Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) Action Plan
Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications DETEC Federal Office of Energy FOE Office for the Exemplary Role of the Confederation in Energy ERCE The Confederation: exemplary in energy How the Confederation and parastate enterprises perform their exemplary role in energy The Swisscom example Initial report 2014 Masthead Publisher Office for the Exemplary Role of the Confederation in Energy ERCE, Federal Office of Energy FOE, 3003 Bern, Project management for this report Reto Herwig, FOE, Office for the Exemplary Role of the Confederation in Energy ERCE Members of the Coordination Group for the Exemplary Role of the Confederation in Energy ERCE Daniel Büchel, FOE, chairperson of the Coordination Group ERCE, Deputy Director FOE Bernard Matthey-Doret, Federal Office for Buildings and Logistics FBL, Deputy Director FBL Anne Wolf, Swiss Post, Head of the Sustainability organizational unit Christoph Affentranger, ETH Board, Staff real estate unit Reinhard Friedli, RUMBA programme of the Federal Administration, Head of Section, FBL Arnold Trümpi, Swiss Federal Railways SBB, Head of Energy Management Stefan Meyer, Skyguide, Head of Corporate Real Estate Management Res Witschi, Swisscom, Head of Corporate Responsibility Marcel Adam, Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport DDPS, Head of Environmental Management, Norms and Standards sector Office for the Exemplary Role of the Confederation in Energy ERCE Reto Herwig,
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