LAUNCH OFFER - SAVE £400 HEBRIDEAn PER PERSON SECRETS An island hopping expedition in the aboard the MS Serenissima 22nd to 30th May & 30th May to 7th June* 2017 St Kilda xxxxxxxx

ords do not do justice to the spectacular beauty, rich wildlife and fascinating history of the Inner Wand which we will explore during this expedition aboard the MS Serenissima. One of Europe’s last true remaining wilderness areas affords the traveller a marvellous island hopping journey through stunning scenery accompanied by spectacular sunsets and prolific birdlife. With our naturalists and local guides we will explore the length and breadth of the isles, and with our nimble Zodiac craft be able to reach some of the most remote and untouched places.

Having arranged hundreds of small ship cruises around , we have realised that everyone takes something different from the experience. Learn something of the island’s history, see their abundant bird and marine life, but above all revel in the timeless enchantment that these islands exude to all those who appreciate the natural world. We are indeed fortunate in having such marvellous places so close to home. Now, more than ever there is a great appreciation for the peace, beauty and culture of this special corner of the UK. Whether your interest lies in horticulture or the natural world, history or bird watching or simply being there to witness the timeless beauty of the islands, this trip will lift the spirits and gladden the heart. What to expect Flexibility is the key to an expedition cruise. Each day holds something the birds soon became used to our presence, providing unparalleled new and below are some extracts from our vessel’s logs from our previous close encounters – well worth the climb! Some of the more energetic expeditions in the Hebrides which will provide you with an idea of what to followed John along a cliff path to Harp Rock, which was crammed with expect should you choose to join our island hopping adventure: nesting guillemots, some razorbills, more puffins, fulmars, kittiwakes and shags – all presenting wonderful photo opportunities. Those who could Iona, , Lunga – 18th June: not face the climb were still able to enjoy the spectacle from the Zodiacs We awoke to find ourselves anchored in the Sound of Iona for our walk as thousands of puffins and other seabirds were resting on the sea. up to the Abbey. Little remains of the early Christian settlement, founded around AD 563 by St Columba and 12 companions who had sailed from Ireland. It became one of the most important monasteries in early Medieval Europe, renowned as a centre of learning and artistic excellence. During our walk, many passengers heard corncrakes calling in the gardens and fields around the village and some were lucky enough to catch sight of one. All too soon it was time to return to the ship for lunch as we still had a full day ahead. Once the ship had repositioned to anchor off Staffa half of our compliment were landed on the island to walk round into Fingal’s Cave, while others were taken by Zodiac into the cave, swapping over later. The latter was a distinct highlight, made possible only by the ship’s Zodiacs so not many visitors are able to view the wondrous basalt columns from within the cave itself! John showed a short but spectacular slide presentation to Mendelssohn’s Hebrides Overture as the ship moved on to Lunga. It was after five when we began our landing but it had brightened to a bright sunny afternoon showing the Hebridean vista to full effect – from the Cuillin of Rum to the Paps of Jura, even distant Ben Nevis was just visible. But the climax of a very full day must be the puffins that awaited us at the top of a short, slightly rocky path. Lying down meant that +44 (0)20 7752 0000 – 21st June: Puffins By breakfast the ship had anchored amongst the Shiant Islands in the Minch – Eilean Mhuire (Mary’s Isle) to the north, Eilean Tighe (House Island) and the spectacular Garbh Eilean (Rough Island) to the south, the two joined by a boulder beach. Once more we were viewing tertiary basalt columns just like Staffa and Canna but this time several hundred feet tall and thronging with seabirds, many of whom sat on the calm sea as our Zodiacs cruised close off shore. The islands are owned by Adam Nicholson who wrote about them so eloquently in his book ‘Sea Room’ and are uninhabited. We made first for the tall basalt cliffs where we enjoyed a fly-past of a white-tailed sea eagle which then landed near its mate on a grassy ledge. They sat side by side for the rest of our visit. This very cliff housed one of the very last breeding pairs early in the 20th century but a highly successful reintroduction programme (begun on the Isle of Rum in 1975) has resulted in some 60 pairs now nesting in Britain (mainly the Hebrides) once again. We saw some grey and common seals hauled out ashore, and investigated some interesting sea caves before turning along the huge boulder scree along the east side of Garbh Eilean with its huge numbers of razorbills, puffins and shags. There were also some great skuas flying around, looking for an opportunity to rob the auks of the food they carried to feed chicks.

St Kilda – 22nd June: The early risers were rewarded with fine views of our approach Stornoway to the archipelago of St Kilda, its St Kilda tops draped mysteriously in mist. The Itinerary SCOTLAND Lochmaddy It had been a calm crossing and Day 1 Oban. Embark this afternoon. Dunvegan some dolphins and minke whales Transfers will be provided from Loch Scavaig Barra & Canna had been spotted on route. We Glasgow Central Railway Station Oban breakfasted quickly so as to hear and Glasgow International Airport Lunga & Iona an introduction to the islands by at a fixed time. Sail this evening. Colonsay Jura Fairlie the ranger. Soon after the Zodiacs began shuttling people ashore to the pier, although several options had been offered, many people opted Day 2 Iona & Lunga. Iona has been first to join John on a guided historical walk along the village street occupied for thousands of years and from the Manse (now the staff quarters which also housed the shop). a place of pilgrimage and Christian bound together like some rare text Many then progressed up The Gap to find Jamie and his party of longer worship for several centuries. It was that reveals over 60 million years of walkers, while Karin had led an energetic walk up the road to the summit to this flat, Hebridean island that St Hebridean geology and history. They ridge and the radar installation. John’s group then dispersed to explore Columba fled from Ireland in 563 have an amazingly rich archaeological on their own and most of us, of course, found time to visit the shop for and established a monastery. Here landscape with remains dating to postcards and souvenirs. On return to the ship, lunch consisted of a his followers were responsible for all periods of settled occupation in barbecue prepared by the galley staff and many opted to eat outside the conversion of much of pagan Scotland. Canna is run as a single on the afterdeck with the impressive backdrop of St Kilda’s Village Bay. Scotland and Northern England. farm and bird sanctuary by the But we were not finished yet, for the Expedition Team then filled their No less than 62 Scottish Kings National Trust for Scotland and enjoys Zodiacs with enthusiastic and intrepid passengers, keen to explore are buried in the Abbey. You can the best harbour in the Small Isles, a the rocky shores and dramatic caves of Dun, seeing seals and seabirds spend your time on the island either horn-shaped haven. The fertile soil notably, of course, puffins. This highlight was quickly overshadowed by visiting the Abbey, enjoying a walk and its diversity of habitats mean that the final offering – the Captain taking his ship for a circumnavigation of along the white sandy beaches or the island has an incredibly rich plant St Kilda, around Dun, under the Lover’s Stone and the Carn Mor boulder perhaps searching for the corncrake life with 248 native flowering plants field on Hirta to Soay, and then past Glen Bay to view, Conachair, at amongst the irises. Back onboard recorded. We will see Canna House, 1400 feet the highest sheer cliff in Britain. As if on cue, the cloud lifted as we sail towards the Treshnish and wander across grassy basalt briefly to reveal its summit before we struck east, across the four mile Isles, we hope to drop anchor off plateaus to the 600 foot cliffs on the volcanic caldera 60 metres under us, towards Boreray and the stacs. the south side of Staffa where the north shore. Over lunch we will sail Approaching Stac Lee (564 ft) the Captain opted to take a wide sweep perpendicular rock face feature to lovely Loch Scavaig. Just beyond and circumnavigate this hugely impressive tooth of rock, smothered an imposing series of black basalt is the freshwater Loch Corruisk with in 9000 pairs of nesting gannets. The noise – and the smell! – were columns, known as the Colonnade, its breathtakingly beautiful view over palpable as we stared up at the sheer face in its cloud of gannets, which have been cut by the sea the Cuillins. This is great walking constantly changing shape and almost close enough to touch. We next into cathedralesque caverns, most country, but for those who prefer a moved on to the pyramid shape of Stac an Armin – at 644 ft the highest notably Fingal’s Cave. Weather less energetic afternoon our Zodiacs sea stack in Britain, home again to 9000 pairs of gannets, the remaining permitting we will use our Zodiacs will explore the coast looking out for 40,000 pairs of St Kilda’s to explore closer. Northwest of seals. largest colony dispersed Staffa lie the Treshnish Isles, an around the soaring archipelago of uninhabited volcanic Day 4 Lochmaddy & Dunvegan. This 1260 ft cliffs of Boreray. islets. The most distinctive, and morning sail into Lochmaddy for a Dozens of great skuas where we hope to land is Lunga, visit to the famous bird reserve of were patrolling the skies the largest island often described Balranald on North Uist. Listen for seeking out gannets as a ‘green jewel in a peacock sea’. the call of the rare corncrake over the returning to feed their The island is a summer nesting- machair and enjoy a walk amongst chick with a crop full place for hundreds of sea birds, in the dramatic scenery of sandy of fish. The pirates particular kittiwakes, shags, fulmars, beaches, dunes and marshy loch often acted in groups guillemots, razorbills and puffins. where we hope to see corn buntings, forcing their victim to skylarks and breeding waders such regurgitate. Day 3 Canna & Loch Scavaig. as lapwing and oystercatchers. As Strategically placed between the we return to the MS Seremissima mountains of Rum and the Outer we will visit the Barpa Langais burial Hebrides, the island of Canna and chamber, dating from neolithic its adjoining neighbour Sanday are times and the standing stones and +44 (0)20 7752 0000 Iona Abbey Dunvegan Castle

Callanish Standing Stones

stone circles at Fir Bhreige and we will board the Zodiacs for a cruise of Barra. Its towering cliffs and stacks wooded gardens which protect the Pobull Fhinn. Over lunch we sail around the spectacular basalt cliffs face the Atlantic while the east side tiny, enigmatic 8th century St Oran’s to the MacLeod stronghold of of the Shiant Islands, a group of little slopes gradually down to the sandy Cross. Return to the vessel for lunch Dunvegan Castle on the Isle of islands located a few miles off the beach of Mingulay Bay. Despite as we sail through the Sound of Islay Skye. Remarkably, the castle has shores of Lewis. This is an excellent there being a continuous population to Jura, arriving in the late afternoon. been almost continuously occupied place to spot puffins, razorbills, on the island for at least two Dominating the views of Jura are by the MacLeods for nearly eight guillemots, seals and hopefully White thousand years, evacuation began in the three hills called ‘The Paps of centuries. We will tour the castle, Tailed Eagles. 1907 and the island was completely Jura’, the highest being Beinn an Oir a fascinating place that features abandoned in 1912. Ruins of the at 785 metres. We will go ashore at work of at least ten building Day 6 St Kilda. Arrive at first light in village remain close to the shore Craighouse and will be welcomed periods. Then explore the gardens, St Kilda, a remarkable uninhabited which we will explore on a guided in the cooperage where we will be following paths through woodland archipelago some fifty miles beyond walk. The islands are also a nature given an introduction to the Jura glades past pools and burns fed the Outer Hebrides. Dominated by reserve with important breeding Distillery and an opportunity to taste by a waterfall. Look out for the seal the highest cliffs and sea stacks in populations of razorbills, guillemots, the local product. Alternatively, join colony on the adjoining rocks as we Britain, Hirta, St Kilda’s main island puffins, fulmars and shags. one of our naturalists on a walk along return to the ship. was occupied on and off for at the shore or join the local bus for a least two thousand years, with the Day 8 Colonsay & Jura. Lying short drive around the island. Day 5 Stornoway & Shiant last 36 Gaelic speaking inhabitants between Mull and Islay, we will Islands. On leaving the island evacuated at their own request spend the morning exploring Day 9 Fairlie. Disembark this morning capital of Stornoway, we will travel in 1930. Immediately after the the island of Colonsay, with her after breakfast. Transfers will be across Lewis to the beautiful evacuation, the island was bought craggy, heather-backed hills, provided to Glasgow International west coast of the island and to by the Marquess of Bute to protect sparse woodland yet impressive Airport and Central Station at a fixed Callanish. Described as Scotland’s the island’s thousands of seabirds array of plant and birdlife. Near time. Stonehenge, the Callanish Standing including puffin and fulmars, and Colonsay House, built in 1722 by * Please note that the 30 May Stones date from around 3000 BC. in 1957 it was bequeathed to the Malcolm MacNeil and bought by departure operates in the reverse There are a total of 32 stones in a National Trust for Scotland. St Kilda Lord Strathcona in 1904, we will direction to that shown, from Fairlie circular and avenue design which is one of only two dozen UNESCO visit the attractively dilapidated to Oban. stand like a petrified forest on the World Heritage Sites with dual status flat top of a peninsula which reaches reflecting its natural and cultural out into East Loch Roag. We will significance. The local ranger will join visit the excellent visitor centre us onboard before our expedition Prices per person Based on double occupancy to learn more about the site and staff lead a number of guided walks venture out amongst the stones on the island. Later we will cruise past LAUNCH OFFER – SAVE £400 PER PERSON themselves to experience their two of the largest gannetries in the FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY mysterious atmosphere. Continuing world at Stac Lee and Boreray. These around the west coast we visit the impressive stacs rise 170 metres from Cat Cabin Description Brochure Price Special Offer Price site of Dun Carloway Pictish Broch. the sea and are home to up to 60,000 1 Inside Twin/Double £3095 £2695 Probably built sometime in the last breeding pairs of northern gannet. 2 Standard Stateroom £3495 £3095 century BC, it would have served as 3 Standard Stateroom Plus £3695 £3295 an occasionally defensible residence Day 7 Barra & Mingulay. This 4 Superior Stateroom £3895 £3495 for an extended family complete morning we will land on Barra which 5 Deluxe Stateroom £4095 £3695 with accommodation for animals at is near the southern tip of the Outer 6 Junior Suite £4495 £4095 ground floor level. We then head Hebrides and visit Castlebay which 7 Executive Suite £4895 £4495 north to Gearrannan Blackhouse curves around the barren rocky hills 8 Owner’s Suite £4895 £4495 Village, a reconstructed settlement of a beautiful wide bay. Here we 9 Inside Single £3095 £2695 of traditional black houses where find the 15th century Kisimul Castle, 10 Standard Single £3495 £3095 people and animals lived in close seat of the Clan Macneil and a key 2 Standard Stateroom £4495 £4095 proximity. Visit the small museum, defensive stronghold situated on a 3 Standard Stateroom Plus £4695 £4295 enjoy a display of a typical crofting rock in the bay. During lunch, we will Price Includes: 8 nights aboard the MS Serenissima on a full board basis with activity such as weaving and take in sail the short distance to Mingulay, house wine, beer and soft drinks with lunch and dinner onboard, Noble Caledonia the views at this dramatic site on the which is nearly 1600 acres and the Expedition Team, shore excursions, gratuities, transfers, port taxes. wild Atlantic coast. This afternoon largest of the group of islands south Not Included: Travel Insurance. +44 (0)20 7752 0000 MS Serenissima After a thorough renovation and upgrading, the charming, 100-passenger MS Serenissima commenced cruise operations in April 2013 and we have chartered her for the majority of each year since knowing her to be perfect for small ship cruising. With her small size she can navigate into small, remote ports inaccessible to the big cruise ships and appears an impressive sight when moored. With her fleet of Zodiacs she is capable of both destination and expedition cruising.

Your Space very nature of the ship, the cabins do vary in shape and size, adding to the The facilities onboard include two lounges – the larger Andrea Lounge is vessel’s overall charm. Choose from the cosy inside cabins of approx 10 comfortable and spacious and the smaller Harald Lounge is more intimate. square metres, to the sumptuous newly built executive suites of 25 square There is also a small library with a computer for internet access. The outside metres boasting private balconies and minibar. areas are something special with a spacious observation deck allowing for 360 degree views of the passing scenery. From here, step down to the lido Your Dining area with fitness room, Jacuzzi and outside bar. The covered seating area at The free seating Venice Restaurant accommodates all guests in one sitting. the back of deck 6 is ideal for relaxing with a drink in hand. Being on deck 5, it has great views from all tables. The picture windows mean the restaurant is light and airy. Breakfast is served buffet-style with cooked Cabins & Suites dishes available and eggs to order by the ship’s accomplished chef. Lunch is Accommodating no more than 100 passengers, the cabins are attractively also served buffet-style with hot and cold dishes available. Dinner is served a designed for comfort and convenience. All cabins are fully air conditioned la carte and is four courses, except for at the Captain’s Dinner, which is a six with an ensuite bathroom with shower, sink, toilet, a selection of toiletries course affair. In addition, there are al fresco dining facilities available in good including shower gel, soaps, shampoo and conditioner, hairdryer, robes and weather. slippers. All cabins come equipped with telephone, flat screen television, safety deposit box and other thoughtful appointments. Bottles of still and This cruise visits out of the way destinations. You will be sparkling water are replenished daily. There are ten different grades of accompanied by an expedition team and landings ashore will often cabin arranged over five decks, and with the exception of the three inside be made by Zodiac landing craft. Cruises such as this will appeal to cabins, all staterooms feature either windows or portholes. Because of the the more adventurous and those who enjoy the natural world.

Restaurant Harald Lounge DECK 7 BRIDGE 704 702

703 701






421 419 (approx. 22 square metres) 407 417 401 409 403 RECEPTIONRECEPTION 405 DECK 5 DECK 4 LOUNGE HARALD ANDREA LOUNGE HARALD 412 410 ANDREA 418 408 406 LOUNGE 424 BAR 414 422 404 402 VENICE 420 BAR LOUNGE VENICE RESTAURANT DECK 3 320 318 316 314 312 310 308 RESTAURANT 306 304

421 419 FITNESS 407 507 417 JACUZZI 401 302 505 503 501 JACUZZI FITNESS 409 405 403 336 334 507 505 503 501 ROOM H ROOM 333 301 303 305 DECK 4 319 311 309 307 DECK 4 315 313 418 412 410 408 406 424 DECK 3 414 320 318 316 314 312 310 308 306

422 418 412 410 404 402

420 304 424 414 408 406

422 404 402

420 302 INSIDE TWIN/DOUBLE336 334 H

421 419 407 417 401 409 405 403 333 301

421 419 407 417 401 409 STANDARD STATEROOM 303 405 403 305 319 315 313 311 309 307 STANDARD STATEROOM PLUS Executive Suite (approx. 25 square metres) DECK 3 320 318 316 314 312 310 308 INSIDE TWIN/DOUBLE 306 304 SUPERIOR STATEROOM DECK 3 320 318 316 314 312 310 308 302 336 334 306 304 H STANDARD336 333 STATEROOM DELUXE302 STATEROOM 334 301 H303 333 305 319 STANDARD315 313 311 STATEROOM309 307 PLUS 301 303JUNIOR SUITE 305 319 315 313 311 309 307 SUPERIOR STATEROOM EXECUTIVE SUITE INSIDE TWIN/DOUBLE INSIDE TWIN/DOUBLE DELUXE STATEROOM OWNER’S SUITE STANDARD STATEROOM









Deluxe Stateroom Superior Stateroom STANDARD Stateroom PLUS (approx. 15 to 25 square metres) (approx. 11.5 to 18 square metres) (approx. 14 to 19 square metres)

STANDARD Stateroom INSIDE TWIN/DOUBLE STANDARD SINGLE (approx. 10 to 11.5 square metres) (approx. 10 square metres) (approx. 7 to 12.5 square metres)

2 Chester Close, Belgravia, London, SW1X 7BE +44 (0)20 7752 0000 | [email protected] |

All special offers are subject to availability. Our current booking conditions apply to all reservations and are available on request. Cover image: Elgol Beach, Loch Scavaig, Isle of Skye.lands 150915_K