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Volume 22, No. 11 T HE N EWSPAPER OF THE U NIFICATION C OMMUNITY November 2003 God’s glory revealed in Israel: Pilgrimage to the Holy Land RALLY FOR SHALOM, PEACE AND SALAAM Peace Under One God: Mission of Peace & Reconciliation by Rev. Michael Jenkins in Jerusalem. 260 brothers and sisters from Europe, that just days earlier there was an attack Brothers and sisters from 7 nations Korea, and Japan, so our core group on American citizens which claimed gain we saw the power of walked directly under the guidance of of over 400 Blessed Central Families, three lives in Gaza, the same area that God open up all gates and our True Parents, marking a covenant having gone through 40-day course, we traveled to one month earlier, and remove all walls and barri- with God here in the Holy Land in a were united as one. Archbishop Stallings, the very place where we traveled again ers every step of our jour- rally where 2,000 gathered from Islam, Rev. Jesse Edwards, and many chair- today. Because of that reality, many ney on the 3rd pilgrimage Christianity and Judaism. In one of the men of the ACLC fearlessly returned to did not come with us on this journey. toA the Holy Land, October 22, 2003 . most tense cities on earth, we proclaimed the Holy Land for the third time, pledg- Some of those who did come because This time not only were the sons of that peace is now inevitably coming to ing to God that with True Parents’ love they felt the call of God were still nerv- Abraham in the vanguard to bring lib- the Middle East because the sons of and guidance we will solve the prob- ous and concerned, yet with our open- erty and reconciliation, but also rep- Abraham have experienced the love lem of the Middle East. ing night of prayer in which Archbish- resentatives of the 7 former enemy of God and also understand the call We were also joined by Taj Ham- op Stallings preached the word of God, nations that worked for 40 days in New of True Parents to build true families mad, Frank Kaufmann, Andrew Wil- the atmosphere became one of feeling York to establish the Abel UN also and end the divisions of history. son, Michael Mickler, and many oth- God’s anointing and Holy Spirit all marched side by side through the old Over 140 clergy, imams, ers, each having prayed sin- around us. Rev. Jenkins also brought city of Jerusalem. Their presence togeth- and Blessed Central Fam- cerely whether this really a message calling on everyone to be er proclaimed that God’s Kingdom is ilies from the US came to was their time to come clear in their minds about their deci- coming on the earth now that the inter- the Holy Land. They here. Many had to sion. He said, we cannot guarantee any- nal causes of division between these were joined by over consider the fact one’s safety here. We are in a spiritu- nations have al war, the NEW FUTURE PHOTO now been outcome solved of which through the deter- 40-day mines course which how concluded quickly with the God’s rally Kingdom see GLORY on page 12 Unification News FOUNDER’S DISCOURSE ON UNIFICATIONISM Let Us Perfect the Peace Kingdom This was the Keynote Address given one-way path to the Kingdom of God That is the reason that humankind has to take God’s people, make them his at the Inaugural Assembly of the Head- on earth and in heaven, without any always languished at the crossroads of own and control them. He is a shame- quarters of the Interreligious and Inter- confusion or disorder. The fate of two paths until this day, with one path less criminal that kidnapped someone national Peace Council (IIPC), October humankind, after losing sight of this leading to prosperity and the other to else’s child, turned that child into his 15, 2003, Seoul, Korea. one-way path as a result of the Fall, ruin. own, and then tried to claim legitimate however, has been to drift down the Human beings have a dual struc- ownership of that child. Now he is wor- herever we look today— river of history as something good at ture. The mind is a “positive” (plus) ried that all his sin may be exposed and ahead or behind, left times while evil at other times, rising standing on the side of Heaven, and that he will lose everything, so he sits or right, to the east or at times while falling at other times. the body is a “negative” (minus) stand- blocking the plans for the future that west, south or north— Why would a path that human beings ing on the side of Satan. Mind and body God, the author of Creation, is being we see a world of hope- traveled in goodness suddenly start to were originally intended to form a com- led by His conscience to carry out. In lessnessW filled with war and disease, go downhill? We did not want to go plete oneness automatically, but this so doing he is blocking the liberation racial conflict and religious struggle, downhill, yet went down nevertheless. did not happen because of the Fall of of God and humanity. He has occupied and immorality and corruption. With This is the issue. We wanted goodness our original ancestors. Instead, the body the bodies of all human beings, and more than 200 countries, large and to continue, but we went down. Why attempted to take the position of anoth- has completely spoiled love, which God small, scattered across the five oceans would goodness decline? When human er positive, and this brought mind and considers of such importance that He and six continents of the world, and life violates the absolute, fundamental body into mutual contradiction. Ulti- treats it as His first ideal. The free sex struggling against each other, which principles of goodness, it will deterio- mately, this led to Satan conquering that you see in the world today is an country could possibly solve the prob- rate. What does this mean? It indicates the human body. By means of the Fall, example of this. The Devil creates con- lems humanity faces today? What has an intersection of good and evil. All Satan took the bond of love, connect- fusion on the path of love, and prevents happened to the United Nations, which kings and presidents in this world live ed humanity to the satanic lineage, and us from exercising total control over set out some fifty years ago as a model without any knowledge of when their let human beings multiply themselves. our consciences. These are two of Satan’s for peaceful world governance? It has sovereignty will rise or fall. All sover- This is the problem. This struggle between strategies and tactics. become a forum only for people suf- eigns want things to be good forever. mind and body has become a chronic Ladies and gentlemen, free sex is fering from extreme selfishness who Any sovereign who is not in harmony ailment more terrible than cancer or Satan’s trap. People in the world who are slaves to political power relation- with or aligned with the standard of AIDS. That is why we must, no matter have a lot of money are falling into the ships and are frantically pursuing the true goodness, however, will certainly what the cost, push the body back into trap Satan dug for them because of interests of their own countries. It has be defeated and perish. the position of negative. By the law of their riches. These people enjoy sen- become so crippled that it is incapable Who, then, is in charge of good and the universe, poles with the same charge sual pleasures, but they are dying. To of taking even one step forward. It is evil? We know that even the most pow- repel each other. When a pair of sub- establish his defensive line, Satan gives not just incapable of bringing about erful royal dynasty cannot influence ject and object partners forms a com- material blessings to evil people, so that world peace; the United Nations can good and evil by its supremacy. In other plete oneness, however, they receive they can never escape from the quag- neither present solutions nor offer hope words, no sovereign, on his or her own, heavenly fortune and the universe auto- mire of moral decadence. You need to in response to the totally unpredictable can adjust good and evil according to matically protects them. understand that alcohol, tobacco, drug situations confronting the world today. his or her own wishes. We cannot deny If there is an absolute subject enti- abuse and free sex are Satan’s four Ladies and gentlemen, as I stand that good and evil are determined by ty, an absolutely objective entity that main weapons. Satan uses these to put here today, my heart is filled with excite- some unseen power lying in the back- is a partner to that subject entity, will people into a stupor of carnal satis- ment and inspiration. Let us all first ground. come into being. This can be seen in faction, and then he has them board give thanks to God. A new day of hope Each nation has its own laws. Nation- the course of my life. America and the the train to hell. This is the reason I is dawning for humanity. The dawning al laws exist to establish goodness. Each entire world stood in opposition to my teach that people must stop this trag- of the peaceful Cheon Il Guk (God’s King- nation’s constitution was enacted for life as absolute subject, which began ic advance into hell, become true peo- dom) where His grace and love will shine the purpose of safeguarding goodness, when I received Heaven’s command. ple who are not accused by their own on all the world, is being announced and there are no laws that were estab- Yet, the side that struck the absolute consciences, and return to the life of with a great cry that is shaking the lished for the purpose of destroying subject eventually became the negative true love. This is the only way that peo- Earth to its core. Today, I would like to goodness. That is why anyone who realm and was absorbed. This is because ple can make their mind and body one convey to you one part of God’s Word breaks a nation’s laws is sent to prison. anyone who receives opposition while and board the train to heaven. for all people living in this age, by speak- The problem, though, is that in any standing on the side of goodness is pro- Despite indescribable opposition and ing on the topic, “Let Us Perfect the given country the standard of goodness tected by his or her surroundings, that persecution, I have lived my life of more Peace Kingdom through the Peace Unit- can be applied incorrectly, depending is, the universe. It is because I knew than 80 years walking the path of sac- ed Nations.” on the temperament of the sovereign. this principle with certainty that I was rifice, at times at the risk of death, to Meeting Point of Good and Evil able to fight and win in the realize peace through the recovery of Over six billion struggles involving indi- true love. I have never faltered, not even people are living in viduals, the struggles involv- for a moment. Even when Satan threat- the world today, C ALENDAR ing nations, and the strug- ened to kill me, I maintained an absolute but no one has gles involving the world. We “plus” position and overcame every- clear knowledge NOVEMBER 2003 see in history that God thing. This made it possible for me to about the origin of 3 Daemo-nim’s Ascension (1989) always proceeded in the acquire the absolute “minus.” In a word, humankind. His- 5 True Children’s Day (10/1/60) direction consistent with it has been a life of following the orig- tory began through fundamental principles, inal fundamental principles of Creation. 8 Shin Sun Nim’s Birthday (10/4/90) that is, toward the purpose some indistinct The Absolute Necessity of True 10 Shin Hoon Nim’s Birthday (10/6/94) of true love, but that the process—whether Parents it was good or bad, 11 Yun Ah Nim’s Birthday (10/7/78) Devil has used forces I have lived according to the funda- we don’t know. 18 Shin Ha Nim’s Birthday (10/14/98) opposed to this to estab- mental laws of the universe. I am a sin- That history has lish himself as a destruc- Shin Chool Nim’s Birthday (10/14/99) gle-minded man who has walked Heav- continued to the tive enemy power. Satan 22 Jin Whi Nim’s Birthday (10/18/63) en’s path, absolutely refusing to com- point where today struck the first blow by promise even in the midst of the worst the world’s popu- Shin Young Nim’s Birthday (10/18/86) causing the first human hardship and adversity. I could do this, lation exceeds six 23 Tiempos Del Mundo Established (1996) ancestors to commit the because I knew for a certainty from the billion. Since the Fall, and he has come to 27 Heung Jin Nim’s Birthday (10/23/66) outset that when I have followed this origin and process control families, tribes, 28 Hye Shin Nim’s Birthday (1963) path to the position of the victor, God are unclear, the nations, and the world. The 29 3.6 Million & 36 Million Couples’ Blessing (1997) and all of creation will greet me with end can only be first people to go to hell were joyful cheers. unclear as well. the first ancestors of human- DECEMBER 2003 Satan has always mocked Heaven Thus, in the world ity, Adam and Eve. They 1 Declaration of the Opening of the Gate for the Blessing of and me, and boasted of his domain of today, we see con- could not enter the King- power: “My weapons will never rust. tinuous disorder the Spiritual World (1997) dom of Heaven. Please Even the omniscient and omnipotent and confusion. If 4 Opening of Columbia Road Church (1977) understand that the cre- Creator God cannot defeat me in this humanity had ated world first came to be 14 Shin Pyung Nim’s Birthday (11/11/96) fight. See how the side that is focused found the correct occupied by the satanic 18 Summit Council for World Peace Inaugurated (1981) on the body completely tramples the path in the begin- realm. conscience. Love has been completely ning, we would 22 35 Previously Married Couples’ Blessing (1976) What, then, is the Devil? degraded, just as I planned. Has this have traveled on a 26 Un Jin Nim’s Birthday (11/23/67) He is a being that attempts Unification News FOUNDER’S DISCOURSE ON UNIFICATIONISM Through the Peace United Nations not become a world of fun, where grand- around 180 degrees in order to bring joined the ranks of blessed families Refugees fathers pair with granddaughters and about the human Fall. If the Fall had must now become leaders who guide Ladies and gentlemen, humanity is sons with mothers? How can such a not occurred, there would be no need the world and saviors who save human- in a position of having to recover its world of evil ever be reestablished as for such words as “Savior,” “Messiah,” ity as tribal messiahs. You must become homeland. A person who temporarily God’s ideal world? Who could accom- “Lord of the Second Advent,” and “True devoted children and patriots that erase leaves his homeland can return, but a plish such a task?” Parent.” Because the True Parents of the grief of God, who has been waiting person who has lost his homeland can- God, though, has shouted back in humankind have returned to this earth, for this time for thousands and tens of not return whenever he chooses. At the this way: “Just a moment, Satan! Isn’t humanity can now be liberated from thousands of years. You will work in moment that history began, we lost our it true that through the active work of Satan’s yoke. It has become possible all countries of the world as the van- homeland. We were expelled and have Rev. Moon, the True Parent, true love’s to recover all that was lost through the guard, expanding the realm of victory lived as nomads. We have not been in realm of influence in the earthly world Fall. Through the original mind, it has gained by True Parents, who have been a position to return, and we have not is increasing? The True Parent is the become possible to recover the origi- victorious over Satan’s vicious opposi- even known the way back. So we have owner of true love. He is the king of nal value of human beings. We can tion and persecution and have now lived as wanderers without a home- true love. Satan, is it not true that you accomplish a world- land, roaming aimlessly are helpless in the presence of true wide realm of absolute for thousands of years. love?” goodness that will not Those who came alone Ladies and gentlemen, how are we tilt toward Satan ever from North Korea as to restore true love? This is the respon- again. True refugees and now live sibility of the True Parent. The True Become Tribal as people without a Parent must establish the original world Messiahs Family homeland will know this where the conscience is always victo- mortifying and weary What does the True rious, that is, the world of absolute life. All your friends, Parents’ realm of vic- goodness that is most treasured by Photos siblings, and even your tory mean? It means humanity. The secret for accomplish- parents were taken from that complete victory ing this is simple. When faced with True you. You know your has been achieved in November 22, 2003 Parents, true love, true life, and true homeland exists, but it the fight against lineage, the false parent, Satan, is com- is not a homeland that Satan. Victory was pletely helpless, no matter how much by Won Ju McDevitt you can go to anytime achieved in the realm he may kick and struggle. To align our- you choose. You don’t of individuals. There selves completely with God’s Will, God even know the way was victory on the level and human beings must form eternal there. People in this of families. Complete relationships as subject and object part- position must carry on victory was achieved ners, centered on true love. Satan has their lives under extreme on the level of tribes, no way to wedge himself into such eter- circumstances. It is a societies, nations, and nal relationships. When you begin to position of extreme sad- the world. It was a live by altruistic, true love, you will ness, where you must steep path that was receive the Holy Marriage Blessing and start from point zero never easy. I overcame be connected to the true lineage. Then and build a new life for every difficulty and your eternal life will be assured. True yourself without the won the victory how- love, true life, and true lineage will benefit of any founda- ever, and on January expand eternally through your descen- tion. Even if you have 13, 2001, I dedicated dants. True Parents are absolutely nec- the good fortune to to Heaven “The Coro- essary in this process. become rich and nation Ceremony for All people without exception are become prominent in the Kingship of God,” descended from the Fall. As a result of society during your life which accomplished the Fall, we have become like those as a refugee, nothing the miracle of liber- whose eyes look normal but who are can take away the sad ating even God. On actually blind. Can the blind save the longing, deep in your the world level, I am blind? Someone sent directly by God heart, to return to your also the one who is must come. This person must be some- homeland. rooting out commu- one who stands in a position unrelat- In the same way, nism and pouring life ed to the Fall, closely examines the people who have become into Christianity in world, and has the ability to save human- lonely orphans as a America. This is a part ity from the path of death. I have come result of the Fall, com- of the True Parent’s in that precise position. God sent me mitted by the original responsibility. The with His seal of approval as the Savior ancestors, have lived True Parent forgives of humanity, the Messiah, the return- until now in the pitiful with true love and ing Lord, and the True Parent. Human- position of people who embraces even the col- ity needs only to restore the absolute have lost their home- lapsed communist realm of the conscience by following land. God, who is the countries. I am liber- the teachings of the True Parent. Then, owner of our homeland, ating and pouring life absolute ownership will also be recov- solemnly waits for our into the communist ered. The realms of absolute love, return, but until now realm. absolute life, and absolute lineage will we have lived without Ladies and gentle- also be recovered. even the desire to men, beginning some You must first find the path leading return. We have become ten years ago, I have to oneness with God. How is this pos- such a shameful sight been commanding all sible? Where does the foundation of that we dare not even blessed families to love for the sake of others originate? It lift our heads before become tribal messi- originates with your love organ. Your heaven and earth. Dur- ahs. This means they reproductive organ is your palace of bequeathed everything to you. You will ing the course of the world’s popula- must become the new ancestors of their love, palace of life, and palace of line- liberate the world and establish it anew tion expanding to more than six bil- tribes. All your ancestors throughout age. Until now, humanity has lived before Heaven. In relation to the Mes- lion, people have experienced such mis- history have cherished the hope and without knowing the truth that it is siah of humankind, a tribal messiah is ery in their lives as to be unable to earnest desire for tribal messiahs. The through the love organ that bonds of like a branch growing from the main discern night from day. The feeling in True Parents who have won all the vic- life are created, love is realized, and trunk. When leaves sprout, blossoms God’s heart must surely leave Him tories as the Messiah of humankind the connection of lineage is established. bloom, and fruit ripens on these branch unable to speak as He looks upon the bequeath to you their foundation, and Now we see that no truth is more pre- messiahs, that fruit will possess 100 distress His children are in. When a on this foundation you must become cious than this. Satan has controlled percent of the value of the original Mes- child meets with tragedy, no one feels victorious messiahs on the tribal level. humankind for thousands and tens of siah. You will advance into the realm more sorrow and pain than the par- Families that have received the holy thousands of years by means of the of protection, where good spirits can ents. God created us as His children. reproductive organ. He turned things marriage blessing from me and have protect you. see PERFECT on page 4 Unification News

into such a family. This would be a the wife’s reproductive organ, and the so He finally sent me to correct these PERFECT family where the Kingdom of God on wife is the owner of the husband’s repro- things and to tear down the barriers of from page 3 earth has taken root. Also, the root of ductive organ. If they are to establish war and conflict for all eternity. In doing the kingship that will continue forev- themselves as each other’s owner, they so, He gave me the qualification to be What, then, is God’s heartfelt desire? er will be put down in such a family. each must stand centering on a love the Savior, Messiah, returning Lord It is to liberate His children by any The roots of the past, present, and that is for the sake of their partner. It and True Parent who appears in the means possible, so they can find their future are represented by the grand- is to obtain this position of ownership world as the substantial body of God way back to their homeland. Religion parents, parents, and grandchildren, that people marry. For what purpose, Himself. Recently, God Himself sent is God’s strategy to open this way. respectively. The root of the past rep- then, do we want to obtain the posi- me a letter in which He comforted me Through religious movements, He laid resents the spirit world, the root of the tion of owner? It is to use that position on my difficult life and offered me encour- a foundation so that we could return present is a palace representing the to occupy God. God is the subject being agement. In addition, many people in to the homeland together, transcend- present world, and the root of the future of the three great loves. As the owner spirit world, including the five great ing our various environments, lan- will establish the grandchildren as of the cosmos, He is the teacher of true saints, many prophets and kings who guages, cultures, ethnic backgrounds, princes and princesses living in a palace love, owner of true love, and parent of appeared in the course of history, and ideologies, systems, and philosophies. of peace representing the two worlds— true love. These are the true “three great even notorious murderers such as Hitler He has countless times come to see the that is, the spirit world and physical subject ideas.” All these teachings and and reprehensible Communists such situations in which each of you lives. world. The mission of the tribal mes- truths will be realized centering on the as Stalin and Lenin have received my He waits anxiously for the day when siah is to establish the families of God’s lives of true families. When they are teachings, repented, and sent me let- you can return to your homeland. kingdom of Cheon Il Guk, where four expanded, societies, nations, and even ters expressing gratitude. You must understand that God is generations—grandparents, parents, the world and cosmos can be changed Looking back on my life, I can say the vertical True Parent who has con- children, and the children’s children— to form the Peace Kingdom. that humankind, which should have ducted His providence in ways that live as one family that is attending the The tribal messiah who returns to properly attended and served the True were appropriate to each historical peri- eternal God. This is also God’s heart- his or her homeland must have an Parent, Rev. Moon, with absolute faith, od and culture. He did not do all this felt desire. The mission is to establish imposing and resolute demeanor. There absolute love, and absolute obedience, for the benefit of any particular reli- families that God, if He were to go to can be no complaining. It is our des- instead made him go through a wilder- gious body or any particular country. another land, would want to return to. tiny to go this way, even if we must go ness course lasting some eighty years, It was a manifestation of God’s true It is to prepare families where God can weeping bitterly. Those who under- interspersed with persecution and suf- love for the sake of your liberation. It feel comfortable visiting anytime, just stand the circumstances of the Father— fering. I am not the type of person who was an effort to lay a bridge that would as a parent would visit the home of a how for thousands and tens of thou- would ever let such things discourage allow you to return to your homeland child. That is a life of service to God. sands of years He waited with a heart me or make me give up, however. If I in freedom. So please remember that In such a family, God becomes, verti- filled with grief for the loss of His chil- were, God would never have sent me you each stand in the position of rep- cally, the subject being of conscience. dren—cannot travel this path without to earth as His representative. As I resenting not only your families but Your own mind will follow this vertical shedding tears. Your steps, as you go clawed my way through indescribable also your country and all of suffering and adversity, I never humanity, and even all your once reproached God or turned ancestors in spiritual world and away from my mission. I always all the descendants who will be True Parents at East Garden worked for the ultimate ful- born in the future. We must fillment of God’s Will. You who achieve this precious, liberated do not know Heaven’s provi- November 19, 2003 state and fulfill our responsibil- dence have probably lived your ities before Heaven and Photos by Rev. Ken Doo lives only for the purpose of humankind. fulfilling your own desires. By We have such longing for our contrast, I have lived my life homeland, because there is love in accordance with Heaven’s there that exists for our sakes. Will and as a public person of The love of our mother and father, the cosmos. Without the slight- of our older brother and sister est deviation, I have lived by and of our younger siblings, the practicing the true love of a love of our wife and children and True Parent so as to gain vic- of our relatives can be found tory in the course of indem- everywhere in the homeland. In nity needed for the salvation the homeland, all these rela- of humankind. tionships and bonds are con- Respected and distinguished nected in altruistic love; we want guests, humanity has now to embrace them all at once. The entered a historical realm when traveler who yearns for his home- we only need to focus on the land longs to return home as a future and march forward proud liberated person, so that forcefully with hearts filled he can embrace the mountains, with hope and desire. We have rivers, grass, and trees, give love seen the birth of the “Abel- to his family and relatives, and type United Nations,” which sing joyous songs. Having been will lay bare the unreason- vanquished and expelled from ableness and the absurdities the homeland, and having lost of the existing UN and provide the connection of heart rooted in fundamental solutions to the their homeland, people have been various problems facing unable to return and have been humanity today. On October doomed to wander through eter- 3, more than 1,500 leaders nity on a lonely path until eventually subject being and bring your mind and to plant the seeds of love, must be filled from around the world who follow my going to hell. Now, however, we can be body into unity as your own vertical with hope. Once these seeds of true vision gathered in New York City, and liberated, and the path to the home- subject being. In this situation, parental love are planted, no one will be able to accomplished the founding of this his- land that we can never forget, even in love, conjugal love, children’s love, and steal them. They are the seeds of the toric and providential “Abel United our dreams, has been cleared. This is sibling love—that is, the four great heart of true love. The families and Nations.” realms of love, or four great realms of countries where these seeds sprout will surely the day of greatest blessing for An Abel UN is a Peace UN humanity. You are going to recover the the heart—will be perfected. This is remain forever in God’s possession: homeland lost by Adam and Eve. how a family must be in order to exist those families will become distinguished It is already 38 years since I met for- eternally through continuous spheri- families of Heaven producing God’s rep- mer United States president Dwight D. Four Generations in Harmony cal movement connecting up and down, resentatives generation after genera- Eisenhower and explained to him the When you go to your homeland, you front and back, and left and right as tion, and those countries will become necessity for an Abel United Nations. do so in the position of the perfected one. great nations under Heaven. Because of the ignorance of those in Adam, the perfected Jesus, and in the Ladies and gentlemen, why is it nec- charge who could not understand the Fruition in the Providence position of a representative of the return- essary to marry? We marry in order to significance of the hour, the fulfillment ing Lord. God will reside in your fam- obtain the position of owner. A man or Ladies and gentlemen, we have come of that aspect of the providence was ily. The four generations of grandpar- woman alone can only be half a per- to a providential time of great urgency delayed until today. Now, Heaven can ents, parents, children, and grand- son. That is how it works in God’s Cre- when God’s providence for human sal- wait no longer. This year, by the demands children will live together in harmony. ation. That is why God separated the vation must be brought to a conclu- of the providence, many righteous peo- The grandfather must be attended as ownership and placement of the repro- sion. God’s heart and love for human- ple who follow me made a stand to rid the ancestral root. The root of history ductive organs, which are the love ity has been the heart of a parent who themselves of their enmity for each lives in such a family, and the root of organs. The husband is the owner of loves a child. God could not ignore the the heavenly kingdom extends itself immorality and wickedness of this world, see PERFECT on page 5 Unification News Central Focus on the Middle East Peace Initiative by Rev. Dr. mittee that includes Mr. James Flynn, ly the youth, to attend this emergency to address the root causes of conflict Mr. Taj Hamad, Dr. Frank Kaufmann, peace effort. The world’s future is at in the Middle East and to outline a path n the foundation of the Mrs. Karen Judd Smith, Mr. Shunichiro stake, and we can make a difference. to peace that builds on the vision, establishment of the Inter- Yoshida, Mr. Hod Ben Zvi, IIFWP’s Sec- In addition to the main rally in Israel, strengths and methods of Father’s religious and Internation- retary General in Israel, and others. each nation is asked to hold a large teachings and practice. This Sympo- al Peace Council, or “Peace In terms of mobilization, Korea, rally on December 22, including a can- sium will involve 120 participants, with UN,” and the series of pil- Japan, America, Europe and the Mid- dlelight vigil, as part of the Interreli- 80 coming from the Middle East, and Ogrimages and rallies in the Holy Land, dle East are each asked to mobilize as gious and International Day of Prayer an additional 40 from around the world. Father has recently given direction Finally, beginning in the first week for a major, providential mobiliza- of December, an advance team and tion related to the Middle East Peace True Parents in Korea: task force will assemble in Israel to Initiative. Father has asked that, cen- Teo Ham Mountain, and lay the groundwork for the rally. This tering on December 22, as an Inter- team will include 120 of our core religious and International Day of Kyong Joo Bul Gook Temple members and committed Ambas- Prayer for Peace in the Middle East, sadors for Peace. The advance work 3 million people from around the November 16, 2003 will include meeting religious lead- world gather, primarily in Israel and Photos by Won Ju McDevitt ers, political leaders, scholars, media, Palestine, but also in regions and etc., throughout Israel, and promot- nations around the world, for the ing the rally and the Middle East sake of peace in the Middle East and Peace Initiative. This team will also the world. To successfully fulfill this focus on all necessary preparations direction, we will need a unified effort for a successful rally. We are asking from our entire movement and all that our core members and Ambas- Ambassadors for Peace. Of course, sadors for Peace apply/volunteer to we will also need the support and be a part of this special task force cooperation from the Israeli govern- and arrive in Israel by December 1. ment. Please begin to prepare to support The primary sponsor of this event this effort of the newly launched IIPC is the IIPC, as the principal project or Peace UN. This initiative will estab- of IIFWP International. Co-sponsors lish the unique contribution of Father’s will include the American Clergy Lead- teaching and movement to bringing ership Conference, Women’s Feder- practical results to this region of such ation for World Peace, United Press long-standing heartache for God and International Foundation, Youth Fed- humanity. eration for World Peace, and many We are in the final stages of God’s other NGOs from around the world. providence and the resolution of the Father appointed Rev. Kwak as problems in the Middle East will the Chairman. Under Rev. Kwak there unlock the way to world peace and will be an Executive Committee led will awaken the world to our Father’s by Dr. Sun Jo Hwang, Dr. Chang mission and true value. Please pray, Shik Yang and Mr. D. M. Douglas many volunteers and participants as for Peace in the Middle East. Part of and take action. If you receive any spe- Joo, with each taking central leader- possible. In some cases, planes, busses, our mission is to gather 3 million sig- cial inspiration, insight or suggestion ship responsibility for a key aspect of even boats will need to be chartered, natures from persons who affirm the related to this mobilization, do not hes- the events. In particular, Dr. Hwang is rather than relying on traditional com- ideals of the IIPC. Countries will be able itate to share this. Meanwhile, many overall responsible for international mercial airline schedules. Volunteers to connect to the central rally in Israel updates and follow-up communica- mobilization, Dr. Yang for the rally. In from all nations are also invited, as our through high-speed internet broadcast tions will be sent out in the near future addition, all IIFWP Regional Chairs, as goal is to have every nation represent- and satellite downlink. as plans are put in place, policies clar- well as Dr. Abe, are serving as Senior ed. Please do not only think of adult From December 20-23, in Jerusalem, ified, etc., for the Middle East Peace Advisors. individuals. Encourage married cou- the IIPC and IIFWP will sponsor a spe- Initiative. ❖ Dr. Thomas Walsh and Rev. Michael ples and entire families, and especial- cial IIPC Symposium and Consultation Jenkins will direct the Steering Com-

United Nations.” The existing United eration, which now has missions in 191 am more than 80 years old. I will spare PERFECT Nations is a Cain-type United Nations, countries, and dozens of other groups no effort in dedicating the remaining from page 4 a United Nations of strife. In contrast, and organizations founded by me will years of my life to God and to fulfill the the Abel United Nations will be a struc- be placed under the control of the Peace heavenly mandate. Working through other. Religious leaders who had pre- ture that guarantees world peace. This United Nations. All media organs, includ- the Peace United Nations, I will with- viously refused even to sit down togeth- is nothing less than the most revolu- ing and United out fail resolve God’s anguish and build er—Jewish clergy representing the First tionary and wondrous event to happen Press International (UPI) in the United God’s Kingdom of freedom, peace, unity, Israel, Middle Eastern clergy repre- since God created humankind. Now the States, the Middle East Times in the and happiness based on true love, on senting Islam, and American clergy rep- world will begin to change rapidly. More Middle East, Tiempos del Mundo in Cen- earth and in heaven. resenting Christianity—gathered in than 120 billion blessed couples on the tral and South America, Segye Ilbo in Distinguished guests, please, even Jerusalem. These traditional enemies side of goodness in the spirit world have Korea, and Sekai Nippo in Japan, will now, open the gates to your hearts and took each other by the hand and been mobilized. On earth, tens of thou- promote the work of the Peace United receive your calling from Heaven with announced the Jerusalem Declaration. sands of Ambassadors for Peace and Nations. Moreover, Sun Moon Univer- a spirit of one heart, one body, and one Next, a large number of religious lead- millions of other leaders around the sity in Korea, the University of Bridge- mindset with God. Follow the tradition ers from across religious boundaries world are carrying the torch of the Peace port in the United States, Sunhwa (Lit- of the True Parents to practice the life gathered in Washington, D.C., the cap- United Nations. tle Angels) Middle and High School, of a true teacher, true owner, and true ital of the United States, which repre- Humanity now has the responsibil- Sunjung Girls Middle and High School parent. This path will lead to your becom- sents Christianity, the realm of the Sec- ity to work through the Peace United and other educational institutions will ing representatives and heirs of Heav- ond Israel. These religious leaders pro- Nations to build, on the earth, the Peace be dedicated to the purpose of educat- en and True Parents. It is the path and claimed a resolution from the earthly Kingdom that God and all people have ing leaders capable of carrying out the mission of true love that builds the world in response to the resolution longed for. Attending God as our King, lofty purposes of the Peace United Peace Kingdom. adopted by many leaders—including and, aligned internally on Cheon Il Guk Nations. In the area of sports, too, the Distinguished guests, I pray that the five great saints—in the spirit world. and externally on the Nation of the Ilhwa Cheonma Soccer Team that has Heaven’s great blessings will be upon On the basis of these declarations in Fourth Israel, it is our responsibility to become the premier team in the Repub- your journey as you preciously place Jerusalem and Washington, a third dec- build a world of peace that represents lic of Korea, and Sorocaba and CENE, deep within your hearts the bond cre- laration, the Seoul Peace Declaration, both the spiritual and earthly realms which have become prominent profes- ated today by our sharing these won- was adopted in Seoul, Korea, on August and that transcends religions and nations. sional football teams in Brazil, will ded- derful words of Heaven, and that from icate their energies to the same pur- this time forward you will pioneer a life 15 and announced to the world by its The Peace UN Jewish, Islamic, and Christian clergy pose. that is on a new and higher level. With signatories. Please bear in mind that I want to make it clear to all the world Ladies and gentlemen, I have no lin- this thought, I will now have my prayer these steps were the providential prepa- that I will gladly transfer to the control gering attachments to this world. I of report read by a representative and rations for the founding of the Abel Unit- of the Peace United Nations the entire received Heaven’s command as a young offer this gathering before Heaven. ❖ ed Nations. foundation that I have built with blood, man of 15, and I have pursued this “Abel United Nations” means “Peace sweat, and tears over more than eighty throughout my life until now, when I years. To begin with, the Family Fed- Unification News Inaugural Meeting of the Middle East Interreligious and International Regional Peace Council (MERPC) by Dr. Frank Kaufmann with a wonderful interreligious and at the meeting as well. These are rel- Jerusalem, and Archimandrite Abuna international event for peace (the Peace evant portions of the draft charter of Hatoum of Nazareth. These particu- n September 22, 2003, Walk, and the symposium), the inau- the North American RPC, as well as lar individuals were chosen as pre- approximately 40 key lead- gural for the MERPC transpired in Israel. relevant portions of an introductory senters for this session for two rea- ers from the Middle East For the council to function legitimate- statement from IIFWP headquarters, sons: 1. Their longstanding involve- (predominantly from Israel) ly, regional meetings will have to occur presented as a supplement to invita- ment, commitment, and understanding gathered for a ceremonial in all countries of the region, and ulti- tion materials for the October 1 ˆ 4, of the mission and vision of the IIFWP, Olaunch of the Middle East Regional 2003 inaugural meeting of the and 2. The fact that they represent the Peace Council (MERPC). The Interreligous and International three major faiths of the region, which event transpired in the con- Peace Council, held in New must ultimately must harmonize and text of a crowded day of inter- York City. These latter two take the lead in restoring peace and faith and peace activities. documents were presented to loving relations in the region. In addi- All participants present were all gathered as guidelines and tion to the representatives of the three active throughout the day’s general principles designed to predominant religions in the region, events. These included the help introduce the essential remarks were also delivered by IIFWP historic and miraculous vision, concept, and purpos- president Sheikh Ali Bihrani of the “Peace Under One God, es of this new project. Druze faith (a central faith to the region, Jerusalem Peace Walk,” a In addition to the docu- but one often overlooked despite its symposium for harmony mentary record of the meet- significance both spiritually and polit- among the faiths in the fam- ing, several assigned, as well ically in Middle Eastern affairs). ily of Abraham, and an as impromptu speakers Following the remarks of the mod- evening banquet and cele- expressed their thoughts, erator, as well as the designated pre- bration of multi-faith song, hopes, and recommendations senters representing the faiths of the dance, and testimonials. The MERPC mately solutions must be found to the for the council. Dr. Frank Kaufmann region, many participants added their inaugural occurred simultaneously dissolving the calcified and debilitat- chaired the meeting, and functioned commentary, encouragement and advice. with the interfaith symposium. ing postures, which keep the nations as its moderator. Dr. Kaufmann used Several of these speakers are long time The Middle East has a number of of the region so radically apart. his brief speaking time to give an his- associates and contributors to the inter- distinct challenges to function as a To accommodate this current obsta- torical background on the evolution of national, peace work of the IIFWP, as “region” due to the unusually intense cle we solicited and received statements regional councils, as well as to help well as individuals who occupy promi- hostilities among many of the nations from several countries in the region, veterans of IIFWP grasp how this emerg- nent and influential positions in soci- in the region. The geopolitical reality (Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan in par- ing effort is distinct from extant efforts, ety. Elected officials, ambassadors, makes it virtually impossible for peace- ticular) which are to stand formally in which bear similar vision and purpose. ministers in the government, as well seekers from diverse nations to gath- the record of this inaugural meeting, Speakers on the dais included, Rev- as religious and spiritual leaders all er together to share, to learn, to mutu- and so that the seminal moments of erend Hee Sun Ji (IIFWP regional coor- contributed in substantial ways to the ally educate, and to work together for this regional Peace Council can be dinator), Reverend Masatoshi Abe (IIFWP deliberations marking this inaugural common cause. No one nation in the defined as having greater integrity than representative for Israel), Professor meeting. region can serve as an ideal venue for would come from convening just the Eliezer Glaubach (Former City Coun- At the time of this writing, ongoing such peace pursuits, since residents important peacemakers who could by cilman for the City of Jerusalem), Imam work for the MER IIPC, is ongoing in from some countries are always for- serendipity, be present at the time of Haitham Bundakji (President and Imam the US, Israel, and in a harmonious, bidden to travel to others. Due to the the meeting. of the Islamic Center of Passaic Coun- peace team of major Arab nations. ❖ convenience and benefit of associating Two other documents were confirmed ty, CA), and Rabbi Moshe Chen of ACLC Chicago Prayer Breakfast by Rev. Bruce Sutchar kicked off the event Bishop Kim and Rev. Jenkins, as it as the ablest of co- brings our members and the guest min- great man puts a system convenors of the isters much closer together. Pastor Bar- into place that will operate ACLC in Chicago. rett, in fact, called me a couple of days successfully even without Rev. Owens is a after the meeting and very warmly his personal presence. This veteran of two of thanked us for including him in our will multiply his greatness this years trips to inner family. farA beyond his own ability to perform Israel and she is Our True Family Values Japanese a given task. Thus is the case with the the constant sup- Choir then graced our congregation Chicago monthly prayer breakfast. port of Chicago with 2 beautiful songs and then Rev. Going on nearly 4 years of history, every ACLC Chairman, Bruce Sutchar (AFC Executive Direc- month the Chicago ACLC ministerial Dr. A. (always on tor of Illinois) presented the Powerpoint alliance gathers at a Chicago area time!) Harold slide show explaining the meaning and church in order to worship the Lord White. Dr. Paul significance of the commission of Ambas- and connect to True Parents provi- Swanson offered a sadors for Peace. All of the guests were dence. Every month a different minis- Jenkins, and even this morning, so beautiful (as always) invocation. then invited to attend the December ter offers to host the breakfast and many of the church’s membership asked A beautiful breakfast was served by 13th Ambassadors for Peace Confer- more and more every month, the min- about the health and well being of Mrs. Rev. Raven’s members and then ACLC ence at the Chicago Hilton and Tow- isters themselves invite new guests to Jenkins. Finally the members gathered National Co-convenor, Pastor T.L. (True ers preceding Chicago’s 8th annual the breakfast. in the kitchen of the church and left Love) Barrett took over the podium. True Family Values Conference. The November’s prayer breakfast on the Mrs. Jenkins a long and detailed mes- Pastor Barrett gave a deeply moving presentation concluded as AFC of Illi- 18th was held in the sage of love from tribute to the uncon- nois President David brand new church (the Chicago. ditional love and sac- Rendel presented our Inspired Body of Christ) As each prayer rificial effort of Bish- host pastor with his of Rev. T.C. Raven . This breakfast is always op Kim and he raised “Ambassadors for was the very first prayer unique, today’s was a substantial offer- Peace” plaque and breakfast that Rev. Raven no exception. First of ing to give to Bishop certificate. has hosted. Rev. Raven all, Bishop Ki Hoon Kim to help speed up Pastor Barrett then is a student and disciple Kim is still recovering his recovery. (note: returned to close out of our dear and long time from the viruses that Pastor and Mrs. Bar- the meeting in song friend, the Rev. LeRoy he picked up from his rett graced our Chica- and the assemblage Elliott, who has stood up recent journey to his go Family Federation departed in prepara- for our True Parents on national Messiah by being our special tion for our True Fam- so many occasions. nation of Guinea Bis- guests at our Octo- ily Values Banquet, Throughout his ministry, seau in Africa. But due ber monthly meet- the trips to Israel and, Rev. Raven and his con- to Bishop Kim’s guid- ing—I strongly rec- of course, our Decem- gregation were loved and ance and leadership, ommend this activi- ber breakfast. ❖ cared for by Mrs. Reiko the show did go on. ty—first initiated by Rev. Bennie Owens Unification News RYS Paraguay: 2nd Gen Build a School

hoeless children with runny noses Sand bright smiles eagerly helped the RYS volunteers in building their new school in Puerto Diana, Paraguay this August. The volun- teers, mostly high school students from the United States, readily embraced these children, hop- ing they could make a difference in their lives. Assisting in the construction of a primary school in Puerto Diana, an indigenous com- munity on the Paraguay River in northern Paraguay, was the primary work of the volun- teers. Additional experiences in Puer- to Leda, Asuncion and Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil made this a trip to remember. The project had a rough beginning as the black out in New York caused some travel delays, but the intrepid vol- unteers made their way and started team of pioneers had transformed a Many families are stuck in pover- world. with a busy Sunday where they visit- difficult area into a thriving ranch and ty. Although they have plenty of land A follow-up project is planned for ed three religious communities in center of employment for the region. It available, they have not yet learned July 1-10, 2004. This project will Paraguay’s capital. A cordial welcome was Rev. Kamiyama himself who invit- rudimentary farming and animal hus- increase the international participa- by the Family Federation for World ed the RYS to come to Paraguay to learn bandry techniques. Fortunately, a tion bringing volunteers from Japan Peace and Unification started the day. about the region and offer service to Catholic NGO is now working to teach and South America to make the pro- Then an afternoon visit to the Pueblo local indigenous communities. We dis- gardening in the community. gram a more diverse inter-cultural expe- de Dios, a local Paraguayan spiritual covered that local people considered it Our time in Diana was too short. We rience. community which advocates prayer and an honor to work in Leda and hoped returned to Leda for a day of fishing For more information on this or other sexual purity, introduced the volun- that the development would continue and relaxation before making the jour- projects in Paraguay, about Puerto Leda ney back to Asuncion and then to Foz or Puerto Diana, send an email to teers to more traditional evangelical to expand, providing economic stabil- ❖ practices. An evening visit to the Church ity and improved living for the greater do Iguaçu in Brazil. Iguaçu means ‘big paraguay/@/rys.net . of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints region. water’ in Guaranie – the indigenous was the highlight of the day for many, After a day in Leda – where the Japan- language of most of Paraguay and some as LDS (Mormon) Elders shared about ese pioneers had successfully created part of Argentina and their lives and mission work, allowing a water purification system and brought Brazil. Foz do Iguaçu the RYS volunteers an opportunity to in generators for electricity – we took is Portuguese for Iguaçu reflect on their own life of faith. a three hour boat journey to Puerto Falls, considered by On Monday, we visited ‘las chacar- Diana, a community of Native Ameri- many as the most spec- itas’ – the slum areas of Asuncion - an cans of the Chamacoco tribe. In Diana tacular water falls in area some people warned us not to visit we had no running water, no electric- the world. On our return for its dangers. Beyond a tall iron gate, ity and no telephones. Many of the local we visited Cacupe, the we discovered a local primary school people had no way to understand the spiritual capital of and requested a meeting with the direc- concept of Internet – the children who Paraguay where a Native tors. The director and teachers were so were often sick and hungry were delight- American hero paid happy to have visitors and pleaded with ed with the simple technology of a flash homage to Mother Mary us to stay. They told us that no one camera. and sights of Mother comes to help them because they are Although the children lived simply, Mary have occurred over in the ‘red zone’ (i.e. danger zone) and most with no shoes to wear, they were the years. Pope John that the children are very hungry for incredibly friendly and hard working. Paul II visited this site attention and love. We stayed the entire Eight and ten year old Chamacoco boys during a visit to South afternoon, playing with the children, and girls helped us carry 50 kilogram America. reviewing their work and embracing sacks of sand for the construction. They This Friendship them every moment we could. When showed fearlessness at the sight of Americas project pro- school finished, there were no parents tarantulas and dangerous snakes (like vided more diverse expe- waiting to greet the children by the iron the one the old lady said would kill us riences than many other gate. We walked some of the children if it pinched us). The children also projects. Our work with home as we made our way out of las showed us who was boss on the fútbol children was most mem- chacaritas. (soccer) field, beating our older, yet less orable. Working with a We traveled in two groups to Puer- skilled, USA team 4-1 in a lopsided community struggling to Leda, a terrific development in the match. to develop helped us all Paraguay’s desolate Chaco region. We We discovered that most of the chil- be grateful for what we heard the story from native people of dren in Diana have no opportunity for have and expanded our the ‘miracle of Leda’ – how in four short high school, even though the annual desire to love other peo- years, Rev. Takeru Kamiyama and his registration fee is only eight US dollars. ple throughout the Unification News Tripod of Peace: Understanding The Three Declarations by Robert S. Kittel, the qualities of peace that are eternal, As an integral part of this, the IIFWP by more than a dozen religions lead- unchanging and unconditional. In this worked closely with the American Fam- ers from around the world. After read- he tripod, more than a dove, scenario, there is one camera sup- ily Coalition which assisted conference ing the Seoul Declaration by His Excel- may be an image that cor- ported by three legs. That creates an delegates in visiting members of the lency Green, delegates stood in line to rectly symbolizes peace. The unshakeable or peaceful environment United States Congress, both the House sign this historical document. representation of a dove and where the image will not be distorted. of Representatives as well as the Sen- The common theme running through olive branch as a sign of IIFWP has, in essence, over the sum- ate. Religious leaders discussed the the titles of these conferences was that peaceT reaches back to the time of Noah. mer created the foundation for what it Interreligious Council initiative and the world, now more than ever before, At the end of the 40-day flood judg- believes is a tripod for world explained to their political coun- was at a turning point. Moral confu- ment Noah released three sets of doves peace. Three major confer- terparts that the family of sion, political turmoil, corruption and to check if the waters had subsided. ences held in three of the true love is the building the new scourge of global terrorism When the second dove returned, “lo, worlds hotspots have block for world peace, have made this point self-evident. Unan- in her mouth was an olive leaf pluckt each resulted in procla- both in terms of char- swered, however, is the question of how off: so Noah knew that the waters were mations signed by acter and moral we can overcome these impediments abated from off the earth” (Gen. 8:11). leading religious lead- education as well to peace. Ever since the dove and olive branch ers, political thinkers, as a model of gov- IIFWP believes that this series of have symbolized peace. former heads of state, ernment. The rel- three conferences is far more than a But peace is more than the end of and academicians that evance of this pro- gathering of hundreds of people in areas a period of severe judgment and tur- lay a foundation for gram could be of turmoil across the world as a show moil. The traditional definitions of peace world peace. With over understood from of solidarity and good-will. Lasting solu- are: “a state of tranquility,” or “the ces- a thousand signatures, the headlines on the tions to world peace require multiple sation of war.” But peace can also be these documents front pages of news- approaches. defined as a time of “public quiet, order, address the most press- papers across Ameri- Firstly, historical resentments are concord and contentment,” and it is ing problems that now ca; death and destruc- real; they cannot be ignored. Hatred in these later expressions that a tri- stand as roadblocks to tion was unabated in the is like a ghost of the past that haunts pod may more appropriately stand for peace. Middle East and on the and ferments bad relationships. We peace. In May 2003, one hun- opening day of this con- are spiritual and emotional beings that In order not to get a blurred photo- dred and thirty one Chris- ference, the U.S. are influenced by these powerful, sen- graph, the camera must be stable— tian ministers went to Israel Supreme Court had just sitive forces. The history of our past unshaken on any terrain. The four legs on a pilgrimage of recon- legalized homosexual cannot be overlooked in seeking peace; of a table or chair can be stable but ciliation. Having under- relationship. historical enmity must be reconciled only conditionally, if the floor is per- stood that Jesus origi- The significance by players of this age. fectly flat and the bottom of all four nally came to bring and central point of Secondly, peace must be based on legs form a perfect plane. How many peace and did not the “Washington Dec- models of good governance. The heart times have you been in a restaurant come to die on the laration” was that of a political thinker who has his or and had your coffee spilt because the cross, they buried religions must take her national self-interest at stake is table wobbles? Since the tripod can a wooden cross, a role in overcom- quite different than that of a religious create a situation where the camera representing the ing the painful his- leader who is answerable to God. Politi- will be unwavering, it could symbolize crosses that they tory of conflict, mis- cians can be likened to an exasperat- had already taken understanding and ed parent coming to their wits end, down from their church- separation, and are demanding that their disobedient chil- My Loyal Friend es throughout the United States indispensable to good dren “just stopping fighting.” In doing before beginning this pilgrim- governance. The seventh article in this so, they could be appeased with ces- How lonely he must be. age. Then in reaching out to a declaration stated that ideally religions sations of hostilities and lulled into Anchored to me similar number of religious lead- would “manifest the highest moral and thinking peace has been restored. by bonds of love ers from the other two monothe- spiritual values… would embody true But the religious heart must go fur- istic faiths, namely Judaism and and enduring love… and be the cen- ther—it calls for the cessation of hatred. for the One Islam, they sought to reconcile tral axis and model of good global gov- Parents, at their best, would use con- Who created us; the family of Abraham and signed ernance.” flicts as learning opportunities and masterpieces the “Jerusalem Declaration.” The final part of the tripod of peace would not be satisfied until the errant The first leg of the tripod was put in place in Seoul, Korea on sibling expresses sorrow and seeks for- in transitory ruin. reached back into history, heal- August 15, 2003. Nearly 360 delegates, giveness and reconciliation from the Watching charges ing wounds of animosity that from 120 nations convened what was wronged party. Any institution that dulled still prejudice current events in justly called the Summit of World Lead- separates the spiritual and religious the Middle East. Participants of ers. The delegates represented one of from the political, educational and with grime each faith, as the declaration the largest Interreligious gatherings financial dimensions of governance will is a weary task stated, “wish[ed] to repent for ever assembled on the Korean penin- be crippled and shortsighted. It will Uncompensated the dark parts of [their] past… sula. A subset of these deliberations likely not deal with the primary root for persecuting and killing oth- was a concurrent committee that offered of the problem. and solitary. ers.” Christians repented for creative and bold steps to solving the And finally, true peace seeks peace Eighty-six thousand “glorifying the execution which 50-year old division of the Korean peo- more for others than for oneself, more four hundred ended Jesus’ physical life” while ple. After all, one of the few times that for other nations than for ones own Jewish leaders sought to “lib- the United Nations advocated military nation. Peace must be altruistic; it lives times a day — erate themselves once and for intervention was during the Korean for the sake of others and is future- Do guardian angels all from the burden of Jesus’ War where 16 nations, including the oriented, thinking more for the unborn feel the length crucifixion.” In the end, Jews, United States, came to defend South next generation than the living. So Christians and Muslims pledged Korea against a communist-backed without families where God’s blessing of a second? to seek Divine grace and for- assault from the North. and love permeate each person’s heart, How painful it must be giveness, to forgive and recon- The “Seoul Declaration” laid the where vertical and horizontal rela- To wait for a gaze cile with each other, and to build groundwork for establishing a “king- tionships are clearly identified and hon- “one family of G-d.” dom of true love and peace.” The seed ored, and where sacrificing for others of recognition One month later, in Wash- was sown by participants dedicating flourishes continuously… peace will from eyes unable to see. ington DC, the second leg was themselves to the “fulfillment of God’s be like an unquenchable thirst. The Thank you seems so paltry; added. Building upon the Mid- ideal, for the sake of the coming gen- underpinning of peace both in the indi- dle East Peace Initiative, par- erations, particularly through the estab- vidual and globally is the family. Too cheap a recompense. ticipants gathered in the capi- lishment of blessed families of true love Peace means healing the past, build- Intercessory prayer tal of the nation most respon- that apply the principle of living for the ing models of good governance that is the best that I can offer; sible for establishing the United sake of others and go beyond the bar- complement the spiritual and physi- Nations at the end of WWII. Cen- riers of race, religion and nationality.” cal dimensions of our human nature, with my love, tral to their mission was the call The image that encapsulates this and creating blessed families were we and hope to establish inter-faith assem- vision was the Closing Plenary session. learn through experience the value of ❖ That God will bless him. blies not only at the local and There H.E. Hamilton Green, the for- living for others. national level, but also “estab- mer Prime Minister of Guyana, was My loyal friend. lishing an Interreligious Coun- flanked by IIFWP Chairman, Rev. Dr. Peter Falkenberg Brown cil at the United Nations.” Chung Hwan Kwak, and surrounded SUBSCRIBE TO THE UNIFICATION NEWS Unification News

REV. MICHAEL JENKINS God’s Children in Hallowed Ground riencing in your own heart, I think you children had to be taken into the spiri- ward in faith and true love. Every word Rev. Jenkins is the can be assured that True Parents under- tual world. Hye Jin Nim, Hee Jin Nim, of truth a blessed central family speaks President of the stand. We were reminded the other day, Heung Jin Nim, and Young Jin Nim, four at this time will eliminate vast volumes American Church as Father shared with us about the recent children of our True Parents had to each of billions of words of the false world. passing of our young people, who are his- be called, as Dr. Yang said, for a special Every step a blessed central family takes This is from an address given at the torical figures now, Kwan Jung and also place, a special path. from this time will be equal to millions National Won Jeon Dedication, Fort Lin- Alexei. Father commented that we don’t I believe that the relatives we honor of steps of the forces of darkness. There- coln Cemetery, Washington D.C. (Mary- know about our life. today are also those who are called by fore, the forces of darkness have no place land), October 9, 2003 We must really take from this occur- God. I remember when I look at you and to go but to recede and dissolve. want to give thanks to our True Par- rence a deeper understanding that we think about the Seung Hwa’s we had and Beloved blessed families, you have ents, to Daemonim, to Heung Jin must always prepare our mind to be faith- tears we shared together that each one been chosen for such a time as this, and Nim, who have opened the gateway ful in God, to love Jesus, to love the saints, of your loved ones had a tremendous therefore, I believe that upon Dr. Yang’s of heaven and earth, that we might and to really live according to God’s will. impact on all of the national American prayer as he was commissioned by True be able to not only understand the Our minds must be absolute, especially movement and the world movement. I Parents directly to sanctify this hallowed Imore profound meaning of our gathering now that we are entering the time of the believe that if you look more deeply into ground as the national won jeon, your here, but also we can rejoice in the assur- great tribulation. Father warned us to the spiritual world, you’ll find that each beloved families are receiving that heav- ance that all is in order and the Kingdom understand that we don’t know what sac- one of your loved ones actually passed enly commendation at this time. Some of Heaven is being manifested through rifices might come to the blessed of you may not have overcome your our beloved ones who have now taken central families during this sorrow as of yet, and that’s all this step into the spiritual world before period of transition because right. You will if you hold on to us. now we are standing square- God’s unchanging heart. I sincerely thank our leadership, Dr. ly, face to face, with the evil Also, we are at Ft. Lincoln ceme- Yang, who has cooperated with Mr. Anto- world and we are proclaiming tery. We must be cognizant of the nio Betancourt and Mr. Bill Selig, to make before heaven and earth that fact that we are here on hallowed this possible. And to the regional direc- we are going to end evil on the ground where Lincoln gathered tors, Rev. Lee and Rev. Hong, Rev. Schanker earth and change the blood his generals and planned the path and Rev. Daugherty and also the elders lineage of all families and usher of victory that would liberate the in our movement, Mr. Joo and Rev. Kwak, in God’s Kingdom. conflict of the North and the South. who are working as one with Dr. Yang for Father reminded us that Therefore, I believe that we are also the establishment of God’s kingdom even though he was caught on that battleground. This is a through the elder son nation. up to the throne of God where battleground, and this is a bat- I really want to thank all the families he experienced Jesus and total oneness at a very specific time that was related tleground where now the proclamation that are here representing your loved with God as well as the glory of God. with something to support or to protect has gone forth that every step we take ones, and want to comfort you in your Father shared with us that though he God’s providence and our True Parents. forward for the Kingdom, starting with time of suffering and time of transition. had his own internal and personal vic- Therefore, no one can understand your today will bear the fruit of victory for God’s Even though it’s never easy and no one tories, one after the other, still the price personal course of sorrow, especially providence. We’re coming to this spiri- can truly understand what you’re expe- was not enough. Therefore, even his own young people who lost your mothers, tual place to make this proclamation for fathers and your support in life. What the elder son nation, where the families we can understand is that there is light who sacrificed on the front line are laid on the other side of the dark tunnel. to rest, to make our resolve that on this Families Gather for Dedication of Sometimes you feel like you’re just at a day we will now end the forces of evil and complete loss for what to do, how to over- turn them into forces of goodness. come, and why, why would this great suf- I just went to Gettysburg recently, and the National Won Jeon Shrine and fering come to my family, who was so I want to encourage you also to go there dedicated. And yet beyond that dark- and pray. I was so moved upon going Commemorative Memorial Service ness and that time of where you don’t there because it’s not only soldiers from even know how you can hold on, or what the North but also the sons of the South to hold on to, you actually are being forged that gave their lives. They both shed their by Bill & Donna Selig constantly feels her presence. Attending with his five sons, Tom in the fires of God’s dispensation. As blood that this nation could indemnify ast month, Unification News McDevitt honored his wife, Soon Ja, each one of you have emerged faithful, the blood that was spilled by the lash of reprinted Dr. Yang’s remarks by relating Father’s reaction when he and as you continue to emerge stronger slavery. Both the North and South paid at the dedication service. In heard Soon Ja’s passing was immi- and more filial to God’s heart, your char- that price. When we go to Gettysburg, this issue, we reprint the nent. “Don’t be afraid, don’t hold on, acter, your family and your testimony you feel that you are on hallowed ground. remarks of Rev. Jenkins and just let her go. She’s going to be with becomes a rock solid foundation upon In the same manner, we are on a holy Lsome of the testimonies. absolute God,” which was the term which God’s kingdom can be built. ground here. This will become a nation- During the historic ceremony which Father used at the God conference on I have been blessed with the oppor- al place that one day will have greater took place at the front of the Won Jeon the date she passed, Dec. 27. He tes- tunity to be with True Parents I cannot centrality than Gettysburg. I think it’s property in Washington, D.C., under tified how Soon Ja, though busy in the believe the suffering around Father and fitting that we read the Gettysburg Address green tents erected by the cemetery spiritual world, is guiding their fami- Mother’s family, around their lives. They in conclusion. It was delivered in Novem- staff, the families of ascended mem- ly, particularly in the recent matching have no idea of their schedule, no idea ber, 1863, just four months after the great bers had an opportunity to speak. of their eldest son, Macklee. of what God’s dispensation will bring. battle. Also, Gettysburg was most sig- Kitty Wojcik, whose husband, Tom, Mrs. Ichiko Marshall, who traveled Therefore, at some point they just have nificant because it was the “high water” went into a final coma at the very from Ohio, attended with eight mem- to put their children in God’s hands. mark of the Confederacy’s power. If the moment the terrorists struck the Twin bers of her husband’s family, who live Many times I saw Mother reach out South had won that battle then the des- Towers in 2001, said, “Everything when in the DC area. She thanked everyone for the children, trying to stretch beyond tiny of the elder son nation could have you come down to it — is how can you on behalf of Donald, who passed away the possibilities of the providence, trying been very different. But God worked love. … I really thank my husband in March. She praised her husband to get a moment to even hold the hand through the Abel side to bring the prop- because he was a real man. I wish all and our Won Jeon site. of one son or daughter, only to see forces er outcome. From that point on the chal- you men could be loving people who For more information about the of history just pull her away. She had to lenge to the Union declined. love your wives, children and love God.” National Won Jeon and how to pur- let go of the hand of her beloved one. I believe, brothers and sisters, that we Martyn and Izabela Byrne, parents chase a plot, contact nationalwon- Father and Mother offered their family to are certainly at the high water mark of of Jin Joo, who died while serving on [email protected]. A plot and crypt for two God. Not with a cold heart on the “mis- evil in our culture, in our movies and tel- STF in North Carolina, traveled from persons currently costs $2,000. The sion” but rather a heart of sorrow and evision, in our world. Let this be a spir- Washington state for this ceremony. price is scheduled to go up in January sad resignation that they is no other way itual Gettysburg where the sons and Speaking about their daughter, Mar- 2004. but to follow the will of God. With tears daughters of God truly stand on the cos- tyn said, “My heart is really full at this For more information about the they pray that their children will turn to mic front line with the Second Coming of time. …This year felt like a thousand Seung Hwa Ceremony and the Nation- God during the period of loneliness and Christ. Let this be the high water mark years. What’s in my heart mostly is al Won Jeon, look on-line at www.nation- sorrow. I saw this with my own eyes. of evil, and let our resolve be such that gratitude for the culture that we’ve been alwonjeon.com and www.familyfed.org Therefore, that kind of suffering, that from now on evil just rapidly declines, given by our True Parents of heart, under “references.” providential wave has caught your fam- until purity is exhibited in all relation- love, beauty, and goodness.” There is an important new website ilies, and for whatever reason you had to ships between men and women, until the Steve Symonds remembered his wife, for members of the Unificationist faith. let go of your loved one and you had to blood lineage is changed between all fam- Mary, who passed away in 2002. With Go on-line at www.nationalwonjeon.com let God take His course. ilies, until finally we have a heavenly The external foundation of the evil dwelling place where we all become the their son, Will, in the audience, he and learn about the National Won Jeon ❖ shared how they first met and how he Shrine and our rich traditions. ❖ world will collapse the more strongly we true temples of God. stand up, the more clearly we walk for- Unification News Ambassadors for Peace in Queens

by Rev. Mizuguchi action. To round out the he Queens Church diversity present in the held an Ambas- meeting, we even had sadors for Peace a school administrator Breakfast Meeting and a Chinese pastor! at the Carmichael This was unprecedent- Diner,T Tuesday Oct. 14, 2003. ed. You don’t know what At first, it looked like a repeat a miracle it is to have of our past experience: an a Chinese pastor attend empty room except for a few until you have tried to faithful ministers and a lot of witness to them (they anxious members. However are quite similar to Kore- by the time the program got an ministers in their under way one-half hour behind the rest of the diner. The manager was conservatism). schedule, the room started to fill. We happy to see so many people and so The video presenta- it is a possibility that he and his son found ourselves in a rare situation where many extra breakfasts being ordered. tion “The World at a Turning Point” set would like to devote to IIFWP full-time. we scrambled for chairs to accommo- We were happy to see so many Mus- the tone for Rev. Michael Jenkins’ mov- God is always working. It is only date an overflowing crowd. About 30 lims and Sikh leaders joining us this ing and inspiring testimony of the work when we are working that His power guests squeezed into a dining room fit time. Though congested we were, no of True Father and the Ambassadors comes through. I don’t know about you one complained while for Peace, especially at the historical- but for me just to see such an over- listening attentively ly significant places in the Holy City flowing crowd was refreshing. I can’t to messages from and Gaza. Rev. Jenkins often made ref- remember the last time we had a Stand- Imam Mohammed erences too many of the dignitaries ing Room Only program. Wait a minute, Khan of the Islamic there and their satisfaction in being last Tuesday night October 7th at the Circle of North Amer- recognized was transparent. Rev. Jenk- Sheraton in Queens was also a SRO. ica and Sikh priest ins interaction with the audience can Maybe we are developing a trend. Hal- Mukhtor Singh of the only be described as dynamic and stim- leluiah! Sikh Temple of ulating. He was at once spirited and Everyone contributed to the pro- Queens. Their mes- charismatic. So much so that one recent gram’s success. The guests came from sages were striking- Ambassador for Peace attendee signed ACLC, from AFC, from IIFWP, from those ly similar to what we up to go on the Israel Peace Trip on Oct witnessed to by the TASK FORCE, and would preach at our 20th right then and there. He even paid from local members. But our special Sunday service, i.e. $1,000 CASH on the spot. Talk about gratitude goes to our pastor, Rev. Yuji there is only one God being prepared! This man was an evan- Mizuguchi, for his superb organization and we are all his chil- gelist from India and was in America and coordinating efforts that made the for 25 people. Then when you add the dren and brothers and sisters. They on a speaking engagement and will be execution of this program almost flaw- 20 or so members to that group, our emphasized morality in man and woman returning to India in November. That less. ❖ program was literally spilling over into relationships and ethics in human inter- is if we don’t get to him first! He said ACLC Thanksgiving Prayer Breakfast in Los Angeles

by Rev. Henning Moon and the Pilgrimages for Peace. The breakfast prepared by vol- aturday, Novem- unteers representing three ber 15th at the churches was amazing; pas- McCarty Memo- tries, eggs, bacon, pota- rial Church, the toes, fruit salads and all ACLC Prayer the extras made a buffet SBreakfast provided a pow- that was sure to please. erful testimony to the True Following the keynote Parents by high-level speak- address the five-minute ers from several denomi- video of the 3rd Pilgrimage nations. District Elder Dr. set the tone for testimonies. William Johnson of the CME The testimonies of the 2nd Churches in Los Angeles and San and 3rd Pilgrimages by Rev. Avan Diego delivered a dynamic keynote Hardwell of God’s Extended Hands address based on True Father’s Ministry, Chief Gayokla Nichi Inaugural Address for the of the Pikuni Tribe and Rev. Peace Council on October Sheri Rueter of the Los 3rd. Angeles Family Church He quoted Father’s brought to light the message and explained heart-felt experiences The Sadoc Christian Singers, who Muslim faith. At the end all stood and it in terms of real expe- of earnest prayers, of life- have supported ACLC from its start sang “Let Their Be Peace on Earth” and rience of the local Chris- risking adventure in and are top contenders and often win- an earth-shaking prayer was offered tian congregations. He Gaza, and deep realiza- ners of nation-wide Gospel singing com- by Pastor Darrell Wilson of the House drew a standing ovation. tion in the darkness of the petitions, stirred the soul with “It’s a of the Redeemed that seemed to sum- Rev. Leonard Jackson of Memorial to the Children God Thing” and “Walking in Jerusalem” marize all that had happened in this First AME of Los Angeles, the at the Yad-Vashem Memori- among their selections. memorable morning. Now, its “Onward President of the Los Angeles Coun- al. Hearts were moved. When the The ACLC Breakfast was hosted by to Jerusalem”! ❖ cil of Churches read from the Beat- appeal for support of the signa- the McCarty Memorial itudes. Imam Haitham Bun- ture campaign to move Church and the offer- dakji read from the Koran in from the Cross to the ing went to support Arabic and English. Pastor Crown was made, their ministry in Briggs of Christian Light thirty-five cler- the center of Los MBC from the read the gy returned Angeles. Truly Founders’ Address. signed forms. this was an As the readings pro- More than amazing event, gressed, views of Christ- ten reported well-attended by ian landmarks and per- that they want around one- sonalities filled the screen to attend the hundred clergy and gave way to slides rep- Pilgrimage as a of various denom- resenting Islam and even- result of this pro- inations and sev- tually slides of Rev. and Mrs. gram. eral brothers of the Unification News IIFWP Ambassadors for Peace by Nadine Andre gram. “Input from an initiative where Jewish, Christian and the world’s great reli- Muslim leaders traveled together to ver 100 gious traditions, Jerusalem and Gaza to promote peace Ambas- working together for and march through the Holy City, against sadors for peace is a necessary the warning by many that the trip would Peace were part of the peace be dangerous. They visited the Al Aqsa appointed in process and an idea Mosque and spent time in Gaza, illus- ONew York City at the New whose time has trating a model of peace that has not Yorker Hotel on 34th come.” been forthcoming in that region of the Street, Saturday, Octo- The principles world. ber 18, 2003. The Ambas- that guide Ambas- As part of the month long program, sadors for Peace program sadors for Peace in on October 3, 2003 a Rally was held at is one of the many proj- their “public and pri- the United Nations to support the inau- ects sponsored by the vate” lives include guration of the Interreligious and Inter- Interreligious and Inter- the elimination and national Peace Council. According to the national Federation for going beyond bound- police chief, it was the largest and most World Peace, [IIFWP] and aries of race, reli- peaceful Rally ever held at Dag Ham- was co-sponsored by the gion, and national- marskjold Plaza across from the United American Clergy Leader- ity—the very things Nations. The IIFWP is also supporting an ship Conference [ACLC]. that often divide peo- initiative that the Philippines has put for- The program was the ple; the promotion ward before this session of the UN’s Gen- culmination of a 40 day of interreligious and eral Assembly to establish an Interreli- volunteer mobilization, over 4,000 Ambassadors for Peace have international respect, harmony, and coop- gious Council at the United Nations. The where volunteers from 8 nations came been appointed and throughout the world eration amongst all peoples; the values underlying premise of all these works is to NYC to work to support the inaugu- there are over 20,000 including heads of “living for the sake of others; and the that politics and diplomacy alone can- ration of the Interreligious and Interna- and former heads of state including Abdur- promotion of a strong and healthy fam- not create world peace. Without the unity tional Peace Council which took place in rahman Wahid, the former President of ily life, as healthy families are the cor- and support of the leaders who repre- nerstones for healthy and sent the world’s religions, peace will never vibrant communities. be possible. Among those appointed at Mr. Amar Anand, a Sikh and writer Saturday’s program were Mr. from India who was also appointed an Singh Mukhtiar and Partab Ambassador for Peace said, “Every place Singh of the Sikh Center of is a Holy land and we must be able to New York, Imam Omar S. Abu find a Holy place within each one of us. Namous of the Islamic Cul- Then peace will truly be possible.” The tural Center of New York, and Ambassadors for Peace initiative will con- Mr. Muhammad A. Khan, tinue. For more information about this national coordinator of the initiative, email [email protected]. ❖ Islamic Circle of North Amer- ica. Other local Christian and New York on October 3, and to appoint Indonesia, who has called for a refor- Jewish leaders, and a Bud- Ambassadors for Peace, who are part of mation within Islam to reject violence. dhist monk from Taiwan, a global network of leaders representing “Peace will never be found through all pledged to work togeth- a broad range of fields—religion, politics, political and diplomatic solutions alone, er for interreligious har- the media, academia, and civil society— said Ms. Roshan D’Souza, a seminary mony. who work cooperatively for the sake of student now living in New York, origi- The Ambassadors for world peace. Throughout the United States nally from India, who attended the pro- Peace program also detailed AIDS: Blazing Cameroon’s Candlelight Success by Jennifer Hyman dlelight Memorial in Cameroon was such information and combating rumors with nators’ kits for villages around the nation,” a tremendous success, last year Lamson its theme of acceptance, tolerance and said Lamson. he man responsible for help- purposely turned his attention away from honoring those who have died from But Lamson believes the financial and ing Cameroon to become the the capital, transforming the project into HIV/AIDS, the Candlelight Memorial’s time commitments are worthwhile, given world’s largest and most expan- a network spanning 400 villages, with impact was even stronger in rural com- the program’s long-term impact and IRFF’s sive network of International 25,000 participants. munities than it was in the capital. efforts to tie the Candlelight Memorial to AIDS Candlelight Memorials “There are enough NGOs in the capi- “In many cases rural families don’t tell its yearlong activities, especially on World believesT his unprecedented success could tal, as well as the their neighbors AIDS Day. be mirrored worldwide, given sufficient UN, galvanizing why a loved one With the government’s full support, resources. awareness efforts,” has passed, and last year Lamson also helped link the As the president of the Yaounde-based explained Lamson. it prevents them Memorial to the country’s annual youth International Relief Friendship Founda- “But most of these from ever really day. He worked with secondary schools tion (IRFF), Mike Lamson has used the groups avoided the saying good-bye. in preparing banners and torches used memorial since 2001 as a catalyst to villages because there It becomes some- during the youth day’s marches, pro- embolden people otherwise reticent to are over 300 region- thing hidden and moting AIDS awareness as a fundamen- speak personally about the impact of al dialects.” shameful during tal part of patriotism and citizenship. HIV/AIDS and come together as a uni- Lamson soon death ceremonies,” Matt Matassa, the Global Health Coun- fying, community-wide effort against stig- found that language said Lamson. “The cil’s International AIDS Candlelight Memo- ma. barriers were easily AIDS Candlelight rial coordinator, says Lamson has helped Gearing up for this year’s May 18th surmountable when Memorial has been emulate what the Memorial is all about, International AIDS Candlelight Memor- he turned to the fun- liberating, because by working with minimal resources to ial entitled “Remembering the Cause, damentals of peer it plays a defini- use the remembrance as a key advoca- Renewing the Commitment,” Lamson education, drawing in local partners who tive role in tackling stigma at the com- cy tool. says he intends to continue pushing his best understood the most effective means munity level.” But while Cameroon’s success is unique, efforts further out of the cities and into of reaching out to their community mem- IRFF will scale up its efforts during Lamson insists it doesn’t have to be. rural villages. bers. this year’s AIDS Candlelight Memorial to “The results are evident because IRFF “Although we only worked in the cap- “As an American, not only can’t I speak include 500 villages and perhaps 30,000 has decided to promote Candlelight for ital of Yaounde in the first year, we were each dialect, but there’s no way I can go participants, but the organization is bear- its means of passive, positive interven- able to bring in 56 healthcare NGOs to to the villages and have the same impact ing the heavy financial burden that comes tion. But I believe our success could be speak at the event, we attracted 8,000 as someone from that village, or under- with promoting grassroots activism. replicated anywhere in Africa, or around participants and had national television stand their specific take on the disease,” “We get stressed out every year over the world.” ❖ coverage,” recalls Lamson. he said. the expenses, as we spend the month But even though the first AIDS Can- Consequently, by promoting factual before the Memorial printing up coordi- Unification News PEACE UNDER ONE GOD: MISSION OF PEACE & RECONCILIATION

GLORY created by God. One of the believers, when from page 1 they were in meditation after will come. Therefore, it may require the 5 p.m. prayer, looked up that we give our lives on this pil- at us as we were leaving with grimage in order to fully set the one of our hosts, and said conditions necessary so that God in Arabic, in a very tense can work a miracle and end the and pained voice, “Tell them strife. to help liberate us.” It was Recently Father Moon gave us understood that we were guidance on the occasion of the believers from foreign lands sacrifice of Alexi and Kwan Jung, and that somehow we were two of our young people who died there to help bring recon- in a car accident. He said that ciliation and security to the because they died during the 40- Islamic believers. day providence to establish the We had a very fruitful visit. Abel UN and allow the proper order Friendships were strength- of religious and political coopera- ened, and even the securi- tion anointed by God, it became a ty staff of Al Aqsa has become condition upon which God could more confident of our gen- claim territory back from the dark- uine support and protection ness. of their faith as believers. Father warned us at that time Interestingly, one of the key that Blessed Central Families and imams was leaving the the Christian clergy should strength- mosque in his car at the en their minds and resolve. Always same time we were depart- historical figures have paid dear- ing and he drove us home. ly with their lives in order to make These are occurrences that ried it would cause violence. Sudden- of Muslims, Christians and Jews togeth- the total commitment necessary to could not be planned. ly our march came to a stop. Fortu- er, joining with representatives of 7 for- change the world’s direction from evil The site of Al Aqsa is built of stone, nately, due to the great work of Dr. mer enemy nations, are genuinely moved to good. of which the Western Wall forms the Glaubach, former city council member, and somehow do not feel threatened. He warned us also that even in his western boundary. It contains the Dome Dr. Shuki Ben-Ami, Jewish scholar, In contrast, a march by a group from own life, though he sincerely devoted of the Rock, Al Aqsa mosque, and sev- Shelly Elkyam, Miri Kamal, and our any one religion alone would create a his whole heart and life to God without eral other ancient buildings in an area beautiful Israeli family who have built defensive feeling from other quarters. hesitation about sacrificing himself, covering 35+ acres. Just an hour before a sense of trust with the Israeli author- The walls have come down between still the providence was such that addi- our march arrived, Israel’s Interior Secu- ities for our work, plus the success of Islam, Christianity and Judaism with tional sacrificial conditions were need- rity Minister Tzahi Hanegbi “visited” Al the last walk for peace, the Israeli author- this era of Cheon Il Guk. The authori- ed to completely open the way to the Aqsa. Hanegbi’s tour of the site under ities again supported us and the march ty and power of True Parents’ teaching Kingdom. Therefore, four children of heavy guard is reminiscent of a simi- continued. about the Abrahamic faiths becoming our True Parents have died during the lar “visit” to the holy site in September one was a visible reality as we walked course Father’s mission. Jerusalem March 2000 by then Israeli opposition leader for peace, both in Jerusalem and in Blessed Central Families, Christian and current prime minister Ariel Sharon, When our march through Jerusalem Gaza. Special thanks to Dr. Frank Kauf- ministers, imams and all clergy must which triggered the second Intifada was stopped during this 3rd pilgrim- mann, Taj Hammad, and Dr. Andrew make our minds that strong. We don’t against occupation, and a period of age, there were some resisters who did- Wilson, who each uniquely played a know what sacrifices may be required three years of intensive conflict, vio- n’t want us to continue. Due to the work central role in different aspects of the to usher in God’s Kingdom. When we lence and bloodshed. Because of this of Rev. Abe and Mr. Hod Ben Zvi we interreligious work. Also Imam Bun- expect to sacrifice and give our lives, incident, everyone at the mosque plaza have an excellent relationship with influ- dakji again played a key role in open- then we’re ready. This spirit was con- was on edge. Therefore, the fact that ential people on all sides in the Middle ing the door to Al Aqsa mosque. veyed to the holy people of God that the imams still insisted that we be wel- East. It’s truly a headwing foundation. Taj Hammad came on the pilgrim- chose to risk their lives to come on the comed at the mosque was shocking to Because of that, the Israeli authorities age based on a heart of concern for the 3rd pilgrimage. From that moment there many who knew the reality of the sit- had a sense of trust for the work we Middle East, not out of any direction was no more fear. Truly the Christians, uation there. But somehow, as we’ve were doing with the Muslims, Chris- or responsibility other than his own Muslims and Jews who were part of been witnessing with the IIPC in action, tians and Jews. Our march was allowed personal initiative. We are truly grate- our conference joined with the 7 enemy we bring a spirit of peace and trust to proceed. Again we were welcomed at ful for this attitude of faith. Amazingly nations in one heart. We were ready to which opens the doors and the hearts the Western Wall. he arrived just 5 minutes before Imam march in the old city of Jerusalem, and of those who really love God. We really have to thank Rev. Kwak Khan from NY, Imam Jaami from Texas, ready to march from the It was an incredible moment in his- and I were to Western Wall to Al Aqsa tory when 7 nations walked into this go to Al Aqsa. mosque and on to Gaza. holy site together, pledging before God The support On October 22 our march that they have reconciled the enmity he gave as we began at the Jaffa Gate, and spirit of hatred from the World War entered Al the old gate to the City of II era and have now come to ask God Aqsa mosque Jerusalem that has been that all enemy feelings can be repaired was very sig- there for 2,000 years. Our and atoned for through this growing nificant ranks were strengthened movement. As we stood upon the steps because there by support from Nazareth. before the Dome of the Rock, we truly is certainly no Rev. Nartoum brought over felt the presence of God. Jesus and teacher who 100 Christians from that Mohammed, who are revered by Mus- speaks Arabic holy city. Leaders of the lims, are one in spirit in this holy place. as his mother Druze, whose spiritual her- Christians coming to this holy place language who itage is traced back to Moses’ will feel the presence of Jesus and will can teach father-in-law Jethro, and open their hearts to Mohammed, which about Father’s whose people have lived in is a key element necessary for the gen- life and heart the Holy Land for 4,000 uine reconciliation of these two great the way Taj years, have completely given religious movements created by God. can. support to Father and Moth- The rabbis and other Jews who were Just as we er Moon. Sheik Al-Burni, permitted to come with us to Al Aqsa and Dr. Thomas Walsh for the devel- did during the 2nd pilgrimage, we vis- one of the key Druze leaders, brought also felt a genuine sense of love and opment of the IIFWP because the lead- ited the imams at Al Aqsa on the day many, many people to the last march respect from the Muslims, opening the ers that have been educated through before we were to bring our interfaith and to this march. way for our understanding that when many conferences over the years are group. Again, this proved to be critical We moved together as one and start- the religious believers come together as now ready to take the action that is in allowing our 600 marchers access ed to walk through the Holy City. As one, the external divisions and prob- required of the peace councils to bring to grounds. We have built a sense of the faithful chanted, “Peace, shalom, lems will be solved. Jews, Muslims and peace on earth. We are witnessing the deepening trust with the imams there, salaam-aleikum,” there was confusion, Christians are destined by God to become living reality of the power of the inter- who have a very sincere respect for as last time, among those who didn’t one. This is the key to the power of the religious dimension of the peace coun- Father’s life of faith and genuine under- understand the march and were wor- Kingdom of God. We can’t express in cils. Authorities, upon seeing hundreds standing of Islam as a central religion see GLORY on page 13 Unification News PEACE UNDER ONE GOD: MISSION OF PEACE & RECONCILIATION

nessed such an phe- Because the foundation GLORY nomenal outpouring of for IIFWP and the Family from page 12 the spirit as this time. Federation is very broad words the joy we felt when Rev. Hapun She mentioned truly this and touches scholars and of the Catholic Church of Nazareth is a sign of the Last Days. religious leaders alike, we arrived with 150 believers, Christians We all reconvened again could see that support in and Muslims and Jews together. It was at 2:00 p.m. at Indepen- the rally, when over 2,000 beautiful. Coming all the way from dence Park near the Knes- came together in a city and Nazareth was not an easy journey, as set, where buses from all at a time when rallies are they have to go through security check- over Israel were arriving. basically unthinkable. We walked together in the old points. The joy shone on Rev. Hapun’s Rally face when they arrived at the mosque city, called upon the name area just in time to be included in our Shortly after 2 p.m. the of the Lord, and then ral- march. This added greatly to the surge rally began at Indepen- lied together in Indepen- of spiritual power we felt at that moment, dence Park, with Rev. dence Park under the pro- that we will bring peace to the Holy Daugherty and a number tection of Almighty God. Land. of clergy from the ACLC Through this process our Although we are not one yet, the singing a very powerful strength is edified. But doors are now opened for that unity to song, “We will pray as more importantly the hope be possible. We of the ACLC attribute David prayed, we will dance as David of great faith have stepped up to the of the people of the Holy Land is also this to the anointing of our True Par- danced, we will sing as David sang.” It responsibility. The core team in Israel strengthened and edified. ents by Jesus, the confirmation of that was a profound experience to sing in is the same team that brought the rec- One police officer said to me, you anointing by Moses, and the spiritual the same area where King David sang, onciliation of the 1st and 2nd Israel in can’t imagine what this does for us, to support we feel from Mohammed. where Solomon walked, and finally May, together with Archbishop Stallings see people coming from 7 nations, all It was a glorious moment at this where Jesus taught the Gospel. This is and the ACLC, and was the team that over Europe, Asia and America, fear- holy site, from which it is understood a city of destiny. The spring in Inde- opened the door for Al Aqsa mosque, lessly defying the fear of the bombings that Mohammed ascended to heaven, pendence Park still bubbles with fresh the Western Wall, and Gaza to be sites and the turmoil, standing up with us and also the site upon which Abraham water; it was the original spring that that welcomed our pilgrims. and proclaiming that Israel will be offered his son. This is also identified supplied the temple of King Solomon The more we walk this road, the more healed. This gives us real hope. It gives as the site of the Temple that existed with water. Everything around Jerusalem evident it is that every direction of True us strength to continue and go beyond in Jesus’ time. For us to go there on carries with it a great history connect- Parents should be followed, even if it our despair. One Palestinian partici- the second pilgrimage was a great bless- ed with God’s dispensation. means we can only make a small effort pant in the rally who lives in the east- ing from God. To go there again with After Rev. Daugherty sang, Rev. in that particular direction. Still that ern part of Jerusalem said, I’ve never an even larger group, on a day when Hatoum, who brought the 150 dele- small effort will harvest some fruit that felt such hope that this endless strug- tense conflict had occurred just an hour gates to the peace march from Nazareth, God has prepared based on that direc- gle could be resolved. Especially when earlier, was confirmation that our unity took the platform. He gave a truly great tion. I saw American Indians come from Amer- is deepening and solidifying. My broth- message in Arabic that was translated The Japanese sisters, who are called ica. Certainly the heart of the Ameri- ers and sisters, the Kingdom of God is for us. The message was that Rev. Moon volunteers in Israel, also play a key role. can Indians and the fact that they would coming on the earth. It is now time for is the one who is doing the work that As happens in America and other coun- come here to help us indicates that this us to rise up and believe. is bringing all of Jerusalem together. tries, their outreach touches the hearts movement and Father Moon have some- [Father has said that in some ways He went on to praise Father’s vision of the people and gives substantial hope thing that can truly heal the Holy Land. the Muslim believers are taking the lead and the efforts made to bring Muslims, of breaking down religious and racial Sheik Birani also brought a beauti- in relationship to True Parents to bring Christians, and Jews together. The city barriers. Truly the Holy Spirit is rep- ful girl scout troop and boy scout troop the world together as one family, through of Nazareth was proud to be well rep- resented in them. A large number of from outside Jerusalem. They stood their families being blessed by God, and resented by top leaders from the Greek Japanese sisters remain in Israel as proudly in their uniforms. We called pledging to become true parents them- Orthodox Community, the Catholic com- volunteers because Dr. Abe took it upon upon them from the rally stage and they selves. An example of this leadership munity, and the Jewish community. himself to give them extra special care. waved. It was also beautiful to see Mus- is found in the former president of Over 400 people came from Nazareth He went to Japan to visit the home of lim girls sitting there in their full tra- Indonesia, President Wahid, who as a for the rally. Rev. Hatoum was there every single volunteer, personally edu- ditional dress and head covering, with religious leader personally brought with his wife. They have received the cating their husbands and families as smiles and with hearts of joy, truly together over 100,000 Muslim couples blessing and are now standing as a true to the dispensational meaning of the enjoying a heavenly event. We must in conjunction with the April 27th parent couple to bless others. calling they share. Because of this deep- always remember that young people, 144,000-couple blessing that was held Next, one of the leaders of the Druze er understanding, greater sacrifice could with the same hearts, hopes and desires in Washington, D.C.] religion, Sheik Ali Birani, came to speak. be offered. This is why at this time in as our own children, are growing up in From this place a small delegation, Sheik Birani has made an indispensa- history we all must educate ourselves this environment. This kind of day gave including Sen. Donzella James and Sen. ble contribution to the providence cen- more deeply in Father’s providence and them hope that their homeland will one Howard Stephenson from Utah, went tering on True Parents. As mentioned his words. It’s only with that founda- day become a happy place for all peo- with 12 clergy representatives to the before, the Druze group emanated from tion centering on our understanding of ple. Knesset, where under the able leader- Jethro, the father-in-law of Moses, and Divine Principle that we can truly walk Rev. Daugherty concluded with has carried a proud tradition among the way of filial piety as sacrificial sons ship of Dr. Glaubach, Dr. Baruch, and see GLORY on page 14 Shelly Elkyam the door opened for us the Bedouin peoples for over 4,000 and daughters of our True Parents. to meet the president (Speaker) of the years. They are also great medi- Knesset. ators between the Arab peo- After lunch the rest of the repre- ples and the Jewish people. sentatives from the 7 nations and the Sheik Birani has brought very 140 ACLC clergy and members visited prominent Muslim leaders, the Upper Room. Rev. Jesse Edwards Christian leaders, Jewish lead- reported, “This time something hap- ers. The current head of the pened in the Upper Room that had not Druze faith also came and happened before. As our pilgrims prayed supported this historic rally for God’s anointing and presence in the for peace under one God. very room in which Jesus had the Last The IIFWP, centering on Supper and in the same room that the Rev. Abe and Hod Ben Zvi, Dr. Pentecost occurred after his resurrec- Glaubach, Dr. Shuki Ben-Ami, tion, profound confirmation occurred Dr. Baruch Shalev, Imam in our believers. People were over- Kiwan, Miri, and Shelly Elkyam whelmed with tears. Many representa- and many other key members tives of the 7 nations began to speak and leaders have made tremen- in tongues, which they had never expe- dous relationships with Mus- rienced before in their lives. Several lims, Christians, Jews, and clergy from mainline denominations many civic and political offi- who had never spoken in tongues also cials, both in Palestine and in were touched with the gift of the Holy Israel. Truly God has worked Spirit.” Our guide shared with Rev. to set the stage for a great Edwards that in 11 years of doing tours healing to occur in the Holy of the Upper Room she had never wit- Land. That’s why though the challenges are great, people Unification News PEACE UNDER ONE GOD: MISSION OF PEACE & RECONCILIATION

Jericho Walk/Church of the Living God smiles, with tears, GLORY in Chicago came to the stage. Rev. with love. Then she from page 13 Bansa’s anointing is quite strong, and sang “Amazing remarks expressing how we are com- as expected she burst out from her heart Grace.” Many reli- mitted beyond race and religion to with words for the people of the Holy gious leaders – become one in the heart of God. This Land. She cried out to the people, rem- Muslim, Christian, is a time for the Kingdom of God to be iniscent of the way Isaiah would cry out and Jew – filled the revealed on the earth. Let us all rejoice unto Israel, saying, we have to solve the stage without even and be glad in it. Rev. Daugherty has problem of the Middle East now. The being called. Sen. played a most central and significant power and anointing of God is upon us, Donzella James role in keeping the clergy in unity as but we must really stand up, be will- from Georgia also well as helping them to transition from ing to give our lives to allow God’s mag- took the stage and just talking about Jesus to broadening nificence to shine. We are living in a sang in harmony, to embrace all religions and faiths with time where our faith must be greater “Amazing grace, a sincere heart of Jesus’ love. than that of Moses as he crossed the how sweet the After Sheik Birani spoke, Taj Ham- Red Sea. But we are religious people. sound, that saved mad and Dr. Shuki Ben-Ami became We must end our division and strife. a wretch like me. co-emcees. Mr. Hod Ben Zvi really want- We must come together as one. Partic- I once was lost but ed to reach the hearts of the people. ularly we’re calling on the Christians now am found, was Therefore, that portion of the rally was and Muslims to reconcile their differ- blind but now I see.” These are not staged events. These This is reality. We see the glory are not shows. Many times our rallies of God revealed in True Parents’ are following a heavenly spirit that shows dispensation in Israel. Father has the natural coming together of God’s proclaimed through his indemni- people. One Israeli woman who attend- ty period earlier this year, and the ed the rally shared with me that she proclamation of August 20th that never believed she would ever see the the 4th Israel has now been revealed, day in Jerusalem when Muslims, Chris- which is composed people of all tians, Jews, American Indians and the faiths, as well as his proclamation Druze would dance together for joy, and at the IIPC on Oct. 3rd, “The New where God’s word would be read from Elimination of Boundaries and the Koran, the Torah and the Bible, in World Peace.” The word revealed a land where those faiths historically through that speech tells us clear- have been deeply divided. “This is a day ly that boundaries are not of God. of the Messiah.” Glory to God. God does not want His children Dr. Yang took the stage and gave the divided. The conditions of indem- keynote address, which was a summary nity have now been completed, par- of Father’s Oct. 3 dispensational mes- ticularly with 7 nations walking sage, “The New Elimination of Bound- faithfully, willing to shed their blood, in Hebrew and Arabic, with no trans- aries and World Peace.” Then Father’s ences and to create a unity that will sacrificing their families and their nations. lation, unless you happened to be next word was delivered in Arabic by Ali heal the Holy Land, as well as end the My brothers and sisters, the walls to someone who would translate for Birani, and in Hebrew by Miri. The word worldwide conflict and struggle that’s have come down. We must believe and you. Taj being from the Sudan and of God as brought by our True Parents going on throughout the world since we must step forward in faith that there dressed in traditional clothing really was delivered in English, Hebrew and 9/11. As a prophet of old would cry out, is no barrier between us and the prepa- stood as a great mediator for the peo- Arabic in the Holy Land. The seed of she cried out, stand up, God’s people. ration that God has made in the peo- ple to come to the heart of God. the word was planted in the soil of the Do you hear me? Stand together. ple, in every nation and in every reli- Dr. Frank Kaufmann, as he has done hearts of the chosen people of the 4th The spirit was really moving, and the gion. Only when we step forward do we for so many world level blessings, from Israel. crowd jumped to its feet with joy, with really see the glory of God. If we hold Olympic stadium to the 144,000 cou- Rev. Jenkins was asked to conclude. back or wait for it to be demon- ple blessing, worked diligent- He began by saying that since the strated to us, we cannot see it. It ly to organize the prayers of Jerusalem Declaration at the May con- can only be seen when we step for- the religious leaders, which ference a healing has occurred that has ward in faith. Again, the rally revealed we sincerely believe bring an allowed Jews and Christians to recon- these kind of boundaries are com- anointing of the Holy Spirit cile, and on that foundation the rec- ing down. Seeing Jews, Christians and a calmness and serenity onciliation of Isaac and Ishmael has and Muslims can sing “Amazing in the souls of all participants, now occurred. Therefore, on this 40th Grace” together on the stage moved regardless of race, religion, day of the condition made by 120 rep- the hearts of the American Indian and nationality. Dr. Kaufmann, resentatives from each of the 7 enemy chiefs that came to represent the in consultation with myself, nations we offer to God this 40-day elder son nation. Chief Hamilton of Hod, Archbishop Stallings, and course. On this foundation we proclaim California and Gayokla Ayala are several other key leaders, select- that Jesus is now welcome to return to playing a major role in the unity of ed Rabbi Chen to do a read- his homeland. Welcome home, Jesus! the Indian family with True Par- ing from the Torah. Rev. Betty You are welcomed by your original fam- ents, and they came up on the stage Tatalajski from Arizona rang ily, the Hebrews, you are welcomed by and wept as they also joined in spir- a bell of peace, symbolizing the Muslims, and you are welcomed by it and heart with “Amazing Grace.” the Christian spirit. Rev. all the Christians. Welcome home, Hatoum read the Christian Jesus. Scripture in Arabic. An imam His message continued: Jesus from Jerusalem gave the Islam- was anointed by God as the 2nd ic call to prayer, and Imam Adam. He perfected himself and Mohammed Khan of New York brought the blessing of God and read the Koran. The scripture through overcoming death he readings were selected so as brought forgiveness of sin. How- to pick the prayer readings ever, because he was not under- that would fulfill the purpose stood by his family, by his disci- of both giving the word and ples, and ultimately by the people being the prayer to bring God’s of Israel at that time, he could not blessing to the people. establish the family that God had At this point the crowd was wanted to see in the restoration of growing, as all the buses had the first Adam and Eve. Therefore, finally arrived. Although it was it was Jesus who anointed Father late October, the sun was very Moon to be the 3rd Adam. He walked hot, so much so that it was under the guidance of the prophets, too hot for the participants in with consultation from Moses, the program to sit on the stage Mohammed, and all the saints, and as originally planned. Bishop with the anointing of Jesus he Connie Crawford Bansa of the see GLORY on page 15 Unification News PEACE UNDER ONE GOD: MISSION OF PEACE & RECONCILIATION

Koran has spoken of, that the Torah do so. Korea, and America to repent and for- GLORY and the prophets, and the New Testa- Our American Indian brothers, will give one another. All the nations cried from page 14 ment have spoken of. This is the day you come forward at this time and out, we do. Israel and Palestine, we established the true family, become a that has been prophesied that the Mes- embrace Archbishop Stallings and myself must forgive one another. We must True Parent. This restores the fall of siah would come. as your American brothers? We ask repent together. Can we do this? The the first Adam and Eve. I would like to invite Archbishop your forgiveness and repent that Amer- 2,000 cried out, we do. Now he is called by God to extend Stallings on stage at this time to join icans did not love correctly. Though Then white balloons were released, that anointing to you, calling upon you in reconciliation because we are not they were blessed by God, they did not symbolizing the dove of peace, and the to have your marriages blessed to change only to reconcile Ishmael and Isaac. We treat the Indians appropriately in God’s anointing that peace would come to the the blood lineage to that of God, under know that as Christians we did not ful- love. Therefore, we reconcile the sins Holy Land. the blessing of your own religious lead- fill our responsibility to bring reconcil- of man at this time of history. In conclusion Rev. Daugherty came ers, that you now shall become true iation to all humanity. Therefore, togeth- To the great contingent of 240 Euro- back to the stage and we broke into the parents building true families, to resolve er we repent that Christians did not peans who come to the Holy Land on song from the historic march to the UN the historical enmity between Israel and love the Jewish people properly with this pilgrimage Rev. Jenkins cried out, Plaza on Oct. 3, where 20,000 gathered Palestine. Father Moon revealed that the love of Jesus for the last 2000 years. Germany stand up. Do you repent for before history: “Peace, Shalom, Salaam we must love our enemy. To really man- Also we in America must reconcile what you’ve done in history? The Ger- Aleikum, ifest that love we should even consid- black and white, as well as American mans cried out, we do. Therefore, do Peace, Shalom, Salaam Aleikum, er what he calls “exchange marriage.” Indian and white. We Americans repent we forgive Germany? The 2,000 yelled, Peace, Shalom, Salaam Aleikum, We should marry our enemy. The prophet for what was done historically to the we do. He continued, Father Moon We pray for peace in the Middle East.” Mohammed set the example by marry- blacks. Though my repentance is not brought representatives from 7 enemy Archbishop Stallings shared later ing a Jewish woman to keep peace under enough, it sows a seed that will multi- nations who have been working togeth- that as he was leaving the rally site, he God’s dispensation. ply. Archbishop Stallings, can you er to bring the spirit of reconciling ene- passed some of the Israeli police who embrace your white brother at this time? mies to the Holy Land. He called Eng- were present at the event, and they too Also Father Moon understood that ❖ the fact that Jesus was not welcomed Archbishop Stallings said, I will gladly land, Germany, Italy, France, Japan, were singing these words of hope.

2000 years ago NEW FUTURE PHOTO became the condi- tion through which the endless struggle between Israel and Palestine could not be resolved. Now that all have repented for this condition of 2000 years ago, it is inevitable that Pales- tine and Israel, Ish- mael and Isaac, will reconcile, weep together in tears, and study war no more. My brothers and sis- ters, this is the day of the Lord. This is the day that the Unification News IIFWP Seminar in Buenos Aires by Miguel Werner bis, Christian Ministers and Muslims, presenting the proposal to establish this preventing them the consequences of coming from 120 nations, were signing Interreligious Council (with represen- “free sex”, whose results are abandoned he IIFWP is working now since the “Peace Declaration of Seoul”, whose tatives of all religions) in an official man- babies, abortion, domestic violence, quite a few years for world central points were the renovation of the ner and not only as a simple advisory juvenile delinquency and AIDS, infect- peace, the desire to be found UN, a topic which we will go into fur- or figurative commission. Jose de Vene- ing 17.000 people and killing 10.000 engraved in the heart of every ther detail more ahead. cia, President of the Chamber of Rep- worldwide daily. individual. This topic brought resentatives of the Philippines, took Professor Alzira Melgarejo, Edu- The Religious Imperative 200T leaders of different society areas up the proposal of Rev. Sun cational Assessor to the Family together, assembled in the “Salon One of the key points of the meeting Myung Moon at his speech Federation and Secretary of Panamericano” of the autonomous city was called “The Religious Imperative”, on August 18th 2000, held the Women’s Federation, of Buenos Aires, to assist a seminar enti- developed by Ricardo de Sena, the Inter- in the Cristal Palace of highlighted the importance tled: “The World at a Turning Point: Con- religious Federation representative to this international organ- of public service it is not sidering Different Innovative Proposals the United Nations. In his presentation: ization, founded more so important from which for Peace, the Responsibility of the Lead- “The Role of Religion in the XXI. Cen- than half a century angle the service is done, ership and a good Government”, being tury”, he was talking about the ago. but rather the attitude held during these weeks in 185 necessity of man, the soci- to serve your neighbor, Family, Values nations all over the world. ety, nations and the world to live for the higher and Public “The world is passing as it is to construct purpose, the public Service through a critical juncture peace, which is not at good, “the search for and we have to help usher all possible, without There were still top- happiness through love”. in the very much need- contemplating the ics left having to do She also highlighted the ed changes, together with transcendental with peace, but more on characteristics of an altru- new attitudes, needed aspect, to be found an everyday level, name- istic mind and the “teach- to transform the actual in the soul of every ly, the peace being con- ing that giving comes before crisis into a real oppor- human being. structed in the family through taking and that there is much tunity for construction”, After describing the practice of values and pub- more joy in giving, than receiving”. said the actual President the advances of lic service, topics being addressed by Part of her address was dedicated to of the Nation, Néstor Kirch- interreligious rela- Andrés Melgarejo, Carlos Varga and Alzi- Eva Perón, the so-called “flag-bearer of ner, in his letter of adher- tionships, De Sena ra Melgarejo, respectively. Peace starts the humble”, whose special concern were ence and well-wishes at the was also talking about with the unity between mind and body always the most impoverished. Only beginning of the Seminar, the folding of religions in the individual, it develops towards mentioning her name, gave cause for starting at 9 a.m. and expand- in the affairs of human harmony in the family and expands itself applause. ing itself until late in the after- beings, the loss of relevance towards the society, basic points which noon, far longer than the planned time- and moral authority into which the different expositions were based on, Peace Founded On Truth span, because of the enormous interest some spiritual leaders have fallen and provoking spontaneous applause and One of the fundamental tasks of the of the participants regarding the differ- that the majority of national and inter- showings of approval by the audience, Interreligious Federation is to end ent topics given at the occasion. national conflicts, prevailing today, have to whom new perspectives were all barriers traditionally divid- “Principles and the Practice of Peace” a religious root and from there on, one opened about these, appar- ing peoples, races, cultures was the title of the first presentation should contemplate the voice and com- ently commonly known top- and religions, on which given by Ricardo Ayerza, who was talk- prehension of religious leaders in bring- ics. base true peace for the ing about the universal foundations of ing about a solution towards the human What is there to say world could be con- peace. A topic, which brought sponta- problems and struggles of today. There- about the family, which structed. As part of neous interruptions by the audience, fore, part of the slide-show on the hasn’t been said this work, the Inter- ready to share its concerns and giant screen had also images of already? The family is religious Federation questions. Before that, a spir- the ominous September 11th not only “The School is distinguishing dif- itual message was given by 2001, a show of force of of Love”, “The basic Cell ferent leaders of soci- Pastor Carlos Córdoba, the rawest terror, result of Society”, but also the ety as Peace Ambas- the video “The World at of human hatred and place where one can sadors, working to a Turning Point: a Glob- resentment. experience love at its tear down divisions al Vision for Leader- After that, the con- utmost expression, the and to resolve conflicts, ship and a Good Gov- ference focused on the only institution created who are models of fam- ernment” was shown, central topic of his by God. Andrés Melgarejo ily and live with a con- and the opening presentation: a reform left this very clear with his tinuous engagement for the address by Rev. Kwak of the United Nations. explanation of the Blessing welfare of their neighbors and was read by Gustavo He listed the reasons, (whom God wanted to give to the who furthermore comprehend the Giuliano, President of or problems, by which first man and woman, Adam and Eve) vision given by . the Family Federation it was necessary to give and the Renewal of the Marital Vows. Luciano Cámara, Secretary of the in Argentina and Direc- the body of delegates rep- This “is not an exclusive celebration of Interreligious Federation in the coun- tor of the International resenting and defending the Unification Movement”—to reaffirm try, was explaining this precise role and Education Foundation in the political interests of every the love of the couple and restore value the mission of Peace Ambassadors, of Latin America. country “a soul”: terrorism, to the family—but a calling to all reli- which Argentina has now 175 ( includ- During the morning hours, Sen- poverty, crime, drug trafficking, gions, to all cultures and national- ing the 21 new distinctions at ator Julio Ledesma, Province of Buenos corruption, domestic violence, street vio- ities, to unite through the power this event); on a worldwide Aires, gave his impressions about his lence etc. “These are all profound human of matrimony centered on the level there are around experiences in Korea during the World topics requiring extraordinary solutions”, love of God, capable to break 30.000 Peace Ambas- Leader’s Meeting in Seoul, between to which religions may have their input. all divisions and conflicts.” sadors. His exposition August 11th and 16th. 360 delegates From this juncture on the imperative “Character Education started with agreeing (such diverse representatives as are Rab- should be to conclude on an Interreli- which is Incorporating applause, that “the gious Council Essential Values”, was most terrible deficit as part of the the title of the exposi- of a nation is not to United tion by Carlos Varga, be found with its Nations. in which he explained, finances, but in the Finally, he again, that education souls of its citizens”. commented is the invaluable tool by Cámara was very that the which a society may be pleased with the pres- Ambassador transformed. But not just ence of representatives of the Philip- education exclusively ded- of the provinces of pines to the icated to form professionals, Tucumán, Córdoba, Santa United ready to get involved with our Fe, Corrientes and Jujuy Nations in modern world of technology and and invited all to a “silent rev- September, at work, but an education, whose back- olution from selfishness to altruism” the 58th Gen- bone are values. To the President of and to a “project for the country, not eral Session of CARP (Collegiate Association for the for a political party”, arguing, that the the United Research of Principles), this is funda- base for well-being is to be found in Nations, will mental, to be able to give young people altruistic behavior. be formally a sense of direction towards “true love”, see BUENOS on page 17 Unification News DP Study in Northern California by of faith with ownership with our True ous about their DP education then they through most of their youth with this Parents. needed to see an example from their tradition of studying Divine Principle ivine Principle study nights Each week the children go to their own parents. It doesn’t work to drop on a Friday night with my family and are an integral part of our classrooms and receive a DP lecture the children off and then go to have friends. Some who have gone on to STF church calendar. Every and discussion time. At the same time coffee. When the parents set the stan- and college have remarked that they week we have an average the adults have their own study time dard themselves it is a very natural now appreciate how valuable this tra- of 150 participants, par- led by the Regional Director or the Vice process for the children to unite and dition was in helping for the values Dents and children gather together to Regional Director. It was very clear be a willing participant. and habits, which they now incorpo- hear lectures on Principle and the recent from the beginning of the implemen- Recently we finished the school year rate into their life of faith. providential directions from True Par- tation of this program that if we want- and graduated the children to the next Thanks to the sacrifice of the par- ents. ed our children to study and be seri- grade. Many of our kids have gone ents and teachers who dedicate them- This program was selves each week and started by Bento Leal put on a quality Prin- in his own home as he ciple lecture program. was teaching his own “My kids look for- children and a few ward to going to other Blessed Children. church on Friday When we got our new night.” church in 1998 then “ It is so helpful to we were able to expand have our daughter the program to a grow up immersed in church wide weekly Divine Principle week event. It has become after week.” a major part of our 2nd “I like the fact that Generation education I can study about True strategy. Coupled with Parents at the same the ongoing middle and time that my mam high school workshops and dad are also we are trying to guide studying.” ❖ our children towards the Blessing and a life

stood the necessity of changes in this of the present in their final written reflec- tunity in expressing our convictions, BUENOS world, especially in relationship to the tions and conclusions. Words have this which without doubts sustain, that it from page 16 spiritual aspects of different realms. creative force, as well as the persistent is not possible to talk about a peace cul- And again, the imperious necessity to desire to realize them. Here are some of ture, without being founded in the devel- At this day, where so many talked reform the United Nations by creating the reflections for peace, given during opment and multiplication of a truth about peace, the “religious imperative” an Interreligious Council was addressed, this day, who left all of the participants culture. One could call it the “re-hirachi- and values, a concrete gesture was very to apply integral solutions to the prob- with a content and grateful heart: sation” of ethical and moral values, fun- well received—a direct connection with lems, so that the organization may recu- “I felt, that I had to take on some damental for the decisions of human the everyday affairs, which are bleed- perate its lost moral authority in recent added responsibility, therefore I took beings, so that we may guide the soci- ing peoples and cultures and are still affairs (especially regarding the war with the liberty to talk to President Kirchn- ety out of corruption and onto the road needing to be met in this century. Gra- Iraq) and to avoid a disappearance, as er, so that he may support the motion, towards a truthful society.” (Graciela ciela Yanovsky, President of the Argen- in the case of the League of Nations. which will be presented by the Philip- Yanovsky, President of the Argentina tine Foundation of Nations on Their Way This proposal, to which the President pines at the United Nations. Rev. Moon Foundation of Nations of the Way to to Truth, was inviting Dr. Omar Haz- of the United States remarked that it is deserving the highest respects, even Truth). imeh (of Palestine origin) and Dr. Fabi- was “a great idea”, when it was pre- though I don’t know him that well, as I “Where there is truth and justice, an Olemberg (of Jewish origen) to embrace sented by Philippine President Gloria do know his followers. He is a giving peace is an inevitable consequence. The each other and with that gesture all of Macapagal Arroyo, Julio Ledesma, Sen- man; he doesn’t invest solely in mate- Interreligious Federation wishes, that the participants were holding hands and ator of the Province of Buenos Aires, rial projects, but in the family as well. we may understand its teachings through lifting them up as symbol for unity and was referring to, while giving his testi- That’s why I want to make it clear, that the creation, the conservation and the world peace founded on truth. mony about his participation in the we should support this initiative, not taking care of nature and the govern- There was still more emotional con- World Leaders Conference held in Seoul, only in lifting up our hand, but in being ment, who are nothing else, but divine tent to follow. The book “Messages of Korea. The Argentinian Legislator, named responsible together with the Philip- instructions to direct us to the common Peace for a New Millennium”, contain- Peace Ambassador in Uruguay, trans- pines.” (Part of Senator Julio Ledesma’s good. The family is were the values are ing peace messages of the different pres- mitted to the Argentinian President speech). ‘cooked up’. People are born in families. idents forming the United Nations (includ- Nestor Kirchner his experiences in Seoul “On this day we may continue living Men and women should not rival, but ing a message by Kofi Annan), was hand- and explained about the necessity of as politicians, economists, profession- compliment each other and in this fash- ed over to be given to Sun Myung Moon, Argentina giving a favorable vote for the als, religious leaders, closed up in an ion achieve harmony. We Peace Ambas- founder of the IIFWPU. This was an ini- creation of an Interreligious Council as intellectual monastic cubicle or we may sadors should assume the compromise tiative by Carlos Fortunato Paralta, Gen- part of the international organism. He permit that the doors of the mind and to show these values in every day life, eral Director of the Latinamerican Tele- even went further on, asking that Argenti- heart may be opened to receive differ- to ‘do extraordinarily the ordinary things’, vision Newsbroadcast CIN, who could- na may have a role of responsibility ent proposals, which may enrich us to as Mother Teresa said.” (Accountant n’t be present at the event, because the together with the Philippines, when the work for world peace. We may permit a Victor Eduardo Alcaraz, Peace Ambas- UN asked him to mediate in the conflict motion will be presented in September. “marriage” between different walks of sador, and ex-functionary of the Edu- between India and Pakistan. Before the invited guests were leav- life and, as part of this collateral effort, cation Ministry in the Province of ❖ Buenos Aires Peace Declaration ing and after the sounds of the Argen- permit that God may take control and Tucumán). tine national anthem, played at the govern in different areas and realms, “The Second World War was an evi- beginning and at the closure of the event, with ethical and moral dence to the Fact that the League of the “Buenos Aires Peace Declaration” values and with true love”. Nations was a remnant of lost peace and was signed, stating in its Point No. 3: (Reflections of the Evan- The Second therefore a renewed system had to be “We recognize, that as Representatives gelical Pastor Carlos Alfre- formed”, in the opinion of Dr. Jesús of the Nation of Argentina, of the reli- do Córdoba). Blasnik, President of the International gions and races being present, we have “In the name of the Generation Section and Interreligious Federation for World in many ways failed to uphold the given Latinamerican News The Unification News is adding a new section for Peace in Argentina, who was present- ideals; we furthermore recognize, that Broadcast CIN, of the Civil ing the highlights preceding the reno- all 2nd Generation youth ministries. It will include a in some instances we have acted unjust- Association World Soli- variety of reports, articles and testimonies from regions vation of this international organism ly with one another and therefore, we darity between Nations, all over the nation. We hope this section will help in the founded in 1919, at the finish of the have to assume an attitude of repen- Peoples and Cultures, the First World War and on the foundations tance for this, asking forgiveness and Trialogue of Rome and development of your youth ministry. of which, by the end of the Second World initiating deeds of reconciliation for the Argentina Foundation For information on how to contribute please contact War, the United Nations Organization peace.” of Nations on the Way for the US 2nd Generation Department’s Assistant Planning was established in 1945. Blasnik closed Truth, all these organi- Team Leader, Rachel Johnson at: 4 West 43rd St. New The Hope of all Ages the afternoon with his speech about the zations unified to focus York, NY 10036, tel: 212-997-0050 ex. 123, cell: (914) different landmarks and viewpoints of This desire for peace, this profound the mind on world peace, 882-6338, or email at: [email protected]. political and religious leaders, who under- yearning, was also expressed by some are grateful to the oppor- Unification News

he 2nd National Educators In the closing plenary, Dr. Winings Conference— “Strengthening advised participants to join the Religious 2nd National Our Networks, Affirming Our Education Association (REA), an organ- Commitment to Education”— ization committed to quality religious edu- was held October 31 – Novem- cation in churches and schools. She Strengthening Our Networks and berT 2, 2003 at the Unification Theologi- encouraged a strong home-centered and church-supported system of education cal Seminary, Barrytown, NY. with a look at “Outreach: Discussing Cur- Youth and Support Them in Arranged as well as an effective adult education In reality, this conference began, last rent Issues and Exploring Effective Mod- Marriages.” Again, a timely topic consid- based on adult learning concepts and November 2002 as soon as the 1st Nation- els.” This was a good area of exploration ering the recent blessing this summer as theories as well as adult issues, ques- al Education Conference ended. It began as participants talked about witnessing he brought out practical ways to prepare tions and needs. with the participants returning to their by young adults naturally. Rev. Sabourin our youth for arranged marriages as well homes and communities and then imple- Breakout Sessions raised key concerns of youth in this area. as new support for this type of marriage menting what was learned and shared at This year there were a total of 15 sep- From there, participants then had the within our culture today. that conference. Throughout this year, arate breakout sessions organized under opportunity to consider how we can “Engage Finally, we come to our last theme – their feedback, commitment, and vision five themes – Children’s Ministry; Youth Young Adults in Their Faith Stories.” Schooling and Home Schooling. Two par- have fueled the planning process for the Ministry; Young Adult Min- Through that session, led by Dr. Winings, ents from New Jersey, Pam Moffat and 2nd National Education Conference, which istry; Family and Schooling. Jeff Kingsley gave par- was held at the Unification Theological There were offered in three ticipants an overview of Seminary from October 31st to Novem- tracks of five sessions from home-schooling and ber 2, 2003. Over 115 educators from which participants could offered a timely handout across the United States as a well as one choose. In looking at each of with web-based resources from South America, and representing a the 5 themes as a whole unit, in the field – a rich nuts variety of ministries and fields partici- it was clear that there was and bolts type of session. pated. progression and development Building on the previous Pre-Conference Workshops in each breakout. In Chil- session, we were able to look at the types of ques- The program began with two all-day dren’s Ministry, the day start- ed with a full plate of ideas tions that our own chil- pre-conference intensive workshops – one dren ask us concerning in children’s ministry (taught by Rev. and inspiration stemming from years of experience in the real scoop on purity Brian Sabourin) and one in youth min- and how to respond to istry (taught by Dr. Kathy Winings). Through Laura Nabetani’s session on how to “Get Started in Chil- them in the context of both workshops, participants studied, the school of love – the learned, discussed and shared. They were dren’s Ministry.” For those fortunate to attend, they were home. Again provided by able to continue their journey to becom- an excellent resource in ing professional religious educators. Sun- treated to a wonderful. It was only natural then to take Children’s Min- mentoring, small group ministry, creative the field, John Williams. Finally, Christl day School teachers examined the vital programming and creating a space for Brunkhorst guided participants in a dis- areas of: the fundamentals of faith in chil- istry one step further to “Designing Effec- tive Lessons” with the help of Rev. Brian our young adults in the church commu- cussion of “Administering a Faith-Based dren’s ministry; creating a program in nity to support their transition to adult- School or Day-Care Program” that pro- which children learn to love God with all Sabourin. This session, together with the final session in Children’s Ministry on hood were all considered. Finally, this vided a look at issues of funding, leader- their hearts, hands and minds – creative theme was taken a step further with the ship and personnel. teaching methods; what con- topic of “Enabling Young Adults Best Practice Rotation stitutes age appropriate edu- for an Active Faith” represented by cation for children; and they CARP and STF. Mr. Joshua Cotter After a wonderful dinner, the day ended looked at new resources and and Mr. Gregg Jones were able to with one planned session and one spon- more effective lesson planning share how CARP has developed an taneous optional session. The planned for children’s ministry. experiential education program to session focused on a best practices rota- In youth ministry, partici- support our young adults in living tion. These five sessions, in which par- pants considered: the world of their faith consistently and joy- ticipants could attend two, highlighted today’s teen, the challenges of fully. real situations, real ministries, and sto- development; creating an inten- What about Family Ministry? ries of real experiences in children’s min- tional ministry starting with This theme began with the inte- istry, youth ministry, young adult min- strong program objectives; gration of character education and istry and schools plus a session on camps teaching teens effectively and spirituality education and under- and retreats. The panels provided diver- going beyond the classroom standing the way to develop chil- sity of experience and approach as well to reach teenagers creatively dren and youth of good moral char- as real questions, real issues and possi- and energetically. acter in the home as well as the ble answers surrounding those themes. Opening and Closing Ple- community. In this interactive ses- Effort was made to give participants the nary sion, Tony Devine addressed the maximum amount of time to discuss, numerous opportunities that exist share and ask hard questions. The main conference opened The spontaneous session, the brain- “Active Learning: Experiencing God in to teach for and nurture good char- with a terrific ice breaker by Brian Sabourin child of some first and second generation Children’s Ministry,” taught by Dr. Kathy acter in diverse contexts. Participants and Tony Devine oriented the attendees participants, featured a panel of second Winings, allowed participants to strength- were then treated to the re-emergence of to the conference highlights that ended generation budding teachers and minis- en their skills in lesson development and the Blessed Family Association (BFA) and with a poignant quote from Father on the ters presenting their experiences as being a teaching methodology that emphasized its role in family education. Clearly a topic heart of being an educator. on the receiving end of our church’s edu- whole body teaching, games, and activi- that reflects the concerns of our church During the Hoon Dok Hae on Satur- cational programs. An excellent session, ties. community. The hope and vision of this day morning, Dr. Chang Shik Yang con- it demonstrated a clear coming together Youth Ministry likewise had a similar revived association was shared by Mr. nected participants to the current focus of both generations in dialogue about format beginning with “Help, I’m Respon- Chad Hoover who further brought out in the providence and his recent experi- future programs. ences with True Parents. In the confer- sible for Youth Ministry! What do I do?” possible in-reach and outreach services ence opening plenary, Dr. Yang support- In that session, Dr. Winings encouraged of the BFA. Mr. John Williams then con- Poster Sessions cluded this theme with how to “Prepare ed the educator’s conference and its goals, participants to examine 10 steps to an On Sunday, the final day after an and reiterated how important education effective ministry. It set the stage for a inspiring and refreshing Hoon Dok Hae is to True Father and to the future of our look at how to “Engage Our Youth in Ser- where we could renew our own soul, movement. He concluded by affirming vice Learning” where participants learned participants were offered another new that the ultimate aim of education to real- about the basics in utilizing service learn- feature of the conference – Poster Ses- ize the goal of becoming a true son and ing in our own ministries. Mr. Tony Devine sions. With continental breakfast in daughter of God. Dr. Hendricks explained and Ms. Lillie Kirkley addressed what to hand, participants visited a wide array that UTS anchors a network of alumni do and what not to do in involving youth of booths in which fellow participants across the states and around the world, in service learning projects, provided a shared their particular projects, edu- many of whom are educators and that list of key elements of effective programs cational programs, or ministries. The UTS is well-suited as a cross-departmental and this was informed by the best prac- sessions featured the international school home for a Center for Education. Tony tice of the Bridgeport, CT, Summer of in Brazil, PowerPoint series of lessons Devine reminded everyone that parents Service program as well as the experi- for 3rd grade Sunday School classes, are the primary educator of our children ence of the Service for Peace club at the the innovative Roots & Wings program and that the task of educators is to sup- University of Bridgeport. from Northern California, methods of port that role by actively engaging par- We added a new theme this year with personal financing, and LEAD – a youth ents in the variety of educational pro- Young Adult Ministry, and it proved to leadership innovation. grams offered locally. be a wise choice. The morning began Unification News Educators Conference Affirming Our Commitment to Education

Action Committees to be accomplished. and activities from From there, we had the opportunity The Action Committees are the real teachers in our Sun- to meet in one of five Action Committees. means through which a great deal of day Schools target- They were: Children’s Ministry, Youth work, study, and insight can be devel- ing spring as its Ministry, Young Adult Ministry, Camps, oped. Participants are challenged to take deadline for such a and Family Ministry/BFA. Each com- their work to another level through con- revised curriculum. mittee was tasked with choosing a leader, tributing to these committees. Youth Ministry – Based on their brief time together, the identify effective

defining the basics of its work, and devel- intention to create a Center for Educa- oping a plan of what actions it would committees decided the following: Chil- teachers in youth ministry and consid- tion that will be a source of profession- take from now with a supporting time- dren’s Ministry – review the current cur- er professionalism in teaching through al development as well as a clearinghouse line indicating when these actions were riculum and revise it where necessary, a certification process. Young Adult Min- for ideas and resources. This will be and then draw together good lesson plans istry – develop a pilot seminar in skills housed at UTS, which also serves as the development for marriage and rela- site for the annual conference. Some TESTIMONY tionship-building to be offered in immediate tasks for the Education Insti- Northern California by early spring tute include (1) maintaining communi- John R. Williams as preparation for wider dissemina- cation with the Action Committee chairs tion. Family Ministry – challenge fam- (2) planning the 3rd National Education nyone who walked in a little late to schedule was full enough, the focus was ilies to find two other families to form Conference, and (3) the development of the opening session of the Second not self-sacrifice but self-satisfaction and a trinity for greater support and a website. National Education Workshop at professional development. I was impressed A encouragement of blessed family life. Every participant expressed their grat- UTS would have seen scores of mostly mid- with the sincere effort to respond to edu- Camps – develop a leadership train- itude for this unique opportunity to come dle aged people running around shouting cators’ expressed need for networking oppor- ing program for camp counselors together as educators with the goal to and maybe showing a piece of paper to one tunities and exposure to best practices. (I who then can work in multiple camps continuously improve their ongoing efforts another until groups clustered and bewil- also had a chance to sit in on a planning across the country; continue to co- and each left with new inspiration, new dered individuals found their place. Then meeting for next year, and there was a real ordinate the scheduling of camps. ideas and wanting to give more. you’d hear often feeble efforts to sing “Meet commitment to getting feedback and mak- We would like to thank all of the pre- the Flintstones, “The Addams Family” and ing it better and better.) There were tracks Resource Fair & Networking senters, panelists, our host UTS, In Soo other TV show theme songs, in a desper- for educators of different age groups and Throughout the weekend there Kim and the 2nd Generation Dept., our ate attempt to win the Halloween candy various activities for each track through- was a resource fair where the best committee members, the educators who prizes. out the program—next year will feature an educational materials developed by traveled far and wide to attend, for their On the other hand, if you had to leave adult education track. Interspersed among our teachers and educators through- total investment to make this conference a little early, you might be exiting the build- the sessions were social times with lavish out the country, including profes- a success. Most of all, we all want to ing to the strains of rock music coming spreads of drinks and goodies. The Sec- sionally developed resources. All of thank True Parents and Hyun Jin Nim from the chapel as the UTS President and ond Generation staff was cheerful, atten- the educators present truly valued for the inspiration to gather and unite his band performed during worship serv- tive and working around the clock to care the opportunity to network and dis- as educators and in giving a strong root ice. I heard rumors that Pink Floyd’s “We for us. cover what each was doing in their to the effort of educating future genera- Don’t Need No Education” was to be includ- Even the Hoon Dok Hae program was respective areas of education and tions. ❖ ed but I was packing my book table and imaginative. The first morning we were sur- learn from one another. All partici- may have missed it. prised to have Dr Yang give us his honest pants were given a From this you may gather that this was and heartfelt report on his trips to Israel. contact sheet to no ordinary church workshop. Though the On Sunday morning we had the choice of network with each walking Father’s trail with other directly and commentary and reminis- better support one cences by the participants, another following or going on a prayer walk the conference. through the labyrinth lit by candlelight and the dawn. Conclusion I loved the walk on the trail The dates for the and ended up talking with 3rd National Edu- an old friend about what cators Conference she was doing—never imag- were announced, ining the kinds of great which will be Fri- things she has done since day to Sunday, I last saw her and the great October 22-24, things she is planning to 2004. Also announced was the see WILLIAMS on page 21 Unification News STF Explodes to the Worldwide Level New Educational Materials for 2nd Gen. Now Available

hanks to Hyun Jin Nim’s bers were greeted by Mr. Jin leadership, over the past 2 Man Kwak, Executive Vice years, second generation edu- President of World CARP. He cation and training has rap- outlined the purpose to every- idly advanced to a whole new one, which was to deepen our dimension.T The STF International Assem- vertical alignment by meeting bly came as the culmination of the past with Hyun Jin Nim, to share 2 years of STF development under Hyun experiences and build a sense Jin Nim’s guidance in the U.S.. The of international teamwork, to STF originated in the U.S., and expand- receive heavenly wisdom and ed to Europe, Japan, and Korea. inspiration through presen- Excited STF members from Korea, tations and testimonies, and Japan, USA and Europe gathered with to then take off with new great enthusiasm at Sun Moon Uni- determination and ownership versity in Chun-an, Korea for their first of the STF vision and culture historical International Assembly, from of heart. Each member received July 7-12th. For months they had been a beautiful STF yearbook from preparing to meet with Hyun Jin Nim International STF Director, at the Assembly, and to meet with their Mr. Ittetsu Aoki. brothers and sisters from different coun- One of the highlights of the tries. World CARP Korea, led by Mr. Assembly was a presentation Kyoung Hyo Kim, President of World by Akiko Ikeno , one of our CARP-Korea, hosted this event with most outstanding leaders among second generation, and tremendous investment of heart and trust in the STF members and his con- their local areas. excitement. International Ambassador for Service for Peace. She spoke of Hyun Jin Nim’s cern and determination to train and Upon their return to Sun Moon Uni- On the first day, over 500 STF mem- educate all second generation. “Hyun versity, STF members attended the Mr. Jin NIm believes in you as the and Miss University Pageant and the seeds of a new revolution of heart!” World CARP Convention, where again Another theme of her talk was “It Hyun Jin Nim expressed his confidence is not only you who is out there and inspiration to the STF teams. At on the front-line. Be the one who their final meeting together, tearful tes- fulfills what the first generation timonies reflected the transformation and all the saints in history gave these members experienced in such a themselves for. Behind you some- short and powerful time they had spent one prayed for a savior to come. together. One brother said, “I didn’t That savior – that son or daugh- realize how I was growing until I came ter of God and hope for the future here. God and spirit world are always - is you. Please inherit God’s Prov- working with us.” Another testified, “I idence and be the vanguard of the realized how much Hyun Jin Nim loves culture of heart.” and believes in us. I can see it when I On the second day of the Assem- look at you - such a heart of true love bly, members shared impressive in my brothers and sisters.” One sis- video reports on the activities of ter expressed that especially in the STF in their countries, and then Japanese members, she felt incredible their testimonies of meeting God spirit and heart, and love and sacrifice and the heart of True Parents and for God and True Parents. “When we True family on the front line, are all united like this, we are living through witnessing and fundrais- out Hyun Jin Nim’s dream. Now I can ing. Many testimonies reflected see my potential and what I lack too. I their tearful experiences of God’s have something to reach for. It is more love and a deep heartistic connec- real to me now, when I see Hyun Jin tion with Hyun Jin Nim. Later that Nim and he says, ‘If I am a betting man, day, as they sang to prepare for I will bet on STF!’ “ Hyun Jin Nim’s speech, the whole Good News room exploded with energy and excitement, with STF Japan taking As a result of the developments tak- the lead in jumping on top of their ing place in STF training and work- chairs and calling out to their broth- shops, a whole series of videos and ers and sisters of Korea, US and DVD’s are now available to use for sec- Europe. When Hyun Jin Nim arrived ond generation education. These include to greet a room full of excited STF precious speeches of Hyun Jin Nim, members, all dressed in their black advanced DP lectures given by Rev. STF T-shirts, his first words were Phillip Schanker at major STF work- to express how deeply he was moved shops, and introductory lectures given and energized by their spirit. In his by Rev. Kevin Thompson at the kick- speech, Hyun Jin Nim outlined the off workshop, as well as numerous pro- Core Values and his determination found and moving testimonies by STF to fulfill God’s desire to restore God’s members about their experiences meet- nation, together with the second ing God and actualizing the Divine Prin- generation and the youth of CARP. ciple on the front-line. Witness the transformations taking The Korean People place in the hearts of our second gen- Filled with energy and blessings eration, and share in the wonderful of God’s words and love, the inter- educational resources by contacting national STF team members went the address below to order your own out for the next three days to professionally edited videos and DVD’s. fundraise from CARP centers all Here is the contact info: email - throughout Korea. STF brothers [email protected]. phone 510-259- and sisters of international pairs 1139. address - P.O. Box 3068, Hay- became closer and closer in heart ward, CA 94545. All the above are to as they went out with socks, and the attention of Shinji Nakamura. ❖ donation boxes, to fundraise the buses, shops and apartments of Unification News How Could, or Should, Religions Contribute to Peace?

by Dr. Frank Kaufmann so. Surely people from time immemo- is the exact raison d’etre for religion and every person. rial have legitimated war, oppression, in the first place. The human contradiction is identi- he question “How Could, or and occupation with sacred scripture, A resolution to this debate is pos- cal. There is a natural aspect of our Should Religions Contribute and reference to religious obligation. sible, but it is one which nods a touch make-up which altruistic, and con- to Peace” evokes a sense in The other possibility is that the prob- in the direction of the religious side. It versely a part which is oriented to our everyone that they already lem lies, not with religion but with we would state that religion given by God own ways, habits (traditions), and self- know the answer. People ourselves. Is this where the debilitat- is without the shadow which is leads preservation and promotion. As with automaticallyT think, “The answer to ing and self-destructive, internal con- to war. But insofar as it must be received, religions, these parts of the self must that question is obvious. Just ask me. flict lies? Was Paul right, and speak- constructed and maintained by human be harmonized, so that the higher (inter- I’ll tell you.” Not every question evokes ing for us all, when decrying this inner beings, it comes to be contaminated pretation of) self takes the lead as the the same feeling. For example, “how battle? (Romans 2: Wretched man that by the internal contradictions of its primary force guiding our existence. many calories are there in an apple?” I am! Who will set me free from the administrators. This resolves the mod- So, is there a way religions can or The fact that everyone thinks they know body of this death? … on the one hand ern debate so that both religions, and should contribute to peace? Yes there how religions should contribute to I myself with my mind am serving the the human being bring to the table an is. Enlightened leaders in each tradi- peace says a great deal. law of God, but on the other, with my inner contradiction which results in a tion must analyze the root revelation We must ask, if the answer is so flesh the law of sin.) world of war and terror. and sacred origins and development obvious, then why don’t we have peace The modern world supports a bat- Back to the question: What must of each respective tradition to deter- already? Can it be that everyone in the tle between two philosophical camps religions do to contribute to peace? mine which aspects call for serving the world wants peace except religious peo- on this issue. One says that the debil- They must purge themselves and their whole world and every person, as well ple? If we can see a clear answer, then itating, internal contradiction lies in leaders and believers of internal con- as to find in each those impulses which there must be something either in reli- religion itself, and that the human tradictions. In the case of religion, the interpret in the direction of greater gion which is inherently antithetical being is fine (and perfectly capable of battle rages between the higher part parochialism, and self-preservation to peace, or there is something in we peace), if spared the burdens of fear, of each religion which says the religion and promotion. Finally these leaders ourselves which baffles our own efforts guilt, and superstition, and released must exist for the whole world and for must harmonize this contradiction into to bring to pass our own desire, and to enjoy the calm glories of reason. every person. This battles with the a seamless and unified whole in such something (peace) which is patently in These are the statists, humanists, impulse, likewise in all religions, which a way that the narrow parochial ele- our own interest. enlightenment rationalists and so forth. says that the religion exists only for its ments support and fuel the Divine Whichever way one answers, the This view is widespread in modern soci- own sake, and the sake of its own believ- indwelling which calls believers to love essential problem is the same in both ety (commonly conceded at the Unit- ers. Our only concern is with Catholics, the whole world and every person. cases. That is that there exists some- ed Nations, universities, elite media we have no compassion or concern for To the extent that each tradition can thing split, divided, a house against professionals and so forth). any other sort of religious believer. They accomplish this is the extent to which itself. All religions teach peace, just as The other camp says the opposite. are not my problem. (Or only Jews, or religious difference will cease to be a surely as all people desire peace. Religion is fine (in fact good), and it is only Buddhists and so forth.) This causus bellum, and shift to become Is there some dark shadow in reli- the human being which is wracked by impulse to devote oneself only to self an indispensable voice and contribu- gion(s) which inherently contradicts this contradiction and split. In fact, it interest at the expense of the greater tor to peace on earth. ❖ its own promise, its own core, its own is precisely this human condition of whole contradicts the higher truth in sublime and elevated credenda? Maybe being at war with the higher self which all religions to serve the whole world, Boston Ambassadors for Peace Fellowship Night

by Shelley Watanabe prohibition of Israelis rience there, adding in dimen- to go beyond it, and tes- sions of Divine Principle and the n Monday tified how the Ambas- meaning of spiritual conditions night, Nov. 10, sadors for Peace were to accomplish God’s will. He spoke we held a din- able to go to places that of the story of Abraham’s offer- ner for Ambas- the Jews could not go. ing and the fact the Moslem, Jew, sadors for All in all, Rev. Wright and Christian faith have the same OPeace who had participat- conveyed the need for root. He described how in 1972 ed in the pilgrimage to Israel. reconciliation and when Kim, Il Sung former pres- We also invited new guests understand of the sit- ident of North Korea announced who are interested in becoming Ambas- uation there. He said he was very glad that he was going to celebrate his sadors for Peace. to have gone there and wants to be part 60th birthday in Seoul, Father The evening started off with a prayer of this effort to bring down the walls. Moon asked our members to pray intention to bring world from Father Cozier, one of our great- Rev. Richard Buessing then got up that the Im Jin River would not peace. He has been doing est allies and after the dinner our 2nd and gave brilliant account of his expe- freeze over. Miraculously, the river this at the risk of his life generation Miho Yoshida played the did not freeze that winter dis- for years. He also viola beautifully. abling Kim, Il Sung’s plan. described the condition The short version of the video on Rev. Buessing went on to of the Holy Land, and the pilgrimage to Israel was shown. explain that after experienc- how God wants to see Rev. Wright, pastor of Emmanuel ing this pilgrimage to Israel, it restored so desper- Baptist Church in Worcester gave his he came to understand the ately. It is spiritually a testimony detailing his 2 visits to Israel heart of both the Israel side very important part of and Rome with our IIFWP program. and the Palestinian side. He the world since civi- He gave a very practical picture of the said there is no other way but lization began there. lifestyle in Israel and how they inter- to help to bring about cooperation Bishop Skyers ended the program with mingle with the Palestinians. He and understanding. He encouraged a call for action-inviting the audience described the Wailing Wall and the the audience to come on the next to come to the rally in Jerusalem on trip and their lives would be changed. Dec. 22nd. Bishop Skyers the Chairman of One of the guests, Dr.. Ulric John- WILLIAMS It was a surprise to have so many Second True Family Values in New Eng- son , a Harvard Professor and founder Generation folks attend—I really had not land, gave a very warm and deep of Youth Against Gang Violence, stood from page 19 expected to see so many in the workshop— understanding of Father Moon’s up and introduced his 8 students. They and it was great to have a chance to air are trained in conflict resolution do. That of course is a big part of the week- some new material I was thinking about. and they go into schools and run end, running into old friends, making new Before I came I had mixed feelings about assemblies to teach the students ones based on common interests, talking devoting a whole weekend to the workshop about managing anger and posi- with people you may have heard about but and had thought about leaving early. But tive ways to direct their energy. never met. I found myself constantly stimulated and He and some of the students are I missed the plenaries and other por- moved by the unfolding program and per- very interested in the rally in Israel. tions of the program because I either prepar- sonal encounters. I ended up staying hap- There were about forty people ing to present or presenting; I did two ses- pily to the end, and as I drove out of Bar- in attendance including twenty sions on relationship education themes. rytown through the serene autumnal woods, four guests. Most of these guests One was on making the case for purity for I found myself looking forward to going are ministers working with ACLC skeptics. The other was on advocating ❖ next year. New England. ❖ arranged marriage to kids who are unsure. Unification News 40 YEARS IN AMERICA by Dr. Michael Mickler This is the twenty-eighth in a series of Dr. Mickler is Vice-president excerpts from the book 40 Years in and Professor of Church His- America: An Intimate History of the tory at the Unification Theo- Unification Movement 1959-1999. The logical Seminary. editor is Michael Inglis, the historical text he U.S. movement by Michael Mickler. The book is available assumed center stage during Bless- from HSA Publications for $70 + $8 s&h. Blessing ings ’97 and ’98. Contact them at: 4 West 43rd Street, NY Although it did not NY 10036; tel: (212) 997-0050 xt250 or at However, all of this came at writer, was a self-described gender-obsessed “shriek- achieveT the highest blessing their web-site: www.hsabooks.com. a price. The movement was er,” the book had an element of feminist rage. Finally, totals, it convened a respectable conducting Blessings on a mass as Nan Sook’s lawyer was Herbert Rosedale, a long-time gathering at RFK and an exem- level with double or even triple opponent and president of the Amer- plary one at MSG. The American movement especially the number of participants, virtually every six months. ican Family Foundation, the book reflected an anticult distinguished itself through its work with Christian min- It conducted Blessing ’97 for 40 million couples in Novem- perspective. isters. Nevertheless, Blessing ’99 once again was held ber 1997. MSG for 120 million couples followed in June The end result was an “atrocity tale” worthy of its in Korea. Most members did not regard this as an affront. 1998. Blessing ’99, scheduled for February 7, 1999, was predecessors in the nether world of confessional apos- Having operated at a high pitch of mobilization since to include 240 million couples. Factoring in the billions tate literature. There was a dramatic “captivity and early 1997 or even before, many were ready for a less of spirit world unions, these events exerted an extraor- escape” motif, wild allegations of all manner of excess- prominent role. To some extent, the U.S. movement dinary amount of material, psychological and spiritual es and deceptions, especially of a sexual or financial reverted back to its pre-1997 level of involvement. That pressure upon members. The movement dealt with this nature, and a sympathetic depiction of Nan Sook’s read- is, it was largely responsible for bringing VIPs to Bless- pressure essentially by ignoring it and pressing ahead. justment to the values and behavioral norms of con- ing ’99 and handling them once they were there. How- Nevertheless, it had accumulated a backlog of deferred ventional society. There were no ambiguities, no nuances. ever, this wasn’t the whole story. American members internal maintenance needs which were reaching the Nan Sook was the heroine, Hyo Jin the villain. Apart also had learned the secret of conducting pre-Blessings breaking point. Still, it would take a major breakdown from this, Nan Sook took a number of gratuitous swipes on a mass scale. at Mrs. Moon; at select members of the True The secret, as already noted, was to Rev. Moon inaugurates Family; and at Rev. Moon whom she alleged had be utterly committed and sincere in Hyun Jin Nim as the extramarital or, more accurately, “providential” one’s efforts and to break through spir- vice-president of the affairs. She also asserted that he had at least itually. This allowed God to work. Once FFWPU. one illegitimate son. Her conclusions? Rev. Moon God was free to work, there were no was a “con man,” he and Mrs. Moon were indif- limits in terms of permissible methods ferent parents, and the True Family was dys- or achievable totals. The leading pro- functional. ponent of this approach was Mrs. Young Sociologists and historians of culture who have Soon Kim, commonly known as “Lady studied religious atrocity narratives point out General” Kim. She was assigned to the that they are not rightly personal or factual repli- U.S. by Rev. Moon as a “prayer lady.” cations so much as they are cultural renderings Highly expressive with a disarming of what mainstream society has “already agreed habit of embracing members in trade- upon to see.” This was not to assert that Nan mark bear-hugs, she organized mid- Sook’s claims had no basis in fact. The fact pat- night prayer meetings and fasting con- tern was such that she won a divorce and hand- ditions in Alaska, Boston and Wash- some settlement. However, observers would have ington, D.C. been well advised to exercise caution in leaping Many members began employing from a failed marriage to a failed messiah or a mass distribution techniques. They failed messianic movement. The media, of course, prepared plastic bags with holy candy was not subject to these constraints. Nan Sook’s and Blessing commitments printed on revelations corresponded to what they had “already FFWPU business cards. The technique agreed upon to see.” Conditioned to probe for was to purchase large bags of hard candy from whole- or two to force the issue. This is precisely what hap- flaws and operating under a hermeneutic of suspicion, sale outlets, to sanctify the candies with prayer and pened in late 1998. If the movement did not fully resolve which oddly enough did not extend to Ms. Hong, most sprinkles of holy wine while still in the package, and the problems, it at least paused long enough to acknowl- media accounts took her testimony and conclusions at to re-pack it, two individual pieces of candy at a time, edge them. face value or corroborated them with those of other dis- with a single FFWPU card into small plastic baggies The first breakdown resulted from publicity sur- affected members, including Rev. and Mrs. Moon’s third or sealable pouches. This was time-consuming but rounding the divorce of Rev. and Mrs. Moon’s eldest daughter, Un Jin, who appeared on “Sixty Minutes.” had the advantage of involving entire tribal messiah son, Hyo Jin, and his wife of fifteen years, Nan Sook The irony was that In the Shadow of the Moons had families in assembly line-type productions. Bags, then, Hong. In actuality, Ms. Hong fled from her husband in a relatively short shelf life. There was an initial flap sur- could be distributed where there were large gather- August 1995, taking their five children with her. Divorce rounding the book’s publication and Nan Sook’s pro- ings of people. Dr. Hendricks noted, “Even a dour sort papers were filed in December 1996, and the divorce motional tour which included pointed comparisons such as I am can hand out two hundred in 20 min- was finalized a year later. It was a private, family mat- between what the movement preached and what it alleged- utes on a crowded Manhattan corner at rush hour.” ter until Nan Sook Hong published In the Shadow of the ly practiced at its core. Some pieces juxtaposed photos Others targeted sports stadiums. Some families took Moons: My Life in Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s Family (Lit- of Blessing ’98 against Nan Sook’s allegations. “Sixty to placing the bags on the windshields of parked cars tle, Brown and Company, 1998). Prior to that, most Minutes” was especially cunning in leading an “uniden- in mall or county fair parking lots, rows at a time. members had only a vague idea of problems in their tified” bride and groom into comments about Rev. and Spirit world blessings and spirit world mobilizations marriage. Hyo Jin’s early struggles were common knowl- Mrs. Moon’s “true family” and “children of goodness.” continued to play a role in Blessing ’99. Rev. Moon spoke edge following his decision to inform the membership However, the public soon tired of this. Essentially, Nan many times about good and sometimes evil spirit world in a public speech a decade before. However, members Sook was saying that the Moons were “like everybody assaulting the earth. The difference in 1998 and 1999 generally assumed that his situation had stabilized since else, but a little more dysfunctional.” This was not excep- was that rather than speaking in general terms, the then. The minority of members who knew of the sepa- tionally news-worthy. It was the bizarre and unusual movement was quite specific. This, to some extent, flowed ration or even that the divorce had been finalized still that kept the public’s attention. The 1970s image of from the MSG event, which cited thirty-four particular hoped for a reconciliation. For this group but far more “moonies” as brainwashed zombies had far more stay- spirit world representatives among the 16 billion spir- so for those who were entirely unknowing, the charges ing power. The effect of Nan Sook’s disclosures on the its blessed. Rev. Kwak reported that on October 5, 1998, in Nan Sook’s book as amplified in her nationwide pro- membership was more difficult to gauge. Some mem- “all spirit persons who have received the Blessing were motional book tour, on various radio and television talk bers were devastated. Others refused to read the book assigned to mission countries on earth, and they will shows, and on CBS’s popular “Sixty Minutes” were or discuss any of the issues. Others marshalled many help us if we focus our efforts.” At Blessing ’99, 56 bil- shocking and unsettling. of the same resources and arguments by which they lion spirits were reported to have been blessed. A list The book itself was one-sided and retaliatory. It also coped with previous charges. circulated by the Family Federation for World Peace and was ghost-written, having been penned by Eileen McNa- Nan Sook’s book certainly wasn’t the first apostate Unification International (FFWPUI) included the names mara, a Pulitzer Prize-winning Metro columnist for the account the movement had endured. There were liter- of sixty-five Old Testament figures, twenty-seven New Boston Globe who had written articles critical of the ally dozens of them. Many of them included similar Testament figures, twenty-seven figures from Christian church and of Hyo Jin Moon previously. In this sense, wordplay on the name “Moon,” i.e., Moonstruck, Eclipse history, fifty-seven popes, twenty-six Byzantine emper- the book packed a triple or even quadruple punch. It of the Moon, The Moon Is Not the Son, etc., and were ors, and twenty-eight emperors of the Holy Roman was, first and foremost, one partner’s account of a failed ghost-written. However most of the accounts were writ- Empire. The Blessing, at this point, was understood to marriage. However, it also was an apostate account since ten from the standpoint of ordinary members or, at best, have transcended the limitations of time and space. It Nan Sook rejected the Unification faith. Third, since mid-level leaders. Many attempted to inflate their cre- had became not only a global but a cosmic event. Eileen McNamara, the book’s unacknowledged ghost- dentials or insinuate that their role was more than it Unification News 40 YEARS IN AMERICA

together indicated that he took the book, the media ard.” There also were misunderstandings between man- attention, and members’ concerns seriously. Never- agement and labor. Tongil Heavy Industries laid off 800 theless, he placed the controversy “in the same cate- workers who then charged that they had been illegally gory as other attacks upon his work” and made it clear dismissed without pay. Those who lost their jobs staged that he would “not allow these attacks to interfere with demonstrations and even threatened violence during a his fulfillment of God’s will.” He told members, “Don’t speech tour Rev. Moon conducted in Korea during Jan- worry about Nan Sook’s story” and denied that he “even uary 1999. spent one hour talking with her.” He said that he had Amazingly, these breakdowns had little effect on Bless- Õ99 no regrets, that there was nothing of which he was ing ’99. Rev. Kwak announced that on September 29, ashamed in his life, and that he committed no fall. He 1998 the worldwide movement had accomplished the really was. Some published books on the basis of hav- concluded by asking members to send him off “with a goal of pre-Blessing 240 million previously married cou- ing attended several workshops or of having been a comfortable heart, by reassuring me that you will be ples. The focus now was on finding single Blessing can- member for a matter of weeks or months. These were strong to deal with this media and keep going toward didates, unmarried young people willing to be matched. easily dismissed. Nan Sook’s book had considerably the goal.” These were the last public statements he made However, the venue for the main ceremony was still unde- more insider credibility and clout as it was the first about the incident. However, Rev. Moon reblessed Hyo cided. Rev. Moon expressed the desire to hold it in Japan apostate account to come from a member of Rev. Moon’s Jin at Blessing ’99. He commented, “I have forgiven but the problems with obtaining a visa for him could not family. some of the worst criminals of history. Can’t I forgive be overcome. He also offered to conduct it in Taiwan but A second important difference related to the time my own son?” the movement there was not ready. Finally, in January, and circumstances of publication. Virtually all of the A second breakdown during the latter part of 1998 thirty-three days before the event, scheduled for Febru- other apostate accounts had been penned between 1975- precipitated less a spiritual than a material crisis. It ary 7th, Rev. Moon settled on Korea. Still, this wasn’t the 85. Especially during the early years of that period, the revolved around the apparent collapse of , whole story. As related by Rev. Joong Hyun Pak, movement was almost universally regarded as a cult. a conglomerate or chaebol of the movement’s business “About twenty days before the actual day of the Bless- The situation was quite different in 1998. Although the and industrial holdings in Korea. According to one ing...I received the news that...Blessing ’99 would be movement had not entirely shed the cult label, it made report, difficulties facing the Tongil Group had become held not in ChamShil Gymnasium as planned by the numerous inroads into American society and was accept- increasingly apparent since May when one of its mem- Korean Church, but rather at Seoul Olympic Stadium!! ed as legitimate in many Outdoors! In February! quarters. Some members Wintertime! I remembered still engaged in full-time how shocked leaders were spiritual or business mis- when they heard in 1997 sions, but many others that we were going to use had returned to their RFK Stadium in Wash- hometowns as tribal mes- ington, D.C., also an out- siahs or worked outside door stadium! In Novem- the church and were, more ber! Wintertime!” How the or less, independent. These Korean movement mobi- circumstances created a lized more than 100,000 much different environ- people and 3,000 buses, ment. Between 1975-85, filling practically all seats the movement’s defens- in the stadium three hours es were up, and most before the event was some- members had neither the thing of a mystery to West- time nor the interest to ern observers. However, assess criticisms. By 1998, it was apparent that the the movement’s defens- weather had cooperated. es were down. If members Sub-freezing temperatures still were disinclined to warmed considerably, and read apostate accounts, conditions on the day of many were forced to assess the ceremony were quite this one if only in response good. to their older children who Blessing ’99 and asso- were as yet not fully ciated events penetrated formed in the faith and Korean society far more who were sensitive to pub- than had the previous two lic criticism. In some cases, International Blessing Cer- this led to painful emonies and WCSFs in reassessments. 1992 and 1995. The key The movement as a breakthrough was South whole responded to the Korean President Kim Dae situation in several spe- Jung’s presence at the cific ways. , Tenth Anniversary Celer- recently innaugurated as ation of the movement- Vice-President of the Fam- owned Segye Times news- ily Federation for World ber firms, the Il Hwa soft drinks maker, went out of paper on February 1st. Though Tongil Group might be Peace and Unification, International (FFWPUI), sent a business. This was followed by failure to win the right suffering, The Segye Times had “placed its founder on letter addressed to all members on September 9th which to develop a tourist resort in North Korea, part of an the map in Korean society and in its corridors of power.” was intended to share “the heart and spirit of my fam- agreement Rev. Moon had reached with the late North Kim Dae Jung not only disregarded those who would ily.” He stated that they considered “Nan Sook to be part Korean Premier Kim Il Sung but which was lost during dissuade him from attending but, according to a move- of the family...do not criticize her, even though we do not the autumn as a result of financial concerns about ment report, “brought with him the Speaker of the House agree with what she sets forth in the book...[and] are Tongil. On November 30, 1998, four companies of the of Representatives, the leaders of political parties, and ready to take care of unresolved problems and...would Tongil Group—Tongil Heavy Industries, Hankook Tita- other figures central to the administration of the nation.” like Nan Sook to be part of the healing process.” The fol- nium, Il Song Construction and Il Shin Stone—filed for He shared the podium with Rev. Moon and participat- lowing day, HSA Headquarters sent a letter to members court protection after having failed to keep up with bank ed in an anniversary cake-cutting. intended to help them respond to issues raised by the loan repayments. An official of the South Korean gov- Gen. Alexander Haig, Jr., former U.S. Secretary of book. The letter outlined the movement’s position on per- ernment’s newly formed financial supervisory service State under Ronald Reagan and White House Chief of sonal and marital abuse, financial accountability, issues said that the debts of the group’s sixteen companies Staff under Richard Nixon, provided a similar focal point of political power, religious freedom, the teaching and exceeded $1.7 billion U.S. dollars. for the WCSF’s Special Convocation on “Family Ethics practice of family values, and lifestyle issues. Finally, ’s economic crisis, particularly restric- and World Peace.” In an introduction to Rev. Moon, Haig though declining to speak with media representatives, tions on bank lending following the International Mon- described how their lives first intersected during the Rev. and Mrs. Moon submitted a brief statement to “Sixty etary Fund’s $58 billion bail-out of the Korean econo- Korean War, praised Rev. Moon for his conciliatory Minutes” stating in part: “We commiserate with Nan my, contributed to Tongil’s decline. The wider Asian approach to President Nixon during the Watergate cri- Sook’s over the suffering arising from the tragic person- economic crisis, especially in recession-hit Japan, an sis, and again praised Rev. Moon for his role in the al problems our son has faced. We, as parents, feel a important market for Tongil Group products, also con- downfall of communism. At a well-attended press brief- deep sense of responsibility.” tributed. However, the main problem, according to a ing, when asked if he were a Unification Church mem- On Monday, September 21st, the day after the nation- South Korean analyst, was that “The Tong Il compa- ber, Haig replied, “No, but who couldn’t support the val- wide “Sixty Minutes” broadcast, Rev. Moon addressed nies suffer from bad management.... They relied too ues espoused here at this conference? It would be like the movement’s East Coast members. Calling them much on church donations. It was a kind of moral haz- being against motherhood.” ❖ Unification News

by Janna Gullery GOD AND THE LIFE OF PI ndependent thinkers often fall victim to crazy twists of fate, blending seeming- and discover eventually in Pi what we balance. By scientifically perfect mir- ly unrelated concepts of life. In sadly thought ourselves too advanced acles, Pi is changed and saved time Life of Pi, Yann Martel recounts to possess: perfection in simplicity. Pi’s after time, ultimately by his God, his Ithe story of an unusual boy growing concerned indifference proves itself to Allah. Once he wholely admitted his up in mid-20th century India. Pi Patel, be something so touching and desir- life to the truth that was so obviously an unassuming son of a zookeeper try- able. smothered by a desperate, ignorant, ing to simultaneously As Pi lingers in his and selfish society, Pi knew only life practice Islam, Chris- lifeboat for 287 days, and plain, deep meaning. tianity, and his native watching all but the tiger Pi’s journey through India and the Hinduism completely by and himself die, he under- Pacific seemed fate, something we all himself, finds himself goes spiritual and phys- can ponder the influence of. His des- removed from his home ical realization and tiny held complicated tangles of his- and on a Japanese cargo growth. Pi slips away from tories and decisions, of challenges and steamer across the Pacif- his satirical reality and faith. He defeated obstacles brilliant- ic to Canada with his finds God in his own way. ly, relying on his beautiful character- family and the entire He finds Krishna in istic of making over-dramatized things population of his fam- Life of Pi the tiger’s stripes, painfully clear. He came out in the end ily’s zoo. A storm leaves by Yann Martel he finds Jesus in with all of his Gods, all his beliefs, and Pi as the sole survivor the raw fish he eats, an understanding of religion and life on a small lifeboat. The Harcourt, NY he finds Allah in the sun- that no one could take away. only problem is, he has set he watches every Life of Pi teaches us about religion, night. It seems so easy balance, human nature, and the inclu- the company of a zebra, ❖ an orangutan, a hyena, and a Bengal for him to relate religious thought to sive life. tiger. It is during this time that we his own life. Alone for nearly a year, he explore deeper into the story of Pi. finds a friend in the tiger, whom he IN MEMORIAM ous system suddenly became infect- Pi grew up in a non-religious house- names Richard Parker. Although he ed, and she went to the spirit world hold, feeling different but unfazed all understands the seriousness of the on August 19th. his life, until he went on vacation and wary battle between them, he comes Natsuki Yoshida The Seung Hwa Ceremony was con- to love and care for Richard Parker. ducted on August 29th at Kosei Church wandered into a Christian church. There atsuki Yoshida was born in Japan And as the days pass, some bringing in Tokyo, Japan, and attended by over he met a priest, and there he met Jesus. in 1983 and moved to Kenya utterly mediocre bore and some bear- 100 people. On the same day, Natsu- Later, Pi discovered a mosque and met with her family when she was ing experiences so unlikely, Pi uncon- N ki was buried in Oze Reien where Allah. His only request for his birth- 6 years old. Her parents were sciously and silently becomes in tune many other church members day was a prayer mat. Pi, a very unusu- Blessed in the 1800 Couple to the divinity around us and within are buried. International al adolescent, was content spending Blessing. Natsuki joined STF us, and lives his life accordingly. STF Director, Mr. Ittetsu his days in his courtyard, praying. One in the beginning of March, At first, Pi is all but terrified for his Aoki, and 2 IW’s (Ritsuko ominous day in the marketplace with 2003. During the kick-off life. It seemed the sea, the animals, Seida and Makiko Watan- his parents he finds himself trapped workshop in July, she became and fate were all against him. But even- abe) from STF USA attend- in a troublesome situation: concur- sick and was taken to Albany tually he learns to conquer the ani- ed, as well as the STF-Japan rently approaching him were the priest, Memorial Hospital where she mals, to train them and feed them. It Director, Mr. Ohkawara, the imam, and the pandit. There we was diagnosed with leukemia. is amazing how Pi discovers so much World CARP-Japan President, are introduced to simple yet deeply She received chemotherapy for beauty in the ownership over nature Mr. Matsunami, and STF-Korea thoughtful religious dialogue. As the almost 2 weeks and was preparing to that God intended for humans to have. Director, Mr. Yoon.❖ three religious leaders bicker, we see have a bone marrow transplant in Our superiority over other life is not in their immature truths, we examine our- Japan. Unfortunately, her central nerv- selves and our own faith communities, arrogance, but rather in love and in

IN MEMORIAM Ulrike Bessell rs. Ulrike Bessell passed to the spiritual world on September 13, M2003 while brothers and sisters from around the world gathered in New York representing the seven providential nations related to World War II. Histori- cally speaking, these are enemy nations, but their sons and daughters are coming together for peace and the fulfillment of God’s providence. The Bessell family has been a model of Abel-like and faithful responsiveness to the will of God. As a National Messiah couple, they have taken on a major respon- sibility, and have carried out that respon- sibility in Guatemala in an exemplary way. I also know that the second generation of the Bessell family are leading exemplary lives in service to God’s providence.

As we know, our True Father has taught us of the three realms of life. That is, our life in the womb of our mother, our life on this earth, and our life in the spiritual world. Our cosmic home and destiny is to dwell with God in the spiritual world. God does not consider this life as our per- manent dwelling place. Rather it is the school from which we are to graduate. Our mission during our time in this physical world is to develop our heart and charac- ter as people of true love, as true sons and daughters of our True Parents. Rev. Dr. Chung Hwan Kwak ❖ Unification News

“owned by” the KGB, CIA, PAUL etc. He’d speak to them for a few minutes, then say, “Go CARLSON tell your masters.” Believing the Word This proved true in France. Mr. Carlson is involved with There, some years ago, half marine aspects of the the center members abrupt- Providence in the Bay Area of the Nazarene, which fostered the Bible survivors might gather at Ground Zero ly left, just after a decisive government Missionary Church. They split into the in NYC. action. But, the ‘spy sermon’ your author This is the final article in a series about extremely strict Wesleyan Holiness Church. Everyone I’ve asked says, “No way!” heard was given in America. the Word of God. Folks say they have a mindset that will Getting Along A friend has asked me if I know the illions of people live by the never change. Also, that it’s too squalid identity of any such 1970s spies. I don’t. Word. In the old Soviet The majority of Americans are Chris- over there, for them to even be alive in Anyone care to fess up? You can do Union, where atheism was tian. Americans also know lots of people fifty years. this privately, or even in public. At the enforced by a brutal KGB, who aren’t. Most get along just fine, as I’m certain that folks said the same least, please save your own soul, and con- anyone who worshipped neighbors and in the workplace. Con- thing about the Imperial Japanese. fess on your deathbed. MGod was an enemy. They were known to versions are also okay, whether the attrac- Fakes Keeping The Faith all as ‘believers.’ tion is social, spiritual, or intellectual. We’ve discussed humanists and athe- Unfortunately, instead of accepting There are pretend believers. Believers, painfully aware of their own ists in other articles. They’re affected by this social variety, a few religions strain In impoverished lands, missionaries fallen nature, know they might doubt, or the Word, too, but in an odd, reverse way. only to look backward. Supposedly, things coined the term ‘rice Christian’ for those even backslide. Everyone has a different were just peachy a thousand years ago, who sang loudest in choir, but took off way of handling such possibilities. Revelation and everything done since ought to be the minute the food ran out. I have a writer friend, an ultra-Ortho- The Principle explains history’s unfold- blown up, or at least banned. Christianity got a lot of insincere con- dox Jew, whose community takes extreme ing revelations very well. Due to igno- That’s the total opposite of American verts after the persecution ended, and measures. They don’t want any mission- rance and prejudice, many religions deny optimism. It’s also tragic, and they’re churches became wealthy and influen- aries to visit their cloistered neighbor- the sanctity of others. We uphold the truth hurting their own believers even more tial. A handful of notorious televangelists hood, and possibly convert their youth. of all religions, showing that God’s Word than those at which they sometimes lash have brought such efforts to a pinnacle. They don’t allow computers, or TV sets, is tailored for each society and era. out. Most false believers are self-serving, into their homes. but worse, a few serve a hidden cause. With each new revelation, questions Believers So then, do they have confidence in are finally answered, and religious prac- These range from discreet spies to agents their faith? One wonders—but really, yes! tices brought up to date. This enhances Almost all believers are sincere, whether provocateurs, who join religious organi- In essence, their Rabbi doesn’t want any- the lives of believers, and each provi- they’ve been educated in their faith, or zations to watch, or even disrupt, them. thing to stir up confusion. dential religion has grown worldwide. Compare this with our own com- While going door-to-door over the munity work, such as Home Church years, I found that people’s religious and Service for Peace. Our BCs and leanings can be readily ignored, or Representatives of Japanese missionaries visit every evoked. If approached from a business church in town, and directly serve angle, most people respond by seek- Seven Nations visit Japan those who’ll accept it. ing a good deal, and praising your eco- Are we going to Heaven? At times, nomic ambition. If asked for a reli- November 12, 2003 every believer wonders. Do you fear gious contribution, they’ll quiz you for condemnation and Hell, and dodge a theological details, and tell you all hundred tempting sins; or do you give about their own religion (or lack there- thanks and rejoice, and long for Heav- of.) en? It’s a real dichotomy; a product of church learning, early upbringing, Strictness and an even deeper optimism or pes- How hard do people strive to fulfill simism. to their beliefs? It varies, though in Many people zigzag between those most churches, women are the more internal poles. Dark resentment and faithful. On any Sabbath day, just rebelliousness can break before the check the pews—and the couch at dawn of repentance and rebirth. home, where the ball game is on. Jesus told us the path to Heaven Tens of millions of Americans claim, is narrow. Like a mountain road, on not only to believe in God, but to have occasion the edge of the cliff can draw been born again through Jesus. That’s near indeed. At such times, prayer hard to believe, since a small number and fellowship are vital. of homosexual activists have been get- Despite centuries of humanistic ting everything they’ve planned for. blather, people know that a few basics Take a look at the new TV sitcoms, 84 representatives of 7 nations came to Japan through the Fukuoka give life real meaning. A good life and and the recent flood of anti-tradition- family, and service to God and human- al-marriage laws. Seaport on November 7. They made three teams for Tokyo, Osaka and ity, are what really counts, now and One gets the impression people Nagoya to establish Peace UN. They worked for the Inagural Convention in the end. Everyone’s unique char- aren’t serious enough about their of the Peace UN held in Japan on November 20. acter and talents lend special flavor beliefs, especially in the public square. to this. Sinful humans need strict guid- Wise Pastors speak not of making ance, and religion is the best place to get simply accepted it. Some folks live (and They’re grimly sincere about their cause. intellectual contracts with God, but of a it. Our conscience gives the impetus, but serve) entirely by faith, giving little thought Decades ago, the Soviet Union sent deep surrender to His Will. we also need instruction, and a good to doctrines or theology. out many agents, with orders to become As we know, ultimately God is not just example. (An ‘Abel figure,’ as the Princi- There are also twisted believers, such influential in Western churches. In some a stern Master, but also our loving Par- ple terms it.) as the infamous Tomas de Torquemada, denominations they were wildly successful. ent. ❖ Sometimes believers get serious. (For leader of the Spanish Inquisition. He was During sermons in the 1970s, Rev. example, see www.aclj.org) smart, and probably sincere. We must Moon directly addressed UC members Maybe your own family has a ‘con- always guard against such extremes! firmed bachelor’ in it, but he probably Today we face horrific suicide bombers. doesn’t rub it in your face. Say your church Believe it or not, most aren’t illiterate, Be Always Thankful elects an openly gay Bishop, and he poor, or desperate. In fact, they’re clini- announces that you’re a narrow-minded cally sane. homophobe if you don’t support him glee- Researchers compare them to World Be thankful to those who hurt me, for they harden my will. fully. When a denomination becomes that War Two’s kamikaze pilots, who knew Be thankful to those who cheat me, for they increase my wisdom. humanistic, serious believers will enact exactly what they were getting into. In Be thankful to those who defame me, for they refine my personality. reforms, or even participate in a splinter each case, a large and well-oiled ‘social Be thankful to those who beat me, for they activate my courage. group. indoctrination’ program drove them to Be thankful to those who forsake me, for they teach my independence. In history, the austere Franciscan order fanatic acts. became lax the very year Saint Francis At this point, I’d like to follow up on Be thankful to those who betray me, for they mature my judgment. died. A while later, the even stricter my recent “Challenging Times” article. Be thankful to those who crumple me, for they strengthen my legs. Capuchins split off. In it, I mentioned that Pearl Harbor sur- Be thankful to those who scold me, for they remind my shortcomings. Christianity has seen a lot of this. For vivors now invite their new friends, the I am thankful to all those who train me to be strong and mature. example, the Anglicans begot the reform- Japanese pilots, to their annual reunions. ing Methodists, who spun off the Church I asked whether, in fifty years, Taliban Cherng Guh Unification News

KIM KORMAN BROWN Vegetable Abuse before. If you put a live worm in front den. So we opened a can to serve with never heard of before, on a home rem- Kim is a of a turtle they eat it wiggling. Well, the dinner and I recoiled in horror. Who edy website. Did you know that if some- Wife and Mother turtle isn’t exactly wiggling but the stole the asparagus and put what might one has head lice they can soak their in rural Virginia worm is. Fascinating. They also like be called sticks of flaccid goo, a shade head in mayonnaise, put on a shower fresh tomatoes from the garden. I never of green I’ve seen sticking to the under- cap, go to sleep and have coleslaw by e have friends who’ve knew that before either. side of docks at the lake, in their stead? morning? No, not really, but them lit- been educating us So as we did these tasks that mankind Dr. Seuss’s “Bartholomew and the tle buggers will die in the mayonnaise. about the benefits of has done from the beginning of histo- Ooblick”, green. That’s almost as bad as dying from eat- organic food. Since ry, I felt one with farmdom. My straw I thought, surely there must be some ing canned asparagus. Personally, I we’ve known them hat and thin, white cotton shirt were mistake, and I set about to prepare believe that mayonnaise should be out- we’veW bought eggs from their free range sticking to me from a sheen them as I had their lawed anyway, but that is my person- chickens. Well, the chickens didn’t of sweat generated under raw cousins; al preference. Does the constitution actually sell them to us directly, we Virginia’s August sun. steamed a bit protect freedom of condiments? I don’t bought them from our friends. But any- The insects throbbed, with lemon know if it does or even if it should. way, this week they went out of town the tomatoes and and butter. The fact that mayonnaise can kill and we got to go to their farm to feed cucumbers hung Then I head lice only backs up my theory that their goats and chickens and gather heavy on their vines, sawed off a mayonnaise is not a food any more the eggs, too. It was like a scene from the rooster crowed chunk with than canned asparagus is. I intend to Little House on the Prairie. We arrived and the goats baah- a knife and unearth the conspiracy surrounding at the wide, calm spread of their 18th ed. Wonderful. popped it in these two foods. century farmhouse set back from the A few months ago my mouth, The final complicated thought of this road — white house, red roof, black this same family gave and had the whole thing is that this same friend eyed susans running riot under the us a huge bundle of biggest gag reflex actually makes homemade mayonnaise windows, and rambling roses climb- homegrown, organ- of my adult life. with her chicken’s eggs, and makes ing up the front step pillars. ic asparagus that Ne’er will a canned homemade whole wheat bread from On the screened-in back porch was they grew. I had asparagi pass my lips flour she grinds herself, and grows her a basket and in it were directions of never really liked again. I swear by own organic tomatoes, and everyone what we were to do. First, go down to asparagus. It was Jupiter, that the Green who has tried them sings the praises the goat paddock and empty the metal one of the nose- Giant company has of her tomato sandwiches to kingdom buckets of water for the goats and refill wrinkling vegeta- committed an act of the come, which might mean that home- them. Set out sections of hay for them bles of my child- deepest, darkest veg- made mayonnaise might be in the same on a little platform where they poke hood; the kind of etable abuse. The camp as homegrown asparagus. I mean, their knobby heads through the slats dreaded vegetable other three cans I maybe it should be allowed to exist. and chomp away. that my parents bought are going I’m really confused about all this except Goats have eyes like fish, not like forced me to eat, for the Canned for one thing I’ve decided, that if you seals or dogs. The eyes are spaced wide sometimes making Food Drive at buy things at the grocery store you’re apart on the sides of their head almost me sit at the table Thanksgiv- taking a big risk. like they have no relationship to each all Sunday after- ing. How un- Thomas Jefferson wanted America other. Their faces are a little bit bland noon, biting small, Christian of to stay an agrarian nation. Maybe he but they like to be rubbed on the head fibrous amounts, me, to pass was on to something. Life, liberty and and they’re very sweet. chewing with dis- on these vegeta- the pursuit of organic vegetables. Give Next, get a dish of chicken feed to taste, spitting into my bles of darkness to me asparagus or give me death. Some- lure the rooster out of the hen house hand and running into the bathroom unsuspecting recipients. Maybe I will thing like that. into the pen. The rooster attacks any- to flush it away. be smote for this. Unless some old lady Kim can be found at web site: one messing with his hens and they’re Anyway, I took home these rugged uses the cans for weight lifting instead “http://worldcommunity.com” and all his, and he’s the boss, they’re all stalks and steamed them the way my of eating. You never know. has email address: kimbrown@world- his paramours — he’s the Emperor of friend suggested. A little squeeze of Speaking of inedible foods, I recent- community.com.❖ Chickendom. Once he’s out of the hen- lemon juice and butter, and wow, what ly saw a use for mayonnaise that I had house we go in and gather the little a delicious journey into the health brown, white and greenish (yes, I said benefits of green vegetables. Green Useful Internet Addresses greenish!) eggs from the roosts, change vegetables have so many health ben- the water and give them more feed. efits. Everyone says so. I’m sure some Unification Church: unification.org Then feed the cats. After that, over- day I’ll agree too. Why doesn’t mint Family Federation: familyfed.org turn rocks to find worms and feed the chocolate chip ice cream have health IIFWP www.IIFWP.org turtles in the little pen under the pine benefits - it’s green. But I digress. HSA Bookstore: www.hsabooks.com One day, some weeks later, Gra- trees. I had never seen a turtle eat Unification International: www.tongil.or.kr cie and I saw some tall, thin cans of Unification Outreach: www.unification.net Green Giant Asparagus at the gro- Bridgeport University www.bridgeport.edu cery store. The picture showed dark Brunhofer & Balise, LLP green, handsome stalks on the label. The World Community Journal www.worldcommunity.com Certified Public Accountants I was sure they would be as wonder- UTS: www.uts.edu Ocean Church oceanchurch.org offices located at: ful as the ones from my friend’s gar- : www.sunmoon.ac.kr 287 Farview Ave. PWPA: www.pwpa.org Paramus, NJ 07652 World CARP: worldcarp.org 201-599-9899 ANNOUNCEMENTS Pure Love Alliance: purelove.org 201-599-2328 (fax) HSA E-Directory: www.suntek.ch/edirectory & Florida Unification Archive: www.Tparents.org 2842 S. Vincennes Way Looking for adventure in boating and ICRF: www.religiousfreedom.com Denver, CO 80231 education,line on boat and learn.Help Religious Youth Service www.rys.net 303-338-8098 with developing educational activities World University Federation www.wufed.org call Chris 772-334-9789 fax: 303-369-6289 World of Heart www.worldcommunity.com/wh [email protected][email protected] Single, previously-Blessed, 48 years, Int. 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