August 1999 Unification News
UnificationUnification NewsNews $2 Volume 18, No. 8 T HE N EWSPAPER OF THE U NIFICATION C OMMUNITY August 1999 INTERRELIGIOUS AND INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION FOR WORLD PEACE True Families as the Foundation for World Peace in the New Millennium IIRFWP by Dr. Thomas G. Walsh—Louisville, KY dok hae readings. King Jr. Family Life Institute, both of The conference was whom read with great dignity, vitality, n the last weekend of July, sponsored by the heart, and, on occasion, tears. As one in Washington, D.C., an Interreligious and participant from France, Claude Durand- historic event took place: International Fed- Berger, put it, “It was a very oppor- the first International Sem- eration for World tune, useful and inspired idea to gath- inar on “True Families as Peace and the World er all these people, coming from all Othe Foundation for World Peace in the University Federa- parts of the world, around hoon dok New Millennium,” or, as it came to be tion. hae. It helped us to know better, and called, the “Hoon Dok Hae” conference. Father’s direction more completely, the message of Rev. Around the first week of July, Rev. was that from each Moon and it helped Rev. Moon’s mes- Chung Hwan Kwak, Chairman of the country, three par- sage to be more strongly asserted and recently established Interreligious and ticipants should be still more widespread, at a particular- International Federation for World Peace invited; one should ly opportune moment in the evolution (IIFWP), received direction from Father be a religious leader, of the world and in the development of to convene this conference before the one a political leader Unification Thought.” end of the month and to bring togeth- and the other an aca- Mr.
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