the changes the desire to genuinely respond to human direction two months ago. However, the for World Peace’s developments by using that are now going on are the fruit of need in our own communities and abroad, direction we are headed in will widen our and without the common sense that approach and accessibility and increase WFWP is a major vehicle of change at our effectiveness. Why and how? Because this time, we would not have come this so many women are feeling the need to far. Change never comes easily—any- be involved in something substantial where, within or without. So while we rather than symbolic only. Or should I have no glowing victory speeches yet, we say, most of us feel the desperate need offer a few words to outline the work in to substantiate our faith, our conviction progress and a few more words aimed at that our core belief in the goodness of encouraging faith in the power of women humanity can help us make real changes of heart and integrity. The Women’s Fed- in a society that is largely headed in an eration for World Peace is associated with amoral or immoral direction. many such women in one way or anoth- If there was not this common “felt need” er. and desire coming from so many women, I hope the following FAQ’s can answer Women’s Federation for World Peace would some of your questions. I hope that if you have little reason for or hope of real change. see some aspect of WFWP that could do The very fact that so many ask this ques- with some help, you will step in and offer tion shows what we need to be doing— to do so. WFWP can be a powerful way creating an organization that IS an agent that you and I offer the best of ourselves of change in our communities and our to the world. society. So our efforts are currently focused on that—creating an infrastructure that FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS enables our volunteer group of women who are scattered about the country and How is WFWP different now than who have varying degrees of time and before? What are we doing since the availability, to nevertheless contribute to Japanese-American Sisterhood Con- their community and the nation in a sub- November 1998 Unification News 9 And Where We’re Going became an opportunity for couples to Sisterhood Project initiated many pro- to a new role to serve as our liaison at the rededicate their marriage vows. The beau- grams, including one where four racial U.N. tiful and moving ceremony lent a roman- groups sought healing among each other On June 15, 1997, just two days after tic mystique for husbands and wives to at the L.A. Civic Center. ISP leaders con- the Blessing at Madison Square Gar- put aside any marital conflicts and begin tinue to be “on call” to bring the popu- den, WFWP co- sponsored a speech on anew as they crossed the bridge to pledge lar bridge to programs in schools and Female Genital Mutilation by Minis- eternal commitment to each other. Through- other places throughout the Los Ange- ter Jane Kuka of Uganda. Our first out the country, many WFWP chapters les area. In San Francisco another group event at the U.N. was held in one of held such ceremonies in preparation for of women under the leadership of Chris- the Conference rooms and attended by Blessing ‘97. tine Froelich and Christina Seher and over 300 people. Mrs. Angela King, spe- Tomiko Nojima, developed an Interracial cial assistant to the Secretary General, The Interracial Sisterhood Project Sisterhood Project Board and continue to delivered Kofi Aman’s speech. The pro- WFWP of California, where Onni Durst create programs. (More details about ISP gram was a resounding success. serves as Regional Chairwoman, found to come in Part Two of this series). International Conferences and Con- several groups of women who had a great In 1998, based on these women’s efforts, 19980804.4097.html vocations interest in developing the Sisterhood Cer- the Interracial Sisterhood Project was rec- emonies as an effort to address the racial ognized by President Clinton as a “promis- NGO Status at the United Nations November, 1997 was the time of Bless- problems their cities faced. Under the tire- ing practice” for interracial conflict reso- In 1997, the review for WFWP’s appli- ing at RFK Stadium. As part of the World less leadership of Sheri Reuter and Kimiyo lution as part of the President’s Initiative cation for NGO General Consultative Sta- Culture and Sports Festival, WFWP USA Anceney in Los Angeles, the Interracial on Race. You will find this on the web- tus with the U.N. was completed and our hosted an International WFWP Confer- site: http: requested status was granted, opening ence at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Wash- //www.white- up a whole new relationship with the U.N. ington D.C. Attended by 400 international house.gov/initia- The long process of application and gath- delegates from 104 countries, the event tives/oneameri- ering of material internationally was tak- featured plenary sessions, speakers, and ca/Practices/pp- ing place during the time of the Sister- a beautiful International Bridge Ceremo- hood Ceremonies. Much of the applica- ny. At this conference we introduced the tion work was done by Linda Perry at USA concept of creating “Partnerships for National Headquarters. The WFWP office Peace”, responding to our Founder’s direc- in New York now has a WFWP Interna- tion that we find 50,000 women world- tional U.N. liaison office and Mrs. Motoko wide who will address world poverty. Sugiyama and myself serve as Interna- In New York City, at the World Culture tional Vice-President’s, relating to the and Sports Festival II, in June of 1998, WFWP joined other organizations to spon- LOS ANGELESÑ International Office In Korea where Mrs. sor a convocation on “The Family and Inter-racial Gil Jo Sa serves as International Presi- World Peace”. In February of 1999 we will sisterhood dent and Mrs. Lan Young Pak also serves join another convocation, “Family Ethics project as Vice President. I should mention here that Mrs. Sugiyama has been appointed see WFWP on page 10

American culture away from its current uation is not yet easing up, so neither will moral apathy. the urgency. Plus it is important to know that our We simply urge you to offer some of FAQs Founders have urged WFWP and the lead- your efforts and support to the work of ers of our “brother” organizations to fur- helping make peace a reality through SKED QUESTIONS ther support the work of WFWP in the WFWP. . . Perhaps three hours a month short time before the year 2000. Sure and $40 to $120 per year? stantial way. past efforts. The urgency is also to catch there is pressure coming from all quar- The second point I wish to make as the wave that can take us quickly to the ters for all of us to produce in many other What are the main structural changes part of the answer to this question is to shore we currently seek—influencing areas. This is not new. The worldwide sit- see FAQ on page 10 acknowledge the value of what we have done. Sometimes we are a little too hard on ourselves in our quest for the king- WFWP Gift and Fundraising Items dom! So here I would like to add the fol- lowing to Mrs. Spurgin’s review of what omen’s Federation for World gift box. for a girl) In a gold foil gift box. we have accomplished. I simply wish to Peace has many beautiful gift Angel Pendant on a Chain T-Shirts and Sweatshirts remind you (and myself) of the two stages Witems that it has developed Small white Swarsky Crystal (suitable T-Shirts, white with W.F.W.P. Design of creation . . . of anything. The first stage over the last few years. on breast. Sweat- happens primarily in the invisible realms These would make inex- shirts, gray with same pensive Christmas and I WISH TO PURCHASE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS of thought and word. design. Both Extra God’s Day gifts for con- The first years of activity, I would liken Large (one size fits to the formation stage of WFWP. Through tacts friends and family. all). the seeds of change by thought and word, We are also able to make those years helped create a unique orga- them available at reduced Cookbook nization that brought with it a way - a prices for bulk orders so International “bridge of peace”, that enabled thousands that they can be used for recipes, spiral bound of women to transform by crossing over fundraising activity. version a) has descrip- their own barriers. Now we are at a time The appearance of some tion for preparation when we need to take this more spiritu- of the jewelry will be famil- of offering table and al experience out into the homes and lives iar as they were used as gift Korean holiday food. of those who are unable to come to the items at the sisterhood con- It also has quotes “bridge”. We need to substantialize our ferences. from Father and tes- ideals through deeds. I too have to be Brooches Enamel careful not to negate the value of the first timony relating to phase of this development while making a) Rose, or b) Cherry Blos- meals and food sure we do move on! som each 2 inches long, c) preparation. The b) In other words, all the Sisterhood Con- Oval rose and cherry blos- Version has a com- ferences that gave WFWP it’s amazing som with engraving on back memorative Sister- foundation were not only all glitz and commemorating the sister- hood ceremony Method of payment: My check payable to WFWP is enclosed. money spent, but they are now an essen- hood conference. All three cover, and the quotes tial part of what WFWP has become and come in a velvet gift box. Please charge my _ Visa _ Mastercard _ Amex for $ and testimony has thus they form a foundation for our future Pendant on a Gold Chain been left out. work. The urgency we face now is to use Account # Exp Date a) Rose, b) Cherry Blos- well the foundation built, the money, sweat Signature and tears spent, so as not to waste all our som. Available in velvet 10 Unification News November 1998

Having given this overview of pass for a world where so many suffer in WFWP WFWP from a national perspec- poverty and hopelessness. WFWP has from page 9 tive, we want everyone to know developed strong roots within our Founder’s that we would not have been able concerns and efforts and has created and World Peace”, taking place to create such an organizational branches throughout the country. Now in Asia. foundation without the incredi- is the time to nurture the blossoms and Also in 1998, WFWP initiat- ble grassroots work of WFWP pick the fruit! ed our first annual Woman of members and leaders through- Early in 1997, our Founder appoint- the Year Award Ceremony. out the country. In Part Two of ed Karen Judd Smith, as the Secretary Speaking Tours this series, we hope to highlight General of WFWP, USA. Karen has In addition to traveling with more of your work: the charity brought her skills as an efficient admin- our Founder on several coun- events, the projects of the Japan- istrator to set up the office for a whole trywide speaking tours, WFWP ese members under Yoko new level of activity. This includes increas- leaders have made an effort to Kobayashi’s leadership, the pro- ing membership, communications through provide programs nationwide. In grams, the support you give to E-Mail, website development, interact- the spring of 1996, a four month make WFWP a viable organiza- ing with U.N. programs and restruc- tour on women’s spirituality cov- NEW YORK CITYÑÓBridge of Love CeremonyÓ tion which will move us into the turing to accommodate the needs of ered every region. Currently, I next millennium - an organiza- WFWP chapters in the field. The fol- am presenting one day marriage semi- Ways to Maintain It”. These are very prac- tion that will make a social impact and lowing article by Karen outlines this tical seminars designed to educate youth strengthen family life. restructuring and exciting new vision nars entitled, “Creating Lifetime Mar- ❖ riages – Ten Reasons to Plan It and Ten and couples as well as WFWP members There is no doubt that today women for WFWP – Into the Future! and their families. are a vital voice in creating a moral com-

Poverty is well recognized as a scourge ject implementation ideas and feedback. to effect change in our society. FAQ not only due to the physical misery it Simultaneously we need to initiate from page 9 causes, but also to the mental, psycho- The second is that through our asso- programs that serve the communities taking place in WFWP? logical and spiritual anguish that accom- ciation with ECOSOC we are much more that have needs and the communities panies it. Poverty is the most prevalent in touch with the UN developments in that feel they have something to offer. violation of human rights. And poverty the areas of our concern. Therefore we Our development as an educational and First, our board is becoming far more has primarily a woman’s face—the face do not have to function in a vacuum and service organization must happen as we active and involved in the planning and of single, uneducated women. It cuts we can both learn from the UN’s devel- strengthen ourselves membership-wise development of WFWP. This means that across race, religion and national bound- opments and those of other NGO’s as well and organizationally. the top decisions are not being made by aries. as find partners for our many activities— one person alone, but through the wis- Only as we empower women with all at least in spirit if not always in sub- What are our annual dues used for? dom and investment of heart and expe- they need to be successful — knowledge, stance. rience of seven people, up from four, and tools and support, can women arise from Growth and survival. To exist, we must we plan to add more. As the board devel- our rather sorry state. But we have to What is the value of being associ- sustain some fundamental activities. To ops, board members will play more of a constantly remind ourselves, that empow- ates with the United Nation’s Depart- keep our NGO status, we must be a non- key role in developing funding plans and erment does not come from accusation, ment of Public Information and Com- profit. To be a nonprofit we must have finding donors! So right from the top, resentment or a reversal of power. Rather munication? annual audits. To have annual audits we people are being encouraged to think of true empowerment and equality come have to have people to assist and people ways to find funds and spend those funds with wisdom, strength and to do the ongoing work. To be an wisely. love—with hearts that can organization we need an orga- Next, we have developed an Executive forgive and forget as we rebuild nizational body. Annual dues are Committee. This committee meets on a ourselves and the ones we absolutely needed to sustain the monthly basis to discuss ongoing activ- love—our families. organization. Contributions to ities and developments; to report on the the local chapters sustain the various National Committee’s work, to What are the current pro- local chapters in a similar fash- accredit the various chapters that are jects that define WFWP? ion. So as not to drain the local applying for status as a WFWP Chapter, chapters, WFWP National seeks and to ratify National Committee staffing The three main current only 33% of the original dues changes when they come up. In other projects are: rather than the 50% sought in words, it is a mechanism to enable WFWP First —the Interracial Sis- the past. However, we need to members to participate in the ongoing terhood Project targeting high get more members to cover the work and representation of the organi- school girls as well as women basic expenses. Any moneys zation. This helps make WFWP a mem- to become people who can donated for a particular fund, ber’s organization. reconcile, resolve and gain such as the Anti-Poverty Fund Likewise, the development of the Nation- strength through the skills will be used accordingly. al Committees enables direct involvement of vision, respect and for- with the development of WFWP by non- giveness. Why does WFWP have a goal staff WFWP members. We currently have Second—a Social and Economic UNITED NATIONSÑÓWoman of the YearÓ of involving 50,000 women in antipover- the International Liaison Committee, the Empowerment Project, targeting the ty work? Interracial Sisterhood Project Commit- problem of poverty. At the time of writ- The main value of being in associa- tee, the Volunteer’s Committee, the Chap- ing, it is in its formation stages and we tion with the UN’s DPI is information— Because it makes sense given the fem- ter’s Committee, the Empowerment Com- will get full information out to you early knowledge. Perhaps the greatest resource inization of poverty—and because our mittee (just beginning to form,) the Grant in 1999. of the UN is their information resource Founders suggested this particular goal! Writing Committee, the Communications Third—UN Public Lecture Series. This and networking resource. Well used, we We want to change the world. Perhaps it Committee and the Annual Convention will be an ongoing series designed at can develop far more effective strategies won’t all be glamorous work, but we want and Awards Committee. In reality, most informing and bringing key issues to the and plans of action that will be much the changes to be real. of these committees are still being formed. public’s attention. more effective at implementing the changes It is our hope at WFWP National Head- If you are interested in being involved in we seek. quarters that this process of growth any of these areas, please contact our What is the value of being associ- As WFWP’s restructuring progresses, inspires you as much as it inspires us. National Office at (212) 481-3922. ated with the United Nations’ Eco- we will more regularly inform our mem- If you have any questions, concerns, or nomic and Social Council? What are WFWP’s main objectives? bership of UN activities and issues through suggestions, please let us know as we a special publication, UN Update. Infor- are interested in hearing from all of you. As with all UN associated NGO’s, the mation is an important tool. With time- We can be reached in New York City Women’s Federation for World Peace value is twofold as the relationship is a ly information, WFWP is far more effec- by phone at 212–481-3922 or Fax 212- has by its name, a mandate to work to partnership. First, we can feel good about tive. 481-3927. You can also e-mail us at establish world peace by addressing direct- our organization as not so many organi- [email protected] and to subscribe to ly and indirectly, the underlying causes zations gain the status we have thus far. What are the main goals for 1999 our online newsletter, “Peacemakers” just of conflict fundamental to the relation- We gained it on the basis of having sis- and 2000? send an e-mail to: Peacemakers@wfw- ship between men and women. ter organizations in over 143 countries pusa.org and type the message “sub- Currently it is well recognized that one worldwide thanks to the efforts of our We have two main goals. One is orga- scribe”. It’s as easy as that. Hear from of the most obvious lines drawn between Japanese sisters. From the UN’s per- nization, (maintaining identity), and one you soon and if you’re not already a mem- those who have and those who do not spective, this not only gives them a greater is development. We must become a truly ber of WFWP please fill out the form and have, is the line between the sexes. Unfor- voice for their issues and concerns in the viable nonprofit that is completely self- you will receive a packet with our latest tunately, this same differentiation between world, but it also means that we can pro- sufficient in terms of our corporate func- newsletter! ❖ those who have and those who do not is vide them with useful information, pro- tioning otherwise we will have no ability the basis for conflict worldwide. November 1998 Unification News 11 INTERNATIONAL COALITION FOR RELIGIOUS FREEDOM Brazil Religious Freedom Meeting Finds Common Ground for ‘New Millennium’ by Dan Fefferman—Washington, DC attend in Tokyo, seriously affect- University and Mr. Pedro Moreno of ed the conferences’ accomplish- The Rutherford Institute covered Latin he crowning achieve- ments. America from Catholic and Protestant ment for the Interna- As if on cue on October 9, the perspectives, respectively. tional Coalition for Reli- day before the Sao Paulo confer- During lunch, former US Senator gious Freedom (ICRF) ence, the US Senate unanimous- Larry Pressler addressed participants in 1998 came at its Sao ly passed the “International Reli- on the question “Religious Freedom PauloT conference, entitled “Reli- gious Freedom Act” requiring the and Inter-American Relations.” Sen. gious Freedom in Latin America US government to impose sanc- Pressler stressed the importance of and the New Millennium.” The tions on those countries that engage democracy as a foundation for reli- conference brought together more in violations of religious freedom. gious freedom and praised Latin Amer- than 120 scholars, human rights At the opening banquet on Sat- ica’s progress in the regard over the activists, religious leaders and urday Evening, delegates were wel- past two decades. He said the US can legal experts from 33 countries at comed to Brazil by Mr. Marco Polo feel justly proud that it contributed to Sao Paulo’s prestigious Sheraton del Nero, a well known attorney this process by helping Latin Ameri- Moferrej Hotel, October 10-12. and head of the Brazilian Federa- can nations resist the threat of com- The Sao Paulo conference came tion of Soccer Referees. Mr. Jose munist totalitarianism. on the foundation of three earli- Maria Eymael, head of the Brazil- The first afternoon breakout ses- er conferences, also dealing with ian Social Democratic Party and a sions covered a) the Theological and “Religious Freedom and the New recent candidate for President of Historical Aspects of Religious Free- Millennium,” in Washington DC, Brazil, also greeted the participants. dom in Latin America and b) The New Tokyo and Berlin. Speakers at The keynote address was given by Pluralism and Religious Freedom in these conferences included such Dr. Robert Muller, Chancellor Emer- Latin America. Topics and speakers figures as Nobel laureate and for- itus of the UN University for Peace included: mer president of Costa Rica Oscar in Costa Rica, who inspired the Committee A: Theological and His- Arias, National Association of ICRF Executive Director, Dan Fefferman, was audience with a vision of religious torical Aspects Evangelicals president Don Argue, the conference emcee in Sao Paulo freedom as the foundation for world • The Historical Background—Anto- Freedom House president Adrian peace and unity in the new mil- nio Stango, Helsinki Commission, Italy Karatnycky, and former prime min- retary of State for the Western Hemi- lennium. • Developments Since Vatican II— ister of Ireland, Albert Reynolds. sphere. Sunday morning began with the see ICRF on page 12 The Sao Paulo meeting was char- After several tense days of negotia- optional Interfaith Worship Service, acterized by a spirit of openness and tions and communications between followed by breakfast and a morning cooperation between North and South Brazilia and Washington, DC, the plenary session. Featured speakers American delegates, as well as an atti- Embassy’s original policy was reversed were Mr. Dong Moon Joo of the Wash- tude of mutual respect between Protes- and visas were finally issued for all ington Times Foundation, who spoke tants and Catholics, and between Chris- participants. Several delegates com- on “Religious Freedom and World Peace” tian and non-Christian participants. mented that their trouble obtaining a and Mr. Elliott Abrams of the Ethics Organizers were particularly pleased visa helped them appreciate the fact and Public Policy Center in Washing- by the participation of noted repre- that freedom of ton DC, who addressed the topic “North sentatives of the speech and reli- America, Latin America and Religious Catholic Church in gion cannot be Freedom.” Both talks were greeted with Latin America, taken for grant- great enthusiasm by the participants. notably Fr. Carlos ed, even in a rel- “The most essential freedom of all Mario Alzate, Direc- atively open soci- is the freedom of religious conscience— tor of the Ecu- ety such as the freedom to worship, to believe and menical Department Brazil’s. to practice the faith of one’s choosing,” of the Episcopal Previous ICRF said Mr. Joo. “Without religious free- Council of Colom- conferences also dom, the freedoms of speech, of the bia, and Dr. Lina had to overcome press, of association, of movement and Boff, Professor of obstacles of prej- of the marketplace are incomplete, and Theology at the Pon- udice. During the ultimately impossible. As the Second tifical Catholic Uni- Washington DC Vatican Council declared, ‘The right to versity at Rio De conference, an religious freedom has its foundation Janeiro. associate of a del- in the very dignity of the human per- From a practical egate from son.’” standpoint, the Sao Venezuela was Mr. Abrams, who formerly served Paulo conference held overnight by as the U.S. State Department’s Assis- presented difficult police and close- tant Secretary for the Western Hemi- challenges. Not only DAN FEFFERMAN'S ly questioned sphere, also emphasized the central was it organized in concerning the role of religious freedom as a funda- a record short time 'Greatest conference’s mental human right: “Religious free- of less than three schedule, speak- dom came late to the world. It was far weeks, but confer- ers, funding and easier in many cultures to allow some ence staff faced a Hits' purpose. At the freedom of movement, of political speech, serious problem in Tokyo conference, of voting rights, than to allow people securing visas for • The Day of Hope • Generation of Righteousness • Russian delegates to believe what was seen as ‘error’ and participants. The Come on in the Kitchen • The Lord is One • plus 8 could not obtain as sin. But today we have truly real- Brazilian embassy visas to enter ized that religious freedom is an essen- more of your favorites—a great gift idea! in the US and other Japan. A week tial cornerstone of all human rights countries at first Former State Department official for the NOW AVAILABLE ON CD later, at the Berlin and all freedoms. If men and women declined to issue Western Hemisphere, Elliott Abrams, Send $10 for one CD or audio cassette; conference, hotel are deprived even the ability to wor- any visas for the addressing the conference $20 for three (specify which) officials, under ship their God, and to raise their chil- conference, claim- pressure from dren in their religion, we can be sure US shipping included, add $2 for non-USA. ing that the ICRF, because of its open opponents of new religions, attempt- that no other freedom is safe.” Make checks payable to: and proud association with the Unifi- ed unsuccessfully to persuade confer- The second plenary session dealt The Word Mill cation Church and the Reverend Sun ence organizers to cancel its optional more specifically with the topic “Reli- PO Box 132 Myung Moon, was suspect. Among interfaith service and drop one of its gious Freedom in Latin America and Glenn Dale, MD 20769 those who stood to be turned down featured speakers. Thankfully, none the Caribbean Today.” Luis Ramirez under this policy were the head of a phone: 301-464-3472 of these problems, with the exception of the Committee for Religious Liber- prestigious human rights organiza- fax: 301-464-1431 of the Russian delegates’ inability to ty in Venezuela covered the Caribbean, tions and a former US Assistant Sec- while Dr. Paul Sigmund of Princeton e-mail: [email protected] 12 Unification News November 1998 Invitation to submit Holy Songs

This is from a memo from Rev. Chung joy of the new age of children’s life of faith. requirements. Hwan Kwak’s office in Seoul. * Content that touches on grace, Basically the lyrics can be in Kore- Submissions gratitude, sacrifice, repentance and an, English or Japanese. If translation s we usher in the Com- revival aspects in our life of faith Length: Should submit with stan- is difficult, then submission in native pleted Testament Age and Other Composi- dard musical bar language is also acceptable. join efforts to built a world tions: notes and approxi- If possible, submit a recording of of heart centering on true We are gathering Holy Those songs that mately 32 bars in the songs on cassette tape. love, We are gathering Holy are composed by mem- Songs, church songs content. Please submit details of the com- Songs,A church songs and music com- bers and are being Please include poser’s position, a brief biography and posed by members from different cul- sung during church and music composed by with your submis- contact address. tures that strive to create a culture of services, fellowships sion, voice indication All submissions are non-returnable. unification. members from different and celebrations. These (soprano, alto, tenor A plaque will be awarded if the sub- Members are invited to submit: songs may be unique or bass), chord, mission is selected to be included as Holy Songs: cultures that strive to to each country or con- tempo, lyrics or other an official holy song. * Content that praises and glorifies tinent, and composers create a culture of musical symbols. For more information, please con- God and True Parents may like to share them Submission num- tact: * Content on love and the Blessing unification. with all members. bers.: No limit. FFWPUI HQ * Content that praises True Parents’ Children’s Holy Deadline: By not 63-1, Hangang-Ro 3-Ga, Yongsan- victory Song: later than Jan. 10. Gu * Content that relates to church * Songs to use in kindergarten and 1999. Seoul 140-740, Korea Holy Days and anniversaries. Sunday School for children under the Material Tel: (82-2) 796-9348 Fax: (82-2) Gospel Songs (fellowship songs): age of 14 years. If only tune and lyrics are available, 796-8248 * Content that relates to our expe- * Content that conveys hope and please seek the help of a musician to E-mail: [email protected] ❖ riences in our life of faith joy, and is suitable for the education complete the song according to the * Content that touches on hope and

ing the World Cultural and Sports ICRF Festival. from page 11 • A continuing atmosphere of prej- udice and suspicion against Unifi- Lina Boff, Pontifical Catholic Uni- cationists as “cultists,” fed by hate- versity, Rio de Janeiro ful stereotypes and media sensa- • Directions for Religion at the tionalism. Turn of the Millennium—Lisias The conference concluded with Nogueira Negrao, University of Sao committee reports the adoption, under Paulo the chairmanship of ICRF president • Current and Future Issues— Bruce Casino of a Joint Declaration Jose Yelincic, Bolivia on Religious Freedom, based on the Committee B: The New Plu- earlier documents created in Tokyo ralism and Religious Freedom and Berlin. • Evangelical Denominations The Declaration reads in part: and Catholic Culture—Carlos Mario • Each religious faith should receive Alzate, Episcopal Conference of equal protection of its religious free- Colombia dom and there should be no hierar- • The Moral Challenge of Reli- chy of religious faiths established by gious Diversity—Lewis Rambo, San Panelists discuss religious freedom in Latin America from government policy or action on reli- Francisco Theological Seminary Catholic and Protestant perspectives gious freedom. • The Changing Landscape of Reli- • Legislative committees or govern- gion and Freedom—Adrian Karatny- Boothby, International Academy for The dinner program featured a speech ment agencies or government lists or cky, Freedom House Freedom of Religion and Belief by well known Brazilian journalist and other government activities which focus The second round of breakout ses- • Media Sensationalism and Its author Jorge Boaventura, who spoke only on minority religious faiths should sions dealt with the topic “Beyond Tol- Effects—Larry Moffitt, Tiempos del on “The Responsibility of the State to not be formed or undertaken since their eration.” Committee A featured a mini- Mundo Defend Religious Freedom.” This was narrow focus discriminates between workshop in “Deep Dialogue” led by • The Evolving Role of the State in followed by a program of Brazilian music categories of religions on a discrimi- Dr. Leonard Swidler editor of the Jour- Interfaith Relations—Paul Martin, emceed by Mr. Antonio Betancourt of natory basis and has resulted in dis- nal of Ecumenical Studies and Dr. Ashok Columbia University Center for Human the Summit Council for World Peace. crimination against minority faiths. Gangadean of the Global Dialog Insti- Rights The next morning, delegates gath- • The forcible kidnapping of mem- tute. Committee B covered “Overcom- • The UNO Convention and ECLA ered at 9:00 a.m. for the session on bers of a religious faith in order to force ing Religious Intolerance.” Topics at Regional Agreements—Giulio Murano, “Religious Freedom Concerns.” Here, them to change their faith (“depro- speakers are as follows: International Federation of Human a panel of distinguished representa- gramming”) and other forms of reli- • International Agreements and the Rights, Italy tives of various religious groups gave gious vigilantism are a violation of reli- Protection of Religious Freedom—Lee brief presentations about the concerns gious freedom and should be vigorously of their particular religious communi- prosecuted by government authorities. ties. Included, were Catholic, Protes- • Immigration and other laws and tant, Native Brazilian, African Brazil- treaties should not be applied to restrict ian, Scientologist, Unificationist, and the ability of believers and leaders of Buddhist perspectives. Speaking on religious faiths and their representa- Sunshine Flowers Corp. tives to establish and maintain direct behalf of Unificationism, Mr. Betan- court listed several urgent contempo- personal contacts and communication rary problems: with each other... • The infringement of Reverend and • Discrimination in employment, Toll Free: Mrs. Moon’s right to travel to several obtaining of government benefits, hous- major European countries through an ing, or political participation based on unjustifiable use of the Schengen Treaty, religious faith should not be permitted which was designed limit the immi- • There should be no religious lit- gration of terrorists. mus test for serving in public office. 1-800-786-8062 • The failure of the government of • Use of the term “cult” or “sect” by Japan to take action to protect the reli- government agencies has developed a gious freedom of more that 200 Unifi- pejorative connotation and the terms cationists each year who undergo the “religion,” “minority religion,” “small Full Service torture of forced “deprogramming” each religion,” or “new religion” should be year in that country. used instead. Fresh Flowers and Supplies • The refusal of Japan to allow Rev- For more information, check ICRF’s erend Moon to enter the country to offi- website at ciate at next year’s planned events dur- .❖ November 1998 Unification News 13 Blessing `98 in Baltic Lithuania

by Gunnard Z. Johnston—Lithuania year’s—more candy factory, and a health cer- than ten times tificate, proclaiming the candy he Baltic nations of Lithua- higher!—we safe. These police politely thanked nia, Latvia, and Estonia are had no idea me, and left me alone. tucked between Poland to the how we were We had prepared this way after south, Belarussia to the east, going to accom- a disturbance the week before, the Russian oblast region of plish this. In when we attempted to give Bless- KaliningradT to the southwest, far west- fact, while we ings at the biggest summer fes- ern Russia (St. Petersburg area) to the could Bless tival of the year. We were doing north, and the Baltic Sea to the west, sixty thousand very well, Blessing people at the facing Sweden and Finland. It’s not sur- last year, we rate of ten thousand per day, prising then, with so many bordering had the most when suddenly one member of nations, that the geographical center of precious assis- True Family the police department came upon Europe is 20 kilometers from Vilnius, tance of many Festival, Lithuania my wife, Satsuko. Each and every the capital city of the Republic of Lithua- Japanese sis- one of our six members was arrest- nia. On a clear day, one may see dozens ters, who came in waves from the Moth- and phone number. But, with an aver- ed and taken into police custody. I of high-flying commercial airliners pass- er country. All together, forty-three age of only five people giving such full myself was taken by police jeep to a ing overhead, most at 7,000 meters or Japanese sisters, from fifteen years old treatment Blessings, the most we could police station, and faced with questions more altitude, as they connect the East— Second Generation to more than sev- give in one day was a hundred and twen- from an angry sergeant who spoke no Moscow, Peking, Tokyo, and Seoul— enty years old senior elder sisters, expend- ty couples. There are only so many mar- English. My Lithuanian is still too poor with the West—London, Paris, Frank- ed considerable time, money, and love ried couples walking around together to converse well, so I was very uncer- furt, and Copenhagen. to come here for the sake of Lithuania. these days! Our national population is tain what would happen in that dark We are really at the center of East Organized by our Mother country Nation- only 3.7 million people, so we have maybe and dingy police house. After showing and West here, but to look at the peace- al Messiah, Mr. Masayuki Kachi, these 700,000 married couples all together. my passport, and doing my best to explain ful countryside, with miles and miles of How to reach virtually all of the Blessing and reassure him that the farms and pre- them was going to require candy was manufactured right in the dominantly flat some creative thinking. same city where we were—I even implored countryside, Enter reports from other him to call the factory director—he decid- small cities of countries: first, we heard ed to let me go, with the warning that 20,000 to 40,000, of giving Blessings to only if he caught me doing this again, it would and even small- one half of the couple, either be jail for me!! er towns and vil- the husband or the wife. We When we heard late in July the dead- lages, you would did that, and our numbers line Father had set for August 21, we never know that started to go up dramati- really became even more desperate. We we are such a cally, but still not any where already were giving Blessings at phe- hub of centrali- near the pace of 5,000 per nomenal rates—each member giving ty. On the other day we would need to make 3000 Blessings per day—but now we hand, there is a the goal Father had given had a shortened deadline, and were sev- spiritual aura of us. What to do now? Then, eral hundred thousand Blessings short “centralness” we heard that we might use of our goal! So, we had to streamline about the Baltics, Blessing workshop at Blessed Candy as long as everything—travel from town to town, the feeling that Lithuania National Center we also gave every newly city to city, sleeping in the van, eating these peoples rep- Blessed couple a longer, more on the run, using gas stations to shave resent a strong sense of the character beloved sisters came here—some for a descriptive certificate, explaining the and get cleaned up—where again had I of the original European stock of peo- few weeks, some for several months— association with True Parents, and some seen this all before!!? It’s good to know ple. Elements of the different charac- and gave so much heart and love to facts about the teristics of German precision, English Lithuania. Often, as Family Federation Family Federation manners, French beauty, and even a workers, we meet people who say, “Oh, for World Peace trace of Italian fire (though just a tad!) yes! The Japanese women’s group!” and Unification. are seen here. I don’t mean to leave any These sisters and their beautiful hearts Thus armed, we nationality out of the mix I described really made a lasting impression on this set out to meet as here, but this is the best way I know to country, one that will not be forgotten. many people as portray this little-known part of the So this year we had to find a way to we could, and give world. In short, it is quiet, peaceful, do ten times more Blessings, but with them these pre- simple, and beautiful, with many ancient only one-tenth the number of workers!! cious connections customs still very much alive. The city And people say they’ve never seen mir- to True Parents of Vilnius has been designated by the acles!! How else could we do it? and their Bless- United Nations as a “model traditional When we started earnestly in early ing. city”, and UNESCO works to preserve May, we began as we did last year, by At a critical its classic architecture and landscape. looking for couples walking together juncture of the Giving God’s Blessing here has been down the street, or in their homes. We campaign, when Blessing a special experience. We have Blessed would find a couple, then offer them the we were about workshop, high government officials, television per- full treatment: the Four Vows, Holy one half of the Vilvinus sonalities, professors, and clergy. We Wine/Juice, Indemnity Stick, and Cer- way to our goal, have Blessed couples walking to or from tificate, which explained what they had a most unflatter- that MFT experience was useful for some- their own church weddings, and their just done. We took their name, address, ing television program came out on a thing besides old war stories. entourages. We have Russian station, and quickly mul- When all was said and done, Heav- Blessed couples with their tiplied to Lithuanian newspapers en had blessed us with safety and good children, friends, and rel- and other media outlets. Sud- health, and we had given Heavenly atives, in the fields cut- denly, we were being confronted Father’s Blessing to over 600,000 cou- ting hay, fishing by the by angry people on the street I ples and individuals!! If you asked me river, or sunbathing by the had to speak strongly to a few if this would have been possible even sea. We have Blessed peo- women who began to follow me two months earlier, I would have said, ple in their homes, on the and were yelling to other people “Well, it’s going to take a miracle!” So, street, at the beach, in the on the crowded street. They threat- I guess that’s what we had, a miracle. parks, at city and town ened to call the police, to which We made our goal, a few days after the plazas, at meetings of civic I said, “Yes, please do!! I want August deadline, but soon enough to groups, school commit- them to see how you are harass- bring that result to our continental tees—in short, we have ing me and preventing these good meeting in Moscow in September. Blessed couples in just people from receiving a Blessing Through it all, each one of us—Mrs. about every imaginable from God.” The police came, and, Masako Kachi, Norie Kachi, Aistis situation. acting out of obligation to the call Vaicekauskas, Ina Dobrovolskaya, Beata, When it became clear they had been sent on, asked for Viktor, Danguole, Birute, Justina, my that this year’s goal for my “documents” on the candy. wife, and I—felt the tender love and our nation was going to Giving Blessings in Fortunately, I had brought both support of True Parents all the way. be much higher than last the National Plaza the bill of sale from a well-known Even in the police station. ❖ 14 Unification News November 1998 It’s More Blessed to Give andand Receive by Cathi Close—Arlington, VA during the past WFWP conferences. We organized families who were Bolivia in order to receive special treat- While walking over a bridge together interested in participating and made ments from the Shriner Hospital in oliday season is upon us. does not necessarily change the world up an itemized list of what each per- Boston because she is a burn victim. Try as we might, it is vir- then what does? I think that the rea- son would contribute as far as lights, This woman who’s children are already tually impossible to avoid son so many participants were moved bulbs, garlands, ornaments, tree stands grown and on their own has had her becoming immersed in the to tears during this ceremony is because and cookies. My husband managed to own unique course of suffering and traditions and expressions somehow it managed to reach to the get a local hardware store to donate struggle. To hear what she has endured Hof what Christmastime has come to very heart of what will change the five trees. and gone through in her past is to seri- mean in America. Our kids catch the world. The unity created through gen- Inously appreciate much of what we often idea very young and from then on the uine expressions of love. take for granted. Yet she responds to best we can hope for is financial dam- How can we bridge the many dis- the needs of this child and sacrifices age control. It’s only a very few who tances that exist between people with much for her benefit. can swim against the tide of excessive our good intentions and acts of kind- When they travel to Boston for the gift giving. Very few who don’t panic ness? This is a concern of mine and treatments four times a year, she at the last minute, worried that we it has resulted in one holiday tradi- spends weeks at a time sleep- didn’t get enough for our kids. tion that our family has prac- ing in her niece’s hospital I have to admit that as the Christ- ticed for the past few years room while working at local mas season approaches I do find myself which seeks to make an effort fast food restaurants in getting excited about it nonetheless. in this direction. And with won- order to keep the rent and For better or worse, our family goes derful success. bills paid while she’s gone. all out at Christmas. The way we jus- Since so many Secret Santa Back home, in addition to tify this is that during the course of programs are already available working her regular job as the year we practice deprivation (as during the Christmas season a waitress, she does house- the rule, not the exception.) The way (which we also participate in) cleaning and works part time at this works is that basically for many we decided to take it a step further. a local beauty salon. On top of all requests our kids make (pertaining to We contacted a local homeless shel- addition of that she is studying to get her beau- material things mostly) there are ten ter and got the names of five families to the contributed tician license. After we met she insist- “nos” for every “yes”. In a culture which who at one time were in the shelter decorations, the families got together ed on cutting everyone’s hair in our encourages excess, this is a major chal- but are now living in their own apart- and made some really nice home-made family (with 6 kids plus 2 adults, this lenge but the reward is that our kids ments. These families were asked in ornaments. is an expense we have a very hard time can get excited about something as advance if they would like to receive The weekend before Christmas five affording). simple as a lollipop or a rare trip to not only a live tree but also decora- families were designated to not only It’s become our monthly routine McDonalds. Gradually they learn to tions. They were very enthusiastic. deliver but set up and decorate the now to troop over to her apartment to expect less and appreciate more. Later some told us that it was the first trees with the recipient families. This get our haircuts. We visit and talk and Years ago I heard a phrase that has time they ever had a Christmas tree was the most wonderful part of the there is really no line between us that ever since stuck in my mind. “An occa- at all. project for us. We brought cookies and designates one as the haves and the sional extravagance reconciles one to To me, the Christmas tree is such drinks and our kids. Everyone got to other as the have-not. If you ask me, habitual thrift.” I liked the idea behind an inspiring symbol. The fragrance, meet each other and have a good time I think we’re getting the better end of it, sort of along the line of “less is more” the peace, the magic that it conveys together and each year we have made the deal. (Of course, we pay her now with an added ooomph! to our senses. To take a small token new and lasting friendships. but it’s not nearly what it would cost So come Christmas we overdo it. of God’s creation and turn it into a Unexpected developments have come us to even go to the most inexpensive Not just as far as purchasing special work of art and beauty with our own about which we never anticipated. Last hair salon and much more enjoyable.) gifts but in decorating the house and creative touches . Isn’t that symbolic year we delivered a tree to a woman I must add that she is a darned good tree. I’m not being prejudiced when I of the potential in our own lives? who is raising her niece who came from stylist and believe me, our teens are say that we have one of the hard to please! most beautiful Christmas Another single mom we trees I’ve ever seen. It’s not SUBSCRIBE met two years ago has a gaudy at all but it is loaded. VOL. 2 NO. 1 • SUMMER 1998 son the age of one of our TRUE We collect angel ornaments True kids. What began as invit- and every conceivable form FAMILY TIMES NEWSLETTER OF THE FAMILY FEDERATION FOR WORLD PEACE AND UNIFICATION IN NORTH AMERICA ing him to our house on of angel that has ever been Hyun Jin Moon Improving some weekends to give her created graces our home Inaugurated as Your Marriage a break and give him a with their heavenly pres- Family Vice President of by Setting chance to ride bikes, roller- ence on our tree. FFWPUI Goals blade and play outdoors by Richard L. Lewis—NYC by Dr. Deitrich Seidel—Barrytown, NY While celebrations are t was truly a day of celebration. The ballroom was oals provide direction and purpose, serving as an ended up with him being beautifully set for a banquet for 300 guests with con- ever-present catalyst in interpersonal relation- great, it just doesn’t seem Igratulatory bouquets—at least 60 of them lining the Gships. Especially the development of the marriage hall—from the many different churches and organizations relationship depends on a clear vision of the spouses about our son’s best buddy and supporting the FFWPUI. The guests were a melange of their common future. There is one effective way to go right to focus solely on our races, nationalities and cultures— GRAEME CARMICHAEL about goal setting, namely, to Times some in business attire, some in come up with a mission state- practically part of the fam- traditional garments. ment. Here you make it clear own family. As nice as we Hyun Jin Moon was inau- for yourself and your spouse ily. He’s spent every other gurated as vice-president of the what specific vision you have Family Federation for World Peace for your marriage and how to try to make our holiday expe- and Unification International on accomplish that vision in daily weekend at our house for Join the Family Federation life. July 19, 1998 at the Manhattan rience, we know that there Center Ballroom, NYC. The cer- First, you both agree to emony was presided over by the put down in writing several the past two years. for World Peace and Unification! founders of the FFWPUI, Rev- major goals that provide an are many less fortunate than erend and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon. ongoing direction and purpose Neil Salonen, Secretary Gen- in your marriage life. It is best Our kids are learning, eral of FFWPUI, opened the cel- to start thinking about the we are. But, somehow I have For a tax-deductible contribution of ebration by introducing Rev. and higher purpose of your mar- through the relationships Mrs. Moon and their son, Hyun Hyun Jin Moon giving his Inaugural Address riage in terms of serving God never been satisfied with Jin, who took their place on stage and humankind. to a standing ovation. The welcoming address was given 1. Such a higher purpose manifests itself in the desire that have developed, that only $40, you will receive: by Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak, president of FFWPUI, who of husband and wife to actively contribute to the fulfill- token giving. It has it’s place welcomed “this young leader of uncommon potential.” ment of God’s will. As a couple, we can get involved in He spoke highly of Hyun Jin Moon’s character and accom- church or mission activities, for example, helping with we gain from the effort as plishments: his thriving business, his graduation cum laude • A year’s subscription to Sunday school or supporting an overseas missionary. To from Columbia University and his recent MBA obtained but is lacking the personal love God is also deeply connected with loving our neigh- much as anyone. Not only connection so needed on True Family Times (4 issues) see INAUGURATION on page 4 see MARRIAGE GOALS on page 5 do they have a sense of both sides. For me to go out • Discounts on all True Family reaching out to others to and purchase a gift for my Values materials and publications share the holiday spirit but child to turn in at school the friendships that are feels so distant . • A complimentary copy of Rev. Moon’s True Love and True Family formed are the unexpect- There is a form of pover- • In-house communiqués on TFV marriage and family education materials ed gift we receive back! ❖ ty in our nation and our world which afflicts the rich • Membership card and Affirmations of True Love wallet card as well as the poor. It is the ignorance that we are all PLUS! brothers and sisters in one You will be part of the fastest-growing family network in America and the ADVERTISE human family. There are very real barriers within and world! Gain the satisfaction of supporting the Blessing IN THE without which keep us sep- throughout the world. Write Magnus Larsson, at: arated not only from each UNIFICATION other but from our true FFWPU • 4 West 43rd Street • New York, NY 10036 selves. Make checks payable to: FFWPU NEWS I was particularly inspired WORLD PEACE THROUGH TRUE FAMILIES by the Bridge of Peace cer- emonies which took place November 1998 Unification News 15 Pure Love Rally in US Sparks Rally in Britain

by Miriam Zaccarelli—London, UK the buses. formed into bedrooms at night. Broth- The amazing thing is that it did not The performers included dancers, ers slept in tents and suffered ruth- stop there. As soon as we got back to e, five young sisters choir songs and rock songs accompa- less attacks from fire ants and mos- England, there was a seven-day HARP from HARP UK, met nied by many energetic sketches, Won quitoes. Once or twice we were privi- workshop in Cleeve House, Wiltshire. the Pure Love ’97 Tour Hwa Do demonstrations and most leged enough to stay at a hotel, where After showing the British Second Gen- in New York and joined intriguing of all: the dancing ‘STDs’— everyone was finally blessed with access eration videos of the mind-altering them for the last cou- Gonorrhea, Chlamydia and Genital to a shower. achievements in America and teach- pleW of weeks across the East Coast of Warts. The media generally liked those By the time we arrived at the final ing them some of the chants, we were the USA. It was an amazingly power- a lot. Usually after the rallies we would city, Washington DC, our number had set up and ready to march into Bris- ful group of 300 Second Generation, tol with the message of “Absolute Sex!” CARP members and guests going from We spent a whole afternoon, the day city to city in huge buses holding dynam- before, practicing in the large grounds ic rallies and marches promoting of Cleeve House achieving a sense of Absolute Sex, Pure Love, abstinence unity which is all-important when before marriage and fidelity within mar- marching. We were all a little appre- riage—it was amazing! hensive about the next day knowing Father had directed Jin Hun Nim, that we would be in the public eye; the World CARP leader, to address the nonetheless we felt this was a test of problem of immorality within youth in our faith and we must succeed. America through the Pure Love Alliance, Although there were only about 30 and Mother had earnestly asked him of us, aged between 12 and 17 years, to educate the Second Generation about compared to America’s 300, equipped sexual purity. So the tour was a com- with only saucepans and spoons with bination of the two, where the Second less preparation and a lot more per- Generation—with a strong conviction secution, we had even more passion of sexual purity—encouraged people and enthusiasm—shouting, singing in the main cities to save sex for mar- and preaching at these bemused peo- riage. When we arrived in New York, ple of Bristol. Jeremy Speller and Maria the tour was having a “rest day” at the Miller gave powerful speeches in one Unification Theological Seminary, giv- of the main squares in the town shop- ing us the opportunity to overcome our ping center and the Western Daily Press jet lag. We were assigned to our dif- wrote an article about us. ferent groups, in which we practiced Absolute Sex Tradition a three-minute Absolute Sex speech A PLA rally in Korea grown to 500. for street preaching. We were intro- fed us a banquet dinner the night before As we marched through the streets, duced to everyone after dinner as the and we hit the streets for the last time, I was filled with absolute pride and sisters from Britain and we received rallying passionately in Freedom Plaza. happiness to be leading this strong welcoming applause. Everyone was so split up into our groups to do a fund- We were on five TV channels and a and righteous group of God’s children. friendly and embracing. The atmos- raising signature drive called “A Dol- radio station interviewed Abigail Ger- We were continuing the Absolute Sex phere was beautiful. lar For Decency.” Occasionally you man, one of the British contingent. We tradition set by Jin Hun Nim, bring- ing Pure Love to Britain. I could feel The First Day would meet someone dodgy who would ended the rally by marching up to the laugh at you or say they had four wives White House where Mike Balcolm led God cheering for joy with us as we Our first taste of actual rallying was or that they were homosexual. But the us shouting and clapping “Keep it sure! ended with three Manseis on the street. in Albany, where we all piled out of the number of people who did support us, Make it pure!” back and forth along After it was all over we returned to buses and instantly formed an orga- with occasional $20 donations, was the long stretch of pavement in front our workshop venue feeling absolute- nized formation of two long lines. We surprising. We seemed to stir their orig- of President Clinton’s residence. It was ly elated. We had done what we wet made our way to the capital steps, inal minds quite a bit. hot and we were tired and thirsty. But out to do and we had shown that we shouting in perfect unison chants like: we just continued this crazy march- could demonstrate our faith. This is Pure Love Day “One Love! One Life! One MAN! One ing. After about an hour and seven cir- such an important issue to be airing WIFE!” and “Don’t need promiscuity, After Albany, we went to Boston, cuits, there was still no sign of Clin- in public and we could understand we uphold our dignity!” “Love is good Bridgeport, New York City twice (since ton. We thought we would stop but why True Father is so eager to get peo- and sex is great, If you care you’ll want we did not get enough media coverage Mike kept saying “Just once more!” ple talking about Pure Love. It was truly to wait!” the first time around and Jin Hun Nim and we continued until the police told amazing and I hope you can all join us I was in the group at the front and was not having that, Philadelphia, Rich- us to go away. Although Pres. Clinton at our next rally in the summer of 1998 it was absolutely amazing to look back mond, Atlanta, Baltimore and Wash- did not come out, he definitely heard perhaps, in Trafalgar Square. “We’ll at this huge snaking line of white and ington DC. In most cities, it was declared us together with the other 10 million blow Britain’s brain away!” gray tee-shirt clad teenagers passion- Pure Love Day in honor of our mes- people throughout the tour, with all Miriam Zaccarelli is the HARP Stu- ately preaching purity to stunned sage, and we received a lot of support the TV, newspaper and radio coverage dent Leader in the UK. Reprinted from passersby. from Congressmen and Senators. In we attracted. The European. ❖ In each city we marched and chant- Washington DC the mayor asked if the ed for nearly an hour, and in most of Pure Love Alliance could teach pure them we stopped at the rally site where love in their schools. there was a program of performers and We stayed in church centers where vBJbjzGvBJ speakers, and then marched back to meeting rooms and dining areas trans- Come Fly b B the World with GIVE A UNIFICATION NEWS J j GOGO WORLD,WORLD, INC. GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO ALL YOUR LOVED ONES — IT z b Special fares to Chung Pyung and Jardim, Brazil MIGHT NOT CONVERT THEM BUT AT LEAST THEY’LL We have low rates for travelling to all of Asia G j Let Go World guide your travel today! KNOW ENOUGH TO ASK YOU Your international AND MULTILINGUAL travel service! v z Japanese, Spanish, French, Filipino, Korean and English spoken. SENSIBLE QUESTIONS INSTEAD OF THE New Yorker Hotel, Suite 522 • 481 - 8th Ave. B “HAVE YOU STOPPED BRAINWASHING KIDS YET” G New York, NY 10001 • fax (212) 629-3648 ☎ (212) 967-8080 ☎ (800) 327-3667 J VARIETY. SEE THE BACK PAGE FOR DETAILS. v e-mail: [email protected] bjzGvBJb Back in England 16 Unification News November 1998

audience of over 700. Rev. isters to inherit and begin CHICAGO Alexander is scheduling teaching the TFV semi- from page 1 another larger TFV Sem- nars. “Make a tree of the inar at his church in the TFV. Then the Tree of “The Purpose of Marriage”. near future. TFV will make the spirit As Rev. Alexander and Rev. Brax- The enthusiastic report of Christianity strong and ton spoke we were able to see how the on the seminar in their united. TFV belongs to potential of TFV Ministry Seminars can church newsletter said every denomination” be unlocked when the lectures are deliv- that the “True Family Val- Rev. Luckett became ered by the capable Christian Minis- ues seminar ... has encour- so inspired by the poten- ters God brought to the TFV Seminars aged many Pastors, min- tial of the TFV Seminars in Washington DC. It stops being teach- isters and church lead- that, with the spiritual ing and becomes preaching. The cadence ers to focus on organizing and financial support of and delivery of a ‘ministers voice’ draws family ministries in their Rev. Ki Hun Kim, he excited “Amen’s” from the audience. churches...” and that “A began organizing and giv- The power of truth in the TFV Semi- godly family provides the ing TFV 1-day seminars nar combined with the touch of pro- launching pad that will to various congregations fessional ministers is unstoppable. rocket our young people Chicago Family Church The TFV staff from Chicago prepared to high levels of success.” has been working with. coffee and doughnuts before the sem- TFV has invented a new CARP, STF and young Christians at Lake Geneva. Below, the TFV Rev. Luckett has orga- inar and after a night of blitzing the kind of ministry, a fam- Choir singing on Japan Night, and the KEA Singers on Korea Night nized seminars at a num- night before the coffee especially was ily ministry. ber of churches in Chica- welcome as the staff set up the over- the city of Chicago. Rev. Yukimi Lemont go and then started to give Saturday TFV Ministry head projector and screen while guests and Rev. Dwayne Luckett have both afternoon seminars at the Chicago Fam- were welcomed and workbooks and lec- This seminar was only one of the been organizing TFV Seminars for ily Church. Our Tribal Messiahs each ture manuals were distributed. We are seminars TFV Ministry is promoting in churches in Chicago with two differ- have Christian congregations that they all grateful for the planning and orga- ent techniques. Yukimi has visit and support. Many of them have nization of Rev. Yukimi been inspired to by a vision been inviting these churches to hear a Lemont who organized the of Jesus that guided her see CHICAGO on page 19 seminar. Rev. Hitoshi to teach the Christian Min- Onishi and Rev. Richard Lemont from Chicago TFVM and Japanese Missionar- ies Yasue Miyazaki, Hiro- mi Umino and Yuri Sakamoto worked hard to make the seminar a suc- cess. On this successful foundation Rev. Alexander invited Rev. Jenkins to preach at Union MBC where Rev. Jenkins was able to speak and intro- duce TFV Seminars to an HHAPPYAPPY HHOLIDOLIDAAYSYS THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF OF STELLAR PRINTING WISH YOU AND YOURS ALL THE BEST FOR 1999 STELLARSTELLAR PRINTINGPRINTING 38–38 9TH STREET • LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11101 718-361-1600718-361-1600 PRINTERS OF THE UNIFICATION NEWS SINCE 1982 November 1998 Unification News 17 PURE LOVE ALLIANCE ACTIVIST CASEBOOK Spoiling the Party for Alfred Kinsey at SFSU

by Michael Balcomb—NY, NY 4) That the proposed B.A. and M.A. formed a powerful hip-hop dance of her onists. A couple of representatives of programs be evaluated by a balanced own creation. the campus Socialist Party tried to hold he other week, San Fran- committee. We also had some of our own talent a gay rights demonstration, but quick- cisco State University was 5) That student evaluations of class from the CARP house performing dur- ly abandoned that attempt because we sponsoring a seminar cele- content should be required and be acces- ing the rally. Grace Hill was our emcee. weren’t addressing homosexuality as brating the 50th anniversary sible to the public. Jennifer Perry, as PLA president at a main issue. of the publication of Alfred 6) That material dis- Odilon, Gundi Kinsey’sT pioneering work in the study cussing abstinence as and Raquel were of human sexuality, Sex and the Human a positive alternative heading up a Male. Experts from around the world for physical and emo- booktable next were invited to take part in a discus- tional health be pre- to the stage, sion on the future of human sexuali- sent at sex resource which was con- ty. All speakers were supporters of Kin- centers on campus. stantly crowded sey’s work. with people Preparation The PLA decided to hold an event of wanting more our own, protesting Kinsey and demand- We had one week to information. ing that the university present a more prepare, and focused Many of these balanced curriculum concerning their a lot of time on reach- people were human sexuality studies program, which ing out to community oppositionists was way too liberal and pro-homosex- members and possible looking for ual. At the same time, PLA sent in sev- interested groups and ammunition for eral members to sit in on the seminar organizations which a later kill, but to take the opportunity to ask ques- could support our all in all, we were tions of the panel. efforts. One group, First able to talk to a Principles Press, Inc., Our Goals lot of genuinely aided us by sending out interested stu- 1) Heavily impact the seminar at an e-mail to all of its dents. SFSU (we wanted to make a little trou- interested constituents, If there was ble); informing them of the SFSU event as SFSU, spoke and presented our demands. one weakness in our program, it was 2) Stand up strongly for PLA values well as the PLA rally. Catherine Wright and company per- that there was not a strong enough Beverly Sheldon, of the Traditional formed a skit outlining the falsehoods emphasis on getting signatures or phone Values Coalition, also contacted us, of Kinsey’s research. Several of our numbers from people. We were better requesting information about the sem- brave brothers, David, Odilon and Geof- off in the area of making personal con- inar and about the SFSU nections with our Sex Ed curriculum. She guest speakers and also sent a representa- supporters. tive from the area to attend the program. The Our Impact Coalition works on a The PLA had a political level to make it significant impact difficult for such sex on the Kinsey sem- “research” to get public inar. Catherine stood funding. up in front of the Judith Reismann, a panel and openly scholar who has written criticized the whole two books criticizing Kin- event as biased, and sey’s work, attended the denounced the event incognito, and entire Sex Ed stud- called us Monday morn- ies program as one- ing offering congratula- sided and inaccu- tions and requesting rate. She pointed information about SFSU’s out the panel speak- curriculum. She is pret- ers were freely ty much one of the admitting that some biggest activist honchos of Kinsey’s infor- against the Kinsey ide- mation was faulty. ology. Richard Sweeney, an indepen- frey, performed the infamous STD dance. Where do we draw the line? Wouldn’t and speak out to the campus commu- dent Christian in communication with Mark Lukyn rapped, and the students it be safe to say that more of his work nity; Reismann, also received the e-mail and loved it. might be faulty? She proposed that one 3) Get 210 signatures of supporters contacted us, saying he’d like to attend. We had a very good number of stu- way to help remedy the situation would who agreed with our demands and 40 He was very supportive and audiotaped dents in attendance. Some were antag- be to interview the incest victims and signatures of those who would be inter- the entire event. other subjects of Kin- ested in actually involving themselves Mother Wright, the sey’s “research” as to with future activities of the PLA; “Mother Teresa of Oak- what actual outcome 4) Have media attendance at the land,” attended the rally these actions brought event and make the evening news; as a guest speaker, about. 5) United the members internally along with Christine The experts through the preparation and actual- Froehlich, president of “freaked out” and ization of this project. WFWP here in the Bay were running scared. Our Demands for the School Area. We garnered stu- Other supporters of dent support as well. our cause stood up 1) That a class be included in the Two groups, the Mus- and challenged Kin- human sexuality cluster concerning lim Students Associa- sey’s accuracy and the benefit of marriage; and that this tion and the Mandarin methods, which should be taught by a person who Evangelical Students helped to rout the believes and practices that lifestyle. Association, agreed to speakers from a pre- 2) That it is not necessary in an aca- co-sponsor the event vious sense of safe- demic setting to deal with sexually publicly. We also had ty, and imagine sup- explicit material—especially visual mate- a guest speaker from port from all sides. rial. It simply should not be done. City College, and Rev. We successfully 3) That both liberal and conserva- Angela from the Church angered a lot of peo- tive viewpoints should be represented of Christ, who testified ple, and all took notice in sexual education classes—especial- to the benefits of absti- of our presence. ly in the classroom readers. nence and then per- see PLA on page 18 18 Unification News November 1998 by Lane Cowin and Grace Hill—San Fran- data on child sexuality by having them system if any rain was falling. Exact- Christine Froehlich of the Women’s cisco, CA report their ministrations on young ly half an hour before kick-off, the skies Federation for World Peace, Angela Sin- boys. He relied heavily on interviews cleared up and we were allowed to set cavage, a student at SF City College here was no doubt about it, with prison inmates, including sex up. Thankfully, we were not forced to and an amateur dancer, and Cather- Alfred Kinsey was a name offenders and used this data as a rep- cancel the whole event. ine Wright of the PLA. The ever-famous well known by the end of the resentation of the general population. In the meantime, a team of well- STD dance met with chuckles and grins week. On November 6th, San Later, ignoring discrepancies and skewed researched and informed PLA mem- from the students. Some were even Francisco State University or biased data, Kinsey manipulated bers, lead by Catherine Wright, attend- caught singing along to the chorus. hostedT a celebration to honor the 50th his numbers to achieve the results he ed the conference where both the guest Angela Sincavage wowed the crowd anniversary of Alfred C. Kinsey’s work desired. speakers and panelists and audience with an original hip-hop dance per- of studying human sexuality. And as We decided that the Kinsey cele- were expressing how wonderful Kin- formance. Mark Lukyn topped off the they happily prepared for the event, bration would be a perfect opportuni- sey was, how originally brilliant and event with a slightly modified version PLA members in the Bay unrestricted by the of the rap from the PLA ‘98 Interna- Area were making prepa- bonds of forced social tional Tour. rations of our own. conformity. Cather- The day was not without its oppo- We planned a rally ine made her way to sition. Hecklers dotted the crowd, spit- protesting Kinsey’s work the front and asked ting shouts of challenge and protest. as well as the universi- some very pointed One campus club, the International ty’s usage of his findings questions, address- Socialist Organization, pranced in front as the dominant mater- ing the fact that if of the stage with a banner proclaim- ial in many of its human some of Kinsey’s data ing “Gay Rights Now!” One panelist sexuality courses. was acknowledged to from the conference who was an observ- Although Kinsey is be faulty or biased er actually broke from the crowd, regarded by many as an than perhaps other marched right up to one speaker, Jen- expert on sexuality and data was as well. Per- nifer Perry, and loudly denounced our as the “Father of the Sex- haps a good way to message. He was swiftly escorted to ual Revolution,” we knew prove Kinsey right or the side of the stage so he would not he was definitely no hero. wrong was to inter- continue his attempt of disrupting the Kinsey seemed to have view the incest and rally. an agenda to popularize molestation victims Overall, it was a victory. We made homosexuality, pedophil- Kinsey repeatedly a big noise on campus and made stu- ia, incest and bestiality used to see what last- dents aware of the issue. Many were among the American peo- ing effects his research totally unaware of the condemning con- ple. Among his claims had. The unsuspect- troversy surrounding Kinsey’s work. were that children, being ing panel and the Last, but certainly not least, we made sexual from birth, should audience as well, did the 6 o’clock evening news on KRON, have the right to engage a double-take, real- Channel 4. The clip was positive and in any sexual activity they desire, at ty for us to alert members of the Bay izing that there was a force present to informative. We felt really lucky to make any age they desire. Also, people are Area of how wrong his findings were be reckoned with. The conference broke the news after so little advertising not naturally heterosexual—that is a and demand a representation of tra- for lunch, at which time our rally began. beforehand in our short week of prepa- condition that’s imposed by society. ditional family values within the city’s Grace Hill emceed the event, with ration. But it just reinforced our belief His work promotes such a twisted, public school curriculum. SFSU PLA President Jennifer Perry that anything is possible if you’ve got warped version of the love that God The day of the event dawned cold reading the demands we put forth to Heavenly Father behind you. Just have gave us as a precious gift, to enjoy only and cloudy. Rain drizzled or poured, the school faculty. We were blessed to faith and push forward! in a blessed, committed union of one on and off, all morning. At the rally get some last-minute confirmations of We’ve heard rumors that the Kin- man and one woman. site, we awaited anxiously for the rain speakers from the community. Among sey advocates are planning an attack Many do not know that Kinsey used to stop, for we were not allowed a sound them were Mother Wright of Oakland, on the PLA. Great! The fight is on! ❖ pedophiles to assist him in collecting

great shot of our STDs jumping of impact from the efforts of “us PLA around. The news clip was objec- little kids.” It was really beyond from page 17 tive and rather supportive. what we had expected. Now our desire is to share our One of the highlights of the day was Follow-Up that KRON, Channel 4, was present at vision with other like-minded orga- We are still in contact with all the event. Later that evening, the 6pm nizations; if we can get large num- of the groups that helped us dur- News aired a clip of the SFSU event. bers of people to these events, we ing the week. Many have request- Catherine was shown commenting on can be really powerful, scare the ed information about the PLA. We how Kinsey’s work increases divorce, pants off the sex people, and ignite were invited to attend several STDs, family breakdown, etc. A clip of a national spiritual revival. Big churches in the area, including our rally outside was shown, with a thinkers, aren’t we? We actually the Church of Christ in Oakland believe this. and San Francisco, and a South- Our next task is to create some ern Baptist church in Berkeley. more recent information about This past Sunday several CARP Bay PLA, our local programs, local members attended the first two vision, etc. We are also interest- churches. ed in creating an issue-oriented We are holding a follow-up PLA PLA video—testimonies, some edu- Christmas Special meeting on Friday, Nov. 20 to try cation about the opposition, prac- Order The World & I at to share our vision about the tical advice, and the vision. We Alliance, get some advice and feel that if we can create quality discounted rates for all your friends describe plans for future events. information about the issue, it and relatives. Perfect for all your All local contacts are invited. We will help a lot in networking and Holiday Gift-Giving. A card will be hope to inspire these community perhaps even getting some finan- members to join our efforts. In cial support. sent to the gift-subscription preparation for this meeting we We were all very happy. It was recipients with your name on it. will be creating a new PLA pam- good to see everyone pumped up Buy four gift subscriptions, phlet and a short video describing the night before, as we counted Bay Area PLA activities. down to rally time. We now know honchos in the war against Kinsey, we get one free! how little we can do in a week, and will We Can Do A Lot! had the Sexuality department shaking Call or write for more information. expect much more in the future. As Jin in their shoes and treating us with Elisabeth Seidel Everybody worked hard and united Hun Nim told us a few nights ago, utmost politeness, and we had gotten Life Enrichment Enterprises together. Probably one of the biggest “Always think four or five steps ahead. successes we had in this rally was vision. on the evening news. Suddenly we real- PO Box 52• Barrytown, NY 12507 You can do more.” And we will! In the course of two weeks we had per- ized what kind of impact we could make. Michael Balcomb is the director of (914) 758-4137 sonally talked to some of the biggest It was crazy. The human sex depart- World CARP, America. ❖ ment seemed to have experienced a lot November 1998 Unification News 19 Sun Hak Choir Sings to 20, 000 with Celine Dion in Seattle by Nancy Kubo—Seattle, WA the urgent need for this amazing oppor- Saturday, Oct. 10 finally came, and The Sun Hak Choir sounded as pro- tunity. The principal was very excited the 24 choir members converged on fessional as any children’s choir out es, you read it right...Celine and immediately took action by escort- Key Arena for the big event. The choir there. They absolutely glowed and Dion...pop music’s newest ing Ms. Kubo around to classrooms for rehearsed and practiced stage place- showed no signs at all of nervousness mega-star who rose to fame more auditions. From those auditions ment with Celine’s choreographer, who in spite of singing to a sold-out audi- after her recording of the three more children were selected. was quite impressed with the choir’s ence of 20,000! “Titanic” love theme, “My Now Sun Hak Choir was truly a accomplishment after only one week These children were heavenly HeartY Will Go On.” Currently she’s spokespersons singing True Par- on her one-year 100-city world tour ents’ message of True Love. This is with the theme “Let’s Talk About what they sang in Celine’s song: Love.” Sounds like something True Everywhere I go, all the places Father would say to begin a speech, that I’ve been, doesn’t it? The theme song of the Every smile’s a new horizon, on tour has a children’s choir part in a land I’ve never seen, the music, so in every city she per- There are people around the world, forms, she finds a local children’s different faces, different names, choir to perform live on stage with But there’s one true emotion that her. reminds me we’re the same— Sun Hak Choir’s director, Nancy Let’s talk about love, Kubo, got a call from Celine’s pro- Let’s talk about us, ducers just one week before Celine’s Let’s talk about life, October 10 Seattle concert. None of Let’s talk about trust, the well-known children’s choirs Let’s talk about love. would work on such short notice, Now the Sun Hak Choir is no but would short notice ever stop longer just another children’s choir Unification Church members? Of at another church. As a result of course not! The next day the musi- opening up the choir to families out- cal score and a rehearsal tape were side the Unification Church for the at Mrs. Kubo’s doorstep, and the Celine Dion event, two of those chil- choir sprang into action. dren want to join Sun Hak Choir What Celine wanted was a multi- on a regular basis! Sun Hak Choir racial choir of 24 children ages 7 to has now embarked on a new jour- 12. The Sun Hak Choir had plenty ney—that of a multi-cultural chil- of children in that age range, includ- dren’s choir open to children of any ing several Asian children, but was multi-cultural choir with all races rep- of preparation. After working with faith or color who want to sing out True lacking in African Americans, so an resented! But the choir’s work had only dozens of children’s choirs around the Father’s message of love and unity. emergency effort had to be undertak- just begun. Five intense rehearsals country, the choreographer rated the Sun Hak Choir was organized in en right away to add more “color” to would have to suffice to get the music Sun Hak Choir as “A+” and “one of the the Seattle area in 1993. At that time, the choir. The gospel choir at God’s learned and memorized. Pop music, best.” Celine came out just minutes True Mother graced the choir with the Anointed Temple quickly organized with its syncopated lyrics, was a genre before the performance to pose some name “Sun Hak”: “Sun” from True auditions, and three black children which the Sun Hak Choir had never group photos with the choir, then we Father’s name and “Hak” from her own were selected. The next morning, Ms. sung before, and two-part harmony were on! “Let’s Talk About Love” was name. It has been growing and rehears- Kubo walked into the principal’s office was a challenge for the 7- and 8-year- the first song of the night, and Celine ing and performing extensively ever at African American Academy, a local olds—but they mastered the music was joined on stage by the purest bunch since. ❖ public elementary school, and explained with clarity and confidence. of kids she’ll ever sing with on her tour.

son, Jr. and a crowd of 100 as he deliv- food.” Yes ma’am that’s right! Join us The programs draw about 100 peo- CHICAGO ered one session of another TFV Sem- for a night of international cuisine, ple or more with about 40 to 45 adult from page 16 inar. Rev. Braxton praised TFV as he entertainment and culture! A different guests average attendance. Many of explained how it had helped his min- culture each week. A short lecture by these guests return again and again TFV Seminar at our church. Rev. Ben- istry by taking him out of his own church Rev. Michael Jenkins introduces the for regular weekly programs or have nie Smothers, the pastor of New Holy and has him preaching before Baptist, guests to True Family Values and our started regularly attending Sunday Ser- Temple MBC sponsored the first sem- COGIC and other denominations. After workshop each weekend. vice with us. inar and was successful in inviting the the seminar 10 couples rededicated Japanese Night, Korean Night; Span- But the big indicator is the number ministers and their lay leaders to attend. their marriages in a Holy Communion ish Night; Thailand Night; Philippine of guests that go on to attend a 2-day One TM, Mr. Akihiro Kudo, despite of Marriage Blessing ceremony. God Night; Russian Night; African Night and workshop at the Lake Geneva CARP his limited English and together with was working because after the semi- American Night. And then we start over workshop site. The Church and CARP Rev. Yukimi Lemont organized a TFV nar Rev. Wilson signed up to teach a with Japan Night again. and the Tribal Messiahs have been seminar at First Star MBC for Dr. David TFV Seminar at another church. The Tribal Messiahs and depart- cooperating to make it a success. TM’s Cotter and his congregation. All done At 7:00 am, Monday to Thursday, ments and businesses all help out with drive guests to the workshop on week- through the power of love. Afterwards brothers and sisters in Chicago get in preparation and cooking the meals. ends when church members are fundrais- Dr. Cotter asked Rev. Braxton and Rev. the van and quickly go out to the train Rev. Jesse Avila from the Spanish ing. Rev. Brian Winters from CARP and Lemont to organize another seminar stations for an hour of witnessing. They Church supplied the Spanish night Rev. Michael Jenkins sharing lectur- for those members of his congregation catch the commuters on their way to cooking with members and the mis- ing duties with supplements as need- who had not been able to attend and work or school and the businessmen sionaries from Peru supplying the enter- ed. TM attend and support the program promised a feast for all who attended, and students take the flyers inviting tainment. with prayers and cooking and any way their church usually retires downstairs them to an International Culture Pro- On Korean Night the KEA pastor, they can. to a potluck dinner prepared by the gram at 6pm Thursday evening. Rev. Byung Chul Kim, emceed a pro- CARP and STF members witness women in the church. During the day Tribal Messiahs come gram of songs and dances and cos- downtown all week long under the lead- One TM couple, Bob and Jasmine to the church center and pickup flyers tumes as the wives from the Korean ership of Rev. Hiroshi Higashino and LaRue have been attending and sup- before they go out for a days witness- community spent the week preparing Rev. Shota Iwasaki and a full van goes porting Rev. Ernest Hamilton the Pas- ing. Church missionaries go back out the food. up to the workshop each weekend, tor of Greater Holy Temple COGIC and during the afternoon to nearby cam- The Moriya family provides Thai cook- sometimes twice. One week was par- organized a TFV seminar there. Rev. puses or train stations before the reg- ing and songs and entertainment and ticularly full with 13 guests from the Hamilton was inspired by the seminar ular evening program. the next week the Philippine sisters church of Rev. Bowers, a pastor who and helped Rev. Jenkins give one ses- A regular evening program is held from CARP get together with several has worked with TFV for years. The sion of the seminar. Afterwards he said at the Ashland street church building TM wives and the mother of one sister same weekend CARP brought 23 Chi- that this was something he wants all with lecture and dinner on Tuesday to cook Philippine food and invite a nese students from local campuses. of his ministers and leaders to hear. and Wednesday but the backbone focus number of important guests from the The victories in Chicago could not He said it was not just for the youth in of the weeks witnessing is the Thurs- Philippine community. American mem- have come without the support of Region- the church but also for the married day night program. bers cook hamburgers and hot dogs on al Director, Rev. Ki Hun Kim, and the couples and parents. A lady at the train station takes the the barbecue as TM wives make pota- entire church community of Tribal Mes- One week later Rev. Hamilton stood flyer and asks “Do you have a differ- to salad and apple pie and Mrs. Kath- siahs, department leaders, business- in the pulpit at Bethel Deliverance ent country each week? I was there last leen Sometani leads a good old fash- es and CARP all working together for COGIC and the pastor Rev. James Wil- week but I’ll be back; I love Japanese ioned square dance. God. ❖ 20 Unification News November 1998 TRUE PARENTS’ HISTORY FOR CHILDREN

by Linna Rapkins ate from one bowl. In fact, they did part 1 of 2 ANewBeginninginSeoulalmost everything his time, we find together. Father back in But despite this encouraging begin- Seoul. After leav- had joined in Taegu arrived in Seoul to patched over with more old boards, and ning, the time came when they couldn’t ing Pusan and Taegu, going to join Father. We know him today as David many of the paper windows were torn. convince anyone else to join. Day after Seoul in October 1953, and S.C. Kim, the former President of Unifi- And most strange of all, half of the build- day, no one came to hear about the Divine thenT returning to Pusan for a December cation Theological Seminary in America. ing was painted red! Principle. visit, he returned to Seoul in early 1954, This man had been a high ranking Father and his little band were not “Hyo Won,” said Father one day. “What accompanied by Mr. Eu. government official under Syngman Rhee daunted, however. They scrubbed the do you plan to do today?” Father’s surprise visit to his little group for 14 years. He wasn’t like just any gov- building from top to bottom. Then they “Pray and study and witness,” said in Pusan turned into a wonderful and ernment man, however. He was also very set to work painting a sign that proclaimed Mr. Eu. inspiring 21-day revival. On the 22nd spiritual. God had saved his life during who they were: “Holy Spirit Association “Not teach?” asked Father. day, Father prepared to return to Seoul, the war and had given “There’s no one to so Mr. Eu packed his things to go, too. him a spiritual expe- teach, Sun Sengnim. “ He had joined the group before actually rience he couldn’t for- “Hyo Won,” continued meeting Father, and now that he had get. He really want- Father, “I want you to spent 21 days with him, Mr. Eu knew he ed to work for God, teach anyway. “ wanted to be Father’s helper forever and but he wasn’t sure Mr. Eu tried not to work by his side. how. He went to show his surprise. church faithfully and A New Church “From now on, I want led the choir, but he you to teach every day, When they arrived in Seoul in early knew there had to be even if no one comes,” 1954, Mr. Eu quickly found a small place more to a spiritual continued Father. “This where they could live. Right away, Father life than that. will make a good condi- began thoroughly teaching Mr. Eu the When his friend, tion for people to come. Divine Principle. They also prayed long Mr. Aum, suggested And don’t forget—Spirit hours that people might be led to their to Mr. Kim in Febru- World is always listen- place. Mr. Eu quickly learned how earnest ary 1954 that he ing. “ Father was about his mission and how should visit Sun “Yes, Sun Sengnim,” hard this work would be. Myung Moon’s little promised Mr. Eu. “I will Before long, a few people did start com- group in Taegu, he teach. “ ing—one here; one there. This was good, did it. After hearing Day after day, they but it wasn’t enough. Father knew it the teaching and after prayed and witnessed would be important to get the Christian a couple of inspiring And day after day, lean- churches to help him, so he and Mr. Eu spiritual experiences, ing on his cane for sup- went to Christians again and again, telling he became one of port or sitting in a chair, Mr. Eu lectured them about God’s new message and pray- Father’s followers. Father lectures as Mr. Eu looks on long hours, pouring his heart out to the ing deeply for them. When he appeared in Seoul, then, thousands of people in Spirit World. Despite their hard work, however, the Father welcomed him warmly and put Still, no people came. It became more same thing happened as before. The Chris- him right to work. and more difficult to do anything. It was tian people heard Father teaching about One day soon thereafter, Father seemed for the Unification of World Christiani- like trudging through thick mud, with God and Jesus. His stories were differ- to have made up his mind about some- ty. “ their feet getting heavier and heavier. ent from what was taught in their church- thing. After nailing it in place, they stood Everything was indemnity. It was hard es, so they thought Father must be from “The people in the churches still do back to admire their handiwork. Sud- to keep going. Satan. They stayed away. not want to work with me,” he told Mr. denly, they burst out laughing. The sign “Is it going to be just the seven of us During this time, one of the men who Eu.” But if I have no church, I cannot was almost as big as the house itself. forever?” they wondered “Maybe we’re bring Christians together. If I can’t “Is this a good place to unite Chris- crazy after all.” get Christians to work together, tianity?” asked Father. Father worried about them. Could he the same thing will happen to me “Absolutely,” answered Mr. Eu and keep them from leaving? that happened to Jesus: I will be Mr. Kim jovially. Father “Just don’t give up,” he urged them. killed, and the Christians will go They bowed their heads then and “Hold on. Things will get better—I promise. through terrible suffering.” thanked Heavenly Father for their church, Father, how sad you are. You can do it.” He reminded them, “God Mr. Eu was very disturbed to which later became known by a shorter loves you very much. He doesn’t want hear this, but he didn’t know what name: Unification Church. It was May Sitting in a chair on the windswept deck, you to have to suffer, but you’re the only he could do to help. 1, 1954, the day Father’s group of disci- helpers He has right now, so you’re the “So—,” continued Father, not ples became a church. most important people in the world.” Gazing at the last of the stars waiting for an answer, “we will Their days were busy, indeed. There Father also sang with them a lot, and just have to create our own church was no central figure standing over Father, soon there was one song they sang over Gleaming over the ocean; and start from the beginning.” telling him what to do. Although Father and over that became their favorite: Mr. Eu’s eyebrows went up. could feel God by his side, he didn’t wait Jesus walked that lonesome valley; Their light mixing with the foam This sounded like a good idea, to be told what to do. He took responsi- He had to walk it by himself. but would it be possible? There bility to figure out what must be done, Oh, nobody else could walk it for him; Washing behind the boat. was just the two of them in Seoul. and then he did it. He had to walk it by himself. Understanding his thoughts, Father followed his regular schedule. Jesus had to stand his trial; Father added, “It would have been Every morning, he rose before the sun The chill of the night’s wind, He had to stand it by himself. much easier if the churches had and climbed one of Seoul’s mountains to Oh, nobody else could stand it for him; united with me, but I just can’t pray. For him, prayer was even more The spray coming from the bow, He had to stand it by himself. wait for them any longer.” important than food. We must go and stand our trials; Mr. Eu didn’t dare think over Mr. Eu worked hard, also. Father want- Don’t move you. We have to stand them by ourselves. how possible it might be; he sim- ed him to do all the teaching, so he stud- Oh, nobody else can stand them for ply gave Father the support he ied the Divine Principle long hours. He us; When I touch your shoulders, needed and nodded his head. outlined it. He drew diagrams to help We have to stand them by ourselves. The building they found for explain it. He prayed over it. And soon They sang it over and over and over— I feel how tired you are, their new church didn’t look like he was the official teacher. During his twice, three times, 20 times, 30. Then a church at all. It was old and lectures, Father sat by his side, and Mr. they felt stronger and more determined. Aching and weary from your watch. rickety. The front door was warped Eu could feel his support. He knew Father Then, Father promised them, “By the from the rain and lack of paint, was praying for him all through the lec- end of October we will find new mem- I cannot stop my heart. so it was difficult to open and ture. If a guest asked difficult questions, bers, and they will be very good quality close. The roof looked wavy along Father would sometimes help Mr. Eu with people, too.” the top, because the building was the answers. I want to cry. Even so, there were many days when sinking in some places, and some Before long, there were six members they could find nothing more hopeful of the tiles were missing from the living with Father, sharing one room and Peter F. Brown than his words. ❖ roof. Holes in the walls had been the three old blankets they owned. They November 1998 Unification News 21 DIVINE PRINCIPLE STUDY WHY CHRIST CAME AND WHY HE MUST COME AGAIN

Volume 3 - Part 1 freely embellished earlier oral and writ- Schweitzer demolished a number of his tyranny. Jesus’ primary interest was ten reports that up to then had been predecessors’ views of Jesus and political, and this is why he was ulti- s the Divine Principle sec- the sources of information on the life advanced his own understanding of mately crucified. According to this view, tions on “The Creation” and of Jesus. Jesus as an apocalyptic hero. He sees a careful reading between the lines indi- “The Fall of Man” have cates the authors of the Gospels “rewrote explained, God originally early Christian history in order to remove created man and woman in Roman suspicions concerning the HisA image. They were intended indi- Church.” vidually to grow to full emotional, intel- Such is a partial view of the debate lectual and spiritual maturity, and on on the life of Jesus. Many opinions have this basis form families that could fully been offered, but many questions remain. embody and express God’s love. Such As Brandon’s theories indicate, even families would then be the well-spring extreme views have gained a hearing. of God’s love for larger levels—the soci- In the opinion of many people—both ety, nation and world. theologians and laymen—the Divine The first couple chosen to achieve Principle has shed a very helpful and this ideal, however, the Biblical char- clarifying light on some of the vexing acters Adam and Eve, failed to do so. problems surrounding Jesus. As a rev- Their fall occurred through an unprin- elation received by Reverend Moon cipled expression of love between Eve through his spiritual communication and the archangel Lucifer, and between with God and Jesus, the Principle has Eve and Adam. With the loss of love at the advantage of being able to pene- the beginning of history, all humanity trate the New Testament ambiguities has since suffered the deprivation of and present a clear understanding of love. For Divine Principle the original Jesus and his mission—one that has separation from God’s love has thwart- profound implications for the contem- ed the realization of the divine ideal porary church and one that will help and has given rise to the tremendous Christianity complete the spiritual rev- pain and suffering that make up the olution begun two thousand years ago. record of human history. ❖ History on the Horizon Divine Principle explains that, begin- ning with the tragic separation of Appeal: humankind from its Creator, God has sought to restore men and women to their original state, no longer crippled The Wanangwe by the catastrophic events involving the first human couple. God wishes to Project elevate us to the status of His True Children and to lead us to live in love, by Hezron McObewa—Nottingham, UK justice, and brotherhood. e are a group of stu- To realize this stage, prophets and dents who are mem- holy men have appeared, directed by bers of Unification God, at various points in history. The Church. We are coming of men such as Abraham and planning to travel to Moses, Buddha and Confucius, St. theW middle of Africa in a remote vil- Francis and Martin Luther expresses lage in Western Kenya to evangelize God’s redemptive activity in human in the region. This place has very few society. However, the central manifes- churches and through some of our tation of God’s work was the advent of contacts the locals are enthusiastic Jesus of Nazareth. For Divine Princi- to join the unification church if one ple, Jesus was the man anointed by In the words of Father Raymond Jesus as believing in the imminent, can be set up. God as His Son to realize the original Brown, of New York’s Union Theologi- supernatural appearance of the King- We are thus in the process of final- ideal on earth. He came in Adam’s place cal Seminary: “Primarily the Gospels dom of God, complete with the subju- izing our plans and we hope to con- to restore the lost Garden of Eden—the tell us how each evangelist conceived gation of all evil forces. vert many people and set up a church Kingdom of God on earth. of and presented Jesus to a Christian In Schweitzer’s view, at one point in in the long run. To help us achieve The Bible community in the last third of the first his ministry Jesus expects the arrival our goal we have been fundraising century. . . they offer only limited means of this Kingdom even before the next and so far through sponsorships (e.g. The New Testament offers an inspired for reconstructing the ministry and harvest. Only when his hopes are dashed we had a rice and water week where and beautiful account of the life of Jesus message of the historical Jesus.” does Jesus start thinking of the cross. all four of us ate only rice and water and has served as the very well-spring Recognizing such realities has led Schweitzer concludes that Jesus final- to raise money) we have collected one of the Christian faith. Over recent to extensive re-examinations of the life ly went to the cross believing that this third of the required sum . decades, however, the New Testament— of Jesus. In recent decades, scholars act would precipitate the apocalyptic We believe that this mission is and, indeed, the entire Bible—has come have looked again at the Gospel accounts, arrival of the Kingdom of God on earth. important and since people are will- to be understood in very different terms questioning orthodox understandings In The Prophet from Nazareth, on the ing to cooperate we can achieve some- than has been the case in centuries and expressing radical dissatisfactions other hand, Professor Morton Enslin thing. past. with traditional thinking about the Son argues that Jesus must be understood We still require more money and The critical catalyst in this change of Man. The very fact of the volume and simply as a man fulfilling a prophetic we are appealing to anyone willing to has been the advent of modern bibli- intensity of debate on this issue points role. Enslin argues that the later Church help us achieve this goal in any way cal scholarship, particularly as it has to the problematic nature of the tradi- paid tribute to the Nazarene Carpen- possible however little donation they been focused on the four Gospels. While tional New Testament picture of him. ter by bestowing him with such titles may give. as devotional material the Gospel as Christ, Son of god and Lord, but that Donations should be made payable accounts are awesome, it is now wide- Hero, prophet or zealot? his original disciples thought of him to Wanangwe project c/o Hezron ly considered that as historical docu- The arguments presented by differ- simply as “a prophet mighty in deed McObewa, University Park NG7 2QT ments they fail to provide reliable data ent theologians have ranged over a and word.” (Luke 24:19). Indeed, for Great Britain. on the human Jesus and his actual broad spectrum. A pivotal book in this Enslin, this is all Jesus thought him- Or directly into a special account teachings. debate was written by none other than self to be. number 43093116 at National West- The problem as most scholars see it the famed Dr. Albert Schweitzer, who, Another view of Jesus is presented minster Bank Nottingham QMC is that the writers of the Gospels—writ- among his other great accomplish- by England’s S.G.F. Brandon, of the branch. ing anywhere from thirty to seventy ments, was a highly regarded theolo- University of Manchester. For Dr. Bran- Or anyone can reach me on years after the death of Jesus and writ- gian. don, Jesus was a Zealot, striving for [email protected] for more ing with their own purposes in mind— In his Quest for the Historical Jesus, the political overthrow of the Roman information. 22 Unification News November 1998 Elizabeth, Virgin Queen of England

reviewed by Simon Kinney film portrays is the seem- execution or exile. This tradition ingly ironic reality that the was to a certain extent established Director: Shekhar Kapur, Cate world needed democracy in by Elizabeth’s own father, Henry Blanchett as Elizabeth I, Richard Atten- order for the Messiah to be the VIII, when his most trusted borough as Sir William Cecil, Geoffrey born. The treachery and mur- political advisor, Thomas Moore, Rush as Sir Francis Walsingham, Joseph der that dominates this part was put to death for following his Fiennes as Lord Robert Dudley, and Sir of history, which is extraor- own conscience. More had disagreed John Guilgud as the Pope dinarily well with Henry’s desire for a divorce in lizabeth’ is a portrayed in order to try and gain an heir to the vivid and ‘Elizabeth’, throne through a second marriage. powerful por- makes it clear To whit it must be pointed out trayal of that any that the family is not a neutral state Queen Eliza- entrance of a of bliss devoid of forbearance, but beth‘E I and her rise to power Messianic fig- a blazing white hot amalgamation as a young woman besieged ure into such of history, in all its glorious splen- by the political skulldug- a scandalous dor, complicated treachery and gery and intrigue of six- and often al as Elizabethan England grew to social misdemeanors. teenth-century England. The barbaric environment become the most powerful nation in Never would I take my children to division of Catholics and would have meant cer- the world under her forty four year this film, apart from the fact that it is Protestants sets the tone for acute reli- tain death. It is true to rule. rated R, but for the sake of feeling the some degree that artistic pursuit flour- gravity of the present, it is definitely a gious persecution, which brings the However the seat of power and edu- ❖ viewer into a state of shock for the first ished within monarchical systems, and cation was corrupted from within, to film that cannot be missed. ten minutes of the film. Elizabeth’s court boded well for Euro- a level where divergence from the let- The most powerful idea that this pean writers and composers in gener- ter of the law meant in many instances, A Selection of Music in NYC

by Simon Kinney—NYC ing of Gundula Janowitz with Herbert was palpable until the end, and left considerable bravura. von Karajan and this same orchestra one and all in the audience begging for While his phrasing and musical Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, is hard to beat. However, even this an encore. Obliging the audience’s exu- expression in general are unquestion- Carnegie Hall, Friday October 9th, Con- comparison is unfair, since live per- berance, they performed the Berceuse able, by the time we arrived at the final ductor-Claudio Abbado, Soloist-Renée formance and recording are two total- and Finale from Stravinsky’s Firebird movement of this fifty minute colos- Fleming ly different performance environments. Suite; a fitting end to a sublime evening sus, I had the vague sense that Mr. very superlative that comes Ms. Fleming’s lush of musical Barenboim was not always complete- to mind has already been tone and interpretative expression. ly engaged in Liszt’s extravaganza. ability, ended with the After interval, we were treated to used to describe the play- Daniel Baren- perfect expression of Music Liszt’s most famous concert work, the ing of the Berlin Philhar- boim monic. Friday’s performance Strauss’ peaceful tran- B minor Sonata; once again a daunt- Ewas no exception. sition to the next world Berlin Philharmonic Carnegie Hall, ing task even for even the most sophis- and his final question ticated and experienced artist. This The flawless and exquisite perfor- Orchestra, Tuesday October mance of this mighty ensemble showed as to what lay beyond 13th, Soloist- dramatic work, thirty minutes of delib- the time honored unity of its players. physical life. Carnegie Hall Daniel Baren- eration and white heat, illustrates Liszt’s Under the direction of its Musical From the decorative boim, Piano occasional experimentation of what is Director, Claudio Abbado, the orches- melismas of German- & Daniel Barenboim, almost twelve tone music. This Sonata o matter tra performed a pleasant blend of four ic Romanticism, we does not completely follow the stan- Piano what level great masterpieces; Schumann’s ‘Man- were transposed into dard pattern of Sonata form, which of ability fred Overture’, Richard Strauss’ ‘Four the world of the French N focuses on the development of a cen- an artist may Last Songs’, Debussy’s ‘Nocturnes’ and masters, Claude tral theme, but rather takes up the possess, one Ravel’s ‘La Valse’. As usual, Abbado Debussy and Maurice Review cyclical idea of composition; changing always gets the conducted the entire program without Ravel. through the metamorphosis of the orig- feeling that tack- the score and with complete mastery As a master orches- inal idea to return to theme in its orig- ling Liszt on the piano is like taking and sensitivity. His embracing, roman- trator, Claude Debussy’s music demands inal state. on a large crocodile in swampland; you tic, and self effacing interpretation is tremendous interpretive ability to bring Even in the best sense, Liszt’s music are bound to get swallowed up. Such not only appealing for the listener, but forth the true sensuousness of his can be seen as the height of egocen- a brave undertaking was observed by orchestral musicians around the world work. Maestro Abbado managed to tric Romanticism. Robert Schumann, concert-goers on Tuesday evening to have become enamored by his tremen- enlighten us with the veiled mystery whom the work was dedicated to, greet- hear Daniel Barenboim, one of the dous skill, and his love and humility of Debussy’s character, perhaps only ed the work with silent horror when world’s foremost pianists of the last in the face of art. This was most abun- one small degree shy of his magnifi- Liszt first played it for him. thirty years, tame the wild imagina- dantly clear to me when I worked with cent reading of the preceding Richard Mr. Barenboim’s performance of this tion of Franz Liszt’s ‘Anées de Pèleri- him during his years as Musical Direc- Strauss ‘Four Last Songs’. The pro- work was imaginative from the start, nage: Première année, Suisse’, and the tor of the Vienna Philharmonic. gram ended with the exotic ‘La Valse’ but it wasn’t until he reached the fugue Sonata in B minor. The Manfred Overture established by Maurice Ravel. half way through the work that I real- After taking a couple of movements the unquestionable unity and tremen- Once again Abbado and the orches- ly felt he was thoroughly enjoying him- of the ‘Pilgrimage’ to warm into the dous poise of the Berlin Philharmon- tra shined in performing this exciting self. It was at this point that I could piece, Barenboim displayed stunning ic’s string ensemble. Their dynamic piece, colorfully illustrating the lay- hear strains of his tremendous dynamic control and use of color in range, while staggering, was only a pre- ered messages of Ravel’s wrestle with Beethovinian style emerging from the the beautifully lyrical ‘Pastorale’ move- lude to the much more complex and the impending world of atonality, and densely wooded forest of Liszt’s over- ment. The following movement ‘Orage’ delicate interpretation of Richard Strauss’ his desperate desire to hold eternally loaded psyche. or thunderstorm, confronts the soloist ‘Four Last Songs’, with soloist Renée to the bastion of traditional tonal form Mr. Barenboim screamed home at with the almost physically impossible, Fleming. Ms. Fleming’s performance as the basis of his communication. a tempo which compelled him to make which Mr. Barenboim handled with was emotional and from the standpoint Abbado’s use of tension in this work ample use of the sustaining pedal, of musicianship very convincing. Her which for me seemed slightly on the interpretation of this very difficult and heavy side. Nevertheless it made for demanding work showed her true col- Give a exciting listening. ors as one of the world’s foremost sopra- At the closure of the program he nos, both on the opera stage and in performed two encore pieces, both the concert hall. Gift Subscription Schubert works, which in many ways Only on one occasion have I heard was the most refreshing part of the a soloist take this final masterpiece of to the program, and showed more clearly Mr. Richard Strauss’ and make it sound Barenboim’s fantastic interpretive abil- ity in the face of music with true emo- more perfect, and even then it is only ❖ from the standpoint of musicianship, UNIFICATION NEWS tional depth. not interpretation. The 1976 record- November 1998 Unification News 23

KIM KORMAN BROWN The Dichotomy of the Uplifted Ideal

and the Dishes in the Sink za, in their native languages. It is mov- Sunday newspaper strewn like the rem- storming around the convent yelling, rented the video of the musical ing, seeing noble-faced men singing nants of a frantic ransacking. “blue and white, blue and white, I’m stage production of “Les Miser- the universal message in Spanish, Ice- My husband asked me sweetly “if I sick of wearing the same old thing!” ables - The Dream Cast” and landic, Japanese (Yes, Japanese play- was filled with the burning light of We don’t even know if she had any hair, watched it with my children. I ing French People!) German, love?” He asks me that every never mind what color it was. But there kept hitting the “pause” button Swedish and many other lan- day and I usually mut- she was, always extending, involving Iin order to explain the story to them. guages. My throat choked ter something like, “I’m herself in the needs of others. I cried through all two hours and twen- in the way that it does filled with the dim The storm clouds passed from my ty minutes of it. To summarize, it is a when I’m having an bulb of mediocrity.” fuzzy little brain then, and I went to story set in France in the early 1800’s, epiphany, and I cried, But I know inside church and I sang enthusiastically, about a man named Jean Valjean. He simply overwhelmed. that if I was leaned my head on my husband’s stur- is a good man but was put in prison The final song in the extending love to dy, dependable shoulder and listened for 19 years for stealing food for his show has a line about other people, my to the words of Jesus which were remark- family. He gets out of prison, almost “when you love anoth- own problems ably on theme; John 21:15 -17 — “Feed ruined in heart. The kindness of a priest er person, you can see would recede into my sheep.” I felt a mood twinkling with- turns his life around, and then he the face of God.” I was the background. My in me that I haven’t felt for years. I felt spends the rest of his life helping oth- lifted to the highest spir- problems involve truly young and happy, with a little ers, particularly a child he adopts. itual heights by these sim- lines in my face, excess fountain of mirth welling up from with- Throughout everything, he is pursued plest of spiritual truths. weight, gray hair, old in. Wow, depression really clouds the by an obsessed policeman named Javert Then I woke up Sunday morn- dresses, dishes in the sink, possibility of spontaneous joy. I went who will not let him alone. In Javert’s ing and had my Sunday morning unfulfilled dreams. home and filled the dishwasher, ready mind, once a man is a criminal, he’s tantrum, which I have every Sunday. My loving husband reminded me for anything! always a criminal. I can never find anything to wear to that most people don’t think of Moth- Kim can be found at web site: At the end of the show, there is a church, and it is an ordeal to get all er Teresa as a babe, but she was some- “http://futurerealm.com” and has big finale which includes seventeen the kids ready and then leave the house one who was always filled with the email address: men who have played Jean Valjean in in a modicum of order. I glance back burning light of love - she was beau- [email protected].❖ their various countries. They sing the as we dash out the door and I see the tiful because she was always giving. big song from the show, stanza by stan- coffee cups, pajamas, wet towels and She didn’t wake up in the morning, Mom, I think IÕm starting to get bigger! by Rob Sayre—New Tripoli, PA the lead female part. In it, Emily grows reservations about. She up, gets married to her childhood sweet- is becoming more effec- ur daughter was only three heart, bears a child, dies at the age of tive in her negotiations when she proclaimed this 26 and returns from Spirit World to the with me. She is becom- truth—”Mom, I think I’m people and places she experienced while ing a young woman. starting to get bigger!”. It on Earth. She sees how limited their Prior to my younger has stuck with us through lives were, how often shallow their time turning 13, I declared, in Othe years. Whenever either of our girls was. It is a wonderful play. jest that as the True Father does something that seems like a land- During the final performance, we of the household, I was mark for a certain age, either my wife were seated next to the parents of the halting all birthdays for or I will turn to the other and say, “these boy “Emily” marries. There was “my lit- one year. No one would tle girl” in a beau- turn older this year. They tiful white gown, just laughed at me. I was looking ever so half-serious. My thoughts grown up and radi- have also been on the ant, reciting her blessing, how to help my vows with a hand- girls prepare for it and some young man their future happiness and looking so and lives. I’ve come to happy! My wife and realize that all we can do, as parents I’ve been working pretty hard the the wife of the is help prepare them to make the right last 4-5 years to give them experiences groom were crying. decisions. Even the blessing must be that will help them make the Principle It was a surreal their choice. We can influence their their own and to experience God’s Heart. experience to say direction and thinking, expose them to This is the best I can do. I have so many the least. I was half our traditions, values and theology, we questions. Under what circumstances expecting the go to can set strict guidelines on the types will their matching occur? When? What a reception after- of people they interact with, but in the happens if Father passes on prior to ward and dance end it will be their decision. This is as “their time?” What happens if they one last dance with it should be. choose not to pursue the matching? I “my lit- do not know the answers to these kids are starting to get bigger.” We nod tle girl.” Instead, the entire questions. I know I’ll be more our heads and smile. This fall howev- cast went out for pizza and nervous about their blessing er, both our girls became teenagers! A our girl came home the same than my own. This is as it should scary thought for us as parents, not to charming and buoyant young be. mention our unmentionable ages! I girl. Or was she the same? Rob & Sally Sayre live in rural thought I’d share with the readers of Since then, she’s taken on eastern Pennsylvania with their the Unification News some of our expe- a more mature air about her, two girls, two cats and their wacky riences with parenting teens. At least at times. She can still be dog, Banjo. Sally teaches in the what we know to date! silly, laughing and giggling public school system and runs A year ago, our older daughter, a with her sister and some- the drama club for the Middle freshman in High School auditioned times serious and thought- School. Rob is a management con- for the fall drama production. The play ful. In her honors English sultant and software developer. to be produced was “Our Town” by class, she is reading serious They, with several other dedi- Thornton Wilder. It was guest direct- novels, writing in-depth about cated families organize Youth ed by the Head of the Drama Depart- important issues and can and Family Camps and other ment at Lafayette College. It is set in discuss and argue quite effec- activities for the 2nd Generation. the mythical town of Grover’s Corners, tively. She is also on the For more information on these New Hampshire at the turn of the cen- debate team, which I have see www.bccamps.a9.org. ❖ tury. My “little girl” was cast as Emily, 24 Unification News November 1998

by Catherine Ladolcetta—Irvington AL man—the guard—you know—in the Speedy Mart, and I—I didn’t believe Part III you. I—I thought you were shamming— all the tears and surrendering and every- lmer reached back into his thing. I thought it was all a lie. Can you memories of Dillon’s trial. ever forgive me, Beau? All these years It had been close. It had wandering around here in the dark. almost come to a hung jury. Alone. And you were trying to help me; The question had been one Hello, Elmer! you couldn’t even see to walk. You Eof intention—had Dillon to murder the almost fell into that deep, black hole cashier or just rob the till? Elmer could trying to find me. How can you be glad “I killed him. I killed Beau Dillon with see me. In this terrible place, he’s try- hear the man pleading, telling the story to see me?” far more premeditation than he killed ing to help someone he doesn’t even from his point of view. He’d said that “Elmer!” Beau let him go and gazed that guard.” Elmer’s heart, pounding know.” As Elmer watched, the haze the guard surprised him and he’d shot serenely into Elmer’s wondering eyes. in his narrow chest, felt opened up in front of because he was frightened. But Elmer “You are the only person I’ve seen in like it would split in two. Beau. Elmer gasped and remembered that he had pressed the all this interminable time—how long “I believed Dillon wanted screamed, “Stop! Don’t point that, by carrying the gun, he must has it been anyway?” have considered that he might use it. to kill him but, in fact, he ❁❂ move! Stay where you “Ten years, Beau.” tried to save that man he are—there’s a pit in front Finally, the jury decided that the mur- “Ten years, without any way to count der was planned—a sort of “Plan B” if shot. I used all my power Short of you. Beau—stop!” In it off, it’s like forever, Elmer. I’ve learned to kill him without any a blink, Elmer stood nothing else. a lot just walking and thinking. I made thought that he might be beside Beau Dillon, his Then Elmer remembered something up my mind that if I ever saw you again, saved.” Elmer’s tears were Story hands gripping his arms, he had read at the bottom of the police ❃❄ I’d have only love in my heart for you— accompanied by a low moan his body blocking his report. He had sneered at it. He’d laughed well—love and forgiveness. That guard— punctuated by gasping way. with all the cynicism of an overworked, he forgave me. A long time ago—just sobs. “What? Who are you? low-paid public prosecutor who had before he went into the tunnel. Lately, As Elmer continued to You know my name....” become callous from seeing too much I’ve been feeling like something was stand staring over the edge, the man Beau’s hands grasped the sleeves of suffering. The report said that the rob- gonna happen. Didn’t know what, but below him raised his head and seemed Elmer’s radiant garment and he peered ber had collapsed crying at the scene just as soon as I felt that I could for- to be listening. In the misty blankness, intently into Elmer’s face. “Oh! It’s...but of the murder. When the police arrived, give you, I could see a little more around he turned as it trying to locate the it can’t be! You’re not here—in this he was giving the dying cashier CPR me and I could hear things, too. That’s sound. Finally, his searching eyes turned place.” Beau’s face lit up with joy and and didn’t stop until a paramedic pulled when I heard the crying. All I could upward and, still not seeing Elmer, he he threw his arms around Elmer. “It is him away. In all the confusion Dillon think of was that someone was all alone cupped his hands to his mouth and you—but what are you doing here—in the robber—soon to be murderer—wait- and needed help and, in my heart, I shouted, “Hey—are you all right? Where Hell?” He grabbed Elmer tighter and ed tearfully on the cashier’s high-topped wanted to help so much that nothing are you? I can’t see you, but if you call swung him around. “Hey, it’s getting stool behind the counter. When asked else mattered.” out, maybe I can find you!” He took a lighter, I can see you better. Gosh, what he had seen (the police thought Elmer wiped his nose on his sleeve step in Elmer’s direction, then stopped— Elmer, you look terrible. Why are you he was a witness) he admitted his guilt and gripped Beau’s arms. Smiling, he confused because he really couldn’t crying, for Heaven’s sake? It’s so good and surrendered. said, “Beau, come on, I’ve got someone see. “Look, just keep making some noise to see you!” Slowly, his hands pressed to his I want you to meet! But first, do you and I’ll come to you. Just keep talk- Elmer’s face was all tied up in knots cheeks, Elmer stood up. Tears trickled remember that tunnel—the really bright ing—I’m coming!” With his arms extend- of fear and grief; it was red from cry- from his half-shut eyes as he looked one that you decided not to walk ed and each foot feeling ahead as he ing, while his nose dripped and he was down into the semi-darkness of the through?” stepped, Beau Dillon moved through hiccuping. He buried his face in Beau’s near edge of Hell. Sobs of great sorrow Beau nodded with a grimace. “It was the dank haze of Hell, searching for one shoulder, still sobbing, and tried to talk. and regret shook his thin form; he dou- just too bright, Elmer; I couldn’t make lost, crying soul—searching blindly for “Beau, I’m so sorry for what I did to bled over, nearly to his toes, gasping myself step in there. So I stayed here his denouncer and executioner. you! I didn’t know till just now, when for breath, as the realization of his cold- instead. Is that where Heaven starts, Elmer gulped and straightened up. I saw you here, how wrong I was about hearted mistake exploded in his mind. Elmer?” He watched as Elmer smiled “He doesn’t know who I am. He can’t you. You were truly sorry about that and nodded. “I’m ready to go, now. It’s not so bright any more. Will you come through with me, Elmer? Or do I have to go alone?” Elmer grinned. “Let me check with my boss, Beau.” Elmer’s glance turned up and he felt, rather than saw, his Father nodding joyfully. “Okay! He can go through together.... I’ve got so much to show you Beau; it’s all so light and warm. I bet you can’t find the sun! And wait until you meet our Dad!” ❖ CULTURE from page 25 Principle, would not be so temporary or meaningless. The same thing could apply, to a greater or lesser extent, in every nation and culture. We Unificationists have before us a tremendous project: injecting the Prin- ciple into the popular culture. Our film makers have tried. Our musicians con- tinue to develop their talent. Our writ- ers, dancers, athletes and others are making great strides. Currently, in the popular culture, monotheism and morality are rare— and the Principle itself is essentially nonexistent. So far, not one single com- mercially published novel has any such content. History tells us that this will not always be the case. Christianity took 400 years to conquer Rome; after only 40 we have a much better foundation. Things will move even faster in the years to come. ❖ November 1998 Unification News 25

PAUL CARLSON Genres sex scenes. (It’s recommended reading the world’s most imaginative writers can Romance novels, and their soap opera at many Public Schools.) Or Bret Ellis’s take them, embracing all of time and counterparts, are almost exclusively fol- revolting book “American Psycho,” which space, and beyond them to “alternate is about to be made into a movie, star- timelines” and “parallel universes.” H. efore we get started, I’d like lowed by women. Their influence is ring the much-imitated teen idol Leonar- G. Wells, Jules Verne and several oth- to take a moment to acknowl- tremendous, and sometimes controver- do DiCaprio. ers were eerily prescient in their depic- edge the Second Generation sial. The popular “Bridges of Madison Historical fiction is sometimes mis- tions of the future—the very technolog- writers who have begun con- County” won praise from millions of taken for romance, but it is a separate ical world we live in today. tributing to these Opinion women, but generated unease, and even genre. These tales are set in “actual” Overall, F&SF people are remarkably Band Commentary pages. I am confident disgust, from nearly all men. past settings, and often include real fig- broad minded. With vividly depicted that, in the future, this section will never Why? Because it brought passion into ures, sometimes retelling their life sto- aliens as their “best buddies,” any vari- lack for quality material. many women’s dull lives. And it made ries. Many have been made into award- ety of human seems familiar in com- A culture war is raging across this adultery “okay,” excusable, because the winning films. The better authors con- parison! world, driven primarily by America and heroine ultimately chose to stick with duct meticulous research to ensure Unfortunately, most F&SF authors its humanist elite. The contended grounds her husband. (Who was absent at the accuracy. “side with science” in its trumped-up are familiar; this war is well-covered time, and thus unknowing.) With complex and tangled situations contention with traditional religion. Their “from the front.” Established radio shows Literary and dramatic works are sim- that reflect its true-life basis, this genre tales often marginalize or even ridicule like Rush Limbaugh’s, and new ones ilar. Many feature a troubled Catholic can carry all sorts of messages. These religious characters. In many of their like Michael Medved’s, do so daily. Mag- priest, who always manages to break his are inevitably ‘colored’ by our modern imagined worlds, people have managed azines like “Heterodoxy” and “Insight,” vow of celibacy. It’s usually women who perceptions. For example, not too many to “outgrow” their (supposed) “stuffy Vic- and books like Thomas Sowell’s provide enjoy reading these finely detailed nar- years ago, most adults sported a mouth- torian heritage.” timely information. rations of the everyday lives of fictional ful of rotten teeth. How many actors There are very special exceptions. From the left spring many incidents strangers. Some of these tales end up would appear like that today, even if it’s Fantasy luminaries C. S. Lewis and J. that are plainly outrageous, such as the as TV miniseries. just makeup? R. R. Tolkien were both devout Chris- National Endowment for the Art’s fund- Horror novels, many of which are A step beyond historical fiction, we tians, and that faith, even though ing of so-called “performance art.” Much made into movies, are popular with find Classical literature. These tales are unnamed, shines in their works. Their of it is so raunchy I could not begin to teenagers. Each strives to produce a themselves historical, dating back as far “moral torch” was taken up by several describe it here. We taxpayers have been larger “adrenaline rush” than the one as three thousand years. The Bible, and F&SF writers: Madeleine L’Engle and footing the bill for the stuff! The Supreme before. If we’re lucky, that’s all they do. the Homeric tales of the Trojan War, are Zenna Henderson, and today by Eliza- Court has just ruled that we cannot be “Freddy Kruger” actor Robert Englund, the foundations of all western literature. beth Moon, Stephen Lawhead and a required to do so. when asked to describe the value of his The Trojan legends have influenced vir- handful of others. (I received direct con- In this war, everyone has something films, replied lamely that “censorship tually everything written since, from Irish firmation of this from one such author.) to answer for. Our own Dr. Hendricks would be worse.” He forgot to point out Celtic folk tales to Imperial Roman school has been pointing out the shortcomings that most horror tales do embody a cer- Popularity books to Shakespeare’s plays. of both the liberal and conservative camps, tain shallow morality. To wit: the mon- These all-too-accurate depictions of True Father says that the Fall, and regarding their entrenched ideologies ster always gets the sneaking, illicit lovers humanity, of our bravery and our foibles, God’s redemption, are now being played and the problems that result. The deep- first, and its ultimate conqueror must have lasted through the ages. They truly out openly on the world stage. Inevitably, er, spiritual roots of the conflict are not be sacrificially virtuous, at least on some range from the sublime to the ridicu- this is affecting the popular culture. The widely known, and only the Divine Prin- level. lous. Dismissing them as the irrelevant best and the worst are both increasing. ciple can supply certain key insights. Westerns are a uniquely American work of “dead white males,” as most Uni- In the end, the Principle must emerge Earth-shaking issues are involved, genre, though Sergio Leone and other versities now do, is a sure way of con- as a “final stage.” But how? so vast and complicated that they can foreigners have done them justice. They demning ones self to bitter -not bliss- Japan is often swept by “super fads” easily become overwhelming. Fortunately are perhaps the most “principled” genre, ful- ignorance. of fashion and trendy behavior. Nearly there are also finer details, immediate and most embody a simple, straightfor- Last but not least, we come to my all are trivial; most are forgotten in a few things we can always be on lookout for. ward morality. The good folks are “struck favorite genre: Science Fiction, and its years. first,” they suffer a while, and then rise However, such a fad, if based on the Worldviews up against the encroaching evil. In the cousin Fantasy. Opposite the classics, these works have been called “the his- Films and television are not this writer’s end, the bad guys die from “well deserved” see CULTURE on page 24 specialty, and to learn about them I rec- bullets. (Correct me if I’m wrong, tory of the future.” They range as far as ommend Mr. Medved’s works. Virtually but as I recall, every single episode all of the media giants are so liberal and of “Bonanza” ended that way.) humanistic that it hardly bears men- Mystery and thriller novels Come Break a Leg with CARP! tioning. This includes not just their are primarily male-oriented, “entertainment” but also their “news” though a growing number of divisions. women are getting into the action. ell, not really. But why Fees: Most magazines are, at least, honest They are a relatively harmless not come to our exciting CARP Members & Guests about their editorial persuasions. How- form of escapism, peopled with annual SKI WORKSHOP Includes five days and five nights accom- ever, many supposedly neutral publi- odious and dashing characters in Boulder, CO. Two days modation at the World CARP Academy, cations (in the women’s, senior’s, sci- that most of us will probably of fast and furious skiing and all meals from Sunday dinner to Sat- entific, health and other fields) have never meet—much less become. (orW gentle, you choose!). Two days of stim- urday breakfast: Skiing $210, Non-Ski- become exclusive forums for the left. They are characterized by explo- ulating lectures. True God’s Day cele- ing $140 My personal specialty is books, espe- sive action, explicit sex, and death bration with 300 members. Great food for Family Package per person cially works of fiction. My on-line writer’s by many means. It is de regueur the body and spirit. Here are this year’s Includes lunch and dinner only from critique group, with their experience and that the villain is finally caught, dates: Sunday dinner to Friday dinner: Adult commentaries, have been most helpful and/or the world is saved from Schedule Skiing $150, Children under 12 $100, in building my knowledge of the sub- disaster. Children under 5 $50 ject. (See “Friends On-line,” March 1996 The personal lessons drawn Sun., Dec. 27: Arrivals—Come early to Book your own motel or use our spe- UNews.) If you are an avid reader, or from thrillers are misleading. rent your ski gear cial CARP rate. Adult non-skiing $75, know someone who is, this article is Their characters, heroes and vil- Mon., Dec. 28: Ski Days—At Eldora Children under 12, $50, Children under especially for you. lains alike, seduce their way resort, just 40 minutes from the Acade- 5, $30 Every book reflects the worldview of my. Friendly family resort with classes across the world, but end up Notes: its author, whether or not he’s deliber- dying from anything but AIDS or and skiing for all levels ately trying to project it, and even when other actual consequences. The Tues., Dec. 29-30: Workshop—At the 1. Book now before prices rise he doesn’t realize it’s happening. This only time they die in a hospital University of Colorado. Separate programs 2. Economy Motel Accommodation: goes beyond style or even opinion, to the is when an assassin sneaks in! for new guests, members, leaders and CARP Special Rate: Double Bed $46, Two basic assumptions which frame each Interestingly, these novel’s ghosts Double Beds $55 book and all the ideas it contains. In fic- written depictions of intense sex Thurs., Dec. 31: Workshop—At the 3. Ski Prices include $25 for rental tion, it’s what “drives” the characters draw hardly any comment, much University of Colorado. Pure Love semi- equipment. Deduct if you bring your own and plot. less criticism. Righteous indig- nar for everyone with a special program 4. Non-skiers can enjoy special rates Generally speaking, each genre has nation is usually reserved for the for children at the Louisville Recreation Center, which its conventions, which are universally sex in still or motion pictures. Fri., Jan. 1: Celebration—True God’s offers swimming, waterslides, sauna and assumed, but seldom admitted, much Only the very worst books draw Day Celebration. At the World CARP Acad- jacuzzi. Organized excursions on ski days less described. fire, like Luis J. Rodriguez’s young emy, and the University of Colorado To make a reservation please call Andrea adult novel “Always Running,” Sat., Jan. 2: Departures—Leave after Rissanen at (303) 447 9402.❖ with its graphic, street-talking breakfast. Have a great year! 26 Unification News November 1998 RReeccllaaiimmiinngg tthhee SSeeeedd

by John and Sandra Lowen—NYC The marriage vows call us to love, honor are filled with fundraising, Church mis- or accusing. To avoid that temptation, and obey our spouses “for better or for sions at minimal wages, and pre-Bless- that door remains closed. However, it ears of therapeutic counsel- worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness ing quotas. As the years pass, their hus- cannot remain closed forever, any more ing experience with couples and in health.” These are, in fact, the bands’ handsome navy suits become than the commandment not to eat could and families have led to the most difficult times to love, honor and shinier, tighter and more threadbare. The remain in place forever. recognition of one clear point obey; are they not? It is easy to support luxurious head of hair recedes beyond It has been said that each of our mar- in every troubled relationship: someone who is pleasant, person- the reaches of Rogaine. Husbands unwrap riages represents the restoration of a failed theY moment that disillusionment able, healthy and rich. To be their lovely brides, only to discover that marriage prior to True Parents’ coming. enters. Parents bring home their there for someone who is much of what they have admired reflects If this is so, there is a certain amount beautiful baby, intrigued and struggling spiritually or the expert skills of the dressmaker rather our spouses must know about us, so that excited by the promise they see emotionally, ailing, and than Nature’s bounty. Over the years, we can understand and fulfill our mis- in his precious little face. Four- between jobs, is quite their lovely ladies grow less concerned sions. It is not to be interpreted that every teen years later, when they something else again. about their appearance; going for com- dirty little detail is to come out; but if one observe that face contorted There are times when a fort and convenience rather than the extra goes to the doctor to be healed of an ill- with adolescent rage and spouse of lesser char- effort beauty requires once it is no longer ness and does not reveal the significant rebellion, they feel as if they acter may genuinely second nature. Lovemaking, once the symptoms, one may be misdiagnosed, want to turn him out. New- abuse the family’s mis- spice of the relationship, now becomes and the result may be fatal. lyweds sip a wedding toast of fortunes and purpose- something that, once the children start Personal Messiah wine, looking lovingly into each fully, selfishly over-stress to come, the couple finds they don’t have other’s eyes. A handful of anniver- the union; but in general, the privacy for, don’t have the time for, In this regard, Hoon Dok Hae is invalu- saries later, little holds them togeth- the types of “better and worse” don’t have the energy for.... able to couples, in that it creates a safe er other than duty. difficulties couples experience are environment and pure vessel in which When Dreams Die What has gone wrong? of their own making. Do you expect your couples can disentangle the pain they Invariably, when people allow the excite- spouse to be the impossible, fulfilling And so the inevitable day comes when had to endure before they had their spouse ment of the moment to overshadow its unattainable goals? Or, to quote a famous one of the couple looks over in bed at the as a personal messiah to assist in their meaning, difficulty can arise. A case in maxim, if you found the perfect spouse, other—who is snoring, sweating, drool- restoration process. It is a glorious time point is John the Baptist at Jesus’ bap- would that person want you? ing on the pillow—and thinks, “What am we are in, that we can have partners help tism; John was so dazzled by the expe- Western fairy tales are full of stories I doing here?” Old paramours come to us internalize the Word. Even with the rience of the dove descending from heav- about bewitched princes who are freed mind; scenes from the past, confessed at best of intentions, how many people heard en that he failed to ponder with sufficient from their evil spells by the lovely and the Matching, arise with their attendant Divine Principle less than three, five, ten depth why the dove came down. innocent princess, or of young princess- passion idealized by time. It is a short or a thousand times in their career, and step to action, and all downhill from there. then carried on the bulk of their lives, Ideals vs. Reality es in dire straits who are rescued in their extreme moment by dazzling knights on What of the spouse, who feels a chilly based upon the ideology, as opposed to An ideal is easy to get excited about; prancing steeds and carried off to a sump- wind where warmth once was, and can- the personal experience of restoration that is the nature of ideals. But what is tuous wedding feast in a palace of delights not figure out why? Often there is a fear that can come only with a personal mes- the purpose of ideals? They are for the to “live happily ever after.” Reality for that to name the evil is to give it life. Per- siah? How many became so involved in sake of inspiring one to work toward the many modern-day couples, however, is haps if one says, “Honey, what’s wrong?”, a mission or a career that the Principle substantive fulfillment of the goal. There- that the prince is matched to the girl with Honey will say what is wrong; and then became something they assumed was in fore, it is easy to become “fired up” after the pimples and the lank hair who was the responsibility will be upon me to help their bones, when it was just skin-deep? hearing a stimulating talk about the ideal the worst fund-raiser on the team, or that find a solution. Therefore, the chilled-out The Book of Revelation speaks of those of marriage, true love, eternal couple- the princess is walked over from Madi- spouse resorts to hard work. “Surely, God who have forgotten their first love. Our dom, etc. It is quite different, however, son Square Garden to McDonald’s, or can enter the relationship if I work hard, first love must be the love of God and His when one is embroiled in an argument maybe the luncheon special at the Tick and the problem will go away and things Word, and our mission in life must become over the picayune events of the day, or Tock Diner, and then whisked off by ele- will be as they were,” they think. They the multiplication of that love. When we divided with one’s mate over issues affect- vator to what threatens to be life eternal resolve to pre-Bless more couples, or sell have absorbed this Word into our bone ing the future of the family. as Queen of the New Yorker. Their days more product, or clean the house better, marrow, we become beautiful and pow- or go to Sunday service more often. When erful couples. these things don’t make the relationship However, to simply absorb the Word better, they call their faith into question, and work hard at something else is not and the relationship deteriorates even enough. We must work at our marriages. he words in the word list are hidden in the diagram of letters. Find them by read- further. Many couples will say, “Why should I go ing forward, backward, up, down and diagonally, always in a straight line. Some to the trouble of looking nice? After all, Reclaiming the Seed Tof the letters in the diagram are used in more than one word and some are not we are married.” In fact, that is the best used in any words. If two forms of the same word (RICH and RICHEST, for example) The couple must return to the ideal reason to go to the trouble of making an are in the word list, they will be found in different places in the diagram. When you which brought them together in the first locate a word in the diagram, draw a loop around it. Cross out the word you found extra effort to please one’s spouse. True in the word list. place, if their marriage is to survive. Just Father spoke deeply to Church members as restoration has to occur in the river in Canada, Dec. 1995, about the ideal of human history all the way back to the relationship of man and woman. In that small tributaries which are its source, so talk, he spoke of preparing for one’s the couple must go from the vast ocean spouse; of periodically even redecorating of the Kingdom of Heaven, which embraces the bedroom, with new bedding and cur- the world, to the tiny upstream tribu- tains. Should we do any less for our- taries where the ice melts and their per- selves? One should always keep surprise sonal love begins. After all, there can be and excitement in one’s mate’s eyes, and no ocean without the tiny tributaries. keep those eyes turned toward one. Then Before we entered into the Blessing, fantasies disappear, and home becomes we disclosed everything to True Parents, the place the spouse wants to be. who represent the ideal couple we are The essence of the marriage—the seed meant to be. To reclaim the seed, we have that germinated when two people real- to substantially know and understand ized they were called upon by God to be the workings of our spouse’s heart and together into eternity and beyond—must mind, and the circumstances of their lives never be neglected. Instead, the couple which hold them to the path or may threat- must make every conscious effort to spend en to derail them. even a small amount of time together, There was a period in which Adam and wooing and winning each other’s hearts Eve had to obey the commandment. This on a daily basis. When the couple is happy, period existed not because God was anti- the children are contented. The excited sex, but because Adam and Eve were not home is the joyful home; there, God can mature enough to be intimately involved dwell forever. until they had successfully completed a John and Sandra Lowen (1800 Bless- growth process. So, too, as couples, we ing) are both therapists with specialized are told not to stir up the past, because credentials in Marriage and Family Coun- many of us are not mature enough to seling. They are American National Mes- look at the course of restoration our spous- siahs to the Republic of Argentina, and SEE NEXT PAGE FOR SOLUTION

Compiled by Wendy Stovall—Salt Lake City, UT es have gone, without passing judgment have one son, Aliso. ❖ November 1998 Unification News 27

ur dear sister, Giusi John- lems from members. Everyone needed son, passed away on Octo- IN MEMORIAM her and she ways always with them, ber 5th, 1998, at home in like an Italian mama. Ossining, NY, after a long At that time, she had been in the struggle with breast cancer. U.S. just 4 or 5 years. She was not flu- OShe was born on July 19, 1953, in Giusi Johnson ent in English, but she was popular Bergamo, Italy, and joined the church among oriental members from Japan November 5, 1976. She was Blessed to and the Philippines as well as Ameri- Mark Johnson at Madison Square Gar- the action was. She loved all of the sales her eyes a little. This energetic, take- cans, Europeans and Africans. So many den on July 1, 1982. They have three people and wanted to take good care of charge mother figure for so many, many different kinds and races of people felt sons: Danu, Andrew and Gabriel. them. I remember visiting her about one people now could hardly move. “Come embraced by Giusi’s character. If a mem- On Wednesday October 7, 1998 the month ago and she confessed that sit down over here, Kent,” she ber had some problem and went to see Westchester/Rockland Family Church one of the most trying aspects whispered. I came by her Giusi, I felt very confident in her care of offered the Seung Hwa Ceremony for of her illness was being away bedside close to her. But them. That’s why the Miami MFT atmos- Giusi. Over 250 members, family and from the salespeople and it was a hospital bed phere was always bright and had a high guests attended the service held at the those in the office. “Tell with the steel rail- spirit. Edwards-Dowde Funeral Home in Dobbs everyone how much I ings on the side, so Miami MFT had a special campaign Ferry, NY, a few miles from Belvedere. miss them,” she request- I couldn’t sit down. during Valentine’s Day, Easter and Moth- Mr. John Hessel offered the invoca- ed. One often hears She slowly moved er’s Day. I remember she worked very tion. Mr. Teruaki Nakai, Mr. Kent Tra- the cliché, “When you her hand over to hard at a flower stand. bing, Mrs. Catherine Nelson and hus- go to the spiritual the control From 1992, I worked with Giusi at band Mark Johnson offered the testi- world, you won’t wish switch, and UVS, a specialty retail company. We oper- monies. Everyone agreed that Giusi was that you could have pressed the ate kiosks in the malls, selling gift items a motherly saint that gave God’s Love, done just a little more button, lower- in 30 locations throughout the year. We respect, humility loyality and other noble work in the office.” ing the steel needed someone to communicate between qualities to each person that she met. Well, I think with bars, allowing the home office and salespeople. Giusi Mark’s testimony accented the deeper Giusi, she was an me to sit down. was naturally that kind of person, and and more intimate relationship between exception. “Kent,” she became the home office mom. She took husband and wife. Giusi was compe- whispered her care of salespeople as her children. Mrs. Susan Bouchari offered the Seung tent, coming from trademark little She would listen to their problems Hwa address sharing her heart as a close northern Italy, close to chuckle, “I can still and suffering. When they had trouble friend and younger sister to Giusi and Milan. I have visited there dominate the bed.” with the manager or home office, they the family. Daryl M. Clarke, pastor, was on business several times, Giusi’s energy, would always call Giusi. So I always felt the MC and offered the reading of the and know this region is one this life force she pos- safe when Giusi was taking care of them. biography, A Portrait of a Mother. of the most productive busi- sessed, was such that We always had a mom in the office. In attendence was Giusi’s brother ness centers in the world, and you would not be aware Giusi had great sales and office man- Franco, his wife Rosa and Mark’s sister the people there are very intelli- that she was fighting a dead- agement skills. When she had a gold jew- Judy. gent, highly efficient and of a good and ly disease. In fact, she wanted to elry kiosk to manage, it was one of the It was a very beatiful and joyful cer- kind heart. Most capable people are picky and did go beyond herself. From wit- top nationwide. Also, when work was emony that was full of tears and special about what type of work they can do. I nessing at the shopping center in order requested of her from various managers, memories of a life well lived. Giusi is can do this well, but don’t ask me to do to Bless 185 families, to taking care of including myself, in the home office, she considered a saint by all who knew her. that. Others are willing to do anything, my visiting parents this spring while my finished it with efficiency and did a great The Won Jun Ceremony was just as but are not actually able to do many wife and I were away, to challenging the job. Even in her home I could see her beautiful and peaceful. Our brother Mr. things well. Giusi was one of those rare mountain at Chung Pyung Lake. organizational ability. She had three Eric Erstling offered the address. He people who was competent to do many God has surely blessed Giusi and is sons, but her home was always neat and has a way of making everyone feel relaxed different tasks, and always willing to do happy with her life. We pray for her and clean. in an uncomfortable situation. anything. her wonderful family—Mark and the United Vision Sales has a couple of Collectively, all members sent Giusi In the case of our office, one of Giusi’s boys, Danu, Andrew and Gabriel. hundred employees. Every year, we choose off with a happy and grateful heart. It most valuable functions was listening to Kent Trabing an “employee of the year.” She won in people. Anyone who worked around her 1997. People’s comments about her were was our blessing to have been touched APPRECIATING GIUSI by the presence of Giusi Johnson. Her knows two of her favorite listening words: that she thinks of the group point of view, I first knew Giusi 15 years ago, when mission and dweeling in the spirit world “That’s right...that’s right...oh...that’s not just one company. She received a we worked together on MFT in Florida, will continue to bring joy and liberation right....” Once I was ranting on about a plaque, a gift, and a statement of respect then again from 1990, when our com- to Heavenly Father and True Parents. particularly frustrating dilemma and she from the president of our company at pany moved to NY. She was office man- Rev. Daryl M. Clarke was listening to me will full intensity say- the managers’ meeting. When she spoke, ing “That’s right.” After several minutes, ager and I was her boss. However, I real- she said: “I always think of you and every- ly felt our relationship was more like Her Seung-Hwa was held in Dobbs I looked at her and said, “Giusi, if you one as my family, so each person is like elder brother and sister. Ferry on October 7. These are two of the were listening to the party on the other my elder or younger sister or brother.” Giusi worked about three years as a testimonies that were given there. side of this situation, you’d be saying Three weeks ago, I met Giusi. Her the same thing.” She looked at me and Florida MFT regional mother, around 15 body had become much worse, because MY FRIEND GIUSI smiled: “That’s right!” years ago. At that time, I was the leader cancer entered her lungs and there was It’s always an honor to be able to write Giusi could listen because she cared of the Florida MFT. MFT’s schedule was a lot of fluid there. She had a difficult some words about a friend. It’s an exer- about people and respected them. I first very hard day after day, year after year. time breathing and her body was always cise of the heart which we should pur- encountered her over the phone, when There were many young people around in pain. She knew she was dying. sue, whether or not we are asked. I was managing a division in California. 20 years old and they had young peo- I went to visit her and she told me, Giusi was blessed by God, because I would call in to headquarters and she ple’s problems. They were often spiritu- “It’s the best time to testify to my fami- God liked Giusi so much. I think God would answer the phone. If the person ally down and struggling and had to work ly as a good mother, because out of grat- liked Giusi because she liked God so I asked to speak to wasn’t available, then out their difficulties. Florida’s weather itude I want to smile all the time and much in a very natural way. Giusi loved she would say, “Well, go ahead and tell is hot all year. The sun is strong, burn- show appreciation to God and my fam- God, Jesus and True Parents and felt me, Mr. Trabing, because I’m the one ing our skin when we work outdoors, ily even in pain.” close to them. This gave her lots of ener- who will take care of it, anyway.” I said, even in January. Just three days before she died, I saw gy, as evidenced by her take-charge per- “Giusi, you don’t need to say ‘Mr. Tra- There were many oriental members her one last time. She could move, just sonality and desire to always be where bing.’ Nobody out here calls me that, in the Florida MFT. Their faces were turn- lying in bed; even with oxygen it was dif- because that’s what California is like.” ing black, and their teeth were really ficult to breathe. When I talked to her “Well,” she told me, “I’m going to say, white. Also, Florida is one of the best she was so tired she had to close her ‘Mr. Trabing’.” In this way, she insisted tourist areas, with beaches and amuse- eyes, even after just one minute. Then on lifting others up. ment parks; there are many short-term she opened her eyes and said, “Mr. Nakai, As you have heard, Giusi’s heart was visitors, especially young people. We please go down and eat dinner.” She big. She could listen to salespeople for received a lot of persecution. So, natu- cared for other people more than her- a long time. When she was asked to levy rally, we needed somebody like a moth- self, even at the end. penalties on those salespeople who didn’t er to receive our suffering, concerns, and She is a good mother for her family, report on time, she always took it on her- also to listen to our good experiences. her company and everybody. From her self to call them up personally to get their Giusi was the most qualified person for we learned about serving others, caring reports, so they would avert the penal- that kind of job. for others more than herself, having a ty. She liked to take care of people and big heart which accepts everybody, and Humor was one of Giusi’s gifts. Even listen to them, suffering with them. She always appreciating God. Giusi, I pray just a few days ago, I visited her. Mark was like fresh air among the members, for you to continue even more in the spir- told me that I could go in and see if she smiling all the time, with a big heart, itual world. Thank you, Giusi. was awake. I went in, and she opened and she accepted many kinds of prob- Mr. Nakai ❖ 28 Unification News November 1998

reviewed by Chris Corcoran—NY, NY “You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bush- The Cell Church es, nor figs from thistles, are they?” (Matthew 7:16) very Christian faith com- However, he began to realize that edu- name “cell church” is not necessary. simple enough (see “Moses: Wilder- munity has at its core the cation classes and Sunday service weren’t For those of us who spent years bat- ness”). This allows for two-way hier- mission to spread God’s word enough to keep members spiritually tling against Marxism-Leninism, the archical communication with a geo- and save souls. Opportu- alive. The deep human bond which word “cell” is rather odious. Call it graphical overlay. New members can nities for harvesting these knits a faith community into a family neighborhood groups, home church, easily join a cell close to their home. Esouls abound, from tent revivals to altar was missing in his church. Also, as faith-based mentoring groups; it’s not Each cell consists of from six to fif- calls to simple one-on-one witnessing. the senior pastor, he was the driving important. What’s important is under- teen people. When the cell grows to Yet the initial inspiring aspect of revival force behind all the church programs; standing the mechanics of the struc- about 15, it splits and forms a new cell, is often the easy first step, containing if he wasn’t doing the driving, then ture and the internal dynamics so that and a new leader is raised up to take the harvest from such witnessing is the things weren’t real- it can be replicated. care of that cell. Ideally, the process tricky part. All churches suffer this ly moving ahead. Many of us did and still repeats itself, much the same way the problem in one way or another. For Something had to do home church and cells in the body replicate. those interested in a viable way out of change. Father has given us a The nurturing, teaching and evan- this predicament, read on. It was then that wealth of knowledge upon gelism which takes place in the cell is Rev. Larry Stockstill, in his book, another pastor intro- which to draw. For me, the important part. Stockstill recom- “The Cell Church,” writes from his own duced him to the Stockstill’s ideas put the mends alternating each weekly meet- experiences as a burned-out, over -bur- concept of the cell necessary flesh on the ing between edification (teaching, tes- dened pastor, and provides us with a church. He was bones of what I already timonies, strengthening one’s faith) and compelling blueprint on how to over- extremely skepti- knew about pastoring. evangelism (devising and executing a come the persistent problems sur- cal; he knew the The Cell Church, The recent direction specific witnessing plan). This rounding church growth and manage- cell church idea from headquarters inhale/exhale model helps keep the ment. For those of us more interested had worked in by Larry Stockstill, is for our pastors members balanced between nurturing China for decades to model their out- their own souls and raising up new in developing the Family Federation, Regal Books, Ventura, the same principles apply. and he also knew reach programs along the members. This purpose and focus also In a slim book of 136 pages, Stock- of the huge suc- California, 1998 lines of the Chicago church helps prevent the cell from degenerat- still recounts for us his journey, start- cess of Dr. Yong- (see Dr. Hendricks’ letters ing into a “care group” mentality where ing as a graduate of Oral Roberts Uni- gi Cho, pastor of to church leaders: Chica- the goal is simply fellowship and refresh- versity, doing missionary work in Africa the world’s largest go Report, Part One, ments. with his wife, and then returning to church in Seoul, Korea. Perhaps it was 11/10/98, and Parts Two and Three, Stockstill proposes some ideas for America, where he eventually became something in the Asian character that 11/12/98). The cell church ideas are the edification meetings. “The first week’s senior pastor of a 5, 000-member Protes- made the program so successful, thought a perfect fit for the Chicago model and ‘planning and edification’ gathering cen- tant church when his father retired Stockstill. in fact they already use many of the ters around meeting the needs of believ- from that position. Through a series of affirmations from ideas. ers, doing spiritual warfare, releasing Like many pastors, Stockstill led God, he pursued the cell church idea “The cells are not an appendage, spiritual gifts and teaching on spiritu- revivals and outreach programs which that he now found intriguing. Unable demanding attention like all the other al maturity. The following week’s les- brought an initial increase in church to find a successful American cell church programs (in the church); they ARE the son centers on a ‘felt need’ topic (divorce, membership but eventually resulted in to pattern his church after, he flew to program,” writes Stockstill. In struc- loneliness, depression, parenting, etc.), a zero-sum gain; as many people were El Salvador and studied a thriving cell ture, the cells operate as weekly meet- and the cell members invite their unsaved drifting away out the back-door as were church in San Salvador. Now he was ings in someone’s home. There’s a friends who may fall into that catego- joining through the front. He had orga- convinced that the cell church concept group leader who takes care of the pur- ry,” Stockstill writes. nized what seemed to him a good sys- wasn’t just an Asian thing and that it pose and direction of the cell and who On evangelism night, strategies are tem of assigning new church members could actually work for him. reports to a zone leader. The zone leader developed for outreach. It wasn’t clear to mentoring and education classes. What exactly is a cell church? First, then reports to a District Office leader in the book, but I believe this would let’s get past the name. The actual who then reports to the pastor; this is see CELL CHURCH on page 30

Recommended Reads tian movements that arose out of South- attention to their role as parents and U-VIEWS If you have time for reading in this ern California over the last twenty their family as prior to the communi- from page 29 season, I have a few recommendations. years—Calvary Chapel, Vineyard Chris- ty. To be fair to Bilezikian, he may have He and his wife, Dr. Moon, THE WAY OF THE SPIRITUAL tian Fellowship and Hope Chapel. These treated this in another work. In any have established the perfection of the LEADER (Part 2), which is part of the he sees as typical of “new paradigm” case, there are good lessons to be drawn one flesh, and have established the Hoon Dok Hae series. The entire series Christianity. They are booming move- for church development. conditions for everyone of us to access is amazing, and True Father’s empha- ments, comprising between them some- BECOMING A CONTAGIOUS CHRIS- that perfection, that realm of God’s glo- sis at this time is the volumes on spir- where between 2,000 and 3,000 church- TIAN by Bill Hybels and Mark Mittel- rious love. They have made the foun- it world. But I have also been reading es, three-quarters in America and one- berg. It’s just a great book of instruc- dation for the society, for the nation, this volume because I need to learn quarter outside of America. There are tions about witnessing by some guys for the world and for the spirit world Father’s teachings on church building. striking similarities between what they who know how to do it in America. They to access it, to become one body of God. Here it is, in spades. I find that virtu- are doing and many of Father’s direc- also offer video and audio tapes and a So this is a great and glorious day, ally everything that I read from other tions for us that we, for whatever rea- complete course outline based on the about which the world for the most part church growth authorities is also pre- sons, have not accomplished. book. remains in darkness. sent in Father’s words. Remember, THE PURPOSE DRIVEN CHURCH THE CELL CHURCH by Larry Stock- Reverend Moon built a church because Father built his church in the 1950s by Rick Warren. This is an industry still. This is an instructive book about the churches that Jesus built aban- and 1960s. By the time he came to standard detailing the internal theory how to develop your church through doned him. But his goal from the begin- America he was not working on the and organization of Warren’s church, small group life. Since the Family Fed- ning—from before the creation of the church-building stage, but had broad- which would fall into Miller’s “new par- eration is basically a small group activ- world—was to transition the body of er agendas. Recently Father explained adigm” category. It is a primer out of ity, it is helpful for us to see how some God from the church to the family. In that the Korean National Messiahs’ mis- which you can gain many ideas for folks have taken this idea and made it the establishment of the Family Fed- sion is to teach the rest of us how to immediate application in YOUR church. work. [See Chris Corcoran’s review in eration for World Peace and Unifica- do ministry. We in America did not COMMUNITY 101: RECLAIMING this issue of Unification News.] tion, this has come to pass. The fami- experience first hand Father’s “church THE LOCAL CHURCH AS COMMUNI- FIRST THINGS. This is a monthly ly is now the vehicle of salvation. This building ministry.” This book gives TY OF ONENESS by Gilbert Bilezikian. magazine published by Fr. Richard John is one dimension of Reverend Moon’s amazing insights into the way that Bilezikian is the mentor and theologi- Neuhaus. It is always engaging and statement that the age of religion has Father started our church in Korea and cal inspiration, I am told, of Bill Hybels, sometimes positively brilliant. Pick up passed. The church is now epiphe- how he guided the early pioneers. (I founder of the Willow Creek Commu- the December 1998 issue for the sym- nomenal to the family. don’t know why I started with Part 2; nity Church. This book begins with the- posium on contraception. Have you These are my reflections, which, I I am sure that Part 1 is just as infor- ology and moves quickly to application thought about the spiritual meaning of must admit, are evolving day by day. mative.) in the local church. The application opposition to birth control? I think it We live in a fast-changing time and Staying on the topic of church growth, part is the most important for us. I can that the Catholic magisterium is tap- horizons are opening continually. But I have five more recommendations. resonate with almost everything he ping a deep vein of truth here, one that I wanted to share some of what I have REINVENTING AMERICAN PROTES- says. The only piece missing is the fam- we Unificationists should mine even ily. He views Adam and Eve as prog- deeper. This symposium is an opening been thinking about. TANTISM by Donald E. Miller. This one ❖ is my current rave. Miller is a sociolo- enitors of the original community. This salvo. gist who studied in-depth three Chris- is correct, of course, but he pays no November 1998 Unification News 29

DR. TYLER O. HENDRICKS Dr. Hendricks is the VIEWS President of the Unification Church of America ONE A Unificationist Perspective on Religion and Society he first chapter of Genesis U Then he declared that he himself is “the became the mystical body. This mys- teaches that God created bread of life” given for the sake of the tical body, the church, was brought man “in His own image, in world, and that all people should “eat into existence by the advent of the Holy the image of God He creat- the flesh of the Son of Man and drink Spirit at Pentecost. The Holy Spirit, ed him; male and female He his blood.… Whoever eats my flesh and Jesus’ partner in heaven, brought the createdT them.” (NKJV) The details of drinks my blood remains in me, and I bride on the earth into existence. this appear in the second chapter, where in him.” (John 6:48-56 passim) In other God led Paul to a deepening under- scripture says that God created the words, Jesus was telling the people standing of the relationship between man out of the dust of the ground (2:7). FLESH that they should become one body with the husband and wife as one flesh and God gave to the man a commandment him. Knowing that Israel was chosen Christ and the church as one flesh in not to eat of the fruit of the tree of the to be the wife of God, and that Eve, the Ephesians 5. And here the Genesis pas- knowledge of good and evil, and then primordial wife, was called to become sage reappears about the man leaving declared it was not good for man to be one body with her husband, we can his father and mother and uniting to alone and that God would make him a see that Jesus was calling Israel to his wife and the two becoming one flesh. helper comparable to him (2:18). Then enter into a relationship of the most Here Paul has all the right elements. God created the animals and birds from profound love with him. The elements are Christ and the church, the ground and brought them to Adam Tragically, this was the very mes- husband and wife, and mind and body to see what he would call them, “and sage that Israel rejected. “On hearing (“husbands ought to love their wives whatever Adam called each living crea- THEOLOGY it, many of his disciples said, ‘This is as their own bodies… we are members ture, that was its name.” (2:19) But a hard teaching. Who can accept it?’” of his [Christ’s] body” vv. 28, 30). Unfor- there was nothing among these that Jesus’ response was to spiritualize the tunately, but understandably, Paul was comparable to Adam. We know the body again and through that divine message: “Does this offend you? What does not see how it all fits together, rest: process, to multiply God’s image. God’s if you see the Son of Man ascend to and he concludes “this is a profound “And the Lord God caused a deep creativity is made incarnate in that uni- where he was before! The Spirit gives mystery” (v. 32). sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and fication into one body. The ultimate life; the flesh counts for nothing.” (John And the New Testament never clar- He took one of his ribs and closed up creativity is passed from the Creator 6:61-62) Nonetheless, “From this time ifies this mystery. On the one hand, the flesh in its place. Then the rib which to the creature. Therefore the one flesh many of his disciples turned back and the Holy Spirit guides husbands and the Lord God had taken from man He in the Garden is a couple. This is very no longer followed him.” (John 6:66) wives to be faithful to each other, for made into a woman, and He brought important: the one flesh created in the Only twelve remained and one of them, their bodies belong not to themselves her to the man.” (2:21-22) Woman was Garden of Eden is a couple, a husband Jesus said, “is a devil” (John 6:70). but to their spouse (1 Cor 7:4). On the unique from the beginning. God cre- and wife. God never calls Adam or Eve Jesus had wanted to give the bless- other hand we have the dramatic vision ated Adam and all the other creatures as individuals “one flesh.” To the con- ing to Israel as couples. In John 4 we in Revelation of the bride of Christ “of the dust of the ground” (2:7, 19). trary, He calls their union one flesh. have the revelatory story of the woman descending from the heavens to meet Only woman did God not create of the The body is a couple. Reflecting, we at the well. Again Jesus spoke of the her husband in the wedding of the dust of the ground. Woman He creat- can see that the reason is that the body life that he came to give us, this time Lamb. Through it all, the dominant ed out of the body of the man. From of God is infleshed by love, and the referring to it as “living water.” The images remain “bride” and “children.” one body, God created two bodies. Thus power that makes of Adam and Eve one Samaritan woman said to him, “Sir, It is no wonder that the New Testa- the man’s first words upon seeing woman flesh is love. give me this water so that I won’t get ment maintains a tone of expectation, were, “This is now bone of my bones To make it a formula, Adam + Eve thirsty and have to keep coming here of a promise that one day will be ful- and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called + love = one flesh. If we take out love, to draw water.” To this, Jesus said, filled, because the positions of bride Woman, because she was taken out of we do not have one flesh. And from “Go, call your husband and come back.” and children are positions that pre- Man.” (2:23) Here we have the biblical whence is the love? From God. And (John 4:13-16) suppose a goal not yet reached. A bride foundation for the theology of marriage, since God is love, we can restate the Now, the story goes on with the is betrothed but not yet married. Chil- what I am calling the one-flesh theol- formula, Adam + Eve + God = one flesh. woman telling Jesus that she had no dren are not yet adults, and of course ogy. Because of the fall, Adam and Eve husband, and Jesus replying that he are not yet married. Thus Jesus and God created the man out of Himself. came together as one flesh centering already knew that. Immediately it turns Paul both counseled that, given this Who were Adam’s father and mother? on Satan, not God. Their motive was into another miracle tale, because the state of affairs, the unmarried, celibate God Himself was Adam’s parent (Luke physical lust and spiritual rebellion. woman becomes excited about Jesus’ status is preferable to that of marriage 3:38). Since God is male and female in They were outside the Garden. And so surprising knowledge and she tells (Mt 19, 1 Cor 7, Gal 3:18—if there is image, God was Adam’s father and the fruit of Eve’s womb was cursed, not everyone and they gather and honor no male or female in Christ, surely there mother. How can God be plural? With- blessed (Deut 28:4, 18) The purpose of Jesus, becoming his followers (John can be no marriage in Christ). We can- in God, as Christianity teaches us, there God from that point on was to rebuild 4:40-41). Presumably these were among not, in the ultimate sense, make one is plurality, the Trinity. The opening the body, and the body is a couple. This those who fell away in John 6. Mira- body on earth as a married couple, verses of the Bible tell of God and “the is symbolized in the Old Testament by cles do not make good disciples. because Christ himself did not form Spirit of God.” It speaks of the myste- God calling Himself the husband of His The point I want to make here is that one body on earth with his bride, Israel. rious “face of the deep” with the “Spir- wife, Israel (for instance, Jer 3:14, 31:32; most Bible readers also are distracted His one body was formed in the spirit, it of God hovering over the face of the Hos 2:16-17). It is symbolized in the by the miracle of Jesus’ knowing every- in the church. waters” (Gen 1:2). From this perspec- New Testament by St. Paul calling Christ thing about the woman. Therefore they Since the church is the body of Christ, tive we can interpret the destiny of the the husband of his bride, the church. ignore what it was that he told her to the church is the mediator of salva- man set forth in verse 24 of chapter 2: “I promised you to one husband, to do in answer to her simple request for tion. It is the dwelling place of God. “Therefore a man shall leave his father Christ,” Paul writes to the church in the living water that gives eternal life: From the viewpoint of salvation, every- and mother and be joined to his wife, Corinth, “so that I might present you “Go, call your husband and come back.” thing else is epiphenomenal—a side and they shall become one flesh.” Adam as a pure virgin to him.” (2 Cor 11:2) Now, Jesus knew that the man she was issue, subsidiary to the real deal. Your himself was to follow this path, leav- The point is that to rebuild the body living with was not her husband (John job is not your salvation, your educa- ing his “father and mother,” God, and means to restore a couple, a married 4:18). We have to conclude that he was tion is not your salvation, your wealth becoming one flesh with his wife. couple. The body in the Garden was a ready to accept this man, had she acted is not your salvation, nor is your power, Let us reflect on why it was not good couple, Adam and Eve. The body in the in complete faith and obedience to his fame or good looks. And your family is for the man to be alone. It was not good Old Testament was a couple—symbol- words, as her husband, and to give not your salvation. Only the church. because Adam alone was not the com- ized by God and Israel as husband and them the living water—the blessing— But this is not the original ideal of plete image of God. God cannot see His wife. The body in the New Testament as husband and wife. Through her faith, the Garden. As Philip Schanker puts complete image or reflection in Adam is a couple, symbolized by Jesus and she and her husband would have been it, God did not create a church in the along. God cannot see the fullness of the church as husband and wife. saved—but only them together, not she Garden of Eden. He created a man and male and female. Also, God cannot see Therefore, John’s Gospel records by herself. a woman and told them that their des- His creativity in Adam alone. Without that Jesus called the people to become But none in Israel had such faith. tiny was to become one flesh through woman, man is not a creator in the ulti- one flesh and blood with him on the So at the Last Supper, Jesus broke the His love. God has been working to restore mate sense. He cannot multiply chil- earth. After the miracle of the loaves bread—his body was broken on the that one flesh through His love ever dren. and fishes, many people followed Jesus. cross. And he shared the wine—his since. In these last days, these latter God created woman, “bone of his He told them that the physical bread blood was shed on the cross. Israel times, Jesus has sent Reverend Sun bone and flesh of his flesh.” Out of one is not the point, but that he would give could no longer become one body with Myung Moon to clarify this mystery. body, God created two bodies, and then them food for eternal life (John 6:27). him, physically. The body of Christ God commanded them to become one see U-VIEWS on page 28 30 Unification News November 1998

faith. No one should be pushed into a New CELL CHURCH cell group. People should be drawn to Arrivals from page 28 the cell through feelings of joy and love Arrivals also be the time to actually visit new and a longing to see their church grow. This month we are homes or street-witness. Stockstill The real secret to the success of cells, proud to present: describes in detail what he calls the four which for Unificationists should be no Roger & Daniela basic principles of evange- secret at all, is that the Wetherall (Milford, lism: purpose, partnership, love and nurturing expe- After one full year, rienced in the intimate set- CT) with Lucas prayer and penetration. If a new guest happens to church records ting of someone’s home is Mansoo & Mimi attend the evangelism meet- the key for church health Kyla (5/29/98) ing, the focus of the group showed that a net and growth. The cell becomes an extended fam- To be included, shifts to the nurturing mode growth of 600 send us a photo of and the needs of the guest ily where everyone is auto- matically cared for and all your family (color become paramount. new families were Not surprisingly, Stock- embraced. is fine except for still’s initial 54 cells in his added to his Sunday service still has those indoors- church had doubled to 108 its place as a time for high- without-a-flash within six months. Inter- church. powered fellowship. Also, estingly, almost all the new Stockstill recommends deep orange snaps that children go to the which will turn out cell members came from his own church, members who devel- home of the cell meeting and receive reli- horrid) with all your names and the birthdate of the latest arrival along with an optional oped an interest in the revival fire and gious education during the more adult donation to: Unification News Arrivals, 4 West 43rd Street, NY NY 10036 (returns with the soul-winning passion the cells exhib- discussion-time of the cell. That elimi- self-addressed, stamped envelope only, please). ited. After one full year, church records nates the need for hiring baby-sitters. showed that a net growth of 600 new This well-thought-out book is really families were added to his church. The for anyone looking for witnessing and loss of members through the “back door” church growth inspiration and guidance. The Washington Times had finally ceased. After three more Stockstill’s inspired testimony of suc- years, 310 cells were in place and 2,000 cess propelled me to try this method in more families had joined and stayed. my own faith community. How it turns What’s important to remember here out will be material for another article, reporting what I hope will be a successful is that the original cell members start- ❖ ed the cell because they wanted to be outcome. The Washington Times more spiritually alive and spread their Useful Internet Addresses The Washington Times Unification Church: www.unification.org Family Federation: www.familyfed.org HSA Bookstore: www.hsabooks.com Unification International: www.tongil.or.kr Unification Outreach: www.unification.net Unificationism: www.geocities.com/Athens/4623 New Hope Academy: www.wam.umd.edu/~stwright/educ/NewHope Blessed Kids: members.tripod.com/~bwittee/index.html HeartThread: futurerealm.com UTS: www.uts.edu : www.sunmoon.ac.kr Live-in companion needed for PWPA: www.pwpa.org lady in Manhattan, NY. Please call World CARP: www.worldcarp.org ANNOUNCEMENTS Barbera at 212-860-7333. Pure Love Alliance: www.purelove.org Florida, 42 year-old brother, HSA E-Directory: users.aol.com/HSAUWC Y2K compliant stoves: Wood burning Member since 1976. Seeking a True Parents Organization: www.Tparents.org stoves, when the power goes out and the female candidate for the next pipes freeze this will thaw you out and cook Blessing. E-mail: nuage- ICRF: www.religiousfreedom.com your dinner: http://ezmail.net/~jz/stove.html [email protected] Phone: 407-228- Please let us know of any mistakes or potential additions. Dealers wanted. Paul (416) 226-0317 6693. 53-year-old longtime member. Brother with second-generation son seeking sister from anywhere worldwide who, with me and with Brunhofer & Balise, LLP help of church or Family Federation leaders, Certified Public Accountants can determine if we can become and remain a good blessed couple before God and True offices located at: Parents and can do at least some outreach. This kind of steadfast heart is more important 5 Robin Road, Whitman to me than your physical age, whether old or MA 02382 young. If you learned how divorced people 781-447-9583 feel about their life situations by visiting some fax: 781-447-9584 of their support groups, that is a plus. I hope & you can appreciate my personal record as a 287 Farview Ave. Unificationist from 1969 on as more important Paramus, NJ 07652 than my shortcomings and limited material 914-762-1134 (day) 726 resources. You can also read my prior 201-599-9899 (eve) announcement in 9/98 Unification News. Write to Kevin Brennan, 36 Hamilton Ave., [email protected]; [email protected] Ossining, NY 10562; call 912-923-7690 Providing corporate, individual and (night) or 914-762-9606 ext. 371 (day). not-for-profit organizations accounting and tax services

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