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INTERRELIGIOUS AND INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION FOR WORLD PEACE True Families as the Foundation for World Peace in the New Millennium IIRFWP by Dr. Thomas G. Walsh—Louisville, KY dok hae readings. King Jr. Family Life Institute, both of The conference was whom read with great dignity, vitality, n the last weekend of July, sponsored by the heart, and, on occasion, tears. As one in Washington, D.C., an Interreligious and participant from France, Claude Durand- historic event took place: International Fed- Berger, put it, “It was a very oppor- the first International Sem- eration for World tune, useful and inspired idea to gath- inar on “True Families as Peace and the World er all these people, coming from all Othe Foundation for World Peace in the University Federa- parts of the world, around hoon dok New Millennium,” or, as it came to be tion. hae. It helped us to know better, and called, the “Hoon Dok Hae” conference. Father’s direction more completely, the message of Rev. Around the first week of July, Rev. was that from each Moon and it helped Rev. Moon’s mes- , Chairman of the country, three par- sage to be more strongly asserted and recently established Interreligious and ticipants should be still more widespread, at a particular- International Federation for World Peace invited; one should ly opportune moment in the evolution (IIFWP), received direction from Father be a religious leader, of the world and in the development of to convene this conference before the one a political leader Unification Thought.” end of the month and to bring togeth- and the other an aca- Mr. William Reed, a journalist in the er two hundred distinguished partic- demic leader. Ini- USA, said, “As one who has been a par- ipants representing more than forty tially forty-three ticipant in numerous programs of the nations. Father gave specific direction nations were asked UC, I was very pleased to have such a that the content of the conference pro- to bring three par- program on Rev. Moon’s speeches and gram—unlike any previous interna- ticipants each. In teachings. In addition to the Divine tional conference for VIP contacts— addition, Rev. Chang Principle, I was pleased and enlight- should be dedicated to a series of hoon Shik Yang, Conti- ened to participate in the hoon dok hae programs. It helps me to better know see IIRFWP on page 7 Hyun Jin Moon, Vice-President of FFWPU-I, addressing the conference

nental Director for direction, and assigned quo- North America, tas for each continent. All par- was asked to bring ticipants were then approached two participants— and invited directly by our move- one religious leader ment’s leaders in the assigned and one political countries. The response on the leader—from each part of the global leadership of state where Moth- our movement was immediate. er spoke on her They quickly went to work, and recent speaking soon began submitting names tour in the United of their recommended invitees. States. There were In a short time, the participant twenty-two states list rose to two-hundred and where Mother fourteen, with fifty-one nations spoke, and so represented. This was truly a Above, Rev. C. W. Kwak and Frank Kaufmann greeting a North America was remarkable achievement. Hindu participant; below, Islamic representatives asked to bring The seminar program includ- Above, question time; below, Jewish and forty-four addi- ed a series of seven ninety- Catholic representatives tional guests to the minute hoon dok hae seminar. sessions. In response to The readings Father’s direction, focused on the fol- Rev. Kwak quick- lowing themes: Life ly set up a Semi- on Earth and in the nar Secretariat Spirit World; The under the leader- Ideal of True Parents; ship of Mr. Neil The Ideal of True Salonen, who then Family; The Prayers appointed Dr. of ; Thomas Walsh as The Kingdom of God; the Seminar Coor- and, Passages from dinator and Dr. Dr. Lee. The hoon dok Frank Kaufmann hae readers were Dr. as the Program Tyler Hendricks, Vice- Director. Rev. President of FFWPU- Kwak informed the USA, and Mrs. Myra Continental Direc- Stanecki, President tors of Father’s of the Martin Luther 2 Unification News August 1999 FOUNDER’S DISCOURSE ON UNIFICATIONISM The Completion of God’s Will and the Right of the Belvedere International Training Cen- pen, World War 2 ended without com- there is no owner. The Messiah is elder came from 51 nations. At first the Amer- ter, Tarrytown, NY Sunday, August 8, plete resolution and the Lord of the son king, the king of all nations’ kings. ican leaders said it would not work. 1999. This is from unofficial notes based Second Advent had to come. For Father to become the Messiah, They said American people do not like upon Rev. Peter Kim’s extemporaneous The entire family, nation and world he had to face national opposition from Hoon Dok Hae. They thought Father translation of the speech, by Tyler Hen- should have served Jesus. Centering Korea. By doing so, he accomplished is crazy. But the result is that they dricks. on Messiah after World War 2 all things the holy wedding in 1960.m Centering came and followed Father’s agenda to and people should have been restored. on true love. I taught and practiced do Hoon Dok Hae, and in the end, hese terms—elder son, par- This required absolute unity and obe- true love clearly on every level. God’s according to the reports I received, they ents and king—all are con- dience, to restore elder sonship, par- original heart could be connected in became so happy, grinning ear to ear. nected. Because of the fall, entship and kingship. Once God receives just one way, not two ways. You do not From the start, Father had absolute they all were lost simulta- it, He will bequeath it back to human- have that original true love way. Why? faith in this conference. I am the most neously. They all left God’s ity. Then we can claim heavenly sov- How to do you solve this? How do you stubborn to resist new things, but I bosom.T Now they are being restored ereignty. Without going through that, liberate every level, after which you have submitted to this truth all my life. together. Completion through indem- even God cannot transcend the realm can liberate God? You must go back So I had no doubt that when I asked nity means restoration through indem- of the fall. to God’s bosom and embrace all crea- the American movement to do it that nity. From this viewpoint, is God’s will The phenomena of this world of hell tures’ property. Then give a clear answer there would be victory. If it had failed, completed yet? No. are divided. That means we lost every- and God can liberate everything. all the providence would have gone What is the meaning of blessed fam- thing. It is not one under God, but Unless we achieve this, you will be down the drain. Would God allow this ilies? A true blessed family possesses divided. Separated means lost. You lost stuck for millions of years on some to happen? So He would be sure to the restoration of elder sonship, par- your parents and your spouse and chil- level in spirit world, even if you are a come down. And Satan would not be entship and kingship. But there is no dren. Extreme self-centered individu- blessed couple. We have to solve it in there. Ultimately TV stations will send foundation to claim kingship yet. For alism is the trend of the people of hell. the physical world. It is our urgent the word. God to come down, we have to estab- It should be one body, but it is not so task. Whenever we claim something Even Adam and Eve need this com- lish all three levels of authority on the as our own, we are far from climbing pletion of elder sonship, parentship individual, family and over the barriers of Satan. and kingship through indemnity. Once national levels. We have to offer every- you complete right of elder sonship, We have to go beyond thing to God first. will there be any place that they do not one nation under God to C ALENDAR Real perfected parents welcome you? People of the fallen world one world and cosmos must appear, acknowl- do not have elder sonship. under God. Because of AUGUST edged by Satan and God. In South America I visited a farmer the fall, everything that 1 Day of Returning to the Home Country (1993) This is the Second Advent. who owns 40,000 hectares. My people was supposed to belong 16 Total Victory Day (1985) This is unchanging and advised me to make an advance appoint- to Adam and Eve was lost 17 DECLARATION OF THE REALM OF THE COSMIC SAB- absolute. By completing ment because this landowner is known and turned upside down. this, you become the Mes- to be very arrogant. I ignored their To restore that, we need BATH FOR PARENTS OF HEAVEN AND EARTH (lunar) siah automatically. And advice. The farmer was arrogant, but to regain those lost belong- 20 Declaration of the Providential Age of Salvation by God can control with the farmer humbled himself to me soon, ings. Through that we Love(1989) absolute power. There will and introduced me in a very respect- can complete God’s will 22 Shin Goon Nim’s 16th Birthday (lunar) be no fences. Have you ful way to his grandmother. I was through indemnity and made up your mind to received as a grandfather, with no establish the right of the Shin Kwon Nim’s 10th Birthday (lunar) stand up for that? On the appointment. elder son, parents and 25 30,000 Couples’ Blessing (1992) earth? From my viewpoint, I am at the king. 360,000 Couples’ Blessing (1995) Selfish individualists threshold of completing elder sonship, Jesus came as the 28 In Jin Nim’s 34th Birthday (lunar) don’t meet their parents, parentship and kingship. Hoon Dok Messiah. Israel should 29 Hwa Jung Nim’s 22nd Birthday (lunar) don’t meet their chil- have obeyed in the posi- dren and don’t meet their tion of the second son 31 Day of the Settlement of 8 Stages (1989) grandparents. They lose with Jesus as elder son. Looking for everything, including Then elder son restora- SEPTEMBER the ideal of the family. tion would have been 1 Declaration Day of Heavenly Parentism (1989) All beings are con- Volunteers to done. Jesus came as elder nected by true love. Man son representative. Israel 6 Young Jin Nim & Hwa Jung Nim’s Blessing (1997) and woman … unifying had to unite with him. Hyung Jin Nim & Yun Ah Nim’s Blessing (1997) Transcribe Father’s body. That love is Disunited from him, the 8 Sa Sa Jeol Declaration (1998) absolutely one. Israelites were not qual- 9 Shin Ji Nim’s 5th Birthday (lunar) Do you have children Speeches ified to have families. 11 Shin Joong Nim’s 6th Birthday (lunar) or possessions? You Through their absolute ould you be willing to tran- have no authentic hus- obedience to the Messi- 15 Hyung Jin Nim’s 20th Birthday (lunar) scribe Father’s speeches band. He is someone ah, they could have found- 18 Foundation Day (1976) from audio tape and type who married without ed their families center- 24 Soon Ju Nim’s 27th Birthday (lunar) them up on the comput- truly being worthy of it. erW to e-mail to the Unification Theo- ing on the Messiah’s own 27 Day of Dispensational Reversal Toward Unification In this sense, your par- marriage. Thus the Mes- logical Seminary? You would be doing (1988) ents are inauthentic as siah would have become a valuable service for our worldwide well. No matter how the parent of humanity. church membership, and it is also a OCTOBER much wealth or how The Messiah’s family most uplifting thing for your spirit. If many children or par- would have been elder 3 FOUNDATION DAY FOR THE NATION OF THE UNIFIED ents, there is no differ- you are not able to get involved in the son’s family and the rest WORLD (1988) ence between rich and Blessing activities for some reason or of humanity the younger 4 Day of Victory of Heaven (1976) poor. In crucial ways, another and would like something else children. If Jesus had the poor are better off to do to contribute to the work of heav- married, then his family 5 Proclamation of Total Liberation and Unification than the rich because en, this is something which would fit would have been elder between the Physical and Spiritual World (1998) the poor expect to rise the bill. son of humanity, and 14 6000 Couples’ Blessing (1982) up and the rich have no If you are interested, please con- through all people’s bless- 16 Shin Myung Nim’s 13th Birthday (lunar) place to go. On Harvard tact Tom Bowers at UTS: ing and uniting absolute- 19 In Sup Nim’s 27th Birthday (lunar) Square there are many Dr. Tom Bowers, Library Director ly with Jesus family, they proud American elite. E-mail: [email protected] would have been younger 21 777 Couples’ Blessing (1970) Father feels pity for Mail: Unification Theological Sem- son families. Then 24 Shin Eh Nim’s 10th Birthday (lunar) them. inary humanity would have 26 Shin Ok Nim’s 10th Birthday (lunar) I directed the Amer- reached the one world 10 Dock Road 28 Hwa Yun Nim’s 22nd Birthday (lunar) ican movement to invite under God level by end Barrytown, NY 12507 world dignitaries to the ❖ of World War 2. But 30 6500 Couples’ Blessing (1988) Phone: 914-758-6881 IIFWP Hoon Dok Hae because this did not hap- conference, and 214 August 1999 Unification News 3 FOUNDER’S DISCOURSE ON UNIFICATIONISM Elder Son, Parents and King Through Indemnity Hae will lead to unification of North for the Kingdom of Heaven. I call it the July 27. 27 is 3 times 9. 28 is 4 times own feet and also support Korea and and South America. We will keep doing Holy Ground of Focus, of Origin, and 7, and from then on is a new start. The Japan. If America fails, Korea and Japan Hoon Dok Hae and they should mul- of Victory. That was July 27. It is the first Sunday of this month will be affected. tiply it in their nation, Hoon Dok Hae culmination of True Parents’ victory, was August 1, and All these nations were doomed to should be broadcast. It will restore the so you should visit there at least today is the sec- perish, but True Parents loved them nation. once every four years. Jardim is ond Sunday and and blessed them with each other so Through Hoon Dok Hae and on the the starting point of the Kingdom Father gave this they revived. Now we are back at the foundation of the blessing, we can claim of Heaven on Earth, and after message. point of the end of World War 2 and the Kingdom of God, because Hoon your 40-day workshop, go to that I completed ready to bless the unmarried youth. Dok Hae is the original word. Who is Holy Ground land and enter the my responsi- As a blessed couple, you should be able most happy about Hoon Dok Hae, God kingdom. Without going through bility for Amer- to claim that your family is the center or True Father? God appreciates it the focus point, we cannot follow ica. So even if I of the holy ground of focus, origin and most, because He has been waiting so the vertical line. It is the meeting leave, since I victory. Inherit that powerful founda- long in tears. But for the same reason, point of south and north, west and gave you right tion. Focus on this holy ground. We Father is most happy. Hoon Dok Hae east. of elder sonship occupied this holy ground that repre- is the sword that can divide the heav- Once we climb up, we can you should be sents those things because of True Par- enly and satanic worlds. Father draws all meet at the center able to stand on ents’ love and grace. a sword. Even in your family, some like point. This was your Mother Mary was told to go for reg- it and some don’t. Do Hoon Dok Hae. given as a istration and because of that, Jesus You will inherit everything through special could be born. Likewise we are to go Hoon Dok Hae. decree there and register. It is just like Mary God wants to be with True Parents at 4 giving birth. After the 40 days work- during Hoon Dok Hae, and the people a.m. shop at New Hope East Garden, go back also want to be with True Parents dur- to your country and register yourselves ing Hoon Dok Hae. as heavenly citizens. We need to start a revolution by Some say they don’t have to go. which everyone in your family likes Well, it’s up to you. Jardim may be in Hoon Dok Hae. We want to participate the boondocks. But think of Venice, in the highest level Hoon Dok Hae, until Italy, a city that is built on the water. it reaches the world base and all things Jardim will become greater than and even the Creator’s Hoon Dok Hae. Venice. With our ideal, we can change June 14, 1999, was the com- this world not just once but ten pletion. Therefore this time in South times. Can you stand and pledge America Father made the holy ground yourself to do that? ❖

ormer King Hassan II of Morocco passed Faway last July 23 and was buried on Sunday, July 25 in Rabat, Capital City of Morocco. His elder son King Mohammed VI succeeded him the same day, according to the Moroccan Constitution.

n behalf of our Board of Directors, our OAdvisory Board members and all our members, associate members and friends, we express our deep sympathy and condolences A.R.M.E.C. to His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the Royal Association for the Family and the Moroccan People over the Research of Middle passing of King Hassan II. Eastern Cultures, Inc. e pray that King Hassan II may be in Wpeace with Allah and that Allah’s blessing and protection may be with His Son King Hassan II King Mohammed VI and His People. Abdel kader Mesbah Founder & President mong his numerous good deeds, we believe that King Hassan II would like to be Aremembered as the man who behind the scene greatly contributed in the 4 West 43rd Street, ongoing peace process in the Middle East, and also as a man of a great deal of New York, NY 10036 religious tolerance. Tel: (212) 391-7380 Fax: (212) 997-1044 f you would like to join in paying attribute to King Hassan II, please mail, e-mail or E-mail: Ifax your condolence messages (7x10 maximum) a.s.a.p. Your message will be added [email protected] to our Condolences Book and sent to King Mohammed VI. 4 Unification News August 1999

people can be driving, but if a certain ly to recognize who DR. CHANG person has a clear idea of where he is he was and what going and how he is going to get there, his mission was. SHIK YANG then he can drive with a much happier For seven years heart and go faster and get there more she prayed, and at Dr. Yang is the Continental quickly. We are driving through life, but the end of that OLA RATIA Director of the Church S G we have a clear idea of where we are time she met Rev. that were going on that were not right. in North America. going and how we are going to get there. Moon in Chung Pa Dong. As you entered She approached that with a mother’s The only question is, how certainly do the sanctuary you received a table of This is based on a sermon given April heart and prayed that even at the sac- we believe that in our own heart and contents with your program, and this 18, 1999 at the in rifice of herself that members could be how do we reflect that in driving through talks about how we can understand Washington DC liberated from their ignorance. When our daily lives. Daemo Nim’s mission. Father concluded his prayer for her, he he first page of the general The thing that people are most afraid The essence of God’s salvation is said, “I appoint her in the name of True introduction to Divine Prin- of in life is not being robbed or having restoration. How does restoration come Parents, so God, please help her to carry ciple says that the unhappi- a burglar enter the house. For most peo- about? Restoration means to recover out the work that she has been appoint- ness of humankind originates ple the most fearful thing is death. that which was lost. But we cannot recov- ed to accomplish.” in ignorance. As the Divine Through the words of True Parents and er things in just any way. There have to The next important thing is how is it PrincipleT explains it, there are two types what we have learned, we can now tell be certain conditions set in order to that Daemo Nim was able to appear again of ignorance, spiritual ignorance and the world that the kind of death that recover that which was lost. That is the on earth through Mrs. Kim. The impor- physical ignorance, and these two came people thought existed, the kind of death meaning of indemnity. We call it restora- tant thing is that heaven appointed Mrs. about as a result of the fall. The Divine that people feared does not exist. We tion through indemnity. In order to carry Kim to fulfill this mission, and that even Principle says that the result of spiritu- can break down the walls between the out restoration through indemnity, there while Daemo Nim was on earth, Mrs. al ignorance is that we came to be igno- life here and life in the spirit world, have to be certain conditions. Those are Kim prepared herself, working parallel rant of God, we came to be ignorant of between life and death. Do we have a the conditions or foundations in order with Grandmother Hong. But the most the purpose of life, why we are alive and hopeful heart and a conviction in our to receive the Messiah. important thing is the recognition of True where we are to go. In other words, we daily lives that this is the kind of truth, The same is true with Daemo Nim. Parents. became ignorant of God and we became that this is the word we have? That is Just like us, she needed a foundation In order for Daemo Nim to work on ignorant of spirit world. the reason that we came to walk this of faith and a foundation of substance earth there has to be a four position Throughout history many religious path and be here now. in order to prepare the foundation to foundation prepared in this world. The leaders and philosophers have dedicat- The title of today’s sermon, Sola Gra- receive the Messiah. The course that she first of the six points was the blessing ed their lives to answering the questions, tia, comes from a Latin phrase used by walked in order to prepare that foun- of Hyun Jin Kim, Mrs. Kim’s oldest son. “Is there a God?”, “Is there life after Martin Luther, meaning “only by grace.” dation was really an incredibly difficult He was then adopted by Daemo Nim as death?”, and “What is the purpose of When the Catholic church had become path which transcended life itself. her son, and at the age of 17 he was our lives?”. But none of those people corrupt and Martin Luther began his Jungsung (Devotion) and Love. Truly blessed by True Parents as Daemo Nim’s were able to prove or to argue with cer- reformation of the church, he used three those two words characterized Daemo son. tainty that God exists or that there is essential phrases—Sola Fides, by faith Nim’s life. Through devotion and through Before the 360,000 couple blessing, life after death, or to give us a clear pic- alone, Sola Gratia, by grace alone, Sola love she prepared her foundation to on August 23, 1995, four families in spir- ture of God. Scriptura, through the Bible alone. receive the messiah. But no matter what it world were blessed. This was actual- True Mother visited 24 cities in Amer- I am not going to go back 500 years great faith she had, it would not have ly the time when the spiritual blessing ica during this past tour, and the final and argue today about the Reformation, been enough unless she had connected began, and the four couples were Daemo result is in, that about 26,000 people but I don’t think we can understand why herself to True Parents. If she did not Nim’s couple, also Dae Hyung Nim, an participated in those speeches. In every Martin Luther emphasized those three have the order or approval of True Par- older brother of Father’s who worked city that she visited she received as many phrases unless we really understand the ents to carry out this mission, she would with him and protected him very well. as 10 proclamations from governors, historical context in which he was liv- not be able to do what she is doing now. Then Choongmo Nim, Father’s mother, state legislators and other dignitaries. ing. I was very surprised and amazed to God has established True Parents in and also Hyun Jin, who was blessed as Every place it was declared to be True see that some members were confusing this world today in order to bring a con- Daemo Nim’s son. Family Day, True Love Day or the Day today’s age with the age of the Refor- clusion to His providence, and so it is These blessings were conducted so of Dr. Moon. But it’s not just that the mation and saying that today’s age is only with the appointment and approval that Daemo Nim’s substantial four posi- external participation was so high and also in need of the kind of reformation of True Parents that Daemo Nim or any- tion foundation could be formed on earth. proclamations were given. Most impor- we had several centuries ago. one else can carry out the providence. Then we know very well about the bless- tant was that many people who partic- Of course the fact that we were born If you read my paper carefully, you will ing of spirit world in Washington DC, ipated were truly moved by the message is grace. We are alive by grace. We are see that it explains the connection between when Daemo Nim was appointed by that she delivered. able by grace to keep going. From the God and True Parents, Daemo Nim, and Father to conduct blessings in the spir- Many people said that they came to time we wake up in the morning until Mrs. Kim, and how the connection is it world. After the blessing, as you know understand about the meaning and fun- the time we go to bed at night, from the established here so that the providen- there has to be a three day ceremony, damental principles of life, that they had time we are born until we die, we are tial work that Daemo Nim is doing now and there was a three day ceremony for learned about life after death and they always receiving grace. The fact that we can come about. Daemo Nim, conducted through the had been liberated from the fear of death. are able to be here in good health is by When Daemo Nim passed into spirit physical bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Kim. Many people wrote letters saying that grace. It is by grace that we are able to world in 1989, I was a regional director All the foundations were laid in the this had happened to them. There are have a loving spouse and children. More in Seoul and I participated in the seung- physical world so that Daemo Nim could billions of people living today on earth than anything else, the greatest grace hwa ceremonies for her. On the 6th and work in this world. Then she returned and everyone has their own religion and is that we have a teacher who teaches 7th of November Father very clearly gave to the house in Seoul where she had they follow that religion as best they can. the significance and purpose and path her four missions. The first of those was lived during her time on earth and Mrs. But none of those talk about or teach of life. to act as a bridge of heart between the Kim began to live there and doing the about life after death, or about God with What is the savior? It is the person spirit world and the physical world. The work. After the RFK blessing there was such certainty and clarity as do Rev. who saves the world. We can say that it second was to facilitate the relationship Father’s benediction called “Declaration and Mrs. Moon. is the one person who is saving while between Heung Jin Nim and Jesus. He of opening the door for spiritual bless- It is because we have this great truth living in the midst of the world. said that this was to make the Unifica- ing.” There is a photograph of this moment that we have been able to endure through Daemo Nim will be here. She is in the tion Church one with Christianity based in time, where Father and Mother took incredible difficulties over the past 20 spirit world as a spirit person, but she on the foundation of Judaism. the hand of Mrs. Kim and prayed with and 30 years to keep this movement will appear before us through a physi- The third mission Father gave to her and blessed her work. going and keep going on our path. Those cal form. We have conquered ignorance, Daemo Nim was to unite all the blessed Then she began working in Chung of us here today are people who have but because of our remaining fallen families of the Unification Church cen- Pyung, doing the points described in been able to overcome unhappiness and nature we are sometimes not quite sure tering on Heung Jin Nim and former four and five, doing the work of ances- ignorance in order to be in the place about the next world and have ques- President Eu. The fourth was to pave a tor liberation and cooperation of the res- where we are today. tions about it. Our members know who road that leads all the way from the top urrected blessed good spirits. From that A number of years ago in Korea there Daemo Nim is. She is the mother of True of heaven, from the seat next to God, all time, working through Madison Square was a rally attended by many Christians. Mother. She was born in 1914, and she the way down to the bottom of hell. At Garden and up to the present, Daemo The catch phrase of the rally was “I found passed into the spirit world in 1989. I the moment that Daemo Nim was going Nim and Heung Jin Nim have been the it.” What did they find? They said that will not go into detail about her life here into spirit world, True Parents gave her central points in working for the bless- they had found Jesus Christ and found on earth. these four missions. As soon as she ing and liberation of spirit world. the fundamental meaning of life. We are Rather, I want to talk about how she passed into spirit world she began mak- Our members need to understand people who have found something that has participated in the providence and ing preparations so that she could return clearly that this is not just some spiri- is even more fundamental and essential the mission that she has received from to the physical world. tual phenomenon that is going on in than what they have found. Do you believe True Parents, and how that relates to The reason that True Parents were Chung Pyung, or something that Daemo that? our lives. While Daemo Nim was on earth, able to give that kind of direction to her Nim or Mrs. Kim are doing on their own We are people who have been liber- she lived a life of very deep and strong is that while she was on earth she saw individually. We are living in the final ated from unhappiness, people who have faith. In 1948, seven years before she the unprincipled life that members were stage of the providence. Father is going become free of unhappiness. Different met Rev. Moon, she was able spiritual- living and she saw the various things through the final chapter of the 6,000 August 1999 Unification News 5

letters, once a repented very deeply to his father and or how much dedication and sincerity person passes said, “Please, let me sign this form.” we have to offer in order to liberate our into spirit Because of his repentance the father ancestors, we should be grateful that we world, he can said, “Okay”, and let him sign. Then he have that opportunity. go thousands died again, but revived for a third time. There are many religions in the world (By Grace Alone) of years with- This time he asked, “What is this about that emphasize respect and dedication out being able an indemnity fund?” and sacrifice for ancestors. One repre- years of God’s providential history. Father to move up in the spirit world. Without As you know, this fund originates in sentative case is the Mormon church. I needs to completely liberate the spirit a physical body a spirit man cannot grow. the fact that money was paid in order have been to Mormon headquarters in world and earth, and needs to establish We are incredibly important because we for Jesus to be betrayed. So we pay money Utah. I asked if I could see their sanc- at least the framework for the Kingdom have physical bodies. That is why we say in order to indemnify that. Everyone pays tuary, but was told that I did not qual- of Heaven in spirit world and on earth the body is like a temple. It is a tool that that when you receive the blessing. ify and could not be let in. Maybe I should before he passes into spirit world. we can use in order to liberate the spir- Rev. Im explained the fund and the have told them I had been in this room As long as there are unliberated spir- it world. That is why Paul said we should father made arrangements for that to be in a former Mormon church in Wash- its remaining on earth, we cannot say honor our physical bodies. They should paid, and then returned to spirit world ington. In the basement of our church that Father has accomplished his mis- be used for righteousness. and did not return. This has become a there is a former baptismal room where sion as True Parents. In the same way, We need to believe that the offerings very famous story in our church. Prob- people would be baptized for the sake of until everyone on earth has taken the we make and the conditions we set are ably all of our ancestors would like to do their ancestors. holy wine and the lineage of Satan has the things that are necessary to liberate that, come back to life and make arrange- Buddhists will offer 100 or 1,000 days been completely broken and rooted out, our ancestors. In Luke 16:19-31, we see ments for them to go to a better place in of special dedication after someone dies then True Parents cannot say that they the story of Lazarus, a man who was liv- spirit world. so that their ancestors can go to a bet- have really accomplished their mission. ing in a rich household, eating the scraps There was a famous book in Korea ter place in spirit world. We understand So Daemo Nim now is acting as the assis- from the rich man’s table. In the Bible written by a Buddhist monk, entitled that if a person really prepares himself tant for Father not only in acting in the he was described as a beggar. I think he “Listen: What will you take with you when in the spirit world and works for the Mes- position of mother and the substantia- was probably not a beggar, but a man you go to the next world?” If that ques- siah then when they go to spirit world tion of the Holy Spirit, the central point living on the lands of the rich man. The tion were put to you, how would you they will be greeted by 70 candles. But for resurrection, but also to liberate all important thing is that both of them went answer? We need to go with the recog- if a person goes without much merit then spirit world and all the people of the to spirit world, but the rich man went to nition that we have completed our mis- they will be greeted by only 35 or so. We earth. hell and Lazarus went to a good level of sion. We need to be recognized as hav- have to have at least 50 lights in order In the context of the principle of res- spirit world, perhaps because he used ing saved ourselves and as having lib- to go into the good spirit world. urrection, this is now the time of the whatever money he had to do good works. erated our ancestors and liberated God. People pass into spirit world with less completion stage of resurrection. Now The Bible gives a very clear descrip- I believe that everyone has been prepar- than 50 lights, but they will remain through Daemo Nim we are liberating tion of hell, saying the rich man went to ing for Daemo Nim’s upcoming visit by around their descendants, hoping to seven generations of ancestors. This hell and he was so thirsty that he begged offering special dedication at home. In establish the conditions that they will go means that they are resurrected into the Lazarus to put even just one drop of preparation for her visit I am communi- to a better place in spirit world later on. perfection stage. They must understand water on his tongue. But Abraham said, cating every day with Chung Pyung. Last It is only through the descendants that clearly the principle of resurrection. no, you can’t do that, because night a phone call came spirit people can be saved. Our ances- There are four basic principles of res- the gap between Lazarus and The ceremony of at 1 a.m. and I called back tors in a sense have two gods—God and urrection. The first and most important the rich man was too wide liberating seven at 5 a.m. Already the list True Parents, and then their descen- of those principles is the grace of the and too deep. The rich man generations of ancestors of couples has been sent dants here. If you really offer your ded- age. We are all products of history. If we asked one favor, to go to his to Chung Pyung. That list ication and sincerity then your ances- is being conducted by compare history to a relay race then we five brothers on earth and has been placed in the tors will appear in your dreams. Some are all the final runners in our family’s tell them not to live the way the special grace and prayer room at Chung people have reported to me about hav- lineage. We have received the baton and he lived. The Bible says even instructions of True Pyung and Daemo Nim ing this experience. it is we who are rushing toward the fin- that cannot be done so eas- Parents and Mrs. Kim are pray- We really need to offer our full heart, ish line. You have no idea how many ily. ing there to establish the our full will and our full dedication in people are lined up behind you, so you All of us will go to the spirit world, conditions in order to find the seven gen- order to prepare for Daemo Nim’s visit. have to take the right direction. You have whether rich or poor. Everyone will meet erations of ancestors in spirit world. In Mark 12:42-44 we see the story of a to be careful how you go so that you final judgment. We cannot receive sal- This ceremony of liberating seven gen- very poor woman, a widow who was liv- won’t have an accident along the way. vation in the spirit world. We have to erations of ancestors is being conduct- ing alone. Jesus described how at the You saw the movie “Ghost,” didn’t prepare ourselves for the spirit world ed by the special grace and instructions temple she offered two copper coins worth you? In that movie there was a spirit while we are still on earth. of True Parents. People who are outside a few cents. Jesus evaluated her offer- man who could see what was going on In the late 80s in Korea there was an those seven generations cannot partic- ing very highly. He said that she con- in the world. Spirit world is trying to incident involving the passing of the ipate. It’s a very precious opportunity. tributed more than all the others who unite with the physical world, but it is father of one our church ministers, Rev. Your physical brothers and sisters who donated from their surplus wealth. She very frustrated. We are living in an amaz- Im, an 1800 couple, who was the youngest may have passed away can participate, gave from her want, all that she had to ing time, in the victory realm of True Par- of three brothers. The older brothers and children can participate, and ancestors live on. ents when we can receive their grace. the father had continuously opposed our up to the seventh generation can par- If your child is out playing at school Look at yourself in your mirror at church, and the father went into spirit ticipate. This is the grace of all graces and suddenly falls and is hurt badly, do home. Can you with your own strength world with that attitude. The father had that has been given to blessed couples you go to the emergency room or not? and power liberate even one of your ances- completely stopped breathing and was of the Unification Church in this final Of course there is medical insurance, tors? Would any amount of money be dead, with his children gathered around. chapter of the providence. but you have to pay a lot of money to go enough to liberate your ancestors? If you But suddenly the father came back to We need to represent our family’s lin- to the emergency room. In the same way, fasted 40 days, would that be enough to life. With his eyes still closed he started eage, our family tree, dedicating and we are going to the emergency room in liberate even one generation? No matter speaking. He said, what is a member- offering ourselves sincerely in order to order to give salvation to our ancestors. how much dedication and sincerity you ship application (ip-pyo won-so)? People prepare. We need to prepare with all our If you really cannot afford the offering, offer, that would not compare even a lit- in spirit world keep asking me, “Where heart, all our mind and all our body. Of just come anyway. Bring your truly ded- tle to God’s grace. We receive salvation is your ip-pyo won-so, and I don’t know course we need to offer prayers. We also icated and sincere heart. Maybe your only through grace. Behind that grace, what it is.” need to make a monetary offering rep- ancestors will give you some kind of wis- in the background we always need to The youngest son, Rev. Im, of course resenting our ancestors. But the impor- dom. know there is True Parents’ blood and knew what it was, the application form tant thing is that no matter how much If we love our children, we need to love sweat and tears and sacrifice. that people signed in order to join Uni- you pray or how large an offering you our ancestors even more so that they Martin Luther said Sola Gratia, only fication Church. So he brought one and make, that itself is not nearly enough to can help our children. Daemo Nim wants through grace, but it’s not just through signed his father’s name, and the father liberate the ancestors. Salvation and lib- everyone to come. This is not a benefit grace that we are saved. We also have signed it, and then he died again. But a eration is received by grace. that can be bought with even $10,000. responsibility. Grace may be as much few minutes later he sighed a very deep One of the standards that we must It is a grace. The offering is a small offer- as 99 percent, but at least there is one sigh and came back to life again. This establish as descendants is that we do ing on our part, and we need to prepare percent responsibility that falls on the time he said, “What are spiritual chil- the best we can in the offering. I’ve heard our hearts with sincerity and gratitude. descendants. That is our responsibility. dren? What is this I hear in the spirit that many members are having great dif- Daemo Nim really wants all members to That is what Dr. Sang Hun Lee mentions world about having to have three spiri- ficulty because of the monetary offering. come. Please, also invite the people you in his book. Our dedication, our prayers tual children?” Then the Rev. Im explained I understand it is difficult, but think of have blessed, your 185 tribe members. and our commitment and the material what spiritual children were. it this way. Compared to what we have Especially people who participated in the conditions that we offer, those are the The two older brothers who were there received from our ancestors, this offer- blessings at RFK and MSG, who received things necessary in order to liberate our then repented and said, “We will also ing really is not that much. We love our True Parents’ benediction directly are ancestors in the spirit world. sign the application to join the Unifica- spouse, love our children; how could we qualified to participate in Daemo Nim’s Another important principle of res- tion Church.” But the oldest son had have met our spouse or had our children ceremony. If they feel gratitude then they urrection is that there has to be a phys- hurt his father’s heart very much dur- unless our ancestors had prepared the will determine in their hearts at that time ical body. Without a physical body spir- ing his father’s life, and the father said, way for us during their lives? No matter to give an offering. ❖ it men cannot be resurrected and ele- “No, I don’t want him.” The oldest son how much we need to sacrifice ourselves vate themselves. As Dr. Lee says in his 6 Unification News August 1999 INTERRELIGIOUS AND INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION FOR WORLD PEACE Opening Plenary Address The Development of Heart and Love by Reverend Chung Hwan Kwak cial thought or insight that helps them is always blind to seizing the right priorities and starting points. Thought be a better and more loving person as moment of God’s blessing. If we look and human action leads to suffering steemed leaders from reli- the challenges of each day arise. at the history of saints, prophets, and because it is out of order. External gion, politics and the acad- This is wonderful, no question about religious founders we see that these emphases should be secondary to the emy. It is an honor to see that, but we must seriously examine people are never received in their own deeper desires of original human char- a group of such prominence if this teaching is applicable beyond time. It is always after several hun- acter, they should not be master over and prestige gathered here. simple, personal inspiration on a day dred years that people begin to realize our pure, original nature. EI thank you for your foresight, your to day basis. Our current world Human beings in their original willingness to attend this conference is literally fraught with horrible minds desire peace, happiness, seren- and to invest your talents in this time disasters and social breakdown. ity, and the security which derives of study. Please accept my greetings We witness perverse and terrify- from giving and receiving true love. and welcome on behalf of the founders ing events domestically and inter- Every kind of love exists in the fam- of our sponsoring organizations, Rev- nationally. The corrupt edifice of ily. Conversely, absolutely ALL social, erend and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon. politics, media, and business threat- political, and cultural problems can As many of you may know, I have ens to leave us hopeless and cyn- be traced to breakdown and mal- followed Reverend Moon for over 40 ical. Even leaders doubt that they adjusted families. This goes for drugs, years, beginning as a young man. I can really effect change for the violence, international warfare, oppres- am sure you can imagine how thrilling better and can become cynical and sion of minorities and so on. The each day has been as our little group abuse their office. All the while crimes of person against person are passed from times when it was rare to innocent citizens in our respec- perpetrated by people who lack true eat a whole bowl of rice, to times like tive nations and religions, and the love; people who become dry and bar- today in which we travel the world to young people in our schools suf- ren from the absence of the differ- bring a message of hope and new life fer. The world of ideology and ent sorts of family love. Once this to millions. You may know Mrs. Moon analysis is literally barren. No emptiness happens people become spoke in 80 cities around the world voice sounds persuasive. prone to fighting and lose the abili- this year alone! We are so proud of Under such urgent circum- ty to understand and appreciate oth- her effort and sacrifice. stances, it is my sincere view that ers. They become selfish and defen- I can never feel thankful enough the long overlooked thought of sive, and lose any sense of the human that my daily life has been guided by Reverend Moon must be consid- qualities of their neighbors and oth- Reverend Moon’s teachings and per- ered. We can begin that process ers. All of this comes from basical- sonal attention. So many of Unifica- here at this conference, and I am ly lacking the experience and peace tion members tell me how their lives sure it will be an interesting exer- of mind brought by true love. Rev- changed 180 degrees by experiencing cise. erend Moon’s life and teaching are God, and learning about the ideal of Reverend Moon’s teaching and not that of an ordinary person. He True Family from Reverend and Mrs. thought challenges conventional deals with the fundamental area in Moon. As time went on, I would hear starting points for most political which God, human beings, values, the same thing from people and lead- and social analysis. It presents a chal- the treasure that walked among us. and original love intersect. Those who ers not only in Unification but from all lenge to the very basis for understanding Always when it is too late. There is lit- can meet him in his own physical time religions, nations, and walks of life. life on earth and in the afterlife, divine- tle more woeful than to prove blind to can gain vital wisdom, not just for this In recent years Reverend Moon and human relations, and human rela- that which is most precious again and world, but more importantly for the his family pioneered a tradition called tionships. This teaching comes at a again. Losing the opportunity to share next world; the eternal world. “hoon dok hae,” which roughly trans- time of great expectation. Reverend first hand, face to face, in the physi- Actually every person has this qual- lates as “gathering for reading and Moon’s biography and teaching has cal presence of those whom God has ity of true love as an original source learning.” Each morning at 6:00 am reached its zenith on the eve of a new blessed with world-saving qualities, element in their natural human make- millions of families around the world millennium. This is not by mere chance and always waking up 100’s of years up. The problem is that it remains gather in a warm and loving atmos- or accident. In our busy lives we often late is the worst part of the human underdeveloped, not properly culti- phere to read passages of spiritual fail to recognize and investigate new record. vated, and never matures to bear fruit guidance from the many decades of religious and philosophical systems. As we ponder a future world and in a humane character. This original Reverend Moon’s teaching. This prac- This is why we invited you to this con- the new millennium, we must consid- true love element must be nurtured by tice is the cornerstone for each family ference. er which human habits and habits of the precious gift of warm love from member throughout the day. For the When we look at the history of human mind are responsible for the chaos and Mommy and Daddy, brothers and sis- Dad or Mom on their way to work, the progress there is a tragic aspect of our suffering in our history. The point is ters, a caring and supportive spouse, kids on their way to school and so on. race which is often missed by histori- that people and thinkers approach the and eventually from our own children. Each family member carries some spe- ans. That is the fact that humankind world based on the concepts of power, Without these influences the original knowledge, and seed of love in each person remains technical mastery dormant. And then when these peo- over the environ- ple who lack human feeling and com- ment. These are passion gain education and power they always taken as the cause trouble. basic starting point In the coming new millennium, there and guiding force will be a shift in the basic orientation for thought and of human life, moving away from obses- action. From there sion with technological development comes the desire of and material excess, toward an era of average people for internal development of heart and true greater comfort and love. We will shift away from fixation greater prosperity; on external civilization and move toward in short, an easier internal development of the original life. Common peo- human nature. ple desire technol- We have gathered leaders from reli- ogy that will make gion, politics, and education to press their lives easier and for urgent attention to this new orien- more filled with tation. Leaders such as yourselves pleasure. This in must be the first to note the coming itself is not neces- sea change. A shift from external sarily bad. Reverend emphasis to the new focus on the true Moon’s teaching is love characteristics of human life and not ascetic, anti- society. As religious leaders, political worldly, or Luddite. leaders, and educators please do not The problem lies in see OPENING on page 9 August 1999 Unification News 7 INTERRELIGIOUS AND INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION FOR WORLD PEACE

family as a basic unit....All your IIRFWP thinking is years ahead of its time. from page 1 The people in your church are my Unification friends and the wonderful.” source of the vision of Rev. Moon. Bishop Abraham Olaleye of Please keep this concept and Nigeria commented that, “I am build upon it.” grateful for the spirit of respect Each hoon dok hae session for all religions and particular for was followed by responses from the love expressed for Jesus Christ. two assigned discussants, one I was very moved by the teaching an FFWPU church member and of Rev. Moon concerning grand- the other a distinguished con- parents, parents and children and tact familiar with the work of that a True Family will always our movement. Discussants for take care of the grandparents....Also session one, on “Life on Earth I am deeply moved by the respect and in the Spirit World,” were, Rev. Moon teaches for the ances- Rev. T. L. Barrett of the Life Cen- tors. I am so inspired I believe we ter Church in Chicago and Dr. must call upon the United Nations of Unification to create a “Family Campaign.” Theological Seminary. Session Let us call upon all the Ambas- two discussants, on the same sadors of the United Nations and theme, were Rev. Michael Jenk- ask them to initiate this.” ins, President of FFWPU Chica- Dr. Mohamad Jodeh, Chair- go, and Dr. Cromwell Crawford man of the Colorado Muslim Soci- of the University of Hawaii. Ses- ety, stated that, “My favorite read- sion Three discussants, on the Hyun Jin Nim in traditional robes presented by participants from Kazakhstan ing was Rev. Moon’s teaching on topic of “True Parents,” were Dr. the True Family. I felt that if you Marcelo Alonso, a physicist for- were to change the titles that you merly with the Florida Institute what appeared as new and unconven- Parents. The first evening, two repre- could not distinguish it form the of Technology and currently Chair of tional ideas understandable. sentatives of Pure Love Alliance—Mrs. Holy Koran. It is the same word of God.” the Academic Advisory Board for the I must add that it was clear that the Michelle Myers, Director of Public Rela- Fr. Gleb Yakunin, a Russian Ortho- World University Federation, and Dr. Unificationist commentators were them- tions for PLA, and Mr. Steve Schnei- dox priest, and former dissident who Anthony Guerra who is Dean of Grad- selves deeply inspired by the seminar, der, Educational Director of PLA’s Chica- spent eight years in prison for his faith, uate and Undergraduate Studies at the and by the quality of the participants. go Chapter—gave a very informative was deeply moved by the program, and University of Bridgeport. The discus- Their comments as discussants were and uplifting report on the work of PLA repeatedly asked that Father’s prayers sants for the session on “The Ideal of not only intellectually impressive and in the USA and worldwide. The response be translated into Russian. In addition True Family” were Dr. Mouazzam Gill rich, but heartfelt. Any Unificationist to this presentation was overwhelm- he testified again and again that Father a journalist with The National Educa- would have been very proud to observe ingly positive, with participants repeat- is the only hope for stopping the rising tor and Dr. Gordon Anderson of Pro- their work at this seminar. edly inquiring about bringing PLA to tide of immorality and family break- fessors World Peace Academy. The ses- Although our True Parents, Rev. & their own countries. The following down.” sion on “The Prayers of Sun Myung Mrs Moon, were unable to attend this evening, Mr. Michael Smith, Executive However, not only the participants Moon” was discussed by Archbishop seminar, we were blessed with the pres- Director of the American Constitution unfamiliar with hoon dok hae were Emmanuel Milingo of the Vatican’s Pon- ence of Mr. and Mrs. Hyun Jin Moon. Committee, gave a powerful report on moved by their experience, but many tifical Council for Immigrants and Hyun Jin Moon, the Vice-President of the “Parents Day” initiative promoting veterans of hoon dok hae as well. Dr. Refugees, Fr. Lawrence Fares of St. FFWPU International, spoke to the par- the ideal of the family throughout the Anthony Guerra made the following Ronald’s Catholic Church in Detroit, ticipants at a banquet on Saturday United States of America. Once again, reflections, “I have been comparing in and Dr. Thomas Ward a Visiting Pro- evening. He emphasized the importance this presentation brought inspiration my heart and mind over the past few fessor at the University of Bridgeport. of his parents’ work, and praised the and hope to the participants, as well days this first hoon dok hae conference “The Kingdom of God” was discussed participants for their awareness of a as numerous inquiries as to how to with the many other Unification-cen- by Mr. Gerald Coleman of FFWPU in need for a global consciousness, mov- establish a Parents Day initiative in tered seminars for VIP guests. The Liberia and Chevalier Pier Giorgio ing beyond provincial thinking in rela- their home countries. Dr. Rahat Achylo- strongest metaphor I am left with is Buttigieg of the Bahai Community of tion to religion, nationality, race or cul- va, a member of Parliament in Kyr- that of the difference between the atom- Malta. The final session gyzstan, ic bomb and conventional weapons. In was entitled, “Passages announced that this hoon dok hae conference, our guests from Dr. Lee,” and the she was “deter- and also we members, are challenged discussants were Dr. mined to orga- by the direct words of True Parents. In Thomas Selover of the nize ‘Parents Day’ the atmosphere created by Father’s University of in Kyrgyzstan.” words, we all seem to be delivered from Saskatchewan and Mr. People of all our old selves and recreated in his Alain Nicolier of the Swe- faiths—Christ- image.....Father has given us the for- denborg Church in ian, Muslim, Jew- mula for Pentecost.” France. ish, Hindu, Bud- And, as Myra Stanecki put it, “At The reflections of the dhist, Sikh, times, I found myself trembling with various discussants were Bahai, Sweden- excitement, knowing that these are the both deeply insightful, borgian, Native kind of DP workshops that our move- informative and moving. American, Tra- ment should have been having forty The subject matter of True ditional African, years ago, focused on the world’s lead- Parents words was taken Unificationist, ership and those most prepared by with utmost respect and and even a for- God.” seriousness. The non- mer Marxist— This International Seminar, pulled Unificationist commen- found the hoon together with a whirlwind of activity, tators were especially dok hae to be an came together with awesome power and interesting due to the eye-opening and beauty. Everyone was touched by the fresh and creative way in even transfor- power of God’s word. Some of us on the which they related to mative experi- staff, wondering how this innovative, Father’s words from their ence. Dorothy shall we say risky program would be own areas of expertise—spirituality, ture. Participants were inspired and Allen, a participant form the USA, said received, were once again struck by the physics, moral education, politics, jour- moved by his remarks. As stated by “The PLA presentation by the young wisdom of True Parents and the power nalism, etc. Their comments also under- one participant, “The presence of Rev. people was encouraging, because it is of God’s truth. scored the universalism inherent in Moon’s son was a gift from God.” And a grass roots movement and it will gain This first international hoon dok hae Father’s words. The Unificationist respon- another said, “I can see a clear future momentum and help reverse immoral conference is not to be the last. Already dents, on the other hand, brought a for the movement of Rev. Moon through behavior. Thanks to True Family for two follow up conferences are being different kind of depth to the discus- his son.” initiating this abstinence program and planned for September and October of sion, rooted in their many years of per- In the evenings, during the seminar, taking it to the schools, and the world. this year. sonal engagement with the words. They there were special presentations on Thank you, Dr. Moon, for your concern Dr. Walsh is the Deputy Secretary also provided very useful explanation activities inspired by the words of True about morality, and importance of the General of the IIFWP ❖ of some key concepts, helping to make 8 Unification News August 1999 INTERRELIGIOUS AND INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION FOR WORLD PEACE Closing Plenary Address Cleansing the Spiritual Environment

by Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak only preparation was to pray humbly and cultural roots of conflict. Religious your nations. and deeply to be a direct channel of leaders, on the other hand, often fail to During the discussion of the work of istinguished participants God’s truth and inspiration. In this fully appreciate political realities. Aca- the Pure Love Alliance, I was deeply in this International Sem- sense these words have emerged spon- demics, furthermore, frequently distance moved by your sincere support and praise inar on “True Families as taneously, springing forth at the moment themselves from both religion and pol- for the work of these young leaders in the Foundation for World of their delivery. However, despite the itics. To remedy this situation, Rev. the PLA movement. They were truly Peace in the New Millenni- extemporaneous nature of his speech- Moon founded the Interreligious and uplifted and encouraged by your sup- Dum.” It seems like a very short time ago es, one finds amazingly clear lines of International Federation for World Peace, port. I could not help but think that, if that we began our conference. As we development and a very coherent and dedicated to promoting greater collab- we all fully supported this kind of move- come to the closing session, I want to systematic core. An examination of the oration and cooperation among religious, ment, then what an incredible change express my appreciation to each of you content of sample speeches taken from political and academic leaders so that we would see in our world. How much for participating. I have been inspired the 1950’s, the 1970’s and the 1990’s our efforts for peace are both more com- the world would be changed for the bet- by the quality of the plenary sessions will reveal absolute consistency in the prehensive and effective. This is the ter. and the discussants’ remarks, as well message. Despite differences in time reason we have called leaders repre- The PLA is but one example of how, as by your insightful comments and period and context, the basic truths and senting religion, politics and academia centering on Rev. Moon’s teachings, questions from the floor. Clearly you fundamental themes of these speeches to this seminar. The IIFWP’s Inaugur- individuals are empowered to work in came here with an open and sincere remain unchanged. This gives further al Assembly on February 6, 1999 in many very practical and effective ways mind, and you have worked hard. I evidence that these words have their ori- Seoul, Korea, was attended by more than to transform our present world into a believe you, your families and your gin in a single source or spring, Heav- 500 participants representing the reli- world of goodness. Time and again I nations, will be richly blessed because enly Father. gions, nationalities, and cultures of the have witnessed amazing accomplish- of your sincere and serious participa- Rev. Moon initiated this hoon dok hae entire world. In his address, Rev. Moon ments blossoming forth from the inspi- tion in this conference. tradition for the sake of transforming said, “The time has come when cooper- ration that can be found in Rev. Moon’s We have come together here not for this world. By setting aside the time to ative and mutually supportive relation- words. own sake. Each one of you has a pro- study God’s word on a daily basis, we ships among the world’s statesmen and He is deeply concerned about the well- found awareness of the serious situa- can establish a firm foundation for our religious leaders is desperately need- being of the world’s youth, and their tion of our world. There are so many family life, and in turn, a firm founda- ed....Since the root of human problems standard of character and morality. Most situations of conflict. When we think tion for the creation of stable and peace- is not merely political, social and polit- of all, he wants to guide them to the of the problems in Kosovo, the Middle ful societies and nations. This is why ical solutions alone will always be insuf- ideal of true love and true family. This East, South Asia, parts of Africa and we have practiced hoon dok hae and ficient. While most societies are politi- coming year he will offer a Blessing for many other regions, we can only be con- studied the meaning of True love, True cally governed, religion lies at the root all the youth of the world. I sincerely cerned. These are not simple problems, Parents and True Family. Rev. Moon of most national and cultural identities.” hope each of you, as leaders of your and the root causes run very deep. has said, “You have to study, research- The IIFWP maintains that efforts for respective religions, academic institu- Many parts of our world are also expe- ing God’s deepest level of knowledge, world peace on the part of the United tions, and nations, will teach your young riencing overwhelming social problems connecting with that high-level of value. Nations and other international orga- people about the PLA’s pure love move- that result from family breakdown. When The most powerful thing is God’s true nizations needs to be enhanced and com- ment and about the year 2000 Youth the family unit becomes unstable, the love, the core of God’s being. [”The Value plemented by the wisdom and insight Blessing for True Families. If each of society at large also becomes unstable. of True Parents Words,” May 1, 1999] of the world’s great religious traditions, you do this, how bright our future will Problems linked to drugs, sexually trans- I think you are aware that Rev. Moon as well as by the expertise of persons in be. For if you guide one young person mitted diseases, divorce, suicide, declin- the arts, the media, and especially edu- in the way of this movement for true love ing standards of education, youth alien- cation. Rev. Moon has indicated that and true family, you bring blessing not ation, etc., can be traced to family break- the current structure of the United only to one individual, but to an entire down. Nations should be improved by includ- family, their children and all their descen- For the past several days we have had ing a council of religious leaders who dants. the opportunity to “read and learn” from could assist in the efforts for peace, espe- We are all aware that our contempo- the speeches from the speeches and cially since in so many areas of conflict, rary societies are deeply flawed and pro- prayers of Rev. Sun Myung Moon. We politics is linked to religion, culture, eth- vide a very unhealthy moral environ- have been practicing hoon dok hae, or nicity and historical traditions. If we are ment for children and young people. No “gathering for reading and learning.” truly serious about peace we must seek matter where we turn our senses are This is not some simple religious exer- to improve current models of peace- bombarded with all kinds of decadence, cise. Rather, hoon dok hae is the means making. materialism, impurity and temptation. by which we receive heavenly guidance The IIFWP is already working aggres- The spiritual environment of modern life and direction in relation to the most sively to establish a global network of is profoundly polluted. At times the sit- basic and fundamental issues of our life. leaders from all faiths, nations and aca- uation looks hopeless, and I have known In the past few days I have heard demic fields. Immediately after the inau- parents who feel they have no alterna- many testimonies from among the par- guration of IIFWP this past February, tive but to watch their children go the ticipants describing their experience Rev. and Mrs. Moon began a world tour way of moral and spiritual decline. The with the words of Rev. Moon. Some are to establish IIFWP in more than forty sinister spell of the decadent popular surprised by the broad range of topics nations. Next February in Seoul, Korea, culture sometimes seems invincible . and the depth of his insight. I want to the IIFWP will celebrate its first anniver- The hoon dok hae tradition, howev- say that the depth and insight of his sary with a major conference. In addi- er, is aimed precisely to allow us to over- speeches are not derived from his study tion, a variety of initiatives are under- come and even transform the spiritual- in school or from research. Rather, they Mrs. Myra Stanecki way, emerging as a response to the input ly polluted environment of our current are rooted in his very personal and direct we have received from contacts through- world. If we spread this hoon dok hae relationship with God. Moreover, this out the world. I invite you to submit sug- tradition in all areas of life, we can over- relationship is not only intellectual, but is not only a man of ideas and words. gestions and recommendations for IIFWP come the evil environment and the moral fundamentally heartistic; that is, it is a His ideas and words always lead to prac- programs and activities. Also, please corruption which surrounds us. Since deep and loving relationship. In other tical action. Today there is no time to recommend candidates for either indi- you are the alumni of this very historic, words, these speeches have their source describe the many organizations and vidual or institutional membership. You first international hoon dok hae semi- in the very origin of truth itself. They institutions established by Rev. and Mrs. may send these comments directly to nar, you can be proud and confident in spring forth from that original wellspring, Moon as part of a comprehensive plan the IIFWP Secretariat office in Wash- guiding others in your family, your uni- God. for world peace. However, I do want to ington, D.C. versities, your places of prayer and wor- What we have heard in this seminar share briefly about the work of the Inter- I also want to encourage you to become ship, and your nations. As we stand on are a variety of excerpts, taken from religious and International Federation an active participant in the work of the the threshold of the new millennium, among more than 250 volumes of Rev. for World Peace. IIFWP. Actually, I should really say, let us work hand in hand, together. Let Moon’s speeches, given over a span of In many regions of the world, the please become not only a participant, us, once and for all, end the history of approximately forty years. Ninety-nine political, religious and academic lead- but a leader in the work of the IIFWP . war, of racial and religious conflict, fam- per cent of the material in these volumes ers are not unified and cannot contribute As a graduate of this seminar, I believe ily breakdown, and self-centered living. comes from speeches and sermons for effectively to a lasting peace. Many times you are now uniquely empowered to May the glory of God’s precious True which there was no prepared text. The political leaders pursue peace, but with- serve as a great light for your families, Love spring forth from every corner of speeches were presented as sermons or out fully grasping the spiritual, moral your communities, your religions and the earth. ❖ as internal guidance for followers. His August 1999 Unification News 9 Parents’ Day Celebrated in Detroit

by Edward Taub—Grosse Point, MI Each couple (or family) was intro- of ceremonies. In explaining the mis- duced by their sponsor, who sion of True Family Values, he said: n Saturday evening, July explained why they were chosen “Even though 80% of children born 24, at Steve’s Soul Food for this recognition. Then each in Detroit are being raised in single Restaurant in Detroit, the couple reciprocated with a few parent homes, we will not accept True Family Values Min- words of thanks. this as the norm. Someone has to istry sponsored their first Some of the comments were proclaim boldly that it is the two- OParents’ Day Awards Banquet to honor quite touching. In speaking of his parent family which is God’s ideal. the Detroit area “Parents of the Year.” nominees, Elder Thomas Haral- We will accept nothing less for our About 100 guests attended the event son of Harvest Community Church city.” and vigorously applauded the winners, said, “Whenever I need something Closing out the event was guest Gerald and Dawn Jackson from Sacred done at church, I always ask the speaker Rev. Ernest Hatcher of New Heart Catholic Church in Detroit, who Eberhardts. They never complain Kingdom Missionary Baptist Church, received a plaque and a $200 cash about the additional responsibil- who emphasized that the man is prize. ity, and they are truly grateful to the head of the household as Christ In accepting the prize, Mrs. Jack- serve God in any way they can. is the head of the church. He encour- son stated, “When I first received the Every church should have a cou- aged all participants that, if possi- telephone call from Mr. Taub about ple like the Eberhardts.” ble, one of the parents should be the nomination, I thought it was a One 16-year-old son shared home at all times to take care of the scam, and that someone was going to about his parents: “When I was children. “That is a full-time job, ask me for money. But when I heard younger I would get mad at my too, and more important than the my pastor’s name mentioned, I knew parents for forcing me to practice extra earned income.” it was legitimate, and I felt honored to my violin. They would nag me every The next event planned for the MC, Edward Taub day, and I True Family Values Ministry in Detroit could never is a prayer breakfast on Aug. 28 evade this par- asked if there was still time to send in where the Free Teens slide presenta- ticular duty. a nomination. Then she added, “Can tion will be introduced. “This will be Now that I am I give a proclamation at the event, too?” the official kick-off of our youth min- an accomplished And she did just that! istry,” said Edward Taub. “Eventually performer, I Providing entertainment at the event we want to offer this presentation to understand why were the True Family Values Japan- all Detroit area churches and youth they did what ese Sisters Choir, who performed two groups.” they did, and I beautiful songs in Japanese, and Rev. Edward Taub is the Detroit Family can honestly tell Emanuel Taylor of POEM Ministries, Church co-pastor, American Constitu- my parents that who reached the impossibly high notes tion Committee’s Michigan state coor- I could never of “You’ll Never Walk Alone” with pro- dinator and a public-school science have done it fessional ease. teacher. ❖ without them.” One of the highlights of the The grand- evening was the ceremonial Bless- prize winners, ing of two distinct groups of par- the Jacksons, ticipants: the married couples had their own and the young people ages 12- tale of love and 22. Each was asked, respec- faith. “We lost tively, to pledge sexual purity our second child before marriage and fidelity with- when she was in marriage. The married cou- two years old. ples were also asked to recite True Family Values Japanese She died in her sleep from unknown vows never to divorce or sepa- Sisters Chorus causes. We were crushed by the expe- rate. A toast to seal the vows rience, but we never lost our faith in was then offered with sparkling have been nominated by my church. God. We never became resentful toward grape juice served in champagne Now that we are the grand prize win- Him but just accepted it as His will. glasses. ners, I am very thankful to the orga- Actually, our faith became stronger Serving on the selection com- nizers, and I promise to spread the from this experience, and we started mittee to choose the “Parents of word about the importance of the two- counseling others who had similar loss- the Year” were the three board parent family and about the signifi- es. Then, several years later, God gave members of the True Family Val- cance of this new holiday, Parents’ us another child. Needless to say, we ues Ministry: Charles Cherutich, Day.” were very grateful. Receiving this award David Kasbow and Edward Taub. Altogether, eleven couples were nom- is like a final confirmation that God is, Each played a major role in mak- inated by various churches, businesses indeed, good.” ing the event such an extraor- and organizations, and each received One of the last-minute surprises for dinary success. Detroit ÒParents of the YearÓ Gerald & Dawn a framed certificate of appreciation the organizers was a call from Wayne Edward Taub also served as Jackson with their children from the True Family Values Ministry. County Commissioner Jewel Ware, who event chairperson and master

ing era and chart this new brand of education OPENING and leadership, we can usher in a new era and from page 6 stem the rise of social breakdown and human cling to present, outdated systems. Rather stay suffering. open to emerging changes toward God-centered, This week we are reflecting upon teachings internal starting points. With this we can build derived from 80 years of life. This philosophi- a peaceful and lovely world. Without it we will cal structure and orientation is already here in continue to be haunted by the runaway forces our midst. As a practical method, and as a foun- of technology and social disintegration. The rise dation for creating substantial results, it is already of conflict and human misery will grow worse here. These readings offer insights into the estab- and worse. In fact many have warned that the lishment of individuals, ideal families, and indeed entire fruits of historical human achievement peaceful societies and nations. It is my hope could be lost in a single moment. Such warn- that these days of research can be just the begin- ings have come from visionaries and analysts ning, and that upon returning to our respective both in the hard sciences and in the social sci- nations and institutions we can continue to ences. invest in a leadership pattern that conforms to Higher education has come to concentrate too the ideal of true love and ideal families. much on the transfer of knowledge, and has Once again I thank you from the bottom of abandoned a commitment to raising up human my heart for your attendance and sincere com- character and imparting wisdom to young peo- mitment to ushering in an era of peace and ple. If we can anticipate the keynote of the com- human happiness. ❖ 10 Unification News August 1999

by Konstantin Krylov—St. Petersburg n a victory for religious freedom Anti-Sect Group Withdraws Suit in Russia, on July 21, 1999 the Dzerzhinsky Federal Court of St. Petersburg closed a civil lawsuit initiated by the Inter-regional Com- Against Church in Russia Imittee for Salvation from Totalitarian Sects (ICSTS) against the St. Peters- During this time CARP, busy with burg had refused to register the local ed by the Russian state. During this burg branch of the Collegiate Associ- Unification Principle studies and char- branch of the Unification Church and entire court case the St. Petersburg ation for the Research of Principles itable activities, experienced many also accused CARP of violating its char- anti-sect group continued to receive (CARP). The ICSTS withdrew its claims examples of the questionable applica- ter. The Justice Department of St. financial support from the Adminis- against CARP, a college student orga- tion of Russian law. In 1995, about Petersburg was later ordered by a court tration of the City of St. Petersburg. nization founded by the Rev. Sun Myung twenty Tax Police officers, armed with to rescind its warning. The issue of money and the anti-sect Moon, who is also the founder of the automatic guns, expropriated all the During the past four years many group’s leadership style created con- Unification Church. organization’s documents from the publications referred to this court case troversy within the ICSTS itself. Call- Four years earlier, on the exact same CARP offices and conducted a search as evidence of the negative influence ing the style of its chairwoman, Mrs. date, July 21, 1995, the ICSTS launched of CARP members’ private of foreign missionaries. Later Ninel Russkikh, “totalitarian” during its suit demanding $3.3 million in com- belongings. After all this, the same sources ignored one of its meetings, the majority of The case provides a pensation for moral damage allegedly no tax violations were the fact that the anti-sect members finally left the ICSTS. Besides inflicted by CARP on the adult chil- found. vivid example of how ICSTS had withdrawn all financial issues, the break-up of the dren of the ICSTS’s members. The Since the anti-sect authorities can take its claims. ICSTS was due to its members’ real- amount of compensation they demand- ICSTS depicted CARP advantage of some The ICSTS case provides ization that it actually aggravates the ed gradually grew and reached $10 members as “brainwashed” a vivid example of how conflict between its members and their million. The ICSTS also demanded the and demanded their forced peopleÕs fear of new authorities can take advan- children who are members of new reli- liquidation of CARP, which they said psychiatric hospitalization religions tage of some people’s fear gious movements. “brainwashed” its members and for the treatment of “brain- of new religions. Its activi- At present the ICSTS’s chairwoman, destroyed their brain functions. The washing,” the CARP mem- ties ignore basic human Mrs. Russkikh, and her deputy, Mr. suit even made the absurd allegation bers who are the children of the lead- rights, namely freedom of conscience Babkin, have submitted to the court that CARP, and by implication, the ers of the ICSTS were compelled to and the inviolability of private life, and individual suits against CARP demand- Unification Church was, “responsible undergo a court-appointed psychiatric provokes inter-religious strife. The ing $0.8 million each, on the same for diluting the genetic pool of Russia.” examination. Psychiatric experts found ICSTS’s activities direct many com- basis of experiencing moral distress In addition the suit claimed that the them to be perfectly sane, recognizing plaints to various authorities demand- through their children’s membership organization prevented its members that any conflicts with their parents ing the liquidation of a number of reli- in CARP. A few months ago they had from fulfilling their social responsibil- had its roots in their families long before gious organizations and the prosecu- already sued the Unification Church ities as required under the Russian they ever became involved with CARP. tion of their leaders and members in with the same claims for $333,000 Constitution. So-called “brainwashing” theories were accordance with criminal law. Although each at Kuzminsky District Court of The absurdity of the allegations and once used by some groups in the US all examinations have proven the absence Moscow. The court declined their the juridical machinations were obvi- in an attempt to discredit new religious of any violations, the process of the demands, having found that their chil- ous from the beginning. Nevertheless, movements. Today, both the academ- investigations, accompanied by sup- dren had made their free choice of con- enjoying the support of the state organs ic community and the courts recog- portive media interviews of the anti- science according to the rights grant- and above all the Department of Jus- nize these theories to be groundless. sect activists, creates negative public- ed them by the Russian Constitution. tice of the City of St. Petersburg, the Referring to the above court case, ity for new religions in Russia. A similar outcome is expected for the anti-cult ICSTS prolonged the case the Justice Department of St. Peters- Such activities are widely support- current suit. ❖ using every possible pretext. Earthquake in Turkey

major earthquake devastated Western Turkey on AAugust 8, leaving thousands of people dead or badly injured. Around 20 million people are affected by this enormous disaster and hundreds of thousands are without homes, food, medicine A.R.M.E.C. Association for the and clothing. Research of Middle Eastern Cultures, Inc. e are calling upon your generosity and human solidarity to Abdel kader Mesbah Wjoin us in this humanitarian project to rescue the people of Founder & President Turkey from this natural disaster. 4 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036 lease send your donation by check or money order, payable Tel: (212) 391-7380 Pto A.R.M.E.C. (memo: Turkey relief). All the money collected Fax: (212) 997-1044 E-mail: during this campaign will be delivered to the Turkish Red [email protected] Crescent and other not-for profit organizations working in Turkey.

ARMEC is a 501 (C) (3) not-for-profit New York Thank you in advance for your support and solidarity with our Corporation. Contributions are tax fellow human Family in Turkey. Please call us for more deductible. information. August 1999 Unification News 11 Travelling With True Mother on the World Tour

by Peter Hyo-Yul Kim—Irvington, NY from above naturally comes, without the strongest and most famous women that her husband was a congressman fail. of their nations, they would go and see and that they had been chosen to pre- Rev. Kim spoke at East Garden at the In the Dominican Republic, when her. Although they may have had such sent flowers to True Mother after the conclusion of the world speaking tour. True Mother met with the nation’s pres- a feeling, as soon as they met Mother speech— but that her husband had not He had accompanied Mother to 32 nations, ident, who is divorced with two daugh- they all surrendered. The vice president yet arrived. She was so sad that she and these excerpts offer a unique pic- ters, she spoke of his being in the posi- of Uganda was one such person. was crying and crying. She really want- ture. tion of father to the nation and of the True Father’s presence was constantly ed to offer the flowers to True Mother verywhere we went with True nation’s need for a mother figure. She felt throughout the tour. When True together with her husband. Then, just Mother, I could see hope. asked him if he had heard about the Mother was connected to True Father two minutes before the end of the speech, True Parents’ course has blessing. Mother told the president to via audio and video, she was even stronger her husband arrived. He must have been a life of total indemni- let her know when he was ready and and even more spiritual power emanat- been running because he was catching ty in the wilderness on the she would find a good wife for him. ed from her. I could clear see the com- his breath. His wife then dried her eyes Efamily level. All the way to the end, True I thought Father was the one with plete oneness between True Father and and they went on-stage together and Parents have walked alone through a the most courage in the world. I can True Mother. No matter how many thou- presented the flowers to True Mother. long, dark tunnel and established a vic- testify how when we sands of miles apart they People are charmed by True Mother torious foundation. I think that is why, went to Pyong Yang are, they are truly one. This to that degree. Some do not know what as we traveled around the world in this in communist North is truly the example. it is, but they just feel they want to do year of 1999, I could see a clear light Korea, in the Great I think that is why True something with Mother, even shake at the end of the tunnel, which is hope Hall of the People’s Father told us to hold the hands. This is as a result of what I call for God, True Parents and all human- Congress, Father victory celebrations right in Mother’s heavenly dignity. ity. spoke clearly about the event auditoriums, with We are standing in the eye of a hur- Without a doubt, everyone who came God, Jesus and the VIPs and dignitaries in atten- ricane. We may not feel directly the to hear True Parents’ message was Lord of the Second dance. This kind of cele- vibration of the force or energy sur- moved and changed. Both lay and reli- Advent and recom- bration is very unusual for rounding us, because it is very quiet in gious people were inspired and in tears, mended to Kim Il them, so some were anx- the eye of a hurricane. It may even be particularly Christian leaders. It was Sung that he follow ious and skeptical about tranquil. But that does not mean there truly evidence of the work of the spirit Father. I truly thought the idea. The message True is no hurricane. There is. It is cleaning world that was mobilized centering on at that time we were Mother delivered is an all- up the mess of this fallen world now. Heung Jin Nim and Dae Mo Nim through- dead meat! [Father is embracing one. Whatever That is what True Parents have shown out this tour. laughing.] Father has religion people may have, the world through True Mother’s speak- As we know, many seers who lived such guts and they can only agree with ing tour this time. Otherwise, True in the past made predictions about this courage. Everywhere this message because it is Father and True Mother could have just particular time period. Nostradamus, he goes he deals only the message of true family sat down in a New York office and sent who lived about 450 years ago, pre- with God vertically. values: how to practice true this message to even more countries dicted that if humanity believes in the This time I found the love and build an ideal fam- via the Internet, maybe reaching more truth which will be brought by an enlight- same characteristic in True Mother. ily. It is a very profound, serious, emo- people than by Mother going around to ened one from the Orient, then they will Before reaching the president’s office, tional and spiritual message. Then sud- 80 different cities speaking personally, welcome the new millennium with peace he was so well protected we had to pass denly we would switch over to the very shedding tears and sweat every day like and prosperity. If not, he said that some- through two outer offices guarded by light-hearted cake cutting and singing. that. But this heavenly hurricane, the time in the year 1999 there will be a military personnel with handguns. But These two modes do not necessarily hurricane of truth, has to be carried universal-scale catastrophe which will after greeting the president briefly, Moth- blend together well, but we implemented out by True Parents themselves so that eliminate over half of the human pop- er challenged him in that amazing way. this direction of True Father’s in every everything can be cleaned up and a ulation. In Korea there is the book enti- Because of Mother’s boldness and country. And it worked. I was always direct engrafting process can take place. tled, “Who Is He?” The author, Nam Sa straightforwardness, as well as the heav- inspired when Father scooped up a piece Sometimes, in the moment when we Go, who lived almost at the same time enly dignity and integrity with which of cake and, saying he was sending it receive a precious blessing we may not as Nostradamus, made predictions about she presented this challenge to him, to Mother, asked her to open her mouth feel its value, but as time passes we who is going to come at this particular the president smiled and said that he and eat it. The guests all laughed, because come to realize the value more and more. time. He said the savior of all humankind would have to come to Korea next year. they had never experienced such a thing. We are standing right now in the eye of That kind of gesture, coupled with the hurricane, because this is the last will come to Korea. He will be born in State Occasion in Uganda North Korea, have his headquarters in Father’s natural manner, broke the ice. year of this millennium and this cen- Several countries took the opportu- Yongsan in the center of Seoul and have Then the guests would join in the cel- tury. As I mentioned, from God and nity to make Mother’s speech a state- a second marriage. He also said he will ebration with more open hearts. Even- True Parents’ point of view, this year of level event. In Uganda, East Africa, two go through incarceration. This savior tually, many of the VIPs would even 1999 is a crucial year in God’s provi- government ministers were waiting to will be called the true parent of stand up with us, clapping and singing dence for creating a showdown. I think welcome Mother at the airport. There humankind, and will give a marriage along. This is how the celebrations took we have to realize that, even though we were two performing arts groups—one blessing to millions of good young peo- place everywhere. may not always feel inspired, it is we a children’s choir and the other a choral ple in the world. His family name will I will conclude with one beautiful who are directing the force of this hur- group with instruments—who performed be Moon. This prediction stated that by story from when True Mother spoke in ricane. We have to move forward every right there outside the terminal. Moth- the year 2000 the world would have to Moldova. I was speaking with the pro- day. Thank you very much. er was very inspired because the little ❖ know about this savior. gram’s emcee when I noticed a woman Reprinted from Today’s World children performed so well, and par- Many people know something may crying in tears. The emcee explained ticularly because they were wearing happen this year, whether good or bad, uniforms with the WFWP logo. They and wonder how to prepare themselves. were dancing and singing in a tradi- People are trying to find an answer in tional African style. True Mother pre- vBJbjzGvBJ different ways, but I believe that truly sented them with $10,000 as a schol- righteous and vertically connected peo- Come Fly arship fund. ple came to Mother’s speech and were b According to a Ugandan newspaper, B inspired by her message. Some of those the World with four thousand people attended Moth- who attended the speech were in tears er’s speech. The vice president of Ugan- j even before Mother started speaking. J da sat next to Mother. She was so moved Others came forward after the speech GOGO WORLD,WORLD, INC. and charmed by True Mother that she and shared their joy and happiness. instantly fell in love with her. She fol- z True Parents have been creating mir- b Special fares to Chung Pyung and Jardim, Brazil lowed Mother everywhere afterwards acles in the hearts of people everywhere. and arranged a banquet for her. Also We have low rates for travelling to all of Asia We have to go and grab hold of them G the Minister of Agriculture, this is a j and complete that miracle. An unseen Let Go World guide your travel today! very powerful, strong and courageous force is at work everywhere. The spirit Your international AND MULTILINGUAL travel service! woman. Yet in front of Mother she was v world is ready to help us. As soon as like a child. z Japanese, Spanish, French, Filipino, Korean and English spoken. they see the proper condition set, they We saw this type of response to Moth- interceded and make something hap- New Yorker Hotel, Suite 522 • 481 - 8th Ave. er in many countries. So many strong B pen. I came to the realization again that, G New York, NY 10001 • fax (212) 629-3648 woman leaders came. Maybe they thought as the old saying goes, God helps those ☎ ☎ that as Dr. Moon was an internation- (212) 967-8080 (800) 327-3667 who help themselves. We have to set J ally eminent speaker and leader, and v e-mail: [email protected] the proper conditions; then the help also very beautiful, and as they were bjzGvBJb 12 Unification News August 1999

by Bill Selig—Rockville, MD rom June 7 to July 17, my family attended the 40-day My 40-Day Experience Ideal Family Education work- shop in Jardim, Brazil. We shopping, stop the newspapers and nized a nursery and a school! We also and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Father were members of the ninth mail, cut the grass, watch the house, had teams for cleaning, sports, youth established a condition to bring God Fgraduating class! Since the training take care of the dog, etc. Most impor- activities, photocopying, etc. We were to the Pantanal. That’s why we can call programs began last year in July, about tant, we prayed every day that we could tasked to build an ideal community it the Garden of Eden. 1,000 families have graduated. receive what True Parents wanted to centered on God! After 21 days of Hoon Dok Hae, I From Washington, D.C., the first give us in Jardim. Finally in May, we Father says there are three major would humbly have to say we suc- family to respond to Father’s direction bought the non-refundable plane tick- problem areas facing humanity: (1) ceeded greatly in accomplishing the was David and Vicki Phelps. They ets. We were committed. immorality, (2) starvation, and (3) envi- first goal. Through daily study, prayer, attended the first workshop in July Like most people, I had certain con- ronment. Father wants to resolve these and reading the Jardim and Sao Paulo 1998. The second was Bruce Williams cepts of what to expect. Even though issues on a community level and mul- Declarations, we gained a much deep- in early winter, 1999. We were part of we’d read various testimonies by Michael tiply a successful model throughout er understanding and appreciation of the third wave of families including Kiely, Jorg Heller, and others, still I the world. Heavenly Father, His nature and sit- Antonio and Kyoko Betancourt and thought we were going to a place like Donna volunteered to coordinate uation, as well as the depth and impli- Caroline Betancourt. This summer, 10 Camp Sunrise, a sort of rustic, by-the- room assignments and be a one-per- cations of the Principles of Creation. other families from D.C. traveled to lake resort. Nothing surprised me more son welcoming committee. I helped in In terms of spirit world, we read two Brazil. than to see the actual facilities. They the office by maintaining the data, as volumes of Father’s speeches on this We are very happy to have partici- are modern and first-class. Since we well as to transcribe various messages topic, along with Dr. Lee’s first and pated in this special providence. It arrived early in the summer, there were given by guest speakers. Our 11-year second books. The latter, on the crimes wasn’t easy. Like everyone, we faced only about 20 other Westerners. The old daughter, Hannah, was busy mak- of Lucifer, is especially powerful and the twin challenges: money and time. few adults and older children would ing new friends from around the world, revealing. I saw no angels at Jardim, When Vicki and David came back last sit around in a circle for Hoon Dok riding horses, attending art classes but like at other times in my life I could summer, the seed of the idea was placed Hae. Tyler Hendricks finished on the taught by Joe Willitt, and helping the see spirit world’s hand at work. For firmly in our minds to go—somehow. day we arrived, and Jackson and Kyoko Brazilian sisters in the candy store for example, when I’m busy at a confer- By Thanksgiving, we started a special Bowman assumed leadership of the some extra spending money. But the ence or campaign and need to talk to savings account (begging and borrow- Western group. foundation of all her activities, like someone, all of a sudden that person ing) and began to prepare in earnest. As more people arrived in the weeks ours, was Hoon Dok Hae. She attend- walks into the room. Or if I’m in a hurry We called several airline broker com- ahead, particularly when school vaca- ed four of the five sessions a day and and need to take the elevator, then panies as well as Go World for rates. tion began in late June, a huge num- basically participated as an adult. We bingo, the elevator door comes. You After Blessing ‘99 in February, we gath- ber of families arrived from America are very proud of her. feel everything is connecting for a high- ered more testimonies and informa- and Europe. As the numbers increased, Father said the daily curriculum er purpose and there is no such thing tion on visas, immunizations, etc. In the dynamics of administering to the should focus on three areas: (1) the as a coincidence. That’s the way it was April, we asked Go World what would needs of upwards of 500 Westerners Principle of Creation, (2) spirit world, in Jardim. Everything sort of flows be the best dates to travel in order to changed radically. We needed to orga- and (3) True Parents. The meaning of together in harmony. have the lowest airfares. Until then we nize. The permanent staff at Jardim is this training is to inherit Father’s vic- As True Parents’ vision for the pro- told our friends we were thinking of very small, so the workshop members tory at the family level. Families must ject is explained and we took pilgrim- going, but from that point, we were took responsibility, especially Kyoko be taught how to attend God and True ages to three holy places where True definitely going. We made to-do lists: Bowman and Keiko Breland, who orga- Parents. God wanted to educate Adam Parents shed blood, sweat, and tears, Space for Rent At HSA-UWC Building 4 W. 43 Street, New York, NY 10036

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leader. for Korean and Western national mes- qualified orthodonist in Jardim. He The food was siahs. A Korean elder explained Father’s took care of the problem. In fact it sort adequate. Nothing providence related to these locations. of turned into a blessing. We had to in Jardim fancy, very simple Then we sailed on to a very humble see him several times, so our trips fare that included backwater hotel that Parents use as a turned into father-daughter quality we couldn’t help but acknowledge, for rice, beans, and kim chee, along with jumping off site for their fishing excur- adventure times. We had to organize the umpteenth time, the genius and a meat entree and some side dish like sions. It was a spectacular boat ride. the transportation, speak Portuguese, heart of our True Parents. By that stan- lettuce or tomato. To supplement this We saw alligators, exotic wildlife, and and since we were in town anyway, we dard, the workshop was a total suc- diet we regularly went to the fruit stand birds, and even extinct volcanoes. On naturally had to sample the local ice cess. We also read a translation from owned by the local Brazilian church the return, the Brazilian boat crew cream and delicacies!! Korean of a newly published book of for fresh oranges, apples, mango or turned on the music and taught us On the 41st day, after a heartfelt prophecies, Who is He?, which boldly papaya. The candy store had every- the samba! There we were in the mid- good-bye from our very special broth- and definitively identifies True Father thing else—soda, candy, chips, ice dle of nowhere dancing the samba with ers and sisters, we traveled to Campo as the Messiah. cream as well as rubber boots, tooth- Nora Spurgin, Jackson Bowman, and Grande for the flight to Sao Paulo. The One of the bonuses of going to Jardim paste, souvenirs, detergent, etc. So Peter and Phyllis Kim. What a sight! difference in atmosphere quickly became is receiving a family matching, like the between the regular meal, the fruit What we did for the community ser- apparent. On the counter in the candy sisterhood ceremonies, but with a fam- stand, and the candy NEW FUTURE PHOTO store were several adult ily from Korea or Japan. We were store, our bellies were magazines with nude matched with a beautiful family from filled. women on the covers. Japan. The accommodations I felt so sad to see On July 11, True Parents came to were fine. At first our Satan’s unprincipled Jardim for a visit. It was a glorious family had a small room version of civilization day, just one week before we were to with several bunk beds, after the purity of leave. Members lined the road leading a bathroom, and an Jardim. I stretched my to True Parents’ small house and wel- AC/heater. Then more sweatshirt across the comed them upon their arrival about families started arriving counter to cover it up 9 a.m. While True Parents received and it was time to expe- so Hannah wouldn’t reports, and perhaps rested from their rience communal life. have to see this cultural journey, we went back to Hoon Dok Zagery and Fumi Oliver trash. When we land- Hae. In the early afternoon we were all moved in, and soon we ed in Sao Paulo airport, suddenly called to have pictures taken were joined by Tom and in the departure lounge, with True Parents. It was explained Edy Iverson and their we met a group of Kore- that more than one photo could be son, David. It was crowd- an and Japanese fam- taken: as a family, with your matched ed but we managed. ilies who had left Jardim family, and another if three genera- Eventually, the flood of a little earlier than us. tions of one family were attending members and the week- It was like a home town together. We have an amazing photo end workshops (the reunion. It was so good of True Parents with our matched fam- Brazilian brings 200 to to see them even though ily, a second one with Hannah, and— 500 guests every week- only two days had amazingly—a third with just our cou- end!) brought a drastic passed. ple! change. Almost all of the We returned to About 3:30 or 4 p.m., True Father 40-day participants Washington with a revi- came to the temple and spoke to us moved into big dormito- talized spirit and deter- for about three or four hours on mind- ries, quickly converted mination to spread the body unity, his vision for the Americ- from classrooms. Now message, particularly as, and spent a long time speaking we really had the com- about Jardim. Father directly to the Japanese. At the end, munal life Father is so wants everyone to attend we sang Um Maya while Father danced fond of: brothers and sisters dorms True Parents with the Seligs in Jardim the 40-day training. It is essential for in the aisle. Hannah, Donna, and I with 40-some people in each. Amaz- registration into the Kingdom of God. raced over. As he passed us, Father ingly, this worked too. Inconveniences The next day back, I bought a fish- gave me one of those famous love that might be bothersome in normal vice period was very flexible, depend- ing license and headed for the near- whacks in the ribs—a badge of honor life mattered not at all in Jardim. ing on what needed to be done at that est lake. So far, so good. I will wear with distinction. True Par- The Hoon Dok Hae was very inter- time and on someone’s particular skills. Bill and Donna Selig were blessed ents left shortly afterwards for Salo- esting. At first it was difficult to keep Antonio Betancourt gave Spanish at Madison Square Garden in 1982. bra. focused. The lifestyle and schedule lessons in the school. Donna’s time on They live in Rockville, Maryland, with Regarding our training program, I were too different, but after a while I the administrative staff went toward their daughter, Hannah. ❖ would also add a fourth goal about stopped thinking about the mortgage her service. A brother from Germany, family unity. The program is designed and how indispensable I seemingly was Wolf Osterheld, and I were chosen for to bring Heaven’s blessings at the fam- (not) to the Providence, and just buck- more physical work. Each day we POSITIONS AVAILABLE ily level. As the Chung Pyung Provi- led down. Gradually, Father’s words teamed up with Mr. Watanabe, a short, dence was for the individual’s growth, began to make more sense. Whenev- powerfully built 1800 couple. We filled Jardim is for the family unit. Living er my mind drifted, a bell seemed to pot holes, cut down trees, whacked DRIVER together for 40 days naturally brought sound, I just knew that I was spacing weeds, picked up trash. I enjoyed doing New York Fish House needs out a lot of feelings in each of us. But out. Each time I had to make a deci- this work. In the end, I lost 10 pounds it seemed clear that everyone was deal- sion: “Bill, you’re distracted. Choose. and felt very healthy. courteous delivery representatives. ing with the same issues of growth and Space out or focus. Choose. Now!” Pret- The meditation period was a great Ideal candidates have experience development. It didn’t matter what lan- ty soon I had trained myself (with the surprise. There are several fishing driving in the New York guage you spoke or what title was print- help of a supportive spirit world and places. The farm is located where two metropolitan area, a good driving ed on your business card. When it my loyal ancestors) to be here now, rivers converge, and both rivers are came push to shove, we were all one and learn from Father’s words and within walking distance and filled with record and can pay attention to family. Many a day I would see an early training course. fish (very clever, elusive fish). There is details. CDL is not required. member of the movement taking out Besides the 21 days of Hoon Dok also a man-made pond that was “said” Good pay and benefits. garbage or mopping the floor. We were Hae, there were 13 days of communi- to be stocked. We tried all three places. all families working together to build ty service, three days of pilgrimages, On the river there are two prime loca- the ideal community, and in a family, and three days of fishing. The pil- tions: Mother’s fishing place and Father’s. FISH CUTTER everyone has to carry his share. grimages were extremely interesting. Both are magnificent and beautiful. Full-time position in New York Aggressions and nationalism were We visited Salobra about three hours The images are indelibly burned in my taken out on the soccer field. The first Fish House. Experienced only. away. There’s a hotel owned by the memory. Donna expectantly casting Good pay and benefits. couple of Sundays we were soundly movement, where we had an excellent her line; Hannah, armed with a net, trounced by the Japanese and the Kore- lunch. We visited Parents’ home and targeting the minnow population; I, an teams. I played the first game by heard a very moving explanation of the down the stream, just quietly groov- trading off with an 11-year-old boy conditions Father set for the 3.6 mil- ing on Heavenly Father’s magic. It was from Ohio. Otherwise, the average age lion and 240 million couples Bless- postcard picturesque. If the purpose of our team was probably about 45! ings. Afterwards, we went fishing on was to think about God and the cre- Apply at That all changed when the Europeans an incredibly beautiful river. ation, again, Father in all his genius, 32-34 Papetti Plaza arrived and the older second genera- The second pilgrimage was an eight- chose the perfect hobby. Elizabeth, NJ. tion. We had so many players we cre- hour boat ride up the Paraguay River During our stay, Hannah had prob- ated a second Western team. I was rel- along the Brazil-Paraguay border past lems with her braces. I was afraid of Call 908-351-1400 x 115 egated to lines man and backup cheer- the site of last year’s 40-day workshop this, but fortunately there is a very 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 14 Unification News August 1999 The Pure Love Lady in the Netherlands by Marian van Hofslot ing very loudly—sort of street-preach- signing. week with their parents’ permission. —Tilburg, Netherlands ing—about what we were doing and This was just the beginning. One Aisha is from an Islamic family and very shortly after that, young people week later in Nijmegen, 200 young peo- Wendy is from a Roman Catholic fam- ith all the inspiration began stopping. I spoke to them, ple signed the pledge. The following ily. They are so enthusiastic. They walk I received recently, I explained, and asked them to read the Saturday, June 19, in Breda, another faster than I do, and send every teenag- thought up a plan to Pure Love Pledge out loud. If they agreed, 233 inspiring young people signed, and er they meet to me. Our 12-year-old start reaching out in I asked them to sign, gave them a book- on June 26, in Tilburg, 236 signed! son Thijs is helping and he is learning my hometown. My let and a cup of holy juice, which they After working three times with a team so much. mainW focus of course is firmly to estab- then drank. I apologized to them (with in Tilburg, Nijmegen and Breda, the Teenagers are getting to know me lish a Pure Love Education system. I a clear voice): “I’m very sorry that now. Several times already they have translated Teri Lester’s booklet about our generation and the ones before called to me on the street. Then they Healthy Love—a nice, clear, healthy, us made such a mess of the world. smile and wave: “Hello, Pure Love colorful and small booklet. On the back I promise that I will visit your lady!” I wave back. is the Pure Love Pledge and our address school, and that I will do anything Once I have a certain number of and phone number. With a laser print- to change this town so that you signatures from Tilburg, I am going er I can make one booklet for 25 cents. beautiful, pure young people and to the schools and churches to show I sell them to adults for a dollar, so I your children can grow up in a them what wonderful young people can give them for free to the young peo- Pure Love Town. I wish you all the we have in our town, and ask, demand ple. I’ve sent the booklet to all ele- best and protection for these com- and beg them to help in the name of mentary and high schools and includ- ing years.” God. ed a short letter to invite us to their Some parents were present with Most important: this works. The schools. The letter requests them to their children, and they were very young people are very open to this answer us before September. proud that their children signed. approach and they feel good that On Saturday, June 5, I went down- The young people were very inspired someone is talking to them about this town with three other members. We and happy. They understood very subject. They long for a better world took booklets, forms with the pledge well what it was all about and and want to help and be part of it. written at the top and with space for agreed with everything. couples living in those cities will con- Indeed, a new time is coming. I never a person’s name, age, gender and the In the evening I went house to house tinue by themselves. thought this could happen, and I deeply name of their school, and a box of holy in my neighborhood with the same rib- For the past two weeks I have been believe that the young people are for juice cups (soon we will have candy bon, booklets and holy juice. When going from house to house in my home our Heavenly Father and True Parents again). Across my chest I was wearing they agreed, and had teenagers at home, town on Mondays, Wednesdays and from now on. It is so inspiring and, a yellow ribbon with Pure Love written they invited me in, and together with Fridays to sell the booklet. Any teenag- needless to say, I feel Heavenly Father on the front and back. Most of the their parents around the table we would er who walks in front of me or who is and the spirit world have prepared this adults (about eight out of ten) we spoke say the Pure Love Pledge and drink at home when I come, reads the pledge— all the way. with, agreed with the campaign and holy juice. Then I would give my apol- and many sign. I hope all of you can find the inspi- bought a booklet. ogy to the teenagers. Again, the par- Heavenly Father has also sent me ration to reach out to God’s youngest I stood a whiteboard next to me ents were very proud. That first Sat- some help. Two teenage girls are help- children. inscribed with the words “Only for the urday’s effort resulted in 88 teenagers ing me house to house three times a Reprinted from Today’s World ❖ Young People in Tilburg.” I began speak-

by Dan Fefferman—Washington, DC State of Maryland Sued for he International Coalition for Religious Freedom (ICRF) and several other plaintiffs Religious Discrimination filed a federal suit against the State of Maryland today Named as defendants in the suit are in • “investigating the religious beliefs “The State of Maryland is looking for a forT infringing on First Amendment guar- the State of Maryland, the Board of and practices of targeted religious ‘cultist’ under every college dormitory antees of religious freedom. The suit Regents of the University System of minorities” • “ mandating preferences bed.” seeks to stop the state’s “unconstitu- Maryland, Governor Parris Glenden- for some religions over other religions” Rev. Susan Taylor, President of the tional investigation” through its Task ing, and task force chairman William • “chilling the rights of adherents to Founding Church of Scientology of Force to Study the Effects of Cult Activ- Wood. certain religions to the practice of their Washington, DC, added, “Actions like ities on Public Senior Higher Educa- The defendants stand accused of faith” this Task Force occur when govern- tion Institutions. several charges, including: • Violating The Task Force was set up as a result ment officials fall victim to the propa- “The Unites States has correctly crit- the Establishment and Free Exercise of the state legislature’s passing House ganda of religious bigots.” icized European states for scrutinizing Clauses of the First Amendment • Vio- Joint Resolution 22 last year. Feffer- Plaintiffs in the case include ICRF, smaller and newer religions through lating Article 36 of the Declaration of man denounced the Task Force as “reli- religious freedom advocate Nicholas government commissions such as this Rights of the Maryland Constitution • gious McCarthyism. This is the 90s Miller of the Council on Religious Free- one,” said ICRF executive director Dan Causing the US to violate the UN’s Uni- version of the 50s’ Red Scare,” he said. dom, humanities professor Lloyd Eby Fefferman. “The state of Maryland is versal Declaration of Human Rights of the University of Maryland’s Uni- engaging in a witch hunt by carrying and the International Covenant of Civil versity College, and several other Mary- out a biased inquisition into new reli- and Political Rights. land residents who are either students, gions.” “These two United Nations instru- Health, Nutrition parents of students, or employees of ments require nondiscrimination, & Weight Control the Maryland University System. equality before the law, and equal More information on the Task Force Supporting Mind/Body Unity protection of the law for all religions is available through ICRF’s web page and beliefs, including those which • Health: products for targeted health at . A copy are newly established, non-tradi- problems—for men and women of today’s complaint filed in the Mary- tional, and/or originating or based • Nutrition: high in vitamins, minerals, land District Court is available on in other countries,” says a 19-page essential fatty acids, trace elements, request. The International Coalition for complaint filed in Maryland District fiber, herbs & easily digestible protein Religious Freedom is non-profit, non- Court today. • Weight control: for weight loss or sectarian, educational organization The complaint asks the Court for weight gain—increase metabolism, dedicated to defending the religious a declaration that the legislative act increase energy, decrease appetite, lose freedom of all, regardless of creed, gen- creating the Task Force and the actions 10-20 lbs. plus per month. der or ethnic origin. ICRF acknowl- of the Task Force itself are uncon- Visit our website at edges with gratitude that, at the cur- stitutional. It also seeks preliminary www.lbsoff.com (ID#3192) rent time, it receives the bulk of its and permanent injunctions from fur- Highest Quality, Safe, Natural, funding from institutions and individ- ther implementation of the Task Effective, Contact Us Today! uals related to the Unification Church Force’s legislative mandate. 1-800-242-0363, Ext. 2342 community. ❖ The complaint says the defendants John & Evelyne O’Connor have violated the Constitution by National Messiahs for Luxembourg “utilizing government funds, employ- email: [email protected] ADVERTISE IN THE ees, facilities and pronouncements” Home: (785) 234-3192 UNIFICATION NEWS August 1999 Unification News 15 Spiritual Life at Chung Pyung Workshop

by Michael Hentrich—Casper, WY etc., but this is not enough to explain was starting to get very concerned and An Su. Usually I would heed such a warn- what we saw in terms of mastery of Kore- thought maybe I would need to go to a ing or threat, so I considered whether or realize that some people may be an language. hospital or something. Then a very clear not I should leave the room. Then, in the tired of seeing Chung Pyung Work- Personally, I’m sure that I could have and ethereal-feeling personality came to end, I stayed and finished the An Su ses- shop testimonies after all these years, pushed myself more at Chung Pyung, as me (I didn’t actually see any spirits dur- sion. Nothing happened, and this left me but for those of you who aren’t…. a general rule, but then I would always ing this time.) and gently and warmly suspicious. After that, I was amazed by feel compelled to say that. I did push my instructed me in precisely what I should one thing. I no longer needed to take a IOur family of four just returned from limitations a lot. I eventually got the do in this situation. It clearly said to me, break every 50 feet going up the hills. In a 10-day workshop in Chung Pyung Lake. famous Chung Pyung phlegm and sore “Cover yourself up, and lay first on your fact, I shocked my wife by walking all the Our children are 13 and 15 years old. I throat, but at that point I started to have left side and then switch to your right way from the top building to the first tree was so grateful that the kids were able some spiritual experiences there. side.” It was clear as a bell and felt very with no stops. Then, I walked all the way to digest that experience. My hope in The first was when we were walking personal and intimate. As I followed these from the Water of Life to the half-way going to Chung Pyung was to experience out of Dae Mo Nim’s prayer room and a steps, my lungs cleared up and I could point on the way to the Tree of Blessing, something that would help my mission voice said to me very clearly, “She (your sleep. From this time on, the sickness where the trail turns sharply left, again, and my blessing. wife) is not Japanese. She’s Korean.” I gradually got better. It was very dramatic. without a stop. This was unbelievable. The first thing that struck us was the was so surprised and shocked. Mr. Lee Finally, I realized later in the work- Then, I walked the rest of the way up to nearly completed Chung Pyung Temple. had just explained that many Japanese shop that I and my ancestors had hurt the Tree of Blessing. It seems that my It is a breathtaking marble construction suffered from the resentment of Korean people many times heartistically, espe- heart was being choked by some resent- worthy of being True Parents home and comfort women. I immediately could see cially my mother, wife and grandmoth- ful spirit, and probably for justifiable rea- Training Center overlooking the lake. it in my wife. That explained to me why er, etc., women in general. I did An Su sons. But, as Dae Mo Nim said to us, it is she had continually attacked me for any from this perspective and tried to liber- Those who have worked with me and already probably too small for the antic- or no reason since early on in our fam- ate resentful spirits in the area of the know me personally know that I am not ipated throngs to come. A hospital is also ily life. Before that time, she was happy heart, as instructed by Dae Mo Nim. a person who normally has such a flow on the drawing board, in addition to two and sweet. But, at one point, when she Something very unexpected happened. of spiritual experiences as this. But, in other new buildings currently under con- started to feel that I did not sincerely First of all, for years I had had no endurance the context of Chung Pyung, this is what struction there now. care about her in her pregnant condi- whatsoever, in terms of my physical heart. happened to me. In the end, I can’t say The next thing that overwhelmed us tion, and that I was being heartless, she When climbing the hills to the Holy Trees that I experienced anything that would was the number of Japanese and Kore- then changed into a very different per- at Chung Pyung, for example, I would directly impact my mission, unfortu- an members who were attending work- son from that time on. The Korean com- literally have to stop every 50 feet, like nately, but then our blessing experiences shops there. Weekends would see about fort woman scenario seemed to explain an old man. I am only 47. There was no and our mission experiences are hardly 2,000 guests roll through for an Ances- everything. Later, as we left the Tree of exception to this. I told my wife that I separate and distinct from each other. I tor Liberation Workshop, for example. Blessing, another voice said to me that thought maybe my arteries were not open would say they are very much related. This happened three times when we were this was why Father picked a gentle-type and that these days many people my age So, we shall see. I would say to anyone there, actually, including a new mid- man for her. She had always resented were getting bypass surgery to open the considering their first trip to Chung Pyung, week workshop. From missionaries to my being somewhat gentle in nature, but arteries around their heart. But, when I go as soon as you can, but know that as businessmen in suits, all were new faces. then I understood that the resentful spir- entered the room to begin this An Su, a in all spiritual contexts, you will get out The next thing that was very hum- it was best served by such a husband. spirit warned or threatened me that I of it only to the measure that you put bling to me was the number of Japan- This, also, seemed to make sense. was going to die if I proceeded with this yourself into it. ❖ ese and Eastern European members who Another time, when I was most spoke fluent Korean. In fact, quite a few sick with this phlegm and cough, young Japanese members were attend- I was trying to sleep and found ing the Korean members’ 40-Day Work- that my lungs were filling up. I Need shop. I was speechless. Of course, I real- was wheezing and getting pretty ize that some people have Korean spous- concerned that maybe I was get- es or are working or studying in Korea, ting pneumonia or something. I Ancestor Liberation MONEY? by Hyoong Je & Nora Erpelding—St. unison prayer, she told her ances- Don’t we all. It’s time to make money! Cloud, MN tors to “Go, go to the workshop, you are liberated.” She sensed that, one ora and I are from Region & by one, they glowed and went up until Let’s pay our debts off!! and attended this ceremo- the last one, who took the time to ny in Chicago on April 22, touch our son Jaemi (who flinched— 1999. We started doing a he was sleeping at the time). N50-bows/day condition especially for Hudson River Inlay is doing 15 mall After these experiences, our fam- this event. While Nora was bowing, ily decided to keep doing this bow- she sensed her ancestors lining up ing condition for our ancestors. That locations for Xmas, selling a new proven and bowing together with her. Then night when we returned to St. Cloud, one night while I was doing my bows, my hometown, during my bowing product “Happy Feet”. I felt as if there was another person condition I saw True Parents stand- inside me, bowing together with me, ing together in white robes. Heung The potential money to be made is receiving True Parents. Jin Nim was next to Father and Dae Then during Mo Nim was $10,000 to even $20,000. the Chicago cer- next to Moth- emony, we both er as we bowed We have locations in the New York area, had deeply to them. I moving experi- looked behind Chicago, Detroit, Raleigh NC, ences as well. me and saw an While we were endless line of doing the uni- spirits waiting Washington DC, and San Francisco. son clapping in line to bow with the drum, through me to We will train you over a thousand receive True strong, each Parents. with the top salesman of Happy Feet. time we clapped True Par- I sensed a spir- ents mention it leaving each person there, being “ancestor’s bows” in the book enti- raised up. tled True Parents (originally part of Call Eric Erstling for details at While Nora was listening to Dae the 15 books in the Hoon Dok Hae Mo Nim’s speech, she sensed her series) which we received after Moth- 800-445-4996 ext. 384 ancestors sitting on her right side. A er’s recent speech: “So all come down few minutes later Dae Mo Nim said, from the spirit world and bow down” or email at [email protected] “Your ancestors are right here; they to True Parents, p. 186. ❖ are on your right side.” During the 16 Unification News August 1999 RELIGIOUS YOUTH SERVICE

by John Gehring—NYC heir are some problems that RYS Volunteers Clean up Hur individuals continually refuse to deal with. Their are also “Healing of El Sapo” and the efforts of difficult problems that gov- the ‘foreigners’ and the USA state rep- ernment and local commu- resentative Mark Anderson struck a nitiesT prove ineffective in providing responsive chord in the media. solutions. In Honduras, the second Friendship America’s projects were poorest nation in the America’s it is initiated by the RYS in Haiti in Jan- no different. The trauma of Hurricane uary of 1996. The RYS has sponsored Mitch which pounded the nation in six projects in the America’s which November are still visible yet more sub- have be designed to build cooperation tle are the emotional scars of that her between Roman Catholic and Protes- vicious attack has left on the people. tant Christian’s, provide support and The problems can seem overwhelm- cultural recognition towards the indige- ing. nous people’s of the America’s and The wrath of Hurricane Mitch cre- serve as a link to bring the people of ated enormous personal and collec- the America’s together in a web of tive problems for the people of Hon- friendly, cooperative relationships. duras and for its Central American The most recent project was the sec- neighbors. The storm pounded for five ond in Honduras and it clearly build merciless days wind driven rain which on the foundation of the work done in flooded every river in the mountain- the past. ous nation. In the wake of the storm Learning through experience and it was reported that 20,000 people were challenges: RYS provides participants either dead or missing. Most of the national priority. The citizens of the garbage piles grew into small hills. with a living education. We learn best nation’s bridges and infrastructure area waited for the government to Flood prevention efforts were stopped through experience and challenge and were destroyed or damaged, entire vil- respond to their difficulties but as time twice because of funding problems. In the RYS is all about experiencing and lages washed away, crop damage was passed, problems mounted, periodic time it became clear that most people challenging. It is about the challenges extensive, the wreckage of homes and flooding continued, roads literally dis- in the community had lost heart. It of picking up hills of garbage, alive with property monumental, and the popu- appeared, and garbage piles grew daily was at this point that the RYS arrived crawling creatures, it about adjusting lation lay in a state of shock. The nor- in size and stench. in the “El Sapo” community. to new food, languages and unusual The biblical injunction from the book RYS 6th Friendship America’s Pro- friends, it is about team building and

visioning and most of all it is about mally energetic and hopeful people of of Proverbs states that: “Hope deferred ject: In Honduras, on July 3-13, forty doing, doing those things you believe Honduras often stood on the sidelines makes the heart sick”. This is surely three volunteers from fourteen nations are good. as foreigners poured into the nation to a timeless wisdom. The community of joined RYS in its 6th Friendship Amer- Living together in an international initiated emergency aid and begin the “El Sapo” while waiting for the things ica’s project as a public response of community with people from all tradi- reconstruction of the nation. that were promised, began to lose hope, support for the citizens of Honduras. tions provides numerous challenges Honduras was faced with a huge and the heart of the people suffered. Under the guidance of the nation’s min- and opportunities. Challenges are a array of major emergency projects. As the periodic flooding continued, ister of social projects, (FHSP) the RYS part of the RYS, challenging oneself to From the long list of was presented with the reach out to others, to work harder critically needed pro- challenge of cleaning and then you believed you could, to con- jects the most des- protecting a communi- tribute to building things, to making perately needed were ty that for the past two relationships and becoming a person often targeted as first decades has suffered who can make a real difference. priority will many of from flooding and neglect. For those participants coming from the less critical or The volunteers took on the USA, the challenges that arise in ‘smaller’ problems the challenge and spent a much ‘poorer’ nation are vast and were ignored. Tegu- a week working on con- varied. For many, they are seeing for cigalpa, the nation’s structing walls for flood the first time the human cost of pover- capital lost all its prevention, they designed ty’s heavy hand. Coming face to face, bridges and many and built bins for col- looking into the eye’s of a street child roads which required lecting garbage, and shov- asking to eat off your used chicken immediate action. eled, picked up and bones, running into a communities While high priority loaded nearly a thou- general ignorance of basic health stan- projects were under- sand bags of often ver- dards, seeing lives wasted through way, other projects min infested garbage. indifference, corruption, and apathy were forced to wait. The work in the “El Sapo” provides a vastly different point of ref- The small communi- area of the capital city erence then the suburban shopping ty of “El Sapo” was of Tegucigalpa was called mall. These challenges can be con- not considered a high by the media as the fronting and they often lead to per- August 1999 Unification News 17 RELIGIOUS YOUTH SERVICE rricane’s Wounds in Honduras

sonal reflection and a self- judgment. cult nature of the work. Every Each RYS project concludes with a time person left with a real sense given for reflection. It is usually at this of accomplishment. This time that participants get a chance to sense of accomplishment ask themselves such important ques- was magnified by the extent tions as: ‘What really is important in of the national media cov- life?, “What is truly valuable and worth erage that the RYS received living for” and “What can I do to make in the television, radio and a positive difference in this world? RYS press. works to help participants to see the A moving climax of the problems and the solutions using their work effort came when the faith as an essential resource. mayor of Tegucigalpa Dr. RYS encourages those involved to Vilma de Castellanos per- serve but also to search. Young peo- sonally thanked each par- ple, often wrestle trying to design a per- ticipant for the service they sonal vision for their life. In a rush to gave. The mayor promised achieve ‘something’ many get trapped that the city would build into doing things that have little or no additional garbage bins and real value. The RYS helps point par- work to see that the El Sapo ticipants to a direction in life that has area remained clean. Dr. de real and lasting meaning and value. Castellanos warm support Second Generation challenged to live and the cities desire to build for the sake of others: In the Honduras on the efforts of RYS was a project, a dozen Unifi- was in part a result In its positive coverage of the RYS, cation 2nd generation of the interest RYS television, newspaper and radio anchors youth took part. They stimulated in the saw lessons to be learned concerning invested themselves and media a month the true spirit of volunteerism, of com- had an opportunity to before when the munity responsibility and self-reliance. practice the ideals of President of the Con- In a real sense, the RYS provided a unity, friendship, ser- gress invited RYS model for the people of Honduras and vice and true love that director, John also a challenge to take on the prob- is such a significant part Gehring to address lems of making a new beginning in the of their faith. They accept- the national youth aftermath of hurricane Mitch. ed the challenges that representatives at a Future plans for Friendship Ameri- came before them, digest- special gathering at ca’s projects: The RYS is planning to ed them and came out the Congress Build- build on its existing foundation in the the better for it. Among ing. When the RYS America’s through having a project in the 2nd generation, Director spoke of Nicaragua in the spring of 2,000 and Daniel and Jini Bessell international youth then having a larger program around served as a fine exam- coming from four- July 1-14, 2000 in either Honduras or ple of a couple sacrific- teen nations and a Guatemala. The Nicaragua project will ing as a family for the US state represen- be largely designed to involve partici- sake of others. Travel- tative coming from pants from Nicaragua and its neigh- ing from Guatemala in Arizona to work in bors. The July project will be open to the troubled area of “El Sapo” the media participants from all nations. saw it as a good human interest story. The RYS is continual expanding its The media saw the RYS as a fine program agenda and is having an ever model of service but they also wanted increasing impact on society. We are to use the RYS as a way to stimulate still largely dependent on yours and Honduran’s to believe in themselves other donors contributions. Please feel and to encourage the people to take free to invest in the future through more responsibility for their nation’s making a tax deductible donation to problems. The newspapers enjoyed the RYS. pointed out that Arizona State Repre- For more information on the RYS’s sentative Mark Anderson was working upcoming projects please visit us at hard with his daughter cleaning “El www.rys.net or email our office at Sapo” while the typical Honduran politi- [email protected]. A letter will reach cian’s only talked about the problems us at: 4 West 43rd St. NY, NY 10036.❖ while speaking at a fancy luncheon.

a van with their brother Chung Hee visible affirmation that the efforts of and three other participants, they will- youth can make a difference. ingly stepped up to take on all kinds Media feast: RYS is a peace project, of challenges. To watch them work, it sees religious cooperation as a fun- plan, laugh and share together gave a damental element in the constructing bright hope to all the participants who of any true and lasting peace. It has are looking to build a marriage based often worked in the quiet corner’s of on love and service. the world, without the glare of public All the RYS participants in this pro- attention. Normally the RYS does its ject gave much to make it successful. service projects without having the tele- The measure of that investment could vision follow around on a daily basis be seen in how happy they were through- but in this project the RYS was nation- out the project despite the very diffi- al news on an almost daily basis. This 18 Unification News August 1999 Songs of Japan Recorded in UK

by George Robertson—London, UK Japan is never far away. Peter is Why is Japan special to you? “Well, a lot about the spirit world and I lent married to Yasuko. “She’s taught me maybe I should start from the begin- her Dr. Lees book, which she read and could make the shadows dis- a lot of things about relating with the ning. Japan is the Eve nation but what then left around so that the others appear”, recalled Peter Gra- Japanese, though I wouldn’t say she does this really mean? About four or could read it. I could tell her about the ham. “It was in the kitchen was a typical example. I do try to reflect five years ago, Japanese missionaries providence and she somehow under- at home, I was about sixteen a few Japanese sounds on this CD, were sent out all over the world. They stood. ‘As our relationship developed, or seventeen, and sometimes like the koto (an 8 open stringed instru- sacrificed a lot and they are still sac- she started to stop swearing and give I‘I would be sitting up all night playing ment) and of course, singing in Japan- rificing. Father said they were bring- up smoking, though I never mentioned the guitar. Then I would see some shad- ese. The main point is to be a bridge ing True Mother’s spirit to each coun- it. I would be sitting with them and ows just coming and I would make up between our cultures by expressing try, to start the Women’s Federation. when someone swore, she would turn a kind of gospel type song, although I things we have in common. An exam- I offered to help them with a speech around and say ‘Oh, sorry Peter’, then didn’t really know what I was doing, ple is ‘Mountains of Akita’, which is tour they were doing, using the band she’d say to others, ‘He’s like God, you and the shadows disappeared” about the power of mountains to move sound system. The first two to come know, you can’t swear around him, its Peter, whose grandfather was a us. They never change, always give to Britain also stayed in my house, so like swearing at God!” Somehow, the brigadier of the Sikh Pioneers Regi- strength, unlike people who are some- I was in a situation of being close to others more or less accepted this, ment, was born in Calcutta, India. His times up, sometimes down. This is the them. At the end of the tour, during because she was quite powerful. The family moved to England when he was same in some other places as well but the good-bye speeches, I had an expe- swearing actually stopped for a while. 4. He is still chasing the shadows away. for me, it was the Japanese mountains rience of re-birth, which was the Holy It crept back but it was never as bad After several years performing with the that brought on these Spirit and I as it was. I could do this job because Go World Brass Band (GWBB) and reflections. couldn’t stop the In the Go-world Brass Band, I learned ‘Original Mind’ in the UK, he contin- “By seeing through tears. I felt this how to play electric and bass guitars ues today a career and a mission as a an outsiders eyes, peo- as a life chang- and deal with the technical side, like performing singer song-songwriter. ple can get a different ing experience sound equipment, mixing, basic record- “From 1982-85, I was in the USA, view of themselves. One and that the ing and production. I have my own first with the IOWC, then pioneering lady had bought my CD spirit of True music ‘set’ that I can earn money with, in Lynchburg, Virginia, home of Jerry and was moved to write Mother, True Elvis, Beatles, rock, pop, soul etc. Since Falwell. I reached a point where I had to a Japanese maga- Eve, really does I have come back from Japan and have to make a decision about keeping my zine. She said that she come through recorded this CD, I am really trying to dreams of music, so I went up to the felt I had expressed Japan as repre- earn money with original music. I have Blue Ridge Mountains and prayed something about her sented by these set up my own publishing company, strongly, really needing to know Gods own country that she sisters. I want- ‘Original Mind Songs’, to handle roy- mind on this. The next day, a call came had forgotten but now ed to promote alties, which have yet to appear. I have from Washington asking us to prepare having remembered, them, through an internet site and the CD is placed a band for a religious freedom rally. she was richer for it. I cultural pro- on various other web sites as well, also Two days later, I was playing original sometimes get inter- grams. I felt in a couple of shops around London songs in front of the White House. This esting reactions after there was a sim- and Tokyo, including Tower Records seemed like a good answer to me, so I performing. I recently ilarity between in Piccadilly”. came back to England to continue the played the song ‘Iwate them and the Does Peter prepare himself for per- band mission. However, by then , there Omoiokoseba’ (I remem- early days of the formances like one hears stories about wasn’t a band to come back to, so I ber Iwate), which is Go-World Brass bands sitting together in their dress- worked in various church activities, about my wife’s home- Band. As if a cul- ing room in meditation? “It does help. including putting together a band for town, for a language Peter Graham tural revolution When we were with Original Mind, we the Berlin CARP Convention. In 1988, club in London. I sang had come round did some big performances. We would Heung Jin Nim was looking for music, it in English first and again. However, always pray before. It does create some so the band emerged again, as ‘Origi- then in Japanese. Some Japanese ladies the plans I made for this didn’t work energy, some power. It was especially nal Mind’. said to me afterwards that when I sang out, which was frustrating. Still, there good to do this in the more unusual “In 1978, I heard speeches from it in English it was quite nice, like a was no turning back from this new situations, such as in front of the Berlin Father about the music providence and country type song. But when they heard commitment, and a couple of years wall, or before appearing on Roman- the band mission. He said that no mat- it in Japanese, it was totally different. later, I went to Japan to pioneer as a ian national TV. “Now I have a new ter how long it takes, did we feel in our They started to miss Japan, even though singer/songwriter. So, God guided me group, which is myself and two Japan- hearts that we were connected to this they had never actually been to the in this way. A lot of people helped me ese singers. One has a Chinese hus- mission? I could put my hand up, area I was describing.” “That kind of and are still helping, for which I’m real- band, which is an interesting combi- because I absolutely was and still am, reaction shows me that Japan is reach- ly grateful. Especially my friends at the nation, and the other one used to be so that hasn’t changed. That line is able, not only ‘mysterious’ . There’s Sekai Nippo newspaper in Tokyo It’s Buddhist, quite idealistic. They both still the same, although the Providence often different ways of expressing the an excellent paper, by the way, every- sing very well and are professional. has gone through plenty of changes, same thing. Instead of a lot of words one should subscribe. If you can’t read They went to drama and music school especially to do with music and per- to express one feeling, a Japanese might Japanese, look at the pictures!” for three years, one in London and one forming arts. However, the need for use no words at all to express many Peter has been steering a course in Tokyo. They have been on TV and culture and creativity can only get feelings. However, they are still things through the changes in the Providence, extra in movies, including the last two stronger as time goes by. In any case, that everyone experiences. I sometimes and still working as a singer/song- James Bond films. We have started what has kept me in there and really relate a small incident in a song. It writer. How is he able to live finan- performing and they enjoy the music alive, is the song-writing and so I have might not be really special on the sur- cially? “I’ve recently finished an eight and feel committed to help.” got songs from all those different face, but has some feeling behind it. month contract performing five nights Do you have a name yet? moments. They are like a kind of diary As an example, the song ‘Iwate’ has a a week in a London West End night “World Express’. Kind of represent- for me” verse about being given a tomato by club.” ing me and Japan, together, singing What are these songs? “I think there an old lady in a small Japanese vil- What was that like? “The nightclub for the world. Well, that’s the way I are two kinds of songs that I make: lage. I was walking through the fields I was working in was one of the more look at it. Actually, I’ve connected with one is from ideals and hopes for the with my children and she offered them up-market ones. People would pay over quite a few Japanese/British friend- future and the other is impressions of to us in such a warm hearted, wel- £100 for a bottle of champagne. Some- ship and reconciliation groups, through places and people that have moved me coming way. I was moved by this and times the bill for one person was sev- this band and my music. It’s even more in some way. It’s often a lot to do with somehow built the song around it. eral thousand pounds. This included personal, as my grandfather fought the nature. I look at nature. One hobby of Some people say they like this part of hostess fees and it was very interest- Japanese in WW2 and hated them. mine is bird-watching. the song the best. Its a simple, pure ing to be in this environment. the host- Now, he has communicated from the Peter has recorded many of his songs. moment, captured and expressed. ess’s came from every kind of back- spirit world that he is 100% behind His most recent collection is ‘Tokyo Tokyo Time’ has several spiritual, ground. There were about twelve of my mother and myself working in this Time’. These songs were inspired dur- almost visionary songs. “There is some- them and some had a good standard, direction. My mother is a dedicated ing visits and tours he has made in times a bit of a surprise about anoth- with steady partners who they were Women’s Federation member by the Japan. Is he trying to reflect Japanese er track, ‘A Million Guitars’ I find this faithful to. Some were the opposite, of way, a lovely person. She’s been to a culture? is good because it gives an opportuni- course and the general atmosphere single blessing and lives with us which “Not really, because the feelings are ty to explain what it means. The title was pretty rough really, especially the is really helpful, as we have four little universal. They are universal but it means something impossible in a ‘nor- conversation, which was basically swear boys to take care of.” was being in Japan that could stimu- mal’ sense but which might one day words, with a few bits in between. How- Peter and Yasuka have recently late them. A main factors I guess is be possible in another world, the spir- ever, I started to build up relationships become National Messiahs to Palau, a being stimulated by new people and itual world. And its actually the emo- and one lady turned out to be very spir- small Pacific island about 400 miles impressions. Another is that Japan tions behind the guitars I’m talking itual. She even saw spirits in the club from the Philippines and 400 miles has been special to me for quite a while. about, not a million literal guitars.” and pointed them out to me. We talked see JAPAN on page 19 August 1999 Unification News 19 True Christmas: Songs by the Second Generation by Ken Hendricks them the Kosmic Kids International. ing the essence of our Creator has who is the proud daughter of Eric and Without a doubt, they joyfully sang their appeared. It is embodied in the search Tokiko Richardson presently living in new album, True Christmas hearts out. In all, over 40 children par- for true love, which can only come from Detroit, MI. God Is (reprise). There is , is a CD of newly composed ticipated in the project, which culmi- a true parent. How else could I portray something deeply spiritual going on in songs recorded and per- nated in a command performance at the enduring heart of God except in a David’s arrangement for this song, that formed by second-genera- the for True Parents song inspired by and written for my Roy and I reworked it a little into an tion children from the New last November 29, as part of the 39th daughter Sunmi? Do You instrumental version. Overall, we hope York/NewA Jersey area. It is now avail- True Children’s Day celebration. I have Remember? Sometimes you will enjoy it for a long, long time, able to the public. All songs were writ- listed each of their names in the cred- kids ask the darndest on any occasion, not just Christmas. ten by Ken Hendricks, who also pro- its on both the CD and cassette cov- things, like “Who made… Now, I would like to list Kosmic Kids duced the album. Further contribu- ers. whatever?” I have just International for you. tions were made by David Eaton (musical Song titles on the album one answer. “It must have Karlsun Allen, Sunmarie Allen, Cathe- arrangements), Roy Clark (recording include: Prelude. This is been God, cause… it lene Bell , Grace Burns, Joy Burns, and mastering) and Rod Cameron (art David Eaton’s per- wasn’t me.” Raymond Burns, SunKook Burns, Kari- and cover design). The theme of True sonalized version of Happy Good Year. This na Carmichael, Jamie Carroll, Jennifer Christmas is not just about Christmas. Deck the Halls and is the first Christmas song Carrol, Ariel Carvell, Jamie Christian, It is about giving, caring, dreaming, an excellent intro- I ever wrote (1979). It is Sara Christian, Tammy Christian, Amy hoping, loving, and…it is about True duction to the rest a bee-bop, feel-good tune Clark, Gerin Clark, Leon des Lauriers, Parents. A portion of the proceeds will of the album. with all of the traditional Naomi des Lauriers, Rene des Lauri- go for scholarships at Jin-A Child Care TP/TL. (True Par- images of Christmas. Hope- ers, Camarie Eaton, Miyoung Eaton, Center and for future second genera- ents/True Love) is fully, it is on its way to Mika Gagne, Benjamin Gilberg, Min- tion projects. CD’s and cassettes are the song we also had becoming a traditional clas- shin Gilberg, Gilchrist Goldstein, Hanali available from Ken Hendricks. (See order the pleasure of per- sic, to be performed by myri- Hendricks, Kanali Hendricks, Sunjo form.) forming for True ads of music lovers forever. Rock Hendricks, Sunmi Hendricks, Mimiko Originally conceived as a “project of Mother in Philadel- – A – Bye Abby (Abigail’s Lullaby) Liba, Mina Liba, Eri Nakashima, Mana love”, I wrote my first Christmas song phia during her nation- is a song of remembrance. It is that Nakashima, Karen Nishinaga, Keishuku in 1979. From that time on, I slowly al US Hoon Dok Hae quintessential lullaby of a time past Nishinaga, Koskei Nishinaga, Abigail continued composing Christmas relat- tour. TP/TL is upbeat, catchy and pow- when we all were young and vulnera- Richardson, Carlos Santelli, Diana San- ed songs, which I determined one day erful. But be careful! You may find your- ble, and every moment turned into an telli, Sylvia Santelli, Jessica Sattinger, to record. That glorious day arrived last self humming it, everywhere you go, all eternal memory. Rock-A-By-Abby fea- Christelle Tardy, Hyojeong Williams, July, when I met my Angel. (In the music the time. God Bless Everyone. is one of tures 12 year old Cathelene Bell. Cathe- Minjoe Williams, Nariko Williams, oyeon and film industries, an Angel is that many songs inspired by my children. lene does a wonderful job of bringing Williams, Sunghoo Zaccaro, Sungwon special person who helps you bring a It is a lesson on sensitivity to others, out the heart of Abby’s musical story. Zaccaro, and Yunmi Zaccaro. ❖ project to fruition financially.) After showing us the true meaning of Christ- This song was written for our fifth child, some discussion, the plan to record a mas. Its message: All men are Christmas album with our second-gen- brothers, and...God is love. Drink- eration children became reality. ing Holy Wine. was written in I immediately contacted David Eaton, 1979 while I was performing our own internationally renowned con- at the Down Home Inn in New ductor and composer for the New York York with the folk trio Nama. City Symphony (also guest conductor (Nama was Roy Clark, Robin with The Goldman Memorial Band also Wallbridge and myself.) Apart here in New York). David skillfully and from what the title may imply, tastfully arranged each song, and con- DHW is a family song, similar tributed Prelude to the album. Next I to TP/TL, expressing delight contacted Roy Clark , senior audio engi- and joy for one’s true family. neer for New York’s prestigious Man- Songs the Angels Sing. This hattan Center. Roy diligently and patient- was performed by Kosmic Kid’s ly recorded and mastered the album. International for True Parents Because of his work at the Manhattan on November 29, 1998. Its mes- Center, he has had the opportunity to sage: True Love is finally here. engineer for such great artists as Richard Jingle. Jingle. Jingle. is an orig- Bona, Phil Collins, Don Henley, David inal (True) Christmas song Bowie and Michael Brecker. Next, I con- about Santa and Rudolph and tacted Rod Cameron, photographer me. It is all about how Rudolph extraordinaire and graphic artist, who drove the sleigh into a tree, and designed the cover and artwork. Rod now Santa is making phone has been the artistic mastermind behind calls from my kitchen all the many of the UC related projects over time. Cross my heart and hope the years. to eat kimchee, this really hap- The fun part was auditioning the pened. Really. God Is. With the kids, ranging from 12 years down to coming new millennium, a more four years of age. On the album, we call natural approach to discover-

sion deeply enough. This mission is other stations offered to do the same as producing a newsletter to get a mail- JAPAN actually an amplification and exten- thing, in Shizuoka, Morioka and Akita. ing list going, developing the internet from page 18 sion of my life, of which music is an In Akita, the director was very inspired site and eventually, finding an agent integral part. In fact, my commitment by my song ‘Mountains of Akita’ and and distributor. north of Indonesia. “Palau used to be to being successful in music has became he said that it had a healing quality, I hope that through the songs, I can a Japanese colony and the old people much stronger because of it, because which is an interesting comment. He generate harmony and peace, in keep- still speak Japanese there. It was the I want to support the country and also asked me to compose a song about the ing with the spirit of the New Age. I also scene of one of the bloodiest battles of help the Japanese sisters from Kana- ‘Komachi shinkansen’, a beautiful look- hope that in reading this, someone can the Pacific war. Now it is one of the gawa who have been assigned there. ing high tech train that runs through feel encouragement in their life to be best diving places in the world, with It’s not easy to travel back and forth. the mountains. The Sekai Nippo Sun- true to their dreams, keep going and more fish species than any other coral With music, it’s possible to make money day paper did a full page feature, on a never give up. Thank you very much. reef. Because of this, tourism is very and at the same time be a positive force foreign composer finding spiritual roots The CD ‘Tokyo Time’ is available in important and luxury hotels are going in the world. So my immediate goal is in Japan. Also, I played a solo concert the Japan Centre and Tower Records, up”. It would be very good to get involved to make an economic base in Japan. for a large Buddhist group in Tokyo. Piccadilly, London. Also at the IB shoten with this but it needs a lot of resources.” I’ve just come back from five weeks They interviewed me and then printed UC bookshop in Shibuya, Tokyo. Or Does this new responsibility mean there, where I stayed with friends and a three page magazine article about it. by mail from Original Mind Songs, 171 a lessening of his music work? at hostels in various towns, contact- In London, several local papers have Park Lane, Wembley, Middlesex, HA9 “While at Chom Pyong, I did go ing the media. It wasn’t easy but even- published articles about this as well, 7SB, UK. CDs $15 or £11, cassettes through some soul searching about tually I was invited for a 30 minute live so as a beginning, it looks quite promis- $11 or £7 (inc. p & p) Previews are avail- this and realized that to think about interview on Kumamoto City FM radio, ing. I just have to build on it and try able at the web site, http://www.mind- giving up music, meant that I didn’t to talk about the CD. It went very well, to keep up the momentum. There are songs.com ❖ understand the National Messiah mis- the music was well received and three various follow-ups I’m planning, such 20 Unification News August 1999 TRUE PARENTS’ HISTORY FOR CHILDREN

by Linna Rapkins arrived at Chongpadong Church. (She he three years Holy Engagement had just turned 18 by the between 1957 Korean way of counting and 1960 were birthdays.) Her mother busy, indeed! Let walked in with her and they the papers print their lies. about it. Then the question formed in do that.” their minds, “Who will she be?” One day, Father went into one of sat down on the floor to wait for the LetT the parents complain. Let the peo- service to begin. ple sneer and mock. There was a great They looked around. Well, Teacher the rooms of the church where the older Moon is almost 40, so she will proba- ladies often gathered, about 40 of them. Throughout the service, Mrs. Hong feeling among the members after their stole glances at her daughter. “How 40 days in the countryside. They had bly be a woman who is in her thirties. He paced back and forth silently. No That way, she will be younger than he one said anything. grown up she looks today,” she thought. learned that, when they worked hard “She doesn’t look like just a girl any- and were persecuted, they received is, but not too young. This woman will “Has anyone received any messages be the mother of all of us, so she will from God about my bride?” he asked more.” energizing strength from Heavenly Everything in the church seemed Father. surely be someone who is respected finally. by everyone. Perhaps she will be one Oh, how each lady wished she could brighter that day. Mrs. Hong noticed There were even more 40 day con- other members looking at her daugh- ditions and the stories that the hard- of the young women from Ehwa Uni- answer with a yes. versity. Yes, that makes sense. Those Just then, a voice spoke softly, and ter. Most of them did not remember working members had to tell would fill Hak Ja Han’s visit four years earlier. a book. Always, Father traveled around ladies are well educated, intelligent, a bit timidly, “A thousand pardons. I and come from respected families. They have received something.” Then, Mrs. Hong saw something in his Jeep to visit his members and else. Moon Sonseng-nim was looking give them encouragement. More Everyone turned to look. Why, it was Mrs. Hong, the at her daughter, also. In fact, his eyes than once, he worked in the vil- were on her throughout most of his lages and made friends with the cook! She’s not one of the lead- ing prayer ladies. And, besides, speech that day. Mrs. Hong’s eyes farmers and fishermen. In many moved from Father to her daughter. towns, the Unification Church she’s too old to be his wife! Mrs. Hong had been receiv- Was she embarrassed? It was obvious gained new members. she knew Father was watching her, At the Chongpadong Church, ing a series of revelations, but she had told no one. The lat- but her face was serene. She looked things were buzzing with activ- as if she had been expecting this moment ity, day and night. There were est one was a dream, but it was such a vivid dream, it all her life and that there was some lectures and prayer meetings kind of silent communication going on and meals and discussion groups. seemed real. In this dream, a bird came between them. Many times the young women When the service was over, Father gathered to pray for the men down from heaven. Another bird flew up from the earth. walked over to the two of them, and who were out preaching. A choir gazed at Hak Ja Han for a long while. was begun. A library was cre- In the sky they flew together and became one. Then she Then Father turned to Mrs. Hong ated with donated books. Clubs and said, “Please bring your daughter for students and clubs for women noticed that the eyes of the bird from heaven looked just upstairs. I would like to speak with were established, and everyone her.” They followed him up the narrow was very busy. like Father’s eyes. And when she looked at the bird from stairs and into his little room. Mr. David S.C. Kim went to They were barely seated on the floor England to study and witness. earth, she was amazed to see that its face looked like her when he began asking her questions. Miss Young Oon Kim worked “What does your name mean?” every day to translate the Divine daughter, Hak Ja Han! When she woke up, she “Gentle crane,” she answered. Principle into English. She took “Where were you born?” a job as a typist at the Ameri- had felt so joyful that, with- out thinking of her dignity, “Pyung Yang province.” can military base where she He was born in that very same hoped to find someone who would she just jumped up and danced around the room. “At last! At province! help her get to America. One of “When were you born?” her spiritual children she found last! The world shall have true parents,” she sang. “We are “January 6, 1943.” there was Col. Bo Hi Pak. He He was born on January 6, also! was working as an aide-de-camp their children! We are their children!” (There is a saying in Korea that, if a for some American officers. husband and wife have the same birth- In January 1959, Father sent From that moment, she felt that her daughter was really day, they are already special people Young Oon Kim as the first mis- and their marriage is blessed by heav- sionary to the United States. Later in are dedicated to God, and some are her mother. Every day after that, she beautiful, as well. They are able to be not only bowed toward Father’s room, en.) 1959, Mr. David S.C. Kim moved to “What religion were your parents?” the United States and became the sec- leaders. but she bowed also in the direction of As they entered the year of 1960, her daughter back in Chun Chon. “Both were Christian.” ond missionary. And soon came Col. So were his. Bo Hi Pak, working for his government some older ladies who received mes- “Yes?” Father’s voice brought her sages from God came to Father. “We back to the present. “What did you “Do you read very much?” but using the opportunity to find mem- “I read about the lives of the saints bers in America. have received messages that your bride receive, Soon-Ae?” has arrived,” they said to him. Mrs. Hong looked a bit embarrassed. when I’m not studying for school.” The Bride is Found “Who is it?” he asked. Maybe she was wrong for speaking up. “Who is your family? How did you hear about Divine Principle? Have you In Korea, the Unification Church “We didn’t receive the name,” they But she stood up and bowed. “I have answered, “but it is clear she has received several revelations about my studied it? Do you pray? What do you continued to struggle and grow. Father pray about? What is the most impor- often talked with the members, some- arrived.” Father listened but said noth- daughter,” she said. ing. He was waiting for a clear sign The other women looked at each tant part of the Principle to you?” The times taking them to mountain tops questions kept coming. where he taught them more about the from God. other, puzzled. They didn’t remember In January, he announced to the any daughter. A few of them remem- Mrs. Hong watched her daughter. Divine Principle. During the three years She was so young and had not par- before 1960, he talked to them often members, “I have received that my bered a school girl visiting a few years engagement must take place by March earlier. That’s all. ticipated in Unification Church life very about the meaning of marriage. much. “Oh dear,” she thought, “maybe “The time is coming,” he said, “when 1, 1960. We will prepare everything “Who is your daughter?” asked Father, now. Heavenly Father will show me looking at her intently, seeming to peer I should have stayed at home and pre- I will be blessed by God in holy mar- pared her better.” riage, and this will be the most impor- before then who my bride will be.” He into her very soul. would not choose one himself. “Her name is Hak Ja Han,” she She was soon reassured, however. tant event in all the world. Then you Hak Ja Han continued to answer the will be blessed in marriage, too.” The time drew nearer. The clothing replied. “She is living with my broth- and decorations were almost ready. er in Chun Chon.” questions very well. Although the meet- This was always an interesting sub- ing went on for about nine hours, she ject. But where was the bride? Father paused only a moment before After awhile, one old woman went replying, “I would like to talk to her.” didn’t look uncomfortable at all. “It will be a heavenly marriage,” he Late that evening, Father ended the explained. “And will be a heavenly ban- to Father privately. “I believe I should That very day, a note was written choose the bride for you,” she said. and sent to Hak Ja Han: “You shall meeting. “Now I will get you a tutor,” quet. The bride and groom will be the he said. “And then we will meet again.” new Adam and Eve. They will be the He paused a moment. He never want- hereby prepare for a heavenly engage- true parents of all people. Then God’s ed to answer too hastily and risk miss- ment and forthcoming wedding.” It was The Bride Makes Herself Ready ing God’s voice. Was God speaking the first of February. side can grow strong; and Satan’s side It was soon arranged for Hak Ja Han through her? But he felt clear. “No,” will grow weaker and weaker.” The Bride Arrives to live with Mrs. Won Bok Choi in a lit- They listened carefully. His bride he answered, “I cannot allow you to would be their real mother. They thought choose someone for me. Only God can The next Sunday, the 17 year old see ENGAGEMENT on page 21 August 1999 Unification News 21 DIVINE PRINCIPLE STUDY WHY CHRIST CAME AND WHY HE MUST COME AGAIN

Volume 3 • Part 9 eternity. He has his own eternal unique- them indicated otherwise. Even his man, had pre-existed his birth. It means ness. own brothers, for example, failed to rec- that the Word, God’s ideal of the per- uch of Christian thought ognize his identity. And although the fected person, had pre-existed its expres- Same value as the cosmos has been devoted to the Apostle Paul did not meet Jesus dur- sion into human form. Jesus existed vexing problem of the Thirdly, Jesus once asserted that a ing his life-time, his proximity in time from the beginning, nut only in the Nature of Jesus. For cen- person’s life was more precious than to him and his disciples led him to write: sense that he was the fulfillment of the turies, his own question, the whole world. As the Principle of “For there is one God, and there is Word. M“Who do men say that I am?” (Mk. 8:27) Creation explains, each human being one mediator between God and man, Similarly, when the disciple Philip has been debated heatedly by both the- is a microcosm of the cosmos. His spir- the man Christ Jesus.” (1 Tim. 2:5) once asked Jesus to show him God, ologians and laymen alike. Was Jesus it encapsulates the elements of the spir- “For as by one man’s disobedience John reports that Jesus replied: really God Himself in a human body? it world, and his physical body those mane were made sinners, so by one “He who has seen me has seen the Was he only man? If the former, how of the physical world. For Divine Prin- man’s obedience many will be made Father: how can you say, ‘Show us the could God so limit Himself? If the lat- ciple, since each person encapsulates righteous.” (Rom. 5:19) Father?’ Do you not believe that I am ter, how did Jesus differ from other the cosmos, he has the same value as “For as by a man (Adam) came death, in the Father and the Father in me?” men? Did he exist before his birth? the cosmos. by a man )Jesus) has come also the (Jn. 14:9-10) What is his relationship to the Holy Thus understanding a true person’s resurrection of the dead.” (I Cor. 15:21) Again, such a passage has frequently Spirit? The Principle sheds light on value, let us address an issue that had Nevertheless, many Christians have been interpreted to mean that Jesus these age-old questions and clarifies bedeviled the Christian church for 2,000 traditionally believed that Jesus is God, was God Himself. Nevertheless, this is them. years: Is Jesus God himself, or is he the Creator. In support of their belief, not the case. As explained above, Jesus Divine Principle explains that Jesus simply a human being? these believers point to several pas- was a visible manifestation of the invis- is best understood by reference to God’s Divine Principle affirms Jesus is an sages from the New Testament, espe- ible God and is one with God in heart. original ideal for man. On several lev- example of a true person - a person cially from the Gospel of John. One of Therefore, one who has seen him has els a person who fulfills this ideal has who has fulfilled God’s original ideal the most common citations is the fourth seen the Father. As the person who special value and significance. for man. He was a visible expression gospels’ famous prologues: realized the original ideal of God for Firstly, with much of historic Chris- of the invisible God, a man of unique “In the beginning was the Word, and man, Jesus was simply the visible, tian theology, Divine principle affirms individuality and a person of cosmic the Word was with God, and the Word human expression of the invisible God. that every person is created as a child value. As we may imagine, his signif- was God. He was in the beginning with For many the belief that Jesus was of God. When a person matures accord- icance is thus hardly to be compared God; all things were made through him, God Himself is an expression of a gen- ing to the image of God within him, we with that of ordinary fallen man. Jesus and without him was not anything made eral tendency to deify our heroes. Recent- may think of him as embodying true was the man for others, the man who, that was made,” (Jn 1:1-3) ly, for example, Professor John Hick’s personhood; in Jesus’ words, he is “per- as Emerson put it, plowed his name Although it has been the practice of The Myth of God Incarnate, argued that fect as (the) heavenly Father is perfect.” into the history of the world. He was some to interpret the Word as referring the only way the early Christians could (Mt. 5:48) He becomes a person in a true man, and although all of us are to Jesus himself, it is thought by oth- express their adoration and devotion whom the spirit of God dwells, a visi- meant to be like him, none of us yet is. ers that the author of the fourth Gospel to Jesus was to make him the equiva- ble manifestation of the invisible God. God incarnate? did not necessarily intend it this way. lent of God. In this sense we may even say he becomes Historically, the concept of the Word, Asserting a similar point, the well- God’s body. The Principle does not simply deny or Logos, originates in the Greek mys- known scholar Dr. Joseph Campbell Secondly, since all human beings the conventional belief that Jesus is tical tradition. The author of the fourth has noted that not only in Christiani- resemble the universal aspects of God, God, because, as we have indicated, a Gospel adapted it to express his won ty has the original humanity of the we all share a common nature. How- true person is one with God, Howev- understanding of Jesus’ significance. founder been obscured, but in Bud- ever, each person also embodies unique er, Jesus was divine precisely because For Divine Principle, the Word or dhism, as well, “the biography of Gau- characteristics from God. No two peo- he was fully human. Logos, was God’s ideal for his creation. tama was turned into a supernatural ple are the same. Ultimately, a person None of Jesus’ contemporaries and That the Word was with God in the life.” ❖ who fulfills the ideal of perfection can disciples appeared to have thought he beginning does not mean Jesus, the never be duplicated, throughout all of was God Himself. The evidence before

stood up. Her red and yellow Korean student. SHE lead US?” ENGAGEMENT chogori seemed to be the centerpiece “She hasn’t even gone out witness- The Engagement Ceremony from page 20 of the room, and her face the center- ing or anything.” tle house near the church. Ever since piece of love. She sang a folk song—a When the engagement was announced “And her mother has been in the she had left Ehwa University. Mrs. Choi love song, really: for March 1 (by the lunar calendar), it church only four years! They are just had been a very close disciple of Father’s. When spring comes was like a big earthquake had hit. spiritual babies!” He relied on her for many things. Her mountains and fields, Almost everyone was shocked. Of course, Some of the women had hoped they heart was deep and she was just a love- valleys and river banks they had seen Father talking to this might be chosen, so it was hard now ly, lovely person. are decorated with azaleas. teenager, and they had thought she to be cheerful. Some were just plain Her job as tutor was to prepare this My mind, too, is blooming must be someone special—but WIFE? jealous. teenage girl to become the true moth- like the azaleas. “Impossible!” they gasped. “He’s 40; It seemed that March 1 came in a er of all the universe. Every day, they When you come and she’s only 18!” twinkling, but—miracle of miracles— spent long hours going over the Divine and pluck the flowers, “She’s too young to be our Mother. they were prepared. The decorations Principle. Mrs. Choi explained to her Don’t leave me alone; How can we bow down to her? How can see ENGAGEMENT on page 22 the importance of the heavenly bride, pluck mine, too. the importance of the True Mother and “Is she too bold for singing such a what she must be like and what she song to Moon Sonseng nim?” won- must do. dered Mrs. Choi uneasily. But Hak Ja To her amazement, Hak Ja Han Han seemed confident, and she appeared understood these things easily. Mrs. to enjoy singing. Father appeared to Sunshine Flowers Corp. Choi discovered that she had been pray- enjoy listening. ing and studying every day and had After the service, Father asked them already learned many of the answers. to come up to his room. He asked Hak She had kept herself pure. Even her Ja Han more questions about the Divine thoughts were pure. She had focused Principle and about herself. Then, hand- Toll Free: on her studies at school and on spiri- ing her a pad of paper, he asked her tual things. She loved God. She didn’t to draw a picture. talk very much, but she had a sense She skillfully drew a picture of hills about what was right, and then just and trees and mountains, with one per- son in it. Again Father looked pleased. 1-800-786-8062 did it. 1-800-786-8062 During this time of tutoring, Mrs. “Tomorrow morning, please come Choi attended meetings at the church. here again,” he said. One night, Father unexpectedly turned The next day, Father took her on a Full Service to her and said, “Hak Ja Han, please long walk. They went to the mountains sing for us.” together and talked all day. He asked Mrs. Choi felt tense. In the back of more questions. He explained things Fresh Flowers and Supplies the room, Mrs. Hong felt tense. Hak Ja to her about the Divine Principle and about his own life. She was a very good 22 Unification News August 1999

❁❂ Short Story❃❄

this quiet girl say on such an impor- down quietly. free spirit, he swayed to the music. ENGAGEMENT tant occasion? Perhaps she would be The members were touched by her Immediately, without any prompting, from page 21 so frightened she would not know what words. Some of the women began to Hak Ja Han got up and began sway- were beautiful and everything was clean to say or even break down in tears. cry. They saw that she really under- ing to the music, too. She looked so and bright. She stood up and looked at them stood her role—to be True Mother to natural, and she followed him perfect- Just a small group of Father’s clos- briefly. Lowering her eyes, she said sim- all people. They saw that she was will- ly, as if she had been dancing with him est followers attended this important ply, “I don’t have the kind of founda- ing to take responsibility for the posi- all her life. ceremony. Sun Myung Moon and Hak tion you have. I know that. But I am tion of all women. And even though she Again, everyone was amazed. Many Ja Han were dressed in beautiful new being asked to take this role, and I was younger than any of them, she was of them had been with their Teacher Korean clothes. Father said a long tear- promise you that all my life I will do willing to dedicate her life for them. for five years or more, but they knew ful prayer as he thanked Heavenly my very best. I pledge to do whatever There was special food for everyone they could never have been so confi- Father for preparing such a woman. I am asked. But,” she paused and then, and joyfully they shared. Enter- dent and natural. It was clear that God After his prayer, he explained to every- glanced around the room at these older tainment followed the meal, as Father Himself had taught her. one the meaning of the ceremony. more experienced members, “I need asked each one to sing. The heavens were singing a new song Turning then to Hak Ja Han, he said, your help. Without your support, I can- At one point, as one member was that night. ❖ “Please say a few words to everyone.” not fulfill this mission.” She bowed to singing, Father suddenly got up and Everyone leaned forward. What would them and bowed to Father, and she sat started dancing. Happily and with a August 1999 Unification News 23

by Dan Fernelius—Phoenix, AZ are being flushed away by a gen- eration which lavishes in luxu- hat is true freedom? ry while almost half of the rest True freedom is when TRUE FREEDOM of the world is starving, has no you are free inside your electricity or running water, and mind with your spirit A rich athlete living only for themselves tained and rotated to aid in times of emer- goes to bed fearing violence and war as connected to the love, will can die as a lonely, poor individual even gency, calamity or war. The preservation victims every night! This is the ugly real- andW hope of God. America is a land where when surrounded by a crowd of admir- and passing on of our civilization to our ity of the abuse of freedom and the uncon- our ancestors sought freedom, especial- ers. Admirers who only want to be part descendants is being constantly improved trolled inception of license. ly religious freedom. They sought free- of the action and only want a piece of the by modern technological innovations. The thing which causes freedom to dom from economic, political and social pie for themselves. This athlete had no Another important factor concerning degrade into license is a spiritual factor oppression—and most significantly from real friends and had trouble even being freedom is that it must be earned. True called sin. The force of love being more religious persecution. a friend to themselves. freedom is not really free! The more free- powerful than the force of principle caused When we are free, we are often thought However, a poor cripple living at home dom one obtains the more responsibili- the fall. Freedom did not cause the fall. of as free from enslavement or prison. in a loving family will die happy and rich ties one has. It takes time to develop License or the abuse of freedom helped Usually prison is thought of as external in relationships when mutual caring and honor and trust in relationships giving to cause the fall. So we can conclude that with walls and bars restricting freedom nurturing in existing relationships evolve freedom quality attributes. For example, America continuing on its present course of movement. However, sometimes prison in their fullest capacity. look at our development from birth. A will fall as did the Roman Empire. We is internal, and this type of prison does So what are the attributes of our free- baby is basically only free to eat, sleep, need to study and learn deeply from his- not need walls or bars because we help dom? Most essential is our spirit. With- use the provided diaper facilities and coo tory! create it with invisible walls and bars out it we would not even exist. Next is or cry: a somewhat limited freedom. In What kind of freedom is in our des- inside our own mind. We enclose our- another thing we all often take for grant- childhood and adolescence we look for tiny? There are many factors at play in selves in a prison of our mind limiting ed: air. Without air our existence would friends and want to be treated fairly. This the future quality of our freedom. Free- our will-power, our desire to understand, last only minutes on the earth. After that is when trust becomes important as we dom is determined and enhanced by the and our ability to initiate or respond to is water. We can only live several weeks seek out friends who will play fair with health of our economy, the quality of our acts of service or kindness. to months without replenishing our body’s us. As adults we then become legally, government, our physical age (child, adult Looking at another extreme, a pris- water supply. Water also is a symbol of morally and spiritually responsible for or senior), the weather conditions, our oner in the worst type of prison cell in the purity we should always strive for. the upbringing of our children. We seek attitudes, our educational level, our phi- shackles or undergoing torture is still Next is food. Even more importantly we schools, churches and organizations we losophy of life, our religious beliefs, our free to love God and connect in their inner- need a balance of nutrition to maintain can entrust to help us co-raise our chil- connections with the arts, and on and most mind with their spirit, despite their our health and serve God to our optimum dren. on. external suffering due to imprisonment. capacity. After that comes staples such God is the true author of our freedom. If we look at the history of freedom we Our minds focusing on our spiritual con- as clothing and shelter. These serve sev- Especially, God hand-picked America to can see that in the past freedom was nection to God can soar with our spirits eral purposes: one is protection from the be a showcase for freedom. However, mainly for the upper-class, rich, royalty to a place where God can easily relate to elements and more important is to pro- sadly, taking-things-for-granted and apa- or nobility. In the present, freedom has us, regardless of the harshness of our vide sanctuary to preserve our dignity, thy have enveloped our land. Individu- expanded with various degrees of suc- external conditions. God also experienced modesty and purity! alism, greed and the seeking of material cess to the common populace. In the eons of suffering after we fell away from Then come cultural acquirements which wealth have taken a front seat in many future, as we enter the space age and God’s plan in the Garden. In our intimate expand and deepen the quality of our Americans’ lives. The seeking of satis- explore the universe, will we take our moments with God our spirits can then freedom such as the expressions through faction and self-gratification through freedom with us to share, deepen and touch and taste their first true freedom. the modern arts and the conveniences drugs and free sex is breaking down Amer- expand, or will we continue to prolong In America we often take for granted and luxuries provided by modern tech- ica and destroying our families, society God’s plan for us and expand license and the freedom that our ancestors fought nology and science. This enhances and and especially our young people. Our inflicted pain to other worlds? The answer for with their lives. We established free- redefines our definition of freedom. freedom has become ugly and turned into is within us and up to us. Let us all pray dom of speech, freedom of assembly, free- Finally, the last stage is the preserv- license. America needs a wake-up call to God that we can search our hearts to dom of the press, and freedom of religion ing of freedom for our future generations. from God’s representatives in order to do God’s will and all earn the ultimate (and from a state-imposed religion as We need to store our surplus. This is a survive. true freedom in the ideal cosmos both in well). These were earned freedoms. How- very important concern. Emergency sup- So our cherished freedoms the pio- the physical world and in the spiritual ever, the most valuable true freedom plies and rations should always be main- neers worked and fought so hard to earn world. ❖ comes by the grace of God built on the foundation of our capacity to experience and share the true love of God. This true love of God can only be experienced in the nuclear family. The family is the true school of love: this is where all the aspects of love are to be learned. The cornerstone of the fam- ily is the parents. They are the progeni- tors of our race and as they age and become grandparents they represent God more fully. A family based on true love must encompass three generations: the grandparents who represent God (the past and all historical tradition), the par- ents who represent the present embod- iment of true love, and the children who are the future of true love. Through the relationships between three generations in the family (the grandparents, the par- ents and the children) we can encompass all the expanses and depths of the ulti- mate expressions of love. And where is God? God is right in the center co-loving and co-experiencing the co-joy with the family members helping, loving, caring for and sharing with each other. This is the ultimate goal of life and the purpose of God’s creation. As my means of living, I work with dis- abled special adults and they are basi- cally pretty happy most of the time despite their handicaps. Why? Because happi- ness is deeper than our physical capac- ities and the restrictions must help them to focus more on what they can do with their minds. And a mind is a very pow- erful tool when focused on the joy of liv- ing found when embracing a positive atti- tude nurtured by our love relationship with God. 24 Unification News August 1999 The Concept of “Self” in Confucian Thought

by D. Klemme—Barrytown, NY known writer on Confucian thought, used the term: Social animal). Accord- such a human being into a virtuous writes: ingly, every person is born with four person, was not as clear an issue as This is derived from a paper pre- “It is often said that the western con- beginnings, which do not encapsulate might seem. Great discussions and sented to Dr. D. Carlson Confucianism ception of self is “individualistic”, per- a concept of self as yet, but which arguments were centered on just how class at UTS. haps excessively so. But insofar as this together, if put in the western frame- one becomes such a person. ifferent cultural experi- refers to the obvious, namely the phys- work of thinking, may be called ‘pre- For example, in reaction to Ogyo ences have all produced ical discernibly of individual human self’, or ‘potential-self’: Sorai, the Confucian scholar Ishida conceptions of self. This beings and some rudimentary aware- • heart of compassion – leads to Jen Baigan founded the shingaku (mind- fact alone points to the ness that “I feel this and you don’t” • heart of righteousness – leads to discipline) movement. Sorai had chal- human quest to under- (and vice versa), it is hard to under- Yi lenged the idea of mind discipline as Dstand what exactly it is that we are. stand what all the fuzz is about. How • heart of propriety – leads to Li self-contradictory, because “The mind Each of the conceptions of self thus could people not be individualistic?” • heart of wisdom – leads to Chih is without form. It cannot be controlled produced can be seen not as simply The Maori of New Zealand, for exam- In this, Jen, Yi, Li and Chih, are the by itself…” Baigan disagreed, and found- different, but as different perspectives ple, have just a firm grasp of their indi- perfection of the virtues that exist in ed his school. For others, such as of the same reality. Since the human viduality as any westerner. But their the human heart from the beginning Kumazawa Banzan, the training ground self is by many understood to be more understanding of any action of any as potentials. A self as such would for the self was external, but must be than flesh and electrical impulses, per- individual member is almost completely develop out of these, and develop through found in the public life, rather than in haps the diversity of such conceptions embedded in one’s collective commu- practice of the corresponding virtues. any school. also points less to ignorance than to nity. Any individual offense is felt by Personality, in the Confucian percep- Another argument that emerged was the complexity of the human being. the whole community of which both tion, is an achieved state of moral excel- that of selfishness. Does Bushido, the But underlying the title of this paper the offender and the offended are a lence rather than a given human con- way of the warrior formed by the Con- is a fundamental and important philo- part, and the action can not be sepa- dition. However, such achieved per- fucian values of loyalty and submis- sophical question, which for some often rated from that context. sonality, or self, is not to be understood sion to one’s Lord, actually killed a as primarily an individual entity, as sense of individual self? On one hand, takes the misleading form: “Who am Self or No-Self I?” The question does not so much would be the tendency in western think- Inatomi Eijiro for example blames the The notion of self in Confucian aim at a request for a species, or at an ing. As with the Maori, the Confucian lack of a clear sense of individual self thought is very similar to what Ames answer that provides information concept of self also is deeply embed- among the Japanese on the long-reign- expresses in above quote, and about material realities. After all, ded within the family and society, and ing feudal system. In that tradition, to the understanding of self the answer “a human being”, it is only in that context that the self “Whenever one is taken into service to in our examples of the Maori. or “a living entity”, is very unsat- comes to be what it is. a Lord, he should serve the Lord with- Although it is by western- isfying. The question can mean: In Confucianism, we find that most out any consideration of his own self. ers often understood that ‘What am I to do?’ in a time of of its writings are dealing with this Even if one … is ordered to commit there is no self in Confu- crisis; or it can bring into process, namely, to develop the poten- harakiri, one should accept it.” In such cian thought, (because in question my personal envi- tial into actuality, and if one may spec- a framework, there of course exists a Confucianism one does ronment, in which I used ulate on reasons for such an under- self, but only an egoistic (ga) one. On talk of the concept of to exist and which now standing, one has to bear in mind the the other hand, some would argue that “no-self”) this concept may have come into background amidst which these ideas “the samurai obviously exhibited the may be misunder- question, such as in originated. kind of self-respect, self assertion, and stood when taken times of war. In such independence that formed the core of into western Self as a Potential for Selfishness instances, I am not modern individualism. The matter does paradigms of China, during the 6th century, had concerned so much not seem decided even in modern times. thinking. been for some time and was then in with what I am, lit- The Confucian sense of self is, as But what is great political and moral turmoil, and erally, but with what indicated, very different from that of really meant Confucius’ writings must be under- I should be. Such western understanding of the same by the idea of stood as arising within such circum- a deep soul issue. An interesting conversation, in “no self”, is stances. Confucius, therefore, was not searching might which these two frameworks met each this: “If one concerned with metaphysical specu- bring to mind other, took place in 1957 between had no self- lation on good and evil, or with fates existential Hisamatsu Shinichi, a well known Zen ish motives, of the beyond, or with the nature of “Angst”. Teacher, and Paul Tillich, the western but only the the human being “in itself”. He was In western theologian: supreme concerned primarily with human hap- thought the Hisamatsu: The self is the true Form- virtues, there piness in the here and now. Accord- “problem of self’ less Self only when it awakens to itself… would be no self. ing to his own testimony, he grew up might be traced it is always at once “one’s own” and … If he serves “without rank and in humble circum- back to “not one’s own” … the Formless Self selflessly, he does stances”, which helped him develop a Descartes (iden- includes, in so far as it is Self, Self— not know what ser- deep concern for the common people. tity as a think- awareness. But by this formless Self vice is [does not rec- Of aristocrats, he had a very poor opin- ing substance) (or Self-awareness) I mean the “Form- ognize it as service]. If ion. “It is difficult to expect anything and Locke less-Myself”, which … expresses—or he knows what service from men who stuff themselves with (identity as presents—Itself in its activities… The is, he has a self… [to food the whole day, while never using bound up True Awakening—or Formless Self— think] only of parents their minds in any way at all. Even with memo- in Itself has neither a beginning, an but not of yourself… is Gamblers do something, and to that ry). These two ending, a special place, nor a special what I call no self.” degree are better than these idlers.” philosophers time. (Zoku Kyuo dowa Confucius was concerned with con- together pro- Tillich: Then it cannot happen to a [Kyuo’s Moral dis- viction, not with rank or titles. With duced on the human being. courses contin- his ideas, he was of course at variance subject no Hisamatsu: … with this Self-awak- ued], 1835) with those held by the nobility. Until more than 10 ening… one is no longer an “ordinary” Hiroshi Minami, then, the word chun tzu referred to a pages, while human being. another writer on Confucian thought, man of good birth. “Such a person was “contemporary elaboration of their the- Tillich (later): Even so, you can’t notes that “[the concept of no-self] …is a Gentleman by birth, and no one not ses fill department libraries”. But in eliminate the “my” … Is it that there identical with the spirit of service-above- born so could become a Gentleman, the final analysis it may be said that is no centered self, no self-related self, self, where every spontaneous impulse and no gentleman could ever become those philosophers were concerned which would be a hindrance? is rejected as selfishness” less than one, no matter how vile his only with a defense of the notion of DeMartino (Translator for Hisamat- In Confucianism the quest for the conduct might be.” For Confucius, in reason. In any case, there are deeply su): The barrier is created by the reflec- human self, the search for what it is contrast, any man was a “gentleman” held convictions of the nature of self tively self-conscious ego—or “I”— which to be human in terms of substance or if his conduct were noble and unselfish. that are very different from those we discriminates itself from “not-itself”— no-substance, in terms of spirit or body, It may have been Confucius’ negative ‘enlightened’ people hold. In some soci- or “not-I”. Muge ‘no hindrance’ [is] the does not exist. The form which that experiences of the nobility, and the eties the self or one’s identity has lit- overcoming of this barrier… question takes in Confucius’ writings, rigidity of understanding which clear- tle or nothing to do with introspection, Tillich: By the removal of individu- is one of personality. Personality as ly divided them from workers, which but instead is determined by one’s place ality? such is not seen as inherently exist- led to the Confucian understanding of in the larger context, such as family DeMartino: No, by the fulfillment of ing, but as something that is being the self as something that has to be and society. Next to such different individuality. formed through upbringing and envi- developed, rather than something that framework, western thinking of self Tillich: What is the difference…? ronment. In that, the human being is is inherently given. seems self-oriented. But Ames, a well seen as a social being. (Some have even However, the matter of developing see SELF on page 25 August 1999 Unification News 25 A Teen Experience Living in Korea

by Kim Hokanson feel sad. I want to be satisfied with this in and grow, or give it up and let erwise we’ll never know what we’re what I’ve done. Of course I’m going to the weeds take over. fighting against. We need to be able ’m 14 years old and I’ve been in want to look back and remember my In America, I attended a private really to understand what’s going on. Korea for two years. I love to write. time in Korea as happy, happy, joy, Catholic school, where I never really I didn’t understand and I think that’s I express a lot of my heart through joy. But I know it’s not going to be like received a lot of bad influence. Even why I did the things I did do. If I knew writing. But out of everything I’ve that. Because hard times come too. though I did some not-so-heavenly more I might have been able to avoid written, I’ve shown almost none Sometimes things get so hard I just things, Catholic school offered a cer- it. Iof it to anyone else. And now I’m asked want to throw it all away. But every tain kind of protective environment, Of course I struggle a lot here in to write for you my feelings about Korea. time I’ve felt like that, something has which could be considered a good thing; Korea. It’s never been easy. But every I think Korea is one of the best things happened to give me hope and helped but I never learned anything from it. I struggle I have, I learn something and that happened to me. In Korea, I feel me grow a little more. I know I’m not never really knew how bad the world I grow more. I could never do it on my safe. I can feel so much love here. I’m ready to go back to America yet. This was until I came to Korea. I learned it own. The love here is so...AWESOME! not saying I don’t feel love at home, dorm isn’t a camp where they lecture from other people who had really been You can’t understand until you’ve felt but being in Korea helped me to under- and punish you. It’s a garden. We are through it. I don’t mean we should get it. I’ll never regret coming to Korea and stand and appreciate that love more. the flowers and our teachers’ love and messed up or anything; that would just deciding to continue my education here. Korea. Korea is a place I love. I know guidance, and our love towards one ruin a part of our life. But we need to I wish you all a wonderful life. someday I’m going to have to leave. another, is the sun. We can take all learn about just what’s out there. Oth- Reprinted from Sun Hwa Times. ❖ When that day comes I don’t want to

the virtue of Yi, which relates to right- standing, we have first shown how how one is to achieve these virtues, SELF eousness. Further, he follows the rules our western understanding of and have hinted at some of the dis- from page 24 and laws of the nation he lives in, and the issue differs from that of cussion that is going on in that respects its customs. In that, he fol- other cultures. We have hint- regard. Further, a dialogue between At the end, Hisamatsu’s translator lows the virtue of Li. Finally, a true ed that the commonly under- Tillich and Hisamatsu showed the intimates that the conversation reached human being has developed his heart stood selfishness inherent in differences of approach. Final- an impasse because the theologian is of wisdom. That is, he follows Chih, western understanding may ly, in what must be our own pursuing an analytic approach, while which refers to a wisdom that has been in fact be no different from interpretation, we have tried the Zen teacher is attempting to express developed through living a life accord- that of other cultures, to define the Confucian self something ungraspable by this approach. ing to the other virtues. In fact, although including under- as a dynamic that aims at Interpretation we may speak of the four virtues, this standings of the Chi- the perfection of the virtues. In our task of making explicit the is a distinction only for practical pur- nese and the Japan- The concept of self in Confucian concept of Self, we then poses of intellectual understanding. ese. Following, we Confucianism is a topic must, it seems, shed the western con- For the true man, those four virtues tried to clarify some- that is relatively unde- ception of the same, and see the issue are interrelated, and are impossible what a possible veloped. Whether this is under a different paradigm. As indi- without any one of them. In this, they misunderstanding because of difficulties cated above, the issue here is no longer are one. of the concept of in approach, complexi- one of finding an inherent essence, but In Confucianism then, the self can “no-Self” in Confu- ty of the issue itself, or one of finding an understanding for never be static. If one stops to develop cianism, and went because of the still exist- true becoming. But the human condi- the virtues in one’s living, one has from there to explain ing gap between west- tion at birth in Confucianism is not to already lost them all. To be human the Confucian con- ern and eastern philo- be confused with that of being a tabu- means to develop and to keep pursu- cept of self as a social sophical thinking; it seem la rasa, upon which our experiences ing the virtues. In the sage, this has construct. This con- to us that the question write what will become our personali- ceased to be a conscious effort or deci- struct does not exist at of “who am I” is an ty. The human nature already seems sion. The dynamic has been integrat- birth, but is being devel- important one. This predisposed toward the becoming of ed into the nature of the self, and has oped to the degree by which short paper does not Jen, in that we begin with a heart that become the self. It has become an uncon- one lives according to the even begin to deal with is already aimed at it by its nature. The scious way of being. five Confucian virtues. the issues involved. We have briefly shown But, in our humble same holds true for the other three Summary virtues Yi, Li, and Chih. The human that the issue of self in opinion, the “superi- In our attempt to make explicit a adult self, in Confucianism, has above Confucianism takes the or man” would learn concept of self in Confucian under- been defined as an ‘achieved state of form of understanding from anything. moral excellence rather than a given Bibliography: human condition’, and there are sev- MEDITATION “Self as Person in Asian Theory and eral implications to such an under- Practice”, edited by Roger T. Ames, standing. First, strictly speaking, one 1994, State University of New York may speak of a human being in Con- Grandpa Press, 1994 fucianism only as such with regard to “Studies in Chinese Philosophy and the human potential to become an face, I could see tears streaming down by Hyoong Je W. Erpelding Philosophical Literature”, A.C. Gra- human being. In other words, at birth, his cheeks, rolling off onto his stained —Minneapolis MN ham, State University of New York being human is no different from being clothes where the tears ran. I couldn’t Press, 1990 an animal. The true human condition was walking down an old dirt road speak. I was overwhelmed by his sad- “Studies in ChineseThought”, Arthur is achieved in life, if indeed it is being one day, out in the countryside, ness, yet I couldn’t leave this old grand- F. Wright, University of Chicago Press, achieved, through the practice of the not a building or soul in sight. pa out here all by himself. 1953 virtues. While these virtues are almost Suddenly, an old man appeared After some time had passed, I asked “The Chinese Mind”, Gung Hsieng impossible to be achieved in anyone’s in front of me off in the distance. him what he was doing out here all by Wang, Asia Press, 1946 lifetime, being human refers to mak- IHe had an old rickety cane and it looked himself. He didn’t answer right away, “Chines Thought from Confucius ing the effort of achieving them. To be like he was stumbling around as he but after realizing that someone was to Mao Tse-tung”, Herrlee G. Creel, on the way, to follow the Tao toward walked. He looked like he needed help standing next to him, he said, “I’m look- University of Chicago Press, 1953 perfection, is the as close to perfection just to stand up, let alone trying to ing for someone.” “Neo-Confucian Orthodoxy and the one is likely to come. In this, the con- walk somewhere. I replied, “Who are you looking for?” Learning of the Mind-and-Heart”, Wm. cept of ‘self’ in Confucianism is close- So I started to head in his direction, thinking that perhaps I could help him Theodore de Bary, Columbia Univer- ly linked with all those areas that the and as I got closer I could tell that he find whomever it was that he was search- sity Press, 1981 virtues stand for. To become a person was very old. His clothes were torn, ing for. He raised his head and gazed “Confucianism and Christianity”, of Jen, one aims to become a person of shabby and falling apart. He looked deeply into my eyes and again I was A Comparative Study of Jen and Agape, love. On the exact meaning of Jen exten- like he didn’t know what direction to shattered by the suffering that I saw Xinzhong Yao, Sussex Academic Press, sive writing has been done, to bring go in. He was mumbling something, there. 1996, 1997 ❖ this Confucian concept closer to the staggering and swaying like some kind Finally he replied, “My children.” western mind by relating it to the west- of crazy person. But somehow I wasn’t So I asked him, “How long have you ern concept of “Agape”. A person of Jen afraid of him. I could sense that he was been out here looking for your chil- COMMUNICATE WITH THE is a compassionate human being, for a harmless person, so I got closer to dren?” whom rules and regulations are a means him. I gently put my hand on his arm He said, “6,000 years.” UNIFICATION COMMUNITY to an end, and not an end in itself. But and asked if he was O.K. He kept mut- (6/6/99 at Holy Ground in Min- such a person does not act arbitrari- tering some gibberish as if I wasn’t neapolis) ❖ THROUGH THE there. As I looked more closely at his ly. The “superior” person also follows UNIFICATION NEWS 26 Unification News August 1999 The Family Pledge and the Human Energy System

by Lois Carlson—Edgewater MO through the top of his head, they are song being revealed in the near future of spirit mind (NT Age) “perfect a world broken out into their color components which will be sung with these eight based on the culture of heart....” n prayer recently, I asked God what and funneled to a particular chakra and points and used for healing and the lib- 8th-10th Heaven: Absolute faith (intel- He would need the most after the its corresponding physical system for eration of spirits. Spirits are only able lect), absolute love (emotion), absolute completion of the 360 Million Cou- nourishment. to attach to us because of the sinful obedience (will) of the Heart Body (CT ples Blessing. He said, “Educa- Edgar Cayce said that the endocrine patterns in our energy field due to the Age) “achieve the ideal oneness of God tion.” The specific education He system (glandular system) is the phys- various kinds of sins we or our ances- and humankind in love....” Iwas referring to is the education as to ical counterpart to the chakra system. tors committed. The verbs of the eight points are how the human energy system is con- Each chakra has a corresponding gland Caroline Myss, a well-known lectur- paired as follows, matching the two will structed. The time is coming when we or glands associated with it. These glands er and author in the area of the devel- aspects, two emotion aspects, two intel- will be open to this aspect of the uni- transform the invisible light energy into opment of the soul, aligns the seven lect aspects, and two “bodies”: 1st and verse, the spiritual dimension, and we physical components so that the ener- chakras with the Old Testament and 5th chakras (will aspects); 2nd and 6th will need to know how we operate on gy can be used by the physical body. New Testament ages in her book, Why (emotion aspects); 3rd and 7th (intel- the level of energy. On July 10, I wrote For example, the 4th chakra is associ- People Don’t Heal and How They Can. lect aspects); and 4th and 8th (spirit an essay on the Family Pledge and the ated with the heart, lungs, thymus and What she understands as the eighth body and Heart Body). The basic con- chakras. However, I became aware that lymph glands. Again, this is common level where we hold archetypes and our tent of the points align with the verbs some of the ideas on the human ener- knowledge for those who have studied sacred contracts is what I understand as follows: gy field presented in this piece were the human energy field. There is noth- to be the Heart Body, corresponding to The 1st = “seek our original home- unfamiliar to many. Therefore I have ing new here, yet. the Completed Testament age. land” and the 5th = “strive every day to written this essay to go with the previ- Besides aligning the eight Pledge advance the unification of the spirit What’s new ous one in hopes of clarifying them. points and chakras with the three ages, world and physical world.” Both of these Most researchers of the human ener- What’s new is the grace True Par- I have aligned them with the Sung Sang, are seeking and striving for humankind’s gy field have found that it is composed ents have given us through reciting the Hyung Sang and Heart aspect of a human original homeland. of seven different size solid balls of ener- Family Pledge. We were created to become being. This was explained in the essay The 2nd = “represent and become gy (oval-shaped) all fitting within each the incarnation of the Word. Sounds I wrote on July 10, 1998 and is reprint- central to Heaven and earth by attend- other neatly. It appears as though there carry certain vibrations. Buddhists chant ed below: ing God and True Parents” and the 6th are seven different size layers of light the word “OM” with the understanding = “embody God and True Parents.” Both The Family Pledge and the energy surrounding and penetrating that this word has a certain vibration emphasize the importance of becoming Chakras the human flesh form. Each successive which manifests in a certain form on one with and representing God and True ball of energy is larger than the previ- the physical level. The Word is sound One day I became determined to Parents. ous one as you go away from the phys- coming from the Heart of God contain- memorize the Family Pledge in English The 3rd = “perfect the Four Great ical body. Associated with each “ball” ing meaning and purpose. This is the by heart. It was very difficult for me to Realms of Heart” and the 7th = “perfect are one or two main energy centers or significance of the eight memorize it because I a world based on the culture of heart.” vortexes called chakras. The chakras Pledge points. They con- I compare the Family was having a hard time Both emphasize perfecting heart, one’s funnel or collect the incoming energy tain the perfect quality Pledge of the understanding the flow own and the world’s. identical to its ball of light and release (meaning and purpose of of the content of the dif- Completed Testament The 4th = “build the universal fam- energy back to the universe. the Heart of God) and ferent points. Then one Age to the Ten ily encompassing Heaven and earth” There is a main energy current run- sound for each chakra for day I was inspired by the Commandments of and the 8th = “achieve the ideal one- ning through the center of the human the 10 energy centers of idea that these seven (now ness of God and humankind in love.” energy field from the top of the head to the human energy system. the Old Testament eight) points correspond Age Both emphasize the oneness of the base of the spine. Five of the chakras (I will explain the three to or align with the seven humankind from the family level to the (2-6) are composed of two funnel-shaped other areas of the human chakras. I further came universal level. vortexes. One vortex is located in the energy field in the next to understand that you An exercise you can do is to medi- front of the physical form and one is on paragraphs.) I compare the Family Pledge could balance each chakra by speak- tate on each chakra separately, repeat- the back with their tips facing inward of the Completed Testament Age to the ing each point while concentrating on ing the pledge point to that chakra over towards each other and the larger open- Ten Commandments of the Old Testa- the corresponding chakra. These seven and over again. Then ask God in prayer ing facing outwards to receive the incom- ment Age. points hold the original “Word” for each to show you the sin that is held in that ing light energy. The tips of the two fun- “The number ten is the number of of the seven chakras. You can speak chakra which is in violation of the heav- nels for each chakra meet at and flow unity with God. The course of growth them in your birth tongue. But the best enly law expressed within the pledge into this main energy line. The funnel- to maturity requires a period to fulfill sound is the sound of your rebirth point. The next day look for the symp- shaped vortex for the first chakra opens the number 10, through which Adam tongue, Korean, as this is the sound of toms of the sin in your daily activities downward toward the earth to receive and Eve were to become the perfect Heaven. and relationships. from and release energy to the earth. embodiments of the number ten. When When the eighth point (“Word”) was An example of this is if you focused The seventh chakra faces upwards to this number was defiled by Satan due given to us by True Parents, I under- on the 5th chakra (will, throat chakra), receive from and release energy to heav- to their Fall, God sought a central fig- stood that this represents the Heart you may find yourself complaining and en. Their tips connect vertically to the ure in order to restore this number and aspect of our being which contains the gossiping the next day (throat). This sin main energy current. (As this is very begin His work to unite the people with Sung Sang element of the Heart of God: may manifest in you having a difficult hard to describe without the help of a Himself by restoring them as perfect God’s original intellect (absolute faith), time fulfilling your own promises (will). diagram, I suggest you look at the dia- embodiments of the quality of the num- original emotion (absolute love), and Pledge point 5 emphasizes the unity of grams in Barbara Brennan’s book, Hands ber ten.” Exposition of the Divine Prin- original will (absolute obedience). By spirit world (mind) and physical world of Light, for a clearer understanding.) ciple, HSA-UWC, 1996, p. 299. repeating the eighth point, you can align (body). Repenting that night for the self- The eight Pledge points align with yourself with God’s original Sung Sang. Chakras ish showing of these sins such as envy the human energy system as such: the In addition to aligning the seven or laziness with the true heart of grat- Each “ball” of energy vibrates at its first seven Pledge points carry the orig- points with the chakra, I have aligned itude to God for showing them to you own rate with the longer frequencies on inal sound or word for each of the seven them with other points of interest: will release the negative energy con- the inside closest to the physical body chakras; the eighth Pledge point con- 1st Root chakra: Will aspect of phys- tained within that chakra and allow the and the shorter frequencies on the outer tains three in one as it reflects the inner ical mind (OT Age) “seek our original holy Word to fill it. layers. The particular color of the “ball” character of God’s heart directly (intel- homeland....” * The concept of the existence of a corresponds to its wave length. There- lect, emotion and will) which is reflect- 2nd Sacral chakra: Emotion aspect Heart Body is probably new to many of fore, the colors of the layers follow the ed in the “heart aspect” of the human or physical mind (OT Age) “represent you. Religions have called this part of light spectrum of red (1st chakra), orange energy system. (This “heart aspect” is and become central to Heaven and a person’s being the Soul in contrast to (2nd chakra), yellow (3rd chakra), green described in my book, Healing in the earth....” the spirit. I give a deeper explanation (4th chakra), sky blue (5th chakra), indi- Aquarian Age: the Heart Body.) 3rd Solar Plexus chakra: Intellect of this part of a human being in my go (6th chakra) and purple (7th chakra) aspect of physical mind (OT Age) “per- Total energy book, Healing in the Aquarian Age: The with the red layer closest to the phys- fect the Four Great Realms of Heart....” Heart Body. It can be found at my web ical form. Because waves of energy make By introducing the Original Word to 4th Heart chakra: Spirit body (NT site: members.aol.com/Eslcarl- sounds, each layer and corresponding each chakra, the false word can be Age) “build the universal family encom- son/HBodyHeal. chakra have their own tone. revealed and then cleansed out of our passing Heaven and earth....” To sum it up, the Heart Body is the On the physical level, each ball of energy system through the process of 5th Throat chakra: Will aspect of spir- part of our divine nature which corre- light and its chakra (pair) correspond repentance. In Edgar Cayce’s book, it mind (NT Age) “strive every day to sponds to the heart of God. It is unique to the seven main biological systems Awakening Your Psychic Powers, he advance the unification of spirit world to humankind, God’s children, and and organs such as digestive, repro- explains how he aligned the Lord’s Prayer and physical world....” allows us to “have internal sensibility ductive, mental. The human energy sys- with the seven chakras. 6th Forehead chakra: Emotion aspect toward God” unlike the rest of the uni- tem is designed as such so that when The tonal quality of the Korean words of spirit mind (NT Age) “embody God verse, including the angels. (Exposition God’s life elements (white light energy) of the Family Pledge exactly match the and True Parents....” of the Divine Principle, p.46.) ❖ enter the energy field of an individual energy pattern for each chakra. I see a 7th Crown chakra: Intellect aspect August 1999 Unification News 27

n May 19, 1999, the Uni- versity of Bridgeport Col- University of Bridgeport to offer lege of Chiropractic (UBCC) was granted licensure by the board of governors of Othe Connecticut Department of High- Masters Program in Acupuncture er Education to offer a master of sci- ence in acupuncture. The first acupunc- Dr. Lavelle observed that while The curriculum of the major con- This learning will be segmented into ture class is scheduled for January acupuncture has been in use in Asia sists of five distinct areas: observation, trainee and intern levels. 2000. for thousands of years, the “Asian com- 1. Acupuncture Practice and Tech- The students will be taught to devel- The new acupuncture college com- munity has refined this ancient heal- nique (eight courses) — The theoreti- op the interpersonal communication plements the already strong alterna- ing art and shifted its paradigm to cal and practical information of acupunc- skills, professional conduct, efficien- tive care base of UB’s division of health include Western medicine.” The acupunc- ture therapy for proficiency in the clin- cy and confidence in dealing with sciences. UB has offered an MS in nutri- ture program at UB has been devel- ical applications of acupuncture, moxa, patients. The students will be told about tion since 1977; the first chiropractic oped in response to that shift. “It will cupping and bleeding techniques. Iden- alternative therapies and observe the class matriculated in May 1991; and combine these two systems and train tification of acupuncture points by approaches of other health sciences the doctor of naturopathy program practitioners to represent both mod- anatomical location, palpation and pro- and determine how and when to make began in 1996. ern analysis and traditional insight. portional measurement. The classifi- appropriate referrals. By the end of the The university has completed con- The practitioner will be able to com- cation, functions and indications of clinical training, each student will have struction of a 60,000 square foot health municate and work alongside other each acupuncture point will be dis- seen a minimum of 250 patients and sciences clinic facility, which will pro- health care providers.” cussed and demonstrated. In addition completed 705 hours of clinical train- vide 30 treatment rooms, research labs Students in the chiropractic and to the 12 bilateral channels and two ing. and support services for its programs naturopathic medical programs will be midline vessels, forbidden and con- Admission requirements for the in acupuncture, chiropractic, natur- able to start taking classes in the traindication of points will be discussed, acupuncture program include a bach- opathy and nutrition. Shared training acupuncture program after their sixth along with other categories and types elor’s degree or equivalent (i.e., 120 and treatment resources are an impor- semester. Classes are set to begin in of acupuncture points. semester credits) which must include: tant component of UB’s integrated treat- January 2000. 2. Oriental Theory, Diagnosis and English (6 hrs.); psychology (3 hrs.) ment philosophy. The acupuncture curriculum com- Application (eight courses) — Designed social science (3 hrs.) biology (6 hrs.); Jonathan Lavelle, DC, is the head bines an intensive 27 months (2,262 to provide an understanding of the chemistry (6 hrs.); physics (6 hrs.); administrator of the acupuncture pro- hours) of lecture and clinical courses. scope, philosophy, theory and con- physiology (4 hrs.); and anatomy (4 gram. Dr. Lavelle has worked at the Practitioners will learn the fundamental ceptual framework of Oriental medi- hrs.). Each of the courses in physics, college of chiropractic as an adjunct energetic principles, physiological con- cine and how acupuncture specifical- chemistry, anatomy and biology must assistant professor of clinical sciences, cepts, theoretical foundations and diag- ly affects the body within the tradi- be for science majors and include a assistant professor of clinical services, nostic procedures of traditional Chi- tional Oriental treatment paradigms. laboratory. A minimum grade of C is and student affairs coordinator. A 1990 nese medicine (TCM). During the first 3. Western Biomedicine (14 cours- required. A minimum g.p.a. of 2.25 is graduate of Northwestern College of year of study, students will gain the es) — Western concepts and terms, required in the science prerequisites. Chiropractic, he has been practicing philosophical and biomedical knowl- measuring and recording of vital signs, Applications for the inaugural class chiropractic and acupuncture for eight edge to prepare them for clinical prac- physical exam, history and note tak- in the spring 2000 semester are being years. tice. The second year deepens the prac- ing. How to make appropriate referral accepted. Subsequent classes will be Dr. Lavelle notes that with the devel- titioner’s knowledge of eastern and and consultation, and the clinical rel- admitted for each spring and fall semes- opment of UB’s Health Science Cen- western diagnostic skills and provides evance of laboratory and diagnostic ter thereafter. For further correspon- ter, “Interns in the acupuncture clin- hands-on clinical experience in the tests and procedures. dence and information, please contact: ic will be able to work alone and in con- Health Sciences Center. The final semes- 4. Movement and Respiration Stud- University of Bridgeport Master of junction with the chiropractic and ter prepares the practitioner for state ies — The tai ji quan and qi gung cours- Science in Acupuncture Health Sci- naturopathic interns, integrating and and national certification exams and es teach a wide variety of Oriental move- ences Center 60 Lafayette Street Bridge- collaborating on case management and entrance into private or multidiscipli- ment and breathing practices. Two port, CT 06601 Tel: (203) 576-4963 or treatment outcomes. This will be the nary practice. Lecture classes will be courses of instruction in tui na soft (800) 392-3582 Fax: (203) 576-4962 only integrated center for alternative held on selected evenings during the tissue technique will also be covered. E-mail: [email protected] medicine in the world.” week and on Saturdays. 5. Clinical Sciences (five courses) — Homepage: www.bridgeport.edu ❖

and she saw the beauty that was sur- True Parental Society If it is geared to keep the child a child AUTHORITY rounding her.’ Her youth-group leader, I believe that even more important forever, then it is not true parental from page 29 Jeremiah Quinonez, recalls her telling than Cassie’s spiritual experience is authority but the misuse of parental tum concludes “that God may be loose him, ‘I went to this church camp and her experience of parental authority, authority. The practice of this leads to in America again, that the pendulum a bunch of people prayed around me. loving, long term parental authority. the charge of paternalism on the part may have finally begun its long arc I don’t know what happened, but I was Of course, there was peer pressure on of the church and state. Paternalism back.” I bring this up to point out what just changed. I felt this huge burden the godly side as well, in the form of robs the child of their portion of respon- was behind Miss Bernall’s heroic con- lifted off my heart.’” the weekend retreat. Peer pressure sibility. True parental authority grants, viction. According to Bottum’s account, aligned with parental love is the for- even forces upon the child, greater Bernall went through a stage in mula for health and happiness. responsibility. Look, says the parent, junior high when she dabbled in True parental authority is the solu- I have higher expectations for you than witchcraft, alcohol and drugs. She Life Enrichment Enterprises tion to Pascal’s dilemma. It is non- that you will spend your life riding was involved in rituals involving cat coercive but it guides the person in a around on a motorcycle from nightclub sacrifices and black magic. Now Order The World & I direction of goodness even against to nightclub. And as I forbid you from doing that, I’m expecting you to real- here’s the impressive point of the at Discounted Rates their personal inclinations of the story: moment. It speaks to the heart and ize why and to take responsibility to “After discovering letters describ- Buy one subscription or conscience. It is rooted in biological shape your life in a more healthy way. ing violent acts she and her friends Buy four subscriptions and get one free and historic love—the actual sacrifice That many children do not get the imagined doing to their parents, for all your friends and relatives and offering the parents made and message does not invalidate the prin- ciple. If there is a God in heaven who Brad and Misty Bernall acted on Call or write for more information continue to make for the sake of the [their youth minister Dave] McPher- child. “For the sake of the child” means is our Parent, then true parental author- son’s advice. They enrolled their Elisabeth Seidel L.E.E. for the purpose of enabling the child ity will prevail someday. If there is no such, then may whatever god is left daughter in a Christian school, sent B.O. Box 52 to become a true adult, a true spouse ❖ her on an intense weekend retreat, and parent. over help us all. and prohibited her from leaving the Barrytown NY 12507 house except to go to church. ‘It’s 914-758-4137 hard,’ her father explained, ‘because Romance and Renewal you know you’re taking a chance The World and I is the best magazine for Come for a vacation to the beautiful mid-Hudson valley. Bed and breakfast in of driving your child further away education on the American market today published by from you.’” newly-renovated small apartment. Quiet country side. Private entrance and Corporation. This monthly bathroom. Start your married life, renew your commitment to each other, take a In other words, the parents exert- encyclopedic magazine covers current issues, the ed their authority. Fortunately, arts, life, science, culture and books in the literary romantic walk with your spouse, work out your differences. Videos and books Cassie complied with it. And God world, featuring eye-catching full-page color on marriage and family topics available. Marriage counseling offered if needed. worked through it. “… one day Cassie photographs. Buy a subscription for your home, office Three days bed and breakfast $ 120, One week bed and breakfast $180. came home, changed into a believ- and your friends, or make it a gift for your childÕs For reservations call (914) 758 4137. we bring new life to you er: ‘It’s like she was in a dark room teacher. It comes with a free teacherÕs guide for Life Enrichment Enterprises, PO Box 52, Barrytown, NY 12507 and somebody turned the light on, educators. 28 Unification News August 1999

PAUL tion to Aztec legend, and on inde- pendent Mexico’s 30 years of rule. CARLSON During the Mexican era some 300 BALKAN LESSONS literate citizens (out of about 3000 in total) dominated all of California! Alta California’s ruling Dons pretty ulate, the Serbs. They also benefited Orthodox Church helped quell Balkan much ignored Mexico’s appointed Governors. Part Two from Tito’s relatively moderate policies. aspirations by eliminating local rule of The Kosovars ended up better off both Bulgarian and Macedonian church- Earlier, Europe’s Spanish Empire had claimed the land. The local Indi- his is the second half of my than other Albanians, many becoming es. ans, enjoying the balmy climate, had article about the crisis in rich as “guest workers” in Europe’s Macedonia’s claim upon Alexander never got much beyond the Stone Age. Kosovo. Unfortunately, the wealthier nations. (I saw many Mer- the Great as a national hero, plus Greek Today, schools and Universities host issue is so complex that we cedes Benz sedans on the roads of Koso- repression of its own Slavic minority, MECHA speakers, and many people can only give a brief overview. vo, most with Swiss license plates.) has fueled great resentment between Greece and Macedonia. believe that political—if not violent— TIn this section we’ll look at Balkan Macedonia action will soon eliminate “unjust Yan- history, and the current situation of The Recent War qui” rule. Kosovo and Macedonia. We’ll look for This author has kept in close touch Black Panther-type groups, and con- similarities closer to home. Finally, we’ll with Macedonia, so I’m paying special I have been asked about the possi- descending Chinese factions, while cur- offer a solution. attention to that nation. Like Israel, ble “spiritual significance” of the Koso- Macedonia has lived and died several vo crisis. If there is one, I have been rently small, are a constant influence. Recent History times over the millennia. unable to discern it. The tragedy there Factor in the dominant liberal’s disre- During the 1800s, Balkan nation- After thriving under Alexander the was foreseen by many. Our own PWPA spect for police, and the weakening of alism surged as the Ottoman Empire Great and his dynasty, Macedonia was held “reconciliation” conferences which America’s armed forces, and you have weakened. In a series of rebellions, the vanquished in 148 BC, continuing only were well-received, but our efforts were all the ingredients for a future Califor- Greeks, Serbs, and others cast off the as a province of some other nation. overwhelmed by ethnic leaders with nia Kosovo . . . Turkish Ottoman yoke. It flourished once again in 976 AD deadly ambitions. Resolution Following World War One, Yugoslavia under King Samuel (Tsar Samuil). Dur- I once accompanied our Albanian Now the people of the Balkans have was cobbled together by Europe’s “Great ing his reign the Orthodox Church’s National Leader to a meeting with a to rebuild. Undamaged areas have to Powers” under King Alexander I. He Archbishopric of Ohrid was organized. Professor in Kosovo—and all the man revive their moribund economies. Mace- was assassinated by his resentful sub- (Many historians call Samuel a Bul- really wanted to talk about was getting donia has a nearly %50 unemployment jects in 1934. garian, even though he rebelled against the heck out of there! rate, and Albania is in chaos. Kosovo During World War Two, famed British them, and his capital was at Lake Ohrid, In the 1990s the Kosovo Liberation and Serbia were bombed into ruin. spy-master “Intrepid” tricked Hitler into far to the west.) In 1018 Samuel was Army upped the ante with a campaign These nation’s former (and not so thinking the Allies were going to invade defeated by the resurgent Byzantine to assassinate Serbian policemen; who, former) communist elites have proven Greece. To counter this the Nazis sent Empire. nasty though they are, surely didn’t totally incompetent. Their greedy “dead over a dozen Wehrmacht divisions In 1282, Serbian conqueror Stephen deserve it. The Serbs were compelled hands” aren’t even able to revive their sweeping through the Balkans and into Dusan made great inroads on the weak- to retaliate in force. Paramilitary groups, subjects enough to fleece them more Greece. ening Byzantines, establishing his cap- such as the one led by the infamous than once. (Unlike America’s Federal Numerous factions quickly took sides. ital at Skopje. His successors soon fell Arkan, took matters into their own Reserve and IRS.) Croatia’s Tito followed Stalin, while Col. to the advancing Turks. hands. Fortunately, new leadership, and Mihajlovic and most Serbs supported In 1878, through war and treaty, However, it was only after NATO’s fresh economic ventures, beckon. Mace- the Allies. Croatia’s infamous Ustase Macedonia changed hands three times! widespread and inaccurate bombing donia has bravely signed a multi-bil- supported the Nazis, acting so extreme The Macedonians revolted several began that refugees began to flee Koso- lion dollar trade deal with Taiwan. that even the German soldiers were times during the 1800s. They reap- vo en masse. There is a strong religious element shocked. peared as a political entity in 1893 with Declassified documents from the to the current conflict, and extremists During W.W.II the Serbs lost a quar- the founding of the VMRO, and the Vietnam War, and recent exposés about from around the world are flocking to ter of their population, and still man- quixotic Ilinden Uprising of 1903. British, the Gulf War, prove that the American try and harden the believer’s positions. aged to tie down some eight Nazi divi- French, Italian, Austrian, and Russian government to quick to lie about its The Orthodox Church has a deep sions. This delayed Hitler’s attack on troops were sent in to police the area. military involvements. and wonderful sacred tradition, but it Russia until winter set in, altering the (In the Balkans, history really does Concerning the Balkans, conspira- seems powerless to end the conflict. course of the war. (To think that NATO’s repeat itself.) The VMRO’s military com- cy theories abound. Some say that Each Balkan religion is identified close- considerably smaller forces could have mander, Goce Delchev, is now Mace- Europe’s “Gray Eminencies” secretly ly with its ethnic host. Even the athe- easily cowed Serbia was pure folly.) donia’s greatest hero. wanted Milosevic to do their bidding, istic communists in Serbia donate to Fascist Italy ruled Albania during Macedonia became an official province by driving out the Muslim Kosovars. their church, considering it a vital part W.W.II. Albanians poured into Kosovo of Yugoslavia after W.W.II., and gained Others worry that President Clinton, of their heritage. during their rule, as a part of a delib- independence in 1991. who has admitted to envying wartime Just as in Northern Ireland, they’ve erate Axis policy to weaken enemy peo- Today’s Greeks look upon Macedo- Presidents like Roosevelt, actually risked all taken sides, perhaps irrevocably. ples. nia with disdain, claiming that their starting a “hot” World War Three, sim- Only a new and healing ideology, After the war the Albanian Kosovars civilization was always Greek, and that ply to bolster his imagined legacy. Con- and the resultant fresh mindset, can were granted autonomy by Tito, who its Slavic inhabitants are lacking in fronting Russian ground troops, and save the Balkans. It must embrace the walked a tightrope in ruling his extreme- gratitude for their uplift from barbari- “accidentally” bombing the Chinese economic, political, ideological, and ly diverse Yugoslavia. ty. Embassy, elevated these worries far especially spiritual arenas. Secular For the next fifty years the Kosovars There is another side to the story. beyond paranoia. “experts” have completely missed this continued to pressure, and to out-pop- In 1777, during Ottoman rule, the Greek Similarities point. Many people worry that Balkan- True Father’s speeches, dating back style history will repeat itself else- thirty years and more, provide the solu- The Washington Times where. It has long been popular to tion. In America, God provided the “heat” compare America to the declining for its famous “melting pot.” America Roman Empire. Now it’s the fore- itself has nearly lost that blessing, and boding of a local version of Kosovo. the Balkans desperately need it now. California will soon be populat- A widespread, trans-ethnic revival ed by fewer than %50 white peo- is the only answer. Only the True Par- The Washington Times ple. While most of its diverse pop- ents can embrace each faction, and ulation gets along quite well, many end the centuries of conquest and (formerly) minority groups are “rep- revenge. The Washington Times resented” by strident activists. Only a new culture of heart can allow Many of California’s Hispanics everything from Albania’s blood feuds, support, and almost none will to the Kosovo situation, to NATO/Russ- denounce, radical groups such as ian rivalry, to be forgiven. MECHA. These groups wave red When the young people of the Balka- Marxist flags at political/cultural ns joyfully attend international match- rallies—and the liberal news media ings, and build families that cross those has been very careful not to show countless bloody lines, the Kingdom of this on camera. Heaven will surely be at hand. MECHA is openly calling for an You can read all of my relevant arti- independent, socialist nation called cles on my web site: Aztlan. Their claim to California is http://members.aol.com/cuebon/ ❖ based on a rather dubious connec- August 1999 Unification News 29

DR. TYLER O. HENDRICKS The Dr. Hendricks is the VIEWS President of the A Unificationist Perspective on Religion and Society Unification Church of America U en despise religion. biology. There is an invisible cord, a in now is the Gay Moment.” They hate it and are sacred canopy (Peter Berger’s term), And so we are deluged with infor- afraid it may be true. Source enveloping the relations of parents and mation about all the people, past, pre- The cure for this is children. sent and future, who are gay or les- first to show that reli- I am speaking of an ideal here; I bian. In all its billowing grandeur and ‘Mgion is not contrary to reason, but wor- know we do not measure up to this. omnipresent hype, it’s nothing more thy of reverence and respect. Next, We can see that many families live at than the adolescent plea against the make it attractive, make good men wish a far remove from this standard of kin- parents: “everyone else does it!” It is it were true, and then show that it is. ofTrueship. It was called the generation gap providing ammunition for self-justifi- Worthy of reverence because it really in the 60s. “Your sons and your daugh- cation. “Johnny’s parents let him do understands human nature. Attrac- ters are beyond your command,” intoned it, so why don’t you let me do it?” “Every- tive because it promises true good.” Bob Dylan. Thirty-five years later we one thinks I’m weird because I don’t Blaise Pascal (1623-1662). have Dylan Klebold. If the children are do it.” Edward T. Oakes puts forth these not listening to their parents’ com- Peer pressure is the most pervasive words of the French mathematician, mand, to whose command are they lis- authority on the planet. What is its ori- philosopher and Christian apologist Social tening? gin? Where does it come from? When Blaise Pascal to illustrate the point The virtue of parental authority is one investigates the claims, one finds that Pascal was the first “modern” that, almost all the time, the parents that Johnny’s parents really don’t let Christian. [First Things, Aug-Sept 1999, are exercising that authority for the him do that. Or, perhaps, they let him p. 47] I think the point is well taken. good of the child. The parents view the do it because Johnny told them that What is modern about Pascal’s words? good of the child not in the short term you let your son do it. What is modern is that they are spo- Authority but in the long term. In the short term It’s the art of the speculator, the ken to a modern society, one in which it is painful to forego a movie or an confidence man. The male star is invit- religion is an option. In such a soci- overnight or a car, but the reward ed to take a leading role in a movie on ety, religion is not a necessity. It is not reaped in the long term makes it more the basis that the number one female a legal requirement. One may choose be worthy of our respect. It must under- than worthwhile. The parent is con- star is taking the lead female role. And religion or choose otherwise. stand human nature. And how do we cerned about the long term happiness vice-versa, simultaneously. It is telling In 17th century France, one opines, know it does? By its ability to speak of the child. That happiness, whether each of two parties that the other is there was not much choice. Everyone to our human nature, our desires, trou- it is in the conscious or unconscious investing in a project, knowing that was Catholic—the Huguenots had lost bles and dilemmas, and offer solutions. of the parent, has to do with their even- each will invest because they think the the Wars of Religion. That is true, and This is exactly what happened in tual successful marriage and rearing other is investing. It is teenage life pro- Pascal was speaking to a small seg- America. A free people took religion of good children. The motive of the par- jected onto the big screen of adult life. ment of society, the enlightened skep- into their own hands and made it use- ents is based upon the desire to per- [Just an aside about the term “adult,” tics, most of whom were in the aris- ful in their historical context. Ameri- petuate the lineage. as in “adult bookstores,” or “adult tocracy. But by the end of the next cen- ca proved that human beings are nat- videos.” Actually, they aren’t adult at Pure Love vs. Peer Love tury, this enlightened option had gained urally religious. We seek religious all; they are infantile. I move that we pre-eminence in the young nation of authority. So Pascal was half right: we What are the motives underlying make a law for truth in advertising to America. despise religion but at the same time other forms of authority? The author- make those shops change their signs Our founders disestablished reli- hunger for it. Whence this appetite? I ity of the state is civil tranquillity. This to “infantile bookstores,” “infantile gion. No one had to attend church or would postulate that this appetite is a lesser good. The authority of a busi- videos.”] pay taxes in their support. Many Amer- derives from our need for parental ness is based upon acquisition of wealth. Peer pressure is the arch enemy of ican churchmen feared for the coun- authority. This is also a lesser good. The author- parental authority. Peer pressure moves try. Timothy Dwight, president of Yale ity of a school is based upon the pur- from kids conspiring to hold beer par- The Miracle of Parental Authority and leading divine in the last state to suit of knowledge, also a lesser good. ties by each telling their parents they disestablish the church (Connecticut), The two teenage girls stopped dead The authority of the state, the school are staying at the other’s house, to six predicted that separation of church in their tracks. Their mom had spo- and the business are necessary sup- figure ads in the major media inform- and state would bring on a reign of ken the first few words of a scolding ports for human happiness, but are ing us of all the famous people who paganism. If one were not compelled for coming home late. These two girls not happiness itself. are gay and lesbian. Parental author- by law to attend church, he expected, are bigger than their mom, but they Would that our sources of author- ity in society is destroyed, and so author- then no one would attend. Satan would stopped and listened. They had their ity were limited to these! But they are ity devolves to the state, the schools grab the country, lock, stock and bar- excuses and justifications, but they not. There is the authority of rock music. and the businesses, which, lacking the rel. He was proven to be wrong. bowed their heads involuntarily. They It also stops teenagers in their tracks. roots of parental virtue, combine to The freedom of religion released by stood as still as statues, daring not They stop, they listen, they … obey. make a complete mess of things. the separation of church and state did move an inch, as their mom surveyed There is the authority of fashion mag- The Persistence of Parenting not trigger the decline and fall of Chris- them up and down with stern eyes. azines. It stops teenagers in their tracks. tian America. What it triggered was the They said not a word, and the pun- They stop, they listen, they obey. There There are those who see the Little- precise opposite: a tremendous explo- ishment was declared. Mom was the is the authority of peers. Whence peer ton killings as the spark of an awak- sion of religious fervor. Churches mul- district attorney, jury and judge. No pressure? Where does it start? Parental ening in America. In an impressive arti- tiplied profusely. They spread through- internet for two weeks. Go to your room. authority begins in the womb, in the cle in the First Things referenced above, out the settlements of the West and Off they went. act of love. Where does peer pressure J. Bottum catalogues the revival of the energy of the westward develop- That, I thought after I witnessed it, have its origin? I’ll hazard a conjecture Christian spirit surrounding the death, ment swung back to the big new cities was a miracle. That was the miracle of and leave it at that: in the angelic world. even martyrdom, of Cassie Bernall. of the East and took them over as well. parental authority. On the foundation There is the authority of major media. “Either Harris or Klebold (none of the Why? of years of receiving sacrificial love, the Today’s organ of the gay establishment, cowering students could see which it Pascal answers this question per- children listen to their parents. Why The New York Times, ran an ad about was) put a gun to her head and asked, fectly. He recognized the corruption of do they listen to, obey, respect, that gay and lesbian sports figures who are ‘Do you believe in God?’ She paused men. He bluntly accepted the fact that person? For one reason only: she’s my now “coming out.” Such is not unusu- for a second, according to her class- most men despise religion and the judg- mom, he’s my dad. In other words, that al, at least here in New York. National mates. And then she answered, ‘yes.’ ment it represents. But the move he isn’t just any old person—that’s my Review (July 26, 1999) ran a cover ‘She was scared, but she sounded made was that it is not only man who parent. story entitled “The Gay Moment.” Richard strong,’ said her Bible-study friend must change, but that religion must In a world of individualism, parental Brookhiser opines that “From time to Joshua Lapp, a sophomore who was change—or, to be more accurate, man’s authority is destroyed. Advertisers time, an American minority group enjoys hiding nearby, ‘like she knew what she presentation of religion must change. speak directly to the kids. Musicians a ‘moment.’ Moments can last for was going to answer.’ Staring at her, As an axiom, Pascal accepted that and magazines speak directly to the decades, at least for a number of years. the gunman asked, ‘Why?’ Before she coerced faith is not faith at all. And so kids. Children can sue their parents. In its Moment the group takes center could reply, he pulled the trigger and he began: religion must become attrac- It means that biological relations carry stage; its doings, habits, and preoc- shot her through the temple, killing tive. Why would he say that? Because no weight. A person is a person, regard- cupations interest the nation. Every her instantly.” men free of coercion will pursue only less of history or biology. We can read- headset picks up the frequency. The Her act of testifying to her faith while that which attracts them. Religion must ily see that the world based upon indi- simplest thing to do is just lie back facing death has become such a cause become reasonable; it must convince vidualism is false. The truth id that we and listen in quietly; it is impossible among Christians in America that Bot- us logically. Its representatives must do not exist independent of history and not to listen at all. The moment we are see AUTHORITY on page 27 30 Unification News August 1999 NewNew ArrivalsArrivals This month we are proud to present: Robert & Akemi Bartholome with Michelle Hitomi, Christine Akiko, David Koki, Andrew Kokushi, Sung Il Matthew & Mija Emi (5/24/99). To be included, send us a photo of all your family (color is fine except for those indoors-without-a-flash deep orange snaps which will turn out horrid) with all your names and the birthdate of the latest arrival along with an optional donation to: Unification News Arrivals, 4 West 43rd Street, NY NY 10036 (returns with self-addressed, 1 stamped envelope only, please).

If you are looking for a place to live. I BELIEVE We have a room for rent in a family Free from hatred and from pain ANNOUNCEMENTS house. Located in Rockland County, NY. THE WORLD Call for more information. SHOULD BE.... Instead of this, (914) 947-1660 True Love we’ll gain Boston home offers extra room, No more violence, No more war blessed family living experience for I believe the world should be one year. $400 (+food)/month. Ideal House for Rent in Washington, DC The home of one big family Everyone following transportation situation. Call eves, Area. 3 bedroom single family. 7 minutes God’s heavenly Law George or Sumie: (617)884-3327. from Metro, 10 minutes from D.C. line. Where colour, creed, faith and race Great for students. Call: David Gee (after 10pm or weekends) Can join together (941)693-0425 under God’s grace But Alas! This is just a dream A distant wish, right now it seems We’ll work together, hand in hand Yet still I know, To bring true happiness with hope renewed throughout the land That one day soon, my dream will ‘Cause in our hearts come true. we hold the key to set the whol of mankind free Grace B. (15) Birmingham, UK

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