UnificationUnification NewsNews $2 Volume 17, No. 11 T HE N EWSPAPER OF THE U NIFICATION C OMMUNITY November 1998 Third International Ocean Challenge Workshop, Kodiak NEW FUTURE PHOTO by Rev. Eric Holt—NY, NY Our daily schedule included ocean- or river-fishing, hoon dok hae, spiri- group of seventy partici- tual guidance, testimonies and a con- pants from all over the world siderable amount of practical training gathered in Kodiak, Alas- in boat-handling, navigation, fishing, ka for the Third Interna- knot-tying, first aid, etc. The local U.S. tional Ocean Challenge from Coast Guard Auxiliary came by for sev- SeptemberA 9 through October 18, 1998. eral evenings and presented a series The majority were National Messiahs, of lectures concerning boat-handling (missionaries in Africa, Europe, Latin and seamanship. All of us completed America, Asia, the Middle East and a final examination – and everyone Oceania). The Family Federation con- passed! The local Red Cross came and tinental directors of North America, taught CPR. Everyone received their Latin America, Asia and Europe also CPR certification. participated as well as several second Boat-handling involved days of prac- generation brothers and sisters. tice, practice and more practice. Dock- ing turned out to be a most difficult True Father speaking at North Garden exercise, in view of the constantly vary- see KODIAK on page 4 Recent Activities of True Parents in South America A report by Rev. Joong Hyun Pak, on October 3 to celebrate Foundation Continental Director, given at East Gar- Day for the Nation of the Unified World. den, New York November 11, 1998. Rev. On October 5 they conducted the Cer- Pak returned with True Parents from emony of Liberation and Unification of Jardim where he and Mrs. Pak are the Spirit World and Physical World. attending the Ideal Family workshop. At this ceremony, they assigned the True Parents asked Rev. Pak to accom- major religious leaders in the spirit pany them back to America for the cel- world to continents on the Earth. North ebration of True Children’s Day and the America, of course, is centered on Jesus; week’s activities. South America is centered on Mary and Joseph; Korea, Buddha; China, Con- rue Parents have been gone fucius and Islamic nations, Mohammed. since September 21. They True Parents remained in Sao Paulo have spent most of this time to officiate at an international religious going back and forth between freedom conference held October 10- Fuerte Olimpo and Salobra 12 entitled “Religious Freedom in Latin inT the Pantanal, teaching and fishing America and the New Millennium.” Thir- and then to Rio Perdido and back to ty-two countries around the world par- Jardim to teach there as well. ticipated. It was reported to have been True Parents traveled to Sao Paulo very successful, with notable people Rev. & Mrs. Pak on the Salobra River see S. AMERICA on page 2 TFV Seminars and International Night in Chicago by Richard Lemont—Chicago, IL inar. Rev. Braxton is a minister and is in charge of pastoral counseling at Pro- nion MBC in Chicago is gressive Community Church. Progres- one of the oldest African- sive has often been called ‘The Mayor’s American congregations in Church’ because Mayor Harold Wash- Chicago and the pastor, ington attended services there while Rev. Marvin Alexander, is he was mayor of Chicago. It’s Pastor, Uone of the most powerful and respect- Rev. B. Herbert Martin, is a long time ed preachers in the city. Rev. Alexan- friend of TFV Ministry and an ICC grad- der invited the True Family Values Min- uate. Rev. Michael Jenkins from TFV istry in Chicago to present a TFV Sem- Ministry gave a powerful presentation inar at his church to his core lay leaders. in the late morning portion of the Sem- Over 20 guests attended bright and inar. He prevailed upon Rev. Alexan- early on a Saturday morning. These der to assist him in delivering the top- were the deacons and missionaries and ics of “Jesus and the Holy Spirit” and Sunday School teachers that make a see CHICAGO on page 16 substantial success of any ministry. We were blessed to have Rev. Steve Braxton deliver one session of the sem- Rev. Michael Jenkins introducing TFV on International Night in Chicago 2 Unification News November 1998 ica. The populations of Argentina and early morning, to the dark of late night, blessed couples to live a life of this stan- S. AMERICA Uruguay are all “white,” making them True Parents were on the water. Father dard. I realize that our attendance is from page 1 Cain-type; Paraguay and Brazil, on the is so intent on maintaining the sched- not enough. other hand, are racially mixed, so they ule that if the boat did not depart on True Mother is a great fisherwoman. attending, including many from the are Abel-type. time, he would become very frustrat- She caught five bacu on each of two United States. I once read about an interview with ed. The boat is small, a five-person boat. successive days. The record for every- True Parents stayed with the nation- Mother Teresa, in which she was asked The guide is a native, not a member. one else is 70 in 40 days, but most al messiahs at their workshop at Fuerte when she thought the messiah would They would go up small rivers, full of catch 30 or 40 in 40 days. Olimpo until October 20. Although Par- come and where would the Garden of alligators and the land populated with We can say that Chung Pyung Lake ents have already fulfilled all the indem- Eden most likely be. She answered: wild animals. The vegetation was so is the “cleansing center.” We did not nity conditions necessary, still they “The year 2000, but if we are not pre- dense that even to make their way up deserve the blessing, but Father for- continue to give their sweat and tears, pared for him then he will be perse- the channels the guide had to chop gave us. He has a timetable and has to investing so much everyday. cuted and delayed in his work. The away branches with a machete. The work with unqualified people. This is There are 2,000 members present- location of Eden will not be Africa but cut branches, on return trips, were why our blessing marriage life is not ly in Jardim attending the Ideal Fam- in the South American rain forest,” she dangerous, like spears pointing at the good enough. We disrespect God, the ily workshops. The spirit is high. The said! boats going up the narrow channel. Principle and the value of the blessing. various races and nations are loving Father said that he chose Jardim But Father would push and push the So at CPL we clean out our past char- each other as a beautiful community. and the surrounding Pantanal region guide to go faster. A boat that small acter and liberate our evil spirits and Father conducted 18 Hoon Dok Hae ancestors so that they can attend sessions there in just a 12-day peri- Heung Jin Nim’s 100-day workshop. od, one day starting at 5 am and end- CPL is like cleaning the dirty cup. ing at midnight. There is a large stage Jardim is where we fill this cleaned in the main lecture hall and True cup. We receive the Holy Spirit. At Parents continually stayed on the CPL, Dae Mo NIm conducts the activ- stage, in view of everyone, sweating ities, but at New Hope East Garden, so profusely because it is so hot. But True Father, True Parents directly they are with everyone all the time. conduct the teachings, the activities. True Parents matched workshop Through doing the Hoon Dok Hae national messiah families. Mrs. Pak and visiting the holy grounds, we gain and I were matched with a Japan- power and energy to go out to the ese 1800 couple blessing family. After world as messiahs. Koreans, Japan- that, True Parents sat for family pho- ese, Americans—everyone working tos for 900 couples! It took a long together on teams, farming and build- time. Can you imagine smiling for ing. It is a joyful experience. 1,350 photographs! The next stage will be to connect At Salobra, Parents made a spe- this work at the headwaters of the cial prayer condition and then caught Paraguay River to the headwaters of 14 fish. After having them “preserved,” the Amazon River, which flows out they brought the fish to Jardim and True Parents with Korean National Messiahs at the Fuerte Olimpo workshop of the northern side of the Pantanal. displayed them on the stage. Father Too many people are cutting down the gave a prayer for the 3rd Ideal Family Amazon rain forests. These forests are workshop and then offered the fish by because it is the least developed area can easily capsize. the lungs of the planet. Only Father’s lottery. The cost of a lottery ticket was on the planet, hence the closest to the They would travel three hours on vision, leadership and love will save $300, so Father raised $200,000! Two original creation. Father has gone there this narrow river, in areas where there this. He will divide it into 185 territo- of the fish went to Korean couples and to love the land, water, and all crea- was no human habitation. The rivers ries and assign these territories by lot- 12 went to Japanese couples. Then tures. True Parents have invested all are full of piranhas.
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