UnificationUnification NewsNews $2 Volume 21, No. 1 T HE N EWSPAPER OF THE U NIFICATION C OMMUNITY January 2002 TRUE GOD’S DAY CELEBRATION IN KOREA by Rev. Michael Jenkins the offering table. Then the three primary (It was the same nations of Korea (Father- he True God’s Day Pledge royal chairs that land), Japan (Mother- Service was held January 1, were used in the land) and America (Elder 2002 at the Cheong Pyeong Coronation Cere- Son) bowed. Then rep- Heaven and Earth Training mony for God’s resentatives of four major Center. Rev. Kwak was the Kingdhip.) Then religions bowed, MCT for the morning prayer service. True Mother bowed. JudeoChristianity, Islam, True Parents entered in their holy robes. Then True Mother Buddhism, Confucian- The offering table was glorious with 12 took her place with ism. Then the four rep- stacks of foods (2 rows deep) of all the True Father. Then resentatives of the Able- creation, Korean pears, apples, straw- True Children type world bowed (free berries, oranges. About four feet high bowed. Hyo Jin Nim, world), then the four rep- on a foot table. 7 large candles were Hyun Jin Nim, Sun resentatives of the Cain- evenly placed across the offering table. Jin Nim, Young Jin type world (communist Father and Mother entered with Nim in the first row. world) bowed. Hoon Mo applause. Father lit the candles. First Their spouses and Nim and other saints the center candle. Then the one on the children in the sec- then bowed represent- far right and far left then the one to ond row. ing the spirit world. Then the right of center and so forth back Then second ger- we recited the family and forth. ation blessed cou- pledge. It was beautiful. True Parents bowed with such serene ples bowed. Then Everyone was in perfect quite and holiness. Slowly. Then Father all families bowed. harmony. (Rev. Kwak took his place on the throne behind had to guide us about this many, many times because there is a tendency for everyone to race through the Kajong Mengse too fast True God’s Day Motto for 2002 leaving the MC behind and being total- ly unharmonious. This was about the fourth time at a major pledge that Rev. Kwak asked the couples to stay in sync. This time they did and it was power- ful.) Then True Parents offered the prayer The Complete Settlement of Cheon Il Guk of Freedom, for God’s Day. After the prayer True Peace and Happiness, which is the ideal of the Mother helped Father take off his holy robe and Father was in his tradition- Parents of the Heaven and Earth, Mansei. al white Korean vest and pants. True Cheon Il Guk is the short form of Cheonju Pyeonghwa Tongil Guk - the Nation of Cosmic Peace and Unity Mother took off her crown and holy see CELEBRATION on page 3 Hyun Jin Nim’s 2001 US Campus Tour hortly after the IIFWP Assem- entertainment; Introduction: by the MC speech ( an edited version of the 10/22 Jin Moon who delivered his message bly 2001 in October, the (usually Ken Bates); Powerpoint on Ser- speech in New York); VIP comments on “Service for Peace—Crisis and Hope” to founder Rev. & Mrs. Moon vice for Peace delivered by Robert Kit- the Hoon Dok Hae and the ideals of over 2500 students and guests through- encouraged the president of tel; Hoon Dok Hae from True Parents’ SFP; Keynote address by President Hyun out the tour. CARP, Hyun Jin Moon, to Following are brief reports of some Scontinue the message of peace by speak- of the events. ing in person on the top universities in Yale the United States. In this year, 2001, by Stephen K. Nomura it was decided to hold four events in the following representative schools: fter being initiated in July of Yale, Columbia, Northwestern (Chica- this year, on Friday, Decem- go) and the University of California at Aber 7th, the Service for Peace Berkeley. program made its way to Yale Uni- His motto for the tour was “constant versity’s Battell Chapel. The brain- improvement” and we were all kept on child of Hyun Jin Moon, president of our toes in this respect. The purposes World Collegiate Association for the of the tour included the launch of Ser- Research of Principles, the program vice for Peace in the United States, the invited faculty and students from revival and reintroduction of World CARP both Yale University and the nearby to major college campuses, and the con- University of Bridgeport. tinuation of bringing True Parents’ mes- Serving as Mistress of Ceremonies sage on the formula for peace to the for the night, Esther Bessell, presi- students dent of the Student Congress at the The basic format of each event was University of Bridgeport, began the as follows: Preprogram: 20 minutes of see HYUN JIN on page 5 2 Unification News January 2002 FOUNDER’S DISCOURSE ON UNIFICATIONISM GOD’S DAY MIDNIGHT ADDRESS by Reverend Sun Myung Moon must be accomplished to achieve heav- Heaven and earth—these two per- belongs to you. You offer everything to en. Chun Ju means that heaven and sons, should be connecting the two. God. All the ownership of the world This is an excerpt from the address earth must be united connecting the The ideal of heaven and earth is the has become a barrier and block between given at midnight, Dec. 31, 2001. two horizontal lines. ideal of freedom, peace, Unification and man and God. That is why all owner- he Chinese character for First the mind and body must unite, happiness. Chun Il Guk An Jak. An ship must be given to God. When all heaven is Chun and has two then the husband and wife must be Jak has to do with “Settlement”. Chun is offered through the Total Living Offer- horizontal lines which means one, then parents and children then Jak means going to or on the way to ing then God can bless it. Then you it has two persons in it. One brothers and sisters. Then the family the goal. An Jak means that after it is can reorganize all of the world. Cen- is horizontal and another is and the nation must unite. accomplished. tering on a couple that becomes com- horizontal.T It means the unity of heav- If mind and body, husband and wife Last years motto: May the parents pletely one, then you can establish en and earth. The Absolute will of God have conflict there can be no unity and of heaven and earth and the children, ownership and oneness with God. In peace. by uniting as one mind and body, ful- the family you have the 8 stages that fill the will of True Love’s subjective can perfect the ideal of God. You become character, which is absolute, unique, the subject and starting point. You offer C ALENDAR unchanging and eternal. all of this to God and you can be proud Three generations become one only of God. Koreans, Japanese, Americans JANUARY 2002 through True Love, True Life and True and all nations have nothing to be 1 True God’s Day (1968) Lineage. By making such unity the proud of from the strict view of heav- 2 Day of Victory of Love (1984) children make the third position. They en. They are all descendants of the fall- are like the grandchildren of God. Who en history and still under Satan’s claim. 3 Heung Jin Nim’s Ascension (1984) is the third generation? They are the Because of the fall, all humanity became 6 UN Jin Nim’s Birthday (11/23/67) blessed couples or Blessed Central the enemy of God. Their ownership is 10 Kook Jin Nim & Soon Ju Nim’s Blessing (1989) Families. Originally, through the fall, not blessed by God. 11 72 Couples of the Second Generation Blessing (1989) the second and third generation was The Blessed Central Family is the 12 1275 Couples’ Blessing (1989) lost. Only God remained as the first third generation of God. You completely generation. True Parents have restored deny yourself and offer everything to 13 Coronation Ceremony for the Kingship of God (2001) the second generations position and God. This can only be achieved through International Federation for the Victory Over Communism (1968) Blessed couples are in the third gen- total offering to God and self denial 14 Shin Choon Nim’s Birthday (12/2/90) eration or grandchild’s position to God. and oneness of the husband and wife 15 Hyo Jin Nim’s Birthday (12/3/62) Whether American or any nation or centered on True Love, True Life and 23 Ye Jin Nim’s Birthday (12/11/60) Korean or Japan. Nationality makes True Blood Lineage. If couples fall, they no difference. As a Blessed central become the second realm of the fall. 27 WCSF Blessing Ceremony (2001) family we become the engrafted third Before the blessing, everything you 31 Shin Yul Nim’s Birthday (12/19/92) generation. Your children are the 4th have belongs to Satan. You have to FEBRUARY 2002 generation level. Now Adam, Jesus, deny what you want to see, touch and Messiah and the 4th Adam’s era has feel. The Japanese, have nothing to be 1 Day of the Opening of Heaven (1985) come. Now centering on the unity of proud of. Americans, Chinese Rus- 5 Hyo Jin Nim & Yun Ah Nim’s Blessing (1999) the mind and body man must become sians. Nothing to be proud of.
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